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Drupal 7: DBTNG

Databases: The next generation
 A brand new database layer for drupal7
 Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Lite
 Add-on drivers can be made
Basic Queries
Basic Queries
 Most SELECT queries are simple and
  don’t change
 Drupal calls these: static queries

 $result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE
 type = :type AND status = :status", array(':type' => 'module', ':status' => 1));
Basic Queries
 Table names  wrapped in curly braces
 No database-specific syntax in the query.
 There are no literal values in the query.
  Instead, literal values are specified by
 Must be unique within a query, and must
  begin with a colon.
 Should never have quotation marks
  around them, regardless of the data type.
  The database server will handle that for
 Should be used for all literal data, even if it
  will not vary.
Result Object
 The return value from a db_query() call is a
  result object.

$list = array();
foreach ($result as $record) {
      $list[] = t('@name: @filename', array(
            '@name' => $record->name,
            '@filename' => $record->filename,
Result as array
 By default, each $record in the result set is
  a stdClass object.
 This is how you get an array:

$result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE type =
:type AND status = :status", array(':type' => 'module', ':status' => 1), array('fetch'
Fetch option
 We can also fetch a single record, or even
  just a single field:

// Fetch a single record as an object.
$record = $result->fetchObject();

// Fetch a single record as an array.
$record = $result->fetchAssoc();

// Fetch just the first field of the next record.
$field = $result->fetchField();

// Fetch the entire result set at once into an array.
$records = $result->fetchAll()
Dynamic Queries
Dynamic Queries
 To start, we create a new query object with

$query = db_select('node', 'n');

 The first parameter is the name of the
  base table of the query and the second is
  the alias.
Dynamic Queries
     We then call additional methods on the
      $query object in order to build up the
      query logic we want to create dynamically
$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->fields('n', array('nid, title'));
$u_alias = $query->innerJoin('users' ,'u', '%alias.uid = n.uid');
$query->addField($u_alias, 'name', 'username');
$query->condition("{$u_alias}.name", 'Bob');
$query->condition('n.created', REQUEST_TIME - 604800, '>=');
$query->orderBy('n.created', 'DESC');
$query->range(0, 5);
$result = $query->execute();
Dynamic Queries
 The resulting query

SELECT n.nid AS nid, n.title AS title, AS username
FROM {node} n
INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.nid = n.nid
WHERE (n.created >= 1286213869)
 AND ( = 'Bob')
ORDER BY n.created DESC
Dynamic Queries
 There's one more important method to call
 It does mark the type of query it is
 If a query has been tagged then before it
  is turned into an SQL string it will be
  passed through hook_query_alter() and
Dynamic Queries
 The node_access tag, is most important
  as it allows the node access system to
  alter the query, to filter out nodes that the
  current user should not have access to.
Dynamic Queries
     Most methods of the select builder return the
       select object itself and thus are chainable.
     The exceptions are the addField() and join()
       methods, as those need to return a generated
       alias instead.'n');
$query = db_select('node',
$u_alias = $query->innerJoin('users' ,'u', '%alias.uid = n.uid'); $query-
>addField($u_alias, 'name', 'username');
$result = $query
    ->fields('n', array('nid, title'));
    ->condition("{$u_alias}.name", 'Bob');
    ->condition('n.created', REQUEST_TIME - 604800, '>=');
    ->orderBy('n.created', 'DESC');
    ->range(0, 5);
Dynamic Queries
 SELECT queries have both static and
  dynamic versions
  queries only support a dynamic version
 all methods of Insert queries are

$id = db_insert('imports')
          'name' => 'Groucho',
          'address' => '123 Casablanca Ave.',
          'phone' => '555-1212',
 it supports multi-insert statements
$values[] = array(
     'name' => 'Groucho',
     'address' => '123 Casablanca Ave.',
     'phone' => '555-1212',
$values[] = array(
     'name' => 'Chico',
     'address' => '456 Races St.',
     'phone' => '555-1234',
$values[] = array(
     'name' => 'Harpo',
     'address' => '789 Horn Ave.',
     'phone' => '555-1234',
$values[] = array(
     'name' => 'Zeppo',
     'address' => '22 University Way',
     'phone' => '555-3579',
 it supports multi-insert statements

