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A. Surface sources such as:
  1. Ponds and Lakes
  2. Streams and Rivers
  3. Storage resources ( Dams )

B. Subsurface or Underground sources
  such as:
  1. Springs
  2. Wells ( Open and Tube- wells )
     A lake is a body of relatively still fresh or
salt water of considerable size, localized in a
basin, that is surrounded by land apart from a
river, stream, or other form of moving water that
serves to feed or drain the lake. Lakes are inland
and not part of the ocean and therefore are
distinct from lagoons, and are larger and deeper
than ponds. Lakes can be contrasted with rivers
or streams, which are usually flowing. However
most lakes are fed and drained by rivers and
Natural lakes are generally found in
mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with
ongoing glaciations. Other lakes are found in
endorheic basins or along the courses of mature
rivers. In some parts of the world there are many
lakes because of chaotic drainage patterns left
over from the last Ice Age. All lakes are
temporary over geologic time scales, as they will
slowly fill in with sediments or spill out of the
basin containing them.
     A pond is a body of standing water, either
natural or man-made, that is usually smaller
than a lake. They may arise naturally in
floodplains as part of a river system, or they may
be somewhat isolated depressions (examples
include vernal pools and prairie potholes).
Usually they contain shallow water with marsh
and aquatic plants and animals. A few animals
also make ponds, including both alligators and
beavers. The type of life in a pond is generally
determined by a combination of factors including
water level regime (particularly depth and
duration of flooding) and nutrient levels, but
other factors may also be important, including
presence or absence of shading by trees, presence
or absence of streams, effects of grazing
animals, and salinity.
Humans also make ponds. A wide variety of
man-made bodies of water are classified as
ponds. Some ponds are created specifically for
habitat restoration, including water treatment.
Others, like water gardens, water features and
koi    ponds    are   designed    for   aesthetic
ornamentation as landscape or architectural
features. Fish ponds are designed for commercial
fish breeding, and solar ponds designed to store
thermal energy.

    Standing bodies of water such as puddles,
ponds, and lakes are often categorized separately
from flowing water courses, such as a brook,
creek, or stream.
      A stream is a body of water with a current, confined
   within a bed and stream banks. Depending on its locale
   or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to
   as a branch, brook, beck, burn, creek, "crick", gill
   ghyll), kill, lick, rill, river, syke, bayou, rivulet, streamag
   e, wash, run or runnel.

       Streams are important as conduits in the water
cycle, instruments in groundwater recharge, and corridors
for fish and wildlife migration. The biological habitat in the
immediate vicinity of a stream is called a riparian zone.
Given      the   status    of     the   ongoing     Holocene
extinction, streams play an important corridor role in
connecting fragmented habitats and thus in conserving
biodiversity. The study of streams and waterways in
general is known as surface hydrology and is a core element
of environmental geography.
These are bodies of flowing water moving in one
direction. Streams and rivers can be found everywhere—
they get their starts at headwaters, which may be springs,
snowmelt or even lakes, and then travel all the way to their
mouths, usually another water channel or the ocean. The
characteristics of a river or stream change during the
journey from the source to the mouth. The temperature is
cooler at the source than it is at the mouth. The water is
also clearer, has higher oxygen levels, and freshwater fish
such as trout and heterotrophs can be found there.
Towards the middle part of the stream/river, the width
increases, as does species diversity—numerous aquatic
green plants and algae can be found. Toward the mouth of
the river/stream, the water becomes murky from all the
sediments that it has picked up upstream, decreasing the
amount of light that can penetrate through the water.
Since there is less light, there is less diversity of flora, and
because of the lower oxygen levels, fish that require less
oxygen, such as catfish and carp, can be found.
     A river is a natural watercourse, usually
freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or
another river. In a few cases, a river simply flows into
the ground or dries up completely before reaching
another body of water. Small rivers may also be called
by      several       other      names,        including
stream, creek, brook, rivulet, run, tributary and rill.
There are no official definitions for generic
terms, such as river, as applied to geographic
features, although in some countries or communities
a stream may be defined by its size. Many names for
small rivers are specific to geographic location; one
example is "burn" in Scotland and northeast England.
Sometimes a river is said to be larger than a
creek, but this is not always the case, because of
vagueness in the language.
Rivers are part of the hydrological cycle.
Water within a river is generally collected from
precipitation through a drainage basin from
surface runoff and other sources such as
groundwater recharge, springs, and the release of
stored water in natural ice and snowpacks (e.g.,
from glaciers). Potamology is the scientific study
of rivers.
     A dam is a barrier that impounds water or
underground streams. Dams generally serve the
primary purpose of retaining water, while other
structures such as floodgates or levees (also
known as dikes) are used to manage or prevent
water flow into specific land regions. Hydropower
and pumped-storage hydroelectricity are often
used in conjunction with dams to generate
electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water
or for storage of water which can be evenly
distributed between locations.

    A spring—also known as a rising or
resurgence—is a component of the hydrosphere.
Specifically, it is any natural situation where
water flows to the surface of the earth from
underground. Thus, a spring is a site where the
aquifer surface meets the ground surface.
     A water well is an excavation or structure
created in the ground by digging, driving, boring or
drilling to access groundwater in underground
aquifers. The well water is drawn by an electric
submersible pump, a trash pump, a vertical turbine
pump, a handpump or a mechanical pump (e.g.
from a water-pumping windmill). It can also be
drawn up using containers, such as buckets, that
are raised mechanically or by hand.

    Wells can vary greatly in depth, water volume
and water quality. Well water typically contains
more minerals in solution than surface water and
may require treatment to soften the water by
removing minerals such as arsenic, iron and
   SURFACE SOURCES refers to water
    occurring in lakes, rivers, ponds, streams,
    or other fresh water sources used for
    drinking water supplies. It is naturally
    replenished     by     precipitation    and
    naturally lost through discharge to the
    oceans, evaporation, evapotranspiration
    and sub-surface seepage.
   These also pertains to the sources in
    which the water flows over the surface of
    the earth and is directly available as raw
    water like what is mentioned in the
    previous slide.
   The surface water that goes deeper into
    the earth enhances the groundwater
    safe deposits , though on the other hand
    it contains more salt and energy is
    required to take it out.
Image of the entire surface water flow of the Alapaha River near
Jennings, Florida going into a sinkhole leading to the Floridan
Aquifer groundwater
Potrerillos Dam

Trinity Dam
Grand Coulee Dam

   Arch Dam

Trinity Dam
Thomson Dam

                 Evretou Dam

Trinity Dam
Water resources are sources of water that are useful
or potentially useful. Uses of water include
agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and
environmental activities. Virtually all of these human uses
require fresh water.
     97% of the water on the Earth is salt water.
 However, only three percent is fresh water; slightly
 over two thirds of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice
 caps. The remaining unfrozen freshwater is found
 mainly as groundwater, with only a small fraction
 present above ground or in the air.
The sources of  Surface Sources
 water which        Ponds and Lakes

    can be          Streams and Rivers

  harnessed         Storage Resources ( Dams)

can be divided  Subsurface or Underground
   into the      Sources
following two       Springs
  categories:       Wells
Surface Water

      Surface water is water in a river, lake or fresh water
 wetland. Surface water is naturally replenished by
 precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to
 the oceans, evaporation, evapotranspiration and sub-
 surface seepage.
 A pond is a body of water shallow enough to support
  rooted plants. Many times plants grow all the way
  across a shallow pond.
 Water temperature is fairly even from top to bottom
  and changes with air temperature. There is little wave
  action and the bottom is usually covered with mud.
  Plants can, and often do, grow along the pond edge.
  The amount of dissolved oxygen may vary greatly
  during a day. In really cold places, the entire pond can
  freeze solid.
 A lake is bigger than a pond, and is too deep to support rooted
  plants except near the shore. Some lakes are big enough for
  waves to be produced.

 Water temperatures in lakes during summer months is not
  uniform from top to bottom. Three distinct layers develop: The
  top layer stays warm at around 65–75 degrees F (18.8–24.5
  degrees C). The middle layer drops dramatically, usually to 45–65
  degrees F (7.4–18.8 degrees C). The bottom layer is the
  coldest, staying at around 39–45 degrees F (4.0–7.4 degrees C).
  Since light does not penetrate to the bottom, photosynthesis is
  limited to the top layer. Because of the warmer waters and more
  plentiful food supply, almost all creatures spend the summer
  months in the upper layer.
 During spring and fall the lake temperature is more
  uniform. Fish and other animals are found throughout the
  layers of the lake.

 Even in cold climates, most lakes are large enough so that
  they don't freeze solid, unlike ponds. During the winter
  months some creatures hibernate in the bottom mud.
  Some fish continue to feed, but less actively. A layer of ice
  can develop on the top of lakes during winter. The ice
  blocks out sunlight and can prevent photosynthesis.
  Without photosynthesis, oxygen levels drop and some
  plants and animals may die. This is called "winterkill."
Streams and Rivers
 Rivers come in lots of different shapes and sizes, but they
  all have some things in common. All rivers and streams
  start at some high point. The high point can be a mountain,
  hill or other elevated area. Water from some source like a
  spring, snow melt or a lake starts at this high point and
  begins to flow down to lower points. As the water flows
  down, it may pick up more water from other small streams,
  springs or or from rain or snow melt. These streams may
  slowly join together to form a larger stream or river. Small
  rivers and streams may join together to become larger
  rivers. Eventually all this water from rivers and streams will
  run into the ocean or an inland body of water like a lake.
Streams and Rivers
 Although river water makes up only about 0.2 percent
 of all the fresh water on Earth, it plays a very important
 role. Rivers are like roads. They carry water, organisms
 and important gases and nutrients to many areas.
 They also help drain rainwater and provide habitats for
 many species of plants and animals. As they make
 their way to the sea, rivers help shape the features of
 the Earth. Rivers are travel routes for people and
 provide the power for hydroelectric plants.
Streams and Rivers
Storage Resources ( Dams)
 A dam is a barrier that impounds water or
 underground streams. Dams generally serve the
 primary purpose of retaining water, while other
 structures such as floodgates or levees (also known as
 dikes) are used to manage or prevent water flow into
 specific land regions. Hydropower and pumped-
 storage hydroelectricity are often used in conjunction
 with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be
 used to collect water or for storage of water which can
 be evenly distributed between locations.
Storage Resources ( Dams)
Subsurface or Underground Sources
 Sub-surface water, or groundwater, is fresh
 water located in the pore space of soil and
 rocks. It is also water that is flowing within
 aquifers below the water table. Sometimes it
 is useful to make a distinction between sub-
 surface water that is closely associated with
 surface water and deep sub-surface water in
 an aquifer (sometimes called "fossil water").
 A spring is also known as a rising or
 resurgence. It is a component of the
 hydrosphere. Specifically, it is any natural
 situation where water flows to the surface of
 the earth from underground. Thus, a spring
 is a site where the aquifer surface meets the
 ground surface.
 A water well is an excavation or structure created in the
  ground by digging, driving, boring or drilling to access
  groundwater in underground aquifers. The well water is
  drawn by an electric submersible pump, a trash pump, a
  vertical turbine pump, a handpump or a mechanical pump
  (e.g. from a water-pumping windmill[1]). It can also be
  drawn up using containers, such as buckets, that are raised
  mechanically or by hand.

 Wells can vary greatly in depth, water volume and water
  quality. Well water typically contains more minerals in
  solution than surface water and may require treatment to
  soften the water by removing minerals such as arsenic, iron
  and manganese.
Water Supply Schemes
• means a system to draw water from
  suitable source, treat it and then supply it
  to the consumers
The underground water is generally pure (from
  suspended impurities point of view because
  of natural filtration) but contains more dissolved
The lifting of water (pumping out from wells) also
  requires energy (electricity) whereas the filtration
  of surface water is a costly affair.
So the environmental engineers in the public health
  engineering departments (water works) make
  schemes(plans) to supply potable (fit for drinking
  from all points of view, i.e. clarity, dissolved
  salts, and free from bacteria etc.) water to the
Types of Water Supply Schemes
• rural water      • Urban water supply
  supply schemes     schemes
Aspects to be Considered
•   surety of availability of water
•   quality of water
•   cost of treatment
•   cost of supply
Traditional Source scheme
• traditional source of the water supply already
  existing in the village like an open well or the pond
  is electrified and pumping machinery is installed
• The pumped water is distributed to the villager’s
  byte existing small tanks near the wells.
  After commissioning the scheme it was handed
  over to the villagers to run at their own cost
• But the schemes were not run by them
  successfully due to lack of interest and money.
Pump and Tank Schemes
• In these schemes the government public
  health departments develop a source in the
  village itself. It may be an open well or a
  tube-well generally. One ground level
  reservoir (G.L.R.) is constructed and the
  pump installed on the source fills water in this
  tank. Public stand posts (P.S.Ps) are
  constructed by the sides of this GLR and
  public is allowed to fetch water from here free
  of cost-free but no hose connections are
Pump and Tank Schemes
Regional Water Supply Schemes
• this is a combined scheme of many villages
• Pipe lines have to be laid to carry water from
  the source to the benefited villages. So it is a
  costlier option.
• Some times connections to individual houses
  are also given depending upon the population
  and the paying capacity and willingness of
  the consumers. There are some regional
  water supply schemes which cater the needs
  of hundreds of villages along with the urban
Regional Water Supply Schemes
Piped Water Supply Schemes
• These are generally for towns or big villages
  (urban areas).
• In these schemes house connections are
  given and the consumption is charged. The
  source may be in the locality or a distance
• Overhead tanks known as elevated service
  reservoirs (E.S.R) are constructed for the
  distribution of water through the distribution
Piped Water Supply Schemes
• First of all the raw water is treated by all
  means including disinfection (most
  important).Then pumped to ESRs and
  then distributed either for the whole day or
  at certain fixed time.
• The consumption is generally metered and
  charged on monthly basis. After some
  years the existing water supply schemes
  are reframed and executed.
• Such schemes are known as Reorganized
  Water Supply Schemes.
Urban Water Supply Schemes
• These are the schemes implemented for
  the urban areas.
• The main difference in design of rural and
  urban water supply scheme is the rate of
  water supply.
• . The other main difference is the house
• In most of the rural water supply schemes
  water is supplied at a common point and
  people have to fetch it from this common
  place also known as public stand post.
• In urban water supply schemes every
  house is given a metered or flat rate
  service connection through which water is
  generally supplied intermittently.
• The water obtained from a surface or
  ground source is treated and lifted in an
  elevated service reservoir. Then it is
  distributed through properly designed and
  maintained distribution system. Though
  some of it is wasted in leakages but the
  loss should not be more than 10%. The
  water is also supplied for industrial and
  commercial purposes. Some of the water
  is always stored for fire fighting.
Urban Water Supply Schemes
Safe drinking water
• Free from pathogenic organisms
• Clear
• Not saline
• Free from offensive taste or smell
• Free from compounds that may have
  adverse effect on human health
• Free from chemicals that cause corrosion
  of water supply systems
Parameters          Desirable   Permissible
                    limit       limit
Colour Hazen unit   5           25
Turbidity-NTU       5           10
pH                  6.5-8.5     6.5-8.5
Hardness (as        0.3         1
TDS                 500         2000
Parameters       Desirable   Permissible
                 limit       limit
Nitrate mg/l     45          45

Chloride mg/l    250         1000

Flouride mg/l    1           1.5

Arsenic mg/l     0.05        0.05

Aluminium mg/l   0.03        0.2
Bacteriological Standards
Water entering the
distribution system
Coliform (bacteria, as the indicator
organism) count in any sample of 100mL
should be zero

Sample of water that does not conform to
this standard calls for an immediate
investigation into both the efficacy of the
purification process and the method of
Criteria of water in the
            distribution system
• E. Coli(Escherichia Coli, bacteria found in the
  colon of human beings as natural habitant) count
  in 100ml of any sample should be zero

• Coliform organisms, not more than 10 per 100ml
  shall be present in any amount

• Coliform organisms should not be detectable in
  100ml of any two consecutive sample or more
  than 55 of the samples collected per year
Individual or
        small community supplies

• E. Coli count should be zero in any sample of
  100mL and coliform organisms should not be
  more than 3 per 100ml.

