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Man is one of the species who inhabit the
earth.he is the only one who has interfered with various
natural processes for use of both biological & physical
resources to meet his multiple demands,man has polluted all
the three realms of the earth-lithosphere,hydrosphere & is essential for us to know about environment
& its pollution.
In this presentation we will be able to know about-
•Ecosystem model
•Atmospheric pollution
•Primary & secondary pollutants
•Acid rain
•Ozone depletion
•Green house effect
•Noise pollution
That which surrounds, the total sum of the
condition of the surroundings within which an
organism, or group, or an object,exists(including
the natural as modified by human activity & the
Abiotic Environment
Biotic Environment
Hydrosphere Lithosphere
The entire part of
earth's land, soil,
water & atmosphere in
which living organism
are found is called
The combined area
hydrosphere of &
atmosphere is known
as biosphere.
Biosphere Model
Solar Radiation
Sun provides energy for plant photosynthesis
Amount of solar radiation varies with
latitude & hence effects climate. solar
radiation also power weather systems
Soil [provides habitat including water & air for many invertebrates addition many animals
have evolved specialist cope with different soils for example the feet of camel.
Volcanic activity ,mountain, ranges etc.
can also affect climate
Climate interacts with geology in soil
formation provides water for solar climate.
Plants provides food for animals
Dead plants & animals decomposes & return nutrients to the soil.
Nutrients are also returned to the soil through animal excrement.
Vegetation gives off water vapour who helps to stabilize the climate of the earth.
Climate restricts the type of plants & animals that can survive in a
particular ecosystem. Water & temperature are two main climate controls.
Animals alter vegetation by browsing & grazing. Human have significantly
altered vegetation patterns through modification for agriculture.
Soil provides water & nutrients for plants
together with a physical base in which plants
can root themselves.
• Our current atmosphere is a
mixture of many different
gases & suspended particles. It
is almost same every where up
to an altitude of 80 Kms.The
atmosphere is divided in to 4
Name of
sphere or
Species (Gas)
Troposphere 0-8 15 to 45 N2,O2,CO2,
Stratosphere 8-50 -55 to 05 O3,O2
Mesosphere 50-80 -2 to -90 N2+O2
Ionosphere 80-
Exosphere 400-
Constituent Symbol Average concentration Source Volume
Nitrogen N2 780900 Biotic 7.809× 101
Oxygen O2 209400 Biotic 2-094× 101
Argon Ar 9300 Radioactive 9.3× 10-1
Carbon dioxide CO2 318318 Biotic & industrial 3.18× 10-2
Neon Ne 18 Internal
helium He 5.2 Radioactive 5.2× 10-4
Methane CH4 1.3 Biotic 1.3× 10-4
Krypton Kr 1.0 Internal 1.0× 10-5
Hydrogen H2 0.5 Biotic & photochemical 5.0× 10-5
Water H2O 0.25 Physical 2.5× 10-5
Carbon monoxide CO 0.1 Photochemical & industrial 1.0× 10-5
Ozone O3 0.02 Photochemical 2.0× 10-6
Ammonia NH3 0-01 Photochemical 1.0× 10-6
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.001 Biotic & industrial 1.0× 10-7
Sulpher dioxide SO2 0.002 Photochemical 2.0× 10-8
Source Pollution
Transportation 42%
Fuel 21%
Industries 14%
Solid waste
Other 18%
Transportation Fuel
Is an unwanted change in the
quality of earth's earths
atmosphere caused by
emission of gases caused by
emission of gases due to
burning of fossil
institution etc.
Industries waste Other
Different Pollutants
1. Gaseous waste: Oxides of
nitrogen,SO2,CO2,CO.Cl,Br,I,O3 & smog.
2. Complex organic chemicals: Benzene, ether.
3. Acid prop lets: H2SO4, HNO3
4. Agrochemicals: fertilizers,
rematicides,weedicides,bectrecides etc.
5. Fluorides
6. Metals: Mercury,lead,Cd,Zn,Fe,Ni etc.
7. Solid wasre:Garbage,plastic etc.
8. Radioactive waste: Nuclear
reacters,uranium,nuclear explosion.
