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Erlang for Data Ops

                a db-centric design with Erlang

Warning: trendy people may be offended... (contains refs to relational databases, perl)

●   multiple relational dbs   why Erlang?
●   feed processing           ●   read the book(s), saw the
                                  movie, been to meetups
●   multiple locations
                              ●   good for concurrency,
●   multiple schemas              services, scalability, etc.
●   automated                 ●   can't stand middleware
●   soft realtime                 (esp. java “frameworks”)
●   interoperable
●   extensible
●   good old-fashioned
    relational modelling
●   model escapes the
●   Erlang as 'glue'
    (erl is perl for systems)
●   Erlang thin-clients enforce
    and maintain the model
●   global state resides in a
    traditional database (logic)
                                   controlling db schema snippet
●   ACID is good – eventual
    consistency across sites
    Hub discovers / allocates work

    Agents do feed processing

    Agents submit messages to hub

    Relational-friendly message fmt

    Messages routed via rabbitmq

    Each site has its own mailbox

    Erl consumer applies operations


  http for synchronous
  amqp for asynchronous

  agents, hubs and consumers
  have types...
message format
"t":[                                                              single transaction
        {    "d":{"virtualdb1":"tracking data"},
                   {"company":"6678928"}              Transactions such as these
             ],                                       are packaged in amqp
             "z":null                                 messages with appropriate
                                                      routing keys
        {    "d":{"virtualdb1":"tracking data"},
                   {"company":"6678928"},                          key part
                   {"location":"LONDON"},                           payload
             ]                                        Each element of this transaction is
        }                                             declarative i.e. a logical assertion
]                                                     ... we use UPSERTs

transaction items item
target attpairs attpair
pair key value bytearray bytes byte.

Terminals ':' atom string integer '[' ']' '{' '}' ','.
                                                            for yecc (LALR-1 Parser Generator)
% Test this code with: f(File), f(Scan), f(Status), {ok,
File} = file:read_file("new-format.json"),
c(json_to_erl), {ok,Scan,Status} =
erl_scan:string(binary_to_list(File)),                      key -> string : unwrap('$1').
json_to_erl:parse(Scan).                                    value -> atom : unwrap('$1').
                                                            value -> string : unwrap('$1').
Rootsymbol transaction.                                     value -> integer : unwrap('$1').

transaction -> key ':' '[' items ']' : pack('$1','$4').     bytearray -> '[' ']' : [].
                                                            bytearray -> '[' bytes ']' : '$2'.
items -> item : ['$1'].                                     bytes -> byte : ['$1'].
items -> item ',' items : ['$1'|'$3'].                      bytes -> byte ',' bytes : ['$1'|'$3'].
                                                            byte -> integer : unwrap('$1').
item -> '{' target ',' target ',' target ',' target '}' :
pack(item,['$2','$4','$6','$8']).                           Erlang code.

