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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Evaluation Overview
This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects.
When using this form, it is good practice to:
• Use appropriate terminology.
• Stay concise and focus on key points.
• Evaluate and analyse your statements.
• Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made.
Delete this slide when done!
Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level.
Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
What was the theme of your project and
what attracted you to it?
The theme of my project was centered around cars and the jobs that surround
them. I was attracted to this theme due to my love for cars from a very young age
so naturally this theme came to me as I wanted to create something that I have a
passion for, so I am more motivated and put more effort into the project as it is
something I am passionate about. I had already decided well before the project
started, that I wanted to do something with cars, and I also knew it was going to be
a documentary style video. It was also made easier because I already knew so
much about this theme already, so I could go straight into the project with a goal in
mind. I grew up watching Top Gears and other similar car related shows, so this
also helped spark my love for this theme and make me want to take it further.
What research did you undertake and how did
it help develop your project?
I started my research off by looking at other professionals in the business who
were either involved with documentaries, cars or both. This helped immensely as it
allowed me to see what the professionals would do and how I could mimic that
within my physical and technical limits to produce a high-quality product. I also
researched into my primary target audience to find out what makes them
interested in other similar themed products, this helped me create a more specific
theme as I knew what my target audience wanted to see. I did also look at existing
products to see what other people had been making so I could get some ideas for
my own project that will propel it further. I think the existing products was the
most crucial part of the research as prior to this project, I hadn’t really seen many
serious car documentaries myself, so it was incredibly useful to look at how the
format them and how they put them together.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
I started off with a basic plan of getting my interview onto a documentary and
showing some relevant footage to what the interview is talking about. I then
developed on this idea by deciding to create a website to go alongside the
documentary which will further the brand. I also developed my idea of the
documentary during production as I wanted a simple project for starters but then
deciding to add a few more detailed elements to the production. I didn’t really
have an idea for my articles at the start of the project other than the fact I just
knew they would be car related. However, I did develop this idea better as I got to
the car event then seeing the cars sparked the ideas for the individual articles. I
always had the interest in JDM cars so once I saw them at the event, I instantly
knew I wanted to write an article about them, so I found the nicest ones I could at
the event and proceeded to write a short description of the cars.
What was the outcome of the project/task?
The outcome was almost just as planned because I stuck to my planning quite well. I managed to
produce my website, similar to my layout plans, the gallery came out good as I only had to do a
little bit of photograph editing as the lighting that day was quite nice so there was good visibility
and there wasn’t any streaks of lighting going across the camera, disrupting the images. The
articles (once I knew the topic) were quite easy to write as I am very passionate about the theme
of my project so I know a lot about the articles. The documentary also came out almost as
planned, the interview went amazing, I went there with a question list and got the answers and
footage I needed. The interview was easy to conduct as I have interacted with him before due to
him being a family friend, it gave me all the information I needed and I also got the perfect
footage to match the interview. The car event was also a huge success as I gained plenty of
footage that worked well on my documentary as well as the event also inspiring me for some of
the articles. The last thing I needed was a royalty free backing track to go on the video, so I
looked for a calm hip-hop beat which I found was a common staple of car documentaries due to
my research.
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
How did you feel about the project before you
I felt quite confident when the project started as I was given freedom to be able to
do what I wanted, create what I wanted with the theme I wanted. I instantly knew
that I wanted to do something relating to cars as I quickly determined that creating
a project about something you are passionate about, makes it a lot easier as you
have more passion for the project. I was also quite confident due to my previous
year on the course after learning different tips, tricks and techniques. On my
previous project, I created a mockumentary which is obviously like the
documentary I made on this project but just completely flipped, this gave me a bit
more confidence as I had a rough idea of a layout that the documentary needed to
be, but it was however my first serious documentary, so a little bit of nerves came
from there. In another previous project, I had conducted an interview meaning I
was confident on that front as I knew techniques and what type of questions to
Did you collaborate on your project or engage
contributors, etc.?
I did collaborate on this project with someone involved in the content of the
documentary and help with the technical production of it as well. For the content
of documentary, I visited Ted Welford, he is a car journalist during the week and
valets' cars on the weekend. Ted works at Blackball media as a staff writer who
spends his time researching different topics and finding an automotive angle on
different global events. Ted also, on a weekend, spends his time valeting cars for a
cost due to his love and passion for them. My sister has been good friends with Ted
for a multiple number of years now, so I was easily able to contact him through
Facebook messenger to organize an interview and shooting date. The person who
helped with the production of my project was Bertie, a fellow peer who helped me,
especially when it came to filming the event as he was the one who drove me
there and helped film some important shots.
