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Fast and Scalable Python
Travis E. Oliphant, PhD @teoliphant
Python Enthusiast since 1997
Making NumPy- and Pandas-style code faster
and run in parallel.
A few libraries: Python for Data Science
Machine Learning
Big DataVisualization
BI / ETL Scientific computing
CS / Programming
Zen of NumPy / Pandas
• Strided is better than scattered
• Contiguous is better than strided
• Descriptive is better than imperative (use data-types)
• Array-oriented and data-oriented is often better than object-oriented
• Broadcasting is a great idea – use where possible
• Split-apply-combine is a great idea – use where possible
• Vectorized is better than an explicit loop
• Write more ufuncs and generalized ufuncs (numba can help)
• Unless it’s complicated — then use numba
• Think in higher dimensions
At the heart is array-oriented
• Array-oriented, column-oriented, and data-oriented programming
means using data-structures that are optimized for the computing
• Object oriented typically scatters objects throughout system
memory, or separates alike elements in system memory
• Array-Oriented organizes data together where it can stream through
modern multi-core hardware making better use of cache.
• Array-Oriented code can also be parallelized more easily — making
it possible to automatically parallelize code written in this style.
Memory using object-oriented Memory using array-oriented
Attr1 Attr2 Attr3
Array-oriented maps to modern chips and is the key to scale
Knights Landing
Up to 72 cores
16GB on package
With PyData projects
we can take full advantage of
this target as well as GPUs
and many machines together.
Scale Up vs Scale Out
Big Memory &
Many Cores
/ GPU Box
Best of Both
(e.g. GPU Cluster)
Many commodity
nodes in a cluster
Scale Out
(More Nodes)
Scale Up vs Scale Out
Big Memory &
Many Cores
/ GPU Box
Best of Both
(e.g. GPU Cluster)
Many commodity
nodes in a cluster
Scale Out
(More Nodes)
I spent the first 15 years of my “Python life”
working to build the foundation of the Python
Scientific Ecosystem as a practitioner/developer
PEP 357
PEP 3118
I plan to spend the next 15 years ensuring this
ecosystem can scale both up and out as an
entrepreneur, evangelist, and director of
innovation. CONDA
Rally a community
“Apache” for Open
Data Science
Community-led and directed Conference Series
with sponsorship proceeds going directly to
Organize a company
Empower people to solve the world’s
greatest challenges.
We help people discover, analyze, and collaborate by
connecting their curiosity and experience with any data.
Start working on key technology
Blaze — blaze, odo, datashape, dynd, dask
Bokeh — interactive visualization in web including Jupyter
Numba — Array-oriented Python subset compiler
Conda — Cross-platform package manager
with environments
Bootstrap and seed funding through 2014
VC funded in 2015
the Open Data Science Platform
powered by Python…
the fastest growing open data science language
• Accelerate Time-to-Value
• Connect Data, Analytics & Compute
• Empower Data Science Teams
Create a Platform!
Free and Open Source!
Spark | Scala
Flat Files (CSV, XLS…)) SQL DB NoSQL Hadoop Streaming
Workstation Server Cluster
Interactive Presentations,
Notebooks, Reports & Apps
Visual Data Exploration
Advanced Spreadsheets
Data Exploration
Querying Data Prep
Data Connectors
Visual Programming
Analytics Development
Deep Learning
Simulation &
Text & NLP
Graph & Network
Image Analysis
Advanced Analytics
Package, Dependency,
Environment Management
Web & Desktop App
Distributed Computing
Parallelism &

Compiled Assets
GPUs & Multi-core
Cloud On-premises
Free Anaconda now with MKL as default
•Intel MKL (Math Kernel Libraries) provide enhanced
algorithms for basic math functions.
•Using MKL provides optimal performance for basic BLAS,
LAPACK, FFT, and math functions.
•Anaconda since version 2.5 has MKL provided as the default
in the free download of Anaconda (you can also distribute
binaries linked against these MKL-enhanced tools).
Numba + Dask
Look at all of the data with Bokeh’s datashader.
Decouple the data-processing from the visualization.
Visualize arbitrarily large data.
