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Effects of Orthodontic &
Orthopedic Treatment on
Major reviews
Physiology of TMJ
Effect of some occlusal conditions
Effect of orthopedic appliances
-growth relativity
-reviews of various orthopedic
appliance effects
The harmony of the interface between
the teeth ,muscles ,nerves, supporting
tissue, and temporomandibular joint all
must be in balance to provide health
,functional efficiency,esthetics and
stability to entire stomatognathic system
The methods and means of orthodontic
treatment are a factor of the dentist education
and personal preference based on
experience,objectives and skills.the
comparison of cephalometric records ,facial
and dental photographs,as well as the
alveolar –periodontal status are the usual
means of clinical assessment.
the functional component of occlusal
interdigitation has entered the picture more
emphatically in the past two decades
Numerous suppositions ,hypotheses,
and theories concerning the function
and dysfunction of the TMJ and the
total stomatognathic system have been
given ,the recommendations have
ranged from “do nothing” to “do
everything” to prevent or correct
dysfunction and to ensure proper
maxillary/mandibular stability
There continues to be a clash between
the research community and certain
clinicians regarding the relation
between the functioning dentition and
the temporomandibular joints
Prentiss & Summa 1918-studied relation
between loss of teeth and jaw dysfunction
and reported pressure atrophy of meniscus
Hildebrand recorded mandibular & condylar
movements in frontal and sagittal plane &
discussed the influence of various food types
on different mandibular movements
Costen 1934 ,described a group of
symptoms associated with marked
overbite or mandibular overclosure
“Costen’s Syndrome”
Shultz 1947, presented a theory that lax
ligaments could result in subluxation
followed by complete luxation
In late 1940s through 1960s ,a
neuromuscular component of normal and
abnormal jaw function began to appear
Schwartz presented the theory that pain
associated with mandibular dysfunction
perhaps had its origin in musculature.pain
could be caused by muscle spasm
Bonica was among the first to describe the
etiology and treatment of myofascial pain
syndrome ,he also described hypersensitive
trigger areas
Later Schwartz concluded that
predisposition ,psychologic as well as
physiologic is more important than the
particular form of the precipitating factor itself
Moulton reported that significant and
complicating emotional factors can be strong
differential diagnosis for facial pain
Laskin 1969,questioned the role of occlusion
in creating symptoms with the exception of
frank iatrogenic factors .his studies supported
the idea that muscle fatigue was the prime
cause of pain
Brodie stressed the importance and
relation of the temporomandibular joints
to orthodontic therapy
Thompson ,one of brodie’s student
studied the clinical importance of the
temporomandibular joints to the
orthodontic specialty
Brodie ,Thompson &Ricketts were the
leaders in the American orthodontic
community in emphasizing the
interrelation of occlusion to the TMJ
Does a malocclusion contribute to or cause
Different groups exist –for it and against it
And some are of the view that certain
orthodontic procedures could produce TMD
Some authors concluded as the relationship
of the TMDs to occlusion and orthodontic
treatment is minor
What majority concluded ?
Probable explanation .
Some important correlations.
Effect of orthodontic treatment on TMJ
Studies from mid 1960s onwards
Two studies were done as part of a National
Institutes of Dental Research (NIDR)
research contract on the long-term effects of
orthodontic treatment.
Sadowsky and BeGole reported on the findings
from 75 adult subjects who were treated with
full fixed appliances as adolescents
approximately 20 years previously and
compared them with a similar group of 75
adults with untreated malocclusions.
Another independent study, also part of the
NIDR research contract, performed at the
Eastman Dental Center on 111 subjects who
received orthodontic treatment a minimum of
10 years previously and were compared with
111 adults with untreated malocclusions.
Nonextraction and extraction cases were well
represented in both the above studies.
Findings were
prevalence of symptoms varying between 15% to
21% and 29% to 42% for signs ( joint sounds),
there was no statistically significant difference
between treated and untreated subjects in either of
the studies.
The conclusion from the above two studies was that
orthodontic treatment performed during adolescence
did not generally increase or decrease the risk of
developing TMD in later life.
Larsson and Ronnerman studied 23 Swedish
adolescent patients who were treated orthodontically
10 years previously, 18 of whom had fixed appliances
and 5 of whom had a functional appliance (activator).
In 31% of the subjects mild dysfunction was
recorded clinically and only one subject (4%) had
severe dysfunction recording
. In comparing their results with other published
epidemiologic studies, they concluded that extensive
orthodontic treatment can be performed without fear
of creating complications of TM dysfunction.
Janson and Hasund in Norway studied 60
patients with Class II, Division 1
malocclusions who were treated as
adolescents an average of 5 years out of
retention, 30 of whom were treated with a four
premolar extraction strategy; the 30
nonextraction patients received a
combination of headgear and activator
initially, followed by fixed appliances.
A sample of 30 untreated patients were used
as a control.
. Anamnestic symptoms were found in 42% of
subjects overall (treated and untreated), with
similar findings for the clinical dysfunction
index, which were mostly of a mild-to-
moderate degree.
The findings supported the conclusion that
there was not a significant risk of developing
TM dysfunction when treating orthodontic
patients with relatively severe malocclusions
Lieberman et al in a survey of 369
Israeli school children 10 to 18 years of
age,. found no association between
previous orthodontic treatment and
increased symptoms of mandibular
In a prospective longitudinal study, Dibbets and van
der Weele in the Netherlands studied 63 orthodontic
patients who were treated with a modified functional
activator and 72 patients who were treated with fixed
appliances (Begg technique) mostly with an
extraction treatment strategy during childhood and
The patients were followed over a 10-year period. A
subsample of patients at the pretreatment stage
served as an internal control group.
Objective signs increased from 21% to 41% overall;
however, the authors attributed the increase to age
rather than orthodontic treatment on the basis of an
internal control group
. The findings for subjective symptoms, objective
signs and radiographic changes in the condyles
supported the conclusion that orthodontic treatment
does not induce TM dysfunction.
the fixed appliance group as compared with the
functional appliance group had higher percentages of
objective symptoms after retention, no differences
existed at the 10-year follow-up.
Dahl et al. conducted a retrospective study of 51
Norwegian subjects who were 19 years of age and
an average of 5 years after orthodontic treatment.
Signs and symptoms of craniomandibular disorders
(CMD) were compared with 47 untreated 19-year-old
persons. The clinical dysfunction index showed mild
symptoms in 43% and moderate symptoms in 28% of
the treated group and 40% and 13% in the untreated
group. They concluded that there were no substantial
differences between these two groups.
Smith and Freer in Australia examined 87 patients
who received full fixed appliances during
adolescence, approximately two-thirds involving
extractions, and who were an average of 52
months(4.5 years) after retention and compared them
with an untreated control group of 28 subjects.
Symptoms were found in 21% of the treated subjects
and 14% of the controls, which was not statistically
. Their results rejected the hypothesis of a significant
association between orthodontic treatment and
occlusal or TMJ dysfunction.
In a report of a survey of 568 dental students
ages 20 to 43 years at the Medical College of
Georgia, Loft et al. found a significant
association between facial discomfort and
pain as reported by the female subjects only,
who had received orthodontic treatment.
Nielsen et al. evaluated 706 Danish children of whom
295 (37%) had completed orthodontic treatment and
were between 14 and 16 years of age. The 388
untreated subjects served as controls.
Approximately one-third of the subjects had signs of
TM dysfunction.
It was found that the functional status was not related
to the type of orthodontic treatment or the use of
removable or fixed appliances, including extraction
According to Thompson faulty intercuspation of the
teeth and dental intrusions into the freeway space are
two of the many etiologic factors that may lead to
joint dysfunction and its sequelae.
Dysfunction of the joints and musculature may occur
before orthodontic treatment, during treatment, or
anytime after treatment has been completed.
Whether related directly to treatment or not, the
orthodontist must be alert to recognize such
dysfunction and intervene whenever it may occur.
If the condyles are not growing upward and
backward at the time of orthodontic tooth
movement, the body of the mandible will not
be projected downward and forward with the
rest of the face, and the normal dental
freeway space can be lost. The result is
downward and backward rotation of the
mandible, which may cause clicking and other
symptoms in the joint.
Additional condyle growth after other
facial growth has stopped is a special
concern because it can alter the
occlusion and joint function. There may
be no joint clicking or other symptoms
at 12 or 14 years of age, yet
pronounced symptoms 5 years later.
in a dental malocclusion with shortened arch length
and insufficient space for canine eruption, the
incisors may be intruding into the freeway space. The
resultant incisal interference can cause posterior
displacement of the mandible with possible clicking of
the joints.
bilaterally narrow maxillary dental arch, as may be
caused by thumb or finger sucking can cause the
mandible to be displaced into a crossbite relation,
often combined with a Class II molar relation on the
side of the crossbite. In this situation, clicking is often
found in the joint on the side of the crossbite
A prospective longitudinal study of 238 subjects in
three different age groups (7, 11, and 15 years) was
conducted over a 4 to 5-year period by Egermark-
Eriksson et al. in Sweden.
Corrective orthodontic treatment had been done on
35 subjects. Approximately 20% of subjects in the
older age group had clinical signs of CMD. No
differences were found in the prevalence of signs or
symptoms of CMD between orthodontically treated
and untreated subjects.
Dibbets and van der Weele reported the findings
from their prospective longitudinal study in the
Netherlands over a 15-year period for 111 of the
original 172 orthodontically treated patients of the
average age of 12.5 years who were enrolled in the
Removable appliances (functional) were used in
39%, fixed appliances (Begg) in 44%, and chin cups
in 17% of cases. A nonextraction approach was used
in 34% of cases, four premolars were extracted in
29%, and other extractions in 37%.
