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Essay On The Novel Cry The
Beloved Country
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Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country
The Theory of Evolution
Running Head: EVOLUTION The Theory of Evolution By Student s Name Name of University
Charles Darwin s theory of evolution has been a topic of controversy since it was promulgated in
the late 1800s. Nonetheless, its tenets remain strong, with many modern day scientists making
discoveries that support Darwin s theories of evolution, natural selection, and survival of the fittest.
In The Origin of Species, Darwin calls the process of natural selection or survival of the fittest, the
preservation of favorable individual differences and variations, and the destruction of those, which
are injurious (Darwin, 1901). Darwin s theory of evolutionary change and process of natural
selection surmises that variations exist in every... Show more content on ...
The theory of evolution will always be debated, but new scientific discoveries that support the
theory cannot be disputed. Therefore, Darwin s theory has stood the test of time, which is a
great accomplishment in this ever changing world of new discoveries and scientific innovations.
References Abdul, P. (2005). Origin of genetic information and evolution of biological species.
Islam Science, 3, 7 13. Beecher Monas, E., Garcia Rill, E. (2006). Genetic predictions of future
dangerousness: Is there a blueprint for violence. Law and Contemporary Problems, 69, 301 310.
Darwin, C. (1901). The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or the Preservation of
Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. New York: P.F. Collier and Son. Griffiths, P. E. (1997).
What emotions really are: The problem of psychological categories. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press. Science and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of Sciences. (1999).
Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Waters, R.H., Rethlingshafer, D.A., Caldwell, W.E.
(1960). Principles of Comparative Psychology. New York:
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Pros And Cons Of Keeping A Promise Essay
Don t make promises you don t intend to keep. This is a phrase that is not unfamiliar in our daily
lives. A promise is a commitment of one party to another that if a situation occurs, the party will
take responsibility to act according to the terms of the promise it has given. An act of making a
promise indicates an intention to keep it. basically, it s a way of knowing the foreseeable future
based on something said in the past. One of the simplest example would be a mother promising
to buy her child an iPhone if he gets good grades in the upcoming exam. Here the child can
clearly foresee himself with an iPhone if he gets good marks. On the related side of keeping a
promise, a lot of motivation is involved that prevents the party from breaking that promise.
Contrarily situations might occur where it would be more reasonable to break... Show more content
on ...
He will get to apply his knowledge and work in a new environment. His work experience will
diversify and he will be guaranteed to work in his field. If Sameer works hard and smart, great
outcomes will follow. The pros and cons of joining the new company is always there but these
are all if and but conditions. BABA is not going to get affected from Sameer not joining them as
he will get paid back the full tuition fees and one person leaving the job unless on higher levels
of management or board, cannot affect company s performance. Sameer had the chance to open
the doors for many people including his friend Patrick to receive their MBA and become more
successful, something he had never imagined till he asked to get an MBA through work.
However, Sameer has no responsibility on someone else s career. And with this experience BABA
should not stop developing new talent because everyone is not Sameer. I will end here by a famous
quote by Zig Ziglar The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is not training
them and keeping
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Investigating the Sources of Finance Essay
Investigating the Sources of Finance
I m now going to investigate the sources of finance available to you when setting up your new
business. I will separate the sources of finance needed into three categories; start up costs, running
costs and expansion costs.
When starting up your new business premises will need to be secured from which you will
trade. I m going to look at ways that you could secure premises. The first option available to you
is a mortgage; these are long term loans offered by banks or building societies based on property
as collateral. Interest must be paid on the mortgage, but this will cover the original sum and when
the money has been paid back, you become the owner of ... Show more content on
to purchase this machinery and equipment you will need to use medium term sources of finance.
These could be; a bank loan, this is a quick and easy source of finance, but this would mean paying
interest. Also the bank may require collateral, and the machinery and equipment may be
repossessed if loan repayments aren t met. Another source of medium term finance available to
you is leasing. This means that a firm could lease you the machinery and equipment that you will
need. However, although less initial finance is needed to obtain the assets, over time this works
out more expensive than buying. Hire purchase is similar to leasing except the firm will eventually
own the assets. The assets are paid for in instalments, whilst the business is using them, this
however can bring with it major cash flow problems, because interest payments can be very high.
My recommendation when attempting to secure a source of finance for machinery and equipment
would be to get a bank loan. I recommend this because; the machinery and equipment is instantly
accessible to the business allowing it to operate, also the interest payments aren t as high as hire
purchase, and with a bank loan the assets become the property of the business once all repayments
are met.
Fixtures and Fittings are also essential when operating from the
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Examples Of Foreshadowing In Old Stump
Literary Devices: Foreshadowing (3) Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is the indicating of what
will occur later in a narrative and often provides hints about what will happen next. Example
Their eyes met over the top of the stump... Then they swung up their axes and both of them said
plenty to that old stump (26). 1Schaefer, Shane Context In Shane by Jack Schaefer, as a sign of
thanks of providing him a welcoming place to stay, Shane decides to remove the stubborn old tree
stump by Joe s barn. After a while, Shane cuts off one root and instantly proceeds to cut another. Joe
hurries away and returns with an axe, and both men labor vigorously on cutting the tree stump.
Concept Foreshadowing is used to hint at the support that Shane will soon... Show more content on ...
With aid from Shane, Joe is able to triumph over the stubborn stump that he cannot destroy on his
own. As Shane helps Joe cut the seemingly undefeatable stump, he proves to be reliable in
supporting Joe in conquering greater obstacles soon to follow. Schaefer uses the stump to
foreshadow a larger conflict in the future, in which Shane can be obliging and trustworthy.
Connection The incident of the cutting down of the stump develops the characterization of Shane,
as it reveals his loyalty and selflessness. His decision to cut the impossibly tough stump shows the
significance of his devotion to paying his debts, thus showing the serious way Shane handles
responsibility. Shane is willing to put himself in dangerous situations, like cutting down a huge,
heavy stump, to show his gratitude and loyalty. The selflessness and loyal characteristics of Shane
are further shown when Shane, angered by the insults hurled at the Starretts, utters, Your pigs are
dead and buried after killing the pigs in town
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Pentecostal And Charismatics Research Paper
The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements and Speaking in Tongues
Submitted to Dr. Timothy McAlhaney in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion
of the course
CHHI 525 D08 Spring 2015 LUO
History of Christianity II
Fred Martin
May 13, 2015
Contents I. Introduction.............................................................................................1 II. The History
and Theologies of Pentecostals and Charismatics..........................2 a. Brief History of the
Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements..................2 3 b. The Beliefs of the Pentecostals and
Charismatics...................................3 5 III. The Bible and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
...............................................5 IV. The Bible and... Show more content on ...
There are now approximately 170 various denominations that identify as Pentecostal. The
Charismatic movement, or neo Pentecostalism, was born in 1960 when Episcopal priest Dennis
Bennett, during the Passion Sunday service, both spoke in tongues and announced that he had
received baptism in the Holy Spirit. Although this event is associated with the official beginning of
the Charismatic movement, it must be noted that many other Pentecostals and even mainline
Christians are considered essential to the birth and spread of the movement. They include such
names as David du Plessis, Smith Wigglesworth, Agnes Sanford, Kenneth McAll, Presbyterian
pastor James Brown, and Lutheran minister Harald Bredesen. Those who embrace the beliefs and
practices of the Charismatic movement do not generally align themselves with any particular
mainline Christian denomination. However, Charismatics are found today in all the major
Christian denominations, especially in the Pentecostal, Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Catholic
Churches. The term Charisma means gift, so therefore Charismatics denote those that demonstrate
one or many of the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.
B. The Beliefs of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
Pentecostals and Charismatics have similarities in their theological and ecclesiological beliefs. Both
Pentecostals and Charismatics believe in the following: (1) there is healing in the
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Essay about Disney and Discrimination
Disney and Discrimination
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true. Disney uses this slogan as well as many
others to surround society with a world of happiness, where dreams come true and anything is
possible. However, there are some of you who believe that this thought process is subliminal and
Disney is therefore hiding certain race, gender, and sex issues. Now, you Disney fanaticsmay be
thinking that Disney captivates, enthralls through song and animation; criticizing questioning
Disney is like questioning motherhood (Snow whitey). Yet, as author JanetWasko puts it: There is
the super fan, who doesn t question Disney, and then there is the ... Show more content on ...
With that in mind, the first step I wish to take, which is also the same topic I wish to end this letter
with, is in the direction of the history behind the Disney Corporation. Disney s history obviously
starts with the big man himself, Walt Disney. Many see Walt Disney as the greatest visionary and
greatest artist of our time; he was a man who believed in the value of fun, and taught us to put clean
pleasure up there with God and our country. (Washington Post)
I am interested in entertaining people, in bringing pleasure, particularly, to others, rather than being
concerned with expressing myself or obscure creative impressions. Walt Disney, 1958
The Disney Company has been criticized for behind closed doors capitalism tactics, rarely has its
movies; employment; and theme parks been publicly attacked and condemned with strict attention.
Yet, it is still Yet, it is quite possible to find such attacks (Unofficial Anti Disney Website, for
example). As mentioned in the beginning of this letter, Disney uses slogans and tactics to give
society a view of their company as if they were wearing rose colored glasses.
Fantasy, dreams, and pixie dust is drilled into the heads of practically every person that comes in
contact with Disney. It is because of their slick and ingenious advertising that causes such success
for them today. However, it is now time to turn you away from
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Power In Robert Bolt s Play A Man For All Seasons
People in positions of power are always under scrutiny by those they rule. Despite their moves
being watched closely, rulers often have a deep seated inability to compromise their beliefs,
thus corrupting the government. In this day and age, it is far easier for the public to combat
this ignorant worldview, but in the time of King Henry VIII, this was nearly impossible. It took
men in other positions of power to stand against the king s will, but even this fared poorly for
the dissenters. In Robert Bolt s play A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More was beheaded for
his decision to remain silent on the matter of the King s marriage. The leaders of England value
More and view him as a man for all seasons, but only while his morals match their... Show more
content on ...
Opposing kings believe More supports their individual cause, yet neither is correct. The English
government brings More to trial because of his vague answers in response to the matter of Henry
VII s divorce. More s failure to speak his mind on the subject forces everyone around him to
draw conclusions based on their knowledge of his faith and loyalty to the crown. It is within
human nature to judge others, and the less information provided, the wilder the inferences
become. In this way, both Henry VII and the king of Spain believed More to be a man for all
seasons, but in reality, his morals prevented him from ever being a man for all seasons. It takes a
rare man to embody all the necessary traits to be prepared for any situation, good or
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My Personal Interpretation Of The Entrepreneurship Forum
The following essay will describe my personal interpretation of the Entrepreneurship Forum,
conducted on October 16, 2015 at California State University, Monterey Bay. The forum focused
on four specific speakers and their journey as entrepreneurs. The below paragraphs will describe
the general emphasis of each speakers entrepreneurial story, including the challenges and rewards
from their experiences. The paper will then conclude with the lessons I found most important, and
whether or not the speaker s stories have made me more inclined to be an entrepreneur. The first
speaker was a woman named Kara Kytle, the founder and Chief Executive/Technology Officer
for Assure Technology. Kytle spoke with influence from her 20 years of experience in
technology design and leadership. Her bio mentioned some of the large companies she had
worked for such as Intel and Sun, which left me excited to hear her entrepreneur story. She began
with the origin and reason behind Assure Technology. Kytle informed the crowd that her
company was started because of the fact her mom suffers from frequent memory loss. The
problem was she needed a product that would help her mother locate her cellphone, remind her to
keep the phone charged, and update the family on her location/wellness. Kytle said since she
could not find the proper products she decided to build one, and this initiated the design of Assure
Technology. Her biggest lesson for the crowd was building a business is not easy. Kytle stressed
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David Wiesner s Wordless Picture Books Essay
David Wiesner s Wordless Picture Books
David Wiesner is a very artistic author. His love for art is portrayed through his style of work.
When flipping through the pages of his books, the reader is immediately drawn to the pictures.
A particular style the Wiesner is known for is wordless picture books. A wordless picture book is
exactly what it says; it is a book containing only pictures. A wordless picture book is a very
personal experience for the reader ( A child can benefit tremendously from this style
of book. Wordless picture books stimulate creativity and language, while at the same time
introducing a child to basic principles of books and reading.
Sector 7 and Free ... Show more content on ...
There is not one correct interpretation, which allows children to be as creative as they want to be.
Language can also be developed through this style of writing. Without words on the page, it is up to
the reader to decide what is being said. The reader is given the chance to verbally add his or her
own words. This tremendously helps with language and vocabulary. The reader begins to create
thought that have a beginning and an end. One is able to enhance their vocabulary by seeing things
that they may not have seen before.
Through a wordless picture book, a child is introduced to the basic principles of a book. One of
these principles is the way in which books are read. Wordless picture books ...can accustom them
to the left to right pattern of reading... (Sutherland 84). The reader reads the pictures from the left
page to the right. In Sector 7, many of the pages have multiple pictures on them. The successive
pictures are stacked on top of each other. This may help the child learn that he or she is to read
from top to bottom, along with left to right.
The sequence of pictures throughout the book is also important. This allows children to learn that
books have story lines. The reader learns that every story has a beginning or introduction. Each
picture builds upon the last and are all connected. The reader is able to relate each
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American Indian Immigration
Indian Immigration
Sudipta Das is a professor at the Southern University at New Orleans and in their academic journal
Loss and Gain? A Saga of Asian Indian Immigration Das goes in depth on the South Asian
immigration trends. While immigration has always occurred in the United States, different groups
of people immigrated in mass amounts at different times. The majority of the first phase of
Southern Asian immigration occurred during 1904 to 1917, and thousands of Southern Asians
entered the United States from Canada. This was due to there being anti Indian sentiments in Canada
at the time, and soon after most immigrants arrived through San Francisco. This phase ended when
the United States passed an immigration act in 1917, that only allowed ... Show more content on ...
One explanation for how Indian Chic culture came to be is through the different popular culture
movements that the United State underwent from the 1920s to modern day and its correlation to
the immigrant groups arriving throughout the decades. The book Inventing American: Ethnic
Identity and American Popular Culture outlines the six most important popular cultural eras; within
those six eras, two of them are directly related to Asian and South Asian immigration; ...the Vietnam
era hippie love affair with Ravi Shankar in the late 1970s...and the 1990s Asian Americanwebzine
subculture (Oren 91). Ravi Shankar is still today a very popular classical Indian musician. In the
1970s, what occurred was that Indian culture was popularized for being exotic with the fame of
Ravi Shankar, and of other Indian professionals. Ravi Shankar specifically performed at the
Monterey Jazz Festival and this made him gain national fame (Oren 92). The appearance of an
Indian celebrity popularized Indian music, fashion, and even spiritual practices. Soon Indian
customs started becoming appropriated around the United
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The Civil Rights Movement from 1954 to 1968 Essay
It was a hard time, and for many black persons, it seemed as if all the broken promises of
Reconstruction were epitomized in the actions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ever
since the 1870 s, the Court had been eviscerating the congressional legislation and constitutional
amendments that had been established at the height of Reconstruction to protect some of the basic
citizenship rights of black people. 1954 was a new time and more than tears and words were
needed. Just about everyone that was black and alive at the time realized that the long, hard
struggles, led by the NAACP, had forced the Supreme Court to take a major stand on the side of
justice in the Brown v. Board of Educationof Topeka decision. We... Show more content on ...
Martin Luther King Jr. becomes leader of the 12 ВЅ month boycott. In November of 1956, the U.S.
Supreme Court rules the Montgomery s segregated bus system is unconstitutional. Although the
Brown ruling of 1954 was a unanimous decision, the American public s reactions to it varied
greatly. In the North, where segregated schooling was not a matter of public policy, blacks
viewed the decision as a victory for equality. Most whites in Northern states felt that the decision
had little meaning for them. In the South, however, many whites viewed the Court s decision as
an intrusion of the federal government into their way of life. Southerner s pointed out that the
North, too, was segregated. Black people in the South were profoundly affected by the court
decision. Many felt for the first time that the government might be on their side, and that it might
now be possible to throw off years of oppression. But a year passed before the Court delivered its
instructions on just how school desegregation was to be implemented. When the Court s directions
in what has to be known as Brown II were summarized in the phrase with all deliberate speed,
many black people were disappointed and felt that the government would not support desegregation.
In 1957, the Little Rock School Board decides to admit nine black students to its Central High
School. The Governor calls out the National Guard
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How Advertising Affects Our Lives
In the 21st century, companies cannot sell any products without advertising. Currently, most
people will not buy anything before watching an ad for said product. Many people are happy
when they see advertising. When people go out, they see advertising is everywhere. Consumers
see it on trains, buses, taxicabs, and even when they drive on the highways .Advertisements are
prevalent on the internet, TV, radio, magazines, and even different kinds of social media.
Promoting ads encourages the economy to develop and helps in creating new jobs. Advertising
is necessary in our life because it has multiple positive aspects that impact us on a daily basis.
Despite their good, there is no way that a person can escape ads, because they are everywhere.
One way that is used the most and is in some ways very controversial is use of sex to sell products.
One of the most successful American businessmen, Leo Burnett, said, Good advertising does not
circulate information, it penetrates the public mind with desires and belief, (Intext citation).. Nike
ads are successful at taking attention by using appeals of font, choice of Jennifer Van Allen,
targeted audience, as well as other rhetorical elements.
According to the Contemporary Reader, most people have heard the old saying; A good picture is
worth a thousand words, (page37). The Nike ad, shows a picture of a girl running on the road, all
alone, with a good stride. On top of the left side of the ad there are three large words with white
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Insulation Essay
Diana Flatsoussis
Review of Literature
Insulate to cover, line, or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or
leakage of heat, electricity, or sound (Insulate ,2015, pg.1). In this experiment insulation is the main
topic. Insulation is used in many things: a house, a refrigerator, walls, clothing, and types of
drinking cups. Installation can be made of materials like styrofoam, plastic, and fiberglass. These
can be used to keep things hot or cold. Insulation is most commonly for heat and maintaining heat
energy. This experiment tests the insulation of several cups and how they keep liquids hot. Each
cup used in the experiment has some insulation. The cups have different amounts of insulation.
