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Empowerment Technologies
Information and Communication Technologies
It is also known as WWW or W3 introduce by Tim Berners-Lee. It consists of
different pages that are formatted in a markup language called HTML
(Hypertext Markup Language) and linked to each other that contain text,
graphics, multimedia files, hyperlinks and etc.
The first development of World Wide Web where web pages are static. It also
known as flat or stationary page and it cannot be manipulated by users.
It is a dynamic web page where user can interact with page like creating a
user account, posting comments, uploading files and images, and others.
Example: Blog sites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube.
users can classify and arrange information by adding tag or
label. Pound sign (#) is used in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social
networking sites.
Example in tagging on Facebook: #TeamKawayan, #Single
2. Rich User Experience – user can have high interaction with the content of
the page and can achieve level of expertise.
user can put content on their own in web page like
comment, evaluation, and etc.
A site that offers services and brings individual and businesses
into selling different goods and commodities such as shopping site like OLX,
Lazada, Shopee, Zalora and others.
users can subscribe to a software when they need it
instead of purchasing them.
sharing of diverse information through universal web
A new paradigm in web interaction extension of
led by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) where
it provides framework that allows data to be
shared and reuse.
it refers to fusing
of technological advancement to
work on a similar task.
Example. Using smartphone as
camera in taking pictures instead
of DSLR camera.
an application
and website where user can
communicate, create and share
content, and participate in online
A website where people with the
same come together to share information.
Examples: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
A website where user can post stories
and are ranked based on the popularity through
Examples: Digg, Reddit, Propeller, Slashdot, Fark
A website that
allows you to share and store
internet bookmarks, articles, posts,
blogs, images and others. Examples:
Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Dribble
A website that
allows you to share and store
multimedia files such as video,
photos and music.
Examples: Instagram, YouTube, Flickr
a website that
allows you to broadcast short
message. Examples: Twitter, Tumblr,
a discussion
website that allows user to ask
questions and comments on a
journal posted by an individual or
group. Examples: Wordpress,
a technology used in cellular
and other devices such netbook, laptop, tablet,
smartphones and etc.
A platform that assist people with
disability. It will guide the individual like a blind
person by using an audio recording.
The importance of internet plays a crucial part in human
development. Life becomes easy and comfortable because of this
technology. Most of us are connected to the internet via laptop,
mobile phone, tablet, personal computer and other electronic
gadgets. Behind this technology there is a risk that everyone
should be aware of. You could be at risk on scam, bullying, and
illegal activities if you will not take precautions in using internet.
We need to keep ourselves safe and secure whenever we use the
internet. That is why it is very important to know and learn the
ways on how to be safe and secured online.
Do not share your password with anyone.
Add friends you know in real life.
Do not visit untrusted websites.
Add password to your WIFI at home to make it
Install and update antivirus in your computer.
Do not give your personal information to anyone
Think before you click.
Never post about your future vacation.
It happens when someone intentionally abused, harass, and mistreated by other
person using electronic communication.
It is a crime of stealing personal information for the purpose of assuming that
person’s name or identity to make any form of transactions.
A criminal practice where electronic communication is used to stalk or harass
individual or group.
The act of sending sexually explicit text messages, images, and videos.
also known as Malicious Software.
Virus – a malicious program that replicate itself by copying itself to another program.
Trojan Horse – a malicious program that disguised as legitimate program that user will accept and use but
take control of your computer.
Worm – malicious program that copy’s itself and spreads to other computers.
Spyware – A malicious program that gathers information from victim’s computer and send it back to the
Adware – An unwanted advertisement that will pop-up several times on victim’s computer then behave
abnormally and tedious to close them.
Keylogger – A program that runs in the background and steals user credentials and confidential information
and send back to hack by recording every keystroke that a user makes on their computer or device.
Botnet – A collection of infected internet–connected devices such as PC and mobile phone that are
controlled by a common type of malware.
Rootkit – A software tools used by hackers to gain control over a computer on a network without being
Ransomware – A ransom virus that block the user from accessing the programs or files and demands to pay
the ransom through online method for the removal of the virus.
Also known as junk email or unwanted email send by advertiser or
bot. It can be used to send malware.
