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Although it rarely hits the headlines, pollution is a big issue. Air pollution is a major
killer. Other sorts of pollution, while not having such a drastic effect on humans, damage our
environment and spoil our quality of life.
Types of pollution
There are various types of pollution :
Table of Contents
1. Pollution (definition)
2. Water Pollution
3. Thermal Pollution
4. Land Pollution
5. Pestiside Pollution
6. Radiation Pollution
7. Noise Pollution
What is Atmosphere
Atmosphere is the life blanket of Earth.
It is therefore essential that we know more about the atmosphere and the ways in which
it is Polluted.
Causes of Air Pollution
Major sources of Air Pollution
- Industries
-Automobiles and Domestic fuels
-High Proportion of undesirable
gases, such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide
How to Avoid Air Pollution
 Use natural Gases, like lpg autos
 Do not Burst Crackers
 Use less Amount of Fuel for Vehicles
 Avoid using and use electric stoves (bio gas)
Air Pollution affects???
 Human health
 Animals
 Plants
 The atmosphere as a whole
Definition of Water Pollution
The Contamination of water with undesirable substances which make unfit for usage is
termed water Pollution.
Causes of Water Pollution
 About 40% of Deaths worldwide are caused by Water Pollution.
 Water Pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluent
discharged into rivers.
 Noise also causes anxiety stress reacation and fright.
Effects of Water Pollution
 Diseases like Cholera
 Malaria
 Typhoid (spread during the rainy season )
 Aquatic life gets destroyed
How to Avoid Water Pollution
 Rivers should not be used for washing clothes or bathing animals in.
 Harvesting of Rainwater to meet water requirements.
 Dams &embankments must be created.
 The rivers must not be contaminated.
 In sacred river like Ganga the dead bodies shouldn’t thrown.
 Noise can be simply defined as unwanted sound.
 The sound is pleasant or not depends upon its loudness,duration,rhythm and the
mood of the person.
 Noise pollution not only results in irritation and anger.
Causes of Noise Pollution
 Traffic Noise
 Air craft Noise
 Noise from construction and civil engineering works.
 Noise from the Industries.
 Noise from other sources.
 See what is this?
Effects of Noise Pollution
 Hearing Loss
 High Blood Pressure
 Stress
 Sleep Disturbance
 Color Blindness
How to Avoid Noise Pollution
 The Government should ensure the new machines that Should be noise proof.
 Air ports must be away from residential area.
 The Sound horn symbol is to be in School Roads.
Theseare the few examplesof thresholddecibels of noises made:
hreshold ofhearing 0 dB Motorcycle (30 feet 88 dB
Rustling leaves 20 dB Food blender (3 feet) 90 dB
Quiet whisper (3 feet) 30 dB Subway (inside) 94 dB
Quiet home 40 dB Diesel truck (30 feet) 100 dB
Quiet street 50 dB Power mower (3 feet) 107 dB
Normal conversation 60 dB Pneumatic riveter (3 feet) 115 dB
Inside car 70 dB Chainsaw (3 feet) 117 dB
Loud singing (3 feet) 75 dB
Amplified Rock and Roll
(6 feet)
120 dB
Automobile (25 feet) 80 dB Jet plane (100 feet) 130 dB
Prevention of Noise Pollution
 Pleasant Home
 Bhagavan Baba says “Silent is God”.
 We need to talk sweetly to others.
 Talk Less Work More.
 Sound affects our ears so loud noise should be avoided.
 Definition of Land Pollution
 One fourth of area is covered by land is Called Land.
 Land is a earth which is occupied by people for shelter,occuption etc..,
Causes of Land Pollution
 We can classify major sources that lead to land following Categories
 Mining and quarrying
 Sewage waste
 Household Garbage
 Industrial Waste
Land pollution pictures
Effects of Land Pollution
 The Land Cannot be construct house
 Man cannot be farming
 Ground water will gets Affected
 House hold Garbage like putting Plastics
Prevention of Land Pollution
 More and more land should be brought under farming
 Trees should be planted everywhere.
 Waste matter should be disposed immediately
 Avoid drilling the Land for more underground water.
 Avoid using more fertilizers and Pesticides.
Definition of Radio Active Pollution
Despite the Advantage of nuclear as a clean energy, the big concern is the resulted from
nuclear reaction, which is a form of pollution called Radio activity.
Radiation (Laser-Rays) will from Radio Active Pollution.
