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Essay on Definitions of Health
Definitions of health
It is fairly difficult to define health as there are no agreements between scholars. This is why many
sociologists focus their research on the different issues and problems of ill health.
Positive definition of health: positive health looks at the physical, emotional, intellectual aspects of a
person's wellbeing. This is in the way that they do not have any diseases or ailments.
An example of the positive definition of health in a health and social care is a nurse in who is
working in a hospital can say to one of their patients that have recently started exercising to become
more 'healthier' 'you look very healthy'.
Positive health looks at what aspects of health are there and which ones make us more
An example of holistic health could be that a psychologist's client may have bipolar disorder and
the psychologist would still focus on all of the other aspects of their client's life and not just on the
symptoms the client is experiencing of bipolar disorder.
Holistic health looks as everything as a whole and never different aspects of health individually.
World Health Organisation definition of health: the World Health Organisation defines health as "not
merely an absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social
well–being." (2013 K Pritchett Class Notes)
An example of health defined by the World Health Organisation in a health and social care setting
could be that in order for a patient of a doctors surgery to be healthy they would have to have a
complete state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being. This means that if a patient was
in a wheel chair they could never be seen as healthy as they do not have a complete state of physical
The World Health Organisation thinks that people must have all complete aspects to be completely
The Clinical Iceberg
'The Clinical Iceberg' is a term used to call the levels of illnesses that are found from official
statistics. This is because some people do not always seek medical attention when they become ill
therefore these official statistics may not be correct and showing the 'true' levels of
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Healthcare in the United States Essay
Healthcare in the United States is rooted in the private sector. The private sector directly funds 56%
of the expenditures through private health insurance, household expenditures and copays, and other
private expenditures. (CMS, 2014) The US healthcare system can thank the private sector for
providing much strength such as new diagnostic technologies, innovative treatments and procedures,
and dynamism. American hospitals and physicians are regarded internationally as being of high
quality. Americans can also be proud that the physician– patient relationship is among the most
trusted and valued relationships in the country. By allowing the private sector to take a lead role in
the healthcare system, the United States more content...
(Elhauge, 2010). Fragmentation leads to duplication of tests and effort. Often, physicians do not
have test results and notes from prior treatments. This results in wasteful duplication of efforts.
Fragmentation leads to unplanned hospitalizations. Approximately 20% of discharged Medicare
patients are re–hospitalized within thirty days. (Jencks, Williams, Coleman, 2009) It is estimated that
only 10% of those readmissions are planned. (Jencks, Williams, Coleman, 2009) Patients can receive
better continuation of care if their doctors coordinated better, if there was better discharge planning
and incentives for providers to control costs after the patient has been discharged. A patient centered
medical home (PCMH) could integrate patient care. A patient centered medial home is a team of
healthcare providers coming together to improve the health of a specific population. A PCMH is
designed to integrate primary care and specialists into improve care coordination, safety and
quality.(Stange, et al 2010) A PCMH would also improve physician training and development to
provide a commitment to treat the whole patient, rather than just one part.(Stange, et al 2010)
Healthcare fragmentation can also be limited through improved communication between providers
using e–mail and social media tools such as facebook and twitter. Physicians and hospitals are also
paid with a fragmented and confusing mix of public and private payments. In the private sector
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Why Is Healthcare Important? Healthcare?
Why is Healthcare Important? Healthcare is amongst the one of the basic necessity's required by
an individual to stay fit in this world. It's vital to ensure a healthy body as it leads to a healthy
environment which will eventually lead to a healthy nation. To reach to their full potential, one
should try to stay healthy and this can be achieved by having regular checkups, easier access to
medical care if sick or injured in order to prevent further serious illness and, routinely vision and
dental examinations. No one intends to get sick or hurt but everyone needs medical care at some
point in their lives but since the recent escalating costs sadly not everyone can afford the required
basic treatment, thus affecting them and the nation in the long run. US has state of the art
medical care available but since the past 3 decades this country has faced a 60% price hike in the
healthcare department forcing people who can't afford it to either just wait their injuries or illness
out, try cheaper home remedies and treatments noticeably not as effective, or borrow an enormous
loan to pay the hospital bills and stay in forever debt affecting the quality of life and everyone
surrounding the individual. Over the next few decades the prices are expected to rise up by 7%
according to the recent surveys being conducted. The progression in spending is being encouraged
by multiple factors such as paying higher prices for medical services due to the greed for profits,
Introduction of new
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Essay On Healthcare System
There is significant opportunity and a tremendous need to improve health system performance in the
United States. The U.S. health care system is the costliest in the world, yet it ranks last or next to
last on five dimensions of a high–performance health system quality, access, efficiency, equity, and
healthy lives. Within our own borders, there is wide variation in performance across states on
indicators of access, quality, and costs, demonstrating that. Although, there is much to learn about
improving quality and efficiency better performance is clearly achievable with targeted policies and
The U.S. spends far more on health care than any other country in the world. Yet we get fewer
benefits, less than ideal health outcomes. more content...
If these initial problems turn into dropping failures accompanied by massive disruptions of existing
coverage and care. Congress will be forced to act.
Health care policy is no longer abstract when it directly affects the personal lives and health of
millions of Americans. Under the ACA, Congress has prescribed a detailed federal role over health
care financing, but financing directly and immediately affects the delivery of health care and how
Americans access that care. The ACA has delivered higherhealth insurance premiums, higher
deductibles, and less competitive health insurance markets. This does not promise well for care
delivery. Particularly if it means increased waits, rationing of care, limited or no access, and poor
quality of care. Americans' private lives and their health decisions should be spared the consequences
of such incompetent intrusions.
Practical changes in health care policy could fix the problems of the few without harming the care
of the many. Health care reform legislation should follow the principle primum non nocere ("first
do no harm") by carefully targeting the root of the problem, not by granting vast regulatory power
to unaccountable government officials who issue random laws. Every day the ACA is the "law of
the land" risks permanent damage to the health care sector of the economy and the lives of
There is no shortage of policy prescriptions for normal and overpoweringly significant health care
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Essay On Impact On Health Care
Impact on Healthcare Services
Healthcare has been a petulant issue in American legislative issues for a considerable length of
time, and researchers are starting to comprehend the purposes for help, and resistance to, social
insurance change. Social insurance change is advancing procedure along the lines with the
affordable care act set up, enabling more people to have access. Medicinal services change realized
by statistic, mechanical, social, financial, and political elements, health services frameworks is
consistently going up against issues identified with cost, access, and quality.
Quality Safety Key arrangements in the ACA guarantee enhancements in the nature of our country's
social insurance at bring down expenses. more content...
Not–for profit (NFP) associations keep up a place of high open trust contrasted with their for–profit
(FP) partners. In any case, NFP hospital centers have gone under expanded open investigation for
hones that give off an impression of being conflicted with their not–for profit driven ethos, which
generally concentrates on serving their groups in an altruistic way. Given that NFP clinics are relied
upon to give advantage in return to impose exclusion and that their goal is to amplify amount and
nature of administrations over benefit amplification, anticipated that would discover tangle NFP
hospitals give more group benefits than for profit doctor's facilities (Song, Lee, Alexander, Seiber &
Zaman, 2013). Restorative administration offerings fluctuate notably by ownership, likely because
doctor's facility sorts or organize objectives in an unexpected way. All hospital facilities must earn
adequate benefits to work, therefore FP hospitals will react to profitability when settling on supply
choices. NFP facilities are frequently the middle sort as far as adjusting benefit and serving the poor
through administration decisions (Horwitz, 2005).
