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Human Relations in Business

    Week 1 Discussion
Your OB Toolbox

Tools you can use
                    Ideas to consider


  Higher quality
                    Increased value to
interactions with
Chapter 1                           Organizational Behavior
                                    Learning Objectives
                                    What is organizational
                                     behavior (OB)?
                                    Why does organizational
                                     behavior matter?
                                    What research methods are
                                     used to study organizational
                                    What challenges and
 © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
                                     opportunities exist for OB?

What is Organizational

     OB is the systematic
     study and application
      of knowledge about
      how individuals and
     groups act within the
     organizations where
           they work.
Three Levels of Analysis

                     How the
Organization         culture affects a

                  How a given
                  affects the team

 Individual    The manager’s
               personality itself
NACE Survey Results-
     What Matters to Employers?

Communication      Honesty &      Interpersonal
   Skills           Integrity         Skills

         Motivation &      Strong Work
          Initiative           Ethic
Putting Common Sense to the Test
         Are the following questions true or false?

1. Brainstorming in a group is more
effective than brainstorming alone.    6. If a person fails the first time,
                                       they try harder the next time.

2. The first five minutes of a         7. People perform better if goals
negotiation don’t matter much.         are easier.
                                       8. Most people within
3. The best way to help someone        organizations make effective
reach their goals is to tell them to   decisions.
do their best.
                                       9. Positive people are more likely
4. If you pay someone to do a task     to withdraw from their jobs when
they routinely enjoy, they’ll do it    they are dissatisfied.
even more often in the future.
                                       10. Teams with one smart person
                                       outperform teams where everyone
5. Pay is a major determinant of
how hard someone will work.            is average in intelligence.
Putting Common Sense to the Test
1. Brainstorming in a group is more       6. If a person fails the first time,
effective than brainstorming alone.       they try harder the next time.

2. The first five minutes of a            7. People perform better if goals
negotiation don’t matter much             are easier.

3. The best way to help someone           8. Most people within
reach their goals is to tell them to do   organizations make effective
their best.                               decisions

4. If you pay someone to do a task        9. Positive people are more likely
they routinely enjoy, they’ll do it       to withdraw from their jobs when
even more often in the future.            they are dissatisfied.

                                          10. Teams with one smart person
5. Pay is a major determinant of how
                                          outperform teams where everyone
hard someone will work.
                                          is average in intelligence.
Brainstorming in a group is
more effective than
brainstorming alone.    -False

Brainstorming can be just as effective when
done alone as when done in a group.
Research shows individuals often outperform
teams in both quality and quantity of ideas.

 Sources: Nijstad, B. A., & Stroebe, W. (2006). How the group affects the mind: A cognitive model of idea generation in
 groups. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10, 186-213. Diehl, M., & Stroebe, W. (1987). Productivity loss in
 brainstorming groups: Toward the solution of a riddle. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 497-509. Mullen, B.,
 Johnson, C., & Salas, E. (1991). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: A meta-analytic investigation. Basic and Applied
 Social Psychology, 12, 3-24.
The first five minutes of a negotiation
are just a warm up to the actual
negotiation and don’t matter much.

           Research shows that what happens
           in the first five minutes of a
           negotiation can greatly enhance the
           prediction of the outcome of the

Source: Curhan, J.R., & Pentland, A. (2007). Thin slices of negotiation: Predicting outcomes from conversational dynamics
within the first 5 minutes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 802-811.
The best way to help someone
reach their goals is to tell them to
do their best.   -False

   Individuals who have specific goals with
   feedback regarding their progress along
   the way do much better in achieving their
   goals than those who are simply told to do
   their best.

Source: Tubbs, J. (1986). Goal setting: A meta-analytic examination of the empirical evidence. Journal of Applied Psychology,
71, 474–483.
If you pay someone to do a task
they routinely enjoy, they’ll do it
even more often in the future.

               Research shows that if you pay
               someone for something they
               intrinsically (internally) enjoy for the
               joy of it, they will actually do that task
               less often on their own in the future.

Sources: Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum
Press; Eisenberger, R., Rhoades, L., & Cameron, J. (1999). Does pay for performance increase or decrease perceived self-
determination and intrinsic motivation? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 77, 1026-1040; Jordan, P. C. (1986).
Effects of an extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation: A field experiment. Academy of Management Journal. 29, 405-412.
Pay is a major determinant of how
hard someone will work. -False

             Pay is just one of many reasons
             people work and there is little
             correlation between how much a
             person is paid and their motivation
             on a day-to-day basis.

