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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
Torture … An Unstoppable Crime
Egypt now is sitting between two facts, an
excruciating reality and a hopeful future, after the
incidents of the 30th
of June, 2013, where rights and
freedoms were blasted and humanity became the least
appreciated value on the land of Egypt. For the sake of
what happened then it is necessary for us to shed some
light on some of the violations that are practiced by
some individuals of the police and military forces
upon the prisoners and the Egyptian citizens
apprehended at different locations during the period of
time from 1/1/2015 till 30/6/2015.
The Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms
has allocated the governorates that have been under
the influence of systematized torture as follows;
54cases in Dakahlia & 45cases in Aswan & 41 cases in Sharqia & 35 cases in Cairo & 45 cases in
Giza & 25 cases in Alexandria & 19 cases in Damietta & 17 cases in Port Saiid & 14 cases in
Qalubia & 10 cases in Garbia & 10 cases in Fayyoum & 10 cases in Minya & 7 cases in Beheira &
4 cases in Qena & 3 cases in Assuit & 2 cases in Beni Suweif & 2 cases in Suez and 18 cases have
been located in other governorates.
What has been concluded from that allocation is realizing the fact that the atrocious crime of torture is
being practiced not only against specific individuals or professions, but also against a wholesome of
apprehended individuals, such as the individuals enlisted in the professions stated below;
Single case of an Administrative Manager & three cases of University Staff Professors & three cases of
Lawyers & 8 cases of Engineers & 8 cases of Craftsmen & 5 cases of Journalists & 5 cases of Doctors & 6
cases of Teachers &3 cases of Supervisors & 2 cases of Pharmacists & 5 cases of Accountants &5 cases of
workers & 46 cases of Self-employed individuals & 2 cases of Merchants & 8 cases of University degree
holders & 23 cases of apprehended females & 17 cases of underage children and 88 cases of University
undergraduates .
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
According to what have been referred to earlier, we can state that the crime being committed by the
Egyptian safety authorities against the wide range sectors of Egyptian population, with its different forms,
isn't confined to a specific population or category. This tracks of this crime have afflicted everyone without
any minimal distinction at any case, to the extent that you'd find some unbelievable atrocities such as
assaulting apprehended young females and underage children at the locations of their apprehension.
What's meant by the word "Torture" here is each conduct that leads to physical or mental harm, whether it's
been performed deliberately, with the indirect instigation of the state's formal officials or even with their
direct order or permission. Different types of torture have been permitted for the sake of coercing others
into stating information on themselves or someone else or rather getting them to confess of an outlawed
conduct pursued by him, practicing different types of threats, menaces, punishment procedures, physical or
psychological coercion.
International Charters concerned with human rights has gone above and beyond trying to combat the crime
of torture that it had to issue an international convention against this phenomenon, "The Convention against
Torture" is the name of the convention issued in 1984. Although the Egyptian authorities has agreed to sign
this convention, this doesn't necessarily mean that they are committed to it. Furthermore, we find day after
day, that the volume of torture is growing so that it become an everyday matter to witness a citizen being
assaulted by members of safety forces.
Since the" Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms" is deeply concerned with the tragedy of torture,
its main concern as well is to open some eyes on the phenomenon of torture so that we can resize this
phenomenon to its minimal limit and make it to utterly vanish from Egypt. That's the reason behind the
efforts exerted by the coordination to locate different cases of systematized torture against apprehended
citizens inside jails, prisons, detention camps and all other police force installations, these systemized cases
of torture have been committed by members of military and police forces as well and they surpassed a
number of 360 cases.
The "Egyptian Coordination" has realized the growing of this phenomenon beyond recognition during the
last few decades to the extent that you can say out loud that no citizen was apprehended guilty with his
opposing opinion to the regime and got away without being systematically tortured one way or another. It's
been unfortunate that such cases of torture haven't been only committed against the victimized person but
also there has been different cases spotted to have taken place against the families of the apprehended to
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
perform some form of psychological stress on them or even to coerce the families to give information or
data about their kinsmen, that's without any legal justification or even a warrant.
The "Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms" seeks minimizing the phenomenon to its lowest
levels or even making it vanish completely from the Egyptian arena, that's why it stresses the importance of
the rapid enforcement of the law and rushing procedures taken by the Egyptian authorities in order to cut
the phenomenon's spread and to put the defendants of such crime under the authority of law courts as fast as
possible. It's also necessary to stress the importance of treating the prisoners according to their legal rights
and forbid any physical, psychological, mental or life-threatening offences against them, according to what
has been stated in the International Special Covenant, the Anti-Torture Agreement and other declarations
and international human rights recommendations.
This report was based upon:
- Gathering daily information through the Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms'
observation unit, which has relations with a team of political activists and lawyers around the
country to spot and observe every new aspect concerning torture against political prisoners.
- Complaints that have been filed by the families of the prisoners who have been victims of
systematized violations.
