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Essay about Effects of the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution that took place throughout the 18th and the 19th centuries had major effects which influenced every aspect of society and
life such as, urbanization, imperialism and nationalism. The industrial revolution had an unfathomable effect on shaping the modern world to what it is
today. Before the revolution, society revolved around farming and agriculture. There were only two social classes, the nobility and the working class.
Little did they know, that their lives were about to change dramatically and continue changing for the next generations to come. Urbanization is the
movement of people to city areas. There are many reasons why urbanization occurred on a large–scale during the industrial revolution. more
On the other end of the society scale, the working poor were working and living in unbearable conditions. There were no irrigation systems, running
water or any way of preserving hygiene in the homes or the factories. The working poor lived in slums and tenements which were breeding grounds for
diseases. In the book, "The Condition of the Working–Class in England in 1844" by Friedrich Engels, he states, " the end of the covered passage, a
privy without a door, so dirty that the inhabitants can pass into and out of the court only by passing through foul pools of stagnant urine and
excrement." (page 78)1. This gives us a peek into the horrible unsanitary conditions that the working class were forced to endure while the business
owners were living in beautiful mansions and summer houses. Mortality rates were decreasing rapidly. This was not only an effect of the poor
living conditions, but also of the high pollution that was being created by the factories. Without the proper piping that is needed, the streets which
were already filled with trash, also became smoggy and polluted. Women and child labor were very common in the industrial revolution with
employees working from twelve to sixteen hours a day and being paid scarcely enough to get by. Nationalism can be described as a deep devotion to
one's country, and in this case, can be used as a device for propaganda. They used it to evoke loyalty in
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The Industrial Revolution Essay
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution is a term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the transition from a stable agricultural and
commercial society, to a modern industrial society relying on complex machinery rather than tools. There have been numerous debates to the use of
this term because the word "revolution" suggests sudden, violent, unparalleled change. Even though there was an unparalleled change in the world, it
was by no means sudden nor violent. The world's social and economic structures changed due to marvelous inventions and innovations. These
inventions and innovations led to a factory system of large–scale machine production and greater economic specialization. Britain more
In India, this idea of industrialization had a complete opposite effect. India's economy survived on two major markets; the cotton market and the
agricultural market. The cotton was grown by hand, picked by hand, and weaved by hand. Because of this, Indian cotton and cotton products were the
best in the world and they carried a best in the world price. Beautifully hand woven cotton was very expensive and because of this, weavers and
growers were living comfortably. But when the Industrial Revolution hit Britain, this all changed. The British (and an American man named Eli
Whitney) invented new machines, such as the Spinning Jenny and the Cotton Gin, that could pick and weave cotton almost ten times faster than a
hand could. Because more cotton products could be produced in a shorter time and therefore would cost less money, people began buying British
cotton goods. This drove Indian cotton farmers and weavers out of work. And because of this, these unskilled workers had to move to cities or take up
other jobs. For most Indians, this was impossible because they were so unskilled. No only did industrialization ravage the Indian Cotton Industry, but it
ravaged Indian family traditions. Indians, who were lucky to find work, found it harder and harder to spend time with their families. So family ties and
traditions almost ended right then. And since a large portion of the population relied on the Cotton Industry, a
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Political Changes Of The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution that happened in England, 1760, was the transition from a rural, agrarian society into urban, industrial societies due to the
improvements in science, technology, society and culture which affected the political, economic and social status of the country. Although the change
was termed "The Industrial Revolution" due to the significant changes that occurred, debate rages on about how it was also an "Industrial Evolution"
because the changes that led to the transition to the urban society we know and now live in today can also be classified as evolutions in their own rights.
One major political change of the industrial revolution were the laws that were created during the time to abolish child labour. Back in the early
stages of the industrial revolution, children were used as labourers, because of their size and nimble fingers which allowed them to manoeuvre around
and work in small spaces in factories and mines where adults couldn't reach. They were paid less than adults, worked for long hours (12 –14 hours per
day) with terrible conditions and little rest and abused by their owners. Soon enough, more content...
The factory system is a system that uses water and steam power to run machines to produce goods, this system replaced the domestic system,
which was less efficient as it required the use of hand tools and was a very time consuming process. It was later perfected with the introduction of
standardised parts invented by Eli Whitney in the late 1700's, the assembly line developed by Henry Ford in the 1900's which brought the division
of labour to the workers, as each worker only had to work on one part of the good as it moved down the assembly line. The Factory system is an
example of an evolution as it evolved from hand tools and manual labour to an automatic process which could produce mass produce goods
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Industrial Revolution Essay example
The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing and technology had a
profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the world. The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom as large deposits
of coal and iron were found throughout the land which brought the rise of factories and machines, the idea then subsequently spread throughout the
world. It was perhaps one of the greatest moments in human history, as it gave rise to industrialization and the switch from manpower to machine
power. It completely revolutionized the world and forever changed the course of humanity. However, many scholars and historians believe that the more content...
It shows how many territories England was able to conquer because of industrialization and the need for raw materials. England's conquests allowed
for the world to have new markets which would bring in good profits not only in the United Kingdom but for the rest of the world. It would also allow
for the conquered countries to industrialize which would bring up the economic value of the country and increase profits in the long run. A boost in
economic benefits wasn't the only effect of the industrial revolution, it also brought about social changes. Before factories and machines, women
weren't viewed as being able to do the same job as men. They were seen as housewives and this assumption remained the same until the rise of
factories and industry. For the first time, women were able to work in the same factories as men. However, women were paid less than men because
society at that time still viewed them as inferior to men. Although you could still see this policy in some societies today, women are now able to work
in the same positions as men because of the circumstances that were brought by the rise of industrialization and factories. Also, thanks to mass
production in factories, the rule of supply and demand allowed people to afford new things as stated before. Such an effect is shown in Document 7 in
an excerpt from The Working Man's Companion published in 1831. It states how people are surrounded with an infinite number of comforts and
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The Industrial Revolution Essay
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution is the name given to the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of
manufacturer. It brought three important changes: inventions of machines that simplify and speed up the work of hand tools, use of steam (and other
power) versus human power, adoption of a factory system. Workers were brought together under one roof and were supplied machines. TheIndustrial
Revolution began throughout the world relatively during the same time period, and although it had its beginning in remote times, it is still continuing
in some places.
By the eighteenth century all of Western Europe had begun to industrialize rapidly, but in England the more content...
By 1936, Great Britain had electric power to the entire city. Russia also experienced rapid industrialization with the development of electricity.
There were many people who made excellent discoveries during the Industrial Revolution:
Jethro Tull (1674–1741) taught the importance of root crops. His most famous inventions were the seed drill (allowed for better germination of the
seeds by planting underground –– away from animals and weather) and the horse hoe.
Lord Townshend also was involved with root crops. ''Turnip'' Townshend was famous for his cultivation of turnips and clover on his estate of Raynham
in Norfolk. He introduced the four–course rotation of crops, which became one of the most popular and useful inventions of all time (wheat, turnips,
oats or barley, clover)
Robert Bakewell (1725–1795) pioneered systematic stock breeding. Sheep had always been valued for wool and cattle for strength. Bakewell selected
animals, inbred them, kept elaborate records and maintained his stock carefully all to establish food quality animals.
