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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
Executive Summary
Press suffered during the period of this study
from many axes of violations, most notably of
all is extrajudicial killizngs, where two new
cases of murder were located, as well as the
fabrication of charges against innocents in the
case of Mayada Ashraf and trying to point
fingers away from the police, despite the
testimony of witnesses. That led so far to a
sum number of 12 Martyrs of the press since
June 30, 2013 until July 15, 2015. At another
level photographers injuries represented (3
cases of serious injuries have been monitored
in the report) the most important axis in the
monitoring of firearm injuries, which means the
lack of any safety standards for those who
convey Event, the interior is the capital
accused in the actions of shooting gunfire at
photographers, according to the accounts of all
the injured.
Among the most important images of violations
also was the sentences based on fabricated
charges against reporters, which became
during the study period a sum of 2 death
sentences, one of them in his presence, and
17 sentenced to life imprisonment, and with
respect to arrest and detention there has been
36 cases, including 7 editors, and 17 arbitrarily
detained cases to date. As well as the arrest
and release of 16 cases over the
circumstances of fabricated charges. In
addition to 3 disappeared till now cases. It is
unfortunate that a lot of arrests begins with
enforced disappearance and then torture and fabrication of charges.
As well as the images of other violations, the increasing cases of unfair dismissal in media
institutions lately - since the beginning of the year 2015- under the title of expenses-
cutting , not to mention the abuses inside prisons, poor conditions and denial of treatment.
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
First: Executive Summary.
Second: The introduction to the report.
Third: report methodology.
Fourth: The legal texts related.
Fifth: extrajudicial killings.
Sixth: serious injuries during practice.
Seventh: detention and arbitrary arrest.
1. Detention for short periods (36 cases including 7 Editors).
2. Arrest and Release over the pending cases (16 cases).
3. Torture and enforced disappearances.
4. New arbitrary arrest (17 cases).
5. Enforced disappearance that didn't appear to date (3 cases)
6. Disappearing inside prisons.
7. Models from previous arrests.
8. External arrest (one case).
9. Violations and poor conditions and denial of treatment in prisons
Eighth: the prevention from media coverages along with physical assault.
Ninth: raids and sabotage.
Tenth: civilian and military trials.
- (Two sentenced to death, one was sentenced during his presence, and 17 sentenced to
life imprisonment)
Eleventh: the increasing cases of unfair dismissal
Twelfth: cessation of programs and channels.
Thirteenth: enacted restrictions.
Fourteenth: Recommendations.
Fifteenth: Appendixes
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
Press and media freedom have suffered from many images of abuse during the study
period, violations included murder, torture and enforced disappearances, as well as
arbitrary arrests and sentences. On the other hand, the authorities exercised many other
images of restrictions such as the confiscation of editions and cessation of programs, as
well as the issuance of hindering media work legislation.
This report was based upon the following:
- Reports of "Arab Observatory for freedom of information and expression," especially its
comprehensive report on the anniversary of the International Day for the freedom of the
press, corresponding to May 3, 2015.
- Observatory reports "of journalists against torture," especially those related to violations
during the practice of the profession, like prevention from coverage or confiscation and
deleting of cameras' contents.
- Gathering of daily information inside the monitoring unit of the Egyptian coordination of
Rights and Freedoms, a unit connected to a team of activists and lawyers all over the
Republic to monitor the new aspects around the media and the arrest of journalists and
media personnel, and violations of freedom of opinion and expression.
- International covenants and charters paid a great attention to the freedom of information
and expression. For example, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of
the year (1948) asserted on the right to freedom of expression which includes the search
for, send and receive of information or ideas through any medium and regardless of
frontiers. It came in:
1- Everyone has the right to hold opinions without interference and
2. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression ; this right includes freedom to seek
various forms of information and ideas , receive and impart to others regardless of
frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print form or in the mold of art, or through any other
media of his choice ] .
- Also the regional conventions stressed in their statements on ensuring and protecting
freedom of expression, Article (10) of the European Convention on Human Rights protects
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
the freedom of expression at the level of Member States, and Article 9 of the African
Charter on Human and Peoples Rights guarantees the same right. As well as Article 13 of
the American Convention for the Protection of Human Rights states that: Everyone has the
right to freedom of thought, expression, this right includes freedom to search for different
types of information and ideas, receive and impart to others regardless of frontiers,
whether oral or in writing or in print or in form of art, and in any media of his choice]...
Specifically talking about the media, article 16 of the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007, stipulated that: [1. Indigenous peoples have the right
to establish their media in their own languages and to have access to all forms of non-
indigenous media without discrimination. 2. States shall take effective measures to ensure
that the media reflect the state-owned duly cultural diversity of indigenous peoples. States
should encourage the media privately-owned to adequately reflect the cultural diversity of
indigenous peoples, without prejudice to ensuring full freedom of expression].
All of which are materials that confirm and reserve the right of expression in all its forms ,
also supports the right of access to information , and the right to transfer , with the need to
provide those same equal opportunities for all orientations and cultures without
discrimination ..
Despite some turmoil in the Egyptian law that has been witnessed, but the Egyptian local
constitutions were and still support this inherent right and emphasizes its importance , for
example the provision of the Constitution of 1923 in both Article 14 and 15 :
Article 14: Freedom of opinion is guaranteed. And every human being has the right to
express thoughts verbally, in writing or filming or otherwise within the limits of the law.
Article 15: press is free within the limits of the law, and control over newspapers is banned,
warning newspapers or ceasing or invalidating them by administrative means also
prohibited unless it is necessary for the protection of the social order ] ..
The Constitution of 1956 asserted in two articles also on: [Article 44: Freedom of opinion
and scientific research is guaranteed. And every human being has the right to express and
propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, photography or in other ways within the law.
Article 45: press, printing and publication freedom shall be guaranteed in accordance with
the interests of the people and within the limits of the law]. The most famous Egyptian
constitution of 1971 stipulated in Article 47: Freedom of opinion is guaranteed, everyone
has to express his opinion and to publicize it verbally or in writing or by photography or by
other means of expression within the law, and self-criticism and constructive criticism are
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
insurance to the safety of national construction] ... In Article 210: [Journalists have the right
to obtain news and information according to the conditions prescribed by law. There's no
authority over them in their work other than the law].
The emphasis on the freedoms of the press and media continued to be considered in the
Constitution of 2012, where it was stressed in Article 48 that: [ freedom of the press ,
printing and publishing and other media is guaranteed, they also have the freedom and
independence to serve the community and to express the public opinion trends and
contribute to its composition and direction within the framework of the basic principles of
the state and society and the preservation of the rights and freedoms and public duties ,
and to respect the inviolability of private life of citizens and the requirements of national
security ;
It is prohibited to cease or close or confiscate any means of the media without a court
order, control over what is published by the media is prohibited and there may be an
exception to impose specific censorship in time of war or general mobilization]. As well as
emphasized in Article 49 [Freedom of publication and ownership of newspapers, of all
kinds, is guaranteed once notified by the law for each Egyptian natural or figurative person,
and the law regulates the establishment of radio, televised and digital media broadcasting
stations ] .. Article 70 of the Constitution of 2014 pointed out that: [ the press , printing and
publishing freedom of foliar, audio-visual and online broadcasting is guaranteed , for the
Egyptians, natural or figurative persons , public or private, the right of ownership and
publication of newspapers, establishment of video and audio media , and the mass of
digital media . Once notified newspapers are issued as regulated by law. The law regulates
the establishment and ownership procedures of video and audio broadcasting stations and
electronic newspapers]...
- 2 new cases of murder during the study period
- Fabricating charges to innocents in the case of Mayada Ashraf and trying to point fingers
away from the police, despite the testimony of witnesses
- Journalists Syndicate and the judicial authorities have not shown any interest in the
issues of journalists' martyrdom
- 12 martyrs are the total number of martyrs of the press since June 30, 2013 until July 15,
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
Sharif Refaat Feki, 21 years old, a journalist at "The people of Egypt" newspaper, was
killed in the massacre of air defense"Defaa Gawi" Stadium (FEB 9, 2015), which claimed
the lives of 67 of Zamalek Ultras "White Knights ". Bringing the number of the martyrs of
the press since July 3, 2013 until February 2015 to 11 journalists.
-Security sources announced on 27 April 2015, to have found the body of the Egyptian
photographer Mohamed Jalal, who was working at Libyan Cyrenaica (Burqa) channel. He
was found dead inside Libyan territory, after the passing of nearly a year since his
disappearance. Ramadan had left from Aswan Governorate, heading to the Libyan land, to
work for Cyrenaica (Burqa) T.V channel, his body was found in the evening of April 27, with
his throat cut out and headless within the Libyan city called Albydaa).
- The issue of killing fellow journalist Mayada Ashraf remains standstill, despite the
documented testimonies of her male and female colleagues who accompanied her during
the coverage of the demonstrations where she was killed , on March 28 of last year and
who testified that she was killed from the police gunfire, which were shot at all of them from
behind during the dispersal of the demonstration, the prosecution charged civilians
protestors as defendants of killing Mayada in an attempt to deflect blame from the real
killer , which requires a firm position of the press so that we don't face a situation of a case-
closed or even the presentation of a scapegoat to the impunity for the real culprit.
-With the exception of the issue of Alhsinyi and Mayada Egyptian authorities or even the
journalists' union in question of defending its members did not seem to pay any interest in
the deaths of the other nine journalists, as their killers remain free until this moment. No
one was condemned of killing Ahmed Abdel Gawad or Ahmed Assem or Tamer Abdel
Raouf or Habiba Abdul Aziz or Musab al-Shami or Mohammed Helmi Mustafa or Douh, or
Sharif Al-Faki or Mike Dean.
- Photographers injuries represented the most important axis in the monitoring of firearms
injuries, which means the lack of any safety standards for those who convey the event,
although it is usually clear that he is holding a camera to perform his hob, which means the
need to be protected, or getting away from his location and providing protection for him...
-The interior is the main accused of the operations of shooting photographers with gunfire,
according to the accounts of all the injured.
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
•"Alaa Ahmed " photographer at Masrawy website tells the details of his injury with
cartridge bullets while covering demonstrations witnessed by the region of "Matareya",
saying that: " During our coverage of the demonstrations witnessed by the Matareya" area
on Sunday, January 25, around ten o'clock pm I and two of my colleagues were surprised
with three police armored vehicles firing cartridges all over the area. We tried to escape
from the cartridge shots and hid behind a car, but I suddenly felt severe pain in my back
because I was hit with a cartridge down my back. Then we tried to take shelter in one of
the buildings in the region, but as soon as the owner knew that we reporters, he had us all
expelled immediately. My colleague tried to get me out of the region through the side
streets, and we headed to the hospital Qasr al-Aini, and there was my section boss at
Masrawy waiting for me. I was screened under the x-ray machine and it was shown that a
cartridge bullet penetrated my body and settled near my left kidney which made it difficult
to extract. Then I left the hospital and when I got home I got undressed only to find a
tremendous amount of cartridge shots all over my body and arms, leaving clear traces and
I did not feel the pain they caused until I went home. "
• Cameraman Nader Nabil, a photographer at Masrawy, was hit with cartridge bullets in the
head and arm during coverage of the clashes at Abdel Moneim Riad Square, ambulance
area and Ramses Street downtown.
• Photographer Amr Abdel -Rahman who works for Fajr newspaper was hit with cartridge
bullets while covering demonstrations in memory of the revolution within the Ramses area
• Seventh: detention and arbitrary arrest
(1) Detention for short periods:
- Since the first of January and until July 15, 2015 36 journalist, reporter and photographer
were held on a temporary basis , including 7 female Editors , look up Appendix (1) , and
among those detained cases, " Hamdi Bakri " reporter at Vito website who was detained by
the police temporarily on January 25, 2015 during the coverage of the demonstrations on
the anniversary of the revolution of January in Talaat Harb Square , he was subjected to
verbal insults by the policemen after revealing his press identity. He was interrogated
blindfolded, and was detained for some time at the camp of the Central Security forces
commanded by Tora prison authorities before being released two days after detention.
As well as the arrest of the brothers" Mahmoud" and "Ahmed" Helmy Al-Qaoud who are
journalists and members of the union. They were arrested at the dawn of January 25 from
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
their home in the village of Majd Rahmaniyah, Beheira Governorate. They and their family
were exposed to a full house inspection as the forces scattered the contents of the house
and seized their computers, mobile phones, before being released two days after
- Among the cases of detained female editors, was what happened with "Nourhanne
Imran", editor at Wafd Gate journal; as she was detained on April 8 while conducting a
press investigation inside the Family Court in Helwan. She was escorted to the Department
of Helwan police and charged of " photography without a permit," and she was released by
the prosecution several hours later, as well as " Hagar Hisham" who works at Masr Al-
Arabia website, as she was detained on March 28, 2015 in Dokki traffic police station for a
few hours because of because of conducting a field investigation to her newspaper despite
the disclosure of her press identity.
(2) Temporary Arrests and Releases further case investigations (16 cases):
One of those cases, look up Appendix (2):
• " Ahmed Sameeh," director of Radio Hureiyetna was arrested from his workplace on April
4, forwarded to the prosecution on charges of working without a license despite the fact
that the radio follows the human rights center run by him administratively. That center has
been already raided a few times before because of its repeated criticism of the regime. He
has been released later after being bailed five thousand Egyptian pounds at the disposal of
the case.
• Similarly, in January 31, 2015 the arrest of " Ahmed Abu Zeid," journalist at the Journal of
freedom and justice, who also is a union activist, and a member of the movement of
journalists pro- reform, where he was taken from the street after leaving the journalists'
syndicate, as it seems he has been followed by security men who took him to his house to
be searched, and then he was arrested and hidden until he appeared later. He remained in
Custody in Giza central jail, then was released later pending the case.
• On the same day a reporter and member of the electronic media syndicate "Tariq
Mahrous" was arrested. He was forcibly hidden for a day and subjected to torture, beatings
and electroshocks, and released later pending the case.
• As well as the arrest of activists charged with managing or updating pages on social
networking sites, there have been editors journalists arrested, their profession is
journalistic editing and writing, they are: "Farida Ali Ahmed," 42-year-old, and "Samar
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
Hassan Mahmoud al-Najjar,". They were charged with stereotyped and repeated rubber
molded accusations which show up when there are no real charges or evidence-supported
facts. As we can see the charges were "spying and joining a terrorist group founded at
odds with the law and the Constitution intended to disable the provisions of the Constitution
and the dissemination of false news." Although they were released later in July 2015,
however, they came out on pending further case investigation of the same fabricated
• The strange thing about the case of the arrested journalist, "Abdel Rahman Abu Gheit," in
July 6, 2015 and his later release was that his arrest happened just because he disclosed
his career as a journalist in one of the traffic commissions in October, then he was
released later on pending further fabricated case investigation.
(3) Torture and enforced disappearances
• "Hassan Mahmoud Ragab Al-Qabani" was arrested and hidden forcibly during the period
since his arrest on January 22 in the state security headquarters in October City until his
appearance in the Supreme State Security prosecution in the 5th Compound area(Al-
Tagamoa Alkhames), on Jan. 24. He was beaten on the face and neck, completely
stripped of his clothes, shocked with electricity in different parts of his body and in sensitive
places, he also fell off his knees which caused him some superficial wounds. His wife was
arrested while she was standing in front of the High State Security Prosecution office at ten
pm on the day of her husband's interrogation and remained in custody until twelve o'clock
and half past midnight. He is now being held in very bad conditions within the Maximum
security Scorpion (Aqrab) prison.
• " Tariq Mohammed Mahrous Ibrahim" a member of the electronic media union , has been
arbitrarily arrested from a cafeteria in January 31, 2015 , and then forcibly hidden for
several days where he was tortured, ranging from dislocations and electric shocks all over
his body even sensitive spots. He was also beaten all over his body, insulted with the
ugliest words and threatened with kidnapping, knowing that he was suffering from a broken
left foot and needed a surgery (he was released later on pending further case
• "Ahmed Abu Zeid Mohammed Tnobi" a journalist at El freedom and justice had been
detained since January 31, 2015 and forcibly hidden for two days. He was assaulted
physically with fists' punches, wooden and electrical sticks. He was threatened to be
attacked along with his family if he did not admit to the charges fabricated to him and was
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
placed in a jail-cell called the refrigerator because of the intensity of the cold inside of it
without having blankets. His health has deteriorated as a result of his confinement with the
criminals where he finds it difficult to breathe. One of the exhibits seized with him was, "the
annual report of the Arab Observatory for freedom of information and expression" and the
rental receipt of a hall to hold annual Observatory Conference at the American University in
Cairo, where they were considered by the investigations authorities as incriminating
evidence against the journalist who was working at the time as one of the researchers of
the Observatory for the defense of freedom of the media and the press views. (He was
released later on pending further case investigation)
• After the detention of security forces in Damietta to two reporters working for one of the
satellite channels, namely Mohammed Noarj and Ahmed Saleh during conducting a talk
with the family of one of the detainees. They were led to an unknown location where they
were physically tortured in order to force them to confess to crimes they did not commit,
which was announced by the two journalists after appearing inside Scorpion Prison.