• If it exceeds the said amount, the supply shoul
  be disinfected
Virological Standards
0.5 mg/L of free chlorine residual for an hour

• Sufficient to inactivate virus even in water that
  was originally polluted

• Insisted in all disinfected supplies in areas
  suspected of infectious hepatitis Jaundice

• Other areas insists of 0.2mg/L of this free residual
  for half an hour
9. What are the toxicological
 materials found in water?
•Total coliform bacteria

         Total coliform bacteria are commonly
  found in the environment (e.g., soil or
  vegetation) and are generally harmless. If
  only total coliform bacteria are detected in
  drinking water, the source is probably
  environmental. Fecal contamination is not
  likely. However, if environmental
  contamination can enter the system, there
  may also be a way for pathogens to enter the
  system. Therefore, it is important to find the
  source and resolve the problem.
• E. Coli

         E. coli is a type of fecal coliform
  bacteria commonly found in the
  intestines of animals and humans. E.
  coli is short for Escherichia coli. The
  presence of E. coli in water is a strong
  indication of recent sewage or animal
  waste contamination. Sewage may
  contain many types of disease-causing
• Fecal coliform bacteria

         Fecal coliform bacteria are a sub-group
  of total coliform bacteria. They appear in
  great quantities in the intestines and feces of
  people and animals. The presence of fecal
  coliform in a drinking water sample often
  indicates recent fecal
  contamination, meaning that there is a
  greater risk that pathogens are present than
  if only total coliform bacteria is detected.
    It    can be measured by a
thermometer.      The    temperature
should be suitable for human beings
depending on climatic and weather
conditions. An average temperature is
15 degree Celsius.
 The muddy or cloudy appearance of such
 particles that presents hindrances on path of
 light. The turbidity is measured by a turbidity
 rod or a turbidity meter with physical
 observations and is expressed as the
 suspended matter in mg/I or ppm (part per
 million). The standard unit of turbidity is that
 which is produced by 1 mg of finely divided
 silica in one litre of distilled water.
     It is imparted by dissolved organic
 matters from decaying vegetation or some
 inorganic materials. The presence of algae or
 other aquatic plants in water may impart
 colour changes. The standard unit of colour
 is that which produced by one milligram of
 platinum cobalt dissolved in one litre of
 distilled water. It is measured by lab`s by
 Nessler`s tubes by comparing the sample
 with the known intensities. The instrument
 used is TINTOMETER.
Taste and odour
  The dissolved inorganic salts or organic matter or the
  dissolved gases may impart taste and odour to the water.
  The water must not contain any undesirable or
  objectionable taste or odour. The extent of taste or odour
  is measured by the term called odour intensity which is
  related with the threshold odour, which represents the
  dilution ratio at which the odour is hardly detectible.
  The water to be tasted is gradually diluted with odour
  free water and the mixture at which the detection of taste
  and odour is just lost is determined. The number of times
  the sample is diluted is known as the threshold number.
  Thus if 20 ml of water is made 100ml (until it just losses
  its odour and tastes) then the threshold number is 5. For
  domestic water supplies the water should be free from
  any taste and odour so the threshold number should be 1
  and not to exceed to 3.
Specific conductivity of water
 It is determined by means of a portable
 diionic water tester and is expressed as
 micro ohms per cm at 25 degree Celsius.
 Mho is the unit of conductivity and is
 equal to 1 ampere / 1 volt . The specific
 conductivity is multiplied by a co-efficient
 (generally 0.65) so a to directly obtain the
 dissolved salt content in ppm.
Chemical Characteristics of
• Since water is such a good solvent, it is not
  surprising to find many different chemical
  substances present in it. Water, on reaching a
  river, will contain inorganic and organic
  compounds which were dissolved as rainwater
  percolated through the soil and rocks. In
  addition, some gases will dissolve in rainwater
  during its passage through the air.
• Analysis of water is done to determine this
  chemical characteristics.
Total solids and Suspended solids
• The total amount of solids can be determined
  by evaporating a measured sample of water
  and weighing the dry residue left.
• The suspended solids can be determined by
  filtering the water sample and weighing the
  residue left on the filter paper.
• The difference between the total solids and
  the suspended solids will be the dissolved
pH of Water
• pH is equal to the negative logarithm of
  hydrogen ion. The higher value of pH means
  lower value hydrogen ion concentrations and
  thus represent alkaline water and vice versa.
• The neutral water has the same number of H+
  and OH- ions.
• If an acid is added to neutral water the number of
  hydrogen ion and thus reduces pH. Similarly, if an
  alkali is added the number of hydroxyl ion
  increases thus reducing hydrogen ion and the pH
• Hence, if the pH of water is more than 7 it is
  alkaline and if it’s less than 7 it is acidic.
• Generally, the alkalinity of water is caused by
  the presence of bicarbonates of calcium &
  magnesium, or by the carbonates, or the
  hydroxides of Na, K, Ca, and Mg.
• Acidity is caused by the presence of mineral
  acids, free CO2 sulfates of Fe and Al etc.
• For municipal water supplies the pH should be
  close to 7 as possible. The lower pH may
  damage the pipelines etc. by reacting with
  them. The alkaline water may produce
  sedimentation in pipes, difficulties in
  chlorination and adverse effect on human
  physiological system.
Hardness of Water
• Hardness in water prevents the formation of
  sufficient foam when used with soap.
• Hardness in water is mainly due to the presence
  of ions of the metals calcium (Ca2+), magnesium
  (Mg2+), and iron (Fe2+). Rivers and lakes fed by
  water that has run from chalky areas and
  limestone (CaCO3) contain an abundance of
  calcium. Calcium and magnesium account for at
  least 70% of the total cations in water.
• Hardness is measured by titration method and
  is expressed in ppm or mg/l. Generally the
  underground water is harder as it dissolves
  the salts in its journey form surface to the
  ground water table. For boiler feed waters and
  for efficient washing of clothes the water must
  be soft, i.e. hardness should be less than
• Chlorides are generally present in water in the
  form of sodium chloride and their
  concentration above 250mg/l produces a salty
  taste in drinking water. The chlorides can be
  measured in water by titrating the water with
  standard silver nitrate solution using
  potassium chormate as indicator.
Nitrogen Content
• Nitrogen in water may occur in one or more of
  the following:
  – Free Ammonia
     • Indicates a very fast stage of decomposition of organic
  – Albuminoid Nitrogen
     • Represents the quantity of nitrogen present in water
       before the decomposition of organic matter has
• Various metals in minerals may be present in
  water like Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Se, etc. The
  allowable limits
Dissolved Gasses
• Various gases like CO2, O2, N2, H2S and CH4 etc.
  may be present in dissolved form in water.
     • H2S even in small concentration gives bad taste and
     • CO2 indicates biological activity.
     • O2 is generally absorbed by water from the atmosphere
• Organic matter may be present in water due
  to the disposal of waste water in it.
     • Organic matter has the tendency to become inorganic
       matter known as decomposition of organic matter and
       the process is bio-chemical
Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand(BOD)
  – Demand of oxygen imposed by the aerobic
  – This reduces the dissolved oxygen content of
    water. So if the dissolved oxygen of water is found
    to be less than the concentration it indicates
    water pollution.
• The BOD of water should be zero.
The available raw water has to be treated to make
it fit, i.e. potable, means safe for human consumption. It
should satisfy the physical, chemical, and bacteriological
standards. The various methods of water purification are:

 Plain sedimentation
Sedimentation aided with coagulation
SofteningMiscellaneous             treatments         like
defluoridation, recarbonation, desalination, etc.
S    creening
         Screens are provided before the intake works so as
to prevent the entry of big objects like debris, branches of
trees, parts of animals etc. Screens may be of two
types, coarse screen and fine screens. Coarse screen are
parallel iron rods placed vertically or at a slope at about 2.5
cm to 10 cm apart. The fine screens are made up of fine
wire or perforated metal with small openings less than 1 cm
in size. Finer is the screen more are the chances of clogging
so generally only coarse screens are used. The screens may
be manually cleaned or mechanically cleaned depending
upon the requirement i.e. the size of the treatment plant.
P S  lain       edimentation
        Sedimentation is done to remove the impurities which
have specific gravity more than that of the water and are
settleable. When water is moving these impurities remain in
suspension due to the turbulence and as the velocity is reduced
they settle down. It is not necessary to stop the motion of water
completely as it will require more volume of the sedimentation
tanks. As per the theory of sedimentation the settlement of a
particle depend upon the velocity of flow, the velocity of water,
the size shape and specific gravity of particle. The settling
velocity of a spherical particle is expressed by Stroke’s law.
S    edimentation aided with         C     oagulation
         The fine suspended particles like mud particles and the
colloidal matter present in the water cannot settle down by plain
sedimentation with ordinary (lesser) detention periods. Some of
the colloidal impurities will not settle even if the water is detained
for long periods in the sedimentation tanks as the same charge on
the clay particles repel each other and do not allow them to settle
down. So the sedimentation is aided with coagulation. Coagulation
is a process in which some chemical like alum or ferrous sulfate is
mixed in water resulting in particle destabilization. Operationally
this is achieved by the addition of appropriate chemical like alum
and intense mixing for achieving uniform dispersion of the
chemical. These chemicals are more effective when the water is
slightly alkaline .
Sometimes sodium carbonate or lime is to be added to
achieve the suitable pH of water. Flocculation is the stage of
the formation of settleable particles (or flocs) from
destabilized (neutral) colloidal particles and is achieved by
gentle (slow) mixing. So in flocculation the alum is first
mixed rapidly for dispersion and then slow mixing produces
flocs. Both these stages of flocculation are greatly influenced
by physical and chemical forces such as electrical charge on
particles,   exchange      capacity,    particle    size    and
concentration, pH, water temperature, and electrolyte
F    iltration
        Filtration is the physical and chemical process for
separating suspended and colloidal impurities from water
by passage through a porous bed made up of gravel and
sand etc. Actually the sedimentation even aided with
coagulation and flocculation cannot remove all the
suspended and colloidal impurities and to make water
(specifically surface water) fit for drinking, thus filtration is
a must. The theory of filtration includes the following
1.)   M    echanical   S   training
         The suspended particles present in water that are bigger
in size than the voids in the sand layers are retained their and the
water becomes free of them. The sand layer may get choked
after some time and then it is to be cleaned for further action by
washing it back.

2.)   S   edimentation
        The small voids in the sand act as tiny sedimentation
tanks and the colloidal matter arrested in these voids is a
gelatinous mass and thus attracts other finer particles. These
finer particles are thus removed by sedimentation.
3.)   Biological Metabolism
      Certain microorganisms are present in the sand voids.
They decompose the organic matter like the algae etc. and thus
remove some of the impurity.

4.)   E   lectrolyte   C   hange
        According to the theory of ionization, a filter helps in
purifying the water by changing the chemical characteristics of
water. The sand grains of the filter media and the impurities in
water carry electrical charge of opposite nature which
neutralizes each other and forces the particles to settle now by
D    isinfection
        The filtration of water removes the suspended
impurities and removes a large percentage of bacteria
but still some remain there in the filtered water. These
bacteria may be harmful (pathogenic bacteria). The
process of killing these bacteria is known as
disinfection. There are many diseases like cholera,
gastro entities, infectious hepatitis, typhoid etc., the
bacteria or virus of which transmits through water. It is
necessary to make water free from any micro-organism
before human consumption.
Contamination (mixing of pathogenic micro-organism) may
take place in the water supply at any time (because of leakage etc.)
so proper measures must be taken to stop it at all levels. Generally
the disinfection is done by adding chlorine to water. There should be
a residual amount of chlorine after the disinfection to fight with any
probable contamination in the route of water to the consumer.

S M  ome        ethods of   D   isinfection:
•Boiling of water
•Treatment with excess lime
•Use of ozone
•Treatment with ultraviolet rays
•Use of potassium permanganate
•Treatment with silver
•Use of bromine, iodine and chlorine
Criteria for a Good Disinfectant
•It should be capable of destroying the pathogenic organisms
        present, within the contact time
•Available and not unduly influenced by the range of physical and
        chemical properties of water encountered particularly
        temperature, pH and mineral constituents.
•It should not leave products of reaction which render the water
        toxic or impart colour or otherwise make it unpotable.
•It should have ready and dependable availability at reasonable cost
        permitting convenient, safe and accurate application to
•It should possess the property of leaving residual concentrations to
        deal with small possible recontamination.
•It should be amenable to detection by practical, rapid and simple
        analytical techniques in the small concentration ranges to
        permit the control of efficiency of the disinfection process.
F   actors   A   ffecting   E   fficiency of   D   isinfection
•Type, condition and concentration of organisms to be destroyed
•Type and concentration of disinfectant
•Contact time and concentration of disinfectants in water and
•Chemical and physical characteristics of water to be treated
       particularly the temperature, ph and mineral constituents.

        Potable water should always have some amount of
residual chlorine, as there are all chances of contamination at all
levels. This may be 0.2 ppm. to 0.3 ppm. Depending upon the
requirement (rainy season or enhance chances, more CL2
required). To make sure the presence of chlorine some tests are
done out of which Orthotolodine test is the most common one.
O    rthotoIodine   T   est:
         In this test 10 ml of chlorinated sample of water is taken
after the required contact period (say half an hour) in a glass
tube. 0.1 ml of orthotoIodine solution is added to it. The color
formed is noted after 5 minutes and compare with the standard
colored glasses. Darker is the yellow color formed more is the
residual chlorine. The test is very simple and even a semi-skilled
employee can perform it satisfactorily and it can be done at the
site itself and accordingly corrective measures can be taken. For
example if there is a complaint from a hostel mess. Test is
performed for the tank water and if no residual chlorine is found,
bleaching powder (a good source of chlorine) is mixed with
some water and added to the tank water is paste form and stirred.
The test is again performed after half an hour till it shows the
required residual chlorine.
A     eration
       Taste and odor, both are undesirable in water. Aeration is
done to remove taste and odor. Aeration is done to promote the
exchange of gases between the water and the atmosphere.

P   urpose:
•To add oxygen to water for imparting freshness, for example
       water from underground sources may have lesser oxygen.
•For expulsion of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other
       volatile substances causing taste and odor.
•To precipitate impurities like iron and manganese especially
       from underground water.
In aeration gases are dissolved in or liberated from
water until the concentration of the gas in the water has
reached its saturation value. The concentration of gases in
the liquid generally obeys Henery’s law which states that
the concentration of each gas in water is directly
proportional to the partial pressure (product of the volume
percentage of the gas and the total pressure of the
atmosphere.) or concentration of gas in the atmosphere in
contact with water. The saturation concentration of a gas
decreases with temperature and dissolved salt in water.
Aeration accelerates the exchange of gas.
To ensure proper aeration, it is necessary to:
•Increase the area of water in contact with the air. The smaller are
       the droplets produced, the larger will be the area available.
•Keep the surface of the liquid constantly agitated so as to reduce
       the thickness of the liquid film which would govern the
       resistance offered to the rate of exchange of the gas.
•Increase the time of contact of water droplets with the air or
       increase the time of flow which can be achieved by
       increasing the height of jet in spray aerators and increasing
       the height of the tower in case of packed media.