Each of these cups are generally used as insulators for many liquids.
Insulation slows the process of heat leaving an object. Most insulation contains lots of air spaces.
The air spaces slow the flow of heat leaving the object because the heat takes longer to travel
through the air spaces. Insulation is a material or substance that is used to stop heat, electricity, or
sound from going into or out of something (Insulation, 2015, pg. 1). Insulation is commonly
thought of in ... Show more content on ...
It is polystyrene which is petroleum. Petroleum is a very common product. It is a non renewable
resource that is polluting the environment. Petroleum is an oily, thick, flammable, usually dark
colored liquid that is a form of bitumen or a mixture of various hydrocarbons, occurring naturally
in various parts of the world and commonly obtained by drilling: used in a natural or refined state
as fuel, or separated by distillation into gasoline, naphtha, benzene, kerosene, paraffin, etc.
(Petroleum, 2015, pg. 1). Styrofoam is not only used simply to keep a cup of coffee warm, but also
as spray foam in houses for
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Primal Fear Mental Condition
According to the 2014 U.S. census there are approximately 318 million people residing in the
United States and 1 in 5 people are diagnosed with a mental condition. As a society we have
continued to evolve physically, mentally, and emotionally. With this growth we have become better
equipped to handle many situations that we once found difficult to understand and treat, such as
mental conditions. With the rise in the number of people diagnosed with a mental condition, society
has become more interested in studying the causes and possible treatments of these conditions. Not
only are mental conditions widely studied by scientists, the entertainment industry has capitalized
on our fascination and has made many others aware of the mental conditions... Show more content
on ...
When asked about his mother he becomes defensive and reveals that she had passed away when
he was 11 12 years old, which is when he began to loose the time. When arriving in Chicago
Aaron had no where to go so he began to pan handle until he met the Arch Bishop Rushman who
took him in and made him an alter boy in his church. While under the supervision of the Arch
Bishop Rushman Aaron became taken with a girl named Linda, who too was taken in by Arch
Bishop Rushman. As their relationship progressed the Arch Bishop slowly started forcing them
along with another alter boy by the name of Alex to film sex tapes, that the arch bishop would
watch later which he claimed helped him to purge the devil. When questioned about Linda and
these sex tapes by his lawyer and a psychiatrist Aaron becomes extremely agitated and upset and
begins complaining that his head hurts. As the psychiatrists attempts to dig deeper to get Aaron to
discuss and reveal more about the relationships he shared with Linda, Alex and the Arch Bishop
Aaron becomes extremely agitated and his
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Main Hermeneutical Strategies Used By Basil
One of the main hermeneutical strategies used by Basil in his work is confirm the oneness of the
triune God. While some of his heretical opponents insist that the triune Godhead is not fully
unified, Basil set the record straight by saying that according to the distinction of Persons, both are
one and one, and according to the community of Nature, one. Basil is not talking about two or three
different Gods, but of one single God, one that is not cloven in two, nor the glory divided, but
instead of a God that is triune in essence. The eternal generation of the Son, along with the eternal
precession of the Holy Spiritis essential to the doctrine of the triune God, and Basil asserts that
taking any part of this away from God is heresy. The Godhead can only rightly be described in its
triune form, as Holy Spirit is conjoined to the one Father through the one Son, and through Himself
completing the adorable and blessed Trinity.
One of Basil s greatest typological arguments is that the Holy Spirit is equal to the Father
throughout the canon of scripture. He asks the question, how can he who calls Scripture God
inspired, because it was written through the inspiration of the Spirit, use the language of one
who insults and belittles Him? That is to say, how can scripture that is inspired by the Holy
Spirit still be the living, breathing word of God? If people are to be called the temples of God
with the Spirit of God within them, how can this Holy Spirit be demoted to
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Aicpa Code Of Conduct
1.Why does the accounting profession need a code of conduct? Accounting profession need a code
of conduct to establish ethical requirement for the professional accountant. 2.What are the
components of AICPA Code of Conduct? The Components of AICPA Code of Conduct are
Principles, Rules, Interpretation of Rules of conduct. 3.Compare and contrast the principle and rule.
Principles are values or fundamental beliefs. It gives a foundation for detailed rules. On the other
hand, rules are implementation of the principles which are the core of professional conduct and
AICPA member need to follow it. 4.Compare and contrast the virtues of independence, objectivity,
and integrity? According to the virtue of integrity the members of AICPA should
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In addition, part 1 establish the conceptual framework and provide guidelines for resolving
ethical conflicts. The 2nd Code Part work for the members in public accounting and also the
members in business. However, the independence rule doesn t apply to the member of business
as the employee cannot be independent of its employer. 8.If a CPA were required by a subpoena
or court order to produce confidential client documents, would compliance with the legal
demand constitute a violation of the code of conduct? No, the compliance with the legal
demand do not constitute a violation of the code of conduct and they are only permitted by the
client s will. 9.If a CPA provided consulting services to help a client reduce their energy usage,
would it be permissible for a CPA to charge a contingent fee of 5% of any cost saving? Yes, the
CPA providing consulting service to help a client reduce their energy usage can charge a
contingent fee of 5% of any cost saving. 10.If a CPA provided expert witness testimony on
behalf of a plaintiff, could the CPA charge a contingent fee that is 5% of any jury awards? No, in
this case the CPA providing witness testimony on behalf of a plaintiff, could not charge a
contingent fee of 5% of any jury
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Persuasive Essay On How To End Your Relationship
Why is it so hard to breakup with someone without seeming like a jerk or even an ass? It s not
that you don t love them, it s not that you re bored with them, but the simple fact that you have
outgrown the person you thought you might spend the rest of your life with. When two people go
their separate ways and choose to breakup, the person who ends it, is fed up the most, but at what
cost? Almost everyone you know that has been in a long relationship and has broken up, has been
conflicted on how to end it. If you follow the five steps MCPSR, meditate, conversate, plan the
date, separate, and reevaluate you will be single without worry.
The first thing you do not want to do is jump to conclusions, and end the relationship without
thought. Because if you end the relationship this way, you will regret it later. You will feel guilty
about the way you handled the situation, and from perspective of the significant other, you, my
friend are going to be resented for forever and a day. The first approach is to meditate, or take
some me time. Me time is what one likes to call time that no is around to bother you and make
you wish you were on death road laying in your casket with your phone in your hand about to
make your last life changing tweet before taking your last breath. When taking your me time,
you need to think about all of the good and all of the bad in your relationship. If you can t pin it
on the first try, attempt to write it down. Make two columns, on one side write good and on the
other write bad. When doing this you are listing all of the good things and all of the bad things in
your relationship, this helps you way your options on whether to end it or attempt to save it. If the
good out ways the bad, then that is when you should consider saving it, but if the bad out ways the
good... you should consider dropping them like a hot tamale on a late Saturday night at 3:00 in the
morning watching cartoons trying to shove it in your mouth after 3.2 seconds out of the microwave.
Your second step is simple, conversate . Talk to someone that has been in your situation. Why?
Glad you asked, you do this because the person who has been in your situation knows the do s and
the don ts to ending a
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Essay On Siddhartha
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse details the life and quest of the novel s eponymous character, as he
ventures through countless walks of life in an attempt to achieve his ultimate goal: enlightenment.
His journey takes him through periods of both denial and excess, during the latter of which he
meets Kamala. Unlike Siddhartha, who spent his youth in holy devotion, Kamala is more akin to
the average person: she is a temptress, and thus has spent her life pursuing sensual pleasures and
material wealth. She serves first as a teacher but will eventually become a student of Siddhartha s
quest, as after many years of teaching her knowledge of lovemaking, discontent causes him to leave
her. The emptiness which comes from a life of gluttony is not isolated... Show more content on ...
Because of this, despite being in his early twenties, Siddhartha had still yet to have a romantic
relationship of any kind. It was shortly after he left his ascetic life that he had a prophetic dream
in which he envisioned himself in a sexual encounter; following this, Siddhartha sought to learn
the art of love making, and to embrace the physical pleasures which he had so long denied. On
his way to the city, Siddhartha has his first brief sexual encounter with a woman washing
clothes, but quickly moves on, believing better things to lie ahead; after seeing Kamala, he
knows this to be true. She is described as ...[having] heaped black hair... [a] bright, very sweet,
very clever face, a bright red mouth like a freshly cut fig, artful eyebrows painted in a high arch,
dark eyes, clever and observant, and a clear slender neck above her green and gold gown ( Hesse
51). But before Siddhartha can have the privilege of a relationship with Kamala, she tells him, He
must have clothes, fine clothes, and shoes, fine shoes, and plenty of money in his purse and
presents for Kamala (54). Siddhartha, dedicated and deliberate, goes on to attain fabulous wealth,
all in order to experience the teachings of
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The Quiet Kids Research Paper
Introverts in School: The Quiet Kids Every person is different, and each of us has different
personalities. An actor, for example, generally feels alive when they are preforming in front of
people, while a computer programer perhaps feels more comfortable when working in solitude.
Some teachers have a natural empathy that allows them to care for their students, and an author s
imagination allows them to weave together stories that transport people to new worlds.
Psychologists have been studying these differences in personality for centuries and have divided
personality into five different traits. These traits are known as the Big Five. The Big Five
personality traits included in the theory are: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
openness, and neuroticism (Rentfrow np). In other words, these traits describe your level of
sociability and enthusiasm, your level of friendliness and kindness, your level of organization and
work ethic, your level of creativity and curiosity, and your level of calmness and tranquility
(Rentfrow np). By using these terms, the aforementioned actor would be high in extroversion;
however, the opposite would be true for the computer programer. The teachers described would rank
high in agreeableness, while authors would rank high in openness. Understanding these distinctions
and where... Show more content on ...
Due to producing more dopamine, a chemical released in the brain that provides the motivation to
seek external rewards, extroverts tend to gain more energy when they are surrounded by external
stimuli (Granneman np). Introverts, however, feel overstimulated in that same situation. They have
to recharge their energy away from other people; most people assume this to be due to shyness and
unsociableness, which isn t the case. Introverts often enjoy being around others in moderation. Only
when they become overwhelmed with stimuli do they retreat into
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What Is The Alka Seltzer Problem
The problem in our society is that we have become more technologically advanced. Although we
might have a problem in our society we also have in our sales on Alka Seltzer. Which the
problem is Alka Seltzer Original sales went down 12% in fiscal year 2012. Alka Seltzer has put a
proposal that they would like to increase the versatility of Alka Seltzer the ones who are career
oriented consumers by promoting the Alka Seltzers to be used everyday. Alka Seltzer is marketed
for relief of minor aches, pain, inflammation, fever, headache, heartburn, stomachache, indigestion,
hangovers, while neutralizing excess stomach acid. ( Alka Seltzer) . Alka Seltzer was launched in
1931. The three main factors that affect the dissolution of a solid
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Differences Between Congress And Commerce Clauses
There are three provisions that give Congress to power to create, regulate, and mandate the
healthcare policy. The three provisions are the Commerce Clause, the Tax Clause, and the
Necessary and Proper Clause. The Commerce Clause allows the federal government to regulate
interstate commerce. Good and services being sold, bought, or traded between the states is
regulated by Congress. There has been much debate on how the Commerce Clause effects
Congress power over individual healthcare policies. Congress explains the possibility given to
Congress from this clause because the public purchases healthcare. The Tax Clause give Congress
the power to tax a product and Congress can charge a tax for an individual not purchasing a product
such as
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For my final paper I have decided to do a on the ethical and controversial issue of abortion. In this
report I will cover both sides of the abortion issue. I will summarize the stands of both Pro Life
advocates and Pro Choice, by presenting arguments from organizations, authors, and journal articles
from each side. As well as give a brief history on abortionand a look at the laws that govern this
issue not only here at home but around the world. In conclusion of my report I will give my
views on the issue and on which side of the fence my beliefs put me on. So lets begin. Up until the
early 1960s abortion was illegal. Almost forty years after the Equal Rights Amendment was first
introduced to Congress. However, abortion was not... Show more content on ...
The National Abortion Federation is an organization that supports all of the above views and
more and publishes numerous resources covering a wide range of subjects related to abortion
for health care providers, medical educators, patients and the public. In face of myths and
misinformation about abortion, NAF s resources provide medically accurate information that
enables women and the public to make informed choices. Their policy focus on the importance
of women having access to safe and legal abortion options. They believe that in recent years
Congress has made this impossible by banning safe abortion procedures, voting to make a fetus a
person for the purposes of federal criminal law, and restricted access to abortion for federal
employees, military dependents, Native Americans, and low income women. They quote the fact
that during his eight year stay in office President Bush has nominated over 200 anti choice judges
to the federal bench, has made a host of other anti choice appointments to non judicial posts, and
has signed anti choice legislation passed by Congress, and has used his administration to further
policies limiting access to safe and legal abortions. Their view is that abortion providers offer
quality care to woman in the face of hostility, harassment, and threats of violence. They advise that
reproductive health care providers undertake comprehensive security measures to keep staff and
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Islam And The Five Pillars Of Islam
Religious praying has been a staple in many religions to communicate to a higher being or for self
spiritual cleansing. Catholicism, for example, uses a rosary as an artifact to recite certain prayers,
and for the Jewish community they pray three times daily to observe Judaism. Islamic praying is a
different story. Muslims around the world perform the Five Pillars of Islamto appease their faith.
The Five Pillars of Islam have specific names for each pillar in chronological order; The Shahada,
Salah(also spelled Salat), Zakat, Saum, and Hajj The Salah, the second of the Five Pillars, is the
Islamic prayer performed five times a day at specific times. Performing the Salah is a way for
muslims to connect with Allah, who they regard as their one true God. The story on how Salah
came to be was from none other than the Holy Prophet Muhammadhimself in which he declared
that he had a vision, or a dream, that he rode a white animal, called the Buraq, from Mecca to
Jerusalem and from that location he ascended towards heaven itself. Once arrived he was
greeted by Moses who then took him to God s presence. From there Muhammad asked God if he
could shorten the daily number of prayers, which used to be fifty, to only five per day. Because of
this vision, the reason for reciting five prayers daily came to be. It was authenticated in the Qur an
as being a true circumstance, however it is not legitimately documented in the Qur an. Before
performing the Salah, a procedure is
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Comparing Dido And Aeneas
Don t you just hate it when your mom makes the queen of Carthage fall in love with you? Yeah,
so did Aeneas. Just kidding. He didn t actually hate it. Aeneas just has better things to do, like
discover the great city of Rome. Aeneas decision to leave his love, Dido, is completely justified due
to his great sense of pietas and their uncertain relationship status.
As a direct offspring of Venus, one of the more powerful gods, Aeneasis a man who values the gods
powers deeply. His sense of pietas is intense throughout the epic, especially in book four, when he
has to leave Dido in order to fulfill his duty to the gods. Dido s furor, or passion, is a great
contrast to Aeneas sense of duty. When Dido and Aeneas publically come out as couple, both of
their work falls to the wayside. However, when Jupiter discovers Aeneas isn t fulfilling his destiny,
he sends Mercury to reignite his pietas. ... Show more content on ...
After Dido discovers his upcoming departure, Virgil describes Aeneas behavior as [he], loyal and
true, yearns to comfort her, soothe her grief, and say the words that will turn aside her sorrow
(Virgil, Aeneid4.455 457). This increases Aeneas strong sense of obligation to his duty, because
it pains him to leave Dido in such negative emotions. This is a painful decision for Aeneas; he has
to try to suppress the love in his heart (4.377). Virgil continues on and says although great love has
shaken his soul, he obeys the gods will and returns to the fleet (4.458 459). This emphasis on how
Aeneas must obey the gods further justifies his leaving of the city of Carthage and his
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Shared Assumptions
Research Question
Why is it necessary to define and identify the optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions of
an academic library organization?
Three Dialogues
Dialogue 1: Talking about your problem
Opponent: Why do you need to identify the optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions of
an academic library?
Me: Because, failing to understand or acknowledge optimal cultural traits and basic shared
assumptions within the organization may fortify traditional and narrow approaches to delivering
excellent services and programs to the academic community.
Opponent: Will you actually be able to change the culture of the organization by understanding its
optimal traits and shared assumptions?
Me: Because we understand the optimal cultural traits and shared assumptions, the organization can
develop a strategic plan to address targeted areas for transformation. One case study confirms this
premise, Cisco ... Show more content on ...
Me: Defining the optimal cultural traits and shared assumptions of the academic library is possible
using well established data collection tools and assessment strategies. There are multiple options for
assessing the organizational culture, however for this specific question I am focused on two
Edgar Schein is a respected expert on organizational culture and leadership. He has written
numerous books including Organizational Culture and Leadership (Schein, 2010). This specific
publication outlines a structure for rapidly assessing the culture of an organization. The second
method is administering the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI), a statistically normed and
validated survey used for organizational consulting and change purposes (Balthazard, Cooke, Potter,
2006, p. 712).
Opponent: Won t it take a long time and be expensive to administer?
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A Case Study the Fighting for Control Power and Equity...
A Case Study: The Fighting for Control Power and Equity Ownership of GOME Electrical
Appliances Group 1.Introduction1 1.1.Introduction to GOME Electrical Appliances1
1.2.Introduction to Huang Guangyu1 1.3.Introduction to Chen Xiao1 2.The Whole Story of
Fighting for Control Power and Equity Ownership of GOME Electrical Appliances2 3.Analysis of
corporate governance and agency problems of GOME4 3.1.In the transition period, the conflict in
the concept of corporate governance from private enterprises4 3.2.The power of the Board is
overtaken5 3.3.No Board of Supervisors5 3.4.The lack of long term incentive mechanism5 3.5.The
lack of a standardized system for employing5 4.Conclusion5... Show more content on ...
