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2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
EvanTell & NFI present:
Generational Transformation
Using Mom as Gateway™ in Pregnancy Centers
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
your LIFE work…
And think more about it as promoting…
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life
and have it abundantly. John 10:10
I want you to re-think …
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
I attended either the PRC’s on the Frontlines of
Restoring Fatherhood, Restoring Families webinar on
September 24th and/or the workshop Reaching Men at
the recent Care Net Conference in Denver?
 Yes
 No
© EvanTell, 2013.
The Lord’s Network™ for At-Risk Families
The Lord is Building a Safety Net for At-Risk Families Nationwide
Training and Equipping the Body of Christ
To Share The Gospel. Clearly and Simply.
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Reaching at-risk families – helping them choose life – equipping them for abundant life!
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
What statement best represents your relationship with
your father either past or present?
A. It is/was great! He was/is
involved, responsible, and committed to me.
B. He was a good dad – but wish it was more
C. He was not a good father
D. I knew who he was, but I didn’t know him- he
doesn’t know me
E. Didn’t know him/don’t know who he is
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Stages of Adoption
 Awareness
I know there is a problem.
 Interest
I want to find out more.
 Decision
I have to do something.
 Implementation
This is what I am going to do.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Overview of the Workshop
 About Generational Transformation
 About NFI
 Why fathers matter
 Defining “gateway and gatekeeper”
 What is Maternal Gatekeeping?
 Behavioral Aspects, Reasons and Affects of Maternal
 Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Content
 Strategies for getting moms involved in your fatherhood
involvement efforts
 Comments & Questions
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
 For the Moms
 Mom as Gateway™
 Maternal Gatekeeping
 Involving Moms in Involving Dads
 For the Dads
 DoctorDad® Workshops
 Building Skills
 24/7 Dad Power Hour™
 Building Hearts
Generational Transformation:
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
NFI is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that was founded in 1994 to begin a
society-wide movement to renew fatherhood in America.
National Fatherhood Initiative Mission:
To improve the well-being of children by increasing the
proportion of children with involved, responsible, and committed
fathers in their lives.
Educate and inspire all
Americans, especially
fathers, through public
campaigns, research, and
other resources.
Equip fathers & develop
leaders of
national, state, and
community fatherhood
initiatives through
curricula, training, and
technical assistance.
Engage every sector of
society through strategic
alliances and partnerships.
NFI’s Mission is carried out using a “Three E” Strategy
Who Is NFI?
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
NFI, continued
Key Message:
Fathers are
& an Essential
Ingredient for
Child Well-Being
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
So, What Areas do Fatherlessness Impact?
 Poverty
 Emotional/Behavior
 Maternal and Child health
 Crime/Incarceration
 Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy
 Child Abuse
 Child Obesity
 Education
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Impact on Maternal and Child Health:
 Babies with a father’s name on the birth certificate are 4 times
more likely to live past 1 year of age!
 Source: Alio, A.P., Mbah, A.K., Kornosky, J.L., Marty, P.J. & Salihu, H.M. "The Impact of Paternal
Involvement on Feto-Infant. Morbidity among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics". Matern Child Health J. 2010;
14(5): 735-41
 Infant mortality rates are 1.8 times higher for infants of unmarried
mothers than for married mothers.
 Source: Matthews, T.J., Sally C. Curtin, and Marian F. MacDorman. Infant Mortality Statistics from the
1998 Period Linked Birth/Infant
 A study of 2,921 mothers revealed that single mothers were twice
as likely as married mothers to experience a bout of depression in
the prior year. Single mothers also reported higher levels of
stress, fewer contacts with family and friends, less involvement
with church or social groups and less overall social support.
 Source: Cairney, John and Michael Boyle et al. “Stress, Social Support and Depression in Single and Married
Mothers.” Social. Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 38 (August 2003): 442-449
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Impact on Teen Pregnancy & Sexual Activity:
 Being raised by a single mother raises the risk of teen pregnancy, marrying
with less than a high school degree, and forming a marriage where both
partners have less than a high school degree.
 Source: Teachman, Jay D. “The Childhood Living Arrangements of Children and the Characteristics of Their
Marriages.” Journal of Family Issues 25 (January 2004): 86-111.
 ...adolescents in father-absent homes were more likely to report being
sexually active compared to adolescents living with their fathers...the
study also revealed a statistical significance between father absence and
adolescent self-esteem
 Source: Hendricks, C. S., Cesario, S. K., Murdaugh, C., Gibbons, M. E., Servonsky, E. J., Bobadilla, R.