9. Noise waste
Secondary pollutants :These result from chemical reactions
between two or more air components.
Formation of secondary pollutants
2SO2+O2 2SO3
2SO3+H2O H2SO4 (Secondary pollutant)
Natural Pollutants: The pollution which comes out from natural
sources such as forest fires volcanic eruption decomposition of
organic matter & natural radioactivity.
Primary Pollutants: Harmful chemical that directly enters the
air as a result of human activity. These are deforestisation
burning of fossil fuel industrialization warfare etc.
Primary Pollutants Secondary Pollutants
& SO4
Most SPM
Solar radiation
Environmental challenges
• Green house effect: Increasing global temperature.
Scientists predicting that earth's temperature will increase
by 3-40
C by year 2030 if the pollution continues to increase
at the same pace.
• Ozone depletion: As ozone layer in the upper atmosphere
absorbs incoming harmful ultraviolet radiation but it is now
getting thinner & more UVs are reaching in to earth creating
different disease like cancer& eye problems.
• Photochemical smog: In 1952 London was covered by smog
for 10 days .This smog was caused by fog, smoke, ash,& SO2
plus NO2.Sunlight played a great role in the formation of this
smog .Though deaths occurring at that time were not
directly attributed to the smog later statistics confirmed
that 6,000 more people.
Acid rain: is caused by oxides of nitrogen & sulphur.It increases
acidity of soil & effects the growth of trees & plants. The
majestic monument Taj Mahal in India is also affecting by this.
Acid Rain
SO2 &
H2SO4 (Sulphuric Acid)
HNO3 (Nitric Acid)
Nitrous oxide
Methane 18%
Ozone 12%
Nitrous oxide 06%
Green house gases in natural
condition insulates the earth against
extreme of temperature by limiting
both incoming solar radiation &
escape of reradiated heat in to
This natural balance may be
distorted by Green House
Effect as gases such as
carbon dioxide have built up
in the atmosphere trapping
more heat
Some reradiated
heat reflected
back to earth
More reradiated
heat reflected
back to earth
Less reradiated
heat escapes in
to space
Some reradiated
heat escapes in
to space
Contribution of different gases
to cause green house effect
Nitric Acid
(e.g. Formaldehyde)
NO Nitric
Photochemical Smog
Ultraviolet rays
from Sun
The Ozone layer in
blocks these
harmful UV rays
are entering in to
atmosphere releasing
chlorine. The chlorine
than break down the
The chlorine released from CFCs break
down the ozone molecule.
More ultraviolet radiations are reaching in to earths
surface as there is a whole in ozone layer.
Whole in
Ozone layer
Noise pollution
This era has rightly been called as the era of noise.because heavy
industrialization we are exposed to a high level of noise all around
us. Noise has become a very important stress factor in modern leads many health hazards.Some of the sources of noise
pollution are aircraft,automobiles,factories,loudspeakers& pop&
Rock-n-Roll music in clubs
. Noise produces following health problems-
1)Auditory fatigue
2)Deafness or impaired vision
3)Rise in blood pressure, pulse
6)Disturbed sleep
7)Emotional disturbances
Space vehicle
Jet take off
Very High above than
Loud Conversation
Heavy Traffic
High Approximate 80db
Quit Conversation
Ticking Clock
Pleasant below than
Quit RainingSports car
Noise Source Noise
Noise Source Noise
Breathing 10db Traffic noise 60-90db
Winds in trees 20db Sports car 80-90db
Quit conversation 20-30db Heavy truck 90-100db
Ticking clock 10db Motor cycle 105db
House in quiet
35db Thunder storm 110db
Radio music 50-60db Beat music (Electrically
Loud conversation 60db Air craft noise 90-120db
Office noise 60db Jet take off 120db
Children play 60-80db Jet engine 140db
Lawn mower 60-80db Space vehicle launch (From
a short distance)
Vacuum cleaner 80db
We know that certain environmental conditions like air,water,& food
are essential for man,s survival.apart from their availability their
quality & quantity must be assured according to man,s natural &
acquired capacity for sustenance progress in industrialization has
brought environmental hazards such as air water & noise
pollution.These have caused many health problems & diseases.
