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Essay On My First Day At School
Crafting an essay on the topic of "My First Day at School" may seem deceptively simple at first
glance, as one might assume that recalling personal experiences and narrating them would be
straightforward. However, delving into the task reveals the intricacies and challenges that come
with such a seemingly familiar subject.
The difficulty lies not just in recounting events but in capturing the essence of that pivotal day.
One must skillfully navigate through the memories, selecting details that not only paint a vivid
picture but also convey the emotions experienced. Balancing the descriptive elements with
introspection adds an extra layer of complexity, as the writer must not only narrate the events but
also reflect on their significance.
Moreover, the challenge extends to maintaining the reader's engagement throughout the essay.
Avoiding clichГ©s and weaving a narrative that is both unique and relatable requires a delicate
touch. The risk of falling into the trap of generic storytelling looms large, making it imperative to
infuse creativity and personal insight.
The difficulty intensifies when attempting to convey the broader impact of that first day. How
did it shape one's perspective? What lessons were learned, and how did it set the tone for future
experiences? Articulating these reflections without veering into the realms of sentimentality or
banality demands a nuanced approach.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "My First Day at School" is a task that goes
beyond mere recollection. It demands the finesse to transform personal memories into a
compelling narrative, balancing details, emotions, and reflections. Only with careful
consideration and adept storytelling can one truly capture the essence of that momentous day.
For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenges or exploring a myriad of topics, a wealth
of resources is available. Similar essays and more can be effortlessly accessed and ordered
through platforms like, offering support and expertise to navigate the intricate
art of essay writing.
Essay On My First Day At School Essay On My First Day At School
Why Bears Are Attractive To Humans
Humans think the bears are attractive in many way. First, I think they are attractive to
because they are rare . In the world, there is just 8 species are left, and it is even hard
to have a
chance to look at it. So I think this reason made people s curiosity more bigger and
later the
thinking turns to attractive because they will gradually think the bear is really special
because it
is hard to see. Second reason is cute . Different from its personality and weapon that
in body it has cute appearance. So people are feeling appeal from it.
Write a speech persuading students at your school to help raise funds for the
Spectacled bear, also known as the Andean bear; has bands of colour around the eyes,
Comparison Of Mariam In A Thousand Splendid Suns
In the story A Thousand Splendid Suns , we follow the life of two different girls,
Mariam and Laila. They both lead two very different lives that spiral into two entirely
different directions. They had different education, different influences throughout
their lives, and
One important difference between the two girls lives is their education. In the book,
education is a big theme in this story, especially surrounding these two characters.
Thanks to the soviets, Laila was able to go to a school and learn, something that was
only privileged for men and boys. Mariam on the other hand, was poor and
considered illegitimate and not able to attend school like she wanted. In the book,
Laila states Babi had made it clear to Laila from a young age that the most
important thing in his life, after safety, was her schooling. Laila s father, Babi, had
always valued education. He had made sure Laila got the most out of her chance at
education while she could before it was taken from her. After all, he had firmly
believed that women could and should do what man can do as well. Mariam s mother,
Nana, never allowed her to go to school or bothered educating her. She said how
horrible school was and how learning was a waste of time. Though Mariam didn t
see it this way, this was her mother s way of protecting her from having the same
bad experiences as she had. Her intentions were good, but this only drove Mariam
further away from her.
Another important difference between the two girls
Supernatural Aid In Le Morte D Arthur
What is a supernatural aid? According to, a supernatural aid is
defined as help given to the hero from someone who is endowed with abilities
beyond the normal. They may or may not give the hero some talisman to help him
on the journey. Merlin from Le Morte D Arthur is a supernatural aid who
circumlocutory helps the hero by using his abnormal abilities to protect and give
advice. Merlyn from from The Once and Future Kingis also a supernatural aid who
uses his anomalistic abilities to protect and give advice, but he directly helps the hero.
Both stories involve supernatural aids, but each help the hero in a contradistinctive
way. Although Merlinappears as Arthur s metaphysical aid in both Le Morte D Arthur
and The Once and... Show more content on ...
To illustrate, Merlyn had remembered to give him the proper smell for the nest for if
he had smelled of any other nest, they would have killed him at once. This illustrates
how Merlyn protected Arthur by equipping him with essential aromas to avoid
injuries or ruination. Lastly, Merlin in Le Morte D Arthur protects Arthur by causing
the Archbishop to surround Arthur with knights until he is accepted. The author
states, that we let purvey ten knights, men of good fame, and they to keep this sword
which shows how Merlin counseled the Archbishop into providing protection for
Arthur. Nevertheless, Merlyn in The Once and Future King protects Arthur by
removing Arthur and transforming him back before the ants go to war. To further
illustrate, The horrible armies were on the point of joining battle, to dispute the
imaginary boundary between their glass trays when Merlyn came to be there. As
far as protection, Merlin in Le Morte D Arthur provides indirect protection through
others; whereas, Merlyn in The Once and Future King provides more direct or
hands on advice. Direct protection, in my opinion, is better than indirect protection
because it is more reliable, and it goes through less people which lessens the chance
of alterations. Second of all, both Merlin in Le Morte D Arthur and Merlyn from The
Once and Future King provide advice. Merlin in
Setting Jurisdiction Examples
Setting Jurisdiction and Initial Reason for Stop On 01/19/2016 at about 0550
hours I was sitting stationary at the intersection of K 53 and Meridian, Sumner
County, Kansas. My patrol vehicle was facing the east, on the south side of the
road. As I was sitting I witnessed a silver color GMC pick up driving south on
Meridian at a high rate of speed. As the truck came closer to the intersection it
failed to stop at the posted stop sing, the vehicle then attempted to turn east at an
unsafe speed. The vehicle went clear across K 53 and onto the gravel road of
Meridian. The truck swerved on the gravel road kicking up a cloud of dust and
gravel it attempted to gain control. It fishtailed back across K 53, the whole vehicle
went into the westbound... Show more content on ...
White assumed the instructional stance and I told him to stay in that position until I
told him to start, White said he understood.I explained and demonstrated the
instructional stance and asked if he understood the instructions, White said he did.
During this evaluation White was swaying while trying to balance. White also used
his arms greater than six inches to gain balance. White had to hop to keep from
falling over at one point during the test. White also put his foot down more than once
and switched feet twice. During this evaluation I observed 4 clues.
At about this time Deputy Marks offered White an opportunity to submit to a
preliminary breath test.White agreed to submit to a PBT but had to be asked 3
times to blow harder because he was not giving enough air. When the PBT did pick
up a good reading it showed a 0.186.
Arrest decision At about this point I made the decision to take White into custody
based on the totality of the circumstances and the evidence I had discovered. White
was placed in restraints without incident. I performed a Search Incident to Arrest on
White and discovered no contraband.
Shortly after this time I transported Dial to the Sumner County Jail without
Aristotle s Value Of Happiness
Human beings spend a lifetime finding the meaning of life and what makes us
happy. In Aristotle s Nicomachean s Ethics, Aristotle gives his own wisdom to his
son, Nicomachean on how to achieve the end goal of life which is happiness. He
explores this virtue of happiness through many other characteristics and virtues. One
of the characteristics, Aristotle explores for one to be happy is moderation.
Overindulgence in food, sex, and drinks can lead to dangers in one s life. To obtain
happinessand live a complete life, one must be moderate.
Aristotle asserts that moderation is a mean with respect to pleasures (Aristotle 62).
Aristotle takes into account both the body and soul when discussing pleasures. What
gives a person pleasures? In many cases, food, drinks, sex, listening to one s favorite
music, and even hanging out with friends can give someone pleasure.
Overindulgence of pleasures of the body (food, drink, and sex) is limited compared to
the soul (honor and learning) which is unlimited. Aristotle makes the argument that
when a person takes enjoyment in the smelling of apples, roses, or incense (Aristotle
64) they are not licentious since that smell could remind that person of a past
encounter that could signal desire (Aristotle 64).
Aristotle then compares human to animals with the direct reference to a lion; where
a lion does not receive desire because it smells the meat of a cow, but because the
lion knows that it will take pleasure in eating the cow s meat
Analysis Of Shel Silverstein s Works
In this fun strategy, students use a phone, (usually a rounded piece of plastic, like a
PVC pipe) to hear themselves. It is effective for building fluency, since students can
focus on their speaking. Additionally, they help to keep students focused on
instruction. Students monitor their own reading and the classroom is usually quiet
because students are encouraged to whisper (hence the name) so that all students
can hear themselves (Cadieux, 2012). This strategy is a simple one: practice. The
more students practice, the better they will read. At some point, students will no
longer need to fully focus on decoding. Instead, they can read with fluency. It is
important to select fun books when going about this. Students should want to read
their books. Shel Silverstein s works, for example. The poet s stories are short and
entertaining. Partner Reading is a cooperative learning strategy in which two students
work together to read a text. The Partner Reading strategy allows students to take
turns reading and provide each other with feedback as a way to monitor (Classroom
Strategies Partner Reading, n.d.). Students who are struggling readers work well as
partners. They may be partnered with a student who is a better reader, for additional
support. Alternatively, when provided support, they may be partnered with another
student at the same level, letting them know they are not alone. In this case, a group
of three, with the strongest reader in class might be helpful.
The Night Of The Lake
The ride across the lake was everything Rose had imagined and more. She even
thought she might have seen the giant squid poke up out of the water. She tried to
point it out to Albus, but it had disappeared when he looked over.
They finally pulled up to the shore and began following Hagrid up the grounds to the
castle. It was so much bigger than she had imagined.
It s so big, Albus said in awe.
I was just thinking the same thing, Rose replied.
The students sidled up to the entrance. The doors opened and Hagrid shepherded the
student into the Hall.
Professor Longbottom will be with you in a moment to explain what will happen
next. If any of you ever need someone to talk to or a cup o tea, you can always come
find me, Hagrid said looking directly at Rose and Albus.
Just then, Uncle Neville (no wait, Professor Longbottom, Rose had to get used to
calling him that) came down the big flight of stairs.
Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I am Professor
Longbottom, Head of Gryffindor House! I know some of you and I can t wait to
get to know the rest of you in due time. In just a moment, you will enter the Great
Hall and we will begin the Sorting ceremony. You will be placed into one of the
four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. As I was told my
first year at Hogwarts, your house will be like your family. You can earn points for
your house by being good students and good people. You can also lose points from
your house if you
Government Surveillance
Government Surveillance on Society
Our society is dystopian in that we are being watched by the government. The
government s surveillance ranges from cameras to electronics to even drones. We are
told that
this constant surveillance is for our safety and to make it a safe environment for us
because their
main reason is to protect us when in fact it may not be their true intentions. U.S.
police have been
asking for greater surveillance in order to keep pace with the technology use of
Surveillance has been a problem in our society because people think that there s too
cameras and privacy invasion which it s not necessary. People feel like they are
constantly being
watched by the government with all the new technologies. This increase in
surveillance makes us
question if the government is collecting of information for their own good. After 9
/11, the day many people lost their loved ones or were injured in the terrorist
attack on United States, surveillance has been increased to try to prevent these type
of events
from ever happening again. On 9/11 two planes crashed into the twin towers where
were trapped, killed or were injured, this day has been an unforgettable moment
because from
that day forward United States was not the same. A way that the government tries to
these things from happening is by increasing surveillance, U.S. police have been
given greater
legal and procedural latitudes to conduct a wider
They’ve Got Your ’Bak.
CamelBak: They ve Got Your Bak.
In 1989, Michael Eidson probably never imagined that his homemade, do it yourself
fix for dehydration during long cycling races would evolve into the world s premier
hydration device for outdoor enthusiasts, soldiers, and law enforcement personnel.
That is exactly what happened to the CamelBak backpack, however.
The first version, which used medical tubing to flow water from an intravenous
drip bag that was insulated by a sock and strapped to the back of his shirt, was born
as most inventions are out of necessity. The special pack made it possible for
Eidson to take in fluids while sitting upright without having to sacrifice speed by
reaching down for a water bottle during a race. The packs gained fame ... Show more
content on ...
1. Discuss how business relationships and strategic partnerships have helped to
increase the value of CamelBak s products and the business itself. 2. What type(s) of
business market customers does CamelBak sell to? 3. Review the types of demand
that most influence business markets. Which ones do you think are most important
for CamelBak to consider in their marketing strategy? Why? 4. What type of business
product is a Camelbak backpack?
In 1989, when Michael Eidson created the first camelbak to be able to keep hydrated
while on long hard bike rides. Without realizing it his simple invention cornered the
market for self hydration while on the go.
The Camelbak Company made several strategic partnerships with companies that
would not only help them with growing their product but also help them increase
their customer base. A strategic partnership is an agreement between businesses,
these partnerships allow for strengthen operations (Lamb, Hair Jr., amp; McDaniel,
2011). One of the most profitable partnerships that Camelbak made was with
DuPoint. DuPoint help in the development of the LIRR system (Low Infrared
Reflective) which helps shield soldiers from enemy detection. This partnership
allowed Camelbak to sell to the military which increased their customer base.
Camelbak sells to a
Case Study Of Disneyland
I would like to choose Hong Kong Disneyland (Case 6 20) for conducting an
analysis. The Walt Disney Company was created in 1923. The mission of the
company is to provide superior entertainment experiences for the guests of all ages.
Walt Disney Company opened the two theme parks in United State. Afterwards, they
adopted the international expansion strategy which opened Disney in Tokyo and
Paris. However, the outcomes of theme parks in Tokyo and Paris were very extreme.
Tokyo Disney Resortwas one of the most successful theme park in the world. On the
Contrary, Disney Resort Paris was much less successful. The major reason causes this
extreme result was the cultural differences between two countries which I would
discover below.
Disneyland ... Show more content on ...
At the beginnings, there were some startup problems encountered by them. The
first problem was about the miscalculation on the capacity limit of the park. The
capacity limit of park which HKDL estimated was 30,000 visitors per day. On the
first day of the operation, there were 29,000 guests entered the park. This caused
the average waiting time for the attractions more than two hours. And the average
queuing time of the restaurants was 45 minutes. HKDL has experienced the lesson
and decrease the capacity limit afterwards. On the other hand, they extend the park
s opening time by one hour and encourage weekdays visit by providing several
discounts to solve this problem. The second issue which HKDL had restricted the
police or the inspectors from hygiene department to get into the park. Unless there is
a pre arrangement with the park s security department. For examples, a guest and his
daughter were in the Main Street, U.S.A. and they were hurt by detritus. HKDL
refused to call ambulance as they would not like to damage the happiness or
fantasized image of the theme park. To solve this problem Disneyland appease the
guest and his daughter with a Winnie the Pooh ride with priority
August Vollmer Community Policing
August Vollmer and his accomplices recommended training and education as two of
the main components in professionalism in policing (Bohm Haley, 2014). When
Vollmer advocated for training he begun to hire more qualified and educated people
that were able to perform the job more effectively. In the past, there were no
requirements for individuals to start the job so the candidates weren t fitting the job.
