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The Industrial Revolution Essay
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution is a term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the
transition from a stable agricultural and commercial society, to a modern industrial society relying
on complex machinery rather than tools. There have been numerous debates to the use of this term
because the word "revolution" suggests sudden, violent, unparalleled change. Even though there was
an unparalleled change in the world, it was by no means sudden nor violent. The world's social and
economic structures changed due to marvelous inventions and innovations. These inventions and
innovations led to a factory system of large–scale machine production and greater economic
specialization. Britain more content...
In India, this idea of industrialization had a complete opposite effect. India's economy survived on
two major markets; the cotton market and the agricultural market. The cotton was grown by hand,
picked by hand, and weaved by hand. Because of this, Indian cotton and cotton products were the
best in the world and they carried a best in the world price. Beautifully hand woven cotton was very
expensive and because of this, weavers and growers were living comfortably. But when the
Industrial Revolution hit Britain, this all changed. The British (and an American man named Eli
Whitney) invented new machines, such as the Spinning Jenny and the Cotton Gin, that could pick
and weave cotton almost ten times faster than a hand could. Because more cotton products could
be produced in a shorter time and therefore would cost less money, people began buying British
cotton goods. This drove Indian cotton farmers and weavers out of work. And because of this, these
unskilled workers had to move to cities or take up other jobs. For most Indians, this was impossible
because they were so unskilled. No only did industrialization ravage the Indian Cotton Industry, but
it ravaged Indian family traditions. Indians, who were lucky to find work, found it harder and harder
to spend time with their families. So family ties and traditions almost ended right then. And since a
large portion of the population relied on the Cotton Industry, a
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Essay on The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
Introduction to the Revolution
The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change marked by the general introduction of
power–driven machinery. This change generally helped life, but it had its disadvantages as well.
Pollution, such as Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose, working conditions declined, and
the number of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music,
architecture and man's way of looking at life all changed during this period. Two revolutions took
The first Industrial Revolution was based upon the cotton industry. Most of the inventions made
during that period were mainly for manufacturing and producing cotton.
John Kay, more content...
It was usually was owned and managed by one or more people, who were close to the workers.
There was a good worker/boss relationship, which was destroyed by capitalism1. The longer it took
one person to manufacture a product, the higher the price. Since it took time to make the goods, the
prices were extremely high, and only the wealthy could afford them.
The First Industrial Revolution
By the 1750's, the first Industrial Revolution had begun. At first, inventions were limited mainly to
cotton weaving. The spinning jenny, the water–powered frame, (both of which provided spinning
yarn faster) the spinning mule, the power loom and the cotton gin, all helped to speed up the process
of manufacturing goods. Since this was around the time when capitalism1 began, the capitalists who
had their own materials, money and space, bought machines, put them in a factory, and hired people
to work for the whole day.
The factory system had replaced the cottage industry. Mass production made usually expensive
items, such as shoes, less expensive and easily affordable by lower class and less wealthy people.
The quality of life had improved. The inventions in the 1800's didn't just deal with the cotton
industry. Steam engines were used to transport people instead of horses and carriages. The first
industrial revolution had changed England, and later the world. They were now ready
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Essay on The First Industrial Revolution
Imagine living in a world without electricity, transportation, lights, or modern technology.
Envisioning life without the gadgets and gizmos we enjoy today may seem bizarre, but our society
remains dependent on the inventions of the turn of the 18th century to feed, clothe and sustain itself.
The First Industrial Revolution occurred during the beginning of the 18th century and would merge
with the Second Industrial Revolution in 1850. It was a time of great change in America and the
world. The previously miniscule GDP, the Gross Domestic Product (Webster, 1), began to shoot
skyward with implementation of an array of new inventions, the use of steam power, and the cotton
gin, which vastly increased the ability of farmers and more content...
Yet the population had no room left in the frame of the prevailing system of production to grow
or live. Work in the factories was salvation to the people who thronged into plants for no reason
other than to improve their standard of living" (Mises , 1). Though living conditions may seem bad
during the early Industrial Revolution when compared to now, American society had reached a
critical point. The only future for many people, particularly the Irish and German immigrants, was
in the budding factories or on the virgin prairie. It would be unfair to not point out that the
revolution offered a new life to many people. Working provided failed farmers, immigrants, and
women work they could never gotten before. People had an opportunity to work for a better life,
creating a chance for social mobility, which existed nowhere else in the world than the Americas.
