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Social Media IQ Series:
WGBH Employee Facebook Workshop
Facebook 101
• Getting started on Facebook
• Why your professional self should be on Facebook
• Reconciling personal and professional identities
• Should I create separate accounts?
What is Facebook?
• The world’s largest
social network
• Founded in February
• Open to anyone aged
13 and older
• Users must register
using an email address
Facebook stats that will blow your mind
• 1.23 billion monthly active users worldwide
• 945 million users access Facebook via mobile
• 757 million users log into Facebook every day
• 15.8% of all minutes on the Internet are spent on Facebook
• The average Facebook user has 338 friends
• 67% of Internet users in the US are on Facebook
• 83% of 18 to 29 year olds on the Internet in the US are on
• 45 to 54 year olds saw a 46% growth on Facebook in 2013
• 86% of Facebook users are outside of the US
Getting Started on Facebook
Creating an Account
Sign Up
• To sign up, you must be 13 years
• Joint accounts are not allowed
• One Facebook account per email
To make sure your friends can find you
• Use your real first and last name
• Add an alternate name to your account if people
know you by another name (nickname, maiden
• Fill in your basic info (contact info, hometown) so
people can find you by search
Setting Up Your Account
Follow option: Allows people to follow
your profile.
• People can see your public updates
without being Facebook friends with
• This helps you get to know the people
who you work with
• Anyone who sends you a friend
request and you don’t accept them,
automatically becomes a follower
• Profile photo: avoid photos where
you aren’t visible, or photos that
make you look unreliable or
• Cover photo: Should reveal your
passions about your work or your
Public Information: When someone visits your
profile and isn’t a friend, he or she can only see
your public information
• This is important information: this info will
determine if the person will follow you, be
interested in the work you do, and set the initial
impression about who you are
• Write a convincing sentence or two about your self
(bio) that states who you are and what you do
• Give information about your education, past jobs
and your skills
Navigating Facebook
Pages I
My profile Shortcuts
Status update
Graph search
The News Feed
-Includes status updates, photos,
videos, links, app activity and likes
-News feed algorithm uses several
factors to determine top stories, like
number of comments, who posted
the story, and what type of post it is
-You can use News Feed controls to
adjust your settings: Hide stories
you don’t want to see, choose to
see stories in the order they’re
-Lists: Follow a friend list (or create
your own) to just see stories from
that list
The Anatomy of a Facebook Post
Type your
Select an audience
for the post
Text post
Pick a date for
the story
Add a
location Add a
Add how
Photo post
Audience Selector Tool
• Allows you to filter who sees the
• You can edit this after the fact
• Defaults to whatever you used
last time
• Custom audience: Allows you to
selectively share something with
specific people (example: share
with your family list, or hide the
post from your co-workers list)
• Public: These posts can be seen
by people who are not your
friends, people off Facebook, and
people who view content through
different media (print, broadcast)
Using Facebook professionally
The average Millennial employee is
connected to 16 coworkers on Facebook
Why use Facebook?
• To keep in touch with
family and friends
• To organize personal
• For entertainment and
• To build and maintain
• To build my own business, show
or personal brand
• To organize professional events
• To do research and gather
• To keep up to date with
businesses and organizations I’m
interested in
• To organize events
How can WGBH employees use
• Producers: Can use Facebook to find
topics for shows, ask for feedback and
engage fans around the show content.
• Marketers: Can use Facebook to
promote content in creative ways and
reach new and targeted audiences.
• Journalists: Can use Facebook to
connect to sources and find stories,
and promote stories and engage with
others talking about their stories
• Administration: Can use Facebook to
build a professional presence,
emphasizing your strengths and
making connections for your career.
The death of personal — now
merged with professional
The death of personal — now
merged with professional
Used for social
connections and
Used for aspiration and
achievement. People come
to learn and connect with
resources that will help
them professionally.
Managing your personal “brand”
Decide what
you want to
be known for.
Take into account
your profession,
goals, hobbies, and
things that define
Don’t alienate your audience – your followers will be
comprised of friends, family, coworkers, and peers.
Don’t post too much about work or too much about your kids. Keep a
good balance.
Understand the
differences in
LinkedIn is strictly professional,
Snapchat can be strictly
personal. Facebook can be both.
Ask yourself before
posting: Would I want a
future boss to see this?
Case Study: Anil Dash
• Blogger,
• 151k followers on
• Developed a strong
online identity
where followers
get a sense of both
his personality as
well as his
professional life
What’s the difference between…
Personal Profiles v. Pages
The Personal Profile
• For individuals, non-commercial
use only.
• Represents individual people and
are held under an individual name.
• You can follow timelines to see
public updates of someone you’re
interested in but not friends with
(through the “follow” button).
• If you want to share updates with a
broader audience, use a profile
(but allow people to follow you)
Personal Profiles: Best Practices
• Celebrate moments. Share
milestones of personal
accomplishment and those of your
show or brand.
• Check into company events and
post photos. Share something
behind the scenes.
• Catch people doing something
right. Publicly recognize and
congratulate colleagues on job
promotion, career move or just
doing a great job.
Optimizing your profile
• Make sure your profile is
optimized to show up in
graph search results
• Give as much
information as possible:
Fill out all “about” fields
• The more information
you complete in your
profile, the more likely
Facebook will pull you
into specific search
The Page
• Offers unique tools for connecting
people to a topic they care about, like a
business, brand, organization or
• Pages are managed by people with
personal profiles. They are not separate
Facebook accounts and don’t have
separate login information.
• You like a page to see its updates in your
• If you want to represent your business
or show, create a page.