 Causes of Radio Active Pollution
 Nuclear power plants(Ex:Neyveli,Kalpakkam)
 Nuclear Weapon(Ex:Missiles)
 Disposal of Nuclear Waste
 Uranium Mining
Effects of Radio Active Pollution
 The Diseases include blood in cough
 Ulcer
 Swelling of bone joints
 Cancer
 Lung Cancer
 Skin Cancer
 Bone Cancer
 Eye Problems
How to Prevent of Radio Active Pollution
 Avoid Constructing Nuclear Power Plants
 Avoid Using Nuclear Weapon
 Have Proper Treatment for Nuclear Waste
 Avoid mining for Uranium to a minimal
We can classify major sources that lead to radioactive pollution to the following
 nuclear power plants
 nuclear weapon
 transportation
 disposal of nuclear waste
 uranium mining
Thermal Pollution
This has become an increasing and the most current pollution, owing to the increasing call of
globalization everywhere. Heat produced from industries is a major contribution to the pollution,
much to the operation of the heavy industries which produces high amount of heat energy. As we
will show a summary to the event of this pollution happening:
 Raw materials for productivity (organic and inorganic products)
 Undergo different chemical reactions with several process
 Excess heat energy is produced as a waste product
 Heat is released through into atmosphere (vapor) and riverine system (liquid).
 Heat is released through into atmosphere (vapor) and riverine system (liquid).
 Increase of temperature of environmental system
EFFECTS POLLUTION (Economical effects)
In the course of development, many basis for sustainable development is often ignored. In the
aim for environmental management, private investors often opting for lowest risk with highest
profit takings in its ventures are ignorance to thorough plans, analysis and assessments on
environmental impacts done.
Even if such assessments are taken into account and cautious measures implemented,
pollutions are still happening rapidly as each nations would not want to be left out in the race for
globalization, and also inevitable as pollution has been happening for a long time.
Continuous development for globalization due to increasing activity of agriculture,
industrialization, fisheries, timber and mining will lead to:
 rapid and excessive constructions of factories and building
 increase in emissions of toxic and poisonous gases
 destruction of ecosystems
And finally they will lead to permanent and irreversible damage to the environment.
In the events of pollution occurs which are reversible, greater finance and grants are needed for
the following purposes:
 conservation of remaining ecosystem
 rehabilitation contaminated ecosystems
 clean up of toxic waste
 restoration of historical landscapes
 revival of biodiversity to a new ecosystem
 preservation of endangered species
Alteration to geographical landscapes
A combination of the following happenings:
 Constructions of housing and industries for development
 Economical activities of mining, timber and agriculture
 Clearing of rainforest and hillside, with natural disasters like earthquake which involves the
shifting of earth surface
Climatic pattern change
A combination of the following happenings:
 Rapid emission of greenhouse gases from mass utilization of transportation & heavy
industrial economic activities
 Clearing of land leaving an exposed idle barren land
 Chemical composition of atmosphere altered
 Natural disasters of frequent volcanic eruptions
 Ozone layer is a protective layer in our atmosphere (O3, three oxygen atoms). It's about 19
to 30 km in distance from the Earth surface. It plays an important role of blocking
ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun, which, if there was no ozone layer ever,
cancer would dominate and even no life would be in this world! The concentration of the
layer is usually under 10 parts ozone per million. The ozone layer is made up by the action
of sunlight to oxygen, and the amount is stabled by the existence of nitrogen.
In today's trends there is a noticeable depletion of the ozone layer. It's popularly known since
1970 that a substance called CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is threatening the layer. This substance is
usuallycontained in refrigerators, coolants, and aerosol sprays. When we use much of those
things (which contain CFC), we are continually depleting our Earth's ozone layer. However, most
of the latest products today do not contain CFC anymore. Some other substances, like bromine
halocarbons and nitrous oxides are also possible threats.
The effects of ozone layer depletion are:
 More ultraviolet rays come to Earth (this could make the Earth just like a cooking oven)
 More heat, thus increasing the risk of global warming
How CFC depletes the ozone layer?
1. CFC molecule, consisting of one atom for each fluorine and carbon and 3 chlorine atoms,
is hit by the UV rays.
2. One chlorine atom breaks apart. It will hit an ozone (O3) and takes one oxygen atom away
to create chlorine monoxide, thus leaving one oxygen molecule (O2).
 Another oxygen atom breaks the chlorine monoxide and takes the oxygen atom away,
leaving one chlorine atom, leaving no ozone molecule. Process repeats
Ozone depletion
Ozone layer is a protective layer in our atmosphere (O3, three oxygen atoms). It's about
19 to 30 km in distance from the Earth surface. It plays an important role of blocking
ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun, which, if there was no ozone layer ever,
cancer would dominate and even no life would be in this world! The concentration of the
layer is usually under 10 parts ozone per million. The ozone layer is made up by the
action of sunlight to oxygen, and the amount is stabled by the existence of nitrogen.