The First Industrial Revolution was a time of innovation which led to the mass manufacturing of
many of the things we now take for granted like tractors, plows, machinery, textiles, and
interchangeable parts, without which American society as we know it would have become
stagnated by the sod of the prairie. The growing population would have simply been doomed to
starvation and peasantry as it had been in medieval Europe.
The changes taking place in the American way of life were closely related to the
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Industrial Revolution
Throughout history, society has expanded and thrived around the idea of new innovation,
discovery of unexplored areas, and the invention of products that would revolutionize the world for
centuries to come. These innovations would be used for centuries before another would finally be
made to take its place. However, ever since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, with the
introduction of novelties such as television and the Internet, the world has begun to drift in a
different direction: one based around constant access to all information. This desire for new
information led to a widespread desire for novelty, which businesses were able to use to their
advantage, successfully conning millions of people out of billions of dollars each more
If one relies on something that has been proven to be reliable, there would be a higher chance of
longevity of that idea. For example, if society decides to consistently devote all of their spending
into one reliable brand and model of car, multiple things can be noticed because of it. First, there
will be fewer accidents and issues on the road due to a smaller likelihood of the car
malfunctioning. Second, there would be a much larger demographic of people who could actually
drive the car. Third, there would be more money towards the company, which would provide the
company more resources and money to perform minor enhancements to make the car even more
reliable. This would add to its overall safety and reliability, while also gradually expanding the
possibilities that it can have. This method only applies to cars alone. Imagine its application on
almost every aspect of society, and how radically different society would become because of it.
Putting our faith in the reliable rather than the new would result in this changed and simpler
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Essay on Industrial Revolution
How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect A Person's Quality of Life?
One's quality of life is defined as the degree of well–being felt by a person or a group of persons. It
is concerned with a citizen's consumption of goods and services, human rights and the environment.
The industrial revolution have produced great wealth to many citizens that influences their state of
well being. Others may argue that the changes and advancements in society have brought the burden
of scarce resources, diseases and pollution among it's people. Rather the opposite is true, the positive
effects that the revolution have introduced such as the high availability of employment, food, and
human rights and the opportunity for future growth overpowers more content...
Presently new advancements in society like the computer phenomena have created plenty of
opportunities for many citizens, and as new inventions are continually being introduced the demands
for workers remains to increase.
It is right for a person to say that as the requirements of consumers expand, the factory system and
production enlarges consequently inflicting the availability of world resources for the future. Yet, a
particular aspect that affect quality of living is the satisfaction one feels through the attainment of
their needs and wants. The centralization of production in factories have increased the expedience of
both required necessities and unimportant highly desired products. One evident factor is the access
to the efficient harvests of fundamental foods. As a result of new technologies in the domestication
of plants and animals, people's diets contain more variety and food sources have become more
secure. In the past the productions of necessities were very low, inefficient and undependable. The
realm of wants was oblivious to citizens as they spent long hours and performed hard labor to
achieve life's essentials. After the industrial revolution basic needs such as food, health, education,
shelter, water supply and sanitation are easily accessible and attainable.
It's true that as the Industrial age evolved accompanying itself with
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Essay on The Industrial Revolution
Final Project
From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present day, the structure and culture of the
American workplace have been affected by many forces, among them capitalism, technology,
globalization, and issues of equality. Describe these forces in detail and analyze their impact on the
structure and culture workplace.
Capitalism is an economic system that is based on the private ownership of capital or the means of
production and the creation of goods and services for profit. Some of the elements central to
capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets and a price system.
Capitalism has been dominant in the Western world since the end of Mercantilism. It was fostered
by more content...
we refer to this group of people as the capitalist class. The majority of people must sell their ability
to work in return for a wage or salary. the working class are paid to produce goods and services
which are then sold for a profit. The profit is gained by the capitalist class because they can make
more money selling what we have produced. In this sense, the working class are exploited by the
capitalist class. The capitalist live off the profits they obtain from exploiting the working class whilst
reinvesting some of their profits for the further accumulation of wealth.