They evaluated subjectively perceived symptoms,
which increased from 20% to 62%;
objectively identified clicking/crepitation, which
increased from 23% to 36% after 4 years and then
and the radiographic appearance of the condyle,
which increased slightly during the first 4 years and
then stabilized at around 25%.
It was found that during the first years of the study,
age probably accounted for the statistical differences
in percentages between the three types of treatment;
the influence of age disappeared after 10 years. For
the first 10 years there was no difference between
the three treatment groups with regard to subjective
clicking., after 15 years it was greater for the four
premolar extraction group
Objective clicking was always more frequent in the
four-premolar extraction group at all time points,
Clicking frequency, subjective or objective, was
always higher in the four premolar extraction group
even before treatment was started.
They concluded that the original growth
pattern, rather than an extraction treatment
strategy, was the most likely factor
responsible for the frequency of CMD
reported many years posttreatment.
Sadowsky et al. reported on their prospective
longitudinal study of 160 patients of average age of
14 years 6 months (range 9 to 41 years), treated with
full fixed appliances for an average of 35 months
(range 14 to 53 months).
Of the 160 patients, 54% were treated with an
extraction treatment strategy and 42.5% were treated
with nonextraction (3.1% had missing data).
In addition to recording symptoms, joint sounds were
objectively recorded with an audiovisual videotape
Before treatment 25% of patients had joint sounds,
whereas 16.2% had sounds after treatment.
In 27 patients the sounds were not evident after
treatment, in 13 patients there was no change in
occurrence, and sounds developed in 13 patients by
the end of treatment.
The findings did not indicate a progression of
signs/symptoms to more serious problems.
The conclusions were that orthodontic treatment did
not pose an increased risk for the development of TM
joint sounds irrespective of whether extraction or
nonextraction treatment strategies were used.
Lotika Wadhwa,, Ashok Utreja,, and Amrit Tewari,
compared the status of signs and symptoms of TM
disorders in three groups of adolescents and young
adults. The groups consisted of 30 persons with
normal occlusions, 41 with untreated malocclusions,
and 31 with treated malocclusions.
The clinical status and subjective symptoms of TM
dysfunction were recorded The results showed that
the normal occlusion group had the maximum
number of persons free from any dysfunction,
but the differences between the groups in the
distribution of persons according to the anamnestic
and clinical dysfunction indices were not significant.
The only statistically significant finding was the
difference in the clinical dysfunction index scores of
the persons with normal occlusions and untreated
malocclusions. According to anamnesis, the most
frequently reported symptoms were related to periods
of stress.
Among the clinical signs and symptoms, the most
commonly occurring were crepitations on palpation
and sounds on auscultation of the joints in all the
three groups.
In conclusion, the absence of substantial differences
between the three groups indicates that the role of
orthodontic treatment in either precipitation or
prevention of TM dysfunction is questionable.
O'Reilly,. Rinchuse, Close, studied effect of classII
elastic and extraction on TMJ
The experimental group comprised 60 subjects, 30
girls and 30 boys, with a mean age at the start of
treatment of 15.3 years (range 14.3 to 16.1 years).
These subjects received orthodontic treatment with
edgewise straight wire appliances, extractions, and
retraction of the anterior maxillary teeth with Class II
elastics from canines to mandibular second molars.
The teeth extracted were the maxillary first premolars
in 48 patients and the maxillary and mandibular first
premolars in 12 subjects.
The control group consisted of 60 orthodontically
untreated subjects.
The only significant finding in this study was pain
(mild) on palpation "lateral to the TMJ capsule" at the
8- to 10-month period during orthodontic treatment;
this was present for 40% of the orthodontically
treated subjects. There is no logical explanation for
this finding.
this study demonstrated that edgewise straight wire
orthodontic treatment involving extractions and Class
II elastics have no effect, or little effect (i.e., mild pain
"lateral to TMJ capsule"), on TMJ signs and
Orthodontic treatment, particularly involving premolar
extractions, has also been implicated in producing a
posteriorly positioned condyle.
It has been reported anecdotally that an internal
derangement may therefore result.
In a cross-sectional study, Gianelly et al. evaluated
condylar position with corrected tomograms before
orthodontic treatment in 37 consecutive patients ages
10 to 18 years and compared them with 30
consecutively treated four premolar extraction cases
at the completion of treatment.
All patients were treated with fixed appliances, 23
with the edgewise technique and 7 with the Begg
They could find no difference in condylar positions
between the extraction and the untreated groups. It
was concluded that extraction therapy did not appear
to be an iatrogenic cause of distally positioned
Condylar position tended to be centered on average;
a wide variation in position was noted. Similar wide
variations in normal condylar position has been
reported by several authors as discussed by Tallents
et al.
William E. Wyatt,reported
In Class ll malocclusions with deep interlocking cusps
headgear and/or Class 11 elastics are often used in
an effort to get the patient into a Class I cuspal
relationship. As the maxilla is moved backward, the
muscles of mastication will attempt to retract the
mandible when the patient closes in to maximum
intercuspation. This compensating movement by the
mandible can put distal pressure on the condyles and
conceivably cause an anterior dislocation of the disk
. Midsagittal section through TMJ. 1, Superior joint space. 2, Cortical
plate of eminence. 3, Superior articulating surface of disk. 4, Articular
surface of eminence. 5, Avascular portion of disk. 6, Articular surface of
condyle. 7, Inferior joint space. 8, Cortical plate of condyle. 9, Fibers of
superior head of lateral pterygoid muscle. 10, Fibers of inferior head of
lateral pterygoid muscle. 11, Bilaminar zone of disk. 12, Elastin fibers
attaching disk to rear wall of fossa (in posterior attachment). 13, Inelastic
distal ligament. 14, Vascular complex (retrodiskal tissue). 15, Auditory
canal. 16, Attachment of distal ligament to condyle.
Midline switch or cross elastics have a more subtle
effect. As the jaw is pulled to one side, distal
pressure is put on one condyle only. If this creates a
TMJ problem, midline elastics should be worn only
during waking hours so that muscles can help to hold
the mandible forward
Lower headgears or reverse headgears that exert
distal pressure on the chin and Class lll elastics are a
very important part of orthodontic treatment, but they
too can put distal pressure on the mandible..
If there is a developing problem, it is better to
have the patient wear lower or reverse
headgear and Class III elastics only during
waking hours. During this period lower or
reverse headgears have little effect on the
TMJ because muscle tone (tension) positions
the mandible forward.
R S Nanda & Carlton 2002 conducted a follow-
up prospective longitudinal study to
determine what changes occurred in the
condyle/fossa relationship after treatment.
Orthodontic posttreatment records, including
corrected tomograms of 106 white patients
(58 Class I and 48 Class II Division 1), from a
pretreatment sample of 232 patients, were
analyzed. The average pretreatment age was
13.6+ 3.0 years. The average length of
treatment was 2.3 years for the Class I
group and 2.8 years for the Class II Division
1 group.
With orthodontic treatment, the condyle
became more concentrically positioned,
There was no statistically significant
correlation between changes in the
condyle/fossa relationship based on age,
gender, skeletal or dental variables, signs or
symptoms of temporomandibular disorder,
headgear use, type of elastics, or
nonextraction vs extraction treatment.
Temporomandibular joint sounds are a common
finding and occur in approximately 20% to 30% of the
population including patients before orthodontic
Wabeke et al. on TMJ clicking in 1989- joint sounds
are the most frequent sign of TMD and are often
present in the absence of symptoms. Treatment to
eliminate joint sounds is usually unsuccessful. In the
absence of pain or significant discomfort, patients
with joint sounds should be reassured and monitored
over time.
Approximately half of the patients with joint sounds
have a reciprocal click, which is often associated with
disk displacement with reduction.
In many patients the reciprocal clicking may be
explained by condylar dislocation anterior to the disk
or the articular eminence. Joint sounds or other
symptoms may change in character or disappear
over time and do not usually progress to joint
Wanman and Agerberg studied 258 subjects from 17
to 19 years of age and found no change in symptoms
in 60%, whereas 20% improved, and 20% got worse.
In a study of 70 patients with reciprocal clicking
whose mean age was 30 years (range 10 to 69
years) Lundh et al. found that over 3 years 71%
showed no change, 29% decreased, and 9%
progressed to locking.
Magnusson et al., in following 119 subjects
longitudinally from age 15 to 20 years, found
no change in clinical signs in almost half the
subjects, with almost equal rates of
improvement and impairment.
clicking is generally benign and does not progress to
more serious clinical dysfunction or disease, even in
subjects who previously had symptoms., subjects
with symptomatic clicking can be successfully treated
without addressing the position of the disc
joint sounds alone are not pathognomonic of disease
and may be present for up to 10 years without
joint sounds do not necessarily indicate a "problem"
but may represent a "risk" factor; however, no
treatment should be considered in the absence of
If painful symptoms arise during
orthodontics, therapy may have to be
modified, gross occlusal interferences
relieved, and forces tending to distalize the
mandible eliminated
Niler &Kulor studied the occlusal changes in girl
subjects with classII malocclusion undergoing
treatment and compared with normal subjects
Orthodontic treatment did not increase the risk for or
worsen pretreatment signs of TMD in a 2 years
Class II Patients with TMD symptoms before
treatment benefited from treatment
The normal group had lower prevalence of signs of
TMD as compared to orthodontic and untreated
classII groups
Inger Egermark, Magnusson,. Carlsson, 20-
Year Follow-up of Signs and Symptoms of
Temporomandibular Disorders and
Malocclusions in Subjects With and Without
Orthodontic Treatment in Childhood
402 randomly selected 7-, 11-, and 15-year-
old subjects were examined clinically and by
means of a questionnaire for signs and
symptoms of TMDs. The examination was
repeated after five and ten years. After 20
years, 320 subjects (85% of the traced
subjects) completed the questionnaire.
