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DT PROCESS JOURNAL<br />Cutting the toy body and filing it on 23rd October 2010<br />What did we do today in class? <br />Today we only had a single period meaning very short period of time to work in the workshop. We also had a bad start to the period because many people including myself had not made the process journal as it should have been. But after all that was sorted out we all went together into the workshop and got back on what we had started last lesson, Cutting the toy body. I had finished one side of the toy so I decided to file it. After filing the straight sides and curvy edges I asked Mr. Anderson how it looked and he said “good job”.<br />What did I do well today?<br />Today in class there was one thing that I think I did well which was cutting the toy body properly and then filing it well too. I think I did a good job in this because Mr. Anderson said it was well done. Another thing I think I did well is that when Mr. Anderson told me that my process journal needed AOI, Learner Profile and other things I quickly did them without any questioning.<br />What could I have improved?<br />The only thing that I should improve today is my organization skills. By this I mean my homework… Today I noticed again that I had done my homework wrongly. <br />What do I plan to improve upon & What do I plan to complete by next lesson?<br />I plan to improve my problem solving skills. While doing my process journal last time I had forgotten what to put in the process journal so I should have checked study wiz because nowadays that is the fastest resource beside teachers to get information. By the next lesson I plan to have finished cutting out my toy’s body and getting almost close to finishing the filing of the body.<br />Today’s AOI & Learner Profile!<br />Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I was working with many different kinds of tools. Today I had worked with Coping saws, Tenant saws, Metal Rulers and pencils. I had never worked with so many tools so today I put my AOI as human ingenuity. My learner profile today was inquirer because when my process journal was wrong I asked Mr. Anderson what was wrong and he told me all the changes. Another thing that I inquired about is about how the filing was supposed to be done.<br />  Tools I had used were the flat head filer and a coping saw. Both these tools are pictured in the image below. I used the flat head filer to take out the splinters from the edges I had cut out.<br /> <br />Finishing cutting the toy body and starting the other 2 rockers on 27th October 2010. <br />What did we do in class today?<br />Today we had a double period so we got a lot done today. One thing I am proud of myself today is that I got much more then I had planned for done today. From my last process journal entry you might notice that I wrote for next class I plan to finish cutting my toy body but this lesson I had finished cutting it, filing it and also started cutting the other 2 rockers. <br />What did I do well?<br />Today I think I did many things well. One thing is that I used my time properly and efficiently. Another thing I did well is listening to Mr. Anderson and following it. He told me to cut it in a particular way and I did it exactly like he told me because I was scared of it getting broken and Mr. Anderson getting cranky at me! I also helped ye Chan, Ishant etc. people do little things like hold things while they fix them or tell them if it looks right or not. <br />What should I improve on?<br />Today during the course of the class I got distracted quite a lot because I used to just wander off going to get tools and just start a nice chat with my friends. I think that is wrong because it wastes time… not just mine but theirs too. Another thing I did wrong was that I sat down to cut 1-2 times when Mr. Anderson had told me to stand and cut. I would like to improve both these things because I want to see my teacher happy and myself proud of doing something good.<br />AOI/Learner Profile<br />Today I think the AOI was human ingenuity again because so many tools were used and almost everyone was trying to make something different so from my point of view that is pure ingenuity and we are humans so … My learner profile today would be principled because I used my time wisely, listened to my teacher and did all the things I was supposed to well. <br />Emotions<br />Today I felt really happy because today I did more then I was supposed to. I felt also proud of my work because it is turning out the way I want.<br />What do I want to finish by next class?<br />By next lesson I want to be finished cutting and filing one of the rockers.<br /> Tool used in this picture is a disk sander. I have started using this tool from this class only so I needed some guidance when I first wanted to use it. This tool is used to cut of sharp edges, form a curve and make the surface you want to cut fine and smooth. I used it to curve out my rocker’s base. <br />FINISHING CUTTING DISK SANDING AND FILING THE OTHER TWO ROCKERS 30th October 2010<br />What did I do today?