$insert = db_insert('imports')
     ->fields(array('name', 'address', 'phone' => '555-1212'));

foreach ($values as $value) {

 On databases that support multi-insert
  statements, the preceding code will be run
  as a single query. For those that don't,
  they will run as separate queries within a
  single transaction.
 Note that in a multi-insert query the return
  value from execute() is undefined and
  should be ignored.
 Update queries look like a hybrid of Insert
  and Select statements.
 consist of both fields to set on a table and
  conditions to restrict the query.
    ->condition('name', 'Chico')
    ->fields(array('address' => 'Go West St.'))

 Resulting query:
UPDATE {imports} SET address = 'Go West St.' WHERE name = 'Chico';
 Return value from execute() for Update
  queries = number of records that were
 'changed' does not mean 'matched'.
 If the WHERE portion of the query
  matches a record but if that record already
  has the values that it would be set to, it will
  not be changed and would not count
  towards the return value from execute().
 Delete queries should come as no
  surprise, as they consist of essentially just
  a WHERE clause:
    ->condition('name' => 'Zeppo')

 Return value from execute() = number of
  records that were deleted by the query.
 one of the oft-forgotten parts of SQL
 the most popular open source databases
  do not support them directly
 "If this record exists, update it with this
  query otherwise create it with this other
 It is most useful for setting records that
  may or may not exist yet, that is, merging
  data into the table.
 A true merge query is atomic = we're
  guaranteed that it will run as a single
  uninterrupted operation or fail completely.
 Since most of the databases Drupal works
  with do not directly support Merge queries,
  Drupal emulates them with multiple
  queries and a transaction, which in most
  cases is close enough.

   ->key(array('name' => $name))
   ->fields(array('value' => serialize($value)))

 The key() method takes an associative
  array of field/value pairs that are the pivot
  of the query.
 The fields() method is about the fields to
 The query can be read as:
 "If there is a record where the field 'name'
  has the value $name, set the 'value' field.
  If not, insert a new record with name equal
  to $name and value equal to the given
 We can also define more complex logic
   using the insertFields() and updateFields()
  ->key(array('job' => 'Speaker'))
       'age' => 31,
       'name' => 'Meredith',
  ->updateFields(array( 'name' => 'Tiffany',
Advanced subjects
 A transaction in a database is a way to wrap
  two or more queries together and declare that
  they should be atomic.
 That is, either all succeed or none succeed.
 We start a transaction by creating a
  transaction object.
 Everything we do to the database is then part
  of the transaction until that object is
  destroyed, at which point the entire query is
  committed at once.
 In most cases, we let PHP destroy the
  transaction object for us when a function

function my_function() {
    $transaction = db_transaction();
    try {
          $id = db_insert('example')
                    'field1' => 'mystring',
                    'field2' => 5, ))
          return $id;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
          watchdog_exception('type', $e);
Slave servers
 Drupal also supports Master/slave
  database replication
 select queries can be run against a slave
  server to offload the work to separate
 The third parameter to db_query() or
  db_select() is an array of options that
  tweak the behavior of the query.
Slave servers
 The key of interest = target
 It specifies which database variant the
  system should try.
 Legal values: default (which is the default)
  and slave.
 If "slave" is specified, Drupal will try to run
  the query against a slave server. If one is
  not available, it will silently fall back to the
  default server.
Slave servers

