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eAdvocacy: Building Your Base Online
       Supplementary Materials and Resources

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© A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
Assessing Your Current Audience
Website Audience Metrics

Questions to Ask about your    Metric                  Description
Current Web Audience
What is the size of your web audience?
How many living, breathing     Unique Visitors (not    This is the number of actual
human beings are coming to hits or just visits)        individuals that visited your website
my website every month?                                as opposed to hits (which simply
                                                       count files served, including images)
                                                       and visits (which don’t adjust for
                                                       repeat visitors).

How do visitors find my website?
Are they typing my URL         Referral Source         Indicates how a web visitor got to
directly into their web                                your website:
browser? Are they following                                 By typing your website
a link from another website,                                  address into their web
or maybe an email, Twitter                                    browser
message?                                                    By clicking on a link (from
                                                              another website, email
                                                              message, or twitter message)
                                                            From a search engine

Are they finding their way to      Top Keywords and    For web visitors who found their way
my site from a search              Phrases             to your website from a search
engine? If so, what are they                           engine, what keywords or keyword
typing into the search box                             phrases did they type into the search
that ultimately leads them to                          box? You should generally identify
me?                                                    the top 5 and track their changes
                                                       over time.

How engaging is my website content to visitors?
When people visit my          Average Page Views       The total number of page views
website, do they come to my                            divided by the total number of
homepage, get nauseous and                             visitors over a specified time period.
then leave? Or do they hang
out a bit and look around?

Besides by homepage, what          Most viewed pages   What are the pages most viewed on
other pages on my website                              your website. It’s generally good to

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do people tend to view the                                         track the top 5 pages over time.

What documents do people            Most downloaded                What documents are downloaded
download the most?                  documents                      the most by your web visitors. It’s
                                                                   generally good to track the top 5
                                                                   downloaded documents over time.

Where are my web visitors geographically located?
Are they in my city, in       Geography                            Where are your web visitors
California, or in Bangladesh?                                      geographically located? In tools like
                                                                   Google Analytics, you can drill down
                                                                   all the way from the country level, to
                                                                   the state and city levels.

Tools for Measure your Website Audience
To get the Web analytics for your website, you should contact your webmaster, IT department, or the
company that hosts your website. Sometimes, these statistics are “server-reported” statistics available
from your web host versus those obtained from “tagging-based” services. The most robust analytics
tool that is available for free is Google Analytics (available at
Server-reported statistics are generally inferior and often prone to inaccurate counting. If you’re relying
on server-reported web data, you may want to consider transitioning to a tagging-based service like
Google Analytics. See below for more explanation of these types of tools and popular vendors.

There are basically two types of web statistics tools:

Analytics Tool                                           Vendors
Basic Tools
                                                            AWStats
1. Log-File Analyzers (Server-Side Data                     Webalizer
   Collection): statistics packages provided by             Mint
   shared web hosting providers.
2. These tools are typically accessed through
   your hosting provider.
3. They are generally inferior to more advanced
   Tag-Based packages like Google Analytics

Advanced Tools                                              Google Analytics (free)
                                                            Webtrends
1. Tag-Based Analytics (Client-Side Data                    Omniture SiteCatalyst
   Collection): Javascript page tags collect data

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via a website visitors’s web browser. The
    tags, also called “beacons” are placed on       How to install Google Analytics
    each page of your website, and        

Email Metrics
These data should be available from your Email Service Provider (e.g. Constant Contact, Vertical
Response, MyEmma, etc.). You should review these statistics for the current month and last 6 months
to identify trends.

Initial Email List Assessment:
 How many email addresses are in your list?
 How many are bad addresses (undeliverable)?
 How many people on your list are from identifiable organizations (work addresses)?
 Where did the majority of my email list subscribers come from (website, event sign-ups, conference,
     business cards, etc.)?

