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The Journey
“You'll remember me somehow
Though you don't need me now
I will stay in your heart
And when things fall apart
You'll remember one day.
One day in your life
You will find that you're always waiting
For the love we used to share
Just call my name and I'll be there.”
Those lines from the song, “One
Day in your Life” by Michael Jackson
seemed to pierce my soul, while I was
sitting inside a bus that resembled
that of a forlorn hearse to carry me to
my grave. Before me was a wide,
long and winding road to nowhere.
I wished I could have an ounce
of courage to see you for the last
time and bade you goodbye, but
my towering pride drowned my
senses to look ahead of me
without turning back.
The once narrow highway
seemed a huge photo album of
our bitter-sweet memories that
kept on crisscrossing in my mind -
those lousy talks and crazy jokes
that made us laugh our heart out.
But all the sweet moments were
gone, what was left was the bitter
part of it.
I was hurt, so badly hurt by your
chain of lies that strangled me to
death. I told you I did no longer love
you, that what you did was beyond
forgiving, and that my life would be
much happier away from you. But all
of those hurting words were painful
lies, for deep in my heart, I knew, I
didn't know how to live my life without
But I had to go while the pain of leaving
you was lesser than the pain of holding
on you. I had to accept the fact that I
could never let things happen the way I
wanted them to, that there were some
good things that never really last. I felt
one day, I would be losing you and I had
to accept it no matter how it would hurt,
because that was the only way I knew
that I could let go and move on to pick up
from where I had left my life off.
Suddenly, I saw the door slowly
closing like a cover of my own coffin.
The bus heaved forward. I closed my
eyes to brace the stubborn tears from
falling. I was dying, when I felt
somebody sat beside me. I opened
my eyes to see you offering your
crumpled hankies and with
remorseful eyes whispered, "Can I
still go with you?” (GEA)
“Ako. Ako. Lagi na lang ako …”
• Di ba, talagang nakakatuwa ang
patalastas na ito ng isang sabong
panlaba? Cute na cute ang batang bida.
Pero, hindi sa pagmamayabang, parang
dalawang araw na paligo lang ang lamang
niya sa akin.Halos pareho rin kami ng
drama sa buhay.
Lagi na lang Ako
Senior Member Journalist
Royal Institution, Singapore
Almost no one can give an exact
definition of a feature story. It is not a
news story written in inverted-pyramid
form with no opinion or other
embellishments. It is not a fiction story, for
most features deal with facts. While it may
explain, it does not provide opinion like an
Figuratively, we can say that while
straight news appeals to the physical and
editorial appeals to the intellect, feature
story appeals to the emotion.
Qualities of Feature Articles
1. It deals with any topic
2. It usually entertains more often than it informs,
instructs or advises.
3. It may be long or short as long as it covers the
subject adequately and keeps it interesting to
the readers.
4. It may be light or serious, depending on its
5. It could be formal or informal and written in any
form and style, but well organized.
Qualities of Feature Articles
6. It may or may not be timely.
7. It begins with a novelty lead.
8. It is written in ascending interest.
9. It is based on facts. Though sometimes,
the writer uses his imagination to play up
the details, it is still anchored on facts.
Qualities of Feature Articles
10. It can be garnished with adjective,
figures of speech, dialogue, anecdote,
local color and idiomatic expressions.
11. It can be written in the first, second or
third person.
Kinds of Feature
1. Human interest feature
2. Personality feature
3. Historical feature
4. Analytical feature
5. Seasonal feature
6. Travelogue
7. Entertainment feature
8. News feature
9. Informative feature
10. “How-to” feature
Sources of Feature Articles
1. Experience
2. Observation
3. Reading materials like books, newspapers, magazines
and others
4. Special events like anniversaries, holidays
5. Advertisements
6. Speeches and commentaries
7. Movies
8. Casual conversation
9. Travel
10. Tourist spots
11. Fads
12. Interview
13. Imagination
Steps in Writing Feature Articles
1. Choose topic, which you know very well.
2. Limit your subject to just one specific area.
3. Think of a more interesting and fresh angle of
the topic.
4. Make a tentative title.
5. Make an outline.
6. Use appropriate and striking novelty lead.
7. You can garnish your article with anecdote,
dialogue and local color.
Steps in Writing Feature Articles
8. Use graphic description. Don’t just tell, show it
to the reader through the use of senses.
9. Place direct quotation in the beginning.
10. Use simple words and shorter paragraphs.
11. Avoid being wordy.
12. Make sure the feature article contains dramatic
13. Give examples to make your article convincing
or easy to understand.
14. Tie up ending with the opening paragraph.
15. Make a striking title.
Structure of Feature Article
Feature story follows the pyramid
structure. The details of the story are arranged
according to the ascending order of
importance, from the most important to the
least important ones. It begins with a novelty
The novelty lead has two objectives:
1. To draw the reader into the story
2. To set the stage for the material to follow
Kinds of Novelty Lead
The following are the kinds of lead often used in
writing a feature stories:
1. Narrative lead. It draws the reader into the story by
allowing him to relate himself with the character of the
In the old days, before the coming of the earth
satellite, my college professor told me, weather
forecasting was done by intrepid pilots, who flew their
one-engine small planes into the eyes of the
approaching storm to measure wind direction and
Once inside the eye of the typhoon, however, the
pilot experienced an eerie calm while the winds swirled
2. Descriptive lead. It illustrates a mental picture of
the subject to the reader. This is effective in
writing a personality sketch.
The raging rain fell outside of the
dilapidated house. For the past 14 hours, no
one could ever hear anything other than
raindrops. Not one from the members of the
family uttered a single word, but deep within
themselves, they knew the gnawing shadow of
fear that slowly crept into their senses. For it
was the same ambience when a lethal flood
besieged their town two years ago, killing
hundreds of people.
3. Quotation lead. This statement uttered by well-
known speaker or celebrity in the community.
“I don’t care if I burn in hell for as long as
the people I serve live in paradise.”
President-Elect Rodrigo R. Duterte said
in one of his campaign materials during the
recently concluded Presidential Election
4. Question lead. A thought-provoking
question to capture the interest of the
reader and lead them to find the answer
provided by the succeeding details of the
When was the last time I told my
father I loved him?
5. Teaser. A device to deceive the reader in a
jesting manner to arouse his curiosity and
gently lead him into the story. It is generally
short, crisp and witty. Riddles are often used
and they do not give the readers any clue on
the nature of the story. They are mostly
suggestive and humorous.
What comes first, the hen or the egg?
Well, egg could not be made possible without
the hen. But where does the hen come from?
6. Punch lead. It is short, striking one-
sentence lead
Hungry farmers are selling not only
their plows and carabaos, but also their
7. Astonisher. It uses an exclamatory sentence.
NSPC 2006 Champion!
Bold letters printed on a three-meter long
streamer was hung over the gate of Irineo L.
Santiago National High School of Metro
Dadiangas when the 2006 issue of Ang Metrian,
won as overall Best School Paper (Bracket A-
Filipino/Secondary) during the National Schools
Press Conference held in Kalibo, Aklan on
February 19-23, 2006.