But at the same time Bain raised three non executive directors, and appoint an independent
director. Sep. 2010, there were 11 directors in the Board of Gome. And distribution of power is
showed as follow: Chen Xiao s Group: Chen Xiao and Sun Yiding; Bain s Group: Zhu Jia, Wang
Lihong, Ian and Thomes; Huang s Group:Wu Jianhua and Chen Yusheng; Other: Wang Junzhou,
Wei Qiuli and Shi Xiping; Dec. 2010, the number of directors expended to 13 in the Board of
Gome. Zou Xiaochun and Huang Yanhong were in the board so that Huang s Group grew to 4
persons 3. Analysis of corporate governance and agency problems of GOME 1. 2. 3. 4.1. In the
transition period, the conflict in the concept of corporate governance from private enterprises Gome
s battle showed that familial governance on behalf of the major shareholder , in the post crisis era
of China, still dominate with the preponderant and stead position, and cannot be shake in the short
term in the private enterprises. Private enterprises must mix familial governance and corporate
governance, give administration and supervision authorities the moderate authorization and
reasonable incentive and restraint mechanisms. 4.2. The power of the Board is overtaken Modern
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The Stereotypes Of Taboos Surrounding Sex
There are all sorts of taboos surrounding sex, but some sex stories go beyond taboo territory and
into the straight up weird. Well, we have eight stories of people who have had sex with
unexpected objects or animals and were either caught in the act or unknowingly documented.
Check them out for yourself below, but don t expect anything close to 50 Shades of Grey. There
s nothing sexy about these eight hilarious sex stories. Number Eight: A Snake. One cheeky man
thought it would be a good idea to have sex with a large, live snake and film himself in the act.
He uploaded the video on YouTube, where it was shared millions of times. He has never been
identified. Number Seven: A Picnic Table. And an ATM! Lonnie Hutton decided to get drunk in a
Tennessee bar and strip naked. He was so aroused that he jumped on the closest thing to him an
ATM. After being kicked out of the bar by cops, he ran to the closest thing he could, which just so
happened to be a picnic table. That poor, poor picnic table.... Show more content on
On not one, but five occasions, Edwin Tobergta was caught having sex with inanimate objects in
public. On three instances, he was caught on the side of the road having sex with pool noodles,
and in 2002, he even pleasured himself with a pumpkin. Number Five: A Car. Edward Smith is
not ashamed of his sexual attraction to cars. He has allegedly had sex with over 1,000 cars, and
his favorite is a pink Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla. We won t ask why. Number Four: A
Mannequin. This story is much more strange than sexual. One anonymous man decided to break
into a store, but instead of stealing money, he sexually assaulted a mannequin. He wore his shirt
over his head as he masturbated furiously against the mannequin. He never stole anything and was
never caught. Number Three: A
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Who Is To Blame The Titanic
The sinking of the Titanic is one most well known shipwreck in modern day history and it s still
being written and told about even a century later. The causation of the sinking has been debated
heavily since the crash in 1912 and many so called experts of the titanic disagree with another on
this issue. There has been new development when the ship was discovered in 1985 and examined
by experts. Leading people that the sinking was caused by three major turning points. The first
being the failures of White Star Linewho manufacture the ship starting in 1909. The second being
the crew of the ship that had some very serve flaws in the plan of action leading up to the disaster.
Lastly the passengers who had enough time to prepare before the... Show more content on ...
It s common knowledge that the Titanic didn t have enough lifeboats, even though it met the
require amount by the board of trade the mindset was that it wasn t going to sink in the first place
so it didn t really matter if they added more. These mindsets lead to more than 1,500 passengers
losing their lives, and further in the essay you can see that pattern emerge more than once. Another
controversial topic is whether or not the titanic tried to beat a cross Atlantic speed record.
When the ship first left Belfast ,promises were made that it wouldn t try to beat any record, but
the ship s captain was urged to go full speed since they had left the dock leading many to believe
that they were indeed trying to beat a record. At a first dinner on the night of the sinking Mr.
Ismay was seen in a confident mood telling first class passengers that the Titanic was going to
beat a record. This speed made the Titanic harder to slow down when coming up to the iceberg
fields which cause the ship to hit harder against the ice causing more damage. The next key piece
is the crew members who didn t take enough steps to help prevent the crash. The first one is John
Phillips who was the transmission officer on the Titanic. He was tired from the mountains of
transmissions he revived that day alone and had to fix the radio after it
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Marlowe Influences On Doctor Faustus
Christopher Marlowe Water supports a seed to grow into a beautiful flower, just as Christopher
Marlowe s works watered the seed of the Renaissance and Elizabethan literature. The Renaissance
was characterized by new ideas and thinking, which created many influential writers from this
time. Christopher Marlowe is known as a talented writer from the late sixteenth through early
eighteenth centuries. He and many other writers of this time created new ways of writing and
impacted it in other ways. Marlowe was considered the most important playwright before
Shakespeare, but his entire career lasted six years because of his untimely death when he was
twenty nine. His most famous work, Doctor Faustus, is based on the Faust Legend, a German
classic, in which a scholar sells his soul to the devil in exchange for more power and knowledge
( Christopher Marlowe s tragic play, The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus, had
major influences in the development of Elizabethan literature during the mid sixteenth century in
England. Christopher Marlowe uses the new idea of thinking in this play to represent the people of
his time. By intertwining religion with morality in Doctor Faustus, Marlowe shows the common
conflicts of the people during this period. Doctor Faustus was written during the reign of Elizabeth
I while people struggled with their religion and morality. Before Martin Luther s Reformation of the
church, their religion, Roman Catholicism, was equivalent to their
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Dangerous Offenders Legislation Essay
The new Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act (2003) In Queensland permits prisoners to
be kept in prison beyond their release date where a court finds that there is a high degree of
probability that they represent a serious danger to the community . Other jurisdictions have enacted
similar legislation to restrict the releaseof prisoners assessed to be dangerous. Do you think that
dangerousness legislation of this sort is justified or unjustified?
Several states across the Country have enacted or attempted to enact legislation which can enable
detention of a prisoner past his/her release date. This type of legislation s general purpose is to
provide a mechanism whereby prisoners who, if released pose an unacceptable risk of ... Show more
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This type of legislation provides a framework whereas an application can be made to further detain
a prisoner who is due to release as they are deemed to be an unacceptable risk of further offending
and their further detention will protect the community (Field, 2003).
Whilst it is generally accepted that the community broadly welcomes such imposing and punitive
legislation, it is imperative that our disgust for these offences/offenders does not prevent us from
finding the injustice on an ethical and moral basis (Wortley and Smallbone, 2003).
One of the fundamental principles of the Criminal Law System is the presumption of innocence
until proven guilty (McSherry, 2003). By enacting punitive legislation such as the examples given
above, it has been said that it is removing this Common law right from the individual (Greig,
1995). It has also been said that it creates an exception to the general principle of law that no
person shall be imprisoned unless a court comprised of Judge/Jury is convinced, beyond reasonable
doubt that the person committed a very serious offence. Thereby effectively allowing people to be
detained without the burden of proving guilt (Keon Cohen, 1992).
Whilst it is appreciated that the offenders who will be subject to such legislation are in
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The River and A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O Connor
God s grace is offered to everyone no matter what his or her religion, or lack thereof. The real
obstacle is whether or not the offered grace is realized and accepted. In The River by Flannery O
Connor an innocent child, Harry, is offered grace. He is clueless to what is going on, but he
knows he is not content in the life he lives now. In addition, in A Good Man Is Hard to Find O
Connor challenges the socially unworthy characters, The Misfit and the Grandmother, to find
and accept grace. God grants all of his children the opportunity to obtain grace whether they are
innocent or apparently socially unworthy. The innocent Harry and the socially unworthy
Grandmother both receive grace through violence: however, the socially unworthy Misfit is
offered grace but refuses it. God has a plan for all of his children which involves grace. Grace is
forgiveness and the only real grace comes from God. He reveals it when he is ready and in
different ways. Harry (Bevel) Ashfield in The River is a child that lacks attention from his
immoral parents and is treated as an after thought at best. He is at the mercy of his rotten parents
who treat him as nothing more than an inconvenience (Sparrow 1). In his home everything is a
joke and he is raised as if nothing matters (Sparrow 1). Although Harry is not materially deprived,
he is spiritually malnourished. He lacks the appreciation and admiration that is needed for spiritual
and moral growth from his parents (Sparrow 2).
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Intercollegiate Athletics
Research Paper
Intercollegiate athletics is an excellent public relations and fund raising arm for colleges, while
providing education and training to future professional athletes.
Academic programs have always criticized college athletic programs. There are five main
reasons or accusations as many will call it. First it is said that all major and some smaller
colleges routinely lower the admission standards for athletes because of the exposure that they
bring to the university. The Ivy League, for example, have on average some of the lowest SAT
scores than what are recorded at many other prestigious schools. Many schools will admit that they
do allow and recruit athletes with scores of 820 points, which is almost 200 points ... Show more
content on ...
It would be my wish that a highly touted athlete would grace me with one to two years of their
presence and greatness that I would not have had if they were to become a professional instead.
Sometimes athletes cannot afford an education if it were not for their gift of athleticism. Are we
to turn away someone who is trying to become something better because they may only have the
skill to do it in a sport? The money that is produced by the higher end, more popular sports should
be put back into those students and those programs to ensure the schools financial success and
possibly keep the high profile athletes in school longer. This could also stop the scandals of athletes
accepting money from boosters, agents, and some corrupt schools to get them to attend their college
. So why is it that we expect these kids to turn away the millions of dollars staring them in the
face, or the money offered by boosters and agents when they barely get enough money from the
scholarships they receive to live off of while they are attending school and essentially going to
work not only for themselves but their school and every student that attends? Let s look at it this
way, what do you think the graduation rates would be if college athletes were compensated and
did not think like Jason Williams? I just don t like going to school. That s Jason Williams s
explanation for why he left the third college in as
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Main Motives For The Invasion Of Iraq
What were the main motives for the Invasion of Iraq in 2003?
This project argues that there were many more complex reasons for Tony Blair s 2003 invasion
of Iraq, other than the war on terror, the need to find weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to
free the Iraqi people from the tyranny of Saddam Hussain as the government implied. Factors such
as the vast amounts of crude oil that the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf contains (which includes
a large part of Iraq s coast) and the need to control future oil supplies was the overall determining
factor on going to Iraq. There was also a need to stay allied with the US (which has been deeply
ingrained in UK foreign policy since the Suez Crisis of 1956) and help secure US and in turn UK
military presence in the middle east.
Primarily, it would be imperative to establish the history of this conflict and exactly how it got
to the point of war not only from Blair s point of view but also from the other generally
considered reasons, mainly Oil and the US. Secondary sources such as Iraq between
Occupations: Perspectives from 1920 to the Present (Zeidel, Baram and Rhode, 2010), Britain
and the Middle East in the 9/11 Era (Hollis, 2010) and Blair s Just War: Iraq and the Illusion of
Morality (Lee, 2011) are examined. There are a few books that discuss the Anglo American
relationship, the best of which are; Blair s Britain 1997 2007 (Seldon, 2007) and The Special
Relationship, A Political History of Anglo American
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The Communicative Approach
The present Unit of Work could be framed pedagogically into The Communicative Language
Teaching Approach (CLT), together with the Project Work and the CEFRLВ
ґs Action Oriented
Approach. The Communicative Approach emerged at the end of 1960s and early 1970s when a
series of circumstances, motivated by the emerging society, evidenced the necessity of adapting the
language teaching learningprocess to the new contextual demands. Until then, the Situational
Language Teaching, widely extended, and other teaching approaches in the field had centred on the
mastery of structures. However, they had run its course since it became clear the necessity to focus
on the functional and communicative potential of a language (Widdowson, 1978). As language...
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That way, language is used for a communicative purpose (functions) and within a context
c) Students are not considered machines, but rather human beings with human minds, whose
learning styles and strategies, their motivation and self confidence (affective principles) are the core
of the Humanistic Pshychology.
d) In line with the contents, this Unit of Work unfolds following communicative principles, given
that the primary focus is not only in grammar (modal verbs) nor in vocabulary but in a merging and
integration of all the skills, with real interaction (bringing authenticity), information gap activities
and negotiation of meaning as key elements. These techniques and activities can be seen by in the
role plays, problem solving activities, rankings (My virtual experience session 3) projects...By
working on authenticity, students focus on real communication to fulfil real purposes. For instance,
students have to think about advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking Sites This will
also be worked by a final task in which the four skills will be present. Lastly, students imagination
is challenged through activities where they adopt diverse roles, use their body language to
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Trombonism Research Paper
Life is without a doubt the most important ideology that was ever invented. Evidently, every citizen
has sacred п»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їthings that belong to that person, even if they appear
simple. Being a trombonist is one of the most unique inventions I ve ever discovered. Constructed
in the 1500s, the trombone has changed itself and society throughout those years of existence. The
most standard tromboneis the typical golden straight trombone. I m not the greatest trombonist
but someday I hope to achieve stability with the horn. It s not about becoming a better player, it
s about amusing yourself with the chunk of golden metal. Importance is very key for a person s
development as a human, personally, my family is another important aspect of my life.
Encouragement is the only noun I have to describe my sparkling family. Nevertheless, family has
aided me in a majority of my junctures I had to dig through. Consequently, family has been there
to feed me, aid me, and other support mechanisms. Even if disagreements are announced and
statements are frowned upon, everyone grows from these incidents. Notwithstanding, this next
one is quite universal since anyone would love to grasp respect. Respect has always been
important to me due to the detection of love. Respect and love work in very similar ways, since
both involve junctures. In order to receive respect you must give respect to that association or
person. Nevertheless, respect fuels our veins with energy that is indescribable, we feel
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Protestant Reformation Dbq
Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation refers to a movement that occurred 1517 when Martin Luther, a priest
who taught at the University of Wittenberg, rebelled against the Roman Catholic Church. Luther s
action eventually created a movement called the Protestant Reformation, where he exposed the
corrupt priests and criticized the indulgences sold by the Church. He urged people to instead read
the Bible, rather than following the orders of the Pope. After Luther was condemned by the
Catholic priests and popes, he was expelled from the Church and sentenced to death. Fortunately, he
was protected by a powerful German prince and became a folk hero towards the German dukes.
The movement was important to America s history because ... Show more content on ...
The accord soon became a basis of the Plymouth colony and helped create a church. As the small
colonies became to evolve into much bigger ones, signers of the Compact chose governors and his
assistants. The government members eventually became known as the General Court and became a
council of representatives from different colonies across the New World. The Mayflower Compact
is crucial to the America s history because of the framework of government that helped construct in
what is now the United States of America.
Race Based Slavery
Throughout the 18TH century, the South became very reliant on slaves for their main source of
labor. Many considered the act as a misfortune dictated by God and that Africans and Indians
were naturally lazy, stupid, and treacherous. As the spread of slavery began to grow, the laws
regulating race based slavery also grew. By the 1660s, legislatures began to legalize the activity
and created slave codes to manage their lives. During war, race based slavery was very common
throughout both sides captives. Although Europeans did hold other Europeans captive, they were
never enslaved, unlike the Native Americans and Africans. The color of the prisoner was a vital
characteristic that was used to decide their future during combat. For the next few centuries, slaves
were sold, traded, and kidnapped between slave owners. Slavery eventually became one of the
leading causes of America s bloody Civil War, impacting the
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Yann Martel s Life Of Pi
How would you feel being out at sea stuck on a lifeboat for 227 days with only zoo animals for
company and then watching them all be killed and then spend the rest of your days at sea with a
Royal Bengal tiger weighing 450 pounds and about nine feet long. Life of Pi by Yann Martel
starts off in Pondicherry India with Pi Patel and his family, they then load some animals and
themselves onto a cargo ship on its way to Canada. After they are on the ship there is a
malfunction on the ship and it sinks. Pi becomes isolated on a lifeboat with only the company of a
few zoo animals. After some time he is only left with Richard Parker the tiger and fighting to stay
alive. On his journey through the sea he eventually finds an island to which he goes and... Show
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The impact on the characters especially the main ones such as Pi and Richard Parker, the
relationship between the setting and the mood and the change of setting and the overall effect
show in different ways the importance of setting in the telling of a story. In any story you read
or tv show you watch there is always a different and unique setting that helps to give depth and
meaning to what the author is trying to portray. If setting was not taken into consideration and
things just happened in our bedrooms or backyards it would make things very boring and
confusing. If there was no setting at all talked about in the book it would make it bland and
wouldn t make you want to read it. As well you wouldn t get that in depth understanding of the
book. This is why setting is so key in any story but specifically in Life of Pi because majority of the
story takes place in different and important places and it is significant in helping the reader to really
appreciate the
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Brown Adipocytes Research Paper
Adipocytes in human white adipose tissues can change from white to brown and oppositely .Fat
is mostly stored in white adipose tissue (WAT). Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is additional fat
storage, which in contrast to white adipose tissue is capable to produce heat and preserve body
temperature. Brown adipocytes are located in the brown adipose tissueand smaller populations were
recognized within white adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue developed in mammals to dissipate
large amounts of biochemical energy in form of heat for protection from the cold. Upon cold
exposure, brown adipose tissue is activated by central nervous system (CNS) mechanisms over and
done with the sympathetic nervous system(160). 160
The thermogenic response in brown adipocytes is mediated by matchlessly augmented
mitochondria expressing thermogenin (also called uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in the inner
membrane.UCP1 lets brown adipocytes to dissipate the electrochemical gradient that is normally
used to drive ATP synthesis. But, the thermogenic response cannot only be explained by UCP1, as
the expression of numerous genes complicated in energy metabolism is increased in experimental
animals to a cold environment. Lately the significance of NPRA and NPRB in brown adipose
tissue is discovered (160). 160 ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, adrenergic compounds have the potential to increase stroke and heart attack risk,
likely through influences on heart rate and blood pressure. Catecholamines raise intracellular
cAMP, directly activating PKA (cAMP dependent protein kinase), which phosphorylates HSL and
kinases of the p38 MAPK pathway, 38 MAPK inhibition attenuates adrenergically mediated UCP1
expression (160).
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How Does Rap Music Promote Violence
The Effects of Music
Music is important to everybody, we all have that one song that makes us happy or sad just from
listening to one line in the song, but what if the song made you violent. Lyrics in music could be
the reason for violent tendencies in people s behavior. There have been studies shown that lyrics in
some music promote violence and crimes started because of musical influence. Through all genres
of music, if closely inspected, the lyrics show a hint of violence.