V., Hendricks, D. L., Spencer-. Morgan, B., & Tavakoli, A. (2005). The influence of father absence on the
self-esteem and self-reported sexual activity of rural. Southern adolescents. ABNF Journal, 16, 124-131.):
 ...based on the study, findings, the inability to bond in satisfactory ways
with a father or father figure may result in earlier onset of sexual activity
and the higher risk of teen pregnancy.
 Source: Burn, V. E. (2008). Living without a strong father figure: A context for teen mothers’ experience of
having become sexually active. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 29, 279–297.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Children in father-absent homes are two to five times more likely to:
 live in poverty
 fail in school
 develop emotional or behavioral problems
 abuse drugs
 be abused and neglected
 become involved in crime
 commit suicide
Why Fathers Matter
> The Consequences of Father Absence
> The Benefits of Father Involvement
Children with involved fathers are more likely to have:
 better cognitive outcomes, even as infants
 higher self-esteem and less depression as teenagers
 higher grades, test scores, and overall academic achievement
 lower levels of drug and alcohol use
 higher levels of empathy and other pro-social behavior
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
NFI’s National Surveys
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
There is a father absence crisis...
93 91
Percent who agree there is a father
absence crisis
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
… But Dads are Seen as “Replaceable”
Percent of moms who agree
that fathers are replaceable
By mothers
By other males
What moms
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Do Dads Have the Skills?
• Over half of dads feel they are replaceable.
• Only half of dads reported that they felt ready to be fathers when they first
became fathers.
• Only a third of dads strongly agree with the statement that they have all the
necessary skills and knowledge to be good fathers.
What Dads think…
2006 Pop’s Culture: A National Survey of Dads’ Attitudes on Fathering
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Do Dads Have the Skills? (cont.)
• Moms not living with dads reported “lack of knowledge
about how to be a good dad” as the biggest obstacle to
good fathering and “lack of parenting resources
designed specifically for fathers” as 3rd highest. These
obstacles ranked 3rd and 4th for moms overall!
• Moms not living with dads were very dissatisfied with
dad’s performance…
2009 Mama Says: A National Survey of Mothers’ Attitudes on Fathering
What Moms think…
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Moms and Dads Disagree on Obstacles
What Dads Overall Think The
Obstacles Are
1. Work responsibilities
2. Media/popular culture
3. Financial problems
4. Lack of knowledge
5. Child’s mother*
What Moms Overall Think The
Obstacles Are
1. Work responsibilities
2. Dad’s relationship with own dad
3. Lack of knowledge
4. Lack of parenting resources for dads
5. Lack of support from
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
NRFCBI Logic Model
Barriers to Engagement
Studies suggest that fathers are not engaged in child welfare processes
 Child welfare agencies have a history of being primarily mother focused
 Some child welfare caseworkers view involving fathers as complicated and
 Child welfare agencies are hesitant or fear involving fathers with a history of
domestic violence because their engagement may compromise mothers’ and
children’s safety
Dungee Greene, A. & Anderson Moore, K. “Nonresident Father Involvement and Child Well-Being among Young Children in Families on
Welfare.: Marriage & Family Review, 29(2/3), 2000, 159-180; Franck, E. “Outreach to Birthfathers of Children in Out of Home Care.” Child
Welfare, 80(3) 2001,381-399; Malm, Murray & Geen, 2006; O’Hagan, K. “The Problem of Engaging Men in Child Protection Work.” British
Journal of Social Work, 27(1), 1997,25-42.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
NRFCBI Logic Model
Barriers to Engagement
Studies suggest that fathers are not engaged in child welfare processes
 Child welfare caseworkers may view fathers as insignificant to the family unit, or
may avoid fathers out of fear of violent reactions, or have a general distrust of men
 Some fathers need assistance with parenting skills before assuming a more
prominent role in their children’s lives
 Some out-of-State fathers cannot access reliable transportation
Dungee Greene, A. & Anderson Moore, K. “Nonresident Father Involvement and Child Well-Being among Young Children in Families on
Welfare.: Marriage & Family Review, 29(2/3), 2000, 159-180; Franck, E. “Outreach to Birthfathers of Children in Out of Home Care.” Child
Welfare, 80(3) 2001,381-399; Malm, Murray & Geen, 2006; O’Hagan, K. “The Problem of Engaging Men in Child Protection Work.” British
Journal of Social Work, 27(1), 1997,25-42.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
NRFCBI Logic Model
Barriers to Engagement
The Quality Improvement Center on Non-Resident Fathers (QIC-NRF) conducted numerous focus
group and interviews with child welfare professionals, asking them what their barriers to father
engagement were. They said:
 Lack of training for child welfare professionals
 Unfriendly “father” environment
 Lack of interagency collaboration to locate fathers (e.g. child support agency connections
 Lack of policy/procedures to help identify, locate, and contact fathers
 Worker reluctance to contact fathers
 Feeling that it makes case management more difficult
 Mothers act as “gatekeepers”
 Fathers don’t want to be contacted
 Protecting informal support arrangement
 Domestic violence issues
 Don’t know the father’s identity
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Barriers to Engagement:
What are the possible barriers in pregnancy centers?