Source: Weinberg, R., & Nord, W. (1982). Coping with “it’s all common sense.” Exchange: The Organizational Behavior
Teaching Journal, 7, 29-33.
If a person fails the first time, they
try harder the next time. -False

             Research shows that individuals who
             fail are more likely to avoid trying to
             do that particular task again in the

Source: Weinberg, R., & Nord, W. (1982). Coping with “it’s all common sense.” Exchange: The Organizational Behavior
Teaching Journal, 7, 29-33.
People perform better if goals are
easier.  -False

            Research shows that goal difficulty is
            positively related to task

Source: Mento, A. J., Steel, R. P., & Karren, R. J. (1987). A meta-analytic study of the effects of goal setting on task
performance: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 39, 52-83.
Most people within organizations
make effective decisions.

              Research on decision making shows
              that about half of all decisions made
              within organizations fail.

Sources: Nutt, P.C. (2002). Why decisions fail. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler; Nutt, P.C. (1999). Surprising but true: Half
the decisions in organizations fail. Academy of Management Executive, 13, 75-90.
Positive people are more likely to
withdraw from their jobs when
they are dissatisfied.   -True

               Research shows that positive people
               (those who are in a positive mood
               more often than others) are actually
               more likely to be absent from their
               jobs and intend to leave their jobs
               when they are dissatisfied at work.

Sources: Duffy, M. K., Ganster, D. C., & Shaw, J. D. (1998). Positive affectivity and negative outcomes: The role of tenure and
job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 950-959; Shaw, J. D.., Duffy, M. K., Abdulla, M. H. A.., & Singh, R.
(2000). The moderating role of positive affectivity: Empirical evidence from bank employees in the United Arab Emirates.
Journal of Management, 26, p139-154
Teams with one smart person
outperform teams where everyone
is average in intelligence.

   Teams in which all members are of
   average intelligence tend to
   outperform teams with a single
Visual              Auditory


Kinesthetic      Combination
Your Learning Style

    Visual          Auditory       Kinesthetic

• Pictures       • Study          • Schedule
• Charts and       groups           breaks
  Graphs         • Listen to      • Take good
• Take careful     recorded         notes – even
  notes            lectures         when
                 • Write down       “getting it”
                   oral           • Avoid long,
                   instructions     once-a-week
                     Instructions: We would like to gather your
•One of the          opinions about different aspects of work.
primary methods      Please answer the following three questions
                     using the scale below:
for collecting       Response scale: 1=Strongly disagree
information for OB                    2=Disagree
                                      3=Neither agree nor disagree
research                              4=Agree
                                      5=Strongly agree
•Basic question
and answer           Setting goals at work helps me to
                     focus…………….. 1 2 3 4 5
•Can be open- or     Goal setting is effective in improving
                     performance…….. 1 2 3 4 5
close-ended          I get more done when I use goal
                     setting…………… 1 2 3 4 5
Field Studies
•Often involve
•A particular
population will be
divided into a
treatment group      © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

and a control
Laboratory Studies
•Consist of manipulation group(s)
and control group(s)
•Can often help determine causal
rather than simple correlational
•Controlled conditions - high degree
of internal validity but potentially low
Case Studies
•In depth description of a single
company or industry
•Involve a great deal of detail about
the topic being studied, but difficult to
generalize to other areas
•Technique used to summarize what
other researchers have found on a
given topic
•Variables from several studies are
weighted and analyzed to determine
if the effect holds or not


              Challenges &
              Opportunities                        Lack of
Bottom                                            Employee
 Line                                            Engagement

Ethical Challenges

Recent corporate scandals (Enron
 Corp., AIG, Tyco International,
     WorldCom, Halliburton,
   Citigroup) have ranged from
 irresponsible to outright illegal
Lack of Employee Engagement

                              Harris Interactive survey of
Gallup estimates that if      8,000 American workers
100% of an organization’s     indicated:
employees were fully          • Only 20% felt passionate
engaged:                      about their job
• Customers would be 70%      • Less than 15% feel
more loyal                    strongly energized by their
• Turnover would drop by      work
70%                           • Only 31% believe their
• Profits would jump by 40%   employer inspires the best
                              in them
The Impact of Technology

 Moore’s Law
dictates that the
                    Such change is
 complexity of
                    corporations to
computers will
                     change their
 double every
18 months with
 no increase in

Flattening World

The concept of a “flattening world” refers to the
increase in access to information. This increase
     has led to an increase in innovation, as
knowledge can be shared across time zones and
cultures. Your book in this course is an example
                 of this concept.
The Triple Bottom Line

