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11th Octʼ 2010

                                                     Completing My Keychain
My final product

                                   I think that it really helped that I chose Plastic as my material
                                   because the color of my key chain is pretty and bright. My
                                   design also happens to be pretty innovative creating a good
                                   color-combination for it. I think that some of my strengths were
                                   while filing the edges and polishing my keychain. I also think that it really
                                   made a difference in the quality that I achieved because of the materials
                                   that I chose. At first, it was difficult to file off the edges of my puzzle piece,
                                   but once I switched to a smaller file, it was much easier for me to file off
                                   the edges. By the end of thirty minutes, I has perfectly rounded edges.
                                   One new thing that I learnt about in class was the buffing machine. It was
                                   amazing how it smoothed the plastic and polished the puzzle piece.

                                   I really had a hard time rounding the corners of my puzzle piece. I
                                   constantly kept walking up to the teacher and asked him if it was enough. I
                                   really had a hard time rounding all the corners of the puzzle piece. I also
Me trying to insert the key ring
into the hole                      think that I could have filed my project better to achieve finer results. Now,
                                   that I look at my project, my eyes immediately go towards the imperfections
                                   and the filing errors I made. While filing, I over did some of the sides making
                                   n extra-thin and frail. It probably would have had a better appearance and
                                   feel If I had really focused.

                                   I think that I was very distracted. I kept watching
                                   my friends do their work and watch how they
                                   created their designs. I also think that I could have
                                   concentrated better if I was focused leading into a
                                   much better and sturdy final outcome.

Me, trying to polish my
                                   The leaner profile was definitely risk taker because I
                                   was learning about new kinds of tools and learning
                                   how to use new materials such as plastic and

                                    Approaches to learning because I learnt about
                                    new things and refreshed my memory about
                                    things that I learnt last year.
October 20th 2010

                                                                 CUTTING OUT MY MONKEY

                         One of my strengths today, was that I used my time productively.
                         I finished measuring and marking out my work and also
                         managed to figure out how to use a coping saw in about ten
                         minutes. I followed my flow chart and realized the mistakes I
                         made while measuring and marking out and remarked them. I
                         think that I was good at cutting my wood because i landed up
                         the perfect shape for my toy.

                         I think that I did not maintain my blade that well
                         because I broke a coping saw. And I think that
                         there are many coping saws to be broken in the
                         future. I think that didn't do such a good job at
                         measuring and marking out my project because
                         it was messy and very hard to figure out.

                         I think that next time I should try and be
                         more careful at using the coping saws. I
                         think that I could have done a better job
                         my concentrating at measuring and
                         marking out my piece better so that I could
                         have achieved a more precise and fine

                          I think that my learner profile was similar
                          to the learner profile of the month that is
                          risk taker. I learnt about many different
                          kinds of saws, their operation and how to
                          use them. I also am using different kinds
                          of materials to make different parts of a
                          project that II have never made before.

                         I think that the Area Of Interaction
                         was Approaches to learning because
                         I was learning how to use different
                         kinds of saws to make different
                         curves in my piece of wood.
Oct 27th
me, trying to use a coping saw                         Cutting out my Wood Toy

                                 I think that one of my strengths were that I managed to
                                 finish cutting out my toy. And I managed to not break any
                                 of my coping saws, and that was a pretty good thing. I
                                 think I did a pretty good job filing my work because it
                                 the planes went form rough bumps and scratchy
                                 edges with chipping sides to smooth, soft edges and
                                 bumps. I had fun chopping off the wood because I
                                 have never used a coping saw before and so it was pretty fun to use

                                   Although I think that it was really fun to use the coping
                                   saw , I think that it was really hard. I know that for a
                                   fact because I needed up breaking my monkeyʼs tail. I
                                   also need to work on my patience. I need to work with
                                   more patience to achieve better results. I also think
                                   that filing was pretty hard because of the scratches
                                   made but I eventually ended up with good results.

                                   I think that I could have done a better job
                                   working on my project. I need more patience
                                   to achieve better results. I also needed better
                                   techniques while filing to achieve the potential

                                   I think that my learner profile was similar to
                                   the learner profile of the month that is risk
                                   taker. I learnt about many different kinds of
                                   saws, their operation and how to use
                                   them. I also am using different kinds of
                                   materials to make different parts of a
me, trying to file my project
                                   project that II have never made before.

                                   I think that the Area Of Interaction
                                   was Approaches to learning because
                                   I was learning how to use different
                                   kinds of saws to make different
                                   curves in my piece of wood.
Date: OCTOBER 29th 2010
                           FILING THE BODY

                           What I did
                           Today, I continued filing my project. I started off
                           my filing my project and ended up finishing the
                           head of my monkey. I used filers like the half
                           round file, the round file and the flat head file. I
                           managed to use my work successfully and get good results. I used the files
                           effectively and came up with good results.
                           Why I did things the way I did
                           I think that I need more time on filing and so will try and spend more time
                           on it. I will also try and not get distracted so that I can
                           work on my project and get more stronger results. I
                           also think that I did things the way I did was because I
                           want my project to be perfect so that I get a good
                           grade and so will try my best too get good scores.
Me trying to file my wood
                           I think that next time. I will make sure that I try and
                           bnot file over he lines so that I get a more defined
                           shape. I also think that I should be ore careful; due to
                           the accidents that took place last lesson.

                           I think that I feel pretty good about the way my project is coming along
                           because I am going fast and am working effectively. Going according to the
                           construction plan and consult the teachers when required
                           Learner Profile
                           I think that I am a risk taker because I have never tried and defined curves
                           in DT before so this is all very new to me.
                           I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so
                           think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT
Date: Nov 3rd 2010
                        Filing the Body (contd.)
                        What I did
                        Today, I continues filing my wood toy. I completed filing the bottom of the monkey. The
                        only thing that is left for me to complete is filing my monkey =is it’s legs. Once I finish that,
                        I will be able to proceed towards painting my wood and then starting my wheels. I started
                        the class my filing the bottom of the monkey. In fact, I
                        actually spent about an hour and a half completing the
                        back and neck of the toy. By the end of the class, I was
                        almost done with the neck, and arms as well. Hopefully,
                        I will be able to successfully complete my first round of
me trying to file wood   filing and finish up with some final touch- ups.