Men in the center? (what is the message—are all men unsafe?)
Are we waiting for all things to fall in place? (will that ever happen?)
Are assumptions for what is best correct?
Wasting God given opportunities?
Can’t get male volunteers
Have male volunteers- don’t know what to do with them
Can’t get men/dads in the center
Have men/dads but don’t know what to do with them
Maternal Gatekeeping
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
New or Expectant Fathers say...
 My dad was never there. I want to be there for my kids.
 I realize the impact that my father had on me. Even though he
wasn’t there, he made a huge impact on my life- he left a lot of
questions unanswered.
 I’m here because I want to do things right!
 I want to give my child the one thing I never had, an involved
 I want to get this one right!
 A survey of 1521 working dads in 2007
indicated that 38 percent would take a pay cut to spend more time
with their children
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Defining Terms:
 Gateway: an opening to a main entrance or exit way.
 Gatekeeper: a person who controls access.
Merriam Webster’s Definitions
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
What Is Maternal Gatekeeping?
 Refers to a mother’s protective beliefs
about the desirability of a father’s
involvement in their child’s life, and the
behaviors acted upon that either
facilitate or hinder collaborative
childrearing between the parents.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Maternal Gatekeeping (cont’d)
 Another Definition
 A collection of beliefs and behaviors
that may inhibit a collaborative effort
between men and women in family
 Behaviors
 Assume primary responsibility for
childrearing tasks.
 Criticize the father’s actions when he
is involved.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Behavioral Aspects
 How the mother speaks about the father in the presence
of their child
 To what extent the father is included or updated on the
child’s health, schooling or social life
 The extent to which the mother communicates to the
father that she knows what is best for their child and the
correct way to do things—while he does not.
An example from a “fatherhood expert”:
Dads Doing Good- Mobile Library
Dad's Doing Good/Honda Odyssey/ Mobile Library
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Reasons for Maternal Gatekeeping
 Difficulty relinquishing familial responsibility
 Validation of her identity as the “mother”
 Age of the child
 View the father as incompetent or even dangerous to the
 Based on actual evidence; or
 On personal perceptions of him and his failures
in the male familial role
 Don’t know? – Do know?
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Affects of Maternal Gatekeeping
 The ability of the child to adjust to parental
divorce or separation is weakened
 Can damage the father-child relationship
 Can damage the parents’ ability to cooperate and
keep their conflict levels low and out of the
child’s earshot or awareness
 Threat to the overall well-being and adjustment
of the child
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Dr. Kyle Pruett Study
 Mothers hold infants 9 out 10 times in the same
position. Fathers hold infants10 out of 10 times in
different positions.
 During play with children, mothers use external
objects (ex., toys, books, balls) but fathers use
their bodies.
 When children encounter novel situations, fathers
are generally 3 times the distance away from
mothers’ position.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Behavioral Aspects
 Studies have demonstrated that when
mothers perceived their partners as
motivated and competent to engage in
child care responsibilities, fathers were
more involved in childcare.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
 Overall, the implication is that the relationship between
father’s perceived investment in their actual levels of paternal
involvement are moderated by mothers beliefs about the role
of the father.
 There is a strong implication that mothers perceptions of the
paternal role are better predictors of father involvement than
fathers’ own perceptions of the paternal role.
Paternal Identity, Maternal Gatekeeping, and
Father Involvement (Family Relations, 54 (July 2005), 360-
372.Blackwell Publishing.)
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Things to include when addressing Gatekeeping:
 Increase mothers’ awareness of what gatekeeping
is, how it operates, and how it is sometimes misused
out of anger and hurt
 Offer concrete examples that will facilitate mothers’
understanding of the negative impact of excessive
gatekeeping and the importance of supporting father
involvement (one hand)
 Engage mothers in exercises that will facilitate the
reduction of restrictive maternal gatekeeping
behaviors that inhibit father engagement.
 Great to have staff go through the same exercises as
part of professional development
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
I have purchased and downloaded the Mom As
Gateway program for today’s webinar?
 Yes
 No
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
 Objectives of Workshop
 Increase mother’s awareness of what gatekeeping is, how
it operates, and how it is sometimes misused out of anger
or hurt
 Offer concrete examples that will facilitate mothers’
understanding of negative impact of excessive gatekeeping
and importance of supporting father involvement
 Engage mothers in exercises that will facilitate the
reduction of restrictive maternal gatekeeping behaviors
that inhibit father engagement.