4. Arbitrary arrests continuing till today (17)
Here we monitored 17 cases of journalists and media workers who were arrested during
the study period (Appendix 3), while they are still in detention till now. It's strange that lots
of the arrests had begun with forced disappearance that lasts for different periods of time.
Among those cases:
- The arrest of the manager of "Yaqeen News" network " Yahya Khalaf " on July14, which
happened after the security forces stormed the headquarters of news network " Yaqeen "
located downtown Cairo area, confiscated all of the hardware and equipment, arrested the
director of the network, " Yahya Khalaf " and Ibrahim Abu Bakr " Network Editor " and
others while the editor was released later and they retained the arrest of the network
director and his imprisonment pending investigations… among the accusations drawn by
the prosecution was the non-existence of a license to the news network, possession of
editing devices without a license and some of the charges related to the works in addition
to the charges of promoting the news against State and its institutions. It is noteworthy that
this is the second time that the storming of the headquarters of the network happens, as
the security services has already arrested all who were around the headquarters at the
beginning of February of last year. Following that they were interrogated by Qasr al-Nil
Prosecution where they were released on bails ranging between (5-10) Thousands
Egyptian pounds.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
- One major case as well; the case of photographer "Islam Gomaa"; after his
disappearance for 35 days. He was interrogated by the military prosecution in Cairo after
his kidnap before his wife and children on 23 of last April from his residence in Faisal
neighborhood in Giza. He was forcibly hidden for 35 days in which the photojournalist
Islam Gomaa was exposed to all types of physical and psychological torture. "Islam" was
standing before the military court in Cairo on Thursday, May 28th
2015, without the
knowledge of his private lawyer or the knowledge of his family… his family confirmed for
now his existence inside the Appeal prison within the Security Administration in Cairo.
None of the lawyers or his family were able to see him, while "Islam" appeared in a video
recently released by the Interior Ministry admitting the crimes, showing signs of torture and
long thick beard expressing the length of his disappearance.
- Similarly, in June 29, 2015 journalist and member of the Journalists' Syndicate "Yasser
Abu Ela" was arrested, forcibly hidden and showing up later. As he was arrested from his
residence at "Badrashin Giza" and led by the security forces to an unknown location until
he was located in Badrashin Police Department. Till now all he is getting is a detention
renewal without being brought to the headquarters of the prosecution.
- Continuous forced disappearances until today (3 cases)
Namely as follows:
- Hijacking media personnel, "Mohammed Abu Soul" who has not yet appeared. His
brother Mr. Faisal Hassan Mohamed Abu Soul has filed a complaint to the Office of the
Attorney General on the forced hiding of security forces to his brother Mohammed Hassan
Mohammed Abu Soul against the law. The complaint was registered with number 12486
for the year 2015 classified as petitions to Attorney General.
- Kidnapping media personnel Musab Hamid who remains disappeared till this moment, he
was a former reporter at channel Egypt 25 and a freelance reporter for now- he was
kidnapped on Friday, July 10, 2015 from his residence in Gharbia Governorate, where
security forces stormed his house after breaking the door by force and beating him as well
as verbally insulting his wife and children. This is in addition to stealing all computers and
mobile phones found there. Until this moment "Musab" still disappeared which is
considered a violation of all laws and constitutions.
- Disappearance of "Mohammed Rizk," editor at Portal News Website since (May 24,
2015). His brother-in-law confirmed that "Mohammed" over the past few days has been
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
receiving menaces because of some of what he wrote on the social networking site
Facebook where he attacked both government and regime, and the majority of menaces
were dialed from private numbers that do not show up. Abdel Moneim, added that the
morning of the kidnap, the journalist at Portal News received a fresh threat of kidnapping in
case he doesn't pull back his writing and in the evening of the same day "Rizk" told them
about what happened to him, and this was the last call and then no news from him. But
some security leaders assured them that he was being held by the National Security for a
few days and will be released - he said. Abdel Moneim stressed that filed a complaint and
demanded that the Security to quickly reveal his location, however, this did not happen and
he is still forcibly disappeared yet.
6. Disappearing from inside prisons:
- Disappearance of media personnel Wael Alhadiny from inside his cell, and then showing
up later. Wael Alhadiny ia a journalist from Al-Mahala Al-Kobra, 44-year-old, marrie, with
two daughters and a boy, and his wife is nine months pregnant. Security forces broke into
and damaged his house in last November, terrorized his children and his abducted him to
an undisclosed location. He was tortured within the state security headquarters for a week
before he was secretly interrogated at Mahala prosecution, without a lawyer which made
him face several fabricated charges that were addressed to him and caused him to be
locked up in Qotour and Tanta jails for 6 months. When he was introduced later to the
court first and second judges stepped down, after discovering that he doesn't deserve
confinement and a third session was determined where the third judge gave him an
acquittal from the charges attributed to him. He was then taken to Al-Mahala Al-Kobra
police station to complete the procedures of his release in last May. Since then he has
remained disappered until showing up again on July 5 accused of new charges at Al-
Mahalla Al-Kubra prosecution, the place of his residence and was deported to Mahala
police station.
- Members of the National Security system took away both Sameh Mustafa and Abdullah
Al-fakharny, members at "Rassd" network management board, in the morning of June 6,
2015, from the reception of Tora prison. Where both Sameh and Al-fakhrany were
transferred to an undisclosed location under the pretext of questioning. It is noteworthy that
both Sameh and Al-fakhrany are sentenced to 25 years in prison in the case known in the
media as the "Rabia operations room". Then they appeared later.
7. Old models of arrests since June 30, 2013 and continuing till now
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
- The arrest and detention of more than 100 journalists and media continues, that's
according to fabricated cases. Most of them on pending cases or pre-trial detention which
is renewed only upon investigation memorandums sent by Investigation Bureau, or
national security ..
** Models worthwhile ... know them …
Using documents ... jounalist" Ibrahim Aldrawi "proven innocent and still security
authorities forward him to the high-risk registered criminals ward because of the tag name"
journalist "
Among the defendants in the case of spying, which caused him a sentence him to life
imprisonment, although the confirmation of innocence by all documents, was "Ibrahim
Aldrawi " and that his connections with Hamas was only motivated by his journalistic work,
even more with direct permission from the security authorities, as evidenced by the exit
visa attached to his travel papers, which confirms that he did not leave the country only
after the authorities knew of his mission and role as a journalist.
It is worth mentioning that the journalist Ibrahim Aldrawi the member of the Egyptian
Journalists' Syndicate, with membership number 7070, has been arrested on 08/16/2013,
while he was in the Media Production City as a guest analyst of breaking news on one of
the satellite channels, namely (Egyptian-hour program) on the channel Rotana Masreya
hosted by Media man Tamer Amin. He has been charged of collaborating with the Islamic
resistance movement Hamas, entering Gaza through tunnels and interviewing some
Palestinian figures in the case number 371, despite the fact that the accompanying papers
confirm that his entrance to Gaza was with a visa approved by the Egyptian authorities,
while the interview with Palestinian figures is just normal considering the nature of his job
as a journalist, annexed with them a group of press released articles in the national
newspaper Akhbar edited by journalist Ibrahim Aldrawi from Gaza.
It is worth mentioning that Aldrawi who is now incarcerated in the ranch supplement jail (Al-
Mazraa), has been subjected to a number of violations among them was beating during his
stay in Scorpion prison, banning from treatment, medical examination and analysis, as well
as his recent transfer to the ward of high-risk registered criminals as a disciplinary order to
him conducted by Security forces because of using the word press on his clothes at the
trial session in (June 2, 2015). Following the verdict he has been prevented from receiving
any visit until now.
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
Akhbar newspaper text of the interview published in July 5, 2011
Another dialogue published by Almasry Alyoum private newspaper, which is pro current
regime, in 2010
 A leaked message … Egyptian journalist arrested: "This was beyond my imagination"
Hossam Issa... an Egyptian journalist at the age of 26, arrested from his house at the dawn
of January 23, 2014, and remained in custody for a whole year. The prosecution renewed
his detention every 45 days until last January, where he was forwarded to the Criminal
In June 2014, Hossam Issa was assaulted inside the deportation vehicle along with his
companions inside of it, by some thugs who beated them using "Thick canes and Tracks " ,
which led to the injury of Isa with a gaping head wound and loss of consciousness.
Security justified the abuse as a reaction to their trial to escape from their incarceration.
During last April a trial session was set for him and then was postponed to June 30 without
the presence of Hossam inside the court hall, then it was also postponed.
From inside the Burj Al Arab prison where he was incarcerated, Hossam Issa wrote a letter
that was leaked later, describing his vision of prisons before and after his imprisonment.
Message Text:
I've never imagined myself into the reality of prison. Despite my repeated visits to various
prisons, it's never occurred to me not even for a moment to imagine the hours spent inside
jail by its inmates. The farthest thing I could imagine was a featureless person sitting the
squat, leaning towards a miserable wall, and behind him writings such as (I knew that
death took people over and over so I wrote my name before my death as a memorial,
remember me and don't you forget)
Gazing his eyes at the cell ceiling with a fading light that comes and goes piercing the
atoms of dust inside the cell in front of him. Superficial visualization to a small-space reality
and forked details. I remember the first thing that hurt me after prosecution has booked me
an entry ticket to the basement of the Directorate, was that black huge bleak door, opening
his mouth, with rusty teeth, among the time intervals my lungs forced me to close my eyes
and head towards it to put my mouth between his teeth to inhale the air of life out of it. I
saw it rigid, cold and stiff just like the dead, and just like the dead rip your hearts and eyes
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
gaze at them if they moved, as the noise of its hinges was associated with the entry of a
victim followed a victim of a failed power and a distorted view.
You are a bad omen... I attacked it with my sentence- the cell door- it didn't care and
glaciated ignoring my words and opening his mouth, not hostility between you and me
occurred before today, I used to treat your visitors with courtesy and life was calm between
us before you were unfolded in front of me, you dreaded.
Why did you become my opponent and showing me your hostility with your pouting face
just like the devil?
Did you forget a lifetime of appreciation and attention from me to you? Did you forget who
was bringing oil for the treatment of your hinges that moaned out of roughness? Never was
I cheap to decorate your peers on every occasion, here you can see a verse, here a saying
by the Prophet Muhammed(peace of Allah be upon him) and here a saying of wisdom.
I dressed you and your peers with the best Blazers, that I considered your prominence as a
sign to my good looks, I didn't stop at that but increased my favors to you to the extent that
I decorated your largest family with tweets inside my home, that its movement was like
parrots in their pompous situations. I also made him an eye, although one but charming to
embrace with my own eyes and it gave me what you can't give me now.
Why did you waste your dignity and handed over your body to the hands of villains, now??
One of them holding your waist, dragging it to you whenever he wants and another kicking
you with his foot whenever he wants. You laid down before their cruelty, made peace with
their humiliation and rebelled against me after my good treatment, what to see, but
ungratefulness towards me, as well as giving you a command and you enjoy it just like old
I finished my thoughts about the iron door and opted to sleep rather than continuing to
write about this Rascal applying a rule on one of the walls saying (you can do without an
unlawful sidekick).
I had a long sleep that the door sneaked into my dreams I saw it ... "the door" with a
broken heart that made it retreat from locking me and was based mortified on the wall
behind it. I saw a happy denouement from beyond its borders, I know this smiling spectrum
that only comes with good. I left with it in a hurry and with dignity after a long patience and
huge certainty I noticed that the traitor is whining as if it was calling me for sympathy. I
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
stopped and listened to it after my self-assurance that the promise of Allah was about to
I beg you, favor doer and well-mannered... I beg you for the sake of old days between us to
forgive me and not to punish me..!
I was misled and enchanted that I went astray from the truth sometimes, and other times
terrified by the whip. I followed my own feelings and was deceived by wishful thinking that's
why I was left mortified when the command of Allah arrived.
You cannot afford my punishment, I will save it for your big devil along with his
collaborators, instigators and supporters but those looking like you are just good at sealing
survivors in.
8. External arrest
- Arresting media man Ahmed Mansour in Berlin airport based on an Egyptian arrest
warrant, and then released later.
9. Abuses inside prisons, poor conditions and the deprivation of treatment and medication
- The tightening conditions and deprivation of medication in the case of the journalist Hani
Salah al-Din, while his eyes are endangered unless an emergency surgery is performed on
them. Where many complaints were monitored by the press, which were filed by the family
of journalist "Hani Salah al-Din" incarcerated inside Tora prison. The complaints were
about his deteriorating health condition and his need for special health care and maybe
some surgeries in the eye. After the intransigence continued for several months, the
Interior approved of his transfer of the hospital to do the necessary tests after the
announcement of journalists to organize a demonstration to support him. On the family part
they blamed the authorities for the health conditions of, "Hani Salah al-Din and the danger
his eyes were subjected to inside his incarceration especially that he also suffers from
health problems in the knee and back. The journalist Hani Salah al-Din has been detained
since November 28, 2013 and has been held in Scorpion prison for a period of six months.
• Journalist Abdul Rahman Shaheen faced physical torture at the headquarters of his
detention in Ataka prison, Suez. Where he was severely assaulted with beating,
electrocution, and turning off the cigarette butts in different parts of his body. Until now they
keep postponing the appeal ruling in a case in which he has been already sentenced to 3
years of imprisonment.
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The journalist "Abdel-Rahman Shahin" family has confirmed to the observatory that his
health still deteriorating since he was transferred from the Ataka prison to till his detention
in"Faisal" police department in Suez which was for unknown reasons and then to Zagazig
prison. In Faisal Department frequently he suffered of repeated law blood circulation and
fainting which indicates the deteriorating health situation he is in as well as deliberate
neglect in dealing with his case; especially that he has been separated from his fellow
prisoners of conscience, and detained along with criminal prisoners without justification.
For its part "Shaheen's family "held coup authorities responsible for his safety and health,
and called for experts, activists and jurists to immediately intervene to save his life. On
February 11 reporter, "Abdel- Rahman Shahin" was assigned to a military trial in a case
that is not clear yet. It is noteworthy that the journalist "Abdul Rahman Shaheen" has been
sentenced in a case involving his exercise of his profession to three years, and is also
under investigation in another case.
• Journalists "Ahmed seppia" and "Hassan Kabbani," journalist and writer, "Walid Shalaby"
suffer inside maximum security scorpion prison from a severe deterioration of their
conditions there where the entry of food and medicines is prevented. They are also
deprived from visits, clothing, and blankets. The detainee also is served only one
insufficient meal per day which led them to a severe shortage in weight and deterioration in
health, especially as they are deprived of the purchase of water from the"canteen" while
the water in prison is not fit to human disposal.
• "Abdul Rahman Abdul Salam Yacout"correspondent at Karmouz website in Alexandria,
was electrocuted inside his cell by the security forces, who arrested him on Saturday,
March 21.
• Intransigence continued happening to journalists in Scorpion prison, represented in the
prevention of the visits, deprivation of adequate food, launching sniffer dogs towards them
and stripping the cells of all its contents. Wife of journalist Ahmed seppia confirmed that
she cannot now, especially after the verdict of life imprisonment issued at her husband, to
get a permit to visit him.
• In (June 6, 2015 ) " Rassd " news network confirmed that its correspondent , " Mahmoud
Mohamed Abdul Nabi " who is incarcerated in Burj Al Arab prison was subjected to torture,
beatings, verbal assaults, confiscating all their personal belongings, that was since his
transfer to " discipline ward " on late May 26 after his last trial session. It is noteworthy that
Mahmoud Abdel Nabi has been imprisoned since 702 days after his arrest in the events of
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Sidi Bishr clashes in Alexandria in 2013 after being charged with possession of firearms
and inciting riots and terrorizing citizens.
• A photo taken in Khaled Abdel Raouf Shlob's trial (photographer - Rassd network)
showed his poor illness condition, after going on hunger strike for a long period of time,
which caused him some digestive system diseases, and caused him a great loss of weight,
especially with the lack of appropriate health care or medication.
• Journalist "Ibrahim Aldrawi's" family, complains of depriving him from the visits since the
rule session to life imprisonment in June 2015.
Eighth: the prevention of coverages and 51 cases of physical assault (by security forces)
- Journalists and press suffered from a number of violations by the security forces or their
companion thugs. Journalists have suffered from the prevention of the security forces to
them, from media coverages especially in ministries and state institutions, or during the
visits of official personalities to different institutions. Prevention also included many of the
trials that have resonance and fame to the public opinion, see Appendix (4)...
Ninth: the raids, confiscation and sabotage (7 episodes)
• In January 27, 2015, the Ministry of the Interior removed the advertisements of Al-Arabi
channel (which broadcasts from London) from the streets of Cairo, claiming that the
channel is working against the Egyptian national security.
- In Mar 10, 2015 there was the confiscation of the issue of "Al-Watan" newspaper because
of the investigation handling the abstention of more than one sovereign state to pay the
income taxes of the workers inside the newspaper, which amounts according to sources
inside the newspaper to 0.8 billion Egyptian pounds.
