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Essay about The Future of Cyborgs
The Future of Cyborgs
Terminator and Bladerunner, portrayed cyborgs or cybernetic organisms as creatures of destruction.
Are they really as horrible as the movies make them out to be? They can be more useful than
perceived; it is necessary to first perfect the technology involved in creating and operating them. In
this paper, I will describe how these cyborgs work and how they are portrayed in the movies.
Furthermore, I will explain the helpful ways that they are expected to perform in the future.
Cyborgs are a very complex creation of the future. The general concept is that they cannot be
recognized as non–humans. Although it has a programmed mission, this unit thinks and reacts on its
own. The understructure is made of a very ... Show more content on ...
In the following scenes, you can see the complex design and circuitry of the cyborg. He is then
blown into many pieces, but still his intact torso claws its way toward its target. Finally, he is
destroyed by a metal stamp, which crushes him. This perseverance shows that cyborgs are very
strong, nearly indestructible creations.
In the movie Bladerunner, the cyborgs were less distinguishable from humans. The cyborgs in this
movie were referred to as replicants. They represented a computer mind implanted into a human
body. They were created to be slaves in the New World. They were designed to live only four years
in length. This was all before there was an uprising and many of them escaped. Those who did not
escape were kept under tight surveillance and lived out their four years. The others that escaped
were hunted down by the bladerunners. The reason the replicants were such a threat is that their life
span was only four years.
They plundered and killed to try to get an extension on their life. They performed all this horrible
actions in vain because there was no way to extend their life. When caught, they were retired, which
was what their execution was called. The Replicants were extremely difficult to recognize. They had
to be put through a series of tests and questions to determine if they were replicants. The key to
recognition was in the eyes. As you can see by their portrayal in these two movies, cyborgs were
evil creatures that were nearly
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Positive Feedback and Classroom Environment Essay
Positive Feedback and Classroom Environment Student work is typically met by teacher feedback
on a number of important items, including his or her achievement, progress, and skills. How that
feedback is structured and delivered is a matter for debate among educators. The method and type of
feedback teachers use in response to appropriate or inappropriate student behavior shapes the
classroom environment (Conroy, Sutherland, Snyder, Al–Hendawi, & Vo, 2009). A potential role for
administrators is to prescribe and model effective feedback for teacher use within the classroom.
This administrative role broaches an important question: What constitutes effective feedback? For
each student, teachers actively make a choice between delivering ... Show more content on ...
al., 2010).
Effective praise has as much to do with systematic planning as it does with teacher willingness to
engage students in positive discourse. When teachers see a desired behavior exhibited in the
classroom, positive attention must be directed toward it, but the comments must be made with effort
and process in mind rather than overall achievement (Conroy et. al., 2009). Teachers must use praise
to influence students to continue displaying specific social or academic behaviors, but teachers
should initiate praise themselves rather than respond to students' requests (Conroy et. al., 2009). In
this way teachers may develop intrinsic motivation in students to learn following recognition for
mastery of classroom tasks (Conroy et. al., 2009). The use of praise can differ, depending on the
student, and the results of praise use may differ in consideration of how praise is used. Many
teachers have found that when praise is used often instructional time increases dramatically along
with student feelings of worthiness and competency (Stormont & Reinke, 2009). On the other hand,
some believe that introspection spurred by praise may lead to student attention on personal
development rather than in the context of the task giving way to decreased motivation (Lipnevich &
Smith, 2009). It is for this reason credence must be given
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Family Therapy Paper
In family therapy to address what makes it hard for a family to handle their problems, one has to
know and comprehend what makes families clash using models that focus on family therapy. One of
the processes used is called Cybernetics which is the study of how feedback is used to stabilize
mechanical systems. This model shows when a family functions through family rules and negative
feedback how it will impact their response to the situation if it's something they do not agree with
and what can be done to try something different to yield a more positive outcome.
The purpose of systems therapy is for each member to gain insight into each other's role as it relates
to the levelheaded functional family as a whole, as the system helps to identify
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Signal Input Is The Raw Material Imported Into A System...
Signal Inputs and Maintenance
Signal input is the raw material imported into a system for conversion. In this system, the child
being placed in a TFC home is the signal input. The child sets off the signal in the agency that it
needs to begin to fulfill its purpose (i.e., to meet the medical and mental health needs of the child).
In order to ensure the child's optimal functioning and well–being while within the foster care home,
the TFC agency offers elements such as required monthly medical training and workshop hours.
This is the maintenance input, the resources required within a system to attain goals.
Cybernetics shows the self–regulation of the system. It is the "theory of control of mechanisms in
technology and nature and founded on the concepts of information and feedback" (Bertalanaffy,
1969, p. 17). Cybernetics is highly dependent on feedback and information. Internally, the feedback
would be considered closed and therefore information would only able to be decreased; while
externally, information would be able to increase or decrease in order to become more or less
organized, aiding in attaining is desired value or goal (Bertanalaffy, 1969, p.150).
Internal communication
Within a TFC agency, internal communication could consist of the caretakers or administrators who
run the agency, who try to control how things are done. Internally, inside this "system," they have a
system of doing things; that is, there are rules and regulations that are followed,
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The Science Of Purposeful Behavior
Cybernetics has been called "the science of purposeful behavior" (Dooley, 1985, as cited by Anchin,
2003); and can apply to any system. Cybernetics began as a way to self–regulate systems and grew
into the science of control by feedback, applicable to any system. Case conceptualization is a skill
that therapists utilize to synthesize collected data. These two concepts can aid the family therapist in
ushering in changes in client well–being. All cybernetic systems are teleological; they exist to
achieve a specific purpose or fulfill a specific agenda. The system is comprised of interdependent
subsystems, that collectively influence each other and function towards the system goal. The system
self–evaluates this progress, communicates the results to itself (feedback), autonomously self–
corrects as needed, and feeds back into itself, to begin the process anew.
System theory examines the components of the system, whereas cybernetics examines how the
system functions (Anchin, 2003). The collaboration of these two ideas provides a conceptual
framework applicable to any system–physical, social, and health sciences, business, engineering,
economics, and so forth. The goal in most family systems is homeostasis, or stability (Nichols,
2013), and stability is achieved with cybernetics, using the process of self–regulation achieved
through feedback. Feedback loops are a hallmark of cybernetics; they are the primary mechanisms
to regulate goal attainment. In addition to information of
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Im It Governance and Decision Rights
IM/IT GOVERNANCE DECISION RIGHTS Sheetara Brown Strayer University Abstract IM/IT
governance and decision rights consist of helping the organization make a wise business decision
more accurately and in a timelier manner. IM/IT operations help expand information technology to
be used effectively that helps support the strategic priorities of the organization. In addition, high
priorities are a result in strategic IM/IT planning. To address chapter 3 in a more detail explanation I
will explain and discuss these following questions: Give five different examples of simple systems
and include the input(s), conversion process, and output(s)? Ensure that there is some feedback
between your examples. Why do closed ... Show more content on ...
In addition, open systems perspective views an organization as an entity in which they take inputs
from these environment which they transform them and release there outputs. Find examples of the
use of cybernetic systems in healthcare, other than the examples provided. Cybernetic systems are
systems set up to do different things, which are computer based systems where data is inputted to be
performed. The difference between non cybernetic systems with healthcare and with is, non
cybernetic systems are all manual work being done for example, all results and lab work on a patient
is being writing up by nurse, doctor to test all results as for dealing with cybernetic systems in
healthcare everything is computer base where your data can be submitted to the computer and it can
break down lab reports, and other data the physician/doctor patients information concerning their
health. Another example is the breakdown process of how the cybernetic process system works
within the patient care. How the process work is the patient perform a history and physical
examination and customizes orders from an evidence–based order set. Then the nurse sets not assign
and customizes a clinical pathway and therapeutic goal which is figuring out a way of which is the
best approach to figure out the best care for its patient, so pretty much finding the best care for its
patients. Next the nurse will
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Unit 9 And Systems Theory And Social Construction
Unit 9 Cybernetics and Social Construction Cybernetics/systems theory and social constructionism
are "two closely related philosophical traditions that inform family therapy approaches" (Gehart, p.
37, 2014). They are the foundation to the various family therapy models used by Marriage and
Family Therapist. All forms of family therapy, in one way or another has been influenced by one of
these two theories. More traditional forms of therapy such as MRI, Milan and Bowen's
intergenerational and psychoanalytic therapy have been influenced by cybernetics/systems theory.
Newer therapies such as narrative, collaborative and solution–based therapies have been influenced
by social constructionist theory (Gehart, 2014).
Function of ... Show more content on ...
7–8, 2013). From this perspective, the therapist assumes the role of observer/ participant, creating
interdependence between the observer and the observed; this is necessary to create the holistic
perspective on which cybernetic/systems theory is built. The worldview of Marriage and Family
Therapist centers on the notions of recursion reciprocity, and shared responsibility. Two entities
"exists in the context of a relationship in which each influences the other and both are equally cause
and effect of each other's behavior" (Becvar& Becvar, p. 8, 2013), this known as circular causality.
Patterns form and I order to understand the problems and events of the relationship, MFT's need to
look at what is going on rather than asking why it is happening.
A MFT's " perspective is holistic, and our focus is on the processes – the context – that give
meaning to issues and events instead of to the individuals, issues, or events in isolation" (Becvar&
Becvar, p. 9, 2013). A MFT's focus is also on current events. They do not look to events of the past
for the archetype of the source of the issue. Family systems theory is focused on the dynamics of the
family that deal with the rolls of each family member, the balance of power, structures,
communication patterns, and boundaries (Rothbaum, Rosen, Ujiie, & Uchida, 2002).
Major Theorist
In 1942, a mathematician named Norbert Wiener developed the concept of cybernetics during the
beginning of World War
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Modern Family Therapy : Gregory Bateson 's Work With...
Modern family therapy was seeded by Gregory Bateson's work with communication therapy. The
Bateson Project members were particularly interested in communications systems. The application
of cybernetics to communication, and the framework of general systems theory led his group to
essentially begin family therapy. Communication was (and is) an easily detected gauge of
interpersonal relationships; communication is relayed in all interpersonal transactions. It is,
however, not always verbal. Furthermore, communication can be constructive or destructive. As
Paul Watzlawick, a member of Bateson's camp determined: one cannot not communicate. The
presence of indirect communication is crucial for therapists to recognize, analyze, and often,
address. Family counseling, indeed, all counseling, involves emotional communication, and being
cognizant of this hidden level of communication can often cut to the heart of presenting issues.
Bateson stated in 1951 that all communication has two levels. These levels are the report function,
and the command function (Nichols, 2013). A report is overt and implicit–it tells the listener some
information; the second is covert, and implies some sort of action is expected to be taken. This
second message is known as metacommunication; meaning it relays a message about a message.
Further application of system theory to communication involved the idea that families are governed
by family rules and maintained homeostasis within the family via positive
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Systems Theory
SYSTEMS THEORY Three Distinct but Closely Interrelated Theoretical Legacies
 Information theory: focuses on the reduction of uncertainty which is achieved by the acquisition
of information .
 Cybernetics: a science of communication concerned with the transmission and control of
information; it examines the communication and manipulation of information in various systems .
 General Systems Theory (GST): interested in systems in general; family systems theory is an
extension of this branch .
Definitions and Terms
 Three Uses/Definitions:
 General Systems Theory (GST) is used to explain the behavior of a variety of complex,
organized systems.
 GST is also a process of theory construction which ... Show more content on ...
 Morphostatic feedback: refers to feedback which promotes maintenance of existing
 Positive: feedback used to promote change.
 These types of feedback are also referred to as deviation–amplifying loops or variety
 Morphogenic feedback: refers to feedback which produces change in the system.
Examples of Research Emerging from General Systems Theory
 Marital and Family Interaction
 Hess and Handel (1959): integrated GST and symbolic interactionism to examine the
family as a system that socially constructs it's reality. They suggested that there are five essential
processes of family interaction.  Comparison of family interaction patterns between "normal" and
"schizophrenic" families (Mishler & Waxler, 1968).
 Family Dysfunction: individual patterns of dysfunction are attributed to family interaction
 Alcoholism: Steinglass and Wolin have integrated a family development and systems
approach, suggesting that alcoholism influences families in stages which accounts for patterns of
alcoholism in families.  Family violence: systemic explanations are controversial. This research
suggests that the failure to leave an abusive situation is a form of positive feedback.
Examples of Research (cont.)
 Marital and Family Taxonomies
 Olson's Circumplex model
 Three dimensions create sixteen relationship types; the three dimensions are
 Cohesion  Adaptability  Communication
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Personal Philosophy of Nursing
What got you here won't get you there Name Institution Date Abstract It is every person's wish to
progress or, move from one point to another in life. Everybody loves being successful. However,
there are a number of factors, which should be put into consideration in order to be successful.
These are fundamental things that got you where you are, but will not get you to your destiny. On
this note, this paper will discuss at length, the important factors that should be taken into account, so
as to be successful. The paper will start by introducing the relevance of success, and later delve on
what factors will get you there, and sum up by giving an overall view on the topic at ... Show more
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If you would like to live a happy and more so, successful life, it is vital that you learn to express
gratitude wherever you go. In order to reach where you would like to be in life, everyone should
concentrate on their goals and objectives. Through expressing gratitude, people can learn to show
good deeds, and hence be able to receive the same goodness, in return. (Radwan, Msc.) Gratitude
refers to the act of being thankful, noticing simple pleasures, counting every little blessing, and
acknowledging every good done unto you. In other terms, it can be described as living life as if
everything happening in it is a miracle, and being able to continuously acknowledge every much
you receive. On the other hand, when people decide to concentrate a lot of energy on bad things in
life, it will make them remain in the state of conflict. But by developing gratitude, it will allow
someone to focus on positivity and the good things in life. It must be understood that this will allow
an individual to always remain optimistic, and with enthusiasm much success can be achieved. In
addition, the willingness to learn through failure can help to reach the desired destiny. Nearly
everybody fears failing, because it has been associated with all sorts of negativity. Although an
optimistic look on the other side of tripping or falling down in life can make someone to be
successful in
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Criticism Of A Cyborg Manifesto
In the latter half of the twentieth century society, culture and science evolved visions and capability
around the common prefix 'cyber'. It took on several virtual, computational, functional, scientific,
sexual and criminal connotations. In the 21st Century, many computational notions have been
replaced by 'e' to mean 'of computer' – however 'cyber', represented in music, words and films
emerging at this time, which communicate the content of culture at the time, not simply technology
– have not become ePeople, eMusic or eFilms, but remained postulated in cyberculture.