 In PRC’s- help women confront their decisions
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
 Contents:
 Three 90 minute sessions
1. The Role of the Gatekeeper
2. Power & Control in Relationships between Men & Women
3. Minimize Excessive Gatekeeping
 Can be used as stand alone workshop or
 Ideal companion to other programs such as NFI’s
24/7 Dad®, Doctor Dad®, or other father programs.
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
Each session will lay out what is needed for
preparation and set up.
Activity and Time
Session Goal is always listed
Step by Step Procedures
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
Adaptable Alternative scenarios
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
Each session has 3-4 activities
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
Each session has 3-4 activities
and notes to facilitators
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
Each session will have a closing activity
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Mom as Gateway™ Workshop
Each new session will have a ‘check in’ from
the previous session
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Tool Box Strategies
 Conduct Father Friendly Check Up
 Develop a Strategic Plan
 Keep focus on the Child well being
 Ask about dads’ involvement during initial intake
process with moms- Pursue! Ask!
 Use Mom As Gateway™ workshop
 Use Understanding Dad™ program
 Create opportunities for dads and their kids to do
activities together and market to moms as a
“Mom’s Day Off”
 Offer sessions to staff on gender and parenting
differences between moms and dads
 Offer sessions to moms on gender and parenting
differences between moms and dads
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Tool Box Strategies
Create or partner with a resource center for Child Care options in your community
 What is available in the local churches? Church members? Other Moms?
 There are a number of great online resources for Parents and Providers:
 Federal Office of Child Care has:
 Resources for Providers
 Learn what providers should know about child care assistance for families.
 Learn about funding to help start or improve a child care program
 Receive funding to serve children from low-income families
 Resources for Parents
 Find good quality child care
 Find help to pay for child care
 Find your local Head Start program
 Health and safety regulations for child care programs in your State
 Report child abuse and neglect
 Federal Office of Head Start
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Can’t BE what you don’t SEE
 Increasing the skills of the dad, increases the dad’s
confidence as a father.
 Increasing the skills of the dad, increases the mom’s
confidence in him!
 Essential Communication Skills
 Domestic Violence Prevention
Build up Dad’s Skills
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Tool Box Strategies
 Plan activities that will engage dads’ interest
 Small groups
 Fatherhood Resource Centers
 Provide, refer, or connect dads to other
father programs (partners)
 Sports related
 Hands-on
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Awareness of Barriers to Teen Population
 Teen Parents have a myriad of complicated issues
that might impact their level of involvement.
 Practitioners should educate themselves on the
issues of the teen parent population. Issues such
as, housing, access and visitation, generational
gatekeeping*, just to name a few.
 *Moms of moms
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Recruiting and Retaining Teen Fathers
 Any effort to recruit the interest of teen dads should start
with an assessment of your programs father friendliness.
 Establish Trust
 Provide practical help at the onset to include not just
parenting education; but counseling, career development
etc. wrap around services
 Communication and Co-parenting education
 Recruit male volunteers as mentors and workshop
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
 For the Moms
 Mom as Gateway™
 Maternal Gatekeeping
 Involving Moms in Involving Dads
 For the Dads
 DoctorDad® Workshops
 Building Skills
 24/7 Dad Power Hour™
 Building Hearts
Generational Transformation:
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
EvanTell/NFI Webpage:
Sav-A-Life PRC: A Day in the Life of Fatherhood Coordinator Russell Worrell
NFI/Honda Odyssey- Dads Doing Good
Jackie Brewton- Teen Abstinence Speaker
 (Men Ain't Boys) (2:41)
 (Males vs Men) (4:13)
(Basketball star) (4:00)
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
"He will restore the hearts of the fathers to
their children and the hearts of the children
to their fathers...”
 Malachi 4:6
Generational Transformation:
2013 National Fatherhood Initiative
Comments- Questions ?
Thank You!
Ave Mulhern
Make sure to check out the EvanTell webpage

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EvanTell webinar slides_100113.ppt

  • 1. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 1 EvanTell & NFI present: Generational Transformation Using Mom as Gateway™ in Pregnancy Centers
  • 2. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative your LIFE work… And think more about it as promoting… Life ABUNDANT! The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10 I want you to re-think … 2
  • 3. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative I attended either the PRC’s on the Frontlines of Restoring Fatherhood, Restoring Families webinar on September 24th and/or the workshop Reaching Men at the recent Care Net Conference in Denver?  Yes  No POLL 3
  • 4. © EvanTell, 2013. The Lord’s Network™ for At-Risk Families The Lord is Building a Safety Net for At-Risk Families Nationwide Training and Equipping the Body of Christ To Share The Gospel. Clearly and Simply. Online for Life 750+ faith-based Pregnancy Centers The Local Church Save the Mother, Save Her Child® Partners Equipping the Body of Christ to Serve Families Nationwide Reaching at-risk families – helping them choose life – equipping them for abundant life!