A cyberattack method using deceptive emails and websites to
acquiring sensitive personal information.
A crime in which computer is used as object and tool in committing a
crime such hacking, phishing, spamming, child pornography, libel,
hate crimes, identity thief and others.
A law that deals with all forms of cybercrime.
It is a word that came from the two words “net”
and “etiquette”. It is an etiquette applied online
that shows proper manner and behavior. If you are
a member of an online society through social
media you are called netizen. And in interacting
with other netizen online, we need to maintain
good behavior which is acceptable to others in
online community.
1. Remember the human.
2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in
real life.
3. Know where you are in cyberspace.
4. Respect other people's time and bandwidth.
5. Make yourself look good online.
6. Share expert knowledge.
7. Help keep flame wars under control.
8. Respect other people's privacy.
9. Don't abuse your power.
10. Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.
Contextualized Online Search and
Research Skills
is a research method in
collecting and gathering information via
internet by using search engine such as
is a program that allows users
to search for content on internet.
Examples of Search Engine
Google Aol Search Wow Baidu
Web Crawler Yahoo! Search MyWebSearch Wolframalpha
Bing Info Dogpile DuckDuckGo
Ask Infospace Contenko Internet
Getting the correct and reliable information is our goal
in internet research. We may rely on the capability of
search engine but sometimes it may not give us the
correct information because of the keywords we
entered into a search engine. There are techniques in
searching information that can be applied in search
engine in order to get a better result. Some search
engines allow combination of words and logic
connectors of AND, OR, and NOT.
Tips for Effective Internet Research by George Mathews
 Know what kind of research you want to do.
 Make a list of keywords you will use in your search.
 Enclose keywords in quotation marks.
 Use the minus sign (-).
 Try specialized search engines.
 Skim through search results web pages.
 Bookmark
 Review your bookmarks.
Online Research Skills by Hannah Trierweiler
 Check Your Sources
 Ask Good Questions
 Go Beyond the Surface
 Be Patient
 Respect Ownership
 Use Your Networks
Copyright Issues
There are millions of information that we can get from the internet.
Some of this information are free but others are not. They are
protected by a copyright law.
What is Copyright?
Copyright is a protection given to the owner of the rights in an original
work such as books, musical works, films, paintings, and other works,
and computer programs. This original work is called intellectual
property which is protected under Republic Act 8293 known as the
“Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines”.
Copyright Infringement
This happens when the copyrighted work is use by other person without
permission of the author or copyright holder. Any person who is infringing the
right protected work would be liable under the law. An example of this is the case
of M.Y. Intercontinental Trading Corporation (MITC), Tedwin T. Uy, Allianz
Marketing and Publishing Corp. (Allianz), and Fujian New Technology Color
Making and Printing Company, LTD (Fujian) against St. Mary’s Publishing
Corporation (SMPC). Manila regional trial court ordered Fujian and its partners to
pay P24.7 million for the damages and cost of litigation for copyright infringement
to SMPC. Fujian and its three local partners was guilty of printing, copying,
reproducing, importing, distributing and selling of original and revised textbooks
that they have illegally sold to Department of Education in Zamboanga,
Municipality of Cabuyao in Laguna and Municipality of Matnog in Sorsogon
without the approval of SMPC, the copyright owner of the textbooks.
Fair Use
Research is important to the students and other people. Most of them rely on the
information that they can get online. Although this information is protected by a
copyright law but we can still use this information without permission in a limited
way under certain condition and purpose.
Fair use is the use of copyrighted material for comment, teaching, criticism, news
reporting, research, scholarship, and other similar purpose is not an infringement
of copyright.
Example of this is when you post a quote from a person in your Facebook wall.
Include the name of person who owns the quote in your post. Another example is
when you copy image from internet, give credit to the creator of image. The
copied image should be use for educational purpose not for commercial use.
In fair use, 5% of the content of reference can only be copied. If 20% or less of
reference copied, there must be a secondary use agreement and fee. And if 20%
or more of reference copied, it requires purchasing of creative work.
Guidelines for Fair Use
 Majority of the contents created must be
 Give credit to the owner.
 Don’t make profit of the copyrighted work.
Developing ICT content for specific purposes
Productivity Tools
It refers to the software that people use to create and
produce documents, presentations, databases, charts,
and graphs.