How did you feel when the project was completed
and why?
I felt a sense of relief once I had finished the project due to being pushed for time, I
will openly admit that I maybe had wasted time doing irrelevant things during my
lesson time slots for this project which should have been better used to finish my
project, but I left myself enough time to finish my project to a good standard. I do
also have a sense of pride in my work, I believe I have achieved what I aimed to do
at the start of the project, so I am proud of myself for achieving the deadline and
completing my work. I also feel a little nervous as this project is quite important to
me, as this determines the final grade, I will leave this College and course with. I
am aiming to go to university at the end of this year meaning I will need to get a
grade so I can achieve that goal.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it
is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and
what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3,
more if possible]
• One good point would be that I have learnt and developed on my skills and
techniques. I have learnt more about interview techniques and how to effectively
conduct one, and the main technical ability I have learnt is how to edit audio to a
high quality.
• Another good point would be my planning, I feel I did a good job of my planning
this time around in terms of sticking to it, I feel I planned out roughly what I
needed to do and how it should look so when it came to production, I could
easily just put it all into place.
• The final good point I believe was my decision making when it came to theme. I
think the decision to make my theme cars, was a huge decision as it made it so
that I was able to put passion into my project.
What challenges did you face and how did you
respond to them? Try and think of at least 3...
• I think the main challenge I faced when it came to this project was time
management which was all down to me. I made some stupid decisions to do
other things when I should have been doing work but overall, I have managed to
get the work done by making up for lost time in my own time.
• Another challenge was originally collecting footage, the interview was fine for
collecting footage as that was a date I could organize for whenever, but the event
was a challenge as I had to find an event that worked well for my timing. The
event was held on the weekend before the last week of production, so it was a
squeeze to edit it all in one week, but I managed to do it.
• The final challenge I faced was lack of mobility, at the time of gaining footage, I
was unable to drive so I had to rely on other people to take me places, so I feel I
would have been able to get a bit more footage for my documentary if I could
have driven myself to places.
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines
of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
I personally think my final piece is bouncing between satisfactory and good and
could go either way. I have put effort into this project, but I feel the main thing that
let my down overall was my time management. I feel if I could have managed my
time better, I could have got myself a guaranteed good that may borderline
excellent. I feel my actual final product piece would maybe fit into the good
category but maybe something like my research where I maybe didn’t put in
enough time or effort as I should have will let me down. Overall, I am pleased with
my work, and I feel will be enough to see me through this course.
How well did your project apply the characteristics
and conventions of the medium you worked in?
I did try to apply the characteristics of the medium to my project as best as
possible by including things that you would normally see in a typical interview. One
of the major characteristics of a documentary is an interview, these are quite
crucial as you learn and speak to a professional or someone with experience rather
than just me trying to think of all the information I can or rather googling it to find
out. I also got the necessary clips that looked as professional as possible that would
fit into a documentary style video and not just a random photoshoot. I also feel I
applied the characteristics of a typical news-based website well as I kept the site
nice and simple, being easy to navigate with no flashy, pointless transitions that
just get in the way.
How did you design appeal to your target audience?
Right at the start of the project, I did some extensive research into my target
audience to find out the predominant gender, interests and lots of other
information so I could specifically target the right audience when it came to
production. I wanted to know specifics such as, the population of the UK in relation
to how many people hold a full drivers license, how many own a car, the
percentage of people who pass first time, all of which can be useful to determine
who has an interest in cars and driving, even if its to a small extent. I found out
about colour schemes, warm, cold, etc. to help build the website, all of which did
alter the production so I could tailor it towards them.
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions informed the project development and the success of the
What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings?
Feedback 1
Video- The positive things said here about the video was that ‘the music is calm
and relaxing which makes the video easy to watch’ which was the exact style I was
going for and that the they like ‘how the videos over the interview relate to what
the interview is saying’ which I thought made sense to do when editing. The
improvements were that the short slideshow transitions of images ‘were too fast’
which I do agree with as it doesn’t give you much time to see them and that my
voice in the interview was quite which I did on purpose to show that I'm not the
Website- They like how the website is ‘easy and clean with tabs to navigate’, I got
this from my existing product research which I found to be effective. They also like
the ‘strong colour of the cars I photographed’ which was done with intention, but
they would also improve on making the text and colour scheme of the whole site
to be bolder to fit the masculine theme.