  • 5. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 5 Poll: What statement best represents your relationship with your father either past or present? A. It is/was great! He was/is involved, responsible, and committed to me. B. He was a good dad – but wish it was more C. He was not a good father D. I knew who he was, but I didn’t know him- he doesn’t know me E. Didn’t know him/don’t know who he is
  • 6. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 6 Message:
  • 7. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 7 Stages of Adoption  Awareness I know there is a problem.  Interest I want to find out more.  Decision I have to do something.  Implementation This is what I am going to do.
  • 8. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Overview of the Workshop  About Generational Transformation  About NFI  Why fathers matter  Defining “gateway and gatekeeper”  What is Maternal Gatekeeping?  Behavioral Aspects, Reasons and Affects of Maternal Gatekeeping  Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Content  Strategies for getting moms involved in your fatherhood involvement efforts  Comments & Questions
  • 9. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative  For the Moms  Mom as Gateway™  Maternal Gatekeeping  Involving Moms in Involving Dads ________________________________________________  For the Dads  DoctorDad® Workshops  Building Skills  24/7 Dad Power Hour™  Building Hearts Generational Transformation: 9
  • 10. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 10 NFI is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that was founded in 1994 to begin a society-wide movement to renew fatherhood in America. National Fatherhood Initiative Mission: To improve the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children with involved, responsible, and committed fathers in their lives. Educate Educate and inspire all Americans, especially fathers, through public awareness campaigns, research, and other resources. Equip Equip fathers & develop leaders of national, state, and community fatherhood initiatives through curricula, training, and technical assistance. Engage Engage every sector of society through strategic alliances and partnerships. NFI’s Mission is carried out using a “Three E” Strategy Who Is NFI?
  • 11. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative NFI, continued Key Message: Fathers are Irreplaceable & an Essential Ingredient for Child Well-Being
  • 12. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative So, What Areas do Fatherlessness Impact?  Poverty  Emotional/Behavior  Maternal and Child health  Crime/Incarceration  Sexual Activity and Teen Pregnancy  Child Abuse  Child Obesity  Education
  • 13. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Impact on Maternal and Child Health:  Babies with a father’s name on the birth certificate are 4 times more likely to live past 1 year of age!  Source: Alio, A.P., Mbah, A.K., Kornosky, J.L., Marty, P.J. & Salihu, H.M. "The Impact of Paternal Involvement on Feto-Infant. Morbidity among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics". Matern Child Health J. 2010; 14(5): 735-41  Infant mortality rates are 1.8 times higher for infants of unmarried mothers than for married mothers.  Source: Matthews, T.J., Sally C. Curtin, and Marian F. MacDorman. Infant Mortality Statistics from the 1998 Period Linked Birth/Infant  A study of 2,921 mothers revealed that single mothers were twice as likely as married mothers to experience a bout of depression in the prior year. Single mothers also reported higher levels of stress, fewer contacts with family and friends, less involvement with church or social groups and less overall social support.  Source: Cairney, John and Michael Boyle et al. “Stress, Social Support and Depression in Single and Married Mothers.” Social. Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 38 (August 2003): 442-449
  • 14. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Impact on Teen Pregnancy & Sexual Activity:  Being raised by a single mother raises the risk of teen pregnancy, marrying with less than a high school degree, and forming a marriage where both partners have less than a high school degree.  Source: Teachman, Jay D. “The Childhood Living Arrangements of Children and the Characteristics of Their Marriages.” Journal of Family Issues 25 (January 2004): 86-111.  ...adolescents in father-absent homes were more likely to report being sexually active compared to adolescents living with their fathers...the study also revealed a statistical significance between father absence and adolescent self-esteem  Source: Hendricks, C. S., Cesario, S. K., Murdaugh, C., Gibbons, M. E., Servonsky, E. J., Bobadilla, R. V., Hendricks, D. L., Spencer-. Morgan, B., & Tavakoli, A. (2005). The influence of father absence on the self-esteem and self-reported sexual activity of rural. Southern adolescents. ABNF Journal, 16, 124-131.): 442-449  ...based on the study, findings, the inability to bond in satisfactory ways with a father or father figure may result in earlier onset of sexual activity and the higher risk of teen pregnancy.  Source: Burn, V. E. (2008). Living without a strong father figure: A context for teen mothers’ experience of having become sexually active. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 29, 279–297.
