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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
Violations varied during the past six months and even now
in Egyptian prisons, especially in two Alakrab "heavily
guarded" and Wadi El Natroun prison complex (1, 430 and
1- Violent physical torture.
2- Psychological torture.
3- Prevention of visits and correspondence.
4- Prevention of food and water.
5- Cutting off electricity in the dungeon.
6- Failure to provide any medical care.
7- Prevention of imprisoned - in most cases - to
complete his
study, and refused to attend examinations.
8- The lack of toilet.
9- Cancel - most - times of exercise and exit from
10- The lack of adequate ventilation in the dungeon.
11- Seizure of Complimentary Toiletries.
12- The presence of Hail glass during the visit.
13- Overcrowding in the dungeon.
14- Solitary confinement.
15- Westernization.
16- Seizure of personal belongings.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
In the phenomenon of the deserve to stop under the suffering of Egypt from the deterioration of
human rights file, the unprecedented in all previous eras, and in the desire of some parties in the
current authority to liquidate all its opponents inside and outside the prisons, and in the continued
killings and torture Macabre.
Phenomenon murder inside prisons was appeared remarkably and varied methods of murder
inside prisons and in the place of detention from killing by refrain poor food, drink or medicine, the
failure to provide care for patients of them, the failure to provide healthy food, the failure to
provide general or personal hygiene or direct killing by torture or arms. In the face of this
phenomenon, we should have been stop to offer this violated rights of citizens where they are
wasting all constitutional and legal rights and freedoms.
We emphasize that the constitutional rights and freedoms does not mean inability to arrest
someone, imprison him or restrict his freedom of a crime committed but it is means to do all this in
the framework of the law with maintaining his dignity and his humanity and applicant in public
does not mean persons but all segments of society.
1- he law of criminal procedure:
ARTICLE (40) (replaced by Law No. 37 of 1972)
"No person shall be arrested or imprisoned except by order of the legally competent authorities
and must be treated a way that preserves his human dignity and can not be harmed physically or
"The person who was arrested or detained should has been promptly notified, he has a right to
communicate and inform the Suitable person, access to a lawyer, and they must be promptly
announcing him by the charges against him".
2- The law of prison Regulations No. 396 of 1956:
ARTICLE 139 (replaced by Law No. 37 of 1972)
"Each person is imprisoned without a court ruling should be treated like a remand prisoners in
accordance with this law, and cancellation all contradicts of that provisions".
Article 20 Repeater (added decision by Law No. 57 of 1968)
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
ARTICLE (38): "Anyone sentenced has a right to correspondence his family and they have the
right to visit him, in the accordance with the internal regulations. Remand prisoners have also this
right without prejudice to the provisions of Criminal Procedure Law about them in this regard".
ARTICLE (40): "The public prosecutor or Solicitor General and the Director General of Prisons or
his deputy to authorize to visit with imprisoned in non-normal visiting hours if the need arises"
ARTICLE (42): "The visits may be strictly prevented or restricted for certain times caused
circumstances for health reasons or security-related".
3- Internal regulations for prisons, issued by the Minister of the Interior No. 79 of
Article (60): "Any person sentenced to imprisonment and those incarcerated simple
correspondent their relatives at any time and they can visit him once time every week in any day
of the week except Friday and public holidays unless public prosecutor or judge prevents it for
those awaiting trial in accordance with article 141 for the law of Criminal Procedure".
ARTICLE (64): paragraph 2 "The family of person sentenced may be visit him after the expiration
of one month from the date of the execution of the sentence, once every month from the date of
the first visit as his behavior well, the visits may be cancelled by the end of each month".
(Amended by decision of the Minister of the Interior No. 1582 of 1973M publication facts number
210 on 16/9/ 1973)
ARTICLE (66): "The prisoner can correspondent his family when he transfer to a prison in
another country, and his family can visit him once before or after being transferred even the
deadline of correspondence or regular visit does not come yet. This is visit or correspondence
does not consider from the visits prisoner except that imprisoned transferred to another prison for
reset or imprisoned punishable transport to Alliman".
ARTICLE (76): "The Imprisoned patient's family can visit him, when his condition allows him to
move if the prison doctor decided that his condition does not allows him the visit takes place in
the hospital in the presence of the chairman of hospital doctors".
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
4 - A decision of the Minister of the Interior No. 1654 of 1971, in the internal
regulation of the central prisons:
ARTICLE (37): "The family of the person who be sentenced to imprisonment with labor can visit
him once each week".