Vollmer also wanted the politics and policing separated (Bohm Haley, 2014). His
reform was used to to eliminate political influences, gain control of officers, and
establish crimefighting priorities (Bohm Haley, 2014, Pg. 147). Vollmer s reform had
a great impact on the department and made great changes such as: limiting the police
functions to law enforcementrelated functions only, enforced... Show more content on ...
Community Policing took a different perspective on crime than August Vollmer. It
shows that even though police officers are trained and respond to crimes on time, it
doesn t effect the crime rates. In the past foot patrol was in place but it quickly
failed due to poor management and not enough funds for the program (Bohm Haley,
2014, Pg. 147). Community Policing was an idea to form a bond between the police
and the citizens. If the police paid more attention to the minor problems in
Stereotypes In The Outsiders
Stereotype; a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular
type of person or thing. In the realistic fiction novel, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton,
and in the short story, Geeks Bearing Gifts , written by Ron Koertge, stereotypes are
defied by ordinary people. In The Outsiders, Johnny Cade and Darry Curtis face
many struggles throughout their lives. Their town in separated into two: the rich and
dangerous Socs, and the quiet, tough Greasers. For them, living dangerously is a
reality. As a result of their lifestyle, Johnny has become fearful and Darry is
considered the toughest man in the gang. In Geeks Bearing Gifts aspiring journalist,
Renee, interviews her fellow classmates who are classified as outcasts. After meeting
several students, she realizes her assumptions were incorrect about them. After
reading both of these stories, the reader learns that our thoughts about others often
revolve around stereotypes and assumptions, but most of these ideas that we have
about other peopleare proven wrong.
In The Outsiders, Johnny and Darry find themselves struggling with the stereotype
society has labeled them with. While in the park, Johnny and his friend Ponyboy
are jumped by five Socs. Unexpectedly, Johnny stands up for himself and protects
his friend. On page 56, the text states, I killed him, he said slowly. I killed that boy
. Bob the handsome Soc, was lying there in the moonlight, doubled up and still.
This demonstrates that although Johnny is considered a timid and innocent
person, he proves that how he acts in the gang is different from how he acts in the
outside world. This is unexpected because Johnny is always the one being cared
for in the gang. However, he protected his friend by killing someone. Johnny s
actions prove that our assumptions about others are wrong. This matters because
society needs to realize that based on stereotypes, we incorrectly judge others
before getting to know them. Johnny is a clear example of what happens when one
is judged based on assumptions. Another example of this theme is reflected when
Darry breaks down at a hospital after finding out that his younger brother, Ponyboy,
is going to be okay. On pages 98 99, the text states, Darry,
Using Conditional Copula to Estimate Value Risk
Review: Using Conditional Copula to Estimate Value at Risk
ActSc 991 Project
Changwu (Allen) Chen April 14, 2014
1 Introduction
Value at Risk (VaR) plays a central role in risk management. By definition, VaR is
the maximum expected loss of a portfolio over a given time horizon with a certain
confidence level. VaR can be seen as a quantile on the lower tail of the distribution of
portfolio returns. Although VaR is a simple measure, it is not easily estimated.
There are several approaches for the estimation of VaR, such as historical simulations,
the variance covariance, and the Monte Carlo approaches. The first approach does not
assume any underlying distribution, whereas the last two approaches demand the
joint distribution to be known, which frequently assumed to be normal distribution.
However, the deviation from normality could lead to an inadequate VaR estimate. In
this case, the portfolio could be either riskier than desired or unnecessarily
The theory of copula is a powerful tool in modelling multivariate distributions be
cause it does not require the assumption of joint normality and it is a marginal free
model. Copula have been broadly used in the statistical literature. And due to its
simplicity and convenience, one may be interested in its application in the financial
In this paper I will first give a brief summary of the paper written by Helder Parra
Palaro and Luiz Koodi Hotta [1]. Then I will discuss the key results presented in the
Bellagio Hotel And Casino
Personal Feelings I can attest that I heard the most memorable experience at the
Bellagio Hotel and Casino. I got to experience life from a different angle
comparing to what I was used to. During my time at the hotel, I relaxed and
comfortable. The spa facilities were very helpful considering the massages were
magnificent, I have never been more relaxed in my life. The dishes did not
disappoint. The fitness facility through its services made me appreciate the
importance of working out and keeping fit. The botanic gardens also made me
appreciate nature mostly because of its beauty and serenity. The musical fountains
made me nostalgic mainly because the music was iconic. I was also impressed with
the customer service the hotelprovided right from the valet to the facilities that were
present in the hotel. The view especially enticed me to the hotel, it also motivated me
to visit the hotel again. I would advise that persons who are seeking serene
environments that would ensure relaxation... Show more content on ...
I obtained first hand information and experience of the hotel. The hotel appreciates
the serenity of the natural environment this has been shown through the hotel s
conservatory and botanical gardens. The hotel appreciation of fine music through its
fountain musicals was epic. The physical structure of the hotel helped in portraying
different themes from the conservatory, Japanese spring bloom to the modern theme.
Bellagio location is interesting considering it is located on the Las Vegas strip, thus
making it suitable for the comfort and relaxation of its customers. The Bellagio hotel
has therefore encouraged socialization, entertainment, and appreciation for nature. I
would visit this hotel repeatedly because I believe that its service space is effective
and efficient enough, as it provides an intimate environment that is suitable for
Observation of a Hallway Essay
The building labeled B appears to be the main building for courses at Local
Community College. Students walk in and out of the building all day and stop only
to enter a classroom or buy food from the vending machines which fill one corner of
the building s long hallway. Often, students sit on the chairs that line the walls while
waiting for a class to start, but for now the hallway is nearly empty and waiting for
the ambush of students.
Outside the classroom, a number plaque reading one hundred and seventy is sitting
on the wall framed in blue. Another door nearby opens and the wind rustles the
papers of the notebook that sits on a chair. Three people stroll casually out of the
room and walk on the one foot by one foot ... Show more content on
She pulls out a new crisp one dollar bill and inserts it in the machine.
The hallway itself is long and extends in a straight line. The walls are painted a light
grayish blue and the edges are lined by a molding the color of sand. Across from a
classroom door, a fire extinguisher rests in its case concealed by dark glass. A young
man also sits across from the door. He has dark hair about two inches long, and has it
styled in casual disarray. His facial features are well formed, having a strong line
about his jaw and thick eyebrows. His eyes are the color of the sky before a storm.
His body is well proportioned and his clothes are made of designer quality. Other
students walk by, but he does not look up and, even when addressed. He simply
nods or speaks quietly and seems to be engrossed in the study of his book.
The air is filled with a sweet aroma as another female student walks by. The
perfume is strong and people choke and turn their heads when she walks past
them. The sound of noisy flip flops coming down the hallway alerts the boy and he
rises to greet his friend. When standing, he is about six feet tall and seems to be
well muscled. His friend was of much the same description, only the friend is
slightly less muscled and his eyes are the color of the sky on a clear day. Girls
leaning against the walls and sitting in the chairs in the hallway, stare at the two
young men exiting the building in which they wait. The young men pay no attention
An Internship Is A Professional Program
Introduction In the recent years employers are more interested in hiring new
workers with a handful of experience in their field rather than their qualifications.
An internship is a professional program that provides practical experiences to
students in which they learn and can reflect back on for their future careers.
Internships are increasingly becoming more evident in the work force as it helps
give employers an opportunity to find good quality employees and in return provides
good experience for the intern. Participating in internships, no matter paid or unpaid,
is believed to strengthen the probability of acquiring a top notch career in the
competitive market. However, the difference between paid and unpaid interns can
dramatically change that window of opportunity for those seeking to engage in it. As
unemployment rates continue to rise, the competition for internshipincreases. A large
part of the demand market includes newly graduated students who just finished a high
educational degree in hopes to outshine their peers who are pursuing the same job. A
significant amount of these young people are willingly taking on unpaid internships
with the risk of them being unable to sustain their financial need. This ultimately
hinders them from climbing up the social ladder (DiMaria, 2013). In addition to this
problem, although there are a few unpaid internships out there that unprejudiced and
moral, some employers who see unpaid internship as an opening for free labor with
Warriors Don T Cry Analysis
During the 50s and 60s african american citizens were oppressed through years of
abuse mentality and physically, the book warriors don t cry is a story of a young
girl melba pattillo Beals who is a african american student who integrated to a all
white high school along with 8 other students, melba and her friends are harmed
mentally and physically at little rock. And they still managed to make the best out
of their situation through positive change for example when a group of students
dieced to gang up on melba and beat her up a white person named link dieced to
help her, instead of joining in on the attack he dieced to help her with positive
change all though he had to call her names like nigger he still lent her his car to
escape the attackers.
The Overcoat Literary Analysis
In the short story The Overcoat, Nikolai Gogol satirizes government bureaucracy and
illustrates the ridiculousness of government figures. In the story, a ninth class clerk
named Akaky has a new overcoat stolen from him, and when he goes to the
government for help, he is met with disdain that eventually causes him to fall ill and
die. Through the literary devices of tone, point of view, and characterization, Gogol
makes mockery of social classes and the government.
In the story, Gogol uses a humorous tone to satirize government officials. Although
the subject matter is very serious with Akaky s poor lifestyle on top of the crime he
has fallen victim to, Gogol uses humor to illustrate the silliness of government
officials. One prime example ... Show more content on ...
He does this by telling the story in third person omniscient, and emphasizing the
silliness of the government s mindset by entering it, while also showing Akaky s
shock to the ridiculous actions of government officials. An example of this is the
conversation between the important personage and Akaky over the crime of his
stolen overcoat. When Akaky first enters the office of the important personage, the
important personage is said to have spoken with a hard sharp voice, that he has
practiced at home in front of a mirror, before taking the job. Although it is shown to
the audience that the harsh disposition of the important personage is a farce, Akaky
can not see this. Gogol then flips to his perspective, where Akaky is attempting to
control his tongue because he is so scared. After the important personage attempts to
establish himself as superior, Akaky has to be taken out of the office, where he is
almost unconscious. The perspective then flips back to the important personage, who
is pleased at the dramatic effect that he had created. Gogol uses this third person
omniscient point of view in order to show not only the sham of the self important
government officials, but also to illustrate its disastrous effect on the lower class. By
looking at the situation from
The Relationship Between Phonology And Morphology
3.The relationship between Phonology and Morphology.
The relation between the distribution of phonemes and grammatical units such as
morphemes and words is therefore an aspect of the interface between Phonology and
morphology. Both Phonology and Morphology study various patterns in languages all
over the world. Considering the similarities of these fields, both are engaged in the
scientific analysis of languages. Both are sub branches of Linguistics and without
studying Phonology, one cannot move on to Morphology. There is an inter
relationship between these subjects. For differences, we can identify that Phonology
mainly concentrates on sound systems of a language while Morphology pays
attention to the word and the morphemes of a language. (Booij, 2007)
Then, in general, the interaction between phonology and morphology can be
illustrated into at least four points:
1 Phonological rules may precede the morphological rules. Therefore, phonemes are
considered to be the basic units of speech sound by which morphemes are
represented. According to Kiparsky (1985), there are two common word internal
phonological domains, level 1 or the stem level, ... Show more content on ...
Its pronunciation varies between [s], [z], and [ЙЄz], as in maps, games, and glasses
respectively. A purely phonological realization would most likely assign to these three
ending phonemic representations /s/, /z/ or /ЙЄz/. On a morphophonological level,
however, they may all be considered forms of the underlying object //z//, which is a
morphophoneme. The different forms it takes depend on the segment at the end of
the morpheme to which it attaches: the dependencies are described by
morphophonological rules. The behaviour of the English past tense ending ed is
similar, it can be pronounced /t/, /d/ or /ЙЄd/, as in worked, bobbed and loaded
respectively. (Hargus, Kaisse‏, 1993) and (Hayes,
I Love Lucy Research Paper
I love Lucy, The Best Show of All Time
пїјI had an interesting conversation about television, with my beloved grandmother
Shirley this weekend. I was curious to know how the enjoyment of television has
changed over the years. I wanted to know how she remembered watching television
as a child , what programs she watched, who watched the program with her, and what
the most memorable show she watched was.
There are those certain things in life that you just can t seem to ever forget, and
they will be with you throughout the rest of your life once you encounter them.
Watching an episode of I Love Lucy is one of those encounters, was just one of the
positive things Shirley said about the show. She also stated, I Love Lucy was a
show above all shows that will live on in my hearts till death do us part. It was a
classic, insurmountable breakthrough in the history of television, and it is for that
reason, that people all over the world today still enjoy how hilarious and
heartwarming this show was able to accomplish being.
I Love Lucy was an American television sitcom starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz,
Vivian Vance, and William Frawley. The black and white series originally ran from
October 15, 1951, to May 6, 1957, on CBS. The show, which was the first scripted
television ... Show more content on ...
It was a major source of entertainment for me and my family. Times were hard back
then, and that half hour of television provided us all with an escape. I Love Lucy
was supreme. This show is my favorite of all time and it is far better than any other
show I have ever seen, which includes other shows at that time such as Leave It To
Beaver, The Beverly Hillbillies, and The Dick Van Dyke Show. Sure, all of this is
just in my opinion, but I also know I am agreed with on these opinions by
thousands, of people all over the world who have had the pleasure and honor of
having this show be a part of their
Two Sisters Struggles
Two Sisters Big Dream I had the wrong gender, looks, DNA, and hometown for
music business success in the era we grew up in. But aren t the sweetest parts
about music always what s wrong? said Ann Wilson of the band Heart at their
induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Heart did many great things
that will never be forgotten. Heart is a very successful band lead by two sisters,
Ann and Nancy Wilson. They showed the world women can rock by fronting a band,
the hole band grew up in the same area, they had many struggles, and they are known
for several legendary songs.
Seattle, Washington is home to many of the bands musicsations. The Wilson sisters
spent most of their childhood in Southern California. They moved to the Seattle
suburbs when their dad retired. Ann was a singer and Nancy played guitar. The
Wilson sisters, original lead guitarist Roger Fisher, and bass guitarist Steve Fossen
all lived in Seattle. The heart of Heart changed over time but the music was ... Show
more content on ...
Ann and Nancy came across problems everywhere they went because they were
females playing rock music. They did not think that if they were female they would
be looked down on. They thought if they were good at their instruments they would
be treated as real musicians.
Heart did many great things like awards and being woman rockers. From 1976 1982
six of their most popular albums were Dreamboat Annie, Little Queen, Magazine,
Dog and Butterfly, Bebe le Strange Greatest Live Hits, and Private Audition. They
had three number one hits, What about Love , Never , and These Dreams. Another
achievement of Heart was they got inducted for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in
the fall of 2013.