Questions to Ask About Your Email      Metric              Description
N/A                                    Messages Sent       The total number of messages sent for a
                                                           particular mailing
When I send out an email, how          Bounce Rate         Percentage of email messages in a mailing
many bounce because I’ve got a bad                         that was undeliverable due to bad
address in my database?                                    addresses. Total messages sent minus total
                                                           email messages that bounced equals the
                                                           total messages delivered.
When I send out an email blast, how    Unsubscribe Rate    The percentage of email message
many people subsequently                                   recipients who unsubscribed from your list
unsubscribe from my list?                                  out of all email messages delivered

Of those who receive my email, how     Open-Rates          The percentage of email messages in a
many actually open it?                                     mailing that were opened of those that
                                                           were delivered.
Of those who open my email, how        Click-Through       The percentage of email messages that a
many are interested enough to click    Rates               user clicked a link in of those that were
on a link in the message either to                         delivered.
read something or respond to a call-

Of those who click in a message and    Response Rate       Of those who clicked through on a “call-to-
reach my website to take an action     (also called        action” email (total click-throughs), how
that I’ve requested of them, how       conversion rate)    many took the requested action (whatever
many actually take the requested                           you asked them to do)

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© A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
Facebook Metrics

The metrics described below are available through the Facebook Page Insights analytics tool.
Facebook Insights measures user exposure, actions, and behavior relating to your Social Ads
and Facebook Page. To learn how to access Facebook Page insights for your Facebook page,
follow this link:!/help/?page=1030

Questions to Ask About your Facebook Audience                             Metric

How many people are fans of your Page or have indicated they “Like” it?   Total Likes (formerly fans)
An interaction occurs when a fan writes on your Wall, comments on your    Total Interactions
posts, or likes your content
How many comments were made on your facebook page?                        Comments
How many new fans/likes has your page received in the past month?         New fans
How many people have chosen no longer to be a fan or “like” your fan      Unsubscribes
How many times has your Facebook page been viewed?                        Page Views
How many individual people have viewed your Facebook page?                Unique Page Views
How many times have your Facebook photos beens viewed?                    Photo Views

Twitter Metrics

There are several tools for analyzing your Twitter audience and mentions of your organization
or Tweets on Twitter.

   Graph Edge:
   Twitalyzer:
   Twitter Counter:
   Tweetstats:
   Twitter Analyzer:
   Tweeteffect:

Metric                         Description
Total Tweets                   Your total tweets
Followers                      Your total followers
Unfollows                      The total number of followers who opt to no longer follow
                               you. Check out Graph Edge to track this metric.
Follower Growth Rate           The increase in your followers over a specified time frame
                               (e.g. monthly)

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Total Retweets                  The total number of your tweets that others have re-
                                tweeted to their followers
Follower Retweet                The percentage of your total re-tweets that are tweeted by
Percentage                      those following you versus those who are not currently
                                following you.

Benchmark Metrics

1. These data are summarized for a non-random sample of nonprofits of varying size mailing lists and
   missions and tend to come with the following caveats: 1) small sample size; 2) vendor bias; 3) use
   different non-comparable summary measures (average vs. median, etc.)
2. Nonprofits with smaller email lists tend to have higher benchmark performance on average

Benchmark Metric                   eNonprofit Benchmark Studya         Convio Online
                                   2009 Average per Mailing            Benchmark Studyb
                                                                       2009 Average
Email Benchmarks
Annual List Growth                 51% (n=31)                          27% (n=499)
% of Email List that is Unusable                                       44% of email lists were
                                                                       unusable in 2009 (back
                                                                       email addresses or
                                                                       unsubscribed)—lower for
                                                                       membership orgs
Email Newsletter Open-Rates        14.5% (average)                     20% (median) (n=420)
Newsletter Click-Through Rate      2.5%                                3.3% (median) (n=420)
Unsubscribe Rate                   .25%
Web Benchmarks
Unique Visitors                                                        ~11,000 (n=166)
Email Sign-Up Rate per Month                                           ~2% (down from 3% in
(of total unique visitors)                                             past few years)
Advocacy Benchmarksa
Response Rates                     4%
Page Completion Rates              ~80% (generally lower for smaller
                                   email lists)
Facebook Benchmarksc
How often do orgs post on          average 6 times per week
Subscriber (fans/like) Growth      3.8% average per month
Unsubscribe rate (fans/like)       Average 2% per month (removed
                                   themselves or hid news feed)
Page views per week (per 100       10