• One disadvantage: The page is for the
most part a one way relationship: your
followers (fans) will see your updates
but you won’t see theirs.
Pages: Best Practices
• Customize your page
with stories, host
events, etc.
• People who like your
page get your updates
in their news feed.
• Create and manage
your Page from your
personal account.
• Good for journalists:
Creates a distance in
source relationships.
Pages: Building your professional portfolio
• Pages allow people to have a
professional presence on Facebook.
Gives readers/watchers/listeners a
chance to connect with a
professional identity instead of only
the option to be their friend.
• This can be useful when it comes to
journalists’ relationships with their
sources. Pages provide a way for
journalists to not worry about the
content of their personal profiles,
and avoids the ethical implications of
accepting a sources’ friend request.
• Bonus: Personal profiles have a
5,000 “friend” limit. Pages have no
• Groups provide a closed space
for small groups of people to
communicate about shared
• Groups cannot be managed by
organizations or pages. You
can only post to a group as an
Pages vs. Groups
• Privacy: For pages, information and posts are public and
available to everyone on Facebook. Groups, privacy
settings are available and secret and closed groups are
• Audience: Anyone can like a page, with no limit to number
of likes. For groups, you can adjust to require members to
be approved or added by admins.
• Communication: People who help manage can share posts
“as” the page. Admins can check page insights and track
metrics. In groups, members receive notifications when
any member posts in the group. Group members can
participate in chats, upload photos, collaborate on group
docs and invite other members.
Interest Lists
• Similar to Twitter lists, create a tailored newsfeed
• Journalists create lists for specific beats
• Default lists: “Close friends,” “Acquaintances” and
• People don’t get notified when you add them to lists
So: Should I create separate accounts?
Strategy #1: Single Facebook Profile
Photo shows
who she
really is
Posts about
both work
and personal
Allows the “follow” option
filled-out bio
Strategy #1: Pros and Cons of the
single Facebook profile
• Simplest; easiest method to use
• Builds a well-rounded online identity
• You can update all your contacts at
once if you wish to do so
• It makes you look like a real person
with a real life
• Professional contacts can see your
• Isolating your identities into
“personal” and “professional” risks
missing opportunities for your
friends to support your work, or your
work to get to know and support you
• Can’t message sources without
friending them (your messages will
be sent to their “other” inbox)
• You risk sending updates to the
wrong groups or lists
• You have to be on alert to de-tag
inappropriate or unflattering
photos and/or posts
• Need to keep a constant eye on
your privacy settings
• Need to customize who can see
your posts every time you post
Strategy #2: One Facebook profile,
one professional page
Strategy #2: Pros and Cons of the
Profile and Professional Page
• Allows you to show support for
things you believe in on your
personal profile
• Allows you to be honest and more
like “you” on your personal page,
without the self-censorship
• Helps maintain work-life boundaries
• Allows you to function with less fear
that colleagues or boss will see
personal details you might not want
to share
• Creates a beautiful looking
“portfolio” to show off your work
• Still can’t message sources without
friending them (your messages will
be sent to their “other” inbox)
• Creates inconsistency with your
brand (two separate identities)
• It’s harder to see or share updates
across all your contacts
• Having a professional page
encourages a one-way
conversation; you’ll be posting
updates instead of interacting with
friends about your content
Strategy #3: Two Facebook profiles: One
personal and one professional
This is what I have done, and I would NOT recommend it (see next slide)
Strategy #3: Pros and Cons of
Separate Profiles
• Allows me to friend and message sources
indiscriminately from my professional
• Allows me to message, share, and post
from my professional account without
annoying family or friends
• Allows me to contact people for stories
that I wouldn’t want to share my personal
story or information with
• Allows me to control what my colleagues
see and know about me
• I don’t have to be on constant alert to de-
tag inappropriate or unflattering photos
• I never worry about customizing who can
see my posts
• Makes your brand confusing: Who are
you really, your professional identity or
your personal identity?
• I have to log in to separate accounts
• I don’t have easy access to one of my
accounts on mobile
• I run the danger of Facebook finding out
and shutting down one of my profiles.
(According to Facebook’s terms of
service you’re not allowed to use a
personal profile strictly for business)
• It’s harder to see or share updates
across all your contacts
Facebook 102
• Privacy: The basics
•Social listening on Facebook
•Best practices for professional Facebook use
•Open workshop time
Privacy: The Basics
• Assume that everything you
post can be seen or found by
someone who wants to find it.
• Rule of thumb: Don’t say
anything you shouldn’t say in
front of your boss or your
• Never share anything illegal,
against corporate policy, or
• Watch your privacy settings:
make sure you’re comfortable
with the information that’s
being shared about you on
Common Privacy Worries
Do advertisers have access to my personal information?
No. Ad targeting is done anonymously. Personal information is not shared.
Advertisers only receive aggregated reports, never info about specific individuals.
Can people tell that I’ve looked at their Timelines or
profiles? No. Facebook doesn’t track who views your timeline or
posts. Third party apps don’t allow this, either.
Can people see my private messages?
No. They only appear in your inbox on Facebook.
Social plugins: What personal information is
shared? If you sign in via Facebook to a site, your
information (name, info, likes, friends, etc.) aren’t shared.
