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DVT Research Papers
Define (What is it?) A DVT is a clot in the lower extremities.
Etiology (What caused it? What is happening in the body?) Thrombus formation starts in the calf
and extends proximally. They mostly begin intraoperatively, but can also start a few days to a
month. A thrombus is composed of fibrin and red cells. The development of thrombosis can result
from endothelial injury, abnormal blood flow, and/or hypercoagulability. High risks include obesity,
prolonged immobility, cancer, smoking, estrogen use, advancing age, varicose veins, dehydration,
splenectomy, and orthopedic procedures.
A DVT in the lower limbs can be classified as proximal (popliteal vein/thigh vein) or distal (calf
veins). A proximal vein thrombosis is of greatest importance and ... Show more content on ...
The body responds to these microbes as foreign bodies and their detection initiates an inflammatory
response. A local infection leads to inflammation of a specific area and with a competent immune
system the risk for sepsis is decreased. Group A strep and staph is the most causative agents of
cellulitis. A break in our skin can cause infection. Rarely, cellulitis can spread and cause necrotizing
fasciitis also known as the "flesh–eating disease".
Potential Complications (What could happen as a result?) If untreated, cellulitis can become
necrotizing fasciitis. Bacteria can also travel in the bloodstream and a person may become septic or
get meningitis if the bacterium travels to the CNS.
Clinical Manifestations
Textbook signs/symptoms Tender, warm, erythematous streak that extends proximally from the area,
indicating lymph vessel involvement. Possible fluctuant abscesses or purulent drainage. Possible
fever, chills, headache, malaise (feeling unwell).
Diagnostic test evaluation Blood culture may be drawn if they suspect an infection. A CBC can also
be drawn to look at the WBC count. There may also be an x–ray done if they suspect an infection all
the way to the bone. DVT and cellulitis are very similar so to rule out a DVT they may do a US.
Manifestations observed in your patient (Complete by end of clinical day) Erythematous, HA,
swelling around
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A Brief Note On Colorectal Cancer And Cancer
Colorectal cancer is one of the global leading diseases and it is the third most common causes of
death in both men and women in America. Approximately 1 in 12 Australians will develop
colorectal cancer in their lifetime, and according to Bowel Cancer Australia, individuals are at risk if
they are aged 50 years and over, have had an inflammatory colorectal disease or significant family
history of colorectal cancer polyps.
Although there are various treatments for colorectal cancer, complications may arise. Post–infection
caused by surgical damage to the mucosa of the intestine may occur. Furthermore, a previous study
indicated that although some chemotherapy regiment, such as FOLFOXIRI, can produce maximal
response in decreasing tumour size at high dosage, it can also produce side effects such as
neutropenia and diarrhoea because of the high toxicity level associated with the dosage of the drugs.
As a result, it has become a necessity for researchers to trial new methods, such as combining drug
regimen with surgery, to improve clinical outcomes from treatments in patients with colorectal
It has been raised in the media that gut microbiota in individuals can provide an indication of the
development of colorectal cancer. Hence, using it as a screening method can allow early
interventions to prevent colorectal carcinoma. Although the media mentions using gut microbiota
analysis as a preventative screening method, it raises the question: What roles can gut bacteria
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Cancer: The Most Common Cause Of Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer affects colon and rectum. Also it occurs in the large intestine. When the cancer is
in the last six inches of the rectum, it is known as a rectal cancer. Additionally, colon is in the lower
part of the digestive system that processes food and rides the body of waste. Simultaneously, these
are referred to as colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common disease in our
society that kills men and women. It is ranked the third most common cause of death among the
African American men and women in the United States of America. In addition, colorectal cancer is
caused by ulcerative colitis, certain types of diets such as diets that are high in red meat, obesity,
smoking, alcohol abuse, and poor exercise. Also, colorectal
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Causes Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an idiopathic, chronic inflammatory process. Individuals with
this condition often experience periods of symptomatic relapse and remission. (Lehmann et al.,
IBD encompasses two disorders: Crohn disease (CD) and Ulcerative colitis (UC). Ulcerative colitis
is an ulcerating inflammation of the mucosal layer largely restricted to the colon. Crohn disease is a
deep transmural inflammation that generally occurs in the terminal ileum but can occur anywhere
from the mouth to the anus (Davies and Abreu., 2015). CD can affect any part of the GI tract but has
a particular tendency to affect the terminal ileum. In CD, the involved bowel is normally narrowed
and thickened. Deep ulcers and fissures in the mucosa
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Essay on Bowel Cancer
Bowel Cancer The bowels are the intestines, consisting of the small intestine (the section between
the stomach and the appendix) and the large intestine (from the appendix to the anus). The large
intestine is divided into the long colon and a short rectum, just before the anus. Two thirds of bowel
cancers occur in the colon and one third in the rectum, with very few in the small intestine.
Who is at risk of bowel cancer? ===============================
There are about 35,000 new cases each year in the UK. More than 80% of these are in people over
60. Obesity can increase the risk of cancer of the colon by up to one third. High alcohol intake is ...
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Low fat, high fiber diets appear to carry a lower risk. Greater consumption of vegetables and fruit
has also been shown to reduce the risk. Increased consumption of red meat and processed meat has
been linked to a higher risk. By comparison, eating fish does not appear to be a risk factor. Some
evidence suggests that certain dietary supplements, such as calcium, selenium and, possibly, folic
acid can reduce the risk.
Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer ==================================
Unfortunately, often colon cancer does not show any symptoms until in its later stages. Here is a list
of common signs to look for.
· Blood in the stool is the number one symptom
· Bleeding from the rectum
· Abdominal pain
· Weight loss
· Nausea
· Vomiting
· Constipation or diarrhea
· Change in bowel habits
· Change in stool shape or size, including narrowing stools
· Fatigue due to bleeding in stools
Colon Cancer Stages ===================
Colon cancer can be broken down into 5 stages. Here is a brief outline of each one.
Stage 0– Cancer is confined to outside colon wall.
Stage 1– Cancer has spread to second and third layer of the wall.
Stage 2– Cancer has spread beyond and through the colon
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Testing Based Fecal Occult Blood Test Sensitivity And...
Guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test Sensitivity and Specificity
Colon cancer The large intestines are a part of the digestive system (Colorectal cancer, 2015). The
large intestines (large bowels) are made up of the colon and the rectum (What is colorectal cancer,
2016). The colon is five feet long muscular tube that makes up the majority of the large bowel
(What is colorectal cancer, 2016). After food goes through the small intestines, of the digestive
system, the colon absorbs the salt and water from the food that remains and the waste matter (feces)
is the byproduct (What is colorectal cancer, 2016). The feces is then expelled from the body through
the anus (What is colorectal cancer, 2016).
When a cancer forms in the lining of the ... Show more content on ...
The localized stage is stage where cancer is only found in the part of the body where it originated
from (Surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program, n.d.). In Virginia, 39% of colorectal
cancers are detected at the localized stage (Cancer in Virginia, 2014). The 2012 Behavioral Risk
Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey reported that 69% of Virginia adults age 50 or older
reported that they have had a colon cancer screening (Cancer in Virginia, 2014).
Guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test
The guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test (gFOBT) is a screening test for colorectal cancer (A
guide to FOBT, n.d.). The guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test uses the chemical reagent guaiac to
detect the presence of heme in stool (A guide to FOBT, n.d.). Colorectal neoplasms can cause blood
(heme) in the stool because the blood vessels on the surface of colorectal cancer and/or colorectal
polyps have fragile blood vessels that are easily damaged when feces pass through the large bowel
(A guide to FOBT, n.d.). A small amount of blood from the fragile colorectal polyps and cancer
vessels merge with the stool (A guide to FOBT, n.d.). The small amount of blood that is combined
with the stool from the colorectal polyps and cancer vessels is not visibly noticeable in the stool (A
guide to FOBT, n.d.). Consequently, Fecal Occult Blood Tests, such as gFOBT, can be used to detect
the small amount of blood that can be found in the stool if a person has colorectal polyps or cancer
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The Association Between Low Hdl Blood Levels And Colonic...
Dyslipidemia is a pathological alteration of lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in the blood. It is
one of the main elements of metabolic syndrome. Epidemiological studies have shown that persons
with the metabolic syndrome have an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). One of the possible
mechanisms is that lipids and lipoproteins have been found to be associated with neoplastic
processes as well as inflammation, insulin resistance and oxidative stress. On the other side, some of
the factors that influence lipid and lipoprotein concentration unfavorably (ie. smoking, obesity, a
high fat and low fiber diet consumption) can contribute to the development of colon cancer as well.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between low HDL blood levels and
colonic cancer.
A retrospective case–control study was conducted. A chart review was performed on the charts of
183 patients who were diagnosed with colonic adenoma or carcinoma after having
colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy done in our hospital from 1/1/09 till 12/31/10. Information regarding
demographics, HDL level, endoscopy and biopsy findings, site of the lesion and the period between
endoscopy and the closest HDL measurement we have in our records.
Our study population included 183 patients (66 males and 116 females). 86 patients had adenomas
while 96 patients were diagnosed with CRC. The mean age was 61.1+/– 11 years and 80 +/– 12.2
years for adenoma group and carcinoma group
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Colonoscopy Essay
In the course of recent years we have made incredible advances in the analysis of colon and rectal
ailment. On the off chance that you are mature enough you may review or knew about people
experiencing an inflexible extension exam in the specialists facility called an unbending
sigmoidoscopy. This study uncovered just the last 1/3 of the colon and totally missed injuries in
most of the colon. In spite of the fact that it was exceptionally simple it served us well for a long
time. Moderately as of late, in the previous 30 years, and with the advancement of fiber optics the
whole colon has been opened up to us for direct representation. This study is referred to today as a
colonoscopy. In the examination the specialist will pass a little fiber optic degree through the butt
and pass it around the whole colon permitting complete representation of the ... Show more content
on ...
They are normally evacuated at the season of the study. These are little developments in the colon
and most are asymptomatic, which means the patient and specialist can't tell polyps are there until
the colonoscopy is preformed. Colon diseases may emerge from these polyps after they have been
available for a long time so it is critical that they be expelled to diminishing this hazard. By taking
out these polyps we can decrease the hazard and the improvement of colon malignancy. The most
ideal approach to treat this harm or disease is before it ever begins and the technique is sheltered and
moderately easy to perform. This basic system could go far to decrease the danger of the
improvement of this normal
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Colorectal Cancer Increasing Risk Factors
To start, one already has an increased chance of getting cancer if one already has a history of
colorectal, ovarian, endometrial, or breast cancer. Thus, due to her family's history of getting
colorectal cancer, Ms. Wilson should have already been more wary of colorectal cancer. Although
her race is not mentioned, the following races have highest occurring colon cancer rates from
highest to lowest: Black, White, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan natives, and then
Hispanic. With the specificity of sex, women are less likely than men to contract colorectal cancer,
but do so at roughly the same incidence. In addition, being 61 years old gave her a 0.92% chance of
developing colorectal cancer after 10 years, 2.37% after 20 years, and 3.76 after 30 years [5]. In
regards to environmental factors, colon cancer shares many similarities with other forms of cancer.
For example, some environmental factors for colorectal cancer are diet, tobacco, and lack of
In addition, there are several polyposis disorders, colorectal cancers that are passed on via errors or
mutations within the genetic code, that can also contribute to the development of colorectal cancer.
Examples of polyposis disorders are familial adenomatous polyposis, turcot syndrome, attenuated
familial adenomatous polyposis, and hyperplastic polyposis syndrome. On the other hand, non–
polyposis disorders, or inherited colorectal cancers that affects organs such as the reproductive tract,
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How Does Cancer Affect People Over 50
In Home Health care – Cancer in Those Over 50
Anybody can be diagnosed with cancer. Some people are even born with it. Most cancer, however,
afflicts those who are older. In fact, the National Institute on Aging notes that the chances of being
diagnosed with cancer increases dramatically after a person turns 50. The good news is that the early
detection of cancer and improved treatments have significantly increased the cancer survival rate.
Cancer is a scary word. What is actually means is that a normal cell in the body has become
abnormal. When these abnormal cells replicate, they often lump together and form masses we call
tumors. Sometimes, the cells travel to other parts of the body. This spreading is known as metastasis.
Cancers that are localized are much easier to treat than those which have metastasized. ... Show
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The risk of breast cancer goes up every year. Testing for cervical cancer is done with a pap smear
and pelvic exam. Women over 50 should have a pap smear at least every three years up to age 65.
Some women do not need pap smears after 65. Doctors recommend a sigmoidoscopy every 5 years
and a colonoscopy every 10 years after the age of 50 to detect colorectal cancer. Regular dental
exams not only keep the teeth and gums healthy, but oral exams also detect mouth and throat cancer.
Prostate cancer is detected through a blood test and rectal exam. Since prostate cancer is the most
common cancer in American men, it is essential that these tests are performed ever couple of years
after age 50. If your loved one loses track of the screenings, an in home health care aide can help
create a schedule to keep them on track.
In short, the risk of cancer may increase with age, but with the proper screening and early
identification the chances of winning the battle greatly increases. In home health care aides can help
spot changes in your senior love one and can also help with scheduling and arranging
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Persuasive Essay On Cancer Screening
A cancer screening is a test or exam that checks for cancer. Your health care provider will
recommend specific cancer screenings based on your age, personal history, and family history of
cancer. Work with your health care provider to create a cancer screening schedule that protects your
Why is cancer screening done?
Cancer screenings is done to look for cancer in the very early stages, before it spreads and becomes
harder to treat and before you would start to see symptoms. Finding cancer early improves the
chances of successful treatment. It can save your life.
Who should be screened for cancer?
All women should be screened for certain cancers, including breast cancer, cervical cancer, and skin
cancer. Your health ... Show more content on ...
To perform the test a health care provider takes a swab of cervical cells during a pelvic exam. Here
are some screening guidelines:
You should have a Pap test every year starting at age 21.
When you are 21–29 years old, you should have a Pap test every three years.
When you are 30–65 years old, you should have a Pap test and HPV test every 5 years or a Pap test
every 3 years.
You may be screened for cervical cancer more often if you have risk factors for cervical cancer
If your Pap tests are abnormal, you should have an HPV test.
If you have had the HPV vaccine, you should still be screened for cervical cancer and follow normal
screening recommendations.