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© A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
Benchmark Metric                    eNonprofit Benchmark Studya            Convio Online
                                    2009 Average per Mailing               Benchmark Studyb
                                                                           2009 Average
Unique page views per week          2
(per 100 fans)
% Fans Views per Org Page           ~.5% of a pages fans viewed a
Post                                page per Org page post
Average weekly Fan Rate             2.5%
(number of actions per fan per
How often do orgs post on           4-5 times per day
Subscriber (follower) growth        9% per month
  See 2010 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study: An Analysis of Online Messaging, Fundraising and Advocacy Metrics for
Nonprofit Organizations (2010), M+R Strategic Services and NTEN
  See The Convio Online Nonprofit Benchmark Study (March 2010), Convio
  See 2010 Nonprofit Social Media Benchmarks Study: An Analysis of Growth and Social Engagement Metrics for
Nonprofit Organizations (2010), M+R Strategic Services

General Social Media Tracking Tools
Xinu Returns:

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© A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
Online Presence
Facebook: Add the Static FBML Page and Designate Your Landing Page

1. Add the Static FBML App

The tabs at the top of your Facebook Fan Page are apps. Some, like your wall and photos are built into Facebook.
Others are essentially plug-ins where fans can view external content, like YouTube     videos, Flickr   photos, etc.

The app you need for your custom page is called “Static FBML,” located here. If you’re logged into Facebook, you
can add it to your Page. It is essentially a blank canvas where you can add whatever content you want, including
custom graphics and links via standard HTML.

2. Set Up Your Tab

Once you’ve added the Static FBML app, click “Edit Page” below your company’s profile image. This will bring up all
your settings and apps. Look for the FBML app and click the “Application Settings” link.

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The app can function in two ways: As a set of boxes, or as one dedicated profile tab. If you’re building a splash
page, you’ll probably want to use it as a tab, so go ahead and make sure that the “Box” setting is removed, and the
“Tab” setting is added. You can always experiment with boxes later if you find them more useful.

3. Add Your Content

Once you’re in tab mode, go back to your settings and click the “Edit” link under the Static FBML app. This opens a
standard text field where you can add your content.

“Box Title” will be the name of your tab, so you’ll want to change it to something appropriate, like “This Week’s
Deals,” “Special Offers,” or simply “Welcome,” depending on how you plan to use your Page.

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The main text field is where your content goes, and you can add standard HTML to the page as you would any
website, including images, text, links, and other formatting. No need for HTML, BODY, or HEAD tags.

Note that your images must be hosted elsewhere (on your company’s website, for example) and only referenced in
your HTML code.

4. Make It the Default Landing Page

If you want this new tab to be the “face” of your business Fan Page, head back over to your page settings and edit
your “Wall Settings.” There is an option for “Default Landing Tab for Everyone Else.” From that menu, select your
new tab.


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Facebook: Add an Email Sign-Up Form to Your Landing Page

Do you want to add an opt-in email form to your site? In the search pane, type in “Static FBML”
and then click on the application. Once you are on the application’s page, click on the link in
the upper left that reads “Add to my page” → then a pop up menu will appear prompting you
to select your page → after selecting your page, go to your business page and click on the link
under your profile photo that reads “edit” → from here you click on the “static fbml”
application and click edit → copy and paste the code given to you from your email marketing
company → save your settings. Once you have saved the code, go back to the main page and
click on the + sign at the top of your page and from here you can add the tab for your form. If
you use Vertical Response, they have a video tutorial highlighting the process – should only
take a few minutes to set up.


   Create a custom twitter background that reflects your organization’s mission and brand
   List the twitter handles of the staff contributing to your orgs feed
   Create a twitter list of your organization’s staff, partners or supporters
   Use twitterholic to connect with the top 50 tweeters in our city
   Build real relationships by replying, retweeting and joing discussions, especially with those who
    tweet about your issues
   Make your tweets retweetable
   Recruit new staff and volunteers via Twitter
   Monitor your organization’s name on Twitter
   Piggyback on Twitter’s trending topic if they are related to your issues or cause
   Promote an event, campaign or movement with twitter hashtags (#)
   Start, organize and join conversations on Twitter with hasthtags
   Empower your followers with actionable information in support of your mission
   Organize a Tweetup
   Use to track effectiveness

Use the YouTube Nonprofit Program to Create Money for Advocacy

   Premium branding capabilities and increased uploading capacity
   The option to drive fundraising through a Google Checkout "Donate" button
   Listing on the Nonprofit channels and the Nonprofit videos pages
   Ability to add a Call-to-action overlay on your videos to drive campaigns
   Posting a video opportunity on the YouTube Video Volunteers platform to find a skilled YouTube
    user to create a video for your cause.