8. One word lead. I uses a very significant word to
capture the interest of the reader.
Sprinters from the different divisions of
Region XII zoomed like bullets to the finishing
line during the 100-meter dash of the Cotabato
Regional Athletic Association (CRAA) Meet, held
at Antonio C. Acharon Sports and Development
Center, Calumpang, General Santos City on
April 1-5, 2005.
Kinds of Novelty Lead
9. Parody lead. It consists of a parody of a well-
known quotation, song, poem, book or movie
film title.
“Morn mri as mri as da win mru
As mri as da ngras ngru
Morn mri to faro yur ngrem”
These were the lines of the song I heard from
a very beautiful lady, who almost broke not only
my eardrum, but also my love struck heart.
10. Background lead. It describes an event in
which the background overshadows the
individuals who participate in it; often use for
stories about carnivals, festivals, dances and
It was like the school was put in a time
machine and was led back to the past, when
teachers and students who participated in the
culmination program of the Buwan ng Wika,
gathered in front of the four-storey building
garbed in old Filipiniana costumes.
11. Freak lead. This kind of unique lead uses
typographical effects to enhance appeal.
For sale: a kidney
Ruben Tocal, 28, resident of Taguig
and a father of seven children said
yesterday that he was forced to sell his
kidney to provide his family a bright future.
12. Contrast lead. It is used to point up
opposites and extremes.
In the 1960’s, a ten-centavo coin
was already a treasure. Today, nobody
wants to give it a second glance on the
13. Staccato lead. A series of words or
phrases, punctuated by periods,
commas, or dashes.
Neglected. Denuded. Abused.
Abandoned. This is the real picture of
our forest today.
The Body
After you have finished writing the lead, you
are now ready to organize your materials and
develop the body of your story.
Development of the story is sometimes the
most difficult of all, because it involves the
arrangement of the story materials in a manner
that will sustain or hold the reader’s interest and
flow smoothly from the introduction to the end.
While hard news stories are written in
inverted pyramid, formal feature story is in
pyramid structure with conclusion.
Some Types of Feature Ending
Dr. Crispin C. Maslog, during his
lecture in the National Training Program
for School Paper Advisers at Teachers
Camp, Baguio City has given the following
types of feature endings:
1. The Summary Ending. It simply ties up
the loose end of the story with that of the
With a contented sigh, the great
man closed his eyes in death fully aware
that he did what he had to do.
2. The Stinger. A surprising ending that jolts
the reader. The writer uses the body of
the story to set up the readers for the
unexpected conclusion.
Ramon, the shy, lovable Ramon, who
couldn’t hurt a fly turned out to be the
ruthless, vicious rapist wanted by law in
five provinces.
3. Climax. It stops at the point where the
outcome of the story is clear.
After belting the last note of the song, “Too
Much Love will Kill You,” Jovit Baldivino, a
former siomai vendor from Batangas, stood
petrified in the midst of a thunderous ovation.
In his heart, he knew he had finally arrived.
4. Unending. An open-ended conclusion,
leaving the reader room to speculate on
the ultimate ending.
And so the Operation OPLAN X
ended on a limbo. The police were
positive that Kuratong was the brain
behind the murder syndicate. But they
had no shred of evidence against him.
Other Types of Feature Ending
1. A thought-provoking question
If we are not going to save our
seas for our children’s future, who
would? And if we are not going to
start it now, when is the right time?
Title: Our Seas, Our Life
2. A proverb
Indeed, I have proven to myself
what I believe is true from the very start
of my nerve-breaking climb to where I
am now that “Behind the dark cloud, the
sun is still shining.”
Title: Survivor
3. Suggested results or significance
So, take a hearty bite for a healthier you.
Title: Banana Mania
4. A forecast
Someday, if we will keep on selflessly
denuding the dwindling forest of our
Mother Earth, we will be wallowing in the
midst of water, for all the continents will
be devoured by ocean brought about by
global warming.
Title: Reforesting the Future
5. A quotation
As one unknown philosopher puts it,
“We can never be great unless we are
good and we can never be good until we
are godly.”
Title: Building a Culture of Excellence
with Integrity
6. A repetition of a sentence or a reference
to the title
Mama, see, I was alive but not
anymore. So please let my baby brother
live. He could be as wonderful as me.
His life wouldn’t be like mine – a life that
never was.
Title: A Life that Never Was
Qualities of a Good Feature Writer
1. Inquisitive
2. Eager to learn
3. Sympathetic towards other people’s
4. Capable of seeing beneath the surface of
ordinary event
5. Keen observer
6. Wide reader
A Life that Never Was
By Marilyn Sanchez
1st Place in Feature Writing
NSPC 1999 – Ilagan, Isabela
Come to me, Mama. Come, touch
me and feel my pain. Don’t be afraid now,
Mama. You weren’t when you killed me.
Here, touch this… can you feel it
now, Mama? The excruciating pain that
consumed my helpless body, you inflicted
that, remember?
Look at my body, now a mass of rotting
flesh and coagulated blood - the dregs of
what was a tiny human body. A body that was
soft with a tiny head matted with sheen of
baby hair. A tiny body with a tiny heart, that
pulsated in time with yours. These
were my fingers and oh! … Here’s my thumb,
which I sucked while snugly tucked inside
You see, I had long lashes just like
Dad’s. My sensitive mouth was just like
yours. And here are my ears, which heard
your quickening heartbeat when you’re
I could have been a wonderful child if
you’ve let me live.
I could have been a baby boy just what
Daddy wanted - a strong, healthy and
bubbly bundle in your arms. My
hypersensitiveness would have
exasperated you.
Daddy? Hmmm… He could have
coached me in playing softball. He’ll be the
pitcher and I the batter. I could have grown
into a writer. You would be proud of me
because I’m going to join contests.
Mama, see I was alive but not
anymore. So, please let my baby brother
live. He could also be as wonderful as me.
His life wouldn’t be like mine - a life that
never was.
Kailan Pa?
– "Ang init!"
• Ito ang panay na reklamo ng bespren ko.
Madalas ay naguguluhan ako dahil bakit siya pa
itong panay sa pagreklamo na mainit daw, e, ako pa
nga itong direktang nakatirik sa araw. Minsan ay
naiinis na talaga ako sa kaartehan niya, pero dahil
matalik ko siyang kaibigan, hindi ko na lang siya
• Ako nga pala si Salakot at isang batang Pilipino
ang tinuturing kong kaibigan. Palagi kaming
magkasama umulan man o umaraw. Hindi siya
makakaalis ng bahay na hindi niya ako suot-suot.
Sobrang paborito niya ako.