As it has been said-
we do not inherit the environment from our
forefathers,we borrow it from future generation.
Stockholm conference of 1972 proclaims that:
The protection & improvement of human environment is a major
issue which affects the well being of people & economic development
throughout the world&it is duty of all governments & people to
common efforts for the preservation & improvement of environment
for the benefit of all people & their prosperity
The word environment is derived from the French word
‘Environer’ which means to surround,surrounding or something
that surrounds . It refers to an area in which something exists or
The environment consists of three components , viz.
(1)Biotic [living]
(2)Abiotic [non living]
(3)Meteorological components
•Biotic components
Biotic components are the living things that
shape an ecosystem . The plants , animals and
micro-organisms form biotic component of the
•Abiotic components
Abiotic components are the non-living things that shapes
an ecosystem .
Abiotic components include physical conditions and non-
living resources that affect living organisms in terms
of growth , maintenance .
For example atmosphere , water , etc are called Abiotic
The soil and rocky material on the earth crust is
called lithosphere . It contains valuable nature
resources like minerals , coal , petroleum , etc.
Importance of Environmental
Environment has a great role in the sustained development of any society . Natural
resources such as forest , soil, water, and minerals etc . It is important to have proper
knowledge of the environment , which is possible though environmental studies.
Moreover man through his own needs has made environment synonymous to
pollution . His unquenchable thirst for fulfilling his ever growing needs has lead to the
degradation of the environment . There is a every need to protect our environment by
preventing any further damage to it . Therefore a thorough knowledge of environment
is the need of the hour . Hence environment studies is important for proper utilization
of the environment and for protection and conservation of the environment .
The water compound of environment is called hydrosphere .
It is habitat for number of aquatic animals and plants . Few
examples for hydrosphere lakes and seas, and sometimes
including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds.
The air component of the environment that surrounds earth surface is called
atmosphere . Atmosphere is mixture of many gases like nitrogen (78%) ,
oxygen (21%) and other gases mainly argon (1%) . The different layers of
atmosphere are troposphere , stratosphere , mesosphere , thermosphere ,
exosphere .
The part of environment where life exist is called
biosphere . It includes lithosphere , hydrosphere
and atmosphere . The regions of the surface and
atmosphere of the earth occupied by living
•Energy components
The different forms of energies available in
environment like solar energy , wind energy ,
thermal energy etc ., forms energy components of
the environment .
Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living
beings in the environment .
It interacts with the various abiotic components
found in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and
•Pollution:-The excessive concentration of
unwanted substance present in environment and
adverseley effects human beings , plants ,
animals is called pollution
•Pollutant:-A substance which is already present in
environment and cause pollution when the
concentration of substance increases is called pollutant
Air pollution is the introduction of harmful substances
including particulates and biological molecules into
Earth's atmosphere. It may cause diseases, allergies or
death in humans; it may also cause harm to other living
organisms such as animals and food crops, and may
damage the natural or built environment.
A) Natural causes:-
i. Air pollution can result from both human and natural actions. Natural
events that pollute the air include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind
erosion, pollen dispersal , evaporation of organic compounds and natural
B) Artificial causes:-Man is responsible for most of the world's air pollution,
both indoors and outdoors. Everything from smoking a cigarette to
burning fossil fuels tarnishes the air we breathe and potentially causes
health problems as minor as a headache to as harmful as respiratory, lung
and heart disease. The issues related to air pollution are addressed by
ongoing efforts across the globe that seek to mitigate health and
environmental problems. These include American governmental programs
aimed at cleaning the air to primary-school volunteer sampling groups
throughout Eastern Europe. With luck, efforts like these will one day lead
to healthier air.
Air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions
of individuals with asthma and emphysema. Long-
term health effects can include chronic respiratory
disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even
damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.
Air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions
of individuals with asthma and emphysema. Long-
term health effects can include chronic respiratory
disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even
damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.
i.  Tall chimneys should be installed in factories.
ii. Better designed equipment and smokeless fuels should be used in homes
and industries.
iii. Renewable and non- polluting sources of energy like solar energy , wind
energy , etc , should be used.
iv. Automobiles should be properly maintained and adhere to emission
control standards.
v. More trees should be planted along roadsides and houses.
