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L3 Creative Media
Production & Technology
Year Two Evaluation Template
Evaluation Overview
This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects.
When using this form it is good practice to:
• Use appropriate terminology.
• Stay concise and focus on key points.
• Evaluate and analyse your statements.
• Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made.
Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level.
Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
Project Overview
In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an
overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
What was the theme of your project and
what attracted you to it?
• The theme of my project was a fashion orientated trail around York in which
you have a team of 4 and each member of the team is randomly selected a
store out of the options given with a time and money limit to create the
cheapest outfit possible.
• I was attracted to this idea as I care about fashion myself and is something I
like to use an expression form and by making this it would allow other
people to do that and maybe push their boundary's as they might not get a
store they would’ve expected.
• I also wanted to shed some light onto maybe some of the more overlooked
clothing shops in York and their own unique styles and quirks showing that
there's something for everyone.
What research did you undertake and how
did it help develop your project?
• I largely used YouTube as my research platform as it allowed me to watch other
people's takes on this “challenge” one of my main areas of research was the
YouTube channel PAQ which was a group of 4 guys who would do thrift
challenge to try make a fit with £20 among other challenges such as making
fashion films, styling celebrity’s and much more, this gave me my base idea for
my challenge buy with my own take and twist. I also did some research on
styles of individuals and how each person has their own take on fashion or if
they even care about it, I used Pinterest to look at a lot of different other styles
people have adopted to show their own style of expression.
How did you develop and improve your ideas
throughout the project?
• I developed my ideas further by thinking of unique and different ways I can use
the challenge such as I made multiple game modes for the challenge that
branched off from the original idea which were: 1, where the team of 4 is split
into twos and they have to make an outfit for the other team 2, where the
team would go to flannels which is York's “high-fashion” store as a free for all
with no money limits but a 30 min timer 3, where each member is given a
random money amount from £1000 - £75 but they have free reign and can go
to any store.
• I also had the idea to use a Sony hi8 camera which is a old camera which uses
tapes to record as I felt it gave a unique edge and was within the idea of
bringing the old and new together as fashion is all about making a timeless
outfit no matter the age of the pieces. I feel that it defiantly improved the
product in the end by mixing it up and not making it feel stale and all the same
What was the outcome of the project/task?
• The outcome of the project was quite successful with the setbacks I had
especially with editing and on the more technical side of things as I had a few
issues of work not saving, taking too long to render, hard drive issues etc. I
finished with a around 6-minute-long video containing footage from me
going to a store and making outfits of the available stock there and the same
goes for my friends.
• The editing really brought the product together as it is cut between the old
vhs style camera footage mixed with the more modern, clean looking footage
which I feel adds a unique contrast and flare to the project and with the clips
cutting together at matching times making it feel all in one and not seperated
even though there is a significant difference in camera quality.
• It gives the project a more playful and homemade feeling rather than having
the video feel corporate and strict within the confines of the idea making it
ultimatly making it more appealing to the audience.
Personal Response
This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the
experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal
feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
How did you feel about the project before
you started?
• I felt confident in my ideas and felt like I had a good structure from the start, I knew
what I wanted to achieve and film from the beginning it was just a matter of when
and who with which planned out successfully.
• Once I had the correct people, I knew I had a structure built as they were all
familiar with York's store and what they could offer to them and if they could work
with the stock they had. They are also into fashion too which made the task a lot
easier and gave us a good balance of aesthetics and a solid base to work off.
• I did feel slightly worried about some of the stores we decided we would go to, but it
also wasn’t a huge issue due to the variety, but it felt like we had assigned shops for
ourselves as it would be easier to make an outfit for us as it fit our aesthetics easier,
but it turned out it didn’t really matter as we found arguably better alternatives.
What do you think about your project development and
how did it help you to refine your idea?
• With the actual editing process, I had the idea of having an 80s neon retro
style opening to tie into the camera work and to give the video a bit more
personality. I eventually found a preset which was within that style, and it
helped refine that idea of this being a YouTube video of sorts too.
• I dropped a few ideas for filming about the extra game modes as I felt it would
take away from the original concept of the video and would cause it to be too
drawn out making the viewer probably lose interest.
• I also swapped out one of the actors who was involved as he was more
involved with fashion and had more knowledge and experience with fashion
and filming making the project overall easier and allowed us to manage time
Did you collaborate on your project or engage
contributors, etc?