$result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE type =
:type AND status = :status", array(':type' => 'module', ':status' => 1), array('fetch'
=> PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, 'target' => 'slave'));
Slave servers
 Data on a slave server is always a little
  behind the master server
 Not all Select queries can handle their
  data being slightly stale
 After writing data, we can call
 It will make a note in the active session to
  disable the slave server for the current
  user only for a configurable period of time.
  (The default is five minutes.)
Simplify code
 Especially for modules creating their own
 They need their own query builder
 Example: Voting API
Drupal 6: 96 code lines                                                                                    Drupal 7: 16 code lines
* Select individual votes from the database.
function votingapi_select_votes($criteria = array(), $limit = 0) {                                         function votingapi_select_votes($criteria = array(), $limit = 0) {
  $anon_window = variable_get('votingapi_anonymous_window', 3600);
  if (!empty($criteria['vote_source']) && $anon_window > 0) {
    $criteria['timestamp'] = time() - $anon_window;
                                                                                                             $anon_window = variable_get('votingapi_anonymous_window', 3600);
  $votes = array();                                                                                          if (!empty($criteria['vote_source']) && $anon_window >= 0) {
  $result = _votingapi_select('vote', $criteria, $limit);
  while ($vote = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $votes[] = $vote;
                                                                                                               $criteria['timestamp'] = REQUEST_TIME - $anon_window;
  return $votes;                                                                                             }

                                                                                                             $query = db_select('votingapi_vote')->fields('votingapi_vote');
* Internal helper function constructs WHERE clauses. Don't use unless you're me.
*/                                                                                                           foreach ($criteria as $key => $value) {
function _votingapi_query($table = 'vote', $criteria = array(), $alias = 'v.') {
  $criteria += array(
    'vote_id' => NULL,
                                                                                                               $query->condition($key, $value, is_array($value) ? 'IN' : '=');
    'vote_cache_id' => NULL,
    'content_id' => NULL,                                                                                    }
    'content_type' => NULL,
    'value_type' => NULL,
    'value' => NULL,
                                                                                                             if (!empty($limit)) {
    'tag' => NULL,
    'uid' => NULL,                                                                                             $query->range(0, $limit);
    'timestamp' => NULL,
    'vote_source' => NULL,
    'function' => NULL,
                                                                                                             return $query->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $query = '';
    $args = array();
    if (!empty($criteria['vote_id'])) {
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'vote_id', $criteria['vote_id'], $query, $args);
    elseif (!empty($criteria['vote_cache_id'])) {
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'vote_cache_id', $criteria['vote_cache_id'], $query, $args);
    else {
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'content_type', $criteria['content_type'], $query, $args, TRUE);
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'content_id', $criteria['content_id'], $query, $args);
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'value_type', $criteria['value_type'], $query, $args, TRUE);
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'tag', $criteria['tag'], $query, $args, TRUE);
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'function', $criteria['function'], $query, $args, TRUE);
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'uid', $criteria['uid'], $query, $args);
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'vote_source', $criteria['vote_source'], $query, $args, TRUE);
      _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'timestamp', $criteria['timestamp'], $query, $args);
    return array('query' => $query, 'args' => $args);

* Internal helper function constructs individual elements of WHERE clauses.
* Don't use unless you're me.
function _votingapi_query_builder($name, $value, &$query, &$args, $col_is_string = FALSE) {
  if (!isset($value)) {
    // Do nothing
  elseif ($name === 'timestamp') {
    $query .= " AND timestamp >= %d";
    $args[] = $value;
  elseif ($name === 'v.timestamp') {
    $query .= " AND v.timestamp >= %d";
    $args[] = $value;
  else {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      if ($col_is_string) {
        $query .= " AND $name IN (" . db_placeholders($value, 'varchar') . ")";
        $args = array_merge($args, $value);
      else {
        $query .= " AND $name IN (" . db_placeholders($value, 'int') . ")";
        $args = array_merge($args, $value);
    else {
      if ($col_is_string) {
        $query .= " AND $name = '%s'";
        $args[] = $value;
      else {
        $query .= " AND $name = %d";
        $args[] = $value;
See you in another Galaxy

