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JUAN, Karen
Module 3
01 What is Ethnography?
What is Ethnography?
Definition, advantages and disadvantages, and when to use
Ethnography vs Other
Ethnography vs Other
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
Comparisons between Ethnography and Narrative research,
Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, and Case study
03 Ethnographic methods
Ethnographic methods
Understanding how anthropology is investigated through
ethnographic means
04 Comparative Methods
Comparative Methods
Exploring anthropology through the comparative research
Challenges When Doing
Challenges When Doing
Assessing the various obstacles ethnographers face while
doing fieldwork
06 Global Challenges and Opportunities
Global Challenges and Opportunities
Realizing the challenges that ethnographers go through in today's
globalized world, and how they sought opportunities from it
What is

Ethnography is typically defined as the systematic
study of people and cultures.
Ethno = people; graphy = writing →writing about
of ethnography
of ethnography

The central aim of ethnography is to understand
another way of life from the native point of view.
The goal of ethnography, as Malinowski put it, is
“to grasp the native’s point of view, his relation to
life, to realize his vision of his world.”
of ethnography
of ethnography
of ethnography
of ethnography
can account for the complexity of group behaviors,
reveal interrelationships among several dimensions of group
interactions, and provide context for behaviors.
reveal qualities of group experience in a way that other research
methods cannot.
help determine future questions and types of follow-up research.
of ethnography
of ethnography
It is time consuming and requires a well-trained researcher
Bias on the part of the researcher can affect both the design of the
study and the collection and interpretation of data.
Too little data may lead to false assumptions about behavior patterns,
while large quantities of data may not be processed effectively
While searching for the meanings of cultural norms and views
In trying to understand the reasons for the use of certain behavior or
For examining social trends and instances like divorce, illness, migration
For examining social interactions and encounters
To understand the roles of families and organizations and their behavior
To identify new patterns and gain new insights into social phenomenon
To understand the hygiene and sanitation practices of communities
To observe the types of punishment given to children at school
To study the behavior of workers in an organization
when do we use
Ethnography vs
Other Qualitative
of approach
Research Focus
Research Focus
Case study
Describing and interpreting a culture-sharing group
Exploring the life of an individual
Understanding the essence of the experience
Developing a theory grounded in data from the field
Developing an in-depth description and analysis of a case or
multiple cases
Unit of
Unit of
Case study
Studying a group that shares the same culture
Studying one or more individuals
Studying several individuals who have shared the experienc
Studying a process, an action, or an interaction involving many
Studying an event, a program, an activity, or more than one
Suited for approach
Type of research problem
Type of research problem
Case study
Describing and interpreting the shared patterns of culture of a
Needing to tell stories of individual experiences
Needing to describe the essence of a lived phenomenon
Grounding a theory in the views of the participants
Providing an in-depth understanding of a case or cases
disciplinary origins
Nature of
Nature of
Case study
Drawing from anthropology and sociology
Drawing from the humanities including anthropology, literature,
history, psychology, and sociology
Drawing from philosophy, psychology, and education
Drawing from sociology
Drawing from psychology, law, political science, and medicine
human experience
human experience
people do
What people
The things
people make
and use
ethnographic methods
ethnographic methods
Secondary Data Analysis.
Observing activities of interest
Recording field notes and observations
Participating in activities during observations
(Participant observation)
Carrying out various forms of informal and semi-
structured ethnographic interviewing
basic classical
ethnographic methods
ethnographic methods
Physical mapping of the study setting
Conducting household censuses and genealogies
Assessing network ties
Using photography and other audio/visual methods
between the
between the
larger category of classical
methods and the subcategory
of Basic Classical methods is
associated with the social
setting to be studied
Classical Ethnographic
methods have been frequently
associated with the study of
communities or populations
Basic classical methods are
those that are administered
not only to human residential
communities and populations,
but also applied to other
social settings, such as
organizations, institutions,
meetings, and just about any
setting wherein humans are
skills required
for Ethnographic Studies
for Ethnographic Studies
High degree of interpretative agility is required to understand the wide
range of issues and facts involved in the study.
The researcher needs to be unbiased and unprejudiced in order for the
study to draw valid and reliable conclusions.