- Confiscation of the annual issue of Al-Watan newspaper published (May 11, 2015) after
printing about 48 thousand copies of it by one of the security agencies with deep concern,
where the incident is considered the second of its kind happening to the same newspaper
in less than three months. A source from inside Al-Watan newspaper said to the
observatory, "that one of the sovereign authorities stopped yesterday's edition, in objection
to the title of the annual issue of the newspaper, which was released on the occasion of the
third anniversary of its founding and titled" 7 stronger than Sisi ". It dealt with the deep
state that stand in the way of purging the Interior and mass media along with sovereign
authorities and businessmen. The source added that, " these sovereign authorities
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
demanded the newspaper management to modify the title of the file to the " seven things
more powerful than reform " in addition to deleting Alaa Ghatrifi's article who is the
newspaper's editor in chief, in which he was talking about one of the officers at the
presidential palace who writes a daily article in the Seventh Day (Al-youm Al-sabie)
newspaper under the nickname" son of the state, ". Ghatrifi attacked in his article, the
editor-in-chief of the Seventh Day newspaper, without mentioning its name, as well as
attacking the officer writer. Ghatrifi's article was under the name" the officer son of the
palace writes". These were the conditions of sovereign authorities to allow the newspaper's
• In April 4, 2015 Radio freedom (Hurreyatona) of the Centre of Andalus for the Study of
tolerance was raided and inspected claiming to know the way the news were edited, trying
to figure out the power which the radio belongs to. Security forces arrested the center's
director Ahmed Sameeh, and forwarded him to the prosecution, which released him later.
• In April 7, 2015 Syria Al-Ghad channel was raided and shut down, one of the opposing
channels to the Syrian regime, which broadcasts from inside Egypt since 2011. All of its
equipment were confiscated and its staff was expelled.
In April 18, 2015, a raid on an artistic production company in Dokki which provides news
services for satellite channels, including Arabi channel which broadcasts from London and
the satellite channel"Al-Maseera", the Iraqi satellite channel Al Rasheed, Iraqi satellite
channel Al-Masar and the Iranian Al-Alam.
Just as the company's headquarters was raided, Mamed.h., the C.E.O of the company, a
27 -year-old who holds a computer diploma was arrested in possession of an editing
device, a CPU loaded with computer programs bearing current meetings and events that
were covered inside the country, and a lighting Stand unit used during filmed interviews. It
turned out that there is an equipped shooting site (location) inside the company's
- Security forces stormed the headquarters of Yaqeen news network in July 14, 2015, and
confiscated all of the equipment and arrested two members of the work crew, including the
network manager, "Yahya Khalaf", and subsequently "Ibrahim Abu Bakr," has been
released, while continuing the detention of "Khalaf" till now.
Tenth: civilian and military trials (2 sentenced to death, one was sentenced during his
presence, and 17 sentenced to life imprisonment)
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
- On February 11 journalist Abdel Rahman Shahin (journalist at Al-horeya wa Al-adala
newspaper) was referred to the Military Court, in a case involving another 199 defendants.
It is to be mentioned that Shaheen has been sentenced to three years in prison in a case
involving the exercise of his profession. He has been transferred abruptly from "Ataka
prison" in Suez to "Faisal" police department in February 10, 2015, where he was
separated from his fellow political prisoners and placed in a dungeon.
- On April 8, the military prosecution referred the writer who specializes in family affairs and
a member of the General Union of journalists and media Africans professionals Mahmoud
Fathi Kulaawi, to the military court which considered first session of his case on last Feb. 9.
The Security forces prevented Kulaawi from traveling on October26, and then deported
him to his home in Beni Suef, where he remained incarcerated until now.
- April 11, was the date when the judgment sentences in the case known in the media as
the "Rabia operations room" where journalist "Walid Shalaby" was sentenced to death, and
life imprisonment to another 15 media and press workers, they are:
Hani Salah al-Din, Ahmed Subaie, Mussad Barbari, Ibrahim Al-Tahir, Magdi Abdel Latif,
Hassan Hosni Al-Qabani, Jamal Fathi Nassar, Abdo Desouki, Khaled Hamza, Youssef
Talaat, Ahmed Abdel Hafez, Amr Farag, Mohammed Mustafa al-Adli, Samehy Mustafa,
Abdullah Ismail Fakhrani
The main charge addressed to reporters defendants in the case was publishing and
broadcasting news, photos and videos to incite public opinion and harm the national
security of the country and national unity of the people, traditional accusations addressed
usually to each opposition journalists, and although the Egyptian Constitution currently in
force prevents the confinement in the publishing and media lawsuits, but the court ruled
them to life imprisonment.
- April 19 the verdict in the appeal of the correspondent "Rasha Jafar" which was a year in
prison on charges of photographing demonstrations in Port Said, down from two years
sentenced by the first instance court. She has been deported from the courtroom to prison
to begin serving her sentence immediately.
- ( May 7, 2015 ) Misdemeanors Court of Helwan, headed by Judge Tarek Atia, sentenced
Moataz Matar, program host at Al-Sharq channel, to a year of imprisonment- in absentia-
with labor and make him pay interim compensation in Civil Case No. 9090 for the year
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
2015 Helwan Misdemeanors. This was over charging him of the immediate misdemeanor
set up by the family of counselor Khaled Mahjoub judge of Wadi Al-Natrun.
- (May 31, 2015) journalist Ali Youssef Shaaban "Al-Bedaya Newspaper "was sentenced in
his final appeal- in presence- to a year and 3 months of imprisonment because of doing
his job in the coverage of events of Al-Raml department in March 29, 2013.
- (9 June 2015 ) Dokki Misdemeanor Court, headed by Judge Hazem Hachad, and the
Secretariat of Aladdin Ibrahim sentenced journalist writer Mohamed Akaddosa- in abstenia-
to 10 years of imprisonment and a fine of 500 pounds , on charges of spreading false
- Misdemeanor first instance court in Nasr City, headed by Judge Mohammed Baghdadi
president of the court, sentenced all of Magdy El-Gallad, editor-in-chief of Al-Watan and
host of the program " Lazem Nefham " at the satellite channel CBC, head of the channel
Mohamed El-Amin and preparation programmer Wael Saad, to 6 months and a fine of 10
thousand pounds on charges of publishing false news. Head of financial irregularities
sector at the Central Auditing System, Fathi Ibrahim Azzazi, has filed a lawsuit accusing
the journalist writer, the owner of the channel and the preparation programmer of
spreading false news including wasting public funds and disclosing the secrets of the
system in a way that doesn't relate to the truth. The lawsuit carried the Case No. 25 537 for
the year 2015 before Nasr City Misdemeanor Court and included the publication of false
news through episodes of the program "Lazem Nefham"which is broadcasted on CBC
channel the accusations included wasting public funds and disclosing the secrets of the
system, in a way that doesn't relate to the truth.
- 16 June 2015, journalist and Minister of Information, "Salah Abdel-Maksoud," was
sentenced to death –in abstenia- other than life imprisonment sentence on each of the
journalist, "Mohsen Radi" and journalist "Ibrahim Aldrawi" two members of the Egyptian
Press Syndicate. In the two cases known in the media as escaping and spying (contacting
with foreign authorities).
- Cases of unfair dismissal in media institutions increased during the recent period-since
the beginning of the year 2015- under the name of expences-cutting and despite the
assurances of some people that these institutions are making big profits, but the expulsion
cases has increased without putting regard to labor law or referring to the journalists'
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
syndicate, which made suffering of journalists to continue once with the authorities and
once more with their press institutions.
- "Al-Ahram" Foundation, presided the press institutions involved in the "press massacres",
that was after its decision to expel 160 journalists, justifying its situation with "reducing
expenses", which forced the dismissed journalists to organize a series of protest-stands
and filing a number of memos and complaints to the Supreme Council for the press, and to
journalists' syndicate to demand their return to work, but to no avail.
- The same thing was done by the newspaper " Al-youm Alsabie", where they expelled 134
journalists without giving reasons, only to come back later and justify its position with that
the journalists were being " trained," and were expelled after passing the training period, as
well as "Dot Masr" website, which expelled 76 journalists without warning, and then the site
management resorted to bargaining dismissed journalists for their materialistic rights in
order to dissuade them from demanding their legitimate rights.
- And there also Al-Dostour Journal which expelled 30 journalists as well as "Al-Sabah"
newspaper which expelled the same number of journalists, and newly joining the list Al-
Shorouk newspaper with 18 journalists expelled without cause in addition to poor
conditions of the journalists over there and the low-rate of salaries. Wael Abdul Aziz, the
founder of the Association of Victims of Al-Youm Al-Sabie, said that the phenomenon of
arbitrary expulsion of journalists increased in the recent period, especially in the websites,
for example in Al-Youm Al-Sabie 134 journalists were expelled from the newspaper without
paying attention to the labor law and the need to notify the dismissed two months before so
that they can adjust their situation, the thing that did not happen. Abdul Aziz stressed that
he founded the Association for the dismissed victims of the newspaper to file a lawsuit
demanding compensation after non-interference on the side of journalists' syndicate in the
case, because most of the dismissed employees are not members of the syndicate,
stressing that the newspaper claimed that the dismissed were trainees which is not true as
some of them worked for long periods on the newspaper's website.
-In " ONA news " Agency the owner had another opinion to challenge the law and flouting
the freedom of the press, as a published information on businessman Samih Sawiris,
brother of the owner of the agency ONA Naguib Sawiris , caused the expulsion of two
journalists , without questioning or in- advance warning. The expelled information editor
who declined to be named, says, "I am on a daily basis editing news from the agency
reporters to be later published on the website and on that day we published information
about Samih Sawiris, where the shift's president made a modification to the title I wrote.
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ONA's expelled editor proceeds saying" minutes after the publication of the news,
instructions came from the management of the site to erase the news and suspending the
news editor and his shift's supervisor from work and we were transferred to questioning
which never happened, we were told to stay away from the agency until someone contacts
us which also never happened and we didn't even get the rest of our claims which was two
months' salary." journalists in "ONA" News Agency tried to organize a strike action to
demand their salaries which have been on hold since the beginning of 2015 for a period of
three months. All what the administration did, however, was the expulsion of all journalists
and decided to conduct the work at the agency using some interns without pay, until there
is a stability in their financial situation. Journalists tried to resolve the crisis by filing
complaints over the past six months, concerning the management of the Agency and the
delayed claims and that they’re not hired despite their three years of work for the agency.
They also sent a manifesto via e-mail to both Albert Shafiq Chairman of the Board and
Gamal El-Shenawi editor-in-chief, demanding the need to make an appointment for the
disbursement of their financial dues, while the administration replied to them through the
editor manager with the decision of the expulsion of all journalists to cut expenses.
- Shorouk newspaper crisis is considered the only case in which the Journalists Syndicate
Council intervened firmly in a trial to resolve it. As the Bar Council held a meeting joined by
chairman of the Press Syndicate Yahya Qalash, the newspaper's editor-in-chief, Imad al-
Din Hussein and son of the Board Chairman, Sharif Al-Moalem". Confirmations came out
that the syndicate will defend any syndicated journalist because, according to its
description, he is considered a "red line ", while the non-syndicated journalist can be
expelled because he is not appointed, just at the time when officials in the newspaper
confirmed that the procedure is the result of a severe financial crisis faced by the
enterprise. It was agreed in the end to solve the subject in a friendly way, and undo the
decision to dismiss journalists, but this did not happen also as admitted by some sources
within Shorouk newspaper that they agreed to keep four out of 18 dismissed journalists,
while their crisis still not resolved."
• CBC channels group decided to expel 170 workers for economic reasons without prior
Twelfth: Stopping programs and channels from broadcasting
The first months of 2015 witnessed a termination of many of the programs on political
backgrounds, as a result of the decline in the press freedom space in Egypt, including:
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
• In January 4, 2015, Al Hayat II channel decided to terminate Masr Al-Gadida program
hosted by Moataz Al- Demerdash, after three years of its broadcast. Sources from inside
the program crew said in special statements for "Shorouk" newspaper that the reason is a
dispute between the channel management and the program crew, although the validity of
the contract endorsed between the two parties wasn't consummated.
• In February 6, 2015, Al-Arabia news channel terminated "Al-Hadath Al-Masry" program
which is specialized in covering Egyptian events, without announcing the termination of the
program officially or disclosing any details.
The governing authority continued to impose more restrictions on media freedom in Egypt
and turn it into a mouthpiece and a spokesperson representing its orientations, policies,
and inclinations.
• Mass media published features of a new government bill draft for electronic crimes, which
represents an attempt by the government to impose control over websites and the media of
social communication. According to this bill, the government has the authority to shut down
any website that it considers a threat to national security which opens the door to close a
lot of news, political and religious sites, with more severe punishment for those who refrain
from implementation to be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than three years
and a fine ranging between 500 thousand and one million Egyptian pounds, while the
punishment sentence could reach up to life imprisonment and a fine ranging between 3 to
20 million Egyptian pounds if the result of the crime of not blocking led to the death of one
or more persons or damage to national security, in addition to a life sentence for anyone
who commits a computer hacking crime or publication or leaking of confidential data or
information, with the purpose of disturbing public order or endangering the safety and
security of society, or harming national unity and social peace , or the contempt of
heavenly religions .
- The "anti-terrorism" bill draft which to be adopted, includes five articles, namely, (26. 27-
29 - 33-37) which explicitly violates Article 71 of the Constitution, and what it stipulated
represented in " ban of the signing of any penalty that deprives human's freedom
concerning the crimes committed by ways of Publishing or publicity. These articles also
confiscate journalists' right to access information from different sources and excludes it to
one side, which represents a clear relapse to the freedom of opinion and publishing.
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UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
- Articles of the law are full with lots of elastic phrases that lead to the confiscation of
freedom of the press through the executive authority.
Fourteenth: recommendations of the study
The study recommends a number of things as follows:
- Rapid release of all prisoners of the press and media
- Stopping the fabrication of accusations for journalists and media
- Stopping torture, enforced disappearances and forced confessions of the trumped-up
- The application of domestic articles of the constitution and international charters and
conventions, which stresses the need to provide full opportunity to get the information,
transfer and circulate it and respect for the right to issue newspapers and mass media.
- Providing safety and appropriate assistance to all the media, journalists and
correspondents while performing their jobs.
- Providing adequate health care in prisons and detention centers and to stop the
starvation policy and also the deprivation of treatment.
Extension (1)
Extension (1) detention for short periods
- Shamsuddin Morteda reporter at ONA news agency and Mo'men Samir photographer at
Vito were arrested on January 25 from Hadaik Al-Maadi Metro station by security agents
and held for some time and then were released after the inspection of their computers and
- Hamdi Bakri correspondent at Vito website, was detained by the police temporarily in
January 25, 2015 during his coverage of the demonstrations on the anniversary of the
revolution of January in Talaat Harb Square, He was verbally insulted by policemen after
revealing his press identity. He was interrogated blindfolded, and was detained for some
while inside the Central Security camp subjoining Tora prison before being released after
two days of detention.
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2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
- Mohammed Mahrous editor at Vito website, was detained by security forces at the same
day and released later.
- Ala Al-kassaas, the photographer was detained by security forces while covering clashes
in Abdel Moneim Riad Square on January 25. Security forces assaulted him and seized his
equipment and belongings.
- Ahmed Adel photographer at"Dot Masr" was detained Ali and his camera was seized on
Jan. 25. He was released and recovered his camera from Talibia Police Department.
- Mohammed Amin correspondent at Dot Masr, was detained by security forces in an
armored police vehicle in Mataria Square on Jan. 25. His personal camera was inspected
before being released.
- Mahmoud Helmi Al-Qaoud, journalist at Al-Fath newspaper. He was arrested at dawn of
January 25 from his residence in the village of Majd in Rahmaniyah in governorate of
Beheira. He and his family had to see their house being inspected, the scattering of its
contents and the seizure of their personal computers and mobile phones.
- Ahmad Hilmi Al-Qaoud (Mahmoud's brother) a journalist who was released along with his
brother two days after their detention.
- Yassin Kspan, editor at Al-Bawaba News, was assaulted on February 8 by security
agents of "Falcon" Security Company which is hold responsible for securing Cairo
University gates. The attack happened during his covering of the incidents at the beginning
of the second semister, and they handed him over to the Central Security, which captured
him inside an armored police vehicle standing right in front of the door of Faculty of
Information at Cairo University.
- Hamdi Abdel Aziz, Mohammed Sayed, Mahmoud Gad and Hasan Al-Miniawy were
temporarily detained by security forces responsible for securing Al-Azhar Sheikdom on
March 7. That was during their coverage of a protest-stand that was held in front of the
- Mustafa Mahmoud, journalist at Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, was held by security and
forwarded to the prosecution on charges of filming without a permit in March 13, 2015,
from inside one of the cafes in Bagour city of Menoufia.
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Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
- Amr Sayed, photographer at Sada Al-Balad, was detained for some time by the Police on
Friday, the 10th of April, during covering clashes between police and demonstrators in Al-
Matareya area.
- Kareem Sha'rawi, journalist at Al-Bayan newspaper, was detained on Sunday April 19 by
security forces in charge of securing Cairo University students while covering the events
organized by students. He was detained for some time in an armored police vehicle.
- Kate Binion Tinker correspondent at British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC" was sexually
harassed by a police officer at Cairo airport according to her testimony at her Twitter
account in April 24, 2015.