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Drupal7 dbtng

  • 3. Databases: The next generation  A brand new database layer for drupal7  Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Lite  Add-on drivers can be made
  • 5. Basic Queries  Most SELECT queries are simple and don’t change  Drupal calls these: static queries $result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE type = :type AND status = :status", array(':type' => 'module', ':status' => 1));
  • 6. Basic Queries  Table names  wrapped in curly braces  No database-specific syntax in the query.  There are no literal values in the query. Instead, literal values are specified by placeholders.
  • 7. Placeholders  Must be unique within a query, and must begin with a colon.  Should never have quotation marks around them, regardless of the data type. The database server will handle that for us.  Should be used for all literal data, even if it will not vary.
  • 8. Result Object  The return value from a db_query() call is a result object. $list = array(); foreach ($result as $record) { $list[] = t('@name: @filename', array( '@name' => $record->name, '@filename' => $record->filename, )); }
  • 9. Result as array  By default, each $record in the result set is a stdClass object.  This is how you get an array: $result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE type = :type AND status = :status", array(':type' => 'module', ':status' => 1), array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
  • 10. Fetch option  We can also fetch a single record, or even just a single field: // Fetch a single record as an object. $record = $result->fetchObject(); // Fetch a single record as an array. $record = $result->fetchAssoc(); // Fetch just the first field of the next record. $field = $result->fetchField(); // Fetch the entire result set at once into an array. $records = $result->fetchAll()
  • 12. Dynamic Queries  To start, we create a new query object with db_select(): $query = db_select('node', 'n');  The first parameter is the name of the base table of the query and the second is the alias.
  • 13. Dynamic Queries  We then call additional methods on the $query object in order to build up the query logic we want to create dynamically $query = db_select('node', 'n'); $query->fields('n', array('nid, title')); $u_alias = $query->innerJoin('users' ,'u', '%alias.uid = n.uid'); $query->addField($u_alias, 'name', 'username'); $query->condition("{$u_alias}.name", 'Bob'); $query->condition('n.created', REQUEST_TIME - 604800, '>='); $query->orderBy('n.created', 'DESC'); $query->range(0, 5); $query->addTag('node_access'); $result = $query->execute();
  • 14. Dynamic Queries  The resulting query SELECT n.nid AS nid, n.title AS title, AS username FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.nid = n.nid WHERE (n.created >= 1286213869) AND ( = 'Bob') ORDER BY n.created DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0
  • 15. Dynamic Queries  There's one more important method to call —addTag().  It does mark the type of query it is  If a query has been tagged then before it is turned into an SQL string it will be passed through hook_query_alter() and hook_query_TAG_alter().
  • 16. Dynamic Queries  The node_access tag, is most important as it allows the node access system to alter the query, to filter out nodes that the current user should not have access to.
  • 17. Dynamic Queries  Most methods of the select builder return the select object itself and thus are chainable.  The exceptions are the addField() and join() methods, as those need to return a generated alias instead.'n'); $query = db_select('node', $u_alias = $query->innerJoin('users' ,'u', '%alias.uid = n.uid'); $query- >addField($u_alias, 'name', 'username'); $result = $query ->fields('n', array('nid, title')); ->condition("{$u_alias}.name", 'Bob'); ->condition('n.created', REQUEST_TIME - 604800, '>='); ->orderBy('n.created', 'DESC'); ->range(0, 5); ->addTag('node_access') ->execute();
  • 18. Dynamic Queries  SELECT queries have both static and dynamic versions  INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE queries only support a dynamic version
  • 20. Insert  all methods of Insert queries are chainable. $id = db_insert('imports') ->fields(array( 'name' => 'Groucho', 'address' => '123 Casablanca Ave.', 'phone' => '555-1212', )) ->execute();
