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E-learning & future Internet
New Vistas in Educational Technology

          Prof. Dr. Piet Desmet
       (K.U.Leuven/KULAK – itec)

          EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
            E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
0. Say it with metaphors….
1. Beyond closed tasks: intelligent building blocks
2. Adaptivity: construction of learning environment
3. Mobile learning: device
4. Serious gaming: type of learning environment
5. Social software: contact is king
6. Integrated learning environment:
   relationship c-learning & e-learning
7. The digital world: the new normal

                 EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                   E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
0. Future technologies, past didactics?
0. Say it images...
Say it with with metaphors….

0.1.   Future technology & past pedagogy?
       (technology-driven vs pedogogy-driven)

Metaphor 1: A new shop or just a new window?

       Exercise environment for verb conjugation or vocabulary

       Dos diskette -> Windows on cd-rom -> website -> LMS -> …

       But: extra didactical features?

                             EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                               E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Technological progress
                                                              Pedagogical innovation

                                                              -> Technology is no longer king….

Computerpower doubles every 2 years

                                                            The Penrose impossible stairs
                                EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Metaphor 2: Can we drive our four-wheel drive?
        first: setting up multimedia language lab or e-learning centre
        then: question of usefulness

        ->       need for digital didactics
                 (extra driving license)

                          EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                            E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
0.2.   Blended learning: relationship c- & e-learning?

       Metaphor 3: Build a garden house or renovate the entire house?
                         impact of e on c

       Metaphor 4 : Cherry on the cake or javanais?
                         e –learning offered as extra feature (bonus)
                         or as integrated part of the offer

                                      users: focus on engine or on driving comfort?

                           EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                             E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
1. Beyond closed tasks:
           intelligent building blocks
1.1. Global typology: EDUMA-TIC

1.2. Approximate string matching and half-open learning tasks

1.3. Extension of the typology: supported open
    (cf. legal cases online: Jurim@tic)

1.4. New half-closed types: select text

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
1.1. Global typology of learning activities

                          # possible correct         Predictability of        Automated correction
                          answers                    answers
 Closed exercise          One                        Total                    Yes

 half-open exercise       Multiple                   High                     Yes

 open exercise            any                        Limited                  No

         Closed:      MC, drag-and-drop, fill in the blank,
                      ordering/matching, cross words, etc.

         Half-open: translation
         Open:        essay-question

                                   EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                     E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
1.2. Half-open: based on Approximate String Matching
   cf. Vous dites?!

                                                         xxx = substitute
                                                         (…) = insert
                                                         (xxx) = delete

                      EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                        E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
1.3. Supported open questions: online legal cases (Jurim@tic)

• Open question: free input entered by learner
• Creation of feedback, based on:
    Model answers
    keyword matching
       • white list (+ score)
            – and
            – if
            – if then
       • black list (0 or – score)
       • negations (and range)

                            EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                              E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Supported open: frontend (legal case & input zone)

                      EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                        E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Supported open: back office – white list & black list

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Supported open: semi-automatic correction

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Supported open: adapt score and select feedback

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Use of supported open in two steps:
   – Step 1 : testing
      as highlight and feedback tool (support), used by
      -> manual check and eventual optimization
      of black and white list

   – Step 2 : learning
     Use results of step 1 as exercise with automatic
     correction and extensive feedback (without human

                          EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                            E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
1.4. New half-closed exercise type: Select text

• Half-closed (possible answers are not given)
• Indicate keyword(s) in a sentence/ paragraph/ textmark
• Indicate the “range” for the selection (“range” as such does
  not influence the score)
• feedback

                        EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                          E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
select text: learning activity

      EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
        E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
select text: feedback

  EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
    E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
2. Adaptivity: construction of the
      learning environment
• Automobile industry
  (e.g. adaptive lighting, adaptive windscreen wipers, adaptive cruise
  control, etc.)
   Time and place, weather conditions, traffic, etc.
   = external/ contextual factors
• adaptive marketing
   User profiles
   = internal factors

                         EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                           E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Adaptive learning (cf. Brusilovsky)
(a)   Adaptivity: to what?
      - difficulty level of the tasks
      - learner profile (prior knowledge, motivation, cognitive load, interests & preferences)
      - context (time and place, device, etc.)

