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Essay On Animal Rights
Crafting an essay on the subject of animal rights is akin to navigating a vast, intricate labyrinth
of ethical, philosophical, and practical considerations. At its core, the topic demands a delicate
balance between empathy for non-human creatures and an acknowledgment of the complexities
inherent in human-animal relationships.
To begin with, delving into the realm of animal rights necessitates a comprehensive
understanding of various perspectives: anthropocentric views that prioritize human interests,
biocentric perspectives that extend moral consideration to all living beings, and ecocentric
ideologies that emphasize the interconnectedness of ecosystems. Each stance presents its own set
of arguments and counterarguments, contributing to the multifaceted nature of the discourse.
Moreover, the topic requires grappling with the practical implications of advocating for animal
rights within existing legal, cultural, and economic frameworks. From legislative measures to
societal attitudes towards animal welfare, addressing these dynamics demands a nuanced
analysis of power structures and vested interests that often shape human interactions with
Furthermore, crafting an essay on animal rights entails confronting uncomfortable truths about
human exploitation and cruelty towards sentient beings. From factory farming and animal testing
to habitat destruction and wildlife trafficking, the scope of injustices inflicted upon animals is
both staggering and sobering. Confronting these realities requires not only intellectual honesty
but also emotional resilience.
Yet, despite the inherent challenges, writing about animal rights offers an opportunity for
introspection and advocacy. It prompts us to critically examine our values, assumptions, and
behaviors concerning our treatment of non-human beings. It urges us to envision alternative
paradigms grounded in compassion, sustainability, and respect for all forms of life.
In conclusion, the task of composing an essay on this topic demands intellectual rigor, moral
sensitivity, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. It beckons us to transcend
anthropocentric biases and envision a world where the rights and dignity of animals are upheld
and respected.
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Essay On Animal RightsEssay On Animal Rights
Comparison Of Cyber Monday And Black Friday
A growing number of businesses consider the Black Friday and Cyber Monday as
the two most profitable sales events of the year. Black Friday is the day after
Thanksgiving Day, which stands for the beginning of the Christmas shopping
season.Similarly, Cyber Monday is the Monday following the Black Friday in the
United States.It seems that both of the two shopping days will make the retailers and
consumers go crazy extremely in that time.Thus, people are gradually paying
attention to the cultureof consumerism, a phenomenon of over consumption, that is
represented by Black Fridayand Cyber Mondaywith the prevalence of the two
Faced with this situation, people have provoked a heated debate: is it possible to
resist the culture of consumerism ... Show more content on ...
But at the same time, it will cause the accidents such as shooting violence,
stampedeand fighting. And most likely, people usually buy the worthless goods on
Black Friday.MehrozBaig implied that it has targeted our perspective and reinforced
a sense of material wealth (Baig 2014).Consumers just think they get good deals
subconsciously when they are crazy to buy the discounted items, but in fact,it will be
a matter of wasting something.Besides, Black Friday has jacked up the rate of
unemployment. Barry Gutierrezstated many companies fire their workers or cut their
pay in order to minimize the losses caused by lower prices on consumer goods
(Gutierrez 2011). This kind of business strategic hurt the employees greatly.
Facing with the bad influences of Black Friday, people increasingly boycott the
shopping days. Roger A. Dickinson and Mary L.Carsky said: Boycotts hurt particular
firms or areas by creating an emotional response from the larger culture that is
translated into economic action by consumers (Dickinson Carsky 2005). To some
extents, such boycotts affect consumer
The Nuclear Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay
The nuclear bombs code named Little Boy and Fat Man were detonated over the
Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the summer of August 1945 by
the United States of America in an attempt to end World War II. The immediate
death toll was extremely high with an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 people killed
upon impact of the bombs due to the extreme heat, flying shrapnel, and the pressure
of the blast wave. The overall death toll is now estimated to be about 192,020 dead
due to long term health effects such as radiation poisoning and burns. These bombs
also caused a multitude of long term medical and social problems for surviving
victims such as in utero mutations in future generations of children and a large
percentage of homeless citizens after the war. As a result of these bombs the
Japanese emperor Hirohito accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration ending
World War II. These bombings remain the single most horrific acts of warfare ever
carried out on another country. Thousands of Japanese citizens were immediately
disintegrated upon impact of the bombs by the thermal radiation released near the
hypocenter or ground zero of the explosion, death rates decreasing the further out
from the hypocenter. Second and third degree burns on the flesh were a result of
very high degrees of thermal radiation on the human body and so only occurred
within close proximity to the atomic blast, that being around five miles. If these third
and second degree burns covered only a
The Preparation Of Grignard Reagents
The preparation of Grignard reagents typically involves the reaction of an alkyl halide
or aryl halide with magnesium metal in an anhydrous ethereal solvent. This reaction
results in the formation of a carbon magnesium complex within an alkyl magnesium
halide or aryl magnesium halide. Grignard reagents are considered to be strong
nucleophiles and strong bases that have the ability to react with acidic proton sources
and carbonyl functional groups. The preparation of Grignard reagents must be
conducted in aprotic solvents to minimize interactions with strong proton sources that
may result in undesired products. Furthermore, the solvent chosen for the reaction
must dissolve everything in solution. Commonly used solvents in Grignard reactions
are diethyl etherand tetrahydrofuran (THF). They are preferred over hexane solvents
due to the presence of an oxygenatom which contains a lone electron pair that attracts
the partially positive magnesium metal, resulting in increased stability. As mentioned
previously, Grignard reagents are strong nucleophiles. Thus, there is a possibility that
they may react with other molecules in side reactions. One such side reaction
involves the Grignard reagent reacting with molecular oxygen (O2) to form a
peroxide molecule. In another side reaction, the Grignard reagent may react with
carbon dioxide(CO2) to form a carboxylate molecule. These side reactions can pose a
problem since molecular oxygen and carbon dioxide are in excess under normal
Analysis Of Blackberry Picking By Seamus Heaney
Poetry is a way to express emotions through writing, as I was reading the four
poems, one of them stood out to me almost instantly. The emotions I got while
reading Seamus Heaney s poem Blackberry Picking made me feel extremely
nostalgic. It instantly brought back memories I hadn t thought about in years! I was
amazed, as I was reading the poem I could instantly relate to the narrator.
As someone who is not conditioned to automatically start analyzing poetry the
moment I read it, I did not give much attention to the line breaks. When I went back
and reread it I paid close attention to the line breaks and tried relating it to the poem
and its meaning. Throughout the poem only about two lines where end stop lines,
overall the rest were enjambed. Originally, I assumed the enjambed line breaks
meant speaking fast and sudden changes in thought, that was not the case. After
taking a closer look, I noticed there were comas which called for quick pauses
throughout the poem. As I reread the poem it became clear that the many
punctuations and pauses were there so it could be read slowly in a nostalgic
manner. The line breaks made it clearer that this poem is narrated by someone who
is recalling past events they experienced as a child. The word that the writer chose to
leave at the end of each line, for the most part, seemed like a complete thought, but as
the reader moved to the next line the thought continued. This style of line breaks
reminds me of a child and how they continue
Gender Studies And Queer Theory In The Passion
Gender studies and Queer theory In The Passion, Henri is a French soldier from
Napoleonic who meets Villanelle, a Venetian woman when he goes to fight the
Napoleonic wars in Russia. Villanelle fell in love with the queen of shades as she
calls her and she was heartbroken as they split. She married another man who sold
her two years later to the soldiers. She then met Henry who fell in love with her.
Henri killed Villanelle s husband when he appeared again in Venice out of jealousy
making him spend the rest of his life in prison. With time Villanelle became pregnant
with Henri s baby but refused to marry her . A genderstudy is a subject that majors on
gender identity and their representation in the categories analysis. It includes
women, feminism, queer studies and men studies. It closely relates to sexuality.
Queer theory looks at the similarities between lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Gender
studies and queer theory look at issues of sexuality, power, and marginalized
population. Feminism criticism influences much work in the gender studies and
queer theory. Gender studies and queer theory main primary concern is the manner
in which gender and sexuality are discussed. Gender roles can be linked to
expectations of males and females outside their families. Men and women are often
expected to perform a different kind of task and also occupy different types of job
functions. Henri was expected by the Napoleonic emperor to cook the best
A Young Woman s Fantasy in The Turn of the Screw Essay
A Young Woman s Fantasy in The Turn of the Screw
The Turn of the Screw, by Henry James, is an odd story about a young woman
who, leaving her small country home for the first time, takes a job as a governess
in a wealthy household. Shortly after her arrival, she begins to suffer from insomnia
and fancies that she sees ghosts roaming about the grounds. James is a master story
teller and, at times, the complexities of the story make it difficult to follow. The Turn
of the Screw is a story within a story, the tale of the governess being read aloud as a
ghost story among friends. Harold C. Goddard wrote a fascinating piece of criticism
entitled A Pre Freudian Reading of The Turn of the Screw. When applied to the book,
his ... Show more content on ...
She is very excited at this point and one might infer that she is infatuated with her
employer. However, all her hopes of a relationship are unrealistic, as there is a vast
difference in class between herself and the man from Harley Street. Furthermore,
her employer gives her strict instructions [t]hat she should never trouble him (6).
So we see that she is never to communicate with the object of her affections again.
At the end of her interview, after she agreed to these stipulations, we are told that
when ...he held her hand, thanking her for the sacrifice, she already felt rewarded
(6). This description proves that the new governess is in love with her employer.
Later in the book, during her first encounter with the ghost of Peter Quint, it is
clear that she is thinking of her love as she says that her first shock at seeing a man
in the tower was that it was not the person [she] had precipitately supposed it would
be (15). It is clear that she was hoping it would be the man from Harley Street.
According to Goddard s theory, the ghosts of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel are
images conjured up in the mind of the unstable, young governess. Goddard addresses
this issue accordingly. To the reader, this may seem like a strange notion because the
governess is able to give a description of the ghosts that seems eerily accurate, even
though she never saw them before. In the case of Peter Quint, the only distinguishing
characteristic about her
The Sense Of Self And Social Class
Both sense of self and social class play a large part in our socialization and
determining the attitudes and behaviors we adopt. A person s sense of self stems
from their sense of identity. It can be argued Identity is not about natural
dispositions or inherent qualities but rather derives from social structures and is thus
a social process rather than an object of nature. A coincidence of places and
announcements (Stone, G.P; Faberman H.A 1970.) A person s sense of self stems
from their own interpretation of themselves and others around them. This is thought
to be essential for healthy cognitive development as it allows for a person to
experience the self while still interacting with others. Everyday interactions teach
individuals how to behave by predicting how the other person is going to act. Social
classis important in determining a person s sense of self as it places them in
communities that share similar values restricting them from regularly integrating
and experiencing more diverse social circles. Social class is widely recognized as
an influential socially constructed phenomena that affects how people see
themselves and how they live their lives. Class can be partly defined by a person s
access to realizing their full potential as well as the empowerment that comes from
having/lack of having social, cultural and economic capital during early in life. Class
is no longer purely defined by a person occupation but ranks people by their behavior,
constructing ideas
Can You Be Honest with Your Friend
Can You Be Honest With Your Friends
My sister is a person whom one might define as socially awkward. While neither of
us possess the gift of tact, I have become slightly more adept a maneuvering
unfamiliar social situations, whereas she avoids them wherever and whenever
possible. We both have the same handicap: that being that we don t possess a filter.
Whereas most people know that it constitutes poor manners to point out a hanger
from a perfect stranger s nose, we feel it is our civic duty to not only bring attention
to the offensive item, but to introduce it to any other would be spectator and random
Fortunately in my old age I have learned to bridle my tongue at least somewhat and
curb my impulse to point out the ... Show more content on ...
Naw...I m just going to go to the misses section, she said in a way that would
encourage Shequan to join her. They make allowances for women with hips....
She let her voice trail off. Shequan did not take the bait.
Girl, aint no way nothing over there would fit me, she sniffed. I m a junior 15 at the
A Dub just nodded her head and continued her window shopping. What was the point
in arguing with this high school student trapped in Grandma s ample bosomed body?
After all, she had an optimal number of friends to keep, and losing Shequan s
camaraderie by telling her she was too fat to be shopping in Juniors would upset that
delicate balance.
I think she s being a worse friend my letting this grown woman walk around in too
tight booty shorts and low cut tops, but that s just me. Can you tell your friends the
truth? Can you even afford to?? Are you a better friend if you let them wallow in
happy ignorance, or pull them out by the crack of their junior sized denim shorts? I
m at Barnes Noble with my coffee. I can t wait to hear
The Beginning Of The Xx
The beginning of the XX century was marked by the struggle of Iran to maintain the
national independence in the face of Russian and British economic and colonial
pressure and to save the Persian culture. These attempts to preserve and resurrect
national consciousness were skilfully used by the revolutionary politicians in their
struggle for power and the majority approval. The Western idea of nationhood and
the sense of belonging to a greater nation with similar linguistic and racial
characteristics were developed in post Napoleonic Europe and became crucial in the
unification of countries such as Italy and Germany whereas in Iran this process have
partially resulted from the reaction to the foreign influences. Likewise in ... Show
more content on ...
The character of this topic dictates to use historical comparative analysis of
nationalism theory in Iran at different points during the modernization reforms in the
first half of XX century under Reza Shah Pahlavi. To address this aim, the first
section will look at the historical preconditions of nationalism in Iran during the late
Qajar dynastic rule and early years of Pahlavi s rule. Then it will focus on the political
roots of nationalism in Iran during the modernization by Reza Shah Pahlavi. The role
of education and propaganda as the main tools of the nationalism spread and
development will be discussed in the second section. The final section of this paper
will defend the thesis that nationalism was predominantly implanted idea from above
by demonstrating the inconsistencies between the modernizing nationalist doctrine
and the Islamic nature and philosophy of Iranian population. This paper will conclude
that the nationalism as a state ideology was imposed in Iran by the constitutional
monarchy of Reza Shah Pahlavi and it used language, history and ethnicity in order to
maintain the public support.
Section 1 Iranian politics and nationalism
The first quarter of the XX century represents the new period for Iranian politics. Fred
Halliday s definition of nationalism as political movements arising at particular times
with specific leaderships is more likely to distinctly show the situation within the
state. The Constitutional revolution and later
Human Relations And Police Public Relations
Human relations deals with everything that is being accomplished with other human
beings with all kinds of relationships involved. But according to, the
definition is a study of group behavior for the purpose of improving interpersonal
relationships, as among employees. An example of human relations is something all
people have been taught when they were younger and that is to treat people exactly
how you want to be treated. Which basically means to build a strong relationship
whether it is good or if it is bad. So if policeofficers want respect from everyday
society they have to try and respect society as well. Public relations is defined as
activities performed by police agencies designed to create a favorable image of
themselves. An example of police public relations is where a police department will
have an even where the community can get involved and experience the police life.
Police community relations is the interaction or tension between the public and the
department. An example of community relations could be when police officers show
up to high school basketball game and give support to the community that they are
familiar with showing that they are community oriented and care about what they do
for their community.
2.Discuss the rapid increase in the minority population and the challenges it presents
for law enforcement in communities that have not previously faced this issue. In you
answer, explain why multicultural understanding is critical.
Sylvia Plath Poetry Style Analysis
Sylvia Plath: Joie de Vivre Perhaps some day I ll crawl back home, beaten,
defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of
sorrow, wrote Sylvia Plath in her journals, unpublished until nineteen years following
her death. The relevance between the American author s life and the inspiration of
her literary works cannot be disputed. She wrote about distinct experiences, from the
death of her father at a young age to the depression she fell into after her husband
left her. Plath, burdened with hardship, turned her pain into numerous influential
poems and a semi autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar. She received the honors of
the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and the Glascock Prize as recognition of her works....
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As described previously, Daddy combines specific details of Plath s life and her
father s, making comparisons as brutal as to the Holocaust in their own home, and
comparing him to the devil. In Daddy she wrote that he, Bit my pretty red heart in
two. / I was ten when they buried you. / At twenty I tried to die / And get back,
back, back to you. / I thought even the bones would do. / But they pulled me out of
the sack, / And they stuck me together with glue. Each line written describes
specific events in her life, and it could not be clearer. This one of sixteen stanzas is
exactly related to the events in her life, yet also provides insight into her own
thoughts on herself. In Ariel, plath wrote of being suicidal, thus describing her life as
she attempted suicide many different times and was successful in 1963 when she
killed herself ( Sylvia Plath. Biography).
As much as one could continue connecting Sylvia Plath s life and work based on
simple life details, why she wrote about her life is far more compelling. She was said
to have wanted to understand her own mind, the mind that doctors seemed to
understand better than herself. Plath also wrote certain works intending her family
never read them, stating that she did not want her mother to read The Bell Jar
because it was indicative of her suicidal thoughts. Sylvia Plath made
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Moby Dick by Herman Melville is a tale of many things, and has become perhaps
one of the most widely known revenge stories ever told, wherein the mad Captain
Ahab chases the titular white whale to the ends of the earth, willing to sacrifice
everything for revenge. The novel is known for its extensive symbolism and
abstract or open ended meaning. Many people find different meanings in the story,
and the debate over what certain elements mean has been a point of contention
since the novel was published. The criticisms and analyses by Randall Bass and
R.C. Sproul give great insight into the most symbolic element of the plot, the
whale itself. The whale Moby Dick may mean many things, including the other to
the self , God, or, as I believe, the unknowable, inscrutable, and ineffable of the
world. Both criticisms agree on one element of the story: the white whale, Moby
Dick, means more than it is. The whale is symbolic of something unknown, feared,
or hated. Any serious analysis of the novel will agree with this, but with many
different interpretations, a few of which are more widely supported than others. The
interpretation of what the whale symbolizes is where the criticisms diverge. Bass
claims the conflict between Ahab and the whale to be the conflict between the self
and the other , respectively. Sproul disagrees, favoring the somewhat widely held
theory that the conflict is of a man against God. Both analyses of the whale s
symbolic meaning have validity and a
Shariah Financial Market Statement
compliant listed equities to provide the capital growth over the medium to long term
through the diversified, but growth oriented portfolio. TARGET MARKET:
Suitable for the investors who is mainly interested ingrowth and willing to take and
accept higher risk in investment return. FUND MANAGER: Takaful Ikhlas Berhad.
Appointed External Fund Manager: CIMB Principal Islamic Asset Management
GROWTH (%)3.5113.0916.137.7830.23 BENCHMARK (%)0.252.952.716.059.28
investment portfolio is subjected to the following: Up to 98% of the Portfolio... Show
more content on ...