• E.g. Open Street Map data:
• About 3 billion GPS coordinates
• This image was rendered in one
minute on a standard MacBook
with 16 GB RAM
• Renders in a milliseconds on
several 128GB Amazon EC2
Categorical data: 2010 US Census
• One point per
• 300 million total
• Categorized by
• Interactive
rendering with
• No pre-tiling
Bottom Line

5-100X faster overall performance
• Interact with data in HDFS and
Amazon S3 natively from Python
• Distributed computations without the
JVM & Python/Java serialization
• Framework for easy, flexible
parallelism using directed acyclic
graphs (DAGs)
• Interactive, distributed computing
with in-memory persistence/caching
Bottom Line
• Leverage Python &
R with Spark
PySpark & SparkR
Python & R
High Performance,
read & write
NumPy, Pandas, …
720+ packages
Overview of Dask as a Parallel
Processing Framework with Distributed
Precursors to Parallelism
• Consider the following approaches first:
1. Use better algorithms
2. Try Numba or C/Cython
3. Store data in efficient formats
4. Subsample your data
• If you have to parallelize:
1. Start with your laptop (4 cores, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB disk)
2. Then a large workstation (24 cores, 1 TB RAM)
3. Finally, scale out to a cluster
Moving from small data to big data
Client Machine Compute
Head Node
Client Machine Compute
Head Node
Big DataSmall Data
Dask Dataframes
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')
>>> df.head()
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2
>>> max_sepal_length_setosa = df[df.species ==
>>> import dask.dataframe as dd
>>> ddf = dd.read_csv('*.csv')
>>> ddf.head()
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2
>>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa = ddf[ddf.species ==
>>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa.compute()
Dask Arrays
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np_ones = np.ones((5000, 1000))
>>> np_ones
array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]])
>>> np_y = np.log(np_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1)
>>> np_y
array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056,
693.14718056, 693.14718056])
>>> import dask.array as da
>>> da_ones = da.ones((5000000, 1000000),
chunks=(1000, 1000))
>>> da_ones.compute()
array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]])
>>> da_y = da.log(da_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1)
>>> np_da_y = np.array(da_y) #fits in memory
array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056,
693.14718056, …, 693.14718056])
# Result doesn’t fit in memory
>>> da_y.to_hdf5('myfile.hdf5', 'result')
Overview of Dask
Dask is a Python parallel computing library that is:
• Familiar: Implements parallel NumPy and Pandas objects
• Fast: Optimized for demanding for numerical applications
• Flexible: for sophisticated and messy algorithms
• Scales out: Runs resiliently on clusters of 100s of machines
• Scales down: Pragmatic in a single process on a laptop
• Interactive: Responsive and fast for interactive data science
Dask complements the rest of Anaconda. It was developed with

NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn developers.
Spectrum of Parallelization
Implicit control: Restrictive but easyExplicit control: Fast but hard
Dask: From User Interaction to Execution
Dask Collections: Familiar Expressions and API
x.T - x.mean(axis=0)
def load(filename):
def clean(data):
def analyze(result):
Dask array (mimics NumPy)
Dask dataframe (mimics Pandas) Dask imperative (wraps custom code)
Dask bag (collection of data)
Dask Graphs: Example Machine Learning Pipeline
Dask Graphs: Example Machine Learning Pipeline + Grid Search
• simple: easy to use API
• flexible: perform a lots of action with a minimal amount of code
• fast: dispatching to run-time engines & cython
• database like: familiar ops
• interop: integration with the PyData Stack
(((A + 1) * 2) ** 3)
(B - B.mean(axis=0)) 

+ (B.T / B.std())
Same network
User Machine (laptop)Client
Dask Schedulers: Example - Distributed Scheduler
Cluster Architecture Diagram
Client Machine Compute
Head Node
• Single machine with multiple threads or processes
• On a cluster with SSH (dcluster)
• Resource management: YARN (knit), SGE, Slurm
• On the cloud with Amazon EC2 (dec2)
• On a cluster with Anaconda for cluster management
• Manage multiple conda environments and packages 

on bare-metal or cloud-based clusters
Using Anaconda and Dask on your Cluster
Scheduler Visualization with Bokeh
NYC Taxi
CSV data using
distributed Dask
• Demonstrate
Pandas at scale
• Observe responsive
user interface
processing with
text data using
Dask Bags
• Explore data using
a distributed
memory cluster
• Interactively query
data using libraries
from Anaconda
Analyzing global
data using
Dask Arrays
• Visualize complex
• Learn about dask
collections and
Handle custom
code and
workflows using
Dask Imperative
• Deal with messy
• Learn about
1 2 3 4
Example 1: Using Dask DataFrames on a cluster with CSV data
• Built from Pandas DataFrames
• Match Pandas interface
• Access data from HDFS, S3, local, etc.
• Fast, low latency
• Responsive user interface
January, 2016
Febrary, 2016
March, 2016
April, 2016
May, 2016
Example 2: Using Dask Bags on a cluster with text data
• Distributed natural language processing
with text data stored in HDFS
• Handles standard computations
• Looks like other parallel frameworks
(Spark, Hive, etc.)
• Access data from HDFS, S3, local, etc.
• Handles the common case
... ...
Example 3: Using Dask Arrays with global temperature data
• Built from NumPy

n-dimensional arrays
• Matches NumPy interface
• Solve medium-large
• Complex algorithms
Example 4: Using Dask Delayed to handle custom workflows
• Manually handle functions to support messy situations
• Life saver when collections aren't flexible enough
• Combine futures with collections for best of both worlds
• Scheduler provides resilient and elastic execution
What happened to Blaze?
Still going strong — just at another place in the stack
(and sometimes a description of an ecosystem).