The researcher needs to be familiar with the social settings and needs
to have a high degree of intellectuality and diplomacy.
The researcher needs to possess good interactional and interpersonal
The researcher needs to be sensitive towards the culture, values and
norms of the social setting in which the study is being conducted.
The researcher needs to be familiar with the tenets of research ethics
major steps
involved in ethnography
involved in ethnography
intent and
type of
design and
relate intent
to your
approval and
time in field,
Analyse and
data within a
Write report
with your
Fieldwork on Prostitution
in the era of aids
in the era of aids
R e s e a r c h t o p i c
by Claire E. Sterk
Prostitution from the point of view of women, themselves
To understand their current lives, it was necessary to learn how they got started
in the life, the various processes involved in their continued prostitution careers,
the link between prostitution and drug use, the women’s interactions with their
pimps and customers, and the impact of the AIDS epidemic and increasing
violence on their experiences
Fieldwork on Prostitution
in the era of aids
in the era of aids
A c c e s s a n d d a t a c o l l e c t i o n
by Claire E. Sterk
Challenge of identifying locations where street prostitution took
Participant Observation
In-depth Life history interviews
Ethical and Safety Concerns
Cultural comparison using ethnographic data is essential for explanation,
hypothesis testing, and theory generation (Ember, 2009).
Comparative ethnography is ethnographic research that explicitly and
intentionally builds an argument by analyzing two or more cases.
The comparative method is often applied when looking for patterns of
similarities and differences, explaining continuity and change.
Comparative ethnography can yield new and different insights that sharpen a
study’s theoretical contribution and enhance its contribution to knowledge in
the field.
This method can be done through a single case or among multiple sites
Gopala Sarana in his book The Methodology of Anthropological Comparison (1975)
distinguishes three kinds of comparative method:
a sample of the world’s societies is chosen. Then the sample is analysed
with respect of the distribution of selected cultural features.
Conclusions are drawn on cause and effect, and thus the sample is
believed to yield explanations of relations between cultural features
broadly applicable worldwide.
(1) Global-sample comparison
comparative ethnography
Kinds of
Kinds of
This is used especially, and legitimately, for pedagogical purposes
and more broadly for highlighting social or cultural phenomena that
may be different in diverse contexts.
Nuer of Northeast Africa (patrilineal) vs Trobriand of Papua New
Guinea (matrilineal)
(2) Illustrative comparison
Gopala Sarana in his book The Methodology of Anthropological Comparison (1975)
distinguishes three kinds of comparative method:
In between the two lies a controlled comparison and the most
informative type
The idea is that by narrowing the range of variables through working
on similar societies, especially but not necessarily ones within an
ethnographic region or culture area, more meaningful comparisons
can be made.
Ex. three cases where close-kin marriage is common in South
Africa: the Tswana, Southern Sotho, and Swazi
(3) Regional comparison
comparative ethnography
Kinds of
Kinds of
The distinctions between the different types of comparison is not strictly
definable, and some comparative studies are open to interpretation as to
exactly what the theory of comparison is.
comparative ethnography
Issues in using
Issues in using
Anthropologists often express concern, suspicion, or outright dismissal of
(what they call) ethnographic analogies
There is an issue on ensuring equivalence
The more cases to compare, the less comparable variables available and
vice versa.
Literature exists about comparative ethnography (George, 2007; Howe,
2005; Kingfisher & Goldsmith, 2001; Simmons & Smith, 2019), however very
few explain the procedural considerations or practical steps.
It can be time-consuming and resource intensive.
There is an issue in defining the dimensions to compare.
comparative ethnography
Advantages of using
Advantages of using
Comparative ethnography opens new possibilities for theorizing in
ways that are productively different from single-case ethnography.
It can help ethnographers question existing conceptual categories
and generate novel understandings
It is useful for answering “how” questions and illustrating political
This type of ethnography offers opportunities for cooperation among
In conclusion,
In conclusion,
Comparison is perhaps less
fashionable as a ‘method’
than it was in the past, but it
is always with us as part of
social anthropology’s
Time to take a
When Doing
01 Cross-cultural
Cultural misunderstanding happens when two or more people
speak the same language, but they mean or understand
different things.This is usually due to their cultural background
and experiences.
