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               MongoDB Object Document Mapper (ODM)

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
What is Doctrine?

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
What is Doctrine?
  •    Open source PHP project started in 2006

  •    Relational database abstraction layer.
        •     mysql, oracle, pgsql, sqlite, etc.

  •    Object persistence layers for RDBMS,
       MongoDB, etc.

  •    Other database related functionalities.
Doctrine MongoDB ODM
What is MongoDB?
  •    Key-Value document based storage

  •    Bridge between traditional relational
       databases and key-value data stores.


Doctrine MongoDB ODM

                       RDBMS                                MongoDB
                       Database                                    Database

                        Table                                     Collection

                        Row                                       Document

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Using MongoDB in PHP

Doctrine MongoDB ODM

       $mongo = new Mongo('mongodb://localhost');

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Selecting Databases

       $mongo = new Mongo('mongodb://localhost');
       $db = $mongo->selectDB('dbname');

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Selecting Collections

       $mongo = new Mongo('mongodb://localhost');
       $db = $mongo->selectDB('dbname');
       $coll = $db->selectCollection('users');

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Inserting Documents
                 Insert a new user document and echo the newly generated id

       $user = array(
           'username' => 'jwage',
           'password' => md5('changeme')
           'active' => true

       echo $user['_id'];

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Updating Documents
                Update username and password and save the whole document

       $user = $coll->findOne(array('username' => 'jwage'));
       $user['username'] = 'jonwage';
       $user['password'] = md5('newpassword');

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Atomic Updates
  •    Faster than saving the entire document.

  •    Safer than updating the entire document.

  •    Updates are done in place and are atomic.

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Atomic Updates
                   Update username and password where username is jwage

           'username' => 'jwage'
       ), array(
           '$set' => array(
               'username' => 'jonwage',
               'password' => md5('newpassword')

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Atomic Updates
            Many other atomic operators exist for manipulating a documents data

  •    $inc - increments field by the number value
  •    $set - sets field to value
  •    $unset - deletes a given field
  •    $push - appends value to an array
  •    $pushAll - appends multiple values to an array
  •    $addToSet - appends multiple values to an array that don’t already exist in the
  •    $pop - removes the last element in an array
  •    $pull - removes all occurrences of a value from an array
  •    $pullAll - removes all occurrences of multiple values from an array

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Removing Documents

       $coll->remove(array('username' => 'jwage'));

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Doctrine + MongoDB

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  •    Abstraction on top of the PHP Mongo

  •    Manages the persistent state of PHP

  •    Implements UnitOfWork for change

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Document States
  •    A NEW document instance has no persistent identity, and is not yet
       associated with a DocumentManager (i.e. those just created with the
       "new" operator).

  •    A MANAGED document instance is an instance with a persistent
       identity that is associated with an DocumentManager and whose
       persistence is thus managed.

  •    A DETACHED document instance is an instance with a persistent
       identity that is not (or no longer) associated with an

  •    A REMOVED document instance is an instance with a persistent
       identity, associated with an DocumentManager, that will be removed
       from the database upon transaction commit.

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
           Create your DocumentManager instance for managing object persistence

       $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration();
       $config->setMetadataCacheImpl(new DoctrineCommonCacheArrayCache);
       $driverImpl = $config->newDefaultAnnotationDriver(array(__DIR__."/Documents"));

       $config->setProxyDir(__DIR__ . '/Proxies');

       $dm = DoctrineORMDocumentManager::create($mongo, $config);

                         Wraps around existing $mongo connection

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Defining Document
                       A document is just a regular ole’ PHP class

                                class User
                                    private $id;
                                    private $username;
                                    private $password;

                                    public function getId()
                                        return $this->id;

                                    public function getUsername()
                                        return $this->username;

                                    public function setUsername($username)
                                        $this->username = $username;

                                    public function getPassword()
                                        return $this->password;

                                    public function setPassword($password)
                                        $this->password = md5($password);

Doctrine MongoDB ODM         
Mapping the Document

                              /** @Document */
                              class User
                                  /** @Id */
                                  private $id;
                                  /** @String */
                                  private $username;
                                  /** @String */
                                  private $password;

                                      // ...