Kahit na madalas ay tinutukso na siya sa
paaralan niya, dahil daw sa ayos niya ay hindi pa
rin niya ito pinapansin. Sa halip daw na mag-ayos
siya ng pormal at magmukhang estudyante ay
madalas siyang mapagkamalang magsasaka. Ang
pagiging sikat niya sa mga mata at bibig ng mga
kaklase niya ay dahil sa akin, pero hindi niya ito
pinapansin. Katwiran niya ay sa ganoong paraan
lang niya maipapakita ang pagiging totoong
Pilipino niya. Oo, masyadong makabayan ang
kaibigan ko at sobrang ikinatutuwa ko ito.
• Isa sa mga bagay na hinahangaan ko sa kaibigan
ko ay ang pagiging matatag niya, lagi niyang
ipinaglalaban ang kagustuhan niya lalo pa't wala
naman daw siyang inaapakang iba sa mga pananamit
niya. Ang pangunahing rason kung bakit lagi niya
akong sinusuot ay dahil gusto niyang magpapansin sa
mga taong nasa paligid niya. Partikular na rito ay
umaasa siyang isang araw ay matanaw siya ng mga
nasa itaas ngayon, makita ng mga pinuno ngayon na
may batang Juan dela Cruz pa na nagsisikap na
makapag-aral. Maisip sana nilang ang mga
estudyanteng katulad ng bespren ko ang susunod na
mamumuno sa ating bayan at karapat-dapat lang na
sila'y bigyang-pansin. Alam ng kaibigan ko na ako na
isang salakot ang magsisimbolo sa pagiging Pilipino
niya at ako rin ang makakaagaw ng atensyon ng mga
namamahala sa atin ngayon.
• Ang kaibigan ko ay hindi isang ordinaryong
estudyante lang. Isa rin siyang manunulat sa
paaralan nila. Tahimik subalit napakamapag-
masid niya. Pluma ang pangunahing sandata
niya upang mailabas ang mga katwiran niya sa
buhay. Ako na laging suot niya sa ulo ang unang
nakakaramdam ng bawat tulo ng pawis at luha
niya sa pisngi sa tuwing sinusulat niya ang
kanyang mga hinagpis at pasakit sa buhay.
Hanggang sa kasalukuyan ay patuloy pa rin
ang hangarin ng kaibigan ko. Kahit daw
konsensya na lang at hindi pagmamahal sa
bayan ay sana maging tuwid na ang mga
pinuno natin. Walang dapat baguhin sa
nakasanayang halalan, ang dapat magbago ay
ang mga inihahalal. Ang eleksyon na lang ang
natitirang karapatan ng mga mamamayan at
sana'y huwag ipagkait sa mga ito ang makapili
ng kung sino ang gusto nilang mamuno para sa
kanila. Subalit paulit-ulit niyang mga tanong,
kailan pa nga ba makakamit ang tunay na
pagbabago? Kailan pa matatauhan ang mga
pinunong ito? Kailan pa maimpluwensyahan ng
mabubuti ang masasama? Kailan pa? Kailan?
• Ngayon ay batid ko na kung bakit laging
masakit ang ulo ng kaibigan ko. Ang tinutukoy
niyang init ay hindi dulot ng mainit na panahon,
ito ay dahil sa mga maiinit na isyu ngayon na
mga pinuno natin, ang mga naglalagablab ng
mga bangayan ngayon sa senado at ang nag-
aapoy na mga problemang ating kinakaharap na
tila wala na ngang katapusan. Sang-ayon na
ako sa kanya, lubhang napakainit na talaga ...
sobrang init na!
• (Fainor D. Taug, Kampeon sa Pagsulat ng Lathalain,
NSPC 2014 – Lungsod ng Olongapo)
Magkabilang Mundo
– “Magkalayong agwat
– Gagawin ang lahat
– Mapasaiyo lang ang
– Pag-ibig na alay sa ’yo…”
• Tila’y matatalim na punyal na tumutusok sa
aking malumbay na puso ang bawat katagang
aking binibigkas at nilalapatan ng tono mula sa
awitin ni Jireh Lim. Malaya ko namang
hinahagkan ang aking gitarang regalo sa akin ni
Papa noong ako’y sumapit sa edad na
Ipinikit ko ang aking mga mata’t hinayaang sakupin ng
karimlan ang aking paningin at sinimulan ko ang pagsariwa
ng mga alaalang hindi ko na maibabalik pa. Gumaan ang
mabigat kong damdamin nang muli kong masilayan ang
matatamis na ngiti ng lalaking una kong minahal at
nagbibigay ng kulay sa naninibugho at akromatiko kong
mundo. Pumanting ang aking mga tenga nang maulinigan
ko ulit ang napakakwela niyang paghagikhik at
pagbungisngis sa tuwing siya’y tawang-tawa ukol sa mga
Sa aking imahinasyon ay nadama kong muli ang init ng
kanyang mga haplos sa aking likuran sa mga panahong
ako’y namamataan niyang nakabusangot at halos hindi na
maipinta ang mukha. Naglalaro sa aking isipan ang mga
salitang kanyang binibitawan bilang pang-engganyo sa
mga panahong ako’y nababalot ng dalita’t kasawian.
Upang matigil ang pagmumulto sa akin ng mga
alaala ng nakalipas ay iminulat ko ang aking mga
mata. Biglang rumagasa ang maiinit na luha mula
sa balon ng aking emosyon na kanina pa
nagpupumilit kumawala. Lumala ang pagdaloy ng
mga ito nang aking masulyapan ang imahe ng
isang lalake na nakapaloob sa bintana ng aking
“Happy Father’s Day po!” Bati ko sa aking
amang mangiyak-ngiyak na sa harap ng computer
screen matapos kong awitin ang unang bahagi ng
kanta. Pinilit kong panatilihin ang mga ngiti sa
aking mga labi pagkatapos punasan ang aking
mga luha upang maramdaman niyang kahit
papaano ako ay masaya.
Sa kabila ng ga-bundok kong mga gawain ay
sinikap kong gawin ang lahat ng aking makakaya
upang mabati ang aking ama na nagtatrabaho sa
ibang bansa. Gaano man karaming kape ang
kailangan kong inumin para manatiling gising
hanggang bukang liwayway ay kinaya ko upang
gawing espesyal ang okasyong ito, kung saan siya
ang bida.
Muli kong nilapat ang aking mga daliri sa aking
gitara at sinimulang patugtugin ulit ito. Sa mumunti
kong paraan ay sana naipadama ko sa kanya kung
gaano ako nangungulila sa kanyang presensya at
kung gaano ko siya kamahal, kahit nasa kabilang
panig man siya ng mundo.
– “Ang awit na ’to
– Ay awit ko sa ’yo
– Sana ay madama
– Magkabila man
– ang ating mundo”
• (Erika San Diego, Pangatlong Pwesto sa Pagsulat ng
Lathalain , NSPC 2015 – Lungsod ng Taguig)
“Kailan ka ba makukuntento?”
Bakas ang labis na pagkasuklam at pagkairita
sa aking tinig habang isinisigaw ko ang mga
salitang ito sa babaeng nakahalukipkip sa aking
harapan. Sa hindi mawaring dahilan ay nanatili
siyang nakatungo na tila ba isang mahinhing
babae na sa totoo naman ay hindi. Hindi ko naman
maipagkakailang masyadong matatalim ang mga
salitang dumudulas mula sa aking dila, ngunit ito
lamang ang naiisip kong paraan upang pukawin
ang natitirang bahagi ng kanyang utak na maaari
pang makapag-iisip nang matino tungkol sa
kanyang pagkatao.