(b)   What to adapt?
      - adaptive form representation (form in which content is presented to the learner, e.g.
      dynamically generated hypermedia pages)
      - adaptive content representation (e.g. with or without learner support)
      - adaptive curriculum sequencing (e.g. selection of items in function of difficulty level,
      learner profile, etc.)

(c)   How to implement adaptivity?
      - full program control (via reasoning component ‘if.. then…’ rules)
      - full learner control
      - shared control

                                EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Proficiency level: A1 – C2
                                                                                       Motivation: 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, …
                                                                                       chance of good answer
                                              Creation and selection                   Interests: themes
                                              of learning objects



                      anytime, anywhere
prior                    FRONTEND
(motivation,                                                             Adaptive Learning
interests)                                                                 Environment

                                              tracking & logging data

                                                                          Adaptive selection
                                      EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                        E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Demo Maribel Camtasia

                EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
3. Mobile learning: device
Definition?  Mobility of:
   – technology: Handheld devices: Smartphone, cell phone,
      MP3 players, tablet PC’s, etc.
   – learning: anywhere & anytime  freedom
   – learner : “learner on the go”

                     EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                       E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Mobile learning

• Trends & topics in literature:
   – Adaptation of learning activities to
       • technology (cf. limitations of mobile devices)
       • location  contextualized learning
   – “rethinking” of some pedagogical aspects leads to new
     learning experiences:
       • Informal learning: mobile learning situation vs. formal
         classroom context
       • Personalized learning: learner = at the centre
       • Collaborative learning: emphasis on social interaction

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Mobile assisted language learning (MALL)

• 2 types of MALL applications (based on Kukulska-Hulme &
  Shield 2008):
   – Content-related approach: applications based on
      delivering content
   – Design-related approach: applications specifically designed
      for mobile context
• The potential of language learning has already been proven in
  a number of studies
   Examples of mobile language learning
         vocabulary
         grammar
         pronunciation
         listening (multimedia)
                      EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                        E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Content-delivery: vocabulary

• Thornton & Houser (2005):
   – Learners receive vocabulary via e-mail on their
    Results of study: higher learning effect than study of
     vocabulary on paper  BUT: learners studying on
     Smartphone were prodded more often to study (via e-
• Kennedy & Levy (2008):
   – Learners receive SMS with Italian vocabulary (every week)

    Content delivery is still a teacher-led approach (vs. learner
    who controls the learning process)
                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Design-based: Grammar

• Tense ITS (Cui & Bull 2005): exercises on verb conjugation,
  adapted to learners’ location and context

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Design-based: Pronunciation

• Uther et al. (2005): exercises for Japanese learners of English.
  E.g. difficult sounds /r/ en /l/:

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Design-based: Listening
From to

                            EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                              E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation

EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Demo: film

           EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
             E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation

• More empirical research studies on the effectiveness of
  mobile applications.
• Towards a pedagogy of mobile learning?
• Design of learning activities, based on empirical research and
  a sound theoretical framework.
• Adaptation of learning materials to technological limitations
  while still providing rich input.
• Explore the use of social interaction and collaborative learning
  in a mobile learning environment.

                       EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                         E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
• Mobile Adaptive Language Learning Experience
• Mobile and adaptive learning environment for
• Content:
  –   Listening comprehension
  –   Reading comprehension
  –   Vocabulary
  –   Spoken interaction
• Based on authentic text and video material

                    EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                      E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
4. Serious gaming: type of learning
Added value?
A. Situated, authentic content/input (multimedia)
B. Authentic language learning tasks
C. Dynamic assessment (integrated, tiered feedback) (e.g.
   Purushotma, Thorne, & Wheatley, 2008)
D. Social aspects: cooperation and negotiation with native
   speakers in highly motivating gaming environment (e.g.
   Thorne, 2008)
E. Higher retention of vocabulary (e.g. Neville et al, 2009)

                      EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                        E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Serious games: how to recognize one?
Elements of game (Prensky, 2001)        Result (Prensky, 2001)            Serious game?
1. Fun                                  enjoyment, pleasure, motivation

2. Play                                 intense involvement, absorbing

3. Rules                                structure                         procedural/basic knowledge

4. Goals & objectives                   motivation                        learning /learner goals

5. Interactive                          doing

6. Adaptive                             flow
7. Outcomes & feedback                  learning                          assessment