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Ready to Go
        Doctrine now knows about this document and is able
                   to manage its persistent state

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Inserting, Updating and
          Deleting Documents

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Inserting Documents
                   $user = new User();

                   $dm->flush(); // inserts document

                               $users = array(
                                       'username' => 'jwage',
                                       'password' => 'changeme'

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Updating Documents
   $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('username' => 'jwage'));


   $dm->flush(); // updates document

                       array('_id' => 'theid'),
                       array('$set' => array(
                           'username' => 'jonwage',
                           'password' => '5e9d11a14ad1c8dd77e98ef9b53fd1ba'

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Removing Documents

   $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('username' => 'jwage'));

   $dm->flush(); // removes document

                       $coll->remove(array('_id' => 'theid'));

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Query API
                            Fluent OO Query API

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Querying MongoDB

   // Get user array directly from mongo
   $user = $mongo->db->users->findOne(array('username' => 'jwage'));

                       Returns an array of information and not a User object

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Querying Through

   // Get user class instance through Doctrine
   $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('username' => 'jwage'));

          Going through Doctrine gives you managed objects back instead of arrays

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Querying Through
             Doctrine Query API

   // Get user class instance through Doctrine Query API
   $user = $dm->createQuery('User')

                       Query for same user using the Query API

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Querying Through
             Doctrine Query API

              // Find posts within a range of dates
              $posts = $dm->createQuery('Post')
                  ->field('createdAt')->range($startDate, $endDate)

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Updating Documents

              // Update a document

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Removing Documents

               // Remove a document
                           // Remove a document

                   ->remove()  ->remove()

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Embedded Documents

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
class User
                     /** @Id */
                     public $id;

                       /** @String */
                       public $name;

                       /** @EmbedMany(targetDocument="Address") */
                       public $addresses = array();

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
/** @EmbeddedDocument */
                            class Address
                                /** @String */
                                public $address;

                                    /** @String */
                                    public $city;

                                    /** @String */
                                    public $state;

                                    /** @String */
                                    public $zipcode;

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$user = new User();
             $user->name = 'Jonathan H. Wage';

             $address = new Address();
             $address->address = '6512 Mercomatic Ct';
             $address->city = 'Nashville';
             $address->state = 'Tennessee';
             $address->zipcode = '37209';
             $user->addresses[] = $address;


Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$users = array(
                     'name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage',
                     'addresses' => array(
                             'address' => '6512 Mercomatic Ct',
                             'city' => 'Nashville',
                             'state' => 'Tennesseee',
                             'zipcode' => '37209'

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Updating Embedded
         Uses dot notation and atomic operators for updating

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$user = $dm->findOne('User', array('name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage'));
             $user->addresses[0]->zipcode = '37205';

                 array('_id' => 'theuserid'),
                 array('$set' => array('addresses.0.zipcode' => '37209'))

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Add New Address

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$user = $dm->findOne('User', array('name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage'));

       $address = new Address();
       $address->address = '475 Buckhead Ave.';
       $address->city = 'Atlanta';
       $address->state = 'Georgia';
       $address->zipcode = '30305';
       $user->addresses[] = $address;


                      array('_id' => 'theuserid'),
                      array('$pushAll' => array(
                          'addresses' => array(
                                  'address' => '475 Buckhead Ave.',
                                  'city' => 'Atlanta',
                                  'state' => 'Georgia',
                                  'zipcode' => '30305'

Doctrine MongoDB ODM

                           array('_id' => 'theuserid'),
                               '$unset' => array(
                                   'addresses.0.zipcode'                 => 1

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
        MongoDB does not have joins or foreign keys but you
         can still store references to other documents and
          resolve the references in your application code.
        Doctrine abstracts the handling of referneces for you
                  so working with them is seamless.