"The family of the person who be sentenced with simple imprisonment and remand prisoners has
right to visit him once every week except the public prosecutor did not prevent it for the remand
5 - The private texts of international conventions:
1 ) Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
(Adopted by the United Nations Conference held at Geneva in 1955 and approved by the
Economic and Social Council in by its resolutions July 31, 1957 and May 13, 1977)
Article (37): "Prisoners shall be allowed under necessary control to contact his family and
reputable friends at regular intervals by correspondence and by receiving visits at both".
2 ) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Article (10): "All persons deprived of their liberty must be treated humanely with respect for the
inherent dignity of the human."
Violations in Alakrab prison
The ECRF monitor violations of Egyptian prisons against prisoners and detainees of all
affiliations, whether politicians or criminal With the large amount of SOS received from the
families of the detainees, especially from families of detainees and prisoners in Alakrab prison,
and the total of what has been documented immediately after the interview with families of the
detainees, as follows:
They prevented them visit twice:
The visiting blocked in the first week of March until the last week of July and then opened for
three weeks and cut in the third week of June then cut Secondly until now.
How to conduct the visit: The visit was made for 7 minutes during the period from 05/30 to 06/15
The visit was made for 7 minutes during the period from 05/30 to 06/15 in the visit Hall which is
about: two rooms (a room for parents and room detainee with a glass separator) and the number
of visitors no more than three members and speak with the detainee through Phone headset
speak a single individual while hears a single individual.
In addition, the prosecution offices issue permits for visit families, where they are geared with
authorize to Alakrab prison and the administration receive the visit permits from the family, and
leave them waiting outside the prison until after 12 pm, and then ordering them to leave and
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
preventing them from visiting their loved ones after the seizure of the permit issued by the
Prosecutor's Office general
The case of dungeons: There are some prisoners have been transferred to solitary dungeon.
Communal cells containing three people, the space is 2.5 × 3 and sleep on the floor without any
barrier between them and the ground permanently.
In March, they has been made stripped and grab all personal belongings, including blankets,
plastic-purpose and food- drink tools that they purchased it from the prison cafeteria previously.
Every one has two set of clothes, a couple of underwear, a blanket, a prayer rug, Koran and a
Then they made a second stripping in the beginning of Ramadan and they took every thing from
their, every thing have been seized even their watches, which help the detainee to know the time
because the cell wall obscures the vision and the detainee can not know the dates of the food or
prayer. Electricity and water have been cut off throughout the day and open water only at ten
o'clock in the evening and the water stored until its finished, the prison forced to do Al-
Time walks: It is forbidden to get out of the dungeon permanently in any form unless there are a
hearings or investigations only and the prisoner does not see the sun, only when he came out to
investigation or hearings.
The food: The platform system was prevented for the introduction of the complex food for the
detainees, also prevention transfer of money deposit box and they closed the cafeteria, and
based on what some prisoners said during the prosecution investigation that the prison
administration had refused to give prisoners only one meal at a day, and also prevent meals
completely for three days after the assassination of General prosecutor year, which led to the
deterioration of the detainees health dramatically especially those who are ill, as well as prevent
the salt in any food.
Since the beginning of March they prevented them each personal hygiene and grooming tools as
well as prevent water which resulted in the prevention of bathing permanently, which resulted that
some of them was injury of skin diseases.
Treatment: In addition to they have been completely prevent the entry of medicines for all
detainees in prison, mostly suffering from chronic diseases and required to perform some urgent
surgical operations, but the Prison Service refused to take out any prisoner and refrains in the
conduct of these operations.
Education: All prisoners have been barred to insert the textbooks in Alakrab prison and they have
been barred from entering exams in their colleges.
Torture: The torture of prisoners methods evolved in prison from solitary confinement and prevent
food, drink, water, toiletries and a place to sleep or even a watch to tell them the time, to break
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
into the cells in formations of the Central Security, attacks on prisoners with batons, police dogs
and firing tear gas, resulting in dozens of injuries, in addition to the incidence of fainting because
of the tear gas.
Secret World Lehman cemetery in Wadi al-Natrun "prison 430, prison 1 and prison 440"
Dungeons: The share of the detainee for sleeping in the cell is 33 cm, the cell area is 20 meters, it
takes about an average of 22 persons in the best cases to 60 persons and in the winter they
prevent blankets and gives each prisoner one blanket, no ventilation, exit from cells or practice of
sport, in Ramadan, holidays and seasons they were being held in their cells, their exercise period
not more than an hour daily in prison 430 but in the prison 440 there is no more than 10 minutes
away, and there is no convenient place to exercise, even the existing stadium is not used.