+ - / * ^ []
join, groupby, filter
map, sort, take
where, topk
APIs, syntax, language
Data Runtime
parallelize optimize, JIT
Interface to query data on different storage systems
from blaze import Data
iris = Data('iris.csv')
iris = Data('sqlite:///flowers.db::iris')
iris = Data('mongodb://localhost/mydb::iris')
iris = Data('iris.json')
iris = Data('s3://blaze-data/iris.csv')S3
Current focus is SQL and the pydata stack for run-time (dask, dynd, numpy, pandas, x-
ray, etc.) + customer-driven needs (i.e. kdb, mongo, PostgreSQL).
iris[['sepal_length', 'species']]Select columns
log(iris.sepal_length * 10)Operate
Reduce iris.sepal_length.mean()
by(iris.species, shortest=iris.petal_length.min(),
Add new
transform(iris, sepal_ratio = iris.sepal_length /
iris.sepal_width, petal_ratio = iris.petal_length /
Text matching'*versicolor')
Relabel columns
Filter iris[(iris.species == 'Iris-setosa') & (iris.sepal_length > 5.0)]
Blaze (like DyND) uses datashape as its type system
>>> iris = Data('iris.json')
>>> iris.dshape
dshape("""var * {
petal_length: float64,
petal_width: float64,
sepal_length: float64,
sepal_width: float64,
species: string
A structured data description language for all kinds of data
dimension dtype
unit types
3 string
4 float64
var * { x : int32, y : string, z : float64 }
tabular datashape
ordered struct dtype
{ x : int32, y : string, z : float64 }
collection of types keyed by labels
flowersdb: {
iris: var * {
petal_length: float64,
petal_width: float64,
sepal_length: float64,
sepal_width: float64,
species: string
iriscsv: var * {
sepal_length: ?float64,
sepal_width: ?float64,
petal_length: ?float64,
petal_width: ?float64,
species: ?string
irisjson: var * {
petal_length: float64,
petal_width: float64,
sepal_length: float64,
sepal_width: float64,
species: string
irismongo: 150 * {
petal_length: float64,
petal_width: float64,
sepal_length: float64,
sepal_width: float64,
species: string
# Arrays of Structures
100 * {
name: string,
birthday: date,
address: {
street: string,
city: string,
postalcode: string,
country: string
# Structure of Arrays
x: 100 * 100 * float32,
y: 100 * 100 * float32,
u: 100 * 100 * float32,
v: 100 * 100 * float32,
# Function prototype
(3 * int32, float64) -> 3 * float64
# Function prototype with broadcasting dimensions
(A... * int32, A... * int32) -> A... * int32
# Arrays
3 * 4 * int32
3 * 4 * int32
10 * var * float64
3 * complex[float64]
source: iris.csv
source: sqlite:///flowers.db::iris
source: iris.json
dshape: "var * {name: string, amount: float64}"
source: mongodb://localhost/mydb::iris
Blaze Server — Lights up your Dark Data
Builds off of Blaze uniform interface to
host data remotely through a JSON web
$ blaze-server server.yaml -e
Blaze Client
>>> from blaze import Data
>>> s = Data('blaze://localhost:6363')
>>> t.fields
[u'iriscsv', u'irisdb', u'irisjson', u’irismongo']
>>> t.iriscsv
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa
>>> t.irisdb
petal_length petal_width sepal_length sepal_width species
0 1.4 0.2 5.1 3.5 Iris-setosa
1 1.4 0.2 4.9 3.0 Iris-setosa
2 1.3 0.2 4.7 3.2 Iris-setosa
Compute recipes work with existing libraries and have multiple
backends — write once and run anywhere. Layer over existing data!
• Python list
• Numpy arrays
• Dynd
• Pandas DataFrame
• Spark, Impala, Ibis
• Mongo
• Dask
• Hint: Use odo to copy from
one format and/or engine to
Brief Overview of Numba
Classic Example
from numba import jit
def mandel(x, y, max_iters):
c = complex(x,y)
z = 0j
for i in range(max_iters):
z = z*z + c
if z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag >= 4:
return 255 * i // max_iters
return 255
The Basics
CPython 1x
Numpy array-wide operations 13x
Numba (CPU) 120x
Numba (NVidia Tesla K20c) 2100x
How Numba works
Numba IR
def do_math(a,b):
>>> do_math(x, y)
Rewrite IR
Numba Features
Does not replace the standard Python interpreter

(all of your existing Python libraries are still available)
How to Use Numba
1. Create a realistic benchmark test case.

(Do not use your unit tests as a benchmark!)
2. Run a profiler on your benchmark.

(cProfile is a good choice)
3. Identify hotspots that could potentially be compiled by Numba with a little

(see online documentation)
4. Apply @numba.jit, @numba.vectorize, and @numba.guvectorize as needed to
critical functions. (Small rewrites may be needed to work around Numba
5. Re-run benchmark to check if there was a performance improvement.
6. Use target=parallel to get access to multiple cores (or target=gpu if you have one)
Example: Filter an array
Example: Filter an array
Array Allocation
Looping over ndarray x as an iterator
Using numpy math functions
Returning a slice of the array
Numba decorator

(nopython=True not required)
2.7x Speedup
over NumPy!