• I had 2 of my friends help me with this project, being Brandon and Alex they
both are very fashion orientated and had experience with filming, so I felt it was
appropriate to have them help and join in on the project. They helped on the
camera as we had 1 person filming on my phone and 1 person filming on the
Sony hi8 of the person who is making their outfit at that time
• I also had a friend help me with some aspects of my figma mobile app design I
made as a concept for the challenge.
How did you feel when the project was
completed and why?
• I felt proud of my work as I watched it back as the editing process was quite
annoying and I had some setbacks but seeing the final product really made me
appreciate what I had made especially as I saw some of the things I took
inspiration from in it but how I made them my own, also the use of the Sony
hi8 and finally seeing it used as I've wanted one for so long made me feel glad
to finally have it and put it to use.
• I also felt a sense of relief as I had some struggles with the software such as it
not saving my work meaning I had to start from scratch again, long render
times, long export times and some other issues with hard drives so it took a
weight off my shulders.
• It also made me feel more motivated to try different things and new unique
styles of film and especially editing as im starting to feel much more
confident on premier pro.
Evaluating the project
In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The
evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment.
An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it
is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of
the success of the project
What were the good points about the project/task and what did you
learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible]
• It helped me understand how my Sony hi8 works, best ways to film with it and how to
extract footage. I learned especially that the best way to film with the Sony hi8 is slow and
steady as the film tape on the inside can move as you are filming which ca cause the footage
to glitch around, in certain circumstances this could add to the effect but with what I was
trying to capture it needed a careful and steady hand to capture the best footage.
• Learning how to extract the footage wasn’t hard and was basic but was a necessary step, I
had a few issues with it as some of the software wasn’t compatible with the computers, but
we finally solved the issue which will help me for future projects with the camera.
• Having a well organised, knowledgable and understanding team was a very good part of this
project as it helps you not only get the project done faster and more efficiently but allows
you to share ideas and help each other easier as the chemistry is a major key to making a
better product.
What challenges did you face and how did
you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3...
• The main challenge I had was with editing, some work didn’t save properly, long
rendering / exporting times. I responded to them by mostly just having to wait which
was annoying but was necessary as there isn't much, I could do but I did use my
waiting time to think about what I could add next to improve it. With the work not
being saved I just had to restart.
• Getting everyone in my team to record / know what to film as I wanted an organic
feel to this project, I didn't want everything to be set up preemptively, so I had to
somewhat direct what was being filmed as we had two filmers at one time being one
person on the phone and one on the camera which at the start was a bit of a
challenge but was soon picked up by my friends.
• Another challenge was the stock each shop had as every shop was different, we
struggled a little for options and what we wanted to wear but we were eventually
able to find shops which suited our wants.
What were the negative points about the
experience, and what could you have done to
improve them?
• I feel that the planning wasn’t a strong point for me as some of the slides were
hard to understand what they were asking for and felt like some of the slides
were unnecessary. I could've improved my time management for this part
though as I put off certain questions for a long time.
• I felt I could've improved my multitasking as when I was sat waiting for things to
render or export, I could've done other work such as the planning in that time.
• I also felt I left my filming a little bit too late as if I didn’t I would've had more
time to focus on the writing aspects meaning I need to improve my organization
How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of
poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating]
• I believe my project overall was good as it incorporated all the aspects I was looking
for and fitted along the lines of the task given which was to show York off in a trail
themed activity. With mine being fashion orientated I took all those aspects and
applied them to my project with the features of different stores, showing their
aesthetics and what they are going for and that York has good variation for fashion
and that ore people should explore those avenues and push out of their boundary's.
• I also feel that by me incorporating a Sony hi8 camera which is around 30 years old
gets me a significant uniqueness to everyone else and makes my project stand out
and catch the viewers eye as we are all used to HD 4k quality footage, but I wanted to
break that and show that the old can work with the new and it isn't obsolete as it has
extremely unique quality's you can't fully replicate nowadays.
• My video also captures that homemade with friends feeling which I felt gave it a more
inviting tone as it is just 3 friends walking around town, trying on new clothes and
experimenting rather than having a corporate fully scripted idea which i feel would
ruin the feeling and tone I was trying to capture
What is your opinion of your final piece? What
elements do you think are successful and why?
• The main successful element of my project was the use of multiple cameras,
angles and camera work as it really pushed that unique and creative boundary,
I felt that would've come with by just using one high quality camera.
• In editing by cutting the footage together and match cutting it also adds an
extra layer of depth to it making it feel lived in and done by people who just
want to showcase these store rather than a scripted trailer of sorts.