<br />Today in class we did not have much time because it was only a single period. So we got our process journals checked really quickly and went into the workshop to continue our work from last time. Today I did a good job I think because I finished one of my rockers. I first cut it finally and then filed it. After filing it to give the curves a final touch I disk sanded it.<br />What did I do well?<br />Today in class the thing I think I did today was using my time effectively and efficiently. I had planned to finish one rocker and I did finish it so I kind of feel proud. Another thing I think I did well is use the equipment well. I was told to put on goggles for disk sanding and I did so without any questions. I also helped many friends of mine doing small things for them and things like that.<br />What could I improve upon?<br />Today I think I got distracted a lot and started messing around with my friends, chatting and all that. So next time I come into workshop I will leave all my chitter-chatter outside, and concentrate fully on the task at hand.<br />What did I feel like today? (emotions)<br />Today I felt proud because my toy was starting to work out and I was doing a good job. I also felt a little happy because Mr. Anderson had “well done” to me.<br />What do I want to finish by the next lesson?<br />By the end of next lesson I plan to finish making the second rocker. I plan to finish cutting, filing and then disk sanding it too.  I will try to get more then that done because we have a double period next lesson which gives us more time so I would like to start maybe gluing the rockers to the body.<br />AOI and Learner Profile<br />Today I think my AOI was community and service because I was helping many of my friends do things for/with them. My learner profile today would have been caring because the same thing as the AOI … helping others.<br />The tools I used today!<br />Today I used many tools. They include disk sander, half-round files, coping saws, steel ruler, pencils. The one I thought was the best or should I say the most useful today was the disk sander.  I used this tool to curve the edges better then I had done with the half-round files. <br />GLUEING TOGETHER THE HEAD OF THE TOY BODY AND GLUEING THE ROCKERS TO IT ON 10th November 2010 <br />What did I do today?<br />Today was a very bad day for me because I broke the head of my toy… I was trying to fit it inside the bench vice but it slipped, fell and broke. When Mr. Anderson saw it he was a little mad but then got into helping me. He first told me to drill a hole into both the broken pieces and then put in a small wooden pole into those holes and then glue both of them together. After doing that I glued my rockers to the body and then just started cleaning up because they had to be dried first.<br />What did I do good today?<br />Today I think I did well in following the teachers instructions because today we had to do a lot of things and because I listened well I could get all those done very quickly.<br />What could I improve on?<br />I think I should be much much more careful because now my toy does not look as good as it could have been.<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to finish making cutting out the toy body and the rockers because I want to start again. The reason I plan to do this is because this toy is going to be a gift to one of my younger sisters so I want it to be nice…<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE<br />Today I think my learner profile was principled because I went up and told the whole truth to Mr. Anderson.<br />The tools I used!<br />Today I used The PVA glue, A hammer, A screw driver,  I USED THE PVA GLUE TTO GLUE THE ROCKERS TO THE TOY BODY!<br />Almost finished Filing and started on sanding on Wednesday the 17th of November 2010<br />What did we do today?<br />Today we had a double period so lots of people got a lot done. I did a lot too because I had to even out my rockers with my toy body and oh my god it was hard work. I also filed the other edges of the toy like Mr. Anderson had told me. The other new thing I did today was start sanding. I started sanding the bottom or in other words the base first. I started sanding it because I thought after putting it on the desk for so long it was starting to get rough and I had to start sanding sometime so… <br />What did I do well?<br />Today I think I used my time very efficiently because I think I am finally done with filing. I also talked much less today because I was so concentrated on filing out the unwanted heights of the wood or the sharp edges.<br />What could I improve on?<br />I think I could improve on my filing skills because they are taking much longer to do. Today I noticed when Mr. Anderson filed it was very fast but when I tried it took a long time. I want to improve myslf to be like him and file amazingly fast.<br />What did I feel like?<br />Today I felt very happy because I had finally gotten close to finishing filing and also started sanding.