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes,
rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater). This form of
environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly
or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate
treatment to remove harmful compounds.
Most water pollution doesn't begin in the water itself. Take the oceans around
80 percent of ocean pollution enters our seas from the land. Virtually any
human activity can have an effect on the quality of our water environment.
When farmers fertilize the fields, the chemicals they use are gradually washed
by rain into the groundwater or surface waters nearby. Sometimes the causes of
water pollution are quite surprising. Chemicals released by smokestacks
(chimneys) can enter the atmosphere and then fall back to earth as rain, entering
seas, rivers, and lakes and causing water pollution. That's called atmospheric
deposition. Water pollution has many different causes and this is one of the
reasons why it is such a difficult problem to solve.
The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills life
that depends on these water bodies. Dead fish, crabs, birds and
sea gulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on
beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living
environment).Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well.
i. DO NOT pour fat from cooking or any other type of fat, oil, or
grease down the sink. ...
ii. DO NOT dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents down
the sink or toilet. ...
iii. DO NOT flush pills, liquid or powder medications or drugs down
the toilet. ...
iv. Avoid using a garbage disposal , etc .,
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to
make the land available for other uses is know as deforestation .
Deforestation occurs for multiple reasons trees are cut down to
be used or sold as fuel (sometimes in the form of charcoal) or
timber, while cleared land is used as pasture for livestock and
Deforestation can have a negative impact on the
environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat
for millions of species. Eighty percent of Earth's land
animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot
survive the deforestation that destroys their
homes. Deforestation also drives climate change.
Environmental pollution vinay.

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Environmental pollution vinay.

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  • 5. Objectives Man is one of the species who inhabit the earth.he is the only one who has interfered with various natural processes for use of both biological & physical resources to meet his multiple demands,man has polluted all the three realms of the earth-lithosphere,hydrosphere & is essential for us to know about environment & its pollution. In this presentation we will be able to know about- •Environment •Biosphere •Ecosystem model •Atmosphere •Atmospheric pollution •Primary & secondary pollutants •Acid rain •Ozone depletion •Green house effect •Noise pollution
  • 6. That which surrounds, the total sum of the condition of the surroundings within which an organism, or group, or an object,exists(including the natural as modified by human activity & the artificial).
  • 8. Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Biosphere The entire part of earth's land, soil, water & atmosphere in which living organism are found is called biosphere Or The combined area lithosphere, hydrosphere of & atmosphere is known as biosphere. Biosphere Model
  • 9. Solar Radiation Climate Geology Soil Vegetation Animals Biotic Component Abiotic Component Sun provides energy for plant photosynthesis Amount of solar radiation varies with latitude & hence effects climate. solar radiation also power weather systems Soil [provides habitat including water & air for many invertebrates addition many animals have evolved specialist cope with different soils for example the feet of camel. Volcanic activity ,mountain, ranges etc. can also affect climate Climate interacts with geology in soil formation provides water for solar climate. Plants provides food for animals Dead plants & animals decomposes & return nutrients to the soil. Nutrients are also returned to the soil through animal excrement. Vegetation gives off water vapour who helps to stabilize the climate of the earth. Climate restricts the type of plants & animals that can survive in a particular ecosystem. Water & temperature are two main climate controls. Animals alter vegetation by browsing & grazing. Human have significantly altered vegetation patterns through modification for agriculture. Soil provides water & nutrients for plants together with a physical base in which plants can root themselves.