The thing they were most known for was having two woman as their leaders. Heart
got criticised for that but used it to their advantage. Instead they became a novelty
because there were few female rockers people wanted to see them play and they
became rock
Christopher Marlowe Influence
Christopher Marlowe is a great Elizabethan dramatist. He has taken birth in
Canterbury Kent on 6 February 1564. In this same year Shakespeare has also taken
birth. Elizabeth I was in power at that time. Marlowe s father s name is John
Marlowe. He is a shoe maker. Canterbury is a little city today but in the 16th century
it was a large and well settled one. During the birth of Christopher Marlowe
Canterbury s population was about 4,000. It looks like a village for us now, but by
Elizabethan values it was a good range.
Marlowe is known as father of English tragedy and leader of English poets .He is a
great English Renaissance writer. He is a such a great writer that his contemporaries
got influence from him. Even the great writer Shakespeare ... Show more content on ...
He is the man who has brought a uniqueness in English plays. There is force,
suspense, comedy and horror in his plays. He is such a great writer that a poet
Algernon Charles Swinburne says about Marlowe that Marlowe is the father of
English tragedy and the originator of English blank verse, he is also the teacher
and the guide of Shakespeare. Shakespeare and Marlowe both have produced plays
for Lord Strange s acting company and they influenced each other s work.
Shakespeare has also favored the blank verse. In May 1593 Marlowe was accused
of atheism. A man named Thomas Kyd was arrested and contrary notes were found
in his room. Kyd told the notes belong to Christopher Marlowe. Before the Privy
Council could take action Marlowe was stabbed and killed in an argument in a
house in Deptford on 30 May 1593. After this, Christopher Marlowe was buried in
Reason of Marlowe death is a mystery. But some people think that Marlowe has been
killed because of a conspiracy, but aggressive fighting was common in the 16th
century. As there was no police force most people were carrying knives for self
protection. Unfortunately arguments commonly resulted in
Essay on Life in the 1850 s
Life in the 1850 s
In 1850, Scandinavian gold miners in California formed the first ski clubs in the
United States. On June 2nd, a series of fires destroyed several million dollars worth of
property in San Francisco. In 1851, Cornelius Vanderbilt established a steam ship
from New York to California. In 1852, Congress established the Oregon territory. A
year later, a San Francisco club introduced the Irish sport of hurling into the United
States. That same year a yellow fever epidemic killed 5,000 people in New Orleans. In
1854, the Kansas Nebraska Act opened the Kansas and Nebraska territories to popular
sovereignty on the issue of slavery. In 1855, violence erupted over the expansion of ...
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In the
late 1850 s, dogfights were growing in the south, in New Orleans and Kentucky.
(Chronicle of America; American Eras; Encarta Encyclopedia; In
1850, the gunfighter Benjamin F. Thompson established a reputation for
himself by participating in at least 14 shootouts over the next three decades. California
passed the Foreign Miners Tax. As a result of the population explosion after the Gold
Rush, a wave of violence hit California. In one fifteen month span in Los Angeles 44
homicides occurred. As a part of the Compromise of 1850, Congress passed the
Slave Act in September. On July 23, 1851, members of the Sioux nation signed the
Treaty of Traverse des Sioux, ceding to the U.S. government much of their land in
and Minnesota. In 1853, the U.S. and Mexico negotiated the Gadsden Purchase,
the former received 29,644 square miles of territory (the southernmost areas of present
day Arizona and New Mexico) for $15 million. The purchase established the final
boundaries of the continental U.S. and provided the needed land for a railroad route.
U.S. Senate approved the purchase in June 1854. In People v. Hall, the California
Supreme Court held that no Chinese witnesses would be allowed to give testimony
against a white man. In Clarke County, Missouri, David McKee organized the Anti
Horse Thief Association. In 1855, California counted 370
Wine Strategic Plan Essay
I. Executive summary The quality and reputation of wellington wine have a key role
to play in strengthening wellington wine s brand promise of being a vibrant and
welcoming place that celebrates the good things in life. Wellington wines core brand
attribute of being Australia s home of exceptional wine and produce, complements
other core brand attributes of un spoilt nature at close proximity, enterprising
tradition of creativity and innovation, and a beautiful city and festival spirit. The
Strategic Plan target is to achieve an increase in Australia wine market from $50
billion in 2011 2012 to $57.5 billion in 2012 2013. The wellington strategic Plan
identifies the priority strategies to achieve this target. One of these... Show more
content on ...
* Lack of resources for grower organizations to meet increasing demands for
relationship management in the wine industry value chain, with government and the
general community * Lack of capital for small growers and wineries to fund new
initiatives and market opportunities Opportunities * To grow the market for the future
of this company will be win more market share in line with increasing Australia wine
consumption, * With the growing consummation of wellington wine in Australia
market line increasing per capita wine consumption. * Promoting the wellington wine
for food service and hospitality sectors in amongst Australia and overseas traveller,
promoting worldwide who are seeking quality branded wines building high level
collaboration in the value chain for increasing competitiveness in the world wine
market, * Developing wine grape grower relationships with the Australian
Government through the Industry Partnerships Programmers. Threats * There are a
number of very serious economic threats that cloud the short term outlook. *
Domestic inflation is high in Australia, the governments keep rising the taxгЂ‚ *
Production costs are
The Moral And Philosophical Values Of China
The Analects of Confucius, were written around 500 BC and are most commonly
attributed to late great Confucius. However, the text was written by his disciples,
around thirty year following his passing.
The Analects have greatly influenced the moral and philosophical values of China
and arguably around the world have been influenced by the moral and philosophical
values of the Analects. The passage has remained a fundamental course of study for
any Chinese scholar for approximately two thousand years. During the Sui Dynasty, a
candidate s ability to apply Confucian philosophy and logic was crucial. So much so,
that there was even an examination.
The first book seems to be more of introduction to Confucius and his disciples, as
well as, a glimpse of the many virtues and personal characteristics one must possess
and how one must behave The Master said: As a younger brother and son, be filial
at home and deferential in the community be cautious I what you say and then
make good on your word; love the multitude broadly and be intimate with those
who are authoritative in their conduct. If in so behaving you still have energy left,
use it to imprve yourself through study ( page 72 section 16). The second book
focuses governance, as it is stated at the very beginning of book II The master said:
Governing with excellence can be compared to being the North Star: The North Star
dwells in its place, and the multitude of stars pay it tribute (page 7 section 2.)
The reaming books
People s Love At First Sight By Sylvia Plath
People dream of falling in love at first sight. Sylvia Plath, an American writer,
experienced the desirable moment the first time she saw Ted Hughes, an English
poet (Middlebrook). The romantic relationship between Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath
grew instantly. They both shared a love of writing, but yet their relationship began to
go downhill five years after their marriage (Popova). The marriage between Ted
Hughesand Sylvia Plath was destructive because of Sylvia s unstable mental health
and Ted s unfaithfulness, but it was also beneficial because of their strong writing
relationship. Sylvia Plath, an American poet, was born on October 27, 1932 in
Boston, Massachusetts ( Sylvia Plath Biography ). When Sylvia was eight years old,
she... Show more content on ...
The Wild West was one of the first poems he wrote that was published in his school
magazine ( Ted Hughes Biography ). When Hughes entered college, he studied
English, but then changed to archeology and anthropology at Pembroke College.
Even as an archeologist and anthropology major, Ted continued to wow people
with his poetry ( Ted Hughes Biography ). When people read his poetry, it was like
they [entered] a world dominated by nature, especially by animals ( Ted Hughes ).
His love for animals led him to become a poet and inspired him to write The Hawk
in the Rain in 1957 and Wolfwatching and Moortown Diary in 1989 ( Ted Hughes ).
On February 26, 1956, Ted Hughes and other poets hosted a poetry party for the St.
Botolph s Review (Popova). Sylvia arrived at the party and was immediately
drawn to the big, dark, hunky boy, later known as Ted Hughes (Popova). Sylvia s
first words to Ted were quotes from poems that he had written and published.
Despite the amount of drinks she had consumed, she remembered her first
encounter with Ted (Popova). She recorded the first day they met and it is now one
of the most famous [encounters] in all literary history (Popova). Four months after
they met, they got married and had two kids named Frieda and Nicholas ( Sylvia
Plath Biography ). The beginning years of their marriage were very successful and
they both continued to write poetry ( Ted Hughes
Visit To Temecula, California
I chose Temecula, California because I have always dreamed to visit Temecula.
Temecula, California, a Large city in the southwestern region of the state, is known
for skating, wineries, and shopping. Temecula also has a lot of historical sites to visit.
This would be an educational and fun trip.
There is many historical sites in Temecula, Californiafor instance Old Town
Temecula, Peltzer farm, Temecula berry company, and Old Town Temecula jail you
know the little things that Temecula is known for. These sites are all small individual
historic structures, but they re what makes up Temecula.
Temecula is a large city of 106,780 people. That is a lot bigger than what I am use
to, Ste.Genevieve, Missouri there is only 4,405 people. That is not a lot compared to
Temecula California. This city has been around since 1859.
In Temecula there is many tours you can take. Especially tours of wineries. They
have other tours like the scuba center, ... Show more content on ...
The two that are not an hour or two away they are San Clemente State Beach and
Beacon s beach. Personally I would drive to long beach even though it is about an
hour and a half away. I d go for the experience to see something you wouldn t get to
see every time you went to California.
My overall impression of Temecula, California is that it is a great family place. Also I
figured out that there was more to do than to just go to the skatepark and to go
shopping and get a new skateboard. I notice that there is so much more than I even
thought of. Going to Temecula, California would not only be an amazing vacation,
but it is an opportunity to try new things and to learn new things as well. Old Town
Temecula is going to blow your mind.
So in conclusion I would give temecula a 4 out of 5 star rating. This is more of a
family city. Temecula will be my future destination. Hopefully your families could
enjoy this at some
Leonardo Da Vinci s Influence On The Modern World
Leonardo Da vinci invented many things, some things are almost creepy close to
what we have today. Leonardo Da Vinci made things like helicopters and things
similar to tanks. He a machine gun crossbow. Leonardo Da Vinci Made giant
crossbows, this crossbow was made to scare the enemy.
This Crossbow would be 27 yards across. This Giant crossbow could shoot boulders
or possibly explosives. Leonardo Da Vinci also made an idea that would later
become the parachute Leonardo never tested this idea, and no one else ever tested
this idea because they were too scared. Because it had a wooden part and it was
weird in shape. Though a daredevil by the name Adrian Nichols made a prototype and
tested it in the 200 s. The daredevil Adrian Nichols said that he thought it had a
smoother ride than the modern parachute. ... Show more content on ...
This vehicle was round and almost looked like a turtle shell, and it had a metal
casing on it with a cannon on top.There was a problem with the levers, people
suggest that this could because Leonardo didn t want this in war because he might
have been a pacifist. Another thing Leonardo Da Vinci made was a scuba diving
His purpose for this was to attack enemy ships from underneath. Leonardo Da Vinci
s scuba diving outfit had tubes going to the surface for air. Leonardo Da Vinci s
scuba diving outfit had an inflation feature which could lower the person deeper or
make them go higher to the surface more easily.
Leonardo Da Vinci s scuba diving outfit had one more feature. The Scuba diving
outfit had a pouch that you could urinate in. Leonardo Da Vinci s idea of the
helicopter was a human powered machine, one thing that Leonardo did not
understand though is that much more energy than a human could make would be
required to make a device fly. Leonardo Da Vinci knew that when you make
something spin really fast it would create significant friction so Leonardo made a
bearing to lower the
Prophecies In Aeneids
In The Aeneid, Virgil uses many prophecies. They begin in the first few lines and last
throughout the poem. Many are directed toward Aeneas, but some are to his relatives
and friends. The prophecies shown allow the reader to better understand the situation
and also provide insight about Rome. Prophecies are an important key to The Aeneid.
Prophecies are very important to Virgil s The Aeneid. Early on, Virgil does not hide
what will happen, but instead, he allows the reader insight through many
prophecies. In the first few lines, Juno makes the statement that generations born of
Trojan blood would one day overthrow her Tyrian walls. (32). In predicting this, she
allows us, the reader, to understand that all of the characters knows what is
happening and it is just a matter of time before the Trojans will take over Carthage.
The prophecy Virgil projects through Juno is not only a prophecy seen in the book,
but Virgil also wants the reader to acknowledge that this prophecy is a representation
of what will happen to Rome in the future.
Also in Book I, still very near the beginning, another prophecy is seen. During the
storm (128), Aeneas is remembering all of the people he knew that died in the
battle. He begins to pray for all of them and he asks why his life was not taken too.
Aeneas wonders why all of the strong warriors died and his life was spared. Just as
he is questioning this great mystery, another gust of wind takes many of the
remaining ships under. Aeneas becomes
Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber Point Of View
In Hemingway s short story Short happy Life of Francis Macomber, Hemingway
uses author techniques of perspective to show readers the characterization of the
three main protagonists in this story. Hemingway creates a multipart claim using
perspective as well as dialogue to show readers a pervasive, negative tone carried
throughout the story. Wilson, Francis, and Margaret are characterized by multiple
perspectives with multiple traits and negative aspects to their characters. Wilson s
state of mindis quite judgmental towards the Macombers, basing his thoughts on their
actions. However, he later comes to the conclusionthat Francis, in particular, is not
the man he thought he was. Hemingway shows this shift through dialogue and an
attitude change. To... Show more content on ...
Wilson then couldn t believe Francis approached him to ask if he was going to
mention the situation with anyone from the Mathaiga Club. In Wilson s internal
dialogue, he felt shocked from Francis approach and felt as if Francis was an even
more coward along with being an unexpected American. Hemingway uses Wilson s
inner thoughts on Francis as a perspective to express his judgment towards others.
Later, Wilson began to connect in some type of way with Francis through their
discussion on strategies for catching the lion.Wilson goes on to discuss how
inaccurate it is to leave a wounded lion out in the wild for the safety of others that
may be roaming. Through the dialogue between him and Francis, Wilson goes into
explanation on how Francis ideas won t work for various reasons. The discussion
demonstrates the interest Francis has on the structure of hunting a lion and the
connection they begin to develop. The dialogue written by Hemingway allows the
reader see Wilson s judgment about Francis slowly fading as Francis is now attracted
to the technique and strategy on
The And Structure Of The Intellectual Argument
When you write a persuasive essay, it s good to think about how you will construct
your argument, from the way you will organize your key points to how and where
you will disprove opposing views. A lot of students find it hard to identify what it is
that makes a good piece of essay writing. At the core of such writing, it is the nature
and structure of the intellectual argument.
So, what is an argument? An argument is well defined as giving of reasons, evidence
and support for a claim that something is true. Most importantly, there are two
essential elements involved in addressing arguments as the basis of critical thinking.
The first component is argument identification and the second element is argument
evaluation. In this section, we will focus on identification of argument.
It is important that you recognize which kind of essay questions need some judgment,
and then be able to construct a compelling, convincing argument in your essay
writing. A key cause of complaint from tutors is that students at all levels do not do
this perfectly and end up making their writing descriptive instead of argumentative.