'A Cyborg Manifesto' is an analysis of women and advanced technology in a postmodern world.
Haraway uses various illustrations to focus on women's relation to the technologically ... Show more
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Cyborgs are a new segment that will change the landscape of marketing. Say goodbye to the old
school "day in the digital life" persona. We're about to witness a complete shift in how advertisers
can reach these augmented consumers. This is when people will always have a "digital billboard" in
front of them or attached to them. This is when consumers will have so much information at their
fingertips that brands will have no choice but to be fully transparent about everything they do.
Of course, there's a certain institutional resistance to "cyborgism" as there is to most revolutionary
shifts in society. Technophobics are predicting a world of constant distraction, greater rebellion due
to information overload, cyber–hacking, and even WiFi radiation–based diseases because of
"electromagnetic sensitivity."
It's difficult to imagine technology as an extension of our bodies, of ourselves. We use technology,
we exercise all of a piece of a technology's resources, and then we dispose of it and replace it with a
new, and frequently more advanced,
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My Understanding Aligns Best With Developmental Models Of...
In terms of identifying a personal philosophy of change, I have found that my understanding aligns
best with developmental models of change. Developmental models suggest that people move
through stages of change as they grow. This understanding of change is especially useful in the
supervisory relationship. It is likely that the supervisee has a limited skill set and likely lacks
confidence in his/her ability, as he/she has only had limited experience in the beginning stages of
change. As he/she progresses through the stages, however, the skill set grows and more confidence
is gained, as explained by the developmental models. A large portion of the time, supervisees move
through these stages of change with the help of their supervisor. It ... Show more content on ...
With the likely already present anxiety related to being a beginning therapist, working through these
issues may be more difficult. Therefore, it is important for the supervisor to be mindful of this and
provide support to the supervisee as need be. It is also important for the supervisor to remember that
the supervisee is likely still developing his/her own professional identity. The supervisee is a new
clinician and likely has little confidence and a limited skill set.
Due to this, there is importance in the supervisor being empathic. The supervisor should encourage
the supervisee to use problem–solving skills to work through the change. The supervisor should
continue to encourage the supervisee to problem solve on his/her own as much as possible to
improve his/her skill set. That is, it is important to remember that the supervisee has likely already
learned about what to do in difficult situations they will come across, so the supervisor should
encourage the supervisee to resolve such issues on their own as much as they can. Then, the
supervisor should work to normalize and validate the supervisee's experience. It is the supervisor's
job to know what stage the supervisee is in, help him/her move through the stages by providing
feedback that is in line with his/her current developmental level, and subsequently assist the
supervisee in his/her own progression to the next stage so the
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The Methodological Base Of Cybernetic Reasoning
Much of the methodological base of cybernetic reasoning was developed during World War Two.
Work conducted on three grand engineering projects, rockets, radar, and the atomic bomb – involved
a cybernetic worldview. Norbert Wiener's advancements in radar and automated air defense were
particularly influential. The 'black box' style of reasoning in cybernetics, which treated systems as
defined by their inputs and outputs, came to prominence in other fields after the end of the Second
World War. The founders of Simulmatics were elsewhere during World War Two. Ithiel Pool was not
working on military defense projects. He, and many other Simulmatics affiliates, were instead
working towards psychological defense of the homeland. Pool worked for the Experimental
Division for the Study of War Time Communications, a secret research group working under the
Department of War. Pool, and other communications theorists, most notably Harold Lasswell, was
initially tasked with developing an automatic translator. When machine translation proved
untenable, Pool and his colleagues moved on to other applications of the text analysis techniques
they had developed for machine translation. The division developed quantitative content analysis
techniques that could, using statistical reasoning, determine whether or not a domestic publication
was serving as Nazi propaganda. Tracking the prevalence of symbols (words and phrases associated
with subterfuge, insurgency, and Nazism), could,
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`` A Cyborg Manifesto `` By Donna Haraway
We invented machines to fulfill our necessities. As machines get smarter in the 21th century, we
give machines more permissions and freedom to do more things for us. However, the new
generations that are born with all the advanced technologies they needed don't quite understanding
the use of machines as we are more relying on them. The machines are quickly expanding and
replacing our brains and bodies even it is a simple task to do. But if we step back a little and think
that we are the inventors of these modern machines. Are we scare of machines taking over our
societies or is it just our fear and curiosity that tricked us? Well, we now cannot live without
machines. Human and machine are bonded together tightly that we can't identify who we really are.
We become cyborg which is a more accurate term to describe who we are now.
The reading "A Cyborg Manifesto" by Donna Haraway points out that we are cyborgs. There is no
difference between human and machine and this boundary has been breached. Cyborgs are a hybrid
of machine and organism. They often appear in the science fiction. Haraway describes that machines
are now doing most of our works while we just sit back and watch them doing what they suppose to
do. It feels like the machines are becoming alive and we are the one that rarely doing anything.
However, we are still on the top of the hierarchy no matter how machines will change our lives, we
are still on the top of the food chain. But even so, we can't ignore that
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The, A Fusion Of Animal And Machine
In You Are a Cyborg (Harl, Kunzru, 2013), Donna Haraway claims that humans are cyborgs; "a
fusion of animal and machine". Not robots like artificial intelligence Ava in Ex Machina (Garland,
2015), but cybernetic organisms or information machines. Haraway's cyborg claim rests on a
complex interaction between humans and technology and how this interaction is not co–existing
with one another, but as humans and technology incorporating one another. The Dictionary of
Sociology defines cyborg as a, "growing integration of human beings into mechanical systems"
(2012). Following Haraway's claim, I am a cyborg when I use technology, and more specifically
when I use the social media application Instagram. Instagram is a social networking application ...
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On Instagram users scroll through a "home feed", refresh an "explore page", or "like" other user's
pictures or videos. This user to user interaction on Instagram is not typical face to face
communication because Instagram tracks when the interaction took place, what happened in the
interaction, the time, the place, and so on and so forth. In this form of communication, it is not only
the direct parties involved who experience the interaction, but a third party is gathering information
based on the details of the interaction. As an Instagram user, I am a cybernetic organism, because I
am associated with the vast network of profiles, companies, and advertising on Instagram and
therefore subject to the gathering of information. Next, Instagram uses the detailed information on
its users to create an "updated model of a changing situation– a synthesis of information collected,
analyzed, evaluated and assembled" (Licklider & Taylor, 1968). Instagram takes in the information
from its' users, analyzes it, and redistributes it back through the form of, for example, an "explore
page". This means Instagram has created a feedback system based on what users like, comment or
share with our friends. When I go on the "explore" page on Instagram it is not just random profiles,
but a precise scientific algorithm based on the people I follow, posts I like, my geographical
location, and more. As I change my interests or habits, Instagram has the ability
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Paradigmatic Shift Of System Theory Essay
The paradigmatic shift of system theory is the evolution of systematic thinking which is made up of
two systems; the simple cybernetics (first order) and cybernetics of cybernetics (second order). The
first system of the cybernetics also known as the simple cybernetics is the level in which we view
lives from a perspective in which we observe from a different aspect of the outside view. I feel as
though when it comes to the first order cybernetics, everything such as the personal view becomes
irrelevant to the situation because our focus is on describing what is happening from a different
pattern. As for the second order also known the cybernetics of cybernetics transform our view where
we are no longer viewing from the outside looking in. In the system, we are now observing the
situation from a standpoint which we are involved. In the book, I have acknowledged that it is best
to view things that I can observe from the outside looking in and also being and participate in a
situation which set my viewpoint than how others view certain situations. In my opinion, in most
cases as humans, individuals go through different phases in their lives to learn, and to experience a
different perspective when it comes, a prospect of our lives. When the book talks about the system
theory/cybernetics it is a little frustrating to comprehend from my understanding and how to connect
the theory to a real life situation. As I continue to read I'm trying to think how I would connect the
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Systems Theory Paper
Week Four: Systems Theory Paper
Nisselly Rossell, Keri Welborn, Christie Alston, Kristy Monroe, Jennifer Bourne, Melanie Hines
BSHS/312 Models of Helping People
Systems Theory Paper "Those who study systems theory tends to view any system as the result of a
dynamic interrelationship between its component parts and its whole. They view the parts as
mutually determinate with the whole. Social workers utilizing systems theory view societies and
social groups as dynamic systems. They are concerned with bettering the conditions of the
individuals who make up such systems." (Flamand, 2010) Systems theory is used by many social
workers. This theory helps social workers understand how the surroundings of the client's
environment ... Show more content on ...
Ivan Boszormenyi–Nagy is also a contributor to this therapy (Parrott, III, 2003). This theory is based
on helping maintain a positive family structure and to prevent further emotional damage to the
children or any other person in the family. There are several things that can be done in order for the
help families work through a traumatic experience. When you are counseling a person that has been
subjected to a family prone to alcoholism this child tends to show different ways of functioning and
you have to take that into consideration as to how to proceed. Family therapy is often encouraged
when you are trying to repair a family that has gone through a crisis because this can show them that
they can work together as a team to get past the issue. In most other therapies, the counseling
session has two individuals present, the counselor and the client. According to (2004–2008), "family systems therapy is based on the idea that individuals
are best understood through assessing the entire family" (para. 1). This is where family therapy
differs and can be challenging. There may be two family members in therapy, for example, in
marriage or couples counseling. However, there may be multiple individuals, for example, a large
family who needs family therapy. Either way, the relationship between the counselor and family
members will be
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Soundcraft Vi4, the Digital Console
Soundcraft Vi4 is a digital console by Soundcraft, which came out with the first mixing console in a
flight case in 1973 where the music touring was started. The Vi series were being design as digital
desk and are able to do both the touring, broadcast and installed sound scene.
There are three main components in the Vi4 system which is a control surface, local rack and a stage
box. Vi4 system stage box come with 48 mono inputs on and a total of 24 output busses that can be
used for matrices, auxes, group or masters and all the 48 mono inputs are able to be linked and
create stereo channel. Basically it functions as a stage box that located on the stage and able to send
48 mono channels from the back of the stage box to the back of the local rack just by using one
standard fit CAT 5 cable with Amphenol RJF connectors. The maximum cable run using flexible
reel–mounted Cat5 cable is 100m, but possible to get it run 130m with permanent installation Cat7
cable. Another optional connection is using Fiber Optic cable but the Fiber Optical interface card
need to install separately.
The Local rack place at the same place with control surface and inside it is 2 Digital Signal
Processing engine – Studer Score Live technology, with only 2 DSP cards will be capable of 64
inputs with 40–bit floating–point digital processor and one or multiple D21m I/O frames. The D21m
high density I/O system holds up all the inputs and outputs to produce ultra–low noise balance mic
amp and sends it to
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A Feedback Loop Is A Section Of A Control System Inside An...
A feedback loop is a section of a control system inside an organisms body, that can self–correct to
then change a section of the control system according to difference between the actual/desired set
point. There are two types of feedback loops
negative and positive, .They are both occur due to the Stimuli. However negative feedback loops
operate differently then they do in a positive feedback loop. A negative feedback loop is used to
suppress or discontinue the effect of a stimuli. A negative feedback loop occurs when the stimuli
(change in the environment) is detected and a response occurs, to discontinue the Stimuli. For
example the temperature of the human body increases above it's set ... Show more content on ...
Biology book, class notes.
Progesterone is a steroid hormone most commonly found in the female reproductive cycle. The
following diagram represents three feedback loops for the menstrual cycle. The blue feedback loop
shows two hormones, FSH and LH, secretion as to begin the growth of the follicle then the
hormones work together to start the estrogen secretion the estrogen then has a negative feedback
from FSH causing it to stop been desecrate. The red feedback loop shows, increased levels of
estrogen occur midpoint in the cycle causing positive feedback to respond on the LH cells in the
pituitary. As LH levels rise ovulation will occur. The purple feedback loop concludes after ovulation
and shows the follicle cells transform into corpus luteum which secrets then builds up progesterone
and estrogen levels forming the endometrial lining the hormones work together and a second
negative feedback signal is sent to allow the release of FSH and LH. The corpus luteum then
deteriorates dropping the production of estrogen and progesterone allowing menstruation to occur.–menstrual–cycle–feedback–loop/
The mammal that is equipped to live in dry water conditions (e.g. desert) is mammal 1. Mammal 1
shows the lowest excreation of water through evaporation, urine and faeces. It is
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Bowen Family Systems Theory
This essay will present an overview of Systems Theory and how it is applied to Family and Couple's
Counselling. This essay will describe the origin, development and establishment of the theory in the
world of counselling. It will also be discussed what social and cultural context influence perceptions
of couples and families and how they function. A case study will be presented to explain effect of
the therapeutic focus of Bowen's approach using system theory.
Family systems theory grew out of the fields of psychoanalysis and developmental psychology.
There are several different types of family therapy, all emerging from family systems theory. Family
systems theory explores relationships between family members, familial multigenerational
behavioural ... Show more content on ...
In Bowen's opinion in fusion people are constantly reacting to each other's behaviour. Their stress
levels are always high. Hence Bowen found it essential for these families to adapt differentiation.