Feedback 2
Video- Here I was complimented on the interview being interesting and saying I
asked the right questions to get a lot out of the interviewee and that they learn
from it as well. Similar to the last feedback, they also liked how I played clips over
the top of the interview of footage relevant to what was being discussed. Their
improvement was the same as the previous feedback where I was too quiet but I
explained why I disagree on the previous slide.
Website- They also complimented how easy accessible the website was and how
the photo gallery of the cars makes it stand out a lot. They also like how on the
gallery, when you click on a pic of a car, it shows what the car is called but they said
to improve, I should maybe add a brief description of the car as well which I totally
agree with.
Feedback 3
Video- I was once again complimented on the fact they like how the voice over
represents what's going on in the video to give them more insight into what's
happening. They also like the smoothness of the transitions which they said makes
the flow of the video better, and the music helps to show I have clearly set out the
style I’m going for. The one improvement would be during the interview to ask
more about where he wants to take his journalism job and his car valet job in the
future which I totally agree with.
Website- They have said how the website is very visually pleasing and how the
colours make the website stand out whilst also being simplistic. They like the
modern look it has and the ease of access when looking for a certain article. The
one improvement they would have liked to have seen was some more detail on the
car journalism article which would explain it in greater detail.
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
identify ways you could develop.
How could you develop your skills for future projects?
Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For
example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and
I feel I could develop my skills in multiple areas such as software ability, time
management, research, etc. I have learnt from this project, that research is one of
the most crucial parts of the project as that is what I tailored my entire production
around, I feel I maybe didn’t research into my target audience enough and not
effective enough so I could maybe develop that by collecting some more primary
research next time. I also definitely need to sort out my time management more, I
feel the best way to do this would to be set myself strict deadlines and if I don’t
finish what I need to in the personal deadline, then I must finish it in my own spare
time rather than doing something I enjoy. Also, my software skills could be more
up to date, I can improve on this by watching tutorials from professionals and also
conducting more experiments with relevant work.
What personal attributes could you develop to
ensure you are working at a professional level?
I do try to make my work as professional as possible but there are a lot of things
that I do and don’t do that bring me down to an amateur level. Professionals need
to make sure their time schedule is strict and strong to ensure they are producing
what they need to by the deadline they have been given. They also maintain a high
standard throughout there work, meaning every piece of the project from research
to production to evaluation is all kept at the same high standard without letting
one section slip. To work at a professional level, feedback is crucial as you can learn
a lot from what other professionals think of your work, what you have done well,
so you can keep continuously doing that in future projects, and what isn’t so great
so you can learn to improve on that to take your project up to a higher-level next

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  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Evaluation Overview This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects. When using this form, it is good practice to: • Use appropriate terminology. • Stay concise and focus on key points. • Evaluate and analyse your statements. • Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made. Delete this slide when done! Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level. Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
  • 3. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
  • 4. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? The theme of my project was centered around cars and the jobs that surround them. I was attracted to this theme due to my love for cars from a very young age so naturally this theme came to me as I wanted to create something that I have a passion for, so I am more motivated and put more effort into the project as it is something I am passionate about. I had already decided well before the project started, that I wanted to do something with cars, and I also knew it was going to be a documentary style video. It was also made easier because I already knew so much about this theme already, so I could go straight into the project with a goal in mind. I grew up watching Top Gears and other similar car related shows, so this also helped spark my love for this theme and make me want to take it further.
  • 5. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? I started my research off by looking at other professionals in the business who were either involved with documentaries, cars or both. This helped immensely as it allowed me to see what the professionals would do and how I could mimic that within my physical and technical limits to produce a high-quality product. I also researched into my primary target audience to find out what makes them interested in other similar themed products, this helped me create a more specific theme as I knew what my target audience wanted to see. I did also look at existing products to see what other people had been making so I could get some ideas for my own project that will propel it further. I think the existing products was the most crucial part of the research as prior to this project, I hadn’t really seen many serious car documentaries myself, so it was incredibly useful to look at how the format them and how they put them together.
  • 6. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? I started off with a basic plan of getting my interview onto a documentary and showing some relevant footage to what the interview is talking about. I then developed on this idea by deciding to create a website to go alongside the documentary which will further the brand. I also developed my idea of the documentary during production as I wanted a simple project for starters but then deciding to add a few more detailed elements to the production. I didn’t really have an idea for my articles at the start of the project other than the fact I just knew they would be car related. However, I did develop this idea better as I got to the car event then seeing the cars sparked the ideas for the individual articles. I always had the interest in JDM cars so once I saw them at the event, I instantly knew I wanted to write an article about them, so I found the nicest ones I could at the event and proceeded to write a short description of the cars.