        Where oxygen is to be dissolved in water, the concentration
or partial pressure of the oxygen may be increased by increasing the
total pressure of the gas in contact with water. For this purpose air
injected into a main under pressure is a reasonably efficient method
of increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen.
W S   ater        oftening
       The reduction or removal of hardness from water is called
water softening. For domestic water supplies, the softening is
done to reduce the soap consumption, to ensure longer life to
washed fabric, to lower the cost of maintaining plumbing fixtures
and to improve the taste of food preparations and improve
palatability. For industrial supplies, softening is one for reducing
scale problems in boilers and the interference in the working of
dyeing systems. Usually a total hardness of 75 to 100 mg/L
would meet these requirements. The magnesium hardness should
not exceed 40 mg/L to minimize the possibility of magnesium
hydroxide scale in domestic water heaters.
Calcium and magnesium associated with
bicarbonates are responsible for carbonates hardness and
that with the sulfates, chlorides and nitrates contribute to
non carbonate hardness. Normally the alkalinity measures
the carbonate hardness unless it contains sodium alkalinity.
The non carbonate hardness is measured by the difference
between the total hardness and the carbonate hardness.
Carbonate and bicarbonates of sodium are described as
negative non carbonate hardness.
Water Softening Processes
• The reduction or removal of hardness from
  water is called as water softening. For the
  domestic water supplies the softening is
  done to reduce the soap consumption, to
  ensure longer life, to wash fabric, to lower
  the cost of maintaining plumbing fixtures and
  to improve the taste of food preparation and
  improve the palatability (good taste). For
  industrial supplies, softening is done for
  reducing scaling problems in boilers and the
  interference in the working of dyeing
Origin of water "hardness"
1.   Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid which
     at ordinary environmental pH exists mostly as bicarbonate ion
2.   Microscopic marine organisms take this up as carbonate to
     form calcite skeletons which, over millions of years, have built
     up extensive limestone deposits. Groundwaters, made slightly
     acidic by CO2 (both that absorbed from the air and from the
     respiration of soil bacteria) dissolve the limestone .
3.   Thereby acquiring calcium and bicarbonate ions and becoming
     "hard". If the HCO3– concentration is sufficiently great, the
     combination of processes and
4.    causes calcium carbonate ("lime scale") to precipitate out on
     surfaces such as the insides of pipes. (Calcium bicarbonate
     itself does not form a solid, but always precipitates as CaCO3.)
Conventional water softening
Most conventional water-softening devicesdepend on a process
  known as ion-exchange in which "hardness" ions trade places
  with sodium and chloride ions that are loosely bound to an ion-
  exchange resin or a zeolite (many zeolite minerals occur in
  nature, but specialized ones are often made artificially.)
Magnetic water softening and scale control
There is a long history of the promotion of magnets to alleviate the
  "hardness" of mineral-containing waters, and particularly to
  control the deposition of scale in teapots, plumbing systems,
  evaporators, and boilers. There are now a large variety of
  devices on the market that claim to reduce scale deposition, and
  some claim to "soften" the water as well. The earlier devices
  mostly employed permanent magnets, but many now use
  alternating magnetic or electrostatic fields. The magnetic field
  surrounds the pipe at some point and penetrates it from all
  sides. This obviously limits its use to non-ferrous pipes such as
  copper or plastic.
Catalysts cannot soften water
Many groundwaters are supersaturated in hardness ions, and it is
  conceivable that a suitable catalyst could cause this escess
  material to precipitate out. But even if the solid carbonates were
  filtered out, the remaining water would be saturated and
  capable of forming scale on heat exchanger surfaces and leaving
  evaporative deposits in teakettles and on surfaces. It would also
  react with soaps to produce scums in laundry and bathtubs.
Question # 16

   What is the requirement of
pressure of water to be supplied
       to the residences?
Landscape requirements
• A requirement of the design process is to produce a
  landscape survey of the proposed area of construction
  to assess the effect of the project on shrubs and trees.
  Trees to be retained should be identified, marked and
  methods of protection determined. Vegetation such as
  mature trees and other natural habitat for fauna shall
  not be removed unnecessarily.
• Backfilling of trenches shall be arranged to provide
  topsoil at the surface of the trench, and shall be such
  that no depressions are left along pipe alignments after
  settlement of the soil. Special care is required in
  restoration of highly visible sites and existing
Pipe deflection
• Deviation of a pipeline around an obstruction can
  be achieved by deflection at pipe joints or in
  combination with bends or connectors. The
  deflection angle permitted at a flexible joint shall
  be in accordance with the manufacturer's
  recommendation. For laying PVC or PE pipes on
  curves, minimum radii are to be as per
  manufacturer's recommendations. If deflection of
  joints does not provide the necessary deviation,
  bends and other fittings shall be employed.
Pipelines in easements
• Water mains that are located
  anywhere other than in the road
  reserve of a dedicated public road
  shall be located within an
  appropriately sized water supply
  easement subject to ACTEW's
Locating buried mains
• Tracer wire shall be used for all non-metallic water
  mains for the purpose of locating buried mains (by
  passing a signal through the wire, which can then
  be picked up by the detector). PVC coated copper
  wire (1mm) shall be taped to the non-metallic main
  in a continuous length. At every hydrant, sufficient
  slack shall be left to enable the wire to be brought
  up to the surface within each hydrant
  surround, wound three times around, and taped to
  the hydrant immediately below the hydrant head.
• Marking tape to AS 2648 shall be laid in a
  continuous length on top of the pipe embedment
  material, 150mm above all water mains.
Water supply master plan
• The design of the water reticulation network
  including pipe layout and sizes, fire risk
  categories, zone boundaries, and valving to
  meet breakdown requirements shall be shown
  on a Water Supply Master Plan
System reliability
• All elements of ACTEW's water supply system should be
  planned and detailed to ensure as high a level of reliability
  as is reasonable. Features incorporated into a system layout
  to enhance reliability include the following:
• for critical mechanical equipment, a standby capacity
  sufficient enough to maintain full capacity with any one
  element out of service;
• for distribution systems downstream of reservoirs, a
  'looped' rather than 'branched' layout is generally used to
  provide more than one supply route on distribution
  systems. Valving is arranged as described in Clause 5.4.
  These valving arrangements help to limit the area needing
  to be shut down when isolating and repairing any section of
• for all reservoirs, either duplicate tanks or pressure
  regulated bypass arrangements to maintain a rate of
  supply to the distribution system equivalent to at
  least the design bulk supply rate (if the reservoir is
  out of service);
• emergency storage in reservoirs, which in addition to
  providing a reserve for fire fighting, can be used to
  maintain a distribution supply for limited periods
  during bulk supply interruptions. Inter-zone
  connections or other arrangements can usually be
  made to maintain some supply. In some extreme
  cases, it may be necessary to contact consumers and
  request sparing the use of water until repairs can be
  completed. The limited periods referred to above, for
  maintaining supply, range from a few hours during
  prolonged high demand (in summer) to a few days
  during low demands in winter.
Pressure requirements
•   Maximum pressures
•   Pressure zoning is arranged wherever possible to limit the maximum static
    pressure at any point to 75 metres head. In special cases this is relaxed to 90
    metres head.
•   There are two areas within the ACT where maximum static heads over 100
    metres currently exist:
•   the Woden town centre area below contour 587 metres AHD could experience
    a maximum static head in excess of 100 metres up to 107 metres;
•   the North Canberra area, which comprises the
    City, Acton, Braddon, Turner, Reid, Lyneham, Dickson and Downer below
    contour 575 metres AHD, could experience a maximum static head in excess of
    100 metres and up to 115 metres.
•   All pipework shall be designed for the field test pressure as defined in Clause
    3.5.4, for the following reasons:
•   to allow for the use of inter-zone connections during emergencies;
•   to allow for waterhammer;
•   to allow for standardisation of equipment and flexibility of use.
• for domestic development exceeding two stories and
  for shopping, commercial and industrial: the equivalent
  of 30 metres head over the highest point on the block.
• For very large blocks such as institutional campuses, an
  extra allowance of 5 metres head for every 1000
  metres distance, between the main and the most
  critical point on the block (with regard to either
  elevation or distance from the main), is permitted.
• Stated residuals are to be achieved with service
  reservoirs at half capacity and an allowance for
  reservoir outlet losses of 1.5 metres. The system
  should be checked to ensure that the same residuals
  can be achieved at 50% peak hour demands with any
  one element out of service.
Pipe roughness
• Reticulation mains are to be sized to provide
  the minimum heads (specified above) using
  the Colebrook-White equation. A pipe
  roughness value (k) of 0.3mm averaged over
  the life of the main is to be used when no
  allowance is made for valves and fittings. A
  pipe roughness value (k) of 0.15mm should be
  used if specific allowances have been made
  for valves and fittings.
Design velocity
• Ideally, the velocity in water mains should range
  between 0.5m/s and 2.0m/s. However, under
  extreme conditions (e.g. fire flows in high fire risk
  areas) velocities up to 5m/s are acceptable. Very
  low velocities in pipes cause water quality
  problems due to long detention times and should
  be avoided if possible. Minimum diameters and
  lengths of main should be constructed consistent
  with meeting the required demands on the
  network. Generally, dead end mains with tapered
  diameters below DN100 should be used in cul-de-
General detailing requirements for
• As mentioned in the introduction, there is a
  demonstrated need to construct systems in a standard
  configuration using tried and proven methods and
  materials. Within the ACT, any deviation from normal
  practice has the propensity to increase stock holdings for
  spare parts, and create additional maintenance costs by
  way of labour charges. Any deviation from standard
  practice will require the specific approval of ACTEW. A
  submission detailing the proposals, in full, must be made
  to include an economic and long term benefit
  analysis, and the covering life cycle costs. The costs of
  burst mains can quickly erode cost differentials of the
  initial costs in pipe networks. Unless otherwise noted, the
  current version ofAustralian Standards shall apply.
Valve size
• The nominal size of a valve may be reduced
  below the nominal size of a pipe line providing
  the reduction in size does not significantly
  reduce the hydraulic capacity of the main.
  Such intentions must be identified at
  the Design Submission stage of the works.
Scour outlets
• On water mains without hydrants (e.g. generally bulk
  supply mains), scour (or drain) outlets, with isolating valve
  control, shall be provided at all low points. Wherever
  possible, on water mains with hydrants (e.g. reticulation), a
  hydrant should be located at or near all low points.
• Scour outlets should also be provided on bulk supply mains
  to assist in the draining of each section of main between
  sectioning valves.
• For larger mains, the size of the scour should be
  determined after considering (1) the length of time
  available for draining the pipe section, and (2) the facilities
  available to dispose of the flow.
Water supply services
• For new leases and in the redevelopment of
  existing leases water supply services shall be
  installed by developers of municipal works.
  The service shall terminate just inside the
  front property boundary.
 Aeration is used to treat tastes and odors, to help remove
minerals such as iron and manganese from water, and to
remove carbon dioxide from the water.

In general, aeration is more commonly used when treatin
groundwater than when treating surface water. Surface
water has typically run through creeks and rivers, aeratin
the water before it reaches the treatment plant.
How Does Aeration Work?

Aeration is the intimate exposure of water and air. It is a
way of thoroughly mixing the air and water so that
various reactions can occur between the components of
the air and the components of the water.

Fig. 1 –The Process of Aeration
Two methods of aeration

1. Scrubbing action

2. Oxidation
Why aeration is done?

The goal of an
                 aerator   is to increase the
surface area of water coming in contact with
so that more air can react with the water. As
air or water is broken up into smaller
drops/bubbles or into thin sheets, the same
volume of either substance has a larger
surface area.
Water softening is the reduction of the concentration of
 calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in
 hard water. These "hardness ions" can cause a variety of
 undesired effects including interfering with the action of
 soaps, the build up of limescale, which can foul plumbing,
 and galvanic corrosion.[1] Conventional water-softening
 appliances intended for household use depend on an ion-
 exchange resin in which hardness ions are exchanged for
 sodium ions. Water softening may be desirable where the
 source of water is hard.[2] However, hard water also conveys
 some benefits to health by reducing the solubility of
 potentially toxic metal ions such as lead and copper.
Water softening methods mainly rely on the
  removal of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from a solution or the
  sequestration of these ions, i.e. binding them to a
  molecule that removes their ability to form scale or
  interfere with soaps. Removal is achieved by ion
  exchange and by precipitation methods. Sequestration
  entails the addition of chemical compounds called
  sequestration (or chelating) agents.
     Since Ca2+ and Mg2+ exist as nonvolatile salts, they
can be removed by distilling the water, but distillation
is too expensive in most cases (rainwater is soft
because it is, in effect, distilled.)
Effects of sodium
For people on a low-sodium diet, the increase in
sodium levels (for systems releasinwater. For
A person who drinks two litres (2L) of
softened, extremely hard water (assume 30 gpg)
will consume about 480 mg more sodium (2L x
30 gpg x 8 mg/L/gpg = 480 mg), than if
unsoftened water is consumed.
This amount is significant.
g sodium) in the water can be
significant, especially when treating very hard
This amount is significant. The American Heart
Association (AHA) suggests that the 3 percent of the
population who must follow a severe, salt-restricted diet
should not consume more than 400 mg of sodium a day.
AHA suggests that no more than 10 percent of this sodium
intake should come from water. The EPA’s draft guideline of
20 mg/L for water protects people who are most
susceptible. Most people who are concerned with the added
sodium in water generally have one tap in the house that
bypasses the softener, or have a reverse osmosis unit
installed for the drinking water and cooking water, which
was designed for desalinisation of sea water. Potassium
chloride can also be used instead of sodium
chloride, which would have the added benefit of helping to
lower blood pressure, although costly. However, elevated
potassium levels are dangerous for people with impaired
kidney function: it can lead to complications such as
cardiac arrhythmia.
Various Methods of Water
 Ion exchange water softener
 Softening water through magnets

Water softening is a process in which a plant reduces
magnesium, calcium and ion concentration from the hard
water. On an average, hard water contains about 90 pounds of
dissolved rocks. It can pose hazards to human health.
Hardness of water can damage hair in a man and makes
water less safe for drinking.
The rocks which get dissolved in water mixes magnesium
and calcium ions in pipes and heats the surface of
dishwashers and washing machines. Water hardness also
makes soap less effective.
Ion Exchange Water Softener
  Ion exchange water softener depends on
   two tanks- the brine and resin tanks.
  This process removes magnesium and
   calcium ions.
  Potentially hard water will pass through
   the resin beads in resin tank.
  When the beads become saturated with
   magnesium and calcium ions, the ion
   exchange softener goes offline.
  Brine tank is again filled with new
   sodium ions which are ready for
   exchange, it flushes the resin tank and
   then it becomes online again.
  This method is suitable for all appliances
   which uses a lot of water. This method
   can also increase the life span of dishes
   and clothes.
  This method is not ideal for drinking
   purposes because of the sodium intake.
Softening Water through Magnets
 It is a new method for water softening and this is the safest
  method for drinking purposes.
 This is non-chemical based water softening method.
 The process involves magnets placed outside or inside the
  water pipe and water flows through a magnetic field.
 Water is stripped of its hardness and impurities because of
  the magnetic field’s strength.
 It is also advised to put the magnet bars close to the water
What do you understand by
wastewater management?
The wastewater management system
should aim at the following achievement:
 Proper collection of wastewater
  discharged by the community.
 Adequate treatment of wastewater to
  achieve the desired effluent standards.
 Safe and efficient operations and as far as
  possible self supporting.
 Sound financial management.
The wastewater management has
the main components as collection,
conveyance, treatment and disposal
          of wastewater.
Describe the Method of Design of Sewer
Line along with the Hydraulics of Sewer
What is sewer?
      Sewer is an artificial conduit or system of conduits
used to remove sewage and to provide drainage.