The visit: The visit starts with molesting wives during the visits from the officers and soldiers, it
ending with 5 minutes in the hall exceeds the 20 of standing prisoners with their families for a
period of 7 to 10 minutes that a family may go exceeding the 200 kilometers to seeing their
imprisoned son subjected to beatings and insults in front of his family, and most of things which
they bring it in the visit being stolen from detectives who they inspect.
The books, baked goods, and anything purchased from outside prison canteen are not allowed
and allow only the cooked food and one type of fruit, even fish and Mahashi are forbidden and
they returning complete visit to whom object.
Torture: The prisoners subjected to systematic torture every day, electric shocks, washer and with
serialized legs and tied hands. There is not existent of health care, but there are epidemics and
infectious diseases, and the image of tragic to the worst torture methods that result in several
times to death, or cause permanent disability, in the other cases it may be causes mentally
disease at the very least. Detainees were subjected to torture under the hot sun, without clothes
with beaten, sometimes taken to dormitory «Alambuch». The soldiers insulting religion and
throwing the Koran!
Disciplinary dungeons consist of: Alambuch (5 collective dungeons), discipline or insulation (6
solitary dungeons), and Aldawaay, or pertained (executions).
All prisoners must be pass on the dormitory (Alambuch) once you enter the prison they are
stripped of their clothes completely and ask them to make collectively bath or collective defecate
and who objects They beaten and insulted him and threatened with electricity and murder,
throughout the duration of stay in Alambuch they do not eat or drink anything, because it is a
collective bathroom.
They also forced to shave their beards and their hair. Dormitory consists of 5 cells there is no
ways to subsistence no caps no bath no heater nothing, it consists of 45 prisoners although it is
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
barely sufficient 20 people. Skin and chest diseases and infection speed in the cell because there
is no ventilation, even they filled the slot of the cell door. The detention period up to 11 days
without a shower, and when get out attending the hearing or the performance of the exam is
essential for him when he returns to pass on «Alambuch», even when it becomes a guest in
another dormitory then held four days.
Enforced disappearance: Some former prisoners confirms that the prison in Wadi Natrun 430
contains a large number of forcibly disappeared persons who have not been brought before the
prosecutors and their families not know their place until now.
Inspection: The inspection of the cells is daily basis in what is called "Divestment" and they are
seizing the large quantity of clothing, blankets and personal prisoners despite it are not being
Medical care: According to the testimony of one of the former prisoner that prison doctors told
him: «We are here to take care of those who die, not concern with the rest» There are no medical
care of any final and they prevent entry of treatment to any prisoner.
The criminal: The privileges in the prison hospital to criminal prisoners only who are paying large
amounts of money, do not inhabit the cells and inhabit the hospital, unlike politicians, during a
search of the National Council for Human Rights, they take them to dormitory «1» a dormitory of
«Workers» who work in prison while serving their sentence. They of course have the welfare and
have enough fans, lighting and the number of guests in the dormitory is not more than 12 people,
and they have a lid and a bathroom, and they are entitled to exercise for long periods, on this
basis shows that all prisoners in comfort.
The ECRF expresses about its deep concern over these violations, which increased to a horrible,
and reached the extent of organized crime, where the multiple devices in the state are accomplice
to kill the prisoners and political detainees as well as a huge amount of violations of the
Constitution and the law and regulations of the Egyptian prisons and the conventions signed by
We emphasize the rights of all prisoners in Egypt, whether criminal or politicians in health care
and education to provide safe and healthy environment for them and all the rights enshrined in
the Egyptian Constitution and all the rights and freedoms set forth in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the International Covenant on social, cultural and economic rights, as well as the
International Covenant on Civil and political Rights, the Optional Protocol thereto, the basic
principles for the treatment of prisoners and all conventions and treaties signed by Egypt.