The oldest age group, 35 years of age, was
invited to a clinical examination, and 100
subjects were examined. The correlations
between signs and symptoms of TMD and
different malocclusions were mainly weak,.
Lateral forced bite and unilateral crossbite
were correlated with TMD signs and
symptoms at the 10- and 20-year follow-ups.
Subjects with malocclusion over a long period
of time tended to report more symptoms of
TMD and to show a higher dysfunction index,
compared with subjects with no malocclusion
at all.
There were no statistically significant
differences in the prevalence of TMD signs
and symptoms between subjects with or
without previous experience of orthodontic
This 20-year follow-up supports the opinion
that no single occlusal factor is of major
importance for the development of TMD,.
subjects with a history of orthodontic
treatment do not run a higher risk of
developing TMD later in life, compared with
subjects with no such experience.
Mohlin, Derweduwen, Pilley, Kenealy,
examined total of 1018 subjects at the age of 11
years, 791 were reexamined at 15 years, 456 at 19
years, and 337 at 30 years. Anamnestic and clinical
recordings of temporomandibular disorder (TMD)
were made. Morphology, including calculation of peer
assessment rating (PAR) scores, was recorded.
Previous history of orthodontic treatment was
The subjects completed four measures. The
malocclusion prevalence, occlusal contacts,
psychological factors, and muscular endurance in
subjects with no recorded signs and symptoms of
TMD were compared with those with the most severe
dysfunction at 19 years of age.
The further development of TMD to 30 years
of age was followed. PAR scores were
significantly higher in the subjects with the
most severe dysfunction. Apart from crowding
of teeth, no other significant differences were
found between the groups with regard to
separate malocclusions, tooth contact pattern,
orthodontic treatment, or extractions.
Significant associations between TMD and
general health and psychological well-being
as well as the personality dimension of
neuroticism and self-esteem were found.
During the period from 19 to 30 years, the
prevalence of muscular signs and symptoms
showed considerable reduction, whereas
clicking showed a slight increase. Locking of
the joint showed a decrease from 19 to 30
years. One-quarter of the TMD subjects
showed complete recovery.
Thus, orthodontic treatment seems to be
neither a major preventive nor a significant
cause of TMD.
Probable Explanation
TMJ = ginglymoid diarthrodial joint
Ginglymoid =hinge movement
Diarthrodial =discontinous articulation
that permits greater freedom of
It is a simple type of synovial joint
Functional demands require extensive
The articulating surfaces must be
completely disconnected yet firmly held
in place
Therefore articulating surfaces are
composed of tissue that is neither
innervated nor vascularized
In absence of vasculature ,nutritional
and metabolic activities must be
provided for by way of a special joint
fluid that is supplied by vessels free
from interarticular pressure
Encapsulation is required to contain the
joint fluid –synovial fluid
The disconnected bones of synovial joint are
supported by
1. system of ligamentous structures that
passively limit the amount of separation
permitted by the articular surfaces and that
restrain the degree and direction of joint
2. a system of skeletal muscles that actively
hold the parts in sharp contact during all
functional activities and that furnish power
for working movements
Encapsulation –fibrous capsule is attached
near the periphery of the articular surface
Capsule is well vascularized and innervated
The vessels supply tissue fluid which has free
metabolic interchange with the synovial fluid
within joint cavity
Synovial membrane that secretes the fluid
lines the inner surface of fibrous capsule
It also serves as a joint lubricant and
shock absorber
Capsule is innervated with nociceptors
with a high threshold, so that pain is
usually not felt unless the strain
,distortion, or distension is considerable
Articular surfaces
Noninnervated ,nonvascularized
articular tissue in most synovial joints is
hyaline cartilage ,but in TMJ it is slightly
different from hyaline cartilage ,it is
more of fibrous nature
Retrodiscal tissue
Highly vascularized tissue it is the main source
of synovial fluid to both compartments of the
Any damage at retrodiscal tissue will be
manifested at articular surface of the joint
Weeping lubrication
Described by DuBrul
Under all non compressive situations the
articular tissue takes up synovial fluid
Under compressive force ,this fluid is
expelled onto the surface in tiny droplets and
forms a layer of liquid that acts as a
lubricating film
Articulating surfaces may be moved under
pressure without sustaining damage
This effect makes extensive joint
movement ,even under considerable
pressure harmless to the joint
But when all the fluid is expelled out ,further
movement is without adequate lubrication
,and resultant friction is potentially damaging
to the articular surfaces
3 factors are important
Length of time
Degree of pressure
Extent of movement
Momentary high pressure even with
extensive movement is harmless as
well as limited sustained pressure
without movement
Boundary lubrication
it pertains to the reservoir of synovial fluid
in the joint cavity which lubricates the articular
tissues by surface contact and is the means
of replenishing that which enters into the
weeping lubricating mechanism
When synovial fluid becomes too viscid its
lubricating qualities are seriously impaired –
Interarticular pressure {passive & active}
It provides continuous sharp contact of the
articulating surfaces in the resting joint and
during unstressed movements.It results from
muscle tonus as affected by gravitational
force which varies with posture.
It also varies with emotional stress ,tension
,activities ,fatigue,time of day,age and illness
It results from the contraction of skeletal
muscles as required to overcome resistance
and accomplish the intended task –the
stresses and forces of musculoskeletal
It is extremely variable
It refers to the effect of active interarticular
pressure on the joint surfaces due to muscle
action as affected by resistance
Proteoglycans found in the collagen matrix of
superficial layers of articular tissue is a
measure of resilience of that tissue and is
indicative of location and degree of loading
Remodeling –if overloading occurs at a
tolerable rate
Degeneration –if the requirement for
change exceeds the capability of the
articular surface to remodel
,degenerative changes may occur
overloading in occluded position has the
potential to exceed the protective effect of
weeping lubrication and may predispose to
damage (bruxism)
Occlusal conditions (normal or abnormal )
that operate prior to intercuspation of the
teeth are not damaging to articular
structures,because the do not violate the
limits of weeping lubrication
Important question that still remains is how
this minor contribution can be identified within
the population of TMD patients
The key word is to reach to an accurate
diagnosis before any treatment is begun
Then only a treatment regime should begin to
deal with each specific signs and symptoms
For orthodontic patients all the pretreatment
records and documenting ranges of
motion ,muscle tenderness,evidence of joint
sounds, locking or irregular movements and
patients subjective location of percieved pain
are to be recorded
Always avoid promising the patient that you
will relieve the signs and symptoms with
Precipitating factors of TMD symptoms
can be dental procedures including
orthodontic extra and intra-oral
appliances as well as mechanics which
result in inadvertent and rapid occlusal
table alteration
the benefits of orthodontic treatment in
the management of temporomandibular
disorders (TMD) is questionable, since
the occlusion is considered as having a
limited role in the cause of TMD as
recently stated by Seligman and
Pullinger and associates applied multiple
factor analysis which indicated the low
relation of occlusion to TMD ,some of the
factors having a slight relationship are
Overjet more than 6-7mm
CR-CO discrepancy more than 4mm
Unilateral lingual crossbite
Five or more missing posterior teeth
Anterior open bite –predominantly associated
with osteoarthrosis and myalgia
For an anterior open bite to be etiological
factor in for arthrosis ,some evidence of
preceding derangement should be present
that will lead to arthrosis
It is hypothesized that the tendency to
develop anterior open bite in osteoarthrosis is
a consequence of and secondary to condylar
osseous changes instead of etiology
TMJ condylar changes should be ruled
out in any adult patient presenting with
anterior open bite or rapid bite changes
Overjet –overjet more than 5 mm is
associated with myalgia and arthrosis
It is also considered a effect rather than
Unilateral posterior maxillary lingual
Considered as most common type of
Individuals have a greater risk of
internal derangement of the TMJ
Functional unilateral crossbite in childhood
produces a displacement of the mandible
resulting in right to left side differences in
condyle fossa position at intercuspal position
This leads to functional adaptation in the TMJ
,but in some individuals it is less than optimal
and might be accomplished at the expense of
the articular disc by development of internal
Skeletal crossbite in adults does not
appear to provoke TMJ
symptomatology or disease
Posterior tooth loss
There is a increased likelihood of
patients with posterior tooth loss
belonging to disease group (disc
displacement and arthrosis )
A minimum of 5 posterior teeth need to
be missing for correlation
Missing 2 or 4 premolars for orthodontic
treatment had minimum contribution
that is negligible
CR-CO discrepancy –discrepancy of
about 1mm is almost seen in all groups
Slides more than 2mm may accompany
intracapsular problems
For more serious derangments to occur
a slide of 5mm may have to be present
Studies fail to demonstrate any association
between occlusal interferences and TMD
signs or symptoms
Because contribution of occlusal slides is
minor ,prophylactic elimination of slides
through coronoplasty is difficult to support
Even in the presence of symptoms removal of
larger slides could be ill-advised until
diagnosis is clarified ,because the slide may
be consequence of TMJ articular disorder
Although contribution of occlusal
features is not zero ,the importance
should not be overstated ,since this
may lead to neglect of many other
causes of orofacial pain and
dysfunction in a biologically
multifactorial system
Effect of orthopedic treatment
Mandibular advancement appliances
- Herbst,twin block,frankel etc
It was previously thought that increased
activity in the postural masticatory muscles
was the key to promoting condyle-glenoid
fossa growth.