Privacy Settings
• Where are my privacy
Select “Settings” > “Privacy”
• Removing a tag
-Hover over the post, and click
“report/remove tag” from the
dropdown menu
-You will be notified if you’re tagged
-You can always ask the person to
take the photo down
-Turn on “tag review” to allow you to
approve or dismiss tags that people
add to your posts
Social Listening on Facebook
Graph Search
• Facebook’s search engine
• Mark Zuckerberg calls it the “third pillar” of Facebook (along with News
Feed and Timeline)
• Graph Search is designed to search with the user’s natural language, not
just keywords
• The “social graph” tailors results unique to you based on your social
networks (example: Instead of “Restaurants in Salem, Massachusetts” you
would search “Restaurants liked by my friends who live in Salem,
What is it?
How to use Graph Search
• Click on the search bar, begin typing your search
• As you type, a list of suggestions populates. Choose one of the suggestions or keep typing
• When you hit enter, a list of results shows up. Refine that list with the tool bar on the right
• Pair up phrases like “Photos of” and “Friends of”
• You can search for status updates, comments and photo captions
• Find new friends, discover great music, make your own travel guide
Ways to use Graph Search
1) Research your audience. Find out the interests of your fans
or potential fans. Search for pages they like, places they go and what their
demographics are.
2) Engage your fans by including the right content
for them. Search and understand your audience and fans – their
demographics, their likes, interests, and locations. (“Fans of The World who
live in New Orleans who are under 25”)
3) Learn more about your competition. Find out what
other pages your fans like and get an idea of who your competitors are.
(“Favorite likes of people who like “The World”)
4) Use search to reach influencers, and expand
your network. Connect with people who are influencers in your
field. (“Friends of friends who work for the BBC”)
Using Graph Search in Journalism
• Breaking news: With more than 1
billion people on FB, search keywords
around a breaking news event that
have been geotagged = finds sources
on the ground
• Historic stories: You can scroll back
and find first eye-witnesses of an
• Reactions to events: Search public
statuses, posts and comments to
gauge or find specific public reactions
to events
• Audience engagement: See what
people are saying about your work.
Other listening tools
Facebook Newswire: In April,
Facebook launched “FB
Newswire,” a partnership
with Storyful. The page offers
journalists verified, real-time
content for use in breaking
news stories.
Trending: A new feature that surfaces
interesting and relevant conversations. It
helps you discover the best and most popular
content across Facebook. Click on the
headline to see the most interesting posts
from your friends or pages about that topic.
Best Practices for Professional
Facebook Use
1) Engage. Listen and find out what content
resonates with people, and tailor your posts
2) Enable replies. That lets users reply to
things you post. This allows you to turn comments
into fuller conversations or to have conversations
with those following your work.
3) Post regularly.
5) Use images. Photo posts account for
93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook
4) 80/20 rule. Keep it 80% personal
updates, 20% about your work.
6) Use humor and emotion.
7) Start conversations.
14) Don’t expect miracles. Growing your following
comes when you make connections and relationships: the
more you interact, the bigger your reach.
8) Keep it short. Keep your posts below
250 characters for 60% more engagement
9) Share breaking news.
10) Target posts. Tailor your
messages to specific demographics.
11) Choose your friends carefully.
Only accept friend requests from people you know
personally or those you’d like to build relationships
12) Tag yourself in company photos.
13) Provide learning and insight.
Social Media IQ Series: Facebook
Thursday, May 29
Yawkey Auditorium
2-3 p.m.

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Facebook 101 for WGBH Employees

  • 1. Social Media IQ Series: WGBH Employee Facebook Workshop
  • 2. Facebook 101 • Getting started on Facebook • Why your professional self should be on Facebook • Reconciling personal and professional identities • Should I create separate accounts?
  • 3. What is Facebook? • The world’s largest social network • Founded in February 2004 • Open to anyone aged 13 and older • Users must register using an email address
  • 4. Facebook stats that will blow your mind • 1.23 billion monthly active users worldwide • 945 million users access Facebook via mobile • 757 million users log into Facebook every day • 15.8% of all minutes on the Internet are spent on Facebook • The average Facebook user has 338 friends • 67% of Internet users in the US are on Facebook • 83% of 18 to 29 year olds on the Internet in the US are on Facebook • 45 to 54 year olds saw a 46% growth on Facebook in 2013 • 86% of Facebook users are outside of the US
  • 6. Creating an Account Sign Up • To sign up, you must be 13 years old • Joint accounts are not allowed • One Facebook account per email address To make sure your friends can find you • Use your real first and last name • Add an alternate name to your account if people know you by another name (nickname, maiden name) • Fill in your basic info (contact info, hometown) so people can find you by search
  • 7. Setting Up Your Account Follow option: Allows people to follow your profile. • People can see your public updates without being Facebook friends with you • This helps you get to know the people who you work with • Anyone who sends you a friend request and you don’t accept them, automatically becomes a follower • Profile photo: avoid photos where you aren’t visible, or photos that make you look unreliable or unprofessional. • Cover photo: Should reveal your passions about your work or your hobbies. Public Information: When someone visits your profile and isn’t a friend, he or she can only see your public information • This is important information: this info will determine if the person will follow you, be interested in the work you do, and set the initial impression about who you are • Write a convincing sentence or two about your self (bio) that states who you are and what you do • Give information about your education, past jobs and your skills
  • 8. Navigating Facebook Favorites Pages I admin My profile Shortcuts Status update Trending Graph search Newsfeed My groups
  • 9. The News Feed -Includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity and likes -News feed algorithm uses several factors to determine top stories, like number of comments, who posted the story, and what type of post it is -You can use News Feed controls to adjust your settings: Hide stories you don’t want to see, choose to see stories in the order they’re posted -Lists: Follow a friend list (or create your own) to just see stories from that list
  • 10. The Anatomy of a Facebook Post Type your message Life event/mileston e Select an audience for the post Text post Tag friends Pick a date for the story Add a location Add a photo Add how you’re feeling Photo post Check-in
  • 11. Audience Selector Tool • Allows you to filter who sees the post • You can edit this after the fact • Defaults to whatever you used last time • Custom audience: Allows you to selectively share something with specific people (example: share with your family list, or hide the post from your co-workers list) • Public: These posts can be seen by people who are not your friends, people off Facebook, and people who view content through different media (print, broadcast)
  • 12. Using Facebook professionally The average Millennial employee is connected to 16 coworkers on Facebook
  • 13. Why use Facebook? • To keep in touch with family and friends • To organize personal events • For entertainment and education • To build and maintain relationships • To build my own business, show or personal brand • To organize professional events • To do research and gather information • To keep up to date with businesses and organizations I’m interested in • To organize events
  • 14. How can WGBH employees use Facebook? • Producers: Can use Facebook to find topics for shows, ask for feedback and engage fans around the show content. • Marketers: Can use Facebook to promote content in creative ways and reach new and targeted audiences. • Journalists: Can use Facebook to connect to sources and find stories, and promote stories and engage with others talking about their stories • Administration: Can use Facebook to build a professional presence, emphasizing your strengths and making connections for your career.