In today's trends there is a noticeable depletion of the ozone layer. It's popularly known
since 1970 that a substance called CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is threatening the layer. This
substance is usually
contained in refrigerators, coolants, and aerosol sprays. When we use much of those things
(which contain CFC), we are continually depleting our Earth's ozone layer. However, most of
the latest products today do not contain CFC anymore. Some other substances, like bromine
halocarbons and nitrous oxides are also possible threats.
The effects of ozone layer depletion are:
 More ultraviolet rays come to Earth (this could make the Earth just like a cooking oven)
 More heat, thus increasing the risk of global warming
How CFC depletes the ozone layer?
3. CFC molecule, consisting of one atom for each fluorine and carbon and 3 chlorine
atoms, is hit by the UV rays.
4. One chlorine atom breaks apart. It will hit an ozone (O3) and takes one oxygen atom
away to create chlorine monoxide, thus leaving one oxygen molecule (O2).
5. Another oxygen atom breaks the chlorine monoxide and takes the oxygen atom away,
leaving one chlorine atom, leaving no ozone molecule. Process repeats.
Acid rain
Acid rain is the kind of precipitation that contains larger amounts of acid than normal.
Rainwater is usually slightly acidic, with pH level between 5 and 6. Water that evaporates
from earth is neutral (pH 7) and it becomes weak acid when mixed with carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Acid rain contains more pH than ordinary. This is caused by the presence of air
pollutants, like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. They produce acids if combined with water.
Acid rain is considered as the wet deposits of air pollutants, where it's combined with
moisture before falling into the ground. While air pollutants that fall without combining with
moisture is called dry deposits.
Acid rain can occur naturally, from the volcanic eruptions. However we are also causing this,
from the emission of vehicles and of industrial plants that include the burning of fossil fuels. If
we continue to increase rate of air pollution, we are increasing the risk of acid rain to happen.
What's the impact of acid rain?
 Deteriorates building that is made of rock
 Acidification of soil and lakes
 Separation of poisonous minerals such as aluminum and mercury from the
surrounding ground, increasing the risk of contamination to lakes/water sources
 Deteriorates trees and forests
Biological pollutants are biodegradable substances which can be considered one of the
'cleanest' pollutants, however rate of accumulation currently in an area which is bigger than
the rate of decomposition has made this an undisputable contributory factor to pollution.
Types Characteristics Uses Effects
Due to soil erosion
on hill slope or
coastline where
loose soil practices
are washed down
and carried to
streambed, lake or
Organic matter
Addition of fertilizers
and nutrients to
promote plant growth
and development,
usually from urea
and faecal matter of
animals, or
decomposition of
dead organism.
matter provides
fertility to soil
for agriculture
-sediments can
be collected
and used for
construction of
-occurrence of landslip at hillslope
-unbearable stench of decomposing is
-leeching of organic matter to streambed,
lake or ocean, leading to eutrophication
-depth of lake is reduced as a result of
-change in original geographical landscape
Due to evolution and
mutation microscopic
organisms can be
viral and transmit
diseases to any living
consuming it,
through secretion of
-reduction in clarity of water in
-cause for malaria
-cause for diarrhea due to
contamination of drinking water
-acne-like skin rash
-deadly viral attack can cause
death to living organisms
Particulate matter
Due to volcanic
eruption and
evaporation of gases
such as methane,
sulfur dioxide,
nitrogen dioxide and
carbon dioxide from
materials to the
atmosphere which
gradually and
chemically reactive
to react
-atmospheric visibility reduce
(haze, smog)
-build up of toxic chemicals in
the atmosphere harmful to
living organisms
-frequent asthma attack
-adverse respiratory illness is
Radioactive material
Classified under hazardous waste, wastes can be either toxic (poisonous), reactive (capable of producing
explosive or toxic gases), corrosive (capable of corroding steel) or ignitable (flammable). Improper
treatment and storage resulted in air, water and soil
Types Characteristics Uses Effects
Radium (Ra) -silvery white radioactive material -radiation source for
treating neoplastic disease
-radon source in
radiography of metals
-neutron source for
-exposure via inhalation has
resulted in acute
-oral exposure has resulted
in anemia, necrosis of the
jaw, abscess of the brain
and terminal
