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Human Relations in Business

    Week 3 Discussion
Chapter 7                       Managing Stress and Emotions

                                             Learning Objectives
                                              Understand the stress cycle
                                              Recognize the sources of stress for
                                              Recognize the outcomes of stress
                                              Understand how to manage stress in
                                               organizational contexts
                                              Understand the role emotions play in
                                               attitudes and behaviors at work
                                              Learn about emotional labor and how
                                               to manage it
                                              Understand how emotions can affect
                                               perceptions of what is ethical
  © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
                                              Understand cross-cultural differences
                                               in stressors
The Stress Process
                       In Selye’s General Adaptation            Stress is the body’s
                       Syndrome (GAS) model, stress             reaction to a change that
                       affects an individual in three steps:    requires a physical,
                       alarm, resistance and exhaustion.        mental, or emotional
                                                                adjustment or response.
Resistance to Stress

                                                                According to Gallup’s
                                                                findings, 80% of
                                                                Americans feel workplace
                                                                stress at least some of the

                          Alarm       Resistance   Exhaustion
The Stress Process
Alarm               Resistance           Exhaustion
  When an           When the body        When the body
  outside           begins to release    has depleted its
  stressor jolts    cortisol and draws   stores of sugars
  the individual,   on fats and sugar    and fats, and the
  insisting that    to find a way to     prolonged release
  something         adjust to the        of cortisol has
  must be done.     demands of stress.   caused the
                                         stressor to
                                         weaken the
Workplace Stressors
                      Role Demands

Role Ambiguity       Role Conflict     Role Overload
• Vagueness in       • Facing          • Having
  relation to job      contradictory     insufficient time
  responsibilities     demands at        and resources to
                       work              complete one’s
Workplace Stressors
                        Top 10 Stressful Jobs
Information             1. Inner City High School
Overload – The             Teacher
information             2. Police Officer
processing demands      3. Miner
on an individual’s      4. Air Traffic Controller
time to perform         5. Medical Intern
interactions and        6. Stockbroker
internal calculations   7. Journalist
exceed the supply or    8. Customer Service /
capacity of time           Complaint Worker
available for such      9. Secretary
processing.             10.Waiter
How Stressed are You?
Part of the Holmes-Rache Scale:
         Life Event           Points               Life Event             Points
Death of spouse               100      Foreclosure of mortgage or loan    30
Divorce                       73       Change in responsibilities at work 29                Chance
Martial separation            65       Son or daughter leaving home     29                   Stress
Jail term                     63       Trouble with in-laws             29                  related
Death of close family         63       Outstanding personal achievement 28         Points   illness
Personal injury or illness    53       Begin or end school               26        <150      30%
Marriage                      50       Change in living                  25
                                       location/condition                          150 -
Fired or laid off at work     47       Trouble with supervisor           23         299      50%
Marital reconciliation        45       Change in work hours or           20
                                       conditions                                  300+      80%
Retirement                    45       Change in schools                 20
Pregnancy                     40       Change in social activities       18
Change in financial state     38       Change in eating habits           15
Death of close friend         37       Vacation                          13
Change to different line of   36       Minor violations of the law       11
Outcomes of Stress
     Physiological   Psychological

 •   Nervousness     • Depression
 •   Tension         • Anxiety
 •   Headaches
 •   Anger
 •   Irritability
 •   Fatigue
Work Outcomes
              Individuals who are able to find the right
              balance of not too much work challenge
              which spills into exhaustion and not too little

              work challenge which can signal apathy see
              increases in performance.

       Low                         High
Individual Differences in
  Experienced Stress

                      Type B
Type A                • Tend to be calm,
• High levels of        and tend to think
  speed/impatience,     through situations
  job involvement,      as opposed to
  and hard-driving      reacting
Individual Approaches to
     Managing Stress
Corporate      Flow        Diet

                         Create a
Exercise                  Social

                                              10% of
                          20% of
                      managers are
   High Focus                               engage in
                      disengaged at
                                              40% of
                          30% of
                                           managers are
   Low Focus          managers are
                                           distracted at
                       Low Energy          High Energy
A key to flow is engaging at work, yet research shows that most
managers do not feel engaged in purposeful work.
Designing Work That Flows

  Challenge   Meaningfulness

 Competence      Choice

Eating healthy
foods such as
fresh fruits and
vegetables is a
key to stress

                   © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
Time Management
Time management is defined as the development of tools or
techniques that help make us more productive when we work.
There are online utilities to help us accomplish this. This is an
example of output from a RescueTime user
(, which is free to use.