Productivity tools helps you create professional quality
documents, presentation, graphics, and more.
Why should you learn productivity tools?
While there are a wide range of benefits of using productivity tools, the best
reason is that it just makes essential, everyday we use computer to do different
task for more efficient.
Common productivity tools
Microsoft word
Microsoft excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Tools/Techniques Use Case
1. Mail Merge and label generation Mass email or printed letters
2. Custom animation and timing Enhance viewer experience
3. Hyperlinking in presentations
Optimizes use of related content and
references. Applies to
Word/Write document too.
4. Integrating images and external
materials in word processor
Enriches textual content. Also useful in
presentation slides and sometimes in
5. Embedded files and data Seamlessly integrates related files
6. Advanced and complex formulasand
Simplifies and automates common tasks.
Mail Merge
It is a Word’s way of generating mass mailings. It involves combining a list of
names and addresses to individually address to each person / receiver on the list.
You can use Mail Merge to create envelopes or address labels, as well as form
Mail Merged involved the following documents;
Main document – this document contains text and graphics. Example body of the
Mailing list – this is your data source that is used to populate information in the
letter. It contains names and address of the recipients.
Merged document - this document the combination of the main document
Opening Microsoft Word Program. (Click Start button, type Word and click OK.
On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then select Letters. This will
allow you to sent letters to a group of people and personalize, the result of the
letter that each person receives.
Custom Animation
Animation is a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures,
or frames. Animation on computers is one of the chief ingredients of multimedia
presentations. There are many software applications that enable you to create
animations that you can display on a computer monitor. One of this application
software are presentation software that you can use to create a slide show for
your presentation. Some of the
popular software that are available online for free or for purchase are WPS Office,
LibreOffice, and MS-PowerPoint.
Steps in applying animation effect to an object:
On a slide in Normal view, select the object you want to animate.
Select Slide Show – click Animations tab, in the Animation group, select your
desired effect or click dropdown button to choose more effects. To preview the
animation, click the Preview button to play.
Add a motion path animation effect
You can apply motion path animation effects to an object to move in a sequence
that tells an effective story.
Add a motion path to an object
Select the object that you want to animate.
On the Animation tab, click Add Animation.
Scroll down Motion Paths and select one.
- If you want to create a customize path, Select Custom Path option, and draw
path that you want the object to move.
Editing motion paths
to do things like to change the direction of the motion path, edit the individual
points of the motion path, or to lock ( make it so others can’t change your
animation ) or unlock the animation, Effect Options.
to preview the motion path, click the object on the slides, and click Animation
and select Preview.
Remove an animation effect from an object
On the slide in a Normal view, select the object from which to remove the effect.
On the Animation tab, in the Animation
group, click None to remove the effect.
A hyperlink or simply a link, is a reference data that the reader can directly follow
either by clicking or tapping. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web pages,
allowing users to click their way from one page to another. In text hyperlinks are
often color blue and underlined. When you move the cursor over a hyperlink,
whether it is text, button or an image, the arrow cursor should be change to a
small hand pointing to the link.
Hyperlinks have to basic parts:
The Address – can be webpage, email address, or other location they are linking.
The Display – can be picture or shape.
Example: - address
microsoft - display text - address at the same time display text
Select Existing File or Web page, and choose the:
Text to display: type the text that you want to appear as hyperlink.
ScreenTip: Type the text that you want to appear when the user hovers over the hyperlink
Current Folder, Browsed Pages, or Recent Files: Select where you want to link to.
Address: if you haven’t already selected a location above, insert the URL for the website you want to link to.
Link a slide in the same presentation
Opening PowerPoint program. (click Start button, type PowerPoint and press
Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink.
Select Insert tab > Links group, click Link button and select an option:
Place in This Document: Link to a specific slide in your presentation.
Create New Document: Link from your presentation to another presentation.
E-mail Address: Link a displayed email address to open up a user's email
Change the color of a hyperlink
You can also change the color of a hyperlink. If you want to change the display text
of a link to blue or any other color.
Select the hyperlink you want to re-color.
On the Home tab of the ribbon, select down arrow next to the Font Color button
to open the menu of colors.
Select the appropriate color that you want for the hyperlink.