Torture according to both International and Egyptian Law;
International community has always been concerned with torture and fighting it in every form or method
just the same way they oppose the different methods of mistreatment, this opposition against torture being
adopted by the international community was manifested in so many ways such as international and regional
conventions which forbid the outraged misconduct against human rights and the right of a human being to
be entitled to the safety of his own body as one of those essential rights.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
Here we discuss some examples of these conventions that banned torture in every form and considered it a
The Anti-torture, Cruelty and Degrading Treatment Convention which was adopted, opened for signature,
certification and was appended with the resolution number 39/46 of the United Nations' General Assembly
that occurred in December, 10, 1984, execution began, June, 26, 1987. Egypt has joined the Anti-Torture
Convention according to the Republican Decree number 154 issued in 1986, as it was published in official
newspapers and it started to be an effective law in Egypt since 25/7/1986 as Egypt had no reservations
against any of the convention's provisions.
The convention has defined torture and other aspects of cruel or degrading ways of treatment in its first
article as "any human conduct that could result in pain or extreme agony whether it's physical or mental,
executed deliberately on a person in order to force him/her or a third person into providing some
information or even a confession of some action, or as a punishment for some act of his own or an act
he/she or a third person is being accused of, or as a way of intimidation or coercion being practiced on
him/her or a third person-or even when this kind of torture is being attached to any type of discrimination or
when an official or a person using his official job to instigate, approve of or even more let that torture go
This goes further beyond the cases of torture resulting from legal punishments or the ones attached to them
or even the ones occurring accidently.
The above definition makes it clear that the crime of torture covers every aspect of physical cruelty,
incorporeal coercion or psychological extortion that could befall the victim intentionally to force him/her
into giving information.
International conventions and declarations didn't authorize torture and refused it in every possible manner
as the fifth article of the International Declaration of Human Rights stated that "nobody should become a
victim of torture, inhuman/degrading treatment or merciless punishment". It is to be noted that Egypt
contributed to the drafting of this declaration in 10/12/1948. The seventh article of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provided that" it's forbidden to submit someone to torture, inhuman,
cruel or degrading treatment". Egypt has joined the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in
The "Eradication of Total Manners of Discrimination against Women Convention" was signed by Egypt in
1979, its third article stated that "everyone has the right not to fall subject to torture or any other aspect of
inhuman, degrading or cruel treatment.
Other international covenants and conventions paid a great deal of attention to fight and combat torture with
its various manners and forms.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
Notwithstanding Egypt's signature on the Anti-Torture and Mistreatment Convention, The Egyptian
Legislative mentioned no definition on the crime of torture. Having mentioned that, the door was left wide
open ahead of judicial seizure commissioners to violate citizens' rights and freedoms and guaranteed them
no path to acquire or protect these rights and freedoms once again.
In this respect we point out the provisions provided within the Egyptian Legislation concerning torture as
Provision of the article No. 126, Penal Code No. 158, issued in 1937 is "Every state official or general-
sector employee who happened to authorize or commit the crime of torture himself to coerce a defendant
into confessing should be sentenced to hard labor or 3 to 10 years of mandatory imprisonment. If the victim
casualty should ever die the murderer in this case should be sentenced to whatever punishment is decided
for intentional killing.
This article conditioned the state of the victim casualty to be a defendant which means if police officers
assault any person, they get away without being charged with the felony stated in the former article rather
they would be charged according to Penal Code, article No. 129 involving violence use offence which if
anyone should be charged with will be sentenced to a year of imprisonment or be fined not less than 200 £.
That's why this article doesn't cope with the Anti-Torture Convention as we find the Egyptian law limited
the charges to this crime to officials only if they torture the defendant by themselves or if they authorized
the conduct which eventually means that they shouldn't be punished if all they did was instigation or
overlooking the crime.
What is noted here is that all the legal provisions discussing the criminalization of torture, do not
incriminate the crime of torture in itself but state some conditions and laws that make the provisions
unrealistic and irrelevant to the international convention and covenants.
Here we should point out that the mere fact of Egypt's signature on the Anti-Torture Convention means that
it has become an integral part of the due-execution Egyptian national law where international conventions
should be given the same rank and power of the national law with the help of the Egyptian constitution. The
reality was found to be completely otherwise as you can see all types of violations to the legal provisions
whether it is the inadequate provisions mentioned by the Egyptian law or the incriminating torture
provisions in the international law
We could say that every political detainee in Egypt side by side with most of the criminal convicts are
being assaulted one way or another whether by battering, cursing, swearing, degrading or mistreatment in a
law-abiding manner. Police forces always try new methods of how to torture every detained person. In this
regard we'll explain forms and types of torture practiced upon detainees.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
The Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms has located the governorates where systematized
torture procedures took place and reached over three hundred and sixty cases (360) as follow;
54 cases in Dakahlia & 45cases in Aswan & 41 cases in Sharqia & 35 cases in Cairo & 45 cases in Giza &
25 cases in Alexandria & 19 cases in Damietta & 17 cases in Port Saiid & 14 cases in Qalubia & 10 cases
in Garbia & 10 cases in Fayyoum & 10 cases in Minya & 7 cases in Beheira & 4 cases in Qena & 3 cases in
Assuit & 2 cases in Beni Suweif & 2 cases in Suez and 18 cases have been located in other governorates.