<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to be half way done with sanding my toy.<br />AOI/Learner Profile<br />I think my learner profile today was risk taker because I tried something totally new. I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I tried something new.<br />The tools I used!<br />Today there were two tools that I used. The first one being the half-round file, which I used to file, and the other one was Garnet paper with the number 40 on it, which I used to sand.<br /> - USING THE HALF ROUND FILE TO CURVE THE EDGES AND TAKE OUT THE SHARP EDGES.<br />- USING THE GARNET PAPER TO SOFTEN THE SIDES OF THE TOY.<br />FILING AND FILING AND EVEN MORE FILING ON 15th NOVEMBER 2010<br />What did we do today?<br />Today was a very normal day for me because today I did nothing but filing and was also turned down at the request of starting again. I had wanted to start again because I wanted to give my toy as a gift to my little sister and I wanted it to be amazing but from my point of view with a broken head it can not be as amazing as it can be! But anyways today I filing the edges again to curve then up, I filed the place where I had glued the head and body together because there were some cracks and in some places it stuck up.<br />What did I do well?<br />Today I think I did my filing well because it is starting to look very soft and feel very soft too. I also listened to my teacher without any arguing when he told me not to start again. So I think today I was good the whole day because I never made Mr. Anderson angry or disappointed.<br />What should I improve on?<br />I think I should improve on my concentrating skills because just sometimes today I got distracted and started talking with my friends, which sometimes was not good for anyone because we were wasting time while we could be working hard to finish our projects.<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I plan to finish filing and almost finish sanding my project. I also need to put the in the wood filler.<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE!<br />Today I think my learner profile was balanced because I did not get bored and stayed on task the whole time.<br />How did I feel today?<br />Today actually I had no feelings. I just kept working at my filing because I wanted to get it finished because I had been working on it for maybe 3 lessons already…<br />The tools I used today!<br />The tools I used today were not many. I used all the filing tools which are flat head files, half round files, file cleane and precision needle files. I used all of them equally so there is not one tool that I used too much.<br />,<br />This shows almost all the tools that I had used today. There is a precision needle file, a flat head file and the file block.<br />SANDING AND STARTING TO PAINT on 25th November 2010!<br />What did I do today?<br />Today in class I started with sanding and finished with painting. Today in class we did not have much time but had enough time to get done with what I was supposed to complete. I had written in my last process journal that I wanted to finish sanding and start painting and I was successful in doing that. The other thing that I did in class today is use a lot of wood filler and had a really hard time trying to dry it as fast as I could. The part of the toy that I painted today was the base. I thought it was the easiest and that was the place where the wood filler had been driest the most.<br />What did I do well?<br />Today in class I think I used my time very well. I finished everything that I was supposed to and I think that is a sign of time efficiency. I might have talked a lot today but I fnished everything that I was supposed to.<br />What should I improve on?<br />I want to improve on my staying focused skills. I have talked about this a lot in other process journals but the truth is I lack in concentration. If I would have concentrated as well as I can I would have gotten a lot more work done. I want to improve working without talking at all. <br />What did I feel like?<br />Today I felt very happy because I have been cruising through the stages of sanding and wood filling. I am very happy that it does not take a long time like filing did. I also felt very ashamed of myself because Mr. Anderson had told me 2 times to stop talking and I could just not old i<br />What do I want to complete by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to finish painting the whole lion. I also want to finish sanding the base where the paint should have already been dried.<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE<br />Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I used a lo of different tools today and used them to make a creative tool. My learner profile today was knowledgeable because I did not have to ask Mr. Anderson how to paint because I had already learnt it before so I just did it by myself and also helped some people to understand the strokes of painting.<br />The tools I used!