Patient Safety
Patient safety is a vital component of a compelling, productive social insurance framework where
quality wins. The union of the quality and monetary measurements of human services are featured by
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Essay On Home Health Care
Imagine being born with a severely weak immune system. A person like this is in constant
paranoia because the risk of getting sick with pulmonary disease/infection is extremely high and
their life expectancy may be lower than someone with a 'normal' or healthy immune system.
Moving In and out of hospitals is now a way of life for them. The average person does not have to
deal with such burdens; but, for a person living with diseases such as cystic fibrosis or a person
undergoing chemotherapy, it is a daily reality. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that impairs lung
function and causes many infections. People with cystic fibrosis, and other people with immune
disorders are likely to be in the hospital many days out of the year more content...
A small study done with cystic fibrosis patients found that thirty six percent of them were infected
with the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of many bacterial species cultured from their
homes (Schelstraete). It is general knowledge that most people spend a majority of their day/night
in their home, and people with chronic and lethal diseases tend to spend more time than most. If
they become sick, it is likely that they developed their sickness from exposure to germs found
inside of their home. For people with autoimmune disorders, a simple cold could quite possibly be
fatal. Not only does hospital–grade environmental control technology prevent exposure to
pathogenic bacteria, and therefore prevent infection, but it also helps to prevent psychological
issues that could develop from being stuck in a hospital, isolated from loved ones. If the child or
adult with such an immune disorder is able to recover from illness and prevent infection in their own
home, the quality of their life would greatly increase. The Southern Medical Journal published a
study done on hospital patients. Patients who were isolated in the hospital for extremely poor
immune systems had a much higher rate of depression and anxiety than patients who did not have to
be isolated (Catalano, et. al). Not only are patients isolated from the outside
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Essay On Affordable Health Care
The current health care issues in the United States are no secret. The most significant issue is
affordability in the heath care system. Lack of affordable health care plans is a big concern to
Americans. Most people are worried about getting sick or injured because of the high cost of health
insurance. Despite the Affordable Care Act and the recent changes in healthcare, 15% of the
population still remains uninsured. Only 22% of the people that have insurance say that can afford
their health expenses. The hike in premiums, deductibles and co–payments makes it very hard for
the average American to be able to afford healthcare. It would make sense if they actually went to
the doctor often but the average person in the United States goes to the doctor less than many other
countries which makes people questions having insurance in the first place.
The Affordable care act has helped the more content...
Although people still find cost of insurance plans to be expensive, hopefully throughout the next
few years we will see some positive changes that will make it easier for people to afford. We can
predict the number of Americans without health insurance to fall as well as more people being able
to afford them. For example, If was to enroll in health insurance through Covered California, I
could be liable to pay up to $250 monthly for my insurance. Despite the promising benefits of the
Affordable Care Act such as everyone being covered, there are still high deductibles as well as
copayments that people are finished hard to afford on top of their monthly insurance cost. We hope
to see some promising changes in the healthcare system a few years from now which will not only
make healthcare affordable for families and single individuals but also to be more effective in terms
of deductibles and
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Health Care Persuasive Essay
When it comes to our health, a good healthcare plan is a very important subject for all individuals.
Some even argue that it is a basic right to have one. Bernie Sanders stated, "Healthcare must be
recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every man, woman, and child in our country should be able
to access the health care they need regardless of their income..." ("Issues: Medicare for All").
However, reality tells us a whole different story. America is one of the most developed countries
in the world with some of the best medical care. Yet, how can the people enjoy the benefits when
it is almost unaffordable to most. People are afraid to fall sick just because they are afraid of how
much it would cost. However, sometimes a doctor or hospital visit is unavoidable. In most cases,
it comes at a great price, especially to the middle class and the elderly. Wealthy individuals are
likely to reap the benefits of having an expensive healthcare plan, while the rest may suffer from
the unimaginable cost of treatments, or even worse, live a risky life without insurance. An
effective solution to this problem would be a Universal Healthcare System. This would ensure
that all people have equal and affordable health coverage, centralized healthcare records for all
individuals which will help easy diagnosis by doctors and reduce the intensive labor costs of
medical billing. Moreover, it may boost the economy by freeing business from providing expensive
healthcare benefits to workers. According to World Health Organization, "Universal Health
Coverage means that all people and communities can use the promotive, preventive, curative,
rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while
also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship".
( By doing so, we give the people the opportunity to be equal to the rest of the society.
Since the cost of a healthcare plan is beyond most people's budget in the United States, the average
person spends more money on healthcare insurance than groceries and housing together. This
condition leads many to have no coverage at all. In fact, there are over 45 million uninsured
residents in the U.S. in it
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Essay on Careers in Healthcare
Healthcare has many different areas one can go into if interested in this field. I have chosen two that
have always been an interest to me; Nursing (particularly registered nursing) and an EMT
(Emergency Medical Technician). Both jobs are very demanding and extremely important. Both are
respected jobs and require a tremendous amount of caring for others.
There are three levels of nursing; certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
or a Registered Nurse (RN). A registered nurse is the highest level of nursing. In order to practice
nursing you must have an Associate Degree in Nursing, Bachelor Degree in Nursing, or in some
cases a diploma in nursing from an accredited school. Nursing can provide many opportunities more content...
They have to be comfortable with people in the most intimate circumstance because of the nature of
dealing with different health situations. A registered nurse works with clients, their families and
communities in various settings. They can work in nursing homes, assisted living, and adult foster
care homes. Compensation for a registered nurse is pretty good. The median annual earnings in
Oregon in 2008 were $62,450, with the lowest wage being $43,410 and the highest being $76, 570.
The physical demands require that a person be physically capable of standing for long periods of
time. Nurses often assist in lifting and moving patients and can work up to 12 hour days. They must
also have technical abilities because of some of the computerized equipment. According to the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the primary hazard in patient care is blood borne
pathogens, such as hepatitis B and HIV. Nurses are exposed to a variety of infectious diseases so
they must be very careful and follow the safety guidelines. A typical day includes accessing patient
needs, creating treatment plans and evaluating their progress. They must also educate the patient and
the families involved.
The good things about having a Nursing degree is that you can choose a specialized area after you
graduate. Pediatric nursing is one area that a registered nurse might want to specialize in. A
pediatric nurse is one who cares for younger people from infant age up to the teen
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Essay On Health Care
Healthcare is driven by money regardless of if it comes from government or borrowed money. The
amount of money needed for healthcare can be taken from census and statistics that determine the
need or demand of healthcare services in a certain area(Williams & Torrens, 2008). Census and
statistics gather information by disease type, age, gender, block level and zip code(Williams &
Torrens,2008), The information from the statistics is used to determine and estimate the the cost of
healthcare that is wanted or needed in a certain range, a certain area, or a certain geographical area.