The essential core of ethnography is the concern with the
meaning of actions and events to the people we seek to
Some of these meanings are directly expressed in
language; many are taken for granted and communicated
only indirectly through word and action.
01 Cross-cultural
Language-based - different understanding of the same word /
f o u r t y p e s :
Behavior Based - one person acts in a way that means a different
thing to the other.
Mixed Language & Behavior Based - happens when we have the
same understanding of the words, but the behavior of the other
person makes us not believe what they say.
Silent assumption - happens when you don’t talk or behave in a
certain way, just assume based on your cultural experience.
01 Cross-cultural
e x a m p l e
Christmas in
the Kalahari
by Richard Borshay Lee
02 Naive
Naive realism is considered as the human tendency to believe that we
see the world around us objectively, and that people who disagree
with us must be uninformed, irrational, or biased.
It is the belief that people everywhere see the world in the same way.
If an ethnographer fails to control his or her own
naive realism, inside cultural meanings will surely
be overlooked
Examples: eating dogs, beauty standards
Culture shock is a state of anxiety that
results from cross-cultural
Immersed alone in another society, the
ethnographer understands few of the
culturally defined rules for behavior and
interpretation used by his or her hosts. The
result is anxiety about proper action and an
inability to interact appropriately in the new
Ethnocentrism is the belief and feeling that one’s own culture is best.
It reflects our tendency to judge other people’s beliefs and behavior
using values of our own native culture.
It is impossible to rid ourselves entirely of the
cultural values that make us ethnocentric
when we do ethnography. But it is important
to control our ethnocentric feeling in the field
if we are to learn from informants.
The role assigned to ethnographers by
informants affects the quality of what can
be learned
Ethnography is a personal enterprise which
requires prolonged social contact with the
community, unlike using research methods
such as questionnaires or short interviews
Since 2012, the American Anthropological Association’s
Principles of Professional Responsibility state:
Do no harm
Be open and honest regarding your own work
Obtain informed consent and necessary permissions
Weigh competing obligations due collaborators and affected parties
Make your results accessible
Protect and preserve your records
Maintain respectful and ethical professional relationships
06 ethical
Due to the distinctive features of ethnographic research, anthropologists are
continuously faced with ethical dilemmas while on the field (Arnould, 1998)
W h y E t h i c s d i f f e r s i n e t h n o g r a p h y
involves involves extended, experiential participation of the researcher in a
specific cultural context
involves socialization with a vengeance
emphasizes processual research
involves constant role playing and interactional deceit
exposes the life-worlds and life-projects of research participants holistically in
order to craft ethnographies.
Challenges and
Anthropology is uniquely a knowledge for the 21st
century, crucial in our attempts to come to terms with
a globalized world, essential for building
understanding and respect across real or imagined
cultural divides, and it is not only the ‘most scientific
of the humanities and the most humanistic of the
sciences’, but also the most useful of the basic
Why anthropological knowledge can help make
sense of the contemporary world?
Contact between culturally different groups has
increased enormously during our time
The world is shrinking in other ways as well. For better
and for worse, satellite television, cell phone networks
and the internet have created conditions for
instantaneous and friction-free communications.
Social distancing measures have limited methods of
ethnographic research
Digital media of the kind to which we’ve
quickly turned in this crisis offers a useful
communicative tool for conducting interviews
or meetings; however, it is neither universally
available nor reliable for all researchers and
their subjects
The pandemic allowed us to recognized that no individual can
unproblematically enter spaces of danger and operate with authority
The work we do as social scientists can harm the groups we
aim to understand but when observing those who are medically
vulnerable during a pandemic, anyone can be a threat in a direct
and personal way.
There is a need for collaboration. Collaboration means
recognizing the different conditions that shape how we do what
we do and how we know what we know and working to mitigate
the varying levels of risk assumed by individual collaborators.
For now, ethnography’s critical insights on the what,
where, and with whom of social research can help
us productively reorient our work in the face of the
current global immobility that will inevitably continue
to shape social life and research even in post
pandemic times.
Ethnography’s focus on the politics of location—i.e., the
“where” of our studies—also offers important lessons for
contemporary social research.