  • 15. The death of personal — now merged with professional
  • 16. The death of personal — now merged with professional Used for social connections and entertainment. Used for aspiration and achievement. People come to learn and connect with resources that will help them professionally.
  • 17. Managing your personal “brand” Decide what you want to be known for. Take into account your profession, goals, hobbies, and things that define you. Don’t alienate your audience – your followers will be comprised of friends, family, coworkers, and peers. Don’t post too much about work or too much about your kids. Keep a good balance. Understand the differences in networks. LinkedIn is strictly professional, Snapchat can be strictly personal. Facebook can be both. Ask yourself before posting: Would I want a future boss to see this?
  • 18. Case Study: Anil Dash • Blogger, entrepreneur, technologist • 151k followers on Facebook • Developed a strong online identity where followers get a sense of both his personality as well as his professional life
  • 21. The Personal Profile • For individuals, non-commercial use only. • Represents individual people and are held under an individual name. • You can follow timelines to see public updates of someone you’re interested in but not friends with (through the “follow” button). • If you want to share updates with a broader audience, use a profile (but allow people to follow you)
  • 22. Personal Profiles: Best Practices • Celebrate moments. Share milestones of personal accomplishment and those of your show or brand. • Check into company events and post photos. Share something behind the scenes. • Catch people doing something right. Publicly recognize and congratulate colleagues on job promotion, career move or just doing a great job.
  • 23. Optimizing your profile • Make sure your profile is optimized to show up in graph search results • Give as much information as possible: Fill out all “about” fields • The more information you complete in your profile, the more likely Facebook will pull you into specific search results
  • 24. The Page • Offers unique tools for connecting people to a topic they care about, like a business, brand, organization or celebrity. • Pages are managed by people with personal profiles. They are not separate Facebook accounts and don’t have separate login information. • You like a page to see its updates in your newsfeed. • If you want to represent your business or show, create a page. • One disadvantage: The page is for the most part a one way relationship: your followers (fans) will see your updates but you won’t see theirs.
  • 25. Pages: Best Practices • Customize your page with stories, host events, etc. • People who like your page get your updates in their news feed. • Create and manage your Page from your personal account. • Good for journalists: Creates a distance in source relationships.
  • 26. Pages: Building your professional portfolio • Pages allow people to have a professional presence on Facebook. Gives readers/watchers/listeners a chance to connect with a professional identity instead of only the option to be their friend. • This can be useful when it comes to journalists’ relationships with their sources. Pages provide a way for journalists to not worry about the content of their personal profiles, and avoids the ethical implications of accepting a sources’ friend request. • Bonus: Personal profiles have a 5,000 “friend” limit. Pages have no limit.
  • 27. Groups • Groups provide a closed space for small groups of people to communicate about shared interests. • Groups cannot be managed by organizations or pages. You can only post to a group as an individual.
  • 28. Pages vs. Groups • Privacy: For pages, information and posts are public and available to everyone on Facebook. Groups, privacy settings are available and secret and closed groups are allowed. • Audience: Anyone can like a page, with no limit to number of likes. For groups, you can adjust to require members to be approved or added by admins. • Communication: People who help manage can share posts “as” the page. Admins can check page insights and track metrics. In groups, members receive notifications when any member posts in the group. Group members can participate in chats, upload photos, collaborate on group docs and invite other members.
  • 29. Interest Lists • Similar to Twitter lists, create a tailored newsfeed • Journalists create lists for specific beats • Default lists: “Close friends,” “Acquaintances” and “Restricted” • People don’t get notified when you add them to lists
  • 30. So: Should I create separate accounts?