Integrating Images
In Microsoft word processing you can do a lot of things to make your documents
look good and presentable. One of its function is to integrate image. Word
processing refers to an application program for manipulating text-based
documents; the electronic equivalent of paper, pen, typewriter, eraser, and most
likely, dictionary and thesaurus. Word processors run the scope from simple
through complex, but all ease the tasks associated with editing documents
(deleting, inserting, rewording, and so on).
Electronic Spreadsheet
According to electronic spreadsheet is probably the most useful
general-purpose software for the microcomputer user. Almost all spreadsheets
are now packaged in combination with other applications, such as database
system and graphic capabilities. Electronic spreadsheet refers
to a collection of text and numbers laid out in a
Electronic Spreadsheet
According to electronic spreadsheet is probably the most useful general-purpose software for the
microcomputer user. Almost all spreadsheets are now packaged in combination with other applications, such as
database system and graphic capabilities. Electronic spreadsheet refers
to a collection of text and numbers laid out in a rectangular grid. It is an application program commonly used for
budgeting, inventory management, decision making, forecasting and other finance-related tasks.
It replaces the traditional financial modeling tools, the accountant’s columnar pad, pencil and calculator. It a
spreadsheet program, data and formulas used to calculate those data are entered into ledge-like forms
(Spreadsheets or Worksheets) for analysis, tracking, planning, or “what-if” evaluations of the impact of real or
proposed changes on an economic strategy.
A great free alternative spreadsheet program is LibreOffice Calc, and OpenOffice spreadsheet program.
Arithmetic operations
Formula – is an equation that performs operation on worksheet data. A formula in Microsoft Excel always begins
with an equal sign (=).
+ (Plus Sign) Addition =A1+A2
- (Minus Sign) Subtraction =A1-A2
* (Asterisk) Multiplication =A1*A2
/ (Forward Slash) Division =A1/A2
^ (Exponentiation) Raises a no. to a
- (Negation) Negative -11
% (Percent Sign) Percentage =90%

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  • 1. Empowerment Technologies Information and Communication Technologies
  • 2. It is also known as WWW or W3 introduce by Tim Berners-Lee. It consists of different pages that are formatted in a markup language called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and linked to each other that contain text, graphics, multimedia files, hyperlinks and etc. The first development of World Wide Web where web pages are static. It also known as flat or stationary page and it cannot be manipulated by users. It is a dynamic web page where user can interact with page like creating a user account, posting comments, uploading files and images, and others. Example: Blog sites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube.
  • 3. users can classify and arrange information by adding tag or label. Pound sign (#) is used in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networking sites. Example in tagging on Facebook: #TeamKawayan, #Single 2. Rich User Experience – user can have high interaction with the content of the page and can achieve level of expertise. user can put content on their own in web page like comment, evaluation, and etc. A site that offers services and brings individual and businesses into selling different goods and commodities such as shopping site like OLX, Lazada, Shopee, Zalora and others. users can subscribe to a software when they need it instead of purchasing them. sharing of diverse information through universal web access.
  • 4. A new paradigm in web interaction extension of led by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) where it provides framework that allows data to be shared and reuse.
  • 5. it refers to fusing of technological advancement to work on a similar task. Example. Using smartphone as camera in taking pictures instead of DSLR camera. an application and website where user can communicate, create and share content, and participate in online communities.
  • 6. A website where people with the same come together to share information. Examples: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
  • 7. A website where user can post stories and are ranked based on the popularity through voting. Examples: Digg, Reddit, Propeller, Slashdot, Fark
  • 8. A website that allows you to share and store internet bookmarks, articles, posts, blogs, images and others. Examples: Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Dribble A website that allows you to share and store multimedia files such as video, photos and music. Examples: Instagram, YouTube, Flickr
  • 9. a website that allows you to broadcast short message. Examples: Twitter, Tumblr, Meetme a discussion website that allows user to ask questions and comments on a journal posted by an individual or group. Examples: Wordpress, Blogger
  • 10. a technology used in cellular and other devices such netbook, laptop, tablet, smartphones and etc. A platform that assist people with disability. It will guide the individual like a blind person by using an audio recording.
  • 11.