We must recognize that a certain phenomena does
not necessary lives in a particular physical place
We must acknowledge that the things we study are
assembled in ways that are not tied to a single
point on the map
Analyses of global dynamics are especially fruitful
opportunities for rethinking research
Example: The tension between globalism and
nationalism has emerged as a crucial feature of the
current crisis.
As leaders race to locate the source of the virus,
close borders, regulate domestic movement, and
bolster flailing economies, the meaning and shape
of nationalism is being refigured.
The challenge for many researchers now is to conduct their academic research
despite not being able to access the ‘field’ regularly physically. As the
pandemic impedes into their fieldwork plans, the prospect of continued
ethnographic research seems uncertain.
Researchers are, therefore, re-inventing their methods to continue their
research (Miller, 2018). To manage such a crisis during ‘new-normal’,
social anthropologists utilize ‘online ethnography’ (Miller, 2020)
Unlike conventional ethnography, digital ethnography involves analyzing
social constructions of cultural life through online virtual worlds
(Boellstor!, 2012).
Digital Ethnography involves addressing three basic
Where: The first step is to identify the location from where the researcher
wants to collect data;
How: The second step is to decide the selection of interlocutors. Such
choices and the patterns of selection should be linked to research
Who: Finally, the researcher should locate the interlocutor and make
him/her aware of the objectives of research and thereby addresses
issues of ethics and ownership
Five Key principles for doing
Digital Ethnography
Digital Ethnography
There are several ways to engage with the digital, and all these ways have
a clear impact on the research
Even when research is conducted online, relationships cannot be purely
digital, so it is important to look beyond it to understand how relationships
are played out.
Openness and flexibility is the major feature of digital research design.
Digital ethnographers theorize and encounter the world as a digital–
material–sensory environment and relexively engage in asking how we
produce knowledge
Digital ethnography acknowledges and seeks out ways of developing
knowledge about social realities that might otherwise be invisible and
It is also important to remember that while digital ethnography cannot
completely counteract all the challenges brought forward to ethnographic
practice ‘at home’, yet it can guide us to make further enquiries into global
structures and locations of power, cultural practices and social phenomena
Ethnography is being reconstructed and renegotiated as the ‘desk has
collapsed into the field’ (Mosse, 2006: 937) due to the pandemic. In such
times, digital ethnographic practices can provide a viable option for doing
thick, analytical and descriptive research
thanks for
Currie A. (2016). Ethnographic analogy, the comparative method, and archaeological special pleading. Studies in history
and philosophy of science, 55, 84–94.
Esser, F. and Vliegenthart, R. (2017). Comparative Research Methods. In The International Encyclopedia of Communication
Research Methods (eds J. Matthes, C.S. Davis and R.F. Potter).
Eve, C. S. J. (2015). Ethical Guidelines for Ethnographic Research from the AAA. Retrieved from
Kim, J. J., Williams, S., Eldridge, E. R., & Reinke, A. J. Digitally shaped ethnographic relationships during a global pandemic and beyond.
Qualitative Research, 146879412110522.
Miri, S. M. & Dehdashti Shahrokh, Z. (2019). A Short Introduction to Comparative Research.
Saint Arnault, D., & Sinko, L. (2021). Comparative Ethnographic Narrative Analysis Method: Comparing Culture in Narratives. Global
Qualitative Nursing Research.
Schnegg, M. (2014). Anthropology and comparison: Methodological challenges and tentative solutions. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 139,
Simmons, E. S., & Smith, N. R. (2019). The Case for Comparative Ethnography. Comparative Politics, 51(3), 341–359.