  • 10. • Our current atmosphere is a mixture of many different gases & suspended particles. It is almost same every where up to an altitude of 80 Kms.The atmosphere is divided in to 4 layers- Name of sphere or layer Height in Kms. Temperatu re Important Chemical Species (Gas) Troposphere 0-8 15 to 45 N2,O2,CO2, H2 Stratosphere 8-50 -55 to 05 O3,O2 Mesosphere 50-80 -2 to -90 N2+O2 Ionosphere 80- 400 O2,O+,NO+ Exosphere 400- 1600 H2,He
  • 11. Constituent Symbol Average concentration Source Volume Nitrogen N2 780900 Biotic 7.809× 101 Oxygen O2 209400 Biotic 2-094× 101 Argon Ar 9300 Radioactive 9.3× 10-1 Carbon dioxide CO2 318318 Biotic & industrial 3.18× 10-2 Neon Ne 18 Internal helium He 5.2 Radioactive 5.2× 10-4 Methane CH4 1.3 Biotic 1.3× 10-4 Krypton Kr 1.0 Internal 1.0× 10-5 Hydrogen H2 0.5 Biotic & photochemical 5.0× 10-5 Water H2O 0.25 Physical 2.5× 10-5 Carbon monoxide CO 0.1 Photochemical & industrial 1.0× 10-5 Ozone O3 0.02 Photochemical 2.0× 10-6 Ammonia NH3 0-01 Photochemical 1.0× 10-6 Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.001 Biotic & industrial 1.0× 10-7 Sulpher dioxide SO2 0.002 Photochemical 2.0× 10-8
  • 12. Source Pollution Transportation 42% Fuel 21% Industries 14% Solid waste disposal 05% Other 18% 42% 21% Transportation Fuel Is an unwanted change in the quality of earth's earths atmosphere caused by emission of gases caused by emission of gases due to burning of fossil fuel,transportation,industrial institution etc. Industries waste Other 21% 14% 05% 18%
  • 13. Different Pollutants 1. Gaseous waste: Oxides of nitrogen,SO2,CO2,CO.Cl,Br,I,O3 & smog. 2. Complex organic chemicals: Benzene, ether. 3. Acid prop lets: H2SO4, HNO3 4. Agrochemicals: fertilizers, pesticides,herbicixles,fungicides, rematicides,weedicides,bectrecides etc. 5. Fluorides 6. Metals: Mercury,lead,Cd,Zn,Fe,Ni etc. 7. Solid wasre:Garbage,plastic etc. 8. Radioactive waste: Nuclear reacters,uranium,nuclear explosion. 9. Noise waste
  • 14. Secondary pollutants :These result from chemical reactions between two or more air components. Formation of secondary pollutants 2SO2+O2 2SO3 2SO3+H2O H2SO4 (Secondary pollutant) Natural Pollutants: The pollution which comes out from natural sources such as forest fires volcanic eruption decomposition of organic matter & natural radioactivity. Primary Pollutants: Harmful chemical that directly enters the air as a result of human activity. These are deforestisation burning of fossil fuel industrialization warfare etc.
  • 15. Primary Pollutants Secondary Pollutants Factory Volcano NO2,SO3,HNO3, H2SO4,H2O2,O3, PANs,MostNO3 -- & SO4 -2 CO,CO2,NO,Most Hydrocarbons, Most SPM Solar radiation
  • 16. Environmental challenges • Green house effect: Increasing global temperature. Scientists predicting that earth's temperature will increase by 3-40 C by year 2030 if the pollution continues to increase at the same pace. • Ozone depletion: As ozone layer in the upper atmosphere absorbs incoming harmful ultraviolet radiation but it is now getting thinner & more UVs are reaching in to earth creating different disease like cancer& eye problems. • Photochemical smog: In 1952 London was covered by smog for 10 days .This smog was caused by fog, smoke, ash,& SO2 plus NO2.Sunlight played a great role in the formation of this smog .Though deaths occurring at that time were not directly attributed to the smog later statistics confirmed that 6,000 more people. Acid rain: is caused by oxides of nitrogen & sulphur.It increases acidity of soil & effects the growth of trees & plants. The majestic monument Taj Mahal in India is also affecting by this.