You do not need to be screened for cervical cancer if any of the following apply:
You are older than 65 and you have not had a serious cervical pre–cancer or cancer in the last 20
Your cervix and uterus have been removed and you have never had had cervical cancer or pre–
cancerous cells.
Endometrial cancer
There is no standard screening test for endometrial cancer, but the cancer can be detected with:
A test of a sample of tissue taken from the lining of the uterus (endometrial tissue biopsy).
A vaginal ultrasound.
Pap tests.
If you are at increased risk for endometrial cancer, you may need to have these tests more often than
normal. You are at increased risk if:
You have a family history of ovarian, uterine, or colon cancer.
You are taking tamoxifen, a drug used to
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Cancer In The Elderly Essay
4 Ways to Stave Off Colorectal Cancer in the Elderly
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting the elderly. Thankfully, there
are a number of actions seniors can take to prevent this disease. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle
and getting regular screening tests, seniors have a better chance of preventing colorectal or colon
1. Adhere to Dietary Guidelines
One of the best ways to prevent colorectal cancer is to follow a healthy diet. Elderly people at risk
for cancer should limit their intake of red meat and processed meats, which means less bacon,
bologna, hamburgers, or steak. This might be a tall order for some meat aficionados, but it's believed
that carcinogens may form when red meat is cooked at high temperatures. Red meat also contains
iron, which can damage DNA. For seniors who eat red meat daily, cutting back to several times a
week is a must.
After cutting down on red meat consumption, it's important to replace unhealthy foods with
nutritious alternatives. Beans are a good substitute for meat, and fruits and vegetables are an
essential part of a preventative diet. People who primarily eat plant–based foods are less likely to
develop colon cancer.
2. Regular Screenings
Seniors at risk for colorectal cancer should get regular screening tests. There are a number of ...
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Physical fitness is an excellent preventative measure against cancer, as it promotes healthy
biological effects that help keep the colon healthy. It lowers growth factors that have been linked
with the progression of colon cancer, and it protects the gastrointestinal tract from harmful bile
acids. It also boosts overall digestive health, which reduces the risks of colorectal cancer. To get the
benefits of exercise, seniors should try to exercise for at least two hours every week. Seniors with
limited mobility can try gentle activities like chair
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Causes Of Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon that causes inflammation and
ulcers in the mucosal lining of the colon. It often begins in the sigmoid colon and extends up into the
rest of the colon. Most cases of ulcerative colitis are idiopathic. However, researchers think that an
individual's overactive intestinal immune system, genes, and environment play a factor in the cause
of acquiring ulcerative colitis. Scientists suggested that bacteria or viruses could provoke the
immune system to attack the inner lining of the large intestine by mistake, which would result the
inflammation of the colon. Other studies believe that eating certain foods, stress, and emotional
distress could be possible causes of ulcerative colitis.
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Gastroenterology Practice Management Model
Your gastroenterology practice needs cutting–edge technology specifically tailored to your patient
population and care delivery model. With MediPro solutions for gastroenterologists, you tap into the
tools and resources you need to supervise patient care and facilitate efficient, accuate
communication with internal staff and external service providers. Gastroenterology electronic
medical records (EHR) with pre–built templates for the most common complaints and treatment
planning support tools make it easier, and faster, for clinicians and staff to update records,
electronically send orders, and digitally share lab results and images. We know your practice has its
own unique workflow and organizational goals. Our primary objective is to help you leverage
MediPro Gastroenterology Practice Management (PM) software to its full capacity, resulting in
increased productivity, lower overhead and improved patient experiences. Why Choose McKesson
gastroenterology EHR software over other ... Show more content on ...
You need solutions that not only save your staff time, but reduce operating expenses and improve
patient compliance. With options like CureMD, Lytec PM and Practice Choice, you have access to
everything you need to streamline your organization without disrupting services during the planning
and implementation stages. What differeniates MediPro from other vendors is our award–winning
training and customer service. You are never alone when you partner with MediPro. From the intial
EHR implementation planning processes through staff training and techincal support after you
launch the system, you can be certain our team is available to help you get the most from your PM
software. Request a demo today to learn how MediPro gastroenterology EMR software can help you
reduce administrative burdens and improve patient
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Digestive Healthcare Business Analysis
Digestive Healthcare of Georgia is a gastrointestinal specialty company with 5 office locations in
north Georgia. The offices collectively have 17 full–time physicians and 5 Nurse Practitioners to
offer ease of scheduling and efficiency of patient care. Digestive Healthcare has 3 of its own
Endoscopy Labs to provide in–house procedures and care. The mission of Digestive Healthcare is to
provide patients with compassionate, state of the art specialty care in a supportive, caring
environment.( The practice of Gastroenterology involves treatment of
disorders of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, gall bladder, pancreas, colon and rectum – the
treatments involve Colonoscopy, Upper Endoscopy, Flex sigmoidoscopy, and hemorrhoid banding.
Finance is a key internal factor that impacts this business. The largest portion of this company's
incoming finance is insurance. Patients are typically responsible for a co–payment amount but
majority of the patient's bill is paid by insurance. If a patient doesn't have insurance, they are
considered Self–Pay and ... Show more content on ...
If a patient comes to see a doctor at Digestive Healthcare for elevated hepatic enzymes, the
physician typically orders a hepatic function panel which costs around $250. The insurance
company already has an amount they will pay for this tests which is generally $175. Unfortunately,
the doctor has to forgive the remainder of this costs since this is the price the insurance company
will pay based on the patient's diagnosis. Finance results in discrepancy of coding from the
physician's standpoint because after a certain amount of time, physicians become aware of what
diagnoses insurance companies will pay 100 percent and those that results in partial payment. If a
doctor codes frequently enough at a level outside the normal range of distribution, that is the sort of
activity that will draw the attention of payers to investigate
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Colorectal Cancer : Cancer And Cancer
Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer, is a disease in which cancer cells form in the colon,
which is the upper five to six feet of the large bowel, or large intestine. Hereditary factors play a role
in colorectal cancer risk, but it can also be caused by outside factors. "Excluding skin cancer, it is
the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States" (American
Cancer Society). Colorectal cancer has been known since ancient times, and it is becoming less fatal
as research becomes more advanced. Great efforts have been put forth for investigation. Some
studies have been performed on organisms such as yeast and bacteria, such as one in 1993,
conducted by Dr. Bert Vogelstein, MD, led to the discovery of ... Show more content on ...
FAP is caused by mutations on the APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene, a tumor suppressor gene
on chromosome 5 that occurs in an autosomal dominant pattern. The ACP gene controls cell growth,
so a mutation on that gene develops polyps in the colon that when left untreated, will develop into
colon cancer and can only be prevented by removing the colon. FAP is very rare, associated with
less than 1 percent of colon cancers . Familial adenomatous polyposis can also be a result of
mutations on the MUTYH gene (U.S. Library of Medicine 2013). Then, it is inherited in an
autosomal recessive pattern, where both copies of the gene in each cell are mutated. Both parents
may carry a single copy of the gene without showing symptoms. HNPCC, or Lynch syndrome, is a
result of mutations in the genes that repair DNA. Lynch syndrome is inherited in an autosomal
dominant pattern, so a single copy of the mutation will increase cancer risk. Most cases of Lynch
Syndrome are caused by mutations in two genes, MLH1 and MSH2. Both FAP and HNPCC have a
50% chance of offspring inheritance, and are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. A mutated,
inherited gene that is related to HNPCC causes an 80% chance of developing colorectal cancer (U.S.
Library of Medicine 2013). So even when an HNPCC–related gene is inherited, there is not a
definite future of colon cancer.
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Dr Lachole
I am writing this letter to support the petition filed on behalf of Dr. Arathi Lakhole, an exceptional
physician and researcher. I am a pediatric Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at Hasbro Children's
Hospital/ Brown University. I can state that Dr. Lakhole is an elite member of the field of pediatric
gastroenterology and hepatology, and she has distinguished herself in this complex and critically
important field in which there is a shortage of physicians in the United States.
As a clinician and researcher, Dr. Lakhole has set herself apart from other pediatric
gastroenterologists and hepatologists through her expertise and her focus on pediatric inflammatory
bowel disease, pediatric liver transplant management, and pediatric endoscopy. ... Show more
content on ...
Lakhole also manages patients whom are facing or have undergone liver transplant. Few hospitals
offer pediatric transplantation operations. As a result, pediatric hepatologists with experience in the
treatment of pediatric liver transplant patients are rare. Dr Lakhole's commitment to this field is
evident in the academic articles written by her in this field. One such article is titled "Review of
Pediatric transplantation" for which she reviewed >60 peer review publications. This will be
published in the reputed journal Expert Review Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Moreover, as a pediatric endoscopist, Dr. Lakhole performs a wide range of specialized procedures
including upper endoscopies, colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies, foreign body removal, esophageal
dilations, control of bleeding, and gastrostomy tube placement.
Dr. Lakhole's value to the field is evident through the employment positions she has secured, the
research work she conducts, as well as through her general leadership in the field. Presently, she is a
physician at one of the nation's top pediatric hospitals, Children's Hospital Los Angeles. She is also
a peer–reviewer for the Journal of Medical Case Reports and a member of the North American
Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, American Academy of Pediatrics,
and the American Medical
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Sigmoidoscopy Lab Report
Introduction A lower gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, which is performed as either a colonoscopy or
a sigmoidoscopy, is a procedure to examine your the GI tract. The lower GI tract is made up of: The
large intestine, also called the colon. This includes: The rectum, which is the final part of the large
intestine that ends in the anus. The sigmoid colon, which is the first part of the large intestine above
the rectum. A colonoscopy is an exam of the entire large intestine and rectum. A sigmoidoscopy is
an exam of the rectum and sigmoid colon. During the exam, a lubricated, bendable tube (endoscope)
is inserted into the anus and then passed into other parts of the intestines. The endoscope has a
camera on the end of it that sends images to a monitor ... Show more content on ...
You may not be allowed to drink heavy liquids for 1–3 days before the procedure. If you are having
a colonoscopy, you may be prescribed laxatives or an enema. Plan to have someone take you home
from the hospital or clinic. Plan to have a responsible adult care for you for at least 24 hours after
you leave the hospital or clinic. This is important. What happens during the procedure? If you are
having a colonoscopy, an IV will be inserted into one of your veins and you will be given medicine
to help you relax (sedative). You will lie down on your left side. An endoscope will be inserted into
your anus and moved into your rectum and other parts of your large intestine. You may feel some
pressure. Depending on why you are having the procedure, a biopsy may be taken, or other
treatments may be performed, such as removing tissue growths (polyps). The procedure may vary
among health care providers and hospitals. What happens after the procedure? You may have some
lower abdominal discomfort. If you were given a sedative: Your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing
rate, and blood oxygen level will be monitored until the medicine has worn
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Fit Dna Lab
The FIT–DNA (cologuard) is the last stool test that is available for colorectal testing. The FIT DNA
test combines the FIT with a test that detects altered DNA in the stool (CDC, 2017). The FIT test
requires the entire stool sample to be sent to the lab for testing. No cards or poking the stool are
required, only the stool sample itself. The cologuard test can be done in the privacy of your home
and does not require a bowel prep, diet changes or time off from work (Exact Sciences, 2017) The
FIT–DNA test is recommended to be completed every three years. Positive results are recommended
to be followed up with a colonoscopy. Medicare covers this test at no cost beginning at age 50 to 85
years of age with a low risk and no symptoms of ... Show more content on ...
Medicare covers this test beginning at age 50 or older (no co–insurance, co–pay or Part B
deductible) when it is done for screening only. In some cases this screening method begins as a
screening tool and turns into a diagnostic measure. If the health care provider performing the test
identifies any polyps or cancerous lesions that require removal and biopsy, the individual will be
charged co–insurance or co–pay for the diagnostic testing (ACS, 2017 ). If a precancerous polyp or
colorectal cancer is found, a colonoscopy would be required to visualize the entire colon to detect
other polyps or cancer (ACS, 2017). The USPSTF (2016) found the benefit of this testing is less
beneficial when it is done alone compared to when it is combined with an annual FIT. The
availability of flexible sigmoidoscopies has declined in the United States (USPSTF, 2016).
The colonoscopy is similar to the flexible sigmoidoscopy, however, this scope is inserted into the
anus and through the entire colon. It is recommended to get a colonoscopy every 10 years who are at
average risk and every two years for those at high, such as individuals with IBD or HNPCC (ACS,
2017). Before the test occurs a bowel prep at home is done in order visualize the lining of the colon
during the test (ACS, 2017). Specific instructions regarding medications, bowel prep and eating
before the night before the test will be determined by the health care provider
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Colorectal Cancer : The Third Most Common Type Of Cancer
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is ranked as the third most common type of cancer in women.
Furthermore, it is the fourth most dominant kind of cancer in men recorded all over the world.
Consequently, CRC accounts for over a million new cases and more than half a million deaths every
year. Colonoscopy allows early discovery and removal of precancerous lesions and may, therefore,
effectively prevent or reduce the risk of Colorectal cancer. Although studies under hugely
standardized conditions have shown that colonoscopy is linked with a 76% to 90% risk reduction of
colorectal cancer in individuals with colorectal polyps, its effectiveness in preventing this type of
cancer, especially in the community environment, is not clear. The aim ... Show more content on ...
The main bias noted in the research investigation was the selection of the respondents, which had
limitations and restrictions on age, sex, and previous colonoscopy results. Essentially, such
considerations ended up biasing the research investigation.
The study had a higher possibility of a residual confounding bias because the measure of association
between the use of previous colonoscopy results was bound to be mixed up other factors under
investigation that could not give an opportunity for getting the most accurate results. In this study,
the conclusions indicated that risk reduction of colorectal cancer was observed for both the right–
sided and left–sided colon cancer.
Study Design, Sample, and Population. The study employed a case–control and population–based
design that was carried out in the Rhine–Neckar region in the southwestern part of Germany that has
a population of more than two million individuals. Initially, the study required eligible patients aged
30 years or older, had experienced their first diagnosis of invasive primary colorectal cancer, were
able to communicate in German, and were mentally and physically capable to participate in the
study. The report of the study was based on an enormous number of control patients (n _ 1945) and
case patients (n _ 2399) who were recruited from January 2003 to December 2007. Furthermore, a
total of 22
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Colon Cancer Research Paper
Colon cancer has an excellent prognosis when diagnosed early, with 92 percent of patients living
longer than five years who were diagnosed during Stage 1. Preventing colon cancer through a
healthy diet and getting regular colonoscopies is crucial in diagnosing the cancer at an early stage.