                        Why I did things the way I did
                        I think that it is important for me to filie my project well
                        because it really reflects on the final outcome. Perhaps,
                        if I work faster and make use my time better than, I will
                        probably get my project done well.
Filing me PROJECT :)    I think that i could improve by focusing on my work better. I
                        was constantly distracted and ended up having
                        conversations with different people. Besides, the people in
                        my table were very distracting and so I got carried away.
                        Next time, I will try and focus better so that I get better
                        I think that I need to try harder while filing so that I finish my project fast. I am not t=quite
                        Learner Profile
                        I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved toy.
                        Area of Interaction
                        I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think that I am
                        doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT
Me trying to file my wood. IN
                               Date: 4th November 2010
TO FILE OF OFF THE EXCESSIVE   Finishing The first round of filing

                               What I did
                               Today, I started off my doing a basic layer of filing. I wasn’t particularly
                               interested in fact, I didn’t even know which way I way filing, what I was
                               filing or how I was filing. I was completely off track and bored of doing the
                               same thing over and over again, I though that my filer had stopped working
                               as well because it didn’t seem to do a lot of filing when I tried to apply
                               pressure. I wasn’t doing much until the teacher came along and helped me
                               out with the filing. He showed me how to file and i was impressed by the
                               speed in which he filed and by the outcome. So I tried my best and I started
                               focusing and filed well. In fact, I even managed to finish he first round of
                               filing. All I need to do now is to do some touch ups to the filing.
                               Why I did things The way I did
                               I was a bit slow in the beginning of class because I have been filing for the
                               the past three lessons double period. I have started to get a bit bored of
                               doing the same things again and again. I just want to move on to the next
                               step in my construction plan. I think that if I finish filing my toy fast then I will
                               be able to do a lot more by the end of the week. But once I was shown how
                               to file again, I thin that it really put me on track again.
                               I feel that my project is taking a lot of time to do. This part of the project is
                               making me tired and I want to move on. I hope that I can finish filing fast
                               because I really want to start painting the body
                               What’s Next
                               Hopefully, I will take only one period finish up filing. I will then start to wither
                               paint the project or create the wheels for it during the next double period.
                               Changes of Plan
i really didn’t change anything. Because I was filing throughout.
Learner Profile
I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved
Area of Interaction
I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think
that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT
Date: 8th November 2010
         Final Touch Up’s and creating the wheels

What I did
Today, I started to sand my project. In fact I also managed to start and
finish cutting out my wheels. I initially started the class by filing but
then I realized that the edges were pretty smooth and if I spend any
more time on filing then that would be damaging. So, I took out the
hardest sanding paper and sanding block. I started off by cleaning up
my project. I managed to give my project a better appearance. I then
started to truly sand and make my toy very smooth and sleek. Once I
finished the sanding, I consulted the teacher and he said hat I should
start working the wheels of my toy. So, I measured and marked out the
centre of my wheels. And using the drill I drilled the centre of the
wheels. I then realized that I could actually cut out an entire wheel
using a drill. I tried that out and even though some of the wheels
turned out a little off, the other two were pretty good. I then started
to sand excessive wood off.
Why I did things the Way I did
I think that it was about time I started to sand because I have spent the
past three classes on filing my toy. It was about time and moved on.
And surprisingly, it actually worked, anding it gave me a god and
accurate result.
I think that I should try spending more time working on one thing
and do it well instead of taking little time on it. This would have
resulted with good well drilled wheel
What’s next
                                 I am giong to continue working on my wheels by sanding it
                                 Change Of Plans
                                 no changes of plan
                                 I feel pretty confident about my project.It is coming also well and I
                                 really am trying hard. I think that now it is going to go very fast and
                                 will finally be able to use my prjecteffectively
                                 Learner Profile
                                 I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved
                                 Area of Interaction
                                 I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think
                                 that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT

Me trying to sand off the legs
of the monkey using a rough
sanding paper
Trying to file off the wood
using a round file.
Date: Nov 11th 2010	
    Creating the wheels and attaching it to the toy
What I did
Today, I started the class by sanding my project and then finished
by an attempt to attach them to the toy. So, I started the class by
using a garnet paper and sanding off the excessive wood from the
wheels. I took me a while to sand it. Although I managed to sand it
well and make it very smooth, I think that I could have spent a little
lesser time. I then consulted the teacher and asked him if I could
attach them to the toy, But turns out that I drilled the holes wrong
because I want my toy to hop. So, I had to re drill another pair of
hole 2/3 into the wheel. I also started to create an axle which took
time to create. It took me a lot of time to cut the small axle using a
gent saw. So, I used my friend as help and cut it off. I then used
the sanding board and started to sand off the excess. This took
me a little while because of the shape of the axle. Once I did that I
tried to attach the axle. It is a little big. I need to cut it off and
reattach it.
Why I did things the way I did
I think that one of the main reasons that I did things the way I did
is because this is how the toy will work and so I have to get it right.
Otherwise, my toy will either break or not work properly from the
first place. I think that It was very important to sand the axle well
because this is how the project will work. And although it is
probably the smallest part. It is the most vital.
I feel that If I continue to work this way, then I will be able tp
complete my toy very fast. So i think that I am feeling pretty good
about how my project is going.
What’s next
I need to resize the axle an then attach it to the toy.
Learner Profile
I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved
Area of Interaction
I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think
that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMEN
Date: November 17th 2010
 Filing my project for the last time

What I did
Today, I was supposed to start painting today, but seeing the toys around,
I realized that I should be filing a bit more, and so I have taken a decision to
make my toy as smooth as it can get to achieve the best results that I
possibly can. I will use a small file to file to file the wood well and then use
the garnet paper to make it as smooth as possible.. Today, I tried to do that
but only achieved to file the back of the monkey well. I am going to try and
do that to every single inch of my moving toy. I first stared off my filing the
back and front of the back. I did it in strokes going up, and then slide it to a
different direction and file down and to my disbelief, it actually worked! I
then used the sanding paper and block and went over teh filed area a
couple of times.
Why I did things The way I did
I think that I continued to file because when I looked around I saw perfectly
good and potential perfect toys and so I think that if I try and achieve the
best result my toy can have, I will get a good grade and a more long lasting
and sustainable toy.