Differentiation will allow people to make their own decisions and maintain individuality. These
people can be still part of the family but can act as a separate entity. According to the Family
Systems Theory emotionally fused families often create triangles in an attempt to balance the family
homeostasis. What drives triangles is anxiety (Guerin, Fogarty, Fay & Kautto.1996), the essentials
of family therapy, p.71. Having a triangle can be useful but can also create problems. Having a third
person to diffuse tension, original problem may never be solved. E.g. a newly married woman
complains to her sister about her husband to let her frustration/anger out. Her sister is the third part
of the triangle. Because of her existence in that triangle, wife will never confront her husband about
how his behaviour bothers her. The conflict will stay supressed. According to Bowen, triangles tend
to repeat themselves across generations. When one member of a relationship triangle departs or dies,
another person can be drawn into the same role
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Analysis Of The Cybernetic Company
service. Also, the company will use the information system that it will have to organize and run
major company operations like manufacture and the delivery of items. The company will also share
information throughout all the departments and their operations through the systems by enabling the
production department to access either the sales or client record from the marketing so that they can
be able to produce goods according to the customer requirements and specification and also oversee
the transportation and shipment to the client's destination. The conman ledger will also be accessible
to the management so that they can monitor the progress of the business. It can be recommended
that firm to use web tools to constitute and make prices ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, there is the issue of lack of data availability and data sharing whereby departments or
users are unable to access the database system to retrieve files as well as share them to other
department or external business consortiums. Lastly, there is the issue of program–data individuality
whereby the data is not independent of the programs that are used to access them that they can be
easily interfered with using these programs attached to them thus making them insecure.
There are also limitations associated with cloud services.
Internet Connection: failure to get access to the data with Internet connection issues.
Low Bandwidth: Low bandwidth net makes problem for Cloud computing. Also it is expected poor
quality performance with high bandwidth satellite connection caused by high latency.
Security Issues: while with cloud computing data are secure but still IT consulting is needed to
maintain complete security to avoid system becomes vulnerable to hackers and threats.
Lack of full support: many venders and providers are not available on e–mail or phones and provide
support thru FAQ and online community.
III. Procedure for collection, storage, management, and update of data
Collection of data is done through input by users' computers in the different stations like the
production and distribution department, sales and marketing as well as accounting department. They
will be able to access the
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The Ethics Of The Human Body
As the home to many deadly creatures, Australia could be considered the most venomous place on
the planet. As a result it is also one of the world leaders in research into venom and anti–venom,
leading the way towards a future in which venoms may be just as much of a 'friend' to humans as
they are 'foe.' This gives rise to the statement 'venoms can be both friend and foe for humans,' which
is presently supported by a vast wealth of scientific research and anecdotal evidence. This essay will
investigate whether venoms truly can be regarded as 'both friend and foe,' through the examination
of venom, its effects on homeostasis in the human body and the possible consequences and benefits
that could arise from these effects.
Homeostasis refers ... Show more content on ...
The stimulus response model shown in Figure 1 gives a general sense of the interplay between these
components, demonstrating the feedback loop employed in a standard homeostatic response.
Figure 1
Homeostasis is typically achieved through the process of negative feedback, in which any deviation
from the steady state is detected by the receptor, activating mechanisms that counteract the change.
Positive feedback is another type of feedback, however it enhances the original stimulus rather than
reducing it and can cause potentially damaging effects for the organism (Saladin, n.d.). Negative
feedback is therefore the more common mechanism of feedback regulation.The endocrine system,
for example, is particularly vital in homeostasis as it releases hormones that control the activity of
the body's cells, and, through feedback regulation, is able to initiate a response that regulates the
development and metabolism of most body systems and cells. Homeostasis can be altered by
external influences such as nutrition, psychological health, physical health and toxins. Venoms
contain toxins that affect homeostasis by targeting vital body systems, necessitating effective
homeostatic regulation in order to stabilise the body's internal environment so as to avert the
potential destruction of an entire system, which would shortly lead to death (Biozine, 2012).
The stimulus response model
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Systems Theory
1. Systems theory and the Ecological perspective
As a social worker, one must understand the impact of systems in the environment.
The interactions between the individual and their multiple systems give social workers a
visual of how to interpret their consumer 's life. System theories is one way to try to
interpret a consumer 's life to have somewhat of a general idea of how to help solve the
problems they are facing. The easiest way to view system theories are by creating
ecomaps. These maps give you a visual written in black and white to see the different
systems that the individual interacts with.
To understand this concept in the field, a social worker, must know what a
system even is. "A ... Show more content on ...
I of course have stressful
situations and recieve negative input or output, but who doesnt? Feedback is extremely
important for systems and is a type of input. A system can have either positive feedback
(a system recieving info that what they are doing is correct) or negative feedback
(influences the individual to make a change because it interupts homeostasis). Throughout
most of my ecomap, I mostly have positive feedback but also have a few negative
Systems tend to move from a simple form to a more complex form. This is known
as differentiation. Life brings in new experiences, relationships, and situations everyday,
so each day your life becomes more complex. One day, a subsystem can have a positive
energy flow and then the very next a negative. It can change by a drop of a hat. "Entropy
is the tendency of a system to progress toward disorganization, depletion, and death."
(Zastrow, Kirst–Ashman p. 6) The saying "nothing lasts forever" could not be truer.
People age over time and eventually will die. You as an individual are constantly aging
and will perhaps leave your parents ' house and start your own family. With time your
children will do the same, and so on and so forth.
Equifinality is a very important concept to understand as well. This simply means
that everyone in the world or in your systems always have an alternative path to
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Analyzing How Internal And External Forces Affect...
Administrating a college is different from running a business firm. Driven by a clear profit
generation goal, business administrators utilize management instruments to make rational decisions
linearly. Contrastingly, college administrator will often encounter issues of shared governance,
unclear mission, dynamic organizational culture, and loosely coupled structure, which make the
decision making process challenging and time–consuming (Birnbaum, 1988). Due to the unique
nature of college administration, Birnbaum suggests that college leaders should identify various
organizational models that function in problem solving, and then respond to various dilemmas with
sensible decision making (1988). In the book How Colleges Work, Birnbaum ... Show more content
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Equality, cohesiveness, and democracy are three fundamental features for such academic setting.
Equality lies in the decision making process: equal right is granted to each individual, who has equal
power to influence the outcome. The outcome is achieved through consensus, an agreement
advocated by most of the members. Equal governing status constructs the cohesiveness in the
organization. Sharing advance degree of equivalent level and similar background, faculties interact
intimately and frequently in small groups, fostering a unifying culture. The common goal of
pursuing academic excellence bonds faculties together, which leads to a democratic, nonlinear
hierarchy. Administrators of the collegial model are elected from the faculty, who will act as agents
and share governance with the peers. Lacking professional managing experience, administrators are
expected to conform to norms and exemplify the common value in leadership behavior. Birnbaum
indicates that it is an ideal model for administrating academic institution, however, it can be less
efficient in larger size institutions. The cohesiveness can be a blessing, and it also can be a curse.
Environment Interaction Normed under a cohesive culture, the internal personnel management of
the collegium is rather tightly coupled and stable. Administrators and
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Reflection Paper On Cybernetics
For my group project it involved playing board games. The members of my group were Ben,
Jessica, Sarena and Victoria. The games that were played include Sheriff of Nottingham, imagine if,
scattegories and 221 Bakers Street. For my personal experience I focused on the following concepts
of cybernetics in relation to the board games that were played. These concepts include feedback,
general systems theory, epistemological perspective and then the use of feedback again.
First, throughout my experience of playing the board games with my group the main thing that I
have noticed about myself is that I do not do well when it comes to the issue of feedback. In
specifically, the concept of negative feedback as it should be called. This is based on when it comes
to my understanding of what my group member's facial expressions are. This is because I have a
really hard time with noticing facial expressions in general and what they could mean. These board
games that were played mostly had to deal with figuring out what people's responses were going to
be based off of questions that were being asked. For example, one game that I played that was called
Sheriff of Nottingham involved my group members saying what was on their playing cards that
were in their hands. My tasks was to figure out if they were telling the truth or not. This was hard
because the playing cards that I thought they had and their facial expressions ended up not being
connected at all even though I thought they were.
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Mankind's Fear of Artificial Intelligence Essay
Mankind's Fear of Artificial Intelligence Fear is created not by the world around us, but in the mind,
by what we think is going to happen. Why is it that in almost all of the movies starring cyborgs, the
cyborgs are either inherently evil or the cause of trouble? We human beings seem to have a problem
with the idea of a person enhanced with technology, or a robot enhanced with Artificial Intelligence
(AI). Norbert Wiener, a mathematician, coined the term cybernetics . Although many of his idea's
are still used today, Wiener himself began to second guess the value of his work. He wrote that
while competition from machines during the first industrial revolution devalued the human arm, the
modern industrial revolution "is similarily ... Show more content on ...
The law does not consider Replicants human and therefore accords them no rights nor protection .
The Replicants also have a fail–safe mechanism: a four year lifespan. Although not a cyborg, HAL
9000 of "2001: A Space Odyssey", fits into this category. HAL was programmed with Asimov's laws
in mind. However, at some point these rules conflict with each other, and HAL violates all the laws
by lying, and killing one of his human companions. The movie suggests that HAL was aware,
especailly near the end, as HAL tries to convince Dave not to shut him down. "I feel much better
now, I really do," HAL reasons. "The Matrix" is the most recent humans–triumph–over–evil–
machines movie, with an interesting twist. In "The Matrix", humans create AI and it turns on them,
using humanity as a power source . However, the cyborgs are not the machines, but the humans. The
humans are able to download information into their brain, like a computer can download files off the
Internet. Overall, we as a society still have a certain amount of wariness when it comes to cyborgs.
What people don't seem to realize is that cyborgs walk among us even now. Anyone with a
prothsetic limb or artificial organ can be considered cyborg. Hopefully, over time, we will come to
terms with this idea before science advances much further. I, for one, can wait for the day when my
computer rebels. Bibliography: Webster's 21st Century Book of Quotations. Copyright ©
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Monae's Metropolis Saga
Monae's Metropolis Saga uses the cyborg as a metaphor for the oppressed, using cyborg bodies as a
stand–in for black bodies and consequently drawing connections between the state of blackness and
the state of being cyborg. Monae herself speaks of her decision to "choose an android because the
android to [her] represents 'the other' in our society." (Kot 1) This is made specific to blackness
when, in the Metropolis Saga, Cindi time travels to the 20th and 21st centuries and is reborn as
Janelle Monae, becoming black rebels throughout history; accordingly, the line between cyborg
ontology and black ontology is blurred as she jumps between the two. Monae, additionally,
describes cyborgs as "neon slaves, electric savages," making clear ties between ... Show more
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If for Monae, black bodies are cyborg bodies, cyborg bodies have existed throughout history and
cannot be situated solely in the future. Consequently, Metropolis as a city centered around Cindi's
black cyborg body cannot be temporally alienated from history, and must reckon with it. More than
that, though, Metropolis itself is not just a vision of the future but of the past, a transhistorical
metaphor of oppression and liberation. This differs from traditional science fiction cyborg
representations because for Haraway and many others, the cyborg exists within a future world.
However, for Monae, the cyborg has always existed in the form of black bodies, and the science
fiction world serves only to illuminate this. Accordingly, the transhistoricality is the only way that a
cyborg can be raced and allows a raced cyborg to recognize and grapple with the dark history that
birthed it–– for Cindi, this means time traveling to literally participate in, change, and solve her
history. Perhaps this is best expressed by the name of Monae's upcoming album, presumably
containing the last two suites of the Metropolis Saga, Dirty Computer. The computer is the android;
however, the android retains its dirt, the dirt being the dark and dirty history of racializations and
blackness–– her cyborg refuses to be pristine and reject that history, instead
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Case Study : Strategic Family Therapy
PSYU 556 Unit Three Mini Paper: Strategic Family Therapy Jay Haley was a pioneer in family
therapy. Inspired by his work with the communication patterns of schizophrenic patients and their
family environments, he was a disciple of no less than three of the most prominent figures in family
therapy evolution: Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, and Salvador Minuchin. Haley, in his time,
was wildly popular and innovative. Amazingly, he was not formally clinically credentialed (Nichols,
2013). Haley, alongside the equally influential Cloe Madanes, incorporated elements from
Erickson's strategic therapy, Minuchin's structural therapy, Bateson's cybernetic theory, the MRI
model of brief therapy, and Jackson's communication theory into a brand of ... Show more content
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Hayley took this responsibility seriously and solemnly. He stated that in some cases, the client
would not change until they had confidence in the therapist's commitment level and determination
(Wylie, 2007). Change also involved constant evaluation of effectiveness, and course correction as
needed. In keeping with the cybernetic element of family systems, this theory stated that attempted
solutions are symptoms, and part of a recurrent feedback loop. Symptoms act as a homeostatic
means of regulating family transactions. The way to disrupt and dispel a recursive feedback loop is
to introduce a negative feedback loop, which would change the direction of the loop and could be
introduced at any point along the loop. This is one of the main ideas of the theory; when a behavior
changes logically, based on the rules of the system, this is known as a first–order change. Because
family rules govern which solutions are applicable, a change in the family rules is required, or, as it
is known, a second–order change (which will alter the entire system) (Standish, 2013). Therefore, to
increase positive behaviors and decrease problematic behaviors, the therapist can make substitutes
in current failing feedback loops. Strategic Family Therapists focus on changing the unproductive
sequence of behaviors, therefore, the issue requires the involvement of others, and does not depend
on the actions of a sole individual.
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Midterm Ecology & Environmental Problems
Marina Herbst
SC 253–301
Midterm Ecology & Environmental Problems
1. (a) How might one best define ecology today? (b) Please define the term "environmental
problem"? (c) Briefly describe the relationship between the science of ecology and our
understanding of environmental problems?
a) Ecology today can be defined as "the study of the interrelationships between living things and
their environment". It is important to understand that when we say that ecology includes the
"environment", we are talking about everything that is external to an organism, all the biotic and
abiotic. Nowadays it also attempts to understand and explain the how and why of the origins and
mechanisms of interactions.
b) Environmental Problems could be defined as the problems of humans and their relationships with
their environment.
c) Ecology is the tool used to better understand the causes, effects, and potential mitigation of
environmental problems.
