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Divorce Therapy: Helping Families Separate and Reorganize
            Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work
                           Jonah Green, MSW
                            February 20, 2009

    The Why and What of Divorce Therapy
    How Divorce Therapy Happens
    A Brief History of Divorce and Divorce Therapy
    The Impact of Divorce
    Impasses of Divorce
    Principles for Practicing Divorce Therapy
    Stage I: Managing Pre-Separation Crises
    Stage II: Facilitating Uncoupling, Part I
    Facilitating Uncoupling, Part II: A Quick Legal Primer
    Stage III: Building a new organization: the sibling relationship
    Stage IV: Building a new organization Towards Co-Parenting
    Stage V: Strengthening Individual Households
    Special Problems: Arresting Disengagement by Parents
    Special Problems: Combating Parental Alienation
    Special Problems: Addressing the Abuse Issue
    One-Person Divorce Therapy: Work with Individual Adults
    One-Person Divorce Therapy: Work with Individual Children
    Towards the Future

The Why and What of Divorce
  Therapy                                 ___________________
-Why: How the separation and divorce      ___________________
   occurs tends to set the stage for
   future family functioning
-Families have several tasks: dealing     ___________________
   with grief, reorganization, finding    ___________________
   new ways of communicating,
   making new goals with new              ___________________
   relationships. Without help, there     ___________________
   are typical impasses.
-What: Treatment which aims to move
   the family through a process which     ___________________
   recovers, restores and reconfigures
   family relationships and the
   functions of parent, child, sibling    ___________________
-You are helping families reorganize
   into a functional “two-home family”.
   Some peoples’ ways of relating,
   levels of intimacy, degree of power,                     2

   and roles may change.
How Divorce Therapy Happens            ___________________
-The “Cleanest Way” is when a
   couple comes after trying
   couples therapy asking how to       ___________________
   divorce in a way that works for     ___________________
-The “Second Cleanest” is when
   couple comes to you asking you      ___________________
   to focus on the child during the    ___________________
   divorce                             ___________________
-Can also come out of child/family     ___________________
   or couples work if family starts
   to separate                         ___________________
-Sometimes you can help reorient a     ___________________
   family that is already separating   ___________________
-You can also utilize the principles
   of divorce therapy when working                       3
   with an individual adult
A Brief History of Divorce and Divorce
   Therapy                                 ________________________
-Changes which led to more divorce in      ________________________
   the 1960s: economic mobility, the       ________________________
   sexual revolution, more women in
   workforce, rise of no-fault divorce     ________________________
   laws                                    ________________________
-Custody over last 30 years gradually      ________________________
   linked to qualifications, linking of
   custody, child support, rise of high-   ________________________
   conflict divorce                        ________________________
Rise of mediation, interest in “the Good   ________________________
   Divorce”, Montalvo’s structural
-Dozier’s “two-home family” approach       ________________________

The Impact of Divorce
-The Family Experience (Trafford): even in        _______________________________
    the best divorces, the effect is usually      _______________________________
    “crisis, crazy time, and recovery”.           _______________________________
    Reaction to crisis can be numbing as          _______________________________
    opposed to acting out                         _______________________________
-The Individual Adult Experience: can be          _______________________________
    conceptualized as a mourning process          _______________________________
    (Kubler-Ross), but usually one in which       _______________________________
    people cycle through extreme emotions         _______________________________
    (Love, anger, sadness). Can be at risk        _______________________________
    for depression, substance abuse,              _______________________________
    regression/acting out. Different for leaver   _____________________________
    vs. left
-Children’s well-being is tied to how adults
    communicate and function, relationship
    with each parent, individual resources.
    Normal adjustment takes up to a year.
    Adolescents are at risk for depression,
    conduct and drug problems