• I also think the clear chemistry between my friends in the project added to this
making it more welcoming and more eyecatching as a project and gives it a
more well-structured feel because of that
How well did your project apply the characteristics
and conventions of the medium you worked in?
• I feel I applied the mediums of what was set well as what I set for myself was to
make a tour or trail around York but have It be fashion orientated so that new
people or the people already of York can experience I and push the boundaries
of their style. This was pushed by making my "trail" into a challenge which 3-4
people would be given a random clothing shop in York and they had to make
the best outfit for the cheapest which we did.
• I do feel that I missed out on some shots though that couldve made this clearer
such as us walking to the shop or us outside the shop showing where it is
located and what it looks like which wouldve tied into my idea more.
How did you design appeal to your target
• My target audience was mostly 16- 24-year old's with an interest in fashion,
with my design I made it would appeal to a multitude of people in fashion not
just one subgenre or specific style of fashion as I made the challenge
incorporate purposely different shops with completely unique and opposite
styles and aesthetics making it more of a challenge rather than making each
person pick what they wanted.
• This also allowed me to push people out of their comfort zone with fashion and
try something new and unique to them which is what I was ultimately aiming
for, this gave my challenge more meaning and substance to the subject
audience ultimately making it more appealing.
• I would also say it appealed to them on a visual aspect by making my video
more artistic and unique ties into a creative audience who already express
themselves in a creative manner.
In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make
sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how
your decisions informed the project development and the success of the
In what ways was the overall project a
• I think it was successful in getting what I wanted across visually and
commercially as I captured the advertisement side of it and the creative side
to make it feel less like a commercial or advertisement and more like a
YouTube video or showcase for the project making it more appealing less
corporate and generic.
• I was able to separate myself from everyone else by having a unique idea of It
being a fashion challenge rather than just a trail around York yet again adding
to the appeal of my challenge rather than just having people walk around York
finding landmarks.
• Creatively it was also a success for me as I was finally able to use my Sony hi8
camera and by mixing both the modern technology and old it makes for a
unique and eye-catching effect on my target audience.
What elements did not go well and why?
• The editing process could've been smoother and more efficient as I did have
some troubles with the software not saving my work and stuff taking too long
to render / export making me rush certain areas of my final product as I
would've liked to have spent a little bit more time on it just refining certain
areas and aspects.
• My planning was also fairly rushed and slightly unorganized as I had a person
drop out of the project last minute, but this did result in a better turn out as
my other friend who was available was more into fashion. But I did feel like my
planning could've been slightly more Indepth and refined as I knew what I
wanted to do but wasn’t sure how to full approach it.
• Some of the shots I intended on getting I didn’t or forgot to get which
would've defiantly benefitted me in the editing process and made my project
product slightly more concise and clearer.
How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember,
skills aren't just technical, remember things like organization,
time management, communication, etc as well]
• My editing skills defiantly improved the most as I hadn't had all too much
experience with premier beforehand and this project gave me more confidence
in myself on how I could edit, the different avenues I could take with it and the
new skills I could learn.
• It also showed me that communication is key and that asking for help isn't a
bad thing as all it can do is help you rather than hinder you in turn making your
product better than you had anticipated.
• It also showed me how much you need to time manage properly even against
unfortunate circumstances as I was hindered badly in the editing process, but I
managed my time well and eventually got it finished also showing me that
focus is needed to prevail against unfortunate circumstances.
What meaning and messages did you want to
convey and were you successful?
• The first message I wanted to push forward Is that fashion isn't just for a
certain stereotype or person and that nobody should be afraid to push the
boundary on what you can cannot wear. Fashion is subjective and if you like
something wear it with confidence even if other people do not understand it
and eventually, they will as wearing what you wants makes you stand out from
the crowd and makes you cool. I feel I was successful on this front as all of us
in the video wore things that pushed us slightly out of the comfort zone and
those outfits that did ultimately came out as the ones we chose.
• The other message I wanted to push was that fashion is timeless and
the "slogan or memo" I suppose for this project is the old and new coming
together through the camera work and clothes we were wearing as most of
them were thrifted clothes, so it doesn’t matter what you wear whether its old
or new if you have confidence in it its always going to look good and most
importantly make you feel good.
What feedback did you get from your peers
and viewings?
• most of my feedback was positive with people saying they really liked the
contrast of the camera work and that it added a unique and almost nostalgic
feel to it. A few people also said it reminded them of PAQ which was a YouTube
channel which I took most of my inspiration from which was also positive as I
wanted it to feel more like a YouTube video rather than a scripted commercial
for my challenge.