Cancers of the large intestine, or colon, and cancers of the rectum are lumped together as colorectal
cancer. It often begins from benign clumps of cells called polyps. As time passes, the polyps
sometimes become cancerous.
Though signs of colon cancer don't typcally occur until it is further advanced, the symptoms
rectal bleeding or blood in the stool persistant abdominal pain increased pain from gas or cramps
change in bowel habits, ... Show more content on ...
Family history or symptoms may make this screening occur earlier. There are several ways to
diagnose the cancer. In a colonoscopy, the doctor inserts a small, flexible viewing tube into the
rectum. Any polyps that are found can be removed and sent to a pathologist to be examined. A
barium enema involves patients drinking a white substance containing barium that helps the
intestines to show up on x–rays. A blood test that tests for tumor markers of colon cancer may also
be performed.
Surgery is often the initial treatment for the cancer. The tumor, a portion of the intestines and lymph
nodes are surgically removed and sent to a pathologist for examination. The healthy portion of the
intestines are then re–attached. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, chemotherapy is used to
kill the remaining cancer cells.
The best way to prevent cancer from developing is removing polyps while they are benign or
precancerous. Regular screenings are required to find the polyps. Additionally, doctors recommend
that all patients 40 and over have their stool tested for blood and have their rectum physically
examined on an annual
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Interstitial Therapy (ICRT)
Although ICRT is the most common and important type of brachytherapy used in treatment of
invasive carcinoma cervix, some of the patients, particularly those with tumors that involve the
distal one 3rd of vagina, may be technically difficult to treat with an adequate dose with ICRT alone.
In a small number of such patients, lesions in distal 1/3rd of vagina may need treatment with an
additional dose of radiation therapy delivered using 192Ir placed inide the lesion as interstitial
implants. The use of interstitial therapy as an effective alternative to ICRT has been advised by some
radiation oncologists for treatment of locally advanced cervical cancers [76, 77]. With interstitial
implants, needles are introduced transperineally into the uterine ... Show more content on ...
The acute complications of will resolve within two to three weeks after completion of radiation
Pelvic irradiation may also cause proctitis and sigmoiditis. 2 to 3 weeks after treatment starts,
patients may develop loose stools; sometimes, the diarrhea may be associated with presence of
blood and mucus or feeling of incomplete evacuation. These symptoms can usually decrease shortly
after the completion of radiation treatment. A few of the patients may also develop long term
diarrhea that can be associated with anaemia caused by bleeding. In such patients, sigmoidoscopy
may reveal a smooth and pale mucosal layer with very prominent and friable blood vessels. The
symptoms will usually decrease within a few months, even though sometimes patients may develop
chronic proctosigmoiditis .This may lead to obstruction or stricture formation. In less than five
percent of patients, radiation induced injury to the rectum and sigmoid may lead to progressive
ischemia which may cause necrosis and rarely fistula or stricture formation. When this occurs,
carefully evaluation to exclude the chance of recurrent disease should be done in all
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Spectroscopy Essay
Dehydration and moderate fever are the casual enormities a person faces throughout his/her life.
Similarly, in my teenage years, I also overcame such a condition and carelessly disregarded it as
another week of some light nausea and fever. However, the stomach sickness and continuant
abdominal cramps left me thinking upon other possibilities. But my undying habit or love for
unhealthy and processed foods made me overlook my stomach pains. I rather intentionally
disregarded the fact in face of fear and remained content with several pain killers.
My condition deteriorated with the addition of a new symptom each day hence, visiting a physician
was inevitable. I had finally stopped pretending and detailed my conditions precisely.
Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy seem some charming words but they were no way near such
definitions when I had to get myself tested. Similarly, both these test required an initial stage of
fasting that is when I realized I might end up with diarrhea. My entire colon was examined for any
illness as I the physician opted for colonoscopy. Diarrhea also seemed another fancy word but I had
heard it several times previously and was not completely blank in this matter. Lack of knowledge,
for the first time, seemed favorable as I was not fully aware of its devastating effects and took it
very calmly when the doctor claimed I was infected. However, the ... Show more content on ...
This seemed worse than the stomach pains and vomiting that remained attached to the very end. I
was often served different meals simultaneously alike in their nourishment but also the absence of
classy taste. Similarly, I was constantly urged to drink. Vitamin and mineral rich stuff that often left
me bloated but were necessary to overcome dehydration. My friend sneaked in some chocolates at
times that might have prolonged my treatment but humans have
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Gastrointestinal Case Study
Discussion Post
Week Six
NURS–6531, N–8 As an advanced practice nurse (APN), it is common to see people with
gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. For the purpose of this discussion, I will evaluate the case study #2
and give a differential diagnosis with an explanation. I will discuss how the physical examination
and patient history plays a role in the diagnosis and provide examples of treatments based on the
Case Study Two Case study number two is a 40–year–old female with a chief complaint of diarrhea.
She has recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. She states that she lost nine
pounds last month and a total of 11 pounds since last year. She takes no medications and is allergic
to penicillin. Her physical exam shows a pale female in no acute distress. Her blood ... Show more
content on ...
UC is a complex inflammatory process of the colon with no known cause. Inflammation begins in
the submucosa and spreads inward and outward affecting the serosa and mucosa. However, UC
affects mostly the sigmoid colon and rectum, causing ulceration of the colonic mucosa. The mucosa
is dark red with erosions that converge into ulcers. Frequent diarrhea with blood in the stools are not
uncommon in UC (Dudley–Brown, & Huether, 2012). Symptoms of UC are abdominal cramping,
weight loss, mouth sores, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and joint pain. Cigarette increases the risk for
active UC, especially in women. When individuals present with common symptoms of IBD, ruling
out other diagnoses is essential. Further evaluation of rectal bleeding is necessary as it may be due to
hemorrhoids, a fissure, or drug induced. Diseases such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory
disease cause abdominal pain in women, therefore, exclusion of these disorders are necessary. It is
also crucial to rule out infectious causes of diarrhea (Biddle,
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Crohn's Disease Analysis
Crohn's Disease is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). It is a disease that causes inflammation in
the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract includes the oral cavity, esophagus, liver,
stomach, small intestine, terminal ileum, large intestine/colon, rectum, and anus. Crohn's Disease
affects thousands of people in America. Crohn's disease was first discovered in 1932 by three
doctors named Burrill Crohn, Leon Ginzberg, and Gordon D. Oppenheimer. The Crohn's & Colitis
Foundation of America (2014) declared "these doctors collected data from 14 patients with
symptoms of abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, and weight loss, which showed that the symptoms
were not the result of tuberculosis or any other known disease. They described a new disease entity,
which was first called regional ileitis, and later, Crohn's disease" (p. 7). Even though Crohn's
Disease was discovered over 80 years ago, there is no cure, but there is constantly more new
information being found out about this disease. There is no known cause of Crohn's Disease. Some
key factors in the development of Crohn's Disease are genes, the immune system, and
environmental ... Show more content on ...
This disease can be overwhelming physically, emotionally, and financially. Crohn's Disease is very
unpredictable so those who live with it have to be careful from day to day and make sure to listen
closely to their bodies. According to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (2014) "living
with this disease can also be very expensive. Direct medical costs include expenses for
hospitalizations, physician services, prescription drugs, over–the–counter drugs, skilled nursing
care, diagnostic procedures, and other healthcare services. Indirect costs are the value of lost
earnings or productivity. Indirect costs also include the value of leisure time lost" (p.19). However,
the good thing is that patients can still lead a happy and productive
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What Are The Various Meaning Of Aging?
1. What are the various meaning of aging?
A: Aging is the process of life from birth to death, and all changes in between including physical
(biological) and psychological. When it comes to biological aging, "Aging is the random change in
the structure and function of molecules, cells and organisms that is caused by the passage of time
and by one 's interaction with environment. Aging increases the probability of death (McDonald,
2013)". When it comes to psychology, in our community the majority 's belief is the older you get
the wiser you are.
2. What is gerontological nursing and how it is apply to community nursing?
A: "Gerontologic nursing – this specialty of nursing involves assessing the health and functional
status of older adults, planning and implementing healthcare and services to meet the identified
needs, and evaluating the effectiveness of such care" (Meiner, 2011). Majority of elders today live in
their own home. It is very beneficial to have geriatric nurse to be community nurse, because due to
the educational background, these nurses can assess elderly better and are able to meet the needs of
3. Mention the aging statistics based on 2010 national census and target goals based on healthy
people 2020
A: "The older population is an important and growing segment of the United States population.1 In
fact, more people were 65 years and over in 2010 than in any previous census.2 Between 2000 and
2010, the population 65 years and over increased at a
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Why Hemorrhoids Happen
The purpose of this research paper is to identify the cautions and reasons to why certain diseases
happen and I would like to address one disease that stands out the most for me which is
Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be disease that will make your life difficult to deal with it and can
give you severe pain if you do not treat it and give it time to heal. All the diseases in the Digestive
system are very risky to your health but to me Hemorrhoids seem and are researched in a way that
caught my eyes and I think it would benefit people from young to elderly people and even animals.
This disease has been common for a while especially to people who do not take great care of their
body since anyone can get this disease and not even know it that's why everyone has ... Show more
content on ...
Standing too much without taking a break to sit can cause hemorrhoids to develop." ( Hemorrhoids)
Consistent anal sexual intercourse and diarrhea can also increase your risk of hemorrhoids. You're
also more likely to develop hemorrhoids if you're pregnant. When the uterus enlarges, it presses on
the vein in the colon, causing it to bulge. A visual examination of your anus may be enough to
diagnose hemorrhoids. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may do a different tests to check for
any abnormalities within the anus. This check is known as a digital rectal test. "During this test, your
doctor inserts a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum. If they feel anything abnormal, they
may order an additional test called a sigmoidoscopy." (Hemorrhoids) A sigmoidoscopy involves
your doctor using a small camera to diagnose an internal hemorrhoid. This small fiber–optic camera,
called a sigmoidoscope, fits into a small tube and then inserts into your rectum. From this test, your
doctor gets a clear view of the inside of your rectum so that they can examine the hemorrhoid up
close. And also check if you have other unusual images in your anus. If you're constipated, you
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Transverse Colon Volvulus
Volvulus is rotation of part of the intestine around its mesentry, causing a intestinal obstruction.
Colonic volvulus is not common cause of intestinal obstruction in the developed world. However
much more common in the developing world (6,7). High prevalence of volvulus are reported in the
"Volvulus Belt" of Africa, the Middle East, India, and Russia. In these regions, the average age is
younger than Western countries, ranging from 40 to 50 years and in generally better health (8). In
the United States, colonic volvulus accounts for 10 to 15% of all colon obstructions(9). The sigmoid
colon is most common site followed by caecum for volvulus. Transverse colon volvulus is an
uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. Literature ... Show more content on ...
Twisting of bowel commonly occurs along the mesenteric axis , resulting in venous obstruction and
eventually arterial compromise. Redundancy and non–fixation of bowel are essential to form any
type of volvulus. The ascending and descending segments of the colon are not mobile , but the
sigmoid colon, caecum, and transverse colon are not fixed within the peritoneum, tethered by their
mesentery. This mobility contributes volvulus to occur at these locations. Thirty three to thirty five
percent of patients with volvulus of the transverse colon appear to have had a history of chronic
constipation which is either idiopathic or secondary to autonomic dysfunction (5) . In our patient
chronic constipations , laxative abuse and high fibre diet may be contributing for the transverse
colon volvulus . These conditions may predispose the elongation and chronic redundancy of the
colon and its mesentry, which favoure it to rotation. In our part of world , most of people are farmer
and they eat high fibre content diet, that may be reason for high incidence of volvulus. Honestely , it
is difficult to conclude the broad conclusions regarding the incidence of transverse colon volvulus in
the adult population due to the relatively small number of reported cases. Therefore, surgeon should
be aware of these unusal causes of large bowel obstruction to allow for early diagnosis and to
facilitate better patient
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Colon Cancer Research Paper
What is Colon Cancer? Colon cancer is considered as the second killer cancer in United States and
Western Europe (1). Moreover, in the U.S it is the third common cancer ,and the risk is about 6
percent(1).It mostly affects elderly men and women, and the risk to the people who are African–
Americans higher (1). Moreover, a personal history or family history makes the risk greater and the
lifestyle effects too (1). For example, if the person overweight or suffers from obesity, that makes
him under the risk. However, what is the Colon cancer?, and why is it a deadly disease ?.This will
present in this essay based on a definition of colon cancer and its symptoms, screening, treatment.
Colon cancer is a cancer impacts the rectum or colon which is the large intestine , and sometimes
doctors and scholars called it colorectal cancer (1). However, why is it a deadly disease?.As it
known cancer takes 5 to 10 years to causes symptoms. Therefore, colon cancer sometimes does not
give any symptoms because it starts as polyps in the colon for years , before it develops to cancer, so
it cannot be noticeable(1). Moreover, Most people with colon cancer do not express any symptoms
in early stages, ... Show more content on ...
FOBT has two types the first type uses the chemical guaiac, and the other uses antibodies to find
blood in the stool (3). Flexible Sigmoidoscopy uses tube in rectum and sees is there polyps or
not(3). Similarly to Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy the doctor uses a thinner tube to sees
cancer, but in this method he can remove polyps (3).These Types help to find the polyps in earlier
stages then eliminate them, so colon cancer can be prevented
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Cancer #1 Essay
Case Study 92
R.T. is a 64–year–old man who comes to his primary care provider's (PCP's) office for a yearly
examination. He initially reports having no new health problems; however, on further questioning,
he admits to having developed some fatigue, abdominal bloating, and intermittent constipation. His
nurse practitioner completes the examination, which includes a normal rectal exam with a stool
positive for guaiac. Diagnostic studies include a CBC with differential, chem 14, and
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). R.T. has not had a recent colonoscopy and is referred to a
gastroenterologist for this procedure. A 5–cm mass found in the sigmoid colon confirms a diagnosis
of adenocarcinoma of the colon. A referral is made for ... Show more content on ...
Advanced disease Sx: pain, anorexia, weight loss, palpable abdominal / rectal mass, anemia.