  • 15. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 15 Children in father-absent homes are two to five times more likely to:  live in poverty  fail in school  develop emotional or behavioral problems  abuse drugs  be abused and neglected  become involved in crime  commit suicide Why Fathers Matter > The Consequences of Father Absence > The Benefits of Father Involvement Children with involved fathers are more likely to have:  better cognitive outcomes, even as infants  higher self-esteem and less depression as teenagers  higher grades, test scores, and overall academic achievement  lower levels of drug and alcohol use  higher levels of empathy and other pro-social behavior
  • 16. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative NFI’s National Surveys
  • 17. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative There is a father absence crisis... 93 91 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent who agree there is a father absence crisis Moms Dads
  • 18. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative … But Dads are Seen as “Replaceable” 55 66 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of moms who agree that fathers are replaceable By mothers By other males What moms think…
  • 19. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Do Dads Have the Skills? • Over half of dads feel they are replaceable. • Only half of dads reported that they felt ready to be fathers when they first became fathers. • Only a third of dads strongly agree with the statement that they have all the necessary skills and knowledge to be good fathers. What Dads think… 2006 Pop’s Culture: A National Survey of Dads’ Attitudes on Fathering
  • 20. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Do Dads Have the Skills? (cont.) • Moms not living with dads reported “lack of knowledge about how to be a good dad” as the biggest obstacle to good fathering and “lack of parenting resources designed specifically for fathers” as 3rd highest. These obstacles ranked 3rd and 4th for moms overall! • Moms not living with dads were very dissatisfied with dad’s performance… 2009 Mama Says: A National Survey of Mothers’ Attitudes on Fathering What Moms think…
  • 21. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Moms and Dads Disagree on Obstacles What Dads Overall Think The Obstacles Are 1. Work responsibilities 2. Media/popular culture 3. Financial problems 4. Lack of knowledge 5. Child’s mother* What Moms Overall Think The Obstacles Are 1. Work responsibilities 2. Dad’s relationship with own dad 3. Lack of knowledge 4. Lack of parenting resources for dads 5. Lack of support from relatives/friends
  • 22. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 22 NRFCBI Logic Model Barriers to Engagement Studies suggest that fathers are not engaged in child welfare processes because:  Child welfare agencies have a history of being primarily mother focused  Some child welfare caseworkers view involving fathers as complicated and burdensome  Child welfare agencies are hesitant or fear involving fathers with a history of domestic violence because their engagement may compromise mothers’ and children’s safety Sources: Dungee Greene, A. & Anderson Moore, K. “Nonresident Father Involvement and Child Well-Being among Young Children in Families on Welfare.: Marriage & Family Review, 29(2/3), 2000, 159-180; Franck, E. “Outreach to Birthfathers of Children in Out of Home Care.” Child Welfare, 80(3) 2001,381-399; Malm, Murray & Geen, 2006; O’Hagan, K. “The Problem of Engaging Men in Child Protection Work.” British Journal of Social Work, 27(1), 1997,25-42.
  • 23. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 23 NRFCBI Logic Model Barriers to Engagement Studies suggest that fathers are not engaged in child welfare processes because:  Child welfare caseworkers may view fathers as insignificant to the family unit, or may avoid fathers out of fear of violent reactions, or have a general distrust of men  Some fathers need assistance with parenting skills before assuming a more prominent role in their children’s lives  Some out-of-State fathers cannot access reliable transportation Sources: Dungee Greene, A. & Anderson Moore, K. “Nonresident Father Involvement and Child Well-Being among Young Children in Families on Welfare.: Marriage & Family Review, 29(2/3), 2000, 159-180; Franck, E. “Outreach to Birthfathers of Children in Out of Home Care.” Child Welfare, 80(3) 2001,381-399; Malm, Murray & Geen, 2006; O’Hagan, K. “The Problem of Engaging Men in Child Protection Work.” British Journal of Social Work, 27(1), 1997,25-42.