In fact, the police have even linked the rise of violence to music. In the article Colorado Police
Link Rise in Violence to Music the journalist Dan Frosch talks about how the police believe that the
rise in murder and shootings are contributed by the gangsta rap ... Show more content on ...
In rap music it s not hard to find the violent lyrics with most of the music speaks about gang
violence, shootings, drugs, and more. An example of a song that influences violence is J. Coles
song A Tale of 2 Cities with lyrics like Picked up the paper and they say my nigga Eddie caught a
body, I m convinced anybody is a killer, all you gotta do is push em to the limps in this part of the
song Cole speaks about how his friend, who isn t really a person who would commit a crime,
murdered somebody; Cole isn t surprised because he believes everybody is a killer if you push
them to their limits. Another example in the song is They robbin niggas on the daily can you
blame a nigga that ain t never had things? Guess not last night they pulled up on my nigga at the
light like ugh, nice watch, run it the first part of these lyrics Cole justifies the crime of robbing
because they have nothing. In the second part Cole states that somebody came up to his friend
and robbed him of his watch, on this part the sound of a gun being cocked in the background is
heard and is continued with the chorus saying hands in the air now (Genius). These lyrics not
only promote violence but justify why it was okay to do such crimes. The reasoning behind why
artists talk about violence is that it s a way of telling their story. Namir, a rapper in New York
says People have to realize that rappers are just like any other artist or musician. What makes an
artist an artist is his artistic portrayal of his life and how he expresses his life through whatever art
form that he does (PBS). With people growing up in terrible environments and music being a way
for them to cope the reasoning for the violent lyrics is the artist trying tell their
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Ipod Persuasive Essay
In today s world, in general, life moves faster. Daily routines would not feel complete without
technology. Often it is believed that technology becomes worthless when one does not know how
to use it. Without the internet or television millions of people would go without the news and
events happening at the waking moment. Along with the advances in technology comes a great
dilemma to be explored of when an overload of technology has been reached and may result in
destruction of mankind. Technology includes most products that are manufacturer in factories
every day. Take iPods for example, they provide the soundtrack to many people s lives but mainly
routines. IPods are a pretty vague subject but the difficulty to narrow and limit... Show more content
on ...
(Apple) Also they are being used, experimentally, to bring criminals to justice. An unknown federal
district court used an iPod to hold important wire tap transmissions in a large drug conspiracy
case. Apparently they used an iPod because of convince, being easier than storing evidence on
tapes or compact discs. Today s world moves so fast that people can barely keep up with daily
activities, let alone themselves. Between making a dollar, to putting food on the plate many
people s priorities are not at the gym. Any person who trains or exercises will tell you they need a
trainer replacement . Nothing but an iPod does this quite well enough. The iPod along with iTunes
can become one of the most deadly weapons at the gym. To better one s workout Nike and Apple
have teamed up to create Nike + iPod. This Nike + iPod kit is a device that records and measures
your distance and pace of a walk or run. When a kit is purchased, it comes with a sensor located
inside a shoe of the customer s choice. Keeping track of one s distance, pace, elapsed time, and
most importantly the amount of calories you have burned. Only owning an iPod allows one to
accomplish this as the program does not work with other mp3 players. (Apple, Nike + iPod) New
places and cities, for some, are very exciting. Instead there are millions out
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The Stories Of Cinderella, Snow White, And Sleeping Beauty
Most of us grew up watching and reading the stories of Cinderella, Snow White and, Sleeping
Beauty all of which were produced by Disney. But what if I told you that the versions you grew up
watching and reading are far from the original versions depicted by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm,
better known as the Brothers Grimm. In their tale of Cinderellathere was no fairy godmother, the
step sisters cut off portions of their feet to fit into the slipper and none of the animals talked or
sang, but rather plucked out the step sister s eyes as punishment for the mistreatment of Cinderella.
Which begs the question, what inspired the brother s to write these types short stories, which are
so not what is recognized today as a fairy tale? The rags to riches tale of Cinderella (the Brothers
Grimm version) the maiden later known as Cinderella goes from a beloved and cherished
daughter, to a household slave after the death of her mother and father s remarriage to a cruel
step mother and two heartless step sisters. To which is very similar to the Disney version most
of us are familiar with today. The authors do a good job of laying out the magical portion of the
tale which was created through the tears she shed every over the tree branch she planted at her
mother s grave that flourished into a tree and produced a white bird at each of her visits that
granted her whatever she wished for.
The authors keep to a more realistic setting in the story that was true to their era and German
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American Black Bear Essay
The earliest American black bear fossils, which were located in Port Kennedy, Pennsylvania,
greatly resemble the Asiatic species,[9] though later specimens grew to sizes comparable to
grizzlies.[10] From the Holocene to present, American black bears seem to have shrunk in
size,[2] but this has been disputed because of problems with dating these fossil specimens.[7]
The American black bear lived during the same period as short faced bears (Arctodus simus and
A. pristinus) and the Florida spectacled bear (Tremarctos floridanus). These Tremarctine bears
evolved from bears that had emigrated from Asia to North America 7 8 ma.[11] The short faced
bears are thought to have been heavily carnivorous and the Florida spectacled bear more
herbivorous,[12] while the American black bears remained arboreal omnivores, like their Asian
ancestors. The black bear s generalist behavior allowed it to exploit a wider variety of foods and
has been given as a reason why, of these three genera, it alone survived climate and vegetative
changes through the last ice age while the other more specialized North American predators became
extinct. However, both Arctodus and Tremarctos had survived several other ice ages. After these
prehistoric ursids became extinct during... Show more content on ...
Today, they are primarily limited to sparsely settled, forested areas.[23] Black bears currently
inhabit much of their original Canadian range, though they seldom occur in the southern farmlands
of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba; they have been extinct in Prince Edward Island since
1937.[24] The total Canadian black bear population is between 396,000 and 476,000,[25] based on
surveys taken in the mid 1990s in seven Canadian provinces, though this estimate excludes black
bear populations in New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, and Saskatchewan. All
provinces indicated stable populations of black bears over the last
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Insanity In The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe
Poe s The Black Cat is essentially an extended metaphor for insanity, specifically resulting from
obsession, and the psychopathic complexity of human nature. Through the narrator s reactions
to and Poe s incorporation of various symbols, the struggle the narrator faces with his conscience
and moral surface. The symbols that Poe employs, especially those relating to the black cats,
work together to form the convention of horror and suspense, as well as to convey the alteration
of morality through factors such as substance abuse and perverseness (Lazim 60). For example,
the color of the cats, black, is typically associated with aspects such as evil and death, both of
which are embedded within the narrator and his story. Black cats, themselves, are usually
associated with bad luck and superstition as well; this idea is even alluded to by the narrator s
wife, although the narrator claims his wife was never serious (Poe 4). Furthermore, there were
specific instances that occurred that related primarily to the narrator and his mental stability,
motives, and emotions. For example, the hanging of his companion, Pluto, is symbolic of the
narrator s inability to accept love as a result of his increasing irritability as well as his deteriorating
stability and mental well being.
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Role Of Web Architecture On Communication And The Ways We...
Unit 28. (M1)
In this task I will explain the main roles of web architecture with relation to communication and the
ways we can communicate online. This task I will look at the main functions of Web 2.0 and will
also evaluate on the architecture that comes with the Internet in order to allow for communication
between software and application programs.
Web 2.0:
The second generation of the World Wide Webis Web 2.0. The second generation of the web is
focused on user needs as an element in sharing information online. Web 2.0 allows for
communication between users via a bandwidth of connectivity, the pages which are created within
this 2nd generation of the web are created with dynamic HTML. There are many ways in which ...
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Effectively users can share key data information by creating their own personal accounts in which
they can share content from, users usually sign up and create a profile in which they can share
information and pictures. Depending on the platform and purpose, users are free to choose whether
their whole profile or selected content will be publicly accessible or only visible to certain
Facebook is another application which uses functions of Web 2.0 for communication. Facebook
itself focuses on the effect of Collaboration between users. The application of Facebook has made
it subsequently effective and simple for people within different countries and cities to share
personal information about themselves and their hobbies and it also allows them to keep in
contact with people they have added. Facebook enables people to add their friends easily
effectively and allows users to decide which information they want to share with specific users.
A screenshot of my Facebook friend s account
Online Applications:
Social network software of communication applications offer functions which include
communication tools and interactive tools often based on the Internet. Communication tools
typically handle the capturing, storing and presentation of communication, usually written but
increasingly including audio and video as well. Interactive tools handle mediated interactions
between a pair or group of users. These social
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N. P. U. s Neighborhood Planning Units
Neighborhood Planning Units were first established in 1974 as a way for citizens in the community
to be engage in planning around their city but to also voice their ideas and concerns. There are
currently twenty five different N.P.U. s that spilt up Atlanta based off neighborhoods. Some argue
that N.P.U. s serve no purpose and should be perish, while others contend N.P.U. s are the
foundation for communities. Either way, an N.P.U. is only as successful as how well it is run. Last
week the author had the chance to attend N.P.U.: E meeting and view how the meeting was
conducted and went. Neighborhood Planning Unit: E contains elven different neighborhoods that
range from Atlantic Station to Brookwood Hills. With that being said this N.P.U. is very, very huge
and has a lot to cover. The meeting started with an introduction and hot topics in neighborhoods
with a time limit of a minute. Following that was the Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board report,
along with the planner s report. The next half of the meeting hold the most important parts of the
meeting. Succeeding was the introduction of the public officials, which included five different
departments. This part was tedious but, also informative of what each department is currently
working... Show more content on ...
meeting and they don t have much to compare it to, the meeting went perfect. If there are any
suggests that could be given to the officials, it would be that a microphone would be a good idea.
For people sitting in the back or that have poor hearing, it was very difficult to hear at times.
There should be a time limit on the meeting as it ran very long. This could be why many people
left early after presenting. The author did enjoy the meeting, however would not attend this
particular N.P.U. again. It did encourage the author to attend her own N.P.U. and become involved.
N.P.U.: E is a great neighborhood planning unit and comes highly recommended for a first
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Identify Brad’s Major Customers Essay
identify Brad s major customers
prepare a customer service policy for Brad s business
prepare a standard for handling complaints
prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint
give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to
the complaint about the quality of the meals
outline how you would change the work culture in the kitchen
outline how you would evaluate the customer service Brad s Holiday Retreat gives in the future
BSB40207 Certificate IV in Business
HCICSS Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies Student Guide v2.0 August
2010 Page 5
design a ... Show more content on ...
Brad s Holiday Retreat is a family business that is managed by Rosemary, a qualified accountant,
and her partner Brad, who is a trained real estate investor. They employ a full time accountant, one
full time front office manager, one full time food and beverage manager, one full time chef, part
time front office staff, kitchen staff, waiters, cleaners and a contract gardener.
Casual cleaners, waiters and kitchen hands are on call to help cope when there are increased
customer demands.
Rosemary helps out in the office and looks after the telephones and administration when the
receptionist has a break or goes to lunch. All customer service issues are handled by Rosemary
and she certainly gives feedback to everyone in the business, including Brad, if there are customer
service issues to be resolved.
Customer base
Brad s Holiday Retreat customer base is currently 60% domestic tourist and 40% international. The
domestic side of business is equally divided between travel agent booking and online/telephone
bookings. The international business is almost exclusively online/telephone bookings. Although the
return is better, these customers are the most demanding. About 60% of revenue comes from room
costs; the remaining 40% comes from meals (10%), drinks (15%) and tour operations (15%).
Customer satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed is on all of Brad s advertising material and business cards, so
Rosemary and Brad like to ensure that
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Computing is getting more advanced as the years go by so...
Computing is getting more advanced as the years go by so are hackers. Hackers are those who
hack with or without consent and their acts are usually considered illegal. Majority of the times
hackers have utilitarianism motivation to use their skills in a personal or political way. Not every
hacker is amateurish; there are some that use their skills for the common good. Those who use their
skills under political reasoning fall under hacktivism.
Hacktivism is defined as the use of computing and computer networks for protests to promote
political ends. One of the most infamous legions of hacking is Anonyms. This particular group
started in 2003. They are groups of groups of hackers that make the people aware of what is
actually happening ... Show more content on ...
It was sold the government for 280,00 euro s. Western governments themselves are using that tool to
go into their citizens communications. Another incident had happened but in germany. Thier
officials had found a trojan virus in there system that was used to investigate their own citizens.
Back then there was no such thing as this. Everything had an extra step to it. Now all it takes is
your internet connection to be tapped or have a trojan infect your computer which causes you to
have your information at risk.
Now hacker s feel that what they are doing is not illegal and they shouldn t be on list of most
wanted. They compare a situation based on government. one hacker states that the government can
do so many thing s that shouldn t be done but yet still get away with it and if caught nothing is to
be blamed. But when a person like me hack s into lets say sony and shut down their servers for 3
day s but then bring it back up, i m considered a wanted person all over the place. A person in the
group called corpse states that there are still some people that have hope in the government, but
in our eye s we see it as in the government has lied to citizens and has made mistakes but yet they
still try to cover it up. Many agree and disagree with that statement but there will always be a
controversial. Moving to another group called charrie wong a
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Target Corporation Executive Summary
The Target Corporation is a general merchandise retailer that opened up in in 1962 under the
parent company of Dayton Corporation. This parent company was renamed the Target
Corporation in 2000 and are based out of Minneapolis. There are over 1,800 Target stores
throughout the United States which includes Targets and Super Targets. In 2005 Target began
expansion in India and in 2011 to Canada however this expansion into Canada did not fare well
and all Target Canada stores were closed by 2015. According to Forbes in 2005 they we ranked
amongst the highest cash giving companies in America with 2.1% given and they donate about 5%
of its pre tax operating profit. In 2010 Target was ranked number 22 by Fortune magazine s World s
Most Admired Companies.... Show more content on ...
Google and Yahoo have a calculation of the P/E but both are different being $12.22 and $11.96
respectively at this current point in time. The main reason for the current difference in P/E is
the discrepancy in earnings per share of $.10. To find historical P/E ratios for Target i have to do a
google search and it brought up a site call YCharts. For the year of 2016 they do not give you an
average but plotting a few point and finding an average I came up with about $12.84 for a ten
year chart I would have had to sign up for a free trial but 2016 looked about average compared to
pre 2014 when the stock was on a quick rise. Looking at a rough five year average of $17.97 the
$11.92 is really low. In other words the current P/E is on the low side which may indicate a time
to buy. The Price earnings ratio is our Fifth fundamental and while i could not find the earnings
estimates on google, yahoo did have them and they estimate by quarter giving the second
quarter of 2017 a projection of $.91 which is not their lowest prediction but is still fairly low. When
we figure this into the last three quarters we end up see in an estimated earnings per share of $4.63
which is similar to Google s current earning per share. Using these number we see a small decrease
in the price of the stock at $55.37 and this could be a good sign if you are willing to wait to
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Current-Day Liberia Research Paper
This paper explores the environmental policies of current day Liberia. Emphasis is placed on
post civil war rule of law, personal waste disposal and infrastructure. In order to relay a sense of
environmental policies in Liberia, this paper touches on the economy of Liberia as well as the
basic demographics. An attempt is also made to touch on the disparity between conservation and a
third world population concerned chiefly with survival. Title of Paper
Liberia, commonly known for diseases such as Ebola and cholera and also known as home to
such notorious figures as General Butt Naked, a mass murderer and cannibal, is a nation
recovering from two recent civil wars on the northwest shore of Africa. The total landmass,
consisting of 111,369 square kilometers; is roughly the size of the state of Virginia. In addition to
having a long stretch of coastline along the North Atlantic Ocean, about 13% of the landmass is
aquatic. With this in mind, the population density based on June estimates is 4,092,310, per
square kilometer of usable landmass, which equates to about 43 persons per square kilometer of
usable landmass. Ecologically speaking, Liberia is home to a multitude of diverse species,
including around 500 unique avian species. In addition to this, the land is rich in natural resources,
both in the form of timber and minerals. Notably, there are large deposits of minerals, with rich
deposits of diamond ore (Agency, 2013).
Demographically speaking, Liberia is home to over
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The Importance Of Memory
Can you remember memory
Memory has always been a huge part of everyday life whether a conscious mind realizes it or not.
Memory is the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods
of time. (openstax) Memory helps develop a human s mind and who they will become through life.
Psychology is the study of the human mind and how humans think. Memory is important to
psychology because memory shapes a human s character and continues to push someone through
each and every day. Many ancient beliefs about memory were surprisingly accurate. Plato saw how
one memory can lead to another when he described a lyre that made him think of it owner and then
his friend, until a whole, rich picture of events and associations was called up from a simple,
instrument. (minninger) There are three major processes someone memory presents every day.
These three processes which information passes through are encoding, storage, and retrieval. The
first process information encounters is encoding. Encoding is the input of information into the
memory system. Encoding can occur through a conscious mind or an unconscious mind. When the
mind is unconscious the form of encoding it goes through is called automatic processing, this is
taking in little clues from the surrounding environment such as time. When the mind is conscious
and aware of what it is in taking this is called effortful processing. Effortful processing actual
requires a lot of work such as
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Crime And Punishment In The Elizabethan Era
During Queen Elizabeth s rule, the poor were in a plight where they were both mistreated and in
need of economic support which Elizabeth provided as well as corrected the mistreatment of the
poor. In Crime and Punishment in the Elizabethan Era punishments were usually reserved for
criminals who broke a law. The homeless and beggars, however, regardless of why they are
homeless were abused. They were rounded up by constables who tried them before a court and
they were whipped until they left town or they might have been placed in stocks to be publicly
humiliated. This blatant abuse of the poor did not stay throughout the entirety of Elizabeth s reign
as in Elizabethan Class System a law was passed that legally distinguished the differences
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The Effect Of The On The Snap Program On Children And...