-via oral exposure is known
to cause lung, bone, brain
and nasal passage tumors
Radon (Rn) -colorless, odorless, tasteless
radioactive noble gas
-special hazard: radioactive
-cancer treatment
-earthquake prediction
-experimental studies
-health threat in homes built
on granite
-smokers exposed are at
greater risk of lung cancer
-exposure via inhalation has
resulted respiratory effects
(chronic lung disease,
pneumonia, fibrosis of the
-animal studies have
reported effects on the
blood and a decrease in
body weight
Uranium (U) -very heavy silvery white
radioactive metal
-combustible solid
-special hazard: radioactive
-routes of exposure: inhalation,
ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
-target organs: skin, kidneys, bone
marrow, lymphatic system
-pigments for glass
-fuel in nuclear reactors and
nuclear bombs
-depleted uranium: casings
of armour piercing arterial
shells, armour plating on
tanks and as ballast in the
wings of some large
-uranium miners have
shown an increase in lung
cancer and tumors of the
lymphatic and
hematopoietic tissues from
inhalation exposure
-increase of deaths of non
malignant respiratory
Plutonium (Pu) -artificially created radioactive
-made by bombarding uranium
with neutrons
-used in bombs and
-carcinogenic which
promotes cancer
-mutation to body tissues
and cells
-disruption to normal fetal
Types Characteristics Uses Effects
Lead (Pb) -metallic and cubic close-packed
-soft bluish white metal
-non combustible solid (except as
-protective shield from
-lead acid accumulator
-manufacture antiknock,
-mental retardation among
children exposed to lead in
water resulting from lead
pipes and solders in older
-routes of exposure: inhalation,
ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
-target organs: gastrointestinal
tract, central nervous system,
kidneys, blood and gingival tissue
tetraethyl lead Pb(C2H5)4
in petrol
-pigments e.g., white basic
lead carbonate, Pb(OH)2
orange pigment ‘red lead’,
water systems
-exhibit weakness, general
disability, nervous
disorders and eventual
Mercury (Hg) -silver coloured liquid transition
-non-combustible liquid
-routes of exposure: inhalation,
skin absorption, ingestion, skin
and/or eye contact
-target organs: eyes, skin,
respiratory system, central
nervous system, kidneys
-electrodes in the
amalgamation of
electrolysis of brine
-fluorescent lamps
-carcinogenic, typically
cause cancer or are
-cause for kidney damage
-cause for neurological
-cause for blindness
-associated with birth
-damaging to aquatic life
Arsenic (As) -metalloid and gray brittle non-
metal flake
-routes of exposure: inhalation,
ingestion, skin and/or eye contact.
-target organs: skin, respiratory
system, kidneys, central nervous
system, liver, gastrointestinal
tract, reproductive system
-deadly poison in shotgun
-metal for mirrors
-light emitting diodes (LED)
-associated with lung
-results in skin cancer
-damage to intestines and
liver, as it is found in
pesticides, wood
preservatives and naturally
occurring in many
household products
-toxic when ingested
Cadmium (Cd) -silvery white transition metal
-non-combustible solid (except as
-route of exposure: inhalation,
target organs: respiratory system,
kidneys, blood, prostate
-nickel-cadmium batteries
-nuclear reactor regulator
-red/yellow pigments
-toxic and poisonous
Heavy metal
Heavy metal readily accumulates through food web from producer to consumer. As it exceeds
the maximum health standard level, it can be immediately poisonous or result in long-term health
Types Characteristics Uses Effects
Lead (Pb) -metallic and cubic close-packed
-soft bluish white metal
-non combustible solid (except as
-routes of exposure: inhalation,
ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
-target organs: gastrointestinal
tract, central nervous system,
kidneys, blood and gingival tissue
-protective shield from
-lead acid accumulator
-manufacture antiknock,
tetraethyl lead Pb(C2H5)4
in petrol
-pigments e.g., white basic
lead carbonate, Pb(OH)2
orange pigment ‘red lead’,
-mental retardation among
children exposed to lead in
water resulting from lead
pipes and solders in older
water systems
-exhibit weakness, general
disability, nervous
disorders and eventual
Mercury (Hg)
-silver coloured liquid transition
-non-combustible liquid
-routes of exposure: inhalation,
skin absorption, ingestion, skin
and/or eye contact
-target organs: eyes, skin,
respiratory system, central
nervous system, kidneys
-electrodes in the
amalgamation of
electrolysis of brine
-fluorescent lamps
-carcinogenic, typically
cause cancer or are
-cause for kidney damage
-cause for neurological
-cause for blindness
-associated with birth
-damaging to aquatic life
Arsenic (As) -metalloid and gray brittle non-
metal flake
-routes of exposure: inhalation,
ingestion, skin and/or eye contact.