   Economic         Social        Environmental

• Revenue      • Humanitarian     • Reuse/Recycle
• Accounting   • Responsibility   • Sustainability
  Profit       • Accountability   • Going Green
• Supply and
Corporate Social Responsibility
                                                               Organizations can
                                                               consider the interests of
                                                               society and take
                                                               responsibility for the
                                                               impact of their activities
                                                               on customers, suppliers,
                                                               employees, shareholders,
                                                               communities, and the
                                                               environment in all aspects
                                                               of their operations. END
Used with permission of Environmentally Neutral Design (END)
                                                               is an organization that
                                                               does this.
Criticism of CSR
Detracts from the fundamental
economic role of business

    Just superficial window-dressing

        Pre-empts the role of governments
        as the watchdog over powerful
        multinational corporations
Aging Workforce and the
        Millennial Generation

  In the very
 near future,
older workers
will constitute
 a substantial
portion of the
The Global Marketplace for
      Staffing: Outsourcing
   A shamrock                      Outsourcing
  organization                      Vendors

includes an equal
number of regular   Professional
 employees, and
 consultants and
1. Please think about the best and worst jobs you
   have ever had. If you have never had a job, think
   of a school project instead.
2. Share this experience with your group.
3. Identify three themes that recur in your discussion.
   For example, what are the most common features
   of the best jobs? What are the most common
   features of the worst jobs?
4. Be prepared to share your themes with the class.
Chapter 2 Managing Demographic and
Cultural Diversity
                                   Learning Objectives
                                    Understand what constitutes diversity

                                    Explain the benefits of managing

                                    Describe challenges of managing a
                                     workforce with diverse demographics

                                    Describe the challenges of managing
© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
                                     a multicultural workforce

                                    Understand diversity and ethics

                                    Understand cross-cultural issues
                                     regarding diversity                37
What is diversity?

Diversity is the
way in which
people are
similar or
different from
each other.        © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
Benefits of Diversity
    Higher creativity in decision making

Better understanding & service of customers

         More satisfied workforce

            Higher stock prices

         Lower litigation expense

       Higher company performance
Challenges of Diversity

  The similarity-attraction
  phenomenon is the
  tendency to be more
  attracted to individuals
  who are similar to us.
Challenges of Diversity
            Deep level diversity

            Surface level diversity
            •Physical Abilities
Challenges of Diversity

A faultline is an   Asian Female     Caucasian Male
attribute along     Asian Female     Caucasian Male
which a group is
                    Asian Female     Caucasian Male
split into
                    Asian Male     Caucasian Female

                    Asian Female   Caucasian Male

                    Asian Female   Caucasian Male
Diversity Shuffle
Challenges of Diversity

                     Men        Women
Stereotypes are
                   Assertive   Relationship
generalizations                 oriented
about a
particular group    Active       Passive
of people.
Specific Diversity Issues

    Sexual       Gender Diversity
  Orientation    • Earnings Gap     Race Diversity
   Diversity     • Glass Ceiling

Employees with       Religious
                                    Age Diversity
  Disabilities       Diversity
Managing Cultural Diversity

         Make        Programs
     for diversity

  Build a
 culture of            Diverse
                     Organization           Action
Cultural Diversity

                                   Culture refers to
                                   values, beliefs,
                                   and customs
                                   that exist in a

© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

          Individualism                         Collectivism
Cultures in which people define Cultures where people have
themselves as individuals and       stronger bonds to their groups and
form looser ties with their groups. group membership forms their
                                    self identity.
   USA                                 Guatemala
   Australia                           Ecuador
   UK                                  Indonesia
   Canada                              Pakistan
   Hungary                             China
Power Distance

      Low Power Distance              High Power Distance
A society that views an unequal A society that views an unequal
distribution of power as        distribution of power as
relatively unacceptable.        relatively acceptable.

  Austria                          Malaysia
  Denmark                          Slovakia
  Israel                           Philippines
  Ireland                          Russia
  New Zealand                      Mexico
Uncertainty Avoidance

  Low Uncertainty Avoidance        High Uncertainty Avoidance
Cultures where individuals are   Cultures where individuals prefer
comfortable in unpredictable     predictable situations and have a
situations and have a high       low tolerance for ambiguity.
tolerance for ambiguity.
   Denmark                         Belgium
   Jamaica                         El Salvador
   Singapore                       Greece
   China                           Guatemala
   Sweden                          Portugal

          Masculinity            Femininity
Cultures where individuals       Cultures where individuals
value achievement,               value maintaining good
competitiveness, as well as      relationships, quality of life, and
acquisition of money and other   caring for the weak.
material objects.
   Slovakia                         Norway
   Japan                            Netherlands
   Hungary                          Sweden
   Austria                          Costa Rica
   Venezuela                        Chile
Build Cultural Intelligence

         © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

Cultural intelligence is the capability to
understand how a person’s cultural
background influences behavior.
Avoid Ethnocentrism