Malaysia s macroeconomic fundamentals remain strong as Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) for the second quarter come in at 5.8% following a 5.6% expansion
in the first quarter. Consequently, various economists have upgraded their full year
GDP forecast for Malaysia to 5.2% 5.5% while the government estimate 4.3%
4.8%. Meanwhile, inflation continues to moderate to 3.2% in July after peaking at
5.1% in March. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) is expected to keep the Overnight
Policy Rate unchanged at 3.00% for the rest of 2017. Ringgit Malaysia (RM) has
established at c.4.30 to the US Dollar despite a sizeable government bond maturity
during the month. Takaful Ikhlas expect the market to trade sideways despite the
external headwinds from geopolitics and central banks normalisation plans as well as
the net foreign outflows recorded in August for Bursa (June: +RM359m, July:
+RM419m, August: RM241m). Second quarter earnings were non inspiring but we
are hopeful that the 2H17 results will recover. Although Takaful Ikhlas expect that the
markets to trade sideways, various key themes still present the good opportunity for
returns. They
Designing A Custom Home For Building A New Home
The customer is looking to build a new home in the Clarksville, Tennessee area and
wants the construction completed by August 2017. The customer has requested a
project proposal from Wilson Construction, Inc. for architectural plans to construct a
custom home consisting of 4500 square feet. The main objective of the new home
project is to design a quality custom home that meets all stakeholders expectations
while fitting into the surrounding area to allow the market value to remain fluent
with other homes in the area. However, the general contractor has undergone several
labor changes on previous contracts to include several sub contractor changes and
three different design architects. Furthermore, this is the customer s first home...
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This paper will formulate a solution to the potential communication deficit. As Lois
Edmund wrote in his studies that conflict is not static; rather, it evolves over time
(Edmund, 2010) further recommendations will be suggested in this paper to address
the marketing, finance, accounting, legal and ethical issues, possible global impact
and the affected organizational polices over the next two five year period. Problem
Several factors combined like the general contractor undergoing several labor force
changes in past projects, the customer having little knowledge of the construction
process and the construction industry suffering from the lack of communication in
several projects (Mitkus, et al., 2014) state claim that a communication deficit exists.
The communication deficit can prompt conflict in several areas of the project and
have a tremendous negative impact on the overall success of the project. A qualitative
study by Mitkus Mitkus revealed that inefficient communication between the project
manager, project team, and customer had a negative impact on quality and customer
acceptance (Mitkus, et al., 2014). The study also revealed several root causes of the
communication deficit (Mitkus, et al., 2014): (a).No written plan (b).Communication
was not taken seriously (c).Lack of interpersonal communication (face to face)
(d).Stakeholders not clearly identified (e).Unestablished communication channels (f).
Essay On Gas Liquid Chromatography
Gas Liquid Chromatography
Chromatography is a method of analysis in which mixture is partially or completely
separated into its components according to relative attraction of the component
towards stationery and mobile phase. After the mixture is added to stationery phase,
mobile phase is allowed to pass through the stationery phase continuously starting at
that point where the sample is added. The mixture is divided between the stationery
and mobile phase and move along with the mobile phase, the rate at which it passes
through stationery phase depend upon its attraction towards mobile and stationery
phase i.e if it has more attraction with mobile phase it will move faster and vice versa.
Gas Liquid Chromatography:
Gas chromatography is the branch of chromatography in which the mobile phase is
gas (called the carrier gas) and the stationery phase is liquid (GLC=Gas Liquid
Chromatography). GLC has been widely used as in solid stationery phase it is
difficult to deal with as there is a phase difference (Solid, Gas) and gas do not
easily adsorb in solid. The separation on liquid stationery phase is based on either
relative solubility s of sample component in the stationery phase or a combination of
relative solubility s in the stationery phase. ... Show more content on
The source of the mobile phase usually a high pressure gas tank with appropriate
valves and pressure regulators. The injection system. The injection system is the
device which accepts the sample, changes it into gas if required and insert it into the
inlet of columns. The actual separation of sample component occur in column. As
separated components leave the column, they flow into the detector which is
continuously monitoring their presence and expresses them as an electric signal
which is eventually fed to a recorder for a visual readout. The flow rate through the
column is usually measured at the outlet of column or
Analysis Of The Help By Kathyn Stockett
This summer, I decided to read The Help by Kathyn Stockett. The Help is a
coming of age novel written in the perspectives of three different yet hardworking
women living in Jackson Mississippi in the middle of the Civil Rights era. The
novel s protagonists consist of Aibileen Clark, a shrewd maid, Eugenia Skeeter
Phelan, an aspiring journalist, and Minny Jackson, a cheeky maid with a lot to say.
Put these three women together and you ve got a book stating the truth of what is
it to be a black woman in Jackson Mississippi, working for a white woman. The
bold women in this novel and their audacious personalities is just one of the made
this book what it is. Living in a time when people were no more friendly to African
Americans as they... Show more content on ...
Like Aibileen, Minny is just one many generations of her family to be working for
a white woman, only Minny is made with an aptitude for cooking and sass. Minny
has been taught since she was a little girl by her mother, knowing she was going to
end up as a maid no matter what, to never talk back to the white lady, don t get
involved in their business and to not get attached to them. Those rules were never
broken until Minny was fired from a previous job, working for the mother a
villainous woman named Hilly Holbrook, for talking back to Hilly and feeding her
a certain tainted pie. And that s how come I did it ... I told her to eat my shit
[Minny tells the story of the pie Hilly ate containing her poop] (p.g. 398). Minny
was not only gutsy but played a crucial role in this story because she is the one who
gathered all the other maids necessary in order to complete the book. But I se it, the
flickeron her mouth, a hint of softness beneath her anger. Minny made this happen
[Skeeter when she realized Minny was the one who convinced all the maids to
volunteer to share their stories.] (p.g.
Shortage Of Labor In High School
Construction is the industry that got us out of the recession says Kari Clark,
president of the homebuilding company Sharper Homes (personal communication,
November 22, 2017). Without a huge construction labor force, that wouldn t have
been possible. However, today s construction labor force is dwindling in size, and
home builders are having problems staffing workers. While the shortage of labor in
the construction industry of Minnesota is a serious issue, it can be solved by
introducing trade school programs into local schools. To begin, there is a decline in
Minnesotan high schools offering construction trade programs. Since high schools
don t offer these types of programs, many students don t know that going to college
to get a... Show more content on ...
Not only are high schools withholding trade programs from students, but the
negative perception of construction workers turns away applicants. Society has
shaped the idea that two year universities aren t as good as four year universities.
Likely, this is because the perception is that the attendees of the two year university
aren t good enough for a four year university (Dickrell, 2013). These ideas prevent
students from attending two year universities. They are worried that society will
look down upon them. This stigma shouldn t be preventing students from
considering construction jobs. Another aspect of society that creates negative
perceptions about trade schools is high school teachers. Teachers aren t discussing
trade jobs, so many students don t even think about trade schools (Robertson, 2013).
By not promoting blue collar jobs, the construction labor industry is hurting.
Teachers need to open students minds to other options besides going to a four year
college. The small number of applicates to trade schools is likely due to a negative
perception of the construction industry. The shortage of labor caused by society and
the lack of trade programs in high schools causes a problem for consumers because of
the rise in prices in the construction industry. It s plain to see that the lack of workers
affects how much construction industries can charge. The industry is
The False Claims Act
On October 24, 2012 the Unites States of America filed a lawsuit against the Bank
of America Corporation for selling toxic mortgages to Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac
which cost the taxpayers more than $1 billion dollars. The lawsuit sought penalties
under two laws; the False Claims Act, which is normally used to target fraud
against the government, and the 1989 FIRREA Law. FIRREA does not usually
hold up in court, but the government is once again relying on it because of the
financial crisis as a possibility for targeting civil fraud concerning financial
institutions. (Viswanatha, Aruna, 2013) (Stempel, Jonathan, 2012) On May 8,
2013, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff issued a two page ruling that dismissed the
claims in the lawsuit seeking penalties under the False Claims Act, but allowed the
claims that sought penalties under Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and
Enforcement Act (FIRREA) to advance. The relevance of the False Claims Act
and the FIRREA Law will be further explored in this case. (Viswanatha, Aruna,
2013) The False Claims Act The False Claims Act, also known as the Lincoln Law
is an American federal law that holds persons and companies accountable for
abusing governmental programs. However, the law includes a qui tam provision that
allows people without government ties to file actions on behalf of the government.
This is also referred to as whistleblowing . The Act prohibits such measures as
knowingly presenting false claims for payment or approval,
Cost Analysis Of Tables For Annual Booksale
Cost Analysis of Tables for Annual Booksale
The Friends of the Metropolitan Library System can save approximately $4,400
/year by owning and storing tables for the booksale instead of renting. If the Friends
used the Old Sort Site warehouse, with a small external storage site, the savings
could grow to approximately $5,600/year.
Wondering why the Friends did not supply their own tables, I asked several other
vol unteers about the subject while at the 2016 Booksale. The most common reason
was a lack of storage facilities, coupled with the costs (manpower and financial)
associated with transporting them. In this report I attempt to quantify the ongoing
requirements associated with ownership.
Renting approximately 480 tables has a ... Show more content on ...
Storage Requirements:
One possible storage site for these tables is in the Friends Old Sort Site (1350 NE 3rd
St.) When I volunteered at 2016 s Move Out, there was enough room left over to
park a truck inside the building. If this space is not used through the rest of the year
as New Sort Site overflow, then a space of easily 10 by 32 feet is available, capable
of holding up to 360 tables placed on end against the long wall. Even more could be
held if they were laid flat and stacked over 8 high. Limiting the tables to a space 10
wide, 32 long, and 13 high holds 423 tables.
The tables can also be stored in self storage units. Two locations close (about 4 miles)
to the Oklahoma Expo Hall were Public Storage at 4105 S May and SecurCare Self
Storage at 5110 NW 10th St.
Public Storage had two sizes of interest: 10x10, holding about 110, and 10x20, hold
ing 220 tables. Monthly rent is $68 and $108/month respectively.
SecurCare Self Storage had many more options:
5x15 (80 tables) $52 10x10 (110 tables) $69 10x15 (160 tables) $85 10x20 (220
tables) $87 10x22 (248 tables) $90 20x15 (320 tables) $140 20x20 (440 tables) $170
$.65/table $.63/table $.53/table $.40/table $.37/table $.44/table
Animal Cruelty
Kia Motors is a company that sells the Kia Soul, an electric car. I started noticing
people driving these cars a few years ago after seeing the company s commercial.
The commercial contains dancing hamsters with fun lights, music, and colors. This
attracts people and gets them thinking that if they buy this car then they will have
fun too. The car also comes in different colors and is designed in a streamlined
shape to give it a futuristic look. This is a great strategy not only to sell the product,
but also to help the world Go Green. A part of the company s philosophy is, As
considerate citizens of the world, we want to make exemplary and sustainable
contributions to the environment. Electric cars are made to help stop pollution....
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Despite the fact that there are many tests today that are faster and cheaper that do
not require the use of animals, there are multiple cosmetic companies that still
support animal cruelty. One type of test that is done on animals is the acute
toxicity test. It determines the toxic consequences of a single, short term exposure
to a product. They are given to animals in high doses by force feeding, inhalation,
or absorption through the skin. Also, companies often use rabbits, because their
eyes are similar to the human eye. They use rabbits to test their perfumes and
makeup products to see if they are eye irritants. The animals go through severe
abdominal pain, convulsions, seizures, and/ or paralysis. ( If cosmetic
companies keep using the same type of animals for their tests, there will not be
many of those animals left in the world. Eventually, leading to extinction. What they
do not realize is that all living organisms and their environments are all
interconnected. The worldwide web is interdependent. If one species goes extinct, it
will start a domino effect and it is destined in the end to influence us. Small changes
lead to big problems that are not a quick fix. The loss of one type of creature can
upset the planet s
Film Synopsis Of Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump Year of release: 1994
Genre: Comedy drama
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Main actors: Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), Jenny Curran (Robin Wright), Lieutenant
Dan (Gary Sinise), Bubba (Mykelti Williamson) , Forrest Gump Junior (Haley Joel
Osment) and Fru Gump (Sally Field).
Summary The movie is about a man who is called Forrest Gump. He lives in Alabama
with his mother in a big house. His best friend is called Jenny and she is his
neighbour. The movie starts with Forrest Gump as a grown man which sits on a
bench, and he tells his life story from the beginning to the end to them sitting next to
him. Forrest Gump joined the army in Vietnam. There he met Bubba. He and Bubba
had a dream to start a shrimp company, bubba died in the Vietnam war. But Forrest
did not give up and started a shrimp company with Lieutenant Dan and got rich. In
this movie he meets famous persons as Elvis Presley, John ... Show more content on ...
They are same age. Her father is not kindly against her and her sisters. She has long
blond hair and blue eyes. She is a very kind girl, but she hurts Forrest sometimes. In
the movie she die very early, but she manage to get a child and married Forrest Gump.
Fru Gump (mama): Fru Gump is Forrest mom. She tells Forrest that life is just like
a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get and that he most find his
own destiny. She protects Forrest and get mad on people who says that Forrest is a
dumb kid. Fru Gump was 40 years old when she got Forrest. She died of cancer when
she was about 60 years old.
Bubba: Bubba meant a lot to Forrest. He was the only one who would sit with Forrest
Gump on that bus. They become friends and was in the army together. Unfortunately
Bubba died under an attack.
Lieutenant Dan: He wanted to die in a combat. It was a tradition he came from.
Forrest saved Lieutenant Dan s life. They was lying on the hospital together and he
had to sit in a wheelchair because he lost his legs.
Attitude Towards Love in Valentine and The Flea Essay
Through Close Analysis of Language, Structure and Theme, Compare and
Contrast the Poet s Attitude Towards Love in Valentine and The Flea.
The two poems Valentine and The Flea are about the two different ways in which
the poets portray their views about love, however the poems are still linked in a few
ways. The Flea was published in the seventeenth century and was written by John
Donne . Valentine was published in 1983 and was written by Carol Ann Duffy . Both
poems are addressed to an unknown lover.
The poem Valentine is written in free verse form. Carol Ann Duffy could have used
this irregular pattern because of the irregular present that she is giving to her lover.
Not a red rose or satin heart. I give you ... Show more content on ...
This could be the link between the onion and love that is being developed in the
poem. This is also one of only four cases of enjambment in this poem. The writer
obviously wants the lines to flow into each other here maybe so it is like when tears
are flowing down your face.
Duffy then explores the idea of truth behind the relationship, quite the opposite of
what John Donne believes of in his relationship.
I am trying to be truthful.
The writer obviously wants her lover to know the real meaning of love, not his
stereotypical view. Duffy also wants to emphasise the fact of how irregular her
present is and it should be thought of.
Not a cute card or kissogram.
She doesn t want him to receive the normal presents off her; she knows that he
would just be expecting that and he wouldn t even think about the meaning of the
normal presents. She wants to shock her lover with her present to make sure that the
he understands the meaning of why she is giving him a present for Valentine s Day
to offer a gift to your true love and emphasise how much you care about them.
Duffy then repeats the first line of her poem again in the middle of the poem. I give
you an onion.
She is repeating the line to emphasise the meaning of the present, or it could be to
start a different part of the poem, a different attitude towards love. Then there is a
contrast with a line in the first stanza.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your
1984 Dystopian Society
The book 1984 was written by George Orwell in 1948, the main theme of this book
is social science fiction. A underlying theme is this book is a dystopian future: the
social, economical, and political problems are issues that are lied about, prove
this. When looking at the social aspect of life in 1984 all social groups are treated
very different yet at the same time are all treated the same. In 1984 there is a very
obvious hierarchal system; the top is The Inner Party, than The Outer Part, and on
the bottom of the list are the proles. In Oceania this society strictly follows this, and
does not deviate from these set rules of class. Each social group in 1984 are
marginalized, excluded, and silenced, the way that this happens to... Show more
content on ...
As usual, there was no definite rule against talking to proles and frequenting their
pubs, but it was far too unusual an action to pass unnoticed (87). This just shows
how odd it is for Party Members to talk to proles, but when a Party Member does
need to they do it knowing only a little backlash will happen if they are questioned.
The proles live in parts of Oceania that are the slums of the state. As Winston walks
around the proles part of town, he brings up that it doesn t smell good at all. If there
was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded
masses, eighty five percent on the population of Oceania (69). Winston says he has
hope that these people will rise up, you can still tell he distest them by the way he
talks about them. A few thought agents of the Thought Policemoved always among
them, spreading false rumors and marking down and eliminating the few individuals
who were judged capable of becoming dangerous: but no attempt was made to
indoctrinate them with the ideology of the party (71). The party Doesn t want to
waste their resources on the proles so they just marginalize them and pretend like
they re not there. The Thought Police and Party don t care about the proles at all, the
Thought Police go around spreading rumor just so that they can see if any of the
proles will react, than the Thought Police take them away and silence them, and most
likely kill them
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The award winning novel, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, is a story about a
woman going through cruel things such as: incest, rape, and physical abuse. This
greatly written novel comes from a very active feminist author who used many of her
own experiences, as well as things that were happening during that era, in her writing.
The Color Purpletakes place in the early 1900 s, and symbolizes the economic,
emotional, and social deprivation that African American women faced in Southern
states of America. The main character of the story is Celie, a fourteen year old that
starts writing letters to God for thirty years, and then to her sister, Nette, who ran
away to Africa to save herself from the troubles Celie went through. Celie starts off
as a pushover and very dependent girl that would eventually grow and develop into
an independent flourishing woman that opens a business making pants for all
genders. This novel shows the hardship of a girl becoming a woman over the course
of her life and eventually standing up for herself and being confident. Many of the
experiences and characters of The Color Purpleare based on history of that time and
a bit of the author s personal experiences. Her use of epistolary allows the reader to
learn everything in the point of view of Celie. Alice Walkers influences for writing
this novel range from her childhood experiences to the white society in her hometown
of Eatonville, Georgia. Even during these times, it still shows that women
24 Hours Research Paper
24 hours with no access to mobile phone
I wanted to do the other activity but my pyjama is a Mike Wazowski (from
Monsters Inc.) onesie but I would be soaked with sweat wearing that to school at
this time of the year. To maximize the outcome and the experience, I also have
decided to go the 24 hours without my laptop and other electronic devices.
For the first 3 to 4 hours I went through symptoms that were similar to alcohol or drug
addiction withdrawal; anxiety, restlessness and decreased concentration. Strong urge
to check my Facebook and message was almost unbearable. It was impossible for me
to concentrate on studying or anything else. I just wanted to go to bed and forget
about the fact that I have completely isolated myself.
The next 8 hours was not as difficult since I was asleep. However, because I did not
own a clock or a watch, I was not able set the alarm. I naturally woke up when the
sunlight was beaming through my eyes. I realized that I have overslept. Luckily, I
did not have any classes or appointments for that day. ... Show more content on ...
I went to a cafГ© and just sat there for a couple of hours. I thought I would feel
liberated as I did not have to check my phone every ten minutes. However, I
continuously looked for my phone, which I had did not bring, and started to feel
agitated as I could not check my messages, Facebook, and Instagram.