-target organs: skin, respiratory
system, kidneys, central nervous
system, liver, gastrointestinal
tract, reproductive system
-deadly poison in shotgun
-metal for mirrors
-light emitting diodes (LED)
-associated with lung
-results in skin cancer
-damage to intestines and
liver, as it is found in
pesticides, wood
preservatives and naturally
occurring in many
household products
-toxic when ingested
Cadmium (Cd) -silvery white transition metal
-non-combustible solid (except as
-route of exposure: inhalation,
target organs: respiratory system,
kidneys, blood, prostate
-nickel-cadmium batteries
-nuclear reactor regulator
-red/yellow pigments
-toxic and poisonous
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  • 1. Pollution Although it rarely hits the headlines, pollution is a big issue. Air pollution is a major killer. Other sorts of pollution, while not having such a drastic effect on humans, damage our environment and spoil our quality of life. Types of pollution There are various types of pollution : Table of Contents 1. Pollution (definition) 2. Water Pollution 3. Thermal Pollution
  • 2. 4. Land Pollution 5. Pestiside Pollution 6. Radiation Pollution 7. Noise Pollution Pollution What is Atmosphere Atmosphere is the life blanket of Earth. It is therefore essential that we know more about the atmosphere and the ways in which it is Polluted. Causes of Air Pollution Major sources of Air Pollution - Industries -Automobiles and Domestic fuels -High Proportion of undesirable gases, such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide How to Avoid Air Pollution  Use natural Gases, like lpg autos  Do not Burst Crackers  Use less Amount of Fuel for Vehicles  Avoid using and use electric stoves (bio gas) Air Pollution affects???
  • 3.  Human health  Animals  Plants  The atmosphere as a whole Definition of Water Pollution The Contamination of water with undesirable substances which make unfit for usage is termed water Pollution. Causes of Water Pollution  About 40% of Deaths worldwide are caused by Water Pollution.  Water Pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluent discharged into rivers.  Noise also causes anxiety stress reacation and fright. Effects of Water Pollution  Diseases like Cholera  Malaria  Typhoid (spread during the rainy season )  Aquatic life gets destroyed How to Avoid Water Pollution  Rivers should not be used for washing clothes or bathing animals in.  Harvesting of Rainwater to meet water requirements.  Dams &embankments must be created.  The rivers must not be contaminated.  In sacred river like Ganga the dead bodies shouldn’t thrown. NOISELESS ATMOSPHERE  Noise can be simply defined as unwanted sound.
  • 4.  The sound is pleasant or not depends upon its loudness,duration,rhythm and the mood of the person.  Noise pollution not only results in irritation and anger. Causes of Noise Pollution  Traffic Noise  Air craft Noise  Noise from construction and civil engineering works.  Noise from the Industries.  Noise from other sources.  See what is this? Effects of Noise Pollution  Hearing Loss  High Blood Pressure  Stress  Sleep Disturbance  Color Blindness How to Avoid Noise Pollution  The Government should ensure the new machines that Should be noise proof.  Air ports must be away from residential area.  The Sound horn symbol is to be in School Roads. Theseare the few examplesof thresholddecibels of noises made: hreshold ofhearing 0 dB Motorcycle (30 feet 88 dB Rustling leaves 20 dB Food blender (3 feet) 90 dB Quiet whisper (3 feet) 30 dB Subway (inside) 94 dB Quiet home 40 dB Diesel truck (30 feet) 100 dB
  • 5. Quiet street 50 dB Power mower (3 feet) 107 dB Normal conversation 60 dB Pneumatic riveter (3 feet) 115 dB Inside car 70 dB Chainsaw (3 feet) 117 dB Loud singing (3 feet) 75 dB Amplified Rock and Roll (6 feet) 120 dB Automobile (25 feet) 80 dB Jet plane (100 feet) 130 dB Prevention of Noise Pollution  Pleasant Home  Bhagavan Baba says “Silent is God”.  We need to talk sweetly to others.  Talk Less Work More.  Sound affects our ears so loud noise should be avoided.  Definition of Land Pollution  One fourth of area is covered by land is Called Land.  Land is a earth which is occupied by people for shelter,occuption etc.., Causes of Land Pollution  We can classify major sources that lead to land following Categories  Mining and quarrying  Sewage waste  Household Garbage  Industrial Waste Land pollution pictures Effects of Land Pollution  The Land Cannot be construct house
  • 6.  Man cannot be farming  Ground water will gets Affected  House hold Garbage like putting Plastics Prevention of Land Pollution  More and more land should be brought under farming  Trees should be planted everywhere.  Waste matter should be disposed immediately  Avoid drilling the Land for more underground water.  Avoid using more fertilizers and Pesticides. Definition of Radio Active Pollution Despite the Advantage of nuclear as a clean energy, the big concern is the resulted from nuclear reaction, which is a form of pollution called Radio activity. Radiation (Laser-Rays) will from Radio Active Pollution.  Causes of Radio Active Pollution  Nuclear power plants(Ex:Neyveli,Kalpakkam)  Nuclear Weapon(Ex:Missiles)  Disposal of Nuclear Waste  Uranium Mining Effects of Radio Active Pollution  The Diseases include blood in cough  Ulcer  Swelling of bone joints  Cancer  Lung Cancer  Skin Cancer  Bone Cancer  Eye Problems