target -> key ':' '{' pair '}' : pack('$1','$4').           unwrap({_,_,V}) when is_integer(V) -> V;
target -> key ':' atom : pack('$1',null).                   unwrap({_,_,V}) when is_list(V) -> V;
target -> key ':' '[' ']' : pack('$1',null).                unwrap({_,_,V}) -> V.
target -> key ':' '[' attpairs ']' : pack('$1','$4').
                                                            pack(Key,List) when Key == "t" -> {transaction,List};
attpairs -> attpair : ['$1'].                               pack(item,List) -> {item,List};
attpairs -> attpair ',' attpairs : ['$1'|'$3'].             pack(Key,Tuple) when Key == "d" -> {dbvar,Tuple};
attpair -> '{' pair '}': '$2'.                              pack(Key,Tuple) when Key == "r" -> {relvar,Tuple};
                                                            pack(Key,List) when Key == "k" -> {key,List};
pair -> key ':' bytearray : {'$1', '$3'}.                   pack(Key,List) when Key == "z" -> {relation,List};
pair -> key ':' value : {'$1', '$3'}.                       pack(Key,List) -> {Key,List}.
sql from our json
erl_to_sql({transaction, Items}) ->                        dict_to_sql(Dict) ->
   items_to_sql(Items).                                       {Targetdb, Dbver} = read_from_dict(Dict, dbvar),
                                                              {Targetsch, Targetrel} = read_from_dict(Dict, relvar),
items_to_sql(Items) ->                                        case read_from_dict(Dict, key) of
                                                                {Sk, Sv} -> Keydefs = [Sk], Keyvals = [Sv];
   items_to_sql([], Items).                                     [{Sk, Sv}] -> Keydefs = [Sk], Keyvals = [Sv];
                                                                [] -> Keydefs = ["null"], Keyvals = ["null"];
items_to_sql(Statements, []) -> lists:reverse(Statements);      null -> Keydefs = ["null"], Keyvals = ["null"];
items_to_sql(Statements, [H | T]) ->                            List -> {Keydefs, Keyvals} = split_keydefs_keyvals(List)
   {item, Fields} = H,                                        end,
   Sql = sql_from_item(Fields),                               case read_from_dict(Dict, relation) of
                                                                % empty relation means DELETE
   items_to_sql([Sql|Statements], T).
                                                                null ->
                                                                    {Targetdb, lists:concat(
% storing all elements into a dict                                      ["DELETE FROM "] ++ [Targetsch] ++ ["."] ++ [Targetrel] ++
%      so that their order is not important                             [" WHERE "] ++ where_clause(Keydefs,Keyvals) ++ [";"]
% ----------------------------------------------------              )};
sql_from_item(Fields) ->                                        % emtpy key means INSERT
   Dict = dict:new(),                                           Tuples when Keyvals == ["null"] ->
                                                                    {Keys, Values} = split_pairs(Tuples),
   sql_from_item(Dict, Fields).                                     {Targetdb, "INSERT INTO " ++ Targetsch ++ "." ++ Targetrel ++ "
                                                           " ++
sql_from_item(Dict, []) -> dict_to_sql(Dict);                           commas_and_parentheses(Keys) ++ " VALUES " ++
sql_from_item(Dict, [H | T]) ->                                         commas_and_parentheses(sql_quote(Values)) ++ ";"};
   {Key,Val} = H,                                               % if both key and relation are supplied we UPDATE
   sql_from_item(dict:store(Key,Val,Dict), T).                  Tuples ->
                                                                    {Targetdb, lists:concat(
                                                                        ["UPDATE "] ++ [Targetsch] ++ ["."] ++ [Targetrel] ++
                                                                        [" SET "] ++ [pairs_to_sql(Tuples)] ++ [" WHERE "] ++
                                                                        where_clause(Keydefs,Keyvals) ++ [";"]
(simple http fileserver example)

 -behaviour(gen_server).                               init(Port) ->
                                                                         {port, Port},
                                                                         {loop, fun(Req) -> dispatch_requests(Req) end}
                                                          {ok, []}.

%% CONTROLLER -------------------------------------------------------------------------
dispatch_requests(Req) ->
   Path = Req:get(path),
   Action = clean_path(Path),
   erlang:apply(Class, handle, [Action, Req]).