  • 18. A Methane Carbon Dioxide Nitrous oxide Ozone EarthEarth Carbon Dioxide 50% Methane 18% Chlorofluoroc arbons 14% Ozone 12% Nitrous oxide 06% Green house gases in natural condition insulates the earth against extreme of temperature by limiting both incoming solar radiation & escape of reradiated heat in to space. This natural balance may be distorted by Green House Effect as gases such as carbon dioxide have built up in the atmosphere trapping more heat sun Infra-red radiation Atmosphere Surface Temperature normal Some reradiated heat reflected back to earth Atmosphere sun Surface Temperature increases More reradiated heat reflected back to earth Less reradiated heat escapes in to space Some reradiated heat escapes in to space sun Contribution of different gases to cause green house effect
  • 20. Ultraviolet rays from Sun The Ozone layer in stratosphere blocks these harmful UV rays Chlorofluorocarbons are entering in to atmosphere releasing chlorine. The chlorine than break down the ozone The chlorine released from CFCs break down the ozone molecule. chlorine ozone More ultraviolet radiations are reaching in to earths surface as there is a whole in ozone layer. Oxygen Whole in Ozone layer
  • 21. Noise pollution This era has rightly been called as the era of noise.because heavy industrialization we are exposed to a high level of noise all around us. Noise has become a very important stress factor in modern leads many health hazards.Some of the sources of noise pollution are aircraft,automobiles,factories,loudspeakers& pop& Rock-n-Roll music in clubs . Noise produces following health problems- 1)Auditory fatigue 2)Deafness or impaired vision 3)Rise in blood pressure, pulse rate 4)Headache 5)Nausea 6)Disturbed sleep 7)Emotional disturbances
  • 22. Space vehicle launch Loudspeaker Jet take off Very High above than 100db Loud Conversation Heavy Traffic High Approximate 80db Quit Conversation Ticking Clock Pleasant below than 80dB Quit RainingSports car
  • 23. Noise Source Noise Scale Noise Source Noise Scale Breathing 10db Traffic noise 60-90db Winds in trees 20db Sports car 80-90db Quit conversation 20-30db Heavy truck 90-100db Ticking clock 10db Motor cycle 105db House in quiet street 35db Thunder storm 110db Radio music 50-60db Beat music (Electrically amplified) 120db Loud conversation 60db Air craft noise 90-120db Office noise 60db Jet take off 120db Children play 60-80db Jet engine 140db Lawn mower 60-80db Space vehicle launch (From a short distance) 140-170db Vacuum cleaner 80db
  • 24. Conclusion We know that certain environmental conditions like air,water,& food are essential for man,s survival.apart from their availability their quality & quantity must be assured according to man,s natural & acquired capacity for sustenance progress in industrialization has brought environmental hazards such as air water & noise pollution.These have caused many health problems & diseases. As it has been said- we do not inherit the environment from our forefathers,we borrow it from future generation. Stockholm conference of 1972 proclaims that: The protection & improvement of human environment is a major issue which affects the well being of people & economic development throughout the world&it is duty of all governments & people to common efforts for the preservation & improvement of environment for the benefit of all people & their prosperity
  • 25. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES The word environment is derived from the French word ‘Environer’ which means to surround,surrounding or something that surrounds . It refers to an area in which something exists or lives. The environment consists of three components , viz. (1)Biotic [living] (2)Abiotic [non living] (3)Meteorological components
  • 26. •Biotic components Biotic components are the living things that shape an ecosystem . The plants , animals and micro-organisms form biotic component of the environment
  • 27. •Abiotic components Abiotic components are the non-living things that shapes an ecosystem . Abiotic components include physical conditions and non- living resources that affect living organisms in terms of growth , maintenance . For example atmosphere , water , etc are called Abiotic components
  • 28. IMPORTANT TERMS OF ENVIRONMENT •Lithosphere The soil and rocky material on the earth crust is called lithosphere . It contains valuable nature resources like minerals , coal , petroleum , etc.
  • 29. Importance of Environmental Studies Environment has a great role in the sustained development of any society . Natural resources such as forest , soil, water, and minerals etc . It is important to have proper knowledge of the environment , which is possible though environmental studies. Moreover man through his own needs has made environment synonymous to pollution . His unquenchable thirst for fulfilling his ever growing needs has lead to the degradation of the environment . There is a every need to protect our environment by preventing any further damage to it . Therefore a thorough knowledge of environment is the need of the hour . Hence environment studies is important for proper utilization of the environment and for protection and conservation of the environment .
  • 30. •Hydrosphere The water compound of environment is called hydrosphere . It is habitat for number of aquatic animals and plants . Few examples for hydrosphere lakes and seas, and sometimes including water over the earth's surface, such as clouds.