What has been concluded from that allocation is realizing the fact that the atrocious crime of torture is
being practiced not only against specific individuals or professions, but also against a wholesome of
apprehended individuals, such as the individuals enlisted in the professions stated below;
Single case of an Administrative Manager & three cases of University Staff Professors & three cases of
Lawyers & 8 cases of Engineers & 8 cases of Craftsmen & 5 cases of Journalists & 5 cases of Doctors & 6
cases of Teachers &3 cases of Supervisors & 2 cases of Pharmacists & 5 cases of Accountants &5 cases of
workers & 46 cases of Self-employed individuals & 2 cases of Merchants & 8 cases of University degree
holders & 23 cases of apprehended females & 17 cases of underage children and 88 cases of University
According to what have been referred to earlier, we can state that the crime being committed by the
Egyptian safety authorities against the wide range sectors of Egyptian population, with its different forms,
isn't confined to a specific population or category. This tracks of this crime have afflicted everyone without
any minimal distinction at any case, to the extent that you'd find some unbelievable atrocities such as
assaulting apprehended young females and underage children at the locations of their apprehension.
Primarily we can divide the assaults befalling the detainees into three phases to be mentioned as follow;
Phase one: the arrest which happens either at the victim's residence or the streets where he gets assaulted
whether by beating which happens either with bare hands or guns' backs accompanied by insults, cursing
and abuse until they have been led to police stations or the designated security area.
Phase two: the detainee's existence inside the police station or other security installation where the detainee
is exposed to the most heinous images of torture which represented as follow:
1. Severe beating all over his body; where police officers and security men assault the detainee
whether by beating him up with their bare hands or with the use of some other means like using
canes or pieces of wood to reach the desired result which is agonizing and torturing the detainee.
2. Electroshocks; where the detainee gets several electric shocks all over his body especially around
his genitals mainly to coerce him into confessing into matters he's never committed.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
3. Dangling; where the detainee is dangled by the shoulders (straight) or by the feet (upside-down) for
a period of time ranging from 12 hours to several days which causes a shoulder dislocation
accompanied by severe pain in both shoulders and feet.
4. Backward shackling or roping; where the detainee is cuffed by the hands and the legs backwardly
and left sitting on a chair for a long period of time which affects his hands and legs internal
ligaments and causes him a great pain.
5. Female Rape; the Egyptian Coordination has spotted several rape incidents that happened to the
girls' detained by security forces after the investigation done by the state security officers they get
released after being abused.
6. Placing the detainee's limbs and face into hot water; this only happens to some detainees which
leads to burns at these spots of the body. The security forces aims-all along the period of detention
and before the presentation in front of the public prosecutor-at doing as much damage as possible
to the detainee in ways like torturing (which considered a crime committed by security men
towards the detainees) him which causes different ligaments' laceration besides muscle atrophy and
bruises all over the body, moreover we find different skin cuts whether it's puncture wounds or
superficial ones with a shoulder dislocation resulting from torture ….,etc.
It's so strange that the general prosecution usually sees and interacts with the detainee but never put what is
obvious to anyone as signs and traces of torture on record which makes the general prosecution an
accomplice to this crime and it should be accused of reinforcing torture and overlooking its occurrence on
so many levels. Particularly that the general prosecution has always tended to believe whatever conflicting
accusations the security services has to offer, deliberately disregarding every legal or constitutional
provision and paying no respect whatsoever to the detainee's rights which entitles us hold the general
prosecution as number one maintainer of the torture incidents located in Egyptian prisons.
Phase three; where the detainee gets placed in one of the incarceration facilities as decreed by the general
prosecution. Once the detainee sets a foot inside the prison, the security in command severely beat him up
with bare hands, canes, water hoses and mostly with whips, all that abuse is called" Tashreefah" which
generally means welcoming fresh detainees with the previously mentioned methods of torture.
Violations against detainees at different apprehension locations witnessed a huge growth, recently. We
received complaints from families about the assaults over more than 260 detainee just since the beginnings
of the current year till the end of June, 2015. We'd like to notify that the number mentioned earlier doesn't
necessarily mean an inventory of all the torture cases that the detainees are being subjected to rather they
represent the number of complaints received by the Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
Here we showcase 5 different cases that have been systematically tortured inside the detention locations as
model cases showing the violations against the detainees in detention locations in Egypt.