Spradley, J. & McCurdy, D. W. (2011). Conformity and conflict : readings in cultural anthropology. New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education

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Doing Anthropology: Ethnography

  • 2. Contents 01 What is Ethnography? What is Ethnography? Definition, advantages and disadvantages, and when to use ethnography 02 Ethnography vs Other Ethnography vs Other Qualitative Research Qualitative Research Comparisons between Ethnography and Narrative research, Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, and Case study 03 Ethnographic methods Ethnographic methods Understanding how anthropology is investigated through ethnographic means
  • 3. Contents 04 Comparative Methods Comparative Methods Exploring anthropology through the comparative research method 05 Challenges When Doing Challenges When Doing Ethnography Ethnography Assessing the various obstacles ethnographers face while doing fieldwork 06 Global Challenges and Opportunities Global Challenges and Opportunities Realizing the challenges that ethnographers go through in today's globalized world, and how they sought opportunities from it
  • 5. definition Ethnography is typically defined as the systematic study of people and cultures. Ethno = people; graphy = writing →writing about people of ethnography of ethnography
  • 6. definition The central aim of ethnography is to understand another way of life from the native point of view. The goal of ethnography, as Malinowski put it, is “to grasp the native’s point of view, his relation to life, to realize his vision of his world.” of ethnography of ethnography
  • 7. ADVANTAGES of ethnography of ethnography can account for the complexity of group behaviors, reveal interrelationships among several dimensions of group interactions, and provide context for behaviors. reveal qualities of group experience in a way that other research methods cannot. help determine future questions and types of follow-up research.
  • 8. DISADVANTAGES of ethnography of ethnography It is time consuming and requires a well-trained researcher Bias on the part of the researcher can affect both the design of the study and the collection and interpretation of data. Too little data may lead to false assumptions about behavior patterns, while large quantities of data may not be processed effectively
  • 9. While searching for the meanings of cultural norms and views In trying to understand the reasons for the use of certain behavior or practices For examining social trends and instances like divorce, illness, migration For examining social interactions and encounters To understand the roles of families and organizations and their behavior To identify new patterns and gain new insights into social phenomenon To understand the hygiene and sanitation practices of communities To observe the types of punishment given to children at school To study the behavior of workers in an organization when do we use ethnography? ethnography?
  • 11. of approach Research Focus Research Focus Ethnography Narrative research Phenomenology Case study Grounded theory Describing and interpreting a culture-sharing group Exploring the life of an individual Understanding the essence of the experience Developing a theory grounded in data from the field Developing an in-depth description and analysis of a case or multiple cases
  • 12. analysis Unit of Unit of Ethnography Narrative research Phenomenology Case study Grounded theory Studying a group that shares the same culture Studying one or more individuals Studying several individuals who have shared the experienc Studying a process, an action, or an interaction involving many individuals Studying an event, a program, an activity, or more than one individual
  • 13. Suited for approach Type of research problem Type of research problem Ethnography Narrative research Phenomenology Case study Grounded theory Describing and interpreting the shared patterns of culture of a group Needing to tell stories of individual experiences Needing to describe the essence of a lived phenomenon Grounding a theory in the views of the participants Providing an in-depth understanding of a case or cases
  • 14. disciplinary origins Nature of Nature of Ethnography Narrative research Phenomenology Case study Grounded theory Drawing from anthropology and sociology Drawing from the humanities including anthropology, literature, history, psychology, and sociology Drawing from philosophy, psychology, and education Drawing from sociology Drawing from psychology, law, political science, and medicine
  • 16. tHREE fUNDAMENTAL aSPECTS OF human experience human experience CULTURAL BEHAVIOR: What people do CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE: What people know CULTURAL ARTIFACTS: The things people make and use
  • 17. classical ethnographic methods ethnographic methods Secondary Data Analysis. Fieldwork Observing activities of interest Recording field notes and observations Participating in activities during observations (Participant observation) Carrying out various forms of informal and semi- structured ethnographic interviewing
  • 18. basic classical ethnographic methods ethnographic methods Physical mapping of the study setting Conducting household censuses and genealogies Assessing network ties Using photography and other audio/visual methods
  • 19. Difference Difference between the between the larger category of classical methods and the subcategory of Basic Classical methods is associated with the social setting to be studied Classical Ethnographic methods have been frequently associated with the study of communities or populations Basic classical methods are those that are administered not only to human residential communities and populations, but also applied to other social settings, such as organizations, institutions, meetings, and just about any setting wherein humans are iterating