  Ethnocentrism is
  the belief that
  one’s own culture
  is superior to
  other cultures.
Listen to Locals

Convergys, a Cincinnati-based call
center company was building a
cafeteria for its employees in India.
During the planning phase, a VP from
India pointed out that Indian food is
served hot, and building a cafeteria to
serve only sandwiches would create
dissatisfied employees in India.
Culture Changes

It is important to recognize that
culture changes. Showing
sensitivity to the Indian caste
system may be outdated advice
for anyone doing business in
India today.
Do Not Always Assume Culture Is
          the Problem

   When marketing people from
   the United States interact with
   engineers in other countries,
   misunderstanding can occur due
   to the difference in viewpoint
   between marketing and
   engineering employees rather
   than different cultural
Chapter 3 Individual Differences and
                                    Learning Objectives
                                     Define personality and how it
                                      affects work behaviors

                                     Understand the role of values in
                                      determining work behaviors

                                     Explain the process of perception
                                      and how it affects work behaviors

                                     Understand how individual
                                      differences affect ethics

                                     Understand cross-cultural
 © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
                                      influences on individual differences
                                      and perception
Organization          Person-Job fit

    The degree to         The degree to
  which a person’s       which a person’s
       values,           skill, knowledge,
     personality,          abilities, and
  goals, and other               other
   characteristics        characteristics
   match those of         match the job
  the organization.          demands.

                                      Values refer to
                                      stable life goals
                                      that people have,
                                      reflecting what is
                                      most important to
© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
 Terminal           Instrumental
  Values               Values
A world of beauty    Broad minded
 An exciting life       Clean
 Family security       Forgiving
 Inner harmony        Imaginative
   Self respect        Obedient

Personality encompasses
the relatively stable
feelings, thoughts, and
behavioral patterns a
person has.
Big Five Personality Traits
Trait             Description
Openness          Curious, original, intellectual, creative,
                  and open to new ideas.
Conscientiousness Organized, systematic,and dependable.

Extraversion      Outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoys
                  being in social situations.
Agreeableness Nice, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind,
                  and warm.
Neuroticism       Anxious, irritable, aggressive,
                  temperamental, and moody.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Dimension                                 Explanation
EI          Extraversion: Those who            Introversion: Those who derive
            derive their energy from other their energy from inside.
            people and objects.
SN          Sensing: Those who rely on         Intuition: Those who rely on their
            their five senses to perceive      intuition and hunches to perceive
            the external environment.          the external environment.
TF          Thinking: Those who use their Feeling: Those who use their
            logic to arrive at solutions.      values and ideas about what is
                                               right and wrong to arrive at
JP          Judgment: Those who are            Perception: Those who are
            organized, systematic, and         curious, open minded, and prefer
            would like to have clarity and to have some ambiguity.
Other Personality Traits

        Locus of

   Self-                    Self-
  Efficacy                Monitoring

         Self-      Proactive
        Esteem     Personality
Personality Testing in Employee

Companies such
as Kronos and
conduct pre-
personality tests.


                                         Perception is
                                         how individuals
                                         detect and

© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
Visual Perception
Our visual
perception goes
beyond the
physically available.
In this figure, we
see the white
triangle in the
middle even though
it is not really there.
Visual Perception

  Which circle is bigger?
Self Perception

    Self-         Self-      False
enhancement   effacement   consensus
    bias          bias        error
Social Perception
                    Values,      Our perceptions of
                   emotions,     the environment
  from the
                 feelings, and   are influenced by
                  personality    our values,
                                 emotions, feelings,
                                 and personalities,
                                 which in turn
                                 influence our

  Actions        Perceptions
Social Perception

              Self-fulfilling    Selective
               prophecy         perception
Social Perception

First impressions are
initial thoughts and
perceptions we form
about people, which
tend to be stable and
resilient to contrary
                        © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
Consensus       Distinctiveness         Consistency      Attribution
High            High                    Low consistency External
consensus       distinctiveness         This person
Everyone else   This person does        usually does not
behaves the     not usually behave      behave this way in
same way.       this way in different   this situation.
Low             Low                     High consistency Internal
consensus       distinctiveness         Every time this
No one else     This person usually     person is in this
behaves the     behaves this way in     situation, he/she
same way.       different situations.   acts the same way.
Individual Differences and Ethics