8. Win states                           ego gratification

9. Conflict/competition/challenge       adrenaline                        1-1, 1-other, 1-computer

10. Problem solving                     creativity

11. Interaction                         social groups                     1-tutor, 1-other, 1-teacher

12. Representation & story              emotion                           context

                                    EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                      E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Situated Avatar-Based Immersive Learning (SAIL)
   language as “resource”, as instrument to achieve certain goals
   Mostly task-based, which requires a task-oriented
   instructional design

  Adaptivity (levels)
  Time constraints

                        EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                          E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
• Language Learning in an Interactive Game
     Immersive language learning environment
     Role-playing game
     Recast as feedback
     User-generated dialog system

                 EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                   E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
E-Brain. The @rt of InnovationEFODL –
      01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
    E-Brain; The @rt of innovation

EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Mobile minigames

    EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
      E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
5. Social software: contact is king

Technology           Content                    Contact

             EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
               E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation

  EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
    E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation

               EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                 E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation

                EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
6. Level of integration in the curriculum
Need for Integrated Language Learning Environments (ILLE)

6.1. infrastructure: c- and e-environment are not in tune
                               no e possible in c-environment (cf. traditional classroom)
                               no c possible in e-environment (cf. PC room)

6.2. domains:        e-learning: dominance of knowledge components
                                 (lexicon, grammar, etc.)
                     c-learning: also skills
                                (reading, listening, writing, speaking)
6.3. content:        Limited interaction between c- and e-content
6.4. coaching:       e-learning often used for remedying and differentiation
                     -> not a central component of the didactical process

                     limited interaction between c-coach and e-coach

                                 EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                   E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
6.1. Infrastructure: multimedia language lab
              K.U.Leuven Kulak
           30 networked Pc’s (learners): 5 trapezial tables with 6 computers each
            (eye contact with central console is possible + possibilities to
            communicate around the table)
           Central console (coach): 2 Pc’s (one for the supervision of the lab and one
            to select equipment) + data projector connected to second PC
           Central communication area

     Equipment: CD, DVD, television channels, document reader, 2 cameras (fix &
           mobile camera), tape recorder

                    EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                      E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
  E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
4 layers of a language lab
   1) PC class with extra features (placing, extra equipment, etc.)
   2) Operating system for communication between central console and tables
     (forward documents, take over learner PC’s, monitor learners, etc.)
   3) Control system for learning content  often LMS
     LMS offers particular advantages:
         - learners start applications from the LMS (central console ↓)
         - teachers focus exclusively on their role as coach
         - learners do not all have to work on the same materials
         - learners can continue their work outside the classroom sessions
   4) Specific applications
         - existing applications
         - proper developments with authoring system

6.2. Domains: no exclusive e- or c-domains

                             EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                               E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
6.3. Content: optimal tuning of e- and c-content
At least 2 strategies:
            a) c-content as central part of the learning materials
                       -> optimal tuning of e-content to c-content

                       cf. electronic manuals (CD-rom and web)

                       cf. use of authoring systems (Hot Potatoes, Edumatic, etc.)

           b) e-content as central part of the learning materials
                      -> optimal tuning of c-content to e-content

                       cf. use complete language learning environments (learning platform,
                       authoring system, etc.)

                       cf. develop communicative language tasks for e-environment

 Right now a) especially for schools, b) for vocational training

                                  EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                    E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Blended learning
Medical French

              EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Deliverable 1 : e-learning modules – 62 hours e-learning

  Generic modules                               Specific modules
  Le patient et les examens                     Gynécologie/IVG/Maternité/Néonat
  Situations délicates                          Orthopédie
  L’anamnèse                                    Oncologie
  L’hospitalisation                             Radiologie
  Les complications                             Radiothérapie
  Le patient et les détails pratiques de        Urologie
  son hospitalisation
                                                Médecine nucléaire

                          EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                            E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Deliverable 2: learning materials for c-learning
                    8x 3 hours

   •For each e-learning module:
      • Communicative activities
      • Communicative drill exercices
   •50 role plays

                  EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                    E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
6.4. Coaching
Basic principles:

•   E-environment should allow for e-coaching
    for the learner: intelligent feedback
                     partly learner-controlled environment, etc.
    for the coach: reports based on tracking & logging data

•   C-coach continues where e-environment left off
                   determined problems,
                   level of activity, etc.
    And stimulates more intense use of the e-environment
                   via regular mails at intervals
                   via assignment of additional tasks in the e-environment

 ideally e-coach = c-coach

                               EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                                 E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
7. The digital world: the new normal

      1994                                      2006

             EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
               E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Digital (learning) is

                          the new normal
                          a must

It’s not about technology. It’s about usage & added value!

    EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
      E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
Some Key rules:

Zero Tolerance for Digital Failure

Good Enough Beats Perfect (cf. MP3, Skype, Netbooks, etc.)

Abandon Absolute Control

              EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet   (Hinssen 201: 119)
                E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
• Prof. Dr. Piet Desmet


                      EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet
                        E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation

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EF-ODL - E-learning & Future Internet

  • 1. E-learning & future Internet New Vistas in Educational Technology Prof. Dr. Piet Desmet (K.U.Leuven/KULAK – itec) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 2. 0. Say it with metaphors…. 1. Beyond closed tasks: intelligent building blocks 2. Adaptivity: construction of learning environment 3. Mobile learning: device 4. Serious gaming: type of learning environment 5. Social software: contact is king 6. Integrated learning environment: relationship c-learning & e-learning 7. The digital world: the new normal EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 3. 0. Future technologies, past didactics? 0. Say it images... Say it with with metaphors…. 0.1. Future technology & past pedagogy? (technology-driven vs pedogogy-driven) Metaphor 1: A new shop or just a new window? Exercise environment for verb conjugation or vocabulary Dos diskette -> Windows on cd-rom -> website -> LMS -> … But: extra didactical features? EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 4. Technological progress vs Pedagogical innovation -> Technology is no longer king…. Computerpower doubles every 2 years The Penrose impossible stairs EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 5. Metaphor 2: Can we drive our four-wheel drive? first: setting up multimedia language lab or e-learning centre then: question of usefulness -> need for digital didactics (extra driving license) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 6. 0.2. Blended learning: relationship c- & e-learning? Metaphor 3: Build a garden house or renovate the entire house? impact of e on c Metaphor 4 : Cherry on the cake or javanais? e –learning offered as extra feature (bonus) or as integrated part of the offer users: focus on engine or on driving comfort? EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 7. 1. Beyond closed tasks: intelligent building blocks 1.1. Global typology: EDUMA-TIC 1.2. Approximate string matching and half-open learning tasks 1.3. Extension of the typology: supported open (cf. legal cases online: Jurim@tic) 1.4. New half-closed types: select text EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 8. 1.1. Global typology of learning activities # possible correct Predictability of Automated correction answers answers Closed exercise One Total Yes half-open exercise Multiple High Yes open exercise any Limited No Closed: MC, drag-and-drop, fill in the blank, ordering/matching, cross words, etc. Half-open: translation rephrasing correction dictation Open: essay-question EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 9. 1.2. Half-open: based on Approximate String Matching cf. Vous dites?! xxx = substitute (…) = insert (xxx) = delete EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 10. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 11. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 12. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 13. 1.3. Supported open questions: online legal cases (Jurim@tic) • Open question: free input entered by learner • Creation of feedback, based on:  Model answers  keyword matching • white list (+ score) – and – if – if then • black list (0 or – score) • negations (and range) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 14. Supported open: frontend (legal case & input zone) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 15. Supported open: back office – white list & black list EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 16. Supported open: semi-automatic correction EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 17. Supported open: adapt score and select feedback EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 18. Use of supported open in two steps: – Step 1 : testing as highlight and feedback tool (support), used by teacher -> manual check and eventual optimization of black and white list – Step 2 : learning Use results of step 1 as exercise with automatic correction and extensive feedback (without human intervention) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 19. 1.4. New half-closed exercise type: Select text • Half-closed (possible answers are not given) • Indicate keyword(s) in a sentence/ paragraph/ textmark • Indicate the “range” for the selection (“range” as such does not influence the score) • feedback EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 20. select text: learning activity EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 21. select text: feedback EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 22. 