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Mobilizing Your Supporters: Taking Action
An Online Mobilization Scenario

Ideally, this hypothetical messaging strategy for mobilizing a set of supporters would be integrated
across all of your messaging tools (Facebook messaging, Twitter, Blogging/RSS Feed, etc.). Email,
however, would be the central vehicle. Messaging on Facebook, Twitter and your blog/rss feeds would
be more informal in tone, smaller and punchier, and would lead back to your website for more
information. Those audience members should all be encouraged to sign up for email.

Timing                  Goal                                                  Email Message
8 weeks out from        Inform our audience about the problem, the             Problem
legislative vote        policy and pending vote.                               Policy
                                                                               Vote in 8 weeks
                        Call-to-Action: Tell 3 friends about this issue and    Take Action: Tell-a-
                        the need to act                                          Friend

                                                                              [REPEAT for each week of
                                                                              messaging: More informal
                                                                              message added to
                                                                              Facebook; compelling
                                                                              headline with a link on
                                                                              Twitter; full message
                                                                              posted to your blog with a
                                                                              compelling headline]

6 weeks out             Inform your audience about the politics of the           Create sense of urgency
                        policy (Who the bad guys are).                            to act
                                                                                 Give sense of the
                        Update them on what the campaign is doing:                political players and
                        getting endorsements, speaking engagements,               their latest
                        meeting with legislators, gathering allied                maneuverings
                        support.                                                 Provide campaign
                        Call to action: write your legislator, or tell-a-        Remind about the vote
                        friend in that legislator’s district.                     in 6 weeks
                                                                                 Take Action: Write
                                                                                  these legislators and
                                                                                  urge them to act

                                                                              REPORT BACK: Tell your
                                                                              supporters what happened.
                                                                              How many letters were
                                                                              sent? Declare victory and
                                                                              positively spin the results.
                                                                              Forge ahead.

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Timing                  Goal                                                 Email Message

4 weeks out             Create a greater sense of urgency and report on         The vote is rapidly
                        the variety of campaign activities underway. Set         approaching and we
                        explicit goals to have impact over the next week.        need to rachet up our
                        Call-to-Action: Make clear in your calls-to-action      Discuss media
                        this month that you want your supporters to              coverage, new
                        strive for specific goals. For example: 1) We            endorsements, new
                        want 200 people to attend a rally two weeks              tactics being pursued
                        out; 2) We want to generate over 300 calls to            on the inside
                        these target legislators, etc.                          Emphasize emerging
                                                                                 priorities of the
                                                                                 campaign (e.g.
                                                                                 fundraising, more
                                                                                 phone calls, etc.)
                                                                                Take Action: Help us
                                                                                 generate a rally of 200
                                                                                 people; or, help us
                                                                                 generate 300 calls to
                                                                                 these legislators from
                                                                                 their constituents

                                                                             REPORT BACK: Tell your
                                                                             supporters what happened.
                                                                             How many people attended
                                                                             the rally with ample
                                                                             photographs posted on the
                                                                             website? Describe the
                                                                             number of calls generated
                                                                             and if possible pull out a
                                                                             story of a particular
                                                                             supporter. Declare victory
                                                                             and positively spin the
                                                                             results. Forge ahead.

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Timing                  Goal                                                    Email Message
3 weeks out             Update on building momentum and pending                  Our campaign
                        campaign goals. Provide an update on the                   momentum is building
                        political situation. Provide quotes from                   with just 3 weeks left
                        supportive and opposing legislators. Frame the             until the legislative
                        opposition more stridently (or the failure to act          vote
                        of uncommitted), Provide additional media                Overview of the politics
                        coverage.                                                  of the policy
                                                                                 Media Coverage
                        Call-to-Action: Whatever is crucial at this              Take Action:
                        juncture from an organizing standpoint (e.g. join
                        a rally in front of the statehouse; write a letter to   REPORT BACK: This was
                        the editor)                                             what you all achieved and
                                                                                helped us move closer to
                                                                                our goal which is getting
                                                                                the vote we need in 3

2 weeks out             Taking stock of the campaign. What we need to              We’re in the final
                        win. Help us get there.                                     stretch
                                                                                   How many votes do we
                        Call-to-Action: Whatever is crucial at this                 need
                        juncture from an organizing standpoint (e.g. join          This is what we need to
                        a rally in front of the statehouse; write a letter to       get those votes
                        the editor)                                                Take action: to help us
                                                                                    get those votes

1 week out              Create urgency regarding the vote this week.               The vote is this week.
                        Emphasize what’s need for victory and make a               Who are the hold-outs
                        strong cal-to-action                                        that we need to win
                                                                                   We must act now or
                        Call-to-Action: Whatever is crucial at this                 never.
                        juncture from an organizing standpoint (e.g. join          Please take the
                        a rally in front of the statehouse; write a letter to       following actions and
                        the editor)                                                 make your voice heard.