6. What is a CEA? How does it relate to the diagnosis of colon cancer?
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker that can be detected in the blood of clients with
colorectal cancer. CEA level is used to estimate prognosis, monitor treatment, and detect cancer
7. After bowel prep, R.T. is admitted to the hospital for an exploratory laparotomy, small bowel
resection, and sigmoid colectomy. List at least five major potential complications for
Infection (Leakage from Colon) Bleeding Blood Clots
Damage to Internal Organs bulging of tissue through surgical incision colon blockage due to the
formation of scar tissue incomplete joining of the reattached sections of your colon and rectum
8. After surgery, R.T. is admitted to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) with a large abdominal
dressing. The nurse rolls R.T. side to side to remove the soiled surgical linen, and the dressing
becomes saturated with a large amount of serosanguineous drainage.
Would the drainage be expected after abdominal surgery? Explain.
Serosanguineous drainage is expected after abdominal surgery because of incision and time needed
for clotting process. It is not normal if the bandage is soaked with blood, if green or yellow drainage
is coming from it, or patient have black or tarry stools, or there is blood in his stool.
9. Four weeks after surgery, R.T. is
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The Importance of Preventative Care for Health Essay example
As a result of the importance placed on preventive services there is no shortage of studies examining
preventive service utilization among various groups. Many studies have examined the factors
affecting preventive service use with the most important including age5,6, race/ethnicity7–10,
marital status11, and income. 6–8,11–13 The literature has documented disparities by race/ethnicity
and socioeconomic status in use of preventive services and shown that minorities are generally not
as likely as Whites to receive services such as blood pressure checks, cervical cancer screening, and
blood cholesterol screening. 14 Other studies have looked at the effects of education 9,15,16, usual
source of care 15, and insurance 17–20 on the utilization ... Show more content on
Not surprisingly, low–income families (less than $25,000/year household income) had the highest
level of uninsurance at 25.4%. However, middle–income families were also affected by a high rate
of uninsurance (21.5%).24 Lack of health insurance can lead to a variety of issues – from access
barriers to needed services to delaying routine and preventive care. The United States Preventive
Services Task Force produces and maintains a set of comprehensive preventions recommendations
that aim to guide clinical and preventive care in the United States. 3 The USPSTF guidelines are
employed by numerous federal agencies and private organizations, and are widely considered as the
top choice for clinical preventive services guidance. 25 The purpose of this study is to analyze the
use of USPSTF recommended preventive services among uninsured adults, and how utilization
varies across race and ethnicity. As such, the analysis was limited to non–Hispanic Whites, non–
Hispanic African Americans, and Hispanic individuals over the age of 18 who did not have any
health insurance coverage for the entire previous year. Following the Andersen Andersen model of
health care utilization, we control for socio–demographic factors that may act as enabling resources,
predisposing characteristics, or need factors. The Andersen Andersen model postulates that use of
health services is dependent on an
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Gastrointestinal Bleeding (LGIB)
A lower Gastrointestinal Bleed is referred as any bleed that occurs distal to the ligament of Treitz
and superior to the anus. This includes the last 1/4 of the duodenum and the entire area of the
jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum, and anus1. This rectal bleeding may be overt or occult, and overt
bleeding can be acute, massive or chronic.
In patients who presents with gastrointestinal (GI) haemorrhage, about 20–33% are cases of Lower
gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB). In Western countries the annual incidence of LGIB is about 20–27
cases per 100,000 population2. In a recent study that takes place at National University Hospital of
Iceland the incidence of acute lower GI bleed (ALGIB) was 87/100000/year3. Statistically upper GI
bleeding (UGIB) is ... Show more content on ...
In a retrospective study in Detroit USA, analysis of 1100 patients with acute LGIB was done, all of
whom were admitted to the surgical service of a single urban emergency hospital, Gayer et al
determined that the most common etiologies for bleeding in these patients were diverticulosis
(33.5%), hemorrhoids (22.5%), and carcinoma (12.7%). The investigators also found that most
patients in the study (55.5%) presented with hematochezia, with the next most frequent
presentations being maroon stools (16.7%) and melena (11%) 8. In another study that was done at
National University Hospital of Iceland during 2010. In this study all patient who underwent
colonoscopy were included, 1134 patients underwent 1275 colonoscopies. Overall, 163 patients had
ALGIB. The crude incidence for ALGIB was 87/100 000 inhabitants/year. The most common
findings were diverticulosis (23%) and ischemic colitis (16%) 3. A difference has been noticed
between the West and the subcontinent in the frequency of different findings in patients with rectal
bleeding. In Pakistan, lot of studies were done on aetiology and treatment of upper gastrointestinal
bleeding but little work is done on the lower gastrointestinal tract. In a study carried out in 1990 in
Pakistan, colonoscopy was performed in patients with lower gastrointestinal tract pathologies. The
most common pathologies diagnosed were ulcerative colitis and malignancy, followed by amoebic
colitis, while percentage of Crohn's colitis, polyps and diverticuli were less9. In another study
conducted it was determined that the most common cause of rectal bleeding is proctosigmoiditis10.
Yet in another study carried out in Karachi using flexible sigmoidoscopy to determine the cause of
lower GI bleeding revealed most common findings were hemorrhoids in
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Virtual Colonoscopy Research Paper
Virtual Colonoscopy
Virtual colonoscopy is a procedure that can be used to examine the large intestine (colon), the
rectum, and the small intestine. In this procedure, X–rays and computers (CT scan or MRI) are used
to produce images of these body areas. The exam can help find problems such as tumors, polyps, or
Virtual colonoscopy provides a way to examine the colon without inserting the flexible instrument
(colonoscope) into the colon as is done in a regular colonoscopy. However, a virtual colonoscopy
does not show as much detail, so smaller polyps may not be seen during this procedure. Also, your
health care provider cannot take tissue samples or remove polyps during a virtual colonoscopy. If
problems are found during this ... Show more content on ...
Previous problems you or members of your family have had with the use of anesthetics.
Any blood disorders you have.
Previous surgeries you have had.
Medical conditions you have.
If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.
Generally, this is a safe procedure. However, problems can occur and include:
A tear in the lining of the colon from inflating the colon with air during the procedure. The risk of
this is small.
Exposure to radiation (small amount).
Ask your health care provider about changing or stopping your regular medicines. This is especially
important if you are taking diabetes medicines or blood thinners.
You may be prescribed an oral bowel prep. This involves drinking a large amount of medicated
liquid, starting the day before your procedure. The liquid will cause you to have multiple loose
stools until your stool is almost clear or light green. This cleans out your colon in preparation for the
Do not eat or drink anything else once you have started the bowel prep, unless your health care
provider tells you it is safe to do so.
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Statement of Purpose to Become a Nursing Student at...
Since my first day in nursing school, I have always looked forward to the day I become a family
nurse practitioner (FNP). Among the driving forces and strengths being that apart from being the
first nurse in the family, I graduated with a degree in nursing making me a source of inspiration
within the family. Additionally, I will be the first to graduate with a master's degree in the family
given this opportunity. Besides, I wish to be a source of motivation and inspiration to many nurses
who wish to advance their nursing careers. It is through a demonstration of what is possible and
mentoring them through that I can make a positive change among fellow nurses. Since I graduated
about three years ago, I have worked with many patients and clients that require much of the
required advanced nursing skills that I seek. Equipped with such skills, I will be at a better position
to adequately, competently and confidently–assist the adult patients and clients. In fact, nursing is a
passion allowing me to serve the community and at the same time be a light in someone's disease
process darkness. I wish to live to learn broadly, to serve others generously and courageously lead
other fellow nurses. Since I graduated three years ago, I have had two certifications in Basic Life
Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), which have enabled to work
effectively at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA as a RN, in GI and Pulmonologist labs.
Among the tasks I took part
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Summary: The American Society For Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
A Canadian–based medical panel is challenging the concept that colonoscopic procedures are
necessary in screening for colon cancer. This defies traditional thought, that the process should be a
routine exam for men and women who are over 50. If these procedures are deemed as not medically
necessary, patients will likely welcome the change, as people tend to dread the process due to its
invasive nature. The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy defines a colonoscopy as:
"the process that lets your doctor examine the lining of your large intestine (colon) for abnormalities
by inserting a thin flexible tube, into your anus and slowly advancing it into the rectum and colon.
This instrument, called a colonoscope, has a lens and light
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Essay On Ulcerative Colitis
This disease have a TH2 profile, but the concentrations of IL–4 and IL–5, which are normally
increased in TH2 responses, have been variable in ulcerative colitis tissues.
From studies of the oxazalone colitis model, one of the few models to exhibit a TH2 profile,
ulcerative colitis has an atypical TH2 response, mediated by natural killer T cells that secrete IL–13.
These natural killer T cells are activated by APCs that express the nonclassical major
MHC molecule, CD1d, which presents lipid instead of protein antigens to T cells. will require
blockade of IL–13 could provide an exciting new approach to ulcerative colitis treatment.
T–cell subsets are stimulated by APCs, most notably dendritic ... Show more content on ...
Inflammation occurs in rectum and sigmoid colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal
cramps and pain.
Left–sided colitis. Inflammation spread from the rectum up through the sigmoid and descending
colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping left side pain, and weight loss.
Pancolitis. Affects the entire colon and causes severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain,
fatigue, and significant weight loss.
Acute severe ulcerative colitis. Rare form of colitis affects the entire colon and causes severe pain,
diarrhea, bleeding, fever and inability to eat.and increase risk of colon cancer 70–80%. And usually
doctor suggest to remove the part of colon or whole colon.
SYMPTOMS: According to inflammation and site, symptoms can be different depend on the type of
colitis. Diarrhea or internal bleeding, risk of causing anemia followed by bloody stool, fever, weight
loss due to low appetites, fatigue, stomach pain and cramping some other complication occur like
pore in the colon, loss of water and blood from the body, loss of calcium and damage the bone
osteoporosis, high risk of colon cancer,sorness and abscess in mouth, stiffness, lung embolism
,blood coagulation in deep vein
Diagnosis occurs on the basis of medical history of the patient related to gastrointestinal symptoms
and physical examination for the GI tract, dermatologic, optical system. Looking for any condition
among crohn's, ischemic, infections and
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The Case Study Of Colon And Rectal Cancer
Colon and rectum cancer is ranked third for cancer incidence and fourth for cancer death globally in
2013. Further colon and rectum cancer ranked second for incidence and mortality for developed
countries and ranked fourth for both incidence and mortality for developing countries. The Global
burden of cancer study showed that colon and rectal cancer was the fourth leading cause for cancer
related years life lost between 1990 and 2013. The number of people diagnosed with colon and
rectal cancer doubled from 1990 to 2013, most of the increase being explained by an aging and
growing population. But a 16% of this increase was independent of the aging and growing
population. The study showed colon and rectum cancer caused 15.8 million ... Show more content
on ...
Disadvantages of FIT is repeated testing in an opportunistic setting and requiring further diagnostic
invasive test if positive.3.
The natural history of transition of polyp to cancer pathway is well known. Colorectal cancer can be
prevented to a large extent by removing polyps. Additionally, detection of colorectal cancer in early
stage by screening also results in lower mortality rate. Hence colorectal cancer screening is
recommended for asymptomatic average risk individuals. In the study by M. Aronsson, one–time
colonoscopy yielded 49 more quality adjusted life years (QALYs) as compared to screening twice
with FIT gave 26 more QALYs. All screening strategies showed cost effectiveness as compared to
no screening though colonoscopy was more cost effective than FIT.6
Although, more CRCs occur in high income countries, CRC incidence has been rising rapidly in
many less developed countries including Brazil, Philippines and Bulgaria.7 However, currently few
countries are having a CRC screening program in place.8 Even in countries with screening program
uptake rates are suboptimal and screening programs are unutilized.9 The effect of it is the unsettling
truth that a large proportion of the CRC related 700,000 deaths should not occur. On the other side, a
model calculation done in Germany about the effect of colonoscopies done for 10
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Inflammatory Bowel Disease Essay
The term Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a general name given to a few disorders that all fall
under the category of inflamed intestines (they become red and swollen.) This is usually due to a
reaction the body causes against its own intestinal tissue. The two most common types of
Inflammatory Bowel Disease are Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). Crohn's disease
can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract; however, it more commonly affects the small
intestine or colon. Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a chronic disease, which means that it lasts a long
time and can occur frequently. There are some cases where a person will only suffer from one
occurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and then be in remission from ... Show more content on ...
People who suffer from Crohn's disease may also suffer the same risks of colon cancer, but typically
only if the entire colon is affected. There are also rare extra–intestinal cases of Inflammatory Bowel
Disease that occur in organs other that the intestinal tract. These symptoms may include arthritis,
liver and kidney disorders, bone loss, and more.
In cases of children suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, it may also delay puberty. This is
due to the body not absorbing all of the nutrients from their food. They may also suffer from fever,
fatigue, and weight loss.
One symptom that is not definite, but may help decide what form of IBD is present, is where the
pain in the abdomen is located. Typically Ulcerative Colitis patients experience pain in the lower left
section of the abdomen, while Crohn's Disease patients tend to suffer from pain in the lower right
section of the abdomen. "With Ulcerative Colitis, bleeding from the rectum during bowel
movements is very common, and bleeding is much less common in patients with Crohn's Disease."
(Tresca, 2009)
While Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease share similar symptoms, they are treated different
medically. "There are cases where the diagnosis of one form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease over
the other is very difficult.
... Get more on ...
Microbiota Transplant Essay
Fecal Transplantation Therapy (Presentation Outline by Samantha McClenahan)
Slide 1: What is FMT and why is it preformed?
Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which fecal matter, or stool, is collected from a
tested donor, mixed with a saline or other solution, strained, and placed in a patient, by colonoscopy,
endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or enema.
The purpose of fecal transplant is to replace good bacteria that has been killed or suppressed, usually
by the use of antibiotics, causing bad bacteria, specifically Clostridium difficile, or C. diff., to over–
populate the colon.
C. difficile colitis may be associated with diarrhea, abdominal cramping and sometimes fever and
dehydration from diarrhea may lead to death.
Slide ... Show more content on ...
Initial infection treated with an antibiotic that specifically targets the C. difficile organism.
Antibiotics used for the treatment of this infection include metronidazole, vancomycin and
Current treatment for FMT is the use of antibiotics; however, the relapse rate it high with over half a
million cases in the use and 15,000 related deaths occurring annually.