NumPy UFuncs and GUFuncs
NumPy ufuncs (and gufuncs) are functions that operate “element-
wise” (or “sub-dimension-wise”) across an array without an explicit loop.
This implicit loop (which is in machine code) is at the core of why NumPy
is fast. Dispatch is done internally to a particular code-segment based
on the type of the array. It is a very powerful abstraction in the PyData
Making new fast ufuncs used to be only possible in C — painful!
With nb.vectorize and numba.guvectorize it is now easy!
The inner secrets of NumPy are now at your finger-tips for you to make
your own magic!
Simple Ufunc
def dot2(a,b,x,y):
return a*x + b*y
>>> a, b, x, y = np.random.randn(4,1000)
>>> z = a * x + b * y
>>> z2 = dot2(a, b, x, y) # faster
Faster (especially) as N grows because it does not create temporaries.
NumPy creates temporary arrays for intermediate results.
Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template
and calls it for every element in the arrays.
Generalized Ufunc
@guvectorize(‘f8[:], f8[:], f8[:]’, ‘(n),(n)->()’)
def dot2(a,b,c):
c[0]=a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1]
>>> a, b = np.random.randn(10000,2), np.random.randn(10000,2)
>>> z1 = np.einsum(‘ij,ij->i’, a, b)
>>> z2 = dot2(a, b) # uses last dimension as in each kernel
This can create quite a bit of computation with very little code.
Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template
and calls it for every element in the arrays.
3.8x faster
Example: Making a windowed compute filter
Perform a computation
on a finite window of the
For a linear system, this is a
FIR filter and what np.convolve
or sp.signal.lfilter can do.
But what if you want some
arbitrary computation like a
windowed median filter.
Example: Making a windowed compute filter
Hand-coded implementation
Build a ufunc for the kernel
which is faster for large arrays!
This can now run easily on GPU
with ‘target=cuda’ and many-
cores ‘target=parallel’
Example: Making a windowed compute filter
Other interesting things
• CUDA Simulator to debug your code in Python interpreter
• Generalized ufuncs (@guvectorize) including GPU support and multi-
core (threaded) support
• Call ctypes and cffi functions directly and pass them as arguments
• Support for types that understand the buffer protocol
• Pickle Numba functions to run on remote execution engines
• “numba annotate” to dump HTML annotated version of compiled
• See:
Recently Added Numba Features
• Support for named tuples in nopython mode
• Support for sets in nopython mode
• Limited support for lists in nopython mode
• On-disk caching of compiled functions (opt-in)
• JIT classes (zero-cost abstraction)
• Support of (and ‘@‘ operator on Python 3.5)
• Support for some of np.linalg
• generated_jit (jit the functions that are the return values of the decorated function —
• SmartArrays which can exist on host and GPU (transparent data access).
• Ahead of Time Compilation (you can ship code pre-compiled with Numba)
• Disk-caching of pre-compiled code so you don’t compile next time you run on
machine with access to disk.
• @cfunc decorator which makes machine-code call-backs for things like
scipy.integrate and other extension modules which expect call-backs.
Data Fabric (pre-alpha, demo-ware)
• New initiative just starting (if you can fund it, please tell me).
• Generalization of Python buffer-protocol to all languages
• A library to build a catalog of shared-memory chunks across the
cluster holding data that can be described by data-shape
• A helper type library in DyND that any language can use to
select appropriate analytics for
• Foundation for a cross-language “super-set” of PyData stack

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Fast and Scalable Python

  • 1. Fast and Scalable Python Travis E. Oliphant, PhD @teoliphant Python Enthusiast since 1997 Making NumPy- and Pandas-style code faster and run in parallel.
  • 2. 2 A few libraries: Python for Data Science Machine Learning Big DataVisualization BI / ETL Scientific computing CS / Programming Numba Blaze Bokeh Dask
  • 3. Zen of NumPy / Pandas 3 • Strided is better than scattered • Contiguous is better than strided • Descriptive is better than imperative (use data-types) • Array-oriented and data-oriented is often better than object-oriented • Broadcasting is a great idea – use where possible • Split-apply-combine is a great idea – use where possible • Vectorized is better than an explicit loop • Write more ufuncs and generalized ufuncs (numba can help) • Unless it’s complicated — then use numba • Think in higher dimensions
  • 4. At the heart is array-oriented • Array-oriented, column-oriented, and data-oriented programming means using data-structures that are optimized for the computing needed. • Object oriented typically scatters objects throughout system memory, or separates alike elements in system memory • Array-Oriented organizes data together where it can stream through modern multi-core hardware making better use of cache. • Array-Oriented code can also be parallelized more easily — making it possible to automatically parallelize code written in this style. 4
  • 6. 6 Array-oriented maps to modern chips and is the key to scale Knights Landing Up to 72 cores 16GB on package With PyData projects we can take full advantage of this target as well as GPUs and many machines together.