I think that I really needed to file to achieve the best result so that is
probably why I am so confident about my toy now.
Changes of Plan
Instead of painting I am going to be filing for a while.
What’s Next
I am going to work on my filing and sanding for a while and then I am going to
start sanding my toy. I am then going to start painting
Learner Profile
                                 Thinker because I am thinking about what I am going to do, what it is going
                                 to happen and what it can become
                                 Area of Interaction
                                 I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think
                                 that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT

me trying to file the bottom of
my monkey

Filing the toy

Sanding the Toy
Nov 18th 2010

                                       Using a trimmer Router

                                       What I did
                                       today, I tried to use a trimmer router to get a better curve on my toy. I
                                       started off my using the filer but then with the suggestion of Mr.Anderson, I
                                       used a new device called the trimmer router. It is very hard to use and to be
                                       honest, I was a bit scared at first. I first had to do a lot of dry runs to just get
                                       the hand of the machine. Once I finished using it, I realized that the trimmer
                                       router had actually burnt out the table. I better make sure that i take pre
                                       Why I did things the way I did
                                       I did things the way I did because I really want my toy to be
                                       rounded and I was it to be really soft and so if it takes
                                       sanding paper files and the trimmer router for me to achieve
                                       that I think that it is worth a shot.
I wasnt able to take a picture
but this is how it looks.. This is a
trimmer router                         What’s Next
                                       I am done filing and so I will continue filing and sanding for
                                       the next few periods.
                                       Changes of Plan
                                       I think that the next step is to file my project very well until i reach perfection
                                       Learner Profile
                                       Thinker because I am thinking about what I am going to do, what it is going
                                       to happen and what it can become
                                       Area of Interaction
                                       I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am
me trying to use a small file to
file the bottom of my monkey            using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping
                                       the ENVIRONMENT
Date: November 25nd 2010 Monday
                                              Filing and Smoothing

                                    What I did
                                    Today, I just tried to smooth my toy the best I can. In fact I managed to sand
                                    and file off half of the monkey. My target next double period is to complete
                                    the other half of the monkey and then do a final sand to finish of and then
                                    start painting. So, I started off my using the small file to sand off the
                                    imperfections with my toy and smooth the result. I was
                                    first using a very thick sanding paper and was doing a
                                    good job but i still didnt understand why my toy wasnt as
me trying to sand off and
                                    smooth as my friend’s toys. So, I remembered sally using a
smooth using a sanding paper
but not using a sanding block
                                    very soft and smooth sanding paper instead of a rough
because I will bot be able to fit    and so I tried doing that and to my amazement, It actually
the sanding paper in that
particular way if I would use the   worked better than anything else. And so, now that I have
                                    a sequence ready I feel that my project is going to turn up
                                    pretty good.

                                    Why I did things the way I did
                                    I think that many reason that I am taking such a long time filing is because I
                                    want a good grade and because I have put a lot of effort, I would like to give
                                    the best I have and come up with something memorable.

                                    What’s next
                                    I am going to continue filing and sanding and do this for the next double
                                    period and then continue doing this until I reach the best result
                                    Changes to Plan
I was actually supposed to be painting by now but instead of that I am going
                                 to spend some time working on the rounding and filing

                                 Learner Profile 	
                                 I think that the learner profile is reflective
                                 because I am thinking of the outcome and
                                 want and according to that reflecting on my
                                 process journal
This is a picture of me trying
to file my monkey using a small   AREA OF INTERACTION
                                 Approaches to learning because I am
                                 learning from the mistakes I made in last
                                 years project and trying to improve
Date: Nov 25th 2010, Wednesday
         final touch ups
What I did
      Today, I started off by using a small file to round off the edges. I
rounded off the entire toy in about twenty minutes and then used a thick
sanding paper to go over it . This took me about twenty five minutes. I went
over all the rounded areas so that I would have more accurate results. Then,
I used a smoother sanding paper to to make it smooth and soft. I then
started fooling around but I think that I just need to giver it oncd more with
the smoothest sanding paper and then finally get to the painting stage. I
Why I did things the way I did
I think that many reason that I am taking such a long time filing is because I
want a good grade and because I have put a lot of effort, I would like to give
the best I have and come up with something memorable.

What’s Next
I am going to use the soft sanding paper and sand it just a bit more sanding
before I start to paint I will probably spend one more period of thorough
sanding and then slowly advance to painting.

Changes of Plan
 I was actually supposed to be painting by now but instead of that I am
going to spend some time working on the rounding and filing.

I think that I should be achieving the best results that I possible can and so
think that I should try and apply the best effort and so far, I think that I was
successful and so am having a good feeling.
Learner Profile 	
                                 I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the
                                 outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal
                                 AREA OF INTERACTION
                                 Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in
                                 last years project and trying to improve

This is a picture of me trying
to file my monkey using a half
round file
Date 28th November 2010
                                     Sanding my project
                                      What I did
                                     Today, I tried to complete filing and sanding my project. I first started off by
                                     taking criticism from my peers and then improving on their suggestions. So,
                                     Id decided to use the wood filler to help me cover up the many holes in my
                                     projects and then use a close to smooth sanding paper to make my project
                                     smooth instead of scratched. Now that I think of it, I have really improved
                                     the quality of my project by spending a little time on it. I constantly
                                     scrapped my toy with a smooth sanding paper and the used one of the
                                     black garnet papers to finish it off. I am going to do this throughout the
                                     next class and then finally move on to paint! YAY!!