3 conditions that often overlap:
normal condyle-glenoid fossa (CGF) growth,
orthopedic remodeling as a result of condylar
pathosis at the condyle.
Pathologic adaptations , show the C-GF
region’s ability to be modified significantly.
This type of growth is distinctly different from
the limited short term growth modification
observed with orthopedic displacement
the genetic theory, suggests the condyle
is under strong genetic control like an
epiphysis that causes the entire mandible to
grow downward and forward.
this may be related more to development of
the prenatal than postnatal condyle, the
theory does indirectly question the
effectiveness of orthopedic appliances in
condylar growth
long-term investigations actually showed
clinically insignificant condylar growth
modification after continuous mandibular
advancement with a reasonable retention
period in human.
general growth of the condyle appears
relatively unalterable in long-term studies.
The LPM hyperactivity theory brought forward
by Charlier et al, Petrovic, and later
McNamara, It suggests that hyperactivity of the
lateral pterygoid muscles (LPM) promotes
condylar growth.
. Attachments of the LPM to the condylar
head or articular disk may be expected to
cause condylar growth,
Anatomic research has not found
evidence that significant attachments
actually exist
The LPM tendon is observed attaching,
to the anterior border of the fibrous
capsule that attaches to the fibrocartilage
of the condylar head and neck anteriorly
Recently , permanently implanted
longitudinal muscle monitoring
techniques have found that the condylar
growth is actually related to decreased
postural and functional LPM activity.
The functional matrix theory,
The principal control of bone growth is not
the bone itself, but rather the growth of soft tissues
directly associated with it.
this was supported in part by investigations testing
the different growth and developmental responses
between the condyle and epiphysis,
there has been no explanation as to exactly how
condylar growth would be stimulated. Thus, this
theory’s validity has been questioned.
Growth relativity refers to growth that is relative
to the displaced condyles from actively relocating
Three Main Foundations
The glenoid fossa promotes condylar growth
with the use of orthopedic mandibular
advancement therapy.
displacement affects the fibrocartilaginous
lining in the glenoid fossa to induce bone
formation locally
This is followed by the stretch of nonmuscular
viscoelastic tissues.
Third is the new bone formation some distance from
the actual retrodiskal tissue attachments in the fossa
The glenoid fossa and the displaced condyle are both
influenced by the articular disk, fibrous capsule, and
synovium, which are contiguous, anatomically and
functionally, with the viscoelastic tissues., condylar
growth is affected by viscoelastic tissue forces via
attachment of the fibrocartilage that blankets the
head of the condyle
viscoelasticity addresses the viscosity and
flow of the synovial fluids, the elasticity of the
retrodiskal tissues, the fibrous capsule and
other nonmuscular tissues including LPM
perimysium, TMJ tendons and
ligaments,other soft tissues, and bodily fluids.
Microscopic examination of TMJ- revealed
direct connective tissue attachments of the
retrodiskal tissues into the unique
fibrocartilaginous layer of the condylar head .
This fibrocartilage that caps the condyle in 3-
dimensions is not found on epiphyses.
During orthopedic mandibular
advancement, there is an influx of
nutrients and other biodynamic
factors into the region through the
engorged blood vessels of the
stretched retrodiskal tissues that
feed into the fibrocartilage of the
condyle. This gives rise to
metabolic pump-like action of the
retrodiskal tissues.
. This TMJ pump may initially act similar to a
suction cup placed directly on the displaced
condylar head to activate growth.
The negative pressures, initially below
capillary perfusion pressures, permit the
greater flow of blood into the C-GF region
This increases the flow to the synovial
capillaries near the condyle and the fossa.
The concept suggests that -modification first occurs
as a result of the action of anterior orthopedic
Second, the condyle is affected by the posterior
viscoelastic tissues anchored between the glenoid
fossa and the condyle, inserting directly into the
condylar fibrocartilage.
Finally, it is hypothesized that displacement and
viscoelasticity further stimulate (or turn on the light
switch for) normal condylar growth by the
transduction of forces over the fibrocartilage cap of
the condylar head
The increase in new endochondral bone
formation appears to radiate as
multidirectional finger-like processes beneath
the condylar fibrocartilage, and significant
appositional(periosteal) bone formation is
seen in the fossa
Growth restriction of glenoid fossa
Popovich and Thompson in healthy patients from the
Burlington Growth Center, have found that the
glenoid fossa grows in a posterior and inferior
the anterior slope of the articular eminence
undergoes extensive resorption in a posterior and
inferior direction and the posterior slope undergoes
compensatory endosteal deposition until 7 years of
The condyles and fossae in individuals with average
FMA grow generally in a posterior and inferior
direction based on the cranial base superimposition.
the fossa is reported to grow in the reverse direction,
relocating anteroinferiorly to meet active condylar
modification and to restore normal function during
orthopedic treatment. This is a relative restriction of
normal fossa growth, and it contributes toward Class
II correction.
Epiphysis Versus Condyle
the condyle appears to act like a light bulb on
a dimmer switch. It lights up during
advancement, dimming back down to near
normal levels in retention. Its growth potential
diminishes with age, whereas the glenoid
fossa remodeling “lighting” potential lasts long
into adulthood
Several investigations of relapse have said that C-GF
growth modification cannot be maintained.
. This does not prove, however, that growth of the condyle
is strongly predetermined by genetic factors, like an
epiphyseal growth center. The condyle can restore its
relational position within individual limits.
The tissue-separating force of the epiphyseal growth
center, is a main factor in determining length of long
bones. epiphyseal cartilage has relatively little
adaptive potential over the short-term and has no
fibrocartilaginous cap.
In contrast, the condyle does not have significant
tissue-separating force and is dissimilar to the
epiphysis functionally, anatomically immunologically,
chemically, ontogenetically, or phylogenetically.
Condylar cartilage is capable of both a degree of
healthy intrinsic growth and significant adaptive
growth with short-term mechanical stimulation.
Does Bite-Jumping Damage the TMJ?
Due to the interference of the Herbst
appliance with normal stomatognathic
function, bite-jumping has been blamed of
causing TMD.
A report by Foucart et al in which 3 of 10
Herbst patients developed a disc
displacement in 1 or both joints during
Pancherz evaluated the effects of the Herbst
fixed functional appliance in the treatment of
22 growing patients with Class II, Division 1
reported that the number of subjects with
tenderness to palpation doubled during the
initial 3 months of treatment.
after appliance removal, most muscle
symptoms disappeared and 12 months
posttreatment the number of subjects with
symptoms was the same as before treatment.
In a study done by Pancherz & Ruf on 62
consecutively treated Class II malocclusion it
was found that
A temporary capsulitis of the inferior stratum
of the posterior attachment was induced
during treatment.
during the period from before treatment to 1
year after treatment, bite jumping with the
Herbst appliance: (1) did not result in any
muscular TMD
(2) reduced the prevalence of capsulitis and
structural condylar bony changes,
(3) did not induce disc displacement in subjects with
a normal pretreatment disc position
(4) resulted in a stable repositioning of the disc in
subjects with a pretreatment partial disc displacement
with reduction;
(5) could not recapture the disc in subjects with a
pretreatment total disc displacement with or without
reduction .A pretreatment total disc displacement with
or without reduction did not, however, seem to be a
contraindication for Herbst treatment.
In another study long-term effects of the
Herbst appliance on the temporomandibular
joint were assessed in 20 patients (10 girls
and 10 boys) who had completed treatment
an average of 4 years previously. The TMJ
analysis comprised of:
The results revealed that the incidence of
clinical signs and symptoms of
temporomandibular disorders was within the
range of “normal” reported in the literature.
The frequency of disk displacement was not
higher than in asymptomatic populations.
Major limitation of the study was that
pretreatment status of TMJ condition
was not known
Effect of Chin Cup Therapy
Posterior displacement of the condyle may be
expected to occur with chin cup therapy that
may displace the disc anteriorly ,but this has
not been documented yet
During active treatment TMJ pain is the most
significant symptom
This pain could be attributed to local muscle
dysfunction due to deranged posterior
In the retention phase TMJ sounds are
more common and pain reduced
If the chin cup therapy is 6 months or
shorter the symptoms vanish faster as
compared to longer treatment time
Study of temporomandibular joint
laminagraphs indicate that chincup-treated
subjects show significant forward bending of
condyle, deepened-widened glenoid fossa,
and decreased space between the condyle
and fossa in comparison with those of non-
chincup subjects.
Another study concluded that chin-cup
therapy may improve not only Class III jaw
relationship but also change TMJ
It was found that a force direction to the
condyle induced a higher compressive
strain at the medial surface of the
condylar head and tensile strain on the
distal surface, and also supported a
possibility of decreased angle of the
Arat,. Akcam, and H. Gokalp studied long term
effects of chin cup therapy on a treatment group of 32
patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion treated
with chincup therapy. The mean age of this group
was 18.4 years (range, 13.9 to 22.5 years). The
mean postretention follow-up period was 5.6 years
(range, 2 to 11 years), and the average treatment
time was 1.8 years.
The findings were compared with 2 control groups—
an untreated skeletal Class III control group
comprising 39 subjects (20 male, 19 female), mean
age 15.5 years (range, 12.5 to 31.1 years), and a
normal occlusion control group consisting of 53
A functional examination was conducted on
all subjects. Those with at least 1 sign or
symptom (clicking, pain, or deviation) were
identified as the “symptomatic” subgroup.
The results of the study showed that chincup
therapy is neither a risk factor for nor a
prevention of TMD.