You may be caught by surprise to hear that the word argument does not require to be
written anywhere in your assignment for it to be an important part of your task. In
fact, making an argument then later on expressing a point of view on a subject and
going ahead to support it with evidence is often the primary aim of academic writing.
Your instructor perhaps assumes
Hannah Webster Foster s The Coquette ( 1797 ) And
Hannah Webster Foster s The Coquette (1797) and William Hill Brown s The
Power of Sympathy (1789) are epistolary novels that outline the inevitable perils and
consequences (for women) of carelessly becoming a victim of male seduction. These
provocative novels allow readers to enter a sexual private sphere of society, one that
may have been deemed taboo, through letters depicting the art of seduction. Women
were expected to subscribe to the societal expectations of appropriate female behavior.
In addition, literacy was at transformative state at the staging of both novels; morals
lessons (within the household) could now be found in non biblical mediums of
literature. The divergence from reading for devotion to reading for entertainment and
intellect was pivotal. The perceived dangers of this, however, were that novels which
expose no particular Vice, and which recommend no particular Virtue, to the fair
Reader, though she may find amusement, must finish them without being impressed
with any particular idea (Brown, 7). Brown implies that, by misinterpreting seduction
novels, women would not be able to perform their political and social role as
republican mothers that these novels would penetrate their moral compass and leave
them vulnerable to the powers of seduction. The seduction that befall women in
Brown s The Power of Sympathy and Foster s The Coquette reinforce the expected
role of women in the New Republic, highlight the horrifying consequences that
Organized Crime as the Main Factor that Led to Failure of...
Organized Crime as the Main Factor that Led to Failure of Prohibition In January
1919 the 18th Amendment outlawed the manufacture, transportation and sale of
liquor, backed up by the Volstead Act which classify liquor as any drink which
contained 0.5% alcohol or more. Different groups backed this new law but it was
also opposed by many. Prohibition, never succeeded. There were various reasons
why the enforcing of Prohibition failed. Both presidential candidates in 1932 were
wet so on 5th December 1933 Prohibition was finally abolished by the 21st
Amendment 14 years after it had been introduced. But was organised crime and the
gangsters the only reason why Prohibition failed? I will give a... Show more content
on ...
There was a public demand for alcohol, so many people took up the opportunity to
supply this growing demand and many ordinary US citizens were turned into
criminals. The law was escaped by many US citizens, some of them weren t even
discovered. In a single year. The public still had the benefit of drinking alcohol and
when the saloons and shops selling alcohol were shut, the public found substitutes.
Some had stills in their own homes and some called on speakeasies. Convicted
offenders against Prohibition were often let off mildly. Standard fines were about
$130 and even serious offenders were imprisoned for less than six months. A
immense percentage of the country still drank and some drank more than they did
before Prohibition as alcohol was so easy to find. However some of this alcohol
was not the type of alcohol that they were used to drinking which resulted in many
health problems. More employees were probably absent from work than before
Prohibition, with alcohol poisoning from drinking the moonshine , which frequently
resulted in blindness and death. This was because of the types of alcohol sold, where
no one knew quite what they were getting. In fact much of this alcohol was industrial
alcohol, unfit for consumption which caused blistered lips. Lack of public support
was definitely quite
What Is The Cause Of The Deadliest War In Human History
World war II, which is recognized as the deadliest war in human history. Drowned
in casualties, the long and bearing war claimed the lives of nearly 70 million
people. To put that into perspective, that is more than 19 thousand a day, 800 an
hour, and 13 a minute. It began September 18, 1931, due to numerous reasons, and
became one of the biggest world tragedies before it ended over 10 years later.
To begin, the war began due to a myriad of reasons. Hugely due to the uprise of
military and totalitarian regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan. ( World War II par 1).
Which who would later be known as the Axis powers. An occurrence that stemmed
from the great depression that traveled throughout the world in the early 1930s. Also
due to the horrific
A Film Analysis Of The Film Slumdog Millionaire
Films from all around the world are filled with life lessons and meaning. They are
not only created for entertainment, but sometimes to portray specific morals. This
way, they can be enjoyable, in addition to being informative with long lasting
effects. Some small things tend to go unnoticed while watching, but when they are
seen and analyzed, they can have the greatest impact. The movie Slumdog
Millionaire is filled with major social issues, ethics and morals. It has specific
goals and purposes for viewers to grasp and think about further. The film depicts a
major social issue: economic inequality and power; some of the most prominent
examples are the divisions caused by wealth and power, the fact that money does
not fix all problems, the tendencies and opportunities of the wealthy, and what
extremes people will do for money. From the beginning, there were scenes that
showed the atrocities and conditions of the Mumbai slums in which the brothers
Jamal and Salim lived. It gives the idea that this is the harsh reality of every part of
that area, until a mansion owned by the gangster, Javed, is shown. (Slumdog
Millionaire, 01:12:00 01:13:40). The gap in wealth is immense and creates a
division between the people. We all know there are the wealthy and non wealthy, but
this film allows you to really visualize it for yourself. People from the slums and
owners of mansions are in an entirely different world. This film has the opportunity to
spread awareness to more fortunate
Benefits Of Children Believing In Santa Claus
The Christmas Debate: Benefits of Children Believing in Santa Claus
Shortly after the trees appear barren after losing all their leaves, most houses and
businesses also alter appearances for the season. Many families drag out boxes of red
and green decorations to transform their homes for the holidays. Parents may brave
the line stretching down the mall so their child can tell Father Christmas, or Santa
Claus, what he or she wishes to unwrap on Christmas morning. Some question the
effect on a child s health or morals associated with the belief in Santa Claus, but with
research and psychologists weighing in on the subject state there is no traumatic
evidence apparent in letting a child have faith in Santa Claus. Evidence gathered by
these studies may suggest a benefit for youth. Children should have the opportunity
to believe in Santa Claus because it enhances creativity and can improve mental
health, shows young individuals an example of giving without expecting anything in
return, and when the time comes, forces kids to distinguish the difference between
fantasy and reality. Fraser (2015) found that the individual whose story inspired the
mythical Santa, also known as Saint Nicholas, originates from a bishop living in
Turkey during the third century. Nikolaos of Myra refused to worship the then
Roman Emperor Diocletian, and was imprisoned until Emperor Constantine freed the
Christians five years later. He went on to show kindness and compassion by
anonymously giving gifts
Art And Three Elements Of Art Influence In A Restaurant
The painting I will analysis is painting 4. The painting has described the context in a
high end restaurant. Based on the dress code of the guests, I guess this painting is in
the past and those people are lords. They are having conservation in the restaurant
during leisure. It is noteworthy that some of them wear heavy makeup.
Now, I will analysis this painting on three art elements and three principles of design.
The most significant element in this painting is color. Color acts as a vital role in
many paintings. In this painting, it depicted the atmosphere of the restaurant.
Analyzing this painting as a whole picture, I divided it into four corners evenly. The
upper left corner is the group of people with two men at the back. The upper right
corner is the walls of the restaurant with two women. The hue of both upper parts is
tertiary blue green mixed up with little secondary orange. Despite this, blue green is
still the predominant color on both upper parts. The bottom left corner is the railing.
The right bottom corner is the floor of the restaurant and the woman with neutral
black clothing. In regard to the details, the outline of the railing is in tertiary red
orange and the railing is in secondary orange. Among the group of people, the men
at the left and the woman in the middle wear primary red and tertiary red violet
clothing respectively. The major hue of left bottom part is secondary orange, tertiary
red orange, and tertiary ... Show more content on ...
Through the placement and size of the figures, the artist successfully creates a visual
emphasis. Viewer s eyes automatically attracted to the larger and dominant figures at
the first glance. Consequently, the focal point is located at the weird woman at the
right corner. Her striking facial expression made the woman stand out among figures
and directs the viewer s attention to a center of interest. It seems to show a complex
personality of this
Internship Report Essay
An Internship Report as Intern Programmer Analyst Submitted in fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of the Degree Of MASTERS in COMPUTER
SCIENCE By Rahul Sharma NALAM ( 700630254) Under the guidance of Dr.
Xiaodong Yue Department of Mathematics Computer Science, University of
central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 PREFACE This document
specifies the work that I did during the Internship course at RAMPS International
Inc., New Jersy under the guidance of Dr. Xiaodong Yue (UCMO). Starting with
the report, It gives the complete overview of my activities and technical
experience gained through the course CS5020. I hope that I was successful in
representing my work in this report in a very simple way and also technically right.
Rahul Sharma NALAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very thankful to Dr.
Xiaodong Yue for being my adviser throughout the intern program. I also want to
thank my supervisor and the team for their motivation and support during the
program. They helped me to complete this work successfully. I want to express my
appreciation to the department of computer science for giving me this opportunity to
take internship at any organization. CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION5 1.1 Place
and Form of Work5 2. Project and Responsibilities5 3. Technical Skills Learned7 4.
Role Description7 5.
Wesfarmers Financial Analysis
Unit chair: Dr. Wen Qu Written assignment T2 2014 Analysis and interpretation of
the performance of Wesfarmers Group No: 03 Prepared by: Zafer Han(700270889)
Kaustav Pandey(214362404) Yujie Yin(212520114) Gavin Van Arkadie (214349824)
Yuthi Srivastava(212358103) Words count: 1021 We certify that the attached work is
entirely our own, except where material quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in
the text. We also declare that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other
unit or course. Table of Contents 1.0Introduction... Show more content on ...
Whereas the investors primarily use the Return on investment ratio to monitor
how well the company is utilizing their investment. 2.3Gross Profit Margin The
gross profit margin is defined as a budgetary metric used to evaluate a company s
monetary wellbeing or efficiency by uncovering the proportion of money left over
from incomes in the wake of representing the expense of merchandise sold
(Bussiness.qld, 2014). The Gross profit margin is a useful source for paying
additional expenses and future savings. In $million 2011 2012 2013 EBIT 03,232
03,549 03,658 Sales 52,891 55,897 57,897 Gross profit margin 6.1% 6.3% 6.3%
Table 1.2 Gross Profit Margin calculations, 2011 to 2013 The Gross Profit Margin
remained stable over this period, which tells us that Wesfarmers has been efficient
in the production and distribution of its products. From a management
perspective, Wesfarmers should be able to remain profitable as long as the
overhead costs are controlled. Table 1.3 Comparison of Three years EBIT,
Wesfarmers, 2011 2013. The above representation of EBIT should have satisfied
the board that Wesfarmers profits are stable and have a steady growth. However we
can also notice a gradual decrease in Target s profit earnings, raising concerns of
uncontrolled overhead cost. (Wesfarmers Annual Report, 2013) 2. 4Solvency The
solvency of an entity can be evaluated by the
Computer Science In Education Essay
Only 5% of United States high schools teach computer science, the study of the
principles and use of computers, despite its critical importance. Even as the
enrollment in science, technology, engineering, and math classes have increased in
the past 20 years, the number of students enrolled in computer science has actually
decreased. This can be attributed to the neglect exhibited by schools on computer
science. In these 20 years, 1 billion computers have been built which makes computer
science integrated : so baked into human life that it is not surprising to encounter,
with social, technological, and futuristic aspects of the world. Unlike other integrated
disciplines such as English or math, computer science is not a required course in...
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Universities are already starting to require computer science classes, but this creates
the question: How should computer science courses be implemented in education
before University? An optimal solution must teach social problem solving skills,
increase the functionality of technology, and provide an understanding of the future.
The time at which computer science is introduced must also be considered to ensure
students have enough prior background knowledge in other related disciplines and a
basic understanding of what computer can and cannot do. In order to properly
implement computer science in education, it should be required in high school
education and teach the ubiquitous relationship that computer science has with the
social, technological, and futuristic aspects of the world.
Computer science is bound to have social impacts because of its ubiquitous nature.
The most influential of these impacts is the introduction of computational thinking.
Computational Thinking is a process that generalizes a solution to open ended
problems. Open ended problems encourage full, meaningful answers based on
multiple variables, which are derived using abstraction and automation. When solving
open ended problems, computer scientists abstract notions from both the physical and
theoretical worlds. Unlike mathematical notions which only consider theory,
computer science combines both
Endocarditis Research Paper
VSD is a benign cardiac lesion the prognosis of which can be severely
compromised with the occurrence of infective endocarditis. Surgical repair reduces
the risk but does not entirely excludes it due to development of minor
complications Right sided endocarditis is mainly a disease of intravenous drug
abusers. It can also occur in nondrug addicts. The incidence of right sided infective
endocarditis ranges from 5 10% in different series.. The majority of cases involve the
tricuspid valve [1]. Isolated pulmonary valve endocarditis is rare. It is assumed that
its rarity is due to the low pressure gradients within the right heart, the low prevalence
of congenital malformations, the lower oxygen content of venous blood, and the
differences in the... Show more content on ...
In our case, the patient responded to antibiotics and became asymptomatic within 4
weeks of appropriate antibiotics, even though echocardiography showed only mild
decrease in the size of vegetation. As she was asymptomatic and inflammatory
markerswere normalized, we did not consider the option of surgery and put the
patient on regular follow up. A review of the publisheddata indicated that the role of
surgery in isolated pulmonic valveendocarditis is unclear. Recurrent pulmonary
emboli are not anindication for surgery, which is only needed if fever persists
despite3 weeks of appropriate antibiotic treatment in the absence of a pulmonary
abscess [6]. Surgical options include debridement ofthe infected area, vegetation
excision with either valve preservation or valve repair or valve replacement
Theatrical Mask Analysis
When we were presented with the task of creating a theatrical mask, that revealed
something about ourselves, for our midterm I had no clue what I was going to do.
Through lots of brainstorming I came up with the idea of having half of my mask
be Glinda the Good Witch, from Wicked and Wizard of Oz, and the other half be
Elphaba, or the Wicked Witch of the West, from the same shows. My first reason for
choosing this design was the fact that it reveals my love for the theatre, and musicals
particularly. That was something about myself that I felt I could reveal pretty easily
through this design. When I told my friend the idea she said jovially, Oh so what
you re revealing about yourself is that you re a theatre nerd. While those weren t my
Separation Of Benzoic Acid And Alkaline Lab Report
Title:Extraction:Extraction with acid and alkaline
1. To recover benzoic acid and p dichlorobenzene from its mixture using acid alkaline
extraction. 2. To determine the percentage recovery and melting point of benzoic acid
and p diclorobenzene.
Apparatus:Separatory funnel(250mL),Buchner funnel,beaker.
Materials:Benzoic acid,p dichlorobenzene,ether,10% NaOH,conc.HCl,distilled water,
anhydrous CaCl2.
Organic compounds in an aqueous mixture can be separated by shaking the aqueous
solution with a solvent which is immiscible with water. Extraction involves dissolving
either a compound or compounds from solid into a solvent or from solution into
another solvent. Acid alkaline extraction is a commonly ... Show more content on ...