  • 31. Strategy #1: Single Facebook Profile Photo shows who she really is Posts about both work and personal life Allows the “follow” option Completely filled-out bio
  • 32. Strategy #1: Pros and Cons of the single Facebook profile • Simplest; easiest method to use • Builds a well-rounded online identity • You can update all your contacts at once if you wish to do so • It makes you look like a real person with a real life • Professional contacts can see your personality • Isolating your identities into “personal” and “professional” risks missing opportunities for your friends to support your work, or your work to get to know and support you • Can’t message sources without friending them (your messages will be sent to their “other” inbox) • You risk sending updates to the wrong groups or lists • You have to be on alert to de-tag inappropriate or unflattering photos and/or posts • Need to keep a constant eye on your privacy settings • Need to customize who can see your posts every time you post
  • 33. Strategy #2: One Facebook profile, one professional page
  • 34. Strategy #2: Pros and Cons of the Profile and Professional Page • Allows you to show support for things you believe in on your personal profile • Allows you to be honest and more like “you” on your personal page, without the self-censorship • Helps maintain work-life boundaries • Allows you to function with less fear that colleagues or boss will see personal details you might not want to share • Creates a beautiful looking “portfolio” to show off your work • Still can’t message sources without friending them (your messages will be sent to their “other” inbox) • Creates inconsistency with your brand (two separate identities) • It’s harder to see or share updates across all your contacts • Having a professional page encourages a one-way conversation; you’ll be posting updates instead of interacting with friends about your content
  • 35. Strategy #3: Two Facebook profiles: One personal and one professional This is what I have done, and I would NOT recommend it (see next slide)
  • 36. Strategy #3: Pros and Cons of Separate Profiles • Allows me to friend and message sources indiscriminately from my professional account • Allows me to message, share, and post from my professional account without annoying family or friends • Allows me to contact people for stories that I wouldn’t want to share my personal story or information with • Allows me to control what my colleagues see and know about me • I don’t have to be on constant alert to de- tag inappropriate or unflattering photos • I never worry about customizing who can see my posts • Makes your brand confusing: Who are you really, your professional identity or your personal identity? • I have to log in to separate accounts • I don’t have easy access to one of my accounts on mobile • I run the danger of Facebook finding out and shutting down one of my profiles. (According to Facebook’s terms of service you’re not allowed to use a personal profile strictly for business) • It’s harder to see or share updates across all your contacts
  • 37. Facebook 102 • Privacy: The basics •Social listening on Facebook •Best practices for professional Facebook use •Open workshop time
  • 38. Privacy: The Basics • Assume that everything you post can be seen or found by someone who wants to find it. • Rule of thumb: Don’t say anything you shouldn’t say in front of your boss or your mom. • Never share anything illegal, against corporate policy, or embarrassing. • Watch your privacy settings: make sure you’re comfortable with the information that’s being shared about you on Facebook.
  • 39. Common Privacy Worries Do advertisers have access to my personal information? No. Ad targeting is done anonymously. Personal information is not shared. Advertisers only receive aggregated reports, never info about specific individuals. Can people tell that I’ve looked at their Timelines or profiles? No. Facebook doesn’t track who views your timeline or posts. Third party apps don’t allow this, either. Can people see my private messages? No. They only appear in your inbox on Facebook. Social plugins: What personal information is shared? If you sign in via Facebook to a site, your information (name, info, likes, friends, etc.) aren’t shared.
  • 40. Privacy Settings • Where are my privacy settings? Select “Settings” > “Privacy” • Removing a tag -Hover over the post, and click “report/remove tag” from the dropdown menu -You will be notified if you’re tagged -You can always ask the person to take the photo down -Turn on “tag review” to allow you to approve or dismiss tags that people add to your posts
  • 42. Graph Search • Facebook’s search engine • Mark Zuckerberg calls it the “third pillar” of Facebook (along with News Feed and Timeline) • Graph Search is designed to search with the user’s natural language, not just keywords • The “social graph” tailors results unique to you based on your social networks (example: Instead of “Restaurants in Salem, Massachusetts” you would search “Restaurants liked by my friends who live in Salem, Massachusetts”) What is it?
  • 43. How to use Graph Search • Click on the search bar, begin typing your search • As you type, a list of suggestions populates. Choose one of the suggestions or keep typing • When you hit enter, a list of results shows up. Refine that list with the tool bar on the right • Pair up phrases like “Photos of” and “Friends of” • You can search for status updates, comments and photo captions • Find new friends, discover great music, make your own travel guide
  • 44. Ways to use Graph Search 1) Research your audience. Find out the interests of your fans or potential fans. Search for pages they like, places they go and what their demographics are. 2) Engage your fans by including the right content for them. Search and understand your audience and fans – their demographics, their likes, interests, and locations. (“Fans of The World who live in New Orleans who are under 25”) 3) Learn more about your competition. Find out what other pages your fans like and get an idea of who your competitors are. (“Favorite likes of people who like “The World”) 4) Use search to reach influencers, and expand your network. Connect with people who are influencers in your field. (“Friends of friends who work for the BBC”)
  • 45. Using Graph Search in Journalism • Breaking news: With more than 1 billion people on FB, search keywords around a breaking news event that have been geotagged = finds sources on the ground • Historic stories: You can scroll back and find first eye-witnesses of an event. • Reactions to events: Search public statuses, posts and comments to gauge or find specific public reactions to events • Audience engagement: See what people are saying about your work.
  • 46. Other listening tools Facebook Newswire: In April, Facebook launched “FB Newswire,” a partnership with Storyful. The page offers journalists verified, real-time content for use in breaking news stories. Trending: A new feature that surfaces interesting and relevant conversations. It helps you discover the best and most popular content across Facebook. Click on the headline to see the most interesting posts from your friends or pages about that topic.
  • 47. Best Practices for Professional Facebook Use 1) Engage. Listen and find out what content resonates with people, and tailor your posts accordingly. 2) Enable replies. That lets users reply to things you post. This allows you to turn comments into fuller conversations or to have conversations with those following your work. 3) Post regularly. 5) Use images. Photo posts account for 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook 4) 80/20 rule. Keep it 80% personal updates, 20% about your work. 6) Use humor and emotion. 7) Start conversations. 14) Don’t expect miracles. Growing your following comes when you make connections and relationships: the more you interact, the bigger your reach. 8) Keep it short. Keep your posts below 250 characters for 60% more engagement 9) Share breaking news. 10) Target posts. Tailor your messages to specific demographics. 11) Choose your friends carefully. Only accept friend requests from people you know personally or those you’d like to build relationships with 12) Tag yourself in company photos. 13) Provide learning and insight.