-Impasses   of Divorce:              _________________________
   -Intrapsychic: stuck in hurt,       _______________________
   fear, anger, shame,                 _______________________
   -Interactional: cross-              _______________________
   generational alliances, extreme
   enmeshment, dramatic, hurtful       _______________________
   showdowns,                          _______________________
   -External/Social: Focus on          _______________________
   “justice” by family, lawyers,       _______________________
   broader society                     _______________________
-Divorce therapy is about helping      _______________________
   individuals and families to
   contain the chaos, get unstuck      _______
   on focus on the needs of the
   whole family system
Principles for Practicing Divorce Therapy:
-Keep the Focus on the whole family-- attend to
     individuals and families within that context
-Focus on more than one affect and
     perspective—especially if one seems too         ________________________
-Make sure the loss is acknowledged and
-Assist family members in seeing their
     contributions—point out “feedback loops”        ________________________
-Prioritize parental communication—look for a
     “business relationship” as an ideal             ________________________
-Work for the success of both parents—watch for
     the well-being of kids as a “red herring”       ________________________
-Strengthen sibling and “new home” sub-
     systems—this may involve different roles for    ________________________
     certain kids
-Limit influence of antagonistic groupings           ________________________
-Control potentially hostile encounters—break up
     negative interactions
-Promote equal power among ex-spouses                ________________________
-Support functioning—get supports, services, build
-Avoid triangulation—don’t deliver messages
-Keep clear about your role (testimony, etc.)
-Proceed in stages
-Make sure the legal process is as constructive as
-Support gradual use of constructive social                                 7
Stage I: Managing Pre-              _________________________________
   Separation Crises                _________________________________
-Meet with the Spouses: focus       _________________________________
   on problem-solving, needs of     _________________________________
   children                         _________________________________
-Modulate tension and take          _________________________________
   charge                           _________________________________
-Meet alone with each spouse        _________________________________
   to solidify alliances            _________________________________
-Help spouses look at               _________________________________
  context of decision               _________________________________
-Bring children in if appropriate   _________________________________
-Assess alternatives: re-
   committing, staying together
   temporarily, marital
   vacations, trial separation,                                     8

   etc. Aim for clarity
Stage II: Facilitating Uncoupling, Part I
1) -Set up guidelines for disengagement, establish        _________________________________
     explicit rules                                       _________________________________
    Defining the Post-Divorce Relationship—              _________________________________
     Guidelines for contact, roles
    Setting up a practical short-term parenting plan     _________________________________
     (agree that not to be basis for custody
     agreement)                                           _________________________________
       -considerations for scheduling: children’s         _________________________________
     developmental needs, special needs, practical        _________________________________
     needs. Avoid either too frequent transitions or      _________________________________
     too little contact with each parent                  _________________________________
      -The approximation rule: the child’s life should    _________________________________
     approximate as close as possible the life before     _________________________________
     the separation                                       _________________________________
Telling the Children: Get story straight, minimize        _________________________________
     blame, tell what need to know, be emotionally        _________________________________
     available                                            _________________________________
If possible, have “less close” parent move out, as
      close as feasible, with rooms for children, with
      pictures of other parent in rooms of kids at both
-minimize the drama while moving out

Uncoupling, Part II: Get Partners to take charge of                       _________________________________
    the Legal Process                                                      _________________________________
Frame process as finding what works for everybody instead of
Aim for expeditious and deliberate, without surprise attacks               _________________________________
             A Quick Legal Primer:                                         _________________________________
      -Contested vs. uncontested divorce                                   _________________________________
      -aiming for separation agreement: property and custody               _________________________________
      -legal (decision-making) vs. physical custody                        _________________________________
      -Parenting plans vs. custody plans                                   _________________________________
    High drama:
      -restraining orders
      -orders to vacate
      -contempt of court                                                   _________________________________
      -motions for injunctive relief (freezing assets)                     _________________________________
     -The 95% rule                                                         _________________________________
    Custody evaluators, best interest attorneys and                        _________________________________
      parenting coordinators tend to be appointed in high-
      conflict divorces                                                    _________________________________
    Options for Alternative Dispute Resolution                             _________________________________
                      Procedures                                           _________________________________
     -Mediation—without lawyers, usually cheapest and most                 _________________________________
      constructive, but not appropriate if there is high-conflict or       _________________________________
      power imbalance
     -Collaborative Law—initially more money than mediation,
      but may be able to contain difficult divorces
     -Arbitration for financial issues
     -The “do it yourself” divorce
Remember that even with litigated divorce it is important to
    remind spouses that they are in charge
Stage III: Building a New
      Organization Part I:             ________________________
 Strengthening the Sibling             ________________________
      Relationship                     ________________________
-Meet with kids as soon as possible    ________________________
-Offer education, clarification        ________________________
-Encourage balanced, “gray”            ________________________
      thinking                         ________________________
-Watch for “choosing up sides”         ________________________
-Realize that siblings are both a      ________________________
      cohesive unit and part of        ________________________
      different sub-systems—           ________________________
      encourage adaptability
-Indications for individual work:
      extreme conflict between sibs,
      or individual disturbances