11. The ether solution was decant into clean dry small conical flask. 12. Two
boiling chips was added and warmed gently in the water bath until 15ml of ether
remained. 13. Then,the ether solution was decat into a tarred watch glass and
placed in the fume hood to allow the rest of the ether to evaporate. 14. The
precipitated benzoic acid was filtered using a Buchner funnel and a flask and 5ml
of cold distilled water was used to wash. 15. A current of air was drawn through
the product for 5 minutes to remove as much water as possible. 16. The crystals
was pressed in a folded filter paper to ensure it was completely dry. 17. The weight
and melting point of the recovered benzoic acid was recorded. 18. The weight and
melting point of p dichlorobenzene was recorded once all the ether was evaporated.
Weight before separation
Benzoic acid
Mass of benzoic acid = 1.0067g
Mass of watch glass=19.636g
Weight of filter paper = 0.3287g p dichlorobenzene Mass of p dichlorobenzene =
Weight of evaporating dish = 52.018g
Weight after separation
Benzoic acid
Weight of watch glass,filter paper and benzoic acid recovered = 21.441g
Weight of benzoic acid recovered = 1.4763g p dichlorobenzene Weight of evaporating
dish and p dichlorobenzene precipitate= 52.6415g
Weight of p dichlorobenzene recovered = 0.6235g
Melting point of benzoic acid = 120 МЉ C
Theoretical melting point of benzoic acid
The Journal Of Environmental Management Models And
With geological experts currently heralding a new geological period, the
Anthropocene (Kolbert, 2011), attention is drawn to the overarching impacts of
humankind upon the environment. The article Anthropogenic nutrients and harmful
algae in coastal waters , published by the Journal of Environmental Management,
Davidson et al. (2014) propose that nutrients from anthropogenic sources are a major
contributing factor towards the increasing occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms
(HABs) in coastal waters worldwide. The authors conclude that the function of
anthropogenically sourced nutrients in stimulating the growth of HABs is dependent
on location, other parameters often regulate the occurrence of algal blooms. The
article is comprehensive from a scientific perspective, accessing quantifiable
parameters from an empirical cause and effect assessment. However, from an
Anthropology perspective there are various perspectives which, overlooked in this
article, could enrich the understanding and comprehension on the causes of HAB
events. To demonstrate how anthropological perspectives could contribute a more
complex understanding and interpose valuable paradigms to environmental
management models and challenges. The article by Davidson et al. (2014) is
critiqued with regards to the Humanistic Scientific spectrum, as well as the Holistic
perspective as opposed to the Reductionist perspective, and the Temporal perspective
is contrasted with the Tempocentric. However, advancing in this

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  • 1. Essay On My First Day At School Crafting an essay on the topic of "My First Day at School" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, as one might assume that recalling personal experiences and narrating them would be straightforward. However, delving into the task reveals the intricacies and challenges that come with such a seemingly familiar subject. The difficulty lies not just in recounting events but in capturing the essence of that pivotal day. One must skillfully navigate through the memories, selecting details that not only paint a vivid picture but also convey the emotions experienced. Balancing the descriptive elements with introspection adds an extra layer of complexity, as the writer must not only narrate the events but also reflect on their significance. Moreover, the challenge extends to maintaining the reader's engagement throughout the essay. Avoiding clichГ©s and weaving a narrative that is both unique and relatable requires a delicate touch. The risk of falling into the trap of generic storytelling looms large, making it imperative to infuse creativity and personal insight. The difficulty intensifies when attempting to convey the broader impact of that first day. How did it shape one's perspective? What lessons were learned, and how did it set the tone for future experiences? Articulating these reflections without veering into the realms of sentimentality or banality demands a nuanced approach. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "My First Day at School" is a task that goes beyond mere recollection. It demands the finesse to transform personal memories into a compelling narrative, balancing details, emotions, and reflections. Only with careful consideration and adept storytelling can one truly capture the essence of that momentous day. For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenges or exploring a myriad of topics, a wealth of resources is available. Similar essays and more can be effortlessly accessed and ordered through platforms like, offering support and expertise to navigate the intricate art of essay writing. Essay On My First Day At School Essay On My First Day At School
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  • 5. Setting Jurisdiction Examples Setting Jurisdiction and Initial Reason for Stop On 01/19/2016 at about 0550 hours I was sitting stationary at the intersection of K 53 and Meridian, Sumner County, Kansas. My patrol vehicle was facing the east, on the south side of the road. As I was sitting I witnessed a silver color GMC pick up driving south on Meridian at a high rate of speed. As the truck came closer to the intersection it failed to stop at the posted stop sing, the vehicle then attempted to turn east at an unsafe speed. The vehicle went clear across K 53 and onto the gravel road of Meridian. The truck swerved on the gravel road kicking up a cloud of dust and gravel it attempted to gain control. It fishtailed back across K 53, the whole vehicle went into the westbound... Show more content on ... White assumed the instructional stance and I told him to stay in that position until I told him to start, White said he understood.I explained and demonstrated the instructional stance and asked if he understood the instructions, White said he did. During this evaluation White was swaying while trying to balance. White also used his arms greater than six inches to gain balance. White had to hop to keep from falling over at one point during the test. White also put his foot down more than once and switched feet twice. During this evaluation I observed 4 clues. PBT At about this time Deputy Marks offered White an opportunity to submit to a preliminary breath test.White agreed to submit to a PBT but had to be asked 3 times to blow harder because he was not giving enough air. When the PBT did pick up a good reading it showed a 0.186. Arrest decision At about this point I made the decision to take White into custody based on the totality of the circumstances and the evidence I had discovered. White was placed in restraints without incident. I performed a Search Incident to Arrest on White and discovered no contraband. Shortly after this time I transported Dial to the Sumner County Jail without
  • 6. Aristotle s Value Of Happiness Human beings spend a lifetime finding the meaning of life and what makes us happy. In Aristotle s Nicomachean s Ethics, Aristotle gives his own wisdom to his son, Nicomachean on how to achieve the end goal of life which is happiness. He explores this virtue of happiness through many other characteristics and virtues. One of the characteristics, Aristotle explores for one to be happy is moderation. Overindulgence in food, sex, and drinks can lead to dangers in one s life. To obtain happinessand live a complete life, one must be moderate. Aristotle asserts that moderation is a mean with respect to pleasures (Aristotle 62). Aristotle takes into account both the body and soul when discussing pleasures. What gives a person pleasures? In many cases, food, drinks, sex, listening to one s favorite music, and even hanging out with friends can give someone pleasure. Overindulgence of pleasures of the body (food, drink, and sex) is limited compared to the soul (honor and learning) which is unlimited. Aristotle makes the argument that when a person takes enjoyment in the smelling of apples, roses, or incense (Aristotle 64) they are not licentious since that smell could remind that person of a past encounter that could signal desire (Aristotle 64). Aristotle then compares human to animals with the direct reference to a lion; where a lion does not receive desire because it smells the meat of a cow, but because the lion knows that it will take pleasure in eating the cow s meat
  • 7. Analysis Of Shel Silverstein s Works In this fun strategy, students use a phone, (usually a rounded piece of plastic, like a PVC pipe) to hear themselves. It is effective for building fluency, since students can focus on their speaking. Additionally, they help to keep students focused on instruction. Students monitor their own reading and the classroom is usually quiet because students are encouraged to whisper (hence the name) so that all students can hear themselves (Cadieux, 2012). This strategy is a simple one: practice. The more students practice, the better they will read. At some point, students will no longer need to fully focus on decoding. Instead, they can read with fluency. It is important to select fun books when going about this. Students should want to read their books. Shel Silverstein s works, for example. The poet s stories are short and entertaining. Partner Reading is a cooperative learning strategy in which two students work together to read a text. The Partner Reading strategy allows students to take turns reading and provide each other with feedback as a way to monitor (Classroom Strategies Partner Reading, n.d.). Students who are struggling readers work well as partners. They may be partnered with a student who is a better reader, for additional support. Alternatively, when provided support, they may be partnered with another student at the same level, letting them know they are not alone. In this case, a group of three, with the strongest reader in class might be helpful.
  • 8. The Night Of The Lake The ride across the lake was everything Rose had imagined and more. She even thought she might have seen the giant squid poke up out of the water. She tried to point it out to Albus, but it had disappeared when he looked over. They finally pulled up to the shore and began following Hagrid up the grounds to the castle. It was so much bigger than she had imagined. It s so big, Albus said in awe. I was just thinking the same thing, Rose replied. The students sidled up to the entrance. The doors opened and Hagrid shepherded the student into the Hall. Professor Longbottom will be with you in a moment to explain what will happen next. If any of you ever need someone to talk to or a cup o tea, you can always come find me, Hagrid said looking directly at Rose and Albus. Just then, Uncle Neville (no wait, Professor Longbottom, Rose had to get used to calling him that) came down the big flight of stairs. Welcome to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I am Professor Longbottom, Head of Gryffindor House! I know some of you and I can t wait to get to know the rest of you in due time. In just a moment, you will enter the Great Hall and we will begin the Sorting ceremony. You will be placed into one of the four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. As I was told my first year at Hogwarts, your house will be like your family. You can earn points for your house by being good students and good people. You can also lose points from your house if you
  • 9. Government Surveillance Government Surveillance on Society Our society is dystopian in that we are being watched by the government. The government s surveillance ranges from cameras to electronics to even drones. We are told that this constant surveillance is for our safety and to make it a safe environment for us because their main reason is to protect us when in fact it may not be their true intentions. U.S. police have been asking for greater surveillance in order to keep pace with the technology use of criminals. Surveillance has been a problem in our society because people think that there s too much cameras and privacy invasion which it s not necessary. People feel like they are constantly being watched by the government with all the new technologies. This increase in surveillance makes us question if the government is collecting of information for their own good. After 9 /11, the day many people lost their loved ones or were injured in the terrorist attack on United States, surveillance has been increased to try to prevent these type of events from ever happening again. On 9/11 two planes crashed into the twin towers where thousands were trapped, killed or were injured, this day has been an unforgettable moment because from that day forward United States was not the same. A way that the government tries to prevent these things from happening is by increasing surveillance, U.S. police have been given greater legal and procedural latitudes to conduct a wider
  • 10. They’ve Got Your ’Bak. CamelBak: They ve Got Your Bak. In 1989, Michael Eidson probably never imagined that his homemade, do it yourself fix for dehydration during long cycling races would evolve into the world s premier hydration device for outdoor enthusiasts, soldiers, and law enforcement personnel. That is exactly what happened to the CamelBak backpack, however. The first version, which used medical tubing to flow water from an intravenous drip bag that was insulated by a sock and strapped to the back of his shirt, was born as most inventions are out of necessity. The special pack made it possible for Eidson to take in fluids while sitting upright without having to sacrifice speed by reaching down for a water bottle during a race. The packs gained fame ... Show more content on ... 1. Discuss how business relationships and strategic partnerships have helped to increase the value of CamelBak s products and the business itself. 2. What type(s) of business market customers does CamelBak sell to? 3. Review the types of demand that most influence business markets. Which ones do you think are most important for CamelBak to consider in their marketing strategy? Why? 4. What type of business product is a Camelbak backpack? In 1989, when Michael Eidson created the first camelbak to be able to keep hydrated while on long hard bike rides. Without realizing it his simple invention cornered the market for self hydration while on the go. The Camelbak Company made several strategic partnerships with companies that would not only help them with growing their product but also help them increase their customer base. A strategic partnership is an agreement between businesses, these partnerships allow for strengthen operations (Lamb, Hair Jr., amp; McDaniel, 2011). One of the most profitable partnerships that Camelbak made was with DuPoint. DuPoint help in the development of the LIRR system (Low Infrared Reflective) which helps shield soldiers from enemy detection. This partnership allowed Camelbak to sell to the military which increased their customer base. Camelbak sells to a
  • 11. Case Study Of Disneyland I would like to choose Hong Kong Disneyland (Case 6 20) for conducting an analysis. The Walt Disney Company was created in 1923. The mission of the company is to provide superior entertainment experiences for the guests of all ages. Walt Disney Company opened the two theme parks in United State. Afterwards, they adopted the international expansion strategy which opened Disney in Tokyo and Paris. However, the outcomes of theme parks in Tokyo and Paris were very extreme. Tokyo Disney Resortwas one of the most successful theme park in the world. On the Contrary, Disney Resort Paris was much less successful. The major reason causes this extreme result was the cultural differences between two countries which I would discover below. Disneyland ... Show more content on ... At the beginnings, there were some startup problems encountered by them. The first problem was about the miscalculation on the capacity limit of the park. The capacity limit of park which HKDL estimated was 30,000 visitors per day. On the first day of the operation, there were 29,000 guests entered the park. This caused the average waiting time for the attractions more than two hours. And the average queuing time of the restaurants was 45 minutes. HKDL has experienced the lesson and decrease the capacity limit afterwards. On the other hand, they extend the park s opening time by one hour and encourage weekdays visit by providing several discounts to solve this problem. The second issue which HKDL had restricted the police or the inspectors from hygiene department to get into the park. Unless there is a pre arrangement with the park s security department. For examples, a guest and his daughter were in the Main Street, U.S.A. and they were hurt by detritus. HKDL refused to call ambulance as they would not like to damage the happiness or fantasized image of the theme park. To solve this problem Disneyland appease the guest and his daughter with a Winnie the Pooh ride with priority
  • 12. August Vollmer Community Policing August Vollmer and his accomplices recommended training and education as two of the main components in professionalism in policing (Bohm Haley, 2014). When Vollmer advocated for training he begun to hire more qualified and educated people that were able to perform the job more effectively. In the past, there were no requirements for individuals to start the job so the candidates weren t fitting the job. Vollmer also wanted the politics and policing separated (Bohm Haley, 2014). His reform was used to to eliminate political influences, gain control of officers, and establish crimefighting priorities (Bohm Haley, 2014, Pg. 147). Vollmer s reform had a great impact on the department and made great changes such as: limiting the police functions to law enforcementrelated functions only, enforced... Show more content on ... Community Policing took a different perspective on crime than August Vollmer. It shows that even though police officers are trained and respond to crimes on time, it doesn t effect the crime rates. In the past foot patrol was in place but it quickly failed due to poor management and not enough funds for the program (Bohm Haley, 2014, Pg. 147). Community Policing was an idea to form a bond between the police and the citizens. If the police paid more attention to the minor problems in
