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Essay Writer Review
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writer Review" can be a challenging task, as it requires a
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between highlighting positive aspects and addressing potential shortcomings requires careful
consideration. It's essential to back opinions with concrete examples and evidence, ensuring a
robust and credible review.
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Essay Writer ReviewEssay Writer Review
Flight 1363 Essay
On a snowy day on March 10, 1989, Air Ontario flight 1363 was initiating take off
at Dryden Airport, Canada by Captain George C. Morwood. It was the second part
of the flying schedule for that day which was a round trip from Winnipeg to
Thunder Bay, with midway stops at Dryden. Both pilots were highly experienced.
Captain Morwood had been flying for almost 35 years and his first officer, Keith
Mills, has had over 10,000 hours of flying. However, both pilots were fairly new to
the aircraft, which was an F28 1000, having less than 150 hours combined.
Before departing Winnipeg, captain Morwood assessed the operational status of his
aircraft and discovered that the auxiliary power unit was not functioning along with
other deferred defects with maintenance. Because of this defect, the engines would
not be able to start unless an external power unit was used. The other option the
captain had was to leave one engine running so he could cross start the second
engine. If both of the engines on the aircraft were shut down at a location where an
external power unit was not ... Show more content on ...
When the captain returned to the aircraft he asked the ground manager if de icing
was accessible. Even though the ground manager told him it was, captain Morwood
still did not request for the aircraft to be de iced. Flight 1363 left the terminal with
thick snow covering the wings of the aircraft. The wet snow on the runway and
wings, which had already frozen into ice, interfered with the functioning of the
aircraft. During take off the aircraft lifted off the runway as normal but began to
shake violently. The aircraft then landed back onto the runway before finally lifting
up again after taking up more than 90 percent of the runway. It flew momentarily for
a few seconds but struggled to gain altitude and crashed approximately one kilometer
from the runway killing both pilots and 21 of the 65 passengers on
Modernization of Sugar Essay examples
Modernization from Consumption of Sugar
According to Wikipedia, modernity is defined as a post traditional period that is
marked by the move from feudalism towards capitalism and industrialism. From the
sixteenth century through the nineteenth century, many countries and economies
progressed towards a more modern environment. Many factors contributed to the push
for modernity; however, the sugar industry exhibited major influence throughout the
world. Once sugar cane was established in the Caribbean, this new crop pushed the
region to shift from a traditional agrarian economy towards a more industrial and
capitalistic economy. The new production process made sugar readily available for
the first time in history, which allowed ... Show more content on ...
After sugar was successfully mass produced in the Caribbean, this crop became
viewed as a commodity to be enjoyed by the masses rather than as an item reserved
only for a select, elite few. Because sugar was now a readily available commodity, it
slowly began to transition from a product with unique purposes, i.e. medicine, spice
and decoration, to a food product. For example, the former medicinal purposes of
sugar were now assimilated into a new function, that of a source of calories (Mintz
108). The greater availability of sugar from the Caribbean allowed for new,
modern usages of sugar to emerge. In general terms, sugar s use as a spice and a
medicine declined as its use as a decoration, a sweetener, and a preservative
increased. An increase in sugar supply drastically decreased its price, which caused
consumption of sugar in other forms to rise (Mintz 126). Jam consumption, for
example, began to catch hold among working people after the big victories of the
free trade movement of the mid nineteenth century (Mintz 126). New foods and
beverages were incorporated into daily life with unusual rapidity, and sugar had an
important role in nearly all of these new items due to increased availability and
reduction in price (Mintz 120). The greater availability of sugar throughout the world
King Lear vs the Stone Angel Blindness
Blindness; a flaw with insight` It was once said, What you lose in blindness is the
space around you, the place where you are, and without that you might not exist.
You could be nowhere at all. (Kingslover) This is a quote that can relate the
characters in The Stone Angel and King Lear. In the tragedy King Lear, written by
William Shakespeare and in the novel The Stone Angel, written by Margaret
Laurence, the term blindness has an entirely different meaning. It is not a physical
flaw, but the inability of the characters to use their thoughts and emotions to see a
person for whom they truly are. King Lear, Gloucester, and Hagar are prime
examples of characters that suffered most by having this flaw. Nevertheless, from this
blindness... Show more content on ...
Alone, Lear is isolated from his family, his power and starts to go mad. Gloucester,
much like Lear is isolated from the only son that truly loves him, the legimate
Edgar. In addition Gloucester is isolated from the truth, which Edmund hides.
Edmund manipulates Gloucester to believe It is in his hands my lord, but I hope
his heart is not in the contents (I.ii. 67 68), Edgar s hands that is, that wrote a letter
plotting to kill Gloucester. Edmund also convinces Gloucester to leave the castle,
and when Gloucester does leave he too is alone and isolated. After John dies,
Hagar once again does not cry. She feels she must not only bear the pain alone, but
that she cannot allow herself to be comforted by others. A matron puts her arm
around her and says, Cry. Let yourself. It s the best thing. In response, Hagar
remembers, I shoved her arm away. I straightened my spine and that was the
hardest thing I ve ever had to do in my entire life, to stand straight then. I wouldn t
cry in front of strangers, whatever it might cost me (Laurence 242) When she got
home, Hagar found that she was not able to cry. The night my son died I was
transformed to stone and never wept at all (243). Her pride leads her to become
isolated, she never wants anyone to comfort, or help her. In addition, in the hospital
Doris tells Hagar about an old friend and I never realized until this moment how cut
off I am. (294), is the
Hutsi Groups In Rwanda
The country of Rwanda is a small, land locked country in Eastern Africa. By the early
1990s, Rwanda s population of 7 million people was composed of three ethnic groups.
Approximately 85% was Hutu, 14% was Tutsi, and the remaining 1% was Twa
(United Nations, 2015). Animosity between the Hutu and Tutsi groups had grown
substantially since the European colonialization period in the 1800s. During the
colonialization period, European colonists considered the slimmer, taller, lighter
skinned Tutsis to be superior to the shorter, stockier, darker skinned Hutus
(Putterbaugh, 2010). As the Tutsis were more like the Europeans, they were treated
better than the Hutus. The Tutsis were given positions of power as the existing Hutu
kings and chiefs were... Show more content on ...
Although the culprits of the crime are still currently unknown, Hutu extremists
blamed the leaders of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a Tutsi group. Within an
hour of the crash, the Hutu extremists began their systematic massacre of hundreds of
Tutsis and moderate Hutus (, 2009). Roadblocks were set up throughout
the country to prevent the Tutsis from escaping. Hate radio stations, like the Radio
TГ©lГ©vision Libre des Mille Collines, broadcasted Hutu Power and anti Tutsi
propaganda throughout the country (George, 2004). Hutu extremists carried lists of
the names of Rwandans thought to be RPF sympathizers. Anyone who was thought
to be opponents of the Hutu extremists was tortured and killed, whether they were
Tutsi or Hutu (Longman, 2005). Roughly 800,000 people were murdered in a time
span of only 100 days. Statistically speaking, that s 5.5 deaths per minutes, therefore
making the rate of killing during the Rwandan genocide higher than the rate of killing
during the Holocaust (Barnett, 2002). Despite the international community s claim to
prevent genocides from happening ever again, after the horrors of the Holocaust, they
only turned a blind eye to the hate fueled crimes occurring in Rwanda. Therefore, the
death of the hundreds of thousands of Rwandan civilians is as much
Decay Of Decay And Decay
Introduction Isotopes are elements which have the same number of protons but
different number of neutrons and these elements have same atomic number but
different in atomic mass.because of their characteristic nature of producing
radiation and their energies. Isotopes are used in various areas like industries,
agriculture, medical field and research centers. They are decayed by emission of
energy in the form of alpha, beta (electron) beta plus (positron) and gamma rays.
(1) Types of radiation Alpha particles cannot be used for measurement from outside
the body because they are such low penetrating power. A sheet of paper stops alpha
particles. Beta particles have a modest penetrating power, thus they produce useful
results in the area of their release, and they can be distinguished by sensitive
counting tools. Block of wood stops beta particles. Gamma rays are highly
energetic, and they can be readily discovered by radiation counters used outside the
body. A thick concrete wall stops gamma rays. Radioisotopes are unnaturally
produced unstable atoms of a chemical element which have a different number of
neutrons in the nucleus, but the same number of protons and the same chemical
properties. May live for only minutes. Their existence is measured in halflives, how
long it takes for half of the isotope to disappear. (3) Radioactive products which are
used in medicine are called radiopharmaceuticals. They are different from other
medically used drugs since they
Gender Roles In Susan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers
In 1882, Susan Glaspell was born in Davenport, Iowa. She graduated from Drake
University in 1899 and later worked as a reporter, then a freelance writer,
composing several pieces (Kirsner and Mandell 1124). Later Glaspell and her
husband, Cram Cook, founded the Provincetown Players for which Glaspell wrote
plays (1124). Many of her works conveyed the problems early twentieth century
women encountered in society. She wrote the play Trifles based on a murder trial
she covered as a courthouse reporter (1124). Glaspell later rewrote Trifles as a short
story called A Jury of Her Peer (1125). This piece introduces sisterhood between
characters and retaliates against the superiority of the male. In A Jury of Her Peers,
Glaspell uses setting, symbols, and irony to support the theme of genderroles.
Glaspell places the story A Jury of Her Peers in a woeful setting that one of the urban
farm neighbors, Mrs. Hale, ... Show more content on ...
When investigating throughout the house, the men laugh about things that the
women become concerned about such as Mrs. Wright s fruit jars (Glaspell 264).
Mrs. Hale s husband states that women are used to worrying over trifles, referring
to things that the women tend to find important (264). However, the half wiped
table, half poured sugar, and the dirty pans (Alkalay Gut 3) are clues to the
investigation unseen by the men due to their inability to interpret things beyond
what they consider to be significant information (4). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Wright
conclude that Mrs. Wright was forced out of the pattern of her chores (3). Later, the
women find motive for John Wright s murder when they discover the strangled bird
that indicates to Mrs. Hale that Mrs. Wright found herself as a caged bird being
strangled by her husband (6). The ladies then transfer their roles from being married
to the law and following their spouses to sympathetic
Essay on Censorship in the Music Industry
Censorship in the Music Industry
Censorship in the music industry can be divided into two categories involving new
music technology and music products. In the United States, the issue of censorship
doesn t necessarily concern music products but rather new music technology. The
music industry has become increasingly concerned with the online peer to peer
services like Kazaa and Morpheus using the MP3 format or motion pictures expert
group which allows users to download music free and fast (Cloonan, 2003). In
almost every other part of the world, music is censored someway or another usually
by a country s government, religious leaders, or individual broadcasters who are
financed by their government (Cloonan, 2003). For example, ... Show more content
on ...
This particular type of censorship occurred in South Korea in 1997 when the state
radio station KBS banned teen pop music due to the clothing style the entertainers
wore (Cloonan,2003). A more recent event of censorship occurred in Morocco in
March 2003 when 14 heavy metal fans between the ages of 22 and 35 were
convicted and jailed for acts capable of undermining the faith of a Muslim and
possessing objects which infringe morals (Index Online, 2003). All were sentenced
between 1 to 12 months in jail.
The People s Republic of China is one of the most heavily regulated countries
involving music censorship. The Chinese record industry is controlled by the state
government through the publishing houses which are also owned by the state
(Cloonan, 2003). Essentially, publishers decide to release a music product, arrange
the duplication of the master tape, and distribute it throughout the country. Since all
the music appears on the market through a publishing house, the government has the
power to censor music which they deem to be sensitive (Cloonan, 2003). All music
is reviewed by the government in order to check compliance with Article 102 of the
Chinese criminal law which states that it is an offence for any person to confuse
right and wrong, to poison people s minds, to incite the masses and create chaos, to
undermine socialist revolution and construction, and to achieve the final goal of
overthrowing the people s
What An American Hero Looks Like Analysis
The Left have popularized using tragedies as an impetus for political change, via
the Media, because it garners attention and instills a base of support for change.
However, this approach is misguided. The Media is powerless! In conservative
commentator Ben Shapiro s column, What an American Hero Looks Like , he states:
It isn t the Twitter battles that stand between the monsters and children. Furthermore,
he argues, policy change is inept because laws and regulations failed to save 26
people from a massacre in rural Texas. To remedy these misguided concepts, Shapiro
compels those who agree with increasing gun control measures to understand that
politicizing tragedy and legislating away rights will not solve any problems, heroes
will.... Show more content on ...
means necessary to stop bad men. Appealing to patriotism impels the reader to
idolize Willeford and his associated traits which adds another level of connection.
This introduces the crux of Shapiro s argument: people, not decrees, have always
stood between good and evil. They always will. This reinforces that the Left, who
are pushing for increased gun control, are pursuing an unneeded or even dangerous
goal unarmed, Willeford wouldn t have been able to shoot the evil human. Shapiro
continues by saying that Laws and regulations failed, and as a result, Americans
innocent Americans were murdered. Using murdered, instead of killed, is visceral
which resonates with the reader even more so because Shapiro has recounted the dire
effects of relying on words on paper. Thus when the Left attempt to pass increased
gun control, readers will deny the attempt. A quote from Jesse Ventura captures the
ending message: You can t legislate
Explain Why Disco Music Gained Popular During The 1970
Why Disco Died
Disco music gained popularity during the 1970 s. Most famous disco artists were not
connected to their music and didn t feel it was necessary to take artistic control over
their recordings. With this and the corporate drive to make money, performers
garnered much public attention while producers worked behind the scenes to develop
the disco sound. Along with its catchy beat and syncopated bass line, disco thrived
and soon gained mainstream success that would create an enormous cultural impact
on the music industry as we see it today.
Disco music gained fame through clubs that played these novelty tunes as well as the
gay, latino, and psychedelic communities that flocked said clubs. This genre became
mainstream because of its
Management Decision and Control Systems
Due March 2, 2007 Submitted by: SUDEEPTHI MOGALLA DEPARTMENT OF
INTRODUCTION Mettler Toledo International Inc., headquartered in Greifensee,
Switzerland is the world s largest manufacturer of weighing solutions for laboratory,
industrial and retail applications. With manufacturing facilities in USA, Switzerland,
Germany, United Kingdom, and China, and sales service operations in over 35
countries, it is also a leading global provider of precision instruments and services. It
is a market leader in balances and pipettes, and a top provider of ... Show more
content on ...
Mettler Toledo International Inc.
Page 4 of 23
holds a broad range of patents in the pipetting technologies and serves
pharmaceutical, biotech, and research applications. Most recently, Mettler Toledo
acquired SOFTECHNICS INC. a provider of software solutions for food retailing
applications in 2002.
MANAGEMENT TEAM The management team at Mettler Toledo is led by the
President CEO, Robert F. Spoerry who is also the Chairman of Board of Directors.
Mr. Spoerry has served in the positions of Head of Industrial Retail divisions for
Mettler Toledo in the past. He is supported by the CFO, William P. Donnelly who
was the Head of Product Inspection, the CIO, Jean Lucien Gloor, and the Head of
Human Resources, Peter Burker. Table 1 lists the management team. Table 1:
Mettler Toledo Management Team Name Robert F. Spoerry Current Position
President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of Board of Directors William P.
Donnelly Jean Lucien Gloor Peter Burker Olivier A. Filliol Chief Financial Officer
Chief Information Officer Head of Human Resources Head of Global Sales, Service
Marketing, and Head of Process Analytics
Mettler Toledo International Inc.
Page 5 of 23
Ken Peters Karl M. Lang Beat E. Luthi Urs Widmer Joakim Weidemanis Hans Peter
von Arb
General Manager North America Marketing General Manager Asia/Pacific Marketing
Head of Laboratory Division Head of Industrial
American Mafia Essay
The American mafia arose through the Italians coming to America. The American
Mafia, started as an Italian American organized crime network. The mafia operated
through many cities across the United States. Since immigrants mainly came through
New York, Italian American gangs rose to power through its success in the 1920s
Prohibition era (the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages
was prohibited in the United Statesby a constitutional amendment, states that During the late 19th century
and early 20th century, waves of Italians, mostly farmers, craftsmen and unskilled
laborers, flocked to America in search of better economic opportunities. This quote
shows that during this time... Show more content on ... staff stated that by 1910, that number jumped to 500,000 immigrants
and first generation Italian Americans, becoming one tenth of the city s population.
Many of these immigrants were law abiding citizens, but in the large group of
immigrants came criminals that began to form neighborhood gangs that would
terrorize those in the community. Some of these criminals were mafia members in
Italy that had escaped to the U.S. These mafia members later got into bootlegging
(make, distribute or sell something illegally) and became the American mafia . The staff also stated that the Italian and American mafia was separate but
some American gangs adapted the traditions of the Italians . Even though they were
different, the American mafia started as a part of the Italians. The early mafia groups
in the U.S. started off in New York, then growing into neighborhood operations to
citywide and international activities. The American mafia entered the bootleg
business, selling and distributing liquor throughout cities and transformed themselves
into a sophisticated criminal enterprise, where they became very skilled at
smuggling, money laundering (the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained
money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate
businesses) and bribing police
Discrimination Toward The Muslim Community
Many today believe that every time a terrorist attack happen is always committed by
a muslim. This problem is creating discrimination toward the muslim community.
Without knowing who really committed the crime people judge and say it was the
muslim community. According to the article by Camille Dodero of the Boston
Marathon before finding who were the suspects people were screaming and saying
muslim should go back to their country, when this is where their were born, This is
their country. This is causing muslim to be afraid and commit suicidebecause of
bullying. According to a study in Yale University bullied victims are 7 to 9 percent
likely to commit suicide. This information tell us the discrimination as a term of bully
is making people act and hurt themself. Hate and discrimination against Muslims
have starting getting worse after the Sept. 11, terrorist attacks. Based on the
percent of Muslim facing discrimination in the United State is 82%, saying that they
face the most injustice. ... Show more content on ...