Smart phones have made our lives so much easier, yet it had imprisoned us in its
world. I have related this experience with substance use disorder. Withdrawal can be
harder for some people and it is not as easy as a lot of people imagine. Supports and
sometimes depending on the circumstances, medications should be needed to help the
The Electronic Medical Record
For a nation to be technologically advanced, the United States (U.S.) is having a
hard time overcoming the dark era of utilizing hand written scripts, progress notes,
and paper records. In comparison to other countries, the U.S. is lagging behind in the
health care system. Even with all the improvements that have been made recently, the
U.S. ranked last in 2014 in areas such as access, efficiency and equity compared to
Australia, Canada, France Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom (Davis, Stremikis, Squires, Schoen,
2014). Now, as our nation is trying to improve the quality, access, and proficiency of
our health care, concerns have been raised whether the new policies are adequate
enough for privacy amongst sharing and obtaining health information. This paper was
put together to give background information on how the electronic medical record
came about and whether privacy is a major concern amongst the American population.
The dark era of medical records caused people s private health information not to
be safe. A few examples of how patient records were not protected includes patient
records were found in dumpsters outside of physician s offices, patient records
were found washed ashore in Maine, and in one instance a teacher from Salt Lake
City purchased medical records from 28 Florida hospitals to use as scrap paper for
her students (Thede, 2010). Moreover, in the past patient records used to be fully
Periplaneta Americana Experiment
The entire experiment was conducted on an adult cockroach, Periplaneta
americana, which was anesthetized using CO2 followed by an exposure of the
ventral nerve cord using the method outlined in the PNB 3263WQ Laboratory
Manual (Moiseff, 2016). Exposure to sound stimulation began with a spontaneous
recording which was used as baseline for the obtained firing rate, followed by
Auditory stimulation at 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 600 Hz and Ultrasonic pest repellent
(UPR, which emits a sound frequency of 25,000 Hz). Eight trials were performed per
sound frequency with 10 second rest between each trial and 1 minute rest allowed
between frequency change. (Fig.1). the length of each stimulation lasted for 250
msec. eight specimens were used in the experiment... Show more content on ...
The oscilloscope was used to determine that electrode placement was sufficient to
record neural activity. This was determined by looking for a recording with
minimal background noise and clear spontaneous extracellular action potentials
(EAPs) . Criteria for an EAP included the presence of a clear bi or triphasic
waveform amplitude peak above 10 mV. For each specimen, the total firing rate
i.e: the count of EAPs present within 250 msec was recorded, the average of each
specimen was taken and total grand mean as well as the stand deviation were
calculated. All of the imaging recording were analyzed using video recorder and
the freeze option to accurately measure the degree change within each stimulation.
A total of 8 trials at each sound frequency totaling to 16 trials per specimen, we
examined the same 8 specimens that were later used for dissection and exposure of
VNC experimental part of the study. An ANOVA statistical analysis was used to
compare the result of five experimental conditions. This test was performed for the
average firing rate. As well as Tucky HSD test was used to determine which
conditions were statistically significant and which ones were
Analysis of the Movie Parenthood
The movie Parenthood cover s many of the topics we have discussed this semester
in class. But it obviously focused very strongly on parenting and marriage. During
the course of the movie we see the four Buckman children s very different style of
parenting. Although all four were raised by the same parents the culture of their
individual families are all look very different. Gil Buckman felt abandoned and
ignored by his father and therefore responded, with his wife Karen, by being a very
active and attentive parent. Gil and Karen are on the authoritative end of the parenting
spectrum, and their families culture revolves around activities such as baseball
games, Kevin s baseball game, Birthday parties, school plays and basically having
fun together (Lecture, 4/22). On the opposite end of the parenting spectrum are
Nathan and Susan. They are very authoritarian and reminded me of the tiger Mom s
of China. The culture of their familymeans that they don t have their daughter in
preschool, they are waiting a prescribed amount of time to have a second child and
Nathan is continuously drilling facts into their daughter. Susan feels like she should
be playing with children her own age but Nathan s feelings have taken over their
family s culture.
When Kevin starts having difficulties in school (these difficulties are not expanded
on greatly) it begins to test Gil and Karen s families culture and eventually their
marriage. This structural issue causes Gil and Karen to doubt their
Islamic Church Vs Medieval
No doubt that england had some hard times back in the middle age, lack of
knowledge such as doctors and health care wasn t up to par. If you got the flu or a
stomach bug it felt like death was always a possibility. They never had aspirin or
any form of pain relievers. So just imagine going through a war, and the black
plague is all around you. Spreading to friends and sometimes even family (brothers,
sisters, etc.). Knowledge and the question what if was definitely thrown around a lot,
back in the middle ages, with so many questions unanswered. The Catholic Church
became the one of the most powerful institution of the medieval period. Kings,
queens and other leaders got majority of their power from their alliances and
protection of the Church. Peasants (lowest level on the social chain) across Europe
had to pay tithing (10 percent of their earnings each year to the Church) at the same
time, the Church was mostly exempt from taxation. These policies helped it to gain a
great deal of money and power for their army.
While the Islamic world was growing larger and more powerful. After Muhammad s
death in 632 CE, Muslim armies conquered large parts of the Middle East. At the
peak of the medieval Islamic world it was more than three times bigger than ... Show
more content on ...
In the middle of the 14th century, however, there seemed to be no rational
explanation for it. No one knew exactly how the Black Death was transmitted from
one patient to another according to one doctor, for example, instantaneous death
occurs when the aerial spirit escaping from the eyes of the sick man strikes the
healthy person standing near and looking at the sick and no one knew how to prevent
or treat it. Physicians relied on crude and unsophisticated techniques such as
bloodletting and boil lancing (practices that were dangerous as well as unsanitary)
and superstitious practices such as burning aromatic herbs and bathing in rosewater or
The Genocide In Armenia
There are more than one ways that the holocaust is very similar to the Genocide in
Armenia. Like Hitler, The Turkish government had devised and set into motion a
plan to exterminate more than one million of turkeys Armenians. Like the holocaust
in Germany, the genocide in Armenia had a lot to do with religion and in almost a
super similar situation to the holocaust, it all started to go bad when a group called
the young Turks decided they wanted all the power and wanted any religion but
theirs out of turkey. By April of 1915 hundreds were arrested and thousands were
taken from their homes and put on death marches without food and water through the
desert and just like in the holocaust, people were also tortured and killed in very
cruel manors.... Show more content on ...
In the years following, the Bosnian Serb forces started prosecuting the Bosniak and
Croatian people. This caused the deaths of more than 100,000 civilians by 1995.It has
multiple similarities to the holocaust because it was religion motivated, government
supported, and was the biggest genocide since the holocaust. Somewhere between
20,000 and 50,000 women were raped and they also buried thousands in huge mass
Rwanda 1994, Shortly after Rwandan President JuvГ©nal Habyarimana and Hutu
President of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira were killed in a plane crash, the Hutu
ethnic majority of Rwandan massacred up to 800,000 civilians who were mostly the
Tutsi minority. Like with the holocaust, the motivating factor for the genocide was
race and religion. Also similar to the holocaust was that the world ignored what was
happening in Rwanda and that the genocide didn t happen in secret, America and
surrounding countries knew what was going
Essay on Scotts Miracle-Gro Case Solution
Name: Elcra Brown Subject: Supply Chain Management (Intro) Paper Subject: Scotts
Miracle Gro Date: July 23, 2013
Scotts Miracle Gro is the largest company in the North American lawn and garden
industry. It is also the world s leading supplier and marketers of consumer products
for do it yourself lawn and garden care, including products for professional
horticulture. This paper is mainly centered on two decisions which include either to
make and or buy. In other words whether Scotts Miracle Gro should keep
manufacturing in Temecula located in California, outsource production to a contract
company in China or to build a company in China and relocate production there. The
paper will be divided into three parts in ... Show more content on ...
Nonetheless, upon close examination of the production line, it was concluded that
there were a lot of disadvantages associated with the outsourcing of production some
of which includes and is not limited to:
Loss of quality
Loss of cross functional collaboration between production line workers and R D
department which will result in the loss of innovation
Providing the equipment, knowledge and training to perform in mold labeling to an
outside contractor, something that once differentiates us from other major
competitors or just foregoing in mold labeling capabilities.
Risk of increasing labor costs faster than expected which could directly impact the
pricing of the products
Increase lead time; defective products will not be caught until they arrive in the
United States
The inability of quick response (QR) due to the increase in lead time
Risk of utility rates increasing faster than expected; due to the growing pressure on
the Chinese government to improve environmental record.
Possibly damaging the company s goodwill in terms of not playing their part in CSR
by increasing the carbon foot print by using China s cheap energy source.
Risk in changing policies as it relates to the importing of tax and duty free
agricultural products
Uncertainty of the Chinese government as it relates to the overvaluing of the Yaun.
Transition costs associated with the move
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Economic Systems
An economic system defines how the various sectors of the economy interact. In
modern times, people have defined economic systems to include government
policies. In the olden days, economic systems were pretty simple, as people used
the trade by barter system which was very straight forward. There were few treaties
and almost no real rules of engagement. In this type of trade, you only exchanged
goods that you had for what you needed, or wanted. However, in modern monetary
economies, the setting is quite intricate. Huge established companies have a lot of
influence in the way business is done. Treaties and agreements are made every day,
and governments have made numerous laws to define trade, thus warranting the need
for a more comprehensive... Show more content on ...
They do not have to produce what the government tells them to produce. This
freedom, creates competition which forces companies to create new products and
features. A good example of this is the cell phone market, as new phones are
released each year, as individuals create new ideas and new features for their
consumers, another advantage is that due to consumer driving decisions, it forces
the producer to meet the requirements or features required by the consumer as it
influences the price of the product (Educator, 2015). However, from the
advantages, a series of disadvantages occur. Businesses driven by a profit motive
may create a sense of danger for the business. This could be as a result of poor
working environment and unethical decisions may be taken by business owners to
try and gain some profit (Educator, 2015) . The market economy may also cause the
markets to crash as it happened to the United States during the great depression,
thereby creating a huge number of unemployed citizens which could lead to the
devastation of families (Educator, 2015).
Despite the effects of the depression and economic downturn in the early 2000s, the
USA continues to operate as a market economy (Educator,
FedEx s Value Chain Activity
Introduction In this paper, I will analysis FedEx s value chain activity, its generic
strategy, resources and capabilities, corporate level strategy, global strategy, and some
recommendation that I have for FedEx.
FedEx started at Little Rock, Arkansas, with the founder Frederick Smith s ambition
to improve the distribution system by adding next day package delivery. Over years,
FedEx has developed into multi billion dollars corporation and provide services in
express, ground, freight, and etc. Today, FedEx Corporation has four major
segments: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Office.
FedEx Express is the world s largest express transportation company that provides
overnight delivery services for most of its operating locations. FedEx Ground
segment is a leading small package carrier in the US that ship goods for businesses
and residential customers. Freight segment provides less than truckload freight
services. FedEx Office and Print Services offer customers sales, marketing, and
other information technology services. Currently, FedEx has about 52,400 drop
off locations, 647 aircraft and 54,100 vehicles. In 2013 fiscal year, FedEx reported
$21.8 billion in revenue, and over 2 billion in operating income. The revenue has
increased at 10.9% in 2011, 8.9% in 2012, and 4.5% in 2013. ( FedEx 2013 Annual
Report )
Value Chain/Generic Strategy As a company that operates in the logistics industry,
FedEx creates value by
Spiritual Giant Research Paper
A Journey With Spiritual Giant by Janvier Irafasha
Cornerstone University
English 099
Professor Smith
November 23, 2014
My spiritual giant is Dr. Louie Giglio, I ve been studying him for almost the entire
semester and getting to know him. My journey with Dr. Giglio has been a wild and
inspiring; I we learned so much from him, and I admire what he does and what he
stands for as a Christian and a man of God. Louie Giglio was born on June 30, 1958
In Atlanta Georgia. He graduated from Georgia State University and he persuaded a
Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas Fort
Worth. Short after, Dr. Giglio went to Grace Theological Seminary to earn a Doctor
of Ministry degree. Dr. Giglio is married to Shelley ... Show more content on ...
Anti gay Pastor Louie Giglio Drops out of Inauguration. Dailly Kos. Daily Kos
News, 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Discipleship Library Development Philemon Philippians Philosophy Physical Fitness
Planning and Organization Pneumatology (Holy Spirit) Poor, The Praise Prayer
Hand Illustration Premarital Counseling Pride Problems Promises. Discipleship.
Discipleship Library, 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Ellison, Les. Indescribable DVD. UK. Eden, 1 Mar. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Giglio, Louie. The Thing We Do. The Air I Breathe. Multnomah, 2003. 144. Print.
Isael, Josh. BREAKING: Anti Gay Pastor Withdraws From Inaugural Program.
ThinkProgress RSS. Think Progress, 11 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Mohler, Albert. The Giglio Imbroglio The Public Inauguration of a New Moral
McCarthyism. Albert Mohler. 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
Murray, Ross. Who Can Pray for America? The Inauguration Benediction Question.
Who Can Pray for America? GLAAD, 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.
Zavada, Jack. Louie Giglio Biography. Religion About. About Religion, 10 Jan.
2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Giglio and Redman, Indescribable (Springs, Cook Communication Ministries
Dinoflagellates Research Paper
Dinoflagellates are eukaryotic microorganisms that are commonly found in marine
environments. They are a large group of flagellate protists that are also identified as
algae. Most dinoflagellates possess plastids, a double membrane organelle that stores
pigments used in photosynthesis [1, 2]. However, some dinoflagellates only acquire
these temporarily by digesting food algae[1]. A large portion of dinoflagellates are
mixotrophic, phagotrophy with photosynthesis[3]. There are roughly 2,000 species of
dinoflagellates living and more than 1,700 of them live in marine environments [4].
Dinoflagellates possess two flagella that produce forward movement and also provide
a turning ability [5]. Another unique characteristic of dinoflagellates is the ability to
bioluminesce. In total, 68 species are bioluminescent and emit a blue green light due
to the stimulation of the enzyme dinoflagellate luciferase [6, 7]. Although there are
many defining characteristics of dinoflagellates, there is still confusion as to whether
they should be identified as algae or protists.
Protists are mostly unicellular and can be heterotrophic or ... Show more content on ...
There are too many variations in pigmentation, metabolism, and morphology to
group all dinoflagellates together. In an effort to gain a better understanding of
where they belong evolutionarily, researchers have begun using the nuclear encoded
large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) for phylogenetic analysis. It
contains conserved and divergent sequences [19]. The accumulation of LSU rDNA
information can aid in identifying dinoflagellates at a species level and can track the
dispersal of other marine microorganisms [16].It has also been proposed that the
dinoflagellate lineage is linked to the endosymbiosis of a chromist haptophyte algae
that contained chlorophyll a and c
Analyzing The Chupacabra In Andrew J. Hoffman s
In the reading Monsters By Andrew J. Hoffman in the section by Mike Davis
called Monsters and Messiahs talk about the Urban Legend The Chupacabra. In the
section, Davis uses the word Messiahs in discussing The Chupacabra because the
monster was considered a leader of a particular group. The particular group would
have to be in Mexico The Chupacabra was first brought in Puerto Rico. But then
travel to California in the city of San Fernando. The Chupacabra has a made a big
impact on people s viewing. The chupacabra is an urban legend, it is combined with
varieties of animals put together. The chupacabra was called a Messiah because it
was a lightning rod for immigrant anxiety. Meaning whenever something tragic
would happen in the community
Come Back To Me By Mila Gray
Come Back To Me is a book written by Mila Gray. Gray wrote Come Back To Me
in 2014. Mila Gray is a Young Adult Fiction writer. Gray is known as Sarah
Alderson in young adult books, but in an adult fiction she is Mila Gray. Sarah
Alderson is the winner for the Kingston Book Award (2012). The moral of the
book Come Back to me is never take things for granted, because one day they could
be gone forever. Come Back to me is a fictional story trying to tell people that
everything is important and nothing should be taken for granted. Meanwhile the
setting of the book, is in a undersized town with two families going through the same
situation at the same time. The main characters in the book are Jessa Kingsley and
Kit Ryan, Kit and Riley
Oligodendrocytes Essay
Myelination deficit in a phencyclidine induced neurodevelopmental model of
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Increasing evidence supports an important role of oligodendrocytes and myelination
in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing cells
in the central nervous system. To test the myelination dysfunction hypothesis of
schizophrenia, possible myelination dysfunction was evaluated in a phencyclidine
(PCP) induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. On postnatal day ...
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Dysfunction of neural networks has been demonstrated by chemical and physiologic
imaging in the brains of schizophrenic patients (McClure et al., 1998). Myelin
dysfunction produces abnormal connectivity of neural networks. The lipid rich
myelin possesses high electrical resistance and low capacitance, and thus acts as an
insulator around axons. Damage to the myelin is accompanied by a decrease in
conduction velocity and, when severe, cessation of conduction. Dysregulation of
myelination related genes in chronic schizophrenia has been revealed by genome
wide expression analysis (Hakak et al., 2001), and deficits in myelin associated
mRNA and protein expression have been reported in brains of elderly schizophrenic
patients (Dracheva et al., 2006). In addition, abnormalities of myelination neuro
imaging and ultrastructural pathology of myelinated fibers and oligodendrocytes
have been observed in schizophrenic brains (Flynn et al., 2003; Orlovskaya and
Uranova, 1997). Therefore, the pathological process underlying schizophrenia may
involve an abnormality of brain myelin affecting white matter (Davis et al., 2003;
Finelli, 1985; Hageman et al., 1995).
Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing
Orville Vs Wright Brothers
Orville and Wilbur Wright are two icons that are recognisable to world of aviation
for their big contribution to the aviation industry. Orville and Wilbur are two
American brothers who both grown up to become inventors and aviation pioneers
which their invention eventually gave them the respect and fame of millions
around the world (Wikipedia, 2017). Both brothers were born at different states in
the United States of America where Orville was born in Dayton, Ohio on the 19th
of August 1871 while Wilbur was born in Millville, Indiana on the 16th of April
1867 (Wikipedia, 2017). This clearly shows that Wilbur is older than Orville by
four years. According to National Park Service in Manteo, North Carolina, the date
of 17th December 1903 is identified as a remarkable day in aviation history as it
was the day the very first sustainable, self restraint, and powered heavier than air
aircraft took its first official flight located at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Figure 1.1:
Orville Wright on the Left and Wilbur Wright on the Right... Show more content on ...
According to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, the Wright
Brothers had the willingness to get familiar and increase their knowledge regarding
aeronautics in the year 1899 as they were aware that the study of aviation was
something that involved lots of research as any info about aviation was limited
during that period of time. In that period of time, the Wright Brothers had organised
several experiments which that concept was about the capability of man carrying
My First Day Of High School
You need to surround yourself with people who care about you. Who challenge
you to grow. Who make you happy and appreciate all that you have to offer. The
message rang in my head as my mother offered me this advice, in attempt to quell
my fear of not fitting in the night before my first day of high school. I was often
scared to be myself. Being a persistent Asian with nothing but frequent late nights
studying intensely to keep up, young male dancer, and closeted gay teenager were
all facets of my identity that did not sit well in the minds of middle school bullies.
However, my high schoolexperiences brought me to realize that by integrating
myself in a community of passionate individuals, I thrived immensely and found
myself growing every day. Today, I no longer fear being unapologetically Marcus.