1. Mustafa Almohammadi Saa'd, age 48 years, and job a lawyer, residence at Santa-Gharbia.
A description of what he was subjected to;
He got arrested in 25/2/2015 during his presence at the military prosecution facility in the tenth
boulevard-Nasr City-Cairo. The arrest happened by the state security forces, he battered and
dangled by shoulders at the state security headquarters…… the police forces at maximum-security
prison "Torrah" involuntarily undressed him and severely battered him which might have led to a
brain blood clot which caused them to transfer Mustafa to Almanyal Hospital to be checked but then
was sent back once more to the prison without a surgery or basic first-aid procedures.
Pursued procedures
The family of the victim casualty filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several
telegrams to both the general prosecutor and minister of internal affairs but with no action taken by
any of the mentioned authorities.
2. Hesham Abdulnabi Ahmed Ibrahim, age 26 years, works as a construction smith (worker),
residence Albadrashane-Giza.
In 17/2/2015 where civilian like police forces have stormed his house to arrest him but in vain as he
wasn't around the house then, so they arrested his father as a hostage and the old man wasn't
released until Hesham submitted himself to the police forces. Hesham was transferred to
Abonomros police station where he got battered and shocked with electricity all over his body, the
assaults on Hesham increased till they punctured his tongue which led to his transfer to "Alkasr
Alainy" hospital where a procedure was performed to suture his tongue back. Having done that
Hesham was brought before the general prosecution in 27/2/2015 where he mentioned the violations
he was subjected to and to punish him forthat he was relocated into the local police station in
Albadrashane where he was battered once more and tortured to the extent that he lost his ability to
speak. They refused to serve him proper medication and his health is only deteriorating up till now.
Pursued procedures
The victim casualty's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and also several
telegrams to both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs but with no action taken
by any of the mentioned authorities.
3. Ismaiil Gom'a Abboud Khamis, age 42 years, a teacher, residence Albadrashane-Giza.
A description of what he was subjected to;
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
In 7/4/2015 civilian-like police forces broke into his residence and kidnapped him. "My husband
went missing for 13 days as no one notified us of his place", says his wife, "after that we knew that
he was tortured at Abonomros police station where he was locked up and severely battered all over
his body, moreover, he was dangled by his hands and shocked with electricity to coerce him into
confessing of things he never did and irrelevant to him".
She elaborates," In 20/4/2015, my husband was brought before the general prosecution to proceed
investigation with him where my husband was battered by the investigator at the contingency
prosecution in south Giza to coerce him into confessing of crimes he didn't commit".
Pursued procedures;
The victim's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several telegrams to
both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs which have been overlooked.
4. Refaat Ibrahim Abozeid Alsayed Sherdy, age 45 years, department chairman at the Ceramics
factory Prima, residence Alsadat-Menufeya.
A description of what he was subjected to;
In 2/2/2015 civilian-like and official police forces kidnapped him in front of his wife while
returning home from work and he was led to Alsadat's local police station. In the police station he
was battered all over his body and suffered from burns on his right hand and foot alongside with
electroshocks and as a result he was put into a coma for 4 days while being in detention. His family
never succeeded to check on him or to meet with him.
Pursued procedures;
The victim's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several telegrams to
both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs which have been overlooked.
5. Gala-eldeen Mahmoud Gala, age 24 years, a junior student at Mansoura's Faculty of Medicine
also head of university student's union, residence Dishmal-Dekerness-Mansoura-Dakahlia.
A description of what he was subjected to;
In 1/2/2015 civilian-like and official police forces kidnapped him from an unknown place and then
was taken to Al-Mansoura's first section police station where he was battered all over his body,
dangled by his feet and suffered from electroshocks at sensitive spots of his body which caused
some wounds and bruises all over his body. His mother didn't manage to see him for 15 days while
he was being severely tortured.
Pursued procedures;
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable
The victim's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several telegrams to
both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs which have been overlooked.
In sight of what have been introduced within this report which notifies us that torture has become practiced
now more than ever by the military and police forces in a systematized manner against the politically
apprehended detainees to the extent that they care no more for people's lives or freedoms. The Egyptian
Coordination has issued this report to unveil the wretched practices of the security authorities of the police
state which waste people's humanity. Police state means living by the law of jungle (the life is exclusive to
the most powerful) where no law is executed and no justice takes place.
As a conclusion to this report, the Egyptian Coordination recommends the security authorities to strictly
abide to law and regulations enforcement and never to outlaw them. They also must respect the prisoner's
humanity and stop offending and insulting him under any circumstances. The Egyptian Coordination hence
demands the general prosecution of executing the provisions of the law and authorizing them to be
conducted. They should also do the role they're being entrusted with which is inspecting the detention
headquarters and opposing the crimes against the detainees by the law enforcement officers.