2. Adaptivity: construction of the learning environment • Automobile industry (e.g. adaptive lighting, adaptive windscreen wipers, adaptive cruise control, etc.) Time and place, weather conditions, traffic, etc. = external/ contextual factors • adaptive marketing User profiles = internal factors EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 23. Adaptive learning (cf. Brusilovsky) (a) Adaptivity: to what? - difficulty level of the tasks - learner profile (prior knowledge, motivation, cognitive load, interests & preferences) - context (time and place, device, etc.) (b) What to adapt? - adaptive form representation (form in which content is presented to the learner, e.g. dynamically generated hypermedia pages) - adaptive content representation (e.g. with or without learner support) - adaptive curriculum sequencing (e.g. selection of items in function of difficulty level, learner profile, etc.) (c) How to implement adaptivity? - full program control (via reasoning component ‘if.. then…’ rules) - full learner control - shared control EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 24. Proficiency level: A1 – C2 Motivation: 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, … chance of good answer Creation and selection Interests: themes of learning objects Database Backoffice anytime, anywhere E-screening prior FRONTEND knowledge (motivation, Adaptive Learning interests) Environment tracking & logging data etc. Reasoner Adaptive selection EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 25. Demo Maribel Camtasia EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 26. 3. Mobile learning: device Definition?  Mobility of: – technology: Handheld devices: Smartphone, cell phone, MP3 players, tablet PC’s, etc. – learning: anywhere & anytime  freedom – learner : “learner on the go” EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 27. Mobile learning • Trends & topics in literature: – Adaptation of learning activities to • technology (cf. limitations of mobile devices) • location  contextualized learning – “rethinking” of some pedagogical aspects leads to new learning experiences: • Informal learning: mobile learning situation vs. formal classroom context • Personalized learning: learner = at the centre • Collaborative learning: emphasis on social interaction EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 28. Mobile assisted language learning (MALL) • 2 types of MALL applications (based on Kukulska-Hulme & Shield 2008): – Content-related approach: applications based on delivering content – Design-related approach: applications specifically designed for mobile context • The potential of language learning has already been proven in a number of studies Examples of mobile language learning  vocabulary  grammar  pronunciation  listening (multimedia) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 29. Content-delivery: vocabulary • Thornton & Houser (2005): – Learners receive vocabulary via e-mail on their Smartphones  Results of study: higher learning effect than study of vocabulary on paper  BUT: learners studying on Smartphone were prodded more often to study (via e- mails) • Kennedy & Levy (2008): – Learners receive SMS with Italian vocabulary (every week)  Content delivery is still a teacher-led approach (vs. learner who controls the learning process) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 30. Design-based: Grammar • Tense ITS (Cui & Bull 2005): exercises on verb conjugation, adapted to learners’ location and context EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 31. Design-based: Pronunciation • Uther et al. (2005): exercises for Japanese learners of English. E.g. difficult sounds /r/ en /l/: EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 32. Design-based: Listening From to EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 33. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 34. Demo: film EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 35. Challenges • More empirical research studies on the effectiveness of mobile applications. • Towards a pedagogy of mobile learning? • Design of learning activities, based on empirical research and a sound theoretical framework. • Adaptation of learning materials to technological limitations while still providing rich input. • Explore the use of social interaction and collaborative learning in a mobile learning environment. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 36. MAPLE • Mobile Adaptive Language Learning Experience • Mobile and adaptive learning environment for French • Content: – Listening comprehension – Reading comprehension – Vocabulary – Spoken interaction • Based on authentic text and video material EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 37. 4. Serious gaming: type of learning environment Added value? A. Situated, authentic content/input (multimedia) B. Authentic language learning tasks C. Dynamic assessment (integrated, tiered feedback) (e.g. Purushotma, Thorne, & Wheatley, 2008) D. Social aspects: cooperation and negotiation with native speakers in highly motivating gaming environment (e.g. Thorne, 2008) E. Higher retention of vocabulary (e.g. Neville et al, 2009) EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 38. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 39. Serious games: how to recognize one? Elements of game (Prensky, 2001) Result (Prensky, 2001) Serious game? 1. Fun enjoyment, pleasure, motivation 2. Play intense involvement, absorbing 3. Rules structure procedural/basic knowledge 4. Goals & objectives motivation learning /learner goals 5. Interactive doing 6. Adaptive flow 7. Outcomes & feedback learning assessment 8. Win states ego gratification 9. Conflict/competition/challenge adrenaline 1-1, 1-other, 1-computer 10. Problem solving creativity 11. Interaction social groups 1-tutor, 1-other, 1-teacher 12. Representation & story emotion context EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 40. Situated Avatar-Based Immersive Learning (SAIL) language as “resource”, as instrument to achieve certain goals Mostly task-based, which requires a task-oriented instructional design Mini-games Competition Adaptivity (levels) Time constraints etc. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 41. LLINGO • Language Learning in an Interactive Game Environment Immersive language learning environment Avatar-based Task-based Role-playing game Recast as feedback User-generated dialog system EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 42. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 43. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of InnovationEFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain; The @rt of innovation