This is what we mean when we say there are two classes in society. It is a claim based upon
simple facts about the society we live in today. This class division is the essential feature of
capitalism. It may be popular to talk about various other "classes" exiting such as the "middle class",
but it is the two classes defined her that are the key to understanding capitalism.
In capitalism, the motive for producing goods and services is to sell them and make a profit. this
is not done to necessarily satisfy the needs of the people. The products of capitalist production have
to find a buyer, of course, but this is only incidental to the main aim of making a profit, of ending up
with more money than was originally invested.
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Essay about Industurial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution had a major impact (both positive and negative) on the economic,
political, social and cultural life in America, changing it from an agrarian (agricultural) and cottage
(small specialized) society which was Thomas Jefferson's vision to a modern advanced and
technological society which are Alexander Hamilton's vision. The concept according to Alexander
Hamilton is one of the greatest visions that he had. Alexander Hamilton was born as a British subject
on the island of Nevis in the West Indies on the 11th of January 1755. In the young United States,
Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton called for an IndustrialRevolution in his Report on
Manufactures (1791).
Many more content...
He was a loose constructionist, which was a position with increasing popularity amongst politicians.
All of his positions on the issues at the time were, however being stolen by the other side, which
essentially proves him right.
The most important of the changes that the Industrial Revolution brought was the invention of
machines to do the work of hand tools, the use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place
of the muscles, and the adoption of the factory system. The Industrial Revolution came gradually.
However, when measured against the centuries people had worked entirely by hand, it happened in
a short span of time. Until the inventions of the flying shuttle in 1733 and the spinning jenny in
1764, the making of yarn and the weaving of cloth had been much the same for thousands of years.
By 1800 a host of new and faster processes were in use in both manufacture and transportation.
In technology, steam power must have been the biggest advancement in its field. Fuels such as coal
and petroleum were ideas used for the power of the steam engines. This new idea of steam power
revolutionized many industries including textiles and manufacturing. In communications, Samuel
Morse, an American inventor, had made a working model of the telegraph using a language of dots
and lines. It carried information at high speeds, which made communications between Europe and
North American
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Industrial Revolution Essay
The topic I have chosen to discuss related to the last 400 years in Western Civilization is the
Industrial Revolution in Britain. The Industrial Revolution was what created the modern capitalist
system. Britain was the first to lead the way in this huge transformation. Technology changed,
businesses, manufactured goods, and wage laborers skyrocketed. There was not only an economic
transformation, but also a social transformation. The Industrial Revolution is such an interesting
subject to further explore, because it truly made a difference in Britain in the late 1700s. The
Industrial Revolution brought an increased quantity and variety of manufactured goods and even
improved the standard of living for some individuals, however, more content...
They operated at night and in disguise, these Luddites smashed the new textile machinery, the ones
that the factory owners had introduced. They believed that the technological advanced machines
will dominate production and replace the workers, and no human beings would be employed. They
feared that the lack of employment would result in economic decline and more poverty. Even in
today's day, we can see individuals who can be referred as Luddites, due to their objection to the
introduction of new technology. The encounters between workers and the bourgeoisie did heighten
an awareness of the class divisions that were found in British society.
Levack, B. P., Muir, E., & Veldman, M. (2011). The West: Encounters & transformations (Vol. 2:
Since 1550) (3rd ed). New York, NY: Longman.
There were many social and economic changes that made the industrial development possible. The
steady increase in the British population, the improved agricultural productivity, the accumulation of
large amounts of capital, and the demand for manufactured goods were all factors that encouraged
the mechanization of industry. The increase of the population in Britain during the 18th century is
what led to the Industrial Revolution. The increase of population facilitated the industrialization by
the domestic demand for
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Essay on Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Europe during the eighteenth century was at the height of the industrial revolution, none of which
reached America. In New England the population was largely English, but America as a whole had
more than 20 ethnic strains present, nowhere in Europe could such a heterogeneous mixture be
found. America was unique in its political structure. Americans vested authority in personalities,
rather than, as in England, in institutions of tradition. As a people they had been striped of traditions.
America lacked the centuries of tradition that other societies had. American cities not only solved
thier problems, but they sought to solve them. European cities were encrusted with centuries of
tradition and moved only more content...