  • 24. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 24 NRFCBI Logic Model Barriers to Engagement The Quality Improvement Center on Non-Resident Fathers (QIC-NRF) conducted numerous focus group and interviews with child welfare professionals, asking them what their barriers to father engagement were. They said:  Lack of training for child welfare professionals  Unfriendly “father” environment  Lack of interagency collaboration to locate fathers (e.g. child support agency connections  Lack of policy/procedures to help identify, locate, and contact fathers  Worker reluctance to contact fathers  Feeling that it makes case management more difficult  Mothers act as “gatekeepers”  Fathers don’t want to be contacted  Protecting informal support arrangement  Domestic violence issues  Don’t know the father’s identity
  • 25. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Barriers to Engagement: What are the possible barriers in pregnancy centers? Men in the center? (what is the message—are all men unsafe?) Are we waiting for all things to fall in place? (will that ever happen?) Are assumptions for what is best correct? Wasting God given opportunities? Can’t get male volunteers Have male volunteers- don’t know what to do with them Can’t get men/dads in the center Have men/dads but don’t know what to do with them Maternal Gatekeeping
  • 26. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative New or Expectant Fathers say...  My dad was never there. I want to be there for my kids.  I realize the impact that my father had on me. Even though he wasn’t there, he made a huge impact on my life- he left a lot of questions unanswered.  I’m here because I want to do things right!  I want to give my child the one thing I never had, an involved father!  I want to get this one right!  A survey of 1521 working dads in 2007 indicated that 38 percent would take a pay cut to spend more time with their children
  • 27. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Defining Terms:  Gateway: an opening to a main entrance or exit way.  Gatekeeper: a person who controls access. Merriam Webster’s Definitions
  • 28. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative What Is Maternal Gatekeeping?  Refers to a mother’s protective beliefs about the desirability of a father’s involvement in their child’s life, and the behaviors acted upon that either facilitate or hinder collaborative childrearing between the parents.
  • 29. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 29 Maternal Gatekeeping (cont’d)  Another Definition  A collection of beliefs and behaviors that may inhibit a collaborative effort between men and women in family work.  Behaviors  Assume primary responsibility for childrearing tasks.  Criticize the father’s actions when he is involved.
  • 30. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Behavioral Aspects  How the mother speaks about the father in the presence of their child  To what extent the father is included or updated on the child’s health, schooling or social life  The extent to which the mother communicates to the father that she knows what is best for their child and the correct way to do things—while he does not. An example from a “fatherhood expert”: Dads Doing Good- Mobile Library Dad's Doing Good/Honda Odyssey/ Mobile Library
  • 31. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Reasons for Maternal Gatekeeping  Difficulty relinquishing familial responsibility  Validation of her identity as the “mother”  Age of the child  View the father as incompetent or even dangerous to the child  Based on actual evidence; or  On personal perceptions of him and his failures in the male familial role  Don’t know? – Do know? JackieBrewton 31
  • 32. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Affects of Maternal Gatekeeping  The ability of the child to adjust to parental divorce or separation is weakened  Can damage the father-child relationship  Can damage the parents’ ability to cooperate and keep their conflict levels low and out of the child’s earshot or awareness  Threat to the overall well-being and adjustment of the child 32
  • 33. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Dr. Kyle Pruett Study  Mothers hold infants 9 out 10 times in the same position. Fathers hold infants10 out of 10 times in different positions.  During play with children, mothers use external objects (ex., toys, books, balls) but fathers use their bodies.  When children encounter novel situations, fathers are generally 3 times the distance away from mothers’ position.
  • 34. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Behavioral Aspects  Studies have demonstrated that when mothers perceived their partners as motivated and competent to engage in child care responsibilities, fathers were more involved in childcare.
  • 35. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Research  Overall, the implication is that the relationship between father’s perceived investment in their actual levels of paternal involvement are moderated by mothers beliefs about the role of the father.  There is a strong implication that mothers perceptions of the paternal role are better predictors of father involvement than fathers’ own perceptions of the paternal role. Paternal Identity, Maternal Gatekeeping, and Father Involvement (Family Relations, 54 (July 2005), 360- 372.Blackwell Publishing.)
  • 36. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Things to include when addressing Gatekeeping:  Increase mothers’ awareness of what gatekeeping is, how it operates, and how it is sometimes misused out of anger and hurt  Offer concrete examples that will facilitate mothers’ understanding of the negative impact of excessive gatekeeping and the importance of supporting father involvement (one hand)  Engage mothers in exercises that will facilitate the reduction of restrictive maternal gatekeeping behaviors that inhibit father engagement.  Great to have staff go through the same exercises as part of professional development
  • 37. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative I have purchased and downloaded the Mom As Gateway program for today’s webinar?  Yes  No POLL 37
  • 38. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop  Objectives of Workshop  Increase mother’s awareness of what gatekeeping is, how it operates, and how it is sometimes misused out of anger or hurt  Offer concrete examples that will facilitate mothers’ understanding of negative impact of excessive gatekeeping and importance of supporting father involvement  Engage mothers in exercises that will facilitate the reduction of restrictive maternal gatekeeping behaviors that inhibit father engagement.  In PRC’s- help women confront their decisions
  • 39. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop  Contents:  Three 90 minute sessions 1. The Role of the Gatekeeper 2. Power & Control in Relationships between Men & Women 3. Minimize Excessive Gatekeeping  Can be used as stand alone workshop or  Ideal companion to other programs such as NFI’s 24/7 Dad®, Doctor Dad®, or other father programs.