  • 44. Minigames EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 45. Mobile minigames EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 46. 5. Social software: contact is king Technology Content Contact EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 47. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 48. Geochallenge EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 49. Wordchallenge EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 50. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 51. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 52. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 53. 6. Level of integration in the curriculum Need for Integrated Language Learning Environments (ILLE) 6.1. infrastructure: c- and e-environment are not in tune no e possible in c-environment (cf. traditional classroom) no c possible in e-environment (cf. PC room) 6.2. domains: e-learning: dominance of knowledge components (lexicon, grammar, etc.) c-learning: also skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) 6.3. content: Limited interaction between c- and e-content 6.4. coaching: e-learning often used for remedying and differentiation -> not a central component of the didactical process limited interaction between c-coach and e-coach EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 54. 6.1. Infrastructure: multimedia language lab K.U.Leuven Kulak  30 networked Pc’s (learners): 5 trapezial tables with 6 computers each (eye contact with central console is possible + possibilities to communicate around the table)  Central console (coach): 2 Pc’s (one for the supervision of the lab and one to select equipment) + data projector connected to second PC  Central communication area Equipment: CD, DVD, television channels, document reader, 2 cameras (fix & mobile camera), tape recorder EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 55. EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 56. 4 layers of a language lab 1) PC class with extra features (placing, extra equipment, etc.) 2) Operating system for communication between central console and tables (forward documents, take over learner PC’s, monitor learners, etc.) 3) Control system for learning content  often LMS LMS offers particular advantages: - learners start applications from the LMS (central console ↓) - teachers focus exclusively on their role as coach - learners do not all have to work on the same materials (autonomy↑) - learners can continue their work outside the classroom sessions 4) Specific applications - existing applications - proper developments with authoring system 6.2. Domains: no exclusive e- or c-domains EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 57. 6.3. Content: optimal tuning of e- and c-content At least 2 strategies: a) c-content as central part of the learning materials -> optimal tuning of e-content to c-content cf. electronic manuals (CD-rom and web) cf. use of authoring systems (Hot Potatoes, Edumatic, etc.) b) e-content as central part of the learning materials -> optimal tuning of c-content to e-content cf. use complete language learning environments (learning platform, authoring system, etc.) cf. develop communicative language tasks for e-environment Right now a) especially for schools, b) for vocational training EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 58. Blended learning Medical French EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 59. Deliverable 1 : e-learning modules – 62 hours e-learning Generic modules Specific modules Le patient et les examens Gynécologie/IVG/Maternité/Néonat alogie Situations délicates Orthopédie L’anamnèse Oncologie L’hospitalisation Radiologie Les complications Radiothérapie Le patient et les détails pratiques de Urologie son hospitalisation Médecine nucléaire EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 60. Deliverable 2: learning materials for c-learning 8x 3 hours •For each e-learning module: • Communicative activities • Communicative drill exercices •50 role plays EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 61. 6.4. Coaching Basic principles: • E-environment should allow for e-coaching for the learner: intelligent feedback partly learner-controlled environment, etc. for the coach: reports based on tracking & logging data • C-coach continues where e-environment left off determined problems, level of activity, etc. And stimulates more intense use of the e-environment via regular mails at intervals via assignment of additional tasks in the e-environment  ideally e-coach = c-coach EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 62. 7. The digital world: the new normal 1994 2006 EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 63. Digital (learning) is the new normal a must trivial mainstream It’s not about technology. It’s about usage & added value! EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 64. Some Key rules: Zero Tolerance for Digital Failure Good Enough Beats Perfect (cf. MP3, Skype, Netbooks, etc.) Abandon Absolute Control EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet (Hinssen 201: 119) E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation
  • 65. Contact • Prof. Dr. Piet Desmet • ITEC EFODL – 01.03.2011 – Piet Desmet E-Brain. The @rt of Innovation