• Some people did say they felt it was a little too long for a commercial of sorts
but understood that that wasn’t my goal and wanted to make something more
like a video that would also act as a promotion for the challenge.
What would you do differently in the future
and why?
• I would have a list of shots on hand that I want to get next time as I did forget
some shots and areas, I wanted to film on this project which would've
benefitted me much more in the editing process such as shots of the stores
from the outside, announcing what's going to happen beforehand and the
challenge itself.
• I would time manage better as I left some of the written work and editing till
the end of the project the editing was due to other circumstances, but I feel it
is important to stay on top of your goals and not let them drift off.
• Next time I would ask for more help too as I realised that asking for help can
only benefit you and I shouldn’t feel like I cant ask.
What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the
future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from
academic literature and professionals has helped and why?
• The main area which I gained the most knowledge was in the editing
department as I learned how to chop, time and sucessfully merge clips from
the sony hi8 and my phone together cleanly, I also learned how to use some
presets which can be a valuable assest for future projects.
• I gained knowledge in work / time management as I found I tend to push back
work for the main subject at thst time, I found that working from home is
beneficial to this and has helped me massivly rather than thinking I need to do
it all in college.
• I gained knowledge in the literature area mostly from other articles and other
peoples written work, I learned that making your work easy to understand but
great in detail is a significant skill to learn as it will not only help you write
clearer work for yourself but other which can help in future life.
Action Plan
This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and
identify ways you could develop.
If you were making a similar project in the
future, what would you do differently?
• I would defiantly bring a shot list with me on the day so I don’t forget some of
the shots I intended on filming even if they aren't as significant as others as
some of them could turn into beneficial and rich pieces of film, this is because
I forgot to get some shots which would've made my final project clearer and
more concise.
• I would maybe have a bigger team maybe just by one as it would help with the
filming mostly and give us more options on how to film and maybe have one
person give some instructions on what they wanted the shot to look like
beforehand and during.
• I would start editing as soon as possible also as I had to rush it slightly on this
project due to some issues.
How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please
identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example,
webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications.
• I would like to develop my editing skills further on premier pro and if possible
after affects as I feel this would only make my projects better and push me to
make even more unique projects and try out new things. I could find tutorials
on YouTube for this as the videos for editing and software's like premier and
after affects on there are huge meaning if I came into an issue or wanted to
find a new skill I could go straight there.
• I would also like to start reading up on directors and how they made certain
movies for more knowledge on how they operate as directors and creatives.
Recently I've been looking into David Fincher as I've been studying fight club
for my fmp but also out of interest for the characters, deeper meanings and
the subliminal messaging David Fincher tens to put into his movies along with
the gritty and raw style.
What personal attributes could you develop to
ensure you are working at a professional level?
• Better time and work management would be beneficial for me as I tend to
push work back at times to do other things and end up juggling work and
what's the most important between them.
• Being more focused on the goal I want to achieve as I can make my goals easily
in my head and know exactly what I want to achieve but sometimes I seem to
get out of focus or overwhelmed by it, but focus is imperative for the kind of
goals I set for myself.
• Not being worried to ask for help is another attribute I've began to become
more comfortable with as I've realized asking for help can only benefit you
rather than hinder you and I shouldn’t feel like I can't ask for help.

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production reflection.pptxproduction reflection.pptx
production reflection.pptx
5.1 Evaluation.pptx
5.1 Evaluation.pptx5.1 Evaluation.pptx
5.1 Evaluation.pptx
3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx
3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx
3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx
1.2 FMP Proposal 2022.docx
1.2 FMP Proposal 2022.docx1.2 FMP Proposal 2022.docx
1.2 FMP Proposal 2022.docx
2. Research fmp completed.pptx
2. Research fmp completed.pptx2. Research fmp completed.pptx
2. Research fmp completed.pptx
3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx
3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx
3. Pre-Production document 1.pptx
2.2 Production Experiments fmp completed.pptx
2.2 Production Experiments fmp completed.pptx2.2 Production Experiments fmp completed.pptx
2.2 Production Experiments fmp completed.pptx
2. Research fmp completed.pptx
2. Research fmp completed.pptx2. Research fmp completed.pptx
2. Research fmp completed.pptx
1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp completed.pptx
1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp completed.pptx1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp completed.pptx
1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp completed.pptx
Proposal Blank comp.docx
Proposal Blank comp.docxProposal Blank comp.docx
Proposal Blank comp.docx
0. Pre Proposal FMP 2022 (2).docx
0. Pre Proposal FMP 2022 (2).docx0. Pre Proposal FMP 2022 (2).docx
0. Pre Proposal FMP 2022 (2).docx
1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp - completed1.pptx
1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp  - completed1.pptx1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp  - completed1.pptx
1.1 Initial Ideas + Context fmp - completed1.pptx

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L3 CMPT Y2 Evaluation Template.pptx

  • 1. L3 Creative Media Production & Technology Year Two Evaluation Template
  • 2. Evaluation Overview This evaluation form is designed to assist you in the evaluation of your projects. When using this form it is good practice to: • Use appropriate terminology. • Stay concise and focus on key points. • Evaluate and analyse your statements. • Focus on judgements about work rather than telling a story of how it was made. Please find the grading matrix here to help you assess you are working at the right level. Level 3 Extended Diploma Grading Matrix -
  • 3. Project Overview In this section you will outline the aim of the project/task and give an overview of the activates you undertook to complete it.