Matthew Boulton built a factory, which employed more than six hundred workers, and installed a steam engine to supplement power from two large
waterwheels that ran a variety of lathes and polishing and grinding machines.
Josiah Wedgewood (1730–1795) In
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Thematic Essay: The Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution :Thematic Essay The Industrial Revolution began in England , spreading to the rest of Western Europe and the United States.The
Industrial Revolution started from the early 1700s ,to the late 1800s. Advancements in technology produced the Industrial Revolution while
advancements in science and medicine altered the lives of people living in the new Industrial cities .While it may be true that many inventions were
created during this time ,it can be argued that the light bulb and dynamite had the greatest impact on society. In 1819, times were different .The
conveniences we have now and sometimes take for granted, were not available to people back then .One of those things was the invention of the light
bulb. There was a need for this invention because, before light bulbs there were oil lamps. Light bulbs helped because the light lasted longer and also
because it allowed for people to do many things at night, such as work. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Edison tried thousands of different
materials for his filaments, but most of them produced light or only a short time. He finally tried a carbonized cotton thread, which burned for many
hours. Eventually, light bulbs were made using more content...
In order for railroads, trains and clear paths they needed something to help them get there. In 1860 Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. The need for
dynamite was for mining and for safer ways to blast holes in mountains or rather than simply lighting black powder. Also to clear paths, to build roads
and railroads Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer and innovator and an armanent manufacturer. Dynamite is nitroglycerin with sillicia, which
would turn the liquid into a malleable paste which is dynamite. One advantage of dynamite over nitroglycerin is that it could be cylinder shaped for the
inserim into the drilling holes used for
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DBQ– Positive and Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700's. The Industrial Revolution was a time of new inventions, products, and methods of work.
The results of the Industrial Revolution led to many short and long–term positive and negative effects. These results have been assessed from many
viewpoints such as the factory workers, the factory owners, the government, and other people who observed the conditions in industrial cities. One
negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was the poor working conditions in factories which were a big problem during the Industrial Revolution.
Many people worked in factories, which had very tight spaces and poor lighting. more content...
Another negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was the poor sanitary conditions in cities. When Friedrich Engels visited an English industrial
city he stated in "The Conditions of the Working Class in England" that the streets are usually unpaved, full of holes, filthy and strewn with refuse
due to the lack of gutters or drains. This caused the main river of Manchester to look coal black and be packed with stinking filth. The factories also
led to pollution and poor air quality due to the open air vents and chimneys which released the pollution from the factory into the air. Many people who
lived in these poor cities or slums were either the working class or the poor that had to struggle through these unsanitary conditions.
A positive effect of the Industrial Revolution was the decrease in prices. Before the Industrial Revolution people had worked at home on farms or in
small workshops. Making cloth was done entirely by hand which caused clothes to be more expensive. This meant that most people had 1 shirt and 1
pant. In the 1700s people began buying more and more goods, so textile traders began to look for faster and cheaper ways of producing clothes. The
decrease in prices came from the introduction of machines such as the spinning jenny which spun 8 threads at a time, the flying shuttle which increased
the speed of weaving, and the water frame which was a large spinning machine driven by
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Frank Garrido
The Industrial Revolution changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. It was the era when the use of power–driven machines was
developed. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one in which industry and manufacturing was in control. This had many
effects on people's lives.
The Industrial Revolution first got its start in Great Britain, during the 18th century. It was inevitable that the country with the most wealth would lead
in this revolution. After it adoption in England, other countries such as Germany, the United States and France joined in this revolution. During this
time there were many new technological advancements, more content...
The Revolution also affected children. When coal became necessary to fuel steam engines, many people were needed to work in coal mines.
Children were hires to go into narrow passageways and pick coal. Boys and girls were put to work doing dangerous things that children should not be
expected to do. Children also worked in factories. Their small hands came in handy to retrieve broken threads in machines, however many children lost
fingers while doing this.
The Industrial Revolution had many negative affects on people. Many people worked from home before the Revolution. Raw materials were
delivered to people's cottages and the weavers would process the wool in their homes. This was an advantage for the workers because they would
make their own schedules and work at their own pace; however, for these same reasons, they were disadvantages for business owners. The Industrial
Revolution made it possible to move the jobs from cottages to factories where they business owners can oversee the workers and account for their
time. Some people considered the factory jobs a blessing while others considered it a hardship. The work day was long, conditions were unsanitary
and food was sparse.
Another negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was on the environment. The factories and industry has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere.
Manufacturing towns were built near
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The Industrial Revolution Essay
The Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution, the shift, at different times in different countries, from a traditional agriculturally based economy to one based on the
mechanized production of manufactured goods in large–scale enterprises.
The British Experience: The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century; it profoundly altered Britain's
economy and society. The most immediate changes were in the nature of production: what was produced, as well as where and how. Labor was
transferred from the production of primary products to the production of manufactured goods and services. Far more manufactured goods were
produced than ever before, and technical efficiency rose dramatically. In part, more content...
New social and vocational classes emerged that were distinguished from workers by virtue of their ownership or control of the physical means of
production. The members of these new classes came to be known as capitalists.
Because the first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain, that country became for a time the workshop of the world. For much of the 18th
century, London had been at the center of a complex world trade network that became the basis for the growing export trade associated with
industrialization. The export market provided an indispensable outlet for the products of the textile and other industries, where the introduction of new
techniques led to a rapid expansion of output. The available data suggest that the growth rate of British exports accelerated remarkably after 1780. The
export orientation of the expanding trades conferred additional benefits on the growing economy: Export revenues provided British producers
purchasing power to import raw materials used in industrial production, and merchants engaged in the export trade acquired skills that proved to be of
great value in promoting domestic commerce. The Spread of Industrialized Britain did not long remain the only country to experience an Industrial
Revolution. Attempts to specify dates for the Industrial Revolution in other countries are controversial and not particularly rewarding.
Nonetheless, scholars generally agree that the Industrial Revolution occurred
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Industrial Revolution
Was the Industrial Revolution a Blessing or a Curse?
The Industrial Revolution was a period of technological improvement that took place in Britain from about 1750 into the 1900's. To many, the
Industrial Revolution was the gateway into modern–day factories and machinery. The Industrial Revolution was spurred by the competition of Britain
against India or China. India and China were both very productive in the production of goods, meaning the people of Britain had to buy the cheap
products imported from India and China. British businessmen developed new technology so they could manufacture their own cotton textiles, the main
product imported into Britain. Although some historians believe that the Industrial revolution was a more content...