      Sewage is the mainly liquid waste containing
some solids produced by humans which typically
consists of
      -washing water
      -laundry waste
      -other material from household and industry
The objective of sewage treatment is to make the sewage
harmless before it is disposed.
The disposal means final laying of sewage on the land or
leaving it on land to flow and mix in some body of water like
the river or a pond.
The sewage has many characteristics like temperature,
hydrogen ion concentration (pH), color and odor,
solids, nitrogen, phosphorous, chlorides, bio-chemical oxygen
demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and toxic
metals etc. Though all of them are important for
determination of disposal criteria, BOD is the most important
The Bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) of sewage or
polluted water is the amount of oxygen required for the
biological decomposition of biodegradable organic matter
under aerobic conditions.
The general temperature of sewage is 20 degree celsius so it is
termed as BOD5 at 20 degree C as the standard BOD. The BOD
satisfaction equation is as follows,
               Yt = L (1-10Kd t)
Where          Yt = BOD at any time t
               L = initial BOD at time t = 0
               Kd = deoxygenation co-efficient
                    (function of temperature)
               KdT = Kd20 × 1.047 T–20
               T = temperature of the reaction
               Kd20 = 0.1 per day (for normal sewage).
So the BOD5 determines the strength of the sewage. Higher is the
BOD5 stronger is the sewage. The average value of domestic
sewage is 300 parts per million (ppm) or mg/liter.
In the 20th century developed world, Sewers
are usually pipelines that begin with
connecting pipes from buildings to one or
more levels of larger underground horizontal
mains, which terminate at sewage treatment
facilities.    Vertical     pipes,      called
manhole, connect the mains to the surface.
Sewers are generally gravity powered, though
pump may be used if necessary
Most drains have a single large exit at their
point of discharge (often covered by a
grating to prevent access by humans and
exit    by    debris)   into    either     a
canal, river, lake, reservoir, ocean and
spread out into
smaller branches as they move up into
their catchment area.
 Sanitary sewer is a type of underground
  carriage system for transporting sewage
  from houses or industry to treatment or
 Sanitary lines generally consist of laterals,
  mains, and manholes (or other various
  forms of traps).
A combined sewer is a type of sewer
system     which      provides    partially
separated channels for sanitary sewage
and Storm water runoff. This allows the
sanitary sewer system to provide
backup capacity for the runoff sewer
when runoff volumes are unusually
high, but it is an antiquated system that
is vulnerable to sanitary sewer overflow
during peak rainfall events.
A separate sewer system is a type
of sewer system which one pipe system
carries   wastewater   and     another
separate pipe system carries storm
Bio-Chemical Oxygen demand (BOD) of
sewage or polluted water is the amount of
oxygen required for the biological
decomposition of biodegradable organic
matter under aerobic conditions.
• Readily decomposable organic matter
like food items, human excreta, urine,
etc. is known as the putrescible
 • The decomposition of organic matter
is done by the bacteria. There are
mainly two types of bacteria:
     1. aerobic bacteria which work in
presence of oxygen.
     2. anaerobic bacteria which work
in absence of oxygen.
The chemical oxygen demand of
the biodegradable and non-
biodegradable organic matter.
• The COD can be readily(3-4hrs)
measured in the laboratory where as
the BOD5 determination takes 5 days
in the laboratory.
 • The COD/BOD ratio varies
generally from 2.0 – 2.5.
 • The BOD of the waste decides its
foulness or offensiveness.
• When wastewater is disposed in the
river, it consumes the dissolved oxygen
of the river water for the satisfaction
of its BOD. This reduces the Dissolved
Oxygen(D.O) of the river water.
• If the D.O goes below 4 p.p.m., almost
all the fish and aquatic life shall be
• The died fish will become organic
matter that will further decompose and
the whole of the D.O of the fresh body of
water shall be exhausted and it will
convert into a polluted and useless body
of water.
 The Water Treatments are the process to remove
  the different impurities present in the raw water, to
  render the water safe and clean and to ensure the
  water treatment process and treated water quality
  meets the drinking water standards. The type of
  water treatment required depends on the
 characteristics of the raw water. The characteristics
 of the raw water is assessed by taking sample of
 water from the source during different seasons of
 the year and analyzing for physical, chemical and
 bacteriological quality parameters.
 Water treatment involves removal of undesirable
  constituents from water and then disposal of them
  in easiest and safest manner. To achieve these
  goals, a variety of water treatment operation and
  processes are utilized, which exploit various
  physical and chemical phenomena to remove or
  reduce the undesirable constituents from the
  water. Those operations used in the treatment of
  water in which change is brought about by means
  of or through application of physical forces are
  known as Water Treatment Process unit
  operations . Those Process used for the Water
  Treatment in which is brought about by means of
  chemical reaction are known Unit Process.
Chemical precipitation :Enhancement of removal of
suspended solids by chemical addition.

• Coagulation in Water Treatment Process - Coagulation
  is the addition and rapid mixing of coagulant resulting in
  destabilization of the colloidal particles and formation of
  micro flocs.
• Ion exchange in Water Treatment Process - The cations
  and anions in water are selectively removed when water is
  percolated through beds containing cation and anion
  exchange resins.
• Aeration or Gas transfer in Water Treatment Process -
  Addition or removal of gases from liquid phase.
• Disinfection in Water Treatment Process - Selective
  destruction of disease-causing organisms present in water.
 Screening – it is a unit operation that removes
  floating and suspended larger material from water.
 Aeration- Aeration is the unit water treatment
  process for the exchange of gases between water
  and atmosphere. Aeration or gas transfer involves
  either bringing air or other gases in contact with
  water or to transfer volatile substances from the
  liquid to the gaseous phase.
 Coagulation and Flocculation-               the unit
  processes to convert the stable colloidal particles
  into settle able flocs by destabilizing the charge on
  the colloids so as to remove turbidity from the
  water. Water with little or no turbidity will be clear.
  In addition to removing turbidity from the
 Sedimentation – it is a unit operation to settle out the
  suspended particles in water by gravitational force. This is
  achieved by lowering the flow velocity of the water below
  the suspension velocity in a basin to settle out suspended
  particles by gravity. The process is also known as settling or
 Filtration - is the unit operation in Water Treatment.
  Filtration using a filter media to separate the suspended
  particles mechanically from water to render water free from
 Disinfection - is the unit process employed to inactivate
  the disease producing bacteria present in water by addition
  of certain chemicals in order to render the water safe for
  consumption. Common disinfectant is chlorine and the
  process of addition of chlorine is known as chlorination.
 Demineralization -is the process of removing dissolved
  minerals and mineral salts, present in the form of mineral
  ions in water. This process strips out all chemical
  impurities present in water.
Wastewater Treatment
• The treatment of wastewater is a general term that applies to any
  operation/process that can reduce the objectionable properties of
  wastewater and make it less objectionable. Wastewater treatment is a
  combination of physical, chemical and biological processes.

• Unit Operations are the methods of treatment in which the application of
  physical forces predominate while unit processes are those in which the
  chemical and biological activities are involved. The aim of wastewater
  treatment works is to produce an acceptable effluent through the available
  unit operations. Generally the wastewater treatment processes bring about
  changes in concentration of a specific substance by moving it either into or
  out of the wastewater itself. This is known as the phase transfer. The main
  phase transfers are as follows,
• Gas transfer : aeration                   •   Centrifuging
                                            •   Chemical conditioning
• Ion transfer
                                            •   Biological floatation
   •   Chemical coagulation
                                            •   Vacuum filtration
   •   Chemical precipitation
                                            •   Sludge digestion
   •   Ion exchange
                                            •   Incineration
   •   Adsorption
                                            •   Wet combustion
• Solute stabilization
   •   Chlorination
   •   Liming
   •   Recarbonation
   •   Break point and super chlorination
• Solid transfer
   •   Straining
   •   Sedimentation
   •   Floatation
   •   Filtration
• Nutrient transfer
• Solid concentration and
   • Thickening
Operation            Application
1. Screening         Removal of floating water
2. Comminution       Grinding and shredding of big objects
3. Equalization      Equalization of flow and BOD loading
4. Mixing            Mixing of chemical and gases in wastewater and
                     keeping solids in suspension
5.   Flocculation    Enlarging small particle
6.   Sedimentation   Removal of settleable solids
7.   Floatation      Thickening of biological sludge
8.   Filtration      Removal of fine material after biological or chemical
9. Micro screening   Removal of algae from stabilization ponds, oxidation
                     ponds effluent
Process                   Application
1. Chemical precipitation Removal of phosphorus and enhancement of
                          suspended solids removal in sedimentation
2. Gas Transfer           Addition and removal of gases
3. Adsorption             Removal of organics
4. Disinfection           Killing of disease causing organisms
5. Dechlorination         Removal of chlorine residuals
6. Miscellaneous          Specific wastewater treatments
Biological unit processes are those processes in which the removal of
objectionable matter is done by biological activity. In this process the objectives
are to coagulate and remove the dissolved or nonsettleable colloidal solids.

         Biological processes are differentiated by the oxygen dependence of
the microorganisms responsible for the wastewater treatment as follows,

1. Aerobic processes: The processes occur in presence of oxygen by the
   aerobic bacteria. The aerobic process include the following,
   1. Trickling filter (attached growth process)
   2. Activated sludge process with its modifications (suspended growth process)
   3. Aerobic Stabilization ponds (oxidation ponds)
   4. Aerated lagoons
2. Anaerobic processes: The anaerobic processes occur in absence of
   oxygen by the anaerobic bacteria. The anaerobic bacteria processes include
   the following,
   1. Anaerobic sludge digestion
   2. Anaerobic contact process
   3. Anaerobic filters
   4. Anaerobic lagoons or ponds
   5. Septic tanks and imhoff tanks
 3. Facultative process: the facultative bacteria can act in presence as well
    as in absence of oxygen.
 Physical unit operation
 Chemical unit operation
 Biological unit operation
The treatment of wastewater is a general term that includes any
unit operation or process that can reduce the objectionable
properties sewage to make it less offensive (bad, foul). The
treatment includes:

         1.       Removal of floating and suspended solid matter
              2.     Treatment of biodegradable organic matter
    3.           Disinfection (elimination of pathogenic organisms)
The various operations and processes for the treatment of sewage give
      effluent (treated wastewater) and the sludge (solids separated in
    semi solid form). The effluent may be directly disposed either in the
     receiving waters (rivers, ponds) or on land. The sludge is generally
   first of all treated and then disposed. The aim of processing sludge is
    to extract water (reduce high volumes) and dispose the dewatered
     residue through a combination of physical, chemical and biological
         operations. The after dewatering chemical conditioning and
    thickening the sludge is treated biologically, generally by anaerobic
  Small particles of solid pollutants that float on the surface of, or
are suspended in sewage or other liquids. They resist removal by
                       conventional means.

   The ability to break down or decompose rapidly under natural
                     conditions and processes.

 A chemical or physical process that kills pathogenic organisms in
 water. Chlorine is often used to disinfect sewage treatment
     effluent, water supplies, wells, and swimming pools.
      Carbonaceous waste contained in plant or animal matter and
               originating from industrial sources.

             treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms

     Microorganism that can cause disease in other organisms or in
    humans, animals and plants. They may be bacteria, viruses, or
parasites and are found in sewage. Fish and shellfish contaminated by
   pathogens, or the contaminated water itself, can cause serious

P U R P O S E S T O M A N A G E WA S T E A N D / O R
             T O R E L E A S E E N E R G Y.

    I S A N A I R T I G H T, O X Y G E N - F R E E
 K N OW N A S B I O G A S, A L O N G W I T H A N
O D O R - R E D U C E D E F F L U E N T. M I C R O B E S
   A N D A N U T R I E N T - R I C H E F F L U E N T.


   T H E A B S E N C E O F OX YG E N. O RG A N I C
     WA S T E S U C H A S D E A D P L A N T A N D
  K I T C H E N WA S T E C A N B E C O N V E R T E D

  Compound        Chem     %

   Methane        CH4    50–75

 Carbon dioxide   CO2    25–50

   Nitrogen        N2     0–10

   Hydrogen        H2     0–1
Disposal into Water Bodies
Disposal of Wastewater
                  in a River
Disposal of Wastewater
                  in a River
Disposal of Wastewater
                  in an Ocean
Disposal of Wastewater
                  in an Ocean
Disposal of Wastewater
                  in an Ocean
Wet Land Treatment
           The process in which wastewater is
 distributed evenly distributed over the
 ground surface which acts as a low rate
 filter. Suspended particles are strained out
 colloids and organic matter are absorbed by
 the soil particles. Nutrients are utilized by
 vegetation and more complex organic
 materials are decomposed to simpler
 inorganic compounds by soil bacteria.
1. Natural Wetland
          Wetlands are areas that are
   permanently or periodically inundated or
   saturated by surface or groundwater and
   support the growth of aquatic vegetation.
   Wetlands are defined as land where the
   water surface is near the ground surface
   long enough each year to maintain
   saturated soil conditions, along with the
   related vegetation. Natural wetlands
   include saturated wetlands and
   freshwater wetlands.
Wetland plants can be classified into two
  (2) functional types:

  a. Rooted Plants
     * emergent macrophytes- roots in the sediment
           and emergent stems and leaves
     * submerged macrophytes- stems and leaves
     * floating leafed macrophytes- stem
           submerged and leaves floating
  b. Floating Plants- they have surface leaves
      and roots which hang down into the water
2. Constructed Wetlands
             Constructed wetland is defined as a
  wetland specifically constructed for the
  purpose of pollution control and waste
  management, at a location other than
  naturally existing wetland. Constructed
  wetlands are used to improved the quality of
  point and non-point sources of water
  pollutants and are also used to treat
  petroleum refinery waste, compost and
  landfill leachates, fishpond discharges and
  pre- treated industrial wastewater.
Two (2) basic types of constructed

a. Free Water Surface Wetland- consist of a
  basin or channels w/ some type of barriers
  to prevent seepage, soil to support the root
  of the emergent vegetation and water at a
  relatively shallow depth flowing through the
b. Subsurface Flow Wetland- consists of a
  basin or channels with barriers.
Principal mechanism in wastewater

 a. sedimentation
 b. bacterial action
 c. filtration
 d. absorption
 e. precipitation
 f. nutrient uptake
 g. vegetation system
Advantages of Constructed Wetlands:
• Wetlands can be less expensive to build
  than other treatment options.
• Operation and maintenance expenses
  (energy and supplies) are low.
• Operation and maintenance require only
  periodic, rather than continuous, on site
• Wetlands are able to tolerate fluctuations in
• They facilitate water reuse and recycling.
• They provide habitat for many wetland
• They can be built to fit harmoniously into the
• They provide numerous benefits in addition
  to water quality improvement.
• They are an environmentally sensitive
  approach that is viewed with favour by the
  general publice
Disadvantages of Constructed Wetlands:
• There are no standardized designs that can
  be routinely applied to universal
  applications. Each system of constructed
  wetlands must be custom- designed and
  site- specific. This limitation is not
  necessarily detrimental because it allows
  each system to be designed on wastewater
  flow, soil characteristics, and geochemical
  processes particular to each system’s
• Constructed wetlands traditionally have
  poorer performance in colder weather. The
  biological processes slow down in lower
  temperatures. This severely limits winter
  use of the system.
• Depending on the design, they may require
  a relatively large land area compared to a
  conventional facility.
• The design and operating criteria for this
  new science are yet precise.
• The biological and hydrological processes
  within a constructed wetland are not yet
  well understood.
• There may be possible problems with
Effluent Disposal on Land

1. Spraying Method- a process leads to
  removal waste load through filtration during
  percolation and removes most of the
  suspended solids. A combination of
  processes such as evaporation,
  transpiration, percolation and runoff work for
  the disposal of wastewater by spraying.
2. Drip Method- drip systems utilize pressure
  compensated drip tubing to slowly and
  evenly dispense the wastewater just below
  the soil surface, but still within the root zone
  of the vegetation.

3. Ponding Method- used where evaporation
  losses are much greater. This method is
  preferred in there areas where land
  availability is not an issue and rainfall is not
  widespread and heavy.
Domestic Waste Disposal: Septic tank
           The septic tank is the most widely
 used method of disposal of domestic waste
 disposal. Septic tank was one of the most
 earliest treatment devices developed. It
 works simply by acting as a settling tank for
 the household sewage.