  • 20. skills required for Ethnographic Studies for Ethnographic Studies High degree of interpretative agility is required to understand the wide range of issues and facts involved in the study. The researcher needs to be unbiased and unprejudiced in order for the study to draw valid and reliable conclusions. The researcher needs to be familiar with the social settings and needs to have a high degree of intellectuality and diplomacy. The researcher needs to possess good interactional and interpersonal skills. The researcher needs to be sensitive towards the culture, values and norms of the social setting in which the study is being conducted. The researcher needs to be familiar with the tenets of research ethics
  • 21. major steps involved in ethnography involved in ethnography Identify intent and type of design and relate intent to your research problem Discuss approval and access considerations Collect appropriate data emphasizing time in field, multiple sources, collaboration Analyse and interpret data within a design Write report consistent with your design
  • 22. Fieldwork on Prostitution in the era of aids in the era of aids R e s e a r c h t o p i c by Claire E. Sterk Prostitution from the point of view of women, themselves To understand their current lives, it was necessary to learn how they got started in the life, the various processes involved in their continued prostitution careers, the link between prostitution and drug use, the women’s interactions with their pimps and customers, and the impact of the AIDS epidemic and increasing violence on their experiences
  • 23. Fieldwork on Prostitution in the era of aids in the era of aids A c c e s s a n d d a t a c o l l e c t i o n by Claire E. Sterk Challenge of identifying locations where street prostitution took place Participant Observation In-depth Life history interviews Ethical and Safety Concerns
  • 25. Ethnography Comparative Comparative Cultural comparison using ethnographic data is essential for explanation, hypothesis testing, and theory generation (Ember, 2009). Comparative ethnography is ethnographic research that explicitly and intentionally builds an argument by analyzing two or more cases. The comparative method is often applied when looking for patterns of similarities and differences, explaining continuity and change. Comparative ethnography can yield new and different insights that sharpen a study’s theoretical contribution and enhance its contribution to knowledge in the field. This method can be done through a single case or among multiple sites
  • 26. Gopala Sarana in his book The Methodology of Anthropological Comparison (1975) distinguishes three kinds of comparative method: a sample of the world’s societies is chosen. Then the sample is analysed with respect of the distribution of selected cultural features. Conclusions are drawn on cause and effect, and thus the sample is believed to yield explanations of relations between cultural features broadly applicable worldwide. (1) Global-sample comparison comparative ethnography Kinds of Kinds of This is used especially, and legitimately, for pedagogical purposes and more broadly for highlighting social or cultural phenomena that may be different in diverse contexts. Nuer of Northeast Africa (patrilineal) vs Trobriand of Papua New Guinea (matrilineal) (2) Illustrative comparison
  • 27. Gopala Sarana in his book The Methodology of Anthropological Comparison (1975) distinguishes three kinds of comparative method: In between the two lies a controlled comparison and the most informative type The idea is that by narrowing the range of variables through working on similar societies, especially but not necessarily ones within an ethnographic region or culture area, more meaningful comparisons can be made. Ex. three cases where close-kin marriage is common in South Africa: the Tswana, Southern Sotho, and Swazi (3) Regional comparison comparative ethnography Kinds of Kinds of The distinctions between the different types of comparison is not strictly definable, and some comparative studies are open to interpretation as to exactly what the theory of comparison is.
  • 28. comparative ethnography Issues in using Issues in using Anthropologists often express concern, suspicion, or outright dismissal of (what they call) ethnographic analogies There is an issue on ensuring equivalence The more cases to compare, the less comparable variables available and vice versa. Literature exists about comparative ethnography (George, 2007; Howe, 2005; Kingfisher & Goldsmith, 2001; Simmons & Smith, 2019), however very few explain the procedural considerations or practical steps. It can be time-consuming and resource intensive. There is an issue in defining the dimensions to compare.
  • 29. comparative ethnography Advantages of using Advantages of using Comparative ethnography opens new possibilities for theorizing in ways that are productively different from single-case ethnography. It can help ethnographers question existing conceptual categories and generate novel understandings It is useful for answering “how” questions and illustrating political processes This type of ethnography offers opportunities for cooperation among ethnographers.
  • 30. In conclusion, In conclusion, Comparison is perhaps less fashionable as a ‘method’ than it was in the past, but it is always with us as part of social anthropology’s essence.