The changes in the SNAP Program that would restrict certain purchases of foods and become
more like the WIC Program would affect 45,766,672 individuals. As of now, SNAP participants
are able to purchase multiple food items even if they do not have any nutritional benefit. The goal
is to increase protein, fruit, vegetables and grain consumption among SNAP participants. When
people are low income they tend to buy goods that are cheaper in nutrients. SNAP participants
were least likely to consume any fruits or vegetables compared to those not participating in the
program, regardless of cooking frequency. (Bleich and Wolfson 2015). Increasing protein, fruits,
vegetables and grains will have a positive effect on the health of our SNAP participants.
From what I have learned in class this semester and the research I have found many SNAP
participants consume more processed foods due to price being in their budget, which is a direct
relation to obesity in both children and adults. After multivariate adjustment, compared with
nonparticipants, SNAP participants consumed 43% more sugar sweetened beverages, 47% more
high fat dairy, and 44% more processed meats. (Leung et al 2013). To change the trend in this we
need to limit the amount of sugary drinks and candy intake among SNAP participants. Not only
are sugary drinks bad for your health but they are also a waste of money and that is exactly what
SNAP program is doing wasting their money. Nationwide, SNAP was estimated to pay
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Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country
Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country
Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country
Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country
Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country

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Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country

  • 1. Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country Essay On The Novel Cry The Beloved Country
  • 2. The Theory of Evolution Running Head: EVOLUTION The Theory of Evolution By Student s Name Name of University Charles Darwin s theory of evolution has been a topic of controversy since it was promulgated in the late 1800s. Nonetheless, its tenets remain strong, with many modern day scientists making discoveries that support Darwin s theories of evolution, natural selection, and survival of the fittest. In The Origin of Species, Darwin calls the process of natural selection or survival of the fittest, the preservation of favorable individual differences and variations, and the destruction of those, which are injurious (Darwin, 1901). Darwin s theory of evolutionary change and process of natural selection surmises that variations exist in every... Show more content on ... The theory of evolution will always be debated, but new scientific discoveries that support the theory cannot be disputed. Therefore, Darwin s theory has stood the test of time, which is a great accomplishment in this ever changing world of new discoveries and scientific innovations. References Abdul, P. (2005). Origin of genetic information and evolution of biological species. Islam Science, 3, 7 13. Beecher Monas, E., Garcia Rill, E. (2006). Genetic predictions of future dangerousness: Is there a blueprint for violence. Law and Contemporary Problems, 69, 301 310. Darwin, C. (1901). The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. New York: P.F. Collier and Son. Griffiths, P. E. (1997). What emotions really are: The problem of psychological categories. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Science and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of Sciences. (1999). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Waters, R.H., Rethlingshafer, D.A., Caldwell, W.E. (1960). Principles of Comparative Psychology. New York: ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Pros And Cons Of Keeping A Promise Essay Don t make promises you don t intend to keep. This is a phrase that is not unfamiliar in our daily lives. A promise is a commitment of one party to another that if a situation occurs, the party will take responsibility to act according to the terms of the promise it has given. An act of making a promise indicates an intention to keep it. basically, it s a way of knowing the foreseeable future based on something said in the past. One of the simplest example would be a mother promising to buy her child an iPhone if he gets good grades in the upcoming exam. Here the child can clearly foresee himself with an iPhone if he gets good marks. On the related side of keeping a promise, a lot of motivation is involved that prevents the party from breaking that promise. Contrarily situations might occur where it would be more reasonable to break... Show more content on ... He will get to apply his knowledge and work in a new environment. His work experience will diversify and he will be guaranteed to work in his field. If Sameer works hard and smart, great outcomes will follow. The pros and cons of joining the new company is always there but these are all if and but conditions. BABA is not going to get affected from Sameer not joining them as he will get paid back the full tuition fees and one person leaving the job unless on higher levels of management or board, cannot affect company s performance. Sameer had the chance to open the doors for many people including his friend Patrick to receive their MBA and become more successful, something he had never imagined till he asked to get an MBA through work. However, Sameer has no responsibility on someone else s career. And with this experience BABA should not stop developing new talent because everyone is not Sameer. I will end here by a famous quote by Zig Ziglar The only thing worse than training employees and losing them is not training them and keeping ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Investigating the Sources of Finance Essay Investigating the Sources of Finance I m now going to investigate the sources of finance available to you when setting up your new business. I will separate the sources of finance needed into three categories; start up costs, running costs and expansion costs. When starting up your new business premises will need to be secured from which you will trade. I m going to look at ways that you could secure premises. The first option available to you is a mortgage; these are long term loans offered by banks or building societies based on property as collateral. Interest must be paid on the mortgage, but this will cover the original sum and when the money has been paid back, you become the owner of ... Show more content on ... to purchase this machinery and equipment you will need to use medium term sources of finance. These could be; a bank loan, this is a quick and easy source of finance, but this would mean paying interest. Also the bank may require collateral, and the machinery and equipment may be repossessed if loan repayments aren t met. Another source of medium term finance available to you is leasing. This means that a firm could lease you the machinery and equipment that you will need. However, although less initial finance is needed to obtain the assets, over time this works out more expensive than buying. Hire purchase is similar to leasing except the firm will eventually own the assets. The assets are paid for in instalments, whilst the business is using them, this however can bring with it major cash flow problems, because interest payments can be very high. My recommendation when attempting to secure a source of finance for machinery and equipment would be to get a bank loan. I recommend this because; the machinery and equipment is instantly accessible to the business allowing it to operate, also the interest payments aren t as high as hire purchase, and with a bank loan the assets become the property of the business once all repayments are met. Fixtures and Fittings are also essential when operating from the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Examples Of Foreshadowing In Old Stump Literary Devices: Foreshadowing (3) Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is the indicating of what will occur later in a narrative and often provides hints about what will happen next. Example Their eyes met over the top of the stump... Then they swung up their axes and both of them said plenty to that old stump (26). 1Schaefer, Shane Context In Shane by Jack Schaefer, as a sign of thanks of providing him a welcoming place to stay, Shane decides to remove the stubborn old tree stump by Joe s barn. After a while, Shane cuts off one root and instantly proceeds to cut another. Joe hurries away and returns with an axe, and both men labor vigorously on cutting the tree stump. Concept Foreshadowing is used to hint at the support that Shane will soon... Show more content on ... With aid from Shane, Joe is able to triumph over the stubborn stump that he cannot destroy on his own. As Shane helps Joe cut the seemingly undefeatable stump, he proves to be reliable in supporting Joe in conquering greater obstacles soon to follow. Schaefer uses the stump to foreshadow a larger conflict in the future, in which Shane can be obliging and trustworthy. Connection The incident of the cutting down of the stump develops the characterization of Shane, as it reveals his loyalty and selflessness. His decision to cut the impossibly tough stump shows the significance of his devotion to paying his debts, thus showing the serious way Shane handles responsibility. Shane is willing to put himself in dangerous situations, like cutting down a huge, heavy stump, to show his gratitude and loyalty. The selflessness and loyal characteristics of Shane are further shown when Shane, angered by the insults hurled at the Starretts, utters, Your pigs are dead and buried after killing the pigs in town ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Pentecostal And Charismatics Research Paper LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements and Speaking in Tongues Submitted to Dr. Timothy McAlhaney in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course CHHI 525 D08 Spring 2015 LUO History of Christianity II By Fred Martin May 13, 2015 Contents I. Introduction.............................................................................................1 II. The History and Theologies of Pentecostals and Charismatics..........................2 a. Brief History of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements..................2 3 b. The Beliefs of the Pentecostals and Charismatics...................................3 5 III. The Bible and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit ...............................................5 IV. The Bible and... Show more content on ... There are now approximately 170 various denominations that identify as Pentecostal. The Charismatic movement, or neo Pentecostalism, was born in 1960 when Episcopal priest Dennis Bennett, during the Passion Sunday service, both spoke in tongues and announced that he had received baptism in the Holy Spirit. Although this event is associated with the official beginning of the Charismatic movement, it must be noted that many other Pentecostals and even mainline Christians are considered essential to the birth and spread of the movement. They include such names as David du Plessis, Smith Wigglesworth, Agnes Sanford, Kenneth McAll, Presbyterian pastor James Brown, and Lutheran minister Harald Bredesen. Those who embrace the beliefs and practices of the Charismatic movement do not generally align themselves with any particular mainline Christian denomination. However, Charismatics are found today in all the major Christian denominations, especially in the Pentecostal, Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Catholic Churches. The term Charisma means gift, so therefore Charismatics denote those that demonstrate one or many of the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. B. The Beliefs of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements Pentecostals and Charismatics have similarities in their theological and ecclesiological beliefs. Both Pentecostals and Charismatics believe in the following: (1) there is healing in the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay about Disney and Discrimination Disney and Discrimination When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true. Disney uses this slogan as well as many others to surround society with a world of happiness, where dreams come true and anything is possible. However, there are some of you who believe that this thought process is subliminal and Disney is therefore hiding certain race, gender, and sex issues. Now, you Disney fanaticsmay be thinking that Disney captivates, enthralls through song and animation; criticizing questioning Disney is like questioning motherhood (Snow whitey). Yet, as author JanetWasko puts it: There is the super fan, who doesn t question Disney, and then there is the ... Show more content on ... With that in mind, the first step I wish to take, which is also the same topic I wish to end this letter with, is in the direction of the history behind the Disney Corporation. Disney s history obviously starts with the big man himself, Walt Disney. Many see Walt Disney as the greatest visionary and greatest artist of our time; he was a man who believed in the value of fun, and taught us to put clean pleasure up there with God and our country. (Washington Post) I am interested in entertaining people, in bringing pleasure, particularly, to others, rather than being concerned with expressing myself or obscure creative impressions. Walt Disney, 1958 The Disney Company has been criticized for behind closed doors capitalism tactics, rarely has its movies; employment; and theme parks been publicly attacked and condemned with strict attention. Yet, it is still Yet, it is quite possible to find such attacks (Unofficial Anti Disney Website, for example). As mentioned in the beginning of this letter, Disney uses slogans and tactics to give society a view of their company as if they were wearing rose colored glasses. Fantasy, dreams, and pixie dust is drilled into the heads of practically every person that comes in contact with Disney. It is because of their slick and ingenious advertising that causes such success for them today. However, it is now time to turn you away from ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Power In Robert Bolt s Play A Man For All Seasons People in positions of power are always under scrutiny by those they rule. Despite their moves being watched closely, rulers often have a deep seated inability to compromise their beliefs, thus corrupting the government. In this day and age, it is far easier for the public to combat this ignorant worldview, but in the time of King Henry VIII, this was nearly impossible. It took men in other positions of power to stand against the king s will, but even this fared poorly for the dissenters. In Robert Bolt s play A Man for All Seasons, Sir Thomas More was beheaded for his decision to remain silent on the matter of the King s marriage. The leaders of England value More and view him as a man for all seasons, but only while his morals match their... Show more content on ... Opposing kings believe More supports their individual cause, yet neither is correct. The English government brings More to trial because of his vague answers in response to the matter of Henry VII s divorce. More s failure to speak his mind on the subject forces everyone around him to draw conclusions based on their knowledge of his faith and loyalty to the crown. It is within human nature to judge others, and the less information provided, the wilder the inferences become. In this way, both Henry VII and the king of Spain believed More to be a man for all seasons, but in reality, his morals prevented him from ever being a man for all seasons. It takes a rare man to embody all the necessary traits to be prepared for any situation, good or ... Get more on ...
  • 9. My Personal Interpretation Of The Entrepreneurship Forum The following essay will describe my personal interpretation of the Entrepreneurship Forum, conducted on October 16, 2015 at California State University, Monterey Bay. The forum focused on four specific speakers and their journey as entrepreneurs. The below paragraphs will describe the general emphasis of each speakers entrepreneurial story, including the challenges and rewards from their experiences. The paper will then conclude with the lessons I found most important, and whether or not the speaker s stories have made me more inclined to be an entrepreneur. The first speaker was a woman named Kara Kytle, the founder and Chief Executive/Technology Officer for Assure Technology. Kytle spoke with influence from her 20 years of experience in technology design and leadership. Her bio mentioned some of the large companies she had worked for such as Intel and Sun, which left me excited to hear her entrepreneur story. She began with the origin and reason behind Assure Technology. Kytle informed the crowd that her company was started because of the fact her mom suffers from frequent memory loss. The problem was she needed a product that would help her mother locate her cellphone, remind her to keep the phone charged, and update the family on her location/wellness. Kytle said since she could not find the proper products she decided to build one, and this initiated the design of Assure Technology. Her biggest lesson for the crowd was building a business is not easy. Kytle stressed ... Get more on ...
  • 10. David Wiesner s Wordless Picture Books Essay David Wiesner s Wordless Picture Books David Wiesner is a very artistic author. His love for art is portrayed through his style of work. When flipping through the pages of his books, the reader is immediately drawn to the pictures. A particular style the Wiesner is known for is wordless picture books. A wordless picture book is exactly what it says; it is a book containing only pictures. A wordless picture book is a very personal experience for the reader ( A child can benefit tremendously from this style of book. Wordless picture books stimulate creativity and language, while at the same time introducing a child to basic principles of books and reading. Sector 7 and Free ... Show more content on ... There is not one correct interpretation, which allows children to be as creative as they want to be. Language can also be developed through this style of writing. Without words on the page, it is up to the reader to decide what is being said. The reader is given the chance to verbally add his or her own words. This tremendously helps with language and vocabulary. The reader begins to create thought that have a beginning and an end. One is able to enhance their vocabulary by seeing things that they may not have seen before. Through a wordless picture book, a child is introduced to the basic principles of a book. One of these principles is the way in which books are read. Wordless picture books ...can accustom them to the left to right pattern of reading... (Sutherland 84). The reader reads the pictures from the left page to the right. In Sector 7, many of the pages have multiple pictures on them. The successive pictures are stacked on top of each other. This may help the child learn that he or she is to read from top to bottom, along with left to right. The sequence of pictures throughout the book is also important. This allows children to learn that books have story lines. The reader learns that every story has a beginning or introduction. Each picture builds upon the last and are all connected. The reader is able to relate each ... Get more on ...