Personality Around the Globe –
                 Self-Reported Self-Esteem
                                                      Highest                                                                                    Lowest
                                                         1. Serbia                                                                                 1. South Korea
                                                         2. Chile                                                                                  2. Switzerland
                                                         3. Israel                                                                                 3. Morocco
                                                         4. Peru                                                                                   4. Slovakia
                                                         5. Estonia                                                                                5. Fiji
                                                         6. USA                                                                                    6. Taiwan
                                                         7. Turkey                                                                                 7. Czech Republic
                                                         8. Mexico                                                                                 8. Bangladesh
                                                         9. Croatia                                                                                9. Hong Kong
                                                      10. Austria                                                                                10. Japan

Source: Adapted from information in Denissen, J.J.A., Penke, L., & Schmitt, D.P. (July 2008). Self-Esteem reactions to social interactions: Evidence for sociometer mechanisms across
days, people, and nations. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 95, 181-196; Hitti, M. (2005). Who’s No. 1 in Self-esteem? Serbia is tops, Japan ranks lowest, U.S. is No. 6 in
global survey. WebMD,; Schmitt, D.P., & Allik, J. (2005). The simultaneous administration of the
Rosenberg self-esteem scale in 53 nationals: Culture-specific features of global self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 623-642.

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Discussion week 1

  • 1. Human Relations in Business Week 1 Discussion
  • 2. Your OB Toolbox Tools you can use Ideas to consider today Toolbox Higher quality Increased value to interactions with organizations others
  • 3. Chapter 1 Organizational Behavior Learning Objectives What is organizational behavior (OB)? Why does organizational behavior matter? What research methods are used to study organizational behavior? What challenges and © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation opportunities exist for OB? 3
  • 4. What is Organizational Behavior? OB is the systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work.
  • 5. Three Levels of Analysis Example: How the organization’s Organization culture affects a manager’s behavior Group How a given manager’s personality affects the team Individual The manager’s personality itself
  • 6. NACE Survey Results- What Matters to Employers? Communication Honesty & Interpersonal Skills Integrity Skills Motivation & Strong Work Initiative Ethic
  • 7. Putting Common Sense to the Test Are the following questions true or false? 1. Brainstorming in a group is more effective than brainstorming alone. 6. If a person fails the first time, they try harder the next time. 2. The first five minutes of a 7. People perform better if goals negotiation don’t matter much. are easier. 8. Most people within 3. The best way to help someone organizations make effective reach their goals is to tell them to decisions. do their best. 9. Positive people are more likely 4. If you pay someone to do a task to withdraw from their jobs when they routinely enjoy, they’ll do it they are dissatisfied. even more often in the future. 10. Teams with one smart person outperform teams where everyone 5. Pay is a major determinant of how hard someone will work. is average in intelligence.
  • 8. Putting Common Sense to the Test 1. Brainstorming in a group is more 6. If a person fails the first time, effective than brainstorming alone. they try harder the next time. 2. The first five minutes of a 7. People perform better if goals negotiation don’t matter much are easier. 3. The best way to help someone 8. Most people within reach their goals is to tell them to do organizations make effective their best. decisions 4. If you pay someone to do a task 9. Positive people are more likely they routinely enjoy, they’ll do it to withdraw from their jobs when even more often in the future. they are dissatisfied. 10. Teams with one smart person 5. Pay is a major determinant of how outperform teams where everyone hard someone will work. is average in intelligence.
  • 9. Brainstorming in a group is more effective than brainstorming alone. -False Brainstorming can be just as effective when done alone as when done in a group. Research shows individuals often outperform teams in both quality and quantity of ideas. Sources: Nijstad, B. A., & Stroebe, W. (2006). How the group affects the mind: A cognitive model of idea generation in groups. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10, 186-213. Diehl, M., & Stroebe, W. (1987). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: Toward the solution of a riddle. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 497-509. Mullen, B., Johnson, C., & Salas, E. (1991). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: A meta-analytic investigation. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 12, 3-24.