<br />The tools that I used today were totally different. I used the normal sanding paper and sanding block. I used a little wood filler/putty and also I used all the tools for painting. I used the brush, paint, a cup of water and the rack with nails on it that can help me paint the other sides while one side is wet.<br />I used this to hold the toy in place while I was trying to paint one side when the other one was wet.<br />I used the brush to paint my rockers.<br />Painting the toy body and the rocker again on 2nd December 2010<br />What did we do today?<br />Today in class we had a lot of time to do what we were supposed to because it was a double period. I started painting my toy body today. So I started painting my toy body a light red and orange at the rocker because I thought it would look bright and appealing to small children and they like bright things. <br />WHAT DID I DO WELL?<br />Today in class I think I listened well to the teacher today. I followed his instructions and I also worked as hard as I could. I did not talk much with my friends because I know how much we need to finish the toy as fast as we can.<br />What do I want to improve upon?<br />Today’s lesson I think was a pretty good in time managing but in the ability criteria I think I was not too good. This was because my painting was getting bumpy. When Mr. Anderson told me to take out all the bumps away by painting it on again more softly…<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to finish taking all the bumps out so that I could start painting again.<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE<br />Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I used a lo of different tools today and used them to make a creative tool. My learner profile today was knowledgeable because I did not have to ask Mr. Anderson how to paint because I had already learnt it before so I just did it by myself and also helped some people to understand the strokes of painting.<br />HOW DID I FEEL?<br />Today I felt a little bit confused because I had no idea how to make the lumps go away but then Mr. Anderson told me that I should sand it with lighter sand paper and then I felt happy.<br />The tools I used!<br />The tools that I used today were totally different. I used the normal sanding paper and sanding block. I used a little wood filler/putty and also I used all the tools for painting. I used the brush, paint, a cup of water and the rack with nails on it that can help me paint the other sides while one side is wet.<br />I used this to store paint and use it when needed.<br />I used this tool to dip my brush in to clean the paint off or make it wet.<br />

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Dt process journal

  • 1. DT PROCESS JOURNAL<br />Cutting the toy body and filing it on 23rd October 2010<br />What did we do today in class? <br />Today we only had a single period meaning very short period of time to work in the workshop. We also had a bad start to the period because many people including myself had not made the process journal as it should have been. But after all that was sorted out we all went together into the workshop and got back on what we had started last lesson, Cutting the toy body. I had finished one side of the toy so I decided to file it. After filing the straight sides and curvy edges I asked Mr. Anderson how it looked and he said “good job”.<br />What did I do well today?<br />Today in class there was one thing that I think I did well which was cutting the toy body properly and then filing it well too. I think I did a good job in this because Mr. Anderson said it was well done. Another thing I think I did well is that when Mr. Anderson told me that my process journal needed AOI, Learner Profile and other things I quickly did them without any questioning.<br />What could I have improved?<br />The only thing that I should improve today is my organization skills. By this I mean my homework… Today I noticed again that I had done my homework wrongly. <br />What do I plan to improve upon & What do I plan to complete by next lesson?<br />I plan to improve my problem solving skills. While doing my process journal last time I had forgotten what to put in the process journal so I should have checked study wiz because nowadays that is the fastest resource beside teachers to get information. By the next lesson I plan to have finished cutting out my toy’s body and getting almost close to finishing the filing of the body.<br />Today’s AOI & Learner Profile!<br />Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I was working with many different kinds of tools. Today I had worked with Coping saws, Tenant saws, Metal Rulers and pencils. I had never worked with so many tools so today I put my AOI as human ingenuity. My learner profile today was inquirer because when my process journal was wrong I asked Mr. Anderson what was wrong and he told me all the changes. Another thing that I inquired about is about how the filing was supposed to be done.<br /> Tools I had used were the flat head filer and a coping saw. Both these tools are pictured in the image below. I used the flat head filer to take out the splinters from the edges I had cut out.