  • 11. American Indian Immigration Indian Immigration Sudipta Das is a professor at the Southern University at New Orleans and in their academic journal Loss and Gain? A Saga of Asian Indian Immigration Das goes in depth on the South Asian immigration trends. While immigration has always occurred in the United States, different groups of people immigrated in mass amounts at different times. The majority of the first phase of Southern Asian immigration occurred during 1904 to 1917, and thousands of Southern Asians entered the United States from Canada. This was due to there being anti Indian sentiments in Canada at the time, and soon after most immigrants arrived through San Francisco. This phase ended when the United States passed an immigration act in 1917, that only allowed ... Show more content on ... One explanation for how Indian Chic culture came to be is through the different popular culture movements that the United State underwent from the 1920s to modern day and its correlation to the immigrant groups arriving throughout the decades. The book Inventing American: Ethnic Identity and American Popular Culture outlines the six most important popular cultural eras; within those six eras, two of them are directly related to Asian and South Asian immigration; ...the Vietnam era hippie love affair with Ravi Shankar in the late 1970s...and the 1990s Asian Americanwebzine subculture (Oren 91). Ravi Shankar is still today a very popular classical Indian musician. In the 1970s, what occurred was that Indian culture was popularized for being exotic with the fame of Ravi Shankar, and of other Indian professionals. Ravi Shankar specifically performed at the Monterey Jazz Festival and this made him gain national fame (Oren 92). The appearance of an Indian celebrity popularized Indian music, fashion, and even spiritual practices. Soon Indian customs started becoming appropriated around the United ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Civil Rights Movement from 1954 to 1968 Essay It was a hard time, and for many black persons, it seemed as if all the broken promises of Reconstruction were epitomized in the actions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Ever since the 1870 s, the Court had been eviscerating the congressional legislation and constitutional amendments that had been established at the height of Reconstruction to protect some of the basic citizenship rights of black people. 1954 was a new time and more than tears and words were needed. Just about everyone that was black and alive at the time realized that the long, hard struggles, led by the NAACP, had forced the Supreme Court to take a major stand on the side of justice in the Brown v. Board of Educationof Topeka decision. We... Show more content on ... Martin Luther King Jr. becomes leader of the 12 ВЅ month boycott. In November of 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court rules the Montgomery s segregated bus system is unconstitutional. Although the Brown ruling of 1954 was a unanimous decision, the American public s reactions to it varied greatly. In the North, where segregated schooling was not a matter of public policy, blacks viewed the decision as a victory for equality. Most whites in Northern states felt that the decision had little meaning for them. In the South, however, many whites viewed the Court s decision as an intrusion of the federal government into their way of life. Southerner s pointed out that the North, too, was segregated. Black people in the South were profoundly affected by the court decision. Many felt for the first time that the government might be on their side, and that it might now be possible to throw off years of oppression. But a year passed before the Court delivered its instructions on just how school desegregation was to be implemented. When the Court s directions in what has to be known as Brown II were summarized in the phrase with all deliberate speed, many black people were disappointed and felt that the government would not support desegregation. In 1957, the Little Rock School Board decides to admit nine black students to its Central High School. The Governor calls out the National Guard ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How Advertising Affects Our Lives In the 21st century, companies cannot sell any products without advertising. Currently, most people will not buy anything before watching an ad for said product. Many people are happy when they see advertising. When people go out, they see advertising is everywhere. Consumers see it on trains, buses, taxicabs, and even when they drive on the highways .Advertisements are prevalent on the internet, TV, radio, magazines, and even different kinds of social media. Promoting ads encourages the economy to develop and helps in creating new jobs. Advertising is necessary in our life because it has multiple positive aspects that impact us on a daily basis. Despite their good, there is no way that a person can escape ads, because they are everywhere. One way that is used the most and is in some ways very controversial is use of sex to sell products. One of the most successful American businessmen, Leo Burnett, said, Good advertising does not circulate information, it penetrates the public mind with desires and belief, (Intext citation).. Nike ads are successful at taking attention by using appeals of font, choice of Jennifer Van Allen, targeted audience, as well as other rhetorical elements. According to the Contemporary Reader, most people have heard the old saying; A good picture is worth a thousand words, (page37). The Nike ad, shows a picture of a girl running on the road, all alone, with a good stride. On top of the left side of the ad there are three large words with white ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Insulation Essay Diana Flatsoussis Review of Literature Insulate to cover, line, or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound (Insulate ,2015, pg.1). In this experiment insulation is the main topic. Insulation is used in many things: a house, a refrigerator, walls, clothing, and types of drinking cups. Installation can be made of materials like styrofoam, plastic, and fiberglass. These can be used to keep things hot or cold. Insulation is most commonly for heat and maintaining heat energy. This experiment tests the insulation of several cups and how they keep liquids hot. Each cup used in the experiment has some insulation. The cups have different amounts of insulation. Each of these cups are generally used as insulators for many liquids. Insulation slows the process of heat leaving an object. Most insulation contains lots of air spaces. The air spaces slow the flow of heat leaving the object because the heat takes longer to travel through the air spaces. Insulation is a material or substance that is used to stop heat, electricity, or sound from going into or out of something (Insulation, 2015, pg. 1). Insulation is commonly thought of in ... Show more content on ... It is polystyrene which is petroleum. Petroleum is a very common product. It is a non renewable resource that is polluting the environment. Petroleum is an oily, thick, flammable, usually dark colored liquid that is a form of bitumen or a mixture of various hydrocarbons, occurring naturally in various parts of the world and commonly obtained by drilling: used in a natural or refined state as fuel, or separated by distillation into gasoline, naphtha, benzene, kerosene, paraffin, etc. (Petroleum, 2015, pg. 1). Styrofoam is not only used simply to keep a cup of coffee warm, but also as spray foam in houses for ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Primal Fear Mental Condition According to the 2014 U.S. census there are approximately 318 million people residing in the United States and 1 in 5 people are diagnosed with a mental condition. As a society we have continued to evolve physically, mentally, and emotionally. With this growth we have become better equipped to handle many situations that we once found difficult to understand and treat, such as mental conditions. With the rise in the number of people diagnosed with a mental condition, society has become more interested in studying the causes and possible treatments of these conditions. Not only are mental conditions widely studied by scientists, the entertainment industry has capitalized on our fascination and has made many others aware of the mental conditions... Show more content on ... When asked about his mother he becomes defensive and reveals that she had passed away when he was 11 12 years old, which is when he began to loose the time. When arriving in Chicago Aaron had no where to go so he began to pan handle until he met the Arch Bishop Rushman who took him in and made him an alter boy in his church. While under the supervision of the Arch Bishop Rushman Aaron became taken with a girl named Linda, who too was taken in by Arch Bishop Rushman. As their relationship progressed the Arch Bishop slowly started forcing them along with another alter boy by the name of Alex to film sex tapes, that the arch bishop would watch later which he claimed helped him to purge the devil. When questioned about Linda and these sex tapes by his lawyer and a psychiatrist Aaron becomes extremely agitated and upset and begins complaining that his head hurts. As the psychiatrists attempts to dig deeper to get Aaron to discuss and reveal more about the relationships he shared with Linda, Alex and the Arch Bishop Aaron becomes extremely agitated and his ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Main Hermeneutical Strategies Used By Basil One of the main hermeneutical strategies used by Basil in his work is confirm the oneness of the triune God. While some of his heretical opponents insist that the triune Godhead is not fully unified, Basil set the record straight by saying that according to the distinction of Persons, both are one and one, and according to the community of Nature, one. Basil is not talking about two or three different Gods, but of one single God, one that is not cloven in two, nor the glory divided, but instead of a God that is triune in essence. The eternal generation of the Son, along with the eternal precession of the Holy Spiritis essential to the doctrine of the triune God, and Basil asserts that taking any part of this away from God is heresy. The Godhead can only rightly be described in its triune form, as Holy Spirit is conjoined to the one Father through the one Son, and through Himself completing the adorable and blessed Trinity. One of Basil s greatest typological arguments is that the Holy Spirit is equal to the Father throughout the canon of scripture. He asks the question, how can he who calls Scripture God inspired, because it was written through the inspiration of the Spirit, use the language of one who insults and belittles Him? That is to say, how can scripture that is inspired by the Holy Spirit still be the living, breathing word of God? If people are to be called the temples of God with the Spirit of God within them, how can this Holy Spirit be demoted to ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Aicpa Code Of Conduct 1.Why does the accounting profession need a code of conduct? Accounting profession need a code of conduct to establish ethical requirement for the professional accountant. 2.What are the components of AICPA Code of Conduct? The Components of AICPA Code of Conduct are Principles, Rules, Interpretation of Rules of conduct. 3.Compare and contrast the principle and rule. Principles are values or fundamental beliefs. It gives a foundation for detailed rules. On the other hand, rules are implementation of the principles which are the core of professional conduct and AICPA member need to follow it. 4.Compare and contrast the virtues of independence, objectivity, and integrity? According to the virtue of integrity the members of AICPA should ... Show more content on ... In addition, part 1 establish the conceptual framework and provide guidelines for resolving ethical conflicts. The 2nd Code Part work for the members in public accounting and also the members in business. However, the independence rule doesn t apply to the member of business as the employee cannot be independent of its employer. 8.If a CPA were required by a subpoena or court order to produce confidential client documents, would compliance with the legal demand constitute a violation of the code of conduct? No, the compliance with the legal demand do not constitute a violation of the code of conduct and they are only permitted by the client s will. 9.If a CPA provided consulting services to help a client reduce their energy usage, would it be permissible for a CPA to charge a contingent fee of 5% of any cost saving? Yes, the CPA providing consulting service to help a client reduce their energy usage can charge a contingent fee of 5% of any cost saving. 10.If a CPA provided expert witness testimony on behalf of a plaintiff, could the CPA charge a contingent fee that is 5% of any jury awards? No, in this case the CPA providing witness testimony on behalf of a plaintiff, could not charge a contingent fee of 5% of any jury ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Persuasive Essay On How To End Your Relationship Why is it so hard to breakup with someone without seeming like a jerk or even an ass? It s not that you don t love them, it s not that you re bored with them, but the simple fact that you have outgrown the person you thought you might spend the rest of your life with. When two people go their separate ways and choose to breakup, the person who ends it, is fed up the most, but at what cost? Almost everyone you know that has been in a long relationship and has broken up, has been conflicted on how to end it. If you follow the five steps MCPSR, meditate, conversate, plan the date, separate, and reevaluate you will be single without worry. The first thing you do not want to do is jump to conclusions, and end the relationship without thought. Because if you end the relationship this way, you will regret it later. You will feel guilty about the way you handled the situation, and from perspective of the significant other, you, my friend are going to be resented for forever and a day. The first approach is to meditate, or take some me time. Me time is what one likes to call time that no is around to bother you and make you wish you were on death road laying in your casket with your phone in your hand about to make your last life changing tweet before taking your last breath. When taking your me time, you need to think about all of the good and all of the bad in your relationship. If you can t pin it on the first try, attempt to write it down. Make two columns, on one side write good and on the other write bad. When doing this you are listing all of the good things and all of the bad things in your relationship, this helps you way your options on whether to end it or attempt to save it. If the good out ways the bad, then that is when you should consider saving it, but if the bad out ways the good... you should consider dropping them like a hot tamale on a late Saturday night at 3:00 in the morning watching cartoons trying to shove it in your mouth after 3.2 seconds out of the microwave. Your second step is simple, conversate . Talk to someone that has been in your situation. Why? Glad you asked, you do this because the person who has been in your situation knows the do s and the don ts to ending a ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay On Siddhartha Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse details the life and quest of the novel s eponymous character, as he ventures through countless walks of life in an attempt to achieve his ultimate goal: enlightenment. His journey takes him through periods of both denial and excess, during the latter of which he meets Kamala. Unlike Siddhartha, who spent his youth in holy devotion, Kamala is more akin to the average person: she is a temptress, and thus has spent her life pursuing sensual pleasures and material wealth. She serves first as a teacher but will eventually become a student of Siddhartha s quest, as after many years of teaching her knowledge of lovemaking, discontent causes him to leave her. The emptiness which comes from a life of gluttony is not isolated... Show more content on ... Because of this, despite being in his early twenties, Siddhartha had still yet to have a romantic relationship of any kind. It was shortly after he left his ascetic life that he had a prophetic dream in which he envisioned himself in a sexual encounter; following this, Siddhartha sought to learn the art of love making, and to embrace the physical pleasures which he had so long denied. On his way to the city, Siddhartha has his first brief sexual encounter with a woman washing clothes, but quickly moves on, believing better things to lie ahead; after seeing Kamala, he knows this to be true. She is described as ...[having] heaped black hair... [a] bright, very sweet, very clever face, a bright red mouth like a freshly cut fig, artful eyebrows painted in a high arch, dark eyes, clever and observant, and a clear slender neck above her green and gold gown ( Hesse 51). But before Siddhartha can have the privilege of a relationship with Kamala, she tells him, He must have clothes, fine clothes, and shoes, fine shoes, and plenty of money in his purse and presents for Kamala (54). Siddhartha, dedicated and deliberate, goes on to attain fabulous wealth, all in order to experience the teachings of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Quiet Kids Research Paper Introverts in School: The Quiet Kids Every person is different, and each of us has different personalities. An actor, for example, generally feels alive when they are preforming in front of people, while a computer programer perhaps feels more comfortable when working in solitude. Some teachers have a natural empathy that allows them to care for their students, and an author s imagination allows them to weave together stories that transport people to new worlds. Psychologists have been studying these differences in personality for centuries and have divided personality into five different traits. These traits are known as the Big Five. The Big Five personality traits included in the theory are: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and neuroticism (Rentfrow np). In other words, these traits describe your level of sociability and enthusiasm, your level of friendliness and kindness, your level of organization and work ethic, your level of creativity and curiosity, and your level of calmness and tranquility (Rentfrow np). By using these terms, the aforementioned actor would be high in extroversion; however, the opposite would be true for the computer programer. The teachers described would rank high in agreeableness, while authors would rank high in openness. Understanding these distinctions and where... Show more content on ... Due to producing more dopamine, a chemical released in the brain that provides the motivation to seek external rewards, extroverts tend to gain more energy when they are surrounded by external stimuli (Granneman np). Introverts, however, feel overstimulated in that same situation. They have to recharge their energy away from other people; most people assume this to be due to shyness and unsociableness, which isn t the case. Introverts often enjoy being around others in moderation. Only when they become overwhelmed with stimuli do they retreat into ... Get more on ...
  • 21. What Is The Alka Seltzer Problem The problem in our society is that we have become more technologically advanced. Although we might have a problem in our society we also have in our sales on Alka Seltzer. Which the problem is Alka Seltzer Original sales went down 12% in fiscal year 2012. Alka Seltzer has put a proposal that they would like to increase the versatility of Alka Seltzer the ones who are career oriented consumers by promoting the Alka Seltzers to be used everyday. Alka Seltzer is marketed for relief of minor aches, pain, inflammation, fever, headache, heartburn, stomachache, indigestion, hangovers, while neutralizing excess stomach acid. ( Alka Seltzer) . Alka Seltzer was launched in 1931. The three main factors that affect the dissolution of a solid ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Differences Between Congress And Commerce Clauses There are three provisions that give Congress to power to create, regulate, and mandate the healthcare policy. The three provisions are the Commerce Clause, the Tax Clause, and the Necessary and Proper Clause. The Commerce Clause allows the federal government to regulate interstate commerce. Good and services being sold, bought, or traded between the states is regulated by Congress. There has been much debate on how the Commerce Clause effects Congress power over individual healthcare policies. Congress explains the possibility given to Congress from this clause because the public purchases healthcare. The Tax Clause give Congress the power to tax a product and Congress can charge a tax for an individual not purchasing a product such as ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Abortion For my final paper I have decided to do a on the ethical and controversial issue of abortion. In this report I will cover both sides of the abortion issue. I will summarize the stands of both Pro Life advocates and Pro Choice, by presenting arguments from organizations, authors, and journal articles from each side. As well as give a brief history on abortionand a look at the laws that govern this issue not only here at home but around the world. In conclusion of my report I will give my views on the issue and on which side of the fence my beliefs put me on. So lets begin. Up until the early 1960s abortion was illegal. Almost forty years after the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced to Congress. However, abortion was not... Show more content on ... The National Abortion Federation is an organization that supports all of the above views and more and publishes numerous resources covering a wide range of subjects related to abortion for health care providers, medical educators, patients and the public. In face of myths and misinformation about abortion, NAF s resources provide medically accurate information that enables women and the public to make informed choices. Their policy focus on the importance of women having access to safe and legal abortion options. They believe that in recent years Congress has made this impossible by banning safe abortion procedures, voting to make a fetus a person for the purposes of federal criminal law, and restricted access to abortion for federal employees, military dependents, Native Americans, and low income women. They quote the fact that during his eight year stay in office President Bush has nominated over 200 anti choice judges to the federal bench, has made a host of other anti choice appointments to non judicial posts, and has signed anti choice legislation passed by Congress, and has used his administration to further policies limiting access to safe and legal abortions. Their view is that abortion providers offer quality care to woman in the face of hostility, harassment, and threats of violence. They advise that reproductive health care providers undertake comprehensive security measures to keep staff and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Islam And The Five Pillars Of Islam Religious praying has been a staple in many religions to communicate to a higher being or for self spiritual cleansing. Catholicism, for example, uses a rosary as an artifact to recite certain prayers, and for the Jewish community they pray three times daily to observe Judaism. Islamic praying is a different story. Muslims around the world perform the Five Pillars of Islamto appease their faith. The Five Pillars of Islam have specific names for each pillar in chronological order; The Shahada, Salah(also spelled Salat), Zakat, Saum, and Hajj The Salah, the second of the Five Pillars, is the Islamic prayer performed five times a day at specific times. Performing the Salah is a way for muslims to connect with Allah, who they regard as their one true God. The story on how Salah came to be was from none other than the Holy Prophet Muhammadhimself in which he declared that he had a vision, or a dream, that he rode a white animal, called the Buraq, from Mecca to Jerusalem and from that location he ascended towards heaven itself. Once arrived he was greeted by Moses who then took him to God s presence. From there Muhammad asked God if he could shorten the daily number of prayers, which used to be fifty, to only five per day. Because of this vision, the reason for reciting five prayers daily came to be. It was authenticated in the Qur an as being a true circumstance, however it is not legitimately documented in the Qur an. Before performing the Salah, a procedure is ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Comparing Dido And Aeneas Don t you just hate it when your mom makes the queen of Carthage fall in love with you? Yeah, so did Aeneas. Just kidding. He didn t actually hate it. Aeneas just has better things to do, like discover the great city of Rome. Aeneas decision to leave his love, Dido, is completely justified due to his great sense of pietas and their uncertain relationship status. As a direct offspring of Venus, one of the more powerful gods, Aeneasis a man who values the gods powers deeply. His sense of pietas is intense throughout the epic, especially in book four, when he has to leave Dido in order to fulfill his duty to the gods. Dido s furor, or passion, is a great contrast to Aeneas sense of duty. When Dido and Aeneas publically come out as couple, both of their work falls to the wayside. However, when Jupiter discovers Aeneas isn t fulfilling his destiny, he sends Mercury to reignite his pietas. ... Show more content on ... After Dido discovers his upcoming departure, Virgil describes Aeneas behavior as [he], loyal and true, yearns to comfort her, soothe her grief, and say the words that will turn aside her sorrow (Virgil, Aeneid4.455 457). This increases Aeneas strong sense of obligation to his duty, because it pains him to leave Dido in such negative emotions. This is a painful decision for Aeneas; he has to try to suppress the love in his heart (4.377). Virgil continues on and says although great love has shaken his soul, he obeys the gods will and returns to the fleet (4.458 459). This emphasis on how Aeneas must obey the gods further justifies his leaving of the city of Carthage and his ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Shared Assumptions Research Question Why is it necessary to define and identify the optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions of an academic library organization? Three Dialogues Dialogue 1: Talking about your problem . Opponent: Why do you need to identify the optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions of an academic library? . Me: Because, failing to understand or acknowledge optimal cultural traits and basic shared assumptions within the organization may fortify traditional and narrow approaches to delivering excellent services and programs to the academic community. . Opponent: Will you actually be able to change the culture of the organization by understanding its optimal traits and shared assumptions? . Me: Because we understand the optimal cultural traits and shared assumptions, the organization can develop a strategic plan to address targeted areas for transformation. One case study confirms this premise, Cisco ... Show more content on ... . Me: Defining the optimal cultural traits and shared assumptions of the academic library is possible using well established data collection tools and assessment strategies. There are multiple options for assessing the organizational culture, however for this specific question I am focused on two strategies. Edgar Schein is a respected expert on organizational culture and leadership. He has written numerous books including Organizational Culture and Leadership (Schein, 2010). This specific publication outlines a structure for rapidly assessing the culture of an organization. The second method is administering the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI), a statistically normed and validated survey used for organizational consulting and change purposes (Balthazard, Cooke, Potter, 2006, p. 712). . Opponent: Won t it take a long time and be expensive to administer? ... Get more on ...