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Effects of orthodontic & orthopedic treatment on tmj

  • 1. Effects of Orthodontic & Orthopedic Treatment on TMJ
  • 2. Contents Introduction History Major reviews Physiology of TMJ Effect of some occlusal conditions Effect of orthopedic appliances -growth relativity -reviews of various orthopedic appliance effects
  • 3. Introduction DO NO HARM The harmony of the interface between the teeth ,muscles ,nerves, supporting tissue, and temporomandibular joint all must be in balance to provide health ,functional efficiency,esthetics and stability to entire stomatognathic system
  • 4. The methods and means of orthodontic treatment are a factor of the dentist education and personal preference based on experience,objectives and skills.the comparison of cephalometric records ,facial and dental photographs,as well as the alveolar –periodontal status are the usual means of clinical assessment. the functional component of occlusal interdigitation has entered the picture more emphatically in the past two decades
  • 5. Numerous suppositions ,hypotheses, and theories concerning the function and dysfunction of the TMJ and the total stomatognathic system have been given ,the recommendations have ranged from “do nothing” to “do everything” to prevent or correct dysfunction and to ensure proper maxillary/mandibular stability
  • 6. There continues to be a clash between the research community and certain clinicians regarding the relation between the functioning dentition and the temporomandibular joints
  • 7. History Prentiss & Summa 1918-studied relation between loss of teeth and jaw dysfunction and reported pressure atrophy of meniscus Hildebrand recorded mandibular & condylar movements in frontal and sagittal plane & discussed the influence of various food types on different mandibular movements
  • 8. Costen 1934 ,described a group of symptoms associated with marked overbite or mandibular overclosure “Costen’s Syndrome” Shultz 1947, presented a theory that lax ligaments could result in subluxation followed by complete luxation
  • 9. In late 1940s through 1960s ,a neuromuscular component of normal and abnormal jaw function began to appear Schwartz presented the theory that pain associated with mandibular dysfunction perhaps had its origin in musculature.pain could be caused by muscle spasm
  • 10. Bonica was among the first to describe the etiology and treatment of myofascial pain syndrome ,he also described hypersensitive trigger areas Later Schwartz concluded that predisposition ,psychologic as well as physiologic is more important than the particular form of the precipitating factor itself
  • 11. Moulton reported that significant and complicating emotional factors can be strong differential diagnosis for facial pain Laskin 1969,questioned the role of occlusion in creating symptoms with the exception of frank iatrogenic factors .his studies supported the idea that muscle fatigue was the prime cause of pain
  • 12. Brodie stressed the importance and relation of the temporomandibular joints to orthodontic therapy Thompson ,one of brodie’s student studied the clinical importance of the temporomandibular joints to the orthodontic specialty
  • 13. Brodie ,Thompson &Ricketts were the leaders in the American orthodontic community in emphasizing the interrelation of occlusion to the TMJ
  • 14. Does a malocclusion contribute to or cause TMD ? Different groups exist –for it and against it And some are of the view that certain orthodontic procedures could produce TMD symptoms Some authors concluded as the relationship of the TMDs to occlusion and orthodontic treatment is minor
  • 15. What majority concluded ? Probable explanation . Some important correlations.
  • 16. Effect of orthodontic treatment on TMJ Studies from mid 1960s onwards Two studies were done as part of a National Institutes of Dental Research (NIDR) research contract on the long-term effects of orthodontic treatment. Sadowsky and BeGole reported on the findings from 75 adult subjects who were treated with full fixed appliances as adolescents approximately 20 years previously and compared them with a similar group of 75 adults with untreated malocclusions.
  • 17. Another independent study, also part of the NIDR research contract, performed at the Eastman Dental Center on 111 subjects who received orthodontic treatment a minimum of 10 years previously and were compared with 111 adults with untreated malocclusions. Nonextraction and extraction cases were well represented in both the above studies.
  • 18. Findings were prevalence of symptoms varying between 15% to 21% and 29% to 42% for signs ( joint sounds), there was no statistically significant difference between treated and untreated subjects in either of the studies. The conclusion from the above two studies was that orthodontic treatment performed during adolescence did not generally increase or decrease the risk of developing TMD in later life.
  • 19. Larsson and Ronnerman studied 23 Swedish adolescent patients who were treated orthodontically 10 years previously, 18 of whom had fixed appliances and 5 of whom had a functional appliance (activator). In 31% of the subjects mild dysfunction was recorded clinically and only one subject (4%) had severe dysfunction recording . In comparing their results with other published epidemiologic studies, they concluded that extensive orthodontic treatment can be performed without fear of creating complications of TM dysfunction.
  • 20. Janson and Hasund in Norway studied 60 patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusions who were treated as adolescents an average of 5 years out of retention, 30 of whom were treated with a four premolar extraction strategy; the 30 nonextraction patients received a combination of headgear and activator initially, followed by fixed appliances. A sample of 30 untreated patients were used as a control.
  • 21. . Anamnestic symptoms were found in 42% of subjects overall (treated and untreated), with similar findings for the clinical dysfunction index, which were mostly of a mild-to- moderate degree. The findings supported the conclusion that there was not a significant risk of developing TM dysfunction when treating orthodontic patients with relatively severe malocclusions
  • 22. Lieberman et al in a survey of 369 Israeli school children 10 to 18 years of age,. found no association between previous orthodontic treatment and increased symptoms of mandibular dysfunction
  • 23. In a prospective longitudinal study, Dibbets and van der Weele in the Netherlands studied 63 orthodontic patients who were treated with a modified functional activator and 72 patients who were treated with fixed appliances (Begg technique) mostly with an extraction treatment strategy during childhood and adolescence. The patients were followed over a 10-year period. A subsample of patients at the pretreatment stage served as an internal control group.
  • 24. Objective signs increased from 21% to 41% overall; however, the authors attributed the increase to age rather than orthodontic treatment on the basis of an internal control group . The findings for subjective symptoms, objective signs and radiographic changes in the condyles supported the conclusion that orthodontic treatment does not induce TM dysfunction. the fixed appliance group as compared with the functional appliance group had higher percentages of objective symptoms after retention, no differences existed at the 10-year follow-up.
  • 25. Dahl et al. conducted a retrospective study of 51 Norwegian subjects who were 19 years of age and an average of 5 years after orthodontic treatment. Signs and symptoms of craniomandibular disorders (CMD) were compared with 47 untreated 19-year-old persons. The clinical dysfunction index showed mild symptoms in 43% and moderate symptoms in 28% of the treated group and 40% and 13% in the untreated group. They concluded that there were no substantial differences between these two groups.
  • 26. Smith and Freer in Australia examined 87 patients who received full fixed appliances during adolescence, approximately two-thirds involving extractions, and who were an average of 52 months(4.5 years) after retention and compared them with an untreated control group of 28 subjects. Symptoms were found in 21% of the treated subjects and 14% of the controls, which was not statistically significant . Their results rejected the hypothesis of a significant association between orthodontic treatment and occlusal or TMJ dysfunction.
  • 27. In a report of a survey of 568 dental students ages 20 to 43 years at the Medical College of Georgia, Loft et al. found a significant association between facial discomfort and pain as reported by the female subjects only, who had received orthodontic treatment.
  • 28. Nielsen et al. evaluated 706 Danish children of whom 295 (37%) had completed orthodontic treatment and were between 14 and 16 years of age. The 388 untreated subjects served as controls. Approximately one-third of the subjects had signs of TM dysfunction. It was found that the functional status was not related to the type of orthodontic treatment or the use of removable or fixed appliances, including extraction therapy.
  • 29. According to Thompson faulty intercuspation of the teeth and dental intrusions into the freeway space are two of the many etiologic factors that may lead to joint dysfunction and its sequelae. Dysfunction of the joints and musculature may occur before orthodontic treatment, during treatment, or anytime after treatment has been completed. Whether related directly to treatment or not, the orthodontist must be alert to recognize such dysfunction and intervene whenever it may occur.
  • 30. If the condyles are not growing upward and backward at the time of orthodontic tooth movement, the body of the mandible will not be projected downward and forward with the rest of the face, and the normal dental freeway space can be lost. The result is downward and backward rotation of the mandible, which may cause clicking and other symptoms in the joint.
  • 31. Additional condyle growth after other facial growth has stopped is a special concern because it can alter the occlusion and joint function. There may be no joint clicking or other symptoms at 12 or 14 years of age, yet pronounced symptoms 5 years later.
  • 32. in a dental malocclusion with shortened arch length and insufficient space for canine eruption, the incisors may be intruding into the freeway space. The resultant incisal interference can cause posterior displacement of the mandible with possible clicking of the joints. bilaterally narrow maxillary dental arch, as may be caused by thumb or finger sucking can cause the mandible to be displaced into a crossbite relation, often combined with a Class II molar relation on the side of the crossbite. In this situation, clicking is often found in the joint on the side of the crossbite
  • 33. A prospective longitudinal study of 238 subjects in three different age groups (7, 11, and 15 years) was conducted over a 4 to 5-year period by Egermark- Eriksson et al. in Sweden. Corrective orthodontic treatment had been done on 35 subjects. Approximately 20% of subjects in the older age group had clinical signs of CMD. No differences were found in the prevalence of signs or symptoms of CMD between orthodontically treated and untreated subjects.
  • 34. Dibbets and van der Weele reported the findings from their prospective longitudinal study in the Netherlands over a 15-year period for 111 of the original 172 orthodontically treated patients of the average age of 12.5 years who were enrolled in the study. Removable appliances (functional) were used in 39%, fixed appliances (Begg) in 44%, and chin cups in 17% of cases. A nonextraction approach was used in 34% of cases, four premolars were extracted in 29%, and other extractions in 37%.