  • 13. Stereotypes In The Outsiders Stereotype; a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. In the realistic fiction novel, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, and in the short story, Geeks Bearing Gifts , written by Ron Koertge, stereotypes are defied by ordinary people. In The Outsiders, Johnny Cade and Darry Curtis face many struggles throughout their lives. Their town in separated into two: the rich and dangerous Socs, and the quiet, tough Greasers. For them, living dangerously is a reality. As a result of their lifestyle, Johnny has become fearful and Darry is considered the toughest man in the gang. In Geeks Bearing Gifts aspiring journalist, Renee, interviews her fellow classmates who are classified as outcasts. After meeting several students, she realizes her assumptions were incorrect about them. After reading both of these stories, the reader learns that our thoughts about others often revolve around stereotypes and assumptions, but most of these ideas that we have about other peopleare proven wrong. In The Outsiders, Johnny and Darry find themselves struggling with the stereotype society has labeled them with. While in the park, Johnny and his friend Ponyboy are jumped by five Socs. Unexpectedly, Johnny stands up for himself and protects his friend. On page 56, the text states, I killed him, he said slowly. I killed that boy . Bob the handsome Soc, was lying there in the moonlight, doubled up and still. This demonstrates that although Johnny is considered a timid and innocent person, he proves that how he acts in the gang is different from how he acts in the outside world. This is unexpected because Johnny is always the one being cared for in the gang. However, he protected his friend by killing someone. Johnny s actions prove that our assumptions about others are wrong. This matters because society needs to realize that based on stereotypes, we incorrectly judge others before getting to know them. Johnny is a clear example of what happens when one is judged based on assumptions. Another example of this theme is reflected when Darry breaks down at a hospital after finding out that his younger brother, Ponyboy, is going to be okay. On pages 98 99, the text states, Darry,
  • 14. Using Conditional Copula to Estimate Value Risk Review: Using Conditional Copula to Estimate Value at Risk ActSc 991 Project Changwu (Allen) Chen April 14, 2014 1 1 Introduction Value at Risk (VaR) plays a central role in risk management. By definition, VaR is the maximum expected loss of a portfolio over a given time horizon with a certain confidence level. VaR can be seen as a quantile on the lower tail of the distribution of portfolio returns. Although VaR is a simple measure, it is not easily estimated. There are several approaches for the estimation of VaR, such as historical simulations, the variance covariance, and the Monte Carlo approaches. The first approach does not assume any underlying distribution, whereas the last two approaches demand the joint distribution to be known, which frequently assumed to be normal distribution. However, the deviation from normality could lead to an inadequate VaR estimate. In this case, the portfolio could be either riskier than desired or unnecessarily conservative. The theory of copula is a powerful tool in modelling multivariate distributions be cause it does not require the assumption of joint normality and it is a marginal free model. Copula have been broadly used in the statistical literature. And due to its simplicity and convenience, one may be interested in its application in the financial area. In this paper I will first give a brief summary of the paper written by Helder Parra Palaro and Luiz Koodi Hotta [1]. Then I will discuss the key results presented in the paper
  • 15. Bellagio Hotel And Casino Personal Feelings I can attest that I heard the most memorable experience at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino. I got to experience life from a different angle comparing to what I was used to. During my time at the hotel, I relaxed and comfortable. The spa facilities were very helpful considering the massages were magnificent, I have never been more relaxed in my life. The dishes did not disappoint. The fitness facility through its services made me appreciate the importance of working out and keeping fit. The botanic gardens also made me appreciate nature mostly because of its beauty and serenity. The musical fountains made me nostalgic mainly because the music was iconic. I was also impressed with the customer service the hotelprovided right from the valet to the facilities that were present in the hotel. The view especially enticed me to the hotel, it also motivated me to visit the hotel again. I would advise that persons who are seeking serene environments that would ensure relaxation... Show more content on ... I obtained first hand information and experience of the hotel. The hotel appreciates the serenity of the natural environment this has been shown through the hotel s conservatory and botanical gardens. The hotel appreciation of fine music through its fountain musicals was epic. The physical structure of the hotel helped in portraying different themes from the conservatory, Japanese spring bloom to the modern theme. Bellagio location is interesting considering it is located on the Las Vegas strip, thus making it suitable for the comfort and relaxation of its customers. The Bellagio hotel has therefore encouraged socialization, entertainment, and appreciation for nature. I would visit this hotel repeatedly because I believe that its service space is effective and efficient enough, as it provides an intimate environment that is suitable for customer
  • 16. Observation of a Hallway Essay The building labeled B appears to be the main building for courses at Local Community College. Students walk in and out of the building all day and stop only to enter a classroom or buy food from the vending machines which fill one corner of the building s long hallway. Often, students sit on the chairs that line the walls while waiting for a class to start, but for now the hallway is nearly empty and waiting for the ambush of students. Outside the classroom, a number plaque reading one hundred and seventy is sitting on the wall framed in blue. Another door nearby opens and the wind rustles the papers of the notebook that sits on a chair. Three people stroll casually out of the room and walk on the one foot by one foot ... Show more content on ... She pulls out a new crisp one dollar bill and inserts it in the machine. The hallway itself is long and extends in a straight line. The walls are painted a light grayish blue and the edges are lined by a molding the color of sand. Across from a classroom door, a fire extinguisher rests in its case concealed by dark glass. A young man also sits across from the door. He has dark hair about two inches long, and has it styled in casual disarray. His facial features are well formed, having a strong line about his jaw and thick eyebrows. His eyes are the color of the sky before a storm. His body is well proportioned and his clothes are made of designer quality. Other students walk by, but he does not look up and, even when addressed. He simply nods or speaks quietly and seems to be engrossed in the study of his book. The air is filled with a sweet aroma as another female student walks by. The perfume is strong and people choke and turn their heads when she walks past them. The sound of noisy flip flops coming down the hallway alerts the boy and he rises to greet his friend. When standing, he is about six feet tall and seems to be well muscled. His friend was of much the same description, only the friend is slightly less muscled and his eyes are the color of the sky on a clear day. Girls leaning against the walls and sitting in the chairs in the hallway, stare at the two young men exiting the building in which they wait. The young men pay no attention and
  • 17. An Internship Is A Professional Program Introduction In the recent years employers are more interested in hiring new workers with a handful of experience in their field rather than their qualifications. An internship is a professional program that provides practical experiences to students in which they learn and can reflect back on for their future careers. Internships are increasingly becoming more evident in the work force as it helps give employers an opportunity to find good quality employees and in return provides good experience for the intern. Participating in internships, no matter paid or unpaid, is believed to strengthen the probability of acquiring a top notch career in the competitive market. However, the difference between paid and unpaid interns can dramatically change that window of opportunity for those seeking to engage in it. As unemployment rates continue to rise, the competition for internshipincreases. A large part of the demand market includes newly graduated students who just finished a high educational degree in hopes to outshine their peers who are pursuing the same job. A significant amount of these young people are willingly taking on unpaid internships with the risk of them being unable to sustain their financial need. This ultimately hinders them from climbing up the social ladder (DiMaria, 2013). In addition to this problem, although there are a few unpaid internships out there that unprejudiced and moral, some employers who see unpaid internship as an opening for free labor with
  • 18. Warriors Don T Cry Analysis During the 50s and 60s african american citizens were oppressed through years of abuse mentality and physically, the book warriors don t cry is a story of a young girl melba pattillo Beals who is a african american student who integrated to a all white high school along with 8 other students, melba and her friends are harmed mentally and physically at little rock. And they still managed to make the best out of their situation through positive change for example when a group of students dieced to gang up on melba and beat her up a white person named link dieced to help her, instead of joining in on the attack he dieced to help her with positive change all though he had to call her names like nigger he still lent her his car to escape the attackers.
  • 19. The Overcoat Literary Analysis In the short story The Overcoat, Nikolai Gogol satirizes government bureaucracy and illustrates the ridiculousness of government figures. In the story, a ninth class clerk named Akaky has a new overcoat stolen from him, and when he goes to the government for help, he is met with disdain that eventually causes him to fall ill and die. Through the literary devices of tone, point of view, and characterization, Gogol makes mockery of social classes and the government. In the story, Gogol uses a humorous tone to satirize government officials. Although the subject matter is very serious with Akaky s poor lifestyle on top of the crime he has fallen victim to, Gogol uses humor to illustrate the silliness of government officials. One prime example ... Show more content on ... He does this by telling the story in third person omniscient, and emphasizing the silliness of the government s mindset by entering it, while also showing Akaky s shock to the ridiculous actions of government officials. An example of this is the conversation between the important personage and Akaky over the crime of his stolen overcoat. When Akaky first enters the office of the important personage, the important personage is said to have spoken with a hard sharp voice, that he has practiced at home in front of a mirror, before taking the job. Although it is shown to the audience that the harsh disposition of the important personage is a farce, Akaky can not see this. Gogol then flips to his perspective, where Akaky is attempting to control his tongue because he is so scared. After the important personage attempts to establish himself as superior, Akaky has to be taken out of the office, where he is almost unconscious. The perspective then flips back to the important personage, who is pleased at the dramatic effect that he had created. Gogol uses this third person omniscient point of view in order to show not only the sham of the self important government officials, but also to illustrate its disastrous effect on the lower class. By looking at the situation from
  • 20. The Relationship Between Phonology And Morphology 3.The relationship between Phonology and Morphology. The relation between the distribution of phonemes and grammatical units such as morphemes and words is therefore an aspect of the interface between Phonology and morphology. Both Phonology and Morphology study various patterns in languages all over the world. Considering the similarities of these fields, both are engaged in the scientific analysis of languages. Both are sub branches of Linguistics and without studying Phonology, one cannot move on to Morphology. There is an inter relationship between these subjects. For differences, we can identify that Phonology mainly concentrates on sound systems of a language while Morphology pays attention to the word and the morphemes of a language. (Booij, 2007) Then, in general, the interaction between phonology and morphology can be illustrated into at least four points: 1 Phonological rules may precede the morphological rules. Therefore, phonemes are considered to be the basic units of speech sound by which morphemes are represented. According to Kiparsky (1985), there are two common word internal phonological domains, level 1 or the stem level, ... Show more content on ... Its pronunciation varies between [s], [z], and [ЙЄz], as in maps, games, and glasses respectively. A purely phonological realization would most likely assign to these three ending phonemic representations /s/, /z/ or /ЙЄz/. On a morphophonological level, however, they may all be considered forms of the underlying object //z//, which is a morphophoneme. The different forms it takes depend on the segment at the end of the morpheme to which it attaches: the dependencies are described by morphophonological rules. The behaviour of the English past tense ending ed is similar, it can be pronounced /t/, /d/ or /ЙЄd/, as in worked, bobbed and loaded respectively. (Hargus, Kaisse‏, 1993) and (Hayes,
  • 21. I Love Lucy Research Paper I love Lucy, The Best Show of All Time пїјI had an interesting conversation about television, with my beloved grandmother Shirley this weekend. I was curious to know how the enjoyment of television has changed over the years. I wanted to know how she remembered watching television as a child , what programs she watched, who watched the program with her, and what the most memorable show she watched was. There are those certain things in life that you just can t seem to ever forget, and they will be with you throughout the rest of your life once you encounter them. Watching an episode of I Love Lucy is one of those encounters, was just one of the positive things Shirley said about the show. She also stated, I Love Lucy was a show above all shows that will live on in my hearts till death do us part. It was a classic, insurmountable breakthrough in the history of television, and it is for that reason, that people all over the world today still enjoy how hilarious and heartwarming this show was able to accomplish being. I Love Lucy was an American television sitcom starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, and William Frawley. The black and white series originally ran from October 15, 1951, to May 6, 1957, on CBS. The show, which was the first scripted television ... Show more content on ... It was a major source of entertainment for me and my family. Times were hard back then, and that half hour of television provided us all with an escape. I Love Lucy was supreme. This show is my favorite of all time and it is far better than any other show I have ever seen, which includes other shows at that time such as Leave It To Beaver, The Beverly Hillbillies, and The Dick Van Dyke Show. Sure, all of this is just in my opinion, but I also know I am agreed with on these opinions by thousands, of people all over the world who have had the pleasure and honor of having this show be a part of their
  • 22. Two Sisters Struggles Two Sisters Big Dream I had the wrong gender, looks, DNA, and hometown for music business success in the era we grew up in. But aren t the sweetest parts about music always what s wrong? said Ann Wilson of the band Heart at their induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Heart did many great things that will never be forgotten. Heart is a very successful band lead by two sisters, Ann and Nancy Wilson. They showed the world women can rock by fronting a band, the hole band grew up in the same area, they had many struggles, and they are known for several legendary songs. Seattle, Washington is home to many of the bands musicsations. The Wilson sisters spent most of their childhood in Southern California. They moved to the Seattle suburbs when their dad retired. Ann was a singer and Nancy played guitar. The Wilson sisters, original lead guitarist Roger Fisher, and bass guitarist Steve Fossen all lived in Seattle. The heart of Heart changed over time but the music was ... Show more content on ... Ann and Nancy came across problems everywhere they went because they were females playing rock music. They did not think that if they were female they would be looked down on. They thought if they were good at their instruments they would be treated as real musicians. Heart did many great things like awards and being woman rockers. From 1976 1982 six of their most popular albums were Dreamboat Annie, Little Queen, Magazine, Dog and Butterfly, Bebe le Strange Greatest Live Hits, and Private Audition. They had three number one hits, What about Love , Never , and These Dreams. Another achievement of Heart was they got inducted for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the fall of 2013. The thing they were most known for was having two woman as their leaders. Heart got criticised for that but used it to their advantage. Instead they became a novelty because there were few female rockers people wanted to see them play and they became rock
  • 23. Christopher Marlowe Influence Christopher Marlowe is a great Elizabethan dramatist. He has taken birth in Canterbury Kent on 6 February 1564. In this same year Shakespeare has also taken birth. Elizabeth I was in power at that time. Marlowe s father s name is John Marlowe. He is a shoe maker. Canterbury is a little city today but in the 16th century it was a large and well settled one. During the birth of Christopher Marlowe Canterbury s population was about 4,000. It looks like a village for us now, but by Elizabethan values it was a good range. Marlowe is known as father of English tragedy and leader of English poets .He is a great English Renaissance writer. He is a such a great writer that his contemporaries got influence from him. Even the great writer Shakespeare ... Show more content on ... He is the man who has brought a uniqueness in English plays. There is force, suspense, comedy and horror in his plays. He is such a great writer that a poet Algernon Charles Swinburne says about Marlowe that Marlowe is the father of English tragedy and the originator of English blank verse, he is also the teacher and the guide of Shakespeare. Shakespeare and Marlowe both have produced plays for Lord Strange s acting company and they influenced each other s work. Shakespeare has also favored the blank verse. In May 1593 Marlowe was accused of atheism. A man named Thomas Kyd was arrested and contrary notes were found in his room. Kyd told the notes belong to Christopher Marlowe. Before the Privy Council could take action Marlowe was stabbed and killed in an argument in a house in Deptford on 30 May 1593. After this, Christopher Marlowe was buried in Deptford. Reason of Marlowe death is a mystery. But some people think that Marlowe has been killed because of a conspiracy, but aggressive fighting was common in the 16th century. As there was no police force most people were carrying knives for self protection. Unfortunately arguments commonly resulted in