Kung hindi ako nagkakamali ay ang taong
siyang nasa aking harapan ay siya ring taong
noo’y lubos kong hinahangaan. Tinitingala ko siya
mula sa kanyang buhok na kasingkulay ng
mapayapang gabi at kumikinang gaya ng
matitingkad na bituin sa langit. Papunta sa
kanyang ilong na may kapanguan, ngunit
bumabagay naman sa kanyang marikit na mukha.
Tuloy-tuloy sa kanyang di kalakihang hinaharap
patungo sa kanyang balingkinitang
pangangatawan, hanggang sa kanyang malilinis
na kuko at sa kanyang mga paang laging tsinelas
ang gamit bilang sapin.
– Sa hindi malamang kadahilanan ay ang
dating kilala kong dinaig pa ang kahinhinan ni
Maria Clara, ngayo ay mas pakawala pa kay
Miley Cyrus. Ang kanyang buhok ay naging
mas makulay pa sa bahagharing nasa
alapaap. Biglaan namang tumangos ang
kanyang ilong at lumobo ang kanyang
hinaharap. Kasinghaba naman ng sa aswang
ang kanyang mga kuko at mga sapatos
naman na matataas ang takong ang gamit-
gamit niyang sapin sa paa.
Ang babaeng dati-rati’y karugtong ng
aking bituka’y biglaang naglaho na parang
bula sa aking paningin at pinalitan ng isang
katauhang ni minsa’y di ko minithing
makasalamuha. Sa labis na pagbabagong
nais niyang makamtan ay naisawalang
bahala niya ang dating siya na mas gusto ng
nakararami. Ang hangarin niyang lubos na
magtaglay ng yumi ay siya mismong
humihila sa kanya pababa.
• Inihakbang ko ng dalawang beses ang aking
mga paa nang sa gayon ay masaktan ko nang
pisikal ang babaeng hindi ko na kilala sa
layuning sana’y magising ko siya mula sa
kanyang kahibangan. Ngunit bago ko pa man ito
maisagawa ay sumalampak na ako sa sahig
dulot ng pagtama ko sa isang malaking bagay
sa aking harapan… isang salamin.
• (Erika San Diego, Pangatlong Pwesto sa Pagsulat ng
Lathalain , RSPC 2014 – Lungsod ng Pagadian)
Who never dream to have a happy family?
I guess every child wishes to have a perfect one
with a very loving and responsible father.
My father and I did many things together.
We used to play, if he had free time, after his work.
He accompanied me to the park, bought me some
ice cream, cotton candy and balloon and took
pictures of me with my mother. We went shopping at
the mall, too. We dined together in a popular fast
food chain. He would buy me some toys, clothes
and anything I needed in school. I felt so blessed
having a father like him.
Well, this was before she met his new friend, a
woman younger than my mother. Since then, we
were no longer playing together, no going to the
park, and no food trip at the mall anymore. He was
already interested with his new found friend.
In silence, I asked, “Why, Father?” and I cried.
One day, while my mother and I were at the
store to buy some groceries, I saw my father
carrying a newly born baby with his woman friend. I
called my mother and told her what I saw. She
tugged me by my arm and hurriedly walked out of
the cashier lane and asked me to lead her to where
my father was, but we no longer found him there.
My mother was so angry that when my father
got home at night, she was so mad at him. She
told my father that I saw him carrying his child
with his new friend. They fought each other.
I ran to my room and cried. Then, I asked
God, “WHY?”
(Marlo Gel P. Alkuino, Grade IV, Dadiangas South
Central Elementary School, General Santos City)
Sana, Ngayong Pasko
Ilang Pasko na bang hindi ko kasama si
Magsasampung taon na. Magsasampung
taon nang hindi ko kasama ang ama ko. Iniwan
niya ako sa aking tiyahin bago pa man ako
nagdiwang ng aking unang kaarawan.
Kriminal daw kasi ako, tukso sa akin ng mga
pinsan ko. Kasi namatay ang nanay ko nang
ipinanganak niya ako. Kahit na biro lang iyon,
masakit pa rin para sa akin.
Iyon ang lagi kung naiisip na dahilan kung
bakit nagtatrabaho sa Saudi Arabia ang tatay ko.
Ayaw niya akong makasama dahil ako ang
dahilan ng pagkamatay ng aking ina. Kaya
siguro hindi siya nakauwi kahit minsan man
Inggit na inggit ako sa mga pinsan ko dahil
kasama nila ang kanilang mga ama.
Kakwentuhan. Kasama sa pamamasyal at
pagsisimba. At kasama nila sa masayang
pagdiriwang ng Pasko.
Noong nakaraang Pasko, nagapadala si
Tatay ng malaking halaga ng pera na sobra-sobra
sa pangangailangan namin ng aking tiyahin.
Panghanda raw sa Pasko. Pinabilhan niya ako ng
cellphone na Samsung Galaxy. Regalo raw niya
sa akin.
Pero hindi ako ganap na masaya ng Paskong
iyon. Pakiramdam ko, laging may kulang tuwing
Pasko. Para sa akin, hindi na mahalaga kung
wala kaming handa at wala akong matatanggap
na regalo mula sa aking ama. Ang makapiling ko
siya ay sobrang sapat na.
Ngayon, magpapasko na naman.
Sana, mapatawad na niya ako kung kasalanan
ko ang pagkamatay ng nanay ko. Sana maisip
niya na higit ko siyang kailangan kaysa sa salapi
at mamahaling bagay na regalo niya sa akin.
Sana, siya ang ireregalo sa akin ng Diyos
ngayong Pasko. Sana . . . .
(Marlo Gel P. Alkuino. Baitang V,
Pangalawang Pwesto sa Pagsulat ng Lathalain, 2015
DSPC – Lungsod ng Heneral Santos)
• Direction: Write a feature story about the
topic below (English or Filipino).
Pointers on How to Design
Feature/Literary Pages
1. These pages must have a literary and feminine
2. All of the columns may be wider than the rest of the
paper. Often, columns are set in one and one-half
columns wide.
3. Learn typography. Know for example, what type looks
best for certain article.
4. You can use Roman and italic types for text, except for
poetry, but do not use more than four font types on the
5. Different styles of titles in different faces, sizes and color
may be used for feature stories.
6. Usually fewer articles appear on these pages than on the
news pages. Pictures are used to capture interest and
highlight the story.
7. Captions are optional for pictures on these pages.
8. Feature columns ordinarily appear in the same position
of the same page every issue.
9. For emphasis, especially on a magazine type school
paper, a color backdrop can be employed on the article.

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  • 1. The Journey “You'll remember me somehow Though you don't need me now I will stay in your heart And when things fall apart You'll remember one day. One day in your life You will find that you're always waiting For the love we used to share Just call my name and I'll be there.”