   Stage IV: Building A New Organization           _________________________________
    Part II: Setting Up Co-parenting                 _________________________________
   Setting up mechanisms of                         _________________________________
    communication, identify what they will           _________________________________
    communicate about                                _________________________________
   Hold limited sessions if necessary to “put       _________________________________
    the past behind”                                 _________________________________
   Cooperative Parenting for relatively             _________________________________
    amicable separations: open, frequent             _________________________________
    communication, maximum consistency               _________________________________
    Parallel Parenting for higher conflict:         _________________________________
    communicate around emergencies,                  _________________________________
    deviations from plan                             _________________________________
   Strategies for “Sporadic and Scared              _________________________________
    Fighters: Controlled, planned encounters         _________________________________
   Strategies for “Frequent and Direct              _________________________________
    Fighters”: monologue, highlight                  _________________________________
    consequences of fighting                         _________________________________

   Stage V: Setting Up a New
   Organization Part III:           _______________________
   Strengthening Individual         _______________________
   Households                       _______________________
-Supporting the hierarchy: limit    _______________________
   setting, chores, etc.            _______________________
-New rituals                        _______________________
-Strengthen particular parent-      _______________________
   child relationships              _______________________
-Look for “deputies” to take on     _______________________
   parenting functions              _____________
-Weakening divisive coalitions:
   i.e., support kid identifying
   with “bad parent”, support
   parent in being firm with kids
   on “their side.”
Special Problems: Arresting
     Distancing and Disengagement             _______________________
     Between Parents and Children             _______________________
-Re-imposing Nurturance: ally with            _______________________
     abdicating parent (assure of             _______________________
     relevance), highlight child’s needs,
     use more nurturing parent to
     support process                          _______________________
-Re-imposing Discipline: highlight
     protective, caring aspect of rules to    _______________________
     abdicating parent; challenge             _______________________
     child/adolescent’s manipulations         _____________
-Utilize the “closer parent” in addition to
     abdicating parent for both of these
     tasks; challenge undermining: focus
     on parental unity

Special Problems: Combating
   Parental Alienation                      _______________________
-80% of parents in high-conflict divorces   _______________________
   practice some form of alienation
-Working with the allied parent: educate
   about dangers for child, challenge
   enmeshment: support in managing          _______________________
   anxiety/loneliness, tolerate negative    _______________________
   feelings that come with setting limits   _______________________
-Working with the estranged parent:         _______________________
   help to focus on child’s plight,
   encourage non-intrusive “affinity-       _______________________
   seeking” to start                        _______________________
-Working with the alienated child and       _______________________
   siblings: encourage gray thinking,       _______________________
   individuation from allied parent,
   broach range of memories

Special Problems:
Addressing the Abuse Issue             _______________________
   (parents and children)              _______________________
-Take a considered approach to         _______________________
   assessment: look at severity,       _______________________
   context, frequency, intention,      _______________________
   etc., be aware of
   legal/emotional function of false   _______________________
   allegations                         _______________________
-Remember that unless there is         _______________________
   absolute danger, children do        _______________________
   best with ongoing contact with      _____________
   parents and families do best
   when ex-spouses communicate
-Even with severe abuse, controls
   can usually be put in place for
One-Person Divorce
   Therapy:                       _______________________
1) Work with Individual Adults
-Aim for movement through         _______________________
   stages and balanced thinking   _______________________
-Combat paralyzing fear,          _______________________
   helplessness, shame, anger     _______________________
   by focusing on the present     _______________________
   and future and looking at      _______________________
   context                        _______________________
-Help them look at their          _______________________
   contributions to family        _______________________
-Generally void “uncovering”
   feeling work, particularly
   during crisis