  • 7. Scale Up vs Scale Out 7 Big Memory & Many Cores / GPU Box Best of Both (e.g. GPU Cluster) Many commodity nodes in a cluster ScaleUp (BiggerNodes) Scale Out (More Nodes)
  • 8. Scale Up vs Scale Out 8 Big Memory & Many Cores / GPU Box Best of Both (e.g. GPU Cluster) Many commodity nodes in a cluster ScaleUp (BiggerNodes) Scale Out (More Nodes) Numba Dask Blaze
  • 9. 9 I spent the first 15 years of my “Python life” working to build the foundation of the Python Scientific Ecosystem as a practitioner/developer PEP 357 PEP 3118 SciPy
  • 10. 10 I plan to spend the next 15 years ensuring this ecosystem can scale both up and out as an entrepreneur, evangelist, and director of innovation. CONDA NUMBA DASK DYND BLAZE DATA-FABRIC
  • 11. 11 Rally a community “Apache” for Open Data Science Community-led and directed Conference Series with sponsorship proceeds going directly to NumFocus
  • 12. 12 Organize a company Empower people to solve the world’s greatest challenges. We help people discover, analyze, and collaborate by connecting their curiosity and experience with any data. Purpose Mission
  • 13. 13 Start working on key technology Blaze — blaze, odo, datashape, dynd, dask Bokeh — interactive visualization in web including Jupyter Numba — Array-oriented Python subset compiler Conda — Cross-platform package manager with environments Bootstrap and seed funding through 2014 VC funded in 2015
  • 14. 14 is…. the Open Data Science Platform powered by Python… the fastest growing open data science language • Accelerate Time-to-Value • Connect Data, Analytics & Compute • Empower Data Science Teams Create a Platform! Free and Open Source!
  • 15. 15 Governance Provenance Security OPERATIONS Python R Spark | Scala JavaScript Java Fortran C/C++ DATA SCIENCE LANGUAGES DATA Flat Files (CSV, XLS…)) SQL DB NoSQL Hadoop Streaming HARDWARE Workstation Server Cluster APPLICATIONS Interactive Presentations, Notebooks, Reports & Apps Solution Templates Visual Data Exploration Advanced Spreadsheets APIs ANALYTICS Data Exploration Querying Data Prep Data Connectors Visual Programming Notebooks Analytics Development Stats Data Mining Deep Learning Machine Learning Simulation & Optimization Geospatial Text & NLP Graph & Network Image Analysis Advanced Analytics IDEsCICD Package, Dependency, Environment Management Web & Desktop App Dev SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT HIGH PERFORMANCE Distributed Computing Parallelism &
 Multi-threading Compiled Assets GPUs & Multi-core Compiler Business Analyst Data Scientist Developer Data Engineer DevOps DATA SCIENCE TEAM Cloud On-premises
  • 16. Free Anaconda now with MKL as default 16 •Intel MKL (Math Kernel Libraries) provide enhanced algorithms for basic math functions. •Using MKL provides optimal performance for basic BLAS, LAPACK, FFT, and math functions. •Anaconda since version 2.5 has MKL provided as the default in the free download of Anaconda (you can also distribute binaries linked against these MKL-enhanced tools).
  • 17. Numba + Dask Look at all of the data with Bokeh’s datashader. Decouple the data-processing from the visualization. Visualize arbitrarily large data. 17 • E.g. Open Street Map data: • About 3 billion GPS coordinates • 2012/04/01/bulk-gps-point-data/. • This image was rendered in one minute on a standard MacBook with 16 GB RAM • Renders in a milliseconds on several 128GB Amazon EC2 instances
  • 18. Categorical data: 2010 US Census 18 • One point per person • 300 million total • Categorized by race • Interactive rendering with Numba+Dask • No pre-tiling
  • 19. YARN JVM Bottom Line
 5-100X faster overall performance • Interact with data in HDFS and Amazon S3 natively from Python • Distributed computations without the JVM & Python/Java serialization • Framework for easy, flexible parallelism using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) • Interactive, distributed computing with in-memory persistence/caching Bottom Line • Leverage Python & R with Spark Batch Processing Interactive Processing HDFS Ibis Impala PySpark & SparkR Python & R ecosystem MPI High Performance, Interactive, Batch Processing Native read & write NumPy, Pandas, … 720+ packages 19
  • 20. Overview of Dask as a Parallel Processing Framework with Distributed
  • 21. Precursors to Parallelism 21 • Consider the following approaches first: 1. Use better algorithms 2. Try Numba or C/Cython 3. Store data in efficient formats 4. Subsample your data • If you have to parallelize: 1. Start with your laptop (4 cores, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB disk) 2. Then a large workstation (24 cores, 1 TB RAM) 3. Finally, scale out to a cluster
  • 22. 22 Moving from small data to big data Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node Big DataSmall Data Dask Numba