Based on a comment made by Donald Trump to CNN, the president does not want to
accept Muslims in the United States because they can not identify their attitudes. You
really believe that because we can not identify the attitude of a person we should
leave it outside the country when they were and are the ones who created this country
as immigrants. Muslim have a better education than most Americans (
And so Trump wants them to be rejected to enter the United
Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study Ext
Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study 11 Scenario: The time is 1900 hours. You
are working in a small, rural hospital. It has been snowing heavily all day, and the
medical helicopters at the large regional medical center, 4 hours away by car (in
good weather), have been grounded by the weather until morning. The roads are
barely passable. WR., a 48 year old construction worker with a 36 pack year
smoking history, is admitted to your floor with a diagnosis of rule out myocardial
infarction (R/O MI). He has significant male pattern obesity (beer belly, large waist
circumference) and a barrel chest, and he reports a dietary history of high fat food.
His wife brought him to the ED after he complained of unrelieved indigestion. His...
Show more content on ...
11. One of the housekeeping staff asks you, If the poor guy can t smoke, why can t
you give him one of those nicotine patches? How will you respond? Housekeeping
staff is not in a situation where this would be information that they would need to
know to perform their job (HIPPA). I would politely say, Unfortunately, I am
unable to discuss the client s care, but I would be glad to relay information to the
client in case he is concerned. The next opportunity that I have, I would provide
information to the client about the nicotine patches and why he is unable to use
them at this time, just in case he and the housekeeper has had a conversation about
it. At that time if he wants to relay the information to the housekeeper he can do so.
Nicotine replacement therapy is not generally recommended for pregnant women
and persons who have experienced an acute myocardial infarction within 2 weeks,
have unstable angina, or have life threatening dysrhythmias. (Lewis, Dirksen,
Heitkemper, Bucher, Camera, 2011, p. 170) 12. If the patch were to be used later
to help him quit smoking, how would it be dosed for him? The nicotine
replacement would be dosed high and would taper off over a longer period of time
(patches 8 wks or more) to help with craving and withdrawal. The patch allows for
a slower delivery of the drug and elimination of the carcinogens and gases associated
with tobacco smoke. (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, Camera, 2011, p. 170)
13. Before leaving
The Importance Of Physical Touch In Education
As a future educator, it s important to understand not only the material you will be
covering in class, but to thoroughly know the students you are teaching. To fully
understand your students, an educator must be aware of their physical, social, and
cognitive development. This class helped me to recognize that throughout a childs
life, many developmental factors such as physical touch as an infant, the need to play
as a child and how they handle death can all affect a child s educational journey.
When thinking about a student, educators may forget to consider how what
happens during infancy can help or hinder a student even when they are years
older. One of the most important things a new mother can give to her child, is
quality time and physical touch. Prior to this class, I had basic understanding of
how important touch was, but I didn t know how it is truly a necessity for an
infant s healthy development. According to the article, The Power of Touch, Dr.
Lin Day states, Babies who are regularly touched gain weight faster, develop
stronger immune systems, crawl and walk sooner, sleep more soundly and cry less
than babies deprived of close physical contact (Day, 2008). These benefits of touch
can help a child to be more successful throughout their lives, but when they are
deprived of touch, the damages can be even more noticeable. In the same article, Day
discusses some of the negative effects of touch deprivation, Approximately one third
of clinic referrals
Terms Ap Euro Hello Version Chapter X
Enclosure Acts: The Revolution of 1688 confirmed the ascendancy of the Parliament
in England over the king. Economically, it meant the ascendancy of the more well to
do property owning classes. The British government was substantially in the hands of
wealthy landowners, the squirearchy . Many landowners, seeking to increase their
money incomes, began experimenting new and improved methods of cultivation and
stock raising. An improving landlord, to introduce such changes successfully needed
full control of his land. However this was not possible because of the old village
system of open fields, common lands, and semi collective methods of cultivation. The
old common tights of the villagers were part of the ... Show more content on ...
It affected everything from folklore to metaphysics. Grimm s Fairytales, for
example, was first published in 1812. It was the work of the two Grimm brothers,
founders of the modern science of comparative linguistics, who travelled about
Germany to study popular dialects and in doing so collected the folktales that for
generations had been current among the common people. They hoped in this way to
find the ancient, native, indigenous spirit of Germany, deep and unspoiled in the
bosom of the Volk.
Alexander I: Alexander I, 1777 1825, czar of Russia (1801 25), son of Paul I (in
whose murder he may have taken an indirect part). In the first years of his reign the
liberalism of his Swiss tutor, FrГ©dГ©ric CГ©sar de La Harpe, seemed to
influence Alexander. He suppressed the secret police, lifted the ban on foreign
travel and books, made attempts to improve the position of the serfs, and began to
reform the backward educational system. In 1805, Alexander joined the coalition
against Napoleon I, but after the Russian defeats at Austerlitz and Friedland he
formed an alliance with Napoleon by the Treaty of Tilsit (1807) and joined
Napoleon s Continental System. Alexander requested M. M. Speranski to draw up
proposals for a constitution, but adopted only one aspect of Speranski s scheme, an
advisory state council, and dismissed him in 1812 to placate the nobility. During this
period Russia gained control of Georgia and parts of Transcaucasia as a result of
The Conduct of British Generals in World War One Essay
The Conduct of British Generals in World War One In 1914 the First World War,
or the Great War, broke out in Europe. It involved the two main alliances of Europe
at the time; one alliance was the triple entente with Germany, Austro Hungary and
Serbia, the other alliance, the triple alliances, had Britain, France and Russia
creating a ring of steel around Germany. This war of attrition was to take the lives
of 8.5 million combatants and would change the way warfare was conducted and
portrayed forever, it would involve 65 million men from 30 countries around the
globe and Russia and America would emerge as the two great superpowers of the
20th century. After the war there would be great criticism of... Show more content on ...
During the battle of Verdun British artillery started to fire upon British infantry
during an attack causing heavy casualties. These were all seen as foolish acts and
it was shown, and still is shown, in various pieces of literature. In source C it
shows the enormity of the killing at the Somme and the differences in losses
between the two sides. It was written by John keegan, who is a qualified historian
and there shouldn t be any reason for bias on his part and in this source he does
contain many facts to support his views so it is quite a reliable source. On the other
hand the generals could not have been tactically inept and blind to the minimal gains
that some attacks were having because as the war progressed new tactics and
innovative ways of attacking were brought to the front line and used with great effect.
Ideas like the rolling barrage where men would creep behind shells that were
continually firing while inching forward, another idea was night attacks where men
would attack enemy positions
Columbia Shuttle Essay
Columbia s Final Mission video case is designed to help you understand how failures
occur and how you might prevent them in your own organizational life.
You have previously been assigned to play a role as a manager or engineer role
and central figure in the team that managed this mission. Your password for your
role is on the role group assignment page in Blackboard. You reach this page by
clicking on Groups from the course home page, locate your assigned role and click
on that group. If you have difficulties locating your group please contact me. You
will note that there are some features to the video (such as a timeline and a calendar
and NO back button) that is different from other videos you may have watched. All of
the ... Show more content on ...
What prior thoughts and beliefs shaped the way you behaved during the mission?
b.What pressures affected you behavior and from where did these pressures originate?
c.In what ways did the culture impact your behavior?
d.If you were in this person s shoes during the mission do you think you would have
behaved differently? Why or why not?
The paper to be turned in should probably not be more than 10 pages double spaced.
Calvin Schomburg, senior engineer
Manager of Vehicle and Systems Analysis United Space Alliance
Calvin Shomburg was a NASA technician for 38 years and is considered a senior
engineer at the Johnson Space Center. He is an expert on the Thermal Protection
System (TPS), which consists of tiles that protect the Orbiter from super hot gases
during re entry into the Earth s atmosphere. Foam strikes have occurred on
previous flights, and have always been treated as maintenance issues upon return
of the crew and vehicle. The foam strikes to the TPS have a very small chance of
causing problems. Schomburg knows that only 200 400 of the over 23,000 tiles,
on the left wing, can actually cause an issue. The foam strike on the STS 107
mission was similar to the STS 112, which was classified as a maintenance issue
instead of a no safety of flight issue. Shomburg s belief was that the impact at 81
seconds was too late to have enough energy to cause extensive damage to the
Kober Khadr Case Study
On July 27, 2002 a fifteen year old Canadian citizen Omar Khadr was captured by
US forces in Afghanistan. Khadr was captured for the murder of unarmed medic
Christopher Speer. The US had held Khadr for a period of ten years (from 2002
2012). During this time, Canada did not fulfill its obligation to protect Omar Khadr
and his rights. Canadafailed to protect Khadr and his rights during three instances:
Firstly, during the rough interrogation that involved various types of torture Canada
did not speak up for Khadr nor did they fight for his rights. Secondly, Canada did not
request for the right of Extradition when Khadr was captured, instead letting the US
hold him for ten years. Lastly, Canada assisted the unfair prosecution of Khadr while
... Show more content on ...
When terrorists from other countries such as Britain and Australia were captured
the countries put pressure on the US to release extradite the prisoners back to their
home countries. Canada had not asked nor demanded for this, it seems as though
Canada was supporting the US s treatment of Khadr. Canada had to take back
Khadr once it was publicized that he was being tortured almost every day. In
addition to this, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had confidence that the US
military would try Khadr in a fair manner, but obviously he was wrong as Khadr
was forced to sign an unfair plea that would basically force him into Canada.
Dennis Edney Khadr s former lawyer states He has fought for close to eight years
to get a pair of protective glasses to preserve the amount of sight remaining in Omar
s one eye with vision. He received them in November of last year. That is the
extent of the help Omar has received from the Canadian government, they can t
even get him a pair of glasses. (Edney 5). Khadr was going blind in Guantanamo
and requested a pair of glasses for eight years. Canada did not comply and didn t
even speak to Guantanamo about getting Khadr glasses; instead, they let the US treat
the Canadian citizen very harshly and not even provide him with a pair of glasses.
Canada did not care about Khadr instead they just let the US deal with him unfairly.
Canada should have been more involved in the treatment of Khadr and should not
have supported the US while they were violating Khadr. Unlike the other countries
such Britain and Australia Canada did not pressure the US to extradite Khadr. In
addition to this, they stood by the US s strong torture methods due to the fact that
Canada did not speak up when Khadr was sent to Guantanamo, even though
Guantanamo was famous for torturing its prisoners.
American Exodus by James N. Gregory
In American Exodus, James N. Gregory presents the struggles and misconceptions of
the Okie migrant, their defiance to cultural oppression and the change they brought.
To analyze the brunt force of the Dust Bowl and the Depression of the Great Plain
region; he traces the movement from route 66, evaluates the reception in California,
and shows how the migrants both accommodated and left from the culture of the
Golden State. Throughout the book, he dismisses many of the stereotypes created by
John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath(1939), and Dorothea Lange s messages in
photography. In doing so, Gregory presents a social wave, from the norm of
stereotyping and the defiance of culture itself by bringing about unity in the form of
narration of events and sub topics. Furthermore, this event is brought to the hands of
historians and future historians, a subject that often ignored in American history that
has impacted various states including California. The author s notion is that The Dust
Bowlmigration movement teaches us about the ways American culture is
transformed through relocation. Gregory s claim is that without migration; our sense
of ideals, mannerisms, and literature would not be the same. It is through the Okies
persona, morals, and experience that an identity is established and therefore, a
landmark in culture. Gregory organizes his content in sections, Part 1: Migration and
Resettlement and Part 2: The Okie Subculture to make his point. In the first part, the
Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal, Honduras Essay
1.What is your impression of Guajilote as a business venture? Guajilote is a
growing business but the organization of this company does not have a steady
foundation due to the political structure of Honduras. Guajilote also the amount of
mahogany wood was limited and was being threatened by forest fires, illegal
logging, and slash and dash burn agriculture. Wood trade was even restricted
internationally. Guajilote was force to take lower price for its wood due to that
there was only one distributing area. Most if not all of Guajilote employees had any
education beyond primary schooling, and some were even illiterate. This made it
very hard for Guajilote operations because if Guajilote employees were illiterate and
had no education then... Show more content on ...
Fires were set to prepare soils for planting and helped clear the area for cultivation,
but they were not being well supervised, and even burned out of control, which
created bad forest fires.
People migrating: When people migrated to Olancho the cleared the forests for
cultivation, cut wood for fuel and building houses. They were using all the wood that
was literally the means for Guajilote survival.
CITIES Restrictions: If mahogany continued to decrease due to trade there would be
a tighter restrictions on trade of mahogany or an outright ban altogether.
Finding mahogany: The organization s size and production potential is limited by
the amount of mahogany it can produce in a year. Mahogany is fairly rare in a forest
and Guajilote is legally restricted to downed trees. Moreover, with the difficulties of
finding, processing by hand, and then moving the wood out of the forest, Guajilote
was further restricted in the quantity of wood it could handle
Capital: Guajilote doesn t invest enough in capital expenditures. A very small
percentage of the funds are held back for capital improvement purchases due to the
operation s simple material needs. Capital expenditures for 1997 included a mule plus
materials needed to maintain Guajilote s large cross cut saws. Inadequate funding
limits the growth potential of the business.
3. Does Guajilote have a competitive advantage and/or a competitive strategy? Justify
your answer. Guajilote
Essay about A Comparison of My Last Duchess and...
My Last Duchess is a poem about an arrogant and extremely powerful
Duke who is describing his deceased Duchess. From the word last in the title it is
implied that the duke has had more than one duchess.
In this poem, the Duke is extremely egotistic. He says, I choose never to stoop. The
duchess would look at everyone in the world as being equal no matter what class
they are. The duke however cannot do this. He is too worried about his appearance.
Porphyria s Lover is a poem in which a man describes an evening in which his lover,
Porphyria, visits him and he unexpectedly murders her. In this it is unlike My Last
Duchess because Porphyria
worships her lover unlike the Duke
From the title My Last Duchess , we ... Show more content on ...
In addition, here the use of enjambment is effective because it gives the reader the
image of the yellow hair being wrapped around Porphyria s neck
The rhythm in this poem is consistent give a relaxed atmosphere in the poem. This
is effective because it makes the Duke revealing he had his wife murdered more
shocking. Browning jars the rhythm in the poem where the duke reveals he had his
wife killed.
Browning also uses an effective rhyming scheme. He uses rhyming couplets to make
the poem flow easily. For examplein My Last Duchess he writes, FrГ Pandolf s
hands/ Worked busily a day, and there she stands . The regular rhymein Porphyria s
Lover gives the poem a relaxed rhyme but off rhymes give a shocking effect at the
point where the lover murders Porphyria
Browning use enjambment effectively in both poems. More so in
Porphyria s Lover . The lines do not employ end stops; sentences and other
grammatical units do not necessarily conclude at the end of lines. This happens
more so in Porphyria s Lover . The lover describes
Porphyria removing her wet hat, untied/ Her hat and let the damp hair fall . The use
of enjambment here gives the image of her long blonde hair falling from beneath her
hat. This is effective because it gives the reader the image of her hair moving out of
Browning uses language very effectively in these poems.
In My Last Duchess Browning use diminutive language to describe the
The Use of Birds in Chronical of a Death Foretold by...
In the novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, birds are
used as motifs intentionally in the imagery of scenes to convey sentiments, ideas and
messages to the reader. Some of the roles taken by the symbolism of birds include
indicating signs of the future and afterlife, supporting character portrayal and
development throughout the text. The symbolism of birds is discussed in the essay
because the recurring images of birds have a pertinent significance to the novella.
In literature, birds are commonly viewed as signs of freedom while in flight, yet
while they are entrapped in cages, they symbolize the struggle for freedom. Gabriel
Garcia s usage of birds has both common and uncommon roles in the novel. The birds
... Show more content on ...
Santiago seemed happy with his father until the latter died suddenly, three years
before, (Marquez 7). In this sense, the dream about floating through a grove of
timber trees where a gentle drizzle was falling, [...] but [...] he awoke [...] spattered
with bird shit, (Marquez 3) ties into Santiago s life. The birds hold significance in
this passage in the metaphor comparing bird shit to life ruining events. The reader
learns more about Santiago when the narrator reveals that Nasar gained the good
arts of valor and prudence (7) from his father and is a merry, peaceful, and
openhearted (8) individual. Furthermore, Santiago is an aggressive wealthy
individual that is compared to a sparrow hawk [...] just like his father, nipping the
bud of any wayward virgin who began showing up in those woods, (90). In the text,
falcons are associated with entertainment and displaying one s status of wealth, and
the opening quote by Gil Vicente, the pursuit of love is like falconry (1) compares the
persistent nature of pursuing love to the recreational activity of hunting with falcons.
Subsequently, the reader becomes aware of Santiago s innocence and naivety. Nahir
Miguel reveals to the narrator that Santiago looked like a little wet bird, (114).
Because Marquez specifically chose a bird as the animal for this image, the birds
must hold a certain importance to the
Compare And Contrast A Woman Who Went To Alaska
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a miner during the gold rush? Or
have you ever thought about the conditions they had to go through to even get to the
location of the gold? In Klondike Gold Rush ~ Yukon Territory 1897, the reader
learns about difficult tasks and horrid events that the miners had to withstand in order
to mine gold. In A Woman Who Went to Alaska
, by May Kellogg Sullivan the narrator
expresses how they feel the Canadian Dominion government is unfair and how the
miners go through more just to get to the mines then it s worth. In both pieces, the
authors both heavily feel that the conditions are terrible for the miners and how much
gold they collect was cruel for how much work they put in. In both passages, the
author was... Show more content on ...