2) One Person Divorce Therapy:           _________________________
   Work with Individual Children           _______________________
-Indicated in case of particular           _______________________
    disturbances, but don’t give up        _______________________
    on family work                         _______________________
-Establish and maintain contact with       _______________________
    both parents—get both                  _______________________
    signatures!                            _______________________
-Don’t “grill” for facts                   _______________________
-Support “gray thinking” and respect       _______________________
    for both parents within context of     _______________________
    empathy                                _____________________
-Encourage appropriate assertion of       _______________________
    needs and practical coping
-Facilitate organized play; expand         _______________________
    emotional vocabulary                   _____________________
-Utilize psycho-education and
    games, books: My Two Homes,
    Dinosaurs Divorce, etc.
-Focus on what they can control                                  18
Conclusion: Consolidating Gains
   and Moving Towards the Future              _______________________________
-In summary, you are helping the family to    _______________________________
     establish clarity about the future,      _______________________________
     mourn their losses, establish stronger   _______________________________
     (and in some cases, new) sub-            _______________________________
     systems, help the ex-spouses form a      _______________________________
     new kind of alliance as co-parents and   _______________________________
     as co-leaders of a “two-home family”     _______________________________
-You want to make sure that parents have      _______________________________
    mechanisms to adjust                      _______________________________
    communication/parenting plan as           _______________________________
    circumstances shift: kids grow,           _______________________________
    partners enter picture                    _______________________________
-Remember, one or both parents will re-       _______________________________
   partner within 5 years. Advise parents     _______________________________
   to find new activities, friends, but       _______________________________
   move slow and recognize the                _______________________________
   complexity of the tasks involved.          _______________________________

             (clinical in bold)
1)    Ahrons, Constance: The Good Divorce
      Harper Perrenial: 1994
2)    Appell, Jane Divorce Doesn’t Have to Be
      This Way Impact Publishers: 2006
3)    Dozier, Brenda: Two Home Families: A
      Family Systems Approach to Divorce
      Therapy iUniverse Inc., 2004
4)    Emery, Robert Renegotiating Family
      Relationships Guilford Press: 1994
5)    Emery, Robert The Truth About Children
      and Divorce Viking Penguin: 2004
6)    Gaulier, Et. Al. Defusing the High-
      Conflict Divorce Impact Publishers:
7)    Heatherington, Mavis For Better or for
      Worse: Divorce Reconsidered Norton: 2002
8)    Isaacs, Et. Al. Therapy of the Difficult
      Divorce Book-Mart Press: 2000
9)    Margulies, Sam Working with Divorcing
      Spouses Guilford Press: 2007
10)   Textor, Martin The Divorce and Divorce
      Therapy Handbook Jason Aronson:
11)   Wallerstein and Blakeslee Second
      Chances Houghton Mifflin: 1996