Overseers took most of the money earned and kept it for themselves. Any worker who dared go on strike or stand up for thei pay was beaten and
tortured. This piece of evidence shows that since the majority of people were part of the working class, they were abused and were arguably better
off working hard and receiving most of the fruits of their labor on farms instead of doubling their repetitive work for half of the payoff. Adolf
Levenstein, a coal miner living during the Industrial Revolution Reflected in a letter, later collected into the book, From the Depths: Workers
Letters, published in 1905, states how, "The work is becoming increasingly mechanical. No more incentive, no more haste, we muddle along
wearily, we are worn out and mindless. My forehead burns like fire.... But in my head it rages and paralyzes me beyond control or without my
being able to think. When it becomes unbearable I stop my slow, energyless working....And that is not all; the spirit too, the conscience of the
individual, degenerates. And one drudge, grown vacuous through his work, is put beside another one, and another one and finally this "modern"
circle has closed in on the entire working force" (Levenstein). The work in the mines was tiring and repetitive. Since machines have taken more of
the desirable jobs and workers have been laid off, the laborers who are still employed had to work tedious jobs. This letter provides a view into the daily
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The Industrial Revolution hit Europe and along with it came a great deal of change. Not only did this industrial revolution affect standards of living
in cities, it also affected greatly the nature and quality of labor. The Industrial Revolution had an impact of the greatest magnitude on Europe and has
shaped the work style and nature of labor that Europeans know today. Although it may seem like a revolution of this sort would have great benefits
for those who lived through it, evidence seems to show otherwise. For many it was difficult to adapt to this new world of industrial labor and for
others it was a bit easier to adjust.
Preindustrial labor, or "old" labor, was not easy. Days were long and pay was never sufficient enough more content...
Preindustrial labor often gave a strong sense of individualism, independence, and satisfaction. To many the old system of labor seemed luxurious
compared to the new type of work the Industrial Revolution brought.
One would think industrialization would bring better paying jobs and more employment opportunities, but the stories of the people who lived
through the Industrial Revolution say otherwise. Workers faced long days, if not even longer days than those who worked in preindustrial times.
Even though work hours were somewhat the same as preindustrial labor, the way those hours were carried out differed greatly. Laborers no longer
had the comfort of working alongside and socializing with their families nor the power to control their pace of work. Workers would now be
punished and penalized for doing such things. Companies would enforce punctuality and pace usually by correlating it with a worker's pay. The less
punctual and lazier you were, the more fines and the more pay decreases you would suffer. The nature of this new labor emphasized more on the
importance of the company rather than the individual. Companies often had little concern when their workers suffered. If someone was incapable of
performing their duties, there was always somebody else to take their place. It was unfortunate because many of these workers who were unable to
perform well at their job often suffered from
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Essay on The Industrial Revolution
Final Project
From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present day, the structure and culture of the American workplace have been affected by many
forces, among them capitalism, technology, globalization, and issues of equality. Describe these forces in detail and analyze their impact on the
structure and culture workplace.
Capitalism is an economic system that is based on the private ownership of capital or the means of production and the creation of goods and services for
profit. Some of the elements central to capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets and a price system.
Capitalism has been dominant in the Western world since the end of Mercantilism. It was fostered by more content...
we refer to this group of people as the capitalist class. The majority of people must sell their ability to work in return for a wage or salary. the
working class are paid to produce goods and services which are then sold for a profit. The profit is gained by the capitalist class because they can
make more money selling what we have produced. In this sense, the working class are exploited by the capitalist class. The capitalist live off the profits
they obtain from exploiting the working class whilst reinvesting some of their profits for the further accumulation of wealth.
This is what we mean when we say there are two classes in society. It is a claim based upon simple facts about the society we live in today. This
class division is the essential feature of capitalism. It may be popular to talk about various other "classes" exiting such as the "middle class", but it is
the two classes defined her that are the key to understanding capitalism.
In capitalism, the motive for producing goods and services is to sell them and make a profit. this is not done to necessarily satisfy the needs of the
people. The products of capitalist production have to find a buyer, of course, but this is only incidental to the main aim of making a profit, of ending up
with more money than was originally invested.
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The Industrial Revolution Essay
The industrial revolution began in the 17th century and made significant change in the world. An era was over and the new one was beginning. The
revolution has advantages and disadvantages. Rising of living standards, improving of health, lifetime and trade system are its advantages. On the other
hand, manufacturing has caused major problems such as deforestation, excessive use of fossil fuel sources, irresponsible industrialisation and
agricultural development. These changes have increased world's atmospheric concentration of water vapour, CO2, CH4 and other gases (Stocker,
2013). These gases capture part of energy receiving from sun and trap this heat inside atmosphere that causes rising temperatures on the earth's surface.
Naturally, for continuation of life these gases are necessary, but result of the human events these gases has produced more than plants and environment
need (Robins, 2016). Also, we call them Green Houses Gases because they have the similar effect like the 'greenhouses' utilised to increase condition of
The report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), consisting of more than 150 scientists, states that (Stocker, 2013)
"Warming in the climate system is unequivocal and since 1950 many changes have been observed throughout the climate systems that are
unprecedented over decades to millennia." In the last quarter of twentieth century, the climate change problem has been the global issue. From the
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The Industrial Revolution and Imperialism Essay
The concept of imperialism is one that has pervaded nearly every major society or empire throughout human history. It seems to be a natural
consequence of societies growing in size, power, and knowledge. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries vast changes occurred in Western Europe
(and soon spread elsewhere) that spurred a new round of imperialism the likes of which had not been seen before. The changes were the industrial
revolution that was taking place. Countries were rapidly advancing to industrial societies producing much greater quantities of goods at much lower
costs. The goods produced ranged everywhere from cotton textiles to military machinery, all of which would play important roles in rounds of
imperialistic expansion more content...
An example of this situation occurred involving Britain and India where British merchants exported great quantities of cotton to England where it
would be refined and made into end products for export. This same situation arose with nearly every other natural resource one could imagine. The
world is abundant with natural resources all from different regions, and European nations saw it as their opportunity for the taking. Another very
important result of the industrial revolution was the advancement of European weaponry. It was mentioned in a previous module for this course how
something of an arms race began in Western Europe as the societies were separating into different empires and nations. That would continue with
European weapons advancing far beyond what any other societies could match, there is even the example of a small number of British soldiers
defeating thousands of African soldiers in a matter of hours due to the invention of the maxim gun. The evolution of European weaponry played
several important roles in relation to imperialism. European weaponry first and foremost made it possible for those nations to dominate indigenous
people to submit to their will in terms of trade. It even opened up new regions such as Japan that had previously only allowed very minor outside trade.
With steamboats that could navigate upstream British soldiers were able to traverse up the Yangtze River and
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The Industrial Revolution Essay
The Industrial Revolution.
The industrial revolution took place in the late 18th century, and the most changes were in the fields of agriculture, transportation and the country's
economic growth. It then spends widely throughout Europe, North America and the rest of the world.
First of all, the industrial revolution was an enormous time in the history. The employment was on a rise and reached a peak. It also lead the
rural–urban migration by the people in search of good jobs, better standard of living, education and so on. The huge buildings corporations attracted
people towards it. The number of cities with populations more than 10,000 in England rose at the end of the century 19th.
The technological change made the growth more content...