In 30 percent of treated individuals, the infection returns within a few days or weeks after finishing
the antibiotic course.
In 2013, the New England Journal of Medicine showed that fecal transplantation is more effective
than oral vancomycin in preventing further recurrences in individuals who have already had
recurrent C. difficile colitis.
As of 2013, fecal transplantation is currently not routinely performed for indications other than
recurrent C. difficile colitis. More research studies are still needed to determine if fecal
transplantation should be performed for other clinical indications. Fecal transplantation for other
clinical indications should be considered experimental, and performed only as part of a research
study where your safety is closely
... Get more on ...

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DVT Research Papers

  • 1. DVT Research Papers Define (What is it?) A DVT is a clot in the lower extremities. Etiology (What caused it? What is happening in the body?) Thrombus formation starts in the calf and extends proximally. They mostly begin intraoperatively, but can also start a few days to a month. A thrombus is composed of fibrin and red cells. The development of thrombosis can result from endothelial injury, abnormal blood flow, and/or hypercoagulability. High risks include obesity, prolonged immobility, cancer, smoking, estrogen use, advancing age, varicose veins, dehydration, splenectomy, and orthopedic procedures. A DVT in the lower limbs can be classified as proximal (popliteal vein/thigh vein) or distal (calf veins). A proximal vein thrombosis is of greatest importance and ... Show more content on ... The body responds to these microbes as foreign bodies and their detection initiates an inflammatory response. A local infection leads to inflammation of a specific area and with a competent immune system the risk for sepsis is decreased. Group A strep and staph is the most causative agents of cellulitis. A break in our skin can cause infection. Rarely, cellulitis can spread and cause necrotizing fasciitis also known as the "flesh–eating disease". Potential Complications (What could happen as a result?) If untreated, cellulitis can become necrotizing fasciitis. Bacteria can also travel in the bloodstream and a person may become septic or get meningitis if the bacterium travels to the CNS. Clinical Manifestations Textbook signs/symptoms Tender, warm, erythematous streak that extends proximally from the area, indicating lymph vessel involvement. Possible fluctuant abscesses or purulent drainage. Possible fever, chills, headache, malaise (feeling unwell). Diagnostic test evaluation Blood culture may be drawn if they suspect an infection. A CBC can also be drawn to look at the WBC count. There may also be an x–ray done if they suspect an infection all the way to the bone. DVT and cellulitis are very similar so to rule out a DVT they may do a US. Manifestations observed in your patient (Complete by end of clinical day) Erythematous, HA, swelling around ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. A Brief Note On Colorectal Cancer And Cancer Colorectal cancer is one of the global leading diseases and it is the third most common causes of death in both men and women in America. Approximately 1 in 12 Australians will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime, and according to Bowel Cancer Australia, individuals are at risk if they are aged 50 years and over, have had an inflammatory colorectal disease or significant family history of colorectal cancer polyps. Although there are various treatments for colorectal cancer, complications may arise. Post–infection caused by surgical damage to the mucosa of the intestine may occur. Furthermore, a previous study indicated that although some chemotherapy regiment, such as FOLFOXIRI, can produce maximal response in decreasing tumour size at high dosage, it can also produce side effects such as neutropenia and diarrhoea because of the high toxicity level associated with the dosage of the drugs. As a result, it has become a necessity for researchers to trial new methods, such as combining drug regimen with surgery, to improve clinical outcomes from treatments in patients with colorectal cancer. It has been raised in the media that gut microbiota in individuals can provide an indication of the development of colorectal cancer. Hence, using it as a screening method can allow early interventions to prevent colorectal carcinoma. Although the media mentions using gut microbiota analysis as a preventative screening method, it raises the question: What roles can gut bacteria ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Cancer: The Most Common Cause Of Colorectal Cancer Colorectal cancer affects colon and rectum. Also it occurs in the large intestine. When the cancer is in the last six inches of the rectum, it is known as a rectal cancer. Additionally, colon is in the lower part of the digestive system that processes food and rides the body of waste. Simultaneously, these are referred to as colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most common disease in our society that kills men and women. It is ranked the third most common cause of death among the African American men and women in the United States of America. In addition, colorectal cancer is caused by ulcerative colitis, certain types of diets such as diets that are high in red meat, obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, and poor exercise. Also, colorectal ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Causes Of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an idiopathic, chronic inflammatory process. Individuals with this condition often experience periods of symptomatic relapse and remission. (Lehmann et al., 2015) IBD encompasses two disorders: Crohn disease (CD) and Ulcerative colitis (UC). Ulcerative colitis is an ulcerating inflammation of the mucosal layer largely restricted to the colon. Crohn disease is a deep transmural inflammation that generally occurs in the terminal ileum but can occur anywhere from the mouth to the anus (Davies and Abreu., 2015). CD can affect any part of the GI tract but has a particular tendency to affect the terminal ileum. In CD, the involved bowel is normally narrowed and thickened. Deep ulcers and fissures in the mucosa ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Essay on Bowel Cancer Bowel Cancer The bowels are the intestines, consisting of the small intestine (the section between the stomach and the appendix) and the large intestine (from the appendix to the anus). The large intestine is divided into the long colon and a short rectum, just before the anus. Two thirds of bowel cancers occur in the colon and one third in the rectum, with very few in the small intestine. Who is at risk of bowel cancer? =============================== There are about 35,000 new cases each year in the UK. More than 80% of these are in people over 60. Obesity can increase the risk of cancer of the colon by up to one third. High alcohol intake is ... Show more content on ... Low fat, high fiber diets appear to carry a lower risk. Greater consumption of vegetables and fruit has also been shown to reduce the risk. Increased consumption of red meat and processed meat has been linked to a higher risk. By comparison, eating fish does not appear to be a risk factor. Some evidence suggests that certain dietary supplements, such as calcium, selenium and, possibly, folic acid can reduce the risk. Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer ================================== Unfortunately, often colon cancer does not show any symptoms until in its later stages. Here is a list of common signs to look for. · Blood in the stool is the number one symptom · Bleeding from the rectum · Abdominal pain · Weight loss · Nausea · Vomiting · Constipation or diarrhea
  • 18. · Change in bowel habits · Change in stool shape or size, including narrowing stools · Fatigue due to bleeding in stools Colon Cancer Stages =================== Colon cancer can be broken down into 5 stages. Here is a brief outline of each one. Stage 0– Cancer is confined to outside colon wall. Stage 1– Cancer has spread to second and third layer of the wall. Stage 2– Cancer has spread beyond and through the colon ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Testing Based Fecal Occult Blood Test Sensitivity And... Guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test Sensitivity and Specificity Colon cancer The large intestines are a part of the digestive system (Colorectal cancer, 2015). The large intestines (large bowels) are made up of the colon and the rectum (What is colorectal cancer, 2016). The colon is five feet long muscular tube that makes up the majority of the large bowel (What is colorectal cancer, 2016). After food goes through the small intestines, of the digestive system, the colon absorbs the salt and water from the food that remains and the waste matter (feces) is the byproduct (What is colorectal cancer, 2016). The feces is then expelled from the body through the anus (What is colorectal cancer, 2016). When a cancer forms in the lining of the ... Show more content on ... The localized stage is stage where cancer is only found in the part of the body where it originated from (Surveillance, epidemiology, and end results program, n.d.). In Virginia, 39% of colorectal cancers are detected at the localized stage (Cancer in Virginia, 2014). The 2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey reported that 69% of Virginia adults age 50 or older reported that they have had a colon cancer screening (Cancer in Virginia, 2014). Guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test The guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test (gFOBT) is a screening test for colorectal cancer (A guide to FOBT, n.d.). The guaiac–based Fecal Occult Blood Test uses the chemical reagent guaiac to detect the presence of heme in stool (A guide to FOBT, n.d.). Colorectal neoplasms can cause blood (heme) in the stool because the blood vessels on the surface of colorectal cancer and/or colorectal polyps have fragile blood vessels that are easily damaged when feces pass through the large bowel (A guide to FOBT, n.d.). A small amount of blood from the fragile colorectal polyps and cancer vessels merge with the stool (A guide to FOBT, n.d.). The small amount of blood that is combined with the stool from the colorectal polyps and cancer vessels is not visibly noticeable in the stool (A guide to FOBT, n.d.). Consequently, Fecal Occult Blood Tests, such as gFOBT, can be used to detect the small amount of blood that can be found in the stool if a person has colorectal polyps or cancer (A ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. The Association Between Low Hdl Blood Levels And Colonic... Dyslipidemia is a pathological alteration of lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in the blood. It is one of the main elements of metabolic syndrome. Epidemiological studies have shown that persons with the metabolic syndrome have an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). One of the possible mechanisms is that lipids and lipoproteins have been found to be associated with neoplastic processes as well as inflammation, insulin resistance and oxidative stress. On the other side, some of the factors that influence lipid and lipoprotein concentration unfavorably (ie. smoking, obesity, a high fat and low fiber diet consumption) can contribute to the development of colon cancer as well. The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between low HDL blood levels and colonic cancer. Methods: A retrospective case–control study was conducted. A chart review was performed on the charts of 183 patients who were diagnosed with colonic adenoma or carcinoma after having colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy done in our hospital from 1/1/09 till 12/31/10. Information regarding demographics, HDL level, endoscopy and biopsy findings, site of the lesion and the period between endoscopy and the closest HDL measurement we have in our records. Results: Our study population included 183 patients (66 males and 116 females). 86 patients had adenomas while 96 patients were diagnosed with CRC. The mean age was 61.1+/– 11 years and 80 +/– 12.2 years for adenoma group and carcinoma group ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Colonoscopy Essay In the course of recent years we have made incredible advances in the analysis of colon and rectal ailment. On the off chance that you are mature enough you may review or knew about people experiencing an inflexible extension exam in the specialists facility called an unbending sigmoidoscopy. This study uncovered just the last 1/3 of the colon and totally missed injuries in most of the colon. In spite of the fact that it was exceptionally simple it served us well for a long time. Moderately as of late, in the previous 30 years, and with the advancement of fiber optics the whole colon has been opened up to us for direct representation. This study is referred to today as a colonoscopy. In the examination the specialist will pass a little fiber optic degree through the butt and pass it around the whole colon permitting complete representation of the ... Show more content on ... They are normally evacuated at the season of the study. These are little developments in the colon and most are asymptomatic, which means the patient and specialist can't tell polyps are there until the colonoscopy is preformed. Colon diseases may emerge from these polyps after they have been available for a long time so it is critical that they be expelled to diminishing this hazard. By taking out these polyps we can decrease the hazard and the improvement of colon malignancy. The most ideal approach to treat this harm or disease is before it ever begins and the technique is sheltered and moderately easy to perform. This basic system could go far to decrease the danger of the improvement of this normal ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Colorectal Cancer Increasing Risk Factors To start, one already has an increased chance of getting cancer if one already has a history of colorectal, ovarian, endometrial, or breast cancer. Thus, due to her family's history of getting colorectal cancer, Ms. Wilson should have already been more wary of colorectal cancer. Although her race is not mentioned, the following races have highest occurring colon cancer rates from highest to lowest: Black, White, Asian/Pacific Islander, American Indian/Alaskan natives, and then Hispanic. With the specificity of sex, women are less likely than men to contract colorectal cancer, but do so at roughly the same incidence. In addition, being 61 years old gave her a 0.92% chance of developing colorectal cancer after 10 years, 2.37% after 20 years, and 3.76 after 30 years [5]. In regards to environmental factors, colon cancer shares many similarities with other forms of cancer. For example, some environmental factors for colorectal cancer are diet, tobacco, and lack of exercise. In addition, there are several polyposis disorders, colorectal cancers that are passed on via errors or mutations within the genetic code, that can also contribute to the development of colorectal cancer. Examples of polyposis disorders are familial adenomatous polyposis, turcot syndrome, attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis, and hyperplastic polyposis syndrome. On the other hand, non– polyposis disorders, or inherited colorectal cancers that affects organs such as the reproductive tract, digestive ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. How Does Cancer Affect People Over 50 In Home Health care – Cancer in Those Over 50 Anybody can be diagnosed with cancer. Some people are even born with it. Most cancer, however, afflicts those who are older. In fact, the National Institute on Aging notes that the chances of being diagnosed with cancer increases dramatically after a person turns 50. The good news is that the early detection of cancer and improved treatments have significantly increased the cancer survival rate. Cancer is a scary word. What is actually means is that a normal cell in the body has become abnormal. When these abnormal cells replicate, they often lump together and form masses we call tumors. Sometimes, the cells travel to other parts of the body. This spreading is known as metastasis. Cancers that are localized are much easier to treat than those which have metastasized. ... Show more content on ... The risk of breast cancer goes up every year. Testing for cervical cancer is done with a pap smear and pelvic exam. Women over 50 should have a pap smear at least every three years up to age 65. Some women do not need pap smears after 65. Doctors recommend a sigmoidoscopy every 5 years and a colonoscopy every 10 years after the age of 50 to detect colorectal cancer. Regular dental exams not only keep the teeth and gums healthy, but oral exams also detect mouth and throat cancer. Prostate cancer is detected through a blood test and rectal exam. Since prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men, it is essential that these tests are performed ever couple of years after age 50. If your loved one loses track of the screenings, an in home health care aide can help create a schedule to keep them on track. In short, the risk of cancer may increase with age, but with the proper screening and early identification the chances of winning the battle greatly increases. In home health care aides can help spot changes in your senior love one and can also help with scheduling and arranging ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Persuasive Essay On Cancer Screening Introduction A cancer screening is a test or exam that checks for cancer. Your health care provider will recommend specific cancer screenings based on your age, personal history, and family history of cancer. Work with your health care provider to create a cancer screening schedule that protects your health. Why is cancer screening done? Cancer screenings is done to look for cancer in the very early stages, before it spreads and becomes harder to treat and before you would start to see symptoms. Finding cancer early improves the chances of successful treatment. It can save your life. Who should be screened for cancer? All women should be screened for certain cancers, including breast cancer, cervical cancer, and skin cancer. Your health ... Show more content on ... To perform the test a health care provider takes a swab of cervical cells during a pelvic exam. Here are some screening guidelines: You should have a Pap test every year starting at age 21. When you are 21–29 years old, you should have a Pap test every three years. When you are 30–65 years old, you should have a Pap test and HPV test every 5 years or a Pap test every 3 years. You may be screened for cervical cancer more often if you have risk factors for cervical cancer If your Pap tests are abnormal, you should have an HPV test. If you have had the HPV vaccine, you should still be screened for cervical cancer and follow normal screening recommendations. You do not need to be screened for cervical cancer if any of the following apply: You are older than 65 and you have not had a serious cervical pre–cancer or cancer in the last 20 years. Your cervix and uterus have been removed and you have never had had cervical cancer or pre– cancerous cells. Endometrial cancer There is no standard screening test for endometrial cancer, but the cancer can be detected with: A test of a sample of tissue taken from the lining of the uterus (endometrial tissue biopsy). A vaginal ultrasound. Pap tests. If you are at increased risk for endometrial cancer, you may need to have these tests more often than normal. You are at increased risk if:
  • 43. You have a family history of ovarian, uterine, or colon cancer. You are taking tamoxifen, a drug used to ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Cancer In The Elderly Essay 4 Ways to Stave Off Colorectal Cancer in the Elderly Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting the elderly. Thankfully, there are a number of actions seniors can take to prevent this disease. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and getting regular screening tests, seniors have a better chance of preventing colorectal or colon cancer. 1. Adhere to Dietary Guidelines One of the best ways to prevent colorectal cancer is to follow a healthy diet. Elderly people at risk for cancer should limit their intake of red meat and processed meats, which means less bacon, bologna, hamburgers, or steak. This might be a tall order for some meat aficionados, but it's believed that carcinogens may form when red meat is cooked at high temperatures. Red meat also contains iron, which can damage DNA. For seniors who eat red meat daily, cutting back to several times a week is a must. After cutting down on red meat consumption, it's important to replace unhealthy foods with nutritious alternatives. Beans are a good substitute for meat, and fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a preventative diet. People who primarily eat plant–based foods are less likely to develop colon cancer. 2. Regular Screenings Seniors at risk for colorectal cancer should get regular screening tests. There are a number of ... Show more content on ... Physical fitness is an excellent preventative measure against cancer, as it promotes healthy biological effects that help keep the colon healthy. It lowers growth factors that have been linked with the progression of colon cancer, and it protects the gastrointestinal tract from harmful bile acids. It also boosts overall digestive health, which reduces the risks of colorectal cancer. To get the benefits of exercise, seniors should try to exercise for at least two hours every week. Seniors with limited mobility can try gentle activities like chair ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Causes Of Ulcerative Colitis Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon that causes inflammation and ulcers in the mucosal lining of the colon. It often begins in the sigmoid colon and extends up into the rest of the colon. Most cases of ulcerative colitis are idiopathic. However, researchers think that an individual's overactive intestinal immune system, genes, and environment play a factor in the cause of acquiring ulcerative colitis. Scientists suggested that bacteria or viruses could provoke the immune system to attack the inner lining of the large intestine by mistake, which would result the inflammation of the colon. Other studies believe that eating certain foods, stress, and emotional distress could be possible causes of ulcerative colitis. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Gastroenterology Practice Management Model Your gastroenterology practice needs cutting–edge technology specifically tailored to your patient population and care delivery model. With MediPro solutions for gastroenterologists, you tap into the tools and resources you need to supervise patient care and facilitate efficient, accuate communication with internal staff and external service providers. Gastroenterology electronic medical records (EHR) with pre–built templates for the most common complaints and treatment planning support tools make it easier, and faster, for clinicians and staff to update records, electronically send orders, and digitally share lab results and images. We know your practice has its own unique workflow and organizational goals. Our primary objective is to help you leverage MediPro Gastroenterology Practice Management (PM) software to its full capacity, resulting in increased productivity, lower overhead and improved patient experiences. Why Choose McKesson gastroenterology EHR software over other ... Show more content on ... You need solutions that not only save your staff time, but reduce operating expenses and improve patient compliance. With options like CureMD, Lytec PM and Practice Choice, you have access to everything you need to streamline your organization without disrupting services during the planning and implementation stages. What differeniates MediPro from other vendors is our award–winning training and customer service. You are never alone when you partner with MediPro. From the intial EHR implementation planning processes through staff training and techincal support after you launch the system, you can be certain our team is available to help you get the most from your PM software. Request a demo today to learn how MediPro gastroenterology EMR software can help you reduce administrative burdens and improve patient ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Digestive Healthcare Business Analysis Digestive Healthcare of Georgia is a gastrointestinal specialty company with 5 office locations in north Georgia. The offices collectively have 17 full–time physicians and 5 Nurse Practitioners to offer ease of scheduling and efficiency of patient care. Digestive Healthcare has 3 of its own Endoscopy Labs to provide in–house procedures and care. The mission of Digestive Healthcare is to provide patients with compassionate, state of the art specialty care in a supportive, caring environment.( The practice of Gastroenterology involves treatment of disorders of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, gall bladder, pancreas, colon and rectum – the treatments involve Colonoscopy, Upper Endoscopy, Flex sigmoidoscopy, and hemorrhoid banding. Finance is a key internal factor that impacts this business. The largest portion of this company's incoming finance is insurance. Patients are typically responsible for a co–payment amount but majority of the patient's bill is paid by insurance. If a patient doesn't have insurance, they are considered Self–Pay and ... Show more content on ... If a patient comes to see a doctor at Digestive Healthcare for elevated hepatic enzymes, the physician typically orders a hepatic function panel which costs around $250. The insurance company already has an amount they will pay for this tests which is generally $175. Unfortunately, the doctor has to forgive the remainder of this costs since this is the price the insurance company will pay based on the patient's diagnosis. Finance results in discrepancy of coding from the physician's standpoint because after a certain amount of time, physicians become aware of what diagnoses insurance companies will pay 100 percent and those that results in partial payment. If a doctor codes frequently enough at a level outside the normal range of distribution, that is the sort of activity that will draw the attention of payers to investigate ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Colorectal Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Colorectal cancer, also called colon cancer, is a disease in which cancer cells form in the colon, which is the upper five to six feet of the large bowel, or large intestine. Hereditary factors play a role in colorectal cancer risk, but it can also be caused by outside factors. "Excluding skin cancer, it is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States" (American Cancer Society). Colorectal cancer has been known since ancient times, and it is becoming less fatal as research becomes more advanced. Great efforts have been put forth for investigation. Some studies have been performed on organisms such as yeast and bacteria, such as one in 1993, conducted by Dr. Bert Vogelstein, MD, led to the discovery of ... Show more content on ... FAP is caused by mutations on the APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene, a tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 5 that occurs in an autosomal dominant pattern. The ACP gene controls cell growth, so a mutation on that gene develops polyps in the colon that when left untreated, will develop into colon cancer and can only be prevented by removing the colon. FAP is very rare, associated with less than 1 percent of colon cancers . Familial adenomatous polyposis can also be a result of mutations on the MUTYH gene (U.S. Library of Medicine 2013). Then, it is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, where both copies of the gene in each cell are mutated. Both parents may carry a single copy of the gene without showing symptoms. HNPCC, or Lynch syndrome, is a result of mutations in the genes that repair DNA. Lynch syndrome is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, so a single copy of the mutation will increase cancer risk. Most cases of Lynch Syndrome are caused by mutations in two genes, MLH1 and MSH2. Both FAP and HNPCC have a 50% chance of offspring inheritance, and are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. A mutated, inherited gene that is related to HNPCC causes an 80% chance of developing colorectal cancer (U.S. Library of Medicine 2013). So even when an HNPCC–related gene is inherited, there is not a definite future of colon cancer. ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Dr Lachole I am writing this letter to support the petition filed on behalf of Dr. Arathi Lakhole, an exceptional physician and researcher. I am a pediatric Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist at Hasbro Children's Hospital/ Brown University. I can state that Dr. Lakhole is an elite member of the field of pediatric gastroenterology and hepatology, and she has distinguished herself in this complex and critically important field in which there is a shortage of physicians in the United States. As a clinician and researcher, Dr. Lakhole has set herself apart from other pediatric gastroenterologists and hepatologists through her expertise and her focus on pediatric inflammatory bowel disease, pediatric liver transplant management, and pediatric endoscopy. ... Show more content on ... Lakhole also manages patients whom are facing or have undergone liver transplant. Few hospitals offer pediatric transplantation operations. As a result, pediatric hepatologists with experience in the treatment of pediatric liver transplant patients are rare. Dr Lakhole's commitment to this field is evident in the academic articles written by her in this field. One such article is titled "Review of Pediatric transplantation" for which she reviewed >60 peer review publications. This will be published in the reputed journal Expert Review Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Moreover, as a pediatric endoscopist, Dr. Lakhole performs a wide range of specialized procedures including upper endoscopies, colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies, foreign body removal, esophageal dilations, control of bleeding, and gastrostomy tube placement. Dr. Lakhole's value to the field is evident through the employment positions she has secured, the research work she conducts, as well as through her general leadership in the field. Presently, she is a physician at one of the nation's top pediatric hospitals, Children's Hospital Los Angeles. She is also a peer–reviewer for the Journal of Medical Case Reports and a member of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Sigmoidoscopy Lab Report Introduction A lower gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, which is performed as either a colonoscopy or a sigmoidoscopy, is a procedure to examine your the GI tract. The lower GI tract is made up of: The large intestine, also called the colon. This includes: The rectum, which is the final part of the large intestine that ends in the anus. The sigmoid colon, which is the first part of the large intestine above the rectum. A colonoscopy is an exam of the entire large intestine and rectum. A sigmoidoscopy is an exam of the rectum and sigmoid colon. During the exam, a lubricated, bendable tube (endoscope) is inserted into the anus and then passed into other parts of the intestines. The endoscope has a camera on the end of it that sends images to a monitor ... Show more content on ... You may not be allowed to drink heavy liquids for 1–3 days before the procedure. If you are having a colonoscopy, you may be prescribed laxatives or an enema. Plan to have someone take you home from the hospital or clinic. Plan to have a responsible adult care for you for at least 24 hours after you leave the hospital or clinic. This is important. What happens during the procedure? If you are having a colonoscopy, an IV will be inserted into one of your veins and you will be given medicine to help you relax (sedative). You will lie down on your left side. An endoscope will be inserted into your anus and moved into your rectum and other parts of your large intestine. You may feel some pressure. Depending on why you are having the procedure, a biopsy may be taken, or other treatments may be performed, such as removing tissue growths (polyps). The procedure may vary among health care providers and hospitals. What happens after the procedure? You may have some lower abdominal discomfort. If you were given a sedative: Your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood oxygen level will be monitored until the medicine has worn ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Fit Dna Lab The FIT–DNA (cologuard) is the last stool test that is available for colorectal testing. The FIT DNA test combines the FIT with a test that detects altered DNA in the stool (CDC, 2017). The FIT test requires the entire stool sample to be sent to the lab for testing. No cards or poking the stool are required, only the stool sample itself. The cologuard test can be done in the privacy of your home and does not require a bowel prep, diet changes or time off from work (Exact Sciences, 2017) The FIT–DNA test is recommended to be completed every three years. Positive results are recommended to be followed up with a colonoscopy. Medicare covers this test at no cost beginning at age 50 to 85 years of age with a low risk and no symptoms of ... Show more content on ... Medicare covers this test beginning at age 50 or older (no co–insurance, co–pay or Part B deductible) when it is done for screening only. In some cases this screening method begins as a screening tool and turns into a diagnostic measure. If the health care provider performing the test identifies any polyps or cancerous lesions that require removal and biopsy, the individual will be charged co–insurance or co–pay for the diagnostic testing (ACS, 2017 ). If a precancerous polyp or colorectal cancer is found, a colonoscopy would be required to visualize the entire colon to detect other polyps or cancer (ACS, 2017). The USPSTF (2016) found the benefit of this testing is less beneficial when it is done alone compared to when it is combined with an annual FIT. The availability of flexible sigmoidoscopies has declined in the United States (USPSTF, 2016). Colonoscopy The colonoscopy is similar to the flexible sigmoidoscopy, however, this scope is inserted into the anus and through the entire colon. It is recommended to get a colonoscopy every 10 years who are at average risk and every two years for those at high, such as individuals with IBD or HNPCC (ACS, 2017). Before the test occurs a bowel prep at home is done in order visualize the lining of the colon during the test (ACS, 2017). Specific instructions regarding medications, bowel prep and eating before the night before the test will be determined by the health care provider ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Colorectal Cancer : The Third Most Common Type Of Cancer Introduction Colorectal cancer (CRC) is ranked as the third most common type of cancer in women. Furthermore, it is the fourth most dominant kind of cancer in men recorded all over the world. Consequently, CRC accounts for over a million new cases and more than half a million deaths every year. Colonoscopy allows early discovery and removal of precancerous lesions and may, therefore, effectively prevent or reduce the risk of Colorectal cancer. Although studies under hugely standardized conditions have shown that colonoscopy is linked with a 76% to 90% risk reduction of colorectal cancer in individuals with colorectal polyps, its effectiveness in preventing this type of cancer, especially in the community environment, is not clear. The aim ... Show more content on ... Biases The main bias noted in the research investigation was the selection of the respondents, which had limitations and restrictions on age, sex, and previous colonoscopy results. Essentially, such considerations ended up biasing the research investigation. Confounding The study had a higher possibility of a residual confounding bias because the measure of association between the use of previous colonoscopy results was bound to be mixed up other factors under investigation that could not give an opportunity for getting the most accurate results. In this study, the conclusions indicated that risk reduction of colorectal cancer was observed for both the right– sided and left–sided colon cancer. Methods Study Design, Sample, and Population. The study employed a case–control and population–based design that was carried out in the Rhine–Neckar region in the southwestern part of Germany that has a population of more than two million individuals. Initially, the study required eligible patients aged 30 years or older, had experienced their first diagnosis of invasive primary colorectal cancer, were able to communicate in German, and were mentally and physically capable to participate in the study. The report of the study was based on an enormous number of control patients (n _ 1945) and case patients (n _ 2399) who were recruited from January 2003 to December 2007. Furthermore, a total of 22 ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Colon Cancer Research Paper Colon cancer has an excellent prognosis when diagnosed early, with 92 percent of patients living longer than five years who were diagnosed during Stage 1. Preventing colon cancer through a healthy diet and getting regular colonoscopies is crucial in diagnosing the cancer at an early stage. Cancers of the large intestine, or colon, and cancers of the rectum are lumped together as colorectal cancer. It often begins from benign clumps of cells called polyps. As time passes, the polyps sometimes become cancerous. Symptoms Though signs of colon cancer don't typcally occur until it is further advanced, the symptoms include: rectal bleeding or blood in the stool persistant abdominal pain increased pain from gas or cramps change in bowel habits, ... Show more content on ... Family history or symptoms may make this screening occur earlier. There are several ways to diagnose the cancer. In a colonoscopy, the doctor inserts a small, flexible viewing tube into the rectum. Any polyps that are found can be removed and sent to a pathologist to be examined. A barium enema involves patients drinking a white substance containing barium that helps the intestines to show up on x–rays. A blood test that tests for tumor markers of colon cancer may also be performed. Treatment Surgery is often the initial treatment for the cancer. The tumor, a portion of the intestines and lymph nodes are surgically removed and sent to a pathologist for examination. The healthy portion of the intestines are then re–attached. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, chemotherapy is used to kill the remaining cancer cells. Prevention The best way to prevent cancer from developing is removing polyps while they are benign or precancerous. Regular screenings are required to find the polyps. Additionally, doctors recommend that all patients 40 and over have their stool tested for blood and have their rectum physically examined on an annual
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  • 88. Interstitial Therapy (ICRT) Although ICRT is the most common and important type of brachytherapy used in treatment of invasive carcinoma cervix, some of the patients, particularly those with tumors that involve the distal one 3rd of vagina, may be technically difficult to treat with an adequate dose with ICRT alone. In a small number of such patients, lesions in distal 1/3rd of vagina may need treatment with an additional dose of radiation therapy delivered using 192Ir placed inide the lesion as interstitial implants. The use of interstitial therapy as an effective alternative to ICRT has been advised by some radiation oncologists for treatment of locally advanced cervical cancers [76, 77]. With interstitial implants, needles are introduced transperineally into the uterine ... Show more content on ... The acute complications of will resolve within two to three weeks after completion of radiation treatment. Pelvic irradiation may also cause proctitis and sigmoiditis. 2 to 3 weeks after treatment starts, patients may develop loose stools; sometimes, the diarrhea may be associated with presence of blood and mucus or feeling of incomplete evacuation. These symptoms can usually decrease shortly after the completion of radiation treatment. A few of the patients may also develop long term diarrhea that can be associated with anaemia caused by bleeding. In such patients, sigmoidoscopy may reveal a smooth and pale mucosal layer with very prominent and friable blood vessels. The symptoms will usually decrease within a few months, even though sometimes patients may develop chronic proctosigmoiditis .This may lead to obstruction or stricture formation. In less than five percent of patients, radiation induced injury to the rectum and sigmoid may lead to progressive ischemia which may cause necrosis and rarely fistula or stricture formation. When this occurs, carefully evaluation to exclude the chance of recurrent disease should be done in all ... Get more on ...