As Lucas points out that even with slavery and indian exploitation there was a development of a
wealthy and powerful elite, based on ability rather than caste. Like European counterparts Americans
believed that only those with land would have nay interest in the affairs government. Law was first
administered in the colonies without benefit of lawyers. The clergy of New England pressed hard
for rule by Biblical law. The average settlement wanted the kind of laws and procedures which was
known in Europe. In working out thier legal systems developed systems which freed them from the
rigid technicalities of medieval jurisprudence so prevalent in Europe. The Great Awaking that swept
through Britain also came to America. The great Awaking and American enlightenment promoted
higher eduction in the colonies and also joined to promote separation of church and state. By the
middle of the eighteenth century there was less church going people in America than any other
country in the western world. America used the ideals of Enlightenment to promote modification and
reforms in society, not revolution. There are several features that sets the southern colonies apart
from thier northern neighbors. The most striking of which is slavery. The spread of slavery made a
society whose continuance depended on a rigid discipline. This prominent feature gives southern life
a distinctive and separate sense, creating in the course of time a nation with
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Essay on Industrial Revolution
During the second half of the 17th century, there were a drastic breakthrough in mainly Great
Britain's, but gradually the rest of the worlds development, that would lead to radical changes in
peoples lives, working relations and environment.
Industrial revolution was so fundamental that it's often compared with the transition from farming to
stock raising, which began several thousand years before the birth of Christ. Considering the uses of
natural resources, can human history be dived up into three pieces of varying length; hundreds of
thousands years before "the agricultural revolution", thousands of years between this and the
Industrial revolution and the two hundreds years after the beginning of more
A serie of technical ideas were combined step by step to form new systems. Mainly two of these got
a big importance and lead to the textile industry and coalfield technology.
The Industrial Revolution was not a sudden appearance; it was the result of a long learning period.
The most common to say that it "started" was in Great Britain for 250 years ago.
The initial stages were in the 1760th. Within a half decade it started to spread, at first to the north
west parts of Europe and to the USA. The early industrialisation in Belgium, France started around
the 1820th. Industrialisation process arised from the extensive changes that occurred in the world
4.2 Britain and the increased population
Before the 17th century, the most prominent economies in the world, was characterised by
handicraft works and a big labour force that was engaged to farming. Some factors started during the
17th century that gave rise to the worlds first Industrial revolution, such as rise of the middle class,
expansion of trade and markets, centralisation of the state and scientific revolution. Many of these
were specific for Great Britain, were the Industrial revolution started.
New farming methods came to use during late 16th century. Farmers in many parts of Europe,
including Ireland, France, started to raise potatoes. A plant from the "New World", that for a long
tome was seen with a big suspiciousness. A higher rate of potato
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Industrial Revolution Essay example
The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in
agriculture, manufacturing and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural
conditions of the world. The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom as large deposits of
coal and iron were found throughout the land which brought the rise of factories and machines, the
idea then subsequently spread throughout the world. It was perhaps one of the greatest moments in
human history, as it gave rise to industrialization and the switch from manpower to machine power. It
completely revolutionized the world and forever changed the course of humanity. However, many
scholars and historians believe that the more content...
It shows how many territories England was able to conquer because of industrialization and the
need for raw materials. England's conquests allowed for the world to have new markets which
would bring in good profits not only in the United Kingdom but for the rest of the world. It would
also allow for the conquered countries to industrialize which would bring up the economic value of
the country and increase profits in the long run. A boost in economic benefits wasn't the only effect
of the industrial revolution, it also brought about social changes. Before factories and machines,
women weren't viewed as being able to do the same job as men. They were seen as housewives
and this assumption remained the same until the rise of factories and industry. For the first time,
women were able to work in the same factories as men. However, women were paid less than men
because society at that time still viewed them as inferior to men. Although you could still see this
policy in some societies today, women are now able to work in the same positions as men because
of the circumstances that were brought by the rise of industrialization and factories. Also, thanks to
mass production in factories, the rule of supply and demand allowed people to afford new things as
stated before. Such an effect is shown in Document 7 in an excerpt from The Working Man's
Companion published in 1831. It states how people are surrounded with an infinite number of
comforts and
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Industrial Revolution
Environment vs. Industrial Revolution When you hear the industrial revolution, you may think that
it was good. Well, when thinking about only certain parts of the impacts it had on things like family,
economy, environment, North, South, and West, you start to see that not all of them had a positive