Industrial revolution brought a drastic change in the infrastructure and architecture. New towns were established and industries became bigger with the
increment in their production channel. It leads the creation of a well–organized system of transportation with the adoption of steam engines. It also
provided employment to 100 of the skilled workers with a good pay.
The beginning of the industrial revolution brought the overall improvement towards the standard of living of the working people. It also encouraged
the health and specialized hospitals. More than 80 specialized hospitals were opened to public in the year of 1780–1820 were health became the object
for concern, not only the poor but for the nation.
The revolution affected the modern machines where the invention of new machines such as spinning, jenny and power loom that permitted increased
the production with smaller expenditure of the human power and energy. It leads to the development in transportation and communication as the
application of science to the industry. A new organization of work known as the factory system, which entailed increased the division of labor and
specialization of function.
The second industrial revolution utilized the power of electricity to feed the hungry
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The Industrial Revolution first began in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It started in Britain and then spread across Europe and to the United
States. As a result of the Agricultural Revolution there was a surplus of food and goods to trade, this coupled with the fact that there was finally
political stability in Europe, allowed time for man to take some leisure time and find ways to improve life. However, not all things that came out of the
Industrial Revolution were good. When taking into account the harsh working conditions in factories and mines, the detrimental consequences on the
environment, and the negative effects it had on the day to day family life, the Industrial Revolution had an overall negative impact on Europe. The
factories and mines built during the Industrial Revolution, in no way took into account their workers and their safety. For example, each day workers
would come in, sit down at their station, and begin the long twelve to fifteen hour shift of doing the exact same motion over and over again. On some
days there would be no one to relieve them of their shift, so they were forced to stay for another twelve to fifteen hour shift totalling a staggering
twenty four hour to thirty hour work day. Furthermore, out of fear that their employees would lose efficiency,factory owners would ban employees
from talking to each other, would lock the doors to all rooms so that no one could leave unless granted permission, and created walls around the
building so no one could leave. Because of this suffocating environment workers were forced to stay in, the dangerous equipment they handled, and
the high temperatures of the room, sometimes up to 130 degrees, fires would easily break out and spread across the whole building and nobody
could escape. Coal mines were no safer than the confinements of a factory. As the demand for coal increased mine owners were given no choice but
to deepen their mines, increasing the risk of flooding and fires. The causes of deaths from coal mines were endless: fires, explosions, roof collapses,
workers falling down shafts, wagons ramming into people, and drowning. Overall, the design of factory and mines during the Industrial Revolution
placed production and
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Essay on The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
Introduction to the Revolution
The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change marked by the general introduction of power–driven machinery. This change generally helped
life, but it had its disadvantages as well. Pollution, such as Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose, working conditions declined, and the number
of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music, architecture and man's way of looking at life all changed during
this period. Two revolutions took place.
The first Industrial Revolution was based upon the cotton industry. Most of the inventions made during that period were mainly for manufacturing and
producing cotton.
John Kay, more content...
It was usually was owned and managed by one or more people, who were close to the workers. There was a good worker/boss relationship, which
was destroyed by capitalism1. The longer it took one person to manufacture a product, the higher the price. Since it took time to make the goods, the
prices were extremely high, and only the wealthy could afford them.
The First Industrial Revolution
By the 1750's, the first Industrial Revolution had begun. At first, inventions were limited mainly to cotton weaving. The spinning jenny, the
water–powered frame, (both of which provided spinning yarn faster) the spinning mule, the power loom and the cotton gin, all helped to speed up the
process of manufacturing goods. Since this was around the time when capitalism1 began, the capitalists who had their own materials, money and space,
bought machines, put them in a factory, and hired people to work for the whole day.
The factory system had replaced the cottage industry. Mass production made usually expensive items, such as shoes, less expensive and easily
affordable by lower class and less wealthy people. The quality of life had improved. The inventions in the 1800's didn't just deal with the cotton industry.
Steam engines were used to transport people instead of horses and carriages. The first industrial revolution had changed England, and later the world.
They were now ready
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The Industrial Revolution
Think about your life for one second: you communicate with people, travel, make purchases, and utilize those commodities. But have you ever
wondered what made those things possible? After all, you go to the store to buy things you need. You drive a car to work and to visit your friends. If
you need to talk to someone, you simply pick up your phone or computer. However, none of this would be possible without a means of communication,
factories to manufacture the products you need, places to work, and ways to travel and transport goods. And what made these possible? The answer is
the Industrial Revolution, which started in Europe around the year 1730. A revolution is a major change or turning point in something. The Industrial more content...
His engine used steam to power a pump, which turned a wheel, which moved machinery. It worked quickly and generated more power than the
waterwheel had. Europe wanted to keep all this progress to itself, so anyone who had worked around the machinery could not leave the country. It
was illegal, and if they were apprehended, they could be punished severely. Nonetheless, a certain Samuel Slater took the plans for a cotton mill
and fled Britain in the year 1789. He quickly traveled to the United States, where the Revolution would soon expand and pop, like the balloon.
Slater went first to Rhode Island, where he opened up a cotton mill powered by a waterwheel. His work was peculiar and new to the Americans,
but once they realized how productive it was, and how much more available the textiles were, they loved the new mills. Machines could make
more goods at a lower price. The ready availability of cotton, threads, and clothing. Slater had brought ideas for the new mechanical looms and
spinning engines as well, and people liked the ideas. After people realized how productive Slater's new mills were, factories for all different kinds of
goods and products started popping up all over the United States. The new factories, which used Adam Smith's division of labor theory, required a
large amount of manpower. The more people worked, the more productive it was to own a factory. Of course, all of this new productivity came with a
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Essay on The First Industrial Revolution
Imagine living in a world without electricity, transportation, lights, or modern technology. Envisioning life without the gadgets and gizmos we enjoy
today may seem bizarre, but our society remains dependent on the inventions of the turn of the 18th century to feed, clothe and sustain itself. The First
Industrial Revolution occurred during the beginning of the 18th century and would merge with the Second Industrial Revolution in 1850. It was a time
of great change in America and the world. The previously miniscule GDP, the Gross Domestic Product (Webster, 1), began to shoot skyward with
implementation of an array of new inventions, the use of steam power, and the cotton gin, which vastly increased the ability of farmers and more content...
Yet the population had no room left in the frame of the prevailing system of production to grow or live. Work in the factories was salvation to the
people who thronged into plants for no reason other than to improve their standard of living" (Mises , 1). Though living conditions may seem bad
during the early Industrial Revolution when compared to now, American society had reached a critical point. The only future for many people,
particularly the Irish and German immigrants, was in the budding factories or on the virgin prairie. It would be unfair to not point out that the
revolution offered a new life to many people. Working provided failed farmers, immigrants, and women work they could never gotten before. People
had an opportunity to work for a better life, creating a chance for social mobility, which existed nowhere else in the world than the Americas.
The First Industrial Revolution was a time of innovation which led to the mass manufacturing of many of the things we now take for granted like
tractors, plows, machinery, textiles, and interchangeable parts, without which American society as we know it would have become stagnated by the
sod of the prairie. The growing population would have simply been doomed to starvation and peasantry as it had been in medieval Europe.