  • 24. Essay on Life in the 1850 s Life in the 1850 s In 1850, Scandinavian gold miners in California formed the first ski clubs in the United States. On June 2nd, a series of fires destroyed several million dollars worth of property in San Francisco. In 1851, Cornelius Vanderbilt established a steam ship route from New York to California. In 1852, Congress established the Oregon territory. A year later, a San Francisco club introduced the Irish sport of hurling into the United States. That same year a yellow fever epidemic killed 5,000 people in New Orleans. In 1854, the Kansas Nebraska Act opened the Kansas and Nebraska territories to popular sovereignty on the issue of slavery. In 1855, violence erupted over the expansion of ... Show more content on ... In the late 1850 s, dogfights were growing in the south, in New Orleans and Kentucky. (Chronicle of America; American Eras; Encarta Encyclopedia; In 1850, the gunfighter Benjamin F. Thompson established a reputation for himself by participating in at least 14 shootouts over the next three decades. California passed the Foreign Miners Tax. As a result of the population explosion after the Gold Rush, a wave of violence hit California. In one fifteen month span in Los Angeles 44 homicides occurred. As a part of the Compromise of 1850, Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act in September. On July 23, 1851, members of the Sioux nation signed the Treaty of Traverse des Sioux, ceding to the U.S. government much of their land in Iowa and Minnesota. In 1853, the U.S. and Mexico negotiated the Gadsden Purchase, whereby the former received 29,644 square miles of territory (the southernmost areas of present
  • 25. day Arizona and New Mexico) for $15 million. The purchase established the final boundaries of the continental U.S. and provided the needed land for a railroad route. The U.S. Senate approved the purchase in June 1854. In People v. Hall, the California Supreme Court held that no Chinese witnesses would be allowed to give testimony against a white man. In Clarke County, Missouri, David McKee organized the Anti Horse Thief Association. In 1855, California counted 370
  • 26. Wine Strategic Plan Essay I. Executive summary The quality and reputation of wellington wine have a key role to play in strengthening wellington wine s brand promise of being a vibrant and welcoming place that celebrates the good things in life. Wellington wines core brand attribute of being Australia s home of exceptional wine and produce, complements other core brand attributes of un spoilt nature at close proximity, enterprising tradition of creativity and innovation, and a beautiful city and festival spirit. The Strategic Plan target is to achieve an increase in Australia wine market from $50 billion in 2011 2012 to $57.5 billion in 2012 2013. The wellington strategic Plan identifies the priority strategies to achieve this target. One of these... Show more content on ... * Lack of resources for grower organizations to meet increasing demands for relationship management in the wine industry value chain, with government and the general community * Lack of capital for small growers and wineries to fund new initiatives and market opportunities Opportunities * To grow the market for the future of this company will be win more market share in line with increasing Australia wine consumption, * With the growing consummation of wellington wine in Australia market line increasing per capita wine consumption. * Promoting the wellington wine for food service and hospitality sectors in amongst Australia and overseas traveller, promoting worldwide who are seeking quality branded wines building high level collaboration in the value chain for increasing competitiveness in the world wine market, * Developing wine grape grower relationships with the Australian Government through the Industry Partnerships Programmers. Threats * There are a number of very serious economic threats that cloud the short term outlook. * Domestic inflation is high in Australia, the governments keep rising the taxгЂ‚ * Production costs are
  • 27. The Moral And Philosophical Values Of China The Analects of Confucius, were written around 500 BC and are most commonly attributed to late great Confucius. However, the text was written by his disciples, around thirty year following his passing. The Analects have greatly influenced the moral and philosophical values of China and arguably around the world have been influenced by the moral and philosophical values of the Analects. The passage has remained a fundamental course of study for any Chinese scholar for approximately two thousand years. During the Sui Dynasty, a candidate s ability to apply Confucian philosophy and logic was crucial. So much so, that there was even an examination. The first book seems to be more of introduction to Confucius and his disciples, as well as, a glimpse of the many virtues and personal characteristics one must possess and how one must behave The Master said: As a younger brother and son, be filial at home and deferential in the community be cautious I what you say and then make good on your word; love the multitude broadly and be intimate with those who are authoritative in their conduct. If in so behaving you still have energy left, use it to imprve yourself through study ( page 72 section 16). The second book focuses governance, as it is stated at the very beginning of book II The master said: Governing with excellence can be compared to being the North Star: The North Star dwells in its place, and the multitude of stars pay it tribute (page 7 section 2.) The reaming books
  • 28. People s Love At First Sight By Sylvia Plath People dream of falling in love at first sight. Sylvia Plath, an American writer, experienced the desirable moment the first time she saw Ted Hughes, an English poet (Middlebrook). The romantic relationship between Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath grew instantly. They both shared a love of writing, but yet their relationship began to go downhill five years after their marriage (Popova). The marriage between Ted Hughesand Sylvia Plath was destructive because of Sylvia s unstable mental health and Ted s unfaithfulness, but it was also beneficial because of their strong writing relationship. Sylvia Plath, an American poet, was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts ( Sylvia Plath Biography ). When Sylvia was eight years old, she... Show more content on ... The Wild West was one of the first poems he wrote that was published in his school magazine ( Ted Hughes Biography ). When Hughes entered college, he studied English, but then changed to archeology and anthropology at Pembroke College. Even as an archeologist and anthropology major, Ted continued to wow people with his poetry ( Ted Hughes Biography ). When people read his poetry, it was like they [entered] a world dominated by nature, especially by animals ( Ted Hughes ). His love for animals led him to become a poet and inspired him to write The Hawk in the Rain in 1957 and Wolfwatching and Moortown Diary in 1989 ( Ted Hughes ). On February 26, 1956, Ted Hughes and other poets hosted a poetry party for the St. Botolph s Review (Popova). Sylvia arrived at the party and was immediately drawn to the big, dark, hunky boy, later known as Ted Hughes (Popova). Sylvia s first words to Ted were quotes from poems that he had written and published. Despite the amount of drinks she had consumed, she remembered her first encounter with Ted (Popova). She recorded the first day they met and it is now one of the most famous [encounters] in all literary history (Popova). Four months after they met, they got married and had two kids named Frieda and Nicholas ( Sylvia Plath Biography ). The beginning years of their marriage were very successful and they both continued to write poetry ( Ted Hughes
  • 29. Visit To Temecula, California I chose Temecula, California because I have always dreamed to visit Temecula. Temecula, California, a Large city in the southwestern region of the state, is known for skating, wineries, and shopping. Temecula also has a lot of historical sites to visit. This would be an educational and fun trip. There is many historical sites in Temecula, Californiafor instance Old Town Temecula, Peltzer farm, Temecula berry company, and Old Town Temecula jail you know the little things that Temecula is known for. These sites are all small individual historic structures, but they re what makes up Temecula. Temecula is a large city of 106,780 people. That is a lot bigger than what I am use to, Ste.Genevieve, Missouri there is only 4,405 people. That is not a lot compared to Temecula California. This city has been around since 1859. In Temecula there is many tours you can take. Especially tours of wineries. They have other tours like the scuba center, ... Show more content on ... The two that are not an hour or two away they are San Clemente State Beach and Beacon s beach. Personally I would drive to long beach even though it is about an hour and a half away. I d go for the experience to see something you wouldn t get to see every time you went to California. My overall impression of Temecula, California is that it is a great family place. Also I figured out that there was more to do than to just go to the skatepark and to go shopping and get a new skateboard. I notice that there is so much more than I even thought of. Going to Temecula, California would not only be an amazing vacation, but it is an opportunity to try new things and to learn new things as well. Old Town Temecula is going to blow your mind. So in conclusion I would give temecula a 4 out of 5 star rating. This is more of a family city. Temecula will be my future destination. Hopefully your families could enjoy this at some
  • 30. Leonardo Da Vinci s Influence On The Modern World Leonardo Da vinci invented many things, some things are almost creepy close to what we have today. Leonardo Da Vinci made things like helicopters and things similar to tanks. He a machine gun crossbow. Leonardo Da Vinci Made giant crossbows, this crossbow was made to scare the enemy. This Crossbow would be 27 yards across. This Giant crossbow could shoot boulders or possibly explosives. Leonardo Da Vinci also made an idea that would later become the parachute Leonardo never tested this idea, and no one else ever tested this idea because they were too scared. Because it had a wooden part and it was weird in shape. Though a daredevil by the name Adrian Nichols made a prototype and tested it in the 200 s. The daredevil Adrian Nichols said that he thought it had a smoother ride than the modern parachute. ... Show more content on ... This vehicle was round and almost looked like a turtle shell, and it had a metal casing on it with a cannon on top.There was a problem with the levers, people suggest that this could because Leonardo didn t want this in war because he might have been a pacifist. Another thing Leonardo Da Vinci made was a scuba diving outfit. His purpose for this was to attack enemy ships from underneath. Leonardo Da Vinci s scuba diving outfit had tubes going to the surface for air. Leonardo Da Vinci s scuba diving outfit had an inflation feature which could lower the person deeper or make them go higher to the surface more easily. Leonardo Da Vinci s scuba diving outfit had one more feature. The Scuba diving outfit had a pouch that you could urinate in. Leonardo Da Vinci s idea of the helicopter was a human powered machine, one thing that Leonardo did not understand though is that much more energy than a human could make would be required to make a device fly. Leonardo Da Vinci knew that when you make something spin really fast it would create significant friction so Leonardo made a bearing to lower the
  • 31. Prophecies In Aeneids In The Aeneid, Virgil uses many prophecies. They begin in the first few lines and last throughout the poem. Many are directed toward Aeneas, but some are to his relatives and friends. The prophecies shown allow the reader to better understand the situation and also provide insight about Rome. Prophecies are an important key to The Aeneid. Prophecies are very important to Virgil s The Aeneid. Early on, Virgil does not hide what will happen, but instead, he allows the reader insight through many prophecies. In the first few lines, Juno makes the statement that generations born of Trojan blood would one day overthrow her Tyrian walls. (32). In predicting this, she allows us, the reader, to understand that all of the characters knows what is happening and it is just a matter of time before the Trojans will take over Carthage. The prophecy Virgil projects through Juno is not only a prophecy seen in the book, but Virgil also wants the reader to acknowledge that this prophecy is a representation of what will happen to Rome in the future. Also in Book I, still very near the beginning, another prophecy is seen. During the storm (128), Aeneas is remembering all of the people he knew that died in the battle. He begins to pray for all of them and he asks why his life was not taken too. Aeneas wonders why all of the strong warriors died and his life was spared. Just as he is questioning this great mystery, another gust of wind takes many of the remaining ships under. Aeneas becomes
  • 32. Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber Point Of View In Hemingway s short story Short happy Life of Francis Macomber, Hemingway uses author techniques of perspective to show readers the characterization of the three main protagonists in this story. Hemingway creates a multipart claim using perspective as well as dialogue to show readers a pervasive, negative tone carried throughout the story. Wilson, Francis, and Margaret are characterized by multiple perspectives with multiple traits and negative aspects to their characters. Wilson s state of mindis quite judgmental towards the Macombers, basing his thoughts on their actions. However, he later comes to the conclusionthat Francis, in particular, is not the man he thought he was. Hemingway shows this shift through dialogue and an attitude change. To... Show more content on ... Wilson then couldn t believe Francis approached him to ask if he was going to mention the situation with anyone from the Mathaiga Club. In Wilson s internal dialogue, he felt shocked from Francis approach and felt as if Francis was an even more coward along with being an unexpected American. Hemingway uses Wilson s inner thoughts on Francis as a perspective to express his judgment towards others. Later, Wilson began to connect in some type of way with Francis through their discussion on strategies for catching the lion.Wilson goes on to discuss how inaccurate it is to leave a wounded lion out in the wild for the safety of others that may be roaming. Through the dialogue between him and Francis, Wilson goes into explanation on how Francis ideas won t work for various reasons. The discussion demonstrates the interest Francis has on the structure of hunting a lion and the connection they begin to develop. The dialogue written by Hemingway allows the reader see Wilson s judgment about Francis slowly fading as Francis is now attracted to the technique and strategy on
  • 33. The And Structure Of The Intellectual Argument When you write a persuasive essay, it s good to think about how you will construct your argument, from the way you will organize your key points to how and where you will disprove opposing views. A lot of students find it hard to identify what it is that makes a good piece of essay writing. At the core of such writing, it is the nature and structure of the intellectual argument. So, what is an argument? An argument is well defined as giving of reasons, evidence and support for a claim that something is true. Most importantly, there are two essential elements involved in addressing arguments as the basis of critical thinking. The first component is argument identification and the second element is argument evaluation. In this section, we will focus on identification of argument. It is important that you recognize which kind of essay questions need some judgment, and then be able to construct a compelling, convincing argument in your essay writing. A key cause of complaint from tutors is that students at all levels do not do this perfectly and end up making their writing descriptive instead of argumentative. You may be caught by surprise to hear that the word argument does not require to be written anywhere in your assignment for it to be an important part of your task. In fact, making an argument then later on expressing a point of view on a subject and going ahead to support it with evidence is often the primary aim of academic writing. Your instructor perhaps assumes
  • 34. Hannah Webster Foster s The Coquette ( 1797 ) And William... Hannah Webster Foster s The Coquette (1797) and William Hill Brown s The Power of Sympathy (1789) are epistolary novels that outline the inevitable perils and consequences (for women) of carelessly becoming a victim of male seduction. These provocative novels allow readers to enter a sexual private sphere of society, one that may have been deemed taboo, through letters depicting the art of seduction. Women were expected to subscribe to the societal expectations of appropriate female behavior. In addition, literacy was at transformative state at the staging of both novels; morals lessons (within the household) could now be found in non biblical mediums of literature. The divergence from reading for devotion to reading for entertainment and intellect was pivotal. The perceived dangers of this, however, were that novels which expose no particular Vice, and which recommend no particular Virtue, to the fair Reader, though she may find amusement, must finish them without being impressed with any particular idea (Brown, 7). Brown implies that, by misinterpreting seduction novels, women would not be able to perform their political and social role as republican mothers that these novels would penetrate their moral compass and leave them vulnerable to the powers of seduction. The seduction that befall women in Brown s The Power of Sympathy and Foster s The Coquette reinforce the expected role of women in the New Republic, highlight the horrifying consequences that accompany