                                                      handle(Action, Req) when Action == "/" ->
                                                        case file:read_file("lib/") of
                                                          {ok, Binary} -> ?SUPER:send_text(Req, 200, "text/plain", Binary);
                                                          {error, _} -> not_found(Req)
send_file(Req, Filename, Binary) ->
  Req:respond({ 200,
                 {"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"},
                 {"Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64"},
                 {"Content-disposition", lists:concat(["attachment; filename=",Filename])}
(simple consumer example)
% handle call for subscribe
handle_call({subscribe, MsgCallback, QoS}, _From, State) ->
  [{Conn}] = get_term(State, connection),                                  still using 1.7 version of the client
  [{Queue}] = get_term(State, queue),                                      version 2.1 is out!
  case get_term(State, consumer) of
     [{_Consumer}] -> {reply, already_subscribed, State};
     _ ->
           #rabbit_queue{q=Q,passive=_P,durable=_D,exclusive=_E,auto_delete=_A} = Queue,
           process_flag(trap_exit, true),
           Consumer = spawn_link(                                 own wrapper
                           fun() ->
                 process_flag(trap_exit, true),                   % configuration and startup example:
                 % opening a connection, channel and auth         %
                 {Connection, Channel} = connect(Conn),           % R = hubz_rabbit:new(abstract_rabbit, "token").
                 % asserting queue                                % C = R:connection("localhost","/","guest","guest").
                 assert_queue(Queue,Channel),                     % E = R:exchange("ONE","direct",false,true,false).
                 % setting QoS parameter                          % Q = R:queue("TWO",false,true,false,false).
                 set_prefetch_count(Channel,QoS),                 % B = R:binding("TWO","ONE","#").
                 % basic consume                                  % R:start_link({C,E,Q,B}).
                 #'basic.consume_ok'{ consumer_tag = Tag } =
                      amqp_channel:subscribe(Channel, #'basic.consume'{ queue = Q }, self()),
                 consumer_loop(Connection, Channel, Tag, MsgCallback) end ),
           ets:insert(State, {consumer, {Consumer}}),
           ets:insert(State, {consumer_settings, {MsgCallback, QoS}}),
           {reply, ok, State}
           _:_ -> {reply, error, State}
        end                                                 R:subscribe(fun(_Key,Data)->io:format("~p~n",[Data]) end).
start(Id) ->
   spawn(fun() ->
       register(Id, self()),
       process_flag(trap_exit, true),
       Port = open_port({spawn, "epg "++atom_to_list(Id)}, [use_stdio, {line, 4096}]),

                                                                         uses epg.c, libpq-based
collect_response(Port, RespAcc, LineAcc) ->                              for connecting to postgres
     {Port, {data, {eol, "!eod!"}}} ->
        {data, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))};

     {Port, {data, {eol, "!error!"}}} ->
       {error, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))};

     {Port, {data, {eol, "!connected!"}}} ->
       {info, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))};

     {Port, {data, {eol, "!bye!"}}} ->
       {bye, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))};

     {Port, {data, {eol, Result}}} ->
       Line = lists:reverse([Result | LineAcc]),
       collect_response(Port, [ [Line | "n"] | RespAcc], []);

     {Port, {data, {noeol, Result}}} ->
       collect_response(Port, RespAcc, [Result | LineAcc])

  %% Prevent the gen_server from hanging indefinitely in case the
  %% spawned process is taking too long processing the request.
    after 72000000 ->
gen_event + gen_fsm + log4erl
  -define(DISPATCH(Type, Data),
        fun() -> ?EVENT:normal(Type, {Data, self()}, ?LINE) end, []
  ).                                                ?DISPATCH(agent, {{Ip, SPort}, MyTag, unregistered_agent, MyEvent})
               handle_event(Event, State) ->
                 MyName = State,                         gen_event:add_handler(mybus, {my_listener, Server}, Server)
                 % should we handle this event?
                 {{OriginServer,_P,_M,_C}, _E, _T} = Event,
                 case OriginServer of
                    MyName ->
                       % e.g. if MyName is 'my' we send it to the my_fsm handler module             (gen_event)
                       gen_fsm:send_event(adapt(MyName,"fsm"), Event);
                    _ -> ok
                 {ok, State}.

% handling messages/errors from *** agents ***
normal({{_S, _P, {_M, _L}, _C}, {_I, normal, agent, Data}, _Now}, State) ->                          (gen_fsm)
  {EventData, _Pid} = Data,
  % what differentiates agent events is the {data_validation_error, ...} part at the end
  case EventData of
      {_Agent, _Workfile, _Line, {data_validation_error, _Datatype, _Value}} ->
        log4erl:warn(feed, "data validation error: ~p", [EventData]);
      {_Agent, _Workfile, _Line, {data_validation_pkey_error, _Datatype, _Value}} ->
        log4erl:error(feed, "data validation (in pkey!) error: ~p", [EventData]);
      {_Agent, Workfile, Line, {no_rule_event, Code}} ->
        log4erl:warn(feed, "no mapping rules for record type ~p (~s:~s)", [Code, Workfile, Line]);
      {_Agent, Workfile, Line, {missing_data_event, Key}} ->
        log4erl:info(feed, "missing data for mapping ~p (~s:~s)", [Key, Workfile, Line]);
% ... etc etc
somehow, it works
thoughts                                                                 ideas
●   not easy                                 ●   dynamic tuple introspection
●   it's crazy                               ●   java/scala client libraries
●   i'd do it again
●   erlang messes with your mind