The Egyptian Coordination calls upon all those interested in human rights affairs in Egypt to shed some
light on the different violations against detainees. They should also unify their efforts and aims in order to
accomplish a better tomorrow and a hopeful reality in a Republic where individuals of every kind enjoy
their rights and freedoms.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1

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  • 1. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime Torture … An Unstoppable Crime EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Egypt now is sitting between two facts, an excruciating reality and a hopeful future, after the incidents of the 30th of June, 2013, where rights and freedoms were blasted and humanity became the least appreciated value on the land of Egypt. For the sake of what happened then it is necessary for us to shed some light on some of the violations that are practiced by some individuals of the police and military forces upon the prisoners and the Egyptian citizens apprehended at different locations during the period of time from 1/1/2015 till 30/6/2015. The Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms has allocated the governorates that have been under the influence of systematized torture as follows; 54cases in Dakahlia & 45cases in Aswan & 41 cases in Sharqia & 35 cases in Cairo & 45 cases in Giza & 25 cases in Alexandria & 19 cases in Damietta & 17 cases in Port Saiid & 14 cases in Qalubia & 10 cases in Garbia & 10 cases in Fayyoum & 10 cases in Minya & 7 cases in Beheira & 4 cases in Qena & 3 cases in Assuit & 2 cases in Beni Suweif & 2 cases in Suez and 18 cases have been located in other governorates. What has been concluded from that allocation is realizing the fact that the atrocious crime of torture is being practiced not only against specific individuals or professions, but also against a wholesome of apprehended individuals, such as the individuals enlisted in the professions stated below; Single case of an Administrative Manager & three cases of University Staff Professors & three cases of Lawyers & 8 cases of Engineers & 8 cases of Craftsmen & 5 cases of Journalists & 5 cases of Doctors & 6 cases of Teachers &3 cases of Supervisors & 2 cases of Pharmacists & 5 cases of Accountants &5 cases of workers & 46 cases of Self-employed individuals & 2 cases of Merchants & 8 cases of University degree holders & 23 cases of apprehended females & 17 cases of underage children and 88 cases of University undergraduates . E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1 REPORT CONTENT FIRST: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECOND: INTRODUCTION THIRD: REPORT METHODOLOGY FOURTH: ATTACHED LEGAL MANIFESTATIONS FIFTH: FORMS OF TORTURE AND MISTREATMENT IN EGYPT SIXTH: MODEL CASES SEVENTH: CLOSURE AND RECOMMENDATIONS
  • 2. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime According to what have been referred to earlier, we can state that the crime being committed by the Egyptian safety authorities against the wide range sectors of Egyptian population, with its different forms, isn't confined to a specific population or category. This tracks of this crime have afflicted everyone without any minimal distinction at any case, to the extent that you'd find some unbelievable atrocities such as assaulting apprehended young females and underage children at the locations of their apprehension. INTRODUCTION What's meant by the word "Torture" here is each conduct that leads to physical or mental harm, whether it's been performed deliberately, with the indirect instigation of the state's formal officials or even with their direct order or permission. Different types of torture have been permitted for the sake of coercing others into stating information on themselves or someone else or rather getting them to confess of an outlawed conduct pursued by him, practicing different types of threats, menaces, punishment procedures, physical or psychological coercion. International Charters concerned with human rights has gone above and beyond trying to combat the crime of torture that it had to issue an international convention against this phenomenon, "The Convention against Torture" is the name of the convention issued in 1984. Although the Egyptian authorities has agreed to sign this convention, this doesn't necessarily mean that they are committed to it. Furthermore, we find day after day, that the volume of torture is growing so that it become an everyday matter to witness a citizen being assaulted by members of safety forces. Since the" Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms" is deeply concerned with the tragedy of torture, its main concern as well is to open some eyes on the phenomenon of torture so that we can resize this phenomenon to its minimal limit and make it to utterly vanish from Egypt. That's the reason behind the efforts exerted by the coordination to locate different cases of systematized torture against apprehended citizens inside jails, prisons, detention camps and all other police force installations, these systemized cases of torture have been committed by members of military and police forces as well and they surpassed a number of 360 cases. The "Egyptian Coordination" has realized the growing of this phenomenon beyond recognition during the last few decades to the extent that you can say out loud that no citizen was apprehended guilty with his opposing opinion to the regime and got away without being systematically tortured one way or another. It's been unfortunate that such cases of torture haven't been only committed against the victimized person but also there has been different cases spotted to have taken place against the families of the apprehended to E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 3. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime perform some form of psychological stress on them or even to coerce the families to give information or data about their kinsmen, that's without any legal justification or even a warrant. The "Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms" seeks minimizing the phenomenon to its lowest levels or even making it vanish completely from the Egyptian arena, that's why it stresses the importance of the rapid enforcement of the law and rushing procedures taken by the Egyptian authorities in order to cut the phenomenon's spread and to put the defendants of such crime under the authority of law courts as fast as possible. It's also necessary to stress the importance of treating the prisoners according to their legal rights and forbid any physical, psychological, mental or life-threatening offences against them, according to what has been stated in the International Special Covenant, the Anti-Torture Agreement and other declarations and international human rights