  • 21. Insert  it supports multi-insert statements $values[] = array( 'name' => 'Groucho', 'address' => '123 Casablanca Ave.', 'phone' => '555-1212', ); $values[] = array( 'name' => 'Chico', 'address' => '456 Races St.', 'phone' => '555-1234', ); $values[] = array( 'name' => 'Harpo', 'address' => '789 Horn Ave.', 'phone' => '555-1234', ); $values[] = array( 'name' => 'Zeppo', 'address' => '22 University Way', 'phone' => '555-3579', );
  • 22. Insert  it supports multi-insert statements $insert = db_insert('imports') ->fields(array('name', 'address', 'phone' => '555-1212')); foreach ($values as $value) { $insert->values($value); } $insert->execute();
  • 23. Insert  On databases that support multi-insert statements, the preceding code will be run as a single query. For those that don't, they will run as separate queries within a single transaction.  Note that in a multi-insert query the return value from execute() is undefined and should be ignored.
  • 25. Update  Update queries look like a hybrid of Insert and Select statements.  consist of both fields to set on a table and conditions to restrict the query. db_update('imports') ->condition('name', 'Chico') ->fields(array('address' => 'Go West St.')) ->execute();  Resulting query: UPDATE {imports} SET address = 'Go West St.' WHERE name = 'Chico';
  • 26. Update  Return value from execute() for Update queries = number of records that were changed.  'changed' does not mean 'matched'.  If the WHERE portion of the query matches a record but if that record already has the values that it would be set to, it will not be changed and would not count towards the return value from execute().
  • 28. Delete  Delete queries should come as no surprise, as they consist of essentially just a WHERE clause: db_delete('imports') ->condition('name' => 'Zeppo') ->execute();  Return value from execute() = number of records that were deleted by the query.
  • 29. Merge
  • 30. Merge  one of the oft-forgotten parts of SQL  the most popular open source databases do not support them directly  "If this record exists, update it with this query otherwise create it with this other query"  It is most useful for setting records that may or may not exist yet, that is, merging data into the table.
  • 31. Merge  A true merge query is atomic = we're guaranteed that it will run as a single uninterrupted operation or fail completely.  Since most of the databases Drupal works with do not directly support Merge queries, Drupal emulates them with multiple queries and a transaction, which in most cases is close enough.
  • 32. Merge db_merge('variable') ->key(array('name' => $name)) ->fields(array('value' => serialize($value))) ->execute();  The key() method takes an associative array of field/value pairs that are the pivot of the query.  The fields() method is about the fields to set
  • 33. Merge  The query can be read as:  "If there is a record where the field 'name' has the value $name, set the 'value' field. If not, insert a new record with name equal to $name and value equal to the given string.”
  • 34. Merge  We can also define more complex logic using the insertFields() and updateFields() methods. db_merge('people') ->key(array('job' => 'Speaker')) ->insertFields(array( 'age' => 31, 'name' => 'Meredith', )) ->updateFields(array( 'name' => 'Tiffany', )) ->execute();
  • 36. Transactions  A transaction in a database is a way to wrap two or more queries together and declare that they should be atomic.  That is, either all succeed or none succeed.  We start a transaction by creating a transaction object.  Everything we do to the database is then part of the transaction until that object is destroyed, at which point the entire query is committed at once.  In most cases, we let PHP destroy the transaction object for us when a function ends.
  • 37. Transactions function my_function() { $transaction = db_transaction(); try { $id = db_insert('example') ->fields(array( 'field1' => 'mystring', 'field2' => 5, )) ->execute(); my_other_function($id); return $id; } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); watchdog_exception('type', $e); } }
  • 38. Slave servers  Drupal also supports Master/slave database replication  select queries can be run against a slave server to offload the work to separate servers  The third parameter to db_query() or db_select() is an array of options that tweak the behavior of the query.
  • 39. Slave servers  The key of interest = target  It specifies which database variant the system should try.  Legal values: default (which is the default) and slave.  If "slave" is specified, Drupal will try to run the query against a slave server. If one is not available, it will silently fall back to the default server.