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Divorce Therapy

  • 1. Divorce Therapy: Helping Families Separate and Reorganize Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work Jonah Green, MSW February 20, 2009 Topics:  The Why and What of Divorce Therapy  How Divorce Therapy Happens  A Brief History of Divorce and Divorce Therapy  The Impact of Divorce  Impasses of Divorce  Principles for Practicing Divorce Therapy  Stage I: Managing Pre-Separation Crises  Stage II: Facilitating Uncoupling, Part I  Facilitating Uncoupling, Part II: A Quick Legal Primer  Stage III: Building a new organization: the sibling relationship  Stage IV: Building a new organization Towards Co-Parenting  Stage V: Strengthening Individual Households  Special Problems: Arresting Disengagement by Parents  Special Problems: Combating Parental Alienation  Special Problems: Addressing the Abuse Issue  One-Person Divorce Therapy: Work with Individual Adults  One-Person Divorce Therapy: Work with Individual Children  Towards the Future 1
  • 2. The Why and What of Divorce Therapy ___________________ -Why: How the separation and divorce ___________________ occurs tends to set the stage for future family functioning ___________________ -Families have several tasks: dealing ___________________ with grief, reorganization, finding ___________________ new ways of communicating, making new goals with new ___________________ relationships. Without help, there ___________________ are typical impasses. -What: Treatment which aims to move ___________________ the family through a process which ___________________ recovers, restores and reconfigures family relationships and the ___________________ functions of parent, child, sibling ___________________ -You are helping families reorganize into a functional “two-home family”. ___________________ Some peoples’ ways of relating, levels of intimacy, degree of power, 2 and roles may change.
  • 3. How Divorce Therapy Happens ___________________ -The “Cleanest Way” is when a couple comes after trying ___________________ couples therapy asking how to ___________________ divorce in a way that works for ___________________ everybody ___________________ -The “Second Cleanest” is when couple comes to you asking you ___________________ to focus on the child during the ___________________ divorce ___________________ -Can also come out of child/family ___________________ or couples work if family starts to separate ___________________ -Sometimes you can help reorient a ___________________ family that is already separating ___________________ -You can also utilize the principles of divorce therapy when working 3 with an individual adult
  • 4. A Brief History of Divorce and Divorce Therapy ________________________ -Changes which led to more divorce in ________________________ the 1960s: economic mobility, the ________________________ sexual revolution, more women in workforce, rise of no-fault divorce ________________________ laws ________________________ -Custody over last 30 years gradually ________________________ linked to qualifications, linking of custody, child support, rise of high- ________________________ conflict divorce ________________________ Rise of mediation, interest in “the Good ________________________ Divorce”, Montalvo’s structural approach ________________________ -Dozier’s “two-home family” approach ________________________ ________________________ 4
  • 5. The Impact of Divorce _______________________________ -The Family Experience (Trafford): even in _______________________________ the best divorces, the effect is usually _______________________________ “crisis, crazy time, and recovery”. _______________________________ Reaction to crisis can be numbing as _______________________________ opposed to acting out _______________________________ -The Individual Adult Experience: can be _______________________________ _______________________________ conceptualized as a mourning process _______________________________ (Kubler-Ross), but usually one in which _______________________________ people cycle through extreme emotions _______________________________ (Love, anger, sadness). Can be at risk _______________________________ for depression, substance abuse, _______________________________ regression/acting out. Different for leaver _____________________________ vs. left -Children’s well-being is tied to how adults communicate and function, relationship with each parent, individual resources. Normal adjustment takes up to a year. Adolescents are at risk for depression, conduct and drug problems 5
  • 6. -Impasses of Divorce: _________________________ _______________________ -Intrapsychic: stuck in hurt, _______________________ fear, anger, shame, _______________________ -Interactional: cross- _______________________ generational alliances, extreme enmeshment, dramatic, hurtful _______________________ showdowns, _______________________ -External/Social: Focus on _______________________ “justice” by family, lawyers, _______________________ broader society _______________________ _______________________ -Divorce therapy is about helping _______________________ individuals and families to contain the chaos, get unstuck _______ on focus on the needs of the whole family system 6
  • 7. Principles for Practicing Divorce Therapy: -Keep the Focus on the whole family-- attend to individuals and families within that context -Focus on more than one affect and perspective—especially if one seems too ________________________ prominent -Make sure the loss is acknowledged and ________________________ addressed -Assist family members in seeing their ________________________ contributions—point out “feedback loops” ________________________ -Prioritize parental communication—look for a “business relationship” as an ideal ________________________ -Work for the success of both parents—watch for the well-being of kids as a “red herring” ________________________ -Strengthen sibling and “new home” sub- systems—this may involve different roles for ________________________ certain kids -Limit influence of antagonistic groupings ________________________ -Control potentially hostile encounters—break up negative interactions ________________________ -Promote equal power among ex-spouses ________________________ -Support functioning—get supports, services, build skills -Avoid triangulation—don’t deliver messages -Keep clear about your role (testimony, etc.) -Proceed in stages -Make sure the legal process is as constructive as possible -Support gradual use of constructive social 7 supports