  • 35. They evaluated subjectively perceived symptoms, which increased from 20% to 62%; objectively identified clicking/crepitation, which increased from 23% to 36% after 4 years and then stabilized; and the radiographic appearance of the condyle, which increased slightly during the first 4 years and then stabilized at around 25%. It was found that during the first years of the study, age probably accounted for the statistical differences in percentages between the three types of treatment;
  • 36. the influence of age disappeared after 10 years. For the first 10 years there was no difference between the three treatment groups with regard to subjective clicking., after 15 years it was greater for the four premolar extraction group Objective clicking was always more frequent in the four-premolar extraction group at all time points, Clicking frequency, subjective or objective, was always higher in the four premolar extraction group even before treatment was started.
  • 37. They concluded that the original growth pattern, rather than an extraction treatment strategy, was the most likely factor responsible for the frequency of CMD reported many years posttreatment.
  • 38. Sadowsky et al. reported on their prospective longitudinal study of 160 patients of average age of 14 years 6 months (range 9 to 41 years), treated with full fixed appliances for an average of 35 months (range 14 to 53 months). Of the 160 patients, 54% were treated with an extraction treatment strategy and 42.5% were treated with nonextraction (3.1% had missing data). In addition to recording symptoms, joint sounds were objectively recorded with an audiovisual videotape system.
  • 39. Before treatment 25% of patients had joint sounds, whereas 16.2% had sounds after treatment. In 27 patients the sounds were not evident after treatment, in 13 patients there was no change in occurrence, and sounds developed in 13 patients by the end of treatment. The findings did not indicate a progression of signs/symptoms to more serious problems. The conclusions were that orthodontic treatment did not pose an increased risk for the development of TM joint sounds irrespective of whether extraction or nonextraction treatment strategies were used.
  • 40. Lotika Wadhwa,, Ashok Utreja,, and Amrit Tewari, compared the status of signs and symptoms of TM disorders in three groups of adolescents and young adults. The groups consisted of 30 persons with normal occlusions, 41 with untreated malocclusions, and 31 with treated malocclusions. The clinical status and subjective symptoms of TM dysfunction were recorded The results showed that the normal occlusion group had the maximum number of persons free from any dysfunction,
  • 41. but the differences between the groups in the distribution of persons according to the anamnestic and clinical dysfunction indices were not significant. The only statistically significant finding was the difference in the clinical dysfunction index scores of the persons with normal occlusions and untreated malocclusions. According to anamnesis, the most frequently reported symptoms were related to periods of stress.
  • 42. Among the clinical signs and symptoms, the most commonly occurring were crepitations on palpation and sounds on auscultation of the joints in all the three groups. In conclusion, the absence of substantial differences between the three groups indicates that the role of orthodontic treatment in either precipitation or prevention of TM dysfunction is questionable.
  • 43. O'Reilly,. Rinchuse, Close, studied effect of classII elastic and extraction on TMJ The experimental group comprised 60 subjects, 30 girls and 30 boys, with a mean age at the start of treatment of 15.3 years (range 14.3 to 16.1 years). These subjects received orthodontic treatment with edgewise straight wire appliances, extractions, and retraction of the anterior maxillary teeth with Class II elastics from canines to mandibular second molars. The teeth extracted were the maxillary first premolars in 48 patients and the maxillary and mandibular first premolars in 12 subjects.
  • 44. The control group consisted of 60 orthodontically untreated subjects. The only significant finding in this study was pain (mild) on palpation "lateral to the TMJ capsule" at the 8- to 10-month period during orthodontic treatment; this was present for 40% of the orthodontically treated subjects. There is no logical explanation for this finding. this study demonstrated that edgewise straight wire orthodontic treatment involving extractions and Class II elastics have no effect, or little effect (i.e., mild pain "lateral to TMJ capsule"), on TMJ signs and symptoms.
  • 45. CONDYLAR POSITION AND ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT Orthodontic treatment, particularly involving premolar extractions, has also been implicated in producing a posteriorly positioned condyle. It has been reported anecdotally that an internal derangement may therefore result. In a cross-sectional study, Gianelly et al. evaluated condylar position with corrected tomograms before orthodontic treatment in 37 consecutive patients ages 10 to 18 years and compared them with 30 consecutively treated four premolar extraction cases at the completion of treatment.
  • 46. All patients were treated with fixed appliances, 23 with the edgewise technique and 7 with the Begg technique. They could find no difference in condylar positions between the extraction and the untreated groups. It was concluded that extraction therapy did not appear to be an iatrogenic cause of distally positioned condyles. Condylar position tended to be centered on average; a wide variation in position was noted. Similar wide variations in normal condylar position has been reported by several authors as discussed by Tallents et al.
  • 47. William E. Wyatt,reported In Class ll malocclusions with deep interlocking cusps headgear and/or Class 11 elastics are often used in an effort to get the patient into a Class I cuspal relationship. As the maxilla is moved backward, the muscles of mastication will attempt to retract the mandible when the patient closes in to maximum intercuspation. This compensating movement by the mandible can put distal pressure on the condyles and conceivably cause an anterior dislocation of the disk
  • 48. . Midsagittal section through TMJ. 1, Superior joint space. 2, Cortical plate of eminence. 3, Superior articulating surface of disk. 4, Articular surface of eminence. 5, Avascular portion of disk. 6, Articular surface of condyle. 7, Inferior joint space. 8, Cortical plate of condyle. 9, Fibers of superior head of lateral pterygoid muscle. 10, Fibers of inferior head of lateral pterygoid muscle. 11, Bilaminar zone of disk. 12, Elastin fibers attaching disk to rear wall of fossa (in posterior attachment). 13, Inelastic distal ligament. 14, Vascular complex (retrodiskal tissue). 15, Auditory canal. 16, Attachment of distal ligament to condyle.
  • 49. Midline switch or cross elastics have a more subtle effect. As the jaw is pulled to one side, distal pressure is put on one condyle only. If this creates a TMJ problem, midline elastics should be worn only during waking hours so that muscles can help to hold the mandible forward Lower headgears or reverse headgears that exert distal pressure on the chin and Class lll elastics are a very important part of orthodontic treatment, but they too can put distal pressure on the mandible..
  • 50.
  • 51. If there is a developing problem, it is better to have the patient wear lower or reverse headgear and Class III elastics only during waking hours. During this period lower or reverse headgears have little effect on the TMJ because muscle tone (tension) positions the mandible forward.
  • 52. R S Nanda & Carlton 2002 conducted a follow- up prospective longitudinal study to determine what changes occurred in the condyle/fossa relationship after treatment. Orthodontic posttreatment records, including corrected tomograms of 106 white patients (58 Class I and 48 Class II Division 1), from a pretreatment sample of 232 patients, were analyzed. The average pretreatment age was 13.6+ 3.0 years. The average length of treatment was 2.3 years for the Class I group and 2.8 years for the Class II Division 1 group.
  • 53. With orthodontic treatment, the condyle became more concentrically positioned, There was no statistically significant correlation between changes in the condyle/fossa relationship based on age, gender, skeletal or dental variables, signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorder, headgear use, type of elastics, or nonextraction vs extraction treatment.
  • 54. TMJ SOUNDS AND ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT Temporomandibular joint sounds are a common finding and occur in approximately 20% to 30% of the population including patients before orthodontic treatment. Wabeke et al. on TMJ clicking in 1989- joint sounds are the most frequent sign of TMD and are often present in the absence of symptoms. Treatment to eliminate joint sounds is usually unsuccessful. In the absence of pain or significant discomfort, patients with joint sounds should be reassured and monitored over time.
  • 55. Approximately half of the patients with joint sounds have a reciprocal click, which is often associated with disk displacement with reduction. In many patients the reciprocal clicking may be explained by condylar dislocation anterior to the disk or the articular eminence. Joint sounds or other symptoms may change in character or disappear over time and do not usually progress to joint degeneration.
  • 56. PROGRESSION OF SIGNS/SYMPTOMS OF TMD Wanman and Agerberg studied 258 subjects from 17 to 19 years of age and found no change in symptoms in 60%, whereas 20% improved, and 20% got worse. In a study of 70 patients with reciprocal clicking whose mean age was 30 years (range 10 to 69 years) Lundh et al. found that over 3 years 71% showed no change, 29% decreased, and 9% progressed to locking.
  • 57. Magnusson et al., in following 119 subjects longitudinally from age 15 to 20 years, found no change in clinical signs in almost half the subjects, with almost equal rates of improvement and impairment.
  • 58. clicking is generally benign and does not progress to more serious clinical dysfunction or disease, even in subjects who previously had symptoms., subjects with symptomatic clicking can be successfully treated without addressing the position of the disc joint sounds alone are not pathognomonic of disease and may be present for up to 10 years without progression. joint sounds do not necessarily indicate a "problem" but may represent a "risk" factor; however, no treatment should be considered in the absence of symptoms.
  • 59. If painful symptoms arise during orthodontics, therapy may have to be modified, gross occlusal interferences relieved, and forces tending to distalize the mandible eliminated
  • 60. Niler &Kulor studied the occlusal changes in girl subjects with classII malocclusion undergoing treatment and compared with normal subjects Orthodontic treatment did not increase the risk for or worsen pretreatment signs of TMD in a 2 years perspective Class II Patients with TMD symptoms before treatment benefited from treatment The normal group had lower prevalence of signs of TMD as compared to orthodontic and untreated classII groups
  • 61. Inger Egermark, Magnusson,. Carlsson, 20- Year Follow-up of Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders and Malocclusions in Subjects With and Without Orthodontic Treatment in Childhood 402 randomly selected 7-, 11-, and 15-year- old subjects were examined clinically and by means of a questionnaire for signs and symptoms of TMDs. The examination was repeated after five and ten years. After 20 years, 320 subjects (85% of the traced subjects) completed the questionnaire.