With a profound clarity, I envision myself continuing my journey of self improvement
by studying at Carnegie Mellon as a design major.
I found my niche in design because the field allows me to combine my love for the
arts and functional aesthetics with my dream of creating an impact on the world.
Already, I observed the immediate social impacts of thoughtful communication design
as editor in chief for our school s yearbook publication. I learned design extends
beyond aesthetics as its primary significance is functionality, which my staff
accomplished by telling powerful stories through an understanding of visual hierarchy
and efforts to ensure thorough coverage. A full year s
How to be a Nerd
How to be a Nerd Original Writing Constant worry and stress. Busy twenty four
hours a day and seven days a week. From keeping good grades in four AP classes to
having no social life outside of soccer and chess and school and work, my work
seems to never end. Being a nerd like me takes a lot of hard work and
determination to complete all tasks represented every day. Being me is a special
art that only a special few can achieve or attempt to imitate. The first thing to know
about being me is setting your priorities straight. You must have no life and study
for five hours everyday for the four AP classes that you have and make sure you are
able to finish it all before two in the morning the next... Show more content on ...
Day to day people see me act and behave differently than other people. If you really
want to be me, you will need to master a few key elements. First, you must carry a
really big backpack, the larger the better. You want a bag that may weigh between
ten and one hundred pounds, the weight is crucial. With such a large backpack,
you are able to carry all your books, folders, and binders without every having to
stop at your locker. Also, if you are in a hurry, you can turn sharp corners with your
backpack and knock over those in your way that might be a little more height
deficient then you like Audrey, Pauline, and Chelsea for example, no offense to
any of them of course. Not only do you need the backpack, you will need to be able
to talk like me and know what to say at different times. From talking out of turn and
answering your own questions, to going on about some random topic just to prove
your right to find out when you finish no one has listened to a single word I have
said, not to name any teachers or people of course. Some people all ready have the
speaking out of turn done, but I have yet to find anyone to perfect my voice and
speak as I do (all though I must say Ken Minster, Sean Hopkins, Joseph Carlston,
and Alan Fonseca have all gotten pretty close after trying to imitate it for the last
month or two.) I seem to almost never go anywhere with this guys when all of
CHS Segmentation In Health Care
Julie, as you indicated, segmentation allowed CHS to provide services specifically
selected to meet the needs of the seven defined population groups. Analyzing all of
these data points helped them to get a comprehensive look at their patient population
and the factors that affect their healthcare. Segmentation helped to improve patient
outcomes by targeting specific risk factors in a given population, as well as estimate
the cost of providing care, which helped them with payer contract negotiations
(Quelch Rodriquez, 2015). Other healthcare organization have used segmentation to
provide care to specific patient populations. However, segmentation will often look at
clinical and financial data to identify patients with chronic conditions,
UNIT 203 Work in a Business Environment K
UNIT 203 Work in a Business Environment Knowledge Understanding 1.1 Describe
what is meant by diversity and why it should be valued. Diversity means different
individuals valuing each other regardless of intellect, age, disability race or
religion. Diversity should be respected and valued because everyone is different
and can offer an alternative perspective. Everyone should be treated equally because
everyone has something to offer and everyone has a strong factor/skill that they can
contribute to the company. They enrich a society because they allow people to
experience different thinking processes, to see that there is more than one way of
approaching issues or living one s life. Diversity brings other points of view... Show
more content on ...
Confidentiality and information security are the key aspects for an organisation.
So an organisation must make sure that it preserves these along with integrity. Any
information even if it is a little one, if lost can lead to the non existence of the
organisation. The requirements for security and confidentiality are: All information
has to be original and true, and should be free from any errors. An organisation has
to be ready at all times to give access to the systems that store, process and deliver
information to the right people at the right time. All companies have and should
have their own policies and procedures regarding security and confidentiality. All
employees must abide by these policies and procedures. The Data Protection Act,
Human Rights Act and Consumer Rights Acts cover these areas. 2.3 Describe the
legal requirements for security and confidentiality, as required The legal
requirement in relation to security and confidentiality are described by in the Data
Protection Act 1998 and says that anyone who records information about individuals
is classed as a data processor under the Act and is required by law to process the data
fairly and lawfully. The Act prevents the unauthorised use of data and so protects the
privacy of individuals. The Act also says never to disclose information that my
organisation holds about individuals. The Act also allows individuals the right to
know what information
Women and Femininity in Medea
Women and Femininity in Medea Women s rights movements have made incredible
progress in recent times. Although there are many countries around the world where
women are facing political and social unjustness, the social class of women in
ancient Greece of 5th century BCE was solely grounded by patriarchal ideologies.
The Greek playwright Euripidescreates a persistent character Medea, in his classic
tragedyMedea. Today, scholars study this relentless protagonist who has become an
eternal and timeless symbol of femininity and womenfolk revolt. Whilst many themes
such as passion, vengeance, and exile are present within Euripides Medea, the theme
of women and femininity is critically manifested throughout the interactions of its
central... Show more content on ...
She continues to describe her state, A typically unfair attitude, I suppose... (316).
Later, in the tragedy, Medea boldly leaves the house after murdering her own
children in pursuit of satisfaction. Medea shows audiences the horror that can come
when one lets the desire for revenge rule his/her life. In addition to the interactions
between Medea and the Greek Chorus, it is important to explore the scenes
preceding the tirade. The nurse s opening monologue offers great insight into
Medea s state of characterization prior to her newfound interactions. The nurse
anaphorically describes Medea s actions towards Jason. The Nurse begins, She
wouldn t have made the daughters of Pelias kill him, she wouldn t have had to flee
to Corinth here, she wouldn t have done all that she did for Jason, She wouldn t
have been so darned complaisant to Jason (311). Euripides use of anaphora creates
emphasis on everything Medea has done for Jason. The Nurse believes that upon
meeting Jason, she wouldn t have fallen in love with Jason. Medea s motivation was
a clear passion to woo Jason. Formerly, Medea completes Jason s task of achieving
the Golden Fleece, originally a man s task. With her cunningness, she uses her witch
supremacies to her advantage, acting on her desire for Jason. Furthermore, the Nurse
foreshadows Medea s shift in characterization from anguish to dexterity in her
A Brief Summary Of Jeyn Roberts s Rage Within
Rage Within What a wonderful book! Rage Within is a fiction book by Jeyn
Roberts. This book seems to be a great choice for high schoolers. The book isn t too
difficult, but also isn t too easy and predictable that it s boring, so again this makes
a great choice for high schoolers. It s also in the perspective of teens which makes
it even better for teens , but the book is great for young adults too considering it s a
young adult book. Aries, Clementine, Mason and Michael have survived an
earthquake that wiped out most of the world s population, and most of the remaining
survivors have turned into zombie like murderers called Baggers. Aries is the leader
of the this small group of teens including others, she is having a tough time, because
she feels like every decision she makes will mess up everything. Clementine is...
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The book takes a lot of perspectives mainly among Aries, Clementine, Michael and
mason. This is really good compared to other books. The multiple perspective
makes it feel like a movie and mixes it up. Also, it has an abundance of suspenseful
cliff hangers that make you crave to read more and lead you on. The characters
also aren t afraid all the time and cower how most teens would. They seem to know
how to live in the moment, and have good times and joke even when there is
danger. That shows us they are fearless kids just about. This book is great for
people who enjoy gore, suspense and a little romance. If you love to see good
character cooperation and the characters in a lot of life or death situations where
you really don t know if they ll make it or not this is the book for you. This books
also shows that even the underdogs can still make a difference, and that gives us
hope in life when there seems to be nothing left. Again if you love gore, suspense
and a little bit of romance this is the perfect book for you, you won t be
Tuesdays With Morrie Rhetorical Analysis
We can leave the mountain anytime we want but those with ALS are prisoners in
their own body Alex Williams. People with ALS start losing their ability to move
as the disease goes through their body. In the Book Tuesdays with Morrie by
Mitch Albom Morrie Schwartz has ALS and he tries to give away all of his
wisdom before he dies. Morrie teaches people to live life through showing love to
family, not hiding or being scared of aging and accepting that Deathis natural. The
first lesson Morrie teaches is that showing love to family is most important.
Morrie says the family is the main foundation and we should love them because we
never know when we could lose them. A wise quote from Morrie that proves we
should show love for family is The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure
ground, upon which people my stand today if it isn t the family (Albom 91). I
agree with Morrie that family is the main foundation in life. Family will always
help each other out any way possible so it is important to love family members.An
example from my life is there was this one time I needed money for something I
needed and I didn t have no money. So then my uncle ended up helping me out
because it was important and family helps each other out when in need. The
second lesson Morrie teaches is that don t be scared of aging, it is a natural thing.
Morrie accepts aging because he is at that point in his life that he needs help
moving around because he can t do it by himself especially with ALS. A wise
Quote from Morrie that proves not to be afraid of aging is Its very simple. As you
grow, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty two, you d always be as ignorant as
you were at twenty two. Aging is not just decay, you know. Its growth. It s more
than the negative that you re going to die, it s also the positive that you understand
you re going to die, and that you live a better life because of it (Albom 118). I agree
with Morrie as a person gets older, they get wiser from experience that they learned
over the years. I am not afraid of aging I learned How to accept it as a natural thing
that everybody goes through. I noticed that I have gotten taller, stronger and I have
noticed my deeper voice it s all a part of growing up. one
Vanhanh Buddhist Youth Organization
Since 2006, I ve been a proud member of VanHanh Buddhist Youth Organization. My
youth group s teaching of Buddhism philosophy, changed my viewpoint on life. As I
grew up feeling miserable over my family s misfortunes, I applied Buddhism in my
life to become optimistic.
Buddhism encouraged me to strengthen my karma: by doing good, good things will
happen. Thus, I m inspired to volunteer my service for the less fortunate. In
particular, on Thanksgiving, my youth group and I volunteered at homeless shelters.
We provided food, water, and haircuts to the homeless community. The ideology of
karma makes me assured that suffering will pass. Through Buddhism s positive
influence in my life, I d would love to create a Buddhist Student Organization,
The Million Year Picnic Essay
While growing up, you might find yourself in a sort of limbo. There is a time
when you are between a child and an adult, between young and grown. This is
exactly the case for Timothy, the protagonist in Bradbury s The Million Year Picnic
(1946). He senses parts of the adult world that are hidden from his younger brothers,
while retaining a childlike uncertainty and confusion. This paper seeks to analyze and
interpret Timothy s character as well as the short storys narration, setting and themes.
The story unfolds on the planet Mars. It is October in year 2026, yet it is summer on
Mars. The planet is covered in crumbling cities, canals and multicolored deserts. The
family visits in the wake of a great war that eradicated all human and extraterrestrial
life there. Because of the barren atmosphere on Mars, there is a strained feeling in
the family. They talk in whispers when walking through the abandoned cities (p. 179,
l. 14). Both parents are also very tense from the beginning of the trip. The father is
trembling when packing the camp (p. 173, l. 5) and the mother is unusually quiet
throughout most of the novel. She seldom comes with any comments or remarks.
When noticing a bird, the father also gets frightened (p. 174, l. 1) and he has a pulse
beating in his cheek (p. 175, l. ... Show more content on ...
Timothy s family start their life over on Mars and Earth has to rediscover balance
and harmony. Once they land on Mars, the father listens to the atomic radio and
tells his wife, it s over at last, (p. 177, l. 18). To his son Michael he says that there
is no more Minneapolis, no more rockets, no more Earth (p. 178, l. 32). He
explains to everyone how every world station now is silent, but there is a possibility
that their great grandchildren will hear them again. This is if Earth becomes
peaceful once again. Much later, he claims that Earth has been killed (p. 180, l. 40).
Earth must start over and regain a sort of
Richard Hambleton s Image Mass Murder
His other noticeable work is Shadow man, which is similar to his Image Mass
Murder where is splashes paint on the ground but instead of it around a chalked out
outline it is brushed in the shape of a silhouetted. These images were created in
different areas that would make the pedestrians have the most impact when they saw
it, which was around corners and in dark alleys. Most of these pieces were in New
York citybut later expanded to some parts of Europe, including both sides of The
Berlin Wall before it was torn down. Richard Hambleton did not go on his with
creating art, he was in a group that had great success in the New York street art
community as well as outside of the street culture of that scene as well. Though
Richard is the only surviving member of that group it also had to great street artist
Keith Haring, and Jean Michel Basquiat both of which have passed on but their
legacies are still felt today. Both inside of the street art community as well as the art
community as a whole.
Keith is an American Based artist who uses his art for his social activist campaigns
that centered around birth, ... Show more content on ...
Jean another member that included Keith Haring and Richard Hambleton, and
like Keith, unfortunately, is not alive anymore. Like Keith, Haring Jean is an
American based artist that was born in Brooklyn, New York in the 1960 s. His
early work started out in 1978 after he dropped out of high school, was spray
painted graffiti in Lower Manhattan under his tag nam44e SAMO. The Tag name
SAMO is shortened saying for the old witty saying same old . His tag named also
included messages inscribed inside of them like for those of us merely tolerate
civilization or not cause cancer in laboratory animals. The art outside of his street art
primarily involves his culture and the appreciation for his African
Wild Man Monologue
Adam promised everything to Mia. He would do whatever she wanted, only if she
came back to him. After a car crash that killed Mia parents and little brother, Teddy,
it left Mia in a in between state as she watch doctors work on her coma ridden
body. There she went in flashes from old memories with Adam, to the current day,
watching her family and friends cry over her sleeping body. For Adam though, all he
knew was his girl was lying on the bed, close to a peaceful death, one that he wanted
her to stay away from. If you stay, I ll do whatever you want. I ll quite the band, go
with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I ll do that, too. Maybe
coming back to your old life would just be too painful, maybe it d be easier for you to
... Show more content on ...
For that, Adam did not care. He started staying in different hotels, doing separate
interviews, even taking separate flights. Bryn, Adan s girlfriend, told him he could
make it solo, but does he really want to make it at all? He had everything he always
dream of, and now he s chanting away the nights of the tour, rattling his pills in his
pocket, forcing himself out of bed each day, for a life he would have done
anything for. That s why on the eve of their European tour, the band flew out that
day, and Adam was flying out of JFK the next day, leaving himself a whole day in
New York City alone. By luck or fate Adam found him outside Carnegie Hall with
the performance that night was Mia Hall on cello. By more fate and luck, Mia finds
Adam in the crowed and ask him to meet her backstage. Standing there, face to face,
leave Adam with all the anger, sadness and love he felt for Mia, rushing back to him
as memoires and present day conversations. With both their flights leaving tomorrow,
Adam has that one night to understand why Mia stayed, and then left
Essay about MacDonald s The Princess and the Goblin
MacDonald s The Princess and the Goblin
The Princess and the Goblin is a story about self realisation and the expansion of
limits. The princess, Irene, is able to come to certain conclusions about herself with
the help of her grandmother, who lives in the attic upstairs in the palace. The
grandmother guides Irene through her rite of passage into adulthood, and helps to
bring the princess and Curdie together in the end. However, the reader never really
knows whether the grandmother even exists, and it is this uncertainty that causes the
reader to question whether she is a personification of a force within Irene that is
driving her to achieve all that she does. There are many elements of fairy tales that
exist within the grandmother s ... Show more content on ...
They have both left what is safe and familiar for a place they never knew existed. A
sense of danger looms over the reader s head, as the situation Irene has got herself
into is so similar to the one the sleeping beauty gets herself into. There are also hints
of Little Red Riding Hood s visit to her grandmother s house. The grandmother in
The Princess and the Goblin calls out in an old and rather shaky voice (MacDonald, p.
11) for Irene to enter her room, just as the wolf does when he lures Little Red
Riding Hood into her grandmother s house. It is possible that the grandmother has
bad witch qualities that she is trying to hide, just as the wolf tries to disguise his
evil ways to appear good. However, when the princess opens the door to the
grandmother spinning, she enters another world, and is presented with an
opportunity to discover herself. The reader becomes aware of this opportunity for
self discovery when the grandmother informs the princess that her name is also
Irene. At this moment the princess subconsciously becomes aware of all that she is
capable of without the help of the nurse. The grandmother s pigeons are a symbol of
transformation and provide a clue to Irene that the time is right for her to fly away
from the safety and comfort of her nest.
As the grandmother makes Irene feel more and more secure in her new world, she
moves farther away from Lootie and her
The Ethnic Groups in Malaysia and Its Culture
The Ethnic Relation and Culture in Malaysia. By just looking at the title above, you
know what I am going to talk about. Yes, you are right, the culture of our magnificent
country. Our country is actually envied by many foreigners. Why? Well, one of the
main reasons is because of how we Malaysians can live in harmony for many years,
even though we consist of many different races and ethnic groups. The culture of our
country started out with the unique combination and amount of ethnic groups in our
country. Let s understand more of our country s ethnic group before we go on shall
Let me briefly introduce to you the three major ethnic groups in our country, the
Malay, Chinese and the Indians. Firstly, the Malays, also known... Show more
content on ...
In Sabah and Sarawak, they consists a large number of ethnic groups even I never
heard of! Although living in the same country, I still do not know much of my
people; it is a shame for many young people nowadays too, all they know are mainly
the three main ethnic groups. Besides that, another we must not forget about is that
many foreigners, or shall I say legal immigrants came to our country live as citizens
of Malaysia. For example, the Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, etc because
of the way we live.
Being a Malaysian, we are very lucky. We live in a place where there are no serious
and deadly problems like natural disasters or war. Besides that, the pace of how we
live is very slow, carefree and we don t have much stress compare to other country.
Studies show that the Koreans and Japanese in the country came because they wanted
to live the Malaysian way.
The main question our country s people are asking is, why Malaysia? Of all
countries, why pick Malaysia? Why does so many people from the outside wants to
come to our country while we, people of Malaysia wants to migrate to other people s
country? Maybe one day, Malaysia s three major ethnic groups are Malays, Japanese
and Koreans. It would be very weird. Malaysia will not be Malaysia anymore.
Ethnic relations go way back into our country s history. They are not just the natural
consequences of the differences between cultures. Due to peninsular Malaysia s
The Odyssey Essay
Throughout vast journeys of many heroes, no other hero had a more complex
journey than Odysseus. This journey is called The Odyssey, written by Homer. It
is an epic poem or story told of a hero name Odysseus on a 20 year voyage trying to
get back home from the Trojan War. The great epic poem known as The Odyssey
attributed to Homer was probably first written down around the eighth century BC,
but the origins of the ancient story in myth, legend, and folklore and art appear to be
much older. Greek Epic Hero When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus
will most likely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character in Homer s poem
quot;The Odyssey. quot; quot;The Odyssey quot; is a narrative poem that describes
Odysseus adventures... Show more content on ...
When Odysseus is in trouble he always shows that he is depending on the gods by
praying to them. The fact that the gods usually listen to him shows that he is well
liked by the gods. In order to be a Greek hero you had to be liked by the gods since
religion was such a big part in their lives. Odysseus, with the help of the gods, can
survive adventures that kill most other men. Odysseus travels to the island of the
Cyclopians. The Cyclopians are giants that have one eye, they don t fear the gods
because they believe that they are better than the gods and they eat people. They
represent the opposite of what Greek men should be. Odysseus and his men meet
Polyphemus the Cyclops. Polyphemus being a Cyclops eats some of Odysseus
men. Odysseus with the help of the gods figures out a plan to escape and he does.