  • 2. Those lines from the song, “One Day in your Life” by Michael Jackson seemed to pierce my soul, while I was sitting inside a bus that resembled that of a forlorn hearse to carry me to my grave. Before me was a wide, long and winding road to nowhere.
  • 3. I wished I could have an ounce of courage to see you for the last time and bade you goodbye, but my towering pride drowned my senses to look ahead of me without turning back.
  • 4. The once narrow highway seemed a huge photo album of our bitter-sweet memories that kept on crisscrossing in my mind - those lousy talks and crazy jokes that made us laugh our heart out. But all the sweet moments were gone, what was left was the bitter part of it.
  • 5. I was hurt, so badly hurt by your chain of lies that strangled me to death. I told you I did no longer love you, that what you did was beyond forgiving, and that my life would be much happier away from you. But all of those hurting words were painful lies, for deep in my heart, I knew, I didn't know how to live my life without you.
  • 6. But I had to go while the pain of leaving you was lesser than the pain of holding on you. I had to accept the fact that I could never let things happen the way I wanted them to, that there were some good things that never really last. I felt one day, I would be losing you and I had to accept it no matter how it would hurt, because that was the only way I knew that I could let go and move on to pick up from where I had left my life off.
  • 7. Suddenly, I saw the door slowly closing like a cover of my own coffin. The bus heaved forward. I closed my eyes to brace the stubborn tears from falling. I was dying, when I felt somebody sat beside me. I opened my eyes to see you offering your crumpled hankies and with remorseful eyes whispered, "Can I still go with you?” (GEA)
  • 8. “Ako. Ako. Lagi na lang ako …” • Di ba, talagang nakakatuwa ang patalastas na ito ng isang sabong panlaba? Cute na cute ang batang bida. Pero, hindi sa pagmamayabang, parang dalawang araw na paligo lang ang lamang niya sa akin.Halos pareho rin kami ng drama sa buhay. Lagi na lang Ako
  • 9. FEATURE WRITING DR. GELLY E. ALKUINO Senior Member Journalist Royal Institution, Singapore
  • 10. Almost no one can give an exact definition of a feature story. It is not a news story written in inverted-pyramid form with no opinion or other embellishments. It is not a fiction story, for most features deal with facts. While it may explain, it does not provide opinion like an editorial. Figuratively, we can say that while straight news appeals to the physical and editorial appeals to the intellect, feature story appeals to the emotion.
  • 11. Qualities of Feature Articles 1. It deals with any topic 2. It usually entertains more often than it informs, instructs or advises. 3. It may be long or short as long as it covers the subject adequately and keeps it interesting to the readers. 4. It may be light or serious, depending on its purpose. 5. It could be formal or informal and written in any form and style, but well organized.
  • 12. Qualities of Feature Articles 6. It may or may not be timely. 7. It begins with a novelty lead. 8. It is written in ascending interest. 9. It is based on facts. Though sometimes, the writer uses his imagination to play up the details, it is still anchored on facts.
  • 13. Qualities of Feature Articles 10. It can be garnished with adjective, figures of speech, dialogue, anecdote, local color and idiomatic expressions. 11. It can be written in the first, second or third person.
  • 14. Kinds of Feature 1. Human interest feature 2. Personality feature 3. Historical feature 4. Analytical feature 5. Seasonal feature 6. Travelogue 7. Entertainment feature 8. News feature 9. Informative feature 10. “How-to” feature
  • 15. Sources of Feature Articles 1. Experience 2. Observation 3. Reading materials like books, newspapers, magazines and others 4. Special events like anniversaries, holidays 5. Advertisements 6. Speeches and commentaries 7. Movies 8. Casual conversation 9. Travel 10. Tourist spots 11. Fads 12. Interview 13. Imagination
  • 16. Steps in Writing Feature Articles 1. Choose topic, which you know very well. 2. Limit your subject to just one specific area. 3. Think of a more interesting and fresh angle of the topic. 4. Make a tentative title. 5. Make an outline. 6. Use appropriate and striking novelty lead. 7. You can garnish your article with anecdote, dialogue and local color.
  • 17. Steps in Writing Feature Articles 8. Use graphic description. Don’t just tell, show it to the reader through the use of senses. 9. Place direct quotation in the beginning. 10. Use simple words and shorter paragraphs. 11. Avoid being wordy. 12. Make sure the feature article contains dramatic quality. 13. Give examples to make your article convincing or easy to understand. 14. Tie up ending with the opening paragraph. 15. Make a striking title.
  • 18. Structure of Feature Article Feature story follows the pyramid structure. The details of the story are arranged according to the ascending order of importance, from the most important to the least important ones. It begins with a novelty lead. The novelty lead has two objectives: 1. To draw the reader into the story 2. To set the stage for the material to follow
  • 19. Kinds of Novelty Lead The following are the kinds of lead often used in writing a feature stories: 1. Narrative lead. It draws the reader into the story by allowing him to relate himself with the character of the story. Example: In the old days, before the coming of the earth satellite, my college professor told me, weather forecasting was done by intrepid pilots, who flew their one-engine small planes into the eyes of the approaching storm to measure wind direction and velocity. Once inside the eye of the typhoon, however, the pilot experienced an eerie calm while the winds swirled outside.
  • 20. 2. Descriptive lead. It illustrates a mental picture of the subject to the reader. This is effective in writing a personality sketch. Example: The raging rain fell outside of the dilapidated house. For the past 14 hours, no one could ever hear anything other than raindrops. Not one from the members of the family uttered a single word, but deep within themselves, they knew the gnawing shadow of fear that slowly crept into their senses. For it was the same ambience when a lethal flood besieged their town two years ago, killing hundreds of people.
  • 21. 3. Quotation lead. This statement uttered by well- known speaker or celebrity in the community. Example: “I don’t care if I burn in hell for as long as the people I serve live in paradise.” President-Elect Rodrigo R. Duterte said in one of his campaign materials during the recently concluded Presidential Election 2016.
  • 22. 4. Question lead. A thought-provoking question to capture the interest of the reader and lead them to find the answer provided by the succeeding details of the article. Example: When was the last time I told my father I loved him?
  • 23. 5. Teaser. A device to deceive the reader in a jesting manner to arouse his curiosity and gently lead him into the story. It is generally short, crisp and witty. Riddles are often used and they do not give the readers any clue on the nature of the story. They are mostly suggestive and humorous. Example: What comes first, the hen or the egg? Well, egg could not be made possible without the hen. But where does the hen come from?
  • 24. 6. Punch lead. It is short, striking one- sentence lead Example: Hungry farmers are selling not only their plows and carabaos, but also their children.
  • 25. 7. Astonisher. It uses an exclamatory sentence. Example: NSPC 2006 Champion! Bold letters printed on a three-meter long streamer was hung over the gate of Irineo L. Santiago National High School of Metro Dadiangas when the 2006 issue of Ang Metrian, won as overall Best School Paper (Bracket A- Filipino/Secondary) during the National Schools Press Conference held in Kalibo, Aklan on February 19-23, 2006.