  • 23. 23 Dask Dataframes Dask >>> import pandas as pd >>> df = pd.read_csv('iris.csv') >>> df.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa >>> max_sepal_length_setosa = df[df.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() 5.7999999999999998 >>> import dask.dataframe as dd >>> ddf = dd.read_csv('*.csv') >>> ddf.head() sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa … >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa = ddf[ddf.species == 'setosa'].sepal_length.max() >>> d_max_sepal_length_setosa.compute() 5.7999999999999998
  • 24. 24 Dask Arrays >>> import numpy as np >>> np_ones = np.ones((5000, 1000)) >>> np_ones array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], ..., [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]]) >>> np_y = np.log(np_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1) >>> np_y array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056]) >>> import dask.array as da >>> da_ones = da.ones((5000000, 1000000), chunks=(1000, 1000)) >>> da_ones.compute() array([[ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], ..., [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.]]) >>> da_y = da.log(da_ones + 1)[:5].sum(axis=1) >>> np_da_y = np.array(da_y) #fits in memory array([ 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, 693.14718056, …, 693.14718056]) # Result doesn’t fit in memory >>> da_y.to_hdf5('myfile.hdf5', 'result') Dask
  • 25. Overview of Dask 25 Dask is a Python parallel computing library that is: • Familiar: Implements parallel NumPy and Pandas objects • Fast: Optimized for demanding for numerical applications • Flexible: for sophisticated and messy algorithms • Scales out: Runs resiliently on clusters of 100s of machines • Scales down: Pragmatic in a single process on a laptop • Interactive: Responsive and fast for interactive data science Dask complements the rest of Anaconda. It was developed with
 NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn developers.
  • 27. Dask: From User Interaction to Execution 27
  • 28. Dask Collections: Familiar Expressions and API 28 x.T - x.mean(axis=0) df.groupby(df.index).value.mean() def load(filename): def clean(data): def analyze(result): Dask array (mimics NumPy) Dask dataframe (mimics Pandas) Dask imperative (wraps custom code) Dask bag (collection of data)
  • 29. Dask Graphs: Example Machine Learning Pipeline 29
  • 30. Dask Graphs: Example Machine Learning Pipeline + Grid Search 30
  • 31. • simple: easy to use API • flexible: perform a lots of action with a minimal amount of code • fast: dispatching to run-time engines & cython • database like: familiar ops • interop: integration with the PyData Stack 31 (((A + 1) * 2) ** 3)
  • 32. 32 (B - B.mean(axis=0)) 
 + (B.T / B.std())
  • 33. Scheduler Worker Worker Worker Worker Client Same network User Machine (laptop)Client Worker Dask Schedulers: Example - Distributed Scheduler 33
  • 34. Cluster Architecture Diagram 34 Client Machine Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node Head Node
  • 35. • Single machine with multiple threads or processes • On a cluster with SSH (dcluster) • Resource management: YARN (knit), SGE, Slurm • On the cloud with Amazon EC2 (dec2) • On a cluster with Anaconda for cluster management • Manage multiple conda environments and packages 
 on bare-metal or cloud-based clusters Using Anaconda and Dask on your Cluster 35
  • 37. Examples 37 Analyzing NYC Taxi CSV data using distributed Dask DataFrames • Demonstrate Pandas at scale • Observe responsive user interface Distributed language processing with text data using Dask Bags • Explore data using a distributed memory cluster • Interactively query data using libraries from Anaconda Analyzing global temperature data using Dask Arrays • Visualize complex algorithms • Learn about dask collections and tasks Handle custom code and workflows using Dask Imperative • Deal with messy situations • Learn about scheduling 1 2 3 4
  • 38. Example 1: Using Dask DataFrames on a cluster with CSV data 38 • Built from Pandas DataFrames • Match Pandas interface • Access data from HDFS, S3, local, etc. • Fast, low latency • Responsive user interface January, 2016 Febrary, 2016 March, 2016 April, 2016 May, 2016 Pandas DataFrame} Dask DataFrame }
  • 39. Example 2: Using Dask Bags on a cluster with text data 39 • Distributed natural language processing with text data stored in HDFS • Handles standard computations • Looks like other parallel frameworks (Spark, Hive, etc.) • Access data from HDFS, S3, local, etc. • Handles the common case ... (...) data ... (...) data function ... ... (...) data function ... result merge ... ... data function (...) ... function
  • 40. NumPy Array } }Dask Array Example 3: Using Dask Arrays with global temperature data 40 • Built from NumPy
 n-dimensional arrays • Matches NumPy interface (subset) • Solve medium-large problems • Complex algorithms
  • 41. Example 4: Using Dask Delayed to handle custom workflows 41 • Manually handle functions to support messy situations • Life saver when collections aren't flexible enough • Combine futures with collections for best of both worlds • Scheduler provides resilient and elastic execution
  • 42. What happened to Blaze? Still going strong — just at another place in the stack (and sometimes a description of an ecosystem).