2. (a) Define cybernetic; (b) define homeostasis, (c) define homeorhesis; (d) discuss the
relationships between cybernetic systems and homeostasis/homeorhesis; (e) describe the
significance of the cybernetic nature of ecological systems; (f) discuss the relationships between
disturbance level and the establishment of reinforcing vs balancing feedback loops.
a) Cybernetic is the ability of a system to regulate itself through feedback loops. Ecological systems
are cybernetic systems given that they are self regulated or controlled
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Technology And Artificial Intelligence
One of the fastest growing areas in human civilization is technology, specifically computing systems
and engineering. A field in computer science known as artificial intelligence is becoming more
advanced and is excelling as technology expands. Artificial intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, is
the creation and application of a machine to mimic and execute functions as a human brain can. AI
is run by long lines code that operates the functions of the machine and databases to store
information. The modern concept of AI originates from philosophers that tried to explain the
processes and function of the human brain. The modern idea of AI was formed during a research
proposal in 1956 at Dartmouth College(Zhongzhi 2). Since then, many researchers have attempted
to understand and further the development of artificial intelligence. As research progresses, the use
of AI will expand to many industries and areas of life. There are many types of AI that are utilized in
different fields. The most popular types of AI include androids, cyborgs(cybernetic organisms),
biorobots, and animatronics. Androids are robots designed to look like humans and to carry out
actions like a human being. While androids are not too common in real life, they are often seen in
many science fiction films and television series such as "Star Trek." Cyborgs are organisms that are
enhanced or restored using integration of artificial components. Cyborgs are composed of organic
and biomechanical body parts.
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Interactivity In Art Essay
Interactivity In Art
This essay examines the nature of interactivity in the arts through a cybernetic model, to arrive at an
understanding of how interactive artworks can maintain and augment the subjectivity of the viewer.
The cybernetic discourse foregrounds the relationship between the physical artifact (machine and/or
work of art), the participant/spectator, and information/data/content. By examining the shifts in
focus from each part of the cybernetic equation, several models for interactivity in art emerge. In a
search for a definitive and user–centered working model of interactivity in the arts, a logical place to
look is at the history of cybernetics. Cybernetics, defined by Norbert Wiener in ... Show more
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My object in writing is to examine interactivity in art from a local, personal point of view as an artist
involved in the design and production of interactive immersive virtual environments, and to
subsequently seek the construction, through historical and philosophical bricollage, of a model for
the conceptualization and actualization of consequent works of art. To this end, my attention will
finally turn to an evolving collaborative project that is constructing a low–budget, user–centered
model for the creation of an immersive virtual environment/augmented reality called "The Dance of
the Body w/o Organs".
According to the discourse surrounding interactive art, the art object is no longer static, no longer an
object of contemplation, but a dynamic, responsive engine able to tailor its construction and
outcome to the unique dataset of choices for each individual that enters its input field.
Often in my experience of interactive artworks, my physical action or signifying; that is, pushing a
button, triggering a sensor, etc; seems only related to the consequence or signification of my action
in a purely literal way, that is, push button, something occurs. Frequently I wonder what, on a less
obvious level, is the relationship between the trigger and the triggered? What if the
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Machines Overcoming Humans
As one would begin to think, about how much technology we humans use daily, they realize just
how much we are in need of it. As people, look back in time over the generations to where we no
technology to whereas now almost everything you come across you can find on the internet or on a
system. When reading "The Machine Stops," it shows the reader just how naïve people are to how
much technology they use. People are so use to just having it that they do not even think about how
much it consumes their lives. As I have learned, in the past couple of months just how much we
humans are as a cyborg, made me just as gullible as people are to how much technology consumes
our lives. When first thinking about the concept of us humans are as cybernetic organisms I was
skeptical about the concept and did not believe we were as cybernetic organisms. As looking to see
what a cybernetic organism is, I found they are a human who has certain biological developments
assisted or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices. When learning that was the meaning I
began to think us humans are as cybernetic organisms. My first reading on the thoughts of cyborg,
was "You Are Cyborg," written by Hari Kunzru, writing to Donna Haraway who does believe we
humans are cyborgs. As one reads "You Are Cyborg," who sees that Donna Haraway, is not saying
that we humans are physically cyborgs that are all mechanically made but that we are consumed by
technology making us cybernetic organisms. This concept
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Analysis Of Emily Dickinson's My Life Had Stood-A Loaded Gun
In Emily Dickinson, "My Life had stood – A Loaded gun", we as the reader see how a female
protagonist stand's up for herself in defense of the male antagonist. However, in two contrasting
literary theory's we see a difference of opinion. The first literary theory is by Sarah Ahmed and the
theory is displayed in her writing called, Living a Feminist Life. Throughout her work she displays
the importance for feminism in todays world and how one should separate themselves if necessary.
The second work that we have is by Donna Haraway called A Cyborg Manifesto, the main idea
throughout the work is contrasting with Ahmed in the importance for unification. The unification the
Haraway uses is by explaining cyborgs and how humans would react with them, but more
importantly how unification of humans and machines effects us. Throughout the essay Haraway and
Ahmed's theory's will be explained and the differences shown. In Dickinson's novel the first stanza
shows how the woman is being passed by without having any voice, it specifically states, "My Life
had stood – a Loaded Gun – In Corners – till a Day The Owner passed – identified –And carried Me
away". In the first stanza it is clear how the woman is referring to herself as a gun that is of no use to
her "owner". The owner is presumably a man and has minimal use for her as someone would for a
gun. With that being said a gun is a weapon built with an immense power and it is ofter overlooked
how powerful it is. The same goes for
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Economics And Complex Systems Of The United States
Throughout the better part of previous decade, housing prices in the United States, especially in and
around metropolitan areas and high population growth areas (such as the Southwest) saw an
unprecedented rise in housing prices . In 2007, many of the financial instruments which were used
to back the purchase of these properties, such as subprime and Alt–A mortgages, as well as
Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs), suffered a sudden and massive downturn . In hindsight, it
is accepted by a wide range of economists and analysts that the huge upswing in prices and the
ensuing downturn comprised a housing market bubble . Bubbles are often studied from the
perspective of behavioral economics and complex systems . Many diverse economic agents, all
facing the same information regarding rapid housing prices growth, can generate "irrational
exuberance" within markets, leading to huge upswings in prices. Similarly, when the same economic
agents begin to hear new information about the unsustainability of such a bubble, an opposing
feedback loop is created. When the effect of one feedback loop begins to dominate another, we stand
at the precipice of a crash . This highlights the role played by uncertainty– agents are imperfectly
informed, as the only information many of these investors see is a rise in prices, driving investment.
There is no information available, however, regarding the size, depth or even the possibility of an
ensuing downturn. When such a downturn happens (and
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General Systems Theory: Schizophrenia
This assignment uses the case study set out in Appendix A as its foundation. The case study presents
a 38 year–old man, Robert, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22. Robert and his parents
are participating in a family therapy session.
The essay explores the challenges and opportunities Robert faces in the context of the family, from a
general systems theory (GST) perspective. The scope of this assignment gives room to focus on a
limited number of GST concepts. It focuses on Von Bertalanffy's concepts of the active system,
boundaries and differentiation. Each of the concepts is explored in terms of the challenges and
opportunities that they bring to the patient and to the family system.
The multidisciplinary theory of general systems was developed by biologist Von Bertalanffy in a
response to his frustration with the conventional thinking of the time, namely that growth and ...
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The system is composed of a core triad (Robert, his mother and his father), and a related system (the
brother and his family). It involves the relationship between Robert and each of his parents
individually, as well as Robert and the mother–father subsystem. Because Robert's brother does not
live nearby, his family operates as a separate, yet connected, system which only infrequently
interacts with the core triad. This infrequent contact disrupts the equilibrium that has been
established within the core triad. This increases levels of tension within the system.
The family therapist's goal is to increase the functionality of the dysfunctional family system.
Simply put, the desired outcome is for a more functional family system by reducing the systems
tension. The family therapy approach therefore aims to change the patterns of behaviour fostered by
the family that have repeatedly negative outcomes. This represents the challenge as well as the
opportunity faced not only by the therapist, but also by Robert and his
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Managing Health Service Organization Ch. 10
Controll ing and Allocating Resources
Control is typically last in the list of management functions and follows planmng, organi7ing,
staffing, and directing. In many ways, controlling is the most important, but it cannot occur until the
results of the first four have been implemented. Managers control to ensure that the expected results
actually occur after a structure or task is integrated with technology or people. Control depends on
information conveyed to managers who continuously monitor sensors to ensure that ind1 1dual
work results are effective and desirable and that organization objective are accomplished within
resource con traints. The management model in Figure 5.8 reflects these relationships. Control
allows managers ... Show more content on ...
Result... inconsistent ith expectations or standards cause intervention and change. '' h1ch can occur
at enher the input point [A] or process point [B] or both.
Feedback control is the best–known type of output control.' It 1s retrospectiC and measures the
quantitative and qualitative output of indi' 1duab. departments. and orgamzat1ons. Whether
measured qualitatively or quantitatively, output or results are U'>uall~ expre. sed numerically. Job
perfonnance is a type of individual measure. Quantitati e department measures include the numbers
or units of outputs such as laboratory tests perfonned. radiographs taken. surgical procedures done,
meals served, patients admitted. medication orders filled. and pounds of laundry processed.
Qualitative department measures can include accuracy. timeliness, and customer satisfaction.
Organizationwide quantitative measures can include average length of stay (ALOS), occupancy rate,
market share, and financial integrity. Qualitative measures include quality of care, range of services,
and stakeholder satisfaction. Output standards and expectation are derived from, and reflect, unit
and departmental subobjectives and Oerall organization objectives.
Converting inputs into outputs requires processes. The quality of outputs is detennined by the
effectiveness of processes that produce them and the amount and appropriateness of inputs. Usually,
controlling directs attention at outputs
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Carl Jung And Alfred Adler
On May 6, 1856 one of the world's most influential theorist was born, Sigmund Freud. During his
childhood and adolescence years, his scholastic performance stood out. He graduated high school
with honors, and set out to study medicine at Vienna University. While studying medicine, he was
introduced to Ernest Von Bruke, who worked at the university as a physiology professor . Bruke
assisted Freud in obtaining a grant to study with a psychiatrist, by the name of Jean Martin Charcot.
In 1881 Sigmund Freud finally earned his doctoral degree in medicine. In 1902, Freud began
working as a professor at his alma mater, Vienna University. In 1906 Freud worked alongside other
theorists to form the Psychoanalytic Society. Along with ... Show more content on
His development of the General Systems Theory was due to him believing human experiences,
along with social and scientific problems could be thought of, in terms of systems. According to
Francis Turner in the 4th edition of Social Work Treatment, Bertalanffy 's goal was to achieve a
common perspective and clear view of the world as a great organization , where all disciplines could
be understood in their place (Turner, 1996, p.604). During his professional career Von Bertalanffy
worked in Vienna, London, Canada and the USA, as a professor at local universities (Ludwig Von
Bertalantffy," n.d.). His life came to an end at the age of 70, in June 1972 in New York (Turner,
1996, p.604).
Tenants of Psychodynamic and Systems Theory
Systems theory was proposed in the 1940s by the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy (General
Systems Theory, 1968). Systems theory describes human behavior in terms of complex systems. It is
premised on the idea that an effective system is based on individual needs, rewards, expectations,
and attributes of the people living in the system. According to this theory, families, couples, and
organizations' members are directly involved in resolving a problem even if it is an individual issue.
System theories emphasizes reciprocal relationships between the elements that constitute a whole.
These concepts also emphasize the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, or
communities and mutually influencing
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Improving Readmissions: A Case Study
The key to decreasing readmissions, reducing risks, and improving the discharge planning process is
through a good system design, which takes into consideration all the components to this complex
issue. Therefore, in order to produce an effective intervention, hospital systems must fully
comprehend the key concepts in general system theory; thereby, analyzing the involved systems so
that the issues can be improved upon (O'Brien–Pallas, Meyer, Hayes, & Wang, 2011). Paying close
attention to the arrangement of and connections among the parts in how they function collectively as
a whole is the core of systems theory, which is also considered a holistic approach (Ansari, 2004).
The way the parts are organized and how they interact with each ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, outputs are then distributed into the environment (Ansari, 2004; Longest & Darr, 2014;
Middaugh, 2009; Walonick, 1993). Outputs in this systems theory model include patient outcomes
such as patients being discharged from the hospital with correct prescription bottles in hand,
adequate and comprehensive patient medication education in addition to easy to read
handouts/materials, pharmacy contact numbers for questions; therefore, providing a method that is
efficient, safe, viable and customer service driven in order to ameliorate readmissions (system
outcomes). The fourth components in the systems theory model are called feedback loops, which is
a valuable element of open systems theory (Ansari, 2004; Longest & Darr, 2014). Feedbacks are the
methods for which information is collected in response to the outputs in connection with the inputs
(Longest & Darr, 2014). There are two types of feedback: positive and negative. A negative
feedback loop denotes an issue that should be revisited and revised. For example, the failure to
clearly communicate the importance of medication adherence at discharge and provide appropriate,
easy to understand materials to the high risk patient results in readmission before 30 days, which
indicates the need to revisit the Meds–to–Beds model to determine the
... Get more on ...
Essay on The History and Future of Cyborgs
In the latter half of the twentieth century society, culture and science evolved visions and capability
around the common prefix 'cyber'. It took on several virtual, computational, functional, scientific,
sexual and criminal connotations. In the 21st Century, many computational notions have been
replaced by 'e' to mean 'of computer' – however 'cyber', represented in music, words and films
emerging at this time, which communicate the content of culture at the time, not simply technology
– have not become ePeople, eMusic or eFilms, but remained postulated in cyberculture.
Cark (2004) identifies Manfred Clynes and co–author Nathan Kline as first coining the phrase
"Cyborg" in a story called "Cyborgs and Space" published in Astronautics ... Show more content on ...
Thousands of people (experts and non) have updated, moderated and discussed changes to the entry
since it first appeared on the site on 18th October, 2001, demonstrating continuing social negotiation
and interpretation of the concept.
Also in Wikipedia is reference to the cybernetic scientist Professor Kevin Warwick, one of many
involved evolving 'cybernetic' research. Warwick received an biotechnological implanted chip in
2002. It was placed is arm, through the skin, allowing him to send data from nerve impulses to a
computer by connecting a data cable.