- Mohamed Sayed, journalist at Masr Al-Arabia website, was held in March 28, 2015 in
Dokki traffic department for a few hours because of conducting a field investigation for his
newspaper despite revealing his press identity.
- In(May 23, 2015) "Ahmed Abu Al-Mahasen", journalist at Al-Tahrir newspaper said that
police detained him while he was covering the funeral of the student who was studying at
the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Islam Salah al-Din, "Abu Al-
Mahasenadded that as he left the funeral which was in a masjid within the area of Ain
Shams, he found a " microbus "with police officers inside who asked him to show his
identity card and when he told them that he was a journalist, they had him detained inside
the microbus where he found eight other people have been arrested in the belief that they
are the deceased's fellow students. The journalist at Al-Tahrir newspaper proceeds saying
that that just after an hour the officer ordered him to get out of the car saying, "I'm letting
you go because you're a journalist and I don't want to see you here one more time".
- "Mohammed Abu Zeid," photographer at Al-Tahrir newspaper, was arrested in May 5,
2015. They beat him and tore his clothes in the incident of editor "Sally Ghalib"...
- Tuesday, June 30th, two of Al-Fajr newspaper correspondents, Maged Safwat and
Mohamed Al-Najjar, were arrested by a police officer, while photographing demonstrations
at the area of Ain Shams in Cairo, where they were detained inside the police car until they
were searched and then sent away after ill-treatment by the security agents of the police.
- Maged Safwat, a correspondent for Al-Fajr newspaper, was arrested and then was let
go, in Ain Shams area in Cairo, on June 30, Maged Safwat, coresspondent of Al-Fajr
newspaper, was arrested along with the journalist Mohammed al-Najjar in the area of Ain
Shams while covering yesterday's demonstrations on the second anniversary of "June 30".
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2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
Maged Safwat, the correspondent at Al-Fajr newspaper said that: while I and my
colleague, Mohammed al-Najjar ,fellow correspondent at Al-Fajr newspaper, were covering
demonstrations and security presence within the area of Ain Shams, around 11 pm on
Tuesday, we were surprised by one of the security officers heading towards us and asking
about the reason for taking pictures around the area" the newspaper coresspondent
proceeds saying " we told him that we are journalists then he took us to the police general
who ordered us to get on board of the police vehicle where we stayed for about quarter to
an hour, we were treated badly treated by the security agents of the police until the Deputy
sheriff of Ain Shams Department attended and on telling him our identity as journalists and
showing him our journalistic ID cards, he said to us, " pull out of the arresting car(Al-Box)
and walk away."
-In July 1, 2015 while covering the arrival of the bodies of the leaders of the group " Muslim
Brotherhood " in October 6 City in Giza Governorate in front of the Zeinhom morgue,
another six journalists were arrested and detained unjustly until their national ID card and
press carnets were verified and then they were sent them away from the record. They are
Mohammed Shaboury, a correspondent for the newspaper " Al-Masreya ," Ahmed Abdel
Tawab, a correspondent for the newspaper " veto" , Mohammed Raei, a photographer for a
number of news agencies, Mustafa al-Shami, a photographer at " Masrawy " news website,
Mohammed Midian, a correspondent for the newspaper " Al-Bawaba News", Ahmed Abdel
-Hadi , a correspondent for the newspaper " Al-youm Al-sabie", there was also the arrest of
three other journalists, and releasing then, and then arresting them again. Mohammed
Shaboury the reporter at Al-Masreya newspaper narrated to the Observatory "Journalists
against torture ", the details of the incident where he was arrested by the security forces in
front of Zeinhom morgue while covering the arrival of the bodies of a number of members
of the Brotherhood, he said that " during my covering for the moment of the arrival of the
bodies of a number of the Muslim Brotherhood on the evening of Wednesday July 1 , I was
surprised by a number of security forces arresting a number of citizens existing around the
morgue area, and with me were two other journalists, " Hamdi Al-Zaeem, a reporter at "Al-
Shaab" and Sharif Mohammed."
He continued, "I was held near the morgue for an hour, press equipment were seized along
with my press Carnet and I was searched. They investigated me through the National
Security on the mobile phone, and after receiving inquiries I was released and got back my
equipment and press carnet. I immediately left the place, I do not know what happened to
my colleagues, but until the moment I left them they were still holding them, and I learned
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Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
that there was another journalist who was arrested namely, Muhammad Adli, and I do not
know what happened to him. "
- Editors and journalist photographers detained for short periods of time:
- Nourhanne Zayed, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, was held by security and forwarded to
the prosecution on charges of filming without a license in March 13, 2015 from one of the
cafes in Bagour city, Menoufia.
- Nourhanne Imran, editor at Bawabet Al-Wafd, was detained on April 8, while conducting a
press investigation in the Family Court in Helwan, she was escorted to the police
department of Helwan and a record was edited against her on charges of filming without a
permit, and she was evacuated by the prosecution several hours later.
- Iman Ahmed, Al-Bawaba News correspondent, was locked with a number of her fellow
workers in January 25, 2015 during the press coverage in Kafr Tohormos, Giza.
- Wafaa Hassan, photographer at veto website, was arrested in January 18, 2015 while
covering the accumulation of traffic on top of Ghamra Bridge, the photos taken by her
mobile phone were erased and she was escorted to Al-Zaher police Department where she
was released following some phone calls made by her superiors at work with the Ministry
of Interior.
- Hager Hisham, from Masr Al-Arabia website, was held in March 28, 2015 in Dokki traffic
department for a few hours because of conducting a field investigation to her newspaper
despite the disclosure of her press identity.
- "Sally Ghalib " editor at Al-Tahrir newspaper, In the (May 5, 2015), she narrates her arrest
details and the way they forced her to wipe the video filming material on her camera in
Imbaba, saying: " During my work on Monday, May 4, area of Imbaba, on receiving some
information from a number of the area inhabitants admitting the assault of a police officer
after breaking up a fight in Al-Gamei Al-Saleh in, Imbaba. The police officer attacked some
shops, broke their show-casing windows and fired some gunshots in the air without
apparent reason according to the words of the people. She added, "I headed immediately
to the mentioned area, accompanied by my colleague, photographer Mohammed Abu Zaid
to cover what is happening, and we recorded with a number of people affected by the
incident. After finishing our work we rode a car, and we were surprised by the number of
informants dressed in civilian clothes, stopping the car and forcing us to get out of it. When
I asked one of them about his identity, he told me that he is Captain Haitham Sukkr Chief
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
of Detectives of Al-Mounira Al-Gharbia police station. "She continued, "we were forcibly
escorted to the police station, and there we were forced us to erase the photographic
material from the camera, and they beat the photographer, which caused him bruises
scattered all over his body and face wounds. His clothes were also torn up due the assault.
We were threatened with fabricated charges if we refused to sign a memorandum of
reconciliation between us and a security police agent who is alleged to be affected by the
videos that we have captured, and we were forced to sign the memorandum of
reconciliation and erasing the contents of the camera and then we were released after
more than hour and a half of our detention."
- In June 10, 2015: " Abeer Abdullah " the editor at Al-Dameer newspaper, was arrested
while performing her job, and was released the next day after receiving inquiries from
national security about her. Mohammed Saber, head of the governorates department at Al-
Dameer newspaper, has confirmed that Abeer Abdullah correspondent of the newsaper in
Sharqia was released at dawn of Wednesday, June 10th, from Zagazig police station, after
being arrested on Tuesday afternoon while performing her job at Al-Ahrar hospital in
Sharqia. Saber added that Al-Ahrar hospital director summoned the security forces for the
correspondent of Al-Dameer newspaper awake an argument that broke out between her
and a hospital doctor who tried to prevent her from photographing and performing her
work. She was escorted to Zagazig police department and presented to the evening
prosecution. The President of the governorates department at Al-Dameer newspaper
continued that, she was released later after receiving inquiries from national security out
her, and the intervention of the Security Manager of Sharkia along with some of the
security leaders, while a source from inside Al-Dameer newspaper confirmed that the
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health will pay the correspondent a formal apology in the
hospital inside with the presence of the Governor and Security Manager of Sharkia.
Extension (2)
Extension (2) arrest and release on the pending cases
• Ahmed Mohamed Aboul Ela, working at IMS News Agency and a member of the
electronic media syndicate, was arrested on January 16 from Al-Matareya on charges of
taking pictures of police cars without a permit. He was taken to the Department of Al-
Matareya police, and forwarded to the prosecution, which ordered him to be hold in
temporary custody in the record number 382 for the year 2015. He was released on the
first of March at pending further case investigation.
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Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
• Ahmed Samih director of Radio Hurreyatena, was arrested from his workplace on April 4,
and forwarded to the prosecution on charges of working without a license despite the fact
that the radio administratively follows the human rights center which is run by him, and
which has been already raided many times before because of its repeated criticism against
the authority. He has been released later on bail of 5 thousand Egyptian pounds at pending
further case investigation.
• Sayed Foda, working for Al-Tahrir Al-Ekhbary websit, his house was stormed by the
security forces in Qalioub Center, Qaliubiya and he was arrested on March 29. His
personal computer devices were seized, and he was released after some extended
investigations with him.
• Islam Salah, correspondent at Anadolu Agency who is originally from Aswan, was
arrested in early March and was released later on bail of 1000 pounds, pending
investigation in case No. 3328 demeanors, second department of Aswan.
• Hussein Mahmoud Abdel-Halim... journalist at Al-Dostour newspaper, was arrested on
April 11 for allegedly evading the implementation of previous sentences that were issued
against him in criminal cases since 2004, 2009 and 2011. The truth is that he was arrested
after his adoption of a press campaign against the actions of the Ministry of Interior through
the newspaper in which he works. The interior ministry has already submitted a complaint
against him to the public prosecutor to investigate his publications.
• Reda Edward, Board Chairman of Al-Dostour newspaper, was detained for hours and
questioned on April 20 on his newspaper's publication of news about the practices of the
Ministry of Interior and the prosecution released him on bail.
• Said Wahba, editor at Al-Dostour, was questioned on April 20 and released on five
thousand pounds bail in the case of publishing news about the practices of the Interior
• In January 31, 2015, the arrest of Al-Hurreya Wa Al-Adala journalist" Ahmed Abu Zeid,"
who is a syndicated activist, and was a member of the movement, pro-reform journalists.
He was taken from the street after leaving the journalists' syndicate, after being followed by
security men and being taken to his house to be searched. Then he was arrested and
forcibly disappeared before he appears later. He remained in temporary incarceration in
Giza central jail, then was released later pending the case.
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
• In January 31, 2015, reporter and a member of the electronic media syndicate "Tariq
Mahrous" was arrested and forcibly disappeared for a day where he was subjected to
torture, beatings and electroshocks. He was released later pending the case.
•" Ahmed Qaoud " journalist at Al-Dostour newspaper, in the (May 3, 2015) Mohammed
Qaoud, testified that security forces raided the house of his brother Ahmed, a journalist at
Al-Dostour newspaper, in Beheira, dawn of May 3, 2015, and arrested him, destroyed the
contents of the house, through a workforce of 20 people they assaulted his brother with
beating, verbal insults and theft of personal belongings to his family. In (May 4, 2015)
Mohammed Qaoud said that the Rahmaniyah prosecution decided to release his brother
Ahmed, pending the case. Qaoud confirmed also that the police charged his brother of
joining crowds, demonstrating and sabotaging public facilities, and that one of the police
officers testified to that despite the fact that his arrest was from inside his home, he also
added that the public prosecutor decided to release him pending the case until receiving
the National Security inquiries about him. He stressed that the investigation with his brother
was in the absence of his lawyer which is against the law, stressing that yesterday's
intervention by the journalists' syndicate was what helped to release him.
• Arresting three of Al-Bayan newspaper, and the subsequent release on pending cases,
as all of Ibrahim Arif " editor in chief of Al-Bayan newspaper, Sarah Alaa " editor at Al-
Bayan, and " Najiba Mahjoub were arrested. As in May 20, 2015, the Security Investigation
forces of Dakahlia arrested Sarah Alaa, journalist at Al-Bayan, to question her before the
Public Prosecutor, Hisham Barakat in Cairo; charging her of publishing false news about
the assassination of five judges by an armed group of people. The Attorney General
ordered an investigation on the news, and hearing the words of those responsible for the
publication, and they are:
Journalist Sarah Alaa, Ibrahim Aref, editor-in-chief of the website, and Naguiba Mahjoub,
Board Chairman of the website. The security forces have arrested the editor-in-chief of the
website, Ibrahim Arif, on May 18, before the prosecution decided to release him on bail of
10 thousand pounds, after the intervention of the Journalists' Syndicate. The editor of Al-
Bayan website said: "After the incident of the arrest warrant against Ibrahim Aref, editor-in-
chief of the website, because of what went wrong with the news published about the"
assassination of six prosecutors on the Cairo-Suez Desert Road, I learned that my name
was mentioned in the investigations and already on the evening of Tuesday, May 19 , a
police force from Nabarouh police department showed up and led me to the department
based on an arrest warrant issued against me.The next day, on Wednesday morning, I
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Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
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2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
went to the Office of the Attorney General in Cairo, accompanied by a police force,
questioned by the Deputy Attorney General, "she continued," the Deputy Attorney General
charged me of publishing false news, disturbing public opinion and stirring panic, which I
denied completely, as I am just a disk editor, news are being sent to me to be proofed and
then uploaded to the electronic portal, and this is what happened as the information was
sent to me and I uploaded it to the website. After the end of the investigation with me and
with Najiba Mahjoub, chairman of the site, the public prosecutor ordered our release on
bail 10 000 pounds for each of us". She added," Then we headed to the Nabarouh police
department in Dakahlia to pay our bail on the same day past midnight. "
- Journalist "Abdel- Rahman Abu Gheit," was arrested in the July 6, 2015 and released
later. He was arrested simply because of disclosing his press identity in one of the traffic
committees in October City, and he was released later pending a trumped-up case.
- Arrest of, "Yasin Alsayed" member of the electronic media syndicate in front of Al-
Ibramimia police department, Sharqia , before being released later.
- As well as the arrest of female activists charged of the management or updating of
webpages on social networking sites, there was also editors who have been arrested, their
profession is editing and journalistic writing, they are: "Farida Ali Ahmed," 42-year-old, and
"Samar Hassan Mahmoud al-Najjar," and they were charged of those saved elastic used
when there are no real charges or evidential facts, The charges were "spying and joining a
terrorist group founded at odds with the law and the Constitution intended to disable the
provisions of the Constitution and the dissemination of false news." Although they were
released later in July 2015, however, they came out on pending further fabricated case
Extension (3)
Extension (3) Press detainees during the study period who still behind prison bars until
now (17)
On March 21 security forces arrested, "Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Salam Yaqout"
correspondent at Karmouz website in Alexandria, was arrested by Security forces during
his coverage of the incident of a police station incineration in Alexandria in the record
number 8558 to 2015. Abdul Rahman Ali was presented to the prosecution of Dekheila on
March 23, which ordered him to be incarcerated for 15 days on charges of incinerating the
police station, and trying to overthrow the government, despite presenting his press carnet.
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
Egyptian Coordination of Rights and
Freedoms, was founded in early August
2014.It's an independent non profitable
Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally,
and which has no political, ideological or
social polarization.
UNTIL JULY 15, 2015
The arrest of the manager of "Yaqeen News" network " Yahya Khalaf " on July14, which
happened after the security forces stormed the headquarters of news network " Yaqeen "
located downtown Cairo area, confiscated all of the hardware and equipment, arrested the
director of the network, " Yahya Khalaf " and Ibrahim Abu Bakr " Network Editor " and
others while the editor was released later and they retained the arrest of the network
director and his imprisonment pending investigations… among the accusations drawn by
the prosecution was the non-existence of a license to the news network, possession of
editing devices without a license and some of the charges related to the works in addition
to the charges of promoting the news against State and its institutions. It is noteworthy that
this is the second time that the storming of the headquarters of the network happens, as
the security services has already arrested all who were around the headquarters at the
beginning of February of last year. Following that they were interrogated by Qasr al-Nil
Prosecution where they were released on bails ranging between (5-10) Thousands
Egyptian pounds.
3 journalists were arrested in July 1, 2015 while covering the transfer of the bodies of the
leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to Zeinhom morgue: They are: "Mohammad Adeli,
Hamdi Mukhtar and Sherif Ashraf". The prosecution accused them of joining a prohibited
group, publishing false news and working for Al Jazeera satellite channel.
Arrest of Al-Masreya reporter "Wagdi Khaled" on Friday morning, July 3, while doing his
job within the area of Omar Makram Masjid. During the consolation ceremony of the late
Hisham Barakat, where Qasr al-Nil partial prosecution decided to renew his detention
pending investigation in case No. 4750 for the year 2015 administrative, Qasr al-Nil. The
prosecution charged him of charges, including joining a group founded at odds with the
- Photojournalist "Mohamed Abdel Moneim Imam" was arrested, has been accused of
trumped-up charges which are; joining a prohibited group, demonstrating without a license
and capturing videos for Al-Jazeera channel.