  • 62. The oldest age group, 35 years of age, was invited to a clinical examination, and 100 subjects were examined. The correlations between signs and symptoms of TMD and different malocclusions were mainly weak,. Lateral forced bite and unilateral crossbite were correlated with TMD signs and symptoms at the 10- and 20-year follow-ups. Subjects with malocclusion over a long period of time tended to report more symptoms of TMD and to show a higher dysfunction index, compared with subjects with no malocclusion at all.
  • 63. There were no statistically significant differences in the prevalence of TMD signs and symptoms between subjects with or without previous experience of orthodontic treatment. This 20-year follow-up supports the opinion that no single occlusal factor is of major importance for the development of TMD,. subjects with a history of orthodontic treatment do not run a higher risk of developing TMD later in life, compared with subjects with no such experience.
  • 64. Mohlin, Derweduwen, Pilley, Kenealy, examined total of 1018 subjects at the age of 11 years, 791 were reexamined at 15 years, 456 at 19 years, and 337 at 30 years. Anamnestic and clinical recordings of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) were made. Morphology, including calculation of peer assessment rating (PAR) scores, was recorded. Previous history of orthodontic treatment was assessed. The subjects completed four measures. The malocclusion prevalence, occlusal contacts, psychological factors, and muscular endurance in subjects with no recorded signs and symptoms of TMD were compared with those with the most severe dysfunction at 19 years of age.
  • 65. The further development of TMD to 30 years of age was followed. PAR scores were significantly higher in the subjects with the most severe dysfunction. Apart from crowding of teeth, no other significant differences were found between the groups with regard to separate malocclusions, tooth contact pattern, orthodontic treatment, or extractions. Significant associations between TMD and general health and psychological well-being as well as the personality dimension of neuroticism and self-esteem were found.
  • 66. During the period from 19 to 30 years, the prevalence of muscular signs and symptoms showed considerable reduction, whereas clicking showed a slight increase. Locking of the joint showed a decrease from 19 to 30 years. One-quarter of the TMD subjects showed complete recovery. Thus, orthodontic treatment seems to be neither a major preventive nor a significant cause of TMD.
  • 68. TMJ = ginglymoid diarthrodial joint Ginglymoid =hinge movement Diarthrodial =discontinous articulation that permits greater freedom of movement It is a simple type of synovial joint
  • 69. Functional demands require extensive movement The articulating surfaces must be completely disconnected yet firmly held in place Therefore articulating surfaces are composed of tissue that is neither innervated nor vascularized
  • 70. In absence of vasculature ,nutritional and metabolic activities must be provided for by way of a special joint fluid that is supplied by vessels free from interarticular pressure Encapsulation is required to contain the joint fluid –synovial fluid
  • 71.
  • 72. The disconnected bones of synovial joint are supported by 1. system of ligamentous structures that passively limit the amount of separation permitted by the articular surfaces and that restrain the degree and direction of joint movement 2. a system of skeletal muscles that actively hold the parts in sharp contact during all functional activities and that furnish power for working movements
  • 73. Encapsulation –fibrous capsule is attached near the periphery of the articular surface Capsule is well vascularized and innervated The vessels supply tissue fluid which has free metabolic interchange with the synovial fluid within joint cavity Synovial membrane that secretes the fluid lines the inner surface of fibrous capsule
  • 74. It also serves as a joint lubricant and shock absorber Capsule is innervated with nociceptors with a high threshold, so that pain is usually not felt unless the strain ,distortion, or distension is considerable
  • 75. Articular surfaces Noninnervated ,nonvascularized articular tissue in most synovial joints is hyaline cartilage ,but in TMJ it is slightly different from hyaline cartilage ,it is more of fibrous nature
  • 76. Retrodiscal tissue Highly vascularized tissue it is the main source of synovial fluid to both compartments of the TMJ Any damage at retrodiscal tissue will be manifested at articular surface of the joint
  • 77. Weeping lubrication Described by DuBrul Under all non compressive situations the articular tissue takes up synovial fluid Under compressive force ,this fluid is expelled onto the surface in tiny droplets and forms a layer of liquid that acts as a lubricating film Articulating surfaces may be moved under pressure without sustaining damage
  • 78. This effect makes extensive joint movement ,even under considerable pressure harmless to the joint But when all the fluid is expelled out ,further movement is without adequate lubrication ,and resultant friction is potentially damaging to the articular surfaces
  • 79. 3 factors are important Length of time Degree of pressure Extent of movement
  • 80. Momentary high pressure even with extensive movement is harmless as well as limited sustained pressure without movement
  • 81. Boundary lubrication it pertains to the reservoir of synovial fluid in the joint cavity which lubricates the articular tissues by surface contact and is the means of replenishing that which enters into the weeping lubricating mechanism When synovial fluid becomes too viscid its lubricating qualities are seriously impaired – Gelation
  • 82. Interarticular pressure {passive & active} Passive It provides continuous sharp contact of the articulating surfaces in the resting joint and during unstressed movements.It results from muscle tonus as affected by gravitational force which varies with posture. It also varies with emotional stress ,tension ,activities ,fatigue,time of day,age and illness
  • 83. Active It results from the contraction of skeletal muscles as required to overcome resistance and accomplish the intended task –the stresses and forces of musculoskeletal activity It is extremely variable
  • 84. Loading It refers to the effect of active interarticular pressure on the joint surfaces due to muscle action as affected by resistance Proteoglycans found in the collagen matrix of superficial layers of articular tissue is a measure of resilience of that tissue and is indicative of location and degree of loading
  • 86. Remodeling –if overloading occurs at a tolerable rate Degeneration –if the requirement for change exceeds the capability of the articular surface to remodel ,degenerative changes may occur
  • 87. overloading in occluded position has the potential to exceed the protective effect of weeping lubrication and may predispose to damage (bruxism) Occlusal conditions (normal or abnormal ) that operate prior to intercuspation of the teeth are not damaging to articular structures,because the do not violate the limits of weeping lubrication
  • 88. Important question that still remains is how this minor contribution can be identified within the population of TMD patients The key word is to reach to an accurate diagnosis before any treatment is begun Then only a treatment regime should begin to deal with each specific signs and symptoms
  • 89. For orthodontic patients all the pretreatment records and documenting ranges of motion ,muscle tenderness,evidence of joint sounds, locking or irregular movements and patients subjective location of percieved pain are to be recorded Always avoid promising the patient that you will relieve the signs and symptoms with treatment
  • 90. Precipitating factors of TMD symptoms can be dental procedures including orthodontic extra and intra-oral appliances as well as mechanics which result in inadvertent and rapid occlusal table alteration
  • 91. the benefits of orthodontic treatment in the management of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is questionable, since the occlusion is considered as having a limited role in the cause of TMD as recently stated by Seligman and Pullinger.
  • 92. Pullinger and associates applied multiple factor analysis which indicated the low relation of occlusion to TMD ,some of the factors having a slight relationship are Apertognathia Overjet more than 6-7mm CR-CO discrepancy more than 4mm Unilateral lingual crossbite Five or more missing posterior teeth
  • 93. Anterior open bite –predominantly associated with osteoarthrosis and myalgia For an anterior open bite to be etiological factor in for arthrosis ,some evidence of preceding derangement should be present that will lead to arthrosis It is hypothesized that the tendency to develop anterior open bite in osteoarthrosis is a consequence of and secondary to condylar osseous changes instead of etiology
  • 94. TMJ condylar changes should be ruled out in any adult patient presenting with anterior open bite or rapid bite changes
  • 95. Overjet –overjet more than 5 mm is associated with myalgia and arthrosis It is also considered a effect rather than etiology
  • 96. Unilateral posterior maxillary lingual crossbite Considered as most common type of crossbite Individuals have a greater risk of internal derangement of the TMJ
  • 97. Functional unilateral crossbite in childhood produces a displacement of the mandible resulting in right to left side differences in condyle fossa position at intercuspal position This leads to functional adaptation in the TMJ ,but in some individuals it is less than optimal and might be accomplished at the expense of the articular disc by development of internal derangement
  • 98. Skeletal crossbite in adults does not appear to provoke TMJ symptomatology or disease
  • 99. Posterior tooth loss There is a increased likelihood of patients with posterior tooth loss belonging to disease group (disc displacement and arthrosis ) A minimum of 5 posterior teeth need to be missing for correlation
  • 100. Missing 2 or 4 premolars for orthodontic treatment had minimum contribution that is negligible
  • 101. CR-CO discrepancy –discrepancy of about 1mm is almost seen in all groups Slides more than 2mm may accompany intracapsular problems For more serious derangments to occur a slide of 5mm may have to be present
  • 102. Studies fail to demonstrate any association between occlusal interferences and TMD signs or symptoms Because contribution of occlusal slides is minor ,prophylactic elimination of slides through coronoplasty is difficult to support Even in the presence of symptoms removal of larger slides could be ill-advised until diagnosis is clarified ,because the slide may be consequence of TMJ articular disorder
  • 103. Although contribution of occlusal features is not zero ,the importance should not be overstated ,since this may lead to neglect of many other causes of orofacial pain and dysfunction in a biologically multifactorial system
  • 104. Effect of orthopedic treatment Mandibular advancement appliances - Herbst,twin block,frankel etc Headgears Chincup
  • 105. It was previously thought that increased activity in the postural masticatory muscles was the key to promoting condyle-glenoid fossa growth. 3 conditions that often overlap: normal condyle-glenoid fossa (CGF) growth, orthopedic remodeling as a result of condylar advancement, pathosis at the condyle.