  • 7. What was the outcome of the project/task? The outcome was almost just as planned because I stuck to my planning quite well. I managed to produce my website, similar to my layout plans, the gallery came out good as I only had to do a little bit of photograph editing as the lighting that day was quite nice so there was good visibility and there wasn’t any streaks of lighting going across the camera, disrupting the images. The articles (once I knew the topic) were quite easy to write as I am very passionate about the theme of my project so I know a lot about the articles. The documentary also came out almost as planned, the interview went amazing, I went there with a question list and got the answers and footage I needed. The interview was easy to conduct as I have interacted with him before due to him being a family friend, it gave me all the information I needed and I also got the perfect footage to match the interview. The car event was also a huge success as I gained plenty of footage that worked well on my documentary as well as the event also inspiring me for some of the articles. The last thing I needed was a royalty free backing track to go on the video, so I looked for a calm hip-hop beat which I found was a common staple of car documentaries due to my research.
  • 8. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
  • 9. How did you feel about the project before you started? I felt quite confident when the project started as I was given freedom to be able to do what I wanted, create what I wanted with the theme I wanted. I instantly knew that I wanted to do something relating to cars as I quickly determined that creating a project about something you are passionate about, makes it a lot easier as you have more passion for the project. I was also quite confident due to my previous year on the course after learning different tips, tricks and techniques. On my previous project, I created a mockumentary which is obviously like the documentary I made on this project but just completely flipped, this gave me a bit more confidence as I had a rough idea of a layout that the documentary needed to be, but it was however my first serious documentary, so a little bit of nerves came from there. In another previous project, I had conducted an interview meaning I was confident on that front as I knew techniques and what type of questions to ask.
  • 10. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc.? I did collaborate on this project with someone involved in the content of the documentary and help with the technical production of it as well. For the content of documentary, I visited Ted Welford, he is a car journalist during the week and valets' cars on the weekend. Ted works at Blackball media as a staff writer who spends his time researching different topics and finding an automotive angle on different global events. Ted also, on a weekend, spends his time valeting cars for a cost due to his love and passion for them. My sister has been good friends with Ted for a multiple number of years now, so I was easily able to contact him through Facebook messenger to organize an interview and shooting date. The person who helped with the production of my project was Bertie, a fellow peer who helped me, especially when it came to filming the event as he was the one who drove me there and helped film some important shots.
  • 11. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? I felt a sense of relief once I had finished the project due to being pushed for time, I will openly admit that I maybe had wasted time doing irrelevant things during my lesson time slots for this project which should have been better used to finish my project, but I left myself enough time to finish my project to a good standard. I do also have a sense of pride in my work, I believe I have achieved what I aimed to do at the start of the project, so I am proud of myself for achieving the deadline and completing my work. I also feel a little nervous as this project is quite important to me, as this determines the final grade, I will leave this College and course with. I am aiming to go to university at the end of this year meaning I will need to get a grade so I can achieve that goal.
  • 12. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information, but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 13. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible] • One good point would be that I have learnt and developed on my skills and techniques. I have learnt more about interview techniques and how to effectively conduct one, and the main technical ability I have learnt is how to edit audio to a high quality. • Another good point would be my planning, I feel I did a good job of my planning this time around in terms of sticking to it, I feel I planned out roughly what I needed to do and how it should look so when it came to production, I could easily just put it all into place. • The final good point I believe was my decision making when it came to theme. I think the decision to make my theme cars, was a huge decision as it made it so that I was able to put passion into my project.
  • 14. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3... • I think the main challenge I faced when it came to this project was time management which was all down to me. I made some stupid decisions to do other things when I should have been doing work but overall, I have managed to get the work done by making up for lost time in my own time. • Another challenge was originally collecting footage, the interview was fine for collecting footage as that was a date I could organize for whenever, but the event was a challenge as I had to find an event that worked well for my timing. The event was held on the weekend before the last week of production, so it was a squeeze to edit it all in one week, but I managed to do it. • The final challenge I faced was lack of mobility, at the time of gaining footage, I was unable to drive so I had to rely on other people to take me places, so I feel I would have been able to get a bit more footage for my documentary if I could have driven myself to places.
  • 15. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] I personally think my final piece is bouncing between satisfactory and good and could go either way. I have put effort into this project, but I feel the main thing that let my down overall was my time management. I feel if I could have managed my time better, I could have got myself a guaranteed good that may borderline excellent. I feel my actual final product piece would maybe fit into the good category but maybe something like my research where I maybe didn’t put in enough time or effort as I should have will let me down. Overall, I am pleased with my work, and I feel will be enough to see me through this course.