The ECRF demands to investigate urgently in these violations and crimes against prisoners and
detainees in Egyptian prisons, especially at Alakrab prison and Wadi El Natroun prison and
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo
In July 22, 2015
providing those in charge of these violations and crimes trial, and the emphasis on providing all
the ways to care for prisoners and detainees.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7

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  • 1. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Violations varied during the past six months and even now in Egyptian prisons, especially in two Alakrab "heavily guarded" and Wadi El Natroun prison complex (1, 430 and 440). 1- Violent physical torture. 2- Psychological torture. 3- Prevention of visits and correspondence. 4- Prevention of food and water. 5- Cutting off electricity in the dungeon. 6- Failure to provide any medical care. 7- Prevention of imprisoned - in most cases - to complete his study, and refused to attend examinations. 8- The lack of toilet. 9- Cancel - most - times of exercise and exit from dungeon. 10- The lack of adequate ventilation in the dungeon. 11- Seizure of Complimentary Toiletries. 12- The presence of Hail glass during the visit. 13- Overcrowding in the dungeon. 14- Solitary confinement. 15- Westernization. 16- Seizure of personal belongings. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7 CONTENTS OF THE REPORT FIRST: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. SECOND: INTRODUCTION. THIRD: METHODOLOGY FORTH: RELATED LEGAL TEXTS. FIFTH: VIOLATIONS IN ALAKRAB PRISON. SIXTH: VIOLATIONS IN WADI NATRAUN PRISON. Seventh: RECOMMENDATIONS.
  • 2. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 INTRODUCTION In the phenomenon of the deserve to stop under the suffering of Egypt from the deterioration of human rights file, the unprecedented in all previous eras, and in the desire of some parties in the current authority to liquidate all its opponents inside and outside the prisons, and in the continued killings and torture Macabre. Phenomenon murder inside prisons was appeared remarkably and varied methods of murder inside prisons and in the place of detention from killing by refrain poor food, drink or medicine, the failure to provide care for patients of them, the failure to provide healthy food, the failure to provide general or personal hygiene or direct killing by torture or arms. In the face of this phenomenon, we should have been stop to offer this violated rights of citizens where they are wasting all constitutional and legal rights and freedoms. We emphasize that the constitutional rights and freedoms does not mean inability to arrest someone, imprison him or restrict his freedom of a crime committed but it is means to do all this in the framework of the law with maintaining his dignity and his humanity and applicant in public does not mean persons but all segments of society. METHODOLOGY OF THE REPORT RELATED LEGAL TEXTS 1- he law of criminal procedure: ARTICLE (40) (replaced by Law No. 37 of 1972) "No person shall be arrested or imprisoned except by order of the legally competent authorities and must be treated a way that preserves his human dignity and can not be harmed physically or mentally". "The person who was arrested or detained should has been promptly notified, he has a right to communicate and inform the Suitable person, access to a lawyer, and they must be promptly announcing him by the charges against him". 2- The law of prison Regulations No. 396 of 1956: ARTICLE 139 (replaced by Law No. 37 of 1972) "Each person is imprisoned without a court ruling should be treated like a remand prisoners in accordance with this law, and cancellation all contradicts of that provisions". Article 20 Repeater (added decision by Law No. 57 of 1968) E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
  • 3. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 ARTICLE (38): "Anyone sentenced has a right to correspondence his family and they have the right to visit him, in the accordance with the internal regulations. Remand prisoners have also this right without prejudice to the provisions of Criminal Procedure Law about them in this regard". ARTICLE (40): "The public prosecutor or Solicitor General and the Director General of Prisons or his deputy to authorize to visit with imprisoned in non-normal visiting hours if the need arises" ARTICLE (42): "The visits may be strictly prevented or restricted for certain times caused circumstances for health reasons or security-related". 3- Internal regulations for prisons, issued by the Minister of the Interior No. 79 of 1961: Article (60): "Any person sentenced to imprisonment and those incarcerated simple correspondent their relatives at any time and they can visit him once time every week in any day of the week except Friday and public holidays unless public prosecutor or judge prevents it for those awaiting trial in accordance with article 141 for the law of Criminal Procedure". ARTICLE (64): paragraph 2 "The family of person sentenced may be visit him after the expiration of one month from the date of the execution of the sentence, once every month from the date of the first visit as his behavior well, the visits may be cancelled by the end of each month". (Amended by decision of the Minister of the Interior No. 1582 of 1973M publication facts number 210 on 16/9/ 1973) ARTICLE (66): "The prisoner can correspondent his family when he transfer to a prison in another country, and his family can visit him once before or after being transferred even the deadline of correspondence or regular visit does not come yet. This is visit or correspondence does not consider from the visits prisoner except that imprisoned transferred to another prison for reset or imprisoned punishable transport to Alliman". ARTICLE (76): "The Imprisoned patient's family can visit him, when his condition allows him to move if the prison doctor decided that his condition does not allows him the visit takes place in the hospital in the presence of the chairman of hospital doctors". E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