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Erlang for data ops

  • 1. Erlang for Data Ops a db-centric design with Erlang Warning: trendy people may be offended... (contains refs to relational databases, perl) @mnacos
  • 2. specs ● multiple relational dbs why Erlang? ● feed processing ● read the book(s), saw the movie, been to meetups ● multiple locations ● good for concurrency, ● multiple schemas services, scalability, etc. ● automated ● can't stand middleware ● soft realtime (esp. java “frameworks”) ● interoperable ● extensible
  • 3. approach ● good old-fashioned relational modelling ● model escapes the RDBMS ● Erlang as 'glue' (erl is perl for systems) ● Erlang thin-clients enforce and maintain the model ● global state resides in a traditional database (logic) controlling db schema snippet ● ACID is good – eventual consistency across sites
  • 4. workflow Hub discovers / allocates work Agents do feed processing Agents submit messages to hub Relational-friendly message fmt Messages routed via rabbitmq Each site has its own mailbox Erl consumer applies operations Principles: http for synchronous amqp for asynchronous agents, hubs and consumers have types...
  • 5. message format "t":[ single transaction { "d":{"virtualdb1":"tracking data"}, "r":{"public":"mycases"}, "k":[ {"company":"6678928"} Transactions such as these ], are packaged in amqp "z":null messages with appropriate routing keys }, { "d":{"virtualdb1":"tracking data"}, "r":{"public":"mycases"}, "k":[ {"company":"6678928"}, key part {"casenumber":"9513"} ], "z":[ {"dateregistered":"2010-09-10"}, {"location":"LONDON"}, payload {"statuscode":"ABCD"}, {"sum":"3983.00"} ] Each element of this transaction is } declarative i.e. a logical assertion ] ... we use UPSERTs
  • 6. Nonterminals json_to_erl.yrl transaction items item target attpairs attpair pair key value bytearray bytes byte. Terminals ':' atom string integer '[' ']' '{' '}' ','. for yecc (LALR-1 Parser Generator) % Test this code with: f(File), f(Scan), f(Status), {ok, File} = file:read_file("new-format.json"), yecc:yecc("json_to_erl.yrl","json_to_erl.erl"), c(json_to_erl), {ok,Scan,Status} = erl_scan:string(binary_to_list(File)), key -> string : unwrap('$1'). json_to_erl:parse(Scan). value -> atom : unwrap('$1'). value -> string : unwrap('$1'). Rootsymbol transaction. value -> integer : unwrap('$1'). transaction -> key ':' '[' items ']' : pack('$1','$4'). bytearray -> '[' ']' : []. bytearray -> '[' bytes ']' : '$2'. items -> item : ['$1']. bytes -> byte : ['$1']. items -> item ',' items : ['$1'|'$3']. bytes -> byte ',' bytes : ['$1'|'$3']. byte -> integer : unwrap('$1'). item -> '{' target ',' target ',' target ',' target '}' : pack(item,['$2','$4','$6','$8']). Erlang code. target -> key ':' '{' pair '}' : pack('$1','$4'). unwrap({_,_,V}) when is_integer(V) -> V; target -> key ':' atom : pack('$1',null). unwrap({_,_,V}) when is_list(V) -> V; target -> key ':' '[' ']' : pack('$1',null). unwrap({_,_,V}) -> V. target -> key ':' '[' attpairs ']' : pack('$1','$4'). pack(Key,List) when Key == "t" -> {transaction,List}; attpairs -> attpair : ['$1']. pack(item,List) -> {item,List}; attpairs -> attpair ',' attpairs : ['$1'|'$3']. pack(Key,Tuple) when Key == "d" -> {dbvar,Tuple}; attpair -> '{' pair '}': '$2'. pack(Key,Tuple) when Key == "r" -> {relvar,Tuple}; pack(Key,List) when Key == "k" -> {key,List}; pair -> key ':' bytearray : {'$1', '$3'}. pack(Key,List) when Key == "z" -> {relation,List}; pair -> key ':' value : {'$1', '$3'}. pack(Key,List) -> {Key,List}.