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
                       /** @Document */
                       class Organization
                           /** @Id */
                           private $id;

                            /** @String */
                            private $name;

                            /** @ReferenceMany(targetDocument="User") */
                            private $users = array();

                            public function setName($name)
                                $this->name = $name;

                            public function addUser(User $user)
                                $this->users[] = $user;

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
                   /** @Document */
                   class User
                       /** @Id */
                       private $id;

                       /** @String */
                       private $name;

                       /** @ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Organization") */
                       private $organization;

                       public function setName($name)
                           $this->name = $name;

                       public function setOrganization(Organization $organization)
                           $this->organization = $organization;

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$organization = new Organization();
                 $organization->setName('Sensio Labs');

                 $user = new User();
                 $user->setName('Jonathan H. Wage');


Doctrine MongoDB ODM
The Result

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
                       [_id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759000000
                       [name] => Sensio Labs
                       [users] => Array
                               [0] => Array
                                        [$ref] => User
                                        [$id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759010000
                                        [$db] => doctrine_odm_sandbox



                       [_id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759010000
                       [name] => Jonathan H. Wage
                       [organization] => Array
                               [$ref] => Organization
                               [$id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759000000
                               [$db] => doctrine_odm_sandbox


Doctrine MongoDB ODM   
Working with

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$user = $dm->find('User', array('name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage'));

           // instance of uninitialized OrganizationProxy
           $organization = $user->getOrganization();

           // calling getter or setter for uninitialized proxy
           // queries the database and initialized the proxy document

           // query invoked, organization data loaded and doc initialized
           echo $organization->getName();

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
$organization = $dm->find('Organization', array('name' => 'Sensio Labs'));
     $users = $organization->getUsers(); // uninitialized collection

     // Queries database for users and initializes collection
     foreach ($users as $user)
         // ...

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Change Tracking

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  •    Tracks changes in objects between flushes

  •    Maintains copy of old values to compare
       new values to

  •    Changesets computed and persisted in
       the most efficient way using atomic
       operators $inc, $set, $unset, $pullAll,
       $pushAll, etc.

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Other Features

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Document Query
         Language for querying documents in a similar way to

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
BNF Grammar

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
QueryLanguage ::= FindQuery | InsertQuery | UpdateQuery | RemoveQuery

               FindQuery ::= FindClause [WhereClause] [MapClause] [ReduceClause] [SortClause] [LimitClause]
               FindClause ::= "FIND" all | SelectField {"," SelectField}
               SelectField ::= DocumentFieldName
               SortClause ::= SortClauseField {"," SortClauseField}
               SortClauseField ::= DocumentFieldName "ASC | DESC"
               LimitClause ::= "LIMIT" LimitInteger
               SkipClause ::= "SKIP" SkipInteger
               MapClause ::= "MAP" MapFunction
               ReduceClause ::= "REDUCE" ReduceFunction

               DocumentFieldName ::= DocumentFieldName | EmbeddedDocument "." {"." DocumentFieldName}
               WhereClause ::= "WHERE" WhereClausePart {"AND" WhereClausePart}
               WhereClausePart ::= ["all", "not"] DocumentFieldName WhereClauseExpression Value
               WhereClauseExpression ::= "=" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<" | "in"
                                       "notIn" | "all" | "size" | "exists" | "type"
               Value ::= LiteralValue | JsonObject | JsonArray