  • 10. The first five minutes of a negotiation are just a warm up to the actual negotiation and don’t matter much. -False Research shows that what happens in the first five minutes of a negotiation can greatly enhance the prediction of the outcome of the negotiation. Source: Curhan, J.R., & Pentland, A. (2007). Thin slices of negotiation: Predicting outcomes from conversational dynamics within the first 5 minutes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 802-811.
  • 11. The best way to help someone reach their goals is to tell them to do their best. -False Individuals who have specific goals with feedback regarding their progress along the way do much better in achieving their goals than those who are simply told to do their best. Source: Tubbs, J. (1986). Goal setting: A meta-analytic examination of the empirical evidence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 474–483.
  • 12. If you pay someone to do a task they routinely enjoy, they’ll do it even more often in the future. -False Research shows that if you pay someone for something they intrinsically (internally) enjoy for the joy of it, they will actually do that task less often on their own in the future. Sources: Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York: Plenum Press; Eisenberger, R., Rhoades, L., & Cameron, J. (1999). Does pay for performance increase or decrease perceived self- determination and intrinsic motivation? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 77, 1026-1040; Jordan, P. C. (1986). Effects of an extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation: A field experiment. Academy of Management Journal. 29, 405-412.
  • 13. Pay is a major determinant of how hard someone will work. -False Pay is just one of many reasons people work and there is little correlation between how much a person is paid and their motivation on a day-to-day basis. Source: Weinberg, R., & Nord, W. (1982). Coping with “it’s all common sense.” Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 7, 29-33.
  • 14. If a person fails the first time, they try harder the next time. -False Research shows that individuals who fail are more likely to avoid trying to do that particular task again in the future. Source: Weinberg, R., & Nord, W. (1982). Coping with “it’s all common sense.” Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 7, 29-33.
  • 15. People perform better if goals are easier. -False Research shows that goal difficulty is positively related to task performance. Source: Mento, A. J., Steel, R. P., & Karren, R. J. (1987). A meta-analytic study of the effects of goal setting on task performance: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 39, 52-83.
  • 16. Most people within organizations make effective decisions. -False Research on decision making shows that about half of all decisions made within organizations fail. Sources: Nutt, P.C. (2002). Why decisions fail. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler; Nutt, P.C. (1999). Surprising but true: Half the decisions in organizations fail. Academy of Management Executive, 13, 75-90.
  • 17. Positive people are more likely to withdraw from their jobs when they are dissatisfied. -True Research shows that positive people (those who are in a positive mood more often than others) are actually more likely to be absent from their jobs and intend to leave their jobs when they are dissatisfied at work. Sources: Duffy, M. K., Ganster, D. C., & Shaw, J. D. (1998). Positive affectivity and negative outcomes: The role of tenure and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 950-959; Shaw, J. D.., Duffy, M. K., Abdulla, M. H. A.., & Singh, R. (2000). The moderating role of positive affectivity: Empirical evidence from bank employees in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Management, 26, p139-154
  • 18. Teams with one smart person outperform teams where everyone is average in intelligence. -False Teams in which all members are of average intelligence tend to outperform teams with a single expert.
  • 19. Visual Auditory Learning Styles Kinesthetic Combination
  • 20. Your Learning Style Visual Auditory Kinesthetic • Pictures • Study • Schedule • Charts and groups breaks Graphs • Listen to • Take good • Take careful recorded notes – even notes lectures when • Write down “getting it” oral • Avoid long, instructions once-a-week classes
  • 21. Surveys Instructions: We would like to gather your •One of the opinions about different aspects of work. primary methods Please answer the following three questions using the scale below: for collecting Response scale: 1=Strongly disagree information for OB 2=Disagree 3=Neither agree nor disagree research 4=Agree 5=Strongly agree •Basic question and answer Setting goals at work helps me to focus…………….. 1 2 3 4 5 •Can be open- or Goal setting is effective in improving performance…….. 1 2 3 4 5 close-ended I get more done when I use goal setting…………… 1 2 3 4 5
  • 22. Field Studies •Often involve experimental design •A particular population will be divided into a treatment group © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation and a control group
  • 23. Laboratory Studies •Consist of manipulation group(s) and control group(s) •Can often help determine causal rather than simple correlational relationships •Controlled conditions - high degree of internal validity but potentially low generalizability
  • 24. Case Studies •In depth description of a single company or industry •Involve a great deal of detail about the topic being studied, but difficult to generalize to other areas
  • 25. Meta-analysis •Technique used to summarize what other researchers have found on a given topic •Variables from several studies are weighted and analyzed to determine if the effect holds or not
  • 26. Outsourcing Aging Ethics Workforce Challenges & Triple Opportunities Lack of Bottom Employee Line Engagement Flattening Technology World
  • 27. Ethical Challenges Recent corporate scandals (Enron Corp., AIG, Tyco International, WorldCom, Halliburton, Citigroup) have ranged from irresponsible to outright illegal behavior.