  • 12. The importance of internet plays a crucial part in human development. Life becomes easy and comfortable because of this technology. Most of us are connected to the internet via laptop, mobile phone, tablet, personal computer and other electronic gadgets. Behind this technology there is a risk that everyone should be aware of. You could be at risk on scam, bullying, and illegal activities if you will not take precautions in using internet. We need to keep ourselves safe and secure whenever we use the internet. That is why it is very important to know and learn the ways on how to be safe and secured online.
  • 13. Do not share your password with anyone. Add friends you know in real life. Do not visit untrusted websites. Add password to your WIFI at home to make it private. Install and update antivirus in your computer. Do not give your personal information to anyone Think before you click. Never post about your future vacation.
  • 14. It happens when someone intentionally abused, harass, and mistreated by other person using electronic communication. It is a crime of stealing personal information for the purpose of assuming that person’s name or identity to make any form of transactions. A criminal practice where electronic communication is used to stalk or harass individual or group. The act of sending sexually explicit text messages, images, and videos.
  • 15. also known as Malicious Software. Virus – a malicious program that replicate itself by copying itself to another program. Trojan Horse – a malicious program that disguised as legitimate program that user will accept and use but take control of your computer. Worm – malicious program that copy’s itself and spreads to other computers. Spyware – A malicious program that gathers information from victim’s computer and send it back to the hacker. Adware – An unwanted advertisement that will pop-up several times on victim’s computer then behave abnormally and tedious to close them. Keylogger – A program that runs in the background and steals user credentials and confidential information and send back to hack by recording every keystroke that a user makes on their computer or device. Botnet – A collection of infected internet–connected devices such as PC and mobile phone that are controlled by a common type of malware. Rootkit – A software tools used by hackers to gain control over a computer on a network without being exposed. Ransomware – A ransom virus that block the user from accessing the programs or files and demands to pay the ransom through online method for the removal of the virus.
  • 16. Also known as junk email or unwanted email send by advertiser or bot. It can be used to send malware. A cyberattack method using deceptive emails and websites to acquiring sensitive personal information. A crime in which computer is used as object and tool in committing a crime such hacking, phishing, spamming, child pornography, libel, hate crimes, identity thief and others. A law that deals with all forms of cybercrime.
  • 17. It is a word that came from the two words “net” and “etiquette”. It is an etiquette applied online that shows proper manner and behavior. If you are a member of an online society through social media you are called netizen. And in interacting with other netizen online, we need to maintain good behavior which is acceptable to others in online community.
  • 18. 1. Remember the human. 2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life. 3. Know where you are in cyberspace. 4. Respect other people's time and bandwidth. 5. Make yourself look good online. 6. Share expert knowledge. 7. Help keep flame wars under control. 8. Respect other people's privacy. 9. Don't abuse your power. 10. Be forgiving of other people's mistakes.
  • 19. Contextualized Online Search and Research Skills
  • 20. is a research method in collecting and gathering information via internet by using search engine such as google. is a program that allows users to search for content on internet.
  • 21. Examples of Search Engine Google Aol Search Wow Baidu Web Crawler Yahoo! Search MyWebSearch Wolframalpha Bing Info Dogpile DuckDuckGo Ask Infospace Contenko Internet Archive
  • 22. Getting the correct and reliable information is our goal in internet research. We may rely on the capability of search engine but sometimes it may not give us the correct information because of the keywords we entered into a search engine. There are techniques in searching information that can be applied in search engine in order to get a better result. Some search engines allow combination of words and logic connectors of AND, OR, and NOT.
  • 23. Tips for Effective Internet Research by George Mathews  Know what kind of research you want to do.  Make a list of keywords you will use in your search.  Enclose keywords in quotation marks.  Use the minus sign (-).  Try specialized search engines.  Skim through search results web pages.  Bookmark  Review your bookmarks.
  • 24. Online Research Skills by Hannah Trierweiler Hudson  Check Your Sources  Ask Good Questions  Go Beyond the Surface  Be Patient  Respect Ownership  Use Your Networks
  • 25. Copyright Issues There are millions of information that we can get from the internet. Some of this information are free but others are not. They are protected by a copyright law. What is Copyright? Copyright is a protection given to the owner of the rights in an original work such as books, musical works, films, paintings, and other works, and computer programs. This original work is called intellectual property which is protected under Republic Act 8293 known as the “Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines”.