  • 16. How well did your project apply the characteristics and conventions of the medium you worked in? I did try to apply the characteristics of the medium to my project as best as possible by including things that you would normally see in a typical interview. One of the major characteristics of a documentary is an interview, these are quite crucial as you learn and speak to a professional or someone with experience rather than just me trying to think of all the information I can or rather googling it to find out. I also got the necessary clips that looked as professional as possible that would fit into a documentary style video and not just a random photoshoot. I also feel I applied the characteristics of a typical news-based website well as I kept the site nice and simple, being easy to navigate with no flashy, pointless transitions that just get in the way.
  • 17. How did you design appeal to your target audience? Right at the start of the project, I did some extensive research into my target audience to find out the predominant gender, interests and lots of other information so I could specifically target the right audience when it came to production. I wanted to know specifics such as, the population of the UK in relation to how many people hold a full drivers license, how many own a car, the percentage of people who pass first time, all of which can be useful to determine who has an interest in cars and driving, even if its to a small extent. I found out about colour schemes, warm, cold, etc. to help build the website, all of which did alter the production so I could tailor it towards them.
  • 18. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 19. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? Feedback 1 Video- The positive things said here about the video was that ‘the music is calm and relaxing which makes the video easy to watch’ which was the exact style I was going for and that the they like ‘how the videos over the interview relate to what the interview is saying’ which I thought made sense to do when editing. The improvements were that the short slideshow transitions of images ‘were too fast’ which I do agree with as it doesn’t give you much time to see them and that my voice in the interview was quite which I did on purpose to show that I'm not the focus. Website- They like how the website is ‘easy and clean with tabs to navigate’, I got this from my existing product research which I found to be effective. They also like the ‘strong colour of the cars I photographed’ which was done with intention, but they would also improve on making the text and colour scheme of the whole site to be bolder to fit the masculine theme.
  • 20. Feedback 2 Video- Here I was complimented on the interview being interesting and saying I asked the right questions to get a lot out of the interviewee and that they learn from it as well. Similar to the last feedback, they also liked how I played clips over the top of the interview of footage relevant to what was being discussed. Their improvement was the same as the previous feedback where I was too quiet but I explained why I disagree on the previous slide. Website- They also complimented how easy accessible the website was and how the photo gallery of the cars makes it stand out a lot. They also like how on the gallery, when you click on a pic of a car, it shows what the car is called but they said to improve, I should maybe add a brief description of the car as well which I totally agree with.
  • 21. Feedback 3 Video- I was once again complimented on the fact they like how the voice over represents what's going on in the video to give them more insight into what's happening. They also like the smoothness of the transitions which they said makes the flow of the video better, and the music helps to show I have clearly set out the style I’m going for. The one improvement would be during the interview to ask more about where he wants to take his journalism job and his car valet job in the future which I totally agree with. Website- They have said how the website is very visually pleasing and how the colours make the website stand out whilst also being simplistic. They like the modern look it has and the ease of access when looking for a certain article. The one improvement they would have liked to have seen was some more detail on the car journalism article which would explain it in greater detail.
  • 22. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and identify ways you could develop.
  • 23. How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications. I feel I could develop my skills in multiple areas such as software ability, time management, research, etc. I have learnt from this project, that research is one of the most crucial parts of the project as that is what I tailored my entire production around, I feel I maybe didn’t research into my target audience enough and not effective enough so I could maybe develop that by collecting some more primary research next time. I also definitely need to sort out my time management more, I feel the best way to do this would to be set myself strict deadlines and if I don’t finish what I need to in the personal deadline, then I must finish it in my own spare time rather than doing something I enjoy. Also, my software skills could be more up to date, I can improve on this by watching tutorials from professionals and also conducting more experiments with relevant work.
  • 24. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? I do try to make my work as professional as possible but there are a lot of things that I do and don’t do that bring me down to an amateur level. Professionals need to make sure their time schedule is strict and strong to ensure they are producing what they need to by the deadline they have been given. They also maintain a high standard throughout there work, meaning every piece of the project from research to production to evaluation is all kept at the same high standard without letting one section slip. To work at a professional level, feedback is crucial as you can learn a lot from what other professionals think of your work, what you have done well, so you can keep continuously doing that in future projects, and what isn’t so great so you can learn to improve on that to take your project up to a higher-level next time.