The changes taking place in the American way of life were closely related to the
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Essay About Effects Of The Industrial Revolution

  • 1. Essay about Effects of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution that took place throughout the 18th and the 19th centuries had major effects which influenced every aspect of society and life such as, urbanization, imperialism and nationalism. The industrial revolution had an unfathomable effect on shaping the modern world to what it is today. Before the revolution, society revolved around farming and agriculture. There were only two social classes, the nobility and the working class. Little did they know, that their lives were about to change dramatically and continue changing for the next generations to come. Urbanization is the movement of people to city areas. There are many reasons why urbanization occurred on a large–scale during the industrial revolution. more content... On the other end of the society scale, the working poor were working and living in unbearable conditions. There were no irrigation systems, running water or any way of preserving hygiene in the homes or the factories. The working poor lived in slums and tenements which were breeding grounds for diseases. In the book, "The Condition of the Working–Class in England in 1844" by Friedrich Engels, he states, " the end of the covered passage, a privy without a door, so dirty that the inhabitants can pass into and out of the court only by passing through foul pools of stagnant urine and excrement." (page 78)1. This gives us a peek into the horrible unsanitary conditions that the working class were forced to endure while the business owners were living in beautiful mansions and summer houses. Mortality rates were decreasing rapidly. This was not only an effect of the poor living conditions, but also of the high pollution that was being created by the factories. Without the proper piping that is needed, the streets which were already filled with trash, also became smoggy and polluted. Women and child labor were very common in the industrial revolution with employees working from twelve to sixteen hours a day and being paid scarcely enough to get by. Nationalism can be described as a deep devotion to one's country, and in this case, can be used as a device for propaganda. They used it to evoke loyalty in Get more content on
  • 2. The Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution is a term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the transition from a stable agricultural and commercial society, to a modern industrial society relying on complex machinery rather than tools. There have been numerous debates to the use of this term because the word "revolution" suggests sudden, violent, unparalleled change. Even though there was an unparalleled change in the world, it was by no means sudden nor violent. The world's social and economic structures changed due to marvelous inventions and innovations. These inventions and innovations led to a factory system of large–scale machine production and greater economic specialization. Britain more content... In India, this idea of industrialization had a complete opposite effect. India's economy survived on two major markets; the cotton market and the agricultural market. The cotton was grown by hand, picked by hand, and weaved by hand. Because of this, Indian cotton and cotton products were the best in the world and they carried a best in the world price. Beautifully hand woven cotton was very expensive and because of this, weavers and growers were living comfortably. But when the Industrial Revolution hit Britain, this all changed. The British (and an American man named Eli Whitney) invented new machines, such as the Spinning Jenny and the Cotton Gin, that could pick and weave cotton almost ten times faster than a hand could. Because more cotton products could be produced in a shorter time and therefore would cost less money, people began buying British cotton goods. This drove Indian cotton farmers and weavers out of work. And because of this, these unskilled workers had to move to cities or take up other jobs. For most Indians, this was impossible because they were so unskilled. No only did industrialization ravage the Indian Cotton Industry, but it ravaged Indian family traditions. Indians, who were lucky to find work, found it harder and harder to spend time with their families. So family ties and traditions almost ended right then. And since a large portion of the population relied on the Cotton Industry, a Get more content on
  • 3. Political Changes Of The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution that happened in England, 1760, was the transition from a rural, agrarian society into urban, industrial societies due to the improvements in science, technology, society and culture which affected the political, economic and social status of the country. Although the change was termed "The Industrial Revolution" due to the significant changes that occurred, debate rages on about how it was also an "Industrial Evolution" because the changes that led to the transition to the urban society we know and now live in today can also be classified as evolutions in their own rights. One major political change of the industrial revolution were the laws that were created during the time to abolish child labour. Back in the early stages of the industrial revolution, children were used as labourers, because of their size and nimble fingers which allowed them to manoeuvre around and work in small spaces in factories and mines where adults couldn't reach. They were paid less than adults, worked for long hours (12 –14 hours per day) with terrible conditions and little rest and abused by their owners. Soon enough, more content... The factory system is a system that uses water and steam power to run machines to produce goods, this system replaced the domestic system, which was less efficient as it required the use of hand tools and was a very time consuming process. It was later perfected with the introduction of standardised parts invented by Eli Whitney in the late 1700's, the assembly line developed by Henry Ford in the 1900's which brought the division of labour to the workers, as each worker only had to work on one part of the good as it moved down the assembly line. The Factory system is an example of an evolution as it evolved from hand tools and manual labour to an automatic process which could produce mass produce goods Get more content on
  • 4. Industrial Revolution Essay example The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing and technology had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the world. The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom as large deposits of coal and iron were found throughout the land which brought the rise of factories and machines, the idea then subsequently spread throughout the world. It was perhaps one of the greatest moments in human history, as it gave rise to industrialization and the switch from manpower to machine power. It completely revolutionized the world and forever changed the course of humanity. However, many scholars and historians believe that the more content... It shows how many territories England was able to conquer because of industrialization and the need for raw materials. England's conquests allowed for the world to have new markets which would bring in good profits not only in the United Kingdom but for the rest of the world. It would also allow for the conquered countries to industrialize which would bring up the economic value of the country and increase profits in the long run. A boost in economic benefits wasn't the only effect of the industrial revolution, it also brought about social changes. Before factories and machines, women weren't viewed as being able to do the same job as men. They were seen as housewives and this assumption remained the same until the rise of factories and industry. For the first time, women were able to work in the same factories as men. However, women were paid less than men because society at that time still viewed them as inferior to men. Although you could still see this policy in some societies today, women are now able to work in the same positions as men because of the circumstances that were brought by the rise of industrialization and factories. Also, thanks to mass production in factories, the rule of supply and demand allowed people to afford new things as stated before. Such an effect is shown in Document 7 in an excerpt from The Working Man's Companion published in 1831. It states how people are surrounded with an infinite number of comforts and Get more content on
  • 5. The Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution is the name given to the movement in which machines changed people's way of life as well as their methods of manufacturer. It brought three important changes: inventions of machines that simplify and speed up the work of hand tools, use of steam (and other power) versus human power, adoption of a factory system. Workers were brought together under one roof and were supplied machines. TheIndustrial Revolution began throughout the world relatively during the same time period, and although it had its beginning in remote times, it is still continuing in some places. By the eighteenth century all of Western Europe had begun to industrialize rapidly, but in England the more content... By 1936, Great Britain had electric power to the entire city. Russia also experienced rapid industrialization with the development of electricity. There were many people who made excellent discoveries during the Industrial Revolution: Jethro Tull (1674–1741) taught the importance of root crops. His most famous inventions were the seed drill (allowed for better germination of the seeds by planting underground –– away from animals and weather) and the horse hoe. Lord Townshend also was involved with root crops. ''Turnip'' Townshend was famous for his cultivation of turnips and clover on his estate of Raynham in Norfolk. He introduced the four–course rotation of crops, which became one of the most popular and useful inventions of all time (wheat, turnips, oats or barley, clover) Robert Bakewell (1725–1795) pioneered systematic stock breeding. Sheep had always been valued for wool and cattle for strength. Bakewell selected animals, inbred them, kept elaborate records and maintained his stock carefully all to establish food quality animals. Matthew Boulton built a factory, which employed more than six hundred workers, and installed a steam engine to supplement power from two large waterwheels that ran a variety of lathes and polishing and grinding machines. Josiah Wedgewood (1730–1795) In Get more content on