This is true because in the piece written, the author explains to the audience that,
Those who survived the perilous journey mostly found disappointment once they
reached Dawson City. This statement shapes the reader s thoughts by providing one
reason the miners lives weren t as effortless as many thought. The statement also
helps the audience understand just how dangerous the journey was if some didn t
survive the journey. Another way the narrator was able to make the reader feel that
the miners lives were difficult is by stating, The work that was necessary to retrieve
the gold was incredible. This proves that the miners put in more work for the gold
than it was worth and makes the reader feel sorry for the miners. The quote makes
the reader believe the work put in to collect the gold was more challenging than
expected and made the long, dangerous journey not worth it. In the text, the author
was able to show the reader what the miners had to withstand through the use of the
their word
Sweat shops
A sweatshop is a work place, often a factory, in which employees work long hours at
low wages under poor conditions. Although sweatshops virtually disappeared after
World War II because of increased governement regulations and the rise of unions,
they have reappeared, and are steadily increasing in number throughout the world.
This is due, in large part, to economic globalization. Multinational corporations have
been moving production facilities out of democratic, industrial nations into
impoverished, developing countries in order to take advantage of cheap labor and to
avoid scrutiny from governments and human rights organizations. MNC s are
concerned with the production of goods for world markets at lowest possible costs ...
Show more content on ...
Because their wages are often only $.10 to $.20 per hour, the women may receive
no wages for years as they attempt to pay off these debts. If the women try to return
home without fulfilling their contractual obligations, they are often blacklisted, fined,
or arrested. Many women are not paid even without such debt. Sweatshops often fail
to pay their employees on time, if at all. The workers, who are often unaware of their
rights, have no choice but to continue to work because sweatshop managers threaten
and punish them for insubordination.
Many of these factories, as well as the women s living quarters, are crowded, filthy,
and rat infested. They are located behind barbed wire fences that are monitored by
armed guards. Not only are the women not allowed to come and go freely, but they
are forbidden to have visitors. Thus, they are not given the opportunity to air their
grievances to anyone who may be in a position to help them. Additionally, the
women are always under the threat of corporal punishment. The women are
verbally abused, spat on, and beaten. They are not allowed to take breaks or go to
the bathroom during their shifts, and are fined if they do so. In some Indonesian
sweatshops, women were forced to take down their pants and reveal to factory
doctors that they were menstruating in order to claim their legal right to menstrual
leave (Morey, 2000). Female sweatshop employees
Catherine de Medici and Obsession Over Power Essay
Catherine de Medici and Obsession Over Power An execrable woman whose
memory will remain in bloody crepe until the end of time[1] . For nearly 400 years
this assessment of Catherine de Medici held true. In the popular imagination she is a
Machiavellian schemer using poison on those who hindered her in her quest to gain
and maintain power at court, a view of Catherine reinforced in recent years by the
film La Reine Margot, based on the book by Dumas. Most traditionalist historians
take their information on Catherine from pamphlets such as Discours Merveilleuse
de la Vie, Actions et Deportment de Catherine de Medicis, Royne Mere[2]. Claiming
to be a strictly factual account of Catherine de... Show more content on ...
The main revisionist historian to write in English is NM Sutherland. Her works are a
clear attempt to rehabilitate Catherine and remove the stigma the Black Legend has
left associated with Catherine s name. She suggests that far from Catherine being
triumphant at her own political dexterity when assuming the regency for Charles IX
upon the death of Francis II, she viewed the future with apprehension [6]. Other
revisionist historians include Dame Francis Yates who interprets Catherine s many
volte face as being less and example of Machiavellian scheming and more of an
example of how Catherine was, in reality a politique who put the well being of the
state before personal religious convictions. This position meant Catherine was unable
to comprehend the religious fanaticism which swept France during the era in which
she was regent and thus made the solving of the problem significantly more difficult.
Other revisionists concentrate on her maternalism with Heritier[7] substantiating this
opinion with references to the proportion of Catherine s letters that are addressed to
Jean d HumiГѓВЁre, the royal children s governess. The revisionist view generally
sees Catherine as being someone who desired peace and stability for her sons
kingdom. The blame for the failure of the crown to solve the religious political
problems in this
International Council Of Nurses Development Programme
Tele nursing is the practice that employs the use of technological advancements in
conducting nursing practice and even providing nursing care services to the patients.
The tele nurses are expected to provide proper assessment of the nursing care before
planning to evaluate it with the aid of technological devices such as telephones and
computers. The past century has seen a period of phenomenal technological
advancement, the integration of technology with our health care delivery system is
almost the norm and the potential for these continuing trends will be highlighted.
Alongside this, consideration will be given to changing demographics of society and
what this will mean in relation to technology use into the future. In terms of where we
are now the International Council of Nurses has undertaken a range of activities to
support the development of tele nursing and its application to practice. Several
initiatives including key publications, the International Council of Nurses
development programme and the future orientated e health programme, will be
explained in this paper. In addition to International Council of Nurses developments, a
range of a wider factors distilled from the global understanding of tele nursing
development are also discussed in this paper including, the technology device,
quantum progression, regulation and ethics, competence development and the
evidential base. Issues of connectivity and interoperability, next generation telemetry,
Psalm 78 Is The Psalm Of Remembrance
Psalm 78 is the psalm of remembrance. In the beginning, the psalmist commands the
attention of the present age to what we have heard and known. We should not
conceal them from our children, but it is our responsibility to tell the generations to
come to praise the Lord about his strength and wondrous works he has done. This is
such a good reminder for me! Sometimes we are influenced by the value of this
world and we pay too much attentions to teach the children the knowledge of the
languages, sciences or arts, but we forget the more important thing is to help our
children put their confidence in Godand fear the Lord since they are still young. In
the Psalm 78:9 39, the psalmist remembers many miracles God has done for the
Israel and how God
Michael Corleone Character Analysis Essay
III. Characters
A.The Godfather
Michael Corleone, the youngest son of Vito Corleone, initially doesn t want to
have anything to do with his family. He is apparently a law abiding citizen and is
evidently a war veteran. He seems to be a good natured and tries to avoid
identifying with Corleone activites, yet is fiercely loyal to his family, especially to
his father. He is called by his peers as a civilian and refuses to acknowledge him as a
criminal. Wnating to live an ordinary life was his choice, until an incident where he
botched an assassination attempt on their patriarch; Vito Corleone, led to Michael
trying to return the favor to Sollozo and McClusckey. This will eventually lead him
entangled with the family affairs. With the family trying to prevent a war between
other families, Michael starts to become more and more involved. His vengeful
nature, coupled with his ruthless intellect earned the respect of his followers. He
ordered the hit ... Show more content on ...
He is intelligent, clever and an excellent speaker. Like the tagline of the movie, he
frequently makes an offer he can t refuse . Another trait is his ability to read
people, especially during Bonasera s plea to the don. He is also a ruthless person,
if he cannot deal with words, guns and bullets will. Even with his supposed evil, he
is seen as many as a very loving father and many people love him. He was clearly
hurt when he found out Michael gunned down Sollozo and McClusckey, indicating
he loved Michael that he didn t want his son to be part of any crime. He is able to
separate blood and water, and embrace them both, evident when he adopted and
raised Tom Hagen like he was a son. He also show a deep sense of morality, not
agreeing to the dawning drug business at first, and when he did agree, he proposed
that it should never be sold to kids and near schools. Near the end of his life, he
became more relaxed and was able to enjoy his remaining
The Synthesis And Processing Of Ceramics And Ceramic...
Polymer derived ceramics (PDC) were first introduced over thirty years ago, and are a
fundamental material in high demand today. Over the years, these materials have
been heavily studied to better understand how to manufacture them and determine
their desired properties. Such materials include coatings, ceramic fivers, and ceramics
containing properties that allow them to have high stability at high temperatures.
Desired properties of PDC typically include high resistance to decomposition, phase
separation, crystallization, high chemical durability, semi conductivity, and creep. [4]
This paper will discuss the synthesis and processing of ceramics and ceramic
composites using soft materials such as pre ceramic polymers. The potential for
materials for a large variety of applications in harsh environments, pertaining mainly
to the mechanical properties of PDCs, will also be discussed.
There are three basic steps in order to process PDC. These include synthesis of
preceramic from a specific monomer, crosslinking of polymers at low temperatures
which allow for networks to form, and finally ceramization by pyrolysis.
Some of the most common monomers which can be used consist of polysilanes,
polycarbosilanes, polysiloxanes, polysilazanes, and polysilylcarbodiimides. There are
several procedures in order to attain these figure 18.1 indicates some of the methods
of creating some preceramics through various methods outlined [1].
Love Triumphs
Love Triumphs 1 Corinthians 13:13 states: and now these three remain: faith, hope,
and love. But the greatest of these is love, ( 30 Bible Verses About Love
Encouraging Scripture Quotes ). Love is an essential feeling everyone needs to have
in their life, and we are called to love one another. Without it, everyone wouldn t
have fulfillment in life. In the novel, Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo shows how
ultimately powerful loveis. He portrays love in many ways throughout the novel. The
novels main purpose is to show how love triumphs through all circumstances.
Marius and Cosette have a love that never leaves them no matter the situation.
Throughout the whole novel, Marius shows how much he loves Cosette. Marius kept
going back to Luxemburg ... Show more content on ...
Also, one day dressed himself in this panoply complete, put on his gloves,
prodigious prodigality, and went to Luxembourg. (Hugo, et al. 193) to try to
impress Cosette. Marius did not even know her, but already knew that he had to
get to know her. No matter what the situation, his love for her still prevailed. This
portrays his love for her early on in the novel. And then while he was watching her
walk by showed this as well. It was all over him. Marius loved a women. His
destiny was entering upon the unknown. (Hugo, et al. 197). Hugo, instead of using
describing words, flat out says that Marius loved a woman . Marius had no one at
that moment, so he felt as if his love for Cosette was the perfect one. Marius hadn t
felt the love like he did because even though his family loved him, they had a hard
time showing it. Men and women alike are all in need of love in order to be satisfied.
The people of our society receive love from those around them. Most people would
Human Activity And Climate Change
The IPCC define climate change as change in the state of the climate that can be
identified (e.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability
of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or
longer. It refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability
or as a result of human activity ( Observed ). In today s society, there are various
opinions over whether humans are contributing to climate changeor if natural causes
are contributing to climate change. Some people believe that humans are the main
contributor to climate change, whilst others believe that natural causes are playing a
substantially bigger role in contributing to climate change. Both human and natural
causes play a role in contributing to climate change.
An example of human activity playing a role in contributing to climate change is the
increased burning of fossil fuels, which inevitably leads to increased energy
consumption. There appears to be a positive correlation, even a causation between
increased energy consumption and increased carbon dioxide emissions from 1854 to
2000. For example, in 1854, the world energy consumption for coal, oil and natural
gas combined was 28 exajoules , by 2000, the world energy consumption for coal,
oil and natural gas combined was 1375 exajoules (Gail Tverberg). Furthermore,
during the industrial revolution from 1760 to 1840, where there was a drastic change
in methods of
Investigating The Relationship Between Relative Molecular...
Wesley College
IB Chemistry IA: Energetics
Candidate: Jacob Savarirayan
Candidate number: 0006120082
Focus problem: Investigating the relationship between the relative molecular mass a
primary alcohol and the respective enthalpy of combustion for that alcohol.
Independent, dependent, and controlled variables:
VariableManipulating, measuring, or controlling variable
Independent variableThe primary alcohol usedDifferent alcohols (methanol, ethanol,
and 1 propanol) will all be used within their respective spirit burners.
Dependent variableThe amount (mass) of alcohol burnedThe dependent variable will
be measured by taking readings of both the initial and final masses of the spirit burner
(without the cap) thus the change in mass can be calculated.
Controlled variable 1The change in temperature within the water in the metal can
will be held constant at a change of 20ocThe change in temperature is held constant
at +20oC. This will be controlled to the best ability (see step 8, method). This is
predominantly controlled to allow for consistency within the energy gained by the
100cm3 of water, and to maintain a consistent error in temperature change.
Controlled variable 2The equipment used The equipment used throughout the
experiment will be the same, as will the setup. This will be further controlled by
performing every trial within the same approximately 75 minute period, thus
eliminating the need to re setup the apparatus. This control ensures that
Supplier Selection
The evaluation and selection of suppliers, structuring the supplier base is an
important task in any organization. It assumes utmost importance in the current
scenario of global purchasing. Every Organization especially manufacturing
organizations need to have a Supplier evaluation matrix or model in place. This
paper tries to bring in a typical
Supplier Evaluation Framework, which blends with company s basic values, and
help in establishing a Strategic sourcing policy. It also outlines ways and means to
reward a supplier and establish long standing relationships with suppliers.
Vendor selection range of criterions
Today s consumers demand cheaper, high qualityproducts, on time delivery and
excellent after sale ... Show more content on ...
* Ability to meet current and potential capacity requirements, and do so on the
desired delivery schedule. * Financial stability. * Technical supportavailability and
willingness to participate as a partner in developing and optimizing design and a long
term relationship. * Total cost of dealing with the supplier (including material cost,
communications methods, inventory requirements and incoming verification
required). * The supplier s track record for business performance improvement. *
Total cost assessment.
Now when the agreement on the business and vendor requirements had been
compiled, the team now must start to search for possible vendors that will be able
to deliver the material, product or service. The larger the scope of the vendor
selection process the more vendors you should put on the table. Of course, not all
vendors will meet the minimum requirements and the team will have to decide which
vendors you will seek more information from.
Vendor evaluation range of criterions
The areas that company chooses to measure and manage and the criteria used will
be a direct result of the company s goals and strategy and the objectives for the
supplier performance management program. There are a wide variety of areas of
supplier performance that may be measured. It is important to select the ones that are
Stereotypes Perception Of African American Hair
I have decided to use portraiture to create a narrative between the portrait and the
viewer, allowing the viewer to understand the individual that is being depicted
through their physical characteristics and their personality. I see portraiture as a mean
to express the issues concerning stereotypes towards African Americanhair and how
those stereotypes influence the way society to perceive African Americans. My
overall set of works, tell a story that reveals how these viewpoints oppress African
Americans through images of their hair.
Through collage and drawing, I show the relationship between these women and how
historical stereotypes effect the way that American culture represents African
American hair. Many of those stereotypes are generated
The Lottery By Martin Niemoller
Brock Brigman Compare and contrast essay
The lottery and First they came
Standing up for what s right may not be the easiest path. This is not easy because
you may not want someone you know to get in trouble for something they have
done. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is about a village that has a lottery and the of
this lottery gets stoned to death witch is not the right thing. First They Came by
Martin Niemoller is about a man who was once a Nazis and was regretful for not
standing up for what is right. Both The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and First They
Came by Martin Niemoller deal with standing up for what s right may not be the
easiest path, but they do so in different ways.
Straightaway The Lottery is about following the crowd, for example all the people
in the village followed what the previous generation did which was the lottery. Also
the people in the village talk about how they don t know why they do the lottery but
we do It s a tradition . The winner of the lottery gets stoned to death which is not the
right thing to do. This goes back to how doing the right thing is not the easiest path.
Secondly First They Came Is also about doing the right thing is not the easiest
path, but it shows in a different way. In this story Martin Niemoller was a Nazis
and had lots of regret. He regret not speaking up for what s right. He was
imprisoned in two camps and narrowly escaped execution. In his time in the camps
he wrote on how he regret s not speaking up
A New Client For A Cereal Making Company
A new client for a cereal making company has asked us to help promote their cereal
as healthy . This new cereal is called *name here*, and it is our job to determine the
correlation between calories and potassium in order to make the new cereal
healthier by lowering the calories but increasing potassium. We have researched
the interrelationship between calories and potassium and this paper is a product of
our analysis. We have compared data between the top fifteen cereals and have
found that calories and potassium have a negative correlation. However this is only
a coincidence as it is other factors, such as sugar, fiber, protein, and fat that correlate
most directly to calories, while certain ingredients have more potassium than others.
Calories and potassium are both essential parts of the diet that the human body
needs in order to survive. A calorie is a unit of energy that measures how much
energy the body gets just by eating or drinking it. It is generally thought that the
higher the calories, the worse it is for the body. It is thought that way because the
extra calories that the body doesn t use is converted to fat, and too much fat is linked
to health problems such as arthritis (joint degeneration), heart disease and diabetes.
Potassium is an electrolyte (meaning it conducts electricity in the body), it is essential
for the proper function of cells, tissues and organs. It is crucial for heart function and
the contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles. Too much
Zen Buddhism And The Law Of Karma
The law of karma is so powerful that it governs everything in the universe, that is,
according to Buddhism and Zen, except the one who is Enlightened. When one is
Enlightened, the law of Karma isn t pertinent. The Enlightened one does, says, or
thinks is through free will, an indication of essential nature, and not the impact of past
Karma. This is a one of a kind clarification by Buddha of the invalidation of the law
of Karma is essential. Enlightenment is a state of being that is free from the habitual
patterning and systematic identification processes of the human ego. The ego is a
construct of human consciousness that routinely makes a differentiation between
what it chooses to identify as self and other, or not self. The ego creates... Show more
content on ...