  • 28. Lack of Employee Engagement Harris Interactive survey of Gallup estimates that if 8,000 American workers 100% of an organization’s indicated: employees were fully • Only 20% felt passionate engaged: about their job • Customers would be 70% • Less than 15% feel more loyal strongly energized by their • Turnover would drop by work 70% • Only 31% believe their • Profits would jump by 40% employer inspires the best in them
  • 29. The Impact of Technology Moore’s Law dictates that the Such change is overall motivating complexity of corporations to computers will change their double every technology 18 months with rapidly no increase in cost
  • 30. Flattening World The concept of a “flattening world” refers to the increase in access to information. This increase has led to an increase in innovation, as knowledge can be shared across time zones and cultures. Your book in this course is an example of this concept.
  • 31. The Triple Bottom Line Economic Social Environmental • Revenue • Humanitarian • Reuse/Recycle • Accounting • Responsibility • Sustainability Profit • Accountability • Going Green • Supply and Demand
  • 32. Corporate Social Responsibility Organizations can consider the interests of society and take responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities, and the environment in all aspects of their operations. END Used with permission of Environmentally Neutral Design (END) is an organization that does this.
  • 33. Criticism of CSR Detracts from the fundamental economic role of business Just superficial window-dressing Pre-empts the role of governments as the watchdog over powerful multinational corporations
  • 34. Aging Workforce and the Millennial Generation In the very near future, older workers will constitute a substantial portion of the workforce.
  • 35. The Global Marketplace for Staffing: Outsourcing A shamrock Outsourcing organization Vendors includes an equal Contingent number of regular Professional Workforce Core employees, temporary employees, and consultants and contractors.
  • 36. Discussion 1. Please think about the best and worst jobs you have ever had. If you have never had a job, think of a school project instead. 2. Share this experience with your group. 3. Identify three themes that recur in your discussion. For example, what are the most common features of the best jobs? What are the most common features of the worst jobs? 4. Be prepared to share your themes with the class.
  • 37. Chapter 2 Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity Learning Objectives  Understand what constitutes diversity  Explain the benefits of managing diversity  Describe challenges of managing a workforce with diverse demographics  Describe the challenges of managing © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation a multicultural workforce  Understand diversity and ethics  Understand cross-cultural issues regarding diversity 37
  • 38. What is diversity? Diversity is the way in which people are similar or different from each other. © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 39. Benefits of Diversity Higher creativity in decision making Better understanding & service of customers More satisfied workforce Higher stock prices Lower litigation expense Higher company performance
  • 40. Challenges of Diversity The similarity-attraction phenomenon is the tendency to be more attracted to individuals who are similar to us.
  • 41. Challenges of Diversity Deep level diversity •Values •Attitudes •Beliefs Surface level diversity •Gender •Race •Age •Physical Abilities
  • 42. Challenges of Diversity A faultline is an Asian Female Caucasian Male attribute along Asian Female Caucasian Male which a group is Asian Female Caucasian Male split into subgroups. Asian Male Caucasian Female Asian Female Caucasian Male Asian Female Caucasian Male
  • 44. Challenges of Diversity Men Women Stereotypes are Assertive Relationship generalizations oriented about a particular group Active Passive of people.
  • 45. Specific Diversity Issues Sexual Gender Diversity Orientation • Earnings Gap Race Diversity Diversity • Glass Ceiling Employees with Religious Age Diversity Disabilities Diversity
  • 46. Managing Cultural Diversity Diversity Training Make Programs Review managers Recruitment accountable Practices for diversity Build a Affirmative culture of Diverse Organization Action respecting Programs diversity
  • 47. Cultural Diversity Culture refers to values, beliefs, and customs that exist in a society. © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 48. Individualism-Collectivism Individualism Collectivism Cultures in which people define Cultures where people have themselves as individuals and stronger bonds to their groups and form looser ties with their groups. group membership forms their self identity. USA Guatemala Australia Ecuador UK Indonesia Canada Pakistan Hungary China
  • 49. Power Distance Low Power Distance High Power Distance A society that views an unequal A society that views an unequal distribution of power as distribution of power as relatively unacceptable. relatively acceptable. Austria Malaysia Denmark Slovakia Israel Philippines Ireland Russia New Zealand Mexico
  • 50. Uncertainty Avoidance Low Uncertainty Avoidance High Uncertainty Avoidance Cultures where individuals are Cultures where individuals prefer comfortable in unpredictable predictable situations and have a situations and have a high low tolerance for ambiguity. tolerance for ambiguity. Denmark Belgium Jamaica El Salvador Singapore Greece China Guatemala Sweden Portugal
  • 51. Masculinity-Femininity Masculinity Femininity Cultures where individuals Cultures where individuals value achievement, value maintaining good competitiveness, as well as relationships, quality of life, and acquisition of money and other caring for the weak. material objects. Slovakia Norway Japan Netherlands Hungary Sweden Austria Costa Rica Venezuela Chile
  • 52. Build Cultural Intelligence © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation Cultural intelligence is the capability to understand how a person’s cultural background influences behavior.