  • 6. Thematic Essay: The Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution :Thematic Essay The Industrial Revolution began in England , spreading to the rest of Western Europe and the United States.The Industrial Revolution started from the early 1700s ,to the late 1800s. Advancements in technology produced the Industrial Revolution while advancements in science and medicine altered the lives of people living in the new Industrial cities .While it may be true that many inventions were created during this time ,it can be argued that the light bulb and dynamite had the greatest impact on society. In 1819, times were different .The conveniences we have now and sometimes take for granted, were not available to people back then .One of those things was the invention of the light bulb. There was a need for this invention because, before light bulbs there were oil lamps. Light bulbs helped because the light lasted longer and also because it allowed for people to do many things at night, such as work. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Edison tried thousands of different materials for his filaments, but most of them produced light or only a short time. He finally tried a carbonized cotton thread, which burned for many hours. Eventually, light bulbs were made using more content... In order for railroads, trains and clear paths they needed something to help them get there. In 1860 Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. The need for dynamite was for mining and for safer ways to blast holes in mountains or rather than simply lighting black powder. Also to clear paths, to build roads and railroads Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer and innovator and an armanent manufacturer. Dynamite is nitroglycerin with sillicia, which would turn the liquid into a malleable paste which is dynamite. One advantage of dynamite over nitroglycerin is that it could be cylinder shaped for the inserim into the drilling holes used for Get more content on
  • 7. DBQ– Positive and Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution began in England in the late 1700's. The Industrial Revolution was a time of new inventions, products, and methods of work. The results of the Industrial Revolution led to many short and long–term positive and negative effects. These results have been assessed from many viewpoints such as the factory workers, the factory owners, the government, and other people who observed the conditions in industrial cities. One negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was the poor working conditions in factories which were a big problem during the Industrial Revolution. Many people worked in factories, which had very tight spaces and poor lighting. more content... Another negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was the poor sanitary conditions in cities. When Friedrich Engels visited an English industrial city he stated in "The Conditions of the Working Class in England" that the streets are usually unpaved, full of holes, filthy and strewn with refuse due to the lack of gutters or drains. This caused the main river of Manchester to look coal black and be packed with stinking filth. The factories also led to pollution and poor air quality due to the open air vents and chimneys which released the pollution from the factory into the air. Many people who lived in these poor cities or slums were either the working class or the poor that had to struggle through these unsanitary conditions. A positive effect of the Industrial Revolution was the decrease in prices. Before the Industrial Revolution people had worked at home on farms or in small workshops. Making cloth was done entirely by hand which caused clothes to be more expensive. This meant that most people had 1 shirt and 1 pant. In the 1700s people began buying more and more goods, so textile traders began to look for faster and cheaper ways of producing clothes. The decrease in prices came from the introduction of machines such as the spinning jenny which spun 8 threads at a time, the flying shuttle which increased the speed of weaving, and the water frame which was a large spinning machine driven by Get more content on
  • 8. Frank Garrido THE EFFECTS OF THE NDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ON SOCIETY The Industrial Revolution changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. It was the era when the use of power–driven machines was developed. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one in which industry and manufacturing was in control. This had many effects on people's lives. The Industrial Revolution first got its start in Great Britain, during the 18th century. It was inevitable that the country with the most wealth would lead in this revolution. After it adoption in England, other countries such as Germany, the United States and France joined in this revolution. During this time there were many new technological advancements, more content... The Revolution also affected children. When coal became necessary to fuel steam engines, many people were needed to work in coal mines. Children were hires to go into narrow passageways and pick coal. Boys and girls were put to work doing dangerous things that children should not be expected to do. Children also worked in factories. Their small hands came in handy to retrieve broken threads in machines, however many children lost fingers while doing this. The Industrial Revolution had many negative affects on people. Many people worked from home before the Revolution. Raw materials were delivered to people's cottages and the weavers would process the wool in their homes. This was an advantage for the workers because they would make their own schedules and work at their own pace; however, for these same reasons, they were disadvantages for business owners. The Industrial Revolution made it possible to move the jobs from cottages to factories where they business owners can oversee the workers and account for their time. Some people considered the factory jobs a blessing while others considered it a hardship. The work day was long, conditions were unsanitary and food was sparse. Another negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was on the environment. The factories and industry has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Manufacturing towns were built near
  • 9. Get more content on
  • 10. The Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution, the shift, at different times in different countries, from a traditional agriculturally based economy to one based on the mechanized production of manufactured goods in large–scale enterprises. The British Experience: The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century; it profoundly altered Britain's economy and society. The most immediate changes were in the nature of production: what was produced, as well as where and how. Labor was transferred from the production of primary products to the production of manufactured goods and services. Far more manufactured goods were produced than ever before, and technical efficiency rose dramatically. In part, more content... New social and vocational classes emerged that were distinguished from workers by virtue of their ownership or control of the physical means of production. The members of these new classes came to be known as capitalists. Because the first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain, that country became for a time the workshop of the world. For much of the 18th century, London had been at the center of a complex world trade network that became the basis for the growing export trade associated with industrialization. The export market provided an indispensable outlet for the products of the textile and other industries, where the introduction of new techniques led to a rapid expansion of output. The available data suggest that the growth rate of British exports accelerated remarkably after 1780. The export orientation of the expanding trades conferred additional benefits on the growing economy: Export revenues provided British producers purchasing power to import raw materials used in industrial production, and merchants engaged in the export trade acquired skills that proved to be of great value in promoting domestic commerce. The Spread of Industrialized Britain did not long remain the only country to experience an Industrial Revolution. Attempts to specify dates for the Industrial Revolution in other countries are controversial and not particularly rewarding. Nonetheless, scholars generally agree that the Industrial Revolution occurred Get more content on