                                                                Source: Used by permission from RescueTime.
Organizational Approaches to
     Managing Stress
     Make Expectations Clear

     Give Employees Autonomy

     Create Fair Work Environments


     Employee Sabbaticals

     Employee Assistance Programs
Organizational Approaches to
       Managing Stress

         © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

Telecommuting helps employees avoid traffic jams like this one.

• Whose responsibility do you think it is to deal with
  employee stress – the employee or the
  organization? Why?

Desired Event     Positive
                           • Joy
                           • Love
                           • Surprise

   Undesired
                           • Anger
                           • Fear
                           • Sadness
Emotional Contagion
    carries to
                 with you

                 You argue
   leaves in a
Emotions Affect Attitudes
    and Behavior at Work
                               Affective Events Theory
                               (AET) explores how
                               events on the job cause
      Anger    Fear            different kinds of people
                               to feel different
                               Affect driven behavior
Sadness                  Joy   occurs when emotions
                               trigger you to respond
                               in a certain way
                               Burnout is ongoing
      Love    Surprise
                               emotional state
                               resulting from
Emotional Labor
                     Surface Acting
   Displaying physical signs, such as smiles, that reflect
    emotions (without actually feeling the emotions).

                      Deep Acting
            Pretending to experience emotions.

                     Genuine Acting
Displaying emotions that are aligned with emotions that are
                      actually felt.
Emotional Labor
When it comes to acting,       Employee
the closer to the middle of    Personality
the circle that your actions
are, the less emotional        Genuine
labor your job demands.        Acting
The further away, the more
emotional labor the job
                               Deep Acting

Emotional Intelligence
The four steps
of emotional                          Relationship
intelligence build                    Management
upon one


Emotions And Ethics
Joshua Green’s Experiment:

    Scenario 1                        Scenario 2
    A trolley is racing               A trolley is racing
    down a track,                     down a track,
    about to kill five                about to kill five
    people. You have                  people. You can
    the ability to steer              push a large man
    the trolley onto                  onto the tracks,
    another track,                    which will save
    where it will only                the other five.
    kill 1 person.
 Most felt this was OK – the lesser   Most felt the sacrifice was
 of two evils.                        emotionally wrong.
Lack of Leisure Time and
Stress around the Globe
• 40% of Americans do not plan to take a vacation within the
  next year.

• Americans have 16.5 hours of leisure time per week after
  their work and household obligations are fulfilled.

• Some Japanese employees work an average of 236 hours
  more per year than their American counterparts and 500
  more than employees in France or Germany.

• Many Europeans take the month of August off.
Chapter 8                     Communication

                                     Learning Objectives

                                      Understand the communication process

                                      Compare and contrast different types of

                                      Compare and contrast different communication

                                      Understand and learn to overcome barriers to
                                       effective communication

                                      Understand the role listening plays in communication

                                      Learn how ethics can play a role in how messages
© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
                                       are communicated as well as how they are perceived

                                      Learn how verbal and non-verbal communication can
                                       carry different meanings among cultures
Communication is Vital in Organizations

Communication is a process by
which information is exchanged
between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs,
or behavior

50-90% of a manager’s time is
spent communicating

Success on complicated missions at
NASA depends on strong               Source:

Three Main Functions of

Transmission of Information

Coordination of Effort

Sharing Emotions and
The Process Model of Communication
The Sender
Originates and Encodes the Message   Translates the idea into words

 The Medium of this encoded Message may be spoken
          words, written words, or signs

 The Receiver is the person who receives the Message

                        The Receiver
       Decodes the Message           Assigns meaning to the words
Due to NOISE, the meaning which the
   Receiver assigns may not be the
 meaning which the Sender intended

Noise is anything that interferes with or
distorts the Message being transferred
Barriers to Effective Communication

                     Selective                      Semantics &
 Filtering                         Gossip &
                    Perception                        Jargon