  • 4. What was the theme of your project and what attracted you to it? • The theme of my project was a fashion orientated trail around York in which you have a team of 4 and each member of the team is randomly selected a store out of the options given with a time and money limit to create the cheapest outfit possible. • I was attracted to this idea as I care about fashion myself and is something I like to use an expression form and by making this it would allow other people to do that and maybe push their boundary's as they might not get a store they would’ve expected. • I also wanted to shed some light onto maybe some of the more overlooked clothing shops in York and their own unique styles and quirks showing that there's something for everyone.
  • 5. What research did you undertake and how did it help develop your project? • I largely used YouTube as my research platform as it allowed me to watch other people's takes on this “challenge” one of my main areas of research was the YouTube channel PAQ which was a group of 4 guys who would do thrift challenge to try make a fit with £20 among other challenges such as making fashion films, styling celebrity’s and much more, this gave me my base idea for my challenge buy with my own take and twist. I also did some research on styles of individuals and how each person has their own take on fashion or if they even care about it, I used Pinterest to look at a lot of different other styles people have adopted to show their own style of expression.
  • 6. How did you develop and improve your ideas throughout the project? • I developed my ideas further by thinking of unique and different ways I can use the challenge such as I made multiple game modes for the challenge that branched off from the original idea which were: 1, where the team of 4 is split into twos and they have to make an outfit for the other team 2, where the team would go to flannels which is York's “high-fashion” store as a free for all with no money limits but a 30 min timer 3, where each member is given a random money amount from £1000 - £75 but they have free reign and can go to any store. • I also had the idea to use a Sony hi8 camera which is a old camera which uses tapes to record as I felt it gave a unique edge and was within the idea of bringing the old and new together as fashion is all about making a timeless outfit no matter the age of the pieces. I feel that it defiantly improved the product in the end by mixing it up and not making it feel stale and all the same
  • 7. What was the outcome of the project/task? • The outcome of the project was quite successful with the setbacks I had especially with editing and on the more technical side of things as I had a few issues of work not saving, taking too long to render, hard drive issues etc. I finished with a around 6-minute-long video containing footage from me going to a store and making outfits of the available stock there and the same goes for my friends. • The editing really brought the product together as it is cut between the old vhs style camera footage mixed with the more modern, clean looking footage which I feel adds a unique contrast and flare to the project and with the clips cutting together at matching times making it feel all in one and not seperated even though there is a significant difference in camera quality. • It gives the project a more playful and homemade feeling rather than having the video feel corporate and strict within the confines of the idea making it ultimatly making it more appealing to the audience.
  • 8. Personal Response This section will explore your thoughts and feelings about the experience. This will help gain a understand of how your personal feelings may have impacted the final outcome.
  • 9. How did you feel about the project before you started? • I felt confident in my ideas and felt like I had a good structure from the start, I knew what I wanted to achieve and film from the beginning it was just a matter of when and who with which planned out successfully. • Once I had the correct people, I knew I had a structure built as they were all familiar with York's store and what they could offer to them and if they could work with the stock they had. They are also into fashion too which made the task a lot easier and gave us a good balance of aesthetics and a solid base to work off. • I did feel slightly worried about some of the stores we decided we would go to, but it also wasn’t a huge issue due to the variety, but it felt like we had assigned shops for ourselves as it would be easier to make an outfit for us as it fit our aesthetics easier, but it turned out it didn’t really matter as we found arguably better alternatives.