                                     Why I did things the way I did
                                     I think that many reason that I am taking such a long time filing is because I
                                     want a good grade and because I have put a lot of effort, I would like to give
                                     the best I have and come up with something memorable.

                                     I think that I should be achieving the best results that I possible can and so
                                     think that I should try and apply the best effort and so far, I think that I was
                                     successful and so am having a good feeling.

                                     Changes of Plan
                                     Whats Next
                                     I am going to do this throughout the next
                                     class and then finally move on to paint! YAY!!
because my camera stopped
working, I didn't have any means
to annotate. I found this picture    Learner Profile 	
on the internet and it clearly
shows a person tying to use the
wood filler in one of the gaps and
so is a perfect example to explain
what I did
I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the
                                     outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal
                                     and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project
                                     AREA OF INTERACTION
                                     Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in
                                     last years project and trying to improve

although this is from last
lesson, it will still work.

me trying to sand off and smooth
using a sanding paper but not
using a sanding block because I
will bot be able to fit the sanding
paper in that particular way if I
would use the block.
Date: 29th November 2010
 Painting the toy !

What I did
Today I tried to do finish off sanding my project and then hopefully start
painting my monkey. Well, turns out that I was able to achieve a perfectly
sanded toy so I finally moved on to sanding. Although I think that I could
have just sanded it forever, I think that it is time to move on because I only
have four weeks left to complete the project within class time. So, using a
very smooth sanding paper, I sanded until smooth. I then started to paint. I
set up,, found the best color and then started to paint. I also used tape to
cover up the parts that I didn't want to get paint on.

Why I did things the way I did
I think that it is time to start painting because I really need to finish my
project as I am falling back and so need to work on my project a bit harder
than the rest.

I think that I should be achieving the best results that I possible can and so
think that I should try and apply the best effort and so far, I think that I was
successful and so am having a good feeling. Whats Next

Changes to Plan
There are none.

Whats Next
The next thing to do is just continue painting and then start working on the
Learner Profile 	
                               I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the
                               outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal
                               and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project
                               AREA OF INTERACTION
                               Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in
                               last                                  years project and trying to improve

using a small smooth sanding
paper to to some touch ups

trying to paint
Date : Dec 1st 2010 Wednesday
       Painting the first layer of the monkey and sanding it
What I did
I started off the class by mixing paint to get the perfect color. This took me
about ten minutes. I then painted, but it was not until I finished painting the
back side that I revised that I shouldn't have done that as I should have
sanded first. I then waited for it to dry as I got the rest of my colors
organized. Once it dried, using a smooth sanding paper I sanded my
monkey and then started to apply the next coat of blue. Once I finished
that, I started to paint the face of my monkey by making the outline purple.
To do this, I used a thin brush. This took me a little time because there were
a lot of grooves in my projects. I went over everything until I ran out of time.

Why I did things the way I did
I think that it was important to take some time and focus on every stroke of
paint to achieve the best result possible, Although this is just a beginning,
by the end I will have a perfect monkey. I think that if I spend the next
period trying to do a good sand and do another layer then I will be going at
a good pace which will help me with saving time and achieving a good quality
piece of work.

Next time, I think that I should try to sand before I paint. I should ro a little
filing as well before I finally start painting.

I feel pretty good about my project because I am able to save time and at
the same time achieve the best result I can possibly come up with from the
time I have.
What’s next
Changes of plan
                                     No changes to the plan.
                                     Learner Profile 	
                                     I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the
                                     outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal
                                     and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project
                                     AREA OF INTERACTION
                                     Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in
                                     last years project and trying to improve

This is a picture of me using
the color blue on a bug brush to
paint the second layer of blue on
my monkey

This is a picture of me using
yellow paint on a thin brush to
paint the face of my monkey

This is a picture of me using a
smooth sanding paper to sand
the first layer of paint of my toy.
Date : Dec 2nd 2010 Wednesday
       Painting the second layer of the monkey and sanding it

What I did
I started off the class by mixing paint to get the perfect color. This took me
about ten minutes. I then painted, but it was not until I finished painting the
back side that I revised that I shouldn't have done that as I should have
sanded first. I then waited for it to dry as I got the rest of my colors
organized. Once it dried, using a smooth sanding paper I sanded my
monkey and then started to apply the next coat of blue. Once I finished
that, I started to paint the face of my monkey by making the outline purple.
To do this, I used a thin brush. This took me a little time because there were
a lot of grooves in my projects. I went over everything until I ran out of time.

Why I did things the way I did
I think that it was important to take some time and focus on every stroke of
paint to achieve the best result possible, Although this is just a beginning,
by the end I will have a perfect monkey. I think that if I spend the next
period trying to do a good sand and do another layer then I will be going at
a good pace which will help me with saving time and achieving a good quality
piece of work.

Next time, I think that I will try and make my paint more accurate and spend
less time mixing the paint for the project

I feel pretty good about my project because I am able to save time and at
                                       the same time achieve the best result I can possibly come up with from the
                                       time I have.
                                       What’s next
                                       continue painting

                                       Changes of plan
                                       No changes to the plan.
                                       Learner Profile 	
                                        I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the
                                       outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal
                                       and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project
                                       AREA OF INTERACTION
                                       Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in
                                       last years project and trying to improve

Me using a big paintbrush
trying to paint the color yellow all
over the face of the toy
This is a pictur of me using a
garnet paper and trying to sand
off the excessive paint off the
monkey. This is a picture of me
sanding the second layer

This is another picture of my
using a big paint brush with the
color blue to paint on the body of
the monkey
Date Deb 8th 2010 , wednesday
Using the masking tape to paint
What I did
Today, all i did was use the masking tape to help me paint and get more
defined edges. I think that I will continue to do this next class and then will
take only a little time to finish my project. I was first painting using a normal
brush but then I realized that using a masking tape would be easier as I need
more defined lines to get a good quality project. I first stuck the masking
tape on the project marked my lines and then cut it out. After that, I
painted over the defined lines to get the perfect edges. I did this
throughout class.