Scylla is a ferocious monster with six heads that kills most men that pass by her
island. She kills six of Odysseus men. Odysseus prevents her from killing himself
and more men. There is another ferocious monster named Charybdis. Charybdis
sucks in water from the sea and creates a whirlpool that kills any ship that passes
by. Odysseus passes by her. His crew is killed and his ship is destroyed in the
whirlpool but Odysseus alone survives. There is an island that Odysseus passes by
with monsters called Sirens on it. The Sirens sing beautiful songs that lure ships
toward them. The ships then crash into the island and the people are killed.

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  • 1. Essay On Animal Rights Crafting an essay on the subject of animal rights is akin to navigating a vast, intricate labyrinth of ethical, philosophical, and practical considerations. At its core, the topic demands a delicate balance between empathy for non-human creatures and an acknowledgment of the complexities inherent in human-animal relationships. To begin with, delving into the realm of animal rights necessitates a comprehensive understanding of various perspectives: anthropocentric views that prioritize human interests, biocentric perspectives that extend moral consideration to all living beings, and ecocentric ideologies that emphasize the interconnectedness of ecosystems. Each stance presents its own set of arguments and counterarguments, contributing to the multifaceted nature of the discourse. Moreover, the topic requires grappling with the practical implications of advocating for animal rights within existing legal, cultural, and economic frameworks. From legislative measures to societal attitudes towards animal welfare, addressing these dynamics demands a nuanced analysis of power structures and vested interests that often shape human interactions with animals. Furthermore, crafting an essay on animal rights entails confronting uncomfortable truths about human exploitation and cruelty towards sentient beings. From factory farming and animal testing to habitat destruction and wildlife trafficking, the scope of injustices inflicted upon animals is both staggering and sobering. Confronting these realities requires not only intellectual honesty but also emotional resilience. Yet, despite the inherent challenges, writing about animal rights offers an opportunity for introspection and advocacy. It prompts us to critically examine our values, assumptions, and behaviors concerning our treatment of non-human beings. It urges us to envision alternative paradigms grounded in compassion, sustainability, and respect for all forms of life. In conclusion, the task of composing an essay on this topic demands intellectual rigor, moral sensitivity, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. It beckons us to transcend anthropocentric biases and envision a world where the rights and dignity of animals are upheld and respected. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Essay On Animal RightsEssay On Animal Rights
  • 2. Comparison Of Cyber Monday And Black Friday A growing number of businesses consider the Black Friday and Cyber Monday as the two most profitable sales events of the year. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day, which stands for the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.Similarly, Cyber Monday is the Monday following the Black Friday in the United States.It seems that both of the two shopping days will make the retailers and consumers go crazy extremely in that time.Thus, people are gradually paying attention to the cultureof consumerism, a phenomenon of over consumption, that is represented by Black Fridayand Cyber Mondaywith the prevalence of the two holidays. Faced with this situation, people have provoked a heated debate: is it possible to resist the culture of consumerism ... Show more content on ... But at the same time, it will cause the accidents such as shooting violence, stampedeand fighting. And most likely, people usually buy the worthless goods on Black Friday.MehrozBaig implied that it has targeted our perspective and reinforced a sense of material wealth (Baig 2014).Consumers just think they get good deals subconsciously when they are crazy to buy the discounted items, but in fact,it will be a matter of wasting something.Besides, Black Friday has jacked up the rate of unemployment. Barry Gutierrezstated many companies fire their workers or cut their pay in order to minimize the losses caused by lower prices on consumer goods (Gutierrez 2011). This kind of business strategic hurt the employees greatly. Facing with the bad influences of Black Friday, people increasingly boycott the shopping days. Roger A. Dickinson and Mary L.Carsky said: Boycotts hurt particular firms or areas by creating an emotional response from the larger culture that is translated into economic action by consumers (Dickinson Carsky 2005). To some extents, such boycotts affect consumer
  • 3. The Nuclear Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay The nuclear bombs code named Little Boy and Fat Man were detonated over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the summer of August 1945 by the United States of America in an attempt to end World War II. The immediate death toll was extremely high with an estimated 60,000 to 80,000 people killed upon impact of the bombs due to the extreme heat, flying shrapnel, and the pressure of the blast wave. The overall death toll is now estimated to be about 192,020 dead due to long term health effects such as radiation poisoning and burns. These bombs also caused a multitude of long term medical and social problems for surviving victims such as in utero mutations in future generations of children and a large percentage of homeless citizens after the war. As a result of these bombs the Japanese emperor Hirohito accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration ending World War II. These bombings remain the single most horrific acts of warfare ever carried out on another country. Thousands of Japanese citizens were immediately disintegrated upon impact of the bombs by the thermal radiation released near the hypocenter or ground zero of the explosion, death rates decreasing the further out from the hypocenter. Second and third degree burns on the flesh were a result of very high degrees of thermal radiation on the human body and so only occurred within close proximity to the atomic blast, that being around five miles. If these third and second degree burns covered only a
  • 4. The Preparation Of Grignard Reagents The preparation of Grignard reagents typically involves the reaction of an alkyl halide or aryl halide with magnesium metal in an anhydrous ethereal solvent. This reaction results in the formation of a carbon magnesium complex within an alkyl magnesium halide or aryl magnesium halide. Grignard reagents are considered to be strong nucleophiles and strong bases that have the ability to react with acidic proton sources and carbonyl functional groups. The preparation of Grignard reagents must be conducted in aprotic solvents to minimize interactions with strong proton sources that may result in undesired products. Furthermore, the solvent chosen for the reaction must dissolve everything in solution. Commonly used solvents in Grignard reactions are diethyl etherand tetrahydrofuran (THF). They are preferred over hexane solvents due to the presence of an oxygenatom which contains a lone electron pair that attracts the partially positive magnesium metal, resulting in increased stability. As mentioned previously, Grignard reagents are strong nucleophiles. Thus, there is a possibility that they may react with other molecules in side reactions. One such side reaction involves the Grignard reagent reacting with molecular oxygen (O2) to form a peroxide molecule. In another side reaction, the Grignard reagent may react with carbon dioxide(CO2) to form a carboxylate molecule. These side reactions can pose a problem since molecular oxygen and carbon dioxide are in excess under normal
  • 5. Analysis Of Blackberry Picking By Seamus Heaney Poetry is a way to express emotions through writing, as I was reading the four poems, one of them stood out to me almost instantly. The emotions I got while reading Seamus Heaney s poem Blackberry Picking made me feel extremely nostalgic. It instantly brought back memories I hadn t thought about in years! I was amazed, as I was reading the poem I could instantly relate to the narrator. As someone who is not conditioned to automatically start analyzing poetry the moment I read it, I did not give much attention to the line breaks. When I went back and reread it I paid close attention to the line breaks and tried relating it to the poem and its meaning. Throughout the poem only about two lines where end stop lines, overall the rest were enjambed. Originally, I assumed the enjambed line breaks meant speaking fast and sudden changes in thought, that was not the case. After taking a closer look, I noticed there were comas which called for quick pauses throughout the poem. As I reread the poem it became clear that the many punctuations and pauses were there so it could be read slowly in a nostalgic manner. The line breaks made it clearer that this poem is narrated by someone who is recalling past events they experienced as a child. The word that the writer chose to leave at the end of each line, for the most part, seemed like a complete thought, but as the reader moved to the next line the thought continued. This style of line breaks reminds me of a child and how they continue
  • 6. Gender Studies And Queer Theory In The Passion Gender studies and Queer theory In The Passion, Henri is a French soldier from Napoleonic who meets Villanelle, a Venetian woman when he goes to fight the Napoleonic wars in Russia. Villanelle fell in love with the queen of shades as she calls her and she was heartbroken as they split. She married another man who sold her two years later to the soldiers. She then met Henry who fell in love with her. Henri killed Villanelle s husband when he appeared again in Venice out of jealousy making him spend the rest of his life in prison. With time Villanelle became pregnant with Henri s baby but refused to marry her . A genderstudy is a subject that majors on gender identity and their representation in the categories analysis. It includes women, feminism, queer studies and men studies. It closely relates to sexuality. Queer theory looks at the similarities between lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Gender studies and queer theory look at issues of sexuality, power, and marginalized population. Feminism criticism influences much work in the gender studies and queer theory. Gender studies and queer theory main primary concern is the manner in which gender and sexuality are discussed. Gender roles can be linked to expectations of males and females outside their families. Men and women are often expected to perform a different kind of task and also occupy different types of job functions. Henri was expected by the Napoleonic emperor to cook the best
  • 7. A Young Woman s Fantasy in The Turn of the Screw Essay A Young Woman s Fantasy in The Turn of the Screw The Turn of the Screw, by Henry James, is an odd story about a young woman who, leaving her small country home for the first time, takes a job as a governess in a wealthy household. Shortly after her arrival, she begins to suffer from insomnia and fancies that she sees ghosts roaming about the grounds. James is a master story teller and, at times, the complexities of the story make it difficult to follow. The Turn of the Screw is a story within a story, the tale of the governess being read aloud as a ghost story among friends. Harold C. Goddard wrote a fascinating piece of criticism entitled A Pre Freudian Reading of The Turn of the Screw. When applied to the book, his ... Show more content on ... She is very excited at this point and one might infer that she is infatuated with her employer. However, all her hopes of a relationship are unrealistic, as there is a vast difference in class between herself and the man from Harley Street. Furthermore, her employer gives her strict instructions [t]hat she should never trouble him (6). So we see that she is never to communicate with the object of her affections again. At the end of her interview, after she agreed to these stipulations, we are told that when ...he held her hand, thanking her for the sacrifice, she already felt rewarded (6). This description proves that the new governess is in love with her employer. Later in the book, during her first encounter with the ghost of Peter Quint, it is clear that she is thinking of her love as she says that her first shock at seeing a man in the tower was that it was not the person [she] had precipitately supposed it would be (15). It is clear that she was hoping it would be the man from Harley Street. According to Goddard s theory, the ghosts of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel are images conjured up in the mind of the unstable, young governess. Goddard addresses this issue accordingly. To the reader, this may seem like a strange notion because the governess is able to give a description of the ghosts that seems eerily accurate, even though she never saw them before. In the case of Peter Quint, the only distinguishing characteristic about her
  • 8. The Sense Of Self And Social Class Both sense of self and social class play a large part in our socialization and determining the attitudes and behaviors we adopt. A person s sense of self stems from their sense of identity. It can be argued Identity is not about natural dispositions or inherent qualities but rather derives from social structures and is thus a social process rather than an object of nature. A coincidence of places and announcements (Stone, G.P; Faberman H.A 1970.) A person s sense of self stems from their own interpretation of themselves and others around them. This is thought to be essential for healthy cognitive development as it allows for a person to experience the self while still interacting with others. Everyday interactions teach individuals how to behave by predicting how the other person is going to act. Social classis important in determining a person s sense of self as it places them in communities that share similar values restricting them from regularly integrating and experiencing more diverse social circles. Social class is widely recognized as an influential socially constructed phenomena that affects how people see themselves and how they live their lives. Class can be partly defined by a person s access to realizing their full potential as well as the empowerment that comes from having/lack of having social, cultural and economic capital during early in life. Class is no longer purely defined by a person occupation but ranks people by their behavior, constructing ideas
  • 9. Can You Be Honest with Your Friend Can You Be Honest With Your Friends My sister is a person whom one might define as socially awkward. While neither of us possess the gift of tact, I have become slightly more adept a maneuvering unfamiliar social situations, whereas she avoids them wherever and whenever possible. We both have the same handicap: that being that we don t possess a filter. Whereas most people know that it constitutes poor manners to point out a hanger from a perfect stranger s nose, we feel it is our civic duty to not only bring attention to the offensive item, but to introduce it to any other would be spectator and random passersby. Fortunately in my old age I have learned to bridle my tongue at least somewhat and curb my impulse to point out the ... Show more content on ... Naw...I m just going to go to the misses section, she said in a way that would encourage Shequan to join her. They make allowances for women with hips.... She let her voice trail off. Shequan did not take the bait. Girl, aint no way nothing over there would fit me, she sniffed. I m a junior 15 at the most. A Dub just nodded her head and continued her window shopping. What was the point in arguing with this high school student trapped in Grandma s ample bosomed body? After all, she had an optimal number of friends to keep, and losing Shequan s camaraderie by telling her she was too fat to be shopping in Juniors would upset that delicate balance. I think she s being a worse friend my letting this grown woman walk around in too tight booty shorts and low cut tops, but that s just me. Can you tell your friends the truth? Can you even afford to?? Are you a better friend if you let them wallow in happy ignorance, or pull them out by the crack of their junior sized denim shorts? I m at Barnes Noble with my coffee. I can t wait to hear
  • 10. The Beginning Of The Xx Introduction The beginning of the XX century was marked by the struggle of Iran to maintain the national independence in the face of Russian and British economic and colonial pressure and to save the Persian culture. These attempts to preserve and resurrect national consciousness were skilfully used by the revolutionary politicians in their struggle for power and the majority approval. The Western idea of nationhood and the sense of belonging to a greater nation with similar linguistic and racial characteristics were developed in post Napoleonic Europe and became crucial in the unification of countries such as Italy and Germany whereas in Iran this process have partially resulted from the reaction to the foreign influences. Likewise in ... Show more content on ... The character of this topic dictates to use historical comparative analysis of nationalism theory in Iran at different points during the modernization reforms in the first half of XX century under Reza Shah Pahlavi. To address this aim, the first section will look at the historical preconditions of nationalism in Iran during the late Qajar dynastic rule and early years of Pahlavi s rule. Then it will focus on the political roots of nationalism in Iran during the modernization by Reza Shah Pahlavi. The role of education and propaganda as the main tools of the nationalism spread and development will be discussed in the second section. The final section of this paper will defend the thesis that nationalism was predominantly implanted idea from above by demonstrating the inconsistencies between the modernizing nationalist doctrine and the Islamic nature and philosophy of Iranian population. This paper will conclude that the nationalism as a state ideology was imposed in Iran by the constitutional monarchy of Reza Shah Pahlavi and it used language, history and ethnicity in order to maintain the public support. Section 1 Iranian politics and nationalism The first quarter of the XX century represents the new period for Iranian politics. Fred Halliday s definition of nationalism as political movements arising at particular times with specific leaderships is more likely to distinctly show the situation within the state. The Constitutional revolution and later
  • 11. Human Relations And Police Public Relations Human relations deals with everything that is being accomplished with other human beings with all kinds of relationships involved. But according to, the definition is a study of group behavior for the purpose of improving interpersonal relationships, as among employees. An example of human relations is something all people have been taught when they were younger and that is to treat people exactly how you want to be treated. Which basically means to build a strong relationship whether it is good or if it is bad. So if policeofficers want respect from everyday society they have to try and respect society as well. Public relations is defined as activities performed by police agencies designed to create a favorable image of themselves. An example of police public relations is where a police department will have an even where the community can get involved and experience the police life. Police community relations is the interaction or tension between the public and the department. An example of community relations could be when police officers show up to high school basketball game and give support to the community that they are familiar with showing that they are community oriented and care about what they do for their community. 2.Discuss the rapid increase in the minority population and the challenges it presents for law enforcement in communities that have not previously faced this issue. In you answer, explain why multicultural understanding is critical.
  • 12. Sylvia Plath Poetry Style Analysis Sylvia Plath: Joie de Vivre Perhaps some day I ll crawl back home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of sorrow, wrote Sylvia Plath in her journals, unpublished until nineteen years following her death. The relevance between the American author s life and the inspiration of her literary works cannot be disputed. She wrote about distinct experiences, from the death of her father at a young age to the depression she fell into after her husband left her. Plath, burdened with hardship, turned her pain into numerous influential poems and a semi autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar. She received the honors of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and the Glascock Prize as recognition of her works.... Show more content on ... As described previously, Daddy combines specific details of Plath s life and her father s, making comparisons as brutal as to the Holocaust in their own home, and comparing him to the devil. In Daddy she wrote that he, Bit my pretty red heart in two. / I was ten when they buried you. / At twenty I tried to die / And get back, back, back to you. / I thought even the bones would do. / But they pulled me out of the sack, / And they stuck me together with glue. Each line written describes specific events in her life, and it could not be clearer. This one of sixteen stanzas is exactly related to the events in her life, yet also provides insight into her own thoughts on herself. In Ariel, plath wrote of being suicidal, thus describing her life as she attempted suicide many different times and was successful in 1963 when she killed herself ( Sylvia Plath. Biography). As much as one could continue connecting Sylvia Plath s life and work based on simple life details, why she wrote about her life is far more compelling. She was said to have wanted to understand her own mind, the mind that doctors seemed to understand better than herself. Plath also wrote certain works intending her family never read them, stating that she did not want her mother to read The Bell Jar because it was indicative of her suicidal thoughts. Sylvia Plath made
  • 13. Moby Dick By Herman Melville Moby Dick by Herman Melville is a tale of many things, and has become perhaps one of the most widely known revenge stories ever told, wherein the mad Captain Ahab chases the titular white whale to the ends of the earth, willing to sacrifice everything for revenge. The novel is known for its extensive symbolism and abstract or open ended meaning. Many people find different meanings in the story, and the debate over what certain elements mean has been a point of contention since the novel was published. The criticisms and analyses by Randall Bass and R.C. Sproul give great insight into the most symbolic element of the plot, the whale itself. The whale Moby Dick may mean many things, including the other to the self , God, or, as I believe, the unknowable, inscrutable, and ineffable of the world. Both criticisms agree on one element of the story: the white whale, Moby Dick, means more than it is. The whale is symbolic of something unknown, feared, or hated. Any serious analysis of the novel will agree with this, but with many different interpretations, a few of which are more widely supported than others. The interpretation of what the whale symbolizes is where the criticisms diverge. Bass claims the conflict between Ahab and the whale to be the conflict between the self and the other , respectively. Sproul disagrees, favoring the somewhat widely held theory that the conflict is of a man against God. Both analyses of the whale s symbolic meaning have validity and a
  • 14. Shariah Financial Market Statement TAKAFUL IKHLAS GROWTH FUND FUND OBJECTIVE: To invest in Shariah compliant listed equities to provide the capital growth over the medium to long term through the diversified, but growth oriented portfolio. TARGET MARKET: Suitable for the investors who is mainly interested ingrowth and willing to take and accept higher risk in investment return. FUND MANAGER: Takaful Ikhlas Berhad. Appointed External Fund Manager: CIMB Principal Islamic Asset Management Berhad. TOTAL RETURNS: 1 MONTH6 MONTHS1 YEAR3 YEARS5 YEARS GROWTH (%)3.5113.0916.137.7830.23 BENCHMARK (%)0.252.952.716.059.28 FUND PERFORMANCES: ASSET ALLOCATIONS: For Asset Allocation, the investment portfolio is subjected to the following: Up to 98% of the Portfolio... Show more content on ... Malaysia s macroeconomic fundamentals remain strong as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the second quarter come in at 5.8% following a 5.6% expansion in the first quarter. Consequently, various economists have upgraded their full year GDP forecast for Malaysia to 5.2% 5.5% while the government estimate 4.3% 4.8%. Meanwhile, inflation continues to moderate to 3.2% in July after peaking at 5.1% in March. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) is expected to keep the Overnight Policy Rate unchanged at 3.00% for the rest of 2017. Ringgit Malaysia (RM) has established at c.4.30 to the US Dollar despite a sizeable government bond maturity during the month. Takaful Ikhlas expect the market to trade sideways despite the external headwinds from geopolitics and central banks normalisation plans as well as the net foreign outflows recorded in August for Bursa (June: +RM359m, July: +RM419m, August: RM241m). Second quarter earnings were non inspiring but we are hopeful that the 2H17 results will recover. Although Takaful Ikhlas expect that the markets to trade sideways, various key themes still present the good opportunity for returns. They
  • 15. Designing A Custom Home For Building A New Home The customer is looking to build a new home in the Clarksville, Tennessee area and wants the construction completed by August 2017. The customer has requested a project proposal from Wilson Construction, Inc. for architectural plans to construct a custom home consisting of 4500 square feet. The main objective of the new home project is to design a quality custom home that meets all stakeholders expectations while fitting into the surrounding area to allow the market value to remain fluent with other homes in the area. However, the general contractor has undergone several labor changes on previous contracts to include several sub contractor changes and three different design architects. Furthermore, this is the customer s first home... Show more content on ... This paper will formulate a solution to the potential communication deficit. As Lois Edmund wrote in his studies that conflict is not static; rather, it evolves over time (Edmund, 2010) further recommendations will be suggested in this paper to address the marketing, finance, accounting, legal and ethical issues, possible global impact and the affected organizational polices over the next two five year period. Problem Several factors combined like the general contractor undergoing several labor force changes in past projects, the customer having little knowledge of the construction process and the construction industry suffering from the lack of communication in several projects (Mitkus, et al., 2014) state claim that a communication deficit exists. The communication deficit can prompt conflict in several areas of the project and have a tremendous negative impact on the overall success of the project. A qualitative study by Mitkus Mitkus revealed that inefficient communication between the project manager, project team, and customer had a negative impact on quality and customer acceptance (Mitkus, et al., 2014). The study also revealed several root causes of the communication deficit (Mitkus, et al., 2014): (a).No written plan (b).Communication was not taken seriously (c).Lack of interpersonal communication (face to face) (d).Stakeholders not clearly identified (e).Unestablished communication channels (f).