  • 31. Time to take a break~~
  • 34. 01 Cross-cultural misunderstanding misunderstanding Cultural misunderstanding happens when two or more people speak the same language, but they mean or understand different things.This is usually due to their cultural background and experiences. The essential core of ethnography is the concern with the meaning of actions and events to the people we seek to understand. Some of these meanings are directly expressed in language; many are taken for granted and communicated only indirectly through word and action.
  • 35. 01 Cross-cultural misunderstanding misunderstanding Language-based - different understanding of the same word / expression f o u r t y p e s : Behavior Based - one person acts in a way that means a different thing to the other. Mixed Language & Behavior Based - happens when we have the same understanding of the words, but the behavior of the other person makes us not believe what they say. Silent assumption - happens when you don’t talk or behave in a certain way, just assume based on your cultural experience.
  • 36. 01 Cross-cultural misunderstanding misunderstanding e x a m p l e Eating Christmas in the Kalahari by Richard Borshay Lee
  • 37. 02 Naive realism realism Naive realism is considered as the human tendency to believe that we see the world around us objectively, and that people who disagree with us must be uninformed, irrational, or biased. It is the belief that people everywhere see the world in the same way. If an ethnographer fails to control his or her own naive realism, inside cultural meanings will surely be overlooked Examples: eating dogs, beauty standards
  • 38. 03 CULTURE shock shock Culture shock is a state of anxiety that results from cross-cultural misunderstanding. Immersed alone in another society, the ethnographer understands few of the culturally defined rules for behavior and interpretation used by his or her hosts. The result is anxiety about proper action and an inability to interact appropriately in the new context.
  • 39. 04 ETHNOCENTRISM Ethnocentrism is the belief and feeling that one’s own culture is best. It reflects our tendency to judge other people’s beliefs and behavior using values of our own native culture. It is impossible to rid ourselves entirely of the cultural values that make us ethnocentric when we do ethnography. But it is important to control our ethnocentric feeling in the field if we are to learn from informants.
  • 40. 05 ASSIGNED The role assigned to ethnographers by informants affects the quality of what can be learned Ethnography is a personal enterprise which requires prolonged social contact with the community, unlike using research methods such as questionnaires or short interviews role role
  • 41. 06 Since 2012, the American Anthropological Association’s Principles of Professional Responsibility state: ethical considerations considerations Do no harm Be open and honest regarding your own work Obtain informed consent and necessary permissions Weigh competing obligations due collaborators and affected parties Make your results accessible Protect and preserve your records Maintain respectful and ethical professional relationships 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
  • 42. 06 ethical considerations considerations Due to the distinctive features of ethnographic research, anthropologists are continuously faced with ethical dilemmas while on the field (Arnould, 1998) W h y E t h i c s d i f f e r s i n e t h n o g r a p h y involves involves extended, experiential participation of the researcher in a specific cultural context involves socialization with a vengeance emphasizes processual research involves constant role playing and interactional deceit exposes the life-worlds and life-projects of research participants holistically in order to craft ethnographies.
  • 44. global challenges challenges Anthropology is uniquely a knowledge for the 21st century, crucial in our attempts to come to terms with a globalized world, essential for building understanding and respect across real or imagined cultural divides, and it is not only the ‘most scientific of the humanities and the most humanistic of the sciences’, but also the most useful of the basic sciences.oink
  • 45. global challenges challenges Why anthropological knowledge can help make sense of the contemporary world? Contact between culturally different groups has increased enormously during our time The world is shrinking in other ways as well. For better and for worse, satellite television, cell phone networks and the internet have created conditions for instantaneous and friction-free communications.
  • 46. Social distancing measures have limited methods of ethnographic research Digital media of the kind to which we’ve quickly turned in this crisis offers a useful communicative tool for conducting interviews or meetings; however, it is neither universally available nor reliable for all researchers and their subjects global challenges challenges
  • 47. global challenges challenges The pandemic allowed us to recognized that no individual can unproblematically enter spaces of danger and operate with authority The work we do as social scientists can harm the groups we aim to understand but when observing those who are medically vulnerable during a pandemic, anyone can be a threat in a direct and personal way. There is a need for collaboration. Collaboration means recognizing the different conditions that shape how we do what we do and how we know what we know and working to mitigate the varying levels of risk assumed by individual collaborators.