Components of septic tank:
a. Influent tank c. Dosing tank
b. Settling tank d. Adsorption field
Some common methods:

1. Spreading on land or soil- wet digested
  sludge may be disposed of by spreading
  over farmlands and plowing under after it
  has died. The humus in the sludge
  conditions the soil, improving its moisture
2. Lagooning- another popular method
  because it is simple and economical if the
  treatment plant is in remote location. A
  lagoon is an earth basin into which raw or
  digested sludge is deposited.
3. Dumping- a suitable disposal method only
  for sludge that are stabilized so that no
  decomposition or nuisance conditions will
  result. Digested sludge clean grit and
  incinerator can be disposed off safely by
  this method.
4. Landfill- a sanitary landfill can be used for
  disposal of sludge, grease and grit whether
  it is stabilized or not if a suitable site is
  convenient. The sanitary landfill method is
  most suitable if it is also used for disposal of
  the refuse and other solid waste in the
In a true sanitary landfill, the wastes are
deposited in a designed area, compacted in
place with a tractor or roller, and covered
with 30cm layer of clean soil.
Digested Sludge in Different Application
  on Land:
1. Cropland- sludges are applied to cropland
  either by surface spreading, or by
  subsurface injection sludge is usually
  applied once a year to a given area.
2. Marginal Land- sludges has been applied
  to marginal land for reclamation in
  Pennsylvania and in other states
  successfully. This is usually a one- time
  process and a continual supply of land
  must be provided for future applications.
3. Forest Land- it is determined by sludge
  characteristics, tree maturity, species, soil,
  etc. application to a specific site is often
  done only at multi- year intervals.
Septic Tank
& Soak Pits

• It is a combination of sedimentation
  and digestion tanks where the
  sewage is held for 24 hours. During
  this period the sattleable suspended
  solids settle down to the bottom.
        • The direct outflow
          of the sewage is
          restricted by the
          provision of two
          baffle walls. The
          baffle walls divide it
          in three components
     and the sewage entering
     at any time gets exit after
     24 hours.
• The tank is organic matter and thus
  reduces BOD. This results in the
  reduction of in the volume of sludge
  and release of gases like carbon
  dioxide , methane and hydrogen
  sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide is an
  obnoxious gas and smells like rotten
  eggs so the problem of foul gases is
  always there and so it is called as a
  septic tank.
Soak Pits
• Preferable when water table is low
  and the soil is porous.
• It is easy to construct and cheap.
• Circular fit with a dry masonry lining.
• It has a size of 3.0m diameter and
  3.0m depth which is sufficient for a
  moderate family of 5 persons for a
  cleaning period of 7 years in porous
• It can accommodate the whole
  sewage of the house and nothing
  comes out of it so there is no
  problem of treatment and disposal.
• It is planned and constructed in
  such a way that the water of sewage
  is soaked in the soil and penetrates
  deep under ground.
• The only consideration is the:
     It should be deep so that either the percolating
      sewage does not mixes with it or it gets purified in
      its journey through the soil layers before it mixes
      with the ground water. After all if it mixes with the
      ground water the pathogenic bacteria present in it
      shall contaminate the ground water and one has to
      treat the tube-well before direct consumption.
Envi engg water and wastewater

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Envi engg water and wastewater