  • 26. Copyright Infringement This happens when the copyrighted work is use by other person without permission of the author or copyright holder. Any person who is infringing the right protected work would be liable under the law. An example of this is the case of M.Y. Intercontinental Trading Corporation (MITC), Tedwin T. Uy, Allianz Marketing and Publishing Corp. (Allianz), and Fujian New Technology Color Making and Printing Company, LTD (Fujian) against St. Mary’s Publishing Corporation (SMPC). Manila regional trial court ordered Fujian and its partners to pay P24.7 million for the damages and cost of litigation for copyright infringement to SMPC. Fujian and its three local partners was guilty of printing, copying, reproducing, importing, distributing and selling of original and revised textbooks that they have illegally sold to Department of Education in Zamboanga, Municipality of Cabuyao in Laguna and Municipality of Matnog in Sorsogon without the approval of SMPC, the copyright owner of the textbooks.
  • 27. Fair Use Research is important to the students and other people. Most of them rely on the information that they can get online. Although this information is protected by a copyright law but we can still use this information without permission in a limited way under certain condition and purpose. Fair use is the use of copyrighted material for comment, teaching, criticism, news reporting, research, scholarship, and other similar purpose is not an infringement of copyright. Example of this is when you post a quote from a person in your Facebook wall. Include the name of person who owns the quote in your post. Another example is when you copy image from internet, give credit to the creator of image. The copied image should be use for educational purpose not for commercial use. In fair use, 5% of the content of reference can only be copied. If 20% or less of reference copied, there must be a secondary use agreement and fee. And if 20% or more of reference copied, it requires purchasing of creative work.
  • 28. Guidelines for Fair Use  Majority of the contents created must be yours.  Give credit to the owner.  Don’t make profit of the copyrighted work.
  • 29. Developing ICT content for specific purposes Productivity Tools It refers to the software that people use to create and produce documents, presentations, databases, charts, and graphs. Productivity tools helps you create professional quality documents, presentation, graphics, and more.
  • 30. Why should you learn productivity tools? While there are a wide range of benefits of using productivity tools, the best reason is that it just makes essential, everyday we use computer to do different task for more efficient. Common productivity tools Microsoft word Microsoft excel Microsoft PowerPoint LibreOffice
  • 31. Tools/Techniques Use Case 1. Mail Merge and label generation Mass email or printed letters 2. Custom animation and timing Enhance viewer experience 3. Hyperlinking in presentations Optimizes use of related content and references. Applies to Word/Write document too. 4. Integrating images and external materials in word processor Enriches textual content. Also useful in presentation slides and sometimes in spreadsheets. 5. Embedded files and data Seamlessly integrates related files 6. Advanced and complex formulasand computations Simplifies and automates common tasks.
  • 32. Mail Merge It is a Word’s way of generating mass mailings. It involves combining a list of names and addresses to individually address to each person / receiver on the list. You can use Mail Merge to create envelopes or address labels, as well as form letters. Mail Merged involved the following documents; Main document – this document contains text and graphics. Example body of the letter. Mailing list – this is your data source that is used to populate information in the letter. It contains names and address of the recipients. Merged document - this document the combination of the main document
  • 33. Opening Microsoft Word Program. (Click Start button, type Word and click OK. On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then select Letters. This will allow you to sent letters to a group of people and personalize, the result of the letter that each person receives.
  • 34. Custom Animation Animation is a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures, or frames. Animation on computers is one of the chief ingredients of multimedia presentations. There are many software applications that enable you to create animations that you can display on a computer monitor. One of this application software are presentation software that you can use to create a slide show for your presentation. Some of the popular software that are available online for free or for purchase are WPS Office, LibreOffice, and MS-PowerPoint.
  • 35. Steps in applying animation effect to an object: On a slide in Normal view, select the object you want to animate. Select Slide Show – click Animations tab, in the Animation group, select your desired effect or click dropdown button to choose more effects. To preview the animation, click the Preview button to play.