  • 35. Organized Crime as the Main Factor that Led to Failure of... Organized Crime as the Main Factor that Led to Failure of Prohibition In January 1919 the 18th Amendment outlawed the manufacture, transportation and sale of liquor, backed up by the Volstead Act which classify liquor as any drink which contained 0.5% alcohol or more. Different groups backed this new law but it was also opposed by many. Prohibition, never succeeded. There were various reasons why the enforcing of Prohibition failed. Both presidential candidates in 1932 were wet so on 5th December 1933 Prohibition was finally abolished by the 21st Amendment 14 years after it had been introduced. But was organised crime and the gangsters the only reason why Prohibition failed? I will give a... Show more content on ... There was a public demand for alcohol, so many people took up the opportunity to supply this growing demand and many ordinary US citizens were turned into criminals. The law was escaped by many US citizens, some of them weren t even discovered. In a single year. The public still had the benefit of drinking alcohol and when the saloons and shops selling alcohol were shut, the public found substitutes. Some had stills in their own homes and some called on speakeasies. Convicted offenders against Prohibition were often let off mildly. Standard fines were about $130 and even serious offenders were imprisoned for less than six months. A immense percentage of the country still drank and some drank more than they did before Prohibition as alcohol was so easy to find. However some of this alcohol was not the type of alcohol that they were used to drinking which resulted in many health problems. More employees were probably absent from work than before Prohibition, with alcohol poisoning from drinking the moonshine , which frequently resulted in blindness and death. This was because of the types of alcohol sold, where no one knew quite what they were getting. In fact much of this alcohol was industrial alcohol, unfit for consumption which caused blistered lips. Lack of public support was definitely quite
  • 36. What Is The Cause Of The Deadliest War In Human History World war II, which is recognized as the deadliest war in human history. Drowned in casualties, the long and bearing war claimed the lives of nearly 70 million people. To put that into perspective, that is more than 19 thousand a day, 800 an hour, and 13 a minute. It began September 18, 1931, due to numerous reasons, and became one of the biggest world tragedies before it ended over 10 years later. To begin, the war began due to a myriad of reasons. Hugely due to the uprise of military and totalitarian regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan. ( World War II par 1). Which who would later be known as the Axis powers. An occurrence that stemmed from the great depression that traveled throughout the world in the early 1930s. Also due to the horrific
  • 37. A Film Analysis Of The Film Slumdog Millionaire Films from all around the world are filled with life lessons and meaning. They are not only created for entertainment, but sometimes to portray specific morals. This way, they can be enjoyable, in addition to being informative with long lasting effects. Some small things tend to go unnoticed while watching, but when they are seen and analyzed, they can have the greatest impact. The movie Slumdog Millionaire is filled with major social issues, ethics and morals. It has specific goals and purposes for viewers to grasp and think about further. The film depicts a major social issue: economic inequality and power; some of the most prominent examples are the divisions caused by wealth and power, the fact that money does not fix all problems, the tendencies and opportunities of the wealthy, and what extremes people will do for money. From the beginning, there were scenes that showed the atrocities and conditions of the Mumbai slums in which the brothers Jamal and Salim lived. It gives the idea that this is the harsh reality of every part of that area, until a mansion owned by the gangster, Javed, is shown. (Slumdog Millionaire, 01:12:00 01:13:40). The gap in wealth is immense and creates a division between the people. We all know there are the wealthy and non wealthy, but this film allows you to really visualize it for yourself. People from the slums and owners of mansions are in an entirely different world. This film has the opportunity to spread awareness to more fortunate
  • 38. Benefits Of Children Believing In Santa Claus The Christmas Debate: Benefits of Children Believing in Santa Claus Shortly after the trees appear barren after losing all their leaves, most houses and businesses also alter appearances for the season. Many families drag out boxes of red and green decorations to transform their homes for the holidays. Parents may brave the line stretching down the mall so their child can tell Father Christmas, or Santa Claus, what he or she wishes to unwrap on Christmas morning. Some question the effect on a child s health or morals associated with the belief in Santa Claus, but with research and psychologists weighing in on the subject state there is no traumatic evidence apparent in letting a child have faith in Santa Claus. Evidence gathered by these studies may suggest a benefit for youth. Children should have the opportunity to believe in Santa Claus because it enhances creativity and can improve mental health, shows young individuals an example of giving without expecting anything in return, and when the time comes, forces kids to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality. Fraser (2015) found that the individual whose story inspired the mythical Santa, also known as Saint Nicholas, originates from a bishop living in Turkey during the third century. Nikolaos of Myra refused to worship the then Roman Emperor Diocletian, and was imprisoned until Emperor Constantine freed the Christians five years later. He went on to show kindness and compassion by anonymously giving gifts
  • 39. Art And Three Elements Of Art Influence In A Restaurant The painting I will analysis is painting 4. The painting has described the context in a high end restaurant. Based on the dress code of the guests, I guess this painting is in the past and those people are lords. They are having conservation in the restaurant during leisure. It is noteworthy that some of them wear heavy makeup. Now, I will analysis this painting on three art elements and three principles of design. The most significant element in this painting is color. Color acts as a vital role in many paintings. In this painting, it depicted the atmosphere of the restaurant. Analyzing this painting as a whole picture, I divided it into four corners evenly. The upper left corner is the group of people with two men at the back. The upper right corner is the walls of the restaurant with two women. The hue of both upper parts is tertiary blue green mixed up with little secondary orange. Despite this, blue green is still the predominant color on both upper parts. The bottom left corner is the railing. The right bottom corner is the floor of the restaurant and the woman with neutral black clothing. In regard to the details, the outline of the railing is in tertiary red orange and the railing is in secondary orange. Among the group of people, the men at the left and the woman in the middle wear primary red and tertiary red violet clothing respectively. The major hue of left bottom part is secondary orange, tertiary red orange, and tertiary ... Show more content on ... Through the placement and size of the figures, the artist successfully creates a visual emphasis. Viewer s eyes automatically attracted to the larger and dominant figures at the first glance. Consequently, the focal point is located at the weird woman at the right corner. Her striking facial expression made the woman stand out among figures and directs the viewer s attention to a center of interest. It seems to show a complex personality of this
  • 40. Internship Report Essay An Internship Report as Intern Programmer Analyst Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree Of MASTERS in COMPUTER SCIENCE By Rahul Sharma NALAM ( 700630254) Under the guidance of Dr. Xiaodong Yue Department of Mathematics Computer Science, University of central Missouri, Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 PREFACE This document specifies the work that I did during the Internship course at RAMPS International Inc., New Jersy under the guidance of Dr. Xiaodong Yue (UCMO). Starting with the report, It gives the complete overview of my activities and technical experience gained through the course CS5020. I hope that I was successful in representing my work in this report in a very simple way and also technically right. Rahul Sharma NALAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very thankful to Dr. Xiaodong Yue for being my adviser throughout the intern program. I also want to thank my supervisor and the team for their motivation and support during the program. They helped me to complete this work successfully. I want to express my appreciation to the department of computer science for giving me this opportunity to take internship at any organization. CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION5 1.1 Place and Form of Work5 2. Project and Responsibilities5 3. Technical Skills Learned7 4. Role Description7 5.
  • 41. Wesfarmers Financial Analysis FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW MPA702 FINANCIAL INTERPRETATION Unit chair: Dr. Wen Qu Written assignment T2 2014 Analysis and interpretation of the performance of Wesfarmers Group No: 03 Prepared by: Zafer Han(700270889) Kaustav Pandey(214362404) Yujie Yin(212520114) Gavin Van Arkadie (214349824) Yuthi Srivastava(212358103) Words count: 1021 We certify that the attached work is entirely our own, except where material quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in the text. We also declare that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other unit or course. Table of Contents 1.0Introduction... Show more content on ... Whereas the investors primarily use the Return on investment ratio to monitor how well the company is utilizing their investment. 2.3Gross Profit Margin The gross profit margin is defined as a budgetary metric used to evaluate a company s monetary wellbeing or efficiency by uncovering the proportion of money left over from incomes in the wake of representing the expense of merchandise sold (Bussiness.qld, 2014). The Gross profit margin is a useful source for paying additional expenses and future savings. In $million 2011 2012 2013 EBIT 03,232 03,549 03,658 Sales 52,891 55,897 57,897 Gross profit margin 6.1% 6.3% 6.3% Table 1.2 Gross Profit Margin calculations, 2011 to 2013 The Gross Profit Margin remained stable over this period, which tells us that Wesfarmers has been efficient in the production and distribution of its products. From a management perspective, Wesfarmers should be able to remain profitable as long as the overhead costs are controlled. Table 1.3 Comparison of Three years EBIT, Wesfarmers, 2011 2013. The above representation of EBIT should have satisfied the board that Wesfarmers profits are stable and have a steady growth. However we can also notice a gradual decrease in Target s profit earnings, raising concerns of uncontrolled overhead cost. (Wesfarmers Annual Report, 2013) 2. 4Solvency The solvency of an entity can be evaluated by the
  • 42. Computer Science In Education Essay Only 5% of United States high schools teach computer science, the study of the principles and use of computers, despite its critical importance. Even as the enrollment in science, technology, engineering, and math classes have increased in the past 20 years, the number of students enrolled in computer science has actually decreased. This can be attributed to the neglect exhibited by schools on computer science. In these 20 years, 1 billion computers have been built which makes computer science integrated : so baked into human life that it is not surprising to encounter, with social, technological, and futuristic aspects of the world. Unlike other integrated disciplines such as English or math, computer science is not a required course in... Show more content on ... Universities are already starting to require computer science classes, but this creates the question: How should computer science courses be implemented in education before University? An optimal solution must teach social problem solving skills, increase the functionality of technology, and provide an understanding of the future. The time at which computer science is introduced must also be considered to ensure students have enough prior background knowledge in other related disciplines and a basic understanding of what computer can and cannot do. In order to properly implement computer science in education, it should be required in high school education and teach the ubiquitous relationship that computer science has with the social, technological, and futuristic aspects of the world. Computer science is bound to have social impacts because of its ubiquitous nature. The most influential of these impacts is the introduction of computational thinking. Computational Thinking is a process that generalizes a solution to open ended problems. Open ended problems encourage full, meaningful answers based on multiple variables, which are derived using abstraction and automation. When solving open ended problems, computer scientists abstract notions from both the physical and theoretical worlds. Unlike mathematical notions which only consider theory, computer science combines both
  • 43. Endocarditis Research Paper VSD is a benign cardiac lesion the prognosis of which can be severely compromised with the occurrence of infective endocarditis. Surgical repair reduces the risk but does not entirely excludes it due to development of minor complications Right sided endocarditis is mainly a disease of intravenous drug abusers. It can also occur in nondrug addicts. The incidence of right sided infective endocarditis ranges from 5 10% in different series.. The majority of cases involve the tricuspid valve [1]. Isolated pulmonary valve endocarditis is rare. It is assumed that its rarity is due to the low pressure gradients within the right heart, the low prevalence of congenital malformations, the lower oxygen content of venous blood, and the differences in the... Show more content on ... In our case, the patient responded to antibiotics and became asymptomatic within 4 weeks of appropriate antibiotics, even though echocardiography showed only mild decrease in the size of vegetation. As she was asymptomatic and inflammatory markerswere normalized, we did not consider the option of surgery and put the patient on regular follow up. A review of the publisheddata indicated that the role of surgery in isolated pulmonic valveendocarditis is unclear. Recurrent pulmonary emboli are not anindication for surgery, which is only needed if fever persists despite3 weeks of appropriate antibiotic treatment in the absence of a pulmonary abscess [6]. Surgical options include debridement ofthe infected area, vegetation excision with either valve preservation or valve repair or valve replacement
  • 44. Theatrical Mask Analysis When we were presented with the task of creating a theatrical mask, that revealed something about ourselves, for our midterm I had no clue what I was going to do. Through lots of brainstorming I came up with the idea of having half of my mask be Glinda the Good Witch, from Wicked and Wizard of Oz, and the other half be Elphaba, or the Wicked Witch of the West, from the same shows. My first reason for choosing this design was the fact that it reveals my love for the theatre, and musicals particularly. That was something about myself that I felt I could reveal pretty easily through this design. When I told my friend the idea she said jovially, Oh so what you re revealing about yourself is that you re a theatre nerd. While those weren t my
  • 45. Separation Of Benzoic Acid And Alkaline Lab Report Title:Extraction:Extraction with acid and alkaline Objective: 1. To recover benzoic acid and p dichlorobenzene from its mixture using acid alkaline extraction. 2. To determine the percentage recovery and melting point of benzoic acid and p diclorobenzene. Apparatus:Separatory funnel(250mL),Buchner funnel,beaker. Materials:Benzoic acid,p dichlorobenzene,ether,10% NaOH,conc.HCl,distilled water, anhydrous CaCl2. Introduction: Organic compounds in an aqueous mixture can be separated by shaking the aqueous solution with a solvent which is immiscible with water. Extraction involves dissolving either a compound or compounds from solid into a solvent or from solution into another solvent. Acid alkaline extraction is a commonly ... Show more content on ... 11. The ether solution was decant into clean dry small conical flask. 12. Two boiling chips was added and warmed gently in the water bath until 15ml of ether remained. 13. Then,the ether solution was decat into a tarred watch glass and placed in the fume hood to allow the rest of the ether to evaporate. 14. The precipitated benzoic acid was filtered using a Buchner funnel and a flask and 5ml of cold distilled water was used to wash. 15. A current of air was drawn through the product for 5 minutes to remove as much water as possible. 16. The crystals was pressed in a folded filter paper to ensure it was completely dry. 17. The weight and melting point of the recovered benzoic acid was recorded. 18. The weight and melting point of p dichlorobenzene was recorded once all the ether was evaporated. Results: Weight before separation Benzoic acid Mass of benzoic acid = 1.0067g Mass of watch glass=19.636g Weight of filter paper = 0.3287g p dichlorobenzene Mass of p dichlorobenzene = 1.0700g Weight of evaporating dish = 52.018g Weight after separation Benzoic acid Weight of watch glass,filter paper and benzoic acid recovered = 21.441g Weight of benzoic acid recovered = 1.4763g p dichlorobenzene Weight of evaporating dish and p dichlorobenzene precipitate= 52.6415g Weight of p dichlorobenzene recovered = 0.6235g Melting point of benzoic acid = 120 МЉ C Theoretical melting point of benzoic acid
  • 46. The Journal Of Environmental Management Models And Challenges With geological experts currently heralding a new geological period, the Anthropocene (Kolbert, 2011), attention is drawn to the overarching impacts of humankind upon the environment. The article Anthropogenic nutrients and harmful algae in coastal waters , published by the Journal of Environmental Management, Davidson et al. (2014) propose that nutrients from anthropogenic sources are a major contributing factor towards the increasing occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in coastal waters worldwide. The authors conclude that the function of anthropogenically sourced nutrients in stimulating the growth of HABs is dependent on location, other parameters often regulate the occurrence of algal blooms. The article is comprehensive from a scientific perspective, accessing quantifiable parameters from an empirical cause and effect assessment. However, from an Anthropology perspective there are various perspectives which, overlooked in this article, could enrich the understanding and comprehension on the causes of HAB events. To demonstrate how anthropological perspectives could contribute a more complex understanding and interpose valuable paradigms to environmental management models and challenges. The article by Davidson et al. (2014) is critiqued with regards to the Humanistic Scientific spectrum, as well as the Holistic perspective as opposed to the Reductionist perspective, and the Temporal perspective is contrasted with the Tempocentric. However, advancing in this