  • 26. 8. One word lead. I uses a very significant word to capture the interest of the reader. Example: BANG! Sprinters from the different divisions of Region XII zoomed like bullets to the finishing line during the 100-meter dash of the Cotabato Regional Athletic Association (CRAA) Meet, held at Antonio C. Acharon Sports and Development Center, Calumpang, General Santos City on April 1-5, 2005.
  • 27. Kinds of Novelty Lead 9. Parody lead. It consists of a parody of a well- known quotation, song, poem, book or movie film title. Example: “Morn mri as mri as da win mru As mri as da ngras ngru Morn mri to faro yur ngrem” These were the lines of the song I heard from a very beautiful lady, who almost broke not only my eardrum, but also my love struck heart.
  • 28. 10. Background lead. It describes an event in which the background overshadows the individuals who participate in it; often use for stories about carnivals, festivals, dances and others. Example: It was like the school was put in a time machine and was led back to the past, when teachers and students who participated in the culmination program of the Buwan ng Wika, gathered in front of the four-storey building garbed in old Filipiniana costumes.
  • 29. 11. Freak lead. This kind of unique lead uses typographical effects to enhance appeal. Example: For sale: a kidney Ruben Tocal, 28, resident of Taguig and a father of seven children said yesterday that he was forced to sell his kidney to provide his family a bright future.
  • 30. 12. Contrast lead. It is used to point up opposites and extremes. Example: In the 1960’s, a ten-centavo coin was already a treasure. Today, nobody wants to give it a second glance on the ground.
  • 31. 13. Staccato lead. A series of words or phrases, punctuated by periods, commas, or dashes. Example: Neglected. Denuded. Abused. Abandoned. This is the real picture of our forest today.
  • 32. The Body After you have finished writing the lead, you are now ready to organize your materials and develop the body of your story. Development of the story is sometimes the most difficult of all, because it involves the arrangement of the story materials in a manner that will sustain or hold the reader’s interest and flow smoothly from the introduction to the end. While hard news stories are written in inverted pyramid, formal feature story is in pyramid structure with conclusion.
  • 33. Some Types of Feature Ending Dr. Crispin C. Maslog, during his lecture in the National Training Program for School Paper Advisers at Teachers Camp, Baguio City has given the following types of feature endings:
  • 34. 1. The Summary Ending. It simply ties up the loose end of the story with that of the lead. Example: With a contented sigh, the great man closed his eyes in death fully aware that he did what he had to do.
  • 35. 2. The Stinger. A surprising ending that jolts the reader. The writer uses the body of the story to set up the readers for the unexpected conclusion. Example: Ramon, the shy, lovable Ramon, who couldn’t hurt a fly turned out to be the ruthless, vicious rapist wanted by law in five provinces.
  • 36. 3. Climax. It stops at the point where the outcome of the story is clear. Example: After belting the last note of the song, “Too Much Love will Kill You,” Jovit Baldivino, a former siomai vendor from Batangas, stood petrified in the midst of a thunderous ovation. In his heart, he knew he had finally arrived.
  • 37. 4. Unending. An open-ended conclusion, leaving the reader room to speculate on the ultimate ending. Example: And so the Operation OPLAN X ended on a limbo. The police were positive that Kuratong was the brain behind the murder syndicate. But they had no shred of evidence against him.
  • 38. Other Types of Feature Ending 1. A thought-provoking question Example: If we are not going to save our seas for our children’s future, who would? And if we are not going to start it now, when is the right time? Title: Our Seas, Our Life
  • 39. 2. A proverb Example: Indeed, I have proven to myself what I believe is true from the very start of my nerve-breaking climb to where I am now that “Behind the dark cloud, the sun is still shining.” Title: Survivor
  • 40. 3. Suggested results or significance Example: So, take a hearty bite for a healthier you. Title: Banana Mania
  • 41. 4. A forecast Example: Someday, if we will keep on selflessly denuding the dwindling forest of our Mother Earth, we will be wallowing in the midst of water, for all the continents will be devoured by ocean brought about by global warming. Title: Reforesting the Future
  • 42. 5. A quotation Example: As one unknown philosopher puts it, “We can never be great unless we are good and we can never be good until we are godly.” Title: Building a Culture of Excellence with Integrity
  • 43. 6. A repetition of a sentence or a reference to the title Example: Mama, see, I was alive but not anymore. So please let my baby brother live. He could be as wonderful as me. His life wouldn’t be like mine – a life that never was. Title: A Life that Never Was
  • 44. Qualities of a Good Feature Writer 1. Inquisitive 2. Eager to learn 3. Sympathetic towards other people’s feelings 4. Capable of seeing beneath the surface of ordinary event 5. Keen observer 6. Wide reader
  • 45. A Life that Never Was By Marilyn Sanchez 1st Place in Feature Writing NSPC 1999 – Ilagan, Isabela Come to me, Mama. Come, touch me and feel my pain. Don’t be afraid now, Mama. You weren’t when you killed me. Here, touch this… can you feel it now, Mama? The excruciating pain that consumed my helpless body, you inflicted that, remember?
  • 46. Look at my body, now a mass of rotting flesh and coagulated blood - the dregs of what was a tiny human body. A body that was soft with a tiny head matted with sheen of baby hair. A tiny body with a tiny heart, that pulsated in time with yours. These were my fingers and oh! … Here’s my thumb, which I sucked while snugly tucked inside you. You see, I had long lashes just like Dad’s. My sensitive mouth was just like yours. And here are my ears, which heard your quickening heartbeat when you’re afraid.
  • 47. I could have been a wonderful child if you’ve let me live. I could have been a baby boy just what Daddy wanted - a strong, healthy and bubbly bundle in your arms. My hypersensitiveness would have exasperated you. Daddy? Hmmm… He could have coached me in playing softball. He’ll be the pitcher and I the batter. I could have grown into a writer. You would be proud of me because I’m going to join contests.
  • 48. Mama, see I was alive but not anymore. So, please let my baby brother live. He could also be as wonderful as me. His life wouldn’t be like mine - a life that never was.
  • 49. Kailan Pa? – "Ang init!" • Ito ang panay na reklamo ng bespren ko. Madalas ay naguguluhan ako dahil bakit siya pa itong panay sa pagreklamo na mainit daw, e, ako pa nga itong direktang nakatirik sa araw. Minsan ay naiinis na talaga ako sa kaartehan niya, pero dahil matalik ko siyang kaibigan, hindi ko na lang siya sinusumbatan. • Ako nga pala si Salakot at isang batang Pilipino ang tinuturing kong kaibigan. Palagi kaming magkasama umulan man o umaraw. Hindi siya makakaalis ng bahay na hindi niya ako suot-suot. Sobrang paborito niya ako.