  • 44. 44 + - / * ^ [] join, groupby, filter map, sort, take where, topk datashape,dtype, shape,stride hdf5,json,csv,xls protobuf,avro,... NumPy,Pandas,R, Julia,K,SQL,Spark, Mongo,Cassandra,...
  • 45. APIs, syntax, language 45 Data Runtime Expressions metadata storage/containers compute datashape blaze dask odo parallelize optimize, JIT numba
  • 46. Blaze 46 Interface to query data on different storage systems from blaze import Data iris = Data('iris.csv') iris = Data('sqlite:///flowers.db::iris') iris = Data('mongodb://localhost/mydb::iris') iris = Data('iris.json') CSV SQL MongoDB JSON iris = Data('s3://blaze-data/iris.csv')S3 … Current focus is SQL and the pydata stack for run-time (dask, dynd, numpy, pandas, x- ray, etc.) + customer-driven needs (i.e. kdb, mongo, PostgreSQL).
  • 47. Blaze 47 iris[['sepal_length', 'species']]Select columns log(iris.sepal_length * 10)Operate Reduce iris.sepal_length.mean() Split-apply -combine by(iris.species, shortest=iris.petal_length.min(), longest=iris.petal_length.max(), average=iris.petal_length.mean()) Add new columns transform(iris, sepal_ratio = iris.sepal_length / iris.sepal_width, petal_ratio = iris.petal_length / iris.petal_width) Text matching'*versicolor') iris.relabel(petal_length='PETAL-LENGTH', petal_width='PETAL-WIDTH') Relabel columns Filter iris[(iris.species == 'Iris-setosa') & (iris.sepal_length > 5.0)]
  • 48. 48 datashapeblaze Blaze (like DyND) uses datashape as its type system >>> iris = Data('iris.json') >>> iris.dshape dshape("""var * { petal_length: float64, petal_width: float64, sepal_length: float64, sepal_width: float64, species: string }""")
  • 49. Datashape 49 A structured data description language for all kinds of data dimension dtype unit types var 3 string int32 4 float64 * * * * var * { x : int32, y : string, z : float64 } datashape tabular datashape record ordered struct dtype { x : int32, y : string, z : float64 } collection of types keyed by labels 4
  • 50. Datashape 50 { flowersdb: { iris: var * { petal_length: float64, petal_width: float64, sepal_length: float64, sepal_width: float64, species: string } }, iriscsv: var * { sepal_length: ?float64, sepal_width: ?float64, petal_length: ?float64, petal_width: ?float64, species: ?string }, irisjson: var * { petal_length: float64, petal_width: float64, sepal_length: float64, sepal_width: float64, species: string }, irismongo: 150 * { petal_length: float64, petal_width: float64, sepal_length: float64, sepal_width: float64, species: string } } # Arrays of Structures 100 * { name: string, birthday: date, address: { street: string, city: string, postalcode: string, country: string } } # Structure of Arrays { x: 100 * 100 * float32, y: 100 * 100 * float32, u: 100 * 100 * float32, v: 100 * 100 * float32, } # Function prototype (3 * int32, float64) -> 3 * float64 # Function prototype with broadcasting dimensions (A... * int32, A... * int32) -> A... * int32 # Arrays 3 * 4 * int32 3 * 4 * int32 10 * var * float64 3 * complex[float64]
  • 51. iriscsv: source: iris.csv irisdb: source: sqlite:///flowers.db::iris irisjson: source: iris.json dshape: "var * {name: string, amount: float64}" irismongo: source: mongodb://localhost/mydb::iris Blaze Server — Lights up your Dark Data 51 Builds off of Blaze uniform interface to host data remotely through a JSON web API. $ blaze-server server.yaml -e localhost:6363/compute.json server.yaml
  • 52. Blaze Client 52 >>> from blaze import Data >>> s = Data('blaze://localhost:6363') >>> t.fields [u'iriscsv', u'irisdb', u'irisjson', u’irismongo'] >>> t.iriscsv sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa >>> t.irisdb petal_length petal_width sepal_length sepal_width species 0 1.4 0.2 5.1 3.5 Iris-setosa 1 1.4 0.2 4.9 3.0 Iris-setosa 2 1.3 0.2 4.7 3.2 Iris-setosa
  • 53. Compute recipes work with existing libraries and have multiple backends — write once and run anywhere. Layer over existing data! • Python list • Numpy arrays • Dynd • Pandas DataFrame • Spark, Impala, Ibis • Mongo • Dask 53 • Hint: Use odo to copy from one format and/or engine to another!