  • 10. What do you think about your project development and how did it help you to refine your idea? • With the actual editing process, I had the idea of having an 80s neon retro style opening to tie into the camera work and to give the video a bit more personality. I eventually found a preset which was within that style, and it helped refine that idea of this being a YouTube video of sorts too. • I dropped a few ideas for filming about the extra game modes as I felt it would take away from the original concept of the video and would cause it to be too drawn out making the viewer probably lose interest. • I also swapped out one of the actors who was involved as he was more involved with fashion and had more knowledge and experience with fashion and filming making the project overall easier and allowed us to manage time better.
  • 11. Did you collaborate on your project or engage contributors, etc? • I had 2 of my friends help me with this project, being Brandon and Alex they both are very fashion orientated and had experience with filming, so I felt it was appropriate to have them help and join in on the project. They helped on the camera as we had 1 person filming on my phone and 1 person filming on the Sony hi8 of the person who is making their outfit at that time • I also had a friend help me with some aspects of my figma mobile app design I made as a concept for the challenge.
  • 12. How did you feel when the project was completed and why? • I felt proud of my work as I watched it back as the editing process was quite annoying and I had some setbacks but seeing the final product really made me appreciate what I had made especially as I saw some of the things I took inspiration from in it but how I made them my own, also the use of the Sony hi8 and finally seeing it used as I've wanted one for so long made me feel glad to finally have it and put it to use. • I also felt a sense of relief as I had some struggles with the software such as it not saving my work meaning I had to start from scratch again, long render times, long export times and some other issues with hard drives so it took a weight off my shulders. • It also made me feel more motivated to try different things and new unique styles of film and especially editing as im starting to feel much more confident on premier pro.
  • 13. Evaluating the project In the previous sections, you have been commenting upon the project development. The evaluation may include some similar information but it will also include critical comment. An evaluation must include information about the good and bad points of the project and it is important to be honest. Finally, you should make a judgment about the effectiveness of the success of the project
  • 14. What were the good points about the project/task and what did you learn from them? [try and think of at least 3, more if possible] • It helped me understand how my Sony hi8 works, best ways to film with it and how to extract footage. I learned especially that the best way to film with the Sony hi8 is slow and steady as the film tape on the inside can move as you are filming which ca cause the footage to glitch around, in certain circumstances this could add to the effect but with what I was trying to capture it needed a careful and steady hand to capture the best footage. • Learning how to extract the footage wasn’t hard and was basic but was a necessary step, I had a few issues with it as some of the software wasn’t compatible with the computers, but we finally solved the issue which will help me for future projects with the camera. • Having a well organised, knowledgable and understanding team was a very good part of this project as it helps you not only get the project done faster and more efficiently but allows you to share ideas and help each other easier as the chemistry is a major key to making a better product.
  • 15. What challenges did you face and how did you respond to them? Try and think of at least 3... • The main challenge I had was with editing, some work didn’t save properly, long rendering / exporting times. I responded to them by mostly just having to wait which was annoying but was necessary as there isn't much, I could do but I did use my waiting time to think about what I could add next to improve it. With the work not being saved I just had to restart. • Getting everyone in my team to record / know what to film as I wanted an organic feel to this project, I didn't want everything to be set up preemptively, so I had to somewhat direct what was being filmed as we had two filmers at one time being one person on the phone and one on the camera which at the start was a bit of a challenge but was soon picked up by my friends. • Another challenge was the stock each shop had as every shop was different, we struggled a little for options and what we wanted to wear but we were eventually able to find shops which suited our wants.
  • 16. What were the negative points about the experience, and what could you have done to improve them? • I feel that the planning wasn’t a strong point for me as some of the slides were hard to understand what they were asking for and felt like some of the slides were unnecessary. I could've improved my time management for this part though as I put off certain questions for a long time. • I felt I could've improved my multitasking as when I was sat waiting for things to render or export, I could've done other work such as the planning in that time. • I also felt I left my filming a little bit too late as if I didn’t I would've had more time to focus on the writing aspects meaning I need to improve my organization skills.