  • 7. How to Prevent of Radio Active Pollution  Avoid Constructing Nuclear Power Plants  Avoid Using Nuclear Weapon  Have Proper Treatment for Nuclear Waste  Avoid mining for Uranium to a minimal We can classify major sources that lead to radioactive pollution to the following categories:  nuclear power plants  nuclear weapon  transportation  disposal of nuclear waste  uranium mining Thermal Pollution This has become an increasing and the most current pollution, owing to the increasing call of globalization everywhere. Heat produced from industries is a major contribution to the pollution, much to the operation of the heavy industries which produces high amount of heat energy. As we will show a summary to the event of this pollution happening:  Raw materials for productivity (organic and inorganic products)  Undergo different chemical reactions with several process  Excess heat energy is produced as a waste product  Heat is released through into atmosphere (vapor) and riverine system (liquid).  Heat is released through into atmosphere (vapor) and riverine system (liquid).  Increase of temperature of environmental system
  • 8. EFFECTS POLLUTION (Economical effects) In the course of development, many basis for sustainable development is often ignored. In the aim for environmental management, private investors often opting for lowest risk with highest profit takings in its ventures are ignorance to thorough plans, analysis and assessments on environmental impacts done. Even if such assessments are taken into account and cautious measures implemented, pollutions are still happening rapidly as each nations would not want to be left out in the race for globalization, and also inevitable as pollution has been happening for a long time. Continuous development for globalization due to increasing activity of agriculture, industrialization, fisheries, timber and mining will lead to:  rapid and excessive constructions of factories and building  increase in emissions of toxic and poisonous gases  destruction of ecosystems And finally they will lead to permanent and irreversible damage to the environment. In the events of pollution occurs which are reversible, greater finance and grants are needed for the following purposes:  conservation of remaining ecosystem  rehabilitation contaminated ecosystems  clean up of toxic waste  restoration of historical landscapes  revival of biodiversity to a new ecosystem  preservation of endangered species Alteration to geographical landscapes A combination of the following happenings:  Constructions of housing and industries for development  Economical activities of mining, timber and agriculture
  • 9.  Clearing of rainforest and hillside, with natural disasters like earthquake which involves the shifting of earth surface Climatic pattern change A combination of the following happenings:  Rapid emission of greenhouse gases from mass utilization of transportation & heavy industrial economic activities  Clearing of land leaving an exposed idle barren land  Chemical composition of atmosphere altered  Natural disasters of frequent volcanic eruptions  Ozone layer is a protective layer in our atmosphere (O3, three oxygen atoms). It's about 19 to 30 km in distance from the Earth surface. It plays an important role of blocking ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun, which, if there was no ozone layer ever, cancer would dominate and even no life would be in this world! The concentration of the layer is usually under 10 parts ozone per million. The ozone layer is made up by the action of sunlight to oxygen, and the amount is stabled by the existence of nitrogen. In today's trends there is a noticeable depletion of the ozone layer. It's popularly known since 1970 that a substance called CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is threatening the layer. This substance is usuallycontained in refrigerators, coolants, and aerosol sprays. When we use much of those things (which contain CFC), we are continually depleting our Earth's ozone layer. However, most of the latest products today do not contain CFC anymore. Some other substances, like bromine halocarbons and nitrous oxides are also possible threats. The effects of ozone layer depletion are:  More ultraviolet rays come to Earth (this could make the Earth just like a cooking oven)  More heat, thus increasing the risk of global warming How CFC depletes the ozone layer? 1. CFC molecule, consisting of one atom for each fluorine and carbon and 3 chlorine atoms, is hit by the UV rays.