Information         Emotional     Differences in   Differences in
  Overload         Disconnects   Communication        Meaning

        Lack of Source                        Biased
         Familiarity or                      Language
Communication Realities

                                   Managers can expect, on
                                   average, to do only three
                                   minutes of uninterrupted
                                     work on any one task
                                   before being interrupted
                                     by an incoming email,
                                   instant message, phone
                                    call, co-worker, or other

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Avoiding Biased Language

    Avoid            Consider Using
black attorney           attorney
 businessman         businessperson
  chairman         chair or chairperson
cleaning lady    cleaner or maintenance
 male nurse                nurse
 manpower           staff or personnel
 secretary        assistant or associate
Consequences of Poor Listening

Lower Employee     The Receiver’s ability
 Productivity       to listen effectively is
                    equally vital to
 Missed Sales      effective
Dissatisfied       communication.
Lowered Morale     Listening takes
Increased          practice, skill, and
Active Listening
              Listen for

Paraphrase                   Listen for
and restate                   feelings

                           Respond to
  Note all cues             feelings
Communication Freezers
                       Communication stoppers:
         criticizing, blaming, ordering, judging, or shaming
Things to avoid saying:
 Telling the other person what to     Giving insincere praise
  do                                   Psychoanalyzing the other
 Threatening with “or else”            person
  implied                              Making light of the other
 Making suggestions or telling the     person’s problems by
  other person what they ought to       generalizing
  do                                   Asking excessive or
 Attempting to educate the other       inappropriate questions
  person                               Making light of the problem
 Judging the other person              by kidding
Verbal Communication and the
     Power of Storytelling

         Stories can help clarify key
        values and help demonstrate
        how things are done within an

        Story frequency, strength, and
          tone are related to higher
         organizational commitment
Crucial Conversations
Require more planning, reflection,
           and skill

e.g., Asking for a

e.g., Pitching an

    Stakes are high - Opinions vary -
          Emotions run strong
Even More Ways to Improve Your
          Listening Habits
Prepare and Be        Don’t
                                    What You’ve
  Receptive         Anticipate

                  Empathize with
  Focus and                        Clarification By
                   the Sender’s
Don’t Multitask                        Asking
                   Point of View

                   Focus on the    Pay Attention
Establish Eye
                   Goal With an    to What is Not
                    Open Mind          Said
Written Business Communication
        The Printed Word






National Commission on Writing
                                   Survey Outcomes

  67% of salaried employees in             Half of responding companies
   large American companies               reported that they take writing
   state employees have some              into consideration when hiring
      writing responsibility                  professional employees

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Nonverbal Communication
          It’s what you don’t say…

55% of in-person
                        7% of a
   comes from                          38% is based on
 nonverbal cues                        paralanguage or
                   of a Message is
    like facial                      the tone, pace, and
                    based on the
  expressions,                        volume of speech
                   Sender’s actual
body stance and
  tone of voice
Body language

           Eye contact

         Facial expression




Factors of Nonverbal Communication
Don’t Use That Tone With Me!
      Changing your tone can dramatically change your

Placement of the emphasis            What it might mean…
I did not tell John you were late.   Someone else told John you were
I did not tell John you were late.   This did not happen.
I did not tell John you were late.   I may have implied it.
I did not tell John you were late.   But maybe I told Sharon and José.
I did not tell John you were late.   I was talking about someone else.
I did not tell John you were late.   I told him you still are late.
I did not tell John you were late.   I told him you were attending
                                     another meeting.
Interpersonal distances
Information Channel      Information Richness

Information Richness        Face-to-face                 High
                          Videoconferencing             High
                       Telephone conversation           High
                               Emails                  Medium
                          Handheld devices             Medium
                                Blogs                  Medium
                         Written letters and           Medium
Selecting the best         Formal written                Low
media is an                  documents
executive skill
                           Spreadsheets                  Low
Decisions: Verbal or Written

   Verbal communications are
     a better way to convey

   Written communications do
    a better job of conveying
Guide for When to Use Written versus Verbal Communication

  Use Written Communication          Use Verbal Communication
            When:                             When:
           conveying facts          conveying emotion and feelings
   the message needs to become      the message does not need to be
       part of a permanent file               permanent
     there is little time urgency        there is time urgency
    you do not need immediate
                                          you need feedback
                                    the ideas are simple or can be
     the ideas are complicated
                                    made simple with explanations
Email and Emotions