  • 106. Pathologic adaptations , show the C-GF region’s ability to be modified significantly. This type of growth is distinctly different from the limited short term growth modification observed with orthopedic displacement therapy.
  • 107. HOW CONDYLAR MODIFICATIONS OCCUR the genetic theory, suggests the condyle is under strong genetic control like an epiphysis that causes the entire mandible to grow downward and forward. this may be related more to development of the prenatal than postnatal condyle, the theory does indirectly question the effectiveness of orthopedic appliances in condylar growth
  • 108. long-term investigations actually showed clinically insignificant condylar growth modification after continuous mandibular advancement with a reasonable retention period in human. general growth of the condyle appears relatively unalterable in long-term studies.
  • 109. LATERAL PTERYGOID HYPERACTIVITY HYPOTHESIS The LPM hyperactivity theory brought forward by Charlier et al, Petrovic, and later McNamara, It suggests that hyperactivity of the lateral pterygoid muscles (LPM) promotes condylar growth. . Attachments of the LPM to the condylar head or articular disk may be expected to cause condylar growth,
  • 110. Anatomic research has not found evidence that significant attachments actually exist The LPM tendon is observed attaching, to the anterior border of the fibrous capsule that attaches to the fibrocartilage of the condylar head and neck anteriorly Recently , permanently implanted longitudinal muscle monitoring techniques have found that the condylar growth is actually related to decreased postural and functional LPM activity.
  • 111. The functional matrix theory, The principal control of bone growth is not the bone itself, but rather the growth of soft tissues directly associated with it. this was supported in part by investigations testing the different growth and developmental responses between the condyle and epiphysis, there has been no explanation as to exactly how condylar growth would be stimulated. Thus, this theory’s validity has been questioned.
  • 112. GROWTH RELATIVITY HYPOTHESIS Growth relativity refers to growth that is relative to the displaced condyles from actively relocating fossae. Three Main Foundations The glenoid fossa promotes condylar growth with the use of orthopedic mandibular advancement therapy. displacement affects the fibrocartilaginous lining in the glenoid fossa to induce bone formation locally
  • 113. This is followed by the stretch of nonmuscular viscoelastic tissues. Third is the new bone formation some distance from the actual retrodiskal tissue attachments in the fossa The glenoid fossa and the displaced condyle are both influenced by the articular disk, fibrous capsule, and synovium, which are contiguous, anatomically and functionally, with the viscoelastic tissues., condylar growth is affected by viscoelastic tissue forces via attachment of the fibrocartilage that blankets the head of the condyle
  • 114. viscoelasticity addresses the viscosity and flow of the synovial fluids, the elasticity of the retrodiskal tissues, the fibrous capsule and other nonmuscular tissues including LPM perimysium, TMJ tendons and ligaments,other soft tissues, and bodily fluids.
  • 115. Microscopic examination of TMJ- revealed direct connective tissue attachments of the retrodiskal tissues into the unique fibrocartilaginous layer of the condylar head . This fibrocartilage that caps the condyle in 3- dimensions is not found on epiphyses.
  • 116.
  • 117. During orthopedic mandibular advancement, there is an influx of nutrients and other biodynamic factors into the region through the engorged blood vessels of the stretched retrodiskal tissues that feed into the fibrocartilage of the condyle. This gives rise to metabolic pump-like action of the retrodiskal tissues.
  • 118. . This TMJ pump may initially act similar to a suction cup placed directly on the displaced condylar head to activate growth. The negative pressures, initially below capillary perfusion pressures, permit the greater flow of blood into the C-GF region This increases the flow to the synovial capillaries near the condyle and the fossa.
  • 119. The concept suggests that -modification first occurs as a result of the action of anterior orthopedic displacement. Second, the condyle is affected by the posterior viscoelastic tissues anchored between the glenoid fossa and the condyle, inserting directly into the condylar fibrocartilage. Finally, it is hypothesized that displacement and viscoelasticity further stimulate (or turn on the light switch for) normal condylar growth by the transduction of forces over the fibrocartilage cap of the condylar head
  • 120.
  • 121. The increase in new endochondral bone formation appears to radiate as multidirectional finger-like processes beneath the condylar fibrocartilage, and significant appositional(periosteal) bone formation is seen in the fossa
  • 122. Growth restriction of glenoid fossa Popovich and Thompson in healthy patients from the Burlington Growth Center, have found that the glenoid fossa grows in a posterior and inferior direction. the anterior slope of the articular eminence undergoes extensive resorption in a posterior and inferior direction and the posterior slope undergoes compensatory endosteal deposition until 7 years of age.
  • 123. The condyles and fossae in individuals with average FMA grow generally in a posterior and inferior direction based on the cranial base superimposition. the fossa is reported to grow in the reverse direction, relocating anteroinferiorly to meet active condylar modification and to restore normal function during orthopedic treatment. This is a relative restriction of normal fossa growth, and it contributes toward Class II correction.
  • 124. Epiphysis Versus Condyle the condyle appears to act like a light bulb on a dimmer switch. It lights up during advancement, dimming back down to near normal levels in retention. Its growth potential diminishes with age, whereas the glenoid fossa remodeling “lighting” potential lasts long into adulthood
  • 125. Several investigations of relapse have said that C-GF growth modification cannot be maintained. . This does not prove, however, that growth of the condyle is strongly predetermined by genetic factors, like an epiphyseal growth center. The condyle can restore its relational position within individual limits.
  • 126. The tissue-separating force of the epiphyseal growth center, is a main factor in determining length of long bones. epiphyseal cartilage has relatively little adaptive potential over the short-term and has no fibrocartilaginous cap. In contrast, the condyle does not have significant tissue-separating force and is dissimilar to the epiphysis functionally, anatomically immunologically, chemically, ontogenetically, or phylogenetically. Condylar cartilage is capable of both a degree of healthy intrinsic growth and significant adaptive growth with short-term mechanical stimulation.
  • 127.
  • 128. Does Bite-Jumping Damage the TMJ? Due to the interference of the Herbst appliance with normal stomatognathic function, bite-jumping has been blamed of causing TMD. A report by Foucart et al in which 3 of 10 Herbst patients developed a disc displacement in 1 or both joints during treatment.
  • 129. Pancherz evaluated the effects of the Herbst fixed functional appliance in the treatment of 22 growing patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusions reported that the number of subjects with tenderness to palpation doubled during the initial 3 months of treatment. after appliance removal, most muscle symptoms disappeared and 12 months posttreatment the number of subjects with symptoms was the same as before treatment.
  • 130. In a study done by Pancherz & Ruf on 62 consecutively treated Class II malocclusion it was found that A temporary capsulitis of the inferior stratum of the posterior attachment was induced during treatment. during the period from before treatment to 1 year after treatment, bite jumping with the Herbst appliance: (1) did not result in any muscular TMD
  • 131. (2) reduced the prevalence of capsulitis and structural condylar bony changes, (3) did not induce disc displacement in subjects with a normal pretreatment disc position (4) resulted in a stable repositioning of the disc in subjects with a pretreatment partial disc displacement with reduction; (5) could not recapture the disc in subjects with a pretreatment total disc displacement with or without reduction .A pretreatment total disc displacement with or without reduction did not, however, seem to be a contraindication for Herbst treatment.
  • 132. In another study long-term effects of the Herbst appliance on the temporomandibular joint were assessed in 20 patients (10 girls and 10 boys) who had completed treatment an average of 4 years previously. The TMJ analysis comprised of: The results revealed that the incidence of clinical signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders was within the range of “normal” reported in the literature. The frequency of disk displacement was not higher than in asymptomatic populations.
  • 133. Major limitation of the study was that pretreatment status of TMJ condition was not known
  • 134. Effect of Chin Cup Therapy Posterior displacement of the condyle may be expected to occur with chin cup therapy that may displace the disc anteriorly ,but this has not been documented yet During active treatment TMJ pain is the most significant symptom This pain could be attributed to local muscle dysfunction due to deranged posterior occlusion
  • 135. In the retention phase TMJ sounds are more common and pain reduced drastically If the chin cup therapy is 6 months or shorter the symptoms vanish faster as compared to longer treatment time
  • 136. Study of temporomandibular joint laminagraphs indicate that chincup-treated subjects show significant forward bending of condyle, deepened-widened glenoid fossa, and decreased space between the condyle and fossa in comparison with those of non- chincup subjects. Another study concluded that chin-cup therapy may improve not only Class III jaw relationship but also change TMJ
  • 137. It was found that a force direction to the condyle induced a higher compressive strain at the medial surface of the condylar head and tensile strain on the distal surface, and also supported a possibility of decreased angle of the mandible.
  • 138. Arat,. Akcam, and H. Gokalp studied long term effects of chin cup therapy on a treatment group of 32 patients with skeletal Class III malocclusion treated with chincup therapy. The mean age of this group was 18.4 years (range, 13.9 to 22.5 years). The mean postretention follow-up period was 5.6 years (range, 2 to 11 years), and the average treatment time was 1.8 years. The findings were compared with 2 control groups— an untreated skeletal Class III control group comprising 39 subjects (20 male, 19 female), mean age 15.5 years (range, 12.5 to 31.1 years), and a normal occlusion control group consisting of 53 subjects.
  • 139. A functional examination was conducted on all subjects. Those with at least 1 sign or symptom (clicking, pain, or deviation) were identified as the “symptomatic” subgroup. The results of the study showed that chincup therapy is neither a risk factor for nor a prevention of TMD.