Trends in healthcare arise from many factors;however, change in location or geographical locations
could sway the predetermination of funds that ware more content...
7th Ed. Thomson Delmar Learning. Retrieved from:https//
There are many concerns and reasons that can cause trends in the determinations of healthcare.
Population dynamics, population size, change in population mobility, and the migration of illegal
immigrants into the country are some of many causing factors that can can contribute to healthcare
trends. The mobility of the population causes fluctuation because people may move from one
geographical location to another. When this change occurs, the healthcare needs or healthcare wants
could change(Williams & Torrens,2008).
The geographical change could increase Alzheimer cases and dementia cases, the change could also
increase the number of other healthcare services needed for a specific geographical area or
demographic location(Williams & Torrens, 2008).
The illegal migration into the country and geographical areas causes a trend in healthcare. Census
statistics will reflect these numbers, with ongoing changes occurring. The older aging adults "baby
boomers" are still taking the world by storm. Baby boomers are living healthier, living longer,
exercising, and participating in social activities that increases mobility and contribute to a healthier
lifestyle(Williams & Torrens.2008).
Age Specific gender rates are figured into the healthcare equation. Age specific gender is based
upon the age a female begins puberty
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Persuasive Essay On Health Care
Is healthcare a basic human right, or a privilege? This is the fundamental underlying question that
must be answered if we are to make any meaningful progress on healthcare reform in this country.
Until then, it will not be possible to reach a consensus on the ultimate goal of healthcare reform. And
without defining the goal, measuring success will be impossible.
History of Healthcare in the United States
This debate however, is not a new one. It has been raging at the core of healthcare reform efforts
in the United States for over a century. Up until the early 20th century the U.S. federal government
did not finance or provide health care to the public. In 1915 the first bill of it its kind was drafted
to provide state medical benefits to low income workers. Over the next 45 years successive
presidents made various attempts at advancing bills that would have implemented a national health
care system. However, none were able to gain the necessary support in Congress. This was often due
to opponents characterizing these systems as "socialized medicine." [8]
Proponents of this system continued to advocate for government–funded health insurance and
shifted their focus to providing coverage for Americans over the age of 65 and the poor. [106]By
the early 1960s, Medicare (the Social Security Act Amendments of 1965), a bill that would extend
Social Security to cover the medical bills of Americans over the age of 65 was passed and signed
into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
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Essay On Healthcare In The United States
Healthcare in the United States The biggest issue in America is not just hunger, education, and
crime– but health care. Perhaps the cause of these other issues, health care is expensive and hard
to access. The high cost is tolerated in the belief that more expensive health care leads to better
care. This is not true, as studies show that 20% to 30% of patients are issued the wrong treatment or
medicine. These medical errors have caused thousands of lives to be lost– at a higher cost. As more
Americans are aware of our low ranking in worldwide health care– Japan, Sweden, and Canada
making the top three–the need for a nationwide health care reform is much debated. Even with other
great countries to mirror we are still hesitant in reforming health care to make it accessible to every
American citizen. Although the United States guarantees it's citizens access to fire and police
services, protection by military, national postal service, and education as well as many other free
federal– and state–funded services they have yet to commit to ensuring them health care coverage.
The Affordable Care Act allows affordable healthcare to individuals with low–income– more
Citizens in America obtain healthcare either through an employer, Medicare, or ,for the forty–five
million, out–of–pocket. The number one in healthcare, Japan, uses the Bismarck model system–
healthcare through insurance. America is almost the same, except the Bismarck insurance insures
everyone without making a profit. Japan has more privately owned hospitals than America. This
model can be funded several different ways for cost–control. The reason we have not changed our
healthcare system is because of federal debt. Half of the health care costs are paid by the
government. This debt will be America's downfall, but also the healthcare reform it so desperately
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Inequality in Healthcare Essay examples
Running Head: HEALTHCARE
Inequality in healthcare One of the major problems facing our country today is the healthcare crisis.
The inequality in our current healthcare system has created a huge gap in the difference between the
level and the quality of healthcare that different people receive. Having an improved and reliable
health care system available for everyone should be a priority that the government must make
available. There are countries whose health care system meets the needs of the patients while there
are countries whose health care systems need a great amount of overhaul for them to be able to
attend to their patients. In this essay I will discuss the healthcare crisis and the differences in many more content...
As some people were skeptical about the basis for the ranking, several studies were conducted, this
time including "amenable mortality" in the criteria. France was first in the ranking. One good thing
about France's health care system is that everyone has health care. The country is also reported to
rely on private and government insurance. Unlike the United States, France lets its citizens to have
freedom in choosing hospitals, doctors, and care. Additionally, the health care system does not put
much constrain on doctors with regards to making medical decisions. The same situation is evident
on German health care system, where everyone has fully portable health insurance which comes
with package of benefits. Like France, Germany lets its patients have freedom in choosing doctor
and hospital during illness. A survey showed that patients and physicians in Germany are both
satisfied with their health care system (Reinhardt, 1994, p.22). These scenarios are in complete
contrast with some of the countries of poor health care system. One of these countries is Nigeria
which has been suffering from a stagnant health care system. Its people either have limited access
to health care or none at all. Many blame this problem to the prevalence of fake drugs, AIDS
epidemic and the unhealthy lifestyles of the people while others point at the lack of health policy as
the culprit.
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Health Care Trends Essay examples
Denise Durante Health Care Trends HCA 459 Jacqueline McClure October 11, 2010 The survival of
health care industry is going to require some innovative and creative initiatives to with stand the
trends of the future in this country. Over the past two decades, American hospitals have experienced
dramatic changes in their economic and institutional environments. Government–mandated
cost–containment efforts, a shift from cost–based reimbursement to prospective payment, increased
control of managed care plans, and advances in medical technology that reduce inpatient care have
created enormous pressures on hospitals and have threatened their very survival (Bnet, 1999). This
type of transformation has caused many institutions to take more content...
Health care facilities abiding by the regulations set forth will ensure that patients and communities
will have a safe environment for the maintenance and prevention of their health care needs and
treatments that are provided by health care providers. Maintaining and delivering health care in
today's era requires improved information technology. This is essential in the survival of health care
today. When instituting health care in rural and suburban areas it is necessary to implement quality
high–tech information technology. This enables physicians to obtain results in a timely manner
which can be beneficial to diagnosis. Although services are provided on an off–site basis, sometimes
it is necessary to transport patients to the main facility. This is why it is imperative to have improved
information technology in place. It may be a little costly initially and may or may not prove to be
beneficial in the interim. While a particular new technology may either increase or decrease health
care spending, researchers generally agree that, taken together, advances in medical technology have
contributed to rising overall U.S. health care spending. Rettig describes how new medical technology
affects the costs of health care through the following "mechanisms of action." * Development of new
treatments for previously untreatable terminal conditions, including long–term maintenance
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Social Media And Health Care Essay
The use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram has grown
exponentially. There are currently 1.5 billion Facebook users in the world (Statisa, 2015). The way
the world use these websites has change. It is no longer used for the sole purpose of staying in
touch with family and friends. It allows for the formation of groups of people with chronic diseases,
which have the same illness to connect, share, compare symptoms, and treatment plans
(Khans–Sarasohn, 2008). Research has shown that social media have revolutionize the health care
system and is a valuable medium in disseminating information and promoting health on a larger
scale (Jackson, Fraser, & Ash 2014). The social media can play an important role in providing a
network for clinicians and patient alike to share and gather information amongst them. This type of
medium allows the individual to become proactive and more involve in their plan of care. Due to
the easy access of information, patients are no longer relying solely on what a doctors say. In other
words what the doctor says is no longer final. It has now common for patients to seek alternate routes
in finding information and treatments. Website patient and family use to gain information on a
condition. Due to the easy access of information, more content...