               UpdateQuery ::= UpdateClause [WhereClause]
               UpdateClause ::= [SetExpression], [UnsetExpression], [IncrementExpression],
                                 [PushExpression], [PushAllExpression], [PullExpression],
                                 [PullAllExpression], [AddToSetExpression], [AddManyToSetExpression],
                                 [PopFirstExpression], [PopLastExpression]
               SetExpression ::= "SET" DocumentFieldName "=" Value {"," SetExpression}
               UnsetExpression ::= "UNSET" DocumentFieldName {"," UnsetExpression}
               IncrementExpression ::= "INC" DocumentFieldName "=" IncrementInteger {"," IncrementExpression}
               PushExpression ::= "PUSH" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PushExpression}
               PushAllExpression ::= "PUSHALL" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PushAllExpression}
               PullExpression ::= "PULL" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PullExpression}
               PullAllExpression ::= "PULLALL" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PullAllExpression}
               AddToSetExpression ::= "ADDTOSET" DocumentFieldName Value {"," AddToSetExpression}
               AddManyToSetExpression ::= "ADDMANYTOSET" DocumentFieldName Value {"," AddManyToSetExpression}
               PopFirstExpression ::= "POPFIRST" DocumentFieldName {"," PopFirstExpression}
               PopLastExpression ::= "POPLAST" DocumentFieldName {"," PopLastExpression}

               InsertQuery ::= InsertClause InsertSetClause {"," InsertSetClause}
               InsertSetClause ::= DocumentFieldName "=" Value

               RemoveQuery ::= RemoveClause [WhereClause]

Doctrine MongoDB ODM            
Creating Query

                $users = $dm->query('find all FROM User');

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Selecting Fields

            $users = $dm->query('find username FROM User');

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Paging Results

       $users = $dm->query('find all FROM User limit 30 skip 30');

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Selecting Slice of
         Embedded Documents

  $post = $dm->query('find title, comments limit 20 skip 10 FROM
  BlogPost WHERE id = ?', array($id));

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Other Examples
// Find all posts greater than or equal to a date
$posts = $dm->query('find all FROM BlogPost WHERE createdAt >= ?',

// Find all posts sorted by created at desc
$posts = $dm->query('find all FROM BlogPost sort createdAt desc');

// Update user
$dm->query('update DocumentsUser set password = ? where username = ?',
array('newpassword', 'jwage'));

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Lifecycle Events

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
“A lifecycle event is a regular event with the additional
    feature of providing a mechanism to register direct
   callbacks inside the corresponding document classes
    that are executed when the lifecycle event occurs.”

Doctrine MongoDB ODM 
•    preRemove - The preRemove event occurs for a given document before the
     respective DocumentManager remove operation for that document is
•    postRemove - The postRemove event occurs for an document after the
     document has been removed. It will be invoked after the database delete
•    prePersist - The prePersist event occurs for a given document before the
     respective DocumentManager persist operation for that document is executed.
•    postPersist - The postPersist event occurs for an document after the
     document has been made persistent. It will be invoked after the database insert
     operations. Generated primary key values are available in the postPersist event.
•    preUpdate - The preUpdate event occurs before the database update
     operations to document data.
•    postUpdate - The postUpdate event occurs after the database update
     operations to document data.
•    postLoad - The postLoad event occurs for an document after the document
     has been loaded into the current DocumentManager from the database or after
     the refresh operation has been applied to it.

    Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Event Examples

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
                         * @Document
                         * @HasLifecycleCallbacks
                       class BlogPost
                            /** @Id */
                            public $id;
                            /** @Date */
                            public $createdAt;
                            /** @Date */
                            public $updatedAt;

                           /** @PreUpdate */
                           public function prePersist()
                               $this->createdAt = new DateTime();

                           /** @PreUpdate */
                           public function preUpdate()
                               $this->updatedAt = new DateTime();

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Migrating Data

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Initial Document
                         * @Document
                       class User
                            /** @Id */
                            public $id;
                            /** @String */
                            public $name;

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
New Document
                          * @Document
                        class User
                             /** @Id */
                             public $id;
                             /** @String */
                             public $firstName;
                             /** @String */
                             public $lastName;

Doctrine MongoDB ODM
Migrate Documents
          With Old Field Name
                         * @Document
                         * @HasLifecycleCallbacks
                       class User
                            /** @Id */
                            public $id;
                            /** @String */
                            public $firstName;
                            /** @String */
                            public $lastName;

                           /** @PreLoad */
                           public function preLoad(array &$data)
                               if (isset($data['name']))
                                   $e = explode(' ', $data['name']);
                                   $data['firstName'] = $e[0];
                                   $data['lastName'] = $e[1];