To elaborate the Cyborg discussion around limits requires it to be placed inside wider, existing
discussion. There are two fundamental perspectives to the debate. The Bioconservatists (social,
eithical, cultural, economic) and the Transhumanists (biological science, technology). With very
different worldviews.
Condorcet (1979) wrote "man will not become immortal, but cannot the span constant increase
between the moment he begins to live and the time when naturally, without illness or accident, he
finds life a burden".
Bostrom (2003) suggested in order for humans to evolve, they need to explore the larger space of
possible modes of being that is currently inaccessible to them because of their biological limitations.
Science fiction offers a world–future redefined by technological evolution. Huxley (1932) describes
a dystopia where psychological conditioning,
... Get more on ...

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Essay About The Future Of Cyborgs

  • 1. Essay about The Future of Cyborgs The Future of Cyborgs Terminator and Bladerunner, portrayed cyborgs or cybernetic organisms as creatures of destruction. Are they really as horrible as the movies make them out to be? They can be more useful than perceived; it is necessary to first perfect the technology involved in creating and operating them. In this paper, I will describe how these cyborgs work and how they are portrayed in the movies. Furthermore, I will explain the helpful ways that they are expected to perform in the future. Cyborgs are a very complex creation of the future. The general concept is that they cannot be recognized as non–humans. Although it has a programmed mission, this unit thinks and reacts on its own. The understructure is made of a very ... Show more content on ... In the following scenes, you can see the complex design and circuitry of the cyborg. He is then blown into many pieces, but still his intact torso claws its way toward its target. Finally, he is destroyed by a metal stamp, which crushes him. This perseverance shows that cyborgs are very strong, nearly indestructible creations. In the movie Bladerunner, the cyborgs were less distinguishable from humans. The cyborgs in this movie were referred to as replicants. They represented a computer mind implanted into a human body. They were created to be slaves in the New World. They were designed to live only four years in length. This was all before there was an uprising and many of them escaped. Those who did not escape were kept under tight surveillance and lived out their four years. The others that escaped were hunted down by the bladerunners. The reason the replicants were such a threat is that their life span was only four years. They plundered and killed to try to get an extension on their life. They performed all this horrible actions in vain because there was no way to extend their life. When caught, they were retired, which was what their execution was called. The Replicants were extremely difficult to recognize. They had to be put through a series of tests and questions to determine if they were replicants. The key to recognition was in the eyes. As you can see by their portrayal in these two movies, cyborgs were evil creatures that were nearly ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Positive Feedback and Classroom Environment Essay Positive Feedback and Classroom Environment Student work is typically met by teacher feedback on a number of important items, including his or her achievement, progress, and skills. How that feedback is structured and delivered is a matter for debate among educators. The method and type of feedback teachers use in response to appropriate or inappropriate student behavior shapes the classroom environment (Conroy, Sutherland, Snyder, Al–Hendawi, & Vo, 2009). A potential role for administrators is to prescribe and model effective feedback for teacher use within the classroom. This administrative role broaches an important question: What constitutes effective feedback? For each student, teachers actively make a choice between delivering ... Show more content on ... al., 2010). Effective praise has as much to do with systematic planning as it does with teacher willingness to engage students in positive discourse. When teachers see a desired behavior exhibited in the classroom, positive attention must be directed toward it, but the comments must be made with effort and process in mind rather than overall achievement (Conroy et. al., 2009). Teachers must use praise to influence students to continue displaying specific social or academic behaviors, but teachers should initiate praise themselves rather than respond to students' requests (Conroy et. al., 2009). In this way teachers may develop intrinsic motivation in students to learn following recognition for mastery of classroom tasks (Conroy et. al., 2009). The use of praise can differ, depending on the student, and the results of praise use may differ in consideration of how praise is used. Many teachers have found that when praise is used often instructional time increases dramatically along with student feelings of worthiness and competency (Stormont & Reinke, 2009). On the other hand, some believe that introspection spurred by praise may lead to student attention on personal development rather than in the context of the task giving way to decreased motivation (Lipnevich & Smith, 2009). It is for this reason credence must be given ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Family Therapy Paper In family therapy to address what makes it hard for a family to handle their problems, one has to know and comprehend what makes families clash using models that focus on family therapy. One of the processes used is called Cybernetics which is the study of how feedback is used to stabilize mechanical systems. This model shows when a family functions through family rules and negative feedback how it will impact their response to the situation if it's something they do not agree with and what can be done to try something different to yield a more positive outcome. The purpose of systems therapy is for each member to gain insight into each other's role as it relates to the levelheaded functional family as a whole, as the system helps to identify ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Signal Input Is The Raw Material Imported Into A System... Signal Inputs and Maintenance Signal input is the raw material imported into a system for conversion. In this system, the child being placed in a TFC home is the signal input. The child sets off the signal in the agency that it needs to begin to fulfill its purpose (i.e., to meet the medical and mental health needs of the child). In order to ensure the child's optimal functioning and well–being while within the foster care home, the TFC agency offers elements such as required monthly medical training and workshop hours. This is the maintenance input, the resources required within a system to attain goals. Cybernetics Cybernetics shows the self–regulation of the system. It is the "theory of control of mechanisms in technology and nature and founded on the concepts of information and feedback" (Bertalanaffy, 1969, p. 17). Cybernetics is highly dependent on feedback and information. Internally, the feedback would be considered closed and therefore information would only able to be decreased; while externally, information would be able to increase or decrease in order to become more or less organized, aiding in attaining is desired value or goal (Bertanalaffy, 1969, p.150). Internal communication Within a TFC agency, internal communication could consist of the caretakers or administrators who run the agency, who try to control how things are done. Internally, inside this "system," they have a system of doing things; that is, there are rules and regulations that are followed, ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Science Of Purposeful Behavior Cybernetics has been called "the science of purposeful behavior" (Dooley, 1985, as cited by Anchin, 2003); and can apply to any system. Cybernetics began as a way to self–regulate systems and grew into the science of control by feedback, applicable to any system. Case conceptualization is a skill that therapists utilize to synthesize collected data. These two concepts can aid the family therapist in ushering in changes in client well–being. All cybernetic systems are teleological; they exist to achieve a specific purpose or fulfill a specific agenda. The system is comprised of interdependent subsystems, that collectively influence each other and function towards the system goal. The system self–evaluates this progress, communicates the results to itself (feedback), autonomously self– corrects as needed, and feeds back into itself, to begin the process anew. System theory examines the components of the system, whereas cybernetics examines how the system functions (Anchin, 2003). The collaboration of these two ideas provides a conceptual framework applicable to any system–physical, social, and health sciences, business, engineering, economics, and so forth. The goal in most family systems is homeostasis, or stability (Nichols, 2013), and stability is achieved with cybernetics, using the process of self–regulation achieved through feedback. Feedback loops are a hallmark of cybernetics; they are the primary mechanisms to regulate goal attainment. In addition to information of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Im It Governance and Decision Rights IM/IT GOVERNANCE DECISION RIGHTS Sheetara Brown Strayer University Abstract IM/IT governance and decision rights consist of helping the organization make a wise business decision more accurately and in a timelier manner. IM/IT operations help expand information technology to be used effectively that helps support the strategic priorities of the organization. In addition, high priorities are a result in strategic IM/IT planning. To address chapter 3 in a more detail explanation I will explain and discuss these following questions: Give five different examples of simple systems and include the input(s), conversion process, and output(s)? Ensure that there is some feedback between your examples. Why do closed ... Show more content on ... In addition, open systems perspective views an organization as an entity in which they take inputs from these environment which they transform them and release there outputs. Find examples of the use of cybernetic systems in healthcare, other than the examples provided. Cybernetic systems are systems set up to do different things, which are computer based systems where data is inputted to be performed. The difference between non cybernetic systems with healthcare and with is, non cybernetic systems are all manual work being done for example, all results and lab work on a patient is being writing up by nurse, doctor to test all results as for dealing with cybernetic systems in healthcare everything is computer base where your data can be submitted to the computer and it can break down lab reports, and other data the physician/doctor patients information concerning their health. Another example is the breakdown process of how the cybernetic process system works within the patient care. How the process work is the patient perform a history and physical examination and customizes orders from an evidence–based order set. Then the nurse sets not assign and customizes a clinical pathway and therapeutic goal which is figuring out a way of which is the best approach to figure out the best care for its patient, so pretty much finding the best care for its patients. Next the nurse will ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Unit 9 And Systems Theory And Social Construction Unit 9 Cybernetics and Social Construction Cybernetics/systems theory and social constructionism are "two closely related philosophical traditions that inform family therapy approaches" (Gehart, p. 37, 2014). They are the foundation to the various family therapy models used by Marriage and Family Therapist. All forms of family therapy, in one way or another has been influenced by one of these two theories. More traditional forms of therapy such as MRI, Milan and Bowen's intergenerational and psychoanalytic therapy have been influenced by cybernetics/systems theory. Newer therapies such as narrative, collaborative and solution–based therapies have been influenced by social constructionist theory (Gehart, 2014). Cybernetics Function of ... Show more content on ... 7–8, 2013). From this perspective, the therapist assumes the role of observer/ participant, creating interdependence between the observer and the observed; this is necessary to create the holistic perspective on which cybernetic/systems theory is built. The worldview of Marriage and Family Therapist centers on the notions of recursion reciprocity, and shared responsibility. Two entities "exists in the context of a relationship in which each influences the other and both are equally cause and effect of each other's behavior" (Becvar& Becvar, p. 8, 2013), this known as circular causality. Patterns form and I order to understand the problems and events of the relationship, MFT's need to look at what is going on rather than asking why it is happening. A MFT's " perspective is holistic, and our focus is on the processes – the context – that give meaning to issues and events instead of to the individuals, issues, or events in isolation" (Becvar& Becvar, p. 9, 2013). A MFT's focus is also on current events. They do not look to events of the past for the archetype of the source of the issue. Family systems theory is focused on the dynamics of the family that deal with the rolls of each family member, the balance of power, structures, communication patterns, and boundaries (Rothbaum, Rosen, Ujiie, & Uchida, 2002). Major Theorist In 1942, a mathematician named Norbert Wiener developed the concept of cybernetics during the beginning of World War ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Modern Family Therapy : Gregory Bateson 's Work With... Modern family therapy was seeded by Gregory Bateson's work with communication therapy. The Bateson Project members were particularly interested in communications systems. The application of cybernetics to communication, and the framework of general systems theory led his group to essentially begin family therapy. Communication was (and is) an easily detected gauge of interpersonal relationships; communication is relayed in all interpersonal transactions. It is, however, not always verbal. Furthermore, communication can be constructive or destructive. As Paul Watzlawick, a member of Bateson's camp determined: one cannot not communicate. The presence of indirect communication is crucial for therapists to recognize, analyze, and often, address. Family counseling, indeed, all counseling, involves emotional communication, and being cognizant of this hidden level of communication can often cut to the heart of presenting issues. Bateson stated in 1951 that all communication has two levels. These levels are the report function, and the command function (Nichols, 2013). A report is overt and implicit–it tells the listener some information; the second is covert, and implies some sort of action is expected to be taken. This second message is known as metacommunication; meaning it relays a message about a message. Further application of system theory to communication involved the idea that families are governed by family rules and maintained homeostasis within the family via positive ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Systems Theory SYSTEMS THEORY Summary RSP 1 SYSTEMS THEORY Three Distinct but Closely Interrelated Theoretical Legacies  Information theory: focuses on the reduction of uncertainty which is achieved by the acquisition of information .  Cybernetics: a science of communication concerned with the transmission and control of information; it examines the communication and manipulation of information in various systems .  General Systems Theory (GST): interested in systems in general; family systems theory is an extension of this branch . Definitions and Terms  Three Uses/Definitions:  General Systems Theory (GST) is used to explain the behavior of a variety of complex, organized systems.  GST is also a process of theory construction which ... Show more content on ...  Morphostatic feedback: refers to feedback which promotes maintenance of existing structure.  Positive: feedback used to promote change. 3  These types of feedback are also referred to as deviation–amplifying loops or variety loops.  Morphogenic feedback: refers to feedback which produces change in the system.