  • 31. •Atmosphere The air component of the environment that surrounds earth surface is called atmosphere . Atmosphere is mixture of many gases like nitrogen (78%) , oxygen (21%) and other gases mainly argon (1%) . The different layers of atmosphere are troposphere , stratosphere , mesosphere , thermosphere , exosphere .
  • 32. •Biosphere The part of environment where life exist is called biosphere . It includes lithosphere , hydrosphere and atmosphere . The regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth occupied by living organisms.
  • 33. •Energy components The different forms of energies available in environment like solar energy , wind energy , thermal energy etc ., forms energy components of the environment . Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living beings in the environment . It interacts with the various abiotic components found in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.
  • 34. •Pollution:-The excessive concentration of unwanted substance present in environment and adverseley effects human beings , plants , animals is called pollution •Pollutant:-A substance which is already present in environment and cause pollution when the concentration of substance increases is called pollutant
  • 35. AIR POLLUTION Air pollution is the introduction of harmful substances including particulates and biological molecules into Earth's atmosphere. It may cause diseases, allergies or death in humans; it may also cause harm to other living organisms such as animals and food crops, and may damage the natural or built environment.
  • 36. CAUSES OF AIR POLLUTION A) Natural causes:- i. Air pollution can result from both human and natural actions. Natural events that pollute the air include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal , evaporation of organic compounds and natural radioactivity. B) Artificial causes:-Man is responsible for most of the world's air pollution, both indoors and outdoors. Everything from smoking a cigarette to burning fossil fuels tarnishes the air we breathe and potentially causes health problems as minor as a headache to as harmful as respiratory, lung and heart disease. The issues related to air pollution are addressed by ongoing efforts across the globe that seek to mitigate health and environmental problems. These include American governmental programs aimed at cleaning the air to primary-school volunteer sampling groups throughout Eastern Europe. With luck, efforts like these will one day lead to healthier air.
  • 37. EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION Air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions of individuals with asthma and emphysema. Long- term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.
  • 38. EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION Air pollution can aggravate the medical conditions of individuals with asthma and emphysema. Long- term health effects can include chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys.
  • 39. CONTROL METHODS OF AIR POLLUTION i.  Tall chimneys should be installed in factories. ii. Better designed equipment and smokeless fuels should be used in homes and industries. iii. Renewable and non- polluting sources of energy like solar energy , wind energy , etc , should be used. iv. Automobiles should be properly maintained and adhere to emission control standards. v. More trees should be planted along roadsides and houses.
  • 40. WATER POLLUTION Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater). This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.
  • 41. CAUSES OF WATER POLLUTION Most water pollution doesn't begin in the water itself. Take the oceans around 80 percent of ocean pollution enters our seas from the land. Virtually any human activity can have an effect on the quality of our water environment. When farmers fertilize the fields, the chemicals they use are gradually washed by rain into the groundwater or surface waters nearby. Sometimes the causes of water pollution are quite surprising. Chemicals released by smokestacks (chimneys) can enter the atmosphere and then fall back to earth as rain, entering seas, rivers, and lakes and causing water pollution. That's called atmospheric deposition. Water pollution has many different causes and this is one of the reasons why it is such a difficult problem to solve.
  • 42. EFFECTS OF WATER POLLUTION The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills life that depends on these water bodies. Dead fish, crabs, birds and sea gulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment).Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well.
  • 43. CONTROL METHODS OF WATER POLLUTION i. DO NOT pour fat from cooking or any other type of fat, oil, or grease down the sink. ... ii. DO NOT dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents down the sink or toilet. ... iii. DO NOT flush pills, liquid or powder medications or drugs down the toilet. ... iv. Avoid using a garbage disposal , etc .,
  • 44. DEFORESTATION Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses is know as deforestation . Deforestation occurs for multiple reasons trees are cut down to be used or sold as fuel (sometimes in the form of charcoal) or timber, while cleared land is used as pasture for livestock and plantation
  • 45. EFFECTS OF DEFORESTATION Deforestation can have a negative impact on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Eighty percent of Earth's land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes. Deforestation also drives climate change.