Doctrine MongoDB ODM 
                         Jonathan H. Wage



              You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine and Open-Source or for
              training, consulting, application development, or business related
                           questions at

Doctrine MongoDB ODM

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Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper

  • 1. Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper (ODM) Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 2. What is Doctrine? Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 3. What is Doctrine? • Open source PHP project started in 2006 • Relational database abstraction layer. • mysql, oracle, pgsql, sqlite, etc. • Object persistence layers for RDBMS, MongoDB, etc. • Other database related functionalities. Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 4. What is MongoDB? • Key-Value document based storage system. • Bridge between traditional relational databases and key-value data stores. Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 5. Terminology RDBMS MongoDB Database Database Table Collection Row Document Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 6. Using MongoDB in PHP Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 7. Connecting $mongo = new Mongo('mongodb://localhost'); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 8. Selecting Databases $mongo = new Mongo('mongodb://localhost'); $db = $mongo->selectDB('dbname'); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 9. Selecting Collections $mongo = new Mongo('mongodb://localhost'); $db = $mongo->selectDB('dbname'); $coll = $db->selectCollection('users'); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 10. Inserting Documents Insert a new user document and echo the newly generated id $user = array( 'username' => 'jwage', 'password' => md5('changeme') 'active' => true ); $coll->insert($user); echo $user['_id']; Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 11. Updating Documents Update username and password and save the whole document $user = $coll->findOne(array('username' => 'jwage')); $user['username'] = 'jonwage'; $user['password'] = md5('newpassword'); $coll->save($user); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 12. Atomic Updates • Faster than saving the entire document. • Safer than updating the entire document. • Updates are done in place and are atomic. Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 13. Atomic Updates Update username and password where username is jwage $coll->update(array( 'username' => 'jwage' ), array( '$set' => array( 'username' => 'jonwage', 'password' => md5('newpassword') ) )); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 14. Atomic Updates Many other atomic operators exist for manipulating a documents data • $inc - increments field by the number value • $set - sets field to value • $unset - deletes a given field • $push - appends value to an array • $pushAll - appends multiple values to an array • $addToSet - appends multiple values to an array that don’t already exist in the array • $pop - removes the last element in an array • $pull - removes all occurrences of a value from an array • $pullAll - removes all occurrences of multiple values from an array Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 15. Removing Documents $coll->remove(array('username' => 'jwage')); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 16. Doctrine + MongoDB Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 17. DocumentManager • Abstraction on top of the PHP Mongo class • Manages the persistent state of PHP objects • Implements UnitOfWork for change tracking Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 18. Document States • A NEW document instance has no persistent identity, and is not yet associated with a DocumentManager (i.e. those just created with the "new" operator). • A MANAGED document instance is an instance with a persistent identity that is associated with an DocumentManager and whose persistence is thus managed. • A DETACHED document instance is an instance with a persistent identity that is not (or no longer) associated with an DocumentManager. • A REMOVED document instance is an instance with a persistent identity, associated with an DocumentManager, that will be removed from the database upon transaction commit. Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 19. DocumentManager Create your DocumentManager instance for managing object persistence $config = new DoctrineODMMongoDBConfiguration(); $config->setMetadataCacheImpl(new DoctrineCommonCacheArrayCache); $driverImpl = $config->newDefaultAnnotationDriver(array(__DIR__."