  • 34. Examples of Research Emerging from General Systems Theory  Marital and Family Interaction  Hess and Handel (1959): integrated GST and symbolic interactionism to examine the family as a system that socially constructs it's reality. They suggested that there are five essential processes of family interaction.  Comparison of family interaction patterns between "normal" and "schizophrenic" families (Mishler & Waxler, 1968).  Family Dysfunction: individual patterns of dysfunction are attributed to family interaction patterns.  Alcoholism: Steinglass and Wolin have integrated a family development and systems approach, suggesting that alcoholism influences families in stages which accounts for patterns of alcoholism in families.  Family violence: systemic explanations are controversial. This research suggests that the failure to leave an abusive situation is a form of positive feedback. Examples of Research (cont.)  Marital and Family Taxonomies  Olson's Circumplex model  Three dimensions create sixteen relationship types; the three dimensions are  Cohesion  Adaptability  Communication  ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Personal Philosophy of Nursing What got you here won't get you there Name Institution Date Abstract It is every person's wish to progress or, move from one point to another in life. Everybody loves being successful. However, there are a number of factors, which should be put into consideration in order to be successful. These are fundamental things that got you where you are, but will not get you to your destiny. On this note, this paper will discuss at length, the important factors that should be taken into account, so as to be successful. The paper will start by introducing the relevance of success, and later delve on what factors will get you there, and sum up by giving an overall view on the topic at ... Show more content on ... If you would like to live a happy and more so, successful life, it is vital that you learn to express gratitude wherever you go. In order to reach where you would like to be in life, everyone should concentrate on their goals and objectives. Through expressing gratitude, people can learn to show good deeds, and hence be able to receive the same goodness, in return. (Radwan, Msc.) Gratitude refers to the act of being thankful, noticing simple pleasures, counting every little blessing, and acknowledging every good done unto you. In other terms, it can be described as living life as if everything happening in it is a miracle, and being able to continuously acknowledge every much you receive. On the other hand, when people decide to concentrate a lot of energy on bad things in life, it will make them remain in the state of conflict. But by developing gratitude, it will allow someone to focus on positivity and the good things in life. It must be understood that this will allow an individual to always remain optimistic, and with enthusiasm much success can be achieved. In addition, the willingness to learn through failure can help to reach the desired destiny. Nearly everybody fears failing, because it has been associated with all sorts of negativity. Although an optimistic look on the other side of tripping or falling down in life can make someone to be successful in ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Criticism Of A Cyborg Manifesto In the latter half of the twentieth century society, culture and science evolved visions and capability around the common prefix 'cyber'. It took on several virtual, computational, functional, scientific, sexual and criminal connotations. In the 21st Century, many computational notions have been replaced by 'e' to mean 'of computer' – however 'cyber', represented in music, words and films emerging at this time, which communicate the content of culture at the time, not simply technology – have not become ePeople, eMusic or eFilms, but remained postulated in cyberculture. 'A Cyborg Manifesto' is an analysis of women and advanced technology in a postmodern world. Haraway uses various illustrations to focus on women's relation to the technologically ... Show more content on ... Cyborgs are a new segment that will change the landscape of marketing. Say goodbye to the old school "day in the digital life" persona. We're about to witness a complete shift in how advertisers can reach these augmented consumers. This is when people will always have a "digital billboard" in front of them or attached to them. This is when consumers will have so much information at their fingertips that brands will have no choice but to be fully transparent about everything they do. Of course, there's a certain institutional resistance to "cyborgism" as there is to most revolutionary shifts in society. Technophobics are predicting a world of constant distraction, greater rebellion due to information overload, cyber–hacking, and even WiFi radiation–based diseases because of "electromagnetic sensitivity." It's difficult to imagine technology as an extension of our bodies, of ourselves. We use technology, we exercise all of a piece of a technology's resources, and then we dispose of it and replace it with a new, and frequently more advanced, ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. My Understanding Aligns Best With Developmental Models Of... In terms of identifying a personal philosophy of change, I have found that my understanding aligns best with developmental models of change. Developmental models suggest that people move through stages of change as they grow. This understanding of change is especially useful in the supervisory relationship. It is likely that the supervisee has a limited skill set and likely lacks confidence in his/her ability, as he/she has only had limited experience in the beginning stages of change. As he/she progresses through the stages, however, the skill set grows and more confidence is gained, as explained by the developmental models. A large portion of the time, supervisees move through these stages of change with the help of their supervisor. It ... Show more content on ... With the likely already present anxiety related to being a beginning therapist, working through these issues may be more difficult. Therefore, it is important for the supervisor to be mindful of this and provide support to the supervisee as need be. It is also important for the supervisor to remember that the supervisee is likely still developing his/her own professional identity. The supervisee is a new clinician and likely has little confidence and a limited skill set. Due to this, there is importance in the supervisor being empathic. The supervisor should encourage the supervisee to use problem–solving skills to work through the change. The supervisor should continue to encourage the supervisee to problem solve on his/her own as much as possible to improve his/her skill set. That is, it is important to remember that the supervisee has likely already learned about what to do in difficult situations they will come across, so the supervisor should encourage the supervisee to resolve such issues on their own as much as they can. Then, the supervisor should work to normalize and validate the supervisee's experience. It is the supervisor's job to know what stage the supervisee is in, help him/her move through the stages by providing feedback that is in line with his/her current developmental level, and subsequently assist the supervisee in his/her own progression to the next stage so the ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Methodological Base Of Cybernetic Reasoning Much of the methodological base of cybernetic reasoning was developed during World War Two. Work conducted on three grand engineering projects, rockets, radar, and the atomic bomb – involved a cybernetic worldview. Norbert Wiener's advancements in radar and automated air defense were particularly influential. The 'black box' style of reasoning in cybernetics, which treated systems as defined by their inputs and outputs, came to prominence in other fields after the end of the Second World War. The founders of Simulmatics were elsewhere during World War Two. Ithiel Pool was not working on military defense projects. He, and many other Simulmatics affiliates, were instead working towards psychological defense of the homeland. Pool worked for the Experimental Division for the Study of War Time Communications, a secret research group working under the Department of War. Pool, and other communications theorists, most notably Harold Lasswell, was initially tasked with developing an automatic translator. When machine translation proved untenable, Pool and his colleagues moved on to other applications of the text analysis techniques they had developed for machine translation. The division developed quantitative content analysis techniques that could, using statistical reasoning, determine whether or not a domestic publication was serving as Nazi propaganda. Tracking the prevalence of symbols (words and phrases associated with subterfuge, insurgency, and Nazism), could, ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. `` A Cyborg Manifesto `` By Donna Haraway We invented machines to fulfill our necessities. As machines get smarter in the 21th century, we give machines more permissions and freedom to do more things for us. However, the new generations that are born with all the advanced technologies they needed don't quite understanding the use of machines as we are more relying on them. The machines are quickly expanding and replacing our brains and bodies even it is a simple task to do. But if we step back a little and think that we are the inventors of these modern machines. Are we scare of machines taking over our societies or is it just our fear and curiosity that tricked us? Well, we now cannot live without machines. Human and machine are bonded together tightly that we can't identify who we really are. We become cyborg which is a more accurate term to describe who we are now. The reading "A Cyborg Manifesto" by Donna Haraway points out that we are cyborgs. There is no difference between human and machine and this boundary has been breached. Cyborgs are a hybrid of machine and organism. They often appear in the science fiction. Haraway describes that machines are now doing most of our works while we just sit back and watch them doing what they suppose to do. It feels like the machines are becoming alive and we are the one that rarely doing anything. However, we are still on the top of the hierarchy no matter how machines will change our lives, we are still on the top of the food chain. But even so, we can't ignore that ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The, A Fusion Of Animal And Machine In You Are a Cyborg (Harl, Kunzru, 2013), Donna Haraway claims that humans are cyborgs; "a fusion of animal and machine". Not robots like artificial intelligence Ava in Ex Machina (Garland, 2015), but cybernetic organisms or information machines. Haraway's cyborg claim rests on a complex interaction between humans and technology and how this interaction is not co–existing with one another, but as humans and technology incorporating one another. The Dictionary of Sociology defines cyborg as a, "growing integration of human beings into mechanical systems" (2012). Following Haraway's claim, I am a cyborg when I use technology, and more specifically when I use the social media application Instagram. Instagram is a social networking application ... Show more content on ... On Instagram users scroll through a "home feed", refresh an "explore page", or "like" other user's pictures or videos. This user to user interaction on Instagram is not typical face to face communication because Instagram tracks when the interaction took place, what happened in the interaction, the time, the place, and so on and so forth. In this form of communication, it is not only the direct parties involved who experience the interaction, but a third party is gathering information based on the details of the interaction. As an Instagram user, I am a cybernetic organism, because I am associated with the vast network of profiles, companies, and advertising on Instagram and therefore subject to the gathering of information. Next, Instagram uses the detailed information on its users to create an "updated model of a changing situation– a synthesis of information collected, analyzed, evaluated and assembled" (Licklider & Taylor, 1968). Instagram takes in the information from its' users, analyzes it, and redistributes it back through the form of, for example, an "explore page". This means Instagram has created a feedback system based on what users like, comment or share with our friends. When I go on the "explore" page on Instagram it is not just random profiles, but a precise scientific algorithm based on the people I follow, posts I like, my geographical location, and more. As I change my interests or habits, Instagram has the ability ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Paradigmatic Shift Of System Theory Essay The paradigmatic shift of system theory is the evolution of systematic thinking which is made up of two systems; the simple cybernetics (first order) and cybernetics of cybernetics (second order). The first system of the cybernetics also known as the simple cybernetics is the level in which we view lives from a perspective in which we observe from a different aspect of the outside view. I feel as though when it comes to the first order cybernetics, everything such as the personal view becomes irrelevant to the situation because our focus is on describing what is happening from a different pattern. As for the second order also known the cybernetics of cybernetics transform our view where we are no longer viewing from the outside looking in. In the system, we are now observing the situation from a standpoint which we are involved. In the book, I have acknowledged that it is best to view things that I can observe from the outside looking in and also being and participate in a situation which set my viewpoint than how others view certain situations. In my opinion, in most cases as humans, individuals go through different phases in their lives to learn, and to experience a different perspective when it comes, a prospect of our lives. When the book talks about the system theory/cybernetics it is a little frustrating to comprehend from my understanding and how to connect the theory to a real life situation. As I continue to read I'm trying to think how I would connect the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Systems Theory Paper Week Four: Systems Theory Paper Nisselly Rossell, Keri Welborn, Christie Alston, Kristy Monroe, Jennifer Bourne, Melanie Hines BSHS/312 Models of Helping People Systems Theory Paper "Those who study systems theory tends to view any system as the result of a dynamic interrelationship between its component parts and its whole. They view the parts as mutually determinate with the whole. Social workers utilizing systems theory view societies and social groups as dynamic systems. They are concerned with bettering the conditions of the individuals who make up such systems." (Flamand, 2010) Systems theory is used by many social workers. This theory helps social workers understand how the surroundings of the client's environment ... Show more content on ... Ivan Boszormenyi–Nagy is also a contributor to this therapy (Parrott, III, 2003). This theory is based on helping maintain a positive family structure and to prevent further emotional damage to the children or any other person in the family. There are several things that can be done in order for the help families work through a traumatic experience. When you are counseling a person that has been subjected to a family prone to alcoholism this child tends to show different ways of functioning and you have to take that into consideration as to how to proceed. Family therapy is often encouraged when you are trying to repair a family that has gone through a crisis because this can show them that they can work together as a team to get past the issue. In most other therapies, the counseling session has two individuals present, the counselor and the client. According to (2004–2008), "family systems therapy is based on the idea that individuals are best understood through assessing the entire family" (para. 1). This is where family therapy differs and can be challenging. There may be two family members in therapy, for example, in marriage or couples counseling. However, there may be multiple individuals, for example, a large family who needs family therapy. Either way, the relationship between the counselor and family members will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Soundcraft Vi4, the Digital Console Soundcraft Vi4 is a digital console by Soundcraft, which came out with the first mixing console in a flight case in 1973 where the music touring was started. The Vi series were being design as digital desk and are able to do both the touring, broadcast and installed sound scene. There are three main components in the Vi4 system which is a control surface, local rack and a stage box. Vi4 system stage box come with 48 mono inputs on and a total of 24 output busses that can be used for matrices, auxes, group or masters and all the 48 mono inputs are able to be linked and create stereo channel. Basically it functions as a stage box that located on the stage and able to send 48 mono channels from the back of the stage box to the back of the local rack just by using one standard fit CAT 5 cable with Amphenol RJF connectors. The maximum cable run using flexible reel–mounted Cat5 cable is 100m, but possible to get it run 130m with permanent installation Cat7 cable. Another optional connection is using Fiber Optic cable but the Fiber Optical interface card need to install separately. The Local rack place at the same place with control surface and inside it is 2 Digital Signal Processing engine – Studer Score Live technology, with only 2 DSP cards will be capable of 64 inputs with 40–bit floating–point digital processor and one or multiple D21m I/O frames. The D21m high density I/O system holds up all the inputs and outputs to produce ultra–low noise balance mic amp and sends it to ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. A Feedback Loop Is A Section Of A Control System Inside An... A feedback loop is a section of a control system inside an organisms body, that can self–correct to then change a section of the control system according to difference between the actual/desired set point. There are two types of feedback loops negative and positive, .They are both occur due to the Stimuli. However negative feedback loops operate differently then they do in a positive feedback loop. A negative feedback loop is used to suppress or discontinue the effect of a stimuli. A negative feedback loop occurs when the stimuli (change in the environment) is detected and a response occurs, to discontinue the Stimuli. For example the temperature of the human body increases above it's set ... Show more content on ... Biology book, class notes. Progesterone is a steroid hormone most commonly found in the female reproductive cycle. The following diagram represents three feedback loops for the menstrual cycle. The blue feedback loop shows two hormones, FSH and LH, secretion as to begin the growth of the follicle then the hormones work together to start the estrogen secretion the estrogen then has a negative feedback from FSH causing it to stop been desecrate. The red feedback loop shows, increased levels of estrogen occur midpoint in the cycle causing positive feedback to respond on the LH cells in the pituitary. As LH levels rise ovulation will occur. The purple feedback loop concludes after ovulation and shows the follicle cells transform into corpus luteum which secrets then builds up progesterone and estrogen levels forming the endometrial lining the hormones work together and a second negative feedback signal is sent to allow the release of FSH and LH. The corpus luteum then deteriorates dropping the production of estrogen and progesterone allowing menstruation to occur.