Emotionally-laden messages require
more thought in the choice of channel
  and how they are communicated

 Email communication can convey facts
quickly yet it is not a recommended choice
    for sending emotional information
Communication flows in many different
  directions within an organization
Frequent communication
is related to better job
performance ratings and
                                        External Others     Superiors
                                             23%              14%

                      Internal Others

    Who managers spend
  time communicating with
          at work                                         Subordinates
Forms of External Communication

               Press Releases

   Catalogs                     Advertisements

                                Web pages
Manage Your Communication Wisely

Do you properly use
online communications?
                                  Be aware of remarks
Is your outgoing                        that
 voicemail greeting                    FREEZE
Do you scrutinize your
 social networking        Make a conscious
                          effort to reduce      Don’t criticize,
                           comments that         blame, order,
 website?                   stop effective      judge or shame
Have you Googled
 yourself lately?
Chapter 10 Conflict and Negotiations
                                   Learning Objectives
                                    Understand the different types of conflict

                                    Understand the causes of conflict

                                    Understand the consequences of conflict

                                    Understand how to manage conflict

                                    Understand the stages of the negotiation

                                    Understand how to avoid common negotiation
© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

                                    Engage in conflict management and
                                     negotiation ethically

                                    Understand cross-cultural differences in
                                     conflict and negotiation
  Intrapersonal       Interpersonal        Intergroup

 Conflict within a   Conflict between      Conflict that
person. It arises      two people.         takes place
when a person is                         among different
 uncertain about                        groups, between
what is expected                           a union and
  or wanted, or                         management, or
 has a sense of                              between
being inadequate                        companies, such
   to the task.                           as companies
                                         that supply the
                                        same customer.
Is Conflict Always Bad?

                         Low                              High

The inverted U relationship between performance and conflict.
Causes of Conflict
                Task              Incompatible
          Interdependence            Goals

     Limited                               Personality
    Resources                              Differences

Organizational                              Communication
  Structure                                   Problems
Outcomes of Conflict

           Negative                          Positive

• Increased stress and anxiety   • Consideration of a broader
  among individuals, which         range of ideas, resulting in a
  decreases productivity and       better, stronger idea
  creativity                     • Surfacing of assumptions that
• Feelings of being defeated       may be inaccurate
  and demeaned, which lowers     • Increased participation and
  individuals’ morale and may      creativity
  increase turnover              • Clarification of individual
• A climate of mistrust, which     views that build learning
  hinders the teamwork and
  cooperation necessary to get
  work done
Is Your Job at Risk for
 Workplace Violence?

Job Characteristic            Example
Caring for others either      nursing home
emotionally or physically
Interacting with frustrated   retail sales
Supervising others            manager
Denying requests others       customer
make of you                   service
Is Your Job at Risk for Workplace

   Job Characteristic                      Example
   Dealing with valuables or exchanging    banking
   Handling weapons                        law
   Working with drugs, alcohol, or those   bartending
   under the influence of them
   Working nights or weekends              gas station
Ways to Manage Conflict

Change the Structure
  Change the Composition
  of the Team
     Create a Common
     Opposing Force
      Consider Majority Rule

         Problem Solve
Level of Cooperation
                       Conflict Handling Styles

                              Accommodation                   Collaboration


                                Avoidance                     Competition

                              Low                                      High
                                               Level of
Conflict Handling Styles
                 • “I don’t think there’s any problem. I feel fine
   Avoiding        about how things are.”

                 • “If it’s important to you, I can go along with
Accommodating      it.”

 Compromise      • “Maybe we can both agree to give a little.”

                 • “This is what I want, and I am going to fight
 Competition       for it.”

                 • “Let’s look at the bigger picture and find out
 Collaboration     how we can both get what we want.”
Which Style is Best?

                                                                      There is no single
                                                                      “right way” to deal
                                                                      with conflict.
                                                                      Although many
                                                                      people have a single
                                                                      method they use
                                                                      most frequently, the
© 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

                                                                      best conflict handlers
                                                                      will adapt their style
                                                                      to the situation.
                                   Body language can
                                   unintentionally fuel a conflict.
• Do you deal with conflict differently with friends and
  family than you do at work? If so, why do you think
  that is?