/Documents")); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl($driverImpl); $config->setProxyDir(__DIR__ . '/Proxies'); $config->setProxyNamespace('Proxies'); $dm = DoctrineORMDocumentManager::create($mongo, $config); Wraps around existing $mongo connection Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 20. Defining Document A document is just a regular ole’ PHP class class User { private $id; private $username; private $password; public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } public function getPassword() { return $this->password; } public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = md5($password); } } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 21. Mapping the Document /** @Document */ class User { /** @Id */ private $id; /** @String */ private $username; /** @String */ private $password; // ... } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 22. Ready to Go Doctrine now knows about this document and is able to manage its persistent state Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 23. Inserting, Updating and Deleting Documents Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 24. Inserting Documents $user = new User(); $user->setUsername('jwage'); $user->setPassword('changeme'); $dm->persist($user); $dm->flush(); // inserts document $users = array( array( 'username' => 'jwage', 'password' => 'changeme' ) ); $coll->batchInsert($users); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 25. Updating Documents $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('username' => 'jwage')); $user->setUsername('jonwage'); $user->setPassword('newpassword'); $dm->flush(); // updates document $coll->update( array('_id' => 'theid'), array('$set' => array( 'username' => 'jonwage', 'password' => '5e9d11a14ad1c8dd77e98ef9b53fd1ba' ) ); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 26. Removing Documents $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('username' => 'jwage')); $dm->remove($user); $dm->flush(); // removes document $coll->remove(array('_id' => 'theid')); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 27. Query API Fluent OO Query API Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 28. Querying MongoDB Directly // Get user array directly from mongo $user = $mongo->db->users->findOne(array('username' => 'jwage')); Returns an array of information and not a User object Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 29. Querying Through Doctrine // Get user class instance through Doctrine $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('username' => 'jwage')); Going through Doctrine gives you managed objects back instead of arrays Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 30. Querying Through Doctrine Query API // Get user class instance through Doctrine Query API $user = $dm->createQuery('User') ->field('username')->equals('jwage') ->getSingleResult(); Query for same user using the Query API Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 31. Querying Through Doctrine Query API // Find posts within a range of dates $posts = $dm->createQuery('Post') ->field('createdAt')->range($startDate, $endDate) ->execute(); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 32. Updating Documents // Update a document $dm->createQuery('User') ->update() ->field('username')->set('jonwage') ->field('password')->set('newpassword') ->field('username')->equals('jwage') ->execute(); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 33. Removing Documents // Remove a document $dm->createQuery('User') // Remove a document $dm->createQuery('User') ->remove() ->remove() ->field('username')->equals('jwage') ->execute(); ->field('username')->equals('jwage') ->execute(); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 34. Embedded Documents Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 35. class User { /** @Id */ public $id; /** @String */ public $name; /** @EmbedMany(targetDocument="Address") */ public $addresses = array(); } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 36. /** @EmbeddedDocument */ class Address { /** @String */ public $address; /** @String */ public $city; /** @String */ public $state; /** @String */ public $zipcode; } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 37. $user = new User(); $user->name = 'Jonathan H. Wage'; $address = new Address(); $address->address = '6512 Mercomatic Ct'; $address->city = 'Nashville'; $address->state = 'Tennessee'; $address->zipcode = '37209'; $user->addresses[] = $address; $dm->persist($user); $dm->flush(); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 38. $users = array( array( 'name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage', 'addresses' => array( array( 'address' => '6512 Mercomatic Ct', 'city' => 'Nashville', 'state' => 'Tennesseee', 'zipcode' => '37209' ) ) ) ); $coll->batchInsert($users); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 39. Updating Embedded Documents Uses dot notation and atomic operators for updating Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 40. $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage')); $user->addresses[0]->zipcode = '37205'; $dm->flush(); $coll->update( array('_id' => 'theuserid'), array('$set' => array('addresses.0.zipcode' => '37209')) ); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 41. Add New Address Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 42. $user = $dm->findOne('User', array('name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage')); $address = new Address(); $address->address = '475 Buckhead Ave.'; $address->city = 