  • 53. Avoid Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is the belief that one’s own culture is superior to other cultures.
  • 54. Listen to Locals Convergys, a Cincinnati-based call center company was building a cafeteria for its employees in India. During the planning phase, a VP from India pointed out that Indian food is served hot, and building a cafeteria to serve only sandwiches would create dissatisfied employees in India.
  • 55. Culture Changes It is important to recognize that culture changes. Showing sensitivity to the Indian caste system may be outdated advice for anyone doing business in India today.
  • 56. Do Not Always Assume Culture Is the Problem When marketing people from the United States interact with engineers in other countries, misunderstanding can occur due to the difference in viewpoint between marketing and engineering employees rather than different cultural backgrounds.
  • 57. Chapter 3 Individual Differences and Perception Learning Objectives  Define personality and how it affects work behaviors  Understand the role of values in determining work behaviors  Explain the process of perception and how it affects work behaviors  Understand how individual differences affect ethics  Understand cross-cultural © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation influences on individual differences and perception
  • 58. Fit Person- Organization Person-Job fit Fit The degree to The degree to which a person’s which a person’s values, skill, knowledge, personality, abilities, and goals, and other other characteristics characteristics match those of match the job the organization. demands.
  • 59. Values Values refer to stable life goals that people have, reflecting what is most important to them. © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 60. Values Terminal Instrumental Values Values A world of beauty Broad minded An exciting life Clean Family security Forgiving Inner harmony Imaginative Self respect Obedient
  • 61. Personality Personality encompasses the relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has.
  • 62. Big Five Personality Traits Trait Description Openness Curious, original, intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas. Conscientiousness Organized, systematic,and dependable. achievement-oriented, punctual, Extraversion Outgoing, talkative, sociable, and enjoys being in social situations. Agreeableness Nice, tolerant, sensitive, trusting, kind, and warm. Neuroticism Anxious, irritable, aggressive, temperamental, and moody.
  • 63. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Dimension Explanation EI Extraversion: Those who Introversion: Those who derive derive their energy from other their energy from inside. people and objects. SN Sensing: Those who rely on Intuition: Those who rely on their their five senses to perceive intuition and hunches to perceive the external environment. the external environment. TF Thinking: Those who use their Feeling: Those who use their logic to arrive at solutions. values and ideas about what is right and wrong to arrive at solutions. JP Judgment: Those who are Perception: Those who are organized, systematic, and curious, open minded, and prefer would like to have clarity and to have some ambiguity. closure.
  • 64. Other Personality Traits Locus of Affectivity Control Self- Self- Efficacy Monitoring Self- Proactive Esteem Personality
  • 65. Personality Testing in Employee Selection Companies such as Kronos and Hogan Assessments conduct pre- employment personality tests. Source:
  • 66. Perception Perception is how individuals detect and interpret environmental stimuli. © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 67. Visual Perception Our visual perception goes beyond the information physically available. In this figure, we see the white triangle in the middle even though it is not really there.
  • 68. Visual Perception Which circle is bigger?
  • 69. Self Perception Self- Self- False enhancement effacement consensus bias bias error
  • 70. Social Perception Values, Our perceptions of Information emotions, the environment from the feelings, and are influenced by environment personality our values, emotions, feelings, and personalities, which in turn influence our actions. Actions Perceptions
  • 71. Social Perception Self-fulfilling Selective Stereotypes prophecy perception
  • 72. Social Perception First impressions are initial thoughts and perceptions we form about people, which tend to be stable and resilient to contrary information. © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 73. Attributions Consensus Distinctiveness Consistency Attribution High High Low consistency External consensus distinctiveness This person Everyone else This person does usually does not behaves the not usually behave behave this way in same way. this way in different this situation. situations. Low Low High consistency Internal consensus distinctiveness Every time this No one else This person usually person is in this behaves the behaves this way in situation, he/she same way. different situations. acts the same way.
  • 74. Individual Differences and Ethics Culture Personal Values Personality Ethics
  • 75. Personality Around the Globe – Self-Reported Self-Esteem Highest Lowest 1. Serbia 1. South Korea 2. Chile 2. Switzerland 3. Israel 3. Morocco 4. Peru 4. Slovakia 5. Estonia 5. Fiji 6. USA 6. Taiwan 7. Turkey 7. Czech Republic 8. Mexico 8. Bangladesh 9. Croatia 9. Hong Kong 10. Austria 10. Japan Source: Adapted from information in Denissen, J.J.A., Penke, L., & Schmitt, D.P. (July 2008). Self-Esteem reactions to social interactions: Evidence for sociometer mechanisms across days, people, and nations. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 95, 181-196; Hitti, M. (2005). Who’s No. 1 in Self-esteem? Serbia is tops, Japan ranks lowest, U.S. is No. 6 in global survey. WebMD,; Schmitt, D.P., & Allik, J. (2005). The simultaneous administration of the Rosenberg self-esteem scale in 53 nationals: Culture-specific features of global self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 623-642.