  • 48. Social Media IQ Series: Facebook Thursday, May 29 Yawkey Auditorium 2-3 p.m.

Editor's Notes

  1. Intros
  2. What is Facebook? -Facebook: largest social network -founded in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg -open to anyone aged 13 and over -users must register using an email address -users create a personal profile, add other users as friends, exchange messages, receive notifications when they or other friends update their profile
  3. Facebook stats -End of 2013: 1.23 billion monthly active users worldwide -170 million new users in 2013 -945 million users access Facebook through mobile -15.8% of all “Internet minutes” are spent on Facebook -757 million users log onto Facebook every day -average number of friends: 338 -67% of Internet users in the US are on Facebook -83% of US 18 to 29 year olds on the Internet are on Facebook -45 to 54 year olds saw a 46% growth on Facebook in 2013 -Facebook accounts for 66% of total social media sharing on iPhones -86% of FB users are outside the US
  4. Creating an Account -To sign up, you must be 13 -No joint accounts -One Facebook account per email address   To make sure your friends can find you -Use your real first and last name -Add an alternate name to your account if people know you by another name (nickname, maiden name) -Fill in your basic info (contact info, hometown) so people can find you by search   How to find friends -Search for friends (search bar, type names or email addresses) -Import your contacts (from email account, phone, etc) -Invite friends individually by email (go to the “Invite Your Friends” page)
  5. Setting Up Your Account Profile photo: -Avoid photos where you aren’t visible -Avoid photos that make you look unreliable or unprofessional Cover photo: -Should reveal your passions about your work or your hobbies Follow option -Allows people to follow your profile -People can see your public updates without being Facebook friends with you -This helps you get to know the people who you work with -Anyone who sends you a friend request and you don’t accept them, automatically becomes a follower -Luke Lewis, editor of Buzzfeed UK. Has more than 80,000 followers. Stays engaged with followers around stories from his current job and from his past job (editor of Public Information -When someone visits your profile and isn’t a friend, he or she can only see your public information -This is important information: this info will determine if the person will follow you, be interested in the work you do, and set the initial impression about who you are -Write a convincing sentence or two about your self (bio) that states who you are and what you do -Give information about your education, past jobs and your skills Professional Skills -section added in September 2013 -is an option in the “About” section under “Work and Education” -when a user clicks on that skill, they’re taken to a new page that shows their friends with the same skill or interest (also related pages, groups and listings of new people who have that skill)
  6. Navigating Facebook -Left side menu: Top is your “favorites” section, which you can edit   News Feed: Stream of updates from friends and pages that you follow Messages: private messages Events: Open events and events you’ve been invited to, or create your own event Lists Groups Apps
  7. Newsfeed -News feed is constantly updating -includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity and likes -Algorithm: uses several factors to determine top stories: -number of comments -who posted the story -what type of post it is -API Changes, 2013: news orgs and publishers saw a huge increase in Facebook referral traffic to their websites -You can use News Feed controls to adjust your settings (helps you personalize what you see) -you can hide stories you don’t want to see (like when a friend likes a page) -you can choose to see stories in the order their posted (Top stories / most recent) -Unfollowing friends -Unfollowing means you will no longer see your friend’s updates (your friend will not be notified) Friend lists -you can also follow a friend list (or create your own) to just see stories from that list -Example: I have a “close friends” “family” and “WGBH programs” list
  8. The Anatomy of a Facebook Post   Status update: -Type your update in the share menu of your timeline or at the top of your news feed -you can add a location or add people you’re with -click post   Other types of stories -Status -Photo -Life event   Things you can do on any post -Tag friends -Pick a date for the story -Add how you’re feeling or what you’re doing -Add a location -Add a photo -Select an audience for the post
  9. People are using Facebook professionally -The average Millennial employee is connected to 16 coworkers on Facebook -You have to watch what you post -Your posts can have repercussions with work
  10. Why use Facebook? -Keep in touch with family and friends (per) -Build and maintain relationships (pro) -Keep up to date with businesses and organizations I’m interested in (per, pro) -Build my own business, show or personal brand (pro) -To organize personal events (per) -To organize professional events (pro) -To do research and gather information (pro) -Entertainment and education (per)
  11. WGBH employees Producers: Can use Facebook to find topics for shows, ask for feedback and engage fans around the show content. Marketers: Can use Facebook to promote content in creative ways and reach new and targeted audiences. Journalists: Can use Facebook to connect to sources and find stories, and promote stories and engage with others talking about their stories Administration: Can use Facebook to build a professional presence, emphasizing your strengths and making connections for your career.
  12. The death of personal – now merged with professional. -Personal networks: used for social connections and entertainment. -Professional networks: used for aspiration and achievement. People come to learn and connect with resources that will help them professionally. -Show the different sides of you – give your professional presence a personal touch. People trust others who they like and can see a human side to.
  13. The death of personal – now merged with professional. -Personal networks: used for social connections and entertainment. -Professional networks: used for aspiration and achievement. People come to learn and connect with resources that will help them professionally. -Show the different sides of you – give your professional presence a personal touch. People trust others who they like and can see a human side to.