  • 16. Essay On Gas Liquid Chromatography Gas Liquid Chromatography Chromatography: Chromatography is a method of analysis in which mixture is partially or completely separated into its components according to relative attraction of the component towards stationery and mobile phase. After the mixture is added to stationery phase, mobile phase is allowed to pass through the stationery phase continuously starting at that point where the sample is added. The mixture is divided between the stationery and mobile phase and move along with the mobile phase, the rate at which it passes through stationery phase depend upon its attraction towards mobile and stationery phase i.e if it has more attraction with mobile phase it will move faster and vice versa. Gas Liquid Chromatography: Gas chromatography is the branch of chromatography in which the mobile phase is gas (called the carrier gas) and the stationery phase is liquid (GLC=Gas Liquid Chromatography). GLC has been widely used as in solid stationery phase it is difficult to deal with as there is a phase difference (Solid, Gas) and gas do not easily adsorb in solid. The separation on liquid stationery phase is based on either relative solubility s of sample component in the stationery phase or a combination of relative solubility s in the stationery phase. ... Show more content on ... The source of the mobile phase usually a high pressure gas tank with appropriate valves and pressure regulators. The injection system. The injection system is the device which accepts the sample, changes it into gas if required and insert it into the inlet of columns. The actual separation of sample component occur in column. As separated components leave the column, they flow into the detector which is continuously monitoring their presence and expresses them as an electric signal which is eventually fed to a recorder for a visual readout. The flow rate through the column is usually measured at the outlet of column or
  • 17. Analysis Of The Help By Kathyn Stockett This summer, I decided to read The Help by Kathyn Stockett. The Help is a coming of age novel written in the perspectives of three different yet hardworking women living in Jackson Mississippi in the middle of the Civil Rights era. The novel s protagonists consist of Aibileen Clark, a shrewd maid, Eugenia Skeeter Phelan, an aspiring journalist, and Minny Jackson, a cheeky maid with a lot to say. Put these three women together and you ve got a book stating the truth of what is it to be a black woman in Jackson Mississippi, working for a white woman. The bold women in this novel and their audacious personalities is just one of the made this book what it is. Living in a time when people were no more friendly to African Americans as they... Show more content on ... Like Aibileen, Minny is just one many generations of her family to be working for a white woman, only Minny is made with an aptitude for cooking and sass. Minny has been taught since she was a little girl by her mother, knowing she was going to end up as a maid no matter what, to never talk back to the white lady, don t get involved in their business and to not get attached to them. Those rules were never broken until Minny was fired from a previous job, working for the mother a villainous woman named Hilly Holbrook, for talking back to Hilly and feeding her a certain tainted pie. And that s how come I did it ... I told her to eat my shit [Minny tells the story of the pie Hilly ate containing her poop] (p.g. 398). Minny was not only gutsy but played a crucial role in this story because she is the one who gathered all the other maids necessary in order to complete the book. But I se it, the flickeron her mouth, a hint of softness beneath her anger. Minny made this happen [Skeeter when she realized Minny was the one who convinced all the maids to volunteer to share their stories.] (p.g.
  • 18. Shortage Of Labor In High School Construction is the industry that got us out of the recession says Kari Clark, president of the homebuilding company Sharper Homes (personal communication, November 22, 2017). Without a huge construction labor force, that wouldn t have been possible. However, today s construction labor force is dwindling in size, and home builders are having problems staffing workers. While the shortage of labor in the construction industry of Minnesota is a serious issue, it can be solved by introducing trade school programs into local schools. To begin, there is a decline in Minnesotan high schools offering construction trade programs. Since high schools don t offer these types of programs, many students don t know that going to college to get a... Show more content on ... Not only are high schools withholding trade programs from students, but the negative perception of construction workers turns away applicants. Society has shaped the idea that two year universities aren t as good as four year universities. Likely, this is because the perception is that the attendees of the two year university aren t good enough for a four year university (Dickrell, 2013). These ideas prevent students from attending two year universities. They are worried that society will look down upon them. This stigma shouldn t be preventing students from considering construction jobs. Another aspect of society that creates negative perceptions about trade schools is high school teachers. Teachers aren t discussing trade jobs, so many students don t even think about trade schools (Robertson, 2013). By not promoting blue collar jobs, the construction labor industry is hurting. Teachers need to open students minds to other options besides going to a four year college. The small number of applicates to trade schools is likely due to a negative perception of the construction industry. The shortage of labor caused by society and the lack of trade programs in high schools causes a problem for consumers because of the rise in prices in the construction industry. It s plain to see that the lack of workers affects how much construction industries can charge. The industry is
  • 19. The False Claims Act On October 24, 2012 the Unites States of America filed a lawsuit against the Bank of America Corporation for selling toxic mortgages to Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac which cost the taxpayers more than $1 billion dollars. The lawsuit sought penalties under two laws; the False Claims Act, which is normally used to target fraud against the government, and the 1989 FIRREA Law. FIRREA does not usually hold up in court, but the government is once again relying on it because of the financial crisis as a possibility for targeting civil fraud concerning financial institutions. (Viswanatha, Aruna, 2013) (Stempel, Jonathan, 2012) On May 8, 2013, U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff issued a two page ruling that dismissed the claims in the lawsuit seeking penalties under the False Claims Act, but allowed the claims that sought penalties under Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) to advance. The relevance of the False Claims Act and the FIRREA Law will be further explored in this case. (Viswanatha, Aruna, 2013) The False Claims Act The False Claims Act, also known as the Lincoln Law is an American federal law that holds persons and companies accountable for abusing governmental programs. However, the law includes a qui tam provision that allows people without government ties to file actions on behalf of the government. This is also referred to as whistleblowing . The Act prohibits such measures as knowingly presenting false claims for payment or approval,
  • 20. Cost Analysis Of Tables For Annual Booksale Cost Analysis of Tables for Annual Booksale Summary The Friends of the Metropolitan Library System can save approximately $4,400 /year by owning and storing tables for the booksale instead of renting. If the Friends used the Old Sort Site warehouse, with a small external storage site, the savings could grow to approximately $5,600/year. Wondering why the Friends did not supply their own tables, I asked several other vol unteers about the subject while at the 2016 Booksale. The most common reason was a lack of storage facilities, coupled with the costs (manpower and financial) associated with transporting them. In this report I attempt to quantify the ongoing requirements associated with ownership. Renting approximately 480 tables has a ... Show more content on ... Storage Requirements: One possible storage site for these tables is in the Friends Old Sort Site (1350 NE 3rd St.) When I volunteered at 2016 s Move Out, there was enough room left over to park a truck inside the building. If this space is not used through the rest of the year as New Sort Site overflow, then a space of easily 10 by 32 feet is available, capable of holding up to 360 tables placed on end against the long wall. Even more could be held if they were laid flat and stacked over 8 high. Limiting the tables to a space 10 wide, 32 long, and 13 high holds 423 tables. The tables can also be stored in self storage units. Two locations close (about 4 miles) to the Oklahoma Expo Hall were Public Storage at 4105 S May and SecurCare Self Storage at 5110 NW 10th St. Public Storage had two sizes of interest: 10x10, holding about 110, and 10x20, hold ing 220 tables. Monthly rent is $68 and $108/month respectively. SecurCare Self Storage had many more options: 5x15 (80 tables) $52 10x10 (110 tables) $69 10x15 (160 tables) $85 10x20 (220 tables) $87 10x22 (248 tables) $90 20x15 (320 tables) $140 20x20 (440 tables) $170 $.65/table $.63/table $.53/table $.40/table $.37/table $.44/table
  • 21. Animal Cruelty Kia Motors is a company that sells the Kia Soul, an electric car. I started noticing people driving these cars a few years ago after seeing the company s commercial. The commercial contains dancing hamsters with fun lights, music, and colors. This attracts people and gets them thinking that if they buy this car then they will have fun too. The car also comes in different colors and is designed in a streamlined shape to give it a futuristic look. This is a great strategy not only to sell the product, but also to help the world Go Green. A part of the company s philosophy is, As considerate citizens of the world, we want to make exemplary and sustainable contributions to the environment. Electric cars are made to help stop pollution.... Show more content on ... Despite the fact that there are many tests today that are faster and cheaper that do not require the use of animals, there are multiple cosmetic companies that still support animal cruelty. One type of test that is done on animals is the acute toxicity test. It determines the toxic consequences of a single, short term exposure to a product. They are given to animals in high doses by force feeding, inhalation, or absorption through the skin. Also, companies often use rabbits, because their eyes are similar to the human eye. They use rabbits to test their perfumes and makeup products to see if they are eye irritants. The animals go through severe abdominal pain, convulsions, seizures, and/ or paralysis. ( If cosmetic companies keep using the same type of animals for their tests, there will not be many of those animals left in the world. Eventually, leading to extinction. What they do not realize is that all living organisms and their environments are all interconnected. The worldwide web is interdependent. If one species goes extinct, it will start a domino effect and it is destined in the end to influence us. Small changes lead to big problems that are not a quick fix. The loss of one type of creature can upset the planet s
  • 22. Film Synopsis Of Forrest Gump Forrest Gump Year of release: 1994 Genre: Comedy drama Director: Robert Zemeckis Main actors: Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), Jenny Curran (Robin Wright), Lieutenant Dan (Gary Sinise), Bubba (Mykelti Williamson) , Forrest Gump Junior (Haley Joel Osment) and Fru Gump (Sally Field). Summary The movie is about a man who is called Forrest Gump. He lives in Alabama with his mother in a big house. His best friend is called Jenny and she is his neighbour. The movie starts with Forrest Gump as a grown man which sits on a bench, and he tells his life story from the beginning to the end to them sitting next to him. Forrest Gump joined the army in Vietnam. There he met Bubba. He and Bubba had a dream to start a shrimp company, bubba died in the Vietnam war. But Forrest did not give up and started a shrimp company with Lieutenant Dan and got rich. In this movie he meets famous persons as Elvis Presley, John ... Show more content on ... They are same age. Her father is not kindly against her and her sisters. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. She is a very kind girl, but she hurts Forrest sometimes. In the movie she die very early, but she manage to get a child and married Forrest Gump. Fru Gump (mama): Fru Gump is Forrest mom. She tells Forrest that life is just like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get and that he most find his own destiny. She protects Forrest and get mad on people who says that Forrest is a dumb kid. Fru Gump was 40 years old when she got Forrest. She died of cancer when she was about 60 years old. Bubba: Bubba meant a lot to Forrest. He was the only one who would sit with Forrest Gump on that bus. They become friends and was in the army together. Unfortunately Bubba died under an attack. Lieutenant Dan: He wanted to die in a combat. It was a tradition he came from. Forrest saved Lieutenant Dan s life. They was lying on the hospital together and he had to sit in a wheelchair because he lost his legs.
  • 23. Attitude Towards Love in Valentine and The Flea Essay Through Close Analysis of Language, Structure and Theme, Compare and Contrast the Poet s Attitude Towards Love in Valentine and The Flea. The two poems Valentine and The Flea are about the two different ways in which the poets portray their views about love, however the poems are still linked in a few ways. The Flea was published in the seventeenth century and was written by John Donne . Valentine was published in 1983 and was written by Carol Ann Duffy . Both poems are addressed to an unknown lover. The poem Valentine is written in free verse form. Carol Ann Duffy could have used this irregular pattern because of the irregular present that she is giving to her lover. Not a red rose or satin heart. I give you ... Show more content on ... This could be the link between the onion and love that is being developed in the poem. This is also one of only four cases of enjambment in this poem. The writer obviously wants the lines to flow into each other here maybe so it is like when tears are flowing down your face. Duffy then explores the idea of truth behind the relationship, quite the opposite of what John Donne believes of in his relationship. I am trying to be truthful. The writer obviously wants her lover to know the real meaning of love, not his stereotypical view. Duffy also wants to emphasise the fact of how irregular her present is and it should be thought of. Not a cute card or kissogram. She doesn t want him to receive the normal presents off her; she knows that he would just be expecting that and he wouldn t even think about the meaning of the normal presents. She wants to shock her lover with her present to make sure that the he understands the meaning of why she is giving him a present for Valentine s Day to offer a gift to your true love and emphasise how much you care about them. Duffy then repeats the first line of her poem again in the middle of the poem. I give you an onion. She is repeating the line to emphasise the meaning of the present, or it could be to start a different part of the poem, a different attitude towards love. Then there is a contrast with a line in the first stanza. Its fierce kiss will stay on your
  • 24. 1984 Dystopian Society The book 1984 was written by George Orwell in 1948, the main theme of this book is social science fiction. A underlying theme is this book is a dystopian future: the social, economical, and political problems are issues that are lied about, prove this. When looking at the social aspect of life in 1984 all social groups are treated very different yet at the same time are all treated the same. In 1984 there is a very obvious hierarchal system; the top is The Inner Party, than The Outer Part, and on the bottom of the list are the proles. In Oceania this society strictly follows this, and does not deviate from these set rules of class. Each social group in 1984 are marginalized, excluded, and silenced, the way that this happens to... Show more content on ... As usual, there was no definite rule against talking to proles and frequenting their pubs, but it was far too unusual an action to pass unnoticed (87). This just shows how odd it is for Party Members to talk to proles, but when a Party Member does need to they do it knowing only a little backlash will happen if they are questioned. The proles live in parts of Oceania that are the slums of the state. As Winston walks around the proles part of town, he brings up that it doesn t smell good at all. If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty five percent on the population of Oceania (69). Winston says he has hope that these people will rise up, you can still tell he distest them by the way he talks about them. A few thought agents of the Thought Policemoved always among them, spreading false rumors and marking down and eliminating the few individuals who were judged capable of becoming dangerous: but no attempt was made to indoctrinate them with the ideology of the party (71). The party Doesn t want to waste their resources on the proles so they just marginalize them and pretend like they re not there. The Thought Police and Party don t care about the proles at all, the Thought Police go around spreading rumor just so that they can see if any of the proles will react, than the Thought Police take them away and silence them, and most likely kill them
  • 25. The Color Purple by Alice Walker The award winning novel, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, is a story about a woman going through cruel things such as: incest, rape, and physical abuse. This greatly written novel comes from a very active feminist author who used many of her own experiences, as well as things that were happening during that era, in her writing. The Color Purpletakes place in the early 1900 s, and symbolizes the economic, emotional, and social deprivation that African American women faced in Southern states of America. The main character of the story is Celie, a fourteen year old that starts writing letters to God for thirty years, and then to her sister, Nette, who ran away to Africa to save herself from the troubles Celie went through. Celie starts off as a pushover and very dependent girl that would eventually grow and develop into an independent flourishing woman that opens a business making pants for all genders. This novel shows the hardship of a girl becoming a woman over the course of her life and eventually standing up for herself and being confident. Many of the experiences and characters of The Color Purpleare based on history of that time and a bit of the author s personal experiences. Her use of epistolary allows the reader to learn everything in the point of view of Celie. Alice Walkers influences for writing this novel range from her childhood experiences to the white society in her hometown of Eatonville, Georgia. Even during these times, it still shows that women
  • 26. 24 Hours Research Paper 24 hours with no access to mobile phone I wanted to do the other activity but my pyjama is a Mike Wazowski (from Monsters Inc.) onesie but I would be soaked with sweat wearing that to school at this time of the year. To maximize the outcome and the experience, I also have decided to go the 24 hours without my laptop and other electronic devices. For the first 3 to 4 hours I went through symptoms that were similar to alcohol or drug addiction withdrawal; anxiety, restlessness and decreased concentration. Strong urge to check my Facebook and message was almost unbearable. It was impossible for me to concentrate on studying or anything else. I just wanted to go to bed and forget about the fact that I have completely isolated myself. The next 8 hours was not as difficult since I was asleep. However, because I did not own a clock or a watch, I was not able set the alarm. I naturally woke up when the sunlight was beaming through my eyes. I realized that I have overslept. Luckily, I did not have any classes or appointments for that day. ... Show more content on ... I went to a cafГ© and just sat there for a couple of hours. I thought I would feel liberated as I did not have to check my phone every ten minutes. However, I continuously looked for my phone, which I had did not bring, and started to feel agitated as I could not check my messages, Facebook, and Instagram. Smart phones have made our lives so much easier, yet it had imprisoned us in its world. I have related this experience with substance use disorder. Withdrawal can be harder for some people and it is not as easy as a lot of people imagine. Supports and sometimes depending on the circumstances, medications should be needed to help the
  • 27. The Electronic Medical Record For a nation to be technologically advanced, the United States (U.S.) is having a hard time overcoming the dark era of utilizing hand written scripts, progress notes, and paper records. In comparison to other countries, the U.S. is lagging behind in the health care system. Even with all the improvements that have been made recently, the U.S. ranked last in 2014 in areas such as access, efficiency and equity compared to Australia, Canada, France Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom (Davis, Stremikis, Squires, Schoen, 2014). Now, as our nation is trying to improve the quality, access, and proficiency of our health care, concerns have been raised whether the new policies are adequate enough for privacy amongst sharing and obtaining health information. This paper was put together to give background information on how the electronic medical record came about and whether privacy is a major concern amongst the American population. Background The dark era of medical records caused people s private health information not to be safe. A few examples of how patient records were not protected includes patient records were found in dumpsters outside of physician s offices, patient records were found washed ashore in Maine, and in one instance a teacher from Salt Lake City purchased medical records from 28 Florida hospitals to use as scrap paper for her students (Thede, 2010). Moreover, in the past patient records used to be fully