  • 55. Classic Example 55 from numba import jit @jit def mandel(x, y, max_iters): c = complex(x,y) z = 0j for i in range(max_iters): z = z*z + c if z.real * z.real + z.imag * z.imag >= 4: return 255 * i // max_iters return 255 Mandelbrot
  • 56. The Basics 56 CPython 1x Numpy array-wide operations 13x Numba (CPU) 120x Numba (NVidia Tesla K20c) 2100x Mandelbrot
  • 57. How Numba works 57 Bytecode Analysis Python Function Function Arguments Type Inference Numba IR LLVM IR Machine Code @jit def do_math(a,b): … >>> do_math(x, y) Cache Execute! Rewrite IR Lowering LLVM JIT
  • 58. Numba Features Does not replace the standard Python interpreter
 (all of your existing Python libraries are still available) 58
  • 59. How to Use Numba 1. Create a realistic benchmark test case.
 (Do not use your unit tests as a benchmark!) 2. Run a profiler on your benchmark.
 (cProfile is a good choice) 3. Identify hotspots that could potentially be compiled by Numba with a little refactoring.
 (see online documentation) 4. Apply @numba.jit, @numba.vectorize, and @numba.guvectorize as needed to critical functions. (Small rewrites may be needed to work around Numba limitations.) 5. Re-run benchmark to check if there was a performance improvement. 6. Use target=parallel to get access to multiple cores (or target=gpu if you have one) 59
  • 60. Example: Filter an array 60
  • 61. Example: Filter an array 61 Array Allocation Looping over ndarray x as an iterator Using numpy math functions Returning a slice of the array Numba decorator
 (nopython=True not required) 2.7x Speedup over NumPy!
  • 62. NumPy UFuncs and GUFuncs 62 NumPy ufuncs (and gufuncs) are functions that operate “element- wise” (or “sub-dimension-wise”) across an array without an explicit loop. This implicit loop (which is in machine code) is at the core of why NumPy is fast. Dispatch is done internally to a particular code-segment based on the type of the array. It is a very powerful abstraction in the PyData stack. Making new fast ufuncs used to be only possible in C — painful! With nb.vectorize and numba.guvectorize it is now easy! The inner secrets of NumPy are now at your finger-tips for you to make your own magic!
  • 63. Simple Ufunc 63 @vectorize def dot2(a,b,x,y): return a*x + b*y >>> a, b, x, y = np.random.randn(4,1000) >>> z = a * x + b * y >>> z2 = dot2(a, b, x, y) # faster Faster (especially) as N grows because it does not create temporaries. NumPy creates temporary arrays for intermediate results. Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template and calls it for every element in the arrays.
  • 64. Generalized Ufunc 64 @guvectorize(‘f8[:], f8[:], f8[:]’, ‘(n),(n)->()’) def dot2(a,b,c): c[0]=a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] >>> a, b = np.random.randn(10000,2), np.random.randn(10000,2) >>> z1 = np.einsum(‘ij,ij->i’, a, b) >>> z2 = dot2(a, b) # uses last dimension as in each kernel This can create quite a bit of computation with very little code. Numba creates a fast machine-code kernel from the Python template and calls it for every element in the arrays. 3.8x faster
  • 65. Example: Making a windowed compute filter 65 Perform a computation on a finite window of the input. For a linear system, this is a FIR filter and what np.convolve or sp.signal.lfilter can do. But what if you want some arbitrary computation like a windowed median filter.
  • 66. Example: Making a windowed compute filter 66 Hand-coded implementation Build a ufunc for the kernel which is faster for large arrays! This can now run easily on GPU with ‘target=cuda’ and many- cores ‘target=parallel’ Array-oriented!
  • 67. Example: Making a windowed compute filter 67
  • 68. Other interesting things • CUDA Simulator to debug your code in Python interpreter • Generalized ufuncs (@guvectorize) including GPU support and multi- core (threaded) support • Call ctypes and cffi functions directly and pass them as arguments • Support for types that understand the buffer protocol • Pickle Numba functions to run on remote execution engines • “numba annotate” to dump HTML annotated version of compiled code • See: 68
  • 69. Recently Added Numba Features • Support for named tuples in nopython mode • Support for sets in nopython mode • Limited support for lists in nopython mode • On-disk caching of compiled functions (opt-in) • JIT classes (zero-cost abstraction) • Support of (and ‘@‘ operator on Python 3.5) • Support for some of np.linalg • generated_jit (jit the functions that are the return values of the decorated function — meta-programming) • SmartArrays which can exist on host and GPU (transparent data access). • Ahead of Time Compilation (you can ship code pre-compiled with Numba) • Disk-caching of pre-compiled code so you don’t compile next time you run on machine with access to disk. • @cfunc decorator which makes machine-code call-backs for things like scipy.integrate and other extension modules which expect call-backs. 69
  • 70. Data Fabric (pre-alpha, demo-ware) • New initiative just starting (if you can fund it, please tell me). • Generalization of Python buffer-protocol to all languages • A library to build a catalog of shared-memory chunks across the cluster holding data that can be described by data-shape • A helper type library in DyND that any language can use to select appropriate analytics for • Foundation for a cross-language “super-set” of PyData stack 70