After Deadline Has      Postscript: Victory or Live to Fight Another Day        Victory or The Fight Goes
Passed                                                                          On…
                        Explain the vote and its outcome. Declare               Declare victory (or declare
                        victory if the goal is accomplished. Declare that       this is the first battle in a
                        the fight goes on if not. Create a sense of             long war)
                        continuity going forward.                               Thank supporters for their
                                                                                amazing efforts to carry to
                                                                                victory (or note the support
                                                                                shown is a victory in its
                                                                                own right)
                                                                                Congratulate the legislators

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Timing                  Goal       Email Message
                                   who carried it to victory (or
                                   note the legislators for
                                   whom this vote will haunt

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© A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.

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eAdvocacy Training Handout

  • 1. eAdvocacy: Building Your Base Online Supplementary Materials and Resources 1|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 2. Assessing Your Current Audience Website Audience Metrics Questions to Ask about your Metric Description Current Web Audience What is the size of your web audience? How many living, breathing Unique Visitors (not This is the number of actual human beings are coming to hits or just visits) individuals that visited your website my website every month? as opposed to hits (which simply count files served, including images) and visits (which don’t adjust for repeat visitors). How do visitors find my website? Are they typing my URL Referral Source Indicates how a web visitor got to directly into their web your website: browser? Are they following  By typing your website a link from another website, address into their web or maybe an email, Twitter browser message?  By clicking on a link (from another website, email message, or twitter message)  From a search engine Are they finding their way to Top Keywords and For web visitors who found their way my site from a search Phrases to your website from a search engine? If so, what are they engine, what keywords or keyword typing into the search box phrases did they type into the search that ultimately leads them to box? You should generally identify me? the top 5 and track their changes over time. How engaging is my website content to visitors? When people visit my Average Page Views The total number of page views website, do they come to my divided by the total number of homepage, get nauseous and visitors over a specified time period. then leave? Or do they hang out a bit and look around? Besides by homepage, what Most viewed pages What are the pages most viewed on other pages on my website your website. It’s generally good to 2|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 3. do people tend to view the track the top 5 pages over time. most? What documents do people Most downloaded What documents are downloaded download the most? documents the most by your web visitors. It’s generally good to track the top 5 downloaded documents over time. Where are my web visitors geographically located? Are they in my city, in Geography Where are your web visitors California, or in Bangladesh? geographically located? In tools like Google Analytics, you can drill down all the way from the country level, to the state and city levels. Tools for Measure your Website Audience To get the Web analytics for your website, you should contact your webmaster, IT department, or the company that hosts your website. Sometimes, these statistics are “server-reported” statistics available from your web host versus those obtained from “tagging-based” services. The most robust analytics tool that is available for free is Google Analytics (available at Server-reported statistics are generally inferior and often prone to inaccurate counting. If you’re relying on server-reported web data, you may want to consider transitioning to a tagging-based service like Google Analytics. See below for more explanation of these types of tools and popular vendors. There are basically two types of web statistics tools: Analytics Tool Vendors Basic Tools  AWStats 1. Log-File Analyzers (Server-Side Data  Webalizer Collection): statistics packages provided by  Mint shared web hosting providers. 2. These tools are typically accessed through your hosting provider. 3. They are generally inferior to more advanced Tag-Based packages like Google Analytics Advanced Tools  Google Analytics (free)  Webtrends 1. Tag-Based Analytics (Client-Side Data  Omniture SiteCatalyst Collection): Javascript page tags collect data 3|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 4. via a website visitors’s web browser. The tags, also called “beacons” are placed on How to install Google Analytics each page of your website, and Email Metrics These data should be available from your Email Service Provider (e.g. Constant Contact, Vertical Response, MyEmma, etc.). You should review these statistics for the current month and last 6 months to identify trends. Initial Email List Assessment:  How many email addresses are in your list?  