<br /> <br />Finishing cutting the toy body and starting the other 2 rockers on 27th October 2010. <br />What did we do in class today?<br />Today we had a double period so we got a lot done today. One thing I am proud of myself today is that I got much more then I had planned for done today. From my last process journal entry you might notice that I wrote for next class I plan to finish cutting my toy body but this lesson I had finished cutting it, filing it and also started cutting the other 2 rockers. <br />What did I do well?<br />Today I think I did many things well. One thing is that I used my time properly and efficiently. Another thing I did well is listening to Mr. Anderson and following it. He told me to cut it in a particular way and I did it exactly like he told me because I was scared of it getting broken and Mr. Anderson getting cranky at me! I also helped ye Chan, Ishant etc. people do little things like hold things while they fix them or tell them if it looks right or not. <br />What should I improve on?<br />Today during the course of the class I got distracted quite a lot because I used to just wander off going to get tools and just start a nice chat with my friends. I think that is wrong because it wastes time… not just mine but theirs too. Another thing I did wrong was that I sat down to cut 1-2 times when Mr. Anderson had told me to stand and cut. I would like to improve both these things because I want to see my teacher happy and myself proud of doing something good.<br />AOI/Learner Profile<br />Today I think the AOI was human ingenuity again because so many tools were used and almost everyone was trying to make something different so from my point of view that is pure ingenuity and we are humans so … My learner profile today would be principled because I used my time wisely, listened to my teacher and did all the things I was supposed to well. <br />Emotions<br />Today I felt really happy because today I did more then I was supposed to. I felt also proud of my work because it is turning out the way I want.<br />What do I want to finish by next class?<br />By next lesson I want to be finished cutting and filing one of the rockers.<br /> Tool used in this picture is a disk sander. I have started using this tool from this class only so I needed some guidance when I first wanted to use it. This tool is used to cut of sharp edges, form a curve and make the surface you want to cut fine and smooth. I used it to curve out my rocker’s base. <br />FINISHING CUTTING DISK SANDING AND FILING THE OTHER TWO ROCKERS 30th October 2010<br />What did I do today?<br />Today in class we did not have much time because it was only a single period. So we got our process journals checked really quickly and went into the workshop to continue our work from last time. Today I did a good job I think because I finished one of my rockers. I first cut it finally and then filed it. After filing it to give the curves a final touch I disk sanded it.<br />What did I do well?<br />Today in class the thing I think I did today was using my time effectively and efficiently. I had planned to finish one rocker and I did finish it so I kind of feel proud. Another thing I think I did well is use the equipment well. I was told to put on goggles for disk sanding and I did so without any questions. I also helped many friends of mine doing small things for them and things like that.<br />What could I improve upon?<br />Today I think I got distracted a lot and started messing around with my friends, chatting and all that. So next time I come into workshop I will leave all my chitter-chatter outside, and concentrate fully on the task at hand.<br />What did I feel like today? (emotions)<br />Today I felt proud because my toy was starting to work out and I was doing a good job. I also felt a little happy because Mr. Anderson had “well done” to me.<br />What do I want to finish by the next lesson?<br />By the end of next lesson I plan to finish making the second rocker. I plan to finish cutting, filing and then disk sanding it too. I will try to get more then that done because we have a double period next lesson which gives us more time so I would like to start maybe gluing the rockers to the body.<br />AOI and Learner Profile<br />Today I think my AOI was community and service because I was helping many of my friends do things for/with them. My learner profile today would have been caring because the same thing as the AOI … helping others.<br />The tools I used today!<br />Today I used many tools. They include disk sander, half-round files, coping saws, steel ruler, pencils. The one I thought was the best or should I say the most useful today was the disk sander. I used this tool to curve the edges better then I had done with the half-round files. <br />GLUEING TOGETHER THE HEAD OF THE TOY BODY AND GLUEING THE ROCKERS TO IT ON 10th November 2010 <br />What did I do today?