  • 50. Kahit na madalas ay tinutukso na siya sa paaralan niya, dahil daw sa ayos niya ay hindi pa rin niya ito pinapansin. Sa halip daw na mag-ayos siya ng pormal at magmukhang estudyante ay madalas siyang mapagkamalang magsasaka. Ang pagiging sikat niya sa mga mata at bibig ng mga kaklase niya ay dahil sa akin, pero hindi niya ito pinapansin. Katwiran niya ay sa ganoong paraan lang niya maipapakita ang pagiging totoong Pilipino niya. Oo, masyadong makabayan ang kaibigan ko at sobrang ikinatutuwa ko ito.
  • 51. • Isa sa mga bagay na hinahangaan ko sa kaibigan ko ay ang pagiging matatag niya, lagi niyang ipinaglalaban ang kagustuhan niya lalo pa't wala naman daw siyang inaapakang iba sa mga pananamit niya. Ang pangunahing rason kung bakit lagi niya akong sinusuot ay dahil gusto niyang magpapansin sa mga taong nasa paligid niya. Partikular na rito ay umaasa siyang isang araw ay matanaw siya ng mga nasa itaas ngayon, makita ng mga pinuno ngayon na may batang Juan dela Cruz pa na nagsisikap na makapag-aral. Maisip sana nilang ang mga estudyanteng katulad ng bespren ko ang susunod na mamumuno sa ating bayan at karapat-dapat lang na sila'y bigyang-pansin. Alam ng kaibigan ko na ako na isang salakot ang magsisimbolo sa pagiging Pilipino niya at ako rin ang makakaagaw ng atensyon ng mga namamahala sa atin ngayon.
  • 52. • Ang kaibigan ko ay hindi isang ordinaryong estudyante lang. Isa rin siyang manunulat sa paaralan nila. Tahimik subalit napakamapag- masid niya. Pluma ang pangunahing sandata niya upang mailabas ang mga katwiran niya sa buhay. Ako na laging suot niya sa ulo ang unang nakakaramdam ng bawat tulo ng pawis at luha niya sa pisngi sa tuwing sinusulat niya ang kanyang mga hinagpis at pasakit sa buhay.
  • 53. Hanggang sa kasalukuyan ay patuloy pa rin ang hangarin ng kaibigan ko. Kahit daw konsensya na lang at hindi pagmamahal sa bayan ay sana maging tuwid na ang mga pinuno natin. Walang dapat baguhin sa nakasanayang halalan, ang dapat magbago ay ang mga inihahalal. Ang eleksyon na lang ang natitirang karapatan ng mga mamamayan at sana'y huwag ipagkait sa mga ito ang makapili ng kung sino ang gusto nilang mamuno para sa kanila. Subalit paulit-ulit niyang mga tanong, kailan pa nga ba makakamit ang tunay na pagbabago? Kailan pa matatauhan ang mga pinunong ito? Kailan pa maimpluwensyahan ng mabubuti ang masasama? Kailan pa? Kailan?
  • 54. • Ngayon ay batid ko na kung bakit laging masakit ang ulo ng kaibigan ko. Ang tinutukoy niyang init ay hindi dulot ng mainit na panahon, ito ay dahil sa mga maiinit na isyu ngayon na mga pinuno natin, ang mga naglalagablab ng mga bangayan ngayon sa senado at ang nag- aapoy na mga problemang ating kinakaharap na tila wala na ngang katapusan. Sang-ayon na ako sa kanya, lubhang napakainit na talaga ... sobrang init na! • (Fainor D. Taug, Kampeon sa Pagsulat ng Lathalain, NSPC 2014 – Lungsod ng Olongapo)
  • 55. Magkabilang Mundo – “Magkalayong agwat – Gagawin ang lahat – Mapasaiyo lang ang – Pag-ibig na alay sa ’yo…” • • Tila’y matatalim na punyal na tumutusok sa aking malumbay na puso ang bawat katagang aking binibigkas at nilalapatan ng tono mula sa awitin ni Jireh Lim. Malaya ko namang hinahagkan ang aking gitarang regalo sa akin ni Papa noong ako’y sumapit sa edad na labindalawa.
  • 56. Ipinikit ko ang aking mga mata’t hinayaang sakupin ng karimlan ang aking paningin at sinimulan ko ang pagsariwa ng mga alaalang hindi ko na maibabalik pa. Gumaan ang mabigat kong damdamin nang muli kong masilayan ang matatamis na ngiti ng lalaking una kong minahal at nagbibigay ng kulay sa naninibugho at akromatiko kong mundo. Pumanting ang aking mga tenga nang maulinigan ko ulit ang napakakwela niyang paghagikhik at pagbungisngis sa tuwing siya’y tawang-tawa ukol sa mga bagay-bagay. Sa aking imahinasyon ay nadama kong muli ang init ng kanyang mga haplos sa aking likuran sa mga panahong ako’y namamataan niyang nakabusangot at halos hindi na maipinta ang mukha. Naglalaro sa aking isipan ang mga salitang kanyang binibitawan bilang pang-engganyo sa mga panahong ako’y nababalot ng dalita’t kasawian.
  • 57. Upang matigil ang pagmumulto sa akin ng mga alaala ng nakalipas ay iminulat ko ang aking mga mata. Biglang rumagasa ang maiinit na luha mula sa balon ng aking emosyon na kanina pa nagpupumilit kumawala. Lumala ang pagdaloy ng mga ito nang aking masulyapan ang imahe ng isang lalake na nakapaloob sa bintana ng aking kompyuter. “Happy Father’s Day po!” Bati ko sa aking amang mangiyak-ngiyak na sa harap ng computer screen matapos kong awitin ang unang bahagi ng kanta. Pinilit kong panatilihin ang mga ngiti sa aking mga labi pagkatapos punasan ang aking mga luha upang maramdaman niyang kahit papaano ako ay masaya.
  • 58. Sa kabila ng ga-bundok kong mga gawain ay sinikap kong gawin ang lahat ng aking makakaya upang mabati ang aking ama na nagtatrabaho sa ibang bansa. Gaano man karaming kape ang kailangan kong inumin para manatiling gising hanggang bukang liwayway ay kinaya ko upang gawing espesyal ang okasyong ito, kung saan siya ang bida. Muli kong nilapat ang aking mga daliri sa aking gitara at sinimulang patugtugin ulit ito. Sa mumunti kong paraan ay sana naipadama ko sa kanya kung gaano ako nangungulila sa kanyang presensya at kung gaano ko siya kamahal, kahit nasa kabilang panig man siya ng mundo.
  • 59. – “Ang awit na ’to – Ay awit ko sa ’yo – Sana ay madama – Magkabila man – ang ating mundo” • • (Erika San Diego, Pangatlong Pwesto sa Pagsulat ng Lathalain , NSPC 2015 – Lungsod ng Taguig)
  • 60. Repleksyon “Kailan ka ba makukuntento?” Bakas ang labis na pagkasuklam at pagkairita sa aking tinig habang isinisigaw ko ang mga salitang ito sa babaeng nakahalukipkip sa aking harapan. Sa hindi mawaring dahilan ay nanatili siyang nakatungo na tila ba isang mahinhing babae na sa totoo naman ay hindi. Hindi ko naman maipagkakailang masyadong matatalim ang mga salitang dumudulas mula sa aking dila, ngunit ito lamang ang naiisip kong paraan upang pukawin ang natitirang bahagi ng kanyang utak na maaari pang makapag-iisip nang matino tungkol sa kanyang pagkatao.