  • 8. Stage I: Managing Pre- _________________________________ Separation Crises _________________________________ _________________________________ -Meet with the Spouses: focus _________________________________ _________________________________ on problem-solving, needs of _________________________________ children _________________________________ _________________________________ -Modulate tension and take _________________________________ _________________________________ charge _________________________________ _________________________________ -Meet alone with each spouse _________________________________ to solidify alliances _________________________________ _________________________________ -Help spouses look at _________________________________ _________________________________ context of decision _________________________________ _________________________________ -Bring children in if appropriate _________________________________ _________________________________ -Assess alternatives: re- committing, staying together temporarily, marital vacations, trial separation, 8 etc. Aim for clarity
  • 9. _________________________________ Stage II: Facilitating Uncoupling, Part I _________________________________ _________________________________ 1) -Set up guidelines for disengagement, establish _________________________________ explicit rules _________________________________  Defining the Post-Divorce Relationship— _________________________________ Guidelines for contact, roles _________________________________  Setting up a practical short-term parenting plan _________________________________ (agree that not to be basis for custody agreement) _________________________________ -considerations for scheduling: children’s _________________________________ developmental needs, special needs, practical _________________________________ needs. Avoid either too frequent transitions or _________________________________ too little contact with each parent _________________________________ -The approximation rule: the child’s life should _________________________________ approximate as close as possible the life before _________________________________ the separation _________________________________ _________________________________ Telling the Children: Get story straight, minimize _________________________________ blame, tell what need to know, be emotionally _________________________________ available _________________________________ _________________________________ If possible, have “less close” parent move out, as close as feasible, with rooms for children, with pictures of other parent in rooms of kids at both houses -minimize the drama while moving out 9
  • 10. Uncoupling, Part II: Get Partners to take charge of  _________________________________ the Legal Process _________________________________ Frame process as finding what works for everybody instead of “justice” _________________________________ Aim for expeditious and deliberate, without surprise attacks _________________________________ A Quick Legal Primer: _________________________________ -Contested vs. uncontested divorce _________________________________ -aiming for separation agreement: property and custody _________________________________ -legal (decision-making) vs. physical custody _________________________________ -Parenting plans vs. custody plans _________________________________ High drama: _________________________________ -restraining orders -orders to vacate _________________________________ -contempt of court _________________________________ -motions for injunctive relief (freezing assets) _________________________________ -The 95% rule _________________________________ Custody evaluators, best interest attorneys and _________________________________ parenting coordinators tend to be appointed in high- conflict divorces _________________________________ Options for Alternative Dispute Resolution _________________________________ Procedures _________________________________ -Mediation—without lawyers, usually cheapest and most _________________________________ constructive, but not appropriate if there is high-conflict or _________________________________ power imbalance -Collaborative Law—initially more money than mediation, _________________________________ but may be able to contain difficult divorces -Arbitration for financial issues -The “do it yourself” divorce 10 Remember that even with litigated divorce it is important to remind spouses that they are in charge
  • 11. Stage III: Building a New Organization Part I: ________________________ Strengthening the Sibling ________________________ Relationship ________________________ -Meet with kids as soon as possible ________________________ -Offer education, clarification ________________________ -Encourage balanced, “gray” ________________________ thinking ________________________ -Watch for “choosing up sides” ________________________ -Realize that siblings are both a ________________________ cohesive unit and part of ________________________ different sub-systems— ________________________ encourage adaptability -Indications for individual work: extreme conflict between sibs, or individual disturbances 11
  • 12. Stage IV: Building A New Organization  _________________________________ Part II: Setting Up Co-parenting _________________________________  Setting up mechanisms of _________________________________ communication, identify what they will _________________________________ communicate about _________________________________  Hold limited sessions if necessary to “put _________________________________ the past behind” _________________________________ _________________________________  Cooperative Parenting for relatively _________________________________ amicable separations: open, frequent _________________________________ communication, maximum consistency _________________________________  Parallel Parenting for higher conflict: _________________________________ communicate around emergencies, _________________________________ deviations from plan _________________________________  Strategies for “Sporadic and Scared _________________________________ Fighters: Controlled, planned encounters _________________________________  Strategies for “Frequent and Direct _________________________________ Fighters”: monologue, highlight _________________________________ consequences of fighting _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 12