The reason that reflection was singled out for the assignment of this school depends
on the way that the authentic Buddha accomplished edification (nirvana) through the
act of contemplation. There are essentially two strategies used in meditation practice
in Zen Buddhism to assist the practitioner to achieve the previously mentioned
objectives, together with a basic breathing activity known as perception of breath
tally one is the kЕЌan strategy and the other is called simply sitting, it is a single act
of Samadhi. They are the two fundamental schools of this type of the Buddha Way
yet prospering today in Japan. In the Rinzai school, the kЕЌan technique is concocted
to help the professional to end up plainly a Zen individual (Kasulis, 1981) who
completely exemplifies both astuteness and empathy. The assignment of this school
of the Buddha Route as Zen, which implies sitting contemplation. Since the Chinese
expression is thusly a transliteration of the Sanskrit expression Dhyana, nonetheless,
Zen owes its chronicled beginning to early
Plastic Bags Do Not Biodegrades
By going to a website called,, I found out that, Plastic bags don t
biodegrade, they photodegrade breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits
contaminating soil and waterways. They then enter the food web when animals
accidentally ingest them, ( admin, para.8 ). In case you didn t know, the meaning of
biodegrade is to decay and to become absorbed by the environment, while
photodegrade is to be decomposed by the action of light, especially sun light.
Plastic bags are very common in grocery stores. Sure they help us carry items, but
plastic bags can do a lot of harm to the environment and to living animals, such as
creating land fills and endangering six of seven species of sea turtles. Where I m
getting at is that... Show more content on ...
That we don t have to worry if we lose any of them. Sure it makes our lives easier,
but we need to stop thinking of ourselves and start looking for ways we could use
to replace plastic bags, without it causing any harm to the environment and wild
life. For example, But the problems surrounding waste plastic bags starts long
before they photodegrade. Our planet is becoming increasingly contaminated by
our unnecessary use of plastic bags, ( Sharon Jacobsen, para.4). Sharon Jacobsen is
explaining in this quote that plastic bags are, basically, unnecessary. For another
example, Big black bin liners, plastic carrier bags carrying advertising logos, clear
sandwich bags and a variety of other forms are all polluting our environment. They
re lightweight, handy and easily discarded. Too easily discarded, ( Sharon
Jacobsen, para.5). By saying this, she meant since plastic bags are easy to get rid of,
this is how problems are created, problems such as landfills and destroying marine
life. What we need to start improving is to not think about our selves entirely and
discuss what should do to help the things around
A Butcher s Tale And Alain Corbin s Village Of Cannibals
Helmut Walser Smith s A Butcher s Tale and Alain Corbin s Village of Cannibals,
present case studies of historical accounts which demonstrate the power of masses
and of crowd violence in the small Prussian town of Konitz and the isolated French
village of Hautefaye. Small towns are generally attributed to communal
characteristics where citizens help and protect one another; however, the events that
unraveled in these two cases generated a shock factor to the neighboring towns as it
exemplified the power of rumor and the overall naivety of the inhabitants of the two
towns. These case studies are also reflections of how the most civilized of societies
are able to resort to barbaric actions through mere hearsay and allow their prejudices
to shape their perception. This paper will examine the dynamics of the crowd, the
explanation for the unfolding events and the ways in which both authors reach their
conclusions of the unraveling of these events. The particular unfolding of events in
both case studies of the historical accounts of violence which occurs in these two
small towns is explained through the notion of rumor as a news source. Smith s A
Butchers Tale investigates the anti Semitic violence in the town of Konitz
reconstructing the murder of an eighteen year old boy Ernst Winter whose body had
been found brutally dismembered. At first the murder goes unnoticed; however, two
days later body parts slowly start to make their way around town followed by the
Benefits Of Man s Best Friend Essay
Benefits of Man s Best Friend Interactions between humans and animals have
existed since prehistoric times. Humans depended on animals for food, clothing,
and transportation , and animals were the focus of religious worship in many
ancient cultures (The PEDIGREEВ®, 1). In more recent years, the number of
animals kept for companionship and pleasure has massively increased (The
PEDIGREEВ®, 1). In present day society pets, dogs in particular, play an essential
role in the health and structure of many families. Pets are not only able to provide
companionship, there is also evidence of the positive effects they provide on human
health and psychological mentality. Companion animals play an important role in
their owner s lives, by being able to positively influence a human s physical health.
Simply stroking or petting an animal has repeatedly been shown to cause transient
decreases in blood pressure and/or heart rate (Wells 524). Interactions with a
familiar animal have a greater benefit, because they appear to serve a greater
therapeutic benefit than those with an unfamiliar animal (Wells 524). Petting an
animal can also positively benefit the health of the animal itself, because it helps
create a lower heart rate for the animal (Wells 524). These effects may only be short
term, but they are beneficial. It has also been reported that petowners have been
discovered to visit the doctor significantly less than individuals who do not own a
companion animal (Wells 526).
Relationship Between The Father And The Son
The relationship in the middle of Gregor and his mother is similar to a typical
mother child relationship, him expecting to accommodate her and the family, her
cherishing him. At the same time, when he started to go under the metamorphosis
their relationship took a wide change into a delicate and distressed, the mother is
torn between her adoration for Gregor and her frightfulness at Gregor s new state.
Grete and Gregor s father seek to shield her from the full reality of her child s
transformation. She demonstrated sympathy for him later in the story, yet soon she
forgot all about him, just like the rest of the family.
The relationship between the father and the son is unusual. It is certainly strained,
however it is likewise complex. His father loves him, but his love appears to be
difficult to discover. Despite the fact that tears inevitably came, his initial reaction
to his son s transformation is not sadness or pity, but anger. The twisted part about
their relationship is that the son basically gets sick while conveying his father s
financial burden, yet the father, instead of being sympathetic, he rejects and assaults
the son for becoming the vermin that he has become. He hurts his son, physically,
and scars him. This is deeply ironic, in light of the fact that the change of the son
seems to occur as a result of the work that he does on his father s behalf. The father
ought to be giving him adore, but instead detests the despicable creature he has
become and wants
Young People Fat Research Paper
There s not a kid alive that won t sooner or later need to deal with no under one sort
of friend weight. The truth is that sidekick weight is basically an unavoidable truth
for youngsters and teenagers. Yet what may be as protected as what amusement or
shading you like best when you re in second grade as often as possible changes into
the weight to endeavor drugs and alcohol, take part in sexual relations, and/or tune in
distinctive sorts of behavior which struggle with all that you ve learned in life. We
should get information to the masses so that our period can upgrade and move past
this season of extravagant judiciousness. What I appreciate her to be expressing is
that by more widely and formally demonstrating the figuring out how to high... Show
more content on ...
The most certain strategy for keeping this entire circumstance from happening is to
agree to the one surefire answer for this dilemma maintain a strategic distance from
sex until marriage. Then again, the best part is that it s plausible! I ll be a virgin
when I m hitched. It s a gift I ll offer away to one amazingly one of a kind woman
no qualms. My mom and dad made sense of how to accomplish this unavoidable ,
basic act until they were hitched. My three uncles and their wives all made it to their
marriage guarantees with their virginity set up. Likewise, it s not like they were
social protesters without open entryway for their own specific nonattendance of
deliberateness. Perhaps, they were all adolescents who were dynamic and noticeable
understudies taking an enthusiasm for and driving their way through auxiliary school
and school as group promoters, drum majors for state title strolling gatherings, cross
country and track partners, starting varsity baseball players, optional school athletes,
college baseball Group Commanders, uncommonly finishing academic understudies,
and the once over goes on. Besides, from the affirmation of what I ve seen around
me all my life, it is clear that self control in like manner suits all the all the more
trusting associations and obliges honest to goodness
Is Colonization Worth The Cost
Colonization was very expansive a long time ago because there was a lot of war
and countries always wins or lose. When you lose you lose a lot of important
things that is need in the country. Yes, I have come to an agreement that
colonization is worth the cost. If you want your population to increase and want to
be more powerful then colonization is worth the cost. Columbus discovered new
places and one of them was Hispana. In Sermon Delivered to church he says a
speech on how we can make this place better and asks questions. If the land is very
beautiful and has resources then I would fight over it. Columbus and his troops have
less resources and sends a letter to me as the king of Spain. I say that the cost is worth
it because if
Greek And Greek Mythology
Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the
sentences may not require a semicolon.) Mythology usually deals with divinities; in
contrast, folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural
elements. Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast folktales generally
focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Mythology usually
deals with divinities, in contrast; folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if
they have supernatural elements. Flag this Question Question 2 1 pts Select the
sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not
require a semicolon.) The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are
Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus, Mesopotamian
mythology, from the Middle East, Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a
central role, and Norse mythology from Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have
influenced European culture are Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of
Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle East; Egyptian
mythology, in which the sun plays a central role, and Norse mythology from
Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek
and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian
mythology, from the Middle East; Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a
central role; and Norse mythology from
The Duration Of Unemployment As Provided By The
Bureau Of...
The duration of unemployment as provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics was
an average of 28.1 weeks in June. The trend seem to be improving overall because the
average duration of unemployment for May was 30.7 weeks, and a year ago it was
31.4 weeks (BLS 2015). The difficulty of finding a job seems to go up after the first
month after being unemployed. The people who are unemployed for 15 to 26
weeks have the least trouble finding jobs (BLS 2015). After 27 weeks, more people
have difficulty finding jobs (BLS 2015). A possible explanation is that unemployed
people look like worse candidates the longer they are unemployed, so they have a
harder time to find work as time goes on. Initially, people may also be discouraged
from being laid... Show more content on ...
Many organizations that lend money use this rate as a guideline for the interest
rates they charge customers (Streissguth 2011). To determine the prime rate, the
Wall Street Journal first carries out surveys of 30 large banks to determine the
consensus prime rate (Streissguth 2011). The prime rate is also determined in part
by the federal funds rate, which is decided by the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC), so the prime rate normally changes when the federal funds rate changes
(Streissguth 2011). Generally, lenders will keep their total interest rates above the
prime rate (Streissguth 2011). According to Patrick Gillespie, the FOMC is likely to
raise the federal funds rate in September. He believes they are putting off raising
rates due to low inflation along with the rise of the dollar (Gillespie 2015).
Consumer Debt Consumer debt can be a good thing because it allows consumers to
build credit so that they have an easier time borrowing money. However, too much
consumer debt is a bad thing when consumers run out of money to make payments
on their loans. Overall, consumer debt is trending upwards. Economist Aimee
Picchi says new credit card debt will rise 5 percent in 2015 . Senior Economist Ivan
Vidangos article Deleveraging and Recent Trends in Household Debt shows that
consumer credit has been growing since 2008, which has mainly been driven by
strong growth in student loans and in auto loans . Household debt has also
Legitimacy Of Courts During The Judicial System
Legitimacy of courts has long been an important factor in the judicial system.
However, a more recent concern has been diversity. It is becoming increasingly
important for the court to represent those who it serves. The ECJ s composition
remains unreflective of the millions of black and migrant European Union citizens
whom it serves . Judgements of both the domestic courts of England and Wales along
with the European Court of Justice, affect the everyday lives of all EU citizens
including those of minority and underrepresented groups. Outcomes should not be
influenced by considerations of political or financial consequences . Independence is
important as it is vital that each judgeis able to decide cases solely on the evidence
presented to them by the parties in court. Personal independence is always necessary
to ensure that the judiciary as a whole of both the land or the community remains
independent. In order for the courts to be fully independent, they must represent the
diversity of the people and make decisions in accordance with the law with no other
influences. With the growing influence of the government over the last century it has
become increasingly important that the judiciary fulfils its responsibility to protect
the public against unlawful acts of the government. What has therefore also become
increasingly more important is the need for the judiciary to be completely
independent from the government. The evidence suggests that the courts nowadays
are not
The Triangular Trade Or Golden Triangle
a)Slaves from Africa were always described as being fit, strong and accustomed to
the heat. In other words, they were accustomed to the tropical condition in the
Caribbean. The first to begin the Triangular Trade or Golden Triangle were the
Portuguese in 1471. Europe was amid their time of disclosure and since they gained
land in the Caribbeanthey wanted something to do with it. Their optimal point was
gold; they were just fortunate with having farming land and soon acknowledged they
required a work power to do the grimy employment particularly since sugar was
turning into the chief product in the European market. Europeans figured out how to
begin conveying Africans to the Caribbean in return for things like weapons, whisky,
black powder,
Persuasive Essay On American Exceptionalism
American Exceptionalism is a term used to define the ideal that America is far
superior to all other countries. It has been used to justify unfair actions and used to
cover up flaws. Children are taught from a young age that America is the model
country, and the people living there can do no wrong. In school, each bad thing that
America has done in history is skimmed over, yet the accomplishments and victories
are taught in great detail. For years, Americans have hid behind the phrase American
exceptionalism as a way to not only avoid taking responsibility for their actions but to
not push themselves to be better, as they already consider themselves perfect. The
concept of this exceptionalism impedes the progress and evolution of mankind as
they give up caring and trying to better themselves. The great diversion for every
mistake America or an American has made is the main use of this ideal. Instead of
acknowledging the bad things that they have done, Americans push their poor
choices to the side and pretend that they do not know what they have done. Instead,
they focus on the small good things they have done and do not even try to right their
wrongs. Using American exceptionalismas an excuse takes away guilt helps hide
flaws and make people feel better about themselves. From The Madness of Donald
Trump Matt Taibbi writes America, land of the mad pig president. Shove that up
your exceptionalism (Taibbi). Not only does he show both how insane and comical
America is, he
Change Of Software Development Process
There was a need to change our software development process to something that was
more transparent, collaborative and iterative. There were few options available that
suited our needs however it wasn t an over night change in methodology. We tried
few options like Feature Driven Development methodology and also for Rapid
Development methodology for some user experience focused applications. However
the neither of those were successfully able to resolve effective work partition and
collaboration between teams physically located in different geographical locations.
This led us to try some other agile methodologies like Scrum and Extreme
Programming. We were successful in resolving a lot of management issues with
scrum. Extreme programming... Show more content on ...
Under Extreme programming developers would pair and only the code that is
deemed best by both the developers gets submitted to central repository. We also
experimented with Test Driven Development in Extreme programming methodology
and found it very useful.
Solution Implementation
Since past two years we have been using, under the umbrella of Agile, Scrum with
Extreme programming for new application layer teams and Kanban for service
layer as well as production support teams. The implementation started with lot of
training for Scrum. Not only we hired trained scrum masters, we sponsored a lot of
technical as well as business leaders to take Scrum Master or Product Owner
certification. There was task force setup to form move Agile Transformation
initiative with well defined goals. It also took lot of real estate restructuring within
our office space. Since all the technical teams were transformed into scrum there
was not need to have office cubicles. Hence the whole floor was transformed into
multi group tables where each team sat on one table. All the developers were also
provided laptops to be flexible in moving across teams if there was need to stand up
or tear down a team. Training was the key aspect to make Agile transformation
successful. There was multiple mandatory training sessions setup for all employees.
Also each teams were assigned an agile coach to ensure the concepts were clear
Pizarro Chapter Summary
b.Pizarro s capture of Atahuallpa reveals that the Europeans had advanced weaponry
in the form of steel. Steel birthed swords, spears, and lances that proved to be fatal
when weighed against their primitive counterparts. The inhabitants of the New World
favored stones and clubs, as shown when the Incas attempted to rebel, and were of no
match combating the sharp tools belonging to the Europeans. Guns, though not as
accessible during Pizarro s time, and horses also came to aid them in their conquest.
In addition to quality arms, the Spanish brought infectious disease. Sickness spread
like a wildfire amongst the natives lacking immunity and weakened their forces. On
top of guns, germs, and steel, factors like centralized political organization,... Show
more content on ...
The societal levels of organization clearly identify the transitioning of institutions
from: bands, small nomadic herds of people, to tribes, a stable village of hundreds,
to chiefdoms, when centralized governments prevail, and states, large productive
societies. Stages will find that as they move up the ladder, progress is indirectly
related to food production. Food production goes hand in hand with our ever
increasing population and is responsible for turning bands into states. The
domestication of plants and animals lead to complex societies where sedentary
living and dense populations encouraged germs, with the interaction of farm species,
and technological innovations, in the form of guns and steel. j.He claims that human
history can be understood like any other science and goes out of his way to say that
natural experiments in any field will be subjected to criticism. Not much different
from the sciences, people can conduct historical studies by comparing groups of
people like epidemiologists do. Diamond remains optimistic on the future of
historical studies on human societies and believes that the level of impact it carries is
just as immense that it will, without a doubt, be with the (social) sciences in due
Description And Definition Of An Individual, Group,
Start here. Description and Definition: Start here. Producing Theory: Any type of
research can either test or create theory; different types are better for producing rather
than testing theories. Case studies aim to build theory rather than test it (Berg Lune,
2012). Case studies open the door to understanding how an individual, group,
community etc. interacts with a certain event. Berg and Lune (2012) suggest that
case studies allow researchers to observe shared and unique problem solving
techniques and how the case interacts, perceives and interprets the information when
they are presented with new stimuli. New theories can be created based on the data
collected, analyzed and interpreted. Some researchers argue that theory... Show more
content on ...