'Atlanta'; $address->state = 'Georgia'; $address->zipcode = '30305'; $user->addresses[] = $address; $dm->flush(); $coll->update( array('_id' => 'theuserid'), array('$pushAll' => array( 'addresses' => array( array( 'address' => '475 Buckhead Ave.', 'city' => 'Atlanta', 'state' => 'Georgia', 'zipcode' => '30305' ) ) )) ); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 43. unset($user->addresses[0]->zipcode); $dm->flush(); $coll->update( array('_id' => 'theuserid'), array( '$unset' => array( 'addresses.0.zipcode' => 1 ) ) ); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 44. References MongoDB does not have joins or foreign keys but you can still store references to other documents and resolve the references in your application code. Doctrine abstracts the handling of referneces for you so working with them is seamless. Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 45. Organization /** @Document */ class Organization { /** @Id */ private $id; /** @String */ private $name; /** @ReferenceMany(targetDocument="User") */ private $users = array(); public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function addUser(User $user) { $this->users[] = $user; } } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 46. User /** @Document */ class User { /** @Id */ private $id; /** @String */ private $name; /** @ReferenceOne(targetDocument="Organization") */ private $organization; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function setOrganization(Organization $organization) { $this->organization = $organization; $organization->addUser($this); } } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 47. $organization = new Organization(); $organization->setName('Sensio Labs'); $user = new User(); $user->setName('Jonathan H. Wage'); $user->setOrganization($organization); $dm->persist($organization); $dm->persist($user); $dm->flush(); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 48. The Result Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 49. Array ( [_id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759000000 [name] => Sensio Labs [users] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [$ref] => User [$id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759010000 [$db] => doctrine_odm_sandbox ) ) ) Array ( [_id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759010000 [name] => Jonathan H. Wage [organization] => Array ( [$ref] => Organization [$id] => 4c86acd78ead0e8759000000 [$db] => doctrine_odm_sandbox ) ) Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 50. Working with References Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 51. $user = $dm->find('User', array('name' => 'Jonathan H. Wage')); // instance of uninitialized OrganizationProxy $organization = $user->getOrganization(); // calling getter or setter for uninitialized proxy // queries the database and initialized the proxy document // query invoked, organization data loaded and doc initialized echo $organization->getName(); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 52. $organization = $dm->find('Organization', array('name' => 'Sensio Labs')); $users = $organization->getUsers(); // uninitialized collection // Queries database for users and initializes collection foreach ($users as $user) { // ... } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 53. Change Tracking Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 54. UnitOfWork • Tracks changes in objects between flushes • Maintains copy of old values to compare new values to • Changesets computed and persisted in the most efficient way using atomic operators $inc, $set, $unset, $pullAll, $pushAll, etc. Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 55. Other Features Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 56. Document Query Language Language for querying documents in a similar way to SQL Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 57. BNF Grammar Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 58. QueryLanguage ::= FindQuery | InsertQuery | UpdateQuery | RemoveQuery FindQuery ::= FindClause [WhereClause] [MapClause] [ReduceClause] [SortClause] [LimitClause] [SkipClause] FindClause ::= "FIND" all | SelectField {"," SelectField} SelectField ::= DocumentFieldName SortClause ::= SortClauseField {"," SortClauseField} SortClauseField ::= DocumentFieldName "ASC | DESC" LimitClause ::= "LIMIT" LimitInteger SkipClause ::= "SKIP" SkipInteger MapClause ::= "MAP" MapFunction ReduceClause ::= "REDUCE" ReduceFunction DocumentFieldName ::= DocumentFieldName | EmbeddedDocument "." {"." DocumentFieldName} WhereClause ::= "WHERE" WhereClausePart {"AND" WhereClausePart} WhereClausePart ::= ["all", "not"] DocumentFieldName WhereClauseExpression Value WhereClauseExpression ::= "=" | "!