  • 61. Kung hindi ako nagkakamali ay ang taong siyang nasa aking harapan ay siya ring taong noo’y lubos kong hinahangaan. Tinitingala ko siya mula sa kanyang buhok na kasingkulay ng mapayapang gabi at kumikinang gaya ng matitingkad na bituin sa langit. Papunta sa kanyang ilong na may kapanguan, ngunit bumabagay naman sa kanyang marikit na mukha. Tuloy-tuloy sa kanyang di kalakihang hinaharap patungo sa kanyang balingkinitang pangangatawan, hanggang sa kanyang malilinis na kuko at sa kanyang mga paang laging tsinelas ang gamit bilang sapin.
  • 62. – Sa hindi malamang kadahilanan ay ang dating kilala kong dinaig pa ang kahinhinan ni Maria Clara, ngayo ay mas pakawala pa kay Miley Cyrus. Ang kanyang buhok ay naging mas makulay pa sa bahagharing nasa alapaap. Biglaan namang tumangos ang kanyang ilong at lumobo ang kanyang hinaharap. Kasinghaba naman ng sa aswang ang kanyang mga kuko at mga sapatos naman na matataas ang takong ang gamit- gamit niyang sapin sa paa.
  • 63. Ang babaeng dati-rati’y karugtong ng aking bituka’y biglaang naglaho na parang bula sa aking paningin at pinalitan ng isang katauhang ni minsa’y di ko minithing makasalamuha. Sa labis na pagbabagong nais niyang makamtan ay naisawalang bahala niya ang dating siya na mas gusto ng nakararami. Ang hangarin niyang lubos na magtaglay ng yumi ay siya mismong humihila sa kanya pababa.
  • 64. • Inihakbang ko ng dalawang beses ang aking mga paa nang sa gayon ay masaktan ko nang pisikal ang babaeng hindi ko na kilala sa layuning sana’y magising ko siya mula sa kanyang kahibangan. Ngunit bago ko pa man ito maisagawa ay sumalampak na ako sa sahig dulot ng pagtama ko sa isang malaking bagay sa aking harapan… isang salamin. • (Erika San Diego, Pangatlong Pwesto sa Pagsulat ng Lathalain , RSPC 2014 – Lungsod ng Pagadian)
  • 65. Why? Who never dream to have a happy family? I guess every child wishes to have a perfect one with a very loving and responsible father. My father and I did many things together. We used to play, if he had free time, after his work. He accompanied me to the park, bought me some ice cream, cotton candy and balloon and took pictures of me with my mother. We went shopping at the mall, too. We dined together in a popular fast food chain. He would buy me some toys, clothes and anything I needed in school. I felt so blessed having a father like him.
  • 66. Well, this was before she met his new friend, a woman younger than my mother. Since then, we were no longer playing together, no going to the park, and no food trip at the mall anymore. He was already interested with his new found friend. In silence, I asked, “Why, Father?” and I cried. One day, while my mother and I were at the store to buy some groceries, I saw my father carrying a newly born baby with his woman friend. I called my mother and told her what I saw. She tugged me by my arm and hurriedly walked out of the cashier lane and asked me to lead her to where my father was, but we no longer found him there.
  • 67. My mother was so angry that when my father got home at night, she was so mad at him. She told my father that I saw him carrying his child with his new friend. They fought each other. I ran to my room and cried. Then, I asked God, “WHY?” (Marlo Gel P. Alkuino, Grade IV, Dadiangas South Central Elementary School, General Santos City)
  • 68. Sana, Ngayong Pasko Ilang Pasko na bang hindi ko kasama si Tatay? Magsasampung taon na. Magsasampung taon nang hindi ko kasama ang ama ko. Iniwan niya ako sa aking tiyahin bago pa man ako nagdiwang ng aking unang kaarawan. Kriminal daw kasi ako, tukso sa akin ng mga pinsan ko. Kasi namatay ang nanay ko nang ipinanganak niya ako. Kahit na biro lang iyon, masakit pa rin para sa akin.
  • 69. Iyon ang lagi kung naiisip na dahilan kung bakit nagtatrabaho sa Saudi Arabia ang tatay ko. Ayaw niya akong makasama dahil ako ang dahilan ng pagkamatay ng aking ina. Kaya siguro hindi siya nakauwi kahit minsan man lang. Inggit na inggit ako sa mga pinsan ko dahil kasama nila ang kanilang mga ama. Kakwentuhan. Kasama sa pamamasyal at pagsisimba. At kasama nila sa masayang pagdiriwang ng Pasko. .
  • 70. Noong nakaraang Pasko, nagapadala si Tatay ng malaking halaga ng pera na sobra-sobra sa pangangailangan namin ng aking tiyahin. Panghanda raw sa Pasko. Pinabilhan niya ako ng cellphone na Samsung Galaxy. Regalo raw niya sa akin. Pero hindi ako ganap na masaya ng Paskong iyon. Pakiramdam ko, laging may kulang tuwing Pasko. Para sa akin, hindi na mahalaga kung wala kaming handa at wala akong matatanggap na regalo mula sa aking ama. Ang makapiling ko siya ay sobrang sapat na.
  • 71. Ngayon, magpapasko na naman. Sana, mapatawad na niya ako kung kasalanan ko ang pagkamatay ng nanay ko. Sana maisip niya na higit ko siyang kailangan kaysa sa salapi at mamahaling bagay na regalo niya sa akin. Sana, siya ang ireregalo sa akin ng Diyos ngayong Pasko. Sana . . . . (Marlo Gel P. Alkuino. Baitang V, Pangalawang Pwesto sa Pagsulat ng Lathalain, 2015 DSPC – Lungsod ng Heneral Santos)
  • 72. • FOR PRACTICUM: • Direction: Write a feature story about the topic below (English or Filipino). • THE FEELING OF REJECTION
  • 73. Pointers on How to Design Feature/Literary Pages 1. These pages must have a literary and feminine appearance. 2. All of the columns may be wider than the rest of the paper. Often, columns are set in one and one-half columns wide. 3. Learn typography. Know for example, what type looks best for certain article. 4. You can use Roman and italic types for text, except for poetry, but do not use more than four font types on the page. 5. Different styles of titles in different faces, sizes and color may be used for feature stories.
  • 74. 6. Usually fewer articles appear on these pages than on the news pages. Pictures are used to capture interest and highlight the story. 7. Captions are optional for pictures on these pages. 8. Feature columns ordinarily appear in the same position of the same page every issue. 9. For emphasis, especially on a magazine type school paper, a color backdrop can be employed on the article. NOTE: CONTENTS MUST BE OF LOCAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SCOPE

Editor's Notes

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