  • 4. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 4 - A decision of the Minister of the Interior No. 1654 of 1971, in the internal regulation of the central prisons: ARTICLE (37): "The family of the person who be sentenced to imprisonment with labor can visit him once each week". "The family of the person who be sentenced with simple imprisonment and remand prisoners has right to visit him once every week except the public prosecutor did not prevent it for the remand prisoner". 5 - The private texts of international conventions: 1 ) Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Adopted by the United Nations Conference held at Geneva in 1955 and approved by the Economic and Social Council in by its resolutions July 31, 1957 and May 13, 1977) Article (37): "Prisoners shall be allowed under necessary control to contact his family and reputable friends at regular intervals by correspondence and by receiving visits at both". 2 ) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article (10): "All persons deprived of their liberty must be treated humanely with respect for the inherent dignity of the human." Violations in Alakrab prison The ECRF monitor violations of Egyptian prisons against prisoners and detainees of all affiliations, whether politicians or criminal With the large amount of SOS received from the families of the detainees, especially from families of detainees and prisoners in Alakrab prison, and the total of what has been documented immediately after the interview with families of the detainees, as follows: They prevented them visit twice: The visiting blocked in the first week of March until the last week of July and then opened for three weeks and cut in the third week of June then cut Secondly until now. How to conduct the visit: The visit was made for 7 minutes during the period from 05/30 to 06/15 The visit was made for 7 minutes during the period from 05/30 to 06/15 in the visit Hall which is about: two rooms (a room for parents and room detainee with a glass separator) and the number of visitors no more than three members and speak with the detainee through Phone headset speak a single individual while hears a single individual. In addition, the prosecution offices issue permits for visit families, where they are geared with authorize to Alakrab prison and the administration receive the visit permits from the family, and leave them waiting outside the prison until after 12 pm, and then ordering them to leave and E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
  • 5. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 preventing them from visiting their loved ones after the seizure of the permit issued by the Prosecutor's Office general The case of dungeons: There are some prisoners have been transferred to solitary dungeon. Communal cells containing three people, the space is 2.5 × 3 and sleep on the floor without any barrier between them and the ground permanently. In March, they has been made stripped and grab all personal belongings, including blankets, plastic-purpose and food- drink tools that they purchased it from the prison cafeteria previously. Every one has two set of clothes, a couple of underwear, a blanket, a prayer rug, Koran and a watch. Then they made a second stripping in the beginning of Ramadan and they took every thing from their, every thing have been seized even their watches, which help the detainee to know the time because the cell wall obscures the vision and the detainee can not know the dates of the food or prayer. Electricity and water have been cut off throughout the day and open water only at ten o'clock in the evening and the water stored until its finished, the prison forced to do Al- Tayammum. Time walks: It is forbidden to get out of the dungeon permanently in any form unless there are a hearings or investigations only and the prisoner does not see the sun, only when he came out to investigation or hearings. The food: The platform system was prevented for the introduction of the complex food for the detainees, also prevention transfer of money deposit box and they closed the cafeteria, and based on what some prisoners said during the prosecution investigation that the prison administration had refused to give prisoners only one meal at a day, and also prevent meals completely for three days after the assassination of General prosecutor year, which led to the deterioration of the detainees health dramatically especially those who are ill, as well as prevent the salt in any food. Since the beginning of March they prevented them each personal hygiene and grooming tools as well as prevent water which resulted in the prevention of bathing permanently, which resulted that some of them was injury of skin diseases. Treatment: In addition to they have been completely prevent the entry of medicines for all detainees in prison, mostly suffering from chronic diseases and required to perform some urgent surgical operations, but the Prison Service refused to take out any prisoner and refrains in the conduct of these operations. Education: All prisoners have been barred to insert the textbooks in Alakrab prison and they have been barred from entering exams in their colleges. Torture: The torture of prisoners methods evolved in prison from solitary confinement and prevent food, drink, water, toiletries and a place to sleep or even a watch to tell them the time, to break E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