This medium can be beneficial and has the ability to nurture strong professional ties among nurses
and peers. According to Cronquist and Spector (2011) there is an increase use of blogs, social
networking sites and forums among nurses. These sites often provide an outlet for reflecting,
discussing emotionally charge or challenging work place experiences. For many these sites have
become the main way for remaining current and to interact with others. Although beneficial, these
sites can lead to the disclosure of too much information leading to violation of a patient's privacy and
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Essay on Quality Health Care
Qual Health Care 2001;10:40–48 doi:10.1136/qhc.10.1.40 * Viewpoint
Management matters: the link between hospital organisation and quality of patient care 1. Elizabeth
West, senior research fellow
+ Author Affiliations 1. Royal College of Nursing, Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford
OX1 6HE, UK 1. Dr E West * Accepted 21 December 2000 Next Section
Some hospital trusts and health authorities consistently outperform others on different dimensions of
performance. Why? There is some evidence that "management matters", as well as the combined
efforts of individual clinicians and teams. However, studies that have been conducted on the link
between the more content...
However, these reports are similarly concerned with issues of motivating, engaging, and rewarding
staff which may be linked to patient outcomes as well as to business success. Greater attention to the
work that has been done on organisational performance, broadly defined, could illuminate our
attempts to link the characteristics of hospitals and units to the kind of care they are able to provide
to patients.
Of course, the disciplines of organisational sociology and human resource management are vast and
the aims of this paper are modest. It is impossible to treat the literature on these subjects in great
depth here. The main aim of this paper is to identify a number of "landmark studies", defined as
frequently cited review articles, that try to make sense of the burgeoning literature on organisational
performance. These studies could contribute to the development of theory in this area. A second aim
is to identify variables at different levels of analysis–individual, organisational, and
environmental–that could be used in future models of hospital organisation and quality of patient
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Health policies motivating organisational research
The message from the current UK
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Essay on Health Care
Health Care Abstract "Health Care", This is becoming more important in today's world of
corporate streamlining, downsizing, and increased health care costs. A compensation package for
the employees of today is more valuable than it has ever been. The average employee no longer is
just concerned with the wages or salary they receive, their attention has been drawn to the overall
compensation package. As health care costs rise the importance of an enrollment in a health care
plan grows. Health care will continue to be an important factor for employees as long as costs
continue to grow. I. Health Care. Starting from the time a person leaves their parents and as they
enter the workforce more content...
The health care plans help to attract and maintain a stable workforce thus, enabling the
organization to meet its goals of production or service. 2. Health care plans provided by an
employer may be similar to what the military provides, which covers all expenses for the military
member. This type of plan requires the family members to pay a deductible amount of the
services provided 3. The employer may also provide subsidized or reduced health care plans as
part of the compensation package. Subsidized plans may be significantly lower in cost to an
employee than if they purchased the plans on their own. Private health care plans costs for an
employee can run one and a half to three times as much as what an employer can provide. This is
due to the buying power of an organization when it is in a group plan rather than an individualized
plan. 4. A factor in deciding the need for a compensation plan is whether or not a stable full time
work force is needed. The need for a stable workforce base helps to finalize the decision for
including the health care as part of the compensation package. A healthy work force ensures the
employees are ready and able to perform their assigned duties. B. Health care needs are not limited
to the lower paid employees of an organization. Employees at all levels of earning and positions
require some form of health care
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The Health Of A Health Care System
A health care system is a framework of interrelated, interacting, and interdependent descriptions of
human development in a given country, region, or community. This system of human development
functions as an organized measure to promote and provide treatment in which individuals reach their
highest attainable level of physical, mental, and social well–being. All health care systems are
grounded in the concept that genetic and biological factors must be taken into account to understand
the problems and behaviors of a specific population. The interconnected factors that determine an
individual's health status includes personal features, social status, culture, environment, educational
attainment, health behaviors, childhood development, access to care, and government policy.
International collaboration of ideas on the progression of transnational health is greatly endorsed for
the benefit of complete global health care. Health care has social, governmental, and financial
implications that affect all members of the health care system and in countries within the Central
American region specially, citizens have fallen victim to health disparities that have resulted from
long–term neglect of the underlying factors that perpetuate this issue. It is imperative for children to
develop with healthy nutrition during their first five years of life in order to sustain a healthy well
being. When a child experiences stunted growth, they often have difficulties learning and
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Essay On Health Care
Healthcare is a major political subject for individuals in power especially in the Unites States of
America and because of this ongoing issue, health has a constant wave of changes that has resulted
in a long history of health reform in both Canada and the United States of America. In this analysis,
it shows somewhere down the fountain of healthcare history, the development of health insurance in
both Canada and the United States started to separate or –"Parting at the Crossroads" as Maioni
stated between Canada and the United States. As I read this article, it came to my attention how
much Canadian and American health reform has been an abstract of each societal foundation in both
systems. Maioni gave the audience a brief more content...
As for Canada, we took the leap that is now considered the difference in health reform and health
insurance development between Canada and the United States. Universal access and public
administration was now an essential part for federal involvement in provincial health insurance
programs. Maioni gave us strong historical evidence which supported her claim of the influential
roles that played in health reform and policy . What she is portraying to the audience is the mere
constant political leaps that had a domino effect against the development of health insurance and
health reform. Due to the political agendas of both countries, each created their own roads to health
reform and even if by experimentation. Now we can see the growth of health reform in its own
entirety from each country. The United States still allows itself to be bullied by propaganda and
division of political parties which is the result of the health reform setbacks the United States wounds
themselves with. The reoccurrence of country wide health insurance on political "to–do list," rest
assured that the demand is persistently growing within society. Antonia Maioni is convincing
because she pulls us in as readers into the evidence based facts that create strong conclusions for this
case. She lays a foundation with historical background then pulls our attention with the separation
aspect for both countries. With her compelling argument she ties in the reality of each of the countries
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Persuasive Essay On Health Care
Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health and the prevention of sickness diagnosis,
and treatment of disease, illness, and injury. Because of the need for healthcare is so important, the
America government had to come up with a way to make sure people have healthcare and be able to
pay for it. The government came up with a healthcare system that use insurance and premiums to
make sure one has coverage when they go to the hospital for healthcare needs. If the government and
hospitals really care about people's health, then why do they make insurance and premiums so high
that people cannot afford them? In 2005 there was an estimate 45 million Americans that lacked
health insurance, and the numbers have been climbing since (Clemmitt, Universal Coverage 1). If the
government says that they care about human life, then there should just be universal coverage so
everyone can get their healthcare needs met no matter if that person is poor or rich.