• Describe a situation in which not having enough
  conflict can be a problem.
The Five Phases of Negotiation


      Determine your BATNA



The Five Phases of Negotiation

            © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation

All phases of the negotiation process are important. The presentation is
the one that normally receives the most attention but the work done
before that point is equally important.
Determining your BATNA

B est          “If you don’t know where
A lternative   you’re going, you will probably
Toa            end up somewhere else.”
               - Lawrence J. Peter
N egotiated
A greement
Negotiation Strategies

Distributive                Integrative Approach
Approach                    • An approach to
• The traditional fixed-      negotiation in which
  pie approach in which       both parties look for
  negotiators see the         ways to integrate their
  situation as a pie that     goals under a large
  they have to divide         umbrella.
  between them.
Avoiding Common Mistakes in
     Failing to
                         Letting your ego
                          get in the way
   the first offer

Having unrealistic       Getting overly
  expectations            emotional

               Letting past
             outcomes affect
            the present ones
Tips for Negotiation Success
    Focus on agreement first

    Be patient

    Whose reality?


    Be comfortable with silence
When All Else Fails: Third Party

Third party                     Mediation
are intended to
help avoid a
formal trial or
hearing.                   Other
When All Else Fails: Third Party

      Mediation               Arbitration        Arbitration-Mediation

• An outside third      • A process that         • An arbitrator
  party (the              involves bringing in     makes a decision
  mediator) enters        a third party, the       and places it in a
  the situation with      arbitrator, who has      sealed envelope.
  the goal of             the authority to act     Both parties then
  assisting the           as a judge and           work through
  parties to reach an     make a binding           mediation. If they
  agreement.              decision to which        cannot reach an
                          both parties must        agreement, the
                          adhere.                  arbitrator’s decision
                                                   becomes binding.
When All Else Fails: Third Party

As a last resort, judges resolve conflicts. The Supreme Court of the USA is
the highest court in America and consists of nine justices: Chief Justice
Roberts (bottom center) and the 8 associate justices (left to right) Alito,
Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas, Sotomayor, Stevens, Ginsburg, and Breyer.
You Know It’s Time for a Mediator

  The parties      differences     The parties    Obtaining a
 are unable to    are standing    have stopped       quick
find a solution   in the way of    talking with   resolution is
  themselves      a successful     one another     important
Ethics and Negotiations

                 Be honest

             Keep your promises

    Follow the Platinum Rule. Most people
  know the Golden Rule…the Platinum Rule
     takes it one step further by, “Treating
   others the way they want to be treated.”
Negotiations Around the Globe

Countries have different thresholds for conflict.

   Low Threshold (prefer       Higher Threshold
   harmony)                    (conflict is acceptable)
   Japan                       America
   Korea                       Germany