Why I did things the way I did
I think that I should be getting the most out of my time in the studio and try
and get a good paint. So, I think that it is important to lay the paint well as it
it is part of presentation of my project.

I think that I have a long way to go and so better start stepping up my game
because otherwise I will not be able to get it done by the end of this

What’s Next
I will use the next class to paint and then I will start to paint the wheels, then
attach them and finally drill in the eyes.
Changes to plan

Learner Profile
I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the
                                 outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal
                                 and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project
                                 AREA OF INTERACTION
                                 Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in
                                 last years project and trying to improve

a close up of the masking tape

me using the small paint
brush to paint. I am using the
color purple. I am using a
masking tape to help me

cutting the masking tape
using a pair of scissors

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Backup of process journal

  • 1.
  • 2. 11th Octʼ 2010 Completing My Keychain My final product I think that it really helped that I chose Plastic as my material because the color of my key chain is pretty and bright. My design also happens to be pretty innovative creating a good color-combination for it. I think that some of my strengths were while filing the edges and polishing my keychain. I also think that it really made a difference in the quality that I achieved because of the materials that I chose. At first, it was difficult to file off the edges of my puzzle piece, but once I switched to a smaller file, it was much easier for me to file off the edges. By the end of thirty minutes, I has perfectly rounded edges. One new thing that I learnt about in class was the buffing machine. It was amazing how it smoothed the plastic and polished the puzzle piece. I really had a hard time rounding the corners of my puzzle piece. I constantly kept walking up to the teacher and asked him if it was enough. I really had a hard time rounding all the corners of the puzzle piece. I also Me trying to insert the key ring into the hole think that I could have filed my project better to achieve finer results. Now, that I look at my project, my eyes immediately go towards the imperfections and the filing errors I made. While filing, I over did some of the sides making n extra-thin and frail. It probably would have had a better appearance and feel If I had really focused. I think that I was very distracted. I kept watching my friends do their work and watch how they created their designs. I also think that I could have concentrated better if I was focused leading into a much better and sturdy final outcome. Me, trying to polish my keychain The leaner profile was definitely risk taker because I was learning about new kinds of tools and learning how to use new materials such as plastic and aluminum. Approaches to learning because I learnt about new things and refreshed my memory about things that I learnt last year.
  • 3. October 20th 2010 CUTTING OUT MY MONKEY One of my strengths today, was that I used my time productively. I finished measuring and marking out my work and also managed to figure out how to use a coping saw in about ten minutes. I followed my flow chart and realized the mistakes I made while measuring and marking out and remarked them. I think that I was good at cutting my wood because i landed up the perfect shape for my toy. I think that I did not maintain my blade that well because I broke a coping saw. And I think that there are many coping saws to be broken in the future. I think that didn't do such a good job at measuring and marking out my project because it was messy and very hard to figure out. MY FIRST BROKEN COPING SAW I think that next time I should try and be more careful at using the coping saws. I think that I could have done a better job my concentrating at measuring and marking out my piece better so that I could have achieved a more precise and fine I think that my learner profile was similar to the learner profile of the month that is risk taker. I learnt about many different kinds of saws, their operation and how to use them. I also am using different kinds of materials to make different parts of a project that II have never made before. ME, MEASURING AND MARKING OUT MY TOY I think that the Area Of Interaction was Approaches to learning because I was learning how to use different kinds of saws to make different curves in my piece of wood.
  • 4. Oct 27th me, trying to use a coping saw Cutting out my Wood Toy I think that one of my strengths were that I managed to finish cutting out my toy. And I managed to not break any of my coping saws, and that was a pretty good thing. I think I did a pretty good job filing my work because it the planes went form rough bumps and scratchy edges with chipping sides to smooth, soft edges and bumps. I had fun chopping off the wood because I have never used a coping saw before and so it was pretty fun to use Although I think that it was really fun to use the coping saw , I think that it was really hard. I know that for a fact because I needed up breaking my monkeyʼs tail. I also need to work on my patience. I need to work with more patience to achieve better results. I also think that filing was pretty hard because of the scratches made but I eventually ended up with good results. I think that I could have done a better job working on my project. I need more patience to achieve better results. I also needed better techniques while filing to achieve the potential resul I think that my learner profile was similar to the learner profile of the month that is risk taker. I learnt about many different kinds of saws, their operation and how to use them. I also am using different kinds of materials to make different parts of a me, trying to file my project project that II have never made before. I think that the Area Of Interaction was Approaches to learning because I was learning how to use different kinds of saws to make different curves in my piece of wood.
  • 5. Date: OCTOBER 29th 2010 FILING THE BODY FILING MY WOOD What I did Today, I continued filing my project. I started off my filing my project and ended up finishing the head of my monkey. I used filers like the half round file, the round file and the flat head file. I managed to use my work successfully and get good results. I used the files effectively and came up with good results. Why I did things the way I did I think that I need more time on filing and so will try and spend more time on it. I will also try and not get distracted so that I can work on my project and get more stronger results. I also think that I did things the way I did was because I want my project to be perfect so that I get a good grade and so will try my best too get good scores. Me trying to file my wood Improvements I think that next time. I will make sure that I try and bnot file over he lines so that I get a more defined shape. I also think that I should be ore careful; due to the accidents that took place last lesson. EMOTIONS I think that I feel pretty good about the way my project is coming along because I am going fast and am working effectively. Going according to the construction plan and consult the teachers when required Learner Profile I think that I am a risk taker because I have never tried and defined curves in DT before so this is all very new to me. AOI I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT
  • 6. Date: Nov 3rd 2010 Filing the Body (contd.) What I did Today, I continues filing my wood toy. I completed filing the bottom of the monkey. The only thing that is left for me to complete is filing my monkey =is it’s legs. Once I finish that, I will be able to proceed towards painting my wood and then starting my wheels. I started the class my filing the bottom of the monkey. In fact, I actually spent about an hour and a half completing the back and neck of the toy. By the end of the class, I was almost done with the neck, and arms as well. Hopefully, I will be able to successfully complete my first round of me trying to file wood filing and finish up with some final touch- ups. Why I did things the way I did I think that it is important for me to filie my project well because it really reflects on the final outcome. Perhaps, if I work faster and make use my time better than, I will probably get my project done well. Improvements Filing me PROJECT :) I think that i could improve by focusing on my work better. I was constantly distracted and ended up having conversations with different people. Besides, the people in my table were very distracting and so I got carried away. Next time, I will try and focus better so that I get better results. Emotions I think that I need to try harder while filing so that I finish my project fast. I am not t=quite satisfied Learner Profile I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved toy. Area of Interaction I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT
  • 7. Me trying to file my wood. IN THIS PICTURE, I AM USING A Date: 4th November 2010 HALF-ROUND FILE. I AM TRYING TO FILE OF OFF THE EXCESSIVE Finishing The first round of filing PEICES OF WOOD ON THE TOY What I did Today, I started off my doing a basic layer of filing. I wasn’t particularly interested in fact, I didn’t even know which way I way filing, what I was filing or how I was filing. I was completely off track and bored of doing the same thing over and over again, I though that my filer had stopped working as well because it didn’t seem to do a lot of filing when I tried to apply pressure. I wasn’t doing much until the teacher came along and helped me out with the filing. He showed me how to file and i was impressed by the speed in which he filed and by the outcome. So I tried my best and I started focusing and filed well. In fact, I even managed to finish he first round of filing. All I need to do now is to do some touch ups to the filing. Why I did things The way I did I was a bit slow in the beginning of class because I have been filing for the the past three lessons double period. I have started to get a bit bored of doing the same things again and again. I just want to move on to the next step in my construction plan. I think that if I finish filing my toy fast then I will be able to do a lot more by the end of the week. But once I was shown how to file again, I thin that it really put me on track again. Emotions I feel that my project is taking a lot of time to do. This part of the project is making me tired and I want to move on. I hope that I can finish filing fast because I really want to start painting the body What’s Next Hopefully, I will take only one period finish up filing. I will then start to wither paint the project or create the wheels for it during the next double period. Changes of Plan
  • 8. i really didn’t change anything. Because I was filing throughout. Learner Profile I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved toy. Area of Interaction I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT
  • 9. Date: 8th November 2010 Final Touch Up’s and creating the wheels What I did Today, I started to sand my project. In fact I also managed to start and finish cutting out my wheels. I initially started the class by filing but then I realized that the edges were pretty smooth and if I spend any more time on filing then that would be damaging. So, I took out the hardest sanding paper and sanding block. I started off by cleaning up my project. I managed to give my project a better appearance. I then started to truly sand and make my toy very smooth and sleek. Once I finished the sanding, I consulted the teacher and he said hat I should start working the wheels of my toy. So, I measured and marked out the centre of my wheels. And using the drill I drilled the centre of the wheels. I then realized that I could actually cut out an entire wheel using a drill. I tried that out and even though some of the wheels turned out a little off, the other two were pretty good. I then started to sand excessive wood off. Why I did things the Way I did I think that it was about time I started to sand because I have spent the past three classes on filing my toy. It was about time and moved on. And surprisingly, it actually worked, anding it gave me a god and accurate result. Improvements I think that I should try spending more time working on one thing and do it well instead of taking little time on it. This would have resulted with good well drilled wheel
  • 10. What’s next I am giong to continue working on my wheels by sanding it Change Of Plans no changes of plan Emotions I feel pretty confident about my project.It is coming also well and I really am trying hard. I think that now it is going to go very fast and will finally be able to use my prjecteffectively Learner Profile I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved toy. Area of Interaction I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT Me trying to sand off the legs of the monkey using a rough sanding paper Trying to file off the wood using a round file.
  • 11. Date: Nov 11th 2010 Creating the wheels and attaching it to the toy What I did Today, I started the class by sanding my project and then finished by an attempt to attach them to the toy. So, I started the class by using a garnet paper and sanding off the excessive wood from the wheels. I took me a while to sand it. Although I managed to sand it well and make it very smooth, I think that I could have spent a little lesser time. I then consulted the teacher and asked him if I could attach them to the toy, But turns out that I drilled the holes wrong because I want my toy to hop. So, I had to re drill another pair of hole 2/3 into the wheel. I also started to create an axle which took time to create. It took me a lot of time to cut the small axle using a gent saw. So, I used my friend as help and cut it off. I then used the sanding board and started to sand off the excess. This took me a little while because of the shape of the axle. Once I did that I tried to attach the axle. It is a little big. I need to cut it off and reattach it. Why I did things the way I did I think that one of the main reasons that I did things the way I did is because this is how the toy will work and so I have to get it right. Otherwise, my toy will either break or not work properly from the first place. I think that It was very important to sand the axle well because this is how the project will work. And although it is probably the smallest part. It is the most vital.
  • 12. Emotions I feel that If I continue to work this way, then I will be able tp complete my toy very fast. So i think that I am feeling pretty good about how my project is going. What’s next I need to resize the axle an then attach it to the toy. Learner Profile I was a thinker trying to figure out where I should file to give a more curved toy. Area of Interaction I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMEN
  • 13. Date: November 17th 2010 Filing my project for the last time What I did Today, I was supposed to start painting today, but seeing the toys around, I realized that I should be filing a bit more, and so I have taken a decision to make my toy as smooth as it can get to achieve the best results that I possibly can. I will use a small file to file to file the wood well and then use the garnet paper to make it as smooth as possible.. Today, I tried to do that but only achieved to file the back of the monkey well. I am going to try and do that to every single inch of my moving toy. I first stared off my filing the back and front of the back. I did it in strokes going up, and then slide it to a different direction and file down and to my disbelief, it actually worked! I then used the sanding paper and block and went over teh filed area a couple of times. Why I did things The way I did I think that I continued to file because when I looked around I saw perfectly good and potential perfect toys and so I think that if I try and achieve the best result my toy can have, I will get a good grade and a more long lasting and sustainable toy. Emotions I think that I really needed to file to achieve the best result so that is probably why I am so confident about my toy now. Changes of Plan Instead of painting I am going to be filing for a while. What’s Next I am going to work on my filing and sanding for a while and then I am going to start sanding my toy. I am then going to start painting
  • 14. Learner Profile Thinker because I am thinking about what I am going to do, what it is going to happen and what it can become Area of Interaction I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT me trying to file the bottom of my monkey Filing the toy Sanding the Toy
  • 15. Nov 18th 2010 Using a trimmer Router What I did today, I tried to use a trimmer router to get a better curve on my toy. I started off my using the filer but then with the suggestion of Mr.Anderson, I used a new device called the trimmer router. It is very hard to use and to be honest, I was a bit scared at first. I first had to do a lot of dry runs to just get the hand of the machine. Once I finished using it, I realized that the trimmer router had actually burnt out the table. I better make sure that i take pre cautions. Why I did things the way I did I did things the way I did because I really want my toy to be rounded and I was it to be really soft and so if it takes sanding paper files and the trimmer router for me to achieve that I think that it is worth a shot. I wasnt able to take a picture but this is how it looks.. This is a trimmer router What’s Next I am done filing and so I will continue filing and sanding for the next few periods. Changes of Plan I think that the next step is to file my project very well until i reach perfection Learner Profile Thinker because I am thinking about what I am going to do, what it is going to happen and what it can become Area of Interaction I am trying to be conservative of the amount of woof I am me trying to use a small file to file the bottom of my monkey using and so think that I am doing a pretty good job helping the ENVIRONMENT
  • 16. Date: November 25nd 2010 Monday Filing and Smoothing What I did Today, I just tried to smooth my toy the best I can. In fact I managed to sand and file off half of the monkey. My target next double period is to complete the other half of the monkey and then do a final sand to finish of and then start painting. So, I started off my using the small file to sand off the imperfections with my toy and smooth the result. I was first using a very thick sanding paper and was doing a good job but i still didnt understand why my toy wasnt as me trying to sand off and smooth as my friend’s toys. So, I remembered sally using a smooth using a sanding paper but not using a sanding block very soft and smooth sanding paper instead of a rough because I will bot be able to fit and so I tried doing that and to my amazement, It actually the sanding paper in that particular way if I would use the worked better than anything else. And so, now that I have block. a sequence ready I feel that my project is going to turn up pretty good. Why I did things the way I did I think that many reason that I am taking such a long time filing is because I want a good grade and because I have put a lot of effort, I would like to give the best I have and come up with something memorable. What’s next I am going to continue filing and sanding and do this for the next double period and then continue doing this until I reach the best result possible. Changes to Plan
  • 17. I was actually supposed to be painting by now but instead of that I am going to spend some time working on the rounding and filing Emotions Learner Profile I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal This is a picture of me trying to file my monkey using a small AREA OF INTERACTION file Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in last years project and trying to improve
  • 18. Date: Nov 25th 2010, Wednesday final touch ups What I did Today, I started off by using a small file to round off the edges. I rounded off the entire toy in about twenty minutes and then used a thick sanding paper to go over it . This took me about twenty five minutes. I went over all the rounded areas so that I would have more accurate results. Then, I used a smoother sanding paper to to make it smooth and soft. I then started fooling around but I think that I just need to giver it oncd more with the smoothest sanding paper and then finally get to the painting stage. I CAN’T WAIT!!!!! Why I did things the way I did I think that many reason that I am taking such a long time filing is because I want a good grade and because I have put a lot of effort, I would like to give the best I have and come up with something memorable. What’s Next I am going to use the soft sanding paper and sand it just a bit more sanding before I start to paint I will probably spend one more period of thorough sanding and then slowly advance to painting. Changes of Plan I was actually supposed to be painting by now but instead of that I am going to spend some time working on the rounding and filing. Emotions I think that I should be achieving the best results that I possible can and so think that I should try and apply the best effort and so far, I think that I was successful and so am having a good feeling.
  • 19. Learner Profile I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal AREA OF INTERACTION Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in last years project and trying to improve This is a picture of me trying to file my monkey using a half round file
  • 20. Date 28th November 2010 Sanding my project What I did Today, I tried to complete filing and sanding my project. I first started off by taking criticism from my peers and then improving on their suggestions. So, Id decided to use the wood filler to help me cover up the many holes in my projects and then use a close to smooth sanding paper to make my project smooth instead of scratched. Now that I think of it, I have really improved the quality of my project by spending a little time on it. I constantly scrapped my toy with a smooth sanding paper and the used one of the black garnet papers to finish it off. I am going to do this throughout the next class and then finally move on to paint! YAY!! Why I did things the way I did I think that many reason that I am taking such a long time filing is because I want a good grade and because I have put a lot of effort, I would like to give the best I have and come up with something memorable. Emotions I think that I should be achieving the best results that I possible can and so think that I should try and apply the best effort and so far, I think that I was successful and so am having a good feeling. Changes of Plan none Whats Next I am going to do this throughout the next class and then finally move on to paint! YAY!! because my camera stopped working, I didn't have any means to annotate. I found this picture Learner Profile on the internet and it clearly shows a person tying to use the wood filler in one of the gaps and so is a perfect example to explain what I did