  14. Managing your personal “brand” 1) Decide what you want to be known for. Take into account your profession, goals, hobbies, and things that define you. This list should include both professional and personal items. This is what you should be posting about on Facebook. It is OK to stray away from them at times, but focus on these key topics. [For me, it’s softball (personal) social media news (professional) Justin Timberlake (personal), film (personal) and global health news (professional)] 2) Understand the differences in networks. LinkedIn is strictly professional, Snapchat can be strictly personal. Facebook is both. 3) Don’t alienate your audience – your followers will be comprised of friends, family, coworkers, and peers. Don’t post too much about work or too much about your kids. Keep a good balance. 4) Think: Would I want a future boss to see this?
  15. Why professional brand is good: Anil Dash -Blogger, entrepreneur, technologist -Media & technology field (currently Director at Expert Labs) -151k followers on Facebook -developed a strong online identity where followers got a sense of both their personalities as well as their professional lives
  16. Profiles: For individuals, non-commercial use. Represents individual people and are held under an individual name. You can follow timelines to see public updates of someone you’re interested in but not friends with. -If you want to share updates with a broader audience, use a profile (but allow people to follow you) Pages: Offer unique tools for connecting people to a topic they care about, like a business, brand, organization or celebrity. Pages are managed by people with personal profiles. Pages are not separate Facebook accounts and don’t have separate login information. You like a page to see its updates in your newsfeed. -If you want to represent your business or show, create a page.
  17. Professional Pages -Pages are for businesses, brands and organizations. -Customize pages with stories, host events, add apps. -People who like your page and their friends can get your updates in their news feed. -You can create and manage a Facebook page from your personal account. -Disadvantage: One way relationship: your followers (fans) will see your updates but you won’t see theirs.   Pages for Journalists or on-camera personalities -Pages allow people to have a professional presence on Facebook. Gives readers/watchers/listeners a chance to connect with a professional identity instead of only the option to be their friend. -This can be useful when it comes to journalists’ relationships with their sources. Pages provide a way for journalists to not worry about the content of their personal profiles, and avoids the ethical implications of accepting a sources’ friend request. -Bonus: Personal profiles have a 5,000 “friend” limit. Pages have no limit.
  18. Professional Pages -Pages are for businesses, brands and organizations. -Customize pages with stories, host events, add apps. -People who like your page and their friends can get your updates in their news feed. -You can create and manage a Facebook page from your personal account. -Disadvantage: One way relationship: your followers (fans) will see your updates but you won’t see theirs.   Pages for Journalists or on-camera personalities -Pages allow people to have a professional presence on Facebook. Gives readers/watchers/listeners a chance to connect with a professional identity instead of only the option to be their friend. -This can be useful when it comes to journalists’ relationships with their sources. Pages provide a way for journalists to not worry about the content of their personal profiles, and avoids the ethical implications of accepting a sources’ friend request. -Bonus: Personal profiles have a 5,000 “friend” limit. Pages have no limit.
  19. Why you should combine: -Simplest; easiest method to use -Builds a well-rounded online identity -You can update all your contacts at once if you wish to do so -It makes you look like a real person with a real life -Professional contacts can see your personality -You can easily interact with everyone because your account is accessible at all times (desktop and mobile) -Isolating your identities into “personal” and “professional” risks missing opportunities for your friends to support your work, or your work to get to know and support you -If you separate, you get more engagement from personal updates and discussions on your professional page anyway
  20. Why you should combine: -Simplest; easiest method to use -Builds a well-rounded online identity -You can update all your contacts at once if you wish to do so -It makes you look like a real person with a real life -Professional contacts can see your personality -You can easily interact with everyone because your account is accessible at all times (desktop and mobile) -Isolating your identities into “personal” and “professional” risks missing opportunities for your friends to support your work, or your work to get to know and support you -If you separate, you get more engagement from personal updates and discussions on your professional page anyway
  21. Why you should stay separate: -Allows you to show support for things you believe in on your personal account -Allows you to be honest and more like you on your personal page, without the self-censorship -Helps maintain work-life boundaries -Allows you to function with less fear that colleagues or boss will see personal details you might not want to share
  22. Why you should combine: -Simplest; easiest method to use -Builds a well-rounded online identity -You can update all your contacts at once if you wish to do so -It makes you look like a real person with a real life -Professional contacts can see your personality -You can easily interact with everyone because your account is accessible at all times (desktop and mobile) -Isolating your identities into “personal” and “professional” risks missing opportunities for your friends to support your work, or your work to get to know and support you -If you separate, you get more engagement from personal updates and discussions on your professional page anyway
  23. Should I create Separate Accounts?   Do It: -Allows me to message and friend sources -Allows me to do my journalism without bugging or confusing my family and friends -Allows me to contact people for stories that I wouldn’t want to share my personal story or information with -Allows you to control what your colleagues see and know about you -You don’t have to be on constant alert to de-tag inappropriate or unflattering photos -No need to customize who can see your posts   Don’t Do it: -Makes things confusing for your friends -Creates inconsistency with your brand -You have to log in to separate accounts -You won’t have easy access to one of your accounts on mobile -If you leave or switch jobs, you will risk losing all your work on your professional account. -You run the danger of Facebook finding out and shutting down one of your profiles. (According to Facebook’s terms of service you’re not allowed to use a personal profile strictly for business) -You don’t allow your colleagues to be your friends -It’s harder to see or share updates across all your contacts
  24. Why you should combine: -Simplest; easiest method to use -Builds a well-rounded online identity -You can update all your contacts at once if you wish to do so -It makes you look like a real person with a real life -Professional contacts can see your personality -You can easily interact with everyone because your account is accessible at all times (desktop and mobile) -Isolating your identities into “personal” and “professional” risks missing opportunities for your friends to support your work, or your work to get to know and support you -If you separate, you get more engagement from personal updates and discussions on your professional page anyway
  25. Basics -Assume that everything you post can be seen or found by someone who wants to find it. -Rule of thumb: Don’t say anything you shouldn’t say in front of your boss or your mom. -Never share anything illegal, against corporate policy, or embarrassing. -Profile: Edit your information -Privacy settings: make sure you’re comfortable with the information that’s being shared about you on Facebook
  26. Basics -Assume that everything you post can be seen or found by someone who wants to find it. -Rule of thumb: Don’t say anything you shouldn’t say in front of your boss or your mom. -Never share anything illegal, against corporate policy, or embarrassing. -Profile: Edit your information -Privacy settings: make sure you’re comfortable with the information that’s being shared about you on Facebook.   Privacy Worries you may have Do advertisers have access to my personal information? -No. Ad targeting is done anonymously. Personal information is not shared. Advertisers only receive aggregated reports, never info about specific individuals. -Facebook never sells your information.   Can people tell that I’ve looked at their Timelines / profiles? -No. -Facebook doesn’t track who views your timeline or posts. -Third party apps don’t allow this either   Can people see my private messages? -No. They only appear in your inbox on Facebook.   Social plugins: What personal information is shared? -If you sign in via Facebook to a site, your information (name, info, likes, friends, etc.) aren’t shared.