  • 6. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 into the cells in formations of the Central Security, attacks on prisoners with batons, police dogs and firing tear gas, resulting in dozens of injuries, in addition to the incidence of fainting because of the tear gas. VIOLATIONS IN WADI NATRUN PRISON Secret World Lehman cemetery in Wadi al-Natrun "prison 430, prison 1 and prison 440" Dungeons: The share of the detainee for sleeping in the cell is 33 cm, the cell area is 20 meters, it takes about an average of 22 persons in the best cases to 60 persons and in the winter they prevent blankets and gives each prisoner one blanket, no ventilation, exit from cells or practice of sport, in Ramadan, holidays and seasons they were being held in their cells, their exercise period not more than an hour daily in prison 430 but in the prison 440 there is no more than 10 minutes away, and there is no convenient place to exercise, even the existing stadium is not used. The visit: The visit starts with molesting wives during the visits from the officers and soldiers, it ending with 5 minutes in the hall exceeds the 20 of standing prisoners with their families for a period of 7 to 10 minutes that a family may go exceeding the 200 kilometers to seeing their imprisoned son subjected to beatings and insults in front of his family, and most of things which they bring it in the visit being stolen from detectives who they inspect. The books, baked goods, and anything purchased from outside prison canteen are not allowed and allow only the cooked food and one type of fruit, even fish and Mahashi are forbidden and they returning complete visit to whom object. Torture: The prisoners subjected to systematic torture every day, electric shocks, washer and with serialized legs and tied hands. There is not existent of health care, but there are epidemics and infectious diseases, and the image of tragic to the worst torture methods that result in several times to death, or cause permanent disability, in the other cases it may be causes mentally disease at the very least. Detainees were subjected to torture under the hot sun, without clothes with beaten, sometimes taken to dormitory «Alambuch». The soldiers insulting religion and throwing the Koran! Disciplinary dungeons consist of: Alambuch (5 collective dungeons), discipline or insulation (6 solitary dungeons), and Aldawaay, or pertained (executions). All prisoners must be pass on the dormitory (Alambuch) once you enter the prison they are stripped of their clothes completely and ask them to make collectively bath or collective defecate and who objects They beaten and insulted him and threatened with electricity and murder, throughout the duration of stay in Alambuch they do not eat or drink anything, because it is a collective bathroom. They also forced to shave their beards and their hair. Dormitory consists of 5 cells there is no ways to subsistence no caps no bath no heater nothing, it consists of 45 prisoners although it is E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
  • 7. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 barely sufficient 20 people. Skin and chest diseases and infection speed in the cell because there is no ventilation, even they filled the slot of the cell door. The detention period up to 11 days without a shower, and when get out attending the hearing or the performance of the exam is essential for him when he returns to pass on «Alambuch», even when it becomes a guest in another dormitory then held four days. Enforced disappearance: Some former prisoners confirms that the prison in Wadi Natrun 430 contains a large number of forcibly disappeared persons who have not been brought before the prosecutors and their families not know their place until now. Inspection: The inspection of the cells is daily basis in what is called "Divestment" and they are seizing the large quantity of clothing, blankets and personal prisoners despite it are not being banned. Medical care: According to the testimony of one of the former prisoner that prison doctors told him: «We are here to take care of those who die, not concern with the rest» There are no medical care of any final and they prevent entry of treatment to any prisoner. The criminal: The privileges in the prison hospital to criminal prisoners only who are paying large amounts of money, do not inhabit the cells and inhabit the hospital, unlike politicians, during a search of the National Council for Human Rights, they take them to dormitory «1» a dormitory of «Workers» who work in prison while serving their sentence. They of course have the welfare and have enough fans, lighting and the number of guests in the dormitory is not more than 12 people, and they have a lid and a bathroom, and they are entitled to exercise for long periods, on this basis shows that all prisoners in comfort. RECOMMENDATIONS The ECRF expresses about its deep concern over these violations, which increased to a horrible, and reached the extent of organized crime, where the multiple devices in the state are accomplice to kill the prisoners and political detainees as well as a huge amount of violations of the Constitution and the law and regulations of the Egyptian prisons and the conventions signed by Egypt. We emphasize the rights of all prisoners in Egypt, whether criminal or politicians in health care and education to provide safe and healthy environment for them and all the rights enshrined in the Egyptian Constitution and all the rights and freedoms set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on social, cultural and economic rights, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and political Rights, the Optional Protocol thereto, the basic principles for the treatment of prisoners and all conventions and treaties signed by Egypt. The ECRF demands to investigate urgently in these violations and crimes against prisoners and detainees in Egyptian prisons, especially at Alakrab prison and Wadi El Natroun prison and E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7
  • 8. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. Report of violations in Egyptian prisons – Cairo In July 22, 2015 providing those in charge of these violations and crimes trial, and the emphasis on providing all the ways to care for prisoners and detainees. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 7