  • 10. 2. One chlorine atom breaks apart. It will hit an ozone (O3) and takes one oxygen atom away to create chlorine monoxide, thus leaving one oxygen molecule (O2).  Another oxygen atom breaks the chlorine monoxide and takes the oxygen atom away, leaving one chlorine atom, leaving no ozone molecule. Process repeats Ozone depletion Ozone layer is a protective layer in our atmosphere (O3, three oxygen atoms). It's about 19 to 30 km in distance from the Earth surface. It plays an important role of blocking ultraviolet (UV) rays that come from the sun, which, if there was no ozone layer ever, cancer would dominate and even no life would be in this world! The concentration of the layer is usually under 10 parts ozone per million. The ozone layer is made up by the action of sunlight to oxygen, and the amount is stabled by the existence of nitrogen. In today's trends there is a noticeable depletion of the ozone layer. It's popularly known since 1970 that a substance called CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) is threatening the layer. This substance is usually contained in refrigerators, coolants, and aerosol sprays. When we use much of those things (which contain CFC), we are continually depleting our Earth's ozone layer. However, most of the latest products today do not contain CFC anymore. Some other substances, like bromine halocarbons and nitrous oxides are also possible threats. The effects of ozone layer depletion are:  More ultraviolet rays come to Earth (this could make the Earth just like a cooking oven)  More heat, thus increasing the risk of global warming How CFC depletes the ozone layer? 3. CFC molecule, consisting of one atom for each fluorine and carbon and 3 chlorine atoms, is hit by the UV rays. 4. One chlorine atom breaks apart. It will hit an ozone (O3) and takes one oxygen atom away to create chlorine monoxide, thus leaving one oxygen molecule (O2).
  • 11. 5. Another oxygen atom breaks the chlorine monoxide and takes the oxygen atom away, leaving one chlorine atom, leaving no ozone molecule. Process repeats. Acid rain Acid rain is the kind of precipitation that contains larger amounts of acid than normal. Rainwater is usually slightly acidic, with pH level between 5 and 6. Water that evaporates from earth is neutral (pH 7) and it becomes weak acid when mixed with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Acid rain contains more pH than ordinary. This is caused by the presence of air pollutants, like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. They produce acids if combined with water. Acid rain is considered as the wet deposits of air pollutants, where it's combined with moisture before falling into the ground. While air pollutants that fall without combining with moisture is called dry deposits. Acid rain can occur naturally, from the volcanic eruptions. However we are also causing this, from the emission of vehicles and of industrial plants that include the burning of fossil fuels. If we continue to increase rate of air pollution, we are increasing the risk of acid rain to happen. What's the impact of acid rain?  Deteriorates building that is made of rock  Acidification of soil and lakes  Separation of poisonous minerals such as aluminum and mercury from the surrounding ground, increasing the risk of contamination to lakes/water sources  Deteriorates trees and forests Biological Biological pollutants are biodegradable substances which can be considered one of the 'cleanest' pollutants, however rate of accumulation currently in an area which is bigger than the rate of decomposition has made this an undisputable contributory factor to pollution.
  • 12. Types Characteristics Uses Effects Soil pollutants Sediments Due to soil erosion on hill slope or coastline where loose soil practices are washed down and carried to streambed, lake or ocean Organic matter Addition of fertilizers and nutrients to promote plant growth and development, usually from urea and faecal matter of animals, or decomposition of dead organism. -decomposed matter provides fertility to soil for agriculture -sediments can be collected and used for construction of barriers -occurrence of landslip at hillslope -unbearable stench of decomposing is imminent -leeching of organic matter to streambed, lake or ocean, leading to eutrophication -depth of lake is reduced as a result of sedimentation -change in original geographical landscape Water pollutants Microorganism Due to evolution and mutation microscopic organisms can be viral and transmit diseases to any living organisms consuming it, through secretion of -reduction in clarity of water in lakes -cause for malaria -cause for diarrhea due to contamination of drinking water -acne-like skin rash -deadly viral attack can cause death to living organisms
  • 13. poison Air pollutants Particulate matter Due to volcanic eruption and evaporation of gases such as methane, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide from decomposing materials to the atmosphere which accumulates gradually and chemically reactive to react -atmospheric visibility reduce (haze, smog) -build up of toxic chemicals in the atmosphere harmful to living organisms -frequent asthma attack -adverse respiratory illness is imminent Radioactive material Classified under hazardous waste, wastes can be either toxic (poisonous), reactive (capable of producing explosive or toxic gases), corrosive (capable of corroding steel) or ignitable (flammable). Improper treatment and storage resulted in air, water and soil Types Characteristics Uses Effects Radium (Ra) -silvery white radioactive material -radiation source for treating neoplastic disease -radon source in radiography of metals -neutron source for research -exposure via inhalation has resulted in acute leucopoenia -oral exposure has resulted in anemia, necrosis of the jaw, abscess of the brain and terminal