  • 17. How would you rate the final piece? [think along the lines of poor, satisfactory, good or excellent...justify your rating] • I believe my project overall was good as it incorporated all the aspects I was looking for and fitted along the lines of the task given which was to show York off in a trail themed activity. With mine being fashion orientated I took all those aspects and applied them to my project with the features of different stores, showing their aesthetics and what they are going for and that York has good variation for fashion and that ore people should explore those avenues and push out of their boundary's. • I also feel that by me incorporating a Sony hi8 camera which is around 30 years old gets me a significant uniqueness to everyone else and makes my project stand out and catch the viewers eye as we are all used to HD 4k quality footage, but I wanted to break that and show that the old can work with the new and it isn't obsolete as it has extremely unique quality's you can't fully replicate nowadays. • My video also captures that homemade with friends feeling which I felt gave it a more inviting tone as it is just 3 friends walking around town, trying on new clothes and experimenting rather than having a corporate fully scripted idea which i feel would ruin the feeling and tone I was trying to capture
  • 18. What is your opinion of your final piece? What elements do you think are successful and why? • The main successful element of my project was the use of multiple cameras, angles and camera work as it really pushed that unique and creative boundary, I felt that would've come with by just using one high quality camera. • In editing by cutting the footage together and match cutting it also adds an extra layer of depth to it making it feel lived in and done by people who just want to showcase these store rather than a scripted trailer of sorts. • I also think the clear chemistry between my friends in the project added to this making it more welcoming and more eyecatching as a project and gives it a more well-structured feel because of that
  • 19. How well did your project apply the characteristics and conventions of the medium you worked in? • I feel I applied the mediums of what was set well as what I set for myself was to make a tour or trail around York but have It be fashion orientated so that new people or the people already of York can experience I and push the boundaries of their style. This was pushed by making my "trail" into a challenge which 3-4 people would be given a random clothing shop in York and they had to make the best outfit for the cheapest which we did. • I do feel that I missed out on some shots though that couldve made this clearer such as us walking to the shop or us outside the shop showing where it is located and what it looks like which wouldve tied into my idea more.
  • 20. How did you design appeal to your target audience? • My target audience was mostly 16- 24-year old's with an interest in fashion, with my design I made it would appeal to a multitude of people in fashion not just one subgenre or specific style of fashion as I made the challenge incorporate purposely different shops with completely unique and opposite styles and aesthetics making it more of a challenge rather than making each person pick what they wanted. • This also allowed me to push people out of their comfort zone with fashion and try something new and unique to them which is what I was ultimately aiming for, this gave my challenge more meaning and substance to the subject audience ultimately making it more appealing. • I would also say it appealed to them on a visual aspect by making my video more artistic and unique ties into a creative audience who already express themselves in a creative manner.
  • 21. Analysis In this section, you will focus on the details of the project and make sense of what happened in the project. You should demonstrate how your decisions informed the project development and the success of the outcome.
  • 22. In what ways was the overall project a success? • I think it was successful in getting what I wanted across visually and commercially as I captured the advertisement side of it and the creative side to make it feel less like a commercial or advertisement and more like a YouTube video or showcase for the project making it more appealing less corporate and generic. • I was able to separate myself from everyone else by having a unique idea of It being a fashion challenge rather than just a trail around York yet again adding to the appeal of my challenge rather than just having people walk around York finding landmarks. • Creatively it was also a success for me as I was finally able to use my Sony hi8 camera and by mixing both the modern technology and old it makes for a unique and eye-catching effect on my target audience.
  • 23. What elements did not go well and why? • The editing process could've been smoother and more efficient as I did have some troubles with the software not saving my work and stuff taking too long to render / export making me rush certain areas of my final product as I would've liked to have spent a little bit more time on it just refining certain areas and aspects. • My planning was also fairly rushed and slightly unorganized as I had a person drop out of the project last minute, but this did result in a better turn out as my other friend who was available was more into fashion. But I did feel like my planning could've been slightly more Indepth and refined as I knew what I wanted to do but wasn’t sure how to full approach it. • Some of the shots I intended on getting I didn’t or forgot to get which would've defiantly benefitted me in the editing process and made my project product slightly more concise and clearer.
  • 24. How did your skills develop during the portfolio? [remember, skills aren't just technical, remember things like organization, time management, communication, etc as well] • My editing skills defiantly improved the most as I hadn't had all too much experience with premier beforehand and this project gave me more confidence in myself on how I could edit, the different avenues I could take with it and the new skills I could learn. • It also showed me that communication is key and that asking for help isn't a bad thing as all it can do is help you rather than hinder you in turn making your product better than you had anticipated. • It also showed me how much you need to time manage properly even against unfortunate circumstances as I was hindered badly in the editing process, but I managed my time well and eventually got it finished also showing me that focus is needed to prevail against unfortunate circumstances.