=" | ">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<" | "in" "notIn" | "all" | "size" | "exists" | "type" Value ::= LiteralValue | JsonObject | JsonArray UpdateQuery ::= UpdateClause [WhereClause] UpdateClause ::= [SetExpression], [UnsetExpression], [IncrementExpression], [PushExpression], [PushAllExpression], [PullExpression], [PullAllExpression], [AddToSetExpression], [AddManyToSetExpression], [PopFirstExpression], [PopLastExpression] SetExpression ::= "SET" DocumentFieldName "=" Value {"," SetExpression} UnsetExpression ::= "UNSET" DocumentFieldName {"," UnsetExpression} IncrementExpression ::= "INC" DocumentFieldName "=" IncrementInteger {"," IncrementExpression} PushExpression ::= "PUSH" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PushExpression} PushAllExpression ::= "PUSHALL" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PushAllExpression} PullExpression ::= "PULL" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PullExpression} PullAllExpression ::= "PULLALL" DocumentFieldName Value {"," PullAllExpression} AddToSetExpression ::= "ADDTOSET" DocumentFieldName Value {"," AddToSetExpression} AddManyToSetExpression ::= "ADDMANYTOSET" DocumentFieldName Value {"," AddManyToSetExpression} PopFirstExpression ::= "POPFIRST" DocumentFieldName {"," PopFirstExpression} PopLastExpression ::= "POPLAST" DocumentFieldName {"," PopLastExpression} InsertQuery ::= InsertClause InsertSetClause {"," InsertSetClause} InsertSetClause ::= DocumentFieldName "=" Value RemoveQuery ::= RemoveClause [WhereClause] Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 59. Creating Query $users = $dm->query('find all FROM User'); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 60. Selecting Fields $users = $dm->query('find username FROM User'); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 61. Paging Results $users = $dm->query('find all FROM User limit 30 skip 30'); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 62. Selecting Slice of Embedded Documents $post = $dm->query('find title, comments limit 20 skip 10 FROM BlogPost WHERE id = ?', array($id)); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 63. Other Examples // Find all posts greater than or equal to a date $posts = $dm->query('find all FROM BlogPost WHERE createdAt >= ?', array($date)); // Find all posts sorted by created at desc $posts = $dm->query('find all FROM BlogPost sort createdAt desc'); // Update user $dm->query('update DocumentsUser set password = ? where username = ?', array('newpassword', 'jwage')); Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 64. Lifecycle Events Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 65. “A lifecycle event is a regular event with the additional feature of providing a mechanism to register direct callbacks inside the corresponding document classes that are executed when the lifecycle event occurs.” Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 66. preRemove - The preRemove event occurs for a given document before the respective DocumentManager remove operation for that document is executed. • postRemove - The postRemove event occurs for an document after the document has been removed. It will be invoked after the database delete operations. • prePersist - The prePersist event occurs for a given document before the respective DocumentManager persist operation for that document is executed. • postPersist - The postPersist event occurs for an document after the document has been made persistent. It will be invoked after the database insert operations. Generated primary key values are available in the postPersist event. • preUpdate - The preUpdate event occurs before the database update operations to document data. • postUpdate - The postUpdate event occurs after the database update operations to document data. • postLoad - The postLoad event occurs for an document after the document has been loaded into the current DocumentManager from the database or after the refresh operation has been applied to it. Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 67. Event Examples Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 68. /** * @Document * @HasLifecycleCallbacks */ class BlogPost { /** @Id */ public $id; /** @Date */ public $createdAt; /** @Date */ public $updatedAt; /** @PreUpdate */ public function prePersist() { $this->createdAt = new DateTime(); } /** @PreUpdate */ public function preUpdate() { $this->updatedAt = new DateTime(); } } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 69. Migrating Data Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 70. Initial Document /** * @Document */ class User { /** @Id */ public $id; /** @String */ public $name; } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 71. New Document /** * @Document */ class User { /** @Id */ public $id; /** @String */ public $firstName; /** @String */ public $lastName; } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 72. Migrate Documents With Old Field Name /** * @Document * @HasLifecycleCallbacks */ class User { /** @Id */ public $id; /** @String */ public $firstName; /** @String */ public $lastName; /** @PreLoad */ public function preLoad(array &$data) { if (isset($data['name'])) { $e = explode(' ', $data['name']); unset($data['name']); $data['firstName'] = $e[0]; $data['lastName'] = $e[1]; } } Doctrine MongoDB ODM
  • 73. Questions? Jonathan H. Wage • • • You can contact Jonathan about Doctrine and Open-Source or for training, consulting, application development, or business related questions at Doctrine MongoDB ODM