  • 14. bronchopneumonia -via oral exposure is known to cause lung, bone, brain and nasal passage tumors Radon (Rn) -colorless, odorless, tasteless radioactive noble gas -special hazard: radioactive -cancer treatment -earthquake prediction -experimental studies -health threat in homes built on granite -smokers exposed are at greater risk of lung cancer -exposure via inhalation has resulted respiratory effects (chronic lung disease, pneumonia, fibrosis of the lung) -animal studies have reported effects on the blood and a decrease in body weight Uranium (U) -very heavy silvery white radioactive metal -combustible solid -special hazard: radioactive -routes of exposure: inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact -target organs: skin, kidneys, bone marrow, lymphatic system -pigments for glass -fuel in nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs -depleted uranium: casings of armour piercing arterial shells, armour plating on tanks and as ballast in the wings of some large aircrafts -uranium miners have shown an increase in lung cancer and tumors of the lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues from inhalation exposure -increase of deaths of non malignant respiratory disease Plutonium (Pu) -artificially created radioactive metal -made by bombarding uranium with neutrons -used in bombs and reactors -carcinogenic which promotes cancer development -mutation to body tissues and cells -disruption to normal fetal development Types Characteristics Uses Effects Lead (Pb) -metallic and cubic close-packed -soft bluish white metal -non combustible solid (except as dust) -protective shield from radioactivity -lead acid accumulator -manufacture antiknock, -mental retardation among children exposed to lead in water resulting from lead pipes and solders in older
  • 15. -routes of exposure: inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact -target organs: gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, kidneys, blood and gingival tissue tetraethyl lead Pb(C2H5)4 in petrol -pigments e.g., white basic lead carbonate, Pb(OH)2 orange pigment ‘red lead’, Pb3O4 water systems -exhibit weakness, general disability, nervous disorders and eventual death Mercury (Hg) -silver coloured liquid transition metal -non-combustible liquid -routes of exposure: inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact -target organs: eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, kidneys -electrodes in the amalgamation of electrolysis of brine -Thermometers -Barometers -fluorescent lamps -carcinogenic, typically cause cancer or are mutagenic -cause for kidney damage -cause for neurological disorder -cause for blindness -associated with birth defects -damaging to aquatic life Arsenic (As) -metalloid and gray brittle non- metal flake -routes of exposure: inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact. -target organs: skin, respiratory system, kidneys, central nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system -deadly poison in shotgun pellets -metal for mirrors -Glass -Lasers -light emitting diodes (LED) -semiconductors -carcinogenic -associated with lung cancer -results in skin cancer -damage to intestines and liver, as it is found in pesticides, wood preservatives and naturally occurring in many household products -toxic when ingested Cadmium (Cd) -silvery white transition metal -non-combustible solid (except as dust) -route of exposure: inhalation, ingestion target organs: respiratory system, kidneys, blood, prostate -nickel-cadmium batteries -nuclear reactor regulator -red/yellow pigments -toxic and poisonous
  • 16. Heavy metal Heavy metal readily accumulates through food web from producer to consumer. As it exceeds the maximum health standard level, it can be immediately poisonous or result in long-term health problems. Types Characteristics Uses Effects Lead (Pb) -metallic and cubic close-packed -soft bluish white metal -non combustible solid (except as dust) -routes of exposure: inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact -target organs: gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, kidneys, blood and gingival tissue -protective shield from radioactivity -lead acid accumulator -manufacture antiknock, tetraethyl lead Pb(C2H5)4 in petrol -pigments e.g., white basic lead carbonate, Pb(OH)2 orange pigment ‘red lead’, Pb3O4 -mental retardation among children exposed to lead in water resulting from lead pipes and solders in older water systems -exhibit weakness, general disability, nervous disorders and eventual death Mercury (Hg) -silver coloured liquid transition metal -non-combustible liquid -routes of exposure: inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact -target organs: eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system, kidneys -electrodes in the amalgamation of electrolysis of brine -thermometers -barometers -fluorescent lamps -carcinogenic, typically cause cancer or are mutagenic -cause for kidney damage -cause for neurological disorder -cause for blindness -associated with birth defects -damaging to aquatic life Arsenic (As) -metalloid and gray brittle non- metal flake -routes of exposure: inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact. -target organs: skin, respiratory system, kidneys, central nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system -deadly poison in shotgun pellets -metal for mirrors -glass -lasers -light emitting diodes (LED) -semiconductors -Carcinogenic -associated with lung cancer -results in skin cancer -damage to intestines and liver, as it is found in pesticides, wood preservatives and naturally
  • 17. occurring in many household products -toxic when ingested Cadmium (Cd) -silvery white transition metal -non-combustible solid (except as dust) -route of exposure: inhalation, ingestion target organs: respiratory system, kidneys, blood, prostate -nickel-cadmium batteries -nuclear reactor regulator -red/yellow pigments -toxic and poisonous References Science books Free