<br />Today was a very bad day for me because I broke the head of my toy… I was trying to fit it inside the bench vice but it slipped, fell and broke. When Mr. Anderson saw it he was a little mad but then got into helping me. He first told me to drill a hole into both the broken pieces and then put in a small wooden pole into those holes and then glue both of them together. After doing that I glued my rockers to the body and then just started cleaning up because they had to be dried first.<br />What did I do good today?<br />Today I think I did well in following the teachers instructions because today we had to do a lot of things and because I listened well I could get all those done very quickly.<br />What could I improve on?<br />I think I should be much much more careful because now my toy does not look as good as it could have been.<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to finish making cutting out the toy body and the rockers because I want to start again. The reason I plan to do this is because this toy is going to be a gift to one of my younger sisters so I want it to be nice…<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE<br />Today I think my learner profile was principled because I went up and told the whole truth to Mr. Anderson.<br />The tools I used!<br />Today I used The PVA glue, A hammer, A screw driver, I USED THE PVA GLUE TTO GLUE THE ROCKERS TO THE TOY BODY!<br />Almost finished Filing and started on sanding on Wednesday the 17th of November 2010<br />What did we do today?<br />Today we had a double period so lots of people got a lot done. I did a lot too because I had to even out my rockers with my toy body and oh my god it was hard work. I also filed the other edges of the toy like Mr. Anderson had told me. The other new thing I did today was start sanding. I started sanding the bottom or in other words the base first. I started sanding it because I thought after putting it on the desk for so long it was starting to get rough and I had to start sanding sometime so… <br />What did I do well?<br />Today I think I used my time very efficiently because I think I am finally done with filing. I also talked much less today because I was so concentrated on filing out the unwanted heights of the wood or the sharp edges.<br />What could I improve on?<br />I think I could improve on my filing skills because they are taking much longer to do. Today I noticed when Mr. Anderson filed it was very fast but when I tried it took a long time. I want to improve myslf to be like him and file amazingly fast.<br />What did I feel like?<br />Today I felt very happy because I had finally gotten close to finishing filing and also started sanding.<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to be half way done with sanding my toy.<br />AOI/Learner Profile<br />I think my learner profile today was risk taker because I tried something totally new. I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I tried something new.<br />The tools I used!<br />Today there were two tools that I used. The first one being the half-round file, which I used to file, and the other one was Garnet paper with the number 40 on it, which I used to sand.<br /> - USING THE HALF ROUND FILE TO CURVE THE EDGES AND TAKE OUT THE SHARP EDGES.<br />- USING THE GARNET PAPER TO SOFTEN THE SIDES OF THE TOY.<br />FILING AND FILING AND EVEN MORE FILING ON 15th NOVEMBER 2010<br />What did we do today?<br />Today was a very normal day for me because today I did nothing but filing and was also turned down at the request of starting again. I had wanted to start again because I wanted to give my toy as a gift to my little sister and I wanted it to be amazing but from my point of view with a broken head it can not be as amazing as it can be! But anyways today I filing the edges again to curve then up, I filed the place where I had glued the head and body together because there were some cracks and in some places it stuck up.<br />What did I do well?<br />Today I think I did my filing well because it is starting to look very soft and feel very soft too. I also listened to my teacher without any arguing when he told me not to start again. So I think today I was good the whole day because I never made Mr. Anderson angry or disappointed.<br />What should I improve on?<br />I think I should improve on my concentrating skills because just sometimes today I got distracted and started talking with my friends, which sometimes was not good for anyone because we were wasting time while we could be working hard to finish our projects.<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I plan to finish filing and almost finish sanding my project. I also need to put the in the wood filler.<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE!<br />Today I think my learner profile was balanced because I did not get bored and stayed on task the whole time.<br />How did I feel today?<br />Today actually I had no feelings. I just kept working at my filing because I wanted to get it finished because I had been working on it for maybe 3 lessons already…<br />The tools I used today!<br />The tools I used today were not many. I used all the filing tools which are flat head files, half round files, file cleane and precision needle files. I used all of them equally so there is not one tool that I used too much.