  • 48. For now, ethnography’s critical insights on the what, where, and with whom of social research can help us productively reorient our work in the face of the current global immobility that will inevitably continue to shape social life and research even in post pandemic times. global opportunities opportunities
  • 49. Ethnography’s focus on the politics of location—i.e., the “where” of our studies—also offers important lessons for contemporary social research. We must recognize that a certain phenomena does not necessary lives in a particular physical place We must acknowledge that the things we study are assembled in ways that are not tied to a single point on the map global opportunities opportunities
  • 50. global opportunities opportunities Analyses of global dynamics are especially fruitful opportunities for rethinking research Example: The tension between globalism and nationalism has emerged as a crucial feature of the current crisis. As leaders race to locate the source of the virus, close borders, regulate domestic movement, and bolster flailing economies, the meaning and shape of nationalism is being refigured.
  • 51. global opportunities opportunities The challenge for many researchers now is to conduct their academic research despite not being able to access the ‘field’ regularly physically. As the pandemic impedes into their fieldwork plans, the prospect of continued ethnographic research seems uncertain. Researchers are, therefore, re-inventing their methods to continue their research (Miller, 2018). To manage such a crisis during ‘new-normal’, social anthropologists utilize ‘online ethnography’ (Miller, 2020) Unlike conventional ethnography, digital ethnography involves analyzing social constructions of cultural life through online virtual worlds (Boellstor!, 2012).
  • 52. global opportunities opportunities Digital Ethnography involves addressing three basic questions: Where: The first step is to identify the location from where the researcher wants to collect data; How: The second step is to decide the selection of interlocutors. Such choices and the patterns of selection should be linked to research objectives; Who: Finally, the researcher should locate the interlocutor and make him/her aware of the objectives of research and thereby addresses issues of ethics and ownership
  • 53. Five Key principles for doing Digital Ethnography Digital Ethnography Multiplicity Non-Digital Centricness Openness Unorthodox Reflexivity There are several ways to engage with the digital, and all these ways have a clear impact on the research Even when research is conducted online, relationships cannot be purely digital, so it is important to look beyond it to understand how relationships are played out. Openness and flexibility is the major feature of digital research design. Digital ethnographers theorize and encounter the world as a digital– material–sensory environment and relexively engage in asking how we produce knowledge Digital ethnography acknowledges and seeks out ways of developing knowledge about social realities that might otherwise be invisible and unanticipated.
  • 54. global opportunities opportunities It is also important to remember that while digital ethnography cannot completely counteract all the challenges brought forward to ethnographic practice ‘at home’, yet it can guide us to make further enquiries into global structures and locations of power, cultural practices and social phenomena Ethnography is being reconstructed and renegotiated as the ‘desk has collapsed into the field’ (Mosse, 2006: 937) due to the pandemic. In such times, digital ethnographic practices can provide a viable option for doing thick, analytical and descriptive research
  • 56. Currie A. (2016). Ethnographic analogy, the comparative method, and archaeological special pleading. Studies in history and philosophy of science, 55, 84–94. Esser, F. and Vliegenthart, R. (2017). Comparative Research Methods. In The International Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods (eds J. Matthes, C.S. Davis and R.F. Potter). Eve, C. S. J. (2015). Ethical Guidelines for Ethnographic Research from the AAA. Retrieved from american-anthropology-association/ pandemic-times/ LIST OF References References
  • 57. Kim, J. J., Williams, S., Eldridge, E. R., & Reinke, A. J. Digitally shaped ethnographic relationships during a global pandemic and beyond. Qualitative Research, 146879412110522. Miri, S. M. & Dehdashti Shahrokh, Z. (2019). A Short Introduction to Comparative Research. Saint Arnault, D., & Sinko, L. (2021). Comparative Ethnographic Narrative Analysis Method: Comparing Culture in Narratives. Global Qualitative Nursing Research. Schnegg, M. (2014). Anthropology and comparison: Methodological challenges and tentative solutions. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 139, 55–72 Simmons, E. S., & Smith, N. R. (2019). The Case for Comparative Ethnography. Comparative Politics, 51(3), 341–359. Spradley, J. & McCurdy, D. W. (2011). Conformity and conflict : readings in cultural anthropology. New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education Inc. LIST OF References References