There are benefits to both approaches, but more benefits from allowing case studies
to create new theories (Berg Lune, 2012). However, Eisenhardt (1989) suggests
that investigators should at least produce a research problem and consider some
potentially important variables with some reference to previous research before
conducting the research to help guide the case study. Types of Case Studies: There
are many different types and designs of case studies that each use a different
approach to qualitative research (Berg Lune, 2012). The first type is intrinsic case
studies (Berg Lune, 2012). This type of case study occurs when a researcher wants
to further their understanding of a particular case; the uniqueness of the case
becomes fascinating and appealing. The goal is not to test or develop a new
theory, but to further the understanding of the case. The data from this type of case
study may stimulate ideas that would be applicable to other cases. The second type
is instrumental case studies (Berg Lune, 2012). This type of research provides
insights into an issue or clarifies, improves or better generalizes a theoretical
explanation. The goal is to help the researcher better understand a theoretical
problem or question. The final type of case study is collective (Berg Lune, 2012). It
is also known as multiple case studies, cross case studies, comparative studies and
contrasting case studies. This uses combined

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  • 1. Essay Writer Review Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writer Review" can be a challenging task, as it requires a delicate balance between subjective opinions and objective analysis. The difficulty lies in navigating the vast landscape of essay writing services, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, and forming a well-rounded perspective that goes beyond personal preferences. Firstly, one must immerse oneself in the world of essay writing services, exploring the myriad options available. This involves researching and understanding the various platforms, their reputation, and the experiences of other users. Analyzing reviews and testimonials is crucial, but it requires critical thinking to discern genuine feedback from potentially biased or manipulated content. Next comes the task of articulating personal opinions on the matter. Expressing subjective thoughts while maintaining an objective tone can be a tightrope walk. Striking a balance between highlighting positive aspects and addressing potential shortcomings requires careful consideration. It's essential to back opinions with concrete examples and evidence, ensuring a robust and credible review. Furthermore, crafting a coherent and engaging essay involves organizing thoughts logically. Transitioning smoothly between different aspects of the review, such as user experience, pricing, and the quality of work, requires a well-structured approach. The challenge lies in presenting information in a way that captivates the reader while delivering a comprehensive evaluation. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Writer Review" demands a blend of research, critical thinking, and effective communication. It requires the ability to navigate a vast array of information, formulating a nuanced perspective that combines personal insights with an objective analysis. While challenging, such essays contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexities within the realm of essay writing services. For those seeking assistance with essay writing or similar tasks, various services are available. If you find the process overwhelming, consider exploring, where you can access a range of essay-related services and more. Essay Writer ReviewEssay Writer Review
  • 2. Flight 1363 Essay On a snowy day on March 10, 1989, Air Ontario flight 1363 was initiating take off at Dryden Airport, Canada by Captain George C. Morwood. It was the second part of the flying schedule for that day which was a round trip from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay, with midway stops at Dryden. Both pilots were highly experienced. Captain Morwood had been flying for almost 35 years and his first officer, Keith Mills, has had over 10,000 hours of flying. However, both pilots were fairly new to the aircraft, which was an F28 1000, having less than 150 hours combined. Before departing Winnipeg, captain Morwood assessed the operational status of his aircraft and discovered that the auxiliary power unit was not functioning along with other deferred defects with maintenance. Because of this defect, the engines would not be able to start unless an external power unit was used. The other option the captain had was to leave one engine running so he could cross start the second engine. If both of the engines on the aircraft were shut down at a location where an external power unit was not ... Show more content on ... When the captain returned to the aircraft he asked the ground manager if de icing was accessible. Even though the ground manager told him it was, captain Morwood still did not request for the aircraft to be de iced. Flight 1363 left the terminal with thick snow covering the wings of the aircraft. The wet snow on the runway and wings, which had already frozen into ice, interfered with the functioning of the aircraft. During take off the aircraft lifted off the runway as normal but began to shake violently. The aircraft then landed back onto the runway before finally lifting up again after taking up more than 90 percent of the runway. It flew momentarily for a few seconds but struggled to gain altitude and crashed approximately one kilometer from the runway killing both pilots and 21 of the 65 passengers on
  • 3. Modernization of Sugar Essay examples Modernization from Consumption of Sugar According to Wikipedia, modernity is defined as a post traditional period that is marked by the move from feudalism towards capitalism and industrialism. From the sixteenth century through the nineteenth century, many countries and economies progressed towards a more modern environment. Many factors contributed to the push for modernity; however, the sugar industry exhibited major influence throughout the world. Once sugar cane was established in the Caribbean, this new crop pushed the region to shift from a traditional agrarian economy towards a more industrial and capitalistic economy. The new production process made sugar readily available for the first time in history, which allowed ... Show more content on ... After sugar was successfully mass produced in the Caribbean, this crop became viewed as a commodity to be enjoyed by the masses rather than as an item reserved only for a select, elite few. Because sugar was now a readily available commodity, it slowly began to transition from a product with unique purposes, i.e. medicine, spice and decoration, to a food product. For example, the former medicinal purposes of sugar were now assimilated into a new function, that of a source of calories (Mintz 108). The greater availability of sugar from the Caribbean allowed for new, modern usages of sugar to emerge. In general terms, sugar s use as a spice and a medicine declined as its use as a decoration, a sweetener, and a preservative increased. An increase in sugar supply drastically decreased its price, which caused consumption of sugar in other forms to rise (Mintz 126). Jam consumption, for example, began to catch hold among working people after the big victories of the free trade movement of the mid nineteenth century (Mintz 126). New foods and beverages were incorporated into daily life with unusual rapidity, and sugar had an important role in nearly all of these new items due to increased availability and reduction in price (Mintz 120). The greater availability of sugar throughout the world
  • 4. King Lear vs the Stone Angel Blindness Blindness; a flaw with insight` It was once said, What you lose in blindness is the space around you, the place where you are, and without that you might not exist. You could be nowhere at all. (Kingslover) This is a quote that can relate the characters in The Stone Angel and King Lear. In the tragedy King Lear, written by William Shakespeare and in the novel The Stone Angel, written by Margaret Laurence, the term blindness has an entirely different meaning. It is not a physical flaw, but the inability of the characters to use their thoughts and emotions to see a person for whom they truly are. King Lear, Gloucester, and Hagar are prime examples of characters that suffered most by having this flaw. Nevertheless, from this blindness... Show more content on ... Alone, Lear is isolated from his family, his power and starts to go mad. Gloucester, much like Lear is isolated from the only son that truly loves him, the legimate Edgar. In addition Gloucester is isolated from the truth, which Edmund hides. Edmund manipulates Gloucester to believe It is in his hands my lord, but I hope his heart is not in the contents (I.ii. 67 68), Edgar s hands that is, that wrote a letter plotting to kill Gloucester. Edmund also convinces Gloucester to leave the castle, and when Gloucester does leave he too is alone and isolated. After John dies, Hagar once again does not cry. She feels she must not only bear the pain alone, but that she cannot allow herself to be comforted by others. A matron puts her arm around her and says, Cry. Let yourself. It s the best thing. In response, Hagar remembers, I shoved her arm away. I straightened my spine and that was the hardest thing I ve ever had to do in my entire life, to stand straight then. I wouldn t cry in front of strangers, whatever it might cost me (Laurence 242) When she got home, Hagar found that she was not able to cry. The night my son died I was transformed to stone and never wept at all (243). Her pride leads her to become isolated, she never wants anyone to comfort, or help her. In addition, in the hospital Doris tells Hagar about an old friend and I never realized until this moment how cut off I am. (294), is the
  • 5. Hutsi Groups In Rwanda The country of Rwanda is a small, land locked country in Eastern Africa. By the early 1990s, Rwanda s population of 7 million people was composed of three ethnic groups. Approximately 85% was Hutu, 14% was Tutsi, and the remaining 1% was Twa (United Nations, 2015). Animosity between the Hutu and Tutsi groups had grown substantially since the European colonialization period in the 1800s. During the colonialization period, European colonists considered the slimmer, taller, lighter skinned Tutsis to be superior to the shorter, stockier, darker skinned Hutus (Putterbaugh, 2010). As the Tutsis were more like the Europeans, they were treated better than the Hutus. The Tutsis were given positions of power as the existing Hutu kings and chiefs were... Show more content on ... Although the culprits of the crime are still currently unknown, Hutu extremists blamed the leaders of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a Tutsi group. Within an hour of the crash, the Hutu extremists began their systematic massacre of hundreds of Tutsis and moderate Hutus (, 2009). Roadblocks were set up throughout the country to prevent the Tutsis from escaping. Hate radio stations, like the Radio TГ©lГ©vision Libre des Mille Collines, broadcasted Hutu Power and anti Tutsi propaganda throughout the country (George, 2004). Hutu extremists carried lists of the names of Rwandans thought to be RPF sympathizers. Anyone who was thought to be opponents of the Hutu extremists was tortured and killed, whether they were Tutsi or Hutu (Longman, 2005). Roughly 800,000 people were murdered in a time span of only 100 days. Statistically speaking, that s 5.5 deaths per minutes, therefore making the rate of killing during the Rwandan genocide higher than the rate of killing during the Holocaust (Barnett, 2002). Despite the international community s claim to prevent genocides from happening ever again, after the horrors of the Holocaust, they only turned a blind eye to the hate fueled crimes occurring in Rwanda. Therefore, the death of the hundreds of thousands of Rwandan civilians is as much
  • 6. Decay Of Decay And Decay Introduction Isotopes are elements which have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons and these elements have same atomic number but different in atomic mass.because of their characteristic nature of producing radiation and their energies. Isotopes are used in various areas like industries, agriculture, medical field and research centers. They are decayed by emission of energy in the form of alpha, beta (electron) beta plus (positron) and gamma rays. (1) Types of radiation Alpha particles cannot be used for measurement from outside the body because they are such low penetrating power. A sheet of paper stops alpha particles. Beta particles have a modest penetrating power, thus they produce useful results in the area of their release, and they can be distinguished by sensitive counting tools. Block of wood stops beta particles. Gamma rays are highly energetic, and they can be readily discovered by radiation counters used outside the body. A thick concrete wall stops gamma rays. Radioisotopes are unnaturally produced unstable atoms of a chemical element which have a different number of neutrons in the nucleus, but the same number of protons and the same chemical properties. May live for only minutes. Their existence is measured in halflives, how long it takes for half of the isotope to disappear. (3) Radioactive products which are used in medicine are called radiopharmaceuticals. They are different from other medically used drugs since they
  • 7. Gender Roles In Susan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers In 1882, Susan Glaspell was born in Davenport, Iowa. She graduated from Drake University in 1899 and later worked as a reporter, then a freelance writer, composing several pieces (Kirsner and Mandell 1124). Later Glaspell and her husband, Cram Cook, founded the Provincetown Players for which Glaspell wrote plays (1124). Many of her works conveyed the problems early twentieth century women encountered in society. She wrote the play Trifles based on a murder trial she covered as a courthouse reporter (1124). Glaspell later rewrote Trifles as a short story called A Jury of Her Peer (1125). This piece introduces sisterhood between characters and retaliates against the superiority of the male. In A Jury of Her Peers, Glaspell uses setting, symbols, and irony to support the theme of genderroles. Glaspell places the story A Jury of Her Peers in a woeful setting that one of the urban farm neighbors, Mrs. Hale, ... Show more content on ... When investigating throughout the house, the men laugh about things that the women become concerned about such as Mrs. Wright s fruit jars (Glaspell 264). Mrs. Hale s husband states that women are used to worrying over trifles, referring to things that the women tend to find important (264). However, the half wiped table, half poured sugar, and the dirty pans (Alkalay Gut 3) are clues to the investigation unseen by the men due to their inability to interpret things beyond what they consider to be significant information (4). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Wright conclude that Mrs. Wright was forced out of the pattern of her chores (3). Later, the women find motive for John Wright s murder when they discover the strangled bird that indicates to Mrs. Hale that Mrs. Wright found herself as a caged bird being strangled by her husband (6). The ladies then transfer their roles from being married to the law and following their spouses to sympathetic
  • 8. Essay on Censorship in the Music Industry Censorship in the Music Industry Censorship in the music industry can be divided into two categories involving new music technology and music products. In the United States, the issue of censorship doesn t necessarily concern music products but rather new music technology. The music industry has become increasingly concerned with the online peer to peer services like Kazaa and Morpheus using the MP3 format or motion pictures expert group which allows users to download music free and fast (Cloonan, 2003). In almost every other part of the world, music is censored someway or another usually by a country s government, religious leaders, or individual broadcasters who are financed by their government (Cloonan, 2003). For example, ... Show more content on ... This particular type of censorship occurred in South Korea in 1997 when the state radio station KBS banned teen pop music due to the clothing style the entertainers wore (Cloonan,2003). A more recent event of censorship occurred in Morocco in March 2003 when 14 heavy metal fans between the ages of 22 and 35 were convicted and jailed for acts capable of undermining the faith of a Muslim and possessing objects which infringe morals (Index Online, 2003). All were sentenced between 1 to 12 months in jail. The People s Republic of China is one of the most heavily regulated countries involving music censorship. The Chinese record industry is controlled by the state government through the publishing houses which are also owned by the state (Cloonan, 2003). Essentially, publishers decide to release a music product, arrange the duplication of the master tape, and distribute it throughout the country. Since all the music appears on the market through a publishing house, the government has the power to censor music which they deem to be sensitive (Cloonan, 2003). All music is reviewed by the government in order to check compliance with Article 102 of the Chinese criminal law which states that it is an offence for any person to confuse right and wrong, to poison people s minds, to incite the masses and create chaos, to undermine socialist revolution and construction, and to achieve the final goal of overthrowing the people s
  • 9. What An American Hero Looks Like Analysis The Left have popularized using tragedies as an impetus for political change, via the Media, because it garners attention and instills a base of support for change. However, this approach is misguided. The Media is powerless! In conservative commentator Ben Shapiro s column, What an American Hero Looks Like , he states: It isn t the Twitter battles that stand between the monsters and children. Furthermore, he argues, policy change is inept because laws and regulations failed to save 26 people from a massacre in rural Texas. To remedy these misguided concepts, Shapiro compels those who agree with increasing gun control measures to understand that politicizing tragedy and legislating away rights will not solve any problems, heroes will.... Show more content on ... means necessary to stop bad men. Appealing to patriotism impels the reader to idolize Willeford and his associated traits which adds another level of connection. This introduces the crux of Shapiro s argument: people, not decrees, have always stood between good and evil. They always will. This reinforces that the Left, who are pushing for increased gun control, are pursuing an unneeded or even dangerous goal unarmed, Willeford wouldn t have been able to shoot the evil human. Shapiro continues by saying that Laws and regulations failed, and as a result, Americans innocent Americans were murdered. Using murdered, instead of killed, is visceral which resonates with the reader even more so because Shapiro has recounted the dire effects of relying on words on paper. Thus when the Left attempt to pass increased gun control, readers will deny the attempt. A quote from Jesse Ventura captures the ending message: You can t legislate
  • 10. Explain Why Disco Music Gained Popular During The 1970 s Why Disco Died Disco music gained popularity during the 1970 s. Most famous disco artists were not connected to their music and didn t feel it was necessary to take artistic control over their recordings. With this and the corporate drive to make money, performers garnered much public attention while producers worked behind the scenes to develop the disco sound. Along with its catchy beat and syncopated bass line, disco thrived and soon gained mainstream success that would create an enormous cultural impact on the music industry as we see it today. Disco music gained fame through clubs that played these novelty tunes as well as the gay, latino, and psychedelic communities that flocked said clubs. This genre became mainstream because of its
  • 11. Management Decision and Control Systems CSC 546: MANAGEMENT DECISION CONTROL SYSTEMS SPRING 2007 METTLER TOLEDO INTERNATIONAL INC. PAPER 1: COMPANY PROSPECTUS Due March 2, 2007 Submitted by: SUDEEPTHI MOGALLA DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERISTY Email: INTRODUCTION Mettler Toledo International Inc., headquartered in Greifensee, Switzerland is the world s largest manufacturer of weighing solutions for laboratory, industrial and retail applications. With manufacturing facilities in USA, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, and China, and sales service operations in over 35 countries, it is also a leading global provider of precision instruments and services. It is a market leader in balances and pipettes, and a top provider of ... Show more content on ... RAININ Mettler Toledo International Inc. Page 4 of 23 holds a broad range of patents in the pipetting technologies and serves pharmaceutical, biotech, and research applications. Most recently, Mettler Toledo acquired SOFTECHNICS INC. a provider of software solutions for food retailing applications in 2002. MANAGEMENT TEAM The management team at Mettler Toledo is led by the President CEO, Robert F. Spoerry who is also the Chairman of Board of Directors. Mr. Spoerry has served in the positions of Head of Industrial Retail divisions for Mettler Toledo in the past. He is supported by the CFO, William P. Donnelly who was the Head of Product Inspection, the CIO, Jean Lucien Gloor, and the Head of Human Resources, Peter Burker. Table 1 lists the management team. Table 1: Mettler Toledo Management Team Name Robert F. Spoerry Current Position President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman of Board of Directors William P. Donnelly Jean Lucien Gloor Peter Burker Olivier A. Filliol Chief Financial Officer Chief Information Officer Head of Human Resources Head of Global Sales, Service Marketing, and Head of Process Analytics Mettler Toledo International Inc. Page 5 of 23 Ken Peters Karl M. Lang Beat E. Luthi Urs Widmer Joakim Weidemanis Hans Peter
  • 12. von Arb General Manager North America Marketing General Manager Asia/Pacific Marketing Head of Laboratory Division Head of Industrial
  • 13. American Mafia Essay The American mafia arose through the Italians coming to America. The American Mafia, started as an Italian American organized crime network. The mafia operated through many cities across the United States. Since immigrants mainly came through New York, Italian American gangs rose to power through its success in the 1920s Prohibition era (the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United Statesby a constitutional amendment, states that During the late 19th century and early 20th century, waves of Italians, mostly farmers, craftsmen and unskilled laborers, flocked to America in search of better economic opportunities. This quote shows that during this time... Show more content on ... staff stated that by 1910, that number jumped to 500,000 immigrants and first generation Italian Americans, becoming one tenth of the city s population. Many of these immigrants were law abiding citizens, but in the large group of immigrants came criminals that began to form neighborhood gangs that would terrorize those in the community. Some of these criminals were mafia members in Italy that had escaped to the U.S. These mafia members later got into bootlegging (make, distribute or sell something illegally) and became the American mafia . The staff also stated that the Italian and American mafia was separate but some American gangs adapted the traditions of the Italians . Even though they were different, the American mafia started as a part of the Italians. The early mafia groups in the U.S. started off in New York, then growing into neighborhood operations to citywide and international activities. The American mafia entered the bootleg business, selling and distributing liquor throughout cities and transformed themselves into a sophisticated criminal enterprise, where they became very skilled at smuggling, money laundering (the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses) and bribing police
  • 14. Discrimination Toward The Muslim Community Discrimination Many today believe that every time a terrorist attack happen is always committed by a muslim. This problem is creating discrimination toward the muslim community. Without knowing who really committed the crime people judge and say it was the muslim community. According to the article by Camille Dodero of the Boston Marathon before finding who were the suspects people were screaming and saying muslim should go back to their country, when this is where their were born, This is their country. This is causing muslim to be afraid and commit suicidebecause of bullying. According to a study in Yale University bullied victims are 7 to 9 percent likely to commit suicide. This information tell us the discrimination as a term of bully is making people act and hurt themself. Hate and discrimination against Muslims have starting getting worse after the Sept. 11, terrorist attacks. Based on the percent of Muslim facing discrimination in the United State is 82%, saying that they face the most injustice. ... Show more content on ... Based on a comment made by Donald Trump to CNN, the president does not want to accept Muslims in the United States because they can not identify their attitudes. You really believe that because we can not identify the attitude of a person we should leave it outside the country when they were and are the ones who created this country as immigrants. Muslim have a better education than most Americans ( And so Trump wants them to be rejected to enter the United