  • 40. Slave servers $result = db_query("SELECT name, filename FROM {system} WHERE type = :type AND status = :status", array(':type' => 'module', ':status' => 1), array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, 'target' => 'slave'));
  • 41. Slave servers  Data on a slave server is always a little behind the master server  Not all Select queries can handle their data being slightly stale  After writing data, we can call db_ignore_slave().  It will make a note in the active session to disable the slave server for the current user only for a configurable period of time. (The default is five minutes.)
  • 42. Simplify code  Especially for modules creating their own API  They need their own query builder  Example: Voting API
  • 43. Drupal 6: 96 code lines Drupal 7: 16 code lines <?php /** * Select individual votes from the database. <?php */ function votingapi_select_votes($criteria = array(), $limit = 0) { function votingapi_select_votes($criteria = array(), $limit = 0) { $anon_window = variable_get('votingapi_anonymous_window', 3600); if (!empty($criteria['vote_source']) && $anon_window > 0) { $criteria['timestamp'] = time() - $anon_window; $anon_window = variable_get('votingapi_anonymous_window', 3600); } $votes = array(); if (!empty($criteria['vote_source']) && $anon_window >= 0) { $result = _votingapi_select('vote', $criteria, $limit); while ($vote = db_fetch_array($result)) { $votes[] = $vote; $criteria['timestamp'] = REQUEST_TIME - $anon_window; } return $votes; } } /** $query = db_select('votingapi_vote')->fields('votingapi_vote'); * Internal helper function constructs WHERE clauses. Don't use unless you're me. */ foreach ($criteria as $key => $value) { function _votingapi_query($table = 'vote', $criteria = array(), $alias = 'v.') { $criteria += array( 'vote_id' => NULL, $query->condition($key, $value, is_array($value) ? 'IN' : '='); 'vote_cache_id' => NULL, 'content_id' => NULL, } 'content_type' => NULL, 'value_type' => NULL, 'value' => NULL, if (!empty($limit)) { 'tag' => NULL, 'uid' => NULL, $query->range(0, $limit); 'timestamp' => NULL, 'vote_source' => NULL, 'function' => NULL, } ); return $query->execute()->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $query = ''; $args = array(); if (!empty($criteria['vote_id'])) { } } _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'vote_id', $criteria['vote_id'], $query, $args); ?> elseif (!empty($criteria['vote_cache_id'])) { _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'vote_cache_id', $criteria['vote_cache_id'], $query, $args); } else { _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'content_type', $criteria['content_type'], $query, $args, TRUE); _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'content_id', $criteria['content_id'], $query, $args); _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'value_type', $criteria['value_type'], $query, $args, TRUE); _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'tag', $criteria['tag'], $query, $args, TRUE); _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'function', $criteria['function'], $query, $args, TRUE); _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'uid', $criteria['uid'], $query, $args); _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'vote_source', $criteria['vote_source'], $query, $args, TRUE); _votingapi_query_builder($alias . 'timestamp', $criteria['timestamp'], $query, $args); } return array('query' => $query, 'args' => $args); } /** * Internal helper function constructs individual elements of WHERE clauses. * Don't use unless you're me. */ function _votingapi_query_builder($name, $value, &$query, &$args, $col_is_string = FALSE) { if (!isset($value)) { // Do nothing } elseif ($name === 'timestamp') { $query .= " AND timestamp >= %d"; $args[] = $value; } elseif ($name === 'v.timestamp') { $query .= " AND v.timestamp >= %d"; $args[] = $value; } else { if (is_array($value)) { if ($col_is_string) { $query .= " AND $name IN (" . db_placeholders($value, 'varchar') . ")"; $args = array_merge($args, $value); } else { $query .= " AND $name IN (" . db_placeholders($value, 'int') . ")"; $args = array_merge($args, $value); } } else { if ($col_is_string) { $query .= " AND $name = '%s'"; $args[] = $value; } else { $query .= " AND $name = %d"; $args[] = $value; } } } } ?>
  • 44. See you in another Galaxy