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 4. A. Surface sources such as: 1. Ponds and Lakes 2. Streams and Rivers 3. Storage resources ( Dams ) B. Subsurface or Underground sources such as: 1. Springs 2. Wells ( Open and Tube- wells )
  • 5. LAKE A lake is a body of relatively still fresh or salt water of considerable size, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land apart from a river, stream, or other form of moving water that serves to feed or drain the lake. Lakes are inland and not part of the ocean and therefore are distinct from lagoons, and are larger and deeper than ponds. Lakes can be contrasted with rivers or streams, which are usually flowing. However most lakes are fed and drained by rivers and streams.
  • 6. Natural lakes are generally found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing glaciations. Other lakes are found in endorheic basins or along the courses of mature rivers. In some parts of the world there are many lakes because of chaotic drainage patterns left over from the last Ice Age. All lakes are temporary over geologic time scales, as they will slowly fill in with sediments or spill out of the basin containing them.
  • 8. POND A pond is a body of standing water, either natural or man-made, that is usually smaller than a lake. They may arise naturally in floodplains as part of a river system, or they may be somewhat isolated depressions (examples include vernal pools and prairie potholes). Usually they contain shallow water with marsh and aquatic plants and animals. A few animals also make ponds, including both alligators and beavers. The type of life in a pond is generally determined by a combination of factors including water level regime (particularly depth and duration of flooding) and nutrient levels, but other factors may also be important, including presence or absence of shading by trees, presence or absence of streams, effects of grazing animals, and salinity.
  • 9. Humans also make ponds. A wide variety of man-made bodies of water are classified as ponds. Some ponds are created specifically for habitat restoration, including water treatment. Others, like water gardens, water features and koi ponds are designed for aesthetic ornamentation as landscape or architectural features. Fish ponds are designed for commercial fish breeding, and solar ponds designed to store thermal energy. Standing bodies of water such as puddles, ponds, and lakes are often categorized separately from flowing water courses, such as a brook, creek, or stream.
  • 10. POND
  • 11. STREAM A stream is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream banks. Depending on its locale or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to as a branch, brook, beck, burn, creek, "crick", gill (occasionally ghyll), kill, lick, rill, river, syke, bayou, rivulet, streamag e, wash, run or runnel. Streams are important as conduits in the water cycle, instruments in groundwater recharge, and corridors for fish and wildlife migration. The biological habitat in the immediate vicinity of a stream is called a riparian zone. Given the status of the ongoing Holocene extinction, streams play an important corridor role in connecting fragmented habitats and thus in conserving biodiversity. The study of streams and waterways in general is known as surface hydrology and is a core element of environmental geography.
  • 12. These are bodies of flowing water moving in one direction. Streams and rivers can be found everywhere— they get their starts at headwaters, which may be springs, snowmelt or even lakes, and then travel all the way to their mouths, usually another water channel or the ocean. The characteristics of a river or stream change during the journey from the source to the mouth. The temperature is cooler at the source than it is at the mouth. The water is also clearer, has higher oxygen levels, and freshwater fish such as trout and heterotrophs can be found there. Towards the middle part of the stream/river, the width increases, as does species diversity—numerous aquatic green plants and algae can be found. Toward the mouth of the river/stream, the water becomes murky from all the sediments that it has picked up upstream, decreasing the amount of light that can penetrate through the water. Since there is less light, there is less diversity of flora, and because of the lower oxygen levels, fish that require less oxygen, such as catfish and carp, can be found.
  • 14. RIVER A river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river. In a few cases, a river simply flows into the ground or dries up completely before reaching another body of water. Small rivers may also be called by several other names, including stream, creek, brook, rivulet, run, tributary and rill. There are no official definitions for generic terms, such as river, as applied to geographic features, although in some countries or communities a stream may be defined by its size. Many names for small rivers are specific to geographic location; one example is "burn" in Scotland and northeast England. Sometimes a river is said to be larger than a creek, but this is not always the case, because of vagueness in the language.
  • 15. Rivers are part of the hydrological cycle. Water within a river is generally collected from precipitation through a drainage basin from surface runoff and other sources such as groundwater recharge, springs, and the release of stored water in natural ice and snowpacks (e.g., from glaciers). Potamology is the scientific study of rivers.
  • 16. RIVER
  • 17. DAM A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water, while other structures such as floodgates or levees (also known as dikes) are used to manage or prevent water flow into specific land regions. Hydropower and pumped-storage hydroelectricity are often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for storage of water which can be evenly distributed between locations.
  • 18. DAM
  • 19. SPRING (HYDROLOGY) A spring—also known as a rising or resurgence—is a component of the hydrosphere. Specifically, it is any natural situation where water flows to the surface of the earth from underground. Thus, a spring is a site where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.
  • 21. WATER WELL A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers. The well water is drawn by an electric submersible pump, a trash pump, a vertical turbine pump, a handpump or a mechanical pump (e.g. from a water-pumping windmill). It can also be drawn up using containers, such as buckets, that are raised mechanically or by hand. Wells can vary greatly in depth, water volume and water quality. Well water typically contains more minerals in solution than surface water and may require treatment to soften the water by removing minerals such as arsenic, iron and manganese.
  • 23.
  • 24. SURFACE SOURCES refers to water occurring in lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, or other fresh water sources used for drinking water supplies. It is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to the oceans, evaporation, evapotranspiration and sub-surface seepage.
  • 25. These also pertains to the sources in which the water flows over the surface of the earth and is directly available as raw water like what is mentioned in the previous slide.
  • 26. The surface water that goes deeper into the earth enhances the groundwater safe deposits , though on the other hand it contains more salt and energy is required to take it out.
  • 27. Image of the entire surface water flow of the Alapaha River near Jennings, Florida going into a sinkhole leading to the Floridan Aquifer groundwater
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  • 32. Grand Coulee Dam Arch Dam Trinity Dam
  • 33. Thomson Dam Evretou Dam Trinity Dam
  • 34. Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. Virtually all of these human uses require fresh water.
  • 35. WATER RESOURCES 97% of the water on the Earth is salt water. However, only three percent is fresh water; slightly over two thirds of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining unfrozen freshwater is found mainly as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air.
  • 36. WATER RESOURCES The sources of  Surface Sources water which  Ponds and Lakes can be  Streams and Rivers harnessed  Storage Resources ( Dams) economically can be divided  Subsurface or Underground into the Sources following two  Springs categories:  Wells
  • 37. Surface Water Surface water is water in a river, lake or fresh water wetland. Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to the oceans, evaporation, evapotranspiration and sub- surface seepage.
  • 38. Ponds  A pond is a body of water shallow enough to support rooted plants. Many times plants grow all the way across a shallow pond.  Water temperature is fairly even from top to bottom and changes with air temperature. There is little wave action and the bottom is usually covered with mud. Plants can, and often do, grow along the pond edge. The amount of dissolved oxygen may vary greatly during a day. In really cold places, the entire pond can freeze solid.
  • 39. Ponds
  • 40. Lakes  A lake is bigger than a pond, and is too deep to support rooted plants except near the shore. Some lakes are big enough for waves to be produced.  Water temperatures in lakes during summer months is not uniform from top to bottom. Three distinct layers develop: The top layer stays warm at around 65–75 degrees F (18.8–24.5 degrees C). The middle layer drops dramatically, usually to 45–65 degrees F (7.4–18.8 degrees C). The bottom layer is the coldest, staying at around 39–45 degrees F (4.0–7.4 degrees C). Since light does not penetrate to the bottom, photosynthesis is limited to the top layer. Because of the warmer waters and more plentiful food supply, almost all creatures spend the summer months in the upper layer.
  • 41. Lakes  During spring and fall the lake temperature is more uniform. Fish and other animals are found throughout the layers of the lake.  Even in cold climates, most lakes are large enough so that they don't freeze solid, unlike ponds. During the winter months some creatures hibernate in the bottom mud. Some fish continue to feed, but less actively. A layer of ice can develop on the top of lakes during winter. The ice blocks out sunlight and can prevent photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis, oxygen levels drop and some plants and animals may die. This is called "winterkill."
  • 42. Lakes
  • 43. Streams and Rivers  Rivers come in lots of different shapes and sizes, but they all have some things in common. All rivers and streams start at some high point. The high point can be a mountain, hill or other elevated area. Water from some source like a spring, snow melt or a lake starts at this high point and begins to flow down to lower points. As the water flows down, it may pick up more water from other small streams, springs or or from rain or snow melt. These streams may slowly join together to form a larger stream or river. Small rivers and streams may join together to become larger rivers. Eventually all this water from rivers and streams will run into the ocean or an inland body of water like a lake.
  • 44. Streams and Rivers  Although river water makes up only about 0.2 percent of all the fresh water on Earth, it plays a very important role. Rivers are like roads. They carry water, organisms and important gases and nutrients to many areas. They also help drain rainwater and provide habitats for many species of plants and animals. As they make their way to the sea, rivers help shape the features of the Earth. Rivers are travel routes for people and provide the power for hydroelectric plants.
  • 46. Storage Resources ( Dams)  A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water, while other structures such as floodgates or levees (also known as dikes) are used to manage or prevent water flow into specific land regions. Hydropower and pumped- storage hydroelectricity are often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for storage of water which can be evenly distributed between locations.
  • 48. Subsurface or Underground Sources  Sub-surface water, or groundwater, is fresh water located in the pore space of soil and rocks. It is also water that is flowing within aquifers below the water table. Sometimes it is useful to make a distinction between sub- surface water that is closely associated with surface water and deep sub-surface water in an aquifer (sometimes called "fossil water").
  • 49. Springs  A spring is also known as a rising or resurgence. It is a component of the hydrosphere. Specifically, it is any natural situation where water flows to the surface of the earth from underground. Thus, a spring is a site where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.
  • 51. Wells  A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers. The well water is drawn by an electric submersible pump, a trash pump, a vertical turbine pump, a handpump or a mechanical pump (e.g. from a water-pumping windmill[1]). It can also be drawn up using containers, such as buckets, that are raised mechanically or by hand.  Wells can vary greatly in depth, water volume and water quality. Well water typically contains more minerals in solution than surface water and may require treatment to soften the water by removing minerals such as arsenic, iron and manganese.
  • 52. Wells
  • 54. scheme • means a system to draw water from suitable source, treat it and then supply it to the consumers
  • 55. The underground water is generally pure (from suspended impurities point of view because of natural filtration) but contains more dissolved salts. The lifting of water (pumping out from wells) also requires energy (electricity) whereas the filtration of surface water is a costly affair. So the environmental engineers in the public health engineering departments (water works) make schemes(plans) to supply potable (fit for drinking from all points of view, i.e. clarity, dissolved salts, and free from bacteria etc.) water to the consumers
  • 56. Types of Water Supply Schemes • rural water • Urban water supply supply schemes schemes
  • 57. Aspects to be Considered • surety of availability of water • quality of water • cost of treatment • cost of supply
  • 58. Traditional Source scheme • traditional source of the water supply already existing in the village like an open well or the pond is electrified and pumping machinery is installed • The pumped water is distributed to the villager’s byte existing small tanks near the wells. After commissioning the scheme it was handed over to the villagers to run at their own cost • But the schemes were not run by them successfully due to lack of interest and money.
  • 59. Pump and Tank Schemes • In these schemes the government public health departments develop a source in the village itself. It may be an open well or a tube-well generally. One ground level reservoir (G.L.R.) is constructed and the pump installed on the source fills water in this tank. Public stand posts (P.S.Ps) are constructed by the sides of this GLR and public is allowed to fetch water from here free of cost-free but no hose connections are given.
  • 60. Pump and Tank Schemes
  • 61. Regional Water Supply Schemes • this is a combined scheme of many villages • Pipe lines have to be laid to carry water from the source to the benefited villages. So it is a costlier option. • Some times connections to individual houses are also given depending upon the population and the paying capacity and willingness of the consumers. There are some regional water supply schemes which cater the needs of hundreds of villages along with the urban towns
  • 63. Piped Water Supply Schemes • These are generally for towns or big villages (urban areas). • In these schemes house connections are given and the consumption is charged. The source may be in the locality or a distance source. • Overhead tanks known as elevated service reservoirs (E.S.R) are constructed for the distribution of water through the distribution mains.
  • 65. • First of all the raw water is treated by all means including disinfection (most important).Then pumped to ESRs and then distributed either for the whole day or at certain fixed time. • The consumption is generally metered and charged on monthly basis. After some years the existing water supply schemes are reframed and executed. • Such schemes are known as Reorganized Water Supply Schemes.
  • 66. Urban Water Supply Schemes • These are the schemes implemented for the urban areas. • The main difference in design of rural and urban water supply scheme is the rate of water supply. • . The other main difference is the house connections.
  • 67. • In most of the rural water supply schemes water is supplied at a common point and people have to fetch it from this common place also known as public stand post. • In urban water supply schemes every house is given a metered or flat rate service connection through which water is generally supplied intermittently.
  • 68. • The water obtained from a surface or ground source is treated and lifted in an elevated service reservoir. Then it is distributed through properly designed and maintained distribution system. Though some of it is wasted in leakages but the loss should not be more than 10%. The water is also supplied for industrial and commercial purposes. Some of the water is always stored for fire fighting.
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  • 75. Safe drinking water • Free from pathogenic organisms • Clear • Not saline • Free from offensive taste or smell • Free from compounds that may have adverse effect on human health • Free from chemicals that cause corrosion of water supply systems
  • 76. PHYSICAL STANDARDS OF WATER Parameters Desirable Permissible limit limit Colour Hazen unit 5 25 Turbidity-NTU 5 10 pH 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5 Hardness (as 0.3 1 CaCO3)mg/l TDS 500 2000
  • 77. CHEMICAL STANDARDS OF POTABLE WATER Parameters Desirable Permissible limit limit Nitrate mg/l 45 45 Chloride mg/l 250 1000 Flouride mg/l 1 1.5 Arsenic mg/l 0.05 0.05 Aluminium mg/l 0.03 0.2
  • 80. Coliform (bacteria, as the indicator organism) count in any sample of 100mL should be zero Sample of water that does not conform to this standard calls for an immediate investigation into both the efficacy of the purification process and the method of sampling.
  • 81. Criteria of water in the distribution system • E. Coli(Escherichia Coli, bacteria found in the colon of human beings as natural habitant) count in 100ml of any sample should be zero • Coliform organisms, not more than 10 per 100ml shall be present in any amount • Coliform organisms should not be detectable in 100ml of any two consecutive sample or more than 55 of the samples collected per year
  • 82. Individual or small community supplies • E. Coli count should be zero in any sample of 100mL and coliform organisms should not be more than 3 per 100ml. • If it exceeds the said amount, the supply shoul be disinfected
  • 83. Virological Standards 0.5 mg/L of free chlorine residual for an hour • Sufficient to inactivate virus even in water that was originally polluted • Insisted in all disinfected supplies in areas suspected of infectious hepatitis Jaundice • Other areas insists of 0.2mg/L of this free residual for half an hour
  • 84. 9. What are the toxicological materials found in water?
  • 85. •Total coliform bacteria Total coliform bacteria are commonly found in the environment (e.g., soil or vegetation) and are generally harmless. If only total coliform bacteria are detected in drinking water, the source is probably environmental. Fecal contamination is not likely. However, if environmental contamination can enter the system, there may also be a way for pathogens to enter the system. Therefore, it is important to find the source and resolve the problem.
  • 86. • E. Coli E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria commonly found in the intestines of animals and humans. E. coli is short for Escherichia coli. The presence of E. coli in water is a strong indication of recent sewage or animal waste contamination. Sewage may contain many types of disease-causing organisms.
  • 87. • Fecal coliform bacteria Fecal coliform bacteria are a sub-group of total coliform bacteria. They appear in great quantities in the intestines and feces of people and animals. The presence of fecal coliform in a drinking water sample often indicates recent fecal contamination, meaning that there is a greater risk that pathogens are present than if only total coliform bacteria is detected.
  • 88. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER Temperature It can be measured by a thermometer. The temperature should be suitable for human beings depending on climatic and weather conditions. An average temperature is 15 degree Celsius.
  • 89. Turbidity The muddy or cloudy appearance of such particles that presents hindrances on path of light. The turbidity is measured by a turbidity rod or a turbidity meter with physical observations and is expressed as the suspended matter in mg/I or ppm (part per million). The standard unit of turbidity is that which is produced by 1 mg of finely divided silica in one litre of distilled water.
  • 90. Colour It is imparted by dissolved organic matters from decaying vegetation or some inorganic materials. The presence of algae or other aquatic plants in water may impart colour changes. The standard unit of colour is that which produced by one milligram of platinum cobalt dissolved in one litre of distilled water. It is measured by lab`s by Nessler`s tubes by comparing the sample with the known intensities. The instrument used is TINTOMETER.
  • 91. Taste and odour The dissolved inorganic salts or organic matter or the dissolved gases may impart taste and odour to the water. The water must not contain any undesirable or objectionable taste or odour. The extent of taste or odour is measured by the term called odour intensity which is related with the threshold odour, which represents the dilution ratio at which the odour is hardly detectible. The water to be tasted is gradually diluted with odour free water and the mixture at which the detection of taste and odour is just lost is determined. The number of times the sample is diluted is known as the threshold number. Thus if 20 ml of water is made 100ml (until it just losses its odour and tastes) then the threshold number is 5. For domestic water supplies the water should be free from any taste and odour so the threshold number should be 1 and not to exceed to 3.
  • 92. Specific conductivity of water It is determined by means of a portable diionic water tester and is expressed as micro ohms per cm at 25 degree Celsius. Mho is the unit of conductivity and is equal to 1 ampere / 1 volt . The specific conductivity is multiplied by a co-efficient (generally 0.65) so a to directly obtain the dissolved salt content in ppm.
  • 94. • Since water is such a good solvent, it is not surprising to find many different chemical substances present in it. Water, on reaching a river, will contain inorganic and organic compounds which were dissolved as rainwater percolated through the soil and rocks. In addition, some gases will dissolve in rainwater during its passage through the air. • Analysis of water is done to determine this chemical characteristics.
  • 95. Total solids and Suspended solids • The total amount of solids can be determined by evaporating a measured sample of water and weighing the dry residue left. • The suspended solids can be determined by filtering the water sample and weighing the residue left on the filter paper. • The difference between the total solids and the suspended solids will be the dissolved solids.
  • 96. pH of Water • pH is equal to the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion. The higher value of pH means lower value hydrogen ion concentrations and thus represent alkaline water and vice versa. • The neutral water has the same number of H+ and OH- ions. • If an acid is added to neutral water the number of hydrogen ion and thus reduces pH. Similarly, if an alkali is added the number of hydroxyl ion increases thus reducing hydrogen ion and the pH increases.
  • 97. • Hence, if the pH of water is more than 7 it is alkaline and if it’s less than 7 it is acidic. • Generally, the alkalinity of water is caused by the presence of bicarbonates of calcium & magnesium, or by the carbonates, or the hydroxides of Na, K, Ca, and Mg. • Acidity is caused by the presence of mineral acids, free CO2 sulfates of Fe and Al etc.
  • 98. • For municipal water supplies the pH should be close to 7 as possible. The lower pH may damage the pipelines etc. by reacting with them. The alkaline water may produce sedimentation in pipes, difficulties in chlorination and adverse effect on human physiological system.
  • 99. Hardness of Water • Hardness in water prevents the formation of sufficient foam when used with soap. • Hardness in water is mainly due to the presence of ions of the metals calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and iron (Fe2+). Rivers and lakes fed by water that has run from chalky areas and limestone (CaCO3) contain an abundance of calcium. Calcium and magnesium account for at least 70% of the total cations in water.
  • 100. • Hardness is measured by titration method and is expressed in ppm or mg/l. Generally the underground water is harder as it dissolves the salts in its journey form surface to the ground water table. For boiler feed waters and for efficient washing of clothes the water must be soft, i.e. hardness should be less than 75ppm.
  • 101. Chlorides • Chlorides are generally present in water in the form of sodium chloride and their concentration above 250mg/l produces a salty taste in drinking water. The chlorides can be measured in water by titrating the water with standard silver nitrate solution using potassium chormate as indicator.
  • 102. Nitrogen Content • Nitrogen in water may occur in one or more of the following: – Free Ammonia • Indicates a very fast stage of decomposition of organic matter. – Albuminoid Nitrogen • Represents the quantity of nitrogen present in water before the decomposition of organic matter has started.