  27. Privacy Settings Where are my privacy settings? -Upper right hand corner of your Facebook page: Click the downward arrow -Select “Settings” -Select “Privacy” -Click on any of the settings to edit it   -Photo albums: -There is an arrow below each album photo icon that allows you to change the audience with each album -Status updates: use the audience selector tool -Likes and interests: -Click on your likes in your timeline, and hit edit. That allows you to customize who sees it. -Timeline information: -Privacy settings > editing your timeline info > customize   Removing a tag -Hover over the post, and click “report/remove tag” from the dropdown menu -You will be notified if you’re tagged in everything -You can always ask the person to take the photo down -Turn on “tag review” to allow you to approve or dismiss tags that people add to your posts (settings > timeline and tagging > review tags)
  28. Graph Search -Facebook’s search engine -Zuckerberg calls it the “third pillar” of Facebook (along with News Feed and Timeline) -Is designed to search with the user’s natural language, not just keywords -Social graph tailors results unique to you based on your social networks -Example: Instead of “Restaurants in Salem, Massachusetts” you would search “Restaurants liked by my friends who live in Salem, Massachusetts”   What can people see on Search? -Everyone who you haven’t blocked can search for you -What they see in search results depends on what’s shared with them  
  29. How to use Graph Search -Click on the search bar, begin typing your search -As you type a list of suggestions populates. Choose one of the suggestions or keep typing -When you hit enter, a list of results shows up. Refine that list with the tool bar on the right -Pair up phrases like “Photos of” and “Friends of” -You can search for status updates, comments and photo captions -Find new friends, discover great music, make your own travel guide -Travel: “Photos taken in Hawaii of my friends” to find great locations
  30. Ways to use Graph Search 1) Research your audience. Find out the interests of your fans or potential fans. Search for pages they like, places they go and what their demographics are. “Pages liked by people who like The World” and “Favorite interests of people who like “The World”. Or if we’re doing an event, “Fans of The World who live in New Orleans who are under 25” 2) Engage your fans by including the right content for them. Search and understand your audience and fans – their demographics, their likes, interests, and locations. 3) Learn more about your competition. Find out what other pages your fans like and get an idea of who your competitors are. 4) Use search to reach influencers, and expand your network. Connect with people who are influencers in your field. (Example: “Friends of friends who work for the BBC”)
  31. Using Graph Search in journalism (or for producers looking for stories) -Breaking news: With more than 1 billion people on FB, search keywords around a breaking news event that have been geotagged = finds sources on the ground -Historic stories: You can scroll back and find first eye-witnesses of an event. -Reactions to events: Search public statuses, posts and comments to gauge or find specific public reactions to events -Audience engagement: See what people are saying about your work.
  32. Facebook Newswire -In April, Facebook launched “FB Newswire” -partnership with Storyful -offers journalists verified, real-time content for use in breaking news stories   Trending -New feature that surfaces interesting and relevant conversations -Helps you discover the best and most popular content across Facebook -List is personalized, including topics based on things you’re interested in and what is trending across Facebook overall -Click on the headline to see the most interesting posts from your friends or pages about that topic  
  33. Best Practices for professional FB use   Engage. Listen and find out what content resonates with people, and tailor your posts accordingly. Enable replies. That lets users reply to things you post. This allows you to turn comments into fuller conversations or to have conversations with those following your work. Post regularly. 80/20 rule: Keep it 80% personal updates, 20% about your work Use images. Photos posts get 39% more interaction. Photo posts account for 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook Use humor and emotion. Tap into emotion that you want associated with your brand (Amex: Nostalgia; Frontline: Curiosity; The World: Outrage) Start conversations Keep it short. Shorter posts get 23% more interaction. Keep your posts below 250 characters, which gets you 60% more engagement Share breaking news Target posts. Allows you to tailor your posts to specific demographics. Friends: Only accept friend requests from people you know personally or those you’d like to build relationships with Tag yourself in company photos. This reassures people that you mean business. This widens the audience of those that see you in a professional roll Provide learning and insight Don’t expect miracles - Expect to grow your following slowly. Growth comes when you make connections and relationships. The more you interact, the bigger your reach