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  • 92. Spectroscopy Essay Dehydration and moderate fever are the casual enormities a person faces throughout his/her life. Similarly, in my teenage years, I also overcame such a condition and carelessly disregarded it as another week of some light nausea and fever. However, the stomach sickness and continuant abdominal cramps left me thinking upon other possibilities. But my undying habit or love for unhealthy and processed foods made me overlook my stomach pains. I rather intentionally disregarded the fact in face of fear and remained content with several pain killers. My condition deteriorated with the addition of a new symptom each day hence, visiting a physician was inevitable. I had finally stopped pretending and detailed my conditions precisely. Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy seem some charming words but they were no way near such definitions when I had to get myself tested. Similarly, both these test required an initial stage of fasting that is when I realized I might end up with diarrhea. My entire colon was examined for any illness as I the physician opted for colonoscopy. Diarrhea also seemed another fancy word but I had heard it several times previously and was not completely blank in this matter. Lack of knowledge, for the first time, seemed favorable as I was not fully aware of its devastating effects and took it very calmly when the doctor claimed I was infected. However, the ... Show more content on ... This seemed worse than the stomach pains and vomiting that remained attached to the very end. I was often served different meals simultaneously alike in their nourishment but also the absence of classy taste. Similarly, I was constantly urged to drink. Vitamin and mineral rich stuff that often left me bloated but were necessary to overcome dehydration. My friend sneaked in some chocolates at times that might have prolonged my treatment but humans have ... Get more on ...
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  • 96. Gastrointestinal Case Study Discussion Post Week Six NURS–6531, N–8 As an advanced practice nurse (APN), it is common to see people with gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. For the purpose of this discussion, I will evaluate the case study #2 and give a differential diagnosis with an explanation. I will discuss how the physical examination and patient history plays a role in the diagnosis and provide examples of treatments based on the diagnosis. Case Study Two Case study number two is a 40–year–old female with a chief complaint of diarrhea. She has recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. She states that she lost nine pounds last month and a total of 11 pounds since last year. She takes no medications and is allergic to penicillin. Her physical exam shows a pale female in no acute distress. Her blood ... Show more content on ... UC is a complex inflammatory process of the colon with no known cause. Inflammation begins in the submucosa and spreads inward and outward affecting the serosa and mucosa. However, UC affects mostly the sigmoid colon and rectum, causing ulceration of the colonic mucosa. The mucosa is dark red with erosions that converge into ulcers. Frequent diarrhea with blood in the stools are not uncommon in UC (Dudley–Brown, & Huether, 2012). Symptoms of UC are abdominal cramping, weight loss, mouth sores, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and joint pain. Cigarette increases the risk for active UC, especially in women. When individuals present with common symptoms of IBD, ruling out other diagnoses is essential. Further evaluation of rectal bleeding is necessary as it may be due to hemorrhoids, a fissure, or drug induced. Diseases such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease cause abdominal pain in women, therefore, exclusion of these disorders are necessary. It is also crucial to rule out infectious causes of diarrhea (Biddle, ... Get more on ...
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  • 100. Crohn's Disease Analysis Crohn's Disease is an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). It is a disease that causes inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract includes the oral cavity, esophagus, liver, stomach, small intestine, terminal ileum, large intestine/colon, rectum, and anus. Crohn's Disease affects thousands of people in America. Crohn's disease was first discovered in 1932 by three doctors named Burrill Crohn, Leon Ginzberg, and Gordon D. Oppenheimer. The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (2014) declared "these doctors collected data from 14 patients with symptoms of abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, and weight loss, which showed that the symptoms were not the result of tuberculosis or any other known disease. They described a new disease entity, which was first called regional ileitis, and later, Crohn's disease" (p. 7). Even though Crohn's Disease was discovered over 80 years ago, there is no cure, but there is constantly more new information being found out about this disease. There is no known cause of Crohn's Disease. Some key factors in the development of Crohn's Disease are genes, the immune system, and environmental ... Show more content on ... This disease can be overwhelming physically, emotionally, and financially. Crohn's Disease is very unpredictable so those who live with it have to be careful from day to day and make sure to listen closely to their bodies. According to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (2014) "living with this disease can also be very expensive. Direct medical costs include expenses for hospitalizations, physician services, prescription drugs, over–the–counter drugs, skilled nursing care, diagnostic procedures, and other healthcare services. Indirect costs are the value of lost earnings or productivity. Indirect costs also include the value of leisure time lost" (p.19). However, the good thing is that patients can still lead a happy and productive ... Get more on ...
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  • 104. What Are The Various Meaning Of Aging? 1. What are the various meaning of aging? A: Aging is the process of life from birth to death, and all changes in between including physical (biological) and psychological. When it comes to biological aging, "Aging is the random change in the structure and function of molecules, cells and organisms that is caused by the passage of time and by one 's interaction with environment. Aging increases the probability of death (McDonald, 2013)". When it comes to psychology, in our community the majority 's belief is the older you get the wiser you are. 2. What is gerontological nursing and how it is apply to community nursing? A: "Gerontologic nursing – this specialty of nursing involves assessing the health and functional status of older adults, planning and implementing healthcare and services to meet the identified needs, and evaluating the effectiveness of such care" (Meiner, 2011). Majority of elders today live in their own home. It is very beneficial to have geriatric nurse to be community nurse, because due to the educational background, these nurses can assess elderly better and are able to meet the needs of population. 3. Mention the aging statistics based on 2010 national census and target goals based on healthy people 2020 A: "The older population is an important and growing segment of the United States population.1 In fact, more people were 65 years and over in 2010 than in any previous census.2 Between 2000 and 2010, the population 65 years and over increased at a ... Get more on ...
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  • 108. Why Hemorrhoids Happen The purpose of this research paper is to identify the cautions and reasons to why certain diseases happen and I would like to address one disease that stands out the most for me which is Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be disease that will make your life difficult to deal with it and can give you severe pain if you do not treat it and give it time to heal. All the diseases in the Digestive system are very risky to your health but to me Hemorrhoids seem and are researched in a way that caught my eyes and I think it would benefit people from young to elderly people and even animals. This disease has been common for a while especially to people who do not take great care of their body since anyone can get this disease and not even know it that's why everyone has ... Show more content on ... Standing too much without taking a break to sit can cause hemorrhoids to develop." ( Hemorrhoids) Consistent anal sexual intercourse and diarrhea can also increase your risk of hemorrhoids. You're also more likely to develop hemorrhoids if you're pregnant. When the uterus enlarges, it presses on the vein in the colon, causing it to bulge. A visual examination of your anus may be enough to diagnose hemorrhoids. To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor may do a different tests to check for any abnormalities within the anus. This check is known as a digital rectal test. "During this test, your doctor inserts a gloved and lubricated finger into your rectum. If they feel anything abnormal, they may order an additional test called a sigmoidoscopy." (Hemorrhoids) A sigmoidoscopy involves your doctor using a small camera to diagnose an internal hemorrhoid. This small fiber–optic camera, called a sigmoidoscope, fits into a small tube and then inserts into your rectum. From this test, your doctor gets a clear view of the inside of your rectum so that they can examine the hemorrhoid up close. And also check if you have other unusual images in your anus. If you're constipated, you ... Get more on ...
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  • 112. Transverse Colon Volvulus Volvulus is rotation of part of the intestine around its mesentry, causing a intestinal obstruction. Colonic volvulus is not common cause of intestinal obstruction in the developed world. However much more common in the developing world (6,7). High prevalence of volvulus are reported in the "Volvulus Belt" of Africa, the Middle East, India, and Russia. In these regions, the average age is younger than Western countries, ranging from 40 to 50 years and in generally better health (8). In the United States, colonic volvulus accounts for 10 to 15% of all colon obstructions(9). The sigmoid colon is most common site followed by caecum for volvulus. Transverse colon volvulus is an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. Literature ... Show more content on ... Twisting of bowel commonly occurs along the mesenteric axis , resulting in venous obstruction and eventually arterial compromise. Redundancy and non–fixation of bowel are essential to form any type of volvulus. The ascending and descending segments of the colon are not mobile , but the sigmoid colon, caecum, and transverse colon are not fixed within the peritoneum, tethered by their mesentery. This mobility contributes volvulus to occur at these locations. Thirty three to thirty five percent of patients with volvulus of the transverse colon appear to have had a history of chronic constipation which is either idiopathic or secondary to autonomic dysfunction (5) . In our patient chronic constipations , laxative abuse and high fibre diet may be contributing for the transverse colon volvulus . These conditions may predispose the elongation and chronic redundancy of the colon and its mesentry, which favoure it to rotation. In our part of world , most of people are farmer and they eat high fibre content diet, that may be reason for high incidence of volvulus. Honestely , it is difficult to conclude the broad conclusions regarding the incidence of transverse colon volvulus in the adult population due to the relatively small number of reported cases. Therefore, surgeon should be aware of these unusal causes of large bowel obstruction to allow for early diagnosis and to facilitate better patient ... Get more on ...
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  • 116. Colon Cancer Research Paper What is Colon Cancer? Colon cancer is considered as the second killer cancer in United States and Western Europe (1). Moreover, in the U.S it is the third common cancer ,and the risk is about 6 percent(1).It mostly affects elderly men and women, and the risk to the people who are African– Americans higher (1). Moreover, a personal history or family history makes the risk greater and the lifestyle effects too (1). For example, if the person overweight or suffers from obesity, that makes him under the risk. However, what is the Colon cancer?, and why is it a deadly disease ?.This will present in this essay based on a definition of colon cancer and its symptoms, screening, treatment. Colon cancer is a cancer impacts the rectum or colon which is the large intestine , and sometimes doctors and scholars called it colorectal cancer (1). However, why is it a deadly disease?.As it known cancer takes 5 to 10 years to causes symptoms. Therefore, colon cancer sometimes does not give any symptoms because it starts as polyps in the colon for years , before it develops to cancer, so it cannot be noticeable(1). Moreover, Most people with colon cancer do not express any symptoms in early stages, ... Show more content on ... FOBT has two types the first type uses the chemical guaiac, and the other uses antibodies to find blood in the stool (3). Flexible Sigmoidoscopy uses tube in rectum and sees is there polyps or not(3). Similarly to Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy the doctor uses a thinner tube to sees cancer, but in this method he can remove polyps (3).These Types help to find the polyps in earlier stages then eliminate them, so colon cancer can be prevented ... Get more on ...
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  • 120. Cancer #1 Essay Case Study 92 Scenario R.T. is a 64–year–old man who comes to his primary care provider's (PCP's) office for a yearly examination. He initially reports having no new health problems; however, on further questioning, he admits to having developed some fatigue, abdominal bloating, and intermittent constipation. His nurse practitioner completes the examination, which includes a normal rectal exam with a stool positive for guaiac. Diagnostic studies include a CBC with differential, chem 14, and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). R.T. has not had a recent colonoscopy and is referred to a gastroenterologist for this procedure. A 5–cm mass found in the sigmoid colon confirms a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the colon. A referral is made for ... Show more content on ... Advanced disease Sx: pain, anorexia, weight loss, palpable abdominal / rectal mass, anemia. 6. What is a CEA? How does it relate to the diagnosis of colon cancer? Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a tumor marker that can be detected in the blood of clients with colorectal cancer. CEA level is used to estimate prognosis, monitor treatment, and detect cancer recurrence. 7. After bowel prep, R.T. is admitted to the hospital for an exploratory laparotomy, small bowel resection, and sigmoid colectomy. List at least five major potential complications for Infection (Leakage from Colon) Bleeding Blood Clots Damage to Internal Organs bulging of tissue through surgical incision colon blockage due to the formation of scar tissue incomplete joining of the reattached sections of your colon and rectum 8. After surgery, R.T. is admitted to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) with a large abdominal dressing. The nurse rolls R.T. side to side to remove the soiled surgical linen, and the dressing becomes saturated with a large amount of serosanguineous drainage. Would the drainage be expected after abdominal surgery? Explain. Serosanguineous drainage is expected after abdominal surgery because of incision and time needed for clotting process. It is not normal if the bandage is soaked with blood, if green or yellow drainage is coming from it, or patient have black or tarry stools, or there is blood in his stool. 9. Four weeks after surgery, R.T. is ... Get more on ...