  • 27. A Case Study the Fighting for Control Power and Equity... A Case Study: The Fighting for Control Power and Equity Ownership of GOME Electrical Appliances Group 1.Introduction1 1.1.Introduction to GOME Electrical Appliances1 1.2.Introduction to Huang Guangyu1 1.3.Introduction to Chen Xiao1 2.The Whole Story of Fighting for Control Power and Equity Ownership of GOME Electrical Appliances2 3.Analysis of corporate governance and agency problems of GOME4 3.1.In the transition period, the conflict in the concept of corporate governance from private enterprises4 3.2.The power of the Board is overtaken5 3.3.No Board of Supervisors5 3.4.The lack of long term incentive mechanism5 3.5.The lack of a standardized system for employing5 4.Conclusion5... Show more content on ... But at the same time Bain raised three non executive directors, and appoint an independent director. Sep. 2010, there were 11 directors in the Board of Gome. And distribution of power is showed as follow: Chen Xiao s Group: Chen Xiao and Sun Yiding; Bain s Group: Zhu Jia, Wang Lihong, Ian and Thomes; Huang s Group:Wu Jianhua and Chen Yusheng; Other: Wang Junzhou, Wei Qiuli and Shi Xiping; Dec. 2010, the number of directors expended to 13 in the Board of Gome. Zou Xiaochun and Huang Yanhong were in the board so that Huang s Group grew to 4 persons 3. Analysis of corporate governance and agency problems of GOME 1. 2. 3. 4.1. In the transition period, the conflict in the concept of corporate governance from private enterprises Gome s battle showed that familial governance on behalf of the major shareholder , in the post crisis era of China, still dominate with the preponderant and stead position, and cannot be shake in the short term in the private enterprises. Private enterprises must mix familial governance and corporate governance, give administration and supervision authorities the moderate authorization and reasonable incentive and restraint mechanisms. 4.2. The power of the Board is overtaken Modern ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Stereotypes Of Taboos Surrounding Sex There are all sorts of taboos surrounding sex, but some sex stories go beyond taboo territory and into the straight up weird. Well, we have eight stories of people who have had sex with unexpected objects or animals and were either caught in the act or unknowingly documented. Check them out for yourself below, but don t expect anything close to 50 Shades of Grey. There s nothing sexy about these eight hilarious sex stories. Number Eight: A Snake. One cheeky man thought it would be a good idea to have sex with a large, live snake and film himself in the act. He uploaded the video on YouTube, where it was shared millions of times. He has never been identified. Number Seven: A Picnic Table. And an ATM! Lonnie Hutton decided to get drunk in a Tennessee bar and strip naked. He was so aroused that he jumped on the closest thing to him an ATM. After being kicked out of the bar by cops, he ran to the closest thing he could, which just so happened to be a picnic table. That poor, poor picnic table.... Show more content on ... On not one, but five occasions, Edwin Tobergta was caught having sex with inanimate objects in public. On three instances, he was caught on the side of the road having sex with pool noodles, and in 2002, he even pleasured himself with a pumpkin. Number Five: A Car. Edward Smith is not ashamed of his sexual attraction to cars. He has allegedly had sex with over 1,000 cars, and his favorite is a pink Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla. We won t ask why. Number Four: A Mannequin. This story is much more strange than sexual. One anonymous man decided to break into a store, but instead of stealing money, he sexually assaulted a mannequin. He wore his shirt over his head as he masturbated furiously against the mannequin. He never stole anything and was never caught. Number Three: A ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Who Is To Blame The Titanic The sinking of the Titanic is one most well known shipwreck in modern day history and it s still being written and told about even a century later. The causation of the sinking has been debated heavily since the crash in 1912 and many so called experts of the titanic disagree with another on this issue. There has been new development when the ship was discovered in 1985 and examined by experts. Leading people that the sinking was caused by three major turning points. The first being the failures of White Star Linewho manufacture the ship starting in 1909. The second being the crew of the ship that had some very serve flaws in the plan of action leading up to the disaster. Lastly the passengers who had enough time to prepare before the... Show more content on ... It s common knowledge that the Titanic didn t have enough lifeboats, even though it met the require amount by the board of trade the mindset was that it wasn t going to sink in the first place so it didn t really matter if they added more. These mindsets lead to more than 1,500 passengers losing their lives, and further in the essay you can see that pattern emerge more than once. Another controversial topic is whether or not the titanic tried to beat a cross Atlantic speed record. When the ship first left Belfast ,promises were made that it wouldn t try to beat any record, but the ship s captain was urged to go full speed since they had left the dock leading many to believe that they were indeed trying to beat a record. At a first dinner on the night of the sinking Mr. Ismay was seen in a confident mood telling first class passengers that the Titanic was going to beat a record. This speed made the Titanic harder to slow down when coming up to the iceberg fields which cause the ship to hit harder against the ice causing more damage. The next key piece is the crew members who didn t take enough steps to help prevent the crash. The first one is John Phillips who was the transmission officer on the Titanic. He was tired from the mountains of transmissions he revived that day alone and had to fix the radio after it ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Marlowe Influences On Doctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe Water supports a seed to grow into a beautiful flower, just as Christopher Marlowe s works watered the seed of the Renaissance and Elizabethan literature. The Renaissance was characterized by new ideas and thinking, which created many influential writers from this time. Christopher Marlowe is known as a talented writer from the late sixteenth through early eighteenth centuries. He and many other writers of this time created new ways of writing and impacted it in other ways. Marlowe was considered the most important playwright before Shakespeare, but his entire career lasted six years because of his untimely death when he was twenty nine. His most famous work, Doctor Faustus, is based on the Faust Legend, a German classic, in which a scholar sells his soul to the devil in exchange for more power and knowledge ( Christopher Marlowe s tragic play, The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus, had major influences in the development of Elizabethan literature during the mid sixteenth century in England. Christopher Marlowe uses the new idea of thinking in this play to represent the people of his time. By intertwining religion with morality in Doctor Faustus, Marlowe shows the common conflicts of the people during this period. Doctor Faustus was written during the reign of Elizabeth I while people struggled with their religion and morality. Before Martin Luther s Reformation of the church, their religion, Roman Catholicism, was equivalent to their ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Dangerous Offenders Legislation Essay The new Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act (2003) In Queensland permits prisoners to be kept in prison beyond their release date where a court finds that there is a high degree of probability that they represent a serious danger to the community . Other jurisdictions have enacted similar legislation to restrict the releaseof prisoners assessed to be dangerous. Do you think that dangerousness legislation of this sort is justified or unjustified? Several states across the Country have enacted or attempted to enact legislation which can enable detention of a prisoner past his/her release date. This type of legislation s general purpose is to provide a mechanism whereby prisoners who, if released pose an unacceptable risk of ... Show more content on ... This type of legislation provides a framework whereas an application can be made to further detain a prisoner who is due to release as they are deemed to be an unacceptable risk of further offending and their further detention will protect the community (Field, 2003). Whilst it is generally accepted that the community broadly welcomes such imposing and punitive legislation, it is imperative that our disgust for these offences/offenders does not prevent us from finding the injustice on an ethical and moral basis (Wortley and Smallbone, 2003). One of the fundamental principles of the Criminal Law System is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty (McSherry, 2003). By enacting punitive legislation such as the examples given above, it has been said that it is removing this Common law right from the individual (Greig, 1995). It has also been said that it creates an exception to the general principle of law that no person shall be imprisoned unless a court comprised of Judge/Jury is convinced, beyond reasonable doubt that the person committed a very serious offence. Thereby effectively allowing people to be detained without the burden of proving guilt (Keon Cohen, 1992). Whilst it is appreciated that the offenders who will be subject to such legislation are in ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The River and A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O Connor God s grace is offered to everyone no matter what his or her religion, or lack thereof. The real obstacle is whether or not the offered grace is realized and accepted. In The River by Flannery O Connor an innocent child, Harry, is offered grace. He is clueless to what is going on, but he knows he is not content in the life he lives now. In addition, in A Good Man Is Hard to Find O Connor challenges the socially unworthy characters, The Misfit and the Grandmother, to find and accept grace. God grants all of his children the opportunity to obtain grace whether they are innocent or apparently socially unworthy. The innocent Harry and the socially unworthy Grandmother both receive grace through violence: however, the socially unworthy Misfit is offered grace but refuses it. God has a plan for all of his children which involves grace. Grace is forgiveness and the only real grace comes from God. He reveals it when he is ready and in different ways. Harry (Bevel) Ashfield in The River is a child that lacks attention from his immoral parents and is treated as an after thought at best. He is at the mercy of his rotten parents who treat him as nothing more than an inconvenience (Sparrow 1). In his home everything is a joke and he is raised as if nothing matters (Sparrow 1). Although Harry is not materially deprived, he is spiritually malnourished. He lacks the appreciation and admiration that is needed for spiritual and moral growth from his parents (Sparrow 2). ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Intercollegiate Athletics Research Paper Intercollegiate athletics is an excellent public relations and fund raising arm for colleges, while providing education and training to future professional athletes. Academic programs have always criticized college athletic programs. There are five main reasons or accusations as many will call it. First it is said that all major and some smaller colleges routinely lower the admission standards for athletes because of the exposure that they bring to the university. The Ivy League, for example, have on average some of the lowest SAT scores than what are recorded at many other prestigious schools. Many schools will admit that they do allow and recruit athletes with scores of 820 points, which is almost 200 points ... Show more content on ... It would be my wish that a highly touted athlete would grace me with one to two years of their presence and greatness that I would not have had if they were to become a professional instead. Sometimes athletes cannot afford an education if it were not for their gift of athleticism. Are we to turn away someone who is trying to become something better because they may only have the skill to do it in a sport? The money that is produced by the higher end, more popular sports should be put back into those students and those programs to ensure the schools financial success and possibly keep the high profile athletes in school longer. This could also stop the scandals of athletes accepting money from boosters, agents, and some corrupt schools to get them to attend their college . So why is it that we expect these kids to turn away the millions of dollars staring them in the face, or the money offered by boosters and agents when they barely get enough money from the scholarships they receive to live off of while they are attending school and essentially going to work not only for themselves but their school and every student that attends? Let s look at it this way, what do you think the graduation rates would be if college athletes were compensated and did not think like Jason Williams? I just don t like going to school. That s Jason Williams s explanation for why he left the third college in as ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Main Motives For The Invasion Of Iraq What were the main motives for the Invasion of Iraq in 2003? This project argues that there were many more complex reasons for Tony Blair s 2003 invasion of Iraq, other than the war on terror, the need to find weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to free the Iraqi people from the tyranny of Saddam Hussain as the government implied. Factors such as the vast amounts of crude oil that the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf contains (which includes a large part of Iraq s coast) and the need to control future oil supplies was the overall determining factor on going to Iraq. There was also a need to stay allied with the US (which has been deeply ingrained in UK foreign policy since the Suez Crisis of 1956) and help secure US and in turn UK military presence in the middle east. Methodology Primarily, it would be imperative to establish the history of this conflict and exactly how it got to the point of war not only from Blair s point of view but also from the other generally considered reasons, mainly Oil and the US. Secondary sources such as Iraq between Occupations: Perspectives from 1920 to the Present (Zeidel, Baram and Rhode, 2010), Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 Era (Hollis, 2010) and Blair s Just War: Iraq and the Illusion of Morality (Lee, 2011) are examined. There are a few books that discuss the Anglo American relationship, the best of which are; Blair s Britain 1997 2007 (Seldon, 2007) and The Special Relationship, A Political History of Anglo American ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Communicative Approach The present Unit of Work could be framed pedagogically into The Communicative Language Teaching Approach (CLT), together with the Project Work and the CEFRLВ ґs Action Oriented Approach. The Communicative Approach emerged at the end of 1960s and early 1970s when a series of circumstances, motivated by the emerging society, evidenced the necessity of adapting the language teaching learningprocess to the new contextual demands. Until then, the Situational Language Teaching, widely extended, and other teaching approaches in the field had centred on the mastery of structures. However, they had run its course since it became clear the necessity to focus on the functional and communicative potential of a language (Widdowson, 1978). As language... Show more content on ... That way, language is used for a communicative purpose (functions) and within a context (appropriacy). c) Students are not considered machines, but rather human beings with human minds, whose learning styles and strategies, their motivation and self confidence (affective principles) are the core of the Humanistic Pshychology. d) In line with the contents, this Unit of Work unfolds following communicative principles, given that the primary focus is not only in grammar (modal verbs) nor in vocabulary but in a merging and integration of all the skills, with real interaction (bringing authenticity), information gap activities and negotiation of meaning as key elements. These techniques and activities can be seen by in the role plays, problem solving activities, rankings (My virtual experience session 3) projects...By working on authenticity, students focus on real communication to fulfil real purposes. For instance, students have to think about advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking Sites This will also be worked by a final task in which the four skills will be present. Lastly, students imagination is challenged through activities where they adopt diverse roles, use their body language to ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Trombonism Research Paper Life is without a doubt the most important ideology that was ever invented. Evidently, every citizen has sacred п»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їп»їthings that belong to that person, even if they appear simple. Being a trombonist is one of the most unique inventions I ve ever discovered. Constructed in the 1500s, the trombone has changed itself and society throughout those years of existence. The most standard tromboneis the typical golden straight trombone. I m not the greatest trombonist but someday I hope to achieve stability with the horn. It s not about becoming a better player, it s about amusing yourself with the chunk of golden metal. Importance is very key for a person s development as a human, personally, my family is another important aspect of my life. Encouragement is the only noun I have to describe my sparkling family. Nevertheless, family has aided me in a majority of my junctures I had to dig through. Consequently, family has been there to feed me, aid me, and other support mechanisms. Even if disagreements are announced and statements are frowned upon, everyone grows from these incidents. Notwithstanding, this next one is quite universal since anyone would love to grasp respect. Respect has always been important to me due to the detection of love. Respect and love work in very similar ways, since both involve junctures. In order to receive respect you must give respect to that association or person. Nevertheless, respect fuels our veins with energy that is indescribable, we feel ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Protestant Reformation Dbq Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation refers to a movement that occurred 1517 when Martin Luther, a priest who taught at the University of Wittenberg, rebelled against the Roman Catholic Church. Luther s action eventually created a movement called the Protestant Reformation, where he exposed the corrupt priests and criticized the indulgences sold by the Church. He urged people to instead read the Bible, rather than following the orders of the Pope. After Luther was condemned by the Catholic priests and popes, he was expelled from the Church and sentenced to death. Fortunately, he was protected by a powerful German prince and became a folk hero towards the German dukes. The movement was important to America s history because ... Show more content on ... The accord soon became a basis of the Plymouth colony and helped create a church. As the small colonies became to evolve into much bigger ones, signers of the Compact chose governors and his assistants. The government members eventually became known as the General Court and became a council of representatives from different colonies across the New World. The Mayflower Compact is crucial to the America s history because of the framework of government that helped construct in what is now the United States of America. Race Based Slavery Throughout the 18TH century, the South became very reliant on slaves for their main source of labor. Many considered the act as a misfortune dictated by God and that Africans and Indians were naturally lazy, stupid, and treacherous. As the spread of slavery began to grow, the laws regulating race based slavery also grew. By the 1660s, legislatures began to legalize the activity and created slave codes to manage their lives. During war, race based slavery was very common throughout both sides captives. Although Europeans did hold other Europeans captive, they were never enslaved, unlike the Native Americans and Africans. The color of the prisoner was a vital characteristic that was used to decide their future during combat. For the next few centuries, slaves were sold, traded, and kidnapped between slave owners. Slavery eventually became one of the leading causes of America s bloody Civil War, impacting the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Yann Martel s Life Of Pi How would you feel being out at sea stuck on a lifeboat for 227 days with only zoo animals for company and then watching them all be killed and then spend the rest of your days at sea with a Royal Bengal tiger weighing 450 pounds and about nine feet long. Life of Pi by Yann Martel starts off in Pondicherry India with Pi Patel and his family, they then load some animals and themselves onto a cargo ship on its way to Canada. After they are on the ship there is a malfunction on the ship and it sinks. Pi becomes isolated on a lifeboat with only the company of a few zoo animals. After some time he is only left with Richard Parker the tiger and fighting to stay alive. On his journey through the sea he eventually finds an island to which he goes and... Show more content on ... The impact on the characters especially the main ones such as Pi and Richard Parker, the relationship between the setting and the mood and the change of setting and the overall effect show in different ways the importance of setting in the telling of a story. In any story you read or tv show you watch there is always a different and unique setting that helps to give depth and meaning to what the author is trying to portray. If setting was not taken into consideration and things just happened in our bedrooms or backyards it would make things very boring and confusing. If there was no setting at all talked about in the book it would make it bland and wouldn t make you want to read it. As well you wouldn t get that in depth understanding of the book. This is why setting is so key in any story but specifically in Life of Pi because majority of the story takes place in different and important places and it is significant in helping the reader to really appreciate the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Brown Adipocytes Research Paper Adipocytes in human white adipose tissues can change from white to brown and oppositely .Fat is mostly stored in white adipose tissue (WAT). Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is additional fat storage, which in contrast to white adipose tissue is capable to produce heat and preserve body temperature. Brown adipocytes are located in the brown adipose tissueand smaller populations were recognized within white adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue developed in mammals to dissipate large amounts of biochemical energy in form of heat for protection from the cold. Upon cold exposure, brown adipose tissue is activated by central nervous system (CNS) mechanisms over and done with the sympathetic nervous system(160). 160 The thermogenic response in brown adipocytes is mediated by matchlessly augmented mitochondria expressing thermogenin (also called uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in the inner membrane.UCP1 lets brown adipocytes to dissipate the electrochemical gradient that is normally used to drive ATP synthesis. But, the thermogenic response cannot only be explained by UCP1, as the expression of numerous genes complicated in energy metabolism is increased in experimental animals to a cold environment. Lately the significance of NPRA and NPRB in brown adipose tissue is discovered (160). 160 ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, adrenergic compounds have the potential to increase stroke and heart attack risk, likely through influences on heart rate and blood pressure. Catecholamines raise intracellular cAMP, directly activating PKA (cAMP dependent protein kinase), which phosphorylates HSL and kinases of the p38 MAPK pathway, 38 MAPK inhibition attenuates adrenergically mediated UCP1 expression (160). ... Get more on ...