recommendations. REPORT METHODOLOGY This report was based upon: - Gathering daily information through the Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms' observation unit, which has relations with a team of political activists and lawyers around the country to spot and observe every new aspect concerning torture against political prisoners. - Complaints that have been filed by the families of the prisoners who have been victims of systematized violations. ATTACHED LEGAL MANIFESTATIONS Torture according to both International and Egyptian Law; FIRST: TORTURE ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL LAW; International community has always been concerned with torture and fighting it in every form or method just the same way they oppose the different methods of mistreatment, this opposition against torture being adopted by the international community was manifested in so many ways such as international and regional conventions which forbid the outraged misconduct against human rights and the right of a human being to be entitled to the safety of his own body as one of those essential rights. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 4. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime Here we discuss some examples of these conventions that banned torture in every form and considered it a crime; The Anti-torture, Cruelty and Degrading Treatment Convention which was adopted, opened for signature, certification and was appended with the resolution number 39/46 of the United Nations' General Assembly that occurred in December, 10, 1984, execution began, June, 26, 1987. Egypt has joined the Anti-Torture Convention according to the Republican Decree number 154 issued in 1986, as it was published in official newspapers and it started to be an effective law in Egypt since 25/7/1986 as Egypt had no reservations against any of the convention's provisions. The convention has defined torture and other aspects of cruel or degrading ways of treatment in its first article as "any human conduct that could result in pain or extreme agony whether it's physical or mental, executed deliberately on a person in order to force him/her or a third person into providing some information or even a confession of some action, or as a punishment for some act of his own or an act he/she or a third person is being accused of, or as a way of intimidation or coercion being practiced on him/her or a third person-or even when this kind of torture is being attached to any type of discrimination or when an official or a person using his official job to instigate, approve of or even more let that torture go unpunished. This goes further beyond the cases of torture resulting from legal punishments or the ones attached to them or even the ones occurring accidently. The above definition makes it clear that the crime of torture covers every aspect of physical cruelty, incorporeal coercion or psychological extortion that could befall the victim intentionally to force him/her into giving information. International conventions and declarations didn't authorize torture and refused it in every possible manner as the fifth article of the International Declaration of Human Rights stated that "nobody should become a victim of torture, inhuman/degrading treatment or merciless punishment". It is to be noted that Egypt contributed to the drafting of this declaration in 10/12/1948. The seventh article of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provided that" it's forbidden to submit someone to torture, inhuman, cruel or degrading treatment". Egypt has joined the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1981. The "Eradication of Total Manners of Discrimination against Women Convention" was signed by Egypt in 1979, its third article stated that "everyone has the right not to fall subject to torture or any other aspect of inhuman, degrading or cruel treatment. Other international covenants and conventions paid a great deal of attention to fight and combat torture with its various manners and forms. SECOND: HOW THE EGYPTIAN LAW SEES TORTURE CRIME; E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 5. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime Notwithstanding Egypt's signature on the Anti-Torture and Mistreatment Convention, The Egyptian Legislative mentioned no definition on the crime of torture. Having mentioned that, the door was left wide open ahead of judicial seizure commissioners to violate citizens' rights and freedoms and guaranteed them no path to acquire or protect these rights and freedoms once again. In this respect we point out the provisions provided within the Egyptian Legislation concerning torture as follow; Provision of the article No. 126, Penal Code No. 158, issued in 1937 is "Every state official or general- sector employee who happened to authorize or commit the crime of torture himself to coerce a defendant into confessing should be sentenced to hard labor or 3 to 10 years of mandatory imprisonment. If the victim casualty should ever die the murderer in this case should be sentenced to whatever punishment is decided for intentional killing. This article conditioned the state of the victim casualty to be a defendant which means if police officers assault any person, they get away without being charged with the felony stated in the former article rather they would be charged according to Penal Code, article No. 129 involving violence use offence which if anyone should be charged with will be sentenced to a year of imprisonment or be fined not less than 200 £. That's why this article doesn't cope with the Anti-Torture Convention as we find the Egyptian law limited the charges to this crime to officials only if they torture the defendant by themselves or if they authorized the conduct which eventually means that they shouldn't be punished if all they did was instigation or overlooking the crime. What is noted here is that all the legal provisions discussing the criminalization of torture, do not incriminate the crime of torture in itself but state some conditions and laws that make the provisions unrealistic and irrelevant to the international convention and covenants. Here we should point out that the mere fact of Egypt's signature on the Anti-Torture Convention means that it has become an integral part of the due-execution Egyptian national law where international conventions should be given the same rank and power of the national law with the help of the Egyptian constitution. The reality was found to be completely otherwise as you can see all types of violations to the legal provisions whether it is the inadequate provisions mentioned by the Egyptian law or the incriminating torture provisions in the international law FORMS AND TYPES OF TORTURE IN EGYPT We could say that every political detainee in Egypt side by side with most of the criminal convicts are being assaulted one way or another whether by battering, cursing, swearing, degrading or mistreatment in a law-abiding manner. Police forces always try new methods of how to torture every detained person. In this regard we'll explain forms and types of torture practiced upon detainees. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 6. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime The Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms has located the governorates where systematized torture procedures took place and reached over three hundred and sixty cases (360) as follow; 54 cases in Dakahlia & 45cases in Aswan & 41 cases in Sharqia & 35 cases in Cairo & 45 cases in Giza & 25 cases in Alexandria & 19 cases in Damietta & 17 cases in Port Saiid & 14 cases in Qalubia & 10 cases in Garbia & 10 cases in Fayyoum & 10 cases in Minya & 7 cases in Beheira & 4 cases in Qena & 3 cases in Assuit & 2 cases in Beni Suweif & 2 cases in Suez and 18 cases have been located in other governorates. What has been concluded from that allocation is realizing the fact that the atrocious crime of torture is being practiced not only against specific individuals or professions, but also against a wholesome of apprehended individuals, such as the individuals enlisted in the professions stated below; Single case of an Administrative Manager & three cases of University Staff Professors & three cases of Lawyers & 8 cases of Engineers & 8 cases of Craftsmen & 5 cases of Journalists & 5 cases of Doctors & 6 cases of Teachers &3 cases of Supervisors & 2 cases of Pharmacists & 5 cases of Accountants &5 cases of workers & 46 cases of Self-employed individuals & 2 cases of Merchants & 8 cases of University degree holders & 23 cases of apprehended females & 17 cases of underage children and 88 cases of University undergraduates. According to what have been referred to earlier, we can state that the crime being committed by the Egyptian safety authorities against the wide range sectors of Egyptian population, with its different forms, isn't confined to a specific population or category. This tracks of this crime have afflicted everyone without any minimal distinction at any case, to the extent that you'd find some unbelievable atrocities such as assaulting apprehended young females and underage children at the locations of their apprehension. Primarily we can divide the assaults befalling the detainees into three phases to be mentioned as follow; Phase one: the arrest which happens either at the victim's residence or the streets where he gets assaulted whether by beating which happens either with bare hands or guns' backs accompanied by insults, cursing and abuse until they have been led to police stations or the designated security area. Phase two: the detainee's existence inside the police station or other security installation where the detainee is exposed to the most heinous images of torture which represented as follow: 1. Severe beating all over his body; where police officers and security men assault the detainee whether by beating him up with their bare hands or with the use of some other means like using canes or pieces of wood to reach the desired result which is agonizing and torturing the detainee. 2. Electroshocks; where the detainee gets several electric shocks all over his body especially around his genitals mainly to coerce him into confessing into matters he's never committed. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 7. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime 3. Dangling; where the detainee is dangled by the shoulders (straight) or by the feet (upside-down) for a period of time ranging from 12 hours to several days which causes a shoulder dislocation accompanied by severe pain in both shoulders and feet. 4. Backward shackling or roping; where the detainee is cuffed by the hands and the legs backwardly and left sitting on a chair for a long period of time which affects his hands and legs internal ligaments and causes him a great pain. 5. Female Rape; the Egyptian Coordination has spotted several rape incidents that happened to the girls' detained by security forces after the investigation done by the state security officers they get released after being abused. 6. Placing the detainee's limbs and face into hot water; this only happens to some detainees which leads to burns at these spots of the body. The security forces aims-all along the period of detention and before the presentation in front of the public prosecutor-at doing as much damage as possible to the detainee in ways like torturing (which considered a crime committed by security men towards the detainees) him which causes different ligaments' laceration besides muscle atrophy and bruises all over the body, moreover we find different skin cuts whether it's puncture wounds or superficial ones with a shoulder dislocation resulting from torture ….,etc. It's so strange that the general prosecution usually sees and interacts with the detainee but never put what is obvious to anyone as signs and traces of torture on record which makes the general prosecution an accomplice to this crime and it should be accused of reinforcing torture and overlooking its occurrence on so many levels. Particularly that the general prosecution has always tended to believe whatever conflicting accusations the security services has to offer, deliberately disregarding every legal or constitutional provision and paying no respect whatsoever to the detainee's rights which entitles us hold the general prosecution as number one maintainer of the torture incidents located in Egyptian prisons. Phase three; where the detainee gets placed in one of the incarceration facilities as decreed by the general prosecution. Once the detainee sets a foot inside the prison, the security in command severely beat him up with bare hands, canes, water hoses and mostly with whips, all that abuse is called" Tashreefah" which generally means welcoming fresh detainees with the previously mentioned methods of torture. Violations against detainees at different apprehension locations witnessed a huge growth, recently. We received complaints from families about the assaults over more than 260 detainee just since the beginnings of the current year till the end of June, 2015. We'd like to notify that the number mentioned earlier doesn't necessarily mean an inventory of all the torture cases that the detainees are being subjected to rather they represent the number of complaints received by the Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 8. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime Here we showcase 5 different cases that have been systematically tortured inside the detention locations as model cases showing the violations against the detainees in detention locations in Egypt. 