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  • 124. The Importance of Preventative Care for Health Essay example As a result of the importance placed on preventive services there is no shortage of studies examining preventive service utilization among various groups. Many studies have examined the factors affecting preventive service use with the most important including age5,6, race/ethnicity7–10, marital status11, and income. 6–8,11–13 The literature has documented disparities by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status in use of preventive services and shown that minorities are generally not as likely as Whites to receive services such as blood pressure checks, cervical cancer screening, and blood cholesterol screening. 14 Other studies have looked at the effects of education 9,15,16, usual source of care 15, and insurance 17–20 on the utilization ... Show more content on ... Not surprisingly, low–income families (less than $25,000/year household income) had the highest level of uninsurance at 25.4%. However, middle–income families were also affected by a high rate of uninsurance (21.5%).24 Lack of health insurance can lead to a variety of issues – from access barriers to needed services to delaying routine and preventive care. The United States Preventive Services Task Force produces and maintains a set of comprehensive preventions recommendations that aim to guide clinical and preventive care in the United States. 3 The USPSTF guidelines are employed by numerous federal agencies and private organizations, and are widely considered as the top choice for clinical preventive services guidance. 25 The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of USPSTF recommended preventive services among uninsured adults, and how utilization varies across race and ethnicity. As such, the analysis was limited to non–Hispanic Whites, non– Hispanic African Americans, and Hispanic individuals over the age of 18 who did not have any health insurance coverage for the entire previous year. Following the Andersen Andersen model of health care utilization, we control for socio–demographic factors that may act as enabling resources, predisposing characteristics, or need factors. The Andersen Andersen model postulates that use of health services is dependent on an ... Get more on ...
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  • 128. Gastrointestinal Bleeding (LGIB) A lower Gastrointestinal Bleed is referred as any bleed that occurs distal to the ligament of Treitz and superior to the anus. This includes the last 1/4 of the duodenum and the entire area of the jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum, and anus1. This rectal bleeding may be overt or occult, and overt bleeding can be acute, massive or chronic. In patients who presents with gastrointestinal (GI) haemorrhage, about 20–33% are cases of Lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB). In Western countries the annual incidence of LGIB is about 20–27 cases per 100,000 population2. In a recent study that takes place at National University Hospital of Iceland the incidence of acute lower GI bleed (ALGIB) was 87/100000/year3. Statistically upper GI bleeding (UGIB) is ... Show more content on ... In a retrospective study in Detroit USA, analysis of 1100 patients with acute LGIB was done, all of whom were admitted to the surgical service of a single urban emergency hospital, Gayer et al determined that the most common etiologies for bleeding in these patients were diverticulosis (33.5%), hemorrhoids (22.5%), and carcinoma (12.7%). The investigators also found that most patients in the study (55.5%) presented with hematochezia, with the next most frequent presentations being maroon stools (16.7%) and melena (11%) 8. In another study that was done at National University Hospital of Iceland during 2010. In this study all patient who underwent colonoscopy were included, 1134 patients underwent 1275 colonoscopies. Overall, 163 patients had ALGIB. The crude incidence for ALGIB was 87/100 000 inhabitants/year. The most common findings were diverticulosis (23%) and ischemic colitis (16%) 3. A difference has been noticed between the West and the subcontinent in the frequency of different findings in patients with rectal bleeding. In Pakistan, lot of studies were done on aetiology and treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding but little work is done on the lower gastrointestinal tract. In a study carried out in 1990 in Pakistan, colonoscopy was performed in patients with lower gastrointestinal tract pathologies. The most common pathologies diagnosed were ulcerative colitis and malignancy, followed by amoebic colitis, while percentage of Crohn's colitis, polyps and diverticuli were less9. In another study conducted it was determined that the most common cause of rectal bleeding is proctosigmoiditis10. Yet in another study carried out in Karachi using flexible sigmoidoscopy to determine the cause of lower GI bleeding revealed most common findings were hemorrhoids in ... Get more on ...
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  • 132. Virtual Colonoscopy Research Paper Virtual Colonoscopy Virtual colonoscopy is a procedure that can be used to examine the large intestine (colon), the rectum, and the small intestine. In this procedure, X–rays and computers (CT scan or MRI) are used to produce images of these body areas. The exam can help find problems such as tumors, polyps, or diverticulosis. Virtual colonoscopy provides a way to examine the colon without inserting the flexible instrument (colonoscope) into the colon as is done in a regular colonoscopy. However, a virtual colonoscopy does not show as much detail, so smaller polyps may not be seen during this procedure. Also, your health care provider cannot take tissue samples or remove polyps during a virtual colonoscopy. If problems are found during this ... Show more content on ... Previous problems you or members of your family have had with the use of anesthetics. Any blood disorders you have. Previous surgeries you have had. Medical conditions you have. If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS Generally, this is a safe procedure. However, problems can occur and include: A tear in the lining of the colon from inflating the colon with air during the procedure. The risk of this is small. Exposure to radiation (small amount). BEFORE THE PROCEDURE Ask your health care provider about changing or stopping your regular medicines. This is especially important if you are taking diabetes medicines or blood thinners. You may be prescribed an oral bowel prep. This involves drinking a large amount of medicated liquid, starting the day before your procedure. The liquid will cause you to have multiple loose stools until your stool is almost clear or light green. This cleans out your colon in preparation for the procedure. Do not eat or drink anything else once you have started the bowel prep, unless your health care provider tells you it is safe to do so. ... Get more on ...
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  • 136. Statement of Purpose to Become a Nursing Student at... Since my first day in nursing school, I have always looked forward to the day I become a family nurse practitioner (FNP). Among the driving forces and strengths being that apart from being the first nurse in the family, I graduated with a degree in nursing making me a source of inspiration within the family. Additionally, I will be the first to graduate with a master's degree in the family given this opportunity. Besides, I wish to be a source of motivation and inspiration to many nurses who wish to advance their nursing careers. It is through a demonstration of what is possible and mentoring them through that I can make a positive change among fellow nurses. Since I graduated about three years ago, I have worked with many patients and clients that require much of the required advanced nursing skills that I seek. Equipped with such skills, I will be at a better position to adequately, competently and confidently–assist the adult patients and clients. In fact, nursing is a passion allowing me to serve the community and at the same time be a light in someone's disease process darkness. I wish to live to learn broadly, to serve others generously and courageously lead other fellow nurses. Since I graduated three years ago, I have had two certifications in Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), which have enabled to work effectively at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, GA as a RN, in GI and Pulmonologist labs. Among the tasks I took part ... Get more on ...
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  • 140. Summary: The American Society For Gastrointestinal Endoscopy A Canadian–based medical panel is challenging the concept that colonoscopic procedures are necessary in screening for colon cancer. This defies traditional thought, that the process should be a routine exam for men and women who are over 50. If these procedures are deemed as not medically necessary, patients will likely welcome the change, as people tend to dread the process due to its invasive nature. The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy defines a colonoscopy as: "the process that lets your doctor examine the lining of your large intestine (colon) for abnormalities by inserting a thin flexible tube, into your anus and slowly advancing it into the rectum and colon. This instrument, called a colonoscope, has a lens and light ... Get more on ...
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  • 144. Essay On Ulcerative Colitis T–CELL RESPONSE: This disease have a TH2 profile, but the concentrations of IL–4 and IL–5, which are normally increased in TH2 responses, have been variable in ulcerative colitis tissues. From studies of the oxazalone colitis model, one of the few models to exhibit a TH2 profile, ulcerative colitis has an atypical TH2 response, mediated by natural killer T cells that secrete IL–13. These natural killer T cells are activated by APCs that express the nonclassical major histocompatibility MHC molecule, CD1d, which presents lipid instead of protein antigens to T cells. will require blockade of IL–13 could provide an exciting new approach to ulcerative colitis treatment. T–cell subsets are stimulated by APCs, most notably dendritic ... Show more content on ... Inflammation occurs in rectum and sigmoid colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain. Left–sided colitis. Inflammation spread from the rectum up through the sigmoid and descending colon. Symptoms include bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping left side pain, and weight loss. Pancolitis. Affects the entire colon and causes severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain, fatigue, and significant weight loss. Acute severe ulcerative colitis. Rare form of colitis affects the entire colon and causes severe pain, diarrhea, bleeding, fever and inability to eat.and increase risk of colon cancer 70–80%. And usually doctor suggest to remove the part of colon or whole colon. SYMPTOMS: According to inflammation and site, symptoms can be different depend on the type of colitis. Diarrhea or internal bleeding, risk of causing anemia followed by bloody stool, fever, weight loss due to low appetites, fatigue, stomach pain and cramping some other complication occur like pore in the colon, loss of water and blood from the body, loss of calcium and damage the bone osteoporosis, high risk of colon cancer,sorness and abscess in mouth, stiffness, lung embolism ,blood coagulation in deep vein
  • 145. DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosis occurs on the basis of medical history of the patient related to gastrointestinal symptoms and physical examination for the GI tract, dermatologic, optical system. Looking for any condition among crohn's, ischemic, infections and ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. The Case Study Of Colon And Rectal Cancer Colon and rectum cancer is ranked third for cancer incidence and fourth for cancer death globally in 2013. Further colon and rectum cancer ranked second for incidence and mortality for developed countries and ranked fourth for both incidence and mortality for developing countries. The Global burden of cancer study showed that colon and rectal cancer was the fourth leading cause for cancer related years life lost between 1990 and 2013. The number of people diagnosed with colon and rectal cancer doubled from 1990 to 2013, most of the increase being explained by an aging and growing population. But a 16% of this increase was independent of the aging and growing population. The study showed colon and rectum cancer caused 15.8 million ... Show more content on ... Disadvantages of FIT is repeated testing in an opportunistic setting and requiring further diagnostic invasive test if positive.3. The natural history of transition of polyp to cancer pathway is well known. Colorectal cancer can be prevented to a large extent by removing polyps. Additionally, detection of colorectal cancer in early stage by screening also results in lower mortality rate. Hence colorectal cancer screening is recommended for asymptomatic average risk individuals. In the study by M. Aronsson, one–time colonoscopy yielded 49 more quality adjusted life years (QALYs) as compared to screening twice with FIT gave 26 more QALYs. All screening strategies showed cost effectiveness as compared to no screening though colonoscopy was more cost effective than FIT.6 Although, more CRCs occur in high income countries, CRC incidence has been rising rapidly in many less developed countries including Brazil, Philippines and Bulgaria.7 However, currently few countries are having a CRC screening program in place.8 Even in countries with screening program uptake rates are suboptimal and screening programs are unutilized.9 The effect of it is the unsettling truth that a large proportion of the CRC related 700,000 deaths should not occur. On the other side, a model calculation done in Germany about the effect of colonoscopies done for 10 ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Essay The term Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a general name given to a few disorders that all fall under the category of inflamed intestines (they become red and swollen.) This is usually due to a reaction the body causes against its own intestinal tissue. The two most common types of Inflammatory Bowel Disease are Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). Crohn's disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract; however, it more commonly affects the small intestine or colon. Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a chronic disease, which means that it lasts a long time and can occur frequently. There are some cases where a person will only suffer from one occurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and then be in remission from ... Show more content on ... People who suffer from Crohn's disease may also suffer the same risks of colon cancer, but typically only if the entire colon is affected. There are also rare extra–intestinal cases of Inflammatory Bowel Disease that occur in organs other that the intestinal tract. These symptoms may include arthritis, liver and kidney disorders, bone loss, and more. In cases of children suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, it may also delay puberty. This is due to the body not absorbing all of the nutrients from their food. They may also suffer from fever, fatigue, and weight loss. One symptom that is not definite, but may help decide what form of IBD is present, is where the pain in the abdomen is located. Typically Ulcerative Colitis patients experience pain in the lower left section of the abdomen, while Crohn's Disease patients tend to suffer from pain in the lower right section of the abdomen. "With Ulcerative Colitis, bleeding from the rectum during bowel movements is very common, and bleeding is much less common in patients with Crohn's Disease." (Tresca, 2009) While Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease share similar symptoms, they are treated different medically. "There are cases where the diagnosis of one form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease over the other is very difficult. ... Get more on ...
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  • 157. Microbiota Transplant Essay Fecal Transplantation Therapy (Presentation Outline by Samantha McClenahan) Slide 1: What is FMT and why is it preformed? Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which fecal matter, or stool, is collected from a tested donor, mixed with a saline or other solution, strained, and placed in a patient, by colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or enema. The purpose of fecal transplant is to replace good bacteria that has been killed or suppressed, usually by the use of antibiotics, causing bad bacteria, specifically Clostridium difficile, or C. diff., to over– populate the colon. C. difficile colitis may be associated with diarrhea, abdominal cramping and sometimes fever and dehydration from diarrhea may lead to death. Slide ... Show more content on ... Initial infection treated with an antibiotic that specifically targets the C. difficile organism. Antibiotics used for the treatment of this infection include metronidazole, vancomycin and fidaxomycin. Current treatment for FMT is the use of antibiotics; however, the relapse rate it high with over half a million cases in the use and 15,000 related deaths occurring annually. In 30 percent of treated individuals, the infection returns within a few days or weeks after finishing the antibiotic course. In 2013, the New England Journal of Medicine showed that fecal transplantation is more effective than oral vancomycin in preventing further recurrences in individuals who have already had recurrent C. difficile colitis. As of 2013, fecal transplantation is currently not routinely performed for indications other than recurrent C. difficile colitis. More research studies are still needed to determine if fecal transplantation should be performed for other clinical indications. Fecal transplantation for other clinical indications should be considered experimental, and performed only as part of a research study where your safety is closely ... Get more on ...