  • 28. Periplaneta Americana Experiment The entire experiment was conducted on an adult cockroach, Periplaneta americana, which was anesthetized using CO2 followed by an exposure of the ventral nerve cord using the method outlined in the PNB 3263WQ Laboratory Manual (Moiseff, 2016). Exposure to sound stimulation began with a spontaneous recording which was used as baseline for the obtained firing rate, followed by Auditory stimulation at 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 600 Hz and Ultrasonic pest repellent (UPR, which emits a sound frequency of 25,000 Hz). Eight trials were performed per sound frequency with 10 second rest between each trial and 1 minute rest allowed between frequency change. (Fig.1). the length of each stimulation lasted for 250 msec. eight specimens were used in the experiment... Show more content on ... The oscilloscope was used to determine that electrode placement was sufficient to record neural activity. This was determined by looking for a recording with minimal background noise and clear spontaneous extracellular action potentials (EAPs) . Criteria for an EAP included the presence of a clear bi or triphasic waveform amplitude peak above 10 mV. For each specimen, the total firing rate i.e: the count of EAPs present within 250 msec was recorded, the average of each specimen was taken and total grand mean as well as the stand deviation were calculated. All of the imaging recording were analyzed using video recorder and the freeze option to accurately measure the degree change within each stimulation. A total of 8 trials at each sound frequency totaling to 16 trials per specimen, we examined the same 8 specimens that were later used for dissection and exposure of VNC experimental part of the study. An ANOVA statistical analysis was used to compare the result of five experimental conditions. This test was performed for the average firing rate. As well as Tucky HSD test was used to determine which conditions were statistically significant and which ones were
  • 29. Analysis of the Movie Parenthood The movie Parenthood cover s many of the topics we have discussed this semester in class. But it obviously focused very strongly on parenting and marriage. During the course of the movie we see the four Buckman children s very different style of parenting. Although all four were raised by the same parents the culture of their individual families are all look very different. Gil Buckman felt abandoned and ignored by his father and therefore responded, with his wife Karen, by being a very active and attentive parent. Gil and Karen are on the authoritative end of the parenting spectrum, and their families culture revolves around activities such as baseball games, Kevin s baseball game, Birthday parties, school plays and basically having fun together (Lecture, 4/22). On the opposite end of the parenting spectrum are Nathan and Susan. They are very authoritarian and reminded me of the tiger Mom s of China. The culture of their familymeans that they don t have their daughter in preschool, they are waiting a prescribed amount of time to have a second child and Nathan is continuously drilling facts into their daughter. Susan feels like she should be playing with children her own age but Nathan s feelings have taken over their family s culture. When Kevin starts having difficulties in school (these difficulties are not expanded on greatly) it begins to test Gil and Karen s families culture and eventually their marriage. This structural issue causes Gil and Karen to doubt their
  • 30. Islamic Church Vs Medieval No doubt that england had some hard times back in the middle age, lack of knowledge such as doctors and health care wasn t up to par. If you got the flu or a stomach bug it felt like death was always a possibility. They never had aspirin or any form of pain relievers. So just imagine going through a war, and the black plague is all around you. Spreading to friends and sometimes even family (brothers, sisters, etc.). Knowledge and the question what if was definitely thrown around a lot, back in the middle ages, with so many questions unanswered. The Catholic Church became the one of the most powerful institution of the medieval period. Kings, queens and other leaders got majority of their power from their alliances and protection of the Church. Peasants (lowest level on the social chain) across Europe had to pay tithing (10 percent of their earnings each year to the Church) at the same time, the Church was mostly exempt from taxation. These policies helped it to gain a great deal of money and power for their army. While the Islamic world was growing larger and more powerful. After Muhammad s death in 632 CE, Muslim armies conquered large parts of the Middle East. At the peak of the medieval Islamic world it was more than three times bigger than ... Show more content on ... In the middle of the 14th century, however, there seemed to be no rational explanation for it. No one knew exactly how the Black Death was transmitted from one patient to another according to one doctor, for example, instantaneous death occurs when the aerial spirit escaping from the eyes of the sick man strikes the healthy person standing near and looking at the sick and no one knew how to prevent or treat it. Physicians relied on crude and unsophisticated techniques such as bloodletting and boil lancing (practices that were dangerous as well as unsanitary) and superstitious practices such as burning aromatic herbs and bathing in rosewater or
  • 31. The Genocide In Armenia There are more than one ways that the holocaust is very similar to the Genocide in Armenia. Like Hitler, The Turkish government had devised and set into motion a plan to exterminate more than one million of turkeys Armenians. Like the holocaust in Germany, the genocide in Armenia had a lot to do with religion and in almost a super similar situation to the holocaust, it all started to go bad when a group called the young Turks decided they wanted all the power and wanted any religion but theirs out of turkey. By April of 1915 hundreds were arrested and thousands were taken from their homes and put on death marches without food and water through the desert and just like in the holocaust, people were also tortured and killed in very cruel manors.... Show more content on ... In the years following, the Bosnian Serb forces started prosecuting the Bosniak and Croatian people. This caused the deaths of more than 100,000 civilians by 1995.It has multiple similarities to the holocaust because it was religion motivated, government supported, and was the biggest genocide since the holocaust. Somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 women were raped and they also buried thousands in huge mass graves. Rwanda 1994, Shortly after Rwandan President JuvГ©nal Habyarimana and Hutu President of Burundi Cyprien Ntaryamira were killed in a plane crash, the Hutu ethnic majority of Rwandan massacred up to 800,000 civilians who were mostly the Tutsi minority. Like with the holocaust, the motivating factor for the genocide was race and religion. Also similar to the holocaust was that the world ignored what was happening in Rwanda and that the genocide didn t happen in secret, America and surrounding countries knew what was going
  • 32. Essay on Scotts Miracle-Gro Case Solution Name: Elcra Brown Subject: Supply Chain Management (Intro) Paper Subject: Scotts Miracle Gro Date: July 23, 2013 Scotts Miracle Gro is the largest company in the North American lawn and garden industry. It is also the world s leading supplier and marketers of consumer products for do it yourself lawn and garden care, including products for professional horticulture. This paper is mainly centered on two decisions which include either to make and or buy. In other words whether Scotts Miracle Gro should keep manufacturing in Temecula located in California, outsource production to a contract company in China or to build a company in China and relocate production there. The paper will be divided into three parts in ... Show more content on ... Nonetheless, upon close examination of the production line, it was concluded that there were a lot of disadvantages associated with the outsourcing of production some of which includes and is not limited to: Loss of quality Loss of cross functional collaboration between production line workers and R D department which will result in the loss of innovation Providing the equipment, knowledge and training to perform in mold labeling to an outside contractor, something that once differentiates us from other major competitors or just foregoing in mold labeling capabilities. Risk of increasing labor costs faster than expected which could directly impact the pricing of the products Increase lead time; defective products will not be caught until they arrive in the United States The inability of quick response (QR) due to the increase in lead time Risk of utility rates increasing faster than expected; due to the growing pressure on the Chinese government to improve environmental record. Possibly damaging the company s goodwill in terms of not playing their part in CSR by increasing the carbon foot print by using China s cheap energy source. Risk in changing policies as it relates to the importing of tax and duty free agricultural products Uncertainty of the Chinese government as it relates to the overvaluing of the Yaun. Transition costs associated with the move
  • 33. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Economic Systems An economic system defines how the various sectors of the economy interact. In modern times, people have defined economic systems to include government policies. In the olden days, economic systems were pretty simple, as people used the trade by barter system which was very straight forward. There were few treaties and almost no real rules of engagement. In this type of trade, you only exchanged goods that you had for what you needed, or wanted. However, in modern monetary economies, the setting is quite intricate. Huge established companies have a lot of influence in the way business is done. Treaties and agreements are made every day, and governments have made numerous laws to define trade, thus warranting the need for a more comprehensive... Show more content on ... They do not have to produce what the government tells them to produce. This freedom, creates competition which forces companies to create new products and features. A good example of this is the cell phone market, as new phones are released each year, as individuals create new ideas and new features for their consumers, another advantage is that due to consumer driving decisions, it forces the producer to meet the requirements or features required by the consumer as it influences the price of the product (Educator, 2015). However, from the advantages, a series of disadvantages occur. Businesses driven by a profit motive may create a sense of danger for the business. This could be as a result of poor working environment and unethical decisions may be taken by business owners to try and gain some profit (Educator, 2015) . The market economy may also cause the markets to crash as it happened to the United States during the great depression, thereby creating a huge number of unemployed citizens which could lead to the devastation of families (Educator, 2015). Despite the effects of the depression and economic downturn in the early 2000s, the USA continues to operate as a market economy (Educator,
  • 34. FedEx s Value Chain Activity Introduction In this paper, I will analysis FedEx s value chain activity, its generic strategy, resources and capabilities, corporate level strategy, global strategy, and some recommendation that I have for FedEx. History FedEx started at Little Rock, Arkansas, with the founder Frederick Smith s ambition to improve the distribution system by adding next day package delivery. Over years, FedEx has developed into multi billion dollars corporation and provide services in express, ground, freight, and etc. Today, FedEx Corporation has four major segments: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Office. FedEx Express is the world s largest express transportation company that provides overnight delivery services for most of its operating locations. FedEx Ground segment is a leading small package carrier in the US that ship goods for businesses and residential customers. Freight segment provides less than truckload freight services. FedEx Office and Print Services offer customers sales, marketing, and other information technology services. Currently, FedEx has about 52,400 drop off locations, 647 aircraft and 54,100 vehicles. In 2013 fiscal year, FedEx reported $21.8 billion in revenue, and over 2 billion in operating income. The revenue has increased at 10.9% in 2011, 8.9% in 2012, and 4.5% in 2013. ( FedEx 2013 Annual Report ) Value Chain/Generic Strategy As a company that operates in the logistics industry, FedEx creates value by
  • 35. Spiritual Giant Research Paper A Journey With Spiritual Giant by Janvier Irafasha Cornerstone University English 099 Professor Smith November 23, 2014 Summery My spiritual giant is Dr. Louie Giglio, I ve been studying him for almost the entire semester and getting to know him. My journey with Dr. Giglio has been a wild and inspiring; I we learned so much from him, and I admire what he does and what he stands for as a Christian and a man of God. Louie Giglio was born on June 30, 1958 In Atlanta Georgia. He graduated from Georgia State University and he persuaded a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas Fort Worth. Short after, Dr. Giglio went to Grace Theological Seminary to earn a Doctor of Ministry degree. Dr. Giglio is married to Shelley ... Show more content on ... Anti gay Pastor Louie Giglio Drops out of Inauguration. Dailly Kos. Daily Kos News, 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. Discipleship Library Development Philemon Philippians Philosophy Physical Fitness Planning and Organization Pneumatology (Holy Spirit) Poor, The Praise Prayer Hand Illustration Premarital Counseling Pride Problems Promises. Discipleship. Discipleship Library, 1 Jan. 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. Ellison, Les. Indescribable DVD. UK. Eden, 1 Mar. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. Giglio, Louie. The Thing We Do. The Air I Breathe. Multnomah, 2003. 144. Print. Isael, Josh. BREAKING: Anti Gay Pastor Withdraws From Inaugural Program. ThinkProgress RSS. Think Progress, 11 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. Mohler, Albert. The Giglio Imbroglio The Public Inauguration of a New Moral McCarthyism. Albert Mohler. 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014. Murray, Ross. Who Can Pray for America? The Inauguration Benediction Question. Who Can Pray for America? GLAAD, 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Zavada, Jack. Louie Giglio Biography. Religion About. About Religion, 10 Jan. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. Giglio and Redman, Indescribable (Springs, Cook Communication Ministries
  • 36. Dinoflagellates Research Paper Dinoflagellates are eukaryotic microorganisms that are commonly found in marine environments. They are a large group of flagellate protists that are also identified as algae. Most dinoflagellates possess plastids, a double membrane organelle that stores pigments used in photosynthesis [1, 2]. However, some dinoflagellates only acquire these temporarily by digesting food algae[1]. A large portion of dinoflagellates are mixotrophic, phagotrophy with photosynthesis[3]. There are roughly 2,000 species of dinoflagellates living and more than 1,700 of them live in marine environments [4]. Dinoflagellates possess two flagella that produce forward movement and also provide a turning ability [5]. Another unique characteristic of dinoflagellates is the ability to bioluminesce. In total, 68 species are bioluminescent and emit a blue green light due to the stimulation of the enzyme dinoflagellate luciferase [6, 7]. Although there are many defining characteristics of dinoflagellates, there is still confusion as to whether they should be identified as algae or protists. Protists are mostly unicellular and can be heterotrophic or ... Show more content on ... There are too many variations in pigmentation, metabolism, and morphology to group all dinoflagellates together. In an effort to gain a better understanding of where they belong evolutionarily, researchers have begun using the nuclear encoded large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (LSU rDNA) for phylogenetic analysis. It contains conserved and divergent sequences [19]. The accumulation of LSU rDNA information can aid in identifying dinoflagellates at a species level and can track the dispersal of other marine microorganisms [16].It has also been proposed that the dinoflagellate lineage is linked to the endosymbiosis of a chromist haptophyte algae that contained chlorophyll a and c
  • 37. Analyzing The Chupacabra In Andrew J. Hoffman s Monsters In the reading Monsters By Andrew J. Hoffman in the section by Mike Davis called Monsters and Messiahs talk about the Urban Legend The Chupacabra. In the section, Davis uses the word Messiahs in discussing The Chupacabra because the monster was considered a leader of a particular group. The particular group would have to be in Mexico The Chupacabra was first brought in Puerto Rico. But then travel to California in the city of San Fernando. The Chupacabra has a made a big impact on people s viewing. The chupacabra is an urban legend, it is combined with varieties of animals put together. The chupacabra was called a Messiah because it was a lightning rod for immigrant anxiety. Meaning whenever something tragic would happen in the community
  • 38. Come Back To Me By Mila Gray Come Back To Me is a book written by Mila Gray. Gray wrote Come Back To Me in 2014. Mila Gray is a Young Adult Fiction writer. Gray is known as Sarah Alderson in young adult books, but in an adult fiction she is Mila Gray. Sarah Alderson is the winner for the Kingston Book Award (2012). The moral of the book Come Back to me is never take things for granted, because one day they could be gone forever. Come Back to me is a fictional story trying to tell people that everything is important and nothing should be taken for granted. Meanwhile the setting of the book, is in a undersized town with two families going through the same situation at the same time. The main characters in the book are Jessa Kingsley and Kit Ryan, Kit and Riley
  • 39. Oligodendrocytes Essay Myelination deficit in a phencyclidine induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia Author links open overlay panelRuiguoZhangab1JueHeb1ShenghuaZhubHandiZhangbHongxingWangbdAbulimitiAdiliji MinLiabc Show more rights and content Abstract Increasing evidence supports an important role of oligodendrocytes and myelination in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing cells in the central nervous system. To test the myelination dysfunction hypothesis of schizophrenia, possible myelination dysfunction was evaluated in a phencyclidine (PCP) induced neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia. On postnatal day ... Show more content on ... Dysfunction of neural networks has been demonstrated by chemical and physiologic imaging in the brains of schizophrenic patients (McClure et al., 1998). Myelin dysfunction produces abnormal connectivity of neural networks. The lipid rich myelin possesses high electrical resistance and low capacitance, and thus acts as an insulator around axons. Damage to the myelin is accompanied by a decrease in conduction velocity and, when severe, cessation of conduction. Dysregulation of myelination related genes in chronic schizophrenia has been revealed by genome wide expression analysis (Hakak et al., 2001), and deficits in myelin associated mRNA and protein expression have been reported in brains of elderly schizophrenic patients (Dracheva et al., 2006). In addition, abnormalities of myelination neuro imaging and ultrastructural pathology of myelinated fibers and oligodendrocytes have been observed in schizophrenic brains (Flynn et al., 2003; Orlovskaya and Uranova, 1997). Therefore, the pathological process underlying schizophrenia may involve an abnormality of brain myelin affecting white matter (Davis et al., 2003; Finelli, 1985; Hageman et al., 1995). Oligodendrocytes are the myelin producing
  • 40. Orville Vs Wright Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright are two icons that are recognisable to world of aviation for their big contribution to the aviation industry. Orville and Wilbur are two American brothers who both grown up to become inventors and aviation pioneers which their invention eventually gave them the respect and fame of millions around the world (Wikipedia, 2017). Both brothers were born at different states in the United States of America where Orville was born in Dayton, Ohio on the 19th of August 1871 while Wilbur was born in Millville, Indiana on the 16th of April 1867 (Wikipedia, 2017). This clearly shows that Wilbur is older than Orville by four years. According to National Park Service in Manteo, North Carolina, the date of 17th December 1903 is identified as a remarkable day in aviation history as it was the day the very first sustainable, self restraint, and powered heavier than air aircraft took its first official flight located at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Figure 1.1: Orville Wright on the Left and Wilbur Wright on the Right... Show more content on ... According to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, the Wright Brothers had the willingness to get familiar and increase their knowledge regarding aeronautics in the year 1899 as they were aware that the study of aviation was something that involved lots of research as any info about aviation was limited during that period of time. In that period of time, the Wright Brothers had organised several experiments which that concept was about the capability of man carrying
  • 41. My First Day Of High School You need to surround yourself with people who care about you. Who challenge you to grow. Who make you happy and appreciate all that you have to offer. The message rang in my head as my mother offered me this advice, in attempt to quell my fear of not fitting in the night before my first day of high school. I was often scared to be myself. Being a persistent Asian with nothing but frequent late nights studying intensely to keep up, young male dancer, and closeted gay teenager were all facets of my identity that did not sit well in the minds of middle school bullies. However, my high schoolexperiences brought me to realize that by integrating myself in a community of passionate individuals, I thrived immensely and found myself growing every day. Today, I no longer fear being unapologetically Marcus. With a profound clarity, I envision myself continuing my journey of self improvement by studying at Carnegie Mellon as a design major. I found my niche in design because the field allows me to combine my love for the arts and functional aesthetics with my dream of creating an impact on the world. Already, I observed the immediate social impacts of thoughtful communication design as editor in chief for our school s yearbook publication. I learned design extends beyond aesthetics as its primary significance is functionality, which my staff accomplished by telling powerful stories through an understanding of visual hierarchy and efforts to ensure thorough coverage. A full year s