  • 15. Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study Ext Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study 11 Scenario: The time is 1900 hours. You are working in a small, rural hospital. It has been snowing heavily all day, and the medical helicopters at the large regional medical center, 4 hours away by car (in good weather), have been grounded by the weather until morning. The roads are barely passable. WR., a 48 year old construction worker with a 36 pack year smoking history, is admitted to your floor with a diagnosis of rule out myocardial infarction (R/O MI). He has significant male pattern obesity (beer belly, large waist circumference) and a barrel chest, and he reports a dietary history of high fat food. His wife brought him to the ED after he complained of unrelieved indigestion. His... Show more content on ... 11. One of the housekeeping staff asks you, If the poor guy can t smoke, why can t you give him one of those nicotine patches? How will you respond? Housekeeping staff is not in a situation where this would be information that they would need to know to perform their job (HIPPA). I would politely say, Unfortunately, I am unable to discuss the client s care, but I would be glad to relay information to the client in case he is concerned. The next opportunity that I have, I would provide information to the client about the nicotine patches and why he is unable to use them at this time, just in case he and the housekeeper has had a conversation about it. At that time if he wants to relay the information to the housekeeper he can do so. Nicotine replacement therapy is not generally recommended for pregnant women and persons who have experienced an acute myocardial infarction within 2 weeks, have unstable angina, or have life threatening dysrhythmias. (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, Camera, 2011, p. 170) 12. If the patch were to be used later to help him quit smoking, how would it be dosed for him? The nicotine replacement would be dosed high and would taper off over a longer period of time (patches 8 wks or more) to help with craving and withdrawal. The patch allows for a slower delivery of the drug and elimination of the carcinogens and gases associated with tobacco smoke. (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, Bucher, Camera, 2011, p. 170) 13. Before leaving
  • 16. The Importance Of Physical Touch In Education As a future educator, it s important to understand not only the material you will be covering in class, but to thoroughly know the students you are teaching. To fully understand your students, an educator must be aware of their physical, social, and cognitive development. This class helped me to recognize that throughout a childs life, many developmental factors such as physical touch as an infant, the need to play as a child and how they handle death can all affect a child s educational journey. When thinking about a student, educators may forget to consider how what happens during infancy can help or hinder a student even when they are years older. One of the most important things a new mother can give to her child, is quality time and physical touch. Prior to this class, I had basic understanding of how important touch was, but I didn t know how it is truly a necessity for an infant s healthy development. According to the article, The Power of Touch, Dr. Lin Day states, Babies who are regularly touched gain weight faster, develop stronger immune systems, crawl and walk sooner, sleep more soundly and cry less than babies deprived of close physical contact (Day, 2008). These benefits of touch can help a child to be more successful throughout their lives, but when they are deprived of touch, the damages can be even more noticeable. In the same article, Day discusses some of the negative effects of touch deprivation, Approximately one third of clinic referrals
  • 17. Terms Ap Euro Hello Version Chapter X AP EURO CHAPTER 11 TERMS Enclosure Acts: The Revolution of 1688 confirmed the ascendancy of the Parliament in England over the king. Economically, it meant the ascendancy of the more well to do property owning classes. The British government was substantially in the hands of wealthy landowners, the squirearchy . Many landowners, seeking to increase their money incomes, began experimenting new and improved methods of cultivation and stock raising. An improving landlord, to introduce such changes successfully needed full control of his land. However this was not possible because of the old village system of open fields, common lands, and semi collective methods of cultivation. The old common tights of the villagers were part of the ... Show more content on ... It affected everything from folklore to metaphysics. Grimm s Fairytales, for example, was first published in 1812. It was the work of the two Grimm brothers, founders of the modern science of comparative linguistics, who travelled about Germany to study popular dialects and in doing so collected the folktales that for generations had been current among the common people. They hoped in this way to find the ancient, native, indigenous spirit of Germany, deep and unspoiled in the bosom of the Volk. Alexander I: Alexander I, 1777 1825, czar of Russia (1801 25), son of Paul I (in whose murder he may have taken an indirect part). In the first years of his reign the liberalism of his Swiss tutor, FrГ©dГ©ric CГ©sar de La Harpe, seemed to influence Alexander. He suppressed the secret police, lifted the ban on foreign travel and books, made attempts to improve the position of the serfs, and began to reform the backward educational system. In 1805, Alexander joined the coalition against Napoleon I, but after the Russian defeats at Austerlitz and Friedland he formed an alliance with Napoleon by the Treaty of Tilsit (1807) and joined Napoleon s Continental System. Alexander requested M. M. Speranski to draw up proposals for a constitution, but adopted only one aspect of Speranski s scheme, an advisory state council, and dismissed him in 1812 to placate the nobility. During this period Russia gained control of Georgia and parts of Transcaucasia as a result of prolonged
  • 18. The Conduct of British Generals in World War One Essay The Conduct of British Generals in World War One In 1914 the First World War, or the Great War, broke out in Europe. It involved the two main alliances of Europe at the time; one alliance was the triple entente with Germany, Austro Hungary and Serbia, the other alliance, the triple alliances, had Britain, France and Russia creating a ring of steel around Germany. This war of attrition was to take the lives of 8.5 million combatants and would change the way warfare was conducted and portrayed forever, it would involve 65 million men from 30 countries around the globe and Russia and America would emerge as the two great superpowers of the 20th century. After the war there would be great criticism of... Show more content on ... During the battle of Verdun British artillery started to fire upon British infantry during an attack causing heavy casualties. These were all seen as foolish acts and it was shown, and still is shown, in various pieces of literature. In source C it shows the enormity of the killing at the Somme and the differences in losses between the two sides. It was written by John keegan, who is a qualified historian and there shouldn t be any reason for bias on his part and in this source he does contain many facts to support his views so it is quite a reliable source. On the other hand the generals could not have been tactically inept and blind to the minimal gains that some attacks were having because as the war progressed new tactics and innovative ways of attacking were brought to the front line and used with great effect. Ideas like the rolling barrage where men would creep behind shells that were continually firing while inching forward, another idea was night attacks where men would attack enemy positions
  • 19. Columbia Shuttle Essay Columbia s Final Mission video case is designed to help you understand how failures occur and how you might prevent them in your own organizational life. You have previously been assigned to play a role as a manager or engineer role and central figure in the team that managed this mission. Your password for your role is on the role group assignment page in Blackboard. You reach this page by clicking on Groups from the course home page, locate your assigned role and click on that group. If you have difficulties locating your group please contact me. You will note that there are some features to the video (such as a timeline and a calendar and NO back button) that is different from other videos you may have watched. All of the ... Show more content on ... What prior thoughts and beliefs shaped the way you behaved during the mission? b.What pressures affected you behavior and from where did these pressures originate? c.In what ways did the culture impact your behavior? d.If you were in this person s shoes during the mission do you think you would have behaved differently? Why or why not? The paper to be turned in should probably not be more than 10 pages double spaced. Calvin Schomburg, senior engineer Manager of Vehicle and Systems Analysis United Space Alliance Calvin Shomburg was a NASA technician for 38 years and is considered a senior engineer at the Johnson Space Center. He is an expert on the Thermal Protection System (TPS), which consists of tiles that protect the Orbiter from super hot gases during re entry into the Earth s atmosphere. Foam strikes have occurred on previous flights, and have always been treated as maintenance issues upon return of the crew and vehicle. The foam strikes to the TPS have a very small chance of causing problems. Schomburg knows that only 200 400 of the over 23,000 tiles, on the left wing, can actually cause an issue. The foam strike on the STS 107 mission was similar to the STS 112, which was classified as a maintenance issue instead of a no safety of flight issue. Shomburg s belief was that the impact at 81 seconds was too late to have enough energy to cause extensive damage to the
  • 20. Kober Khadr Case Study On July 27, 2002 a fifteen year old Canadian citizen Omar Khadr was captured by US forces in Afghanistan. Khadr was captured for the murder of unarmed medic Christopher Speer. The US had held Khadr for a period of ten years (from 2002 2012). During this time, Canada did not fulfill its obligation to protect Omar Khadr and his rights. Canadafailed to protect Khadr and his rights during three instances: Firstly, during the rough interrogation that involved various types of torture Canada did not speak up for Khadr nor did they fight for his rights. Secondly, Canada did not request for the right of Extradition when Khadr was captured, instead letting the US hold him for ten years. Lastly, Canada assisted the unfair prosecution of Khadr while ... Show more content on ... When terrorists from other countries such as Britain and Australia were captured the countries put pressure on the US to release extradite the prisoners back to their home countries. Canada had not asked nor demanded for this, it seems as though Canada was supporting the US s treatment of Khadr. Canada had to take back Khadr once it was publicized that he was being tortured almost every day. In addition to this, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had confidence that the US military would try Khadr in a fair manner, but obviously he was wrong as Khadr was forced to sign an unfair plea that would basically force him into Canada. Dennis Edney Khadr s former lawyer states He has fought for close to eight years to get a pair of protective glasses to preserve the amount of sight remaining in Omar s one eye with vision. He received them in November of last year. That is the extent of the help Omar has received from the Canadian government, they can t even get him a pair of glasses. (Edney 5). Khadr was going blind in Guantanamo and requested a pair of glasses for eight years. Canada did not comply and didn t even speak to Guantanamo about getting Khadr glasses; instead, they let the US treat the Canadian citizen very harshly and not even provide him with a pair of glasses. Canada did not care about Khadr instead they just let the US deal with him unfairly. Canada should have been more involved in the treatment of Khadr and should not have supported the US while they were violating Khadr. Unlike the other countries such Britain and Australia Canada did not pressure the US to extradite Khadr. In addition to this, they stood by the US s strong torture methods due to the fact that Canada did not speak up when Khadr was sent to Guantanamo, even though Guantanamo was famous for torturing its prisoners.
  • 21. American Exodus by James N. Gregory In American Exodus, James N. Gregory presents the struggles and misconceptions of the Okie migrant, their defiance to cultural oppression and the change they brought. To analyze the brunt force of the Dust Bowl and the Depression of the Great Plain region; he traces the movement from route 66, evaluates the reception in California, and shows how the migrants both accommodated and left from the culture of the Golden State. Throughout the book, he dismisses many of the stereotypes created by John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath(1939), and Dorothea Lange s messages in photography. In doing so, Gregory presents a social wave, from the norm of stereotyping and the defiance of culture itself by bringing about unity in the form of narration of events and sub topics. Furthermore, this event is brought to the hands of historians and future historians, a subject that often ignored in American history that has impacted various states including California. The author s notion is that The Dust Bowlmigration movement teaches us about the ways American culture is transformed through relocation. Gregory s claim is that without migration; our sense of ideals, mannerisms, and literature would not be the same. It is through the Okies persona, morals, and experience that an identity is established and therefore, a landmark in culture. Gregory organizes his content in sections, Part 1: Migration and Resettlement and Part 2: The Okie Subculture to make his point. In the first part, the
  • 22. Guajilote Cooperativo Forestal, Honduras Essay 1.What is your impression of Guajilote as a business venture? Guajilote is a growing business but the organization of this company does not have a steady foundation due to the political structure of Honduras. Guajilote also the amount of mahogany wood was limited and was being threatened by forest fires, illegal logging, and slash and dash burn agriculture. Wood trade was even restricted internationally. Guajilote was force to take lower price for its wood due to that there was only one distributing area. Most if not all of Guajilote employees had any education beyond primary schooling, and some were even illiterate. This made it very hard for Guajilote operations because if Guajilote employees were illiterate and had no education then... Show more content on ... Fires were set to prepare soils for planting and helped clear the area for cultivation, but they were not being well supervised, and even burned out of control, which created bad forest fires. People migrating: When people migrated to Olancho the cleared the forests for cultivation, cut wood for fuel and building houses. They were using all the wood that was literally the means for Guajilote survival. CITIES Restrictions: If mahogany continued to decrease due to trade there would be a tighter restrictions on trade of mahogany or an outright ban altogether. Finding mahogany: The organization s size and production potential is limited by the amount of mahogany it can produce in a year. Mahogany is fairly rare in a forest and Guajilote is legally restricted to downed trees. Moreover, with the difficulties of finding, processing by hand, and then moving the wood out of the forest, Guajilote was further restricted in the quantity of wood it could handle Capital: Guajilote doesn t invest enough in capital expenditures. A very small percentage of the funds are held back for capital improvement purchases due to the operation s simple material needs. Capital expenditures for 1997 included a mule plus materials needed to maintain Guajilote s large cross cut saws. Inadequate funding limits the growth potential of the business. 3. Does Guajilote have a competitive advantage and/or a competitive strategy? Justify your answer. Guajilote
  • 23. Essay about A Comparison of My Last Duchess and... My Last Duchess is a poem about an arrogant and extremely powerful Duke who is describing his deceased Duchess. From the word last in the title it is implied that the duke has had more than one duchess. In this poem, the Duke is extremely egotistic. He says, I choose never to stoop. The duchess would look at everyone in the world as being equal no matter what class they are. The duke however cannot do this. He is too worried about his appearance. Porphyria s Lover is a poem in which a man describes an evening in which his lover, Porphyria, visits him and he unexpectedly murders her. In this it is unlike My Last Duchess because Porphyria worships her lover unlike the Duke From the title My Last Duchess , we ... Show more content on ... In addition, here the use of enjambment is effective because it gives the reader the image of the yellow hair being wrapped around Porphyria s neck The rhythm in this poem is consistent give a relaxed atmosphere in the poem. This is effective because it makes the Duke revealing he had his wife murdered more shocking. Browning jars the rhythm in the poem where the duke reveals he had his wife killed. Browning also uses an effective rhyming scheme. He uses rhyming couplets to make the poem flow easily. For examplein My Last Duchess he writes, FrГ Pandolf s hands/ Worked busily a day, and there she stands . The regular rhymein Porphyria s Lover gives the poem a relaxed rhyme but off rhymes give a shocking effect at the point where the lover murders Porphyria Browning use enjambment effectively in both poems. More so in Porphyria s Lover . The lines do not employ end stops; sentences and other grammatical units do not necessarily conclude at the end of lines. This happens more so in Porphyria s Lover . The lover describes Porphyria removing her wet hat, untied/ Her hat and let the damp hair fall . The use of enjambment here gives the image of her long blonde hair falling from beneath her hat. This is effective because it gives the reader the image of her hair moving out of position. Browning uses language very effectively in these poems. In My Last Duchess Browning use diminutive language to describe the way
  • 24. The Use of Birds in Chronical of a Death Foretold by... In the novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, birds are used as motifs intentionally in the imagery of scenes to convey sentiments, ideas and messages to the reader. Some of the roles taken by the symbolism of birds include indicating signs of the future and afterlife, supporting character portrayal and development throughout the text. The symbolism of birds is discussed in the essay because the recurring images of birds have a pertinent significance to the novella. In literature, birds are commonly viewed as signs of freedom while in flight, yet while they are entrapped in cages, they symbolize the struggle for freedom. Gabriel Garcia s usage of birds has both common and uncommon roles in the novel. The birds ... Show more content on ... Santiago seemed happy with his father until the latter died suddenly, three years before, (Marquez 7). In this sense, the dream about floating through a grove of timber trees where a gentle drizzle was falling, [...] but [...] he awoke [...] spattered with bird shit, (Marquez 3) ties into Santiago s life. The birds hold significance in this passage in the metaphor comparing bird shit to life ruining events. The reader learns more about Santiago when the narrator reveals that Nasar gained the good arts of valor and prudence (7) from his father and is a merry, peaceful, and openhearted (8) individual. Furthermore, Santiago is an aggressive wealthy individual that is compared to a sparrow hawk [...] just like his father, nipping the bud of any wayward virgin who began showing up in those woods, (90). In the text, falcons are associated with entertainment and displaying one s status of wealth, and the opening quote by Gil Vicente, the pursuit of love is like falconry (1) compares the persistent nature of pursuing love to the recreational activity of hunting with falcons. Subsequently, the reader becomes aware of Santiago s innocence and naivety. Nahir Miguel reveals to the narrator that Santiago looked like a little wet bird, (114). Because Marquez specifically chose a bird as the animal for this image, the birds must hold a certain importance to the
  • 25. Compare And Contrast A Woman Who Went To Alaska Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a miner during the gold rush? Or have you ever thought about the conditions they had to go through to even get to the location of the gold? In Klondike Gold Rush ~ Yukon Territory 1897, the reader learns about difficult tasks and horrid events that the miners had to withstand in order to mine gold. In A Woman Who Went to Alaska , by May Kellogg Sullivan the narrator expresses how they feel the Canadian Dominion government is unfair and how the miners go through more just to get to the mines then it s worth. In both pieces, the authors both heavily feel that the conditions are terrible for the miners and how much gold they collect was cruel for how much work they put in. In both passages, the author was... Show more content on ... This is true because in the piece written, the author explains to the audience that, Those who survived the perilous journey mostly found disappointment once they reached Dawson City. This statement shapes the reader s thoughts by providing one reason the miners lives weren t as effortless as many thought. The statement also helps the audience understand just how dangerous the journey was if some didn t survive the journey. Another way the narrator was able to make the reader feel that the miners lives were difficult is by stating, The work that was necessary to retrieve the gold was incredible. This proves that the miners put in more work for the gold than it was worth and makes the reader feel sorry for the miners. The quote makes the reader believe the work put in to collect the gold was more challenging than expected and made the long, dangerous journey not worth it. In the text, the author was able to show the reader what the miners had to withstand through the use of the their word
  • 26. Sweat shops Introduction A sweatshop is a work place, often a factory, in which employees work long hours at low wages under poor conditions. Although sweatshops virtually disappeared after World War II because of increased governement regulations and the rise of unions, they have reappeared, and are steadily increasing in number throughout the world. This is due, in large part, to economic globalization. Multinational corporations have been moving production facilities out of democratic, industrial nations into impoverished, developing countries in order to take advantage of cheap labor and to avoid scrutiny from governments and human rights organizations. MNC s are concerned with the production of goods for world markets at lowest possible costs ... Show more content on ... Because their wages are often only $.10 to $.20 per hour, the women may receive no wages for years as they attempt to pay off these debts. If the women try to return home without fulfilling their contractual obligations, they are often blacklisted, fined, or arrested. Many women are not paid even without such debt. Sweatshops often fail to pay their employees on time, if at all. The workers, who are often unaware of their rights, have no choice but to continue to work because sweatshop managers threaten and punish them for insubordination. Many of these factories, as well as the women s living quarters, are crowded, filthy, and rat infested. They are located behind barbed wire fences that are monitored by armed guards. Not only are the women not allowed to come and go freely, but they are forbidden to have visitors. Thus, they are not given the opportunity to air their grievances to anyone who may be in a position to help them. Additionally, the women are always under the threat of corporal punishment. The women are verbally abused, spat on, and beaten. They are not allowed to take breaks or go to the bathroom during their shifts, and are fined if they do so. In some Indonesian sweatshops, women were forced to take down their pants and reveal to factory doctors that they were menstruating in order to claim their legal right to menstrual leave (Morey, 2000). Female sweatshop employees