  • 40. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Each session will lay out what is needed for preparation and set up. Activity and Time Session Goal is always listed Step by Step Procedures
  • 41. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Adaptable Alternative scenarios
  • 42. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Each session has 3-4 activities
  • 43. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Each session has 3-4 activities and notes to facilitators
  • 44. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Each session will have a closing activity
  • 45. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Mom as Gateway™ Workshop Each new session will have a ‘check in’ from the previous session
  • 46. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Tool Box Strategies  Conduct Father Friendly Check Up  Develop a Strategic Plan  Keep focus on the Child well being  Ask about dads’ involvement during initial intake process with moms- Pursue! Ask!  Use Mom As Gateway™ workshop  Use Understanding Dad™ program  Create opportunities for dads and their kids to do activities together and market to moms as a “Mom’s Day Off”  Offer sessions to staff on gender and parenting differences between moms and dads  Offer sessions to moms on gender and parenting differences between moms and dads
  • 47. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Tool Box Strategies Create or partner with a resource center for Child Care options in your community  What is available in the local churches? Church members? Other Moms?  There are a number of great online resources for Parents and Providers:  Federal Office of Child Care has:  Resources for Providers  Learn what providers should know about child care assistance for families.  Learn about funding to help start or improve a child care program  Receive funding to serve children from low-income families  Resources for Parents  Find good quality child care  Find help to pay for child care  Find your local Head Start program  Health and safety regulations for child care programs in your State  Report child abuse and neglect      Federal Office of Head Start
  • 48. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Can’t BE what you don’t SEE  Increasing the skills of the dad, increases the dad’s confidence as a father.  Increasing the skills of the dad, increases the mom’s confidence in him!  Essential Communication Skills  Domestic Violence Prevention Build up Dad’s Skills 48
  • 49. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Tool Box Strategies  Plan activities that will engage dads’ interest  Small groups  Fatherhood Resource Centers  Provide, refer, or connect dads to other father programs (partners)  Sports related  Hands-on
  • 50. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 50 Awareness of Barriers to Teen Population  Teen Parents have a myriad of complicated issues that might impact their level of involvement.  Practitioners should educate themselves on the issues of the teen parent population. Issues such as, housing, access and visitation, generational gatekeeping*, just to name a few.  *Moms of moms
  • 51. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative 51 Recruiting and Retaining Teen Fathers  Any effort to recruit the interest of teen dads should start with an assessment of your programs father friendliness.  Establish Trust  Provide practical help at the onset to include not just parenting education; but counseling, career development etc. wrap around services  Communication and Co-parenting education  Recruit male volunteers as mentors and workshop facilitators/counselors.
  • 52. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative  For the Moms  Mom as Gateway™  Maternal Gatekeeping  Involving Moms in Involving Dads ________________________________________________  For the Dads  DoctorDad® Workshops  Building Skills  24/7 Dad Power Hour™  Building Hearts Generational Transformation: 52
  • 53. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative EvanTell/NFI Webpage: Videos: Sav-A-Life PRC: A Day in the Life of Fatherhood Coordinator Russell Worrell  NFI/Honda Odyssey- Dads Doing Good  ZQVPEW5Gp3g0 Jackie Brewton- Teen Abstinence Speaker  (Men Ain't Boys) (2:41)  (Males vs Men) (4:13)  (Basketball star) (4:00) Resources: 53
  • 54. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative "He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers...”  Malachi 4:6 Generational Transformation: 54
  • 55. 2013 National Fatherhood Initiative Comments- Questions ? Thank You! Ave Mulhern 240-912-1265 Make sure to check out the EvanTell webpage

Editor's Notes

  1. Part of Generational Transformation is working with both mom (via PRC’s) and with dads (vis church mentors)
  2. We will talk later about the actual stats on why fathers matter
  3. Facilitator: How does this impact your ability to share the gospel with the moms
  4. In situations with parents not living together- mom may say she doesn’t know who the dad is ‘with’ re: friends/aquaintances or may say don’t want child near his friends/acquaintances – if they don’t know who they are – how do they know they are not good? Are the moms making the right choices in friends/aquaintances as well.
  5. Part of Generational Transformation is working with both mom (via PRC’s) and with dads (vis church mentors)
  6. Part of Generational Transformation is working with both mom (via PRC’s) and with dads (vis church mentors)