  • 7. sql from our json erl_to_sql({transaction, Items}) -> dict_to_sql(Dict) -> items_to_sql(Items). {Targetdb, Dbver} = read_from_dict(Dict, dbvar), {Targetsch, Targetrel} = read_from_dict(Dict, relvar), items_to_sql(Items) -> case read_from_dict(Dict, key) of {Sk, Sv} -> Keydefs = [Sk], Keyvals = [Sv]; items_to_sql([], Items). [{Sk, Sv}] -> Keydefs = [Sk], Keyvals = [Sv]; [] -> Keydefs = ["null"], Keyvals = ["null"]; items_to_sql(Statements, []) -> lists:reverse(Statements); null -> Keydefs = ["null"], Keyvals = ["null"]; items_to_sql(Statements, [H | T]) -> List -> {Keydefs, Keyvals} = split_keydefs_keyvals(List) {item, Fields} = H, end, Sql = sql_from_item(Fields), case read_from_dict(Dict, relation) of % empty relation means DELETE items_to_sql([Sql|Statements], T). null -> {Targetdb, lists:concat( % storing all elements into a dict ["DELETE FROM "] ++ [Targetsch] ++ ["."] ++ [Targetrel] ++ % so that their order is not important [" WHERE "] ++ where_clause(Keydefs,Keyvals) ++ [";"] % ---------------------------------------------------- )}; sql_from_item(Fields) -> % emtpy key means INSERT Dict = dict:new(), Tuples when Keyvals == ["null"] -> {Keys, Values} = split_pairs(Tuples), sql_from_item(Dict, Fields). {Targetdb, "INSERT INTO " ++ Targetsch ++ "." ++ Targetrel ++ " " ++ sql_from_item(Dict, []) -> dict_to_sql(Dict); commas_and_parentheses(Keys) ++ " VALUES " ++ sql_from_item(Dict, [H | T]) -> commas_and_parentheses(sql_quote(Values)) ++ ";"}; {Key,Val} = H, % if both key and relation are supplied we UPDATE sql_from_item(dict:store(Key,Val,Dict), T). Tuples -> {Targetdb, lists:concat( ["UPDATE "] ++ [Targetsch] ++ ["."] ++ [Targetrel] ++ [" SET "] ++ [pairs_to_sql(Tuples)] ++ [" WHERE "] ++ where_clause(Keydefs,Keyvals) ++ [";"] )} end.
  • 8. (simple http fileserver example) mochiweb -module(abstract_files,[Class]). -behaviour(gen_server). init(Port) -> code:add_path("deps"), mochiweb_http:start([ {port, Port}, {loop, fun(Req) -> dispatch_requests(Req) end} ]), {ok, []}. %% CONTROLLER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- dispatch_requests(Req) -> Path = Req:get(path), Action = clean_path(Path), erlang:apply(Class, handle, [Action, Req]). handle(Action, Req) when Action == "/" -> case file:read_file("lib/") of {ok, Binary} -> ?SUPER:send_text(Req, 200, "text/plain", Binary); {error, _} -> not_found(Req) end; send_file(Req, Filename, Binary) -> Req:respond({ 200, [ {"Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"}, {"Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64"}, {"Content-disposition", lists:concat(["attachment; filename=",Filename])} ], Binary }).
  • 9. (simple consumer example) rabbitmq % handle call for subscribe handle_call({subscribe, MsgCallback, QoS}, _From, State) -> [{Conn}] = get_term(State, connection), still using 1.7 version of the client [{Queue}] = get_term(State, queue), version 2.1 is out! case get_term(State, consumer) of [{_Consumer}] -> {reply, already_subscribed, State}; _ -> try #rabbit_queue{q=Q,passive=_P,durable=_D,exclusive=_E,auto_delete=_A} = Queue, process_flag(trap_exit, true), Consumer = spawn_link( own wrapper fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), % configuration and startup example: % opening a connection, channel and auth % {Connection, Channel} = connect(Conn), % R = hubz_rabbit:new(abstract_rabbit, "token"). % asserting queue % C = R:connection("localhost","/","guest","guest"). assert_queue(Queue,Channel), % E = R:exchange("ONE","direct",false,true,false). % setting QoS parameter % Q = R:queue("TWO",false,true,false,false). set_prefetch_count(Channel,QoS), % B = R:binding("TWO","ONE","#"). % basic consume % R:start_link({C,E,Q,B}). #'basic.consume_ok'{ consumer_tag = Tag } = amqp_channel:subscribe(Channel, #'basic.consume'{ queue = Q }, self()), consumer_loop(Connection, Channel, Tag, MsgCallback) end ), ets:insert(State, {consumer, {Consumer}}), ets:insert(State, {consumer_settings, {MsgCallback, QoS}}), {reply, ok, State} catch _:_ -> {reply, error, State} end R:subscribe(fun(_Key,Data)->io:format("~p~n",[Data]) end). end;
  • 10. start(Id) -> spawn(fun() -> register(Id, self()), process_flag(trap_exit, true), Port = open_port({spawn, "epg "++atom_to_list(Id)}, [use_stdio, {line, 4096}]), epg loop(Port) end). uses epg.c, libpq-based collect_response(Port, RespAcc, LineAcc) -> for connecting to postgres receive {Port, {data, {eol, "!eod!"}}} -> {data, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))}; {Port, {data, {eol, "!error!"}}} -> {error, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))}; {Port, {data, {eol, "!connected!"}}} -> {info, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))}; {Port, {data, {eol, "!bye!"}}} -> {bye, lists:concat(lists:reverse(RespAcc))}; {Port, {data, {eol, Result}}} -> Line = lists:reverse([Result | LineAcc]), collect_response(Port, [ [Line | "n"] | RespAcc], []); {Port, {data, {noeol, Result}}} -> collect_response(Port, RespAcc, [Result | LineAcc]) %% Prevent the gen_server from hanging indefinitely in case the %% spawned process is taking too long processing the request. after 72000000 -> timeout end.
  • 11. gen_event + gen_fsm + log4erl -define(DISPATCH(Type, Data), erlang:apply( fun() -> ?EVENT:normal(Type, {Data, self()}, ?LINE) end, [] ) ). ?DISPATCH(agent, {{Ip, SPort}, MyTag, unregistered_agent, MyEvent}) handle_event(Event, State) -> MyName = State, gen_event:add_handler(mybus, {my_listener, Server}, Server) % should we handle this event? {{OriginServer,_P,_M,_C}, _E, _T} = Event, case OriginServer of MyName -> % e.g. if MyName is 'my' we send it to the my_fsm handler module (gen_event) gen_fsm:send_event(adapt(MyName,"fsm"), Event); _ -> ok end, {ok, State}. % handling messages/errors from *** agents *** normal({{_S, _P, {_M, _L}, _C}, {_I, normal, agent, Data}, _Now}, State) -> (gen_fsm) {EventData, _Pid} = Data, % what differentiates agent events is the {data_validation_error, ...} part at the end case EventData of {_Agent, _Workfile, _Line, {data_validation_error, _Datatype, _Value}} -> log4erl:warn(feed, "data validation error: ~p", [EventData]); {_Agent, _Workfile, _Line, {data_validation_pkey_error, _Datatype, _Value}} -> log4erl:error(feed, "data validation (in pkey!) error: ~p", [EventData]); {_Agent, Workfile, Line, {no_rule_event, Code}} -> log4erl:warn(feed, "no mapping rules for record type ~p (~s:~s)", [Code, Workfile, Line]); {_Agent, Workfile, Line, {missing_data_event, Key}} -> log4erl:info(feed, "missing data for mapping ~p (~s:~s)", [Key, Workfile, Line]); % ... etc etc
  • 13. thoughts ideas ● not easy ● dynamic tuple introspection ● it's crazy ● java/scala client libraries ● i'd do it again ● erlang messes with your mind links @mnacos