  • 27. Catherine de Medici and Obsession Over Power Essay Catherine de Medici and Obsession Over Power An execrable woman whose memory will remain in bloody crepe until the end of time[1] . For nearly 400 years this assessment of Catherine de Medici held true. In the popular imagination she is a Machiavellian schemer using poison on those who hindered her in her quest to gain and maintain power at court, a view of Catherine reinforced in recent years by the film La Reine Margot, based on the book by Dumas. Most traditionalist historians take their information on Catherine from pamphlets such as Discours Merveilleuse de la Vie, Actions et Deportment de Catherine de Medicis, Royne Mere[2]. Claiming to be a strictly factual account of Catherine de... Show more content on ... The main revisionist historian to write in English is NM Sutherland. Her works are a clear attempt to rehabilitate Catherine and remove the stigma the Black Legend has left associated with Catherine s name. She suggests that far from Catherine being triumphant at her own political dexterity when assuming the regency for Charles IX upon the death of Francis II, she viewed the future with apprehension [6]. Other revisionist historians include Dame Francis Yates who interprets Catherine s many volte face as being less and example of Machiavellian scheming and more of an example of how Catherine was, in reality a politique who put the well being of the state before personal religious convictions. This position meant Catherine was unable to comprehend the religious fanaticism which swept France during the era in which she was regent and thus made the solving of the problem significantly more difficult. Other revisionists concentrate on her maternalism with Heritier[7] substantiating this opinion with references to the proportion of Catherine s letters that are addressed to Jean d HumiГѓВЁre, the royal children s governess. The revisionist view generally sees Catherine as being someone who desired peace and stability for her sons kingdom. The blame for the failure of the crown to solve the religious political problems in this
  • 28. International Council Of Nurses Development Programme And... Introduction Tele nursing is the practice that employs the use of technological advancements in conducting nursing practice and even providing nursing care services to the patients. The tele nurses are expected to provide proper assessment of the nursing care before planning to evaluate it with the aid of technological devices such as telephones and computers. The past century has seen a period of phenomenal technological advancement, the integration of technology with our health care delivery system is almost the norm and the potential for these continuing trends will be highlighted. Alongside this, consideration will be given to changing demographics of society and what this will mean in relation to technology use into the future. In terms of where we are now the International Council of Nurses has undertaken a range of activities to support the development of tele nursing and its application to practice. Several initiatives including key publications, the International Council of Nurses development programme and the future orientated e health programme, will be explained in this paper. In addition to International Council of Nurses developments, a range of a wider factors distilled from the global understanding of tele nursing development are also discussed in this paper including, the technology device, quantum progression, regulation and ethics, competence development and the evidential base. Issues of connectivity and interoperability, next generation telemetry, a
  • 29. Psalm 78 Is The Psalm Of Remembrance Psalm 78 is the psalm of remembrance. In the beginning, the psalmist commands the attention of the present age to what we have heard and known. We should not conceal them from our children, but it is our responsibility to tell the generations to come to praise the Lord about his strength and wondrous works he has done. This is such a good reminder for me! Sometimes we are influenced by the value of this world and we pay too much attentions to teach the children the knowledge of the languages, sciences or arts, but we forget the more important thing is to help our children put their confidence in Godand fear the Lord since they are still young. In the Psalm 78:9 39, the psalmist remembers many miracles God has done for the Israel and how God
  • 30. Michael Corleone Character Analysis Essay III. Characters A.The Godfather Michael Corleone, the youngest son of Vito Corleone, initially doesn t want to have anything to do with his family. He is apparently a law abiding citizen and is evidently a war veteran. He seems to be a good natured and tries to avoid identifying with Corleone activites, yet is fiercely loyal to his family, especially to his father. He is called by his peers as a civilian and refuses to acknowledge him as a criminal. Wnating to live an ordinary life was his choice, until an incident where he botched an assassination attempt on their patriarch; Vito Corleone, led to Michael trying to return the favor to Sollozo and McClusckey. This will eventually lead him entangled with the family affairs. With the family trying to prevent a war between other families, Michael starts to become more and more involved. His vengeful nature, coupled with his ruthless intellect earned the respect of his followers. He ordered the hit ... Show more content on ... He is intelligent, clever and an excellent speaker. Like the tagline of the movie, he frequently makes an offer he can t refuse . Another trait is his ability to read people, especially during Bonasera s plea to the don. He is also a ruthless person, if he cannot deal with words, guns and bullets will. Even with his supposed evil, he is seen as many as a very loving father and many people love him. He was clearly hurt when he found out Michael gunned down Sollozo and McClusckey, indicating he loved Michael that he didn t want his son to be part of any crime. He is able to separate blood and water, and embrace them both, evident when he adopted and raised Tom Hagen like he was a son. He also show a deep sense of morality, not agreeing to the dawning drug business at first, and when he did agree, he proposed that it should never be sold to kids and near schools. Near the end of his life, he became more relaxed and was able to enjoy his remaining
  • 31. The Synthesis And Processing Of Ceramics And Ceramic... INTRODUCTION | 1 Polymer derived ceramics (PDC) were first introduced over thirty years ago, and are a fundamental material in high demand today. Over the years, these materials have been heavily studied to better understand how to manufacture them and determine their desired properties. Such materials include coatings, ceramic fivers, and ceramics containing properties that allow them to have high stability at high temperatures. Desired properties of PDC typically include high resistance to decomposition, phase separation, crystallization, high chemical durability, semi conductivity, and creep. [4] This paper will discuss the synthesis and processing of ceramics and ceramic composites using soft materials such as pre ceramic polymers. The potential for materials for a large variety of applications in harsh environments, pertaining mainly to the mechanical properties of PDCs, will also be discussed. PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES | 2 There are three basic steps in order to process PDC. These include synthesis of preceramic from a specific monomer, crosslinking of polymers at low temperatures which allow for networks to form, and finally ceramization by pyrolysis. Some of the most common monomers which can be used consist of polysilanes, polycarbosilanes, polysiloxanes, polysilazanes, and polysilylcarbodiimides. There are several procedures in order to attain these figure 18.1 indicates some of the methods of creating some preceramics through various methods outlined [1]. Figure:
  • 32. Love Triumphs Love Triumphs 1 Corinthians 13:13 states: and now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love, ( 30 Bible Verses About Love Encouraging Scripture Quotes ). Love is an essential feeling everyone needs to have in their life, and we are called to love one another. Without it, everyone wouldn t have fulfillment in life. In the novel, Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo shows how ultimately powerful loveis. He portrays love in many ways throughout the novel. The novels main purpose is to show how love triumphs through all circumstances. Marius and Cosette have a love that never leaves them no matter the situation. Throughout the whole novel, Marius shows how much he loves Cosette. Marius kept going back to Luxemburg ... Show more content on ... Also, one day dressed himself in this panoply complete, put on his gloves, prodigious prodigality, and went to Luxembourg. (Hugo, et al. 193) to try to impress Cosette. Marius did not even know her, but already knew that he had to get to know her. No matter what the situation, his love for her still prevailed. This portrays his love for her early on in the novel. And then while he was watching her walk by showed this as well. It was all over him. Marius loved a women. His destiny was entering upon the unknown. (Hugo, et al. 197). Hugo, instead of using describing words, flat out says that Marius loved a woman . Marius had no one at that moment, so he felt as if his love for Cosette was the perfect one. Marius hadn t felt the love like he did because even though his family loved him, they had a hard time showing it. Men and women alike are all in need of love in order to be satisfied. The people of our society receive love from those around them. Most people would
  • 33. Human Activity And Climate Change The IPCC define climate change as change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. It refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity ( Observed ). In today s society, there are various opinions over whether humans are contributing to climate changeor if natural causes are contributing to climate change. Some people believe that humans are the main contributor to climate change, whilst others believe that natural causes are playing a substantially bigger role in contributing to climate change. Both human and natural causes play a role in contributing to climate change. An example of human activity playing a role in contributing to climate change is the increased burning of fossil fuels, which inevitably leads to increased energy consumption. There appears to be a positive correlation, even a causation between increased energy consumption and increased carbon dioxide emissions from 1854 to 2000. For example, in 1854, the world energy consumption for coal, oil and natural gas combined was 28 exajoules , by 2000, the world energy consumption for coal, oil and natural gas combined was 1375 exajoules (Gail Tverberg). Furthermore, during the industrial revolution from 1760 to 1840, where there was a drastic change in methods of
  • 34. Investigating The Relationship Between Relative Molecular... Wesley College IB Chemistry IA: Energetics Candidate: Jacob Savarirayan Candidate number: 0006120082 Design: Focus problem: Investigating the relationship between the relative molecular mass a primary alcohol and the respective enthalpy of combustion for that alcohol. Independent, dependent, and controlled variables: VariableManipulating, measuring, or controlling variable Independent variableThe primary alcohol usedDifferent alcohols (methanol, ethanol, and 1 propanol) will all be used within their respective spirit burners. Dependent variableThe amount (mass) of alcohol burnedThe dependent variable will be measured by taking readings of both the initial and final masses of the spirit burner (without the cap) thus the change in mass can be calculated. Controlled variable 1The change in temperature within the water in the metal can will be held constant at a change of 20ocThe change in temperature is held constant at +20oC. This will be controlled to the best ability (see step 8, method). This is predominantly controlled to allow for consistency within the energy gained by the 100cm3 of water, and to maintain a consistent error in temperature change. Controlled variable 2The equipment used The equipment used throughout the experiment will be the same, as will the setup. This will be further controlled by performing every trial within the same approximately 75 minute period, thus eliminating the need to re setup the apparatus. This control ensures that
  • 35. Supplier Selection Introduction The evaluation and selection of suppliers, structuring the supplier base is an important task in any organization. It assumes utmost importance in the current scenario of global purchasing. Every Organization especially manufacturing organizations need to have a Supplier evaluation matrix or model in place. This paper tries to bring in a typical Supplier Evaluation Framework, which blends with company s basic values, and help in establishing a Strategic sourcing policy. It also outlines ways and means to reward a supplier and establish long standing relationships with suppliers. Vendor selection range of criterions Today s consumers demand cheaper, high qualityproducts, on time delivery and excellent after sale ... Show more content on ... * Ability to meet current and potential capacity requirements, and do so on the desired delivery schedule. * Financial stability. * Technical supportavailability and willingness to participate as a partner in developing and optimizing design and a long term relationship. * Total cost of dealing with the supplier (including material cost, communications methods, inventory requirements and incoming verification required). * The supplier s track record for business performance improvement. * Total cost assessment. Now when the agreement on the business and vendor requirements had been compiled, the team now must start to search for possible vendors that will be able to deliver the material, product or service. The larger the scope of the vendor selection process the more vendors you should put on the table. Of course, not all vendors will meet the minimum requirements and the team will have to decide which vendors you will seek more information from. Vendor evaluation range of criterions The areas that company chooses to measure and manage and the criteria used will be a direct result of the company s goals and strategy and the objectives for the supplier performance management program. There are a wide variety of areas of supplier performance that may be measured. It is important to select the ones that are
  • 36. Stereotypes Perception Of African American Hair I have decided to use portraiture to create a narrative between the portrait and the viewer, allowing the viewer to understand the individual that is being depicted through their physical characteristics and their personality. I see portraiture as a mean to express the issues concerning stereotypes towards African Americanhair and how those stereotypes influence the way society to perceive African Americans. My overall set of works, tell a story that reveals how these viewpoints oppress African Americans through images of their hair. Through collage and drawing, I show the relationship between these women and how historical stereotypes effect the way that American culture represents African American hair. Many of those stereotypes are generated
  • 37. The Lottery By Martin Niemoller Brock Brigman Compare and contrast essay The lottery and First they came Standing up for what s right may not be the easiest path. This is not easy because you may not want someone you know to get in trouble for something they have done. The Lottery by Shirley Jackson is about a village that has a lottery and the of this lottery gets stoned to death witch is not the right thing. First They Came by Martin Niemoller is about a man who was once a Nazis and was regretful for not standing up for what is right. Both The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and First They Came by Martin Niemoller deal with standing up for what s right may not be the easiest path, but they do so in different ways. Straightaway The Lottery is about following the crowd, for example all the people in the village followed what the previous generation did which was the lottery. Also the people in the village talk about how they don t know why they do the lottery but we do It s a tradition . The winner of the lottery gets stoned to death which is not the right thing to do. This goes back to how doing the right thing is not the easiest path. Secondly First They Came Is also about doing the right thing is not the easiest path, but it shows in a different way. In this story Martin Niemoller was a Nazis and had lots of regret. He regret not speaking up for what s right. He was imprisoned in two camps and narrowly escaped execution. In his time in the camps he wrote on how he regret s not speaking up
  • 38. A New Client For A Cereal Making Company A new client for a cereal making company has asked us to help promote their cereal as healthy . This new cereal is called *name here*, and it is our job to determine the correlation between calories and potassium in order to make the new cereal healthier by lowering the calories but increasing potassium. We have researched the interrelationship between calories and potassium and this paper is a product of our analysis. We have compared data between the top fifteen cereals and have found that calories and potassium have a negative correlation. However this is only a coincidence as it is other factors, such as sugar, fiber, protein, and fat that correlate most directly to calories, while certain ingredients have more potassium than others. Calories and potassium are both essential parts of the diet that the human body needs in order to survive. A calorie is a unit of energy that measures how much energy the body gets just by eating or drinking it. It is generally thought that the higher the calories, the worse it is for the body. It is thought that way because the extra calories that the body doesn t use is converted to fat, and too much fat is linked to health problems such as arthritis (joint degeneration), heart disease and diabetes. Potassium is an electrolyte (meaning it conducts electricity in the body), it is essential for the proper function of cells, tissues and organs. It is crucial for heart function and the contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles. Too much
  • 39. Zen Buddhism And The Law Of Karma The law of karma is so powerful that it governs everything in the universe, that is, according to Buddhism and Zen, except the one who is Enlightened. When one is Enlightened, the law of Karma isn t pertinent. The Enlightened one does, says, or thinks is through free will, an indication of essential nature, and not the impact of past Karma. This is a one of a kind clarification by Buddha of the invalidation of the law of Karma is essential. Enlightenment is a state of being that is free from the habitual patterning and systematic identification processes of the human ego. The ego is a construct of human consciousness that routinely makes a differentiation between what it chooses to identify as self and other, or not self. The ego creates... Show more content on ... The reason that reflection was singled out for the assignment of this school depends on the way that the authentic Buddha accomplished edification (nirvana) through the act of contemplation. There are essentially two strategies used in meditation practice in Zen Buddhism to assist the practitioner to achieve the previously mentioned objectives, together with a basic breathing activity known as perception of breath tally one is the kЕЌan strategy and the other is called simply sitting, it is a single act of Samadhi. They are the two fundamental schools of this type of the Buddha Way yet prospering today in Japan. In the Rinzai school, the kЕЌan technique is concocted to help the professional to end up plainly a Zen individual (Kasulis, 1981) who completely exemplifies both astuteness and empathy. The assignment of this school of the Buddha Route as Zen, which implies sitting contemplation. Since the Chinese expression is thusly a transliteration of the Sanskrit expression Dhyana, nonetheless, Zen owes its chronicled beginning to early
  • 40. Plastic Bags Do Not Biodegrades By going to a website called,, I found out that, Plastic bags don t biodegrade, they photodegrade breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways. They then enter the food web when animals accidentally ingest them, ( admin, para.8 ). In case you didn t know, the meaning of biodegrade is to decay and to become absorbed by the environment, while photodegrade is to be decomposed by the action of light, especially sun light. Plastic bags are very common in grocery stores. Sure they help us carry items, but plastic bags can do a lot of harm to the environment and to living animals, such as creating land fills and endangering six of seven species of sea turtles. Where I m getting at is that... Show more content on ... That we don t have to worry if we lose any of them. Sure it makes our lives easier, but we need to stop thinking of ourselves and start looking for ways we could use to replace plastic bags, without it causing any harm to the environment and wild life. For example, But the problems surrounding waste plastic bags starts long before they photodegrade. Our planet is becoming increasingly contaminated by our unnecessary use of plastic bags, ( Sharon Jacobsen, para.4). Sharon Jacobsen is explaining in this quote that plastic bags are, basically, unnecessary. For another example, Big black bin liners, plastic carrier bags carrying advertising logos, clear sandwich bags and a variety of other forms are all polluting our environment. They re lightweight, handy and easily discarded. Too easily discarded, ( Sharon Jacobsen, para.5). By saying this, she meant since plastic bags are easy to get rid of, this is how problems are created, problems such as landfills and destroying marine life. What we need to start improving is to not think about our selves entirely and discuss what should do to help the things around
  • 41. A Butcher s Tale And Alain Corbin s Village Of Cannibals Helmut Walser Smith s A Butcher s Tale and Alain Corbin s Village of Cannibals, present case studies of historical accounts which demonstrate the power of masses and of crowd violence in the small Prussian town of Konitz and the isolated French village of Hautefaye. Small towns are generally attributed to communal characteristics where citizens help and protect one another; however, the events that unraveled in these two cases generated a shock factor to the neighboring towns as it exemplified the power of rumor and the overall naivety of the inhabitants of the two towns. These case studies are also reflections of how the most civilized of societies are able to resort to barbaric actions through mere hearsay and allow their prejudices to shape their perception. This paper will examine the dynamics of the crowd, the explanation for the unfolding events and the ways in which both authors reach their conclusions of the unraveling of these events. The particular unfolding of events in both case studies of the historical accounts of violence which occurs in these two small towns is explained through the notion of rumor as a news source. Smith s A Butchers Tale investigates the anti Semitic violence in the town of Konitz reconstructing the murder of an eighteen year old boy Ernst Winter whose body had been found brutally dismembered. At first the murder goes unnoticed; however, two days later body parts slowly start to make their way around town followed by the baseless
  • 42. Benefits Of Man s Best Friend Essay Benefits of Man s Best Friend Interactions between humans and animals have existed since prehistoric times. Humans depended on animals for food, clothing, and transportation , and animals were the focus of religious worship in many ancient cultures (The PEDIGREEВ®, 1). In more recent years, the number of animals kept for companionship and pleasure has massively increased (The PEDIGREEВ®, 1). In present day society pets, dogs in particular, play an essential role in the health and structure of many families. Pets are not only able to provide companionship, there is also evidence of the positive effects they provide on human health and psychological mentality. Companion animals play an important role in their owner s lives, by being able to positively influence a human s physical health. Simply stroking or petting an animal has repeatedly been shown to cause transient decreases in blood pressure and/or heart rate (Wells 524). Interactions with a familiar animal have a greater benefit, because they appear to serve a greater therapeutic benefit than those with an unfamiliar animal (Wells 524). Petting an animal can also positively benefit the health of the animal itself, because it helps create a lower heart rate for the animal (Wells 524). These effects may only be short term, but they are beneficial. It has also been reported that petowners have been discovered to visit the doctor significantly less than individuals who do not own a companion animal (Wells 526).