  • 103. Metals • Various metals in minerals may be present in water like Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Se, etc. The allowable limits
  • 104. Dissolved Gasses • Various gases like CO2, O2, N2, H2S and CH4 etc. may be present in dissolved form in water. • H2S even in small concentration gives bad taste and odor. • CO2 indicates biological activity. • O2 is generally absorbed by water from the atmosphere • Organic matter may be present in water due to the disposal of waste water in it. • Organic matter has the tendency to become inorganic matter known as decomposition of organic matter and the process is bio-chemical
  • 105. Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) – Demand of oxygen imposed by the aerobic bacteria – This reduces the dissolved oxygen content of water. So if the dissolved oxygen of water is found to be less than the concentration it indicates water pollution. • The BOD of water should be zero.
  • 106. Treatment of Water
  • 107. The available raw water has to be treated to make it fit, i.e. potable, means safe for human consumption. It should satisfy the physical, chemical, and bacteriological standards. The various methods of water purification are: Screening  Plain sedimentation Sedimentation aided with coagulation Filtration Disinfection Aeration SofteningMiscellaneous treatments like defluoridation, recarbonation, desalination, etc.
  • 108. S creening Screens are provided before the intake works so as to prevent the entry of big objects like debris, branches of trees, parts of animals etc. Screens may be of two types, coarse screen and fine screens. Coarse screen are parallel iron rods placed vertically or at a slope at about 2.5 cm to 10 cm apart. The fine screens are made up of fine wire or perforated metal with small openings less than 1 cm in size. Finer is the screen more are the chances of clogging so generally only coarse screens are used. The screens may be manually cleaned or mechanically cleaned depending upon the requirement i.e. the size of the treatment plant.
  • 109. P S lain edimentation Sedimentation is done to remove the impurities which have specific gravity more than that of the water and are settleable. When water is moving these impurities remain in suspension due to the turbulence and as the velocity is reduced they settle down. It is not necessary to stop the motion of water completely as it will require more volume of the sedimentation tanks. As per the theory of sedimentation the settlement of a particle depend upon the velocity of flow, the velocity of water, the size shape and specific gravity of particle. The settling velocity of a spherical particle is expressed by Stroke’s law.
  • 110. S edimentation aided with C oagulation The fine suspended particles like mud particles and the colloidal matter present in the water cannot settle down by plain sedimentation with ordinary (lesser) detention periods. Some of the colloidal impurities will not settle even if the water is detained for long periods in the sedimentation tanks as the same charge on the clay particles repel each other and do not allow them to settle down. So the sedimentation is aided with coagulation. Coagulation is a process in which some chemical like alum or ferrous sulfate is mixed in water resulting in particle destabilization. Operationally this is achieved by the addition of appropriate chemical like alum and intense mixing for achieving uniform dispersion of the chemical. These chemicals are more effective when the water is slightly alkaline .
  • 111. Sometimes sodium carbonate or lime is to be added to achieve the suitable pH of water. Flocculation is the stage of the formation of settleable particles (or flocs) from destabilized (neutral) colloidal particles and is achieved by gentle (slow) mixing. So in flocculation the alum is first mixed rapidly for dispersion and then slow mixing produces flocs. Both these stages of flocculation are greatly influenced by physical and chemical forces such as electrical charge on particles, exchange capacity, particle size and concentration, pH, water temperature, and electrolyte concentration.
  • 112. F iltration Filtration is the physical and chemical process for separating suspended and colloidal impurities from water by passage through a porous bed made up of gravel and sand etc. Actually the sedimentation even aided with coagulation and flocculation cannot remove all the suspended and colloidal impurities and to make water (specifically surface water) fit for drinking, thus filtration is a must. The theory of filtration includes the following actions:
  • 113. 1.) M echanical S training The suspended particles present in water that are bigger in size than the voids in the sand layers are retained their and the water becomes free of them. The sand layer may get choked after some time and then it is to be cleaned for further action by washing it back. 2.) S edimentation The small voids in the sand act as tiny sedimentation tanks and the colloidal matter arrested in these voids is a gelatinous mass and thus attracts other finer particles. These finer particles are thus removed by sedimentation.
  • 114. 3.) Biological Metabolism Certain microorganisms are present in the sand voids. They decompose the organic matter like the algae etc. and thus remove some of the impurity. 4.) E lectrolyte C hange According to the theory of ionization, a filter helps in purifying the water by changing the chemical characteristics of water. The sand grains of the filter media and the impurities in water carry electrical charge of opposite nature which neutralizes each other and forces the particles to settle now by gravity.
  • 115. D isinfection The filtration of water removes the suspended impurities and removes a large percentage of bacteria but still some remain there in the filtered water. These bacteria may be harmful (pathogenic bacteria). The process of killing these bacteria is known as disinfection. There are many diseases like cholera, gastro entities, infectious hepatitis, typhoid etc., the bacteria or virus of which transmits through water. It is necessary to make water free from any micro-organism before human consumption.
  • 116. Contamination (mixing of pathogenic micro-organism) may take place in the water supply at any time (because of leakage etc.) so proper measures must be taken to stop it at all levels. Generally the disinfection is done by adding chlorine to water. There should be a residual amount of chlorine after the disinfection to fight with any probable contamination in the route of water to the consumer. S M ome ethods of D isinfection: •Boiling of water •Treatment with excess lime •Use of ozone •Treatment with ultraviolet rays •Use of potassium permanganate •Treatment with silver •Use of bromine, iodine and chlorine
  • 117. Criteria for a Good Disinfectant •It should be capable of destroying the pathogenic organisms present, within the contact time •Available and not unduly influenced by the range of physical and chemical properties of water encountered particularly temperature, pH and mineral constituents. •It should not leave products of reaction which render the water toxic or impart colour or otherwise make it unpotable. •It should have ready and dependable availability at reasonable cost permitting convenient, safe and accurate application to water. •It should possess the property of leaving residual concentrations to deal with small possible recontamination. •It should be amenable to detection by practical, rapid and simple analytical techniques in the small concentration ranges to permit the control of efficiency of the disinfection process.
  • 118. F actors A ffecting E fficiency of D isinfection •Type, condition and concentration of organisms to be destroyed •Type and concentration of disinfectant •Contact time and concentration of disinfectants in water and •Chemical and physical characteristics of water to be treated particularly the temperature, ph and mineral constituents. Potable water should always have some amount of residual chlorine, as there are all chances of contamination at all levels. This may be 0.2 ppm. to 0.3 ppm. Depending upon the requirement (rainy season or enhance chances, more CL2 required). To make sure the presence of chlorine some tests are done out of which Orthotolodine test is the most common one.
  • 119. O rthotoIodine T est: In this test 10 ml of chlorinated sample of water is taken after the required contact period (say half an hour) in a glass tube. 0.1 ml of orthotoIodine solution is added to it. The color formed is noted after 5 minutes and compare with the standard colored glasses. Darker is the yellow color formed more is the residual chlorine. The test is very simple and even a semi-skilled employee can perform it satisfactorily and it can be done at the site itself and accordingly corrective measures can be taken. For example if there is a complaint from a hostel mess. Test is performed for the tank water and if no residual chlorine is found, bleaching powder (a good source of chlorine) is mixed with some water and added to the tank water is paste form and stirred. The test is again performed after half an hour till it shows the required residual chlorine.
  • 120. A eration Taste and odor, both are undesirable in water. Aeration is done to remove taste and odor. Aeration is done to promote the exchange of gases between the water and the atmosphere. P urpose: •To add oxygen to water for imparting freshness, for example water from underground sources may have lesser oxygen. •For expulsion of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other volatile substances causing taste and odor. •To precipitate impurities like iron and manganese especially from underground water.
  • 121. In aeration gases are dissolved in or liberated from water until the concentration of the gas in the water has reached its saturation value. The concentration of gases in the liquid generally obeys Henery’s law which states that the concentration of each gas in water is directly proportional to the partial pressure (product of the volume percentage of the gas and the total pressure of the atmosphere.) or concentration of gas in the atmosphere in contact with water. The saturation concentration of a gas decreases with temperature and dissolved salt in water. Aeration accelerates the exchange of gas.
  • 122. To ensure proper aeration, it is necessary to: •Increase the area of water in contact with the air. The smaller are the droplets produced, the larger will be the area available. •Keep the surface of the liquid constantly agitated so as to reduce the thickness of the liquid film which would govern the resistance offered to the rate of exchange of the gas. •Increase the time of contact of water droplets with the air or increase the time of flow which can be achieved by increasing the height of jet in spray aerators and increasing the height of the tower in case of packed media. Where oxygen is to be dissolved in water, the concentration or partial pressure of the oxygen may be increased by increasing the total pressure of the gas in contact with water. For this purpose air injected into a main under pressure is a reasonably efficient method of increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen.
  • 123. W S ater oftening The reduction or removal of hardness from water is called water softening. For domestic water supplies, the softening is done to reduce the soap consumption, to ensure longer life to washed fabric, to lower the cost of maintaining plumbing fixtures and to improve the taste of food preparations and improve palatability. For industrial supplies, softening is one for reducing scale problems in boilers and the interference in the working of dyeing systems. Usually a total hardness of 75 to 100 mg/L would meet these requirements. The magnesium hardness should not exceed 40 mg/L to minimize the possibility of magnesium hydroxide scale in domestic water heaters.
  • 124. Calcium and magnesium associated with bicarbonates are responsible for carbonates hardness and that with the sulfates, chlorides and nitrates contribute to non carbonate hardness. Normally the alkalinity measures the carbonate hardness unless it contains sodium alkalinity. The non carbonate hardness is measured by the difference between the total hardness and the carbonate hardness. Carbonate and bicarbonates of sodium are described as negative non carbonate hardness.
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  • 130. • The reduction or removal of hardness from water is called as water softening. For the domestic water supplies the softening is done to reduce the soap consumption, to ensure longer life, to wash fabric, to lower the cost of maintaining plumbing fixtures and to improve the taste of food preparation and improve the palatability (good taste). For industrial supplies, softening is done for reducing scaling problems in boilers and the interference in the working of dyeing systems.
  • 131. Origin of water "hardness" 1. Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid which at ordinary environmental pH exists mostly as bicarbonate ion 2. Microscopic marine organisms take this up as carbonate to form calcite skeletons which, over millions of years, have built up extensive limestone deposits. Groundwaters, made slightly acidic by CO2 (both that absorbed from the air and from the respiration of soil bacteria) dissolve the limestone . 3. Thereby acquiring calcium and bicarbonate ions and becoming "hard". If the HCO3– concentration is sufficiently great, the combination of processes and 4. causes calcium carbonate ("lime scale") to precipitate out on surfaces such as the insides of pipes. (Calcium bicarbonate itself does not form a solid, but always precipitates as CaCO3.)
  • 132. Processes Conventional water softening Most conventional water-softening devicesdepend on a process known as ion-exchange in which "hardness" ions trade places with sodium and chloride ions that are loosely bound to an ion- exchange resin or a zeolite (many zeolite minerals occur in nature, but specialized ones are often made artificially.) Magnetic water softening and scale control There is a long history of the promotion of magnets to alleviate the "hardness" of mineral-containing waters, and particularly to control the deposition of scale in teapots, plumbing systems, evaporators, and boilers. There are now a large variety of devices on the market that claim to reduce scale deposition, and some claim to "soften" the water as well. The earlier devices mostly employed permanent magnets, but many now use alternating magnetic or electrostatic fields. The magnetic field surrounds the pipe at some point and penetrates it from all sides. This obviously limits its use to non-ferrous pipes such as copper or plastic.
  • 133. Catalysts cannot soften water Many groundwaters are supersaturated in hardness ions, and it is conceivable that a suitable catalyst could cause this escess material to precipitate out. But even if the solid carbonates were filtered out, the remaining water would be saturated and capable of forming scale on heat exchanger surfaces and leaving evaporative deposits in teakettles and on surfaces. It would also react with soaps to produce scums in laundry and bathtubs.
  • 134. Question # 16 What is the requirement of pressure of water to be supplied to the residences?
  • 135. Landscape requirements • A requirement of the design process is to produce a landscape survey of the proposed area of construction to assess the effect of the project on shrubs and trees. Trees to be retained should be identified, marked and methods of protection determined. Vegetation such as mature trees and other natural habitat for fauna shall not be removed unnecessarily. • Backfilling of trenches shall be arranged to provide topsoil at the surface of the trench, and shall be such that no depressions are left along pipe alignments after settlement of the soil. Special care is required in restoration of highly visible sites and existing pavements.
  • 136. Pipe deflection • Deviation of a pipeline around an obstruction can be achieved by deflection at pipe joints or in combination with bends or connectors. The deflection angle permitted at a flexible joint shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. For laying PVC or PE pipes on curves, minimum radii are to be as per manufacturer's recommendations. If deflection of joints does not provide the necessary deviation, bends and other fittings shall be employed.
  • 137. Pipelines in easements • Water mains that are located anywhere other than in the road reserve of a dedicated public road shall be located within an appropriately sized water supply easement subject to ACTEW's approval.
  • 138. Locating buried mains • Tracer wire shall be used for all non-metallic water mains for the purpose of locating buried mains (by passing a signal through the wire, which can then be picked up by the detector). PVC coated copper wire (1mm) shall be taped to the non-metallic main in a continuous length. At every hydrant, sufficient slack shall be left to enable the wire to be brought up to the surface within each hydrant surround, wound three times around, and taped to the hydrant immediately below the hydrant head. • Marking tape to AS 2648 shall be laid in a continuous length on top of the pipe embedment material, 150mm above all water mains.
  • 139. Water supply master plan • The design of the water reticulation network including pipe layout and sizes, fire risk categories, zone boundaries, and valving to meet breakdown requirements shall be shown on a Water Supply Master Plan
  • 140. System reliability • All elements of ACTEW's water supply system should be planned and detailed to ensure as high a level of reliability as is reasonable. Features incorporated into a system layout to enhance reliability include the following: • for critical mechanical equipment, a standby capacity sufficient enough to maintain full capacity with any one element out of service; • for distribution systems downstream of reservoirs, a 'looped' rather than 'branched' layout is generally used to provide more than one supply route on distribution systems. Valving is arranged as described in Clause 5.4. These valving arrangements help to limit the area needing to be shut down when isolating and repairing any section of main;
  • 141. • for all reservoirs, either duplicate tanks or pressure regulated bypass arrangements to maintain a rate of supply to the distribution system equivalent to at least the design bulk supply rate (if the reservoir is out of service); • emergency storage in reservoirs, which in addition to providing a reserve for fire fighting, can be used to maintain a distribution supply for limited periods during bulk supply interruptions. Inter-zone connections or other arrangements can usually be made to maintain some supply. In some extreme cases, it may be necessary to contact consumers and request sparing the use of water until repairs can be completed. The limited periods referred to above, for maintaining supply, range from a few hours during prolonged high demand (in summer) to a few days during low demands in winter.
  • 142. Pressure requirements • Maximum pressures • Pressure zoning is arranged wherever possible to limit the maximum static pressure at any point to 75 metres head. In special cases this is relaxed to 90 metres head. • There are two areas within the ACT where maximum static heads over 100 metres currently exist: • the Woden town centre area below contour 587 metres AHD could experience a maximum static head in excess of 100 metres up to 107 metres; • the North Canberra area, which comprises the City, Acton, Braddon, Turner, Reid, Lyneham, Dickson and Downer below contour 575 metres AHD, could experience a maximum static head in excess of 100 metres and up to 115 metres. • All pipework shall be designed for the field test pressure as defined in Clause 3.5.4, for the following reasons: • to allow for the use of inter-zone connections during emergencies; • to allow for waterhammer; • to allow for standardisation of equipment and flexibility of use.
  • 143. • for domestic development exceeding two stories and for shopping, commercial and industrial: the equivalent of 30 metres head over the highest point on the block. • For very large blocks such as institutional campuses, an extra allowance of 5 metres head for every 1000 metres distance, between the main and the most critical point on the block (with regard to either elevation or distance from the main), is permitted. • Stated residuals are to be achieved with service reservoirs at half capacity and an allowance for reservoir outlet losses of 1.5 metres. The system should be checked to ensure that the same residuals can be achieved at 50% peak hour demands with any one element out of service.
  • 144. Pipe roughness • Reticulation mains are to be sized to provide the minimum heads (specified above) using the Colebrook-White equation. A pipe roughness value (k) of 0.3mm averaged over the life of the main is to be used when no allowance is made for valves and fittings. A pipe roughness value (k) of 0.15mm should be used if specific allowances have been made for valves and fittings.
  • 145. Design velocity • Ideally, the velocity in water mains should range between 0.5m/s and 2.0m/s. However, under extreme conditions (e.g. fire flows in high fire risk areas) velocities up to 5m/s are acceptable. Very low velocities in pipes cause water quality problems due to long detention times and should be avoided if possible. Minimum diameters and lengths of main should be constructed consistent with meeting the required demands on the network. Generally, dead end mains with tapered diameters below DN100 should be used in cul-de- sacs.
  • 146. General detailing requirements for pipelines • As mentioned in the introduction, there is a demonstrated need to construct systems in a standard configuration using tried and proven methods and materials. Within the ACT, any deviation from normal practice has the propensity to increase stock holdings for spare parts, and create additional maintenance costs by way of labour charges. Any deviation from standard practice will require the specific approval of ACTEW. A submission detailing the proposals, in full, must be made to include an economic and long term benefit analysis, and the covering life cycle costs. The costs of burst mains can quickly erode cost differentials of the initial costs in pipe networks. Unless otherwise noted, the current version ofAustralian Standards shall apply.
  • 147. Valve size • The nominal size of a valve may be reduced below the nominal size of a pipe line providing the reduction in size does not significantly reduce the hydraulic capacity of the main. Such intentions must be identified at the Design Submission stage of the works.
  • 148. Scour outlets • On water mains without hydrants (e.g. generally bulk supply mains), scour (or drain) outlets, with isolating valve control, shall be provided at all low points. Wherever possible, on water mains with hydrants (e.g. reticulation), a hydrant should be located at or near all low points. • Scour outlets should also be provided on bulk supply mains to assist in the draining of each section of main between sectioning valves. • For larger mains, the size of the scour should be determined after considering (1) the length of time available for draining the pipe section, and (2) the facilities available to dispose of the flow.
  • 149. Water supply services • For new leases and in the redevelopment of existing leases water supply services shall be installed by developers of municipal works. The service shall terminate just inside the front property boundary.
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  • 151.  Aeration is used to treat tastes and odors, to help remove minerals such as iron and manganese from water, and to remove carbon dioxide from the water. In general, aeration is more commonly used when treatin groundwater than when treating surface water. Surface water has typically run through creeks and rivers, aeratin the water before it reaches the treatment plant.
  • 152. How Does Aeration Work?  Aeration is the intimate exposure of water and air. It is a way of thoroughly mixing the air and water so that various reactions can occur between the components of the air and the components of the water.
  • 153.  Fig. 1 –The Process of Aeration
  • 154. Two methods of aeration  1. Scrubbing action 2. Oxidation
  • 155. Why aeration is done? The goal of an  aerator is to increase the surface area of water coming in contact with air so that more air can react with the water. As air or water is broken up into smaller drops/bubbles or into thin sheets, the same volume of either substance has a larger surface area.
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  • 157. Water softening is the reduction of the concentration of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water. These "hardness ions" can cause a variety of undesired effects including interfering with the action of soaps, the build up of limescale, which can foul plumbing, and galvanic corrosion.[1] Conventional water-softening appliances intended for household use depend on an ion- exchange resin in which hardness ions are exchanged for sodium ions. Water softening may be desirable where the source of water is hard.[2] However, hard water also conveys some benefits to health by reducing the solubility of potentially toxic metal ions such as lead and copper.
  • 158. Water softening methods mainly rely on the removal of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from a solution or the sequestration of these ions, i.e. binding them to a molecule that removes their ability to form scale or interfere with soaps. Removal is achieved by ion exchange and by precipitation methods. Sequestration entails the addition of chemical compounds called sequestration (or chelating) agents. Since Ca2+ and Mg2+ exist as nonvolatile salts, they can be removed by distilling the water, but distillation is too expensive in most cases (rainwater is soft because it is, in effect, distilled.)