  • 25. What meaning and messages did you want to convey and were you successful? • The first message I wanted to push forward Is that fashion isn't just for a certain stereotype or person and that nobody should be afraid to push the boundary on what you can cannot wear. Fashion is subjective and if you like something wear it with confidence even if other people do not understand it and eventually, they will as wearing what you wants makes you stand out from the crowd and makes you cool. I feel I was successful on this front as all of us in the video wore things that pushed us slightly out of the comfort zone and those outfits that did ultimately came out as the ones we chose. • The other message I wanted to push was that fashion is timeless and the "slogan or memo" I suppose for this project is the old and new coming together through the camera work and clothes we were wearing as most of them were thrifted clothes, so it doesn’t matter what you wear whether its old or new if you have confidence in it its always going to look good and most importantly make you feel good.
  • 26. What feedback did you get from your peers and viewings? • most of my feedback was positive with people saying they really liked the contrast of the camera work and that it added a unique and almost nostalgic feel to it. A few people also said it reminded them of PAQ which was a YouTube channel which I took most of my inspiration from which was also positive as I wanted it to feel more like a YouTube video rather than a scripted commercial for my challenge. • Some people did say they felt it was a little too long for a commercial of sorts but understood that that wasn’t my goal and wanted to make something more like a video that would also act as a promotion for the challenge.
  • 27. What would you do differently in the future and why? • I would have a list of shots on hand that I want to get next time as I did forget some shots and areas, I wanted to film on this project which would've benefitted me much more in the editing process such as shots of the stores from the outside, announcing what's going to happen beforehand and the challenge itself. • I would time manage better as I left some of the written work and editing till the end of the project the editing was due to other circumstances, but I feel it is important to stay on top of your goals and not let them drift off. • Next time I would ask for more help too as I realised that asking for help can only benefit you and I shouldn’t feel like I cant ask.
  • 28. What knowledge have you gained that would help you in the future to improve your project? Also, what knowledge from academic literature and professionals has helped and why? • The main area which I gained the most knowledge was in the editing department as I learned how to chop, time and sucessfully merge clips from the sony hi8 and my phone together cleanly, I also learned how to use some presets which can be a valuable assest for future projects. • I gained knowledge in work / time management as I found I tend to push back work for the main subject at thst time, I found that working from home is beneficial to this and has helped me massivly rather than thinking I need to do it all in college. • I gained knowledge in the literature area mostly from other articles and other peoples written work, I learned that making your work easy to understand but great in detail is a significant skill to learn as it will not only help you write clearer work for yourself but other which can help in future life.
  • 29. Action Plan This section will identify what you would do differently in the future and identify ways you could develop.
  • 30. If you were making a similar project in the future, what would you do differently? • I would defiantly bring a shot list with me on the day so I don’t forget some of the shots I intended on filming even if they aren't as significant as others as some of them could turn into beneficial and rich pieces of film, this is because I forgot to get some shots which would've made my final project clearer and more concise. • I would maybe have a bigger team maybe just by one as it would help with the filming mostly and give us more options on how to film and maybe have one person give some instructions on what they wanted the shot to look like beforehand and during. • I would start editing as soon as possible also as I had to rush it slightly on this project due to some issues.
  • 31. How could you develop your skills for future projects? Please identify the appropriate resources and courses. For example, webpages, tutorials, books, short courses and qualifications. • I would like to develop my editing skills further on premier pro and if possible after affects as I feel this would only make my projects better and push me to make even more unique projects and try out new things. I could find tutorials on YouTube for this as the videos for editing and software's like premier and after affects on there are huge meaning if I came into an issue or wanted to find a new skill I could go straight there. • I would also like to start reading up on directors and how they made certain movies for more knowledge on how they operate as directors and creatives. Recently I've been looking into David Fincher as I've been studying fight club for my fmp but also out of interest for the characters, deeper meanings and the subliminal messaging David Fincher tens to put into his movies along with the gritty and raw style.
  • 32. What personal attributes could you develop to ensure you are working at a professional level? • Better time and work management would be beneficial for me as I tend to push work back at times to do other things and end up juggling work and what's the most important between them. • Being more focused on the goal I want to achieve as I can make my goals easily in my head and know exactly what I want to achieve but sometimes I seem to get out of focus or overwhelmed by it, but focus is imperative for the kind of goals I set for myself. • Not being worried to ask for help is another attribute I've began to become more comfortable with as I've realized asking for help can only benefit you rather than hinder you and I shouldn’t feel like I can't ask for help.