  • 13. Stage V: Setting Up a New Organization Part III: _______________________ Strengthening Individual _______________________ Households _______________________ -Supporting the hierarchy: limit _______________________ setting, chores, etc. _______________________ -New rituals _______________________ -Strengthen particular parent- _______________________ child relationships _______________________ -Look for “deputies” to take on _______________________ parenting functions _____________ -Weakening divisive coalitions: i.e., support kid identifying with “bad parent”, support parent in being firm with kids on “their side.” 13
  • 14. Special Problems: Arresting Distancing and Disengagement _______________________ Between Parents and Children _______________________ -Re-imposing Nurturance: ally with _______________________ abdicating parent (assure of _______________________ relevance), highlight child’s needs, use more nurturing parent to _______________________ support process _______________________ -Re-imposing Discipline: highlight _______________________ protective, caring aspect of rules to _______________________ abdicating parent; challenge _______________________ child/adolescent’s manipulations _____________ -Utilize the “closer parent” in addition to abdicating parent for both of these tasks; challenge undermining: focus on parental unity 14
  • 15. Special Problems: Combating Parental Alienation _______________________ -80% of parents in high-conflict divorces _______________________ practice some form of alienation _______________________ -Working with the allied parent: educate about dangers for child, challenge _______________________ enmeshment: support in managing _______________________ anxiety/loneliness, tolerate negative _______________________ feelings that come with setting limits _______________________ -Working with the estranged parent: _______________________ help to focus on child’s plight, encourage non-intrusive “affinity- _______________________ seeking” to start _______________________ -Working with the alienated child and _______________________ siblings: encourage gray thinking, _______________________ individuation from allied parent, broach range of memories 15
  • 16. Special Problems: Addressing the Abuse Issue _______________________ (parents and children) _______________________ -Take a considered approach to _______________________ assessment: look at severity, _______________________ context, frequency, intention, _______________________ etc., be aware of legal/emotional function of false _______________________ allegations _______________________ -Remember that unless there is _______________________ absolute danger, children do _______________________ best with ongoing contact with _____________ parents and families do best when ex-spouses communicate -Even with severe abuse, controls can usually be put in place for contact 16
  • 17. One-Person Divorce Therapy: _______________________ 1) Work with Individual Adults _______________________ _______________________ -Aim for movement through _______________________ stages and balanced thinking _______________________ -Combat paralyzing fear, _______________________ helplessness, shame, anger _______________________ by focusing on the present _______________________ and future and looking at _______________________ context _______________________ -Help them look at their _______________________ contributions to family _______________________ functioning -Generally void “uncovering” feeling work, particularly during crisis 17
  • 18. 2) One Person Divorce Therapy: _________________________ Work with Individual Children _______________________ -Indicated in case of particular _______________________ disturbances, but don’t give up _______________________ on family work _______________________ -Establish and maintain contact with _______________________ both parents—get both _______________________ signatures! _______________________ -Don’t “grill” for facts _______________________ -Support “gray thinking” and respect _______________________ for both parents within context of _______________________ empathy _____________________ -Encourage appropriate assertion of  _______________________ needs and practical coping -Facilitate organized play; expand _______________________ emotional vocabulary _____________________ -Utilize psycho-education and games, books: My Two Homes, Dinosaurs Divorce, etc. -Focus on what they can control 18
  • 19. Conclusion: Consolidating Gains and Moving Towards the Future _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ -In summary, you are helping the family to _______________________________ establish clarity about the future, _______________________________ mourn their losses, establish stronger _______________________________ (and in some cases, new) sub- _______________________________ systems, help the ex-spouses form a _______________________________ new kind of alliance as co-parents and _______________________________ as co-leaders of a “two-home family” _______________________________ _______________________________ -You want to make sure that parents have _______________________________ mechanisms to adjust _______________________________ communication/parenting plan as _______________________________ circumstances shift: kids grow, _______________________________ partners enter picture _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ -Remember, one or both parents will re- _______________________________ partner within 5 years. Advise parents _______________________________ to find new activities, friends, but _______________________________ move slow and recognize the _______________________________ complexity of the tasks involved. _______________________________ _____________ 19
  • 20. Bibliography (clinical in bold) 1) Ahrons, Constance: The Good Divorce Harper Perrenial: 1994 2) Appell, Jane Divorce Doesn’t Have to Be This Way Impact Publishers: 2006 3) Dozier, Brenda: Two Home Families: A Family Systems Approach to Divorce Therapy iUniverse Inc., 2004 4) Emery, Robert Renegotiating Family Relationships Guilford Press: 1994 5) Emery, Robert The Truth About Children and Divorce Viking Penguin: 2004 6) Gaulier, Et. Al. Defusing the High- Conflict Divorce Impact Publishers: 2007 7) Heatherington, Mavis For Better or for Worse: Divorce Reconsidered Norton: 2002 8) Isaacs, Et. Al. Therapy of the Difficult Divorce Book-Mart Press: 2000 9) Margulies, Sam Working with Divorcing Spouses Guilford Press: 2007 10) Textor, Martin The Divorce and Divorce Therapy Handbook Jason Aronson: 1989 11) Wallerstein and Blakeslee Second Chances Houghton Mifflin: 1996 20
  • 21. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 21
  • 22. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 22
  • 23. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________ 23
  • 24. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 24