  • 159. Effects of sodium For people on a low-sodium diet, the increase in sodium levels (for systems releasinwater. For example: A person who drinks two litres (2L) of softened, extremely hard water (assume 30 gpg) will consume about 480 mg more sodium (2L x 30 gpg x 8 mg/L/gpg = 480 mg), than if unsoftened water is consumed. This amount is significant. g sodium) in the water can be significant, especially when treating very hard
  • 160. This amount is significant. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that the 3 percent of the population who must follow a severe, salt-restricted diet should not consume more than 400 mg of sodium a day. AHA suggests that no more than 10 percent of this sodium intake should come from water. The EPA’s draft guideline of 20 mg/L for water protects people who are most susceptible. Most people who are concerned with the added sodium in water generally have one tap in the house that bypasses the softener, or have a reverse osmosis unit installed for the drinking water and cooking water, which was designed for desalinisation of sea water. Potassium chloride can also be used instead of sodium chloride, which would have the added benefit of helping to lower blood pressure, although costly. However, elevated potassium levels are dangerous for people with impaired kidney function: it can lead to complications such as cardiac arrhythmia.
  • 161.
  • 162. Various Methods of Water Softening  Ion exchange water softener  Softening water through magnets Water softening is a process in which a plant reduces magnesium, calcium and ion concentration from the hard water. On an average, hard water contains about 90 pounds of dissolved rocks. It can pose hazards to human health. Hardness of water can damage hair in a man and makes water less safe for drinking. The rocks which get dissolved in water mixes magnesium and calcium ions in pipes and heats the surface of dishwashers and washing machines. Water hardness also makes soap less effective.
  • 163. Ion Exchange Water Softener  Ion exchange water softener depends on two tanks- the brine and resin tanks.  This process removes magnesium and calcium ions.  Potentially hard water will pass through the resin beads in resin tank.  When the beads become saturated with magnesium and calcium ions, the ion exchange softener goes offline.  Brine tank is again filled with new sodium ions which are ready for exchange, it flushes the resin tank and then it becomes online again.  This method is suitable for all appliances which uses a lot of water. This method can also increase the life span of dishes and clothes.  This method is not ideal for drinking purposes because of the sodium intake.
  • 164. Softening Water through Magnets  It is a new method for water softening and this is the safest method for drinking purposes.  This is non-chemical based water softening method.  The process involves magnets placed outside or inside the water pipe and water flows through a magnetic field.  Water is stripped of its hardness and impurities because of the magnetic field’s strength.  It is also advised to put the magnet bars close to the water source.
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  • 167. What do you understand by wastewater management?
  • 168. The wastewater management system should aim at the following achievement:  Proper collection of wastewater discharged by the community.  Adequate treatment of wastewater to achieve the desired effluent standards.  Safe and efficient operations and as far as possible self supporting.  Sound financial management.
  • 169. The wastewater management has the main components as collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of wastewater.
  • 170.
  • 171. Describe the Method of Design of Sewer Line along with the Hydraulics of Sewer
  • 172. What is sewer? Sewer is an artificial conduit or system of conduits used to remove sewage and to provide drainage. Sewage is the mainly liquid waste containing some solids produced by humans which typically consists of -washing water -faeces -urine -laundry waste -other material from household and industry
  • 173. The objective of sewage treatment is to make the sewage harmless before it is disposed. The disposal means final laying of sewage on the land or leaving it on land to flow and mix in some body of water like the river or a pond. The sewage has many characteristics like temperature, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), color and odor, solids, nitrogen, phosphorous, chlorides, bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and toxic metals etc. Though all of them are important for determination of disposal criteria, BOD is the most important one. The Bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) of sewage or polluted water is the amount of oxygen required for the biological decomposition of biodegradable organic matter under aerobic conditions.
  • 174. The general temperature of sewage is 20 degree celsius so it is termed as BOD5 at 20 degree C as the standard BOD. The BOD satisfaction equation is as follows, Yt = L (1-10Kd t) Where Yt = BOD at any time t L = initial BOD at time t = 0 Kd = deoxygenation co-efficient (function of temperature) KdT = Kd20 × 1.047 T–20 T = temperature of the reaction Kd20 = 0.1 per day (for normal sewage). So the BOD5 determines the strength of the sewage. Higher is the BOD5 stronger is the sewage. The average value of domestic sewage is 300 parts per million (ppm) or mg/liter.
  • 175. In the 20th century developed world, Sewers are usually pipelines that begin with connecting pipes from buildings to one or more levels of larger underground horizontal mains, which terminate at sewage treatment facilities. Vertical pipes, called manhole, connect the mains to the surface. Sewers are generally gravity powered, though pump may be used if necessary
  • 176. Most drains have a single large exit at their point of discharge (often covered by a grating to prevent access by humans and exit by debris) into either a canal, river, lake, reservoir, ocean and spread out into smaller branches as they move up into their catchment area.
  • 177.  Sanitary sewer is a type of underground carriage system for transporting sewage from houses or industry to treatment or disposal.  Sanitary lines generally consist of laterals, mains, and manholes (or other various forms of traps).
  • 179. A combined sewer is a type of sewer system which provides partially separated channels for sanitary sewage and Storm water runoff. This allows the sanitary sewer system to provide backup capacity for the runoff sewer when runoff volumes are unusually high, but it is an antiquated system that is vulnerable to sanitary sewer overflow during peak rainfall events.
  • 180. A separate sewer system is a type of sewer system which one pipe system carries wastewater and another separate pipe system carries storm water.
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  • 183. BIO-CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND Bio-Chemical Oxygen demand (BOD) of sewage or polluted water is the amount of oxygen required for the biological decomposition of biodegradable organic matter under aerobic conditions.
  • 184. • Readily decomposable organic matter like food items, human excreta, urine, etc. is known as the putrescible matter. • The decomposition of organic matter is done by the bacteria. There are mainly two types of bacteria: 1. aerobic bacteria which work in presence of oxygen. 2. anaerobic bacteria which work in absence of oxygen.
  • 185. CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND The chemical oxygen demand of the biodegradable and non- biodegradable organic matter.
  • 186. • The COD can be readily(3-4hrs) measured in the laboratory where as the BOD5 determination takes 5 days in the laboratory. • The COD/BOD ratio varies generally from 2.0 – 2.5. • The BOD of the waste decides its foulness or offensiveness.
  • 187. • When wastewater is disposed in the river, it consumes the dissolved oxygen of the river water for the satisfaction of its BOD. This reduces the Dissolved Oxygen(D.O) of the river water. • If the D.O goes below 4 p.p.m., almost all the fish and aquatic life shall be destroyed. • The died fish will become organic matter that will further decompose and the whole of the D.O of the fresh body of water shall be exhausted and it will convert into a polluted and useless body of water.
  • 188.
  • 189.  The Water Treatments are the process to remove the different impurities present in the raw water, to render the water safe and clean and to ensure the water treatment process and treated water quality meets the drinking water standards. The type of water treatment required depends on the characteristics of the raw water. The characteristics of the raw water is assessed by taking sample of water from the source during different seasons of the year and analyzing for physical, chemical and bacteriological quality parameters.
  • 190.  Water treatment involves removal of undesirable constituents from water and then disposal of them in easiest and safest manner. To achieve these goals, a variety of water treatment operation and processes are utilized, which exploit various physical and chemical phenomena to remove or reduce the undesirable constituents from the water. Those operations used in the treatment of water in which change is brought about by means of or through application of physical forces are known as Water Treatment Process unit operations . Those Process used for the Water Treatment in which is brought about by means of chemical reaction are known Unit Process.
  • 191. Chemical precipitation :Enhancement of removal of suspended solids by chemical addition. • Coagulation in Water Treatment Process - Coagulation is the addition and rapid mixing of coagulant resulting in destabilization of the colloidal particles and formation of micro flocs. • Ion exchange in Water Treatment Process - The cations and anions in water are selectively removed when water is percolated through beds containing cation and anion exchange resins. • Aeration or Gas transfer in Water Treatment Process - Addition or removal of gases from liquid phase. • Disinfection in Water Treatment Process - Selective destruction of disease-causing organisms present in water.
  • 192.  Screening – it is a unit operation that removes floating and suspended larger material from water.  Aeration- Aeration is the unit water treatment process for the exchange of gases between water and atmosphere. Aeration or gas transfer involves either bringing air or other gases in contact with water or to transfer volatile substances from the liquid to the gaseous phase.  Coagulation and Flocculation- the unit processes to convert the stable colloidal particles into settle able flocs by destabilizing the charge on the colloids so as to remove turbidity from the water. Water with little or no turbidity will be clear. In addition to removing turbidity from the
  • 193.  Sedimentation – it is a unit operation to settle out the suspended particles in water by gravitational force. This is achieved by lowering the flow velocity of the water below the suspension velocity in a basin to settle out suspended particles by gravity. The process is also known as settling or clarification.  Filtration - is the unit operation in Water Treatment. Filtration using a filter media to separate the suspended particles mechanically from water to render water free from turbidity.  Disinfection - is the unit process employed to inactivate the disease producing bacteria present in water by addition of certain chemicals in order to render the water safe for consumption. Common disinfectant is chlorine and the process of addition of chlorine is known as chlorination.  Demineralization -is the process of removing dissolved minerals and mineral salts, present in the form of mineral ions in water. This process strips out all chemical impurities present in water.
  • 195. • The treatment of wastewater is a general term that applies to any operation/process that can reduce the objectionable properties of wastewater and make it less objectionable. Wastewater treatment is a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes. • Unit Operations are the methods of treatment in which the application of physical forces predominate while unit processes are those in which the chemical and biological activities are involved. The aim of wastewater treatment works is to produce an acceptable effluent through the available unit operations. Generally the wastewater treatment processes bring about changes in concentration of a specific substance by moving it either into or out of the wastewater itself. This is known as the phase transfer. The main phase transfers are as follows,
  • 196. • Gas transfer : aeration • Centrifuging • Chemical conditioning • Ion transfer • Biological floatation • Chemical coagulation • Vacuum filtration • Chemical precipitation • Sludge digestion • Ion exchange • Incineration • Adsorption • Wet combustion • Solute stabilization • Chlorination • Liming • Recarbonation • Break point and super chlorination • Solid transfer • Straining • Sedimentation • Floatation • Filtration • Nutrient transfer • Solid concentration and stabilization • Thickening
  • 197. Operation Application 1. Screening Removal of floating water 2. Comminution Grinding and shredding of big objects 3. Equalization Equalization of flow and BOD loading 4. Mixing Mixing of chemical and gases in wastewater and keeping solids in suspension 5. Flocculation Enlarging small particle 6. Sedimentation Removal of settleable solids 7. Floatation Thickening of biological sludge 8. Filtration Removal of fine material after biological or chemical treatment 9. Micro screening Removal of algae from stabilization ponds, oxidation ponds effluent
  • 198. Process Application 1. Chemical precipitation Removal of phosphorus and enhancement of suspended solids removal in sedimentation 2. Gas Transfer Addition and removal of gases 3. Adsorption Removal of organics 4. Disinfection Killing of disease causing organisms 5. Dechlorination Removal of chlorine residuals 6. Miscellaneous Specific wastewater treatments
  • 199. Biological unit processes are those processes in which the removal of objectionable matter is done by biological activity. In this process the objectives are to coagulate and remove the dissolved or nonsettleable colloidal solids. Biological processes are differentiated by the oxygen dependence of the microorganisms responsible for the wastewater treatment as follows, 1. Aerobic processes: The processes occur in presence of oxygen by the aerobic bacteria. The aerobic process include the following, 1. Trickling filter (attached growth process) 2. Activated sludge process with its modifications (suspended growth process) 3. Aerobic Stabilization ponds (oxidation ponds) 4. Aerated lagoons 2. Anaerobic processes: The anaerobic processes occur in absence of oxygen by the anaerobic bacteria. The anaerobic bacteria processes include the following, 1. Anaerobic sludge digestion 2. Anaerobic contact process 3. Anaerobic filters 4. Anaerobic lagoons or ponds 5. Septic tanks and imhoff tanks 3. Facultative process: the facultative bacteria can act in presence as well as in absence of oxygen.
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  • 202. WASTE WATER TREATMENT  Physical unit operation  Chemical unit operation  Biological unit operation
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  • 216. The treatment of wastewater is a general term that includes any unit operation or process that can reduce the objectionable properties sewage to make it less offensive (bad, foul). The treatment includes: 1. Removal of floating and suspended solid matter 2. Treatment of biodegradable organic matter 3. Disinfection (elimination of pathogenic organisms)
  • 217. The various operations and processes for the treatment of sewage give effluent (treated wastewater) and the sludge (solids separated in semi solid form). The effluent may be directly disposed either in the receiving waters (rivers, ponds) or on land. The sludge is generally first of all treated and then disposed. The aim of processing sludge is to extract water (reduce high volumes) and dispose the dewatered residue through a combination of physical, chemical and biological operations. The after dewatering chemical conditioning and thickening the sludge is treated biologically, generally by anaerobic treatment.
  • 218. SUSPENDED SOLID MATTER Small particles of solid pollutants that float on the surface of, or are suspended in sewage or other liquids. They resist removal by conventional means. BIODEGRADABLE The ability to break down or decompose rapidly under natural conditions and processes. DISINFECTANT A chemical or physical process that kills pathogenic organisms in water. Chlorine is often used to disinfect sewage treatment effluent, water supplies, wells, and swimming pools.
  • 219. ORGANIC MATTER Carbonaceous waste contained in plant or animal matter and originating from industrial sources. DISINFECTION treatment to destroy harmful microorganisms PATHOGENS Microorganism that can cause disease in other organisms or in humans, animals and plants. They may be bacteria, viruses, or parasites and are found in sewage. Fish and shellfish contaminated by pathogens, or the contaminated water itself, can cause serious illnesses.
  • 220.
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  • 229. TYPICAL COMPOSITION OF BIOGAS Compound Chem % Methane CH4 50–75 Carbon dioxide CO2 25–50 Nitrogen N2 0–10 Hydrogen H2 0–1
  • 231.
  • 233. Disposal of Wastewater in a River
  • 234. Disposal of Wastewater in a River
  • 235. Disposal of Wastewater in an Ocean
  • 236. Disposal of Wastewater in an Ocean
  • 237. Disposal of Wastewater in an Ocean
  • 239. Wet Land Treatment The process in which wastewater is distributed evenly distributed over the ground surface which acts as a low rate filter. Suspended particles are strained out colloids and organic matter are absorbed by the soil particles. Nutrients are utilized by vegetation and more complex organic materials are decomposed to simpler inorganic compounds by soil bacteria.
  • 240. 1. Natural Wetland Wetlands are areas that are permanently or periodically inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater and support the growth of aquatic vegetation. Wetlands are defined as land where the water surface is near the ground surface long enough each year to maintain saturated soil conditions, along with the related vegetation. Natural wetlands include saturated wetlands and freshwater wetlands.
  • 241. Wetland plants can be classified into two (2) functional types: a. Rooted Plants * emergent macrophytes- roots in the sediment and emergent stems and leaves * submerged macrophytes- stems and leaves submerged * floating leafed macrophytes- stem submerged and leaves floating b. Floating Plants- they have surface leaves and roots which hang down into the water
  • 242. 2. Constructed Wetlands Constructed wetland is defined as a wetland specifically constructed for the purpose of pollution control and waste management, at a location other than naturally existing wetland. Constructed wetlands are used to improved the quality of point and non-point sources of water pollutants and are also used to treat petroleum refinery waste, compost and landfill leachates, fishpond discharges and pre- treated industrial wastewater.
  • 243. Two (2) basic types of constructed wetland: a. Free Water Surface Wetland- consist of a basin or channels w/ some type of barriers to prevent seepage, soil to support the root of the emergent vegetation and water at a relatively shallow depth flowing through the system. b. Subsurface Flow Wetland- consists of a basin or channels with barriers.
  • 244. Principal mechanism in wastewater treatment: a. sedimentation b. bacterial action c. filtration d. absorption e. precipitation f. nutrient uptake g. vegetation system
  • 245. Advantages of Constructed Wetlands: • Wetlands can be less expensive to build than other treatment options. • Operation and maintenance expenses (energy and supplies) are low. • Operation and maintenance require only periodic, rather than continuous, on site labor. • Wetlands are able to tolerate fluctuations in flow.
  • 246. • They facilitate water reuse and recycling. • They provide habitat for many wetland organisms. • They can be built to fit harmoniously into the landscape. • They provide numerous benefits in addition to water quality improvement. • They are an environmentally sensitive approach that is viewed with favour by the general publice
  • 247. Disadvantages of Constructed Wetlands: • There are no standardized designs that can be routinely applied to universal applications. Each system of constructed wetlands must be custom- designed and site- specific. This limitation is not necessarily detrimental because it allows each system to be designed on wastewater flow, soil characteristics, and geochemical processes particular to each system’s needs.
  • 248. • Constructed wetlands traditionally have poorer performance in colder weather. The biological processes slow down in lower temperatures. This severely limits winter use of the system. • Depending on the design, they may require a relatively large land area compared to a conventional facility. • The design and operating criteria for this new science are yet precise.
  • 249. • The biological and hydrological processes within a constructed wetland are not yet well understood. • There may be possible problems with pests.
  • 250. Effluent Disposal on Land 1. Spraying Method- a process leads to removal waste load through filtration during percolation and removes most of the suspended solids. A combination of processes such as evaporation, transpiration, percolation and runoff work for the disposal of wastewater by spraying.
  • 251. 2. Drip Method- drip systems utilize pressure compensated drip tubing to slowly and evenly dispense the wastewater just below the soil surface, but still within the root zone of the vegetation. 3. Ponding Method- used where evaporation losses are much greater. This method is preferred in there areas where land availability is not an issue and rainfall is not widespread and heavy.
  • 252. Domestic Waste Disposal: Septic tank The septic tank is the most widely used method of disposal of domestic waste disposal. Septic tank was one of the most earliest treatment devices developed. It works simply by acting as a settling tank for the household sewage. Components of septic tank: a. Influent tank c. Dosing tank b. Settling tank d. Adsorption field
  • 253. Some common methods: 1. Spreading on land or soil- wet digested sludge may be disposed of by spreading over farmlands and plowing under after it has died. The humus in the sludge conditions the soil, improving its moisture relativeness. 2. Lagooning- another popular method because it is simple and economical if the treatment plant is in remote location. A lagoon is an earth basin into which raw or digested sludge is deposited.
  • 254. 3. Dumping- a suitable disposal method only for sludge that are stabilized so that no decomposition or nuisance conditions will result. Digested sludge clean grit and incinerator can be disposed off safely by this method. 4. Landfill- a sanitary landfill can be used for disposal of sludge, grease and grit whether it is stabilized or not if a suitable site is convenient. The sanitary landfill method is most suitable if it is also used for disposal of the refuse and other solid waste in the community.
  • 255. In a true sanitary landfill, the wastes are deposited in a designed area, compacted in place with a tractor or roller, and covered with 30cm layer of clean soil.
  • 256. Digested Sludge in Different Application on Land: 1. Cropland- sludges are applied to cropland either by surface spreading, or by subsurface injection sludge is usually applied once a year to a given area. 2. Marginal Land- sludges has been applied to marginal land for reclamation in Pennsylvania and in other states successfully. This is usually a one- time process and a continual supply of land must be provided for future applications.
  • 257. 3. Forest Land- it is determined by sludge characteristics, tree maturity, species, soil, etc. application to a specific site is often done only at multi- year intervals.
  • 258.
  • 261. SEPTIC TANK • It is a combination of sedimentation and digestion tanks where the sewage is held for 24 hours. During this period the sattleable suspended solids settle down to the bottom.
  • 262. SEPTIC TANK • The direct outflow of the sewage is restricted by the provision of two baffle walls. The baffle walls divide it in three components and the sewage entering at any time gets exit after 24 hours.
  • 263. SEPTIC TANK • The tank is organic matter and thus reduces BOD. This results in the reduction of in the volume of sludge and release of gases like carbon dioxide , methane and hydrogen sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide is an obnoxious gas and smells like rotten eggs so the problem of foul gases is always there and so it is called as a septic tank.
  • 265. SOAK PITS • Preferable when water table is low and the soil is porous. • It is easy to construct and cheap. • Circular fit with a dry masonry lining. • It has a size of 3.0m diameter and 3.0m depth which is sufficient for a moderate family of 5 persons for a cleaning period of 7 years in porous soil.
  • 266. SOAK PITS • It can accommodate the whole sewage of the house and nothing comes out of it so there is no problem of treatment and disposal. • It is planned and constructed in such a way that the water of sewage is soaked in the soil and penetrates deep under ground. •
  • 267. SOAK PITS • The only consideration is the: GROUND WATER TABLE It should be deep so that either the percolating sewage does not mixes with it or it gets purified in its journey through the soil layers before it mixes with the ground water. After all if it mixes with the ground water the pathogenic bacteria present in it shall contaminate the ground water and one has to treat the tube-well before direct consumption.