  • 11. Industrial Revolution Was the Industrial Revolution a Blessing or a Curse? The Industrial Revolution was a period of technological improvement that took place in Britain from about 1750 into the 1900's. To many, the Industrial Revolution was the gateway into modern–day factories and machinery. The Industrial Revolution was spurred by the competition of Britain against India or China. India and China were both very productive in the production of goods, meaning the people of Britain had to buy the cheap products imported from India and China. British businessmen developed new technology so they could manufacture their own cotton textiles, the main product imported into Britain. Although some historians believe that the Industrial revolution was a more content... Overseers took most of the money earned and kept it for themselves. Any worker who dared go on strike or stand up for thei pay was beaten and tortured. This piece of evidence shows that since the majority of people were part of the working class, they were abused and were arguably better off working hard and receiving most of the fruits of their labor on farms instead of doubling their repetitive work for half of the payoff. Adolf Levenstein, a coal miner living during the Industrial Revolution Reflected in a letter, later collected into the book, From the Depths: Workers Letters, published in 1905, states how, "The work is becoming increasingly mechanical. No more incentive, no more haste, we muddle along wearily, we are worn out and mindless. My forehead burns like fire.... But in my head it rages and paralyzes me beyond control or without my being able to think. When it becomes unbearable I stop my slow, energyless working....And that is not all; the spirit too, the conscience of the individual, degenerates. And one drudge, grown vacuous through his work, is put beside another one, and another one and finally this "modern" circle has closed in on the entire working force" (Levenstein). The work in the mines was tiring and repetitive. Since machines have taken more of the desirable jobs and workers have been laid off, the laborers who are still employed had to work tedious jobs. This letter provides a view into the daily Get more content on
  • 12. The Industrial Revolution hit Europe and along with it came a great deal of change. Not only did this industrial revolution affect standards of living in cities, it also affected greatly the nature and quality of labor. The Industrial Revolution had an impact of the greatest magnitude on Europe and has shaped the work style and nature of labor that Europeans know today. Although it may seem like a revolution of this sort would have great benefits for those who lived through it, evidence seems to show otherwise. For many it was difficult to adapt to this new world of industrial labor and for others it was a bit easier to adjust. Preindustrial labor, or "old" labor, was not easy. Days were long and pay was never sufficient enough more content... Preindustrial labor often gave a strong sense of individualism, independence, and satisfaction. To many the old system of labor seemed luxurious compared to the new type of work the Industrial Revolution brought. One would think industrialization would bring better paying jobs and more employment opportunities, but the stories of the people who lived through the Industrial Revolution say otherwise. Workers faced long days, if not even longer days than those who worked in preindustrial times. Even though work hours were somewhat the same as preindustrial labor, the way those hours were carried out differed greatly. Laborers no longer had the comfort of working alongside and socializing with their families nor the power to control their pace of work. Workers would now be punished and penalized for doing such things. Companies would enforce punctuality and pace usually by correlating it with a worker's pay. The less punctual and lazier you were, the more fines and the more pay decreases you would suffer. The nature of this new labor emphasized more on the importance of the company rather than the individual. Companies often had little concern when their workers suffered. If someone was incapable of performing their duties, there was always somebody else to take their place. It was unfortunate because many of these workers who were unable to perform well at their job often suffered from Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The Industrial Revolution Final Project From the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present day, the structure and culture of the American workplace have been affected by many forces, among them capitalism, technology, globalization, and issues of equality. Describe these forces in detail and analyze their impact on the structure and culture workplace. Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system that is based on the private ownership of capital or the means of production and the creation of goods and services for profit. Some of the elements central to capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets and a price system. Capitalism has been dominant in the Western world since the end of Mercantilism. It was fostered by more content... we refer to this group of people as the capitalist class. The majority of people must sell their ability to work in return for a wage or salary. the working class are paid to produce goods and services which are then sold for a profit. The profit is gained by the capitalist class because they can make more money selling what we have produced. In this sense, the working class are exploited by the capitalist class. The capitalist live off the profits they obtain from exploiting the working class whilst reinvesting some of their profits for the further accumulation of wealth. This is what we mean when we say there are two classes in society. It is a claim based upon simple facts about the society we live in today. This class division is the essential feature of capitalism. It may be popular to talk about various other "classes" exiting such as the "middle class", but it is the two classes defined her that are the key to understanding capitalism. Profits In capitalism, the motive for producing goods and services is to sell them and make a profit. this is not done to necessarily satisfy the needs of the people. The products of capitalist production have to find a buyer, of course, but this is only incidental to the main aim of making a profit, of ending up with more money than was originally invested. Get more content on
  • 14. The Industrial Revolution Essay The industrial revolution began in the 17th century and made significant change in the world. An era was over and the new one was beginning. The revolution has advantages and disadvantages. Rising of living standards, improving of health, lifetime and trade system are its advantages. On the other hand, manufacturing has caused major problems such as deforestation, excessive use of fossil fuel sources, irresponsible industrialisation and agricultural development. These changes have increased world's atmospheric concentration of water vapour, CO2, CH4 and other gases (Stocker, 2013). These gases capture part of energy receiving from sun and trap this heat inside atmosphere that causes rising temperatures on the earth's surface. Naturally, for continuation of life these gases are necessary, but result of the human events these gases has produced more than plants and environment need (Robins, 2016). Also, we call them Green Houses Gases because they have the similar effect like the 'greenhouses' utilised to increase condition of vegetables. The report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), consisting of more than 150 scientists, states that (Stocker, 2013) "Warming in the climate system is unequivocal and since 1950 many changes have been observed throughout the climate systems that are unprecedented over decades to millennia." In the last quarter of twentieth century, the climate change problem has been the global issue. From the Get more content on
  • 15. The Industrial Revolution and Imperialism Essay The concept of imperialism is one that has pervaded nearly every major society or empire throughout human history. It seems to be a natural consequence of societies growing in size, power, and knowledge. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries vast changes occurred in Western Europe (and soon spread elsewhere) that spurred a new round of imperialism the likes of which had not been seen before. The changes were the industrial revolution that was taking place. Countries were rapidly advancing to industrial societies producing much greater quantities of goods at much lower costs. The goods produced ranged everywhere from cotton textiles to military machinery, all of which would play important roles in rounds of imperialistic expansion more content... An example of this situation occurred involving Britain and India where British merchants exported great quantities of cotton to England where it would be refined and made into end products for export. This same situation arose with nearly every other natural resource one could imagine. The world is abundant with natural resources all from different regions, and European nations saw it as their opportunity for the taking. Another very important result of the industrial revolution was the advancement of European weaponry. It was mentioned in a previous module for this course how something of an arms race began in Western Europe as the societies were separating into different empires and nations. That would continue with European weapons advancing far beyond what any other societies could match, there is even the example of a small number of British soldiers defeating thousands of African soldiers in a matter of hours due to the invention of the maxim gun. The evolution of European weaponry played several important roles in relation to imperialism. European weaponry first and foremost made it possible for those nations to dominate indigenous people to submit to their will in terms of trade. It even opened up new regions such as Japan that had previously only allowed very minor outside trade. With steamboats that could navigate upstream British soldiers were able to traverse up the Yangtze River and Get more content on