The healthcare system says that if one pays their insurance then they should get coverage. What the
healthcare system forgets to tell people is that there are premiums to pay, even when one does not
need healthcare at that moment. A premium is how much someone pays a month for their healthcare
coverage. Since 2005 premiums has risen to the point that it takes almost takes all of an employer's
check (Clemmitt, Universal Coverage 2). If someone is unemployed or in school they just drop
healthcare all together, because it's
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Essay On Health Care

  • 1. Essay on Definitions of Health Definitions of health It is fairly difficult to define health as there are no agreements between scholars. This is why many sociologists focus their research on the different issues and problems of ill health. Positive definition of health: positive health looks at the physical, emotional, intellectual aspects of a person's wellbeing. This is in the way that they do not have any diseases or ailments. An example of the positive definition of health in a health and social care is a nurse in who is working in a hospital can say to one of their patients that have recently started exercising to become more 'healthier' 'you look very healthy'. Positive health looks at what aspects of health are there and which ones make us more content... An example of holistic health could be that a psychologist's client may have bipolar disorder and the psychologist would still focus on all of the other aspects of their client's life and not just on the symptoms the client is experiencing of bipolar disorder. Holistic health looks as everything as a whole and never different aspects of health individually. World Health Organisation definition of health: the World Health Organisation defines health as "not merely an absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being." (2013 K Pritchett Class Notes) An example of health defined by the World Health Organisation in a health and social care setting could be that in order for a patient of a doctors surgery to be healthy they would have to have a complete state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well–being. This means that if a patient was in a wheel chair they could never be seen as healthy as they do not have a complete state of physical well–being. The World Health Organisation thinks that people must have all complete aspects to be completely healthy. The Clinical Iceberg 'The Clinical Iceberg' is a term used to call the levels of illnesses that are found from official statistics. This is because some people do not always seek medical attention when they become ill therefore these official statistics may not be correct and showing the 'true' levels of Get more content on
  • 2. Healthcare in the United States Essay Healthcare in the United States is rooted in the private sector. The private sector directly funds 56% of the expenditures through private health insurance, household expenditures and copays, and other private expenditures. (CMS, 2014) The US healthcare system can thank the private sector for providing much strength such as new diagnostic technologies, innovative treatments and procedures, and dynamism. American hospitals and physicians are regarded internationally as being of high quality. Americans can also be proud that the physician– patient relationship is among the most trusted and valued relationships in the country. By allowing the private sector to take a lead role in the healthcare system, the United States more content... (Elhauge, 2010). Fragmentation leads to duplication of tests and effort. Often, physicians do not have test results and notes from prior treatments. This results in wasteful duplication of efforts. Fragmentation leads to unplanned hospitalizations. Approximately 20% of discharged Medicare patients are re–hospitalized within thirty days. (Jencks, Williams, Coleman, 2009) It is estimated that only 10% of those readmissions are planned. (Jencks, Williams, Coleman, 2009) Patients can receive better continuation of care if their doctors coordinated better, if there was better discharge planning and incentives for providers to control costs after the patient has been discharged. A patient centered medical home (PCMH) could integrate patient care. A patient centered medial home is a team of healthcare providers coming together to improve the health of a specific population. A PCMH is designed to integrate primary care and specialists into improve care coordination, safety and quality.(Stange, et al 2010) A PCMH would also improve physician training and development to provide a commitment to treat the whole patient, rather than just one part.(Stange, et al 2010) Healthcare fragmentation can also be limited through improved communication between providers using e–mail and social media tools such as facebook and twitter. Physicians and hospitals are also paid with a fragmented and confusing mix of public and private payments. In the private sector Get more content on
  • 3. Why Is Healthcare Important? Healthcare? Why is Healthcare Important? Healthcare is amongst the one of the basic necessity's required by an individual to stay fit in this world. It's vital to ensure a healthy body as it leads to a healthy environment which will eventually lead to a healthy nation. To reach to their full potential, one should try to stay healthy and this can be achieved by having regular checkups, easier access to medical care if sick or injured in order to prevent further serious illness and, routinely vision and dental examinations. No one intends to get sick or hurt but everyone needs medical care at some point in their lives but since the recent escalating costs sadly not everyone can afford the required basic treatment, thus affecting them and the nation in the long run. US has state of the art medical care available but since the past 3 decades this country has faced a 60% price hike in the healthcare department forcing people who can't afford it to either just wait their injuries or illness out, try cheaper home remedies and treatments noticeably not as effective, or borrow an enormous loan to pay the hospital bills and stay in forever debt affecting the quality of life and everyone surrounding the individual. Over the next few decades the prices are expected to rise up by 7% according to the recent surveys being conducted. The progression in spending is being encouraged by multiple factors such as paying higher prices for medical services due to the greed for profits, Introduction of new Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Healthcare System There is significant opportunity and a tremendous need to improve health system performance in the United States. The U.S. health care system is the costliest in the world, yet it ranks last or next to last on five dimensions of a high–performance health system quality, access, efficiency, equity, and healthy lives. Within our own borders, there is wide variation in performance across states on indicators of access, quality, and costs, demonstrating that. Although, there is much to learn about improving quality and efficiency better performance is clearly achievable with targeted policies and actions. The U.S. spends far more on health care than any other country in the world. Yet we get fewer benefits, less than ideal health outcomes. more content... If these initial problems turn into dropping failures accompanied by massive disruptions of existing coverage and care. Congress will be forced to act. Health care policy is no longer abstract when it directly affects the personal lives and health of millions of Americans. Under the ACA, Congress has prescribed a detailed federal role over health care financing, but financing directly and immediately affects the delivery of health care and how Americans access that care. The ACA has delivered higherhealth insurance premiums, higher deductibles, and less competitive health insurance markets. This does not promise well for care delivery. Particularly if it means increased waits, rationing of care, limited or no access, and poor quality of care. Americans' private lives and their health decisions should be spared the consequences of such incompetent intrusions. Practical changes in health care policy could fix the problems of the few without harming the care of the many. Health care reform legislation should follow the principle primum non nocere ("first do no harm") by carefully targeting the root of the problem, not by granting vast regulatory power to unaccountable government officials who issue random laws. Every day the ACA is the "law of the land" risks permanent damage to the health care sector of the economy and the lives of Americans. There is no shortage of policy prescriptions for normal and overpoweringly significant health care reform: Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Impact On Health Care Impact on Healthcare Services Healthcare has been a petulant issue in American legislative issues for a considerable length of time, and researchers are starting to comprehend the purposes for help, and resistance to, social insurance change. Social insurance change is advancing procedure along the lines with the affordable care act set up, enabling more people to have access. Medicinal services change realized by statistic, mechanical, social, financial, and political elements, health services frameworks is consistently going up against issues identified with cost, access, and quality. Quality Safety Key arrangements in the ACA guarantee enhancements in the nature of our country's social insurance at bring down expenses. more content... Not–for profit (NFP) associations keep up a place of high open trust contrasted with their for–profit (FP) partners. In any case, NFP hospital centers have gone under expanded open investigation for hones that give off an impression of being conflicted with their not–for profit driven ethos, which generally concentrates on serving their groups in an altruistic way. Given that NFP clinics are relied upon to give advantage in return to impose exclusion and that their goal is to amplify amount and nature of administrations over benefit amplification, anticipated that would discover tangle NFP hospitals give more group benefits than for profit doctor's facilities (Song, Lee, Alexander, Seiber & Zaman, 2013). Restorative administration offerings fluctuate notably by ownership, likely because doctor's facility sorts or organize objectives in an unexpected way. All hospital facilities must earn adequate benefits to work, therefore FP hospitals will react to profitability when settling on supply choices. NFP facilities are frequently the middle sort as far as adjusting benefit and serving the poor through administration decisions (Horwitz, 2005). Patient Safety Patient safety is a vital component of a compelling, productive social insurance framework where quality wins. The union of the quality and monetary measurements of human services are featured by Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Home Health Care Imagine being born with a severely weak immune system. A person like this is in constant paranoia because the risk of getting sick with pulmonary disease/infection is extremely high and their life expectancy may be lower than someone with a 'normal' or healthy immune system. Moving In and out of hospitals is now a way of life for them. The average person does not have to deal with such burdens; but, for a person living with diseases such as cystic fibrosis or a person undergoing chemotherapy, it is a daily reality. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that impairs lung function and causes many infections. People with cystic fibrosis, and other people with immune disorders are likely to be in the hospital many days out of the year more content... A small study done with cystic fibrosis patients found that thirty six percent of them were infected with the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of many bacterial species cultured from their homes (Schelstraete). It is general knowledge that most people spend a majority of their day/night in their home, and people with chronic and lethal diseases tend to spend more time than most. If they become sick, it is likely that they developed their sickness from exposure to germs found inside of their home. For people with autoimmune disorders, a simple cold could quite possibly be fatal. Not only does hospital–grade environmental control technology prevent exposure to pathogenic bacteria, and therefore prevent infection, but it also helps to prevent psychological issues that could develop from being stuck in a hospital, isolated from loved ones. If the child or adult with such an immune disorder is able to recover from illness and prevent infection in their own home, the quality of their life would greatly increase. The Southern Medical Journal published a study done on hospital patients. Patients who were isolated in the hospital for extremely poor immune systems had a much higher rate of depression and anxiety than patients who did not have to be isolated (Catalano, et. al). Not only are patients isolated from the outside Get more content on
  • 7. Essay On Affordable Health Care The current health care issues in the United States are no secret. The most significant issue is affordability in the heath care system. Lack of affordable health care plans is a big concern to Americans. Most people are worried about getting sick or injured because of the high cost of health insurance. Despite the Affordable Care Act and the recent changes in healthcare, 15% of the population still remains uninsured. Only 22% of the people that have insurance say that can afford their health expenses. The hike in premiums, deductibles and co–payments makes it very hard for the average American to be able to afford healthcare. It would make sense if they actually went to the doctor often but the average person in the United States goes to the doctor less than many other countries which makes people questions having insurance in the first place. The Affordable care act has helped the more content... Although people still find cost of insurance plans to be expensive, hopefully throughout the next few years we will see some positive changes that will make it easier for people to afford. We can predict the number of Americans without health insurance to fall as well as more people being able to afford them. For example, If was to enroll in health insurance through Covered California, I could be liable to pay up to $250 monthly for my insurance. Despite the promising benefits of the Affordable Care Act such as everyone being covered, there are still high deductibles as well as copayments that people are finished hard to afford on top of their monthly insurance cost. We hope to see some promising changes in the healthcare system a few years from now which will not only make healthcare affordable for families and single individuals but also to be more effective in terms of deductibles and Get more content on
  • 8. Health Care Persuasive Essay When it comes to our health, a good healthcare plan is a very important subject for all individuals. Some even argue that it is a basic right to have one. Bernie Sanders stated, "Healthcare must be recognized as a right, not a privilege. Every man, woman, and child in our country should be able to access the health care they need regardless of their income..." ("Issues: Medicare for All"). However, reality tells us a whole different story. America is one of the most developed countries in the world with some of the best medical care. Yet, how can the people enjoy the benefits when it is almost unaffordable to most. People are afraid to fall sick just because they are afraid of how much it would cost. However, sometimes a doctor or hospital visit is unavoidable. In most cases, it comes at a great price, especially to the middle class and the elderly. Wealthy individuals are likely to reap the benefits of having an expensive healthcare plan, while the rest may suffer from the unimaginable cost of treatments, or even worse, live a risky life without insurance. An effective solution to this problem would be a Universal Healthcare System. This would ensure that all people have equal and affordable health coverage, centralized healthcare records for all individuals which will help easy diagnosis by doctors and reduce the intensive labor costs of medical billing. Moreover, it may boost the economy by freeing business from providing expensive healthcare benefits to workers. According to World Health Organization, "Universal Health Coverage means that all people and communities can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship". ( By doing so, we give the people the opportunity to be equal to the rest of the society. Since the cost of a healthcare plan is beyond most people's budget in the United States, the average person spends more money on healthcare insurance than groceries and housing together. This condition leads many to have no coverage at all. In fact, there are over 45 million uninsured residents in the U.S. in it Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Careers in Healthcare Healthcare has many different areas one can go into if interested in this field. I have chosen two that have always been an interest to me; Nursing (particularly registered nursing) and an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). Both jobs are very demanding and extremely important. Both are respected jobs and require a tremendous amount of caring for others. There are three levels of nursing; certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or a Registered Nurse (RN). A registered nurse is the highest level of nursing. In order to practice nursing you must have an Associate Degree in Nursing, Bachelor Degree in Nursing, or in some cases a diploma in nursing from an accredited school. Nursing can provide many opportunities more content... They have to be comfortable with people in the most intimate circumstance because of the nature of dealing with different health situations. A registered nurse works with clients, their families and communities in various settings. They can work in nursing homes, assisted living, and adult foster care homes. Compensation for a registered nurse is pretty good. The median annual earnings in Oregon in 2008 were $62,450, with the lowest wage being $43,410 and the highest being $76, 570. The physical demands require that a person be physically capable of standing for long periods of time. Nurses often assist in lifting and moving patients and can work up to 12 hour days. They must also have technical abilities because of some of the computerized equipment. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the primary hazard in patient care is blood borne pathogens, such as hepatitis B and HIV. Nurses are exposed to a variety of infectious diseases so they must be very careful and follow the safety guidelines. A typical day includes accessing patient needs, creating treatment plans and evaluating their progress. They must also educate the patient and the families involved. The good things about having a Nursing degree is that you can choose a specialized area after you graduate. Pediatric nursing is one area that a registered nurse might want to specialize in. A pediatric nurse is one who cares for younger people from infant age up to the teen Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Health Care Healthcare is driven by money regardless of if it comes from government or borrowed money. The amount of money needed for healthcare can be taken from census and statistics that determine the need or demand of healthcare services in a certain area(Williams & Torrens, 2008). Census and statistics gather information by disease type, age, gender, block level and zip code(Williams & Torrens,2008), The information from the statistics is used to determine and estimate the the cost of healthcare that is wanted or needed in a certain range, a certain area, or a certain geographical area. Trends in healthcare arise from many factors;however, change in location or geographical locations could sway the predetermination of funds that ware more content... 