–menstrual–cycle–feedback–loop/ The mammal that is equipped to live in dry water conditions (e.g. desert) is mammal 1. Mammal 1 shows the lowest excreation of water through evaporation, urine and faeces. It is ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Bowen Family Systems Theory This essay will present an overview of Systems Theory and how it is applied to Family and Couple's Counselling. This essay will describe the origin, development and establishment of the theory in the world of counselling. It will also be discussed what social and cultural context influence perceptions of couples and families and how they function. A case study will be presented to explain effect of the therapeutic focus of Bowen's approach using system theory. Family systems theory grew out of the fields of psychoanalysis and developmental psychology. There are several different types of family therapy, all emerging from family systems theory. Family systems theory explores relationships between family members, familial multigenerational behavioural ... Show more content on ... In Bowen's opinion in fusion people are constantly reacting to each other's behaviour. Their stress levels are always high. Hence Bowen found it essential for these families to adapt differentiation. Differentiation will allow people to make their own decisions and maintain individuality. These people can be still part of the family but can act as a separate entity. According to the Family Systems Theory emotionally fused families often create triangles in an attempt to balance the family homeostasis. What drives triangles is anxiety (Guerin, Fogarty, Fay & Kautto.1996), the essentials of family therapy, p.71. Having a triangle can be useful but can also create problems. Having a third person to diffuse tension, original problem may never be solved. E.g. a newly married woman complains to her sister about her husband to let her frustration/anger out. Her sister is the third part of the triangle. Because of her existence in that triangle, wife will never confront her husband about how his behaviour bothers her. The conflict will stay supressed. According to Bowen, triangles tend to repeat themselves across generations. When one member of a relationship triangle departs or dies, another person can be drawn into the same role ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Analysis Of The Cybernetic Company service. Also, the company will use the information system that it will have to organize and run major company operations like manufacture and the delivery of items. The company will also share information throughout all the departments and their operations through the systems by enabling the production department to access either the sales or client record from the marketing so that they can be able to produce goods according to the customer requirements and specification and also oversee the transportation and shipment to the client's destination. The conman ledger will also be accessible to the management so that they can monitor the progress of the business. It can be recommended that firm to use web tools to constitute and make prices ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, there is the issue of lack of data availability and data sharing whereby departments or users are unable to access the database system to retrieve files as well as share them to other department or external business consortiums. Lastly, there is the issue of program–data individuality whereby the data is not independent of the programs that are used to access them that they can be easily interfered with using these programs attached to them thus making them insecure. There are also limitations associated with cloud services. Internet Connection: failure to get access to the data with Internet connection issues. Low Bandwidth: Low bandwidth net makes problem for Cloud computing. Also it is expected poor quality performance with high bandwidth satellite connection caused by high latency. Security Issues: while with cloud computing data are secure but still IT consulting is needed to maintain complete security to avoid system becomes vulnerable to hackers and threats. Lack of full support: many venders and providers are not available on e–mail or phones and provide support thru FAQ and online community. III. Procedure for collection, storage, management, and update of data Collection of data is done through input by users' computers in the different stations like the production and distribution department, sales and marketing as well as accounting department. They will be able to access the ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. The Ethics Of The Human Body As the home to many deadly creatures, Australia could be considered the most venomous place on the planet. As a result it is also one of the world leaders in research into venom and anti–venom, leading the way towards a future in which venoms may be just as much of a 'friend' to humans as they are 'foe.' This gives rise to the statement 'venoms can be both friend and foe for humans,' which is presently supported by a vast wealth of scientific research and anecdotal evidence. This essay will investigate whether venoms truly can be regarded as 'both friend and foe,' through the examination of venom, its effects on homeostasis in the human body and the possible consequences and benefits that could arise from these effects. Homeostasis refers ... Show more content on ... The stimulus response model shown in Figure 1 gives a general sense of the interplay between these components, demonstrating the feedback loop employed in a standard homeostatic response. Figure 1 Homeostasis is typically achieved through the process of negative feedback, in which any deviation from the steady state is detected by the receptor, activating mechanisms that counteract the change. Positive feedback is another type of feedback, however it enhances the original stimulus rather than reducing it and can cause potentially damaging effects for the organism (Saladin, n.d.). Negative feedback is therefore the more common mechanism of feedback regulation.The endocrine system, for example, is particularly vital in homeostasis as it releases hormones that control the activity of the body's cells, and, through feedback regulation, is able to initiate a response that regulates the development and metabolism of most body systems and cells. Homeostasis can be altered by external influences such as nutrition, psychological health, physical health and toxins. Venoms contain toxins that affect homeostasis by targeting vital body systems, necessitating effective homeostatic regulation in order to stabilise the body's internal environment so as to avert the potential destruction of an entire system, which would shortly lead to death (Biozine, 2012). The stimulus response model ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. Systems Theory 1. Systems theory and the Ecological perspective As a social worker, one must understand the impact of systems in the environment. The interactions between the individual and their multiple systems give social workers a visual of how to interpret their consumer 's life. System theories is one way to try to interpret a consumer 's life to have somewhat of a general idea of how to help solve the problems they are facing. The easiest way to view system theories are by creating ecomaps. These maps give you a visual written in black and white to see the different systems that the individual interacts with. To understand this concept in the field, a social worker, must know what a system even is. "A ... Show more content on ... I of course have stressful situations and recieve negative input or output, but who doesnt? Feedback is extremely important for systems and is a type of input. A system can have either positive feedback (a system recieving info that what they are doing is correct) or negative feedback (influences the individual to make a change because it interupts homeostasis). Throughout most of my ecomap, I mostly have positive feedback but also have a few negative feedbacks. Systems tend to move from a simple form to a more complex form. This is known
  • 91. as differentiation. Life brings in new experiences, relationships, and situations everyday, so each day your life becomes more complex. One day, a subsystem can have a positive energy flow and then the very next a negative. It can change by a drop of a hat. "Entropy is the tendency of a system to progress toward disorganization, depletion, and death." (Zastrow, Kirst–Ashman p. 6) The saying "nothing lasts forever" could not be truer. People age over time and eventually will die. You as an individual are constantly aging and will perhaps leave your parents ' house and start your own family. With time your children will do the same, and so on and so forth. Equifinality is a very important concept to understand as well. This simply means that everyone in the world or in your systems always have an alternative path to ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Analyzing How Internal And External Forces Affect... Administrating a college is different from running a business firm. Driven by a clear profit generation goal, business administrators utilize management instruments to make rational decisions linearly. Contrastingly, college administrator will often encounter issues of shared governance, unclear mission, dynamic organizational culture, and loosely coupled structure, which make the decision making process challenging and time–consuming (Birnbaum, 1988). Due to the unique nature of college administration, Birnbaum suggests that college leaders should identify various organizational models that function in problem solving, and then respond to various dilemmas with sensible decision making (1988). In the book How Colleges Work, Birnbaum ... Show more content on ... Equality, cohesiveness, and democracy are three fundamental features for such academic setting. Equality lies in the decision making process: equal right is granted to each individual, who has equal power to influence the outcome. The outcome is achieved through consensus, an agreement advocated by most of the members. Equal governing status constructs the cohesiveness in the organization. Sharing advance degree of equivalent level and similar background, faculties interact intimately and frequently in small groups, fostering a unifying culture. The common goal of pursuing academic excellence bonds faculties together, which leads to a democratic, nonlinear hierarchy. Administrators of the collegial model are elected from the faculty, who will act as agents and share governance with the peers. Lacking professional managing experience, administrators are expected to conform to norms and exemplify the common value in leadership behavior. Birnbaum indicates that it is an ideal model for administrating academic institution, however, it can be less efficient in larger size institutions. The cohesiveness can be a blessing, and it also can be a curse. Environment Interaction Normed under a cohesive culture, the internal personnel management of the collegium is rather tightly coupled and stable. Administrators and ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Reflection Paper On Cybernetics For my group project it involved playing board games. The members of my group were Ben, Jessica, Sarena and Victoria. The games that were played include Sheriff of Nottingham, imagine if, scattegories and 221 Bakers Street. For my personal experience I focused on the following concepts of cybernetics in relation to the board games that were played. These concepts include feedback, general systems theory, epistemological perspective and then the use of feedback again. First, throughout my experience of playing the board games with my group the main thing that I have noticed about myself is that I do not do well when it comes to the issue of feedback. In specifically, the concept of negative feedback as it should be called. This is based on when it comes to my understanding of what my group member's facial expressions are. This is because I have a really hard time with noticing facial expressions in general and what they could mean. These board games that were played mostly had to deal with figuring out what people's responses were going to be based off of questions that were being asked. For example, one game that I played that was called Sheriff of Nottingham involved my group members saying what was on their playing cards that were in their hands. My tasks was to figure out if they were telling the truth or not. This was hard because the playing cards that I thought they had and their facial expressions ended up not being connected at all even though I thought they were. ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Mankind's Fear of Artificial Intelligence Essay Mankind's Fear of Artificial Intelligence Fear is created not by the world around us, but in the mind, by what we think is going to happen. Why is it that in almost all of the movies starring cyborgs, the cyborgs are either inherently evil or the cause of trouble? We human beings seem to have a problem with the idea of a person enhanced with technology, or a robot enhanced with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Norbert Wiener, a mathematician, coined the term cybernetics . Although many of his idea's are still used today, Wiener himself began to second guess the value of his work. He wrote that while competition from machines during the first industrial revolution devalued the human arm, the modern industrial revolution "is similarily ... Show more content on ... The law does not consider Replicants human and therefore accords them no rights nor protection . The Replicants also have a fail–safe mechanism: a four year lifespan. Although not a cyborg, HAL 9000 of "2001: A Space Odyssey", fits into this category. HAL was programmed with Asimov's laws in mind. However, at some point these rules conflict with each other, and HAL violates all the laws by lying, and killing one of his human companions. The movie suggests that HAL was aware, especailly near the end, as HAL tries to convince Dave not to shut him down. "I feel much better now, I really do," HAL reasons. "The Matrix" is the most recent humans–triumph–over–evil– machines movie, with an interesting twist. In "The Matrix", humans create AI and it turns on them, using humanity as a power source . However, the cyborgs are not the machines, but the humans. The humans are able to download information into their brain, like a computer can download files off the Internet. Overall, we as a society still have a certain amount of wariness when it comes to cyborgs. What people don't seem to realize is that cyborgs walk among us even now. Anyone with a prothsetic limb or artificial organ can be considered cyborg. Hopefully, over time, we will come to terms with this idea before science advances much further. I, for one, can wait for the day when my computer rebels. Bibliography: Webster's 21st Century Book of Quotations. Copyright © ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Monae's Metropolis Saga Monae's Metropolis Saga uses the cyborg as a metaphor for the oppressed, using cyborg bodies as a stand–in for black bodies and consequently drawing connections between the state of blackness and the state of being cyborg. Monae herself speaks of her decision to "choose an android because the android to [her] represents 'the other' in our society." (Kot 1) This is made specific to blackness when, in the Metropolis Saga, Cindi time travels to the 20th and 21st centuries and is reborn as Janelle Monae, becoming black rebels throughout history; accordingly, the line between cyborg ontology and black ontology is blurred as she jumps between the two. Monae, additionally, describes cyborgs as "neon slaves, electric savages," making clear ties between ... Show more content on ... If for Monae, black bodies are cyborg bodies, cyborg bodies have existed throughout history and cannot be situated solely in the future. Consequently, Metropolis as a city centered around Cindi's black cyborg body cannot be temporally alienated from history, and must reckon with it. More than that, though, Metropolis itself is not just a vision of the future but of the past, a transhistorical metaphor of oppression and liberation. This differs from traditional science fiction cyborg representations because for Haraway and many others, the cyborg exists within a future world. However, for Monae, the cyborg has always existed in the form of black bodies, and the science fiction world serves only to illuminate this. Accordingly, the transhistoricality is the only way that a cyborg can be raced and allows a raced cyborg to recognize and grapple with the dark history that birthed it–– for Cindi, this means time traveling to literally participate in, change, and solve her history. Perhaps this is best expressed by the name of Monae's upcoming album, presumably containing the last two suites of the Metropolis Saga, Dirty Computer. The computer is the android; however, the android retains its dirt, the dirt being the dark and dirty history of racializations and blackness–– her cyborg refuses to be pristine and reject that history, instead ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. Case Study : Strategic Family Therapy PSYU 556 Unit Three Mini Paper: Strategic Family Therapy Jay Haley was a pioneer in family therapy. Inspired by his work with the communication patterns of schizophrenic patients and their family environments, he was a disciple of no less than three of the most prominent figures in family therapy evolution: Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, and Salvador Minuchin. Haley, in his time, was wildly popular and innovative. Amazingly, he was not formally clinically credentialed (Nichols, 2013). Haley, alongside the equally influential Cloe Madanes, incorporated elements from Erickson's strategic therapy, Minuchin's structural therapy, Bateson's cybernetic theory, the MRI model of brief therapy, and Jackson's communication theory into a brand of ... Show more content on ... Hayley took this responsibility seriously and solemnly. He stated that in some cases, the client would not change until they had confidence in the therapist's commitment level and determination (Wylie, 2007). Change also involved constant evaluation of effectiveness, and course correction as needed. In keeping with the cybernetic element of family systems, this theory stated that attempted solutions are symptoms, and part of a recurrent feedback loop. Symptoms act as a homeostatic means of regulating family transactions. The way to disrupt and dispel a recursive feedback loop is to introduce a negative feedback loop, which would change the direction of the loop and could be introduced at any point along the loop. This is one of the main ideas of the theory; when a behavior changes logically, based on the rules of the system, this is known as a first–order change. Because family rules govern which solutions are applicable, a change in the family rules is required, or, as it is known, a second–order change (which will alter the entire system) (Standish, 2013). Therefore, to increase positive behaviors and decrease problematic behaviors, the therapist can make substitutes in current failing feedback loops. Strategic Family Therapists focus on changing the unproductive sequence of behaviors, therefore, the issue requires the involvement of others, and does not depend on the actions of a sole individual. ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. Midterm Ecology & Environmental Problems Marina Herbst 11/01/2016 SC 253–301 Midterm Ecology & Environmental Problems 1. (a) How might one best define ecology today? (b) Please define the term "environmental problem"? (c) Briefly describe the relationship between the science of ecology and our understanding of environmental problems? a) Ecology today can be defined as "the study of the interrelationships between living things and their environment". It is important to understand that when we say that ecology includes the "environment", we are talking about everything that is external to an organism, all the biotic and abiotic. Nowadays it also attempts to understand and explain the how and why of the origins and mechanisms of interactions. b) Environmental Problems could be defined as the problems of humans and their relationships with their environment. c) Ecology is the tool used to better understand the causes, effects, and potential mitigation of environmental problems. 2. (a) Define cybernetic; (b) define homeostasis, (c) define homeorhesis; (d) discuss the relationships between cybernetic systems and homeostasis/homeorhesis; (e) describe the significance of the cybernetic nature of ecological systems; (f) discuss the relationships between disturbance level and the establishment of reinforcing vs balancing feedback loops. a) Cybernetic is the ability of a system to regulate itself through feedback loops. Ecological systems are cybernetic systems given that they are self regulated or controlled ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Technology And Artificial Intelligence One of the fastest growing areas in human civilization is technology, specifically computing systems and engineering. A field in computer science known as artificial intelligence is becoming more advanced and is excelling as technology expands. Artificial intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, is the creation and application of a machine to mimic and execute functions as a human brain can. AI is run by long lines code that operates the functions of the machine and databases to store information. The modern concept of AI originates from philosophers that tried to explain the processes and function of the human brain. The modern idea of AI was formed during a research proposal in 1956 at Dartmouth College(Zhongzhi 2). Since then, many researchers have attempted to understand and further the development of artificial intelligence. As research progresses, the use of AI will expand to many industries and areas of life. There are many types of AI that are utilized in different fields. The most popular types of AI include androids, cyborgs(cybernetic organisms), biorobots, and animatronics. Androids are robots designed to look like humans and to carry out actions like a human being. While androids are not too common in real life, they are often seen in many science fiction films and television series such as "Star Trek." Cyborgs are organisms that are enhanced or restored using integration of artificial components. Cyborgs are composed of organic and biomechanical body parts. ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. Interactivity In Art Essay Interactivity In Art Abstract: This essay examines the nature of interactivity in the arts through a cybernetic model, to arrive at an understanding of how interactive artworks can maintain and augment the subjectivity of the viewer. The cybernetic discourse foregrounds the relationship between the physical artifact (machine and/or work of art), the participant/spectator, and information/data/content. By examining the shifts in focus from each part of the cybernetic equation, several models for interactivity in art emerge. In a search for a definitive and user–centered working model of interactivity in the arts, a logical place to look is at the history of cybernetics. Cybernetics, defined by Norbert Wiener in ... Show more content on ... My object in writing is to examine interactivity in art from a local, personal point of view as an artist involved in the design and production of interactive immersive virtual environments, and to subsequently seek the construction, through historical and philosophical bricollage, of a model for the conceptualization and actualization of consequent works of art. To this end, my attention will finally turn to an evolving collaborative project that is constructing a low–budget, user–centered model for the creation of an immersive virtual environment/augmented reality called "The Dance of the Body w/o Organs". According to the discourse surrounding interactive art, the art object is no longer static, no longer an object of contemplation, but a dynamic, responsive engine able to tailor its construction and outcome to the unique dataset of choices for each individual that enters its input field. Often in my experience of interactive artworks, my physical action or signifying; that is, pushing a button, triggering a sensor, etc; seems only related to the consequence or signification of my action in a purely literal way, that is, push button, something occurs. Frequently I wonder what, on a less obvious level, is the relationship between the trigger and the triggered? What if the ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Machines Overcoming Humans As one would begin to think, about how much technology we humans use daily, they realize just how much we are in need of it. As people, look back in time over the generations to where we no technology to whereas now almost everything you come across you can find on the internet or on a system. When reading "The Machine Stops," it shows the reader just how naïve people are to how much technology they use. People are so use to just having it that they do not even think about how much it consumes their lives. As I have learned, in the past couple of months just how much we humans are as a cyborg, made me just as gullible as people are to how much technology consumes our lives. When first thinking about the concept of us humans are as cybernetic organisms I was skeptical about the concept and did not believe we were as cybernetic organisms. As looking to see what a cybernetic organism is, I found they are a human who has certain biological developments assisted or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices. When learning that was the meaning I began to think us humans are as cybernetic organisms. My first reading on the thoughts of cyborg, was "You Are Cyborg," written by Hari Kunzru, writing to Donna Haraway who does believe we humans are cyborgs. As one reads "You Are Cyborg," who sees that Donna Haraway, is not saying that we humans are physically cyborgs that are all mechanically made but that we are consumed by technology making us cybernetic organisms. This concept ... Get more on ...