  • 36. Add a motion path animation effect You can apply motion path animation effects to an object to move in a sequence that tells an effective story. Add a motion path to an object Select the object that you want to animate. On the Animation tab, click Add Animation. Scroll down Motion Paths and select one. - If you want to create a customize path, Select Custom Path option, and draw path that you want the object to move.
  • 37. Editing motion paths to do things like to change the direction of the motion path, edit the individual points of the motion path, or to lock ( make it so others can’t change your animation ) or unlock the animation, Effect Options. to preview the motion path, click the object on the slides, and click Animation and select Preview. Remove an animation effect from an object On the slide in a Normal view, select the object from which to remove the effect. On the Animation tab, in the Animation group, click None to remove the effect.
  • 38. Hyperlink A hyperlink or simply a link, is a reference data that the reader can directly follow either by clicking or tapping. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all Web pages, allowing users to click their way from one page to another. In text hyperlinks are often color blue and underlined. When you move the cursor over a hyperlink, whether it is text, button or an image, the arrow cursor should be change to a small hand pointing to the link. Hyperlinks have to basic parts: The Address – can be webpage, email address, or other location they are linking. The Display – can be picture or shape. Example: - address microsoft - display text - address at the same time display text
  • 39. Select Existing File or Web page, and choose the: Text to display: type the text that you want to appear as hyperlink. ScreenTip: Type the text that you want to appear when the user hovers over the hyperlink (optional). Current Folder, Browsed Pages, or Recent Files: Select where you want to link to. Address: if you haven’t already selected a location above, insert the URL for the website you want to link to.
  • 40. Link a slide in the same presentation Opening PowerPoint program. (click Start button, type PowerPoint and press Enter) Select the text, shape, or picture that you want to use as a hyperlink. Select Insert tab > Links group, click Link button and select an option: Place in This Document: Link to a specific slide in your presentation. Create New Document: Link from your presentation to another presentation. E-mail Address: Link a displayed email address to open up a user's email program.
  • 41. Change the color of a hyperlink You can also change the color of a hyperlink. If you want to change the display text of a link to blue or any other color. Select the hyperlink you want to re-color. On the Home tab of the ribbon, select down arrow next to the Font Color button to open the menu of colors. Select the appropriate color that you want for the hyperlink.
  • 42. Integrating Images In Microsoft word processing you can do a lot of things to make your documents look good and presentable. One of its function is to integrate image. Word processing refers to an application program for manipulating text-based documents; the electronic equivalent of paper, pen, typewriter, eraser, and most likely, dictionary and thesaurus. Word processors run the scope from simple through complex, but all ease the tasks associated with editing documents (deleting, inserting, rewording, and so on).
  • 43. Electronic Spreadsheet According to electronic spreadsheet is probably the most useful general-purpose software for the microcomputer user. Almost all spreadsheets are now packaged in combination with other applications, such as database system and graphic capabilities. Electronic spreadsheet refers to a collection of text and numbers laid out in a
  • 44. Electronic Spreadsheet According to electronic spreadsheet is probably the most useful general-purpose software for the microcomputer user. Almost all spreadsheets are now packaged in combination with other applications, such as database system and graphic capabilities. Electronic spreadsheet refers to a collection of text and numbers laid out in a rectangular grid. It is an application program commonly used for budgeting, inventory management, decision making, forecasting and other finance-related tasks. It replaces the traditional financial modeling tools, the accountant’s columnar pad, pencil and calculator. It a spreadsheet program, data and formulas used to calculate those data are entered into ledge-like forms (Spreadsheets or Worksheets) for analysis, tracking, planning, or “what-if” evaluations of the impact of real or proposed changes on an economic strategy. A great free alternative spreadsheet program is LibreOffice Calc, and OpenOffice spreadsheet program.
  • 45. Arithmetic operations Formula – is an equation that performs operation on worksheet data. A formula in Microsoft Excel always begins with an equal sign (=). ARITHMETIC OPERATORS /SYMBOLS OPERATION EXAMPLE + (Plus Sign) Addition =A1+A2 - (Minus Sign) Subtraction =A1-A2 * (Asterisk) Multiplication =A1*A2 / (Forward Slash) Division =A1/A2 ^ (Exponentiation) Raises a no. to a power =3^2 - (Negation) Negative -11 % (Percent Sign) Percentage =90%