  • 21. I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project AREA OF INTERACTION Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in last years project and trying to improve although this is from last lesson, it will still work. me trying to sand off and smooth using a sanding paper but not using a sanding block because I will bot be able to fit the sanding paper in that particular way if I would use the block.
  • 22. Date: 29th November 2010 Painting the toy ! What I did Today I tried to do finish off sanding my project and then hopefully start painting my monkey. Well, turns out that I was able to achieve a perfectly sanded toy so I finally moved on to sanding. Although I think that I could have just sanded it forever, I think that it is time to move on because I only have four weeks left to complete the project within class time. So, using a very smooth sanding paper, I sanded until smooth. I then started to paint. I set up,, found the best color and then started to paint. I also used tape to cover up the parts that I didn't want to get paint on. Why I did things the way I did I think that it is time to start painting because I really need to finish my project as I am falling back and so need to work on my project a bit harder than the rest. Emotions I think that I should be achieving the best results that I possible can and so think that I should try and apply the best effort and so far, I think that I was successful and so am having a good feeling. Whats Next Changes to Plan There are none. Whats Next The next thing to do is just continue painting and then start working on the wheels.
  • 23. Learner Profile I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project AREA OF INTERACTION Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in last years project and trying to improve using a small smooth sanding paper to to some touch ups trying to paint
  • 24. Date : Dec 1st 2010 Wednesday Painting the first layer of the monkey and sanding it What I did I started off the class by mixing paint to get the perfect color. This took me about ten minutes. I then painted, but it was not until I finished painting the back side that I revised that I shouldn't have done that as I should have sanded first. I then waited for it to dry as I got the rest of my colors organized. Once it dried, using a smooth sanding paper I sanded my monkey and then started to apply the next coat of blue. Once I finished that, I started to paint the face of my monkey by making the outline purple. To do this, I used a thin brush. This took me a little time because there were a lot of grooves in my projects. I went over everything until I ran out of time. Why I did things the way I did I think that it was important to take some time and focus on every stroke of paint to achieve the best result possible, Although this is just a beginning, by the end I will have a perfect monkey. I think that if I spend the next period trying to do a good sand and do another layer then I will be going at a good pace which will help me with saving time and achieving a good quality piece of work. Improvements Next time, I think that I should try to sand before I paint. I should ro a little filing as well before I finally start painting. Emotions I feel pretty good about my project because I am able to save time and at the same time achieve the best result I can possibly come up with from the time I have. What’s next
  • 25. Changes of plan No changes to the plan. Learner Profile I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project AREA OF INTERACTION Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in last years project and trying to improve This is a picture of me using the color blue on a bug brush to paint the second layer of blue on my monkey This is a picture of me using yellow paint on a thin brush to paint the face of my monkey This is a picture of me using a smooth sanding paper to sand the first layer of paint of my toy.
  • 26. Date : Dec 2nd 2010 Wednesday Painting the second layer of the monkey and sanding it What I did I started off the class by mixing paint to get the perfect color. This took me about ten minutes. I then painted, but it was not until I finished painting the back side that I revised that I shouldn't have done that as I should have sanded first. I then waited for it to dry as I got the rest of my colors organized. Once it dried, using a smooth sanding paper I sanded my monkey and then started to apply the next coat of blue. Once I finished that, I started to paint the face of my monkey by making the outline purple. To do this, I used a thin brush. This took me a little time because there were a lot of grooves in my projects. I went over everything until I ran out of time. Why I did things the way I did I think that it was important to take some time and focus on every stroke of paint to achieve the best result possible, Although this is just a beginning, by the end I will have a perfect monkey. I think that if I spend the next period trying to do a good sand and do another layer then I will be going at a good pace which will help me with saving time and achieving a good quality piece of work. Improvements Next time, I think that I will try and make my paint more accurate and spend less time mixing the paint for the project Emotions
  • 27. I feel pretty good about my project because I am able to save time and at the same time achieve the best result I can possibly come up with from the time I have. What’s next continue painting Changes of plan No changes to the plan. Learner Profile I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project AREA OF INTERACTION Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in last years project and trying to improve Me using a big paintbrush trying to paint the color yellow all over the face of the toy This is a pictur of me using a garnet paper and trying to sand off the excessive paint off the monkey. This is a picture of me sanding the second layer This is another picture of my using a big paint brush with the color blue to paint on the body of the monkey
  • 28. Date Deb 8th 2010 , wednesday Using the masking tape to paint What I did Today, all i did was use the masking tape to help me paint and get more defined edges. I think that I will continue to do this next class and then will take only a little time to finish my project. I was first painting using a normal brush but then I realized that using a masking tape would be easier as I need more defined lines to get a good quality project. I first stuck the masking tape on the project marked my lines and then cut it out. After that, I painted over the defined lines to get the perfect edges. I did this throughout class. Why I did things the way I did I think that I should be getting the most out of my time in the studio and try and get a good paint. So, I think that it is important to lay the paint well as it it is part of presentation of my project. Emotions I think that I have a long way to go and so better start stepping up my game because otherwise I will not be able to get it done by the end of this semester. What’s Next I will use the next class to paint and then I will start to paint the wheels, then attach them and finally drill in the eyes. Changes to plan None Learner Profile
  • 29. I think that the learner profile is reflective because I am thinking of the outcome and want and according to that reflecting on my process journal and taking suggestions and according to that working on my project AREA OF INTERACTION Approaches to learning because I am learning from the mistakes I made in last years project and trying to improve a close up of the masking tape me using the small paint brush to paint. I am using the color purple. I am using a masking tape to help me cutting the masking tape using a pair of scissors