effect on certain aspects. Today, I will be talking about how theindustrial revolution impacted the
environment. The industrial revolution did not have a positive impact on the environment. For
example, it caused an increase in pollution, a decrease of fossil fuel, and depletion of natural
resources. To start things off, air pollution was a major complication. When the industrial revolution
began, an enormous increase in pollution erupted. According
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Essay Industrial Revolution

  • 1. The Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution is a term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the transition from a stable agricultural and commercial society, to a modern industrial society relying on complex machinery rather than tools. There have been numerous debates to the use of this term because the word "revolution" suggests sudden, violent, unparalleled change. Even though there was an unparalleled change in the world, it was by no means sudden nor violent. The world's social and economic structures changed due to marvelous inventions and innovations. These inventions and innovations led to a factory system of large–scale machine production and greater economic specialization. Britain more content... In India, this idea of industrialization had a complete opposite effect. India's economy survived on two major markets; the cotton market and the agricultural market. The cotton was grown by hand, picked by hand, and weaved by hand. Because of this, Indian cotton and cotton products were the best in the world and they carried a best in the world price. Beautifully hand woven cotton was very expensive and because of this, weavers and growers were living comfortably. But when the Industrial Revolution hit Britain, this all changed. The British (and an American man named Eli Whitney) invented new machines, such as the Spinning Jenny and the Cotton Gin, that could pick and weave cotton almost ten times faster than a hand could. Because more cotton products could be produced in a shorter time and therefore would cost less money, people began buying British cotton goods. This drove Indian cotton farmers and weavers out of work. And because of this, these unskilled workers had to move to cities or take up other jobs. For most Indians, this was impossible because they were so unskilled. No only did industrialization ravage the Indian Cotton Industry, but it ravaged Indian family traditions. Indians, who were lucky to find work, found it harder and harder to spend time with their families. So family ties and traditions almost ended right then. And since a large portion of the population relied on the Cotton Industry, a Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution Introduction to the Revolution The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change marked by the general introduction of power–driven machinery. This change generally helped life, but it had its disadvantages as well. Pollution, such as Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose, working conditions declined, and the number of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music, architecture and man's way of looking at life all changed during this period. Two revolutions took place. The first Industrial Revolution was based upon the cotton industry. Most of the inventions made during that period were mainly for manufacturing and producing cotton. John Kay, more content... It was usually was owned and managed by one or more people, who were close to the workers. There was a good worker/boss relationship, which was destroyed by capitalism1. The longer it took one person to manufacture a product, the higher the price. Since it took time to make the goods, the prices were extremely high, and only the wealthy could afford them. The First Industrial Revolution By the 1750's, the first Industrial Revolution had begun. At first, inventions were limited mainly to cotton weaving. The spinning jenny, the water–powered frame, (both of which provided spinning yarn faster) the spinning mule, the power loom and the cotton gin, all helped to speed up the process of manufacturing goods. Since this was around the time when capitalism1 began, the capitalists who had their own materials, money and space, bought machines, put them in a factory, and hired people to work for the whole day. The factory system had replaced the cottage industry. Mass production made usually expensive items, such as shoes, less expensive and easily affordable by lower class and less wealthy people. The quality of life had improved. The inventions in the 1800's didn't just deal with the cotton industry. Steam engines were used to transport people instead of horses and carriages. The first industrial revolution had changed England, and later the world. They were now ready Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on The First Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world without electricity, transportation, lights, or modern technology. Envisioning life without the gadgets and gizmos we enjoy today may seem bizarre, but our society remains dependent on the inventions of the turn of the 18th century to feed, clothe and sustain itself. The First Industrial Revolution occurred during the beginning of the 18th century and would merge with the Second Industrial Revolution in 1850. It was a time of great change in America and the world. The previously miniscule GDP, the Gross Domestic Product (Webster, 1), began to shoot skyward with implementation of an array of new inventions, the use of steam power, and the cotton gin, which vastly increased the ability of farmers and more content... Yet the population had no room left in the frame of the prevailing system of production to grow or live. Work in the factories was salvation to the people who thronged into plants for no reason other than to improve their standard of living" (Mises , 1). Though living conditions may seem bad during the early Industrial Revolution when compared to now, American society had reached a critical point. The only future for many people, particularly the Irish and German immigrants, was in the budding factories or on the virgin prairie. It would be unfair to not point out that the revolution offered a new life to many people. Working provided failed farmers, immigrants, and women work they could never gotten before. People had an opportunity to work for a better life, creating a chance for social mobility, which existed nowhere else in the world than the Americas. The First Industrial Revolution was a time of innovation which led to the mass manufacturing of many of the things we now take for granted like tractors, plows, machinery, textiles, and interchangeable parts, without which American society as we know it would have become stagnated by the sod of the prairie. The growing population would have simply been doomed to starvation and peasantry as it had been in medieval Europe. The changes taking place in the American way of life were closely related to the Get more content on