7th Ed. Thomson Delmar Learning. Retrieved from:https// There are many concerns and reasons that can cause trends in the determinations of healthcare. Population dynamics, population size, change in population mobility, and the migration of illegal immigrants into the country are some of many causing factors that can can contribute to healthcare trends. The mobility of the population causes fluctuation because people may move from one geographical location to another. When this change occurs, the healthcare needs or healthcare wants could change(Williams & Torrens,2008). The geographical change could increase Alzheimer cases and dementia cases, the change could also increase the number of other healthcare services needed for a specific geographical area or demographic location(Williams & Torrens, 2008). The illegal migration into the country and geographical areas causes a trend in healthcare. Census statistics will reflect these numbers, with ongoing changes occurring. The older aging adults "baby boomers" are still taking the world by storm. Baby boomers are living healthier, living longer, exercising, and participating in social activities that increases mobility and contribute to a healthier lifestyle(Williams & Torrens.2008). Age Specific gender rates are figured into the healthcare equation. Age specific gender is based upon the age a female begins puberty Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Health Care Is healthcare a basic human right, or a privilege? This is the fundamental underlying question that must be answered if we are to make any meaningful progress on healthcare reform in this country. Until then, it will not be possible to reach a consensus on the ultimate goal of healthcare reform. And without defining the goal, measuring success will be impossible. History of Healthcare in the United States This debate however, is not a new one. It has been raging at the core of healthcare reform efforts in the United States for over a century. Up until the early 20th century the U.S. federal government did not finance or provide health care to the public. In 1915 the first bill of it its kind was drafted to provide state medical benefits to low income workers. Over the next 45 years successive presidents made various attempts at advancing bills that would have implemented a national health care system. However, none were able to gain the necessary support in Congress. This was often due to opponents characterizing these systems as "socialized medicine." [8] Proponents of this system continued to advocate for government–funded health insurance and shifted their focus to providing coverage for Americans over the age of 65 and the poor. [106]By the early 1960s, Medicare (the Social Security Act Amendments of 1965), a bill that would extend Social Security to cover the medical bills of Americans over the age of 65 was passed and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Healthcare In The United States Healthcare in the United States The biggest issue in America is not just hunger, education, and crime– but health care. Perhaps the cause of these other issues, health care is expensive and hard to access. The high cost is tolerated in the belief that more expensive health care leads to better care. This is not true, as studies show that 20% to 30% of patients are issued the wrong treatment or medicine. These medical errors have caused thousands of lives to be lost– at a higher cost. As more Americans are aware of our low ranking in worldwide health care– Japan, Sweden, and Canada making the top three–the need for a nationwide health care reform is much debated. Even with other great countries to mirror we are still hesitant in reforming health care to make it accessible to every American citizen. Although the United States guarantees it's citizens access to fire and police services, protection by military, national postal service, and education as well as many other free federal– and state–funded services they have yet to commit to ensuring them health care coverage. The Affordable Care Act allows affordable healthcare to individuals with low–income– more content... Citizens in America obtain healthcare either through an employer, Medicare, or ,for the forty–five million, out–of–pocket. The number one in healthcare, Japan, uses the Bismarck model system– healthcare through insurance. America is almost the same, except the Bismarck insurance insures everyone without making a profit. Japan has more privately owned hospitals than America. This model can be funded several different ways for cost–control. The reason we have not changed our healthcare system is because of federal debt. Half of the health care costs are paid by the government. This debt will be America's downfall, but also the healthcare reform it so desperately Get more content on
  • 13. Inequality in Healthcare Essay examples Running Head: HEALTHCARE Inequality in healthcare One of the major problems facing our country today is the healthcare crisis. The inequality in our current healthcare system has created a huge gap in the difference between the level and the quality of healthcare that different people receive. Having an improved and reliable health care system available for everyone should be a priority that the government must make available. There are countries whose health care system meets the needs of the patients while there are countries whose health care systems need a great amount of overhaul for them to be able to attend to their patients. In this essay I will discuss the healthcare crisis and the differences in many more content... As some people were skeptical about the basis for the ranking, several studies were conducted, this time including "amenable mortality" in the criteria. France was first in the ranking. One good thing about France's health care system is that everyone has health care. The country is also reported to rely on private and government insurance. Unlike the United States, France lets its citizens to have freedom in choosing hospitals, doctors, and care. Additionally, the health care system does not put much constrain on doctors with regards to making medical decisions. The same situation is evident on German health care system, where everyone has fully portable health insurance which comes with package of benefits. Like France, Germany lets its patients have freedom in choosing doctor and hospital during illness. A survey showed that patients and physicians in Germany are both satisfied with their health care system (Reinhardt, 1994, p.22). These scenarios are in complete contrast with some of the countries of poor health care system. One of these countries is Nigeria which has been suffering from a stagnant health care system. Its people either have limited access to health care or none at all. Many blame this problem to the prevalence of fake drugs, AIDS epidemic and the unhealthy lifestyles of the people while others point at the lack of health policy as the culprit. Get more content on
  • 14. Health Care Trends Essay examples Denise Durante Health Care Trends HCA 459 Jacqueline McClure October 11, 2010 The survival of health care industry is going to require some innovative and creative initiatives to with stand the trends of the future in this country. Over the past two decades, American hospitals have experienced dramatic changes in their economic and institutional environments. Government–mandated cost–containment efforts, a shift from cost–based reimbursement to prospective payment, increased control of managed care plans, and advances in medical technology that reduce inpatient care have created enormous pressures on hospitals and have threatened their very survival (Bnet, 1999). This type of transformation has caused many institutions to take more content... Health care facilities abiding by the regulations set forth will ensure that patients and communities will have a safe environment for the maintenance and prevention of their health care needs and treatments that are provided by health care providers. Maintaining and delivering health care in today's era requires improved information technology. This is essential in the survival of health care today. When instituting health care in rural and suburban areas it is necessary to implement quality high–tech information technology. This enables physicians to obtain results in a timely manner which can be beneficial to diagnosis. Although services are provided on an off–site basis, sometimes it is necessary to transport patients to the main facility. This is why it is imperative to have improved information technology in place. It may be a little costly initially and may or may not prove to be beneficial in the interim. While a particular new technology may either increase or decrease health care spending, researchers generally agree that, taken together, advances in medical technology have contributed to rising overall U.S. health care spending. Rettig describes how new medical technology affects the costs of health care through the following "mechanisms of action." * Development of new treatments for previously untreatable terminal conditions, including long–term maintenance Get more content on