- "Helmy Qaoud" was arrestedfrom Al-Hrreya wa Al-Adala newspaper.
- The arrest of "Electronic Media Syndicate member," Ayman al-Sisi "with no new
information available till now."
- Re-arrest of editor "Rasha Alsayed Abdo Jafar" from her re-trial hearing on trumped-up
charges, where the appeal eased the sentence to a year, after it was previously sentenced
E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En
الصحافة والاعلام En

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الصحافة والاعلام En

  • 1. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 Executive Summary Press suffered during the period of this study from many axes of violations, most notably of all is extrajudicial killizngs, where two new cases of murder were located, as well as the fabrication of charges against innocents in the case of Mayada Ashraf and trying to point fingers away from the police, despite the testimony of witnesses. That led so far to a sum number of 12 Martyrs of the press since June 30, 2013 until July 15, 2015. At another level photographers injuries represented (3 cases of serious injuries have been monitored in the report) the most important axis in the monitoring of firearm injuries, which means the lack of any safety standards for those who convey Event, the interior is the capital accused in the actions of shooting gunfire at photographers, according to the accounts of all the injured. Among the most important images of violations also was the sentences based on fabricated charges against reporters, which became during the study period a sum of 2 death sentences, one of them in his presence, and 17 sentenced to life imprisonment, and with respect to arrest and detention there has been 36 cases, including 7 editors, and 17 arbitrarily detained cases to date. As well as the arrest and release of 16 cases over the circumstances of fabricated charges. In addition to 3 disappeared till now cases. It is unfortunate that a lot of arrests begins with enforced disappearance and then torture and fabrication of charges. As well as the images of other violations, the increasing cases of unfair dismissal in media institutions lately - since the beginning of the year 2015- under the title of expenses- cutting , not to mention the abuses inside prisons, poor conditions and denial of treatment. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43 REPORT CONTENTS FIRST: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECOND: INTRODUCTION THIRD: METHODOLOGY FOURTH: RELATED LEGAL TEXTS FIFTH: EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLINGS SIXTH: SERIOUS INJURIES DURING PRACTICE SEVENTH: DETENTION AND ARBITRARY ARREST EIGHTH: THE PREVENTION FROM MEDIA COVERAGE AND PHYSICAL ASSAULT NINTH: RAIDS AND SABOTAGE TENTH: CIVILIAN AND MILITARY TRIALS ELEVENTH: THE INCREASING CASES OF UNFAIR DISMISSAL TWELFTH: CESSATION PROGRAMS AND CHANNELS THIRTEENTH: ENACTED RESTRICTIONS FOURTEENTH: RECOMMENDATIONS FIFTEENTH: APPENDIXES
  • 2. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 IN THIS REPORT, YOU CAN READ: First: Executive Summary. Second: The introduction to the report. Third: report methodology. Fourth: The legal texts related. Fifth: extrajudicial killings. Sixth: serious injuries during practice. Seventh: detention and arbitrary arrest. 1. Detention for short periods (36 cases including 7 Editors). 2. Arrest and Release over the pending cases (16 cases). 3. Torture and enforced disappearances. 4. New arbitrary arrest (17 cases). 5. Enforced disappearance that didn't appear to date (3 cases) 6. Disappearing inside prisons. 7. Models from previous arrests. 8. External arrest (one case). 9. Violations and poor conditions and denial of treatment in prisons Eighth: the prevention from media coverages along with physical assault. Ninth: raids and sabotage. Tenth: civilian and military trials. - (Two sentenced to death, one was sentenced during his presence, and 17 sentenced to life imprisonment) Eleventh: the increasing cases of unfair dismissal Twelfth: cessation of programs and channels. Thirteenth: enacted restrictions. Fourteenth: Recommendations. Fifteenth: Appendixes INTRODUCTION E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 3. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 Press and media freedom have suffered from many images of abuse during the study period, violations included murder, torture and enforced disappearances, as well as arbitrary arrests and sentences. On the other hand, the authorities exercised many other images of restrictions such as the confiscation of editions and cessation of programs, as well as the issuance of hindering media work legislation. REPORT METHODOLOGY This report was based upon the following: - Reports of "Arab Observatory for freedom of information and expression," especially its comprehensive report on the anniversary of the International Day for the freedom of the press, corresponding to May 3, 2015. - Observatory reports "of journalists against torture," especially those related to violations during the practice of the profession, like prevention from coverage or confiscation and deleting of cameras' contents. - Gathering of daily information inside the monitoring unit of the Egyptian coordination of Rights and Freedoms, a unit connected to a team of activists and lawyers all over the Republic to monitor the new aspects around the media and the arrest of journalists and media personnel, and violations of freedom of opinion and expression. THE LEGAL TEXTS RELATED - International covenants and charters paid a great attention to the freedom of information and expression. For example, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the year (1948) asserted on the right to freedom of expression which includes the search for, send and receive of information or ideas through any medium and regardless of frontiers. It came in: 1- Everyone has the right to hold opinions without interference and 2. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression ; this right includes freedom to seek various forms of information and ideas , receive and impart to others regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print form or in the mold of art, or through any other media of his choice ] . - Also the regional conventions stressed in their statements on ensuring and protecting freedom of expression, Article (10) of the European Convention on Human Rights protects E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 4. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 the freedom of expression at the level of Member States, and Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights guarantees the same right. As well as Article 13 of the American Convention for the Protection of Human Rights states that: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, expression, this right includes freedom to search for different types of information and ideas, receive and impart to others regardless of frontiers, whether oral or in writing or in print or in form of art, and in any media of his choice]... Specifically talking about the media, article 16 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007, stipulated that: [1. Indigenous peoples have the right to establish their media in their own languages and to have access to all forms of non- indigenous media without discrimination. 2. States shall take effective measures to ensure that the media reflect the state-owned duly cultural diversity of indigenous peoples. States should encourage the media privately-owned to adequately reflect the cultural diversity of indigenous peoples, without prejudice to ensuring full freedom of expression]. All of which are materials that confirm and reserve the right of expression in all its forms , also supports the right of access to information , and the right to transfer , with the need to provide those same equal opportunities for all orientations and cultures without discrimination .. Despite some turmoil in the Egyptian law that has been witnessed, but the Egyptian local constitutions were and still support this inherent right and emphasizes its importance , for example the provision of the Constitution of 1923 in both Article 14 and 15 : Article 14: Freedom of opinion is guaranteed. And every human being has the right to express thoughts verbally, in writing or filming or otherwise within the limits of the law. Article 15: press is free within the limits of the law, and control over newspapers is banned, warning newspapers or ceasing or invalidating them by administrative means also prohibited unless it is necessary for the protection of the social order ] .. The Constitution of 1956 asserted in two articles also on: [Article 44: Freedom of opinion and scientific research is guaranteed. And every human being has the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, photography or in other ways within the law. Article 45: press, printing and publication freedom shall be guaranteed in accordance with the interests of the people and within the limits of the law]. The most famous Egyptian constitution of 1971 stipulated in Article 47: Freedom of opinion is guaranteed, everyone has to express his opinion and to publicize it verbally or in writing or by photography or by other means of expression within the law, and self-criticism and constructive criticism are E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 5. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 insurance to the safety of national construction] ... In Article 210: [Journalists have the right to obtain news and information according to the conditions prescribed by law. There's no authority over them in their work other than the law]. The emphasis on the freedoms of the press and media continued to be considered in the Constitution of 2012, where it was stressed in Article 48 that: [ freedom of the press , printing and publishing and other media is guaranteed, they also have the freedom and independence to serve the community and to express the public opinion trends and contribute to its composition and direction within the framework of the basic principles of the state and society and the preservation of the rights and freedoms and public duties , and to respect the inviolability of private life of citizens and the requirements of national security ; It is prohibited to cease or close or confiscate any means of the media without a court order, control over what is published by the media is prohibited and there may be an exception to impose specific censorship in time of war or general mobilization]. As well as emphasized in Article 49 [Freedom of publication and ownership of newspapers, of all kinds, is guaranteed once notified by the law for each Egyptian natural or figurative person, and the law regulates the establishment of radio, televised and digital media broadcasting stations ] .. Article 70 of the Constitution of 2014 pointed out that: [ the press , printing and publishing freedom of foliar, audio-visual and online broadcasting is guaranteed , for the Egyptians, natural or figurative persons , public or private, the right of ownership and publication of newspapers, establishment of video and audio media , and the mass of digital media . Once notified newspapers are issued as regulated by law. The law regulates the establishment and ownership procedures of video and audio broadcasting stations and electronic newspapers]... EXTRAJUDICIAL KILLINGS (2 CASES OF MURDER) - 2 new cases of murder during the study period - Fabricating charges to innocents in the case of Mayada Ashraf and trying to point fingers away from the police, despite the testimony of witnesses - Journalists Syndicate and the judicial authorities have not shown any interest in the issues of journalists' martyrdom - 12 martyrs are the total number of martyrs of the press since June 30, 2013 until July 15, 2015 E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 6. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 Sharif Refaat Feki, 21 years old, a journalist at "The people of Egypt" newspaper, was killed in the massacre of air defense"Defaa Gawi" Stadium (FEB 9, 2015), which claimed the lives of 67 of Zamalek Ultras "White Knights ". Bringing the number of the martyrs of the press since July 3, 2013 until February 2015 to 11 journalists. -Security sources announced on 27 April 2015, to have found the body of the Egyptian photographer Mohamed Jalal, who was working at Libyan Cyrenaica (Burqa) channel. He was found dead inside Libyan territory, after the passing of nearly a year since his disappearance. Ramadan had left from Aswan Governorate, heading to the Libyan land, to work for Cyrenaica (Burqa) T.V channel, his body was found in the evening of April 27, with his throat cut out and headless within the Libyan city called Albydaa). - The issue of killing fellow journalist Mayada Ashraf remains standstill, despite the documented testimonies of her male and female colleagues who accompanied her during the coverage of the demonstrations where she was killed , on March 28 of last year and who testified that she was killed from the police gunfire, which were shot at all of them from behind during the dispersal of the demonstration, the prosecution charged civilians protestors as defendants of killing Mayada in an attempt to deflect blame from the real killer , which requires a firm position of the press so that we don't face a situation of a case- closed or even the presentation of a scapegoat to the impunity for the real culprit. -With the exception of the issue of Alhsinyi and Mayada Egyptian authorities or even the journalists' union in question of defending its members did not seem to pay any interest in the deaths of the other nine journalists, as their killers remain free until this moment. No one was condemned of killing Ahmed Abdel Gawad or Ahmed Assem or Tamer Abdel Raouf or Habiba Abdul Aziz or Musab al-Shami or Mohammed Helmi Mustafa or Douh, or Sharif Al-Faki or Mike Dean. SERIOUS INJURIES DURING THE PRACTICE OF THE PROFESSION (3 HITS) - Photographers injuries represented the most important axis in the monitoring of firearms injuries, which means the lack of any safety standards for those who convey the event, although it is usually clear that he is holding a camera to perform his hob, which means the need to be protected, or getting away from his location and providing protection for him... -The interior is the main accused of the operations of shooting photographers with gunfire, according to the accounts of all the injured. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 7. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 •"Alaa Ahmed " photographer at Masrawy website tells the details of his injury with cartridge bullets while covering demonstrations witnessed by the region of "Matareya", saying that: " During our coverage of the demonstrations witnessed by the Matareya" area on Sunday, January 25, around ten o'clock pm I and two of my colleagues were surprised with three police armored vehicles firing cartridges all over the area. We tried to escape from the cartridge shots and hid behind a car, but I suddenly felt severe pain in my back because I was hit with a cartridge down my back. Then we tried to take shelter in one of the buildings in the region, but as soon as the owner knew that we reporters, he had us all expelled immediately. My colleague tried to get me out of the region through the side streets, and we headed to the hospital Qasr al-Aini, and there was my section boss at Masrawy waiting for me. I was screened under the x-ray machine and it was shown that a cartridge bullet penetrated my body and settled near my left kidney which made it difficult to extract. Then I left the hospital and when I got home I got undressed only to find a tremendous amount of cartridge shots all over my body and arms, leaving clear traces and I did not feel the pain they caused until I went home. " • Cameraman Nader Nabil, a photographer at Masrawy, was hit with cartridge bullets in the head and arm during coverage of the clashes at Abdel Moneim Riad Square, ambulance area and Ramses Street downtown. • Photographer Amr Abdel -Rahman who works for Fajr newspaper was hit with cartridge bullets while covering demonstrations in memory of the revolution within the Ramses area • Seventh: detention and arbitrary arrest (1) Detention for short periods: - Since the first of January and until July 15, 2015 36 journalist, reporter and photographer were held on a temporary basis , including 7 female Editors , look up Appendix (1) , and among those detained cases, " Hamdi Bakri " reporter at Vito website who was detained by the police temporarily on January 25, 2015 during the coverage of the demonstrations on the anniversary of the revolution of January in Talaat Harb Square , he was subjected to verbal insults by the policemen after revealing his press identity. He was interrogated blindfolded, and was detained for some time at the camp of the Central Security forces commanded by Tora prison authorities before being released two days after detention. As well as the arrest of the brothers" Mahmoud" and "Ahmed" Helmy Al-Qaoud who are journalists and members of the union. They were arrested at the dawn of January 25 from E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 8. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 their home in the village of Majd Rahmaniyah, Beheira Governorate. They and their family were exposed to a full house inspection as the forces scattered the contents of the house and seized their computers, mobile phones, before being released two days after detention. - Among the cases of detained female editors, was what happened with "Nourhanne Imran", editor at Wafd Gate journal; as she was detained on April 8 while conducting a press investigation inside the Family Court in Helwan. She was escorted to the Department of Helwan police and charged of " photography without a permit," and she was released by the prosecution several hours later, as well as " Hagar Hisham" who works at Masr Al- Arabia website, as she was detained on March 28, 2015 in Dokki traffic police station for a few hours because of because of conducting a field investigation to her newspaper despite the disclosure of her press identity. (2) Temporary Arrests and Releases further case investigations (16 cases): One of those cases, look up Appendix (2): • " Ahmed Sameeh," director of Radio Hureiyetna was arrested from his workplace on April 4, forwarded to the prosecution on charges of working without a license despite the fact that the radio follows the human rights center run by him administratively. That center has been already raided a few times before because of its repeated criticism of the regime. He has been released later after being bailed five thousand Egyptian pounds at the disposal of the case. • Similarly, in January 31, 2015 the arrest of " Ahmed Abu Zeid," journalist at the Journal of freedom and justice, who also is a union activist, and a member of the movement of journalists pro- reform, where he was taken from the street after leaving the journalists' syndicate, as it seems he has been followed by security men who took him to his house to be searched, and then he was arrested and hidden until he appeared later. He remained in Custody in Giza central jail, then was released later pending the case. • On the same day a reporter and member of the electronic media syndicate "Tariq Mahrous" was arrested. He was forcibly hidden for a day and subjected to torture, beatings and electroshocks, and released later pending the case. • As well as the arrest of activists charged with managing or updating pages on social networking sites, there have been editors journalists arrested, their profession is journalistic editing and writing, they are: "Farida Ali Ahmed," 42-year-old, and "Samar E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 9. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 Hassan Mahmoud al-Najjar,". They were charged with stereotyped and repeated rubber molded accusations which show up when there are no real charges or evidence-supported facts. As we can see the charges were "spying and joining a terrorist group founded at odds with the law and the Constitution intended to disable the provisions of the Constitution and the dissemination of false news." Although they were released later in July 2015, however, they came out on pending further case investigation of the same fabricated cases. • The strange thing about the case of the arrested journalist, "Abdel Rahman Abu Gheit," in July 6, 2015 and his later release was that his arrest happened just because he disclosed his career as a journalist in one of the traffic commissions in October, then he was released later on pending further fabricated case investigation. (3) Torture and enforced disappearances • "Hassan Mahmoud Ragab Al-Qabani" was arrested and hidden forcibly during the period since his arrest on January 22 in the state security headquarters in October City until his appearance in the Supreme State Security prosecution in the 5th Compound area(Al- Tagamoa Alkhames), on Jan. 24. He was beaten on the face and neck, completely stripped of his clothes, shocked with electricity in different parts of his body and in sensitive places, he also fell off his knees which caused him some superficial wounds. His wife was arrested while she was standing in front of the High State Security Prosecution office at ten pm on the day of her husband's interrogation and remained in custody until twelve o'clock and half past midnight. He is now being held in very bad conditions within the Maximum security Scorpion (Aqrab) prison. • " Tariq Mohammed Mahrous Ibrahim" a member of the electronic media union , has been arbitrarily arrested from a cafeteria in January 31, 2015 , and then forcibly hidden for several days where he was tortured, ranging from dislocations and electric shocks all over his body even sensitive spots. He was also beaten all over his body, insulted with the ugliest words and threatened with kidnapping, knowing that he was suffering from a broken left foot and needed a surgery (he was released later on pending further case investigation) • "Ahmed Abu Zeid Mohammed Tnobi" a journalist at El freedom and justice had been detained since January 31, 2015 and forcibly hidden for two days. He was assaulted physically with fists' punches, wooden and electrical sticks. He was threatened to be attacked along with his family if he did not admit to the charges fabricated to him and was E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 10. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 placed in a jail-cell called the refrigerator because of the intensity of the cold inside of it without having blankets. His health has deteriorated as a result of his confinement with the criminals where he finds it difficult to breathe. One of the exhibits seized with him was, "the annual report of the Arab Observatory for freedom of information and expression" and the rental receipt of a hall to hold annual Observatory Conference at the American University in Cairo, where they were considered by the investigations authorities as incriminating evidence against the journalist who was working at the time as one of the researchers of the Observatory for the defense of freedom of the media and the press views. (He was released later on pending further case investigation) • After the detention of security forces in Damietta to two reporters working for one of the satellite channels, namely Mohammed Noarj and Ahmed Saleh during conducting a talk with the family of one of the detainees. They were led to an unknown location where they were physically tortured in order to force them to confess to crimes they did not commit, which was announced by the two journalists after appearing inside Scorpion Prison. 4. Arbitrary arrests continuing till today (17) Here we monitored 17 cases of journalists and media workers who were arrested during the study period (Appendix 3), while they are still in detention till now. It's strange that lots of the arrests had begun with forced disappearance that lasts for different periods of time. Among those cases: - The arrest of the manager of "Yaqeen News" network " Yahya Khalaf " on July14, which happened after the security forces stormed the headquarters of news network " Yaqeen " located downtown Cairo area, confiscated all of the hardware and equipment, arrested the director of the network, " Yahya Khalaf " and Ibrahim Abu Bakr " Network Editor " and others while the editor was released later and they retained the arrest of the network director and his imprisonment pending investigations… among the accusations drawn by the prosecution was the non-existence of a license to the news network, possession of editing devices without a license and some of the charges related to the works in addition to the charges of promoting the news against State and its institutions. It is noteworthy that this is the second time that the storming of the headquarters of the network happens, as the security services has already arrested all who were around the headquarters at the beginning of February of last year. Following that they were interrogated by Qasr al-Nil Prosecution where they were released on bails ranging between (5-10) Thousands Egyptian pounds. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 11. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 - One major case as well; the case of photographer "Islam Gomaa"; after his disappearance for 35 days. He was interrogated by the military prosecution in Cairo after his kidnap before his wife and children on 23 of last April from his residence in Faisal neighborhood in Giza. He was forcibly hidden for 35 days in which the photojournalist Islam Gomaa was exposed to all types of physical and psychological torture. "Islam" was standing before the military court in Cairo on Thursday, May 28th 2015, without the knowledge of his private lawyer or the knowledge of his family… his family confirmed for now his existence inside the Appeal prison within the Security Administration in Cairo. None of the lawyers or his family were able to see him, while "Islam" appeared in a video recently released by the Interior Ministry admitting the crimes, showing signs of torture and long thick beard expressing the length of his disappearance. - Similarly, in June 29, 2015 journalist and member of the Journalists' Syndicate "Yasser Abu Ela" was arrested, forcibly hidden and showing up later. As he was arrested from his residence at "Badrashin Giza" and led by the security forces to an unknown location until he was located in Badrashin Police Department. Till now all he is getting is a detention renewal without being brought to the headquarters of the prosecution. - Continuous forced disappearances until today (3 cases) Namely as follows: - Hijacking media personnel, "Mohammed Abu Soul" who has not yet appeared. His brother Mr. Faisal Hassan Mohamed Abu Soul has filed a complaint to the Office of the Attorney General on the forced hiding of security forces to his brother Mohammed Hassan Mohammed Abu Soul against the law. The complaint was registered with number 12486 for the year 2015 classified as petitions to Attorney General. - Kidnapping media personnel Musab Hamid who remains disappeared till this moment, he was a former reporter at channel Egypt 25 and a freelance reporter for now- he was kidnapped on Friday, July 10, 2015 from his residence in Gharbia Governorate, where security forces stormed his house after breaking the door by force and beating him as well as verbally insulting his wife and children. This is in addition to stealing all computers and mobile phones found there. Until this moment "Musab" still disappeared which is considered a violation of all laws and constitutions. - Disappearance of "Mohammed Rizk," editor at Portal News Website since (May 24, 2015). His brother-in-law confirmed that "Mohammed" over the past few days has been E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 12. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 receiving menaces because of some of what he wrote on the social networking site Facebook where he attacked both government and regime, and the majority of menaces were dialed from private numbers that do not show up. Abdel Moneim, added that the morning of the kidnap, the journalist at Portal News received a fresh threat of kidnapping in case he doesn't pull back his writing and in the evening of the same day "Rizk" told them about what happened to him, and this was the last call and then no news from him. But some security leaders assured them that he was being held by the National Security for a few days and will be released - he said. Abdel Moneim stressed that filed a complaint and demanded that the Security to quickly reveal his location, however, this did not happen and he is still forcibly disappeared yet. 6. Disappearing from inside prisons: - Disappearance of media personnel Wael Alhadiny from inside his cell, and then showing up later. Wael Alhadiny ia a journalist from Al-Mahala Al-Kobra, 44-year-old, marrie, with two daughters and a boy, and his wife is nine months pregnant. Security forces broke into and damaged his house in last November, terrorized his children and his abducted him to an undisclosed location. He was tortured within the state security headquarters for a week before he was secretly interrogated at Mahala prosecution, without a lawyer which made him face several fabricated charges that were addressed to him and caused him to be locked up in Qotour and Tanta jails for 6 months. When he was introduced later to the court first and second judges stepped down, after discovering that he doesn't deserve confinement and a third session was determined where the third judge gave him an acquittal from the charges attributed to him. He was then taken to Al-Mahala Al-Kobra police station to complete the procedures of his release in last May. Since then he has remained disappered until showing up again on July 5 accused of new charges at Al- Mahalla Al-Kubra prosecution, the place of his residence and was deported to Mahala police station. - Members of the National Security system took away both Sameh Mustafa and Abdullah Al-fakharny, members at "Rassd" network management board, in the morning of June 6, 2015, from the reception of Tora prison. Where both Sameh and Al-fakhrany were transferred to an undisclosed location under the pretext of questioning. It is noteworthy that both Sameh and Al-fakhrany are sentenced to 25 years in prison in the case known in the media as the "Rabia operations room". Then they appeared later. 7. Old models of arrests since June 30, 2013 and continuing till now E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 13. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 - The arrest and detention of more than 100 journalists and media continues, that's according to fabricated cases. Most of them on pending cases or pre-trial detention which is renewed only upon investigation memorandums sent by Investigation Bureau, or national security .. ** Models worthwhile ... know them … Using documents ... jounalist" Ibrahim Aldrawi "proven innocent and still security authorities forward him to the high-risk registered criminals ward because of the tag name" journalist " Among the defendants in the case of spying, which caused him a sentence him to life imprisonment, although the confirmation of innocence by all documents, was "Ibrahim Aldrawi " and that his connections with Hamas was only motivated by his journalistic work, even more with direct permission from the security authorities, as evidenced by the exit visa attached to his travel papers, which confirms that he did not leave the country only after the authorities knew of his mission and role as a journalist. It is worth mentioning that the journalist Ibrahim Aldrawi the member of the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate, with membership number 7070, has been arrested on 08/16/2013, while he was in the Media Production City as a guest analyst of breaking news on one of the satellite channels, namely (Egyptian-hour program) on the channel Rotana Masreya hosted by Media man Tamer Amin. He has been charged of collaborating with the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, entering Gaza through tunnels and interviewing some Palestinian figures in the case number 371, despite the fact that the accompanying papers confirm that his entrance to Gaza was with a visa approved by the Egyptian authorities, while the interview with Palestinian figures is just normal considering the nature of his job as a journalist, annexed with them a group of press released articles in the national newspaper Akhbar edited by journalist Ibrahim Aldrawi from Gaza. It is worth mentioning that Aldrawi who is now incarcerated in the ranch supplement jail (Al- Mazraa), has been subjected to a number of violations among them was beating during his stay in Scorpion prison, banning from treatment, medical examination and analysis, as well as his recent transfer to the ward of high-risk registered criminals as a disciplinary order to him conducted by Security forces because of using the word press on his clothes at the trial session in (June 2, 2015). Following the verdict he has been prevented from receiving any visit until now. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 14. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 Akhbar newspaper text of the interview published in July 5, 2011 Another dialogue published by Almasry Alyoum private newspaper, which is pro current regime, in 2010  A leaked message … Egyptian journalist arrested: "This was beyond my imagination" Hossam Issa... an Egyptian journalist at the age of 26, arrested from his house at the dawn of January 23, 2014, and remained in custody for a whole year. The prosecution renewed his detention every 45 days until last January, where he was forwarded to the Criminal Court. In June 2014, Hossam Issa was assaulted inside the deportation vehicle along with his companions inside of it, by some thugs who beated them using "Thick canes and Tracks " , which led to the injury of Isa with a gaping head wound and loss of consciousness. Security justified the abuse as a reaction to their trial to escape from their incarceration. During last April a trial session was set for him and then was postponed to June 30 without the presence of Hossam inside the court hall, then it was also postponed. From inside the Burj Al Arab prison where he was incarcerated, Hossam Issa wrote a letter that was leaked later, describing his vision of prisons before and after his imprisonment. Message Text: I've never imagined myself into the reality of prison. Despite my repeated visits to various prisons, it's never occurred to me not even for a moment to imagine the hours spent inside jail by its inmates. The farthest thing I could imagine was a featureless person sitting the squat, leaning towards a miserable wall, and behind him writings such as (I knew that death took people over and over so I wrote my name before my death as a memorial, remember me and don't you forget) Gazing his eyes at the cell ceiling with a fading light that comes and goes piercing the atoms of dust inside the cell in front of him. Superficial visualization to a small-space reality and forked details. I remember the first thing that hurt me after prosecution has booked me an entry ticket to the basement of the Directorate, was that black huge bleak door, opening his mouth, with rusty teeth, among the time intervals my lungs forced me to close my eyes and head towards it to put my mouth between his teeth to inhale the air of life out of it. I saw it rigid, cold and stiff just like the dead, and just like the dead rip your hearts and eyes E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 15. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 gaze at them if they moved, as the noise of its hinges was associated with the entry of a victim followed a victim of a failed power and a distorted view. You are a bad omen... I attacked it with my sentence- the cell door- it didn't care and glaciated ignoring my words and opening his mouth, not hostility between you and me occurred before today, I used to treat your visitors with courtesy and life was calm between us before you were unfolded in front of me, you dreaded. Why did you become my opponent and showing me your hostility with your pouting face just like the devil? Did you forget a lifetime of appreciation and attention from me to you? Did you forget who was bringing oil for the treatment of your hinges that moaned out of roughness? Never was I cheap to decorate your peers on every occasion, here you can see a verse, here a saying by the Prophet Muhammed(peace of Allah be upon him) and here a saying of wisdom. I dressed you and your peers with the best Blazers, that I considered your prominence as a sign to my good looks, I didn't stop at that but increased my favors to you to the extent that I decorated your largest family with tweets inside my home, that its movement was like parrots in their pompous situations. I also made him an eye, although one but charming to embrace with my own eyes and it gave me what you can't give me now. Why did you waste your dignity and handed over your body to the hands of villains, now?? One of them holding your waist, dragging it to you whenever he wants and another kicking you with his foot whenever he wants. You laid down before their cruelty, made peace with their humiliation and rebelled against me after my good treatment, what to see, but ungratefulness towards me, as well as giving you a command and you enjoy it just like old times. I finished my thoughts about the iron door and opted to sleep rather than continuing to write about this Rascal applying a rule on one of the walls saying (you can do without an unlawful sidekick). I had a long sleep that the door sneaked into my dreams I saw it ... "the door" with a broken heart that made it retreat from locking me and was based mortified on the wall behind it. I saw a happy denouement from beyond its borders, I know this smiling spectrum that only comes with good. I left with it in a hurry and with dignity after a long patience and huge certainty I noticed that the traitor is whining as if it was calling me for sympathy. I E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 16. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 stopped and listened to it after my self-assurance that the promise of Allah was about to occur. I beg you, favor doer and well-mannered... I beg you for the sake of old days between us to forgive me and not to punish me..! I was misled and enchanted that I went astray from the truth sometimes, and other times terrified by the whip. I followed my own feelings and was deceived by wishful thinking that's why I was left mortified when the command of Allah arrived. You cannot afford my punishment, I will save it for your big devil along with his collaborators, instigators and supporters but those looking like you are just good at sealing survivors in. 8. External arrest - Arresting media man Ahmed Mansour in Berlin airport based on an Egyptian arrest warrant, and then released later. 9. Abuses inside prisons, poor conditions and the deprivation of treatment and medication - The tightening conditions and deprivation of medication in the case of the journalist Hani Salah al-Din, while his eyes are endangered unless an emergency surgery is performed on them. Where many complaints were monitored by the press, which were filed by the family of journalist "Hani Salah al-Din" incarcerated inside Tora prison. The complaints were about his deteriorating health condition and his need for special health care and maybe some surgeries in the eye. After the intransigence continued for several months, the Interior approved of his transfer of the hospital to do the necessary tests after the announcement of journalists to organize a demonstration to support him. On the family part they blamed the authorities for the health conditions of, "Hani Salah al-Din and the danger his eyes were subjected to inside his incarceration especially that he also suffers from health problems in the knee and back. The journalist Hani Salah al-Din has been detained since November 28, 2013 and has been held in Scorpion prison for a period of six months. • Journalist Abdul Rahman Shaheen faced physical torture at the headquarters of his detention in Ataka prison, Suez. Where he was severely assaulted with beating, electrocution, and turning off the cigarette butts in different parts of his body. Until now they keep postponing the appeal ruling in a case in which he has been already sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 17. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 The journalist "Abdel-Rahman Shahin" family has confirmed to the observatory that his health still deteriorating since he was transferred from the Ataka prison to till his detention in"Faisal" police department in Suez which was for unknown reasons and then to Zagazig prison. In Faisal Department frequently he suffered of repeated law blood circulation and fainting which indicates the deteriorating health situation he is in as well as deliberate neglect in dealing with his case; especially that he has been separated from his fellow prisoners of conscience, and detained along with criminal prisoners without justification. For its part "Shaheen's family "held coup authorities responsible for his safety and health, and called for experts, activists and jurists to immediately intervene to save his life. On February 11 reporter, "Abdel- Rahman Shahin" was assigned to a military trial in a case that is not clear yet. It is noteworthy that the journalist "Abdul Rahman Shaheen" has been sentenced in a case involving his exercise of his profession to three years, and is also under investigation in another case. • Journalists "Ahmed seppia" and "Hassan Kabbani," journalist and writer, "Walid Shalaby" suffer inside maximum security scorpion prison from a severe deterioration of their conditions there where the entry of food and medicines is prevented. They are also deprived from visits, clothing, and blankets. The detainee also is served only one insufficient meal per day which led them to a severe shortage in weight and deterioration in health, especially as they are deprived of the purchase of water from the"canteen" while the water in prison is not fit to human disposal. • "Abdul Rahman Abdul Salam Yacout"correspondent at Karmouz website in Alexandria, was electrocuted inside his cell by the security forces, who arrested him on Saturday, March 21. • Intransigence continued happening to journalists in Scorpion prison, represented in the prevention of the visits, deprivation of adequate food, launching sniffer dogs towards them and stripping the cells of all its contents. Wife of journalist Ahmed seppia confirmed that she cannot now, especially after the verdict of life imprisonment issued at her husband, to get a permit to visit him. • In (June 6, 2015 ) " Rassd " news network confirmed that its correspondent , " Mahmoud Mohamed Abdul Nabi " who is incarcerated in Burj Al Arab prison was subjected to torture, beatings, verbal assaults, confiscating all their personal belongings, that was since his transfer to " discipline ward " on late May 26 after his last trial session. It is noteworthy that Mahmoud Abdel Nabi has been imprisoned since 702 days after his arrest in the events of E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 18. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 Sidi Bishr clashes in Alexandria in 2013 after being charged with possession of firearms and inciting riots and terrorizing citizens. • A photo taken in Khaled Abdel Raouf Shlob's trial (photographer - Rassd network) showed his poor illness condition, after going on hunger strike for a long period of time, which caused him some digestive system diseases, and caused him a great loss of weight, especially with the lack of appropriate health care or medication. • Journalist "Ibrahim Aldrawi's" family, complains of depriving him from the visits since the rule session to life imprisonment in June 2015. Eighth: the prevention of coverages and 51 cases of physical assault (by security forces) - Journalists and press suffered from a number of violations by the security forces or their companion thugs. Journalists have suffered from the prevention of the security forces to them, from media coverages especially in ministries and state institutions, or during the visits of official personalities to different institutions. Prevention also included many of the trials that have resonance and fame to the public opinion, see Appendix (4)... Ninth: the raids, confiscation and sabotage (7 episodes) • In January 27, 2015, the Ministry of the Interior removed the advertisements of Al-Arabi channel (which broadcasts from London) from the streets of Cairo, claiming that the channel is working against the Egyptian national security. - In Mar 10, 2015 there was the confiscation of the issue of "Al-Watan" newspaper because of the investigation handling the abstention of more than one sovereign state to pay the income taxes of the workers inside the newspaper, which amounts according to sources inside the newspaper to 0.8 billion Egyptian pounds. - Confiscation of the annual issue of Al-Watan newspaper published (May 11, 2015) after printing about 48 thousand copies of it by one of the security agencies with deep concern, where the incident is considered the second of its kind happening to the same newspaper in less than three months. A source from inside Al-Watan newspaper said to the observatory, "that one of the sovereign authorities stopped yesterday's edition, in objection to the title of the annual issue of the newspaper, which was released on the occasion of the third anniversary of its founding and titled" 7 stronger than Sisi ". It dealt with the deep state that stand in the way of purging the Interior and mass media along with sovereign authorities and businessmen. The source added that, " these sovereign authorities E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 19. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 demanded the newspaper management to modify the title of the file to the " seven things more powerful than reform " in addition to deleting Alaa Ghatrifi's article who is the newspaper's editor in chief, in which he was talking about one of the officers at the presidential palace who writes a daily article in the Seventh Day (Al-youm Al-sabie) newspaper under the nickname" son of the state, ". Ghatrifi attacked in his article, the editor-in-chief of the Seventh Day newspaper, without mentioning its name, as well as attacking the officer writer. Ghatrifi's article was under the name" the officer son of the palace writes". These were the conditions of sovereign authorities to allow the newspaper's release." • In April 4, 2015 Radio freedom (Hurreyatona) of the Centre of Andalus for the Study of tolerance was raided and inspected claiming to know the way the news were edited, trying to figure out the power which the radio belongs to. Security forces arrested the center's director Ahmed Sameeh, and forwarded him to the prosecution, which released him later. • In April 7, 2015 Syria Al-Ghad channel was raided and shut down, one of the opposing channels to the Syrian regime, which broadcasts from inside Egypt since 2011. All of its equipment were confiscated and its staff was expelled. In April 18, 2015, a raid on an artistic production company in Dokki which provides news services for satellite channels, including Arabi channel which broadcasts from London and the satellite channel"Al-Maseera", the Iraqi satellite channel Al Rasheed, Iraqi satellite channel Al-Masar and the Iranian Al-Alam. Just as the company's headquarters was raided, Mamed.h., the C.E.O of the company, a 27 -year-old who holds a computer diploma was arrested in possession of an editing device, a CPU loaded with computer programs bearing current meetings and events that were covered inside the country, and a lighting Stand unit used during filmed interviews. It turned out that there is an equipped shooting site (location) inside the company's headquarters. - Security forces stormed the headquarters of Yaqeen news network in July 14, 2015, and confiscated all of the equipment and arrested two members of the work crew, including the network manager, "Yahya Khalaf", and subsequently "Ibrahim Abu Bakr," has been released, while continuing the detention of "Khalaf" till now. Tenth: civilian and military trials (2 sentenced to death, one was sentenced during his presence, and 17 sentenced to life imprisonment) E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 20. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 - On February 11 journalist Abdel Rahman Shahin (journalist at Al-horeya wa Al-adala newspaper) was referred to the Military Court, in a case involving another 199 defendants. It is to be mentioned that Shaheen has been sentenced to three years in prison in a case involving the exercise of his profession. He has been transferred abruptly from "Ataka prison" in Suez to "Faisal" police department in February 10, 2015, where he was separated from his fellow political prisoners and placed in a dungeon. - On April 8, the military prosecution referred the writer who specializes in family affairs and a member of the General Union of journalists and media Africans professionals Mahmoud Fathi Kulaawi, to the military court which considered first session of his case on last Feb. 9. The Security forces prevented Kulaawi from traveling on October26, and then deported him to his home in Beni Suef, where he remained incarcerated until now. - April 11, was the date when the judgment sentences in the case known in the media as the "Rabia operations room" where journalist "Walid Shalaby" was sentenced to death, and life imprisonment to another 15 media and press workers, they are: Hani Salah al-Din, Ahmed Subaie, Mussad Barbari, Ibrahim Al-Tahir, Magdi Abdel Latif, Hassan Hosni Al-Qabani, Jamal Fathi Nassar, Abdo Desouki, Khaled Hamza, Youssef Talaat, Ahmed Abdel Hafez, Amr Farag, Mohammed Mustafa al-Adli, Samehy Mustafa, Abdullah Ismail Fakhrani The main charge addressed to reporters defendants in the case was publishing and broadcasting news, photos and videos to incite public opinion and harm the national security of the country and national unity of the people, traditional accusations addressed usually to each opposition journalists, and although the Egyptian Constitution currently in force prevents the confinement in the publishing and media lawsuits, but the court ruled them to life imprisonment. - April 19 the verdict in the appeal of the correspondent "Rasha Jafar" which was a year in prison on charges of photographing demonstrations in Port Said, down from two years sentenced by the first instance court. She has been deported from the courtroom to prison to begin serving her sentence immediately. - ( May 7, 2015 ) Misdemeanors Court of Helwan, headed by Judge Tarek Atia, sentenced Moataz Matar, program host at Al-Sharq channel, to a year of imprisonment- in absentia- with labor and make him pay interim compensation in Civil Case No. 9090 for the year E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 21. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 2015 Helwan Misdemeanors. This was over charging him of the immediate misdemeanor set up by the family of counselor Khaled Mahjoub judge of Wadi Al-Natrun. - (May 31, 2015) journalist Ali Youssef Shaaban "Al-Bedaya Newspaper "was sentenced in his final appeal- in presence- to a year and 3 months of imprisonment because of doing his job in the coverage of events of Al-Raml department in March 29, 2013. - (9 June 2015 ) Dokki Misdemeanor Court, headed by Judge Hazem Hachad, and the Secretariat of Aladdin Ibrahim sentenced journalist writer Mohamed Akaddosa- in abstenia- to 10 years of imprisonment and a fine of 500 pounds , on charges of spreading false news. - Misdemeanor first instance court in Nasr City, headed by Judge Mohammed Baghdadi president of the court, sentenced all of Magdy El-Gallad, editor-in-chief of Al-Watan and host of the program " Lazem Nefham " at the satellite channel CBC, head of the channel Mohamed El-Amin and preparation programmer Wael Saad, to 6 months and a fine of 10 thousand pounds on charges of publishing false news. Head of financial irregularities sector at the Central Auditing System, Fathi Ibrahim Azzazi, has filed a lawsuit accusing the journalist writer, the owner of the channel and the preparation programmer of spreading false news including wasting public funds and disclosing the secrets of the system in a way that doesn't relate to the truth. The lawsuit carried the Case No. 25 537 for the year 2015 before Nasr City Misdemeanor Court and included the publication of false news through episodes of the program "Lazem Nefham"which is broadcasted on CBC channel the accusations included wasting public funds and disclosing the secrets of the system, in a way that doesn't relate to the truth. - 16 June 2015, journalist and Minister of Information, "Salah Abdel-Maksoud," was sentenced to death –in abstenia- other than life imprisonment sentence on each of the journalist, "Mohsen Radi" and journalist "Ibrahim Aldrawi" two members of the Egyptian Press Syndicate. In the two cases known in the media as escaping and spying (contacting with foreign authorities). THE INCREASING CASES OF UNFAIR DISMISSAL OF REPORTERS - Cases of unfair dismissal in media institutions increased during the recent period-since the beginning of the year 2015- under the name of expences-cutting and despite the assurances of some people that these institutions are making big profits, but the expulsion cases has increased without putting regard to labor law or referring to the journalists' E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 22. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 syndicate, which made suffering of journalists to continue once with the authorities and once more with their press institutions. - "Al-Ahram" Foundation, presided the press institutions involved in the "press massacres", that was after its decision to expel 160 journalists, justifying its situation with "reducing expenses", which forced the dismissed journalists to organize a series of protest-stands and filing a number of memos and complaints to the Supreme Council for the press, and to journalists' syndicate to demand their return to work, but to no avail. - The same thing was done by the newspaper " Al-youm Alsabie", where they expelled 134 journalists without giving reasons, only to come back later and justify its position with that the journalists were being " trained," and were expelled after passing the training period, as well as "Dot Masr" website, which expelled 76 journalists without warning, and then the site management resorted to bargaining dismissed journalists for their materialistic rights in order to dissuade them from demanding their legitimate rights. - And there also Al-Dostour Journal which expelled 30 journalists as well as "Al-Sabah" newspaper which expelled the same number of journalists, and newly joining the list Al- Shorouk newspaper with 18 journalists expelled without cause in addition to poor conditions of the journalists over there and the low-rate of salaries. Wael Abdul Aziz, the founder of the Association of Victims of Al-Youm Al-Sabie, said that the phenomenon of arbitrary expulsion of journalists increased in the recent period, especially in the websites, for example in Al-Youm Al-Sabie 134 journalists were expelled from the newspaper without paying attention to the labor law and the need to notify the dismissed two months before so that they can adjust their situation, the thing that did not happen. Abdul Aziz stressed that he founded the Association for the dismissed victims of the newspaper to file a lawsuit demanding compensation after non-interference on the side of journalists' syndicate in the case, because most of the dismissed employees are not members of the syndicate, stressing that the newspaper claimed that the dismissed were trainees which is not true as some of them worked for long periods on the newspaper's website. -In " ONA news " Agency the owner had another opinion to challenge the law and flouting the freedom of the press, as a published information on businessman Samih Sawiris, brother of the owner of the agency ONA Naguib Sawiris , caused the expulsion of two journalists , without questioning or in- advance warning. The expelled information editor who declined to be named, says, "I am on a daily basis editing news from the agency reporters to be later published on the website and on that day we published information about Samih Sawiris, where the shift's president made a modification to the title I wrote. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 23. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 ONA's expelled editor proceeds saying" minutes after the publication of the news, instructions came from the management of the site to erase the news and suspending the news editor and his shift's supervisor from work and we were transferred to questioning which never happened, we were told to stay away from the agency until someone contacts us which also never happened and we didn't even get the rest of our claims which was two months' salary." journalists in "ONA" News Agency tried to organize a strike action to demand their salaries which have been on hold since the beginning of 2015 for a period of three months. All what the administration did, however, was the expulsion of all journalists and decided to conduct the work at the agency using some interns without pay, until there is a stability in their financial situation. Journalists tried to resolve the crisis by filing complaints over the past six months, concerning the management of the Agency and the delayed claims and that they’re not hired despite their three years of work for the agency. They also sent a manifesto via e-mail to both Albert Shafiq Chairman of the Board and Gamal El-Shenawi editor-in-chief, demanding the need to make an appointment for the disbursement of their financial dues, while the administration replied to them through the editor manager with the decision of the expulsion of all journalists to cut expenses. - Shorouk newspaper crisis is considered the only case in which the Journalists Syndicate Council intervened firmly in a trial to resolve it. As the Bar Council held a meeting joined by chairman of the Press Syndicate Yahya Qalash, the newspaper's editor-in-chief, Imad al- Din Hussein and son of the Board Chairman, Sharif Al-Moalem". Confirmations came out that the syndicate will defend any syndicated journalist because, according to its description, he is considered a "red line ", while the non-syndicated journalist can be expelled because he is not appointed, just at the time when officials in the newspaper confirmed that the procedure is the result of a severe financial crisis faced by the enterprise. It was agreed in the end to solve the subject in a friendly way, and undo the decision to dismiss journalists, but this did not happen also as admitted by some sources within Shorouk newspaper that they agreed to keep four out of 18 dismissed journalists, while their crisis still not resolved." • CBC channels group decided to expel 170 workers for economic reasons without prior notice. Twelfth: Stopping programs and channels from broadcasting The first months of 2015 witnessed a termination of many of the programs on political backgrounds, as a result of the decline in the press freedom space in Egypt, including: E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 24. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 • In January 4, 2015, Al Hayat II channel decided to terminate Masr Al-Gadida program hosted by Moataz Al- Demerdash, after three years of its broadcast. Sources from inside the program crew said in special statements for "Shorouk" newspaper that the reason is a dispute between the channel management and the program crew, although the validity of the contract endorsed between the two parties wasn't consummated. • In February 6, 2015, Al-Arabia news channel terminated "Al-Hadath Al-Masry" program which is specialized in covering Egyptian events, without announcing the termination of the program officially or disclosing any details. LEGISLATIVE RESTRICTIONS The governing authority continued to impose more restrictions on media freedom in Egypt and turn it into a mouthpiece and a spokesperson representing its orientations, policies, and inclinations. • Mass media published features of a new government bill draft for electronic crimes, which represents an attempt by the government to impose control over websites and the media of social communication. According to this bill, the government has the authority to shut down any website that it considers a threat to national security which opens the door to close a lot of news, political and religious sites, with more severe punishment for those who refrain from implementation to be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than three years and a fine ranging between 500 thousand and one million Egyptian pounds, while the punishment sentence could reach up to life imprisonment and a fine ranging between 3 to 20 million Egyptian pounds if the result of the crime of not blocking led to the death of one or more persons or damage to national security, in addition to a life sentence for anyone who commits a computer hacking crime or publication or leaking of confidential data or information, with the purpose of disturbing public order or endangering the safety and security of society, or harming national unity and social peace , or the contempt of heavenly religions . - The "anti-terrorism" bill draft which to be adopted, includes five articles, namely, (26. 27- 29 - 33-37) which explicitly violates Article 71 of the Constitution, and what it stipulated represented in " ban of the signing of any penalty that deprives human's freedom concerning the crimes committed by ways of Publishing or publicity. These articles also confiscate journalists' right to access information from different sources and excludes it to one side, which represents a clear relapse to the freedom of opinion and publishing. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 25. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 - Articles of the law are full with lots of elastic phrases that lead to the confiscation of freedom of the press through the executive authority. Fourteenth: recommendations of the study The study recommends a number of things as follows: - Rapid release of all prisoners of the press and media - Stopping the fabrication of accusations for journalists and media - Stopping torture, enforced disappearances and forced confessions of the trumped-up charges - The application of domestic articles of the constitution and international charters and conventions, which stresses the need to provide full opportunity to get the information, transfer and circulate it and respect for the right to issue newspapers and mass media. - Providing safety and appropriate assistance to all the media, journalists and correspondents while performing their jobs. - Providing adequate health care in prisons and detention centers and to stop the starvation policy and also the deprivation of treatment. APPENDIXES Extension (1) Extension (1) detention for short periods - Shamsuddin Morteda reporter at ONA news agency and Mo'men Samir photographer at Vito were arrested on January 25 from Hadaik Al-Maadi Metro station by security agents and held for some time and then were released after the inspection of their computers and cameras. - Hamdi Bakri correspondent at Vito website, was detained by the police temporarily in January 25, 2015 during his coverage of the demonstrations on the anniversary of the revolution of January in Talaat Harb Square, He was verbally insulted by policemen after revealing his press identity. He was interrogated blindfolded, and was detained for some while inside the Central Security camp subjoining Tora prison before being released after two days of detention. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 26. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 - Mohammed Mahrous editor at Vito website, was detained by security forces at the same day and released later. - Ala Al-kassaas, the photographer was detained by security forces while covering clashes in Abdel Moneim Riad Square on January 25. Security forces assaulted him and seized his equipment and belongings. - Ahmed Adel photographer at"Dot Masr" was detained Ali and his camera was seized on Jan. 25. He was released and recovered his camera from Talibia Police Department. - Mohammed Amin correspondent at Dot Masr, was detained by security forces in an armored police vehicle in Mataria Square on Jan. 25. His personal camera was inspected before being released. - Mahmoud Helmi Al-Qaoud, journalist at Al-Fath newspaper. He was arrested at dawn of January 25 from his residence in the village of Majd in Rahmaniyah in governorate of Beheira. He and his family had to see their house being inspected, the scattering of its contents and the seizure of their personal computers and mobile phones. - Ahmad Hilmi Al-Qaoud (Mahmoud's brother) a journalist who was released along with his brother two days after their detention. - Yassin Kspan, editor at Al-Bawaba News, was assaulted on February 8 by security agents of "Falcon" Security Company which is hold responsible for securing Cairo University gates. The attack happened during his covering of the incidents at the beginning of the second semister, and they handed him over to the Central Security, which captured him inside an armored police vehicle standing right in front of the door of Faculty of Information at Cairo University. - Hamdi Abdel Aziz, Mohammed Sayed, Mahmoud Gad and Hasan Al-Miniawy were temporarily detained by security forces responsible for securing Al-Azhar Sheikdom on March 7. That was during their coverage of a protest-stand that was held in front of the Sheikdom. - Mustafa Mahmoud, journalist at Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, was held by security and forwarded to the prosecution on charges of filming without a permit in March 13, 2015, from inside one of the cafes in Bagour city of Menoufia. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 27. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 - Amr Sayed, photographer at Sada Al-Balad, was detained for some time by the Police on Friday, the 10th of April, during covering clashes between police and demonstrators in Al- Matareya area. - Kareem Sha'rawi, journalist at Al-Bayan newspaper, was detained on Sunday April 19 by security forces in charge of securing Cairo University students while covering the events organized by students. He was detained for some time in an armored police vehicle. - Kate Binion Tinker correspondent at British Broadcasting Corporation "BBC" was sexually harassed by a police officer at Cairo airport according to her testimony at her Twitter account in April 24, 2015. - Mohamed Sayed, journalist at Masr Al-Arabia website, was held in March 28, 2015 in Dokki traffic department for a few hours because of conducting a field investigation for his newspaper despite revealing his press identity. - In(May 23, 2015) "Ahmed Abu Al-Mahasen", journalist at Al-Tahrir newspaper said that police detained him while he was covering the funeral of the student who was studying at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Islam Salah al-Din, "Abu Al- Mahasenadded that as he left the funeral which was in a masjid within the area of Ain Shams, he found a " microbus "with police officers inside who asked him to show his identity card and when he told them that he was a journalist, they had him detained inside the microbus where he found eight other people have been arrested in the belief that they are the deceased's fellow students. The journalist at Al-Tahrir newspaper proceeds saying that that just after an hour the officer ordered him to get out of the car saying, "I'm letting you go because you're a journalist and I don't want to see you here one more time". - "Mohammed Abu Zeid," photographer at Al-Tahrir newspaper, was arrested in May 5, 2015. They beat him and tore his clothes in the incident of editor "Sally Ghalib"... - Tuesday, June 30th, two of Al-Fajr newspaper correspondents, Maged Safwat and Mohamed Al-Najjar, were arrested by a police officer, while photographing demonstrations at the area of Ain Shams in Cairo, where they were detained inside the police car until they were searched and then sent away after ill-treatment by the security agents of the police. - Maged Safwat, a correspondent for Al-Fajr newspaper, was arrested and then was let go, in Ain Shams area in Cairo, on June 30, Maged Safwat, coresspondent of Al-Fajr newspaper, was arrested along with the journalist Mohammed al-Najjar in the area of Ain Shams while covering yesterday's demonstrations on the second anniversary of "June 30". E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 28. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 Maged Safwat, the correspondent at Al-Fajr newspaper said that: while I and my colleague, Mohammed al-Najjar ,fellow correspondent at Al-Fajr newspaper, were covering demonstrations and security presence within the area of Ain Shams, around 11 pm on Tuesday, we were surprised by one of the security officers heading towards us and asking about the reason for taking pictures around the area" the newspaper coresspondent proceeds saying " we told him that we are journalists then he took us to the police general who ordered us to get on board of the police vehicle where we stayed for about quarter to an hour, we were treated badly treated by the security agents of the police until the Deputy sheriff of Ain Shams Department attended and on telling him our identity as journalists and showing him our journalistic ID cards, he said to us, " pull out of the arresting car(Al-Box) and walk away." -In July 1, 2015 while covering the arrival of the bodies of the leaders of the group " Muslim Brotherhood " in October 6 City in Giza Governorate in front of the Zeinhom morgue, another six journalists were arrested and detained unjustly until their national ID card and press carnets were verified and then they were sent them away from the record. They are Mohammed Shaboury, a correspondent for the newspaper " Al-Masreya ," Ahmed Abdel Tawab, a correspondent for the newspaper " veto" , Mohammed Raei, a photographer for a number of news agencies, Mustafa al-Shami, a photographer at " Masrawy " news website, Mohammed Midian, a correspondent for the newspaper " Al-Bawaba News", Ahmed Abdel -Hadi , a correspondent for the newspaper " Al-youm Al-sabie", there was also the arrest of three other journalists, and releasing then, and then arresting them again. Mohammed Shaboury the reporter at Al-Masreya newspaper narrated to the Observatory "Journalists against torture ", the details of the incident where he was arrested by the security forces in front of Zeinhom morgue while covering the arrival of the bodies of a number of members of the Brotherhood, he said that " during my covering for the moment of the arrival of the bodies of a number of the Muslim Brotherhood on the evening of Wednesday July 1 , I was surprised by a number of security forces arresting a number of citizens existing around the morgue area, and with me were two other journalists, " Hamdi Al-Zaeem, a reporter at "Al- Shaab" and Sharif Mohammed." He continued, "I was held near the morgue for an hour, press equipment were seized along with my press Carnet and I was searched. They investigated me through the National Security on the mobile phone, and after receiving inquiries I was released and got back my equipment and press carnet. I immediately left the place, I do not know what happened to my colleagues, but until the moment I left them they were still holding them, and I learned E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 29. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 that there was another journalist who was arrested namely, Muhammad Adli, and I do not know what happened to him. " - Editors and journalist photographers detained for short periods of time: - Nourhanne Zayed, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, was held by security and forwarded to the prosecution on charges of filming without a license in March 13, 2015 from one of the cafes in Bagour city, Menoufia. - Nourhanne Imran, editor at Bawabet Al-Wafd, was detained on April 8, while conducting a press investigation in the Family Court in Helwan, she was escorted to the police department of Helwan and a record was edited against her on charges of filming without a permit, and she was evacuated by the prosecution several hours later. - Iman Ahmed, Al-Bawaba News correspondent, was locked with a number of her fellow workers in January 25, 2015 during the press coverage in Kafr Tohormos, Giza. - Wafaa Hassan, photographer at veto website, was arrested in January 18, 2015 while covering the accumulation of traffic on top of Ghamra Bridge, the photos taken by her mobile phone were erased and she was escorted to Al-Zaher police Department where she was released following some phone calls made by her superiors at work with the Ministry of Interior. - Hager Hisham, from Masr Al-Arabia website, was held in March 28, 2015 in Dokki traffic department for a few hours because of conducting a field investigation to her newspaper despite the disclosure of her press identity. - "Sally Ghalib " editor at Al-Tahrir newspaper, In the (May 5, 2015), she narrates her arrest details and the way they forced her to wipe the video filming material on her camera in Imbaba, saying: " During my work on Monday, May 4, area of Imbaba, on receiving some information from a number of the area inhabitants admitting the assault of a police officer after breaking up a fight in Al-Gamei Al-Saleh in, Imbaba. The police officer attacked some shops, broke their show-casing windows and fired some gunshots in the air without apparent reason according to the words of the people. She added, "I headed immediately to the mentioned area, accompanied by my colleague, photographer Mohammed Abu Zaid to cover what is happening, and we recorded with a number of people affected by the incident. After finishing our work we rode a car, and we were surprised by the number of informants dressed in civilian clothes, stopping the car and forcing us to get out of it. When I asked one of them about his identity, he told me that he is Captain Haitham Sukkr Chief E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 30. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 of Detectives of Al-Mounira Al-Gharbia police station. "She continued, "we were forcibly escorted to the police station, and there we were forced us to erase the photographic material from the camera, and they beat the photographer, which caused him bruises scattered all over his body and face wounds. His clothes were also torn up due the assault. We were threatened with fabricated charges if we refused to sign a memorandum of reconciliation between us and a security police agent who is alleged to be affected by the videos that we have captured, and we were forced to sign the memorandum of reconciliation and erasing the contents of the camera and then we were released after more than hour and a half of our detention." - In June 10, 2015: " Abeer Abdullah " the editor at Al-Dameer newspaper, was arrested while performing her job, and was released the next day after receiving inquiries from national security about her. Mohammed Saber, head of the governorates department at Al- Dameer newspaper, has confirmed that Abeer Abdullah correspondent of the newsaper in Sharqia was released at dawn of Wednesday, June 10th, from Zagazig police station, after being arrested on Tuesday afternoon while performing her job at Al-Ahrar hospital in Sharqia. Saber added that Al-Ahrar hospital director summoned the security forces for the correspondent of Al-Dameer newspaper awake an argument that broke out between her and a hospital doctor who tried to prevent her from photographing and performing her work. She was escorted to Zagazig police department and presented to the evening prosecution. The President of the governorates department at Al-Dameer newspaper continued that, she was released later after receiving inquiries from national security out her, and the intervention of the Security Manager of Sharkia along with some of the security leaders, while a source from inside Al-Dameer newspaper confirmed that the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health will pay the correspondent a formal apology in the hospital inside with the presence of the Governor and Security Manager of Sharkia. Extension (2) Extension (2) arrest and release on the pending cases • Ahmed Mohamed Aboul Ela, working at IMS News Agency and a member of the electronic media syndicate, was arrested on January 16 from Al-Matareya on charges of taking pictures of police cars without a permit. He was taken to the Department of Al- Matareya police, and forwarded to the prosecution, which ordered him to be hold in temporary custody in the record number 382 for the year 2015. He was released on the first of March at pending further case investigation. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 31. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 • Ahmed Samih director of Radio Hurreyatena, was arrested from his workplace on April 4, and forwarded to the prosecution on charges of working without a license despite the fact that the radio administratively follows the human rights center which is run by him, and which has been already raided many times before because of its repeated criticism against the authority. He has been released later on bail of 5 thousand Egyptian pounds at pending further case investigation. • Sayed Foda, working for Al-Tahrir Al-Ekhbary websit, his house was stormed by the security forces in Qalioub Center, Qaliubiya and he was arrested on March 29. His personal computer devices were seized, and he was released after some extended investigations with him. • Islam Salah, correspondent at Anadolu Agency who is originally from Aswan, was arrested in early March and was released later on bail of 1000 pounds, pending investigation in case No. 3328 demeanors, second department of Aswan. • Hussein Mahmoud Abdel-Halim... journalist at Al-Dostour newspaper, was arrested on April 11 for allegedly evading the implementation of previous sentences that were issued against him in criminal cases since 2004, 2009 and 2011. The truth is that he was arrested after his adoption of a press campaign against the actions of the Ministry of Interior through the newspaper in which he works. The interior ministry has already submitted a complaint against him to the public prosecutor to investigate his publications. • Reda Edward, Board Chairman of Al-Dostour newspaper, was detained for hours and questioned on April 20 on his newspaper's publication of news about the practices of the Ministry of Interior and the prosecution released him on bail. • Said Wahba, editor at Al-Dostour, was questioned on April 20 and released on five thousand pounds bail in the case of publishing news about the practices of the Interior Ministry. • In January 31, 2015, the arrest of Al-Hurreya Wa Al-Adala journalist" Ahmed Abu Zeid," who is a syndicated activist, and was a member of the movement, pro-reform journalists. He was taken from the street after leaving the journalists' syndicate, after being followed by security men and being taken to his house to be searched. Then he was arrested and forcibly disappeared before he appears later. He remained in temporary incarceration in Giza central jail, then was released later pending the case. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 32. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 • In January 31, 2015, reporter and a member of the electronic media syndicate "Tariq Mahrous" was arrested and forcibly disappeared for a day where he was subjected to torture, beatings and electroshocks. He was released later pending the case. •" Ahmed Qaoud " journalist at Al-Dostour newspaper, in the (May 3, 2015) Mohammed Qaoud, testified that security forces raided the house of his brother Ahmed, a journalist at Al-Dostour newspaper, in Beheira, dawn of May 3, 2015, and arrested him, destroyed the contents of the house, through a workforce of 20 people they assaulted his brother with beating, verbal insults and theft of personal belongings to his family. In (May 4, 2015) Mohammed Qaoud said that the Rahmaniyah prosecution decided to release his brother Ahmed, pending the case. Qaoud confirmed also that the police charged his brother of joining crowds, demonstrating and sabotaging public facilities, and that one of the police officers testified to that despite the fact that his arrest was from inside his home, he also added that the public prosecutor decided to release him pending the case until receiving the National Security inquiries about him. He stressed that the investigation with his brother was in the absence of his lawyer which is against the law, stressing that yesterday's intervention by the journalists' syndicate was what helped to release him. • Arresting three of Al-Bayan newspaper, and the subsequent release on pending cases, as all of Ibrahim Arif " editor in chief of Al-Bayan newspaper, Sarah Alaa " editor at Al- Bayan, and " Najiba Mahjoub were arrested. As in May 20, 2015, the Security Investigation forces of Dakahlia arrested Sarah Alaa, journalist at Al-Bayan, to question her before the Public Prosecutor, Hisham Barakat in Cairo; charging her of publishing false news about the assassination of five judges by an armed group of people. The Attorney General ordered an investigation on the news, and hearing the words of those responsible for the publication, and they are: Journalist Sarah Alaa, Ibrahim Aref, editor-in-chief of the website, and Naguiba Mahjoub, Board Chairman of the website. The security forces have arrested the editor-in-chief of the website, Ibrahim Arif, on May 18, before the prosecution decided to release him on bail of 10 thousand pounds, after the intervention of the Journalists' Syndicate. The editor of Al- Bayan website said: "After the incident of the arrest warrant against Ibrahim Aref, editor-in- chief of the website, because of what went wrong with the news published about the" assassination of six prosecutors on the Cairo-Suez Desert Road, I learned that my name was mentioned in the investigations and already on the evening of Tuesday, May 19 , a police force from Nabarouh police department showed up and led me to the department based on an arrest warrant issued against me.The next day, on Wednesday morning, I E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 33. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 went to the Office of the Attorney General in Cairo, accompanied by a police force, questioned by the Deputy Attorney General, "she continued," the Deputy Attorney General charged me of publishing false news, disturbing public opinion and stirring panic, which I denied completely, as I am just a disk editor, news are being sent to me to be proofed and then uploaded to the electronic portal, and this is what happened as the information was sent to me and I uploaded it to the website. After the end of the investigation with me and with Najiba Mahjoub, chairman of the site, the public prosecutor ordered our release on bail 10 000 pounds for each of us". She added," Then we headed to the Nabarouh police department in Dakahlia to pay our bail on the same day past midnight. " - Journalist "Abdel- Rahman Abu Gheit," was arrested in the July 6, 2015 and released later. He was arrested simply because of disclosing his press identity in one of the traffic committees in October City, and he was released later pending a trumped-up case. - Arrest of, "Yasin Alsayed" member of the electronic media syndicate in front of Al- Ibramimia police department, Sharqia , before being released later. - As well as the arrest of female activists charged of the management or updating of webpages on social networking sites, there was also editors who have been arrested, their profession is editing and journalistic writing, they are: "Farida Ali Ahmed," 42-year-old, and "Samar Hassan Mahmoud al-Najjar," and they were charged of those saved elastic used when there are no real charges or evidential facts, The charges were "spying and joining a terrorist group founded at odds with the law and the Constitution intended to disable the provisions of the Constitution and the dissemination of false news." Although they were released later in July 2015, however, they came out on pending further fabricated case investigations. Extension (3) Extension (3) Press detainees during the study period who still behind prison bars until now (17) On March 21 security forces arrested, "Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Salam Yaqout" correspondent at Karmouz website in Alexandria, was arrested by Security forces during his coverage of the incident of a police station incineration in Alexandria in the record number 8558 to 2015. Abdul Rahman Ali was presented to the prosecution of Dekheila on March 23, which ordered him to be incarcerated for 15 days on charges of incinerating the police station, and trying to overthrow the government, despite presenting his press carnet. E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43
  • 34. Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms, was founded in early August 2014.It's an independent non profitable Egyptian NGO which operates neutrally, and which has no political, ideological or social polarization. REPORT ON HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS FOR PRESS AND INFORMATION WORKERS, DURING THE PERIOD FROM JAN, 2015 UNTIL JULY 15, 2015 The arrest of the manager of "Yaqeen News" network " Yahya Khalaf " on July14, which happened after the security forces stormed the headquarters of news network " Yaqeen " located downtown Cairo area, confiscated all of the hardware and equipment, arrested the director of the network, " Yahya Khalaf " and Ibrahim Abu Bakr " Network Editor " and others while the editor was released later and they retained the arrest of the network director and his imprisonment pending investigations… among the accusations drawn by the prosecution was the non-existence of a license to the news network, possession of editing devices without a license and some of the charges related to the works in addition to the charges of promoting the news against State and its institutions. It is noteworthy that this is the second time that the storming of the headquarters of the network happens, as the security services has already arrested all who were around the headquarters at the beginning of February of last year. Following that they were interrogated by Qasr al-Nil Prosecution where they were released on bails ranging between (5-10) Thousands Egyptian pounds. 3 journalists were arrested in July 1, 2015 while covering the transfer of the bodies of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood to Zeinhom morgue: They are: "Mohammad Adeli, Hamdi Mukhtar and Sherif Ashraf". The prosecution accused them of joining a prohibited group, publishing false news and working for Al Jazeera satellite channel. Arrest of Al-Masreya reporter "Wagdi Khaled" on Friday morning, July 3, while doing his job within the area of Omar Makram Masjid. During the consolation ceremony of the late Hisham Barakat, where Qasr al-Nil partial prosecution decided to renew his detention pending investigation in case No. 4750 for the year 2015 administrative, Qasr al-Nil. The prosecution charged him of charges, including joining a group founded at odds with the law. - Photojournalist "Mohamed Abdel Moneim Imam" was arrested, has been accused of trumped-up charges which are; joining a prohibited group, demonstrating without a license and capturing videos for Al-Jazeera channel. - "Helmy Qaoud" was arrestedfrom Al-Hrreya wa Al-Adala newspaper. - The arrest of "Electronic Media Syndicate member," Ayman al-Sisi "with no new information available till now." - Re-arrest of editor "Rasha Alsayed Abdo Jafar" from her re-trial hearing on trumped-up charges, where the appeal eased the sentence to a year, after it was previously sentenced E g y p t . e c r f @ g m a i l . c o m Page 43