How many are bad addresses (undeliverable)?  How many people on your list are from identifiable organizations (work addresses)?  Where did the majority of my email list subscribers come from (website, event sign-ups, conference, business cards, etc.)? Questions to Ask About Your Email Metric Description Audience N/A Messages Sent The total number of messages sent for a particular mailing When I send out an email, how Bounce Rate Percentage of email messages in a mailing many bounce because I’ve got a bad that was undeliverable due to bad address in my database? addresses. Total messages sent minus total email messages that bounced equals the total messages delivered. When I send out an email blast, how Unsubscribe Rate The percentage of email message many people subsequently recipients who unsubscribed from your list unsubscribe from my list? out of all email messages delivered Of those who receive my email, how Open-Rates The percentage of email messages in a many actually open it? mailing that were opened of those that were delivered. Of those who open my email, how Click-Through The percentage of email messages that a many are interested enough to click Rates user clicked a link in of those that were on a link in the message either to delivered. read something or respond to a call- to-action? Of those who click in a message and Response Rate Of those who clicked through on a “call-to- reach my website to take an action (also called action” email (total click-throughs), how that I’ve requested of them, how conversion rate) many took the requested action (whatever many actually take the requested you asked them to do) action? 4|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 5. Facebook Metrics The metrics described below are available through the Facebook Page Insights analytics tool. Facebook Insights measures user exposure, actions, and behavior relating to your Social Ads and Facebook Page. To learn how to access Facebook Page insights for your Facebook page, follow this link:!/help/?page=1030 Questions to Ask About your Facebook Audience Metric How many people are fans of your Page or have indicated they “Like” it? Total Likes (formerly fans) An interaction occurs when a fan writes on your Wall, comments on your Total Interactions posts, or likes your content How many comments were made on your facebook page? Comments How many new fans/likes has your page received in the past month? New fans How many people have chosen no longer to be a fan or “like” your fan Unsubscribes page? How many times has your Facebook page been viewed? Page Views How many individual people have viewed your Facebook page? Unique Page Views How many times have your Facebook photos beens viewed? Photo Views Twitter Metrics There are several tools for analyzing your Twitter audience and mentions of your organization or Tweets on Twitter.  Graph Edge:  Twitalyzer:  Twitter Counter:  Tweetstats:  Twitter Analyzer:  Tweeteffect: Metric Description Total Tweets Your total tweets Followers Your total followers Unfollows The total number of followers who opt to no longer follow you. Check out Graph Edge to track this metric. Follower Growth Rate The increase in your followers over a specified time frame (e.g. monthly) 5|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 6. Total Retweets The total number of your tweets that others have re- tweeted to their followers Follower Retweet The percentage of your total re-tweets that are tweeted by Percentage those following you versus those who are not currently following you. Benchmark Metrics Benchmark 1. These data are summarized for a non-random sample of nonprofits of varying size mailing lists and missions and tend to come with the following caveats: 1) small sample size; 2) vendor bias; 3) use different non-comparable summary measures (average vs. median, etc.) 2. Nonprofits with smaller email lists tend to have higher benchmark performance on average Benchmark Metric eNonprofit Benchmark Studya Convio Online 2009 Average per Mailing Benchmark Studyb 2009 Average Email Benchmarks Annual List Growth 51% (n=31) 27% (n=499) % of Email List that is Unusable 44% of email lists were unusable in 2009 (back email addresses or unsubscribed)—lower for membership orgs Email Newsletter Open-Rates 14.5% (average) 20% (median) (n=420) Newsletter Click-Through Rate 2.5% 3.3% (median) (n=420) Unsubscribe Rate .25% Web Benchmarks Unique Visitors ~11,000 (n=166) Email Sign-Up Rate per Month ~2% (down from 3% in (of total unique visitors) past few years) Advocacy Benchmarksa Response Rates 4% Page Completion Rates ~80% (generally lower for smaller email lists) Facebook Benchmarksc How often do orgs post on average 6 times per week Facebook Subscriber (fans/like) Growth 3.8% average per month Unsubscribe rate (fans/like) Average 2% per month (removed themselves or hid news feed) Page views per week (per 100 10 6|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 7. Benchmark Metric eNonprofit Benchmark Studya Convio Online 2009 Average per Mailing Benchmark Studyb 2009 Average