1. Mustafa Almohammadi Saa'd, age 48 years, and job a lawyer, residence at Santa-Gharbia. A description of what he was subjected to; He got arrested in 25/2/2015 during his presence at the military prosecution facility in the tenth boulevard-Nasr City-Cairo. The arrest happened by the state security forces, he battered and dangled by shoulders at the state security headquarters…… the police forces at maximum-security prison "Torrah" involuntarily undressed him and severely battered him which might have led to a brain blood clot which caused them to transfer Mustafa to Almanyal Hospital to be checked but then was sent back once more to the prison without a surgery or basic first-aid procedures. Pursued procedures The family of the victim casualty filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several telegrams to both the general prosecutor and minister of internal affairs but with no action taken by any of the mentioned authorities. 2. Hesham Abdulnabi Ahmed Ibrahim, age 26 years, works as a construction smith (worker), residence Albadrashane-Giza. In 17/2/2015 where civilian like police forces have stormed his house to arrest him but in vain as he wasn't around the house then, so they arrested his father as a hostage and the old man wasn't released until Hesham submitted himself to the police forces. Hesham was transferred to Abonomros police station where he got battered and shocked with electricity all over his body, the assaults on Hesham increased till they punctured his tongue which led to his transfer to "Alkasr Alainy" hospital where a procedure was performed to suture his tongue back. Having done that Hesham was brought before the general prosecution in 27/2/2015 where he mentioned the violations he was subjected to and to punish him forthat he was relocated into the local police station in Albadrashane where he was battered once more and tortured to the extent that he lost his ability to speak. They refused to serve him proper medication and his health is only deteriorating up till now. Pursued procedures The victim casualty's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and also several telegrams to both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs but with no action taken by any of the mentioned authorities. 3. Ismaiil Gom'a Abboud Khamis, age 42 years, a teacher, residence Albadrashane-Giza. A description of what he was subjected to; E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 9. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime In 7/4/2015 civilian-like police forces broke into his residence and kidnapped him. "My husband went missing for 13 days as no one notified us of his place", says his wife, "after that we knew that he was tortured at Abonomros police station where he was locked up and severely battered all over his body, moreover, he was dangled by his hands and shocked with electricity to coerce him into confessing of things he never did and irrelevant to him". She elaborates," In 20/4/2015, my husband was brought before the general prosecution to proceed investigation with him where my husband was battered by the investigator at the contingency prosecution in south Giza to coerce him into confessing of crimes he didn't commit". Pursued procedures; The victim's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several telegrams to both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs which have been overlooked. 4. Refaat Ibrahim Abozeid Alsayed Sherdy, age 45 years, department chairman at the Ceramics factory Prima, residence Alsadat-Menufeya. A description of what he was subjected to; In 2/2/2015 civilian-like and official police forces kidnapped him in front of his wife while returning home from work and he was led to Alsadat's local police station. In the police station he was battered all over his body and suffered from burns on his right hand and foot alongside with electroshocks and as a result he was put into a coma for 4 days while being in detention. His family never succeeded to check on him or to meet with him. Pursued procedures; The victim's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several telegrams to both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs which have been overlooked. 5. Gala-eldeen Mahmoud Gala, age 24 years, a junior student at Mansoura's Faculty of Medicine also head of university student's union, residence Dishmal-Dekerness-Mansoura-Dakahlia. A description of what he was subjected to; In 1/2/2015 civilian-like and official police forces kidnapped him from an unknown place and then was taken to Al-Mansoura's first section police station where he was battered all over his body, dangled by his feet and suffered from electroshocks at sensitive spots of his body which caused some wounds and bruises all over his body. His mother didn't manage to see him for 15 days while he was being severely tortured. Pursued procedures; E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1
  • 10. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report on Torture in Egypt …….. An Unstoppable Crime The victim's family filed several reports to the general prosecutor's office and several telegrams to both the general prosecutor and the minister of internal affairs which have been overlooked. CLOSURE AND RECOMMENDATIONS; In sight of what have been introduced within this report which notifies us that torture has become practiced now more than ever by the military and police forces in a systematized manner against the politically apprehended detainees to the extent that they care no more for people's lives or freedoms. The Egyptian Coordination has issued this report to unveil the wretched practices of the security authorities of the police state which waste people's humanity. Police state means living by the law of jungle (the life is exclusive to the most powerful) where no law is executed and no justice takes place. As a conclusion to this report, the Egyptian Coordination recommends the security authorities to strictly abide to law and regulations enforcement and never to outlaw them. They also must respect the prisoner's humanity and stop offending and insulting him under any circumstances. The Egyptian Coordination hence demands the general prosecution of executing the provisions of the law and authorizing them to be conducted. They should also do the role they're being entrusted with which is inspecting the detention headquarters and opposing the crimes against the detainees by the law enforcement officers. The Egyptian Coordination calls upon all those interested in human rights affairs in Egypt to shed some light on the different violations against detainees. They should also unify their efforts and aims in order to accomplish a better tomorrow and a hopeful reality in a Republic where individuals of every kind enjoy their rights and freedoms. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 1