  • 40. How Does Rap Music Promote Violence The Effects of Music Music is important to everybody, we all have that one song that makes us happy or sad just from listening to one line in the song, but what if the song made you violent. Lyrics in music could be the reason for violent tendencies in people s behavior. There have been studies shown that lyrics in some music promote violence and crimes started because of musical influence. Through all genres of music, if closely inspected, the lyrics show a hint of violence. In fact, the police have even linked the rise of violence to music. In the article Colorado Police Link Rise in Violence to Music the journalist Dan Frosch talks about how the police believe that the rise in murder and shootings are contributed by the gangsta rap ... Show more content on ... In rap music it s not hard to find the violent lyrics with most of the music speaks about gang violence, shootings, drugs, and more. An example of a song that influences violence is J. Coles song A Tale of 2 Cities with lyrics like Picked up the paper and they say my nigga Eddie caught a body, I m convinced anybody is a killer, all you gotta do is push em to the limps in this part of the song Cole speaks about how his friend, who isn t really a person who would commit a crime, murdered somebody; Cole isn t surprised because he believes everybody is a killer if you push them to their limits. Another example in the song is They robbin niggas on the daily can you blame a nigga that ain t never had things? Guess not last night they pulled up on my nigga at the light like ugh, nice watch, run it the first part of these lyrics Cole justifies the crime of robbing because they have nothing. In the second part Cole states that somebody came up to his friend and robbed him of his watch, on this part the sound of a gun being cocked in the background is heard and is continued with the chorus saying hands in the air now (Genius). These lyrics not only promote violence but justify why it was okay to do such crimes. The reasoning behind why artists talk about violence is that it s a way of telling their story. Namir, a rapper in New York says People have to realize that rappers are just like any other artist or musician. What makes an artist an artist is his artistic portrayal of his life and how he expresses his life through whatever art form that he does (PBS). With people growing up in terrible environments and music being a way for them to cope the reasoning for the violent lyrics is the artist trying tell their ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Ipod Persuasive Essay In today s world, in general, life moves faster. Daily routines would not feel complete without technology. Often it is believed that technology becomes worthless when one does not know how to use it. Without the internet or television millions of people would go without the news and events happening at the waking moment. Along with the advances in technology comes a great dilemma to be explored of when an overload of technology has been reached and may result in destruction of mankind. Technology includes most products that are manufacturer in factories every day. Take iPods for example, they provide the soundtrack to many people s lives but mainly routines. IPods are a pretty vague subject but the difficulty to narrow and limit... Show more content on ... (Apple) Also they are being used, experimentally, to bring criminals to justice. An unknown federal district court used an iPod to hold important wire tap transmissions in a large drug conspiracy case. Apparently they used an iPod because of convince, being easier than storing evidence on tapes or compact discs. Today s world moves so fast that people can barely keep up with daily activities, let alone themselves. Between making a dollar, to putting food on the plate many people s priorities are not at the gym. Any person who trains or exercises will tell you they need a trainer replacement . Nothing but an iPod does this quite well enough. The iPod along with iTunes can become one of the most deadly weapons at the gym. To better one s workout Nike and Apple have teamed up to create Nike + iPod. This Nike + iPod kit is a device that records and measures your distance and pace of a walk or run. When a kit is purchased, it comes with a sensor located inside a shoe of the customer s choice. Keeping track of one s distance, pace, elapsed time, and most importantly the amount of calories you have burned. Only owning an iPod allows one to accomplish this as the program does not work with other mp3 players. (Apple, Nike + iPod) New places and cities, for some, are very exciting. Instead there are millions out ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Stories Of Cinderella, Snow White, And Sleeping Beauty Most of us grew up watching and reading the stories of Cinderella, Snow White and, Sleeping Beauty all of which were produced by Disney. But what if I told you that the versions you grew up watching and reading are far from the original versions depicted by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, better known as the Brothers Grimm. In their tale of Cinderellathere was no fairy godmother, the step sisters cut off portions of their feet to fit into the slipper and none of the animals talked or sang, but rather plucked out the step sister s eyes as punishment for the mistreatment of Cinderella. Which begs the question, what inspired the brother s to write these types short stories, which are so not what is recognized today as a fairy tale? The rags to riches tale of Cinderella (the Brothers Grimm version) the maiden later known as Cinderella goes from a beloved and cherished daughter, to a household slave after the death of her mother and father s remarriage to a cruel step mother and two heartless step sisters. To which is very similar to the Disney version most of us are familiar with today. The authors do a good job of laying out the magical portion of the tale which was created through the tears she shed every over the tree branch she planted at her mother s grave that flourished into a tree and produced a white bird at each of her visits that granted her whatever she wished for. The authors keep to a more realistic setting in the story that was true to their era and German ... Get more on ...
  • 43. American Black Bear Essay The earliest American black bear fossils, which were located in Port Kennedy, Pennsylvania, greatly resemble the Asiatic species,[9] though later specimens grew to sizes comparable to grizzlies.[10] From the Holocene to present, American black bears seem to have shrunk in size,[2] but this has been disputed because of problems with dating these fossil specimens.[7] The American black bear lived during the same period as short faced bears (Arctodus simus and A. pristinus) and the Florida spectacled bear (Tremarctos floridanus). These Tremarctine bears evolved from bears that had emigrated from Asia to North America 7 8 ma.[11] The short faced bears are thought to have been heavily carnivorous and the Florida spectacled bear more herbivorous,[12] while the American black bears remained arboreal omnivores, like their Asian ancestors. The black bear s generalist behavior allowed it to exploit a wider variety of foods and has been given as a reason why, of these three genera, it alone survived climate and vegetative changes through the last ice age while the other more specialized North American predators became extinct. However, both Arctodus and Tremarctos had survived several other ice ages. After these prehistoric ursids became extinct during... Show more content on ... Today, they are primarily limited to sparsely settled, forested areas.[23] Black bears currently inhabit much of their original Canadian range, though they seldom occur in the southern farmlands of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba; they have been extinct in Prince Edward Island since 1937.[24] The total Canadian black bear population is between 396,000 and 476,000,[25] based on surveys taken in the mid 1990s in seven Canadian provinces, though this estimate excludes black bear populations in New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, and Saskatchewan. All provinces indicated stable populations of black bears over the last ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Insanity In The Black Cat By Edgar Allan Poe Poe s The Black Cat is essentially an extended metaphor for insanity, specifically resulting from obsession, and the psychopathic complexity of human nature. Through the narrator s reactions to and Poe s incorporation of various symbols, the struggle the narrator faces with his conscience and moral surface. The symbols that Poe employs, especially those relating to the black cats, work together to form the convention of horror and suspense, as well as to convey the alteration of morality through factors such as substance abuse and perverseness (Lazim 60). For example, the color of the cats, black, is typically associated with aspects such as evil and death, both of which are embedded within the narrator and his story. Black cats, themselves, are usually associated with bad luck and superstition as well; this idea is even alluded to by the narrator s wife, although the narrator claims his wife was never serious (Poe 4). Furthermore, there were specific instances that occurred that related primarily to the narrator and his mental stability, motives, and emotions. For example, the hanging of his companion, Pluto, is symbolic of the narrator s inability to accept love as a result of his increasing irritability as well as his deteriorating stability and mental well being. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Role Of Web Architecture On Communication And The Ways We... Unit 28. (M1) Introduction: In this task I will explain the main roles of web architecture with relation to communication and the ways we can communicate online. This task I will look at the main functions of Web 2.0 and will also evaluate on the architecture that comes with the Internet in order to allow for communication between software and application programs. Web 2.0: The second generation of the World Wide Webis Web 2.0. The second generation of the web is focused on user needs as an element in sharing information online. Web 2.0 allows for communication between users via a bandwidth of connectivity, the pages which are created within this 2nd generation of the web are created with dynamic HTML. There are many ways in which ... Show more content on ... Effectively users can share key data information by creating their own personal accounts in which they can share content from, users usually sign up and create a profile in which they can share information and pictures. Depending on the platform and purpose, users are free to choose whether their whole profile or selected content will be publicly accessible or only visible to certain audiences. Facebook is another application which uses functions of Web 2.0 for communication. Facebook itself focuses on the effect of Collaboration between users. The application of Facebook has made it subsequently effective and simple for people within different countries and cities to share personal information about themselves and their hobbies and it also allows them to keep in contact with people they have added. Facebook enables people to add their friends easily effectively and allows users to decide which information they want to share with specific users. A screenshot of my Facebook friend s account Online Applications: Social network software of communication applications offer functions which include communication tools and interactive tools often based on the Internet. Communication tools typically handle the capturing, storing and presentation of communication, usually written but increasingly including audio and video as well. Interactive tools handle mediated interactions between a pair or group of users. These social ... Get more on ...
  • 46. N. P. U. s Neighborhood Planning Units Neighborhood Planning Units were first established in 1974 as a way for citizens in the community to be engage in planning around their city but to also voice their ideas and concerns. There are currently twenty five different N.P.U. s that spilt up Atlanta based off neighborhoods. Some argue that N.P.U. s serve no purpose and should be perish, while others contend N.P.U. s are the foundation for communities. Either way, an N.P.U. is only as successful as how well it is run. Last week the author had the chance to attend N.P.U.: E meeting and view how the meeting was conducted and went. Neighborhood Planning Unit: E contains elven different neighborhoods that range from Atlantic Station to Brookwood Hills. With that being said this N.P.U. is very, very huge and has a lot to cover. The meeting started with an introduction and hot topics in neighborhoods with a time limit of a minute. Following that was the Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board report, along with the planner s report. The next half of the meeting hold the most important parts of the meeting. Succeeding was the introduction of the public officials, which included five different departments. This part was tedious but, also informative of what each department is currently working... Show more content on ... meeting and they don t have much to compare it to, the meeting went perfect. If there are any suggests that could be given to the officials, it would be that a microphone would be a good idea. For people sitting in the back or that have poor hearing, it was very difficult to hear at times. There should be a time limit on the meeting as it ran very long. This could be why many people left early after presenting. The author did enjoy the meeting, however would not attend this particular N.P.U. again. It did encourage the author to attend her own N.P.U. and become involved. N.P.U.: E is a great neighborhood planning unit and comes highly recommended for a first ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Identify Brad’s Major Customers Essay identify Brad s major customers prepare a customer service policy for Brad s business prepare a standard for handling complaints prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to the complaint about the quality of the meals outline how you would change the work culture in the kitchen outline how you would evaluate the customer service Brad s Holiday Retreat gives in the future BSB40207 Certificate IV in Business ____________________________________________________________________________________ HCICSS Coordinate Implementation of Customer Service Strategies Student Guide v2.0 August 2010 Page 5 design a ... Show more content on ... Brad s Holiday Retreat is a family business that is managed by Rosemary, a qualified accountant, and her partner Brad, who is a trained real estate investor. They employ a full time accountant, one full time front office manager, one full time food and beverage manager, one full time chef, part time front office staff, kitchen staff, waiters, cleaners and a contract gardener. Casual cleaners, waiters and kitchen hands are on call to help cope when there are increased customer demands. Rosemary helps out in the office and looks after the telephones and administration when the receptionist has a break or goes to lunch. All customer service issues are handled by Rosemary and she certainly gives feedback to everyone in the business, including Brad, if there are customer service issues to be resolved. Customer base Brad s Holiday Retreat customer base is currently 60% domestic tourist and 40% international. The domestic side of business is equally divided between travel agent booking and online/telephone bookings. The international business is almost exclusively online/telephone bookings. Although the return is better, these customers are the most demanding. About 60% of revenue comes from room costs; the remaining 40% comes from meals (10%), drinks (15%) and tour operations (15%). Customer satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed is on all of Brad s advertising material and business cards, so Rosemary and Brad like to ensure that ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Computing is getting more advanced as the years go by so... Computing is getting more advanced as the years go by so are hackers. Hackers are those who hack with or without consent and their acts are usually considered illegal. Majority of the times hackers have utilitarianism motivation to use their skills in a personal or political way. Not every hacker is amateurish; there are some that use their skills for the common good. Those who use their skills under political reasoning fall under hacktivism. Hacktivism is defined as the use of computing and computer networks for protests to promote political ends. One of the most infamous legions of hacking is Anonyms. This particular group started in 2003. They are groups of groups of hackers that make the people aware of what is actually happening ... Show more content on ... It was sold the government for 280,00 euro s. Western governments themselves are using that tool to go into their citizens communications. Another incident had happened but in germany. Thier officials had found a trojan virus in there system that was used to investigate their own citizens. Back then there was no such thing as this. Everything had an extra step to it. Now all it takes is your internet connection to be tapped or have a trojan infect your computer which causes you to have your information at risk. Now hacker s feel that what they are doing is not illegal and they shouldn t be on list of most wanted. They compare a situation based on government. one hacker states that the government can do so many thing s that shouldn t be done but yet still get away with it and if caught nothing is to be blamed. But when a person like me hack s into lets say sony and shut down their servers for 3 day s but then bring it back up, i m considered a wanted person all over the place. A person in the group called corpse states that there are still some people that have hope in the government, but in our eye s we see it as in the government has lied to citizens and has made mistakes but yet they still try to cover it up. Many agree and disagree with that statement but there will always be a controversial. Moving to another group called charrie wong a ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Target Corporation Executive Summary The Target Corporation is a general merchandise retailer that opened up in in 1962 under the parent company of Dayton Corporation. This parent company was renamed the Target Corporation in 2000 and are based out of Minneapolis. There are over 1,800 Target stores throughout the United States which includes Targets and Super Targets. In 2005 Target began expansion in India and in 2011 to Canada however this expansion into Canada did not fare well and all Target Canada stores were closed by 2015. According to Forbes in 2005 they we ranked amongst the highest cash giving companies in America with 2.1% given and they donate about 5% of its pre tax operating profit. In 2010 Target was ranked number 22 by Fortune magazine s World s Most Admired Companies.... Show more content on ... Google and Yahoo have a calculation of the P/E but both are different being $12.22 and $11.96 respectively at this current point in time. The main reason for the current difference in P/E is the discrepancy in earnings per share of $.10. To find historical P/E ratios for Target i have to do a google search and it brought up a site call YCharts. For the year of 2016 they do not give you an average but plotting a few point and finding an average I came up with about $12.84 for a ten year chart I would have had to sign up for a free trial but 2016 looked about average compared to pre 2014 when the stock was on a quick rise. Looking at a rough five year average of $17.97 the $11.92 is really low. In other words the current P/E is on the low side which may indicate a time to buy. The Price earnings ratio is our Fifth fundamental and while i could not find the earnings estimates on google, yahoo did have them and they estimate by quarter giving the second quarter of 2017 a projection of $.91 which is not their lowest prediction but is still fairly low. When we figure this into the last three quarters we end up see in an estimated earnings per share of $4.63 which is similar to Google s current earning per share. Using these number we see a small decrease in the price of the stock at $55.37 and this could be a good sign if you are willing to wait to ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Current-Day Liberia Research Paper This paper explores the environmental policies of current day Liberia. Emphasis is placed on post civil war rule of law, personal waste disposal and infrastructure. In order to relay a sense of environmental policies in Liberia, this paper touches on the economy of Liberia as well as the basic demographics. An attempt is also made to touch on the disparity between conservation and a third world population concerned chiefly with survival. Title of Paper Liberia, commonly known for diseases such as Ebola and cholera and also known as home to such notorious figures as General Butt Naked, a mass murderer and cannibal, is a nation recovering from two recent civil wars on the northwest shore of Africa. The total landmass, consisting of 111,369 square kilometers; is roughly the size of the state of Virginia. In addition to having a long stretch of coastline along the North Atlantic Ocean, about 13% of the landmass is aquatic. With this in mind, the population density based on June estimates is 4,092,310, per square kilometer of usable landmass, which equates to about 43 persons per square kilometer of usable landmass. Ecologically speaking, Liberia is home to a multitude of diverse species, including around 500 unique avian species. In addition to this, the land is rich in natural resources, both in the form of timber and minerals. Notably, there are large deposits of minerals, with rich deposits of diamond ore (Agency, 2013). Demographically speaking, Liberia is home to over ... Get more on ...
  • 51. The Importance Of Memory Can you remember memory Memory has always been a huge part of everyday life whether a conscious mind realizes it or not. Memory is the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods of time. (openstax) Memory helps develop a human s mind and who they will become through life. Psychology is the study of the human mind and how humans think. Memory is important to psychology because memory shapes a human s character and continues to push someone through each and every day. Many ancient beliefs about memory were surprisingly accurate. Plato saw how one memory can lead to another when he described a lyre that made him think of it owner and then his friend, until a whole, rich picture of events and associations was called up from a simple, instrument. (minninger) There are three major processes someone memory presents every day. These three processes which information passes through are encoding, storage, and retrieval. The first process information encounters is encoding. Encoding is the input of information into the memory system. Encoding can occur through a conscious mind or an unconscious mind. When the mind is unconscious the form of encoding it goes through is called automatic processing, this is taking in little clues from the surrounding environment such as time. When the mind is conscious and aware of what it is in taking this is called effortful processing. Effortful processing actual requires a lot of work such as ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Crime And Punishment In The Elizabethan Era During Queen Elizabeth s rule, the poor were in a plight where they were both mistreated and in need of economic support which Elizabeth provided as well as corrected the mistreatment of the poor. In Crime and Punishment in the Elizabethan Era punishments were usually reserved for criminals who broke a law. The homeless and beggars, however, regardless of why they are homeless were abused. They were rounded up by constables who tried them before a court and they were whipped until they left town or they might have been placed in stocks to be publicly humiliated. This blatant abuse of the poor did not stay throughout the entirety of Elizabeth s reign as in Elizabethan Class System a law was passed that legally distinguished the differences ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Effect Of The On The Snap Program On Children And... The changes in the SNAP Program that would restrict certain purchases of foods and become more like the WIC Program would affect 45,766,672 individuals. As of now, SNAP participants are able to purchase multiple food items even if they do not have any nutritional benefit. The goal is to increase protein, fruit, vegetables and grain consumption among SNAP participants. When people are low income they tend to buy goods that are cheaper in nutrients. SNAP participants were least likely to consume any fruits or vegetables compared to those not participating in the program, regardless of cooking frequency. (Bleich and Wolfson 2015). Increasing protein, fruits, vegetables and grains will have a positive effect on the health of our SNAP participants. From what I have learned in class this semester and the research I have found many SNAP participants consume more processed foods due to price being in their budget, which is a direct relation to obesity in both children and adults. After multivariate adjustment, compared with nonparticipants, SNAP participants consumed 43% more sugar sweetened beverages, 47% more high fat dairy, and 44% more processed meats. (Leung et al 2013). To change the trend in this we need to limit the amount of sugary drinks and candy intake among SNAP participants. Not only are sugary drinks bad for your health but they are also a waste of money and that is exactly what SNAP program is doing wasting their money. Nationwide, SNAP was estimated to pay ... Get more on ...