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  • 131. Analysis Of Emily Dickinson's My Life Had Stood-A Loaded Gun In Emily Dickinson, "My Life had stood – A Loaded gun", we as the reader see how a female protagonist stand's up for herself in defense of the male antagonist. However, in two contrasting literary theory's we see a difference of opinion. The first literary theory is by Sarah Ahmed and the theory is displayed in her writing called, Living a Feminist Life. Throughout her work she displays the importance for feminism in todays world and how one should separate themselves if necessary. The second work that we have is by Donna Haraway called A Cyborg Manifesto, the main idea throughout the work is contrasting with Ahmed in the importance for unification. The unification the Haraway uses is by explaining cyborgs and how humans would react with them, but more importantly how unification of humans and machines effects us. Throughout the essay Haraway and Ahmed's theory's will be explained and the differences shown. In Dickinson's novel the first stanza shows how the woman is being passed by without having any voice, it specifically states, "My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun – In Corners – till a Day The Owner passed – identified –And carried Me away". In the first stanza it is clear how the woman is referring to herself as a gun that is of no use to her "owner". The owner is presumably a man and has minimal use for her as someone would for a gun. With that being said a gun is a weapon built with an immense power and it is ofter overlooked how powerful it is. The same goes for ... Get more on ...
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  • 135. Economics And Complex Systems Of The United States Throughout the better part of previous decade, housing prices in the United States, especially in and around metropolitan areas and high population growth areas (such as the Southwest) saw an unprecedented rise in housing prices . In 2007, many of the financial instruments which were used to back the purchase of these properties, such as subprime and Alt–A mortgages, as well as Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs), suffered a sudden and massive downturn . In hindsight, it is accepted by a wide range of economists and analysts that the huge upswing in prices and the ensuing downturn comprised a housing market bubble . Bubbles are often studied from the perspective of behavioral economics and complex systems . Many diverse economic agents, all facing the same information regarding rapid housing prices growth, can generate "irrational exuberance" within markets, leading to huge upswings in prices. Similarly, when the same economic agents begin to hear new information about the unsustainability of such a bubble, an opposing feedback loop is created. When the effect of one feedback loop begins to dominate another, we stand at the precipice of a crash . This highlights the role played by uncertainty– agents are imperfectly informed, as the only information many of these investors see is a rise in prices, driving investment. There is no information available, however, regarding the size, depth or even the possibility of an ensuing downturn. When such a downturn happens (and ... Get more on ...
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  • 139. General Systems Theory: Schizophrenia This assignment uses the case study set out in Appendix A as its foundation. The case study presents a 38 year–old man, Robert, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22. Robert and his parents are participating in a family therapy session. The essay explores the challenges and opportunities Robert faces in the context of the family, from a general systems theory (GST) perspective. The scope of this assignment gives room to focus on a limited number of GST concepts. It focuses on Von Bertalanffy's concepts of the active system, boundaries and differentiation. Each of the concepts is explored in terms of the challenges and opportunities that they bring to the patient and to the family system. 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND The multidisciplinary theory of general systems was developed by biologist Von Bertalanffy in a response to his frustration with the conventional thinking of the time, namely that growth and ... Show more content on ... The system is composed of a core triad (Robert, his mother and his father), and a related system (the brother and his family). It involves the relationship between Robert and each of his parents individually, as well as Robert and the mother–father subsystem. Because Robert's brother does not live nearby, his family operates as a separate, yet connected, system which only infrequently interacts with the core triad. This infrequent contact disrupts the equilibrium that has been established within the core triad. This increases levels of tension within the system. The family therapist's goal is to increase the functionality of the dysfunctional family system. Simply put, the desired outcome is for a more functional family system by reducing the systems tension. The family therapy approach therefore aims to change the patterns of behaviour fostered by the family that have repeatedly negative outcomes. This represents the challenge as well as the opportunity faced not only by the therapist, but also by Robert and his ... Get more on ...
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  • 143. Managing Health Service Organization Ch. 10 10 Controll ing and Allocating Resources Control is typically last in the list of management functions and follows planmng, organi7ing, staffing, and directing. In many ways, controlling is the most important, but it cannot occur until the results of the first four have been implemented. Managers control to ensure that the expected results actually occur after a structure or task is integrated with technology or people. Control depends on information conveyed to managers who continuously monitor sensors to ensure that ind1 1dual work results are effective and desirable and that organization objective are accomplished within resource con traints. The management model in Figure 5.8 reflects these relationships. Control allows managers ... Show more content on ... Result... inconsistent ith expectations or standards cause intervention and change. '' h1ch can occur at enher the input point [A] or process point [B] or both. OUTPUT CONTROL Feedback control is the best–known type of output control.' It 1s retrospectiC and measures the quantitative and qualitative output of indi' 1duab. departments. and orgamzat1ons. Whether measured qualitatively or quantitatively, output or results are U'>uall~ expre. sed numerically. Job perfonnance is a type of individual measure. Quantitati e department measures include the numbers or units of outputs such as laboratory tests perfonned. radiographs taken. surgical procedures done, meals served, patients admitted. medication orders filled. and pounds of laundry processed. Qualitative department measures can include accuracy. timeliness, and customer satisfaction. Organizationwide quantitative measures can include average length of stay (ALOS), occupancy rate, market share, and financial integrity. Qualitative measures include quality of care, range of services, and stakeholder satisfaction. Output standards and expectation are derived from, and reflect, unit and departmental subobjectives and Oerall organization objectives. PROCESS CONTROL Converting inputs into outputs requires processes. The quality of outputs is detennined by the effectiveness of processes that produce them and the amount and appropriateness of inputs. Usually, controlling directs attention at outputs ... Get more on ...
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  • 147. Carl Jung And Alfred Adler On May 6, 1856 one of the world's most influential theorist was born, Sigmund Freud. During his childhood and adolescence years, his scholastic performance stood out. He graduated high school with honors, and set out to study medicine at Vienna University. While studying medicine, he was introduced to Ernest Von Bruke, who worked at the university as a physiology professor . Bruke assisted Freud in obtaining a grant to study with a psychiatrist, by the name of Jean Martin Charcot. In 1881 Sigmund Freud finally earned his doctoral degree in medicine. In 1902, Freud began working as a professor at his alma mater, Vienna University. In 1906 Freud worked alongside other theorists to form the Psychoanalytic Society. Along with ... Show more content on ... His development of the General Systems Theory was due to him believing human experiences, along with social and scientific problems could be thought of, in terms of systems. According to Francis Turner in the 4th edition of Social Work Treatment, Bertalanffy 's goal was to achieve a common perspective and clear view of the world as a great organization , where all disciplines could be understood in their place (Turner, 1996, p.604). During his professional career Von Bertalanffy worked in Vienna, London, Canada and the USA, as a professor at local universities (Ludwig Von Bertalantffy," n.d.). His life came to an end at the age of 70, in June 1972 in New York (Turner, 1996, p.604). Tenants of Psychodynamic and Systems Theory Systems theory was proposed in the 1940s by the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy (General Systems Theory, 1968). Systems theory describes human behavior in terms of complex systems. It is premised on the idea that an effective system is based on individual needs, rewards, expectations, and attributes of the people living in the system. According to this theory, families, couples, and organizations' members are directly involved in resolving a problem even if it is an individual issue. System theories emphasizes reciprocal relationships between the elements that constitute a whole. These concepts also emphasize the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, or communities and mutually influencing ... Get more on ...
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  • 151. Improving Readmissions: A Case Study The key to decreasing readmissions, reducing risks, and improving the discharge planning process is through a good system design, which takes into consideration all the components to this complex issue. Therefore, in order to produce an effective intervention, hospital systems must fully comprehend the key concepts in general system theory; thereby, analyzing the involved systems so that the issues can be improved upon (O'Brien–Pallas, Meyer, Hayes, & Wang, 2011). Paying close attention to the arrangement of and connections among the parts in how they function collectively as a whole is the core of systems theory, which is also considered a holistic approach (Ansari, 2004). The way the parts are organized and how they interact with each ... Show more content on ... Moreover, outputs are then distributed into the environment (Ansari, 2004; Longest & Darr, 2014; Middaugh, 2009; Walonick, 1993). Outputs in this systems theory model include patient outcomes such as patients being discharged from the hospital with correct prescription bottles in hand, adequate and comprehensive patient medication education in addition to easy to read handouts/materials, pharmacy contact numbers for questions; therefore, providing a method that is efficient, safe, viable and customer service driven in order to ameliorate readmissions (system outcomes). The fourth components in the systems theory model are called feedback loops, which is a valuable element of open systems theory (Ansari, 2004; Longest & Darr, 2014). Feedbacks are the methods for which information is collected in response to the outputs in connection with the inputs (Longest & Darr, 2014). There are two types of feedback: positive and negative. A negative feedback loop denotes an issue that should be revisited and revised. For example, the failure to clearly communicate the importance of medication adherence at discharge and provide appropriate, easy to understand materials to the high risk patient results in readmission before 30 days, which indicates the need to revisit the Meds–to–Beds model to determine the ... Get more on ...
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  • 155. Essay on The History and Future of Cyborgs In the latter half of the twentieth century society, culture and science evolved visions and capability around the common prefix 'cyber'. It took on several virtual, computational, functional, scientific, sexual and criminal connotations. In the 21st Century, many computational notions have been replaced by 'e' to mean 'of computer' – however 'cyber', represented in music, words and films emerging at this time, which communicate the content of culture at the time, not simply technology – have not become ePeople, eMusic or eFilms, but remained postulated in cyberculture. Cark (2004) identifies Manfred Clynes and co–author Nathan Kline as first coining the phrase "Cyborg" in a story called "Cyborgs and Space" published in Astronautics ... Show more content on ... Thousands of people (experts and non) have updated, moderated and discussed changes to the entry since it first appeared on the site on 18th October, 2001, demonstrating continuing social negotiation and interpretation of the concept. Also in Wikipedia is reference to the cybernetic scientist Professor Kevin Warwick, one of many involved evolving 'cybernetic' research. Warwick received an biotechnological implanted chip in 2002. It was placed is arm, through the skin, allowing him to send data from nerve impulses to a computer by connecting a data cable. To elaborate the Cyborg discussion around limits requires it to be placed inside wider, existing discussion. There are two fundamental perspectives to the debate. The Bioconservatists (social, eithical, cultural, economic) and the Transhumanists (biological science, technology). With very different worldviews. Condorcet (1979) wrote "man will not become immortal, but cannot the span constant increase between the moment he begins to live and the time when naturally, without illness or accident, he finds life a burden". Bostrom (2003) suggested in order for humans to evolve, they need to explore the larger space of possible modes of being that is currently inaccessible to them because of their biological limitations. Science fiction offers a world–future redefined by technological evolution. Huxley (1932) describes a dystopia where psychological conditioning, ... Get more on ...