fans) Unique page views per week 2 (per 100 fans) % Fans Views per Org Page ~.5% of a pages fans viewed a Post page per Org page post Average weekly Fan Rate 2.5% (number of actions per fan per week) Twitterc How often do orgs post on 4-5 times per day Twitter Subscriber (follower) growth 9% per month Sources: a See 2010 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study: An Analysis of Online Messaging, Fundraising and Advocacy Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations (2010), M+R Strategic Services and NTEN b See The Convio Online Nonprofit Benchmark Study (March 2010), Convio c See 2010 Nonprofit Social Media Benchmarks Study: An Analysis of Growth and Social Engagement Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations (2010), M+R Strategic Services General Social Media Tracking Tools SocialToo: SocialMention: BlogPulse: PostRank: BoardTracker: Xinu Returns: 7|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 8. Online Presence Facebook: Add the Static FBML Page and Designate Your Landing Page 1. Add the Static FBML App The tabs at the top of your Facebook Fan Page are apps. Some, like your wall and photos are built into Facebook. Others are essentially plug-ins where fans can view external content, like YouTube videos, Flickr photos, etc. The app you need for your custom page is called “Static FBML,” located here. If you’re logged into Facebook, you can add it to your Page. It is essentially a blank canvas where you can add whatever content you want, including custom graphics and links via standard HTML. 2. Set Up Your Tab Once you’ve added the Static FBML app, click “Edit Page” below your company’s profile image. This will bring up all your settings and apps. Look for the FBML app and click the “Application Settings” link. 8|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 9. The app can function in two ways: As a set of boxes, or as one dedicated profile tab. If you’re building a splash page, you’ll probably want to use it as a tab, so go ahead and make sure that the “Box” setting is removed, and the “Tab” setting is added. You can always experiment with boxes later if you find them more useful. 3. Add Your Content Once you’re in tab mode, go back to your settings and click the “Edit” link under the Static FBML app. This opens a standard text field where you can add your content. “Box Title” will be the name of your tab, so you’ll want to change it to something appropriate, like “This Week’s Deals,” “Special Offers,” or simply “Welcome,” depending on how you plan to use your Page. 9|P a ge © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 10. The main text field is where your content goes, and you can add standard HTML to the page as you would any website, including images, text, links, and other formatting. No need for HTML, BODY, or HEAD tags. Note that your images must be hosted elsewhere (on your company’s website, for example) and only referenced in your HTML code. 4. Make It the Default Landing Page If you want this new tab to be the “face” of your business Fan Page, head back over to your page settings and edit your “Wall Settings.” There is an option for “Default Landing Tab for Everyone Else.” From that menu, select your new tab. SOURCE: 10 | P a g e © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 11. Facebook: Add an Email Sign-Up Form to Your Landing Page Do you want to add an opt-in email form to your site? In the search pane, type in “Static FBML” and then click on the application. Once you are on the application’s page, click on the link in the upper left that reads “Add to my page” → then a pop up menu will appear prompting you to select your page → after selecting your page, go to your business page and click on the link under your profile photo that reads “edit” → from here you click on the “static fbml” application and click edit → copy and paste the code given to you from your email marketing company → save your settings. Once you have saved the code, go back to the main page and click on the + sign at the top of your page and from here you can add the tab for your form. If you use Vertical Response, they have a video tutorial highlighting the process – should only take a few minutes to set up. Twitter  Create a custom twitter background that reflects your organization’s mission and brand  List the twitter handles of the staff contributing to your orgs feed  Create a twitter list of your organization’s staff, partners or supporters  Use twitterholic to connect with the top 50 tweeters in our city  Build real relationships by replying, retweeting and joing discussions, especially with those who tweet about your issues  Make your tweets retweetable  Recruit new staff and volunteers via Twitter  Monitor your organization’s name on Twitter  Piggyback on Twitter’s trending topic if they are related to your issues or cause  Promote an event, campaign or movement with twitter hashtags (#)  Start, organize and join conversations on Twitter with hasthtags  Empower your followers with actionable information in support of your mission  Organize a Tweetup  Use to track effectiveness YouTube Use the YouTube Nonprofit Program to Create Money for Advocacy  Premium branding capabilities and increased uploading capacity  The option to drive fundraising through a Google Checkout "Donate" button  Listing on the Nonprofit channels and the Nonprofit videos pages  Ability to add a Call-to-action overlay on your videos to drive campaigns  Posting a video opportunity on the YouTube Video Volunteers platform to find a skilled YouTube user to create a video for your cause. 