  • 43. Relationship Between The Father And The Son The relationship in the middle of Gregor and his mother is similar to a typical mother child relationship, him expecting to accommodate her and the family, her cherishing him. At the same time, when he started to go under the metamorphosis their relationship took a wide change into a delicate and distressed, the mother is torn between her adoration for Gregor and her frightfulness at Gregor s new state. Grete and Gregor s father seek to shield her from the full reality of her child s transformation. She demonstrated sympathy for him later in the story, yet soon she forgot all about him, just like the rest of the family. The relationship between the father and the son is unusual. It is certainly strained, however it is likewise complex. His father loves him, but his love appears to be difficult to discover. Despite the fact that tears inevitably came, his initial reaction to his son s transformation is not sadness or pity, but anger. The twisted part about their relationship is that the son basically gets sick while conveying his father s financial burden, yet the father, instead of being sympathetic, he rejects and assaults the son for becoming the vermin that he has become. He hurts his son, physically, and scars him. This is deeply ironic, in light of the fact that the change of the son seems to occur as a result of the work that he does on his father s behalf. The father ought to be giving him adore, but instead detests the despicable creature he has become and wants
  • 44. Young People Fat Research Paper There s not a kid alive that won t sooner or later need to deal with no under one sort of friend weight. The truth is that sidekick weight is basically an unavoidable truth for youngsters and teenagers. Yet what may be as protected as what amusement or shading you like best when you re in second grade as often as possible changes into the weight to endeavor drugs and alcohol, take part in sexual relations, and/or tune in distinctive sorts of behavior which struggle with all that you ve learned in life. We should get information to the masses so that our period can upgrade and move past this season of extravagant judiciousness. What I appreciate her to be expressing is that by more widely and formally demonstrating the figuring out how to high... Show more content on ... The most certain strategy for keeping this entire circumstance from happening is to agree to the one surefire answer for this dilemma maintain a strategic distance from sex until marriage. Then again, the best part is that it s plausible! I ll be a virgin when I m hitched. It s a gift I ll offer away to one amazingly one of a kind woman no qualms. My mom and dad made sense of how to accomplish this unavoidable , basic act until they were hitched. My three uncles and their wives all made it to their marriage guarantees with their virginity set up. Likewise, it s not like they were social protesters without open entryway for their own specific nonattendance of deliberateness. Perhaps, they were all adolescents who were dynamic and noticeable understudies taking an enthusiasm for and driving their way through auxiliary school and school as group promoters, drum majors for state title strolling gatherings, cross country and track partners, starting varsity baseball players, optional school athletes, college baseball Group Commanders, uncommonly finishing academic understudies, and the once over goes on. Besides, from the affirmation of what I ve seen around me all my life, it is clear that self control in like manner suits all the all the more trusting associations and obliges honest to goodness
  • 45. Is Colonization Worth The Cost Colonization was very expansive a long time ago because there was a lot of war and countries always wins or lose. When you lose you lose a lot of important things that is need in the country. Yes, I have come to an agreement that colonization is worth the cost. If you want your population to increase and want to be more powerful then colonization is worth the cost. Columbus discovered new places and one of them was Hispana. In Sermon Delivered to church he says a speech on how we can make this place better and asks questions. If the land is very beautiful and has resources then I would fight over it. Columbus and his troops have less resources and sends a letter to me as the king of Spain. I say that the cost is worth it because if
  • 46. Greek And Greek Mythology Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.) Mythology usually deals with divinities; in contrast, folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Mythology usually deals with divinities, in contrast; folktales generally focus on ordinary people, even if they have supernatural elements. Flag this Question Question 2 1 pts Select the sentence that contains no semicolon errors. (Note that some of the sentences may not require a semicolon.) The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus, Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle East, Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role, and Norse mythology from Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle East; Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role, and Norse mythology from Scandinavia. The four mythologies that have influenced European culture are Greek and Roman mythology, involving the gods of Mount Olympus; Mesopotamian mythology, from the Middle East; Egyptian mythology, in which the sun plays a central role; and Norse mythology from
  • 47. The Duration Of Unemployment As Provided By The Bureau Of... The duration of unemployment as provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics was an average of 28.1 weeks in June. The trend seem to be improving overall because the average duration of unemployment for May was 30.7 weeks, and a year ago it was 31.4 weeks (BLS 2015). The difficulty of finding a job seems to go up after the first month after being unemployed. The people who are unemployed for 15 to 26 weeks have the least trouble finding jobs (BLS 2015). After 27 weeks, more people have difficulty finding jobs (BLS 2015). A possible explanation is that unemployed people look like worse candidates the longer they are unemployed, so they have a harder time to find work as time goes on. Initially, people may also be discouraged from being laid... Show more content on ... Many organizations that lend money use this rate as a guideline for the interest rates they charge customers (Streissguth 2011). To determine the prime rate, the Wall Street Journal first carries out surveys of 30 large banks to determine the consensus prime rate (Streissguth 2011). The prime rate is also determined in part by the federal funds rate, which is decided by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), so the prime rate normally changes when the federal funds rate changes (Streissguth 2011). Generally, lenders will keep their total interest rates above the prime rate (Streissguth 2011). According to Patrick Gillespie, the FOMC is likely to raise the federal funds rate in September. He believes they are putting off raising rates due to low inflation along with the rise of the dollar (Gillespie 2015). Consumer Debt Consumer debt can be a good thing because it allows consumers to build credit so that they have an easier time borrowing money. However, too much consumer debt is a bad thing when consumers run out of money to make payments on their loans. Overall, consumer debt is trending upwards. Economist Aimee Picchi says new credit card debt will rise 5 percent in 2015 . Senior Economist Ivan Vidangos article Deleveraging and Recent Trends in Household Debt shows that consumer credit has been growing since 2008, which has mainly been driven by strong growth in student loans and in auto loans . Household debt has also
  • 48. Legitimacy Of Courts During The Judicial System Legitimacy of courts has long been an important factor in the judicial system. However, a more recent concern has been diversity. It is becoming increasingly important for the court to represent those who it serves. The ECJ s composition remains unreflective of the millions of black and migrant European Union citizens whom it serves . Judgements of both the domestic courts of England and Wales along with the European Court of Justice, affect the everyday lives of all EU citizens including those of minority and underrepresented groups. Outcomes should not be influenced by considerations of political or financial consequences . Independence is important as it is vital that each judgeis able to decide cases solely on the evidence presented to them by the parties in court. Personal independence is always necessary to ensure that the judiciary as a whole of both the land or the community remains independent. In order for the courts to be fully independent, they must represent the diversity of the people and make decisions in accordance with the law with no other influences. With the growing influence of the government over the last century it has become increasingly important that the judiciary fulfils its responsibility to protect the public against unlawful acts of the government. What has therefore also become increasingly more important is the need for the judiciary to be completely independent from the government. The evidence suggests that the courts nowadays are not
  • 49. The Triangular Trade Or Golden Triangle a)Slaves from Africa were always described as being fit, strong and accustomed to the heat. In other words, they were accustomed to the tropical condition in the Caribbean. The first to begin the Triangular Trade or Golden Triangle were the Portuguese in 1471. Europe was amid their time of disclosure and since they gained land in the Caribbeanthey wanted something to do with it. Their optimal point was gold; they were just fortunate with having farming land and soon acknowledged they required a work power to do the grimy employment particularly since sugar was turning into the chief product in the European market. Europeans figured out how to begin conveying Africans to the Caribbean in return for things like weapons, whisky, black powder,
  • 50. Persuasive Essay On American Exceptionalism American Exceptionalism is a term used to define the ideal that America is far superior to all other countries. It has been used to justify unfair actions and used to cover up flaws. Children are taught from a young age that America is the model country, and the people living there can do no wrong. In school, each bad thing that America has done in history is skimmed over, yet the accomplishments and victories are taught in great detail. For years, Americans have hid behind the phrase American exceptionalism as a way to not only avoid taking responsibility for their actions but to not push themselves to be better, as they already consider themselves perfect. The concept of this exceptionalism impedes the progress and evolution of mankind as they give up caring and trying to better themselves. The great diversion for every mistake America or an American has made is the main use of this ideal. Instead of acknowledging the bad things that they have done, Americans push their poor choices to the side and pretend that they do not know what they have done. Instead, they focus on the small good things they have done and do not even try to right their wrongs. Using American exceptionalismas an excuse takes away guilt helps hide flaws and make people feel better about themselves. From The Madness of Donald Trump Matt Taibbi writes America, land of the mad pig president. Shove that up your exceptionalism (Taibbi). Not only does he show both how insane and comical America is, he
  • 51. Change Of Software Development Process There was a need to change our software development process to something that was more transparent, collaborative and iterative. There were few options available that suited our needs however it wasn t an over night change in methodology. We tried few options like Feature Driven Development methodology and also for Rapid Development methodology for some user experience focused applications. However the neither of those were successfully able to resolve effective work partition and collaboration between teams physically located in different geographical locations. This led us to try some other agile methodologies like Scrum and Extreme Programming. We were successful in resolving a lot of management issues with scrum. Extreme programming... Show more content on ... Under Extreme programming developers would pair and only the code that is deemed best by both the developers gets submitted to central repository. We also experimented with Test Driven Development in Extreme programming methodology and found it very useful. Solution Implementation Since past two years we have been using, under the umbrella of Agile, Scrum with Extreme programming for new application layer teams and Kanban for service layer as well as production support teams. The implementation started with lot of training for Scrum. Not only we hired trained scrum masters, we sponsored a lot of technical as well as business leaders to take Scrum Master or Product Owner certification. There was task force setup to form move Agile Transformation initiative with well defined goals. It also took lot of real estate restructuring within our office space. Since all the technical teams were transformed into scrum there was not need to have office cubicles. Hence the whole floor was transformed into multi group tables where each team sat on one table. All the developers were also provided laptops to be flexible in moving across teams if there was need to stand up or tear down a team. Training was the key aspect to make Agile transformation successful. There was multiple mandatory training sessions setup for all employees. Also each teams were assigned an agile coach to ensure the concepts were clear
  • 52. Pizarro Chapter Summary b.Pizarro s capture of Atahuallpa reveals that the Europeans had advanced weaponry in the form of steel. Steel birthed swords, spears, and lances that proved to be fatal when weighed against their primitive counterparts. The inhabitants of the New World favored stones and clubs, as shown when the Incas attempted to rebel, and were of no match combating the sharp tools belonging to the Europeans. Guns, though not as accessible during Pizarro s time, and horses also came to aid them in their conquest. In addition to quality arms, the Spanish brought infectious disease. Sickness spread like a wildfire amongst the natives lacking immunity and weakened their forces. On top of guns, germs, and steel, factors like centralized political organization,... Show more content on ... The societal levels of organization clearly identify the transitioning of institutions from: bands, small nomadic herds of people, to tribes, a stable village of hundreds, to chiefdoms, when centralized governments prevail, and states, large productive societies. Stages will find that as they move up the ladder, progress is indirectly related to food production. Food production goes hand in hand with our ever increasing population and is responsible for turning bands into states. The domestication of plants and animals lead to complex societies where sedentary living and dense populations encouraged germs, with the interaction of farm species, and technological innovations, in the form of guns and steel. j.He claims that human history can be understood like any other science and goes out of his way to say that natural experiments in any field will be subjected to criticism. Not much different from the sciences, people can conduct historical studies by comparing groups of people like epidemiologists do. Diamond remains optimistic on the future of historical studies on human societies and believes that the level of impact it carries is just as immense that it will, without a doubt, be with the (social) sciences in due
  • 53. Description And Definition Of An Individual, Group, Community Start here. Description and Definition: Start here. Producing Theory: Any type of research can either test or create theory; different types are better for producing rather than testing theories. Case studies aim to build theory rather than test it (Berg Lune, 2012). Case studies open the door to understanding how an individual, group, community etc. interacts with a certain event. Berg and Lune (2012) suggest that case studies allow researchers to observe shared and unique problem solving techniques and how the case interacts, perceives and interprets the information when they are presented with new stimuli. New theories can be created based on the data collected, analyzed and interpreted. Some researchers argue that theory... Show more content on ... There are benefits to both approaches, but more benefits from allowing case studies to create new theories (Berg Lune, 2012). However, Eisenhardt (1989) suggests that investigators should at least produce a research problem and consider some potentially important variables with some reference to previous research before conducting the research to help guide the case study. Types of Case Studies: There are many different types and designs of case studies that each use a different approach to qualitative research (Berg Lune, 2012). The first type is intrinsic case studies (Berg Lune, 2012). This type of case study occurs when a researcher wants to further their understanding of a particular case; the uniqueness of the case becomes fascinating and appealing. The goal is not to test or develop a new theory, but to further the understanding of the case. The data from this type of case study may stimulate ideas that would be applicable to other cases. The second type is instrumental case studies (Berg Lune, 2012). This type of research provides insights into an issue or clarifies, improves or better generalizes a theoretical explanation. The goal is to help the researcher better understand a theoretical problem or question. The final type of case study is collective (Berg Lune, 2012). It is also known as multiple case studies, cross case studies, comparative studies and contrasting case studies. This uses combined