  • 16. The Industrial Revolution Essay The Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution took place in the late 18th century, and the most changes were in the fields of agriculture, transportation and the country's economic growth. It then spends widely throughout Europe, North America and the rest of the world. First of all, the industrial revolution was an enormous time in the history. The employment was on a rise and reached a peak. It also lead the rural–urban migration by the people in search of good jobs, better standard of living, education and so on. The huge buildings corporations attracted people towards it. The number of cities with populations more than 10,000 in England rose at the end of the century 19th. The technological change made the growth more content... Industrial revolution brought a drastic change in the infrastructure and architecture. New towns were established and industries became bigger with the increment in their production channel. It leads the creation of a well–organized system of transportation with the adoption of steam engines. It also provided employment to 100 of the skilled workers with a good pay. The beginning of the industrial revolution brought the overall improvement towards the standard of living of the working people. It also encouraged the health and specialized hospitals. More than 80 specialized hospitals were opened to public in the year of 1780–1820 were health became the object for concern, not only the poor but for the nation. The revolution affected the modern machines where the invention of new machines such as spinning, jenny and power loom that permitted increased the production with smaller expenditure of the human power and energy. It leads to the development in transportation and communication as the application of science to the industry. A new organization of work known as the factory system, which entailed increased the division of labor and specialization of function. The second industrial revolution utilized the power of electricity to feed the hungry Get more content on
  • 17. The Industrial Revolution first began in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It started in Britain and then spread across Europe and to the United States. As a result of the Agricultural Revolution there was a surplus of food and goods to trade, this coupled with the fact that there was finally political stability in Europe, allowed time for man to take some leisure time and find ways to improve life. However, not all things that came out of the Industrial Revolution were good. When taking into account the harsh working conditions in factories and mines, the detrimental consequences on the environment, and the negative effects it had on the day to day family life, the Industrial Revolution had an overall negative impact on Europe. The factories and mines built during the Industrial Revolution, in no way took into account their workers and their safety. For example, each day workers would come in, sit down at their station, and begin the long twelve to fifteen hour shift of doing the exact same motion over and over again. On some days there would be no one to relieve them of their shift, so they were forced to stay for another twelve to fifteen hour shift totalling a staggering twenty four hour to thirty hour work day. Furthermore, out of fear that their employees would lose efficiency,factory owners would ban employees from talking to each other, would lock the doors to all rooms so that no one could leave unless granted permission, and created walls around the building so no one could leave. Because of this suffocating environment workers were forced to stay in, the dangerous equipment they handled, and the high temperatures of the room, sometimes up to 130 degrees, fires would easily break out and spread across the whole building and nobody could escape. Coal mines were no safer than the confinements of a factory. As the demand for coal increased mine owners were given no choice but to deepen their mines, increasing the risk of flooding and fires. The causes of deaths from coal mines were endless: fires, explosions, roof collapses, workers falling down shafts, wagons ramming into people, and drowning. Overall, the design of factory and mines during the Industrial Revolution placed production and Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution Introduction to the Revolution The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change marked by the general introduction of power–driven machinery. This change generally helped life, but it had its disadvantages as well. Pollution, such as Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose, working conditions declined, and the number of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music, architecture and man's way of looking at life all changed during this period. Two revolutions took place. The first Industrial Revolution was based upon the cotton industry. Most of the inventions made during that period were mainly for manufacturing and producing cotton. John Kay, more content... It was usually was owned and managed by one or more people, who were close to the workers. There was a good worker/boss relationship, which was destroyed by capitalism1. The longer it took one person to manufacture a product, the higher the price. Since it took time to make the goods, the prices were extremely high, and only the wealthy could afford them. The First Industrial Revolution By the 1750's, the first Industrial Revolution had begun. At first, inventions were limited mainly to cotton weaving. The spinning jenny, the water–powered frame, (both of which provided spinning yarn faster) the spinning mule, the power loom and the cotton gin, all helped to speed up the process of manufacturing goods. Since this was around the time when capitalism1 began, the capitalists who had their own materials, money and space, bought machines, put them in a factory, and hired people to work for the whole day. The factory system had replaced the cottage industry. Mass production made usually expensive items, such as shoes, less expensive and easily affordable by lower class and less wealthy people. The quality of life had improved. The inventions in the 1800's didn't just deal with the cotton industry. Steam engines were used to transport people instead of horses and carriages. The first industrial revolution had changed England, and later the world.
  • 19. They were now ready Get more content on
  • 20. The Industrial Revolution Think about your life for one second: you communicate with people, travel, make purchases, and utilize those commodities. But have you ever wondered what made those things possible? After all, you go to the store to buy things you need. You drive a car to work and to visit your friends. If you need to talk to someone, you simply pick up your phone or computer. However, none of this would be possible without a means of communication, factories to manufacture the products you need, places to work, and ways to travel and transport goods. And what made these possible? The answer is the Industrial Revolution, which started in Europe around the year 1730. A revolution is a major change or turning point in something. The Industrial more content... His engine used steam to power a pump, which turned a wheel, which moved machinery. It worked quickly and generated more power than the waterwheel had. Europe wanted to keep all this progress to itself, so anyone who had worked around the machinery could not leave the country. It was illegal, and if they were apprehended, they could be punished severely. Nonetheless, a certain Samuel Slater took the plans for a cotton mill and fled Britain in the year 1789. He quickly traveled to the United States, where the Revolution would soon expand and pop, like the balloon. Slater went first to Rhode Island, where he opened up a cotton mill powered by a waterwheel. His work was peculiar and new to the Americans, but once they realized how productive it was, and how much more available the textiles were, they loved the new mills. Machines could make more goods at a lower price. The ready availability of cotton, threads, and clothing. Slater had brought ideas for the new mechanical looms and spinning engines as well, and people liked the ideas. After people realized how productive Slater's new mills were, factories for all different kinds of goods and products started popping up all over the United States. The new factories, which used Adam Smith's division of labor theory, required a large amount of manpower. The more people worked, the more productive it was to own a factory. Of course, all of this new productivity came with a Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on The First Industrial Revolution Imagine living in a world without electricity, transportation, lights, or modern technology. Envisioning life without the gadgets and gizmos we enjoy today may seem bizarre, but our society remains dependent on the inventions of the turn of the 18th century to feed, clothe and sustain itself. The First Industrial Revolution occurred during the beginning of the 18th century and would merge with the Second Industrial Revolution in 1850. It was a time of great change in America and the world. The previously miniscule GDP, the Gross Domestic Product (Webster, 1), began to shoot skyward with implementation of an array of new inventions, the use of steam power, and the cotton gin, which vastly increased the ability of farmers and more content... Yet the population had no room left in the frame of the prevailing system of production to grow or live. Work in the factories was salvation to the people who thronged into plants for no reason other than to improve their standard of living" (Mises , 1). Though living conditions may seem bad during the early Industrial Revolution when compared to now, American society had reached a critical point. The only future for many people, particularly the Irish and German immigrants, was in the budding factories or on the virgin prairie. It would be unfair to not point out that the revolution offered a new life to many people. Working provided failed farmers, immigrants, and women work they could never gotten before. People had an opportunity to work for a better life, creating a chance for social mobility, which existed nowhere else in the world than the Americas. The First Industrial Revolution was a time of innovation which led to the mass manufacturing of many of the things we now take for granted like tractors, plows, machinery, textiles, and interchangeable parts, without which American society as we know it would have become stagnated by the sod of the prairie. The growing population would have simply been doomed to starvation and peasantry as it had been in medieval Europe. The changes taking place in the American way of life were closely related to the Get more content on