  • 4. Industrial Revolution Throughout history, society has expanded and thrived around the idea of new innovation, discovery of unexplored areas, and the invention of products that would revolutionize the world for centuries to come. These innovations would be used for centuries before another would finally be made to take its place. However, ever since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, with the introduction of novelties such as television and the Internet, the world has begun to drift in a different direction: one based around constant access to all information. This desire for new information led to a widespread desire for novelty, which businesses were able to use to their advantage, successfully conning millions of people out of billions of dollars each more content... If one relies on something that has been proven to be reliable, there would be a higher chance of longevity of that idea. For example, if society decides to consistently devote all of their spending into one reliable brand and model of car, multiple things can be noticed because of it. First, there will be fewer accidents and issues on the road due to a smaller likelihood of the car malfunctioning. Second, there would be a much larger demographic of people who could actually drive the car. Third, there would be more money towards the company, which would provide the company more resources and money to perform minor enhancements to make the car even more reliable. This would add to its overall safety and reliability, while also gradually expanding the possibilities that it can have. This method only applies to cars alone. Imagine its application on almost every aspect of society, and how radically different society would become because of it. Putting our faith in the reliable rather than the new would result in this changed and simpler Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Industrial Revolution How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect A Person's Quality of Life? One's quality of life is defined as the degree of well–being felt by a person or a group of persons. It is concerned with a citizen's consumption of goods and services, human rights and the environment. The industrial revolution have produced great wealth to many citizens that influences their state of well being. Others may argue that the changes and advancements in society have brought the burden of scarce resources, diseases and pollution among it's people. Rather the opposite is true, the positive effects that the revolution have introduced such as the high availability of employment, food, and human rights and the opportunity for future growth overpowers more content... Presently new advancements in society like the computer phenomena have created plenty of opportunities for many citizens, and as new inventions are continually being introduced the demands for workers remains to increase. It is right for a person to say that as the requirements of consumers expand, the factory system and production enlarges consequently inflicting the availability of world resources for the future. Yet, a particular aspect that affect quality of living is the satisfaction one feels through the attainment of their needs and wants. The centralization of production in factories have increased the expedience of both required necessities and unimportant highly desired products. One evident factor is the access to the efficient harvests of fundamental foods. As a result of new technologies in the domestication of plants and animals, people's diets contain more variety and food sources have become more secure. In the past the productions of necessities were very low, inefficient and undependable. The realm of wants was oblivious to citizens as they spent long hours and performed hard labor to achieve life's essentials. After the industrial revolution basic needs such as food, health, education, shelter, water supply and sanitation are easily accessible and attainable. It's true that as the Industrial age evolved accompanying itself with Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on The Industrial Revolution Final Project From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present day, the structure and culture of the American workplace have been affected by many forces, among them capitalism, technology, globalization, and issues of equality. Describe these forces in detail and analyze their impact on the structure and culture workplace. Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system that is based on the private ownership of capital or the means of production and the creation of goods and services for profit. Some of the elements central to capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets and a price system. Capitalism has been dominant in the Western world since the end of Mercantilism. It was fostered by more content... we refer to this group of people as the capitalist class. The majority of people must sell their ability to work in return for a wage or salary. the working class are paid to produce goods and services which are then sold for a profit. The profit is gained by the capitalist class because they can make more money selling what we have produced. In this sense, the working class are exploited by the capitalist class. The capitalist live off the profits they obtain from exploiting the working class whilst reinvesting some of their profits for the further accumulation of wealth. This is what we mean when we say there are two classes in society. It is a claim based upon simple facts about the society we live in today. This class division is the essential feature of capitalism. It may be popular to talk about various other "classes" exiting such as the "middle class", but it is the two classes defined her that are the key to understanding capitalism. Profits In capitalism, the motive for producing goods and services is to sell them and make a profit. this is not done to necessarily satisfy the needs of the people. The products of capitalist production have to find a buyer, of course, but this is only incidental to the main aim of making a profit, of ending up with more money than was originally invested. Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Industurial Revolution The Industrial Revolution had a major impact (both positive and negative) on the economic, political, social and cultural life in America, changing it from an agrarian (agricultural) and cottage (small specialized) society which was Thomas Jefferson's vision to a modern advanced and technological society which are Alexander Hamilton's vision. The concept according to Alexander Hamilton is one of the greatest visions that he had. Alexander Hamilton was born as a British subject on the island of Nevis in the West Indies on the 11th of January 1755. In the young United States, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton called for an IndustrialRevolution in his Report on Manufactures (1791). Many more content... He was a loose constructionist, which was a position with increasing popularity amongst politicians. All of his positions on the issues at the time were, however being stolen by the other side, which essentially proves him right. The most important of the changes that the Industrial Revolution brought was the invention of machines to do the work of hand tools, the use of steam, and later of other kinds of power, in place of the muscles, and the adoption of the factory system. The Industrial Revolution came gradually. However, when measured against the centuries people had worked entirely by hand, it happened in a short span of time. Until the inventions of the flying shuttle in 1733 and the spinning jenny in 1764, the making of yarn and the weaving of cloth had been much the same for thousands of years. By 1800 a host of new and faster processes were in use in both manufacture and transportation. In technology, steam power must have been the biggest advancement in its field. Fuels such as coal and petroleum were ideas used for the power of the steam engines. This new idea of steam power revolutionized many industries including textiles and manufacturing. In communications, Samuel Morse, an American inventor, had made a working model of the telegraph using a language of dots and lines. It carried information at high speeds, which made communications between Europe and North American Get more content on
  • 8. Industrial Revolution Essay The topic I have chosen to discuss related to the last 400 years in Western Civilization is the Industrial Revolution in Britain. The Industrial Revolution was what created the modern capitalist system. Britain was the first to lead the way in this huge transformation. Technology changed, businesses, manufactured goods, and wage laborers skyrocketed. There was not only an economic transformation, but also a social transformation. The Industrial Revolution is such an interesting subject to further explore, because it truly made a difference in Britain in the late 1700s. The Industrial Revolution brought an increased quantity and variety of manufactured goods and even improved the standard of living for some individuals, however, more content... They operated at night and in disguise, these Luddites smashed the new textile machinery, the ones that the factory owners had introduced. They believed that the technological advanced machines will dominate production and replace the workers, and no human beings would be employed. They feared that the lack of employment would result in economic decline and more poverty. Even in today's day, we can see individuals who can be referred as Luddites, due to their objection to the introduction of new technology. The encounters between workers and the bourgeoisie did heighten an awareness of the class divisions that were found in British society. Levack, B. P., Muir, E., & Veldman, M. (2011). The West: Encounters & transformations (Vol. 2: Since 1550) (3rd ed). New York, NY: Longman. There were many social and economic changes that made the industrial development possible. The steady increase in the British population, the improved agricultural productivity, the accumulation of large amounts of capital, and the demand for manufactured goods were all factors that encouraged the mechanization of industry. The increase of the population in Britain during the 18th century is what led to the Industrial Revolution. The increase of population facilitated the industrialization by the domestic demand for Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Europe during the eighteenth century was at the height of the industrial revolution, none of which reached America. In New England the population was largely English, but America as a whole had more than 20 ethnic strains present, nowhere in Europe could such a heterogeneous mixture be found. America was unique in its political structure. Americans vested authority in personalities, rather than, as in England, in institutions of tradition. As a people they had been striped of traditions. America lacked the centuries of tradition that other societies had. American cities not only solved thier problems, but they sought to solve them. European cities were encrusted with centuries of tradition and moved only more content... As Lucas points out that even with slavery and indian exploitation there was a development of a wealthy and powerful elite, based on ability rather than caste. Like European counterparts Americans believed that only those with land would have nay interest in the affairs government. Law was first administered in the colonies without benefit of lawyers. The clergy