  • 42. How to be a Nerd How to be a Nerd Original Writing Constant worry and stress. Busy twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. From keeping good grades in four AP classes to having no social life outside of soccer and chess and school and work, my work seems to never end. Being a nerd like me takes a lot of hard work and determination to complete all tasks represented every day. Being me is a special art that only a special few can achieve or attempt to imitate. The first thing to know about being me is setting your priorities straight. You must have no life and study for five hours everyday for the four AP classes that you have and make sure you are able to finish it all before two in the morning the next... Show more content on ... Day to day people see me act and behave differently than other people. If you really want to be me, you will need to master a few key elements. First, you must carry a really big backpack, the larger the better. You want a bag that may weigh between ten and one hundred pounds, the weight is crucial. With such a large backpack, you are able to carry all your books, folders, and binders without every having to stop at your locker. Also, if you are in a hurry, you can turn sharp corners with your backpack and knock over those in your way that might be a little more height deficient then you like Audrey, Pauline, and Chelsea for example, no offense to any of them of course. Not only do you need the backpack, you will need to be able to talk like me and know what to say at different times. From talking out of turn and answering your own questions, to going on about some random topic just to prove your right to find out when you finish no one has listened to a single word I have said, not to name any teachers or people of course. Some people all ready have the speaking out of turn done, but I have yet to find anyone to perfect my voice and speak as I do (all though I must say Ken Minster, Sean Hopkins, Joseph Carlston, and Alan Fonseca have all gotten pretty close after trying to imitate it for the last month or two.) I seem to almost never go anywhere with this guys when all of
  • 43. CHS Segmentation In Health Care Julie, as you indicated, segmentation allowed CHS to provide services specifically selected to meet the needs of the seven defined population groups. Analyzing all of these data points helped them to get a comprehensive look at their patient population and the factors that affect their healthcare. Segmentation helped to improve patient outcomes by targeting specific risk factors in a given population, as well as estimate the cost of providing care, which helped them with payer contract negotiations (Quelch Rodriquez, 2015). Other healthcare organization have used segmentation to provide care to specific patient populations. However, segmentation will often look at clinical and financial data to identify patients with chronic conditions,
  • 44. UNIT 203 Work in a Business Environment K UNIT 203 Work in a Business Environment Knowledge Understanding 1.1 Describe what is meant by diversity and why it should be valued. Diversity means different individuals valuing each other regardless of intellect, age, disability race or religion. Diversity should be respected and valued because everyone is different and can offer an alternative perspective. Everyone should be treated equally because everyone has something to offer and everyone has a strong factor/skill that they can contribute to the company. They enrich a society because they allow people to experience different thinking processes, to see that there is more than one way of approaching issues or living one s life. Diversity brings other points of view... Show more content on ... Confidentiality and information security are the key aspects for an organisation. So an organisation must make sure that it preserves these along with integrity. Any information even if it is a little one, if lost can lead to the non existence of the organisation. The requirements for security and confidentiality are: All information has to be original and true, and should be free from any errors. An organisation has to be ready at all times to give access to the systems that store, process and deliver information to the right people at the right time. All companies have and should have their own policies and procedures regarding security and confidentiality. All employees must abide by these policies and procedures. The Data Protection Act, Human Rights Act and Consumer Rights Acts cover these areas. 2.3 Describe the legal requirements for security and confidentiality, as required The legal requirement in relation to security and confidentiality are described by in the Data Protection Act 1998 and says that anyone who records information about individuals is classed as a data processor under the Act and is required by law to process the data fairly and lawfully. The Act prevents the unauthorised use of data and so protects the privacy of individuals. The Act also says never to disclose information that my organisation holds about individuals. The Act also allows individuals the right to know what information
  • 45. Women and Femininity in Medea Women and Femininity in Medea Women s rights movements have made incredible progress in recent times. Although there are many countries around the world where women are facing political and social unjustness, the social class of women in ancient Greece of 5th century BCE was solely grounded by patriarchal ideologies. The Greek playwright Euripidescreates a persistent character Medea, in his classic tragedyMedea. Today, scholars study this relentless protagonist who has become an eternal and timeless symbol of femininity and womenfolk revolt. Whilst many themes such as passion, vengeance, and exile are present within Euripides Medea, the theme of women and femininity is critically manifested throughout the interactions of its central... Show more content on ... She continues to describe her state, A typically unfair attitude, I suppose... (316). Later, in the tragedy, Medea boldly leaves the house after murdering her own children in pursuit of satisfaction. Medea shows audiences the horror that can come when one lets the desire for revenge rule his/her life. In addition to the interactions between Medea and the Greek Chorus, it is important to explore the scenes preceding the tirade. The nurse s opening monologue offers great insight into Medea s state of characterization prior to her newfound interactions. The nurse anaphorically describes Medea s actions towards Jason. The Nurse begins, She wouldn t have made the daughters of Pelias kill him, she wouldn t have had to flee to Corinth here, she wouldn t have done all that she did for Jason, She wouldn t have been so darned complaisant to Jason (311). Euripides use of anaphora creates emphasis on everything Medea has done for Jason. The Nurse believes that upon meeting Jason, she wouldn t have fallen in love with Jason. Medea s motivation was a clear passion to woo Jason. Formerly, Medea completes Jason s task of achieving the Golden Fleece, originally a man s task. With her cunningness, she uses her witch supremacies to her advantage, acting on her desire for Jason. Furthermore, the Nurse foreshadows Medea s shift in characterization from anguish to dexterity in her
  • 46. A Brief Summary Of Jeyn Roberts s Rage Within Rage Within What a wonderful book! Rage Within is a fiction book by Jeyn Roberts. This book seems to be a great choice for high schoolers. The book isn t too difficult, but also isn t too easy and predictable that it s boring, so again this makes a great choice for high schoolers. It s also in the perspective of teens which makes it even better for teens , but the book is great for young adults too considering it s a young adult book. Aries, Clementine, Mason and Michael have survived an earthquake that wiped out most of the world s population, and most of the remaining survivors have turned into zombie like murderers called Baggers. Aries is the leader of the this small group of teens including others, she is having a tough time, because she feels like every decision she makes will mess up everything. Clementine is... Show more content on ... The book takes a lot of perspectives mainly among Aries, Clementine, Michael and mason. This is really good compared to other books. The multiple perspective makes it feel like a movie and mixes it up. Also, it has an abundance of suspenseful cliff hangers that make you crave to read more and lead you on. The characters also aren t afraid all the time and cower how most teens would. They seem to know how to live in the moment, and have good times and joke even when there is danger. That shows us they are fearless kids just about. This book is great for people who enjoy gore, suspense and a little romance. If you love to see good character cooperation and the characters in a lot of life or death situations where you really don t know if they ll make it or not this is the book for you. This books also shows that even the underdogs can still make a difference, and that gives us hope in life when there seems to be nothing left. Again if you love gore, suspense and a little bit of romance this is the perfect book for you, you won t be
  • 47. Tuesdays With Morrie Rhetorical Analysis We can leave the mountain anytime we want but those with ALS are prisoners in their own body Alex Williams. People with ALS start losing their ability to move as the disease goes through their body. In the Book Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom Morrie Schwartz has ALS and he tries to give away all of his wisdom before he dies. Morrie teaches people to live life through showing love to family, not hiding or being scared of aging and accepting that Deathis natural. The first lesson Morrie teaches is that showing love to family is most important. Morrie says the family is the main foundation and we should love them because we never know when we could lose them. A wise quote from Morrie that proves we should show love for family is The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people my stand today if it isn t the family (Albom 91). I agree with Morrie that family is the main foundation in life. Family will always help each other out any way possible so it is important to love family members.An example from my life is there was this one time I needed money for something I needed and I didn t have no money. So then my uncle ended up helping me out because it was important and family helps each other out when in need. The second lesson Morrie teaches is that don t be scared of aging, it is a natural thing. Morrie accepts aging because he is at that point in his life that he needs help moving around because he can t do it by himself especially with ALS. A wise Quote from Morrie that proves not to be afraid of aging is Its very simple. As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty two, you d always be as ignorant as you were at twenty two. Aging is not just decay, you know. Its growth. It s more than the negative that you re going to die, it s also the positive that you understand you re going to die, and that you live a better life because of it (Albom 118). I agree with Morrie as a person gets older, they get wiser from experience that they learned over the years. I am not afraid of aging I learned How to accept it as a natural thing that everybody goes through. I noticed that I have gotten taller, stronger and I have noticed my deeper voice it s all a part of growing up. one
  • 48. Vanhanh Buddhist Youth Organization Since 2006, I ve been a proud member of VanHanh Buddhist Youth Organization. My youth group s teaching of Buddhism philosophy, changed my viewpoint on life. As I grew up feeling miserable over my family s misfortunes, I applied Buddhism in my life to become optimistic. Buddhism encouraged me to strengthen my karma: by doing good, good things will happen. Thus, I m inspired to volunteer my service for the less fortunate. In particular, on Thanksgiving, my youth group and I volunteered at homeless shelters. We provided food, water, and haircuts to the homeless community. The ideology of karma makes me assured that suffering will pass. Through Buddhism s positive influence in my life, I d would love to create a Buddhist Student Organization,
  • 49. The Million Year Picnic Essay While growing up, you might find yourself in a sort of limbo. There is a time when you are between a child and an adult, between young and grown. This is exactly the case for Timothy, the protagonist in Bradbury s The Million Year Picnic (1946). He senses parts of the adult world that are hidden from his younger brothers, while retaining a childlike uncertainty and confusion. This paper seeks to analyze and interpret Timothy s character as well as the short storys narration, setting and themes. The story unfolds on the planet Mars. It is October in year 2026, yet it is summer on Mars. The planet is covered in crumbling cities, canals and multicolored deserts. The family visits in the wake of a great war that eradicated all human and extraterrestrial life there. Because of the barren atmosphere on Mars, there is a strained feeling in the family. They talk in whispers when walking through the abandoned cities (p. 179, l. 14). Both parents are also very tense from the beginning of the trip. The father is trembling when packing the camp (p. 173, l. 5) and the mother is unusually quiet throughout most of the novel. She seldom comes with any comments or remarks. When noticing a bird, the father also gets frightened (p. 174, l. 1) and he has a pulse beating in his cheek (p. 175, l. ... Show more content on ... Timothy s family start their life over on Mars and Earth has to rediscover balance and harmony. Once they land on Mars, the father listens to the atomic radio and tells his wife, it s over at last, (p. 177, l. 18). To his son Michael he says that there is no more Minneapolis, no more rockets, no more Earth (p. 178, l. 32). He explains to everyone how every world station now is silent, but there is a possibility that their great grandchildren will hear them again. This is if Earth becomes peaceful once again. Much later, he claims that Earth has been killed (p. 180, l. 40). Earth must start over and regain a sort of
  • 50. Richard Hambleton s Image Mass Murder His other noticeable work is Shadow man, which is similar to his Image Mass Murder where is splashes paint on the ground but instead of it around a chalked out outline it is brushed in the shape of a silhouetted. These images were created in different areas that would make the pedestrians have the most impact when they saw it, which was around corners and in dark alleys. Most of these pieces were in New York citybut later expanded to some parts of Europe, including both sides of The Berlin Wall before it was torn down. Richard Hambleton did not go on his with creating art, he was in a group that had great success in the New York street art community as well as outside of the street culture of that scene as well. Though Richard is the only surviving member of that group it also had to great street artist Keith Haring, and Jean Michel Basquiat both of which have passed on but their legacies are still felt today. Both inside of the street art community as well as the art community as a whole. Keith is an American Based artist who uses his art for his social activist campaigns that centered around birth, ... Show more content on ... Jean another member that included Keith Haring and Richard Hambleton, and like Keith, unfortunately, is not alive anymore. Like Keith, Haring Jean is an American based artist that was born in Brooklyn, New York in the 1960 s. His early work started out in 1978 after he dropped out of high school, was spray painted graffiti in Lower Manhattan under his tag nam44e SAMO. The Tag name SAMO is shortened saying for the old witty saying same old . His tag named also included messages inscribed inside of them like for those of us merely tolerate civilization or not cause cancer in laboratory animals. The art outside of his street art primarily involves his culture and the appreciation for his African
  • 51. Wild Man Monologue Adam promised everything to Mia. He would do whatever she wanted, only if she came back to him. After a car crash that killed Mia parents and little brother, Teddy, it left Mia in a in between state as she watch doctors work on her coma ridden body. There she went in flashes from old memories with Adam, to the current day, watching her family and friends cry over her sleeping body. For Adam though, all he knew was his girl was lying on the bed, close to a peaceful death, one that he wanted her to stay away from. If you stay, I ll do whatever you want. I ll quite the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I ll do that, too. Maybe coming back to your old life would just be too painful, maybe it d be easier for you to ... Show more content on ... For that, Adam did not care. He started staying in different hotels, doing separate interviews, even taking separate flights. Bryn, Adan s girlfriend, told him he could make it solo, but does he really want to make it at all? He had everything he always dream of, and now he s chanting away the nights of the tour, rattling his pills in his pocket, forcing himself out of bed each day, for a life he would have done anything for. That s why on the eve of their European tour, the band flew out that day, and Adam was flying out of JFK the next day, leaving himself a whole day in New York City alone. By luck or fate Adam found him outside Carnegie Hall with the performance that night was Mia Hall on cello. By more fate and luck, Mia finds Adam in the crowed and ask him to meet her backstage. Standing there, face to face, leave Adam with all the anger, sadness and love he felt for Mia, rushing back to him as memoires and present day conversations. With both their flights leaving tomorrow, Adam has that one night to understand why Mia stayed, and then left
  • 52. Essay about MacDonald s The Princess and the Goblin MacDonald s The Princess and the Goblin The Princess and the Goblin is a story about self realisation and the expansion of limits. The princess, Irene, is able to come to certain conclusions about herself with the help of her grandmother, who lives in the attic upstairs in the palace. The grandmother guides Irene through her rite of passage into adulthood, and helps to bring the princess and Curdie together in the end. However, the reader never really knows whether the grandmother even exists, and it is this uncertainty that causes the reader to question whether she is a personification of a force within Irene that is driving her to achieve all that she does. There are many elements of fairy tales that exist within the grandmother s ... Show more content on ... They have both left what is safe and familiar for a place they never knew existed. A sense of danger looms over the reader s head, as the situation Irene has got herself into is so similar to the one the sleeping beauty gets herself into. There are also hints of Little Red Riding Hood s visit to her grandmother s house. The grandmother in The Princess and the Goblin calls out in an old and rather shaky voice (MacDonald, p. 11) for Irene to enter her room, just as the wolf does when he lures Little Red Riding Hood into her grandmother s house. It is possible that the grandmother has bad witch qualities that she is trying to hide, just as the wolf tries to disguise his evil ways to appear good. However, when the princess opens the door to the grandmother spinning, she enters another world, and is presented with an opportunity to discover herself. The reader becomes aware of this opportunity for self discovery when the grandmother informs the princess that her name is also Irene. At this moment the princess subconsciously becomes aware of all that she is capable of without the help of the nurse. The grandmother s pigeons are a symbol of transformation and provide a clue to Irene that the time is right for her to fly away from the safety and comfort of her nest. As the grandmother makes Irene feel more and more secure in her new world, she moves farther away from Lootie and her
  • 53. The Ethnic Groups in Malaysia and Its Culture The Ethnic Relation and Culture in Malaysia. By just looking at the title above, you know what I am going to talk about. Yes, you are right, the culture of our magnificent country. Our country is actually envied by many foreigners. Why? Well, one of the main reasons is because of how we Malaysians can live in harmony for many years, even though we consist of many different races and ethnic groups. The culture of our country started out with the unique combination and amount of ethnic groups in our country. Let s understand more of our country s ethnic group before we go on shall we? Let me briefly introduce to you the three major ethnic groups in our country, the Malay, Chinese and the Indians. Firstly, the Malays, also known... Show more content on ... In Sabah and Sarawak, they consists a large number of ethnic groups even I never heard of! Although living in the same country, I still do not know much of my people; it is a shame for many young people nowadays too, all they know are mainly the three main ethnic groups. Besides that, another we must not forget about is that many foreigners, or shall I say legal immigrants came to our country live as citizens of Malaysia. For example, the Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos, Indonesians, etc because of the way we live. Being a Malaysian, we are very lucky. We live in a place where there are no serious and deadly problems like natural disasters or war. Besides that, the pace of how we live is very slow, carefree and we don t have much stress compare to other country. Studies show that the Koreans and Japanese in the country came because they wanted to live the Malaysian way. The main question our country s people are asking is, why Malaysia? Of all countries, why pick Malaysia? Why does so many people from the outside wants to come to our country while we, people of Malaysia wants to migrate to other people s country? Maybe one day, Malaysia s three major ethnic groups are Malays, Japanese and Koreans. It would be very weird. Malaysia will not be Malaysia anymore. Ethnic relations go way back into our country s history. They are not just the natural consequences of the differences between cultures. Due to peninsular Malaysia s strategic
  • 54. The Odyssey Essay Throughout vast journeys of many heroes, no other hero had a more complex journey than Odysseus. This journey is called The Odyssey, written by Homer. It is an epic poem or story told of a hero name Odysseus on a 20 year voyage trying to get back home from the Trojan War. The great epic poem known as The Odyssey and attributed to Homer was probably first written down around the eighth century BC, but the origins of the ancient story in myth, legend, and folklore and art appear to be much older. Greek Epic Hero When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus will most likely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character in Homer s poem quot;The Odyssey. quot; quot;The Odyssey quot; is a narrative poem that describes Odysseus adventures... Show more content on ... When Odysseus is in trouble he always shows that he is depending on the gods by praying to them. The fact that the gods usually listen to him shows that he is well liked by the gods. In order to be a Greek hero you had to be liked by the gods since religion was such a big part in their lives. Odysseus, with the help of the gods, can survive adventures that kill most other men. Odysseus travels to the island of the Cyclopians. The Cyclopians are giants that have one eye, they don t fear the gods because they believe that they are better than the gods and they eat people. They represent the opposite of what Greek men should be. Odysseus and his men meet Polyphemus the Cyclops. Polyphemus being a Cyclops eats some of Odysseus men. Odysseus with the help of the gods figures out a plan to escape and he does. Scylla is a ferocious monster with six heads that kills most men that pass by her island. She kills six of Odysseus men. Odysseus prevents her from killing himself and more men. There is another ferocious monster named Charybdis. Charybdis sucks in water from the sea and creates a whirlpool that kills any ship that passes by. Odysseus passes by her. His crew is killed and his ship is destroyed in the whirlpool but Odysseus alone survives. There is an island that Odysseus passes by with monsters called Sirens on it. The Sirens sing beautiful songs that lure ships toward them. The ships then crash into the island and the people are killed.