<br />,<br />This shows almost all the tools that I had used today. There is a precision needle file, a flat head file and the file block.<br />SANDING AND STARTING TO PAINT on 25th November 2010!<br />What did I do today?<br />Today in class I started with sanding and finished with painting. Today in class we did not have much time but had enough time to get done with what I was supposed to complete. I had written in my last process journal that I wanted to finish sanding and start painting and I was successful in doing that. The other thing that I did in class today is use a lot of wood filler and had a really hard time trying to dry it as fast as I could. The part of the toy that I painted today was the base. I thought it was the easiest and that was the place where the wood filler had been driest the most.<br />What did I do well?<br />Today in class I think I used my time very well. I finished everything that I was supposed to and I think that is a sign of time efficiency. I might have talked a lot today but I fnished everything that I was supposed to.<br />What should I improve on?<br />I want to improve on my staying focused skills. I have talked about this a lot in other process journals but the truth is I lack in concentration. If I would have concentrated as well as I can I would have gotten a lot more work done. I want to improve working without talking at all. <br />What did I feel like?<br />Today I felt very happy because I have been cruising through the stages of sanding and wood filling. I am very happy that it does not take a long time like filing did. I also felt very ashamed of myself because Mr. Anderson had told me 2 times to stop talking and I could just not old i<br />What do I want to complete by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to finish painting the whole lion. I also want to finish sanding the base where the paint should have already been dried.<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE<br />Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I used a lo of different tools today and used them to make a creative tool. My learner profile today was knowledgeable because I did not have to ask Mr. Anderson how to paint because I had already learnt it before so I just did it by myself and also helped some people to understand the strokes of painting.<br />The tools I used!<br />The tools that I used today were totally different. I used the normal sanding paper and sanding block. I used a little wood filler/putty and also I used all the tools for painting. I used the brush, paint, a cup of water and the rack with nails on it that can help me paint the other sides while one side is wet.<br />I used this to hold the toy in place while I was trying to paint one side when the other one was wet.<br />I used the brush to paint my rockers.<br />Painting the toy body and the rocker again on 2nd December 2010<br />What did we do today?<br />Today in class we had a lot of time to do what we were supposed to because it was a double period. I started painting my toy body today. So I started painting my toy body a light red and orange at the rocker because I thought it would look bright and appealing to small children and they like bright things. <br />WHAT DID I DO WELL?<br />Today in class I think I listened well to the teacher today. I followed his instructions and I also worked as hard as I could. I did not talk much with my friends because I know how much we need to finish the toy as fast as we can.<br />What do I want to improve upon?<br />Today’s lesson I think was a pretty good in time managing but in the ability criteria I think I was not too good. This was because my painting was getting bumpy. When Mr. Anderson told me to take out all the bumps away by painting it on again more softly…<br />What do I want to finish by next lesson?<br />By next lesson I want to finish taking all the bumps out so that I could start painting again.<br />AOI/LEARNER PROFILE<br />Today I think my AOI was human ingenuity because I used a lo of different tools today and used them to make a creative tool. My learner profile today was knowledgeable because I did not have to ask Mr. Anderson how to paint because I had already learnt it before so I just did it by myself and also helped some people to understand the strokes of painting.<br />HOW DID I FEEL?<br />Today I felt a little bit confused because I had no idea how to make the lumps go away but then Mr. Anderson told me that I should sand it with lighter sand paper and then I felt happy.<br />The tools I used!<br />The tools that I used today were totally different. I used the normal sanding paper and sanding block. I used a little wood filler/putty and also I used all the tools for painting. I used the brush, paint, a cup of water and the rack with nails on it that can help me paint the other sides while one side is wet.<br />I used this to store paint and use it when needed.<br />I used this tool to dip my brush in to clean the paint off or make it wet.<br />