of New England pressed hard for rule by Biblical law. The average settlement wanted the kind of laws and procedures which was known in Europe. In working out thier legal systems developed systems which freed them from the rigid technicalities of medieval jurisprudence so prevalent in Europe. The Great Awaking that swept through Britain also came to America. The great Awaking and American enlightenment promoted higher eduction in the colonies and also joined to promote separation of church and state. By the middle of the eighteenth century there was less church going people in America than any other country in the western world. America used the ideals of Enlightenment to promote modification and reforms in society, not revolution. There are several features that sets the southern colonies apart from thier northern neighbors. The most striking of which is slavery. The spread of slavery made a society whose continuance depended on a rigid discipline. This prominent feature gives southern life a distinctive and separate sense, creating in the course of time a nation with Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Industrial Revolution 2. INTRODUCTION During the second half of the 17th century, there were a drastic breakthrough in mainly Great Britain's, but gradually the rest of the worlds development, that would lead to radical changes in peoples lives, working relations and environment. Industrial revolution was so fundamental that it's often compared with the transition from farming to stock raising, which began several thousand years before the birth of Christ. Considering the uses of natural resources, can human history be dived up into three pieces of varying length; hundreds of thousands years before "the agricultural revolution", thousands of years between this and the Industrial revolution and the two hundreds years after the beginning of more content... A serie of technical ideas were combined step by step to form new systems. Mainly two of these got a big importance and lead to the textile industry and coalfield technology. The Industrial Revolution was not a sudden appearance; it was the result of a long learning period. The most common to say that it "started" was in Great Britain for 250 years ago. The initial stages were in the 1760th. Within a half decade it started to spread, at first to the north west parts of Europe and to the USA. The early industrialisation in Belgium, France started around the 1820th. Industrialisation process arised from the extensive changes that occurred in the world economy. 4.2 Britain and the increased population Before the 17th century, the most prominent economies in the world, was characterised by handicraft works and a big labour force that was engaged to farming. Some factors started during the 17th century that gave rise to the worlds first Industrial revolution, such as rise of the middle class, expansion of trade and markets, centralisation of the state and scientific revolution. Many of these were specific for Great Britain, were the Industrial revolution started. New farming methods came to use during late 16th century. Farmers in many parts of Europe, including Ireland, France, started to raise potatoes. A plant from the "New World", that for a long tome was seen with a big suspiciousness. A higher rate of potato Get more content on
  • 11. Industrial Revolution Essay example The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the world. The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom as large deposits of coal and iron were found throughout the land which brought the rise of factories and machines, the idea then subsequently spread throughout the world. It was perhaps one of the greatest moments in human history, as it gave rise to industrialization and the switch from manpower to machine power. It completely revolutionized the world and forever changed the course of humanity. However, many scholars and historians believe that the more content... It shows how many territories England was able to conquer because of industrialization and the need for raw materials. England's conquests allowed for the world to have new markets which would bring in good profits not only in the United Kingdom but for the rest of the world. It would also allow for the conquered countries to industrialize which would bring up the economic value of the country and increase profits in the long run. A boost in economic benefits wasn't the only effect of the industrial revolution, it also brought about social changes. Before factories and machines, women weren't viewed as being able to do the same job as men. They were seen as housewives and this assumption remained the same until the rise of factories and industry. For the first time, women were able to work in the same factories as men. However, women were paid less than men because society at that time still viewed them as inferior to men. Although you could still see this policy in some societies today, women are now able to work in the same positions as men because of the circumstances that were brought by the rise of industrialization and factories. Also, thanks to mass production in factories, the rule of supply and demand allowed people to afford new things as stated before. Such an effect is shown in Document 7 in an excerpt from The Working Man's Companion published in 1831. It states how people are surrounded with an infinite number of comforts and Get more content on
  • 12. Industrial Revolution Environment vs. Industrial Revolution When you hear the industrial revolution, you may think that it was good. Well, when thinking about only certain parts of the impacts it had on things like family, economy, environment, North, South, and West, you start to see that not all of them had a positive effect on certain aspects. Today, I will be talking about how theindustrial revolution impacted the environment. The industrial revolution did not have a positive impact on the environment. For example, it caused an increase in pollution, a decrease of fossil fuel, and depletion of natural resources. To start things off, air pollution was a major complication. When the industrial revolution began, an enormous increase in pollution erupted. According Get more content on