11 | P a g e © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 12. Mobilizing Your Supporters: Taking Action An Online Mobilization Scenario Ideally, this hypothetical messaging strategy for mobilizing a set of supporters would be integrated across all of your messaging tools (Facebook messaging, Twitter, Blogging/RSS Feed, etc.). Email, however, would be the central vehicle. Messaging on Facebook, Twitter and your blog/rss feeds would be more informal in tone, smaller and punchier, and would lead back to your website for more information. Those audience members should all be encouraged to sign up for email. Timing Goal Email Message 8 weeks out from Inform our audience about the problem, the  Problem legislative vote policy and pending vote.  Policy  Vote in 8 weeks Call-to-Action: Tell 3 friends about this issue and  Take Action: Tell-a- the need to act Friend [REPEAT for each week of messaging: More informal message added to Facebook; compelling headline with a link on Twitter; full message posted to your blog with a compelling headline] 6 weeks out Inform your audience about the politics of the  Create sense of urgency policy (Who the bad guys are). to act  Give sense of the Update them on what the campaign is doing: political players and getting endorsements, speaking engagements, their latest meeting with legislators, gathering allied maneuverings support.  Provide campaign updates Call to action: write your legislator, or tell-a-  Remind about the vote friend in that legislator’s district. in 6 weeks  Take Action: Write these legislators and urge them to act REPORT BACK: Tell your supporters what happened. How many letters were sent? Declare victory and positively spin the results. Forge ahead. 12 | P a g e © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 13. Timing Goal Email Message 4 weeks out Create a greater sense of urgency and report on  The vote is rapidly the variety of campaign activities underway. Set approaching and we explicit goals to have impact over the next week. need to rachet up our efforts Call-to-Action: Make clear in your calls-to-action  Discuss media this month that you want your supporters to coverage, new strive for specific goals. For example: 1) We endorsements, new want 200 people to attend a rally two weeks tactics being pursued out; 2) We want to generate over 300 calls to on the inside these target legislators, etc.  Emphasize emerging priorities of the campaign (e.g. fundraising, more phone calls, etc.)  Take Action: Help us generate a rally of 200 people; or, help us generate 300 calls to these legislators from their constituents REPORT BACK: Tell your supporters what happened. How many people attended the rally with ample photographs posted on the website? Describe the number of calls generated and if possible pull out a story of a particular supporter. Declare victory and positively spin the results. Forge ahead. 13 | P a g e © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 14. Timing Goal Email Message 3 weeks out Update on building momentum and pending  Our campaign campaign goals. Provide an update on the momentum is building political situation. Provide quotes from with just 3 weeks left supportive and opposing legislators. Frame the until the legislative opposition more stridently (or the failure to act vote of uncommitted), Provide additional media  Overview of the politics coverage. of the policy  Media Coverage Call-to-Action: Whatever is crucial at this  Take Action: juncture from an organizing standpoint (e.g. join a rally in front of the statehouse; write a letter to REPORT BACK: This was the editor) what you all achieved and helped us move closer to our goal which is getting the vote we need in 3 weeks. 2 weeks out Taking stock of the campaign. What we need to  We’re in the final win. Help us get there. stretch  How many votes do we Call-to-Action: Whatever is crucial at this need juncture from an organizing standpoint (e.g. join  This is what we need to a rally in front of the statehouse; write a letter to get those votes the editor)  Take action: to help us get those votes 1 week out Create urgency regarding the vote this week.  The vote is this week. Emphasize what’s need for victory and make a  Who are the hold-outs strong cal-to-action that we need to win  We must act now or Call-to-Action: Whatever is crucial at this never. juncture from an organizing standpoint (e.g. join  Please take the a rally in front of the statehouse; write a letter to following actions and the editor) make your voice heard. After Deadline Has Postscript: Victory or Live to Fight Another Day Victory or The Fight Goes Passed On… Explain the vote and its outcome. Declare Declare victory (or declare victory if the goal is accomplished. Declare that this is the first battle in a the fight goes on if not. Create a sense of long war) continuity going forward. Thank supporters for their amazing efforts to carry to victory (or note the support shown is a victory in its own right) Congratulate the legislators 14 | P a g e © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.
  • 15. Timing Goal Email Message who carried it to victory (or note the legislators for whom this vote will haunt them) 15 | P a g e © A.L. Chandler Consulting, Inc.