  • 15. Social Media And Health Care Essay The use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram has grown exponentially. There are currently 1.5 billion Facebook users in the world (Statisa, 2015). The way the world use these websites has change. It is no longer used for the sole purpose of staying in touch with family and friends. It allows for the formation of groups of people with chronic diseases, which have the same illness to connect, share, compare symptoms, and treatment plans (Khans–Sarasohn, 2008). Research has shown that social media have revolutionize the health care system and is a valuable medium in disseminating information and promoting health on a larger scale (Jackson, Fraser, & Ash 2014). The social media can play an important role in providing a network for clinicians and patient alike to share and gather information amongst them. This type of medium allows the individual to become proactive and more involve in their plan of care. Due to the easy access of information, patients are no longer relying solely on what a doctors say. In other words what the doctor says is no longer final. It has now common for patients to seek alternate routes in finding information and treatments. Website patient and family use to gain information on a condition. Due to the easy access of information, more content... This medium can be beneficial and has the ability to nurture strong professional ties among nurses and peers. According to Cronquist and Spector (2011) there is an increase use of blogs, social networking sites and forums among nurses. These sites often provide an outlet for reflecting, discussing emotionally charge or challenging work place experiences. For many these sites have become the main way for remaining current and to interact with others. Although beneficial, these sites can lead to the disclosure of too much information leading to violation of a patient's privacy and Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on Quality Health Care * Qual Health Care 2001;10:40–48 doi:10.1136/qhc.10.1.40 * Viewpoint Management matters: the link between hospital organisation and quality of patient care 1. Elizabeth West, senior research fellow + Author Affiliations 1. Royal College of Nursing, Radcliffe Infirmary, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX1 6HE, UK 1. Dr E West * Accepted 21 December 2000 Next Section Abstract Some hospital trusts and health authorities consistently outperform others on different dimensions of performance. Why? There is some evidence that "management matters", as well as the combined efforts of individual clinicians and teams. However, studies that have been conducted on the link between the more content... However, these reports are similarly concerned with issues of motivating, engaging, and rewarding staff which may be linked to patient outcomes as well as to business success. Greater attention to the work that has been done on organisational performance, broadly defined, could illuminate our attempts to link the characteristics of hospitals and units to the kind of care they are able to provide to patients. Of course, the disciplines of organisational sociology and human resource management are vast and the aims of this paper are modest. It is impossible to treat the literature on these subjects in great depth here. The main aim of this paper is to identify a number of "landmark studies", defined as frequently cited review articles, that try to make sense of the burgeoning literature on organisational performance. These studies could contribute to the development of theory in this area. A second aim is to identify variables at different levels of analysis–individual, organisational, and environmental–that could be used in future models of hospital organisation and quality of patient care. Previous SectionNext Section Health policies motivating organisational research The message from the current UK Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Health Care Health Care Abstract "Health Care", This is becoming more important in today's world of corporate streamlining, downsizing, and increased health care costs. A compensation package for the employees of today is more valuable than it has ever been. The average employee no longer is just concerned with the wages or salary they receive, their attention has been drawn to the overall compensation package. As health care costs rise the importance of an enrollment in a health care plan grows. Health care will continue to be an important factor for employees as long as costs continue to grow. I. Health Care. Starting from the time a person leaves their parents and as they enter the workforce more content... The health care plans help to attract and maintain a stable workforce thus, enabling the organization to meet its goals of production or service. 2. Health care plans provided by an employer may be similar to what the military provides, which covers all expenses for the military member. This type of plan requires the family members to pay a deductible amount of the services provided 3. The employer may also provide subsidized or reduced health care plans as part of the compensation package. Subsidized plans may be significantly lower in cost to an employee than if they purchased the plans on their own. Private health care plans costs for an employee can run one and a half to three times as much as what an employer can provide. This is due to the buying power of an organization when it is in a group plan rather than an individualized plan. 4. A factor in deciding the need for a compensation plan is whether or not a stable full time work force is needed. The need for a stable workforce base helps to finalize the decision for including the health care as part of the compensation package. A healthy work force ensures the employees are ready and able to perform their assigned duties. B. Health care needs are not limited to the lower paid employees of an organization. Employees at all levels of earning and positions require some form of health care Get more content on
  • 18. The Health Of A Health Care System A health care system is a framework of interrelated, interacting, and interdependent descriptions of human development in a given country, region, or community. This system of human development functions as an organized measure to promote and provide treatment in which individuals reach their highest attainable level of physical, mental, and social well–being. All health care systems are grounded in the concept that genetic and biological factors must be taken into account to understand the problems and behaviors of a specific population. The interconnected factors that determine an individual's health status includes personal features, social status, culture, environment, educational attainment, health behaviors, childhood development, access to care, and government policy. International collaboration of ideas on the progression of transnational health is greatly endorsed for the benefit of complete global health care. Health care has social, governmental, and financial implications that affect all members of the health care system and in countries within the Central American region specially, citizens have fallen victim to health disparities that have resulted from long–term neglect of the underlying factors that perpetuate this issue. It is imperative for children to develop with healthy nutrition during their first five years of life in order to sustain a healthy well being. When a child experiences stunted growth, they often have difficulties learning and Get more content on
  • 19. Essay On Health Care Healthcare is a major political subject for individuals in power especially in the Unites States of America and because of this ongoing issue, health has a constant wave of changes that has resulted in a long history of health reform in both Canada and the United States of America. In this analysis, it shows somewhere down the fountain of healthcare history, the development of health insurance in both Canada and the United States started to separate or –"Parting at the Crossroads" as Maioni stated between Canada and the United States. As I read this article, it came to my attention how much Canadian and American health reform has been an abstract of each societal foundation in both systems. Maioni gave the audience a brief more content... As for Canada, we took the leap that is now considered the difference in health reform and health insurance development between Canada and the United States. Universal access and public administration was now an essential part for federal involvement in provincial health insurance programs. Maioni gave us strong historical evidence which supported her claim of the influential roles that played in health reform and policy . What she is portraying to the audience is the mere constant political leaps that had a domino effect against the development of health insurance and health reform. Due to the political agendas of both countries, each created their own roads to health reform and even if by experimentation. Now we can see the growth of health reform in its own entirety from each country. The United States still allows itself to be bullied by propaganda and division of political parties which is the result of the health reform setbacks the United States wounds themselves with. The reoccurrence of country wide health insurance on political "to–do list," rest assured that the demand is persistently growing within society. Antonia Maioni is convincing because she pulls us in as readers into the evidence based facts that create strong conclusions for this case. She lays a foundation with historical background then pulls our attention with the separation aspect for both countries. With her compelling argument she ties in the reality of each of the countries Get more content on
  • 20. Persuasive Essay On Health Care Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health and the prevention of sickness diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, and injury. Because of the need for healthcare is so important, the America government had to come up with a way to make sure people have healthcare and be able to pay for it. The government came up with a healthcare system that use insurance and premiums to make sure one has coverage when they go to the hospital for healthcare needs. If the government and hospitals really care about people's health, then why do they make insurance and premiums so high that people cannot afford them? In 2005 there was an estimate 45 million Americans that lacked health insurance, and the numbers have been climbing since (Clemmitt, Universal Coverage 1). If the government says that they care about human life, then there should just be universal coverage so everyone can get their healthcare needs met no matter if that person is poor or rich. The healthcare system says that if one pays their insurance then they should get coverage. What the healthcare system forgets to tell people is that there are premiums to pay, even when one does not need healthcare at that moment. A premium is how much someone pays a month for their healthcare coverage. Since 2005 premiums has risen to the point that it takes almost takes all of an employer's check (Clemmitt, Universal Coverage 2). If someone is unemployed or in school they just drop healthcare all together, because it's Get more content on