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Discussion week 3

  • 1. Human Relations in Business Week 3 Discussion
  • 2. Chapter 7 Managing Stress and Emotions Learning Objectives  Understand the stress cycle  Recognize the sources of stress for employees  Recognize the outcomes of stress  Understand how to manage stress in organizational contexts  Understand the role emotions play in attitudes and behaviors at work  Learn about emotional labor and how to manage it  Understand how emotions can affect perceptions of what is ethical © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation  Understand cross-cultural differences in stressors
  • 3. The Stress Process In Selye’s General Adaptation Stress is the body’s Syndrome (GAS) model, stress reaction to a change that affects an individual in three steps: requires a physical, alarm, resistance and exhaustion. mental, or emotional adjustment or response. Resistance to Stress According to Gallup’s findings, 80% of Americans feel workplace stress at least some of the time. Alarm Resistance Exhaustion
  • 4. The Stress Process Alarm Resistance Exhaustion When an When the body When the body outside begins to release has depleted its stressor jolts cortisol and draws stores of sugars the individual, on fats and sugar and fats, and the insisting that to find a way to prolonged release something adjust to the of cortisol has must be done. demands of stress. caused the stressor to significantly weaken the individual.
  • 5. Workplace Stressors Role Demands Role Ambiguity Role Conflict Role Overload • Vagueness in • Facing • Having relation to job contradictory insufficient time responsibilities demands at and resources to work complete one’s job
  • 6. Workplace Stressors Top 10 Stressful Jobs Information 1. Inner City High School Overload – The Teacher information 2. Police Officer processing demands 3. Miner on an individual’s 4. Air Traffic Controller time to perform 5. Medical Intern interactions and 6. Stockbroker internal calculations 7. Journalist exceed the supply or 8. Customer Service / capacity of time Complaint Worker available for such 9. Secretary processing. 10.Waiter
  • 7. How Stressed are You? Part of the Holmes-Rache Scale: Life Event Points Life Event Points Death of spouse 100 Foreclosure of mortgage or loan 30 Divorce 73 Change in responsibilities at work 29 Chance of Martial separation 65 Son or daughter leaving home 29 Stress Jail term 63 Trouble with in-laws 29 related Death of close family 63 Outstanding personal achievement 28 Points illness member Personal injury or illness 53 Begin or end school 26 <150 30% Marriage 50 Change in living 25 location/condition 150 - Fired or laid off at work 47 Trouble with supervisor 23 299 50% Marital reconciliation 45 Change in work hours or 20 conditions 300+ 80% Retirement 45 Change in schools 20 Pregnancy 40 Change in social activities 18 Change in financial state 38 Change in eating habits 15 Death of close friend 37 Vacation 13 Change to different line of 36 Minor violations of the law 11 work
  • 8. Outcomes of Stress Physiological Psychological • Nervousness • Depression • Tension • Anxiety • Headaches • Anger • Irritability • Fatigue
  • 9. Work Outcomes Individuals who are able to find the right balance of not too much work challenge which spills into exhaustion and not too little High work challenge which can signal apathy see increases in performance. Low Low High Stress
  • 10. Individual Differences in Experienced Stress Type B Type A • Tend to be calm, • High levels of and tend to think speed/impatience, through situations job involvement, as opposed to and hard-driving reacting emotionally
  • 11. Individual Approaches to Managing Stress The Corporate Flow Diet Athlete Create a Exercise Social Sleep Support Network Time Management
  • 12. Flow 10% of 20% of managers managers are High Focus engage in disengaged at purposeful work work 40% of 30% of managers are Low Focus managers are distracted at procrastinators work Low Energy High Energy A key to flow is engaging at work, yet research shows that most managers do not feel engaged in purposeful work.
  • 13. Designing Work That Flows Challenge Meaningfulness Competence Choice
  • 14. Diet Eating healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables is a key to stress management. © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 15. Time Management Time management is defined as the development of tools or techniques that help make us more productive when we work. There are online utilities to help us accomplish this. This is an example of output from a RescueTime user (, which is free to use. Source: Used by permission from RescueTime.
  • 16. Organizational Approaches to Managing Stress Make Expectations Clear Give Employees Autonomy Create Fair Work Environments Telecommuting Employee Sabbaticals Employee Assistance Programs
  • 17. Organizational Approaches to Managing Stress © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation Telecommuting helps employees avoid traffic jams like this one.
  • 18. Discussion • Whose responsibility do you think it is to deal with employee stress – the employee or the organization? Why?
  • 19. Emotions  Desired Event Positive Emotions • Joy • Love • Surprise  Undesired Event Negative Emotions • Anger • Fear • Sadness
  • 20. Emotional Contagion Frustration Customer carries to argues next with you customer Customer You argue leaves in a back huff
  • 21. Emotions Affect Attitudes and Behavior at Work Affective Events Theory (AET) explores how events on the job cause Anger Fear different kinds of people to feel different emotions. Affect driven behavior Sadness Joy occurs when emotions trigger you to respond in a certain way Burnout is ongoing Love Surprise emotional state resulting from dissatisfaction
  • 22. Emotional Labor Surface Acting Displaying physical signs, such as smiles, that reflect emotions (without actually feeling the emotions). Deep Acting Pretending to experience emotions. Genuine Acting Displaying emotions that are aligned with emotions that are actually felt.
  • 23. Emotional Labor When it comes to acting, Employee the closer to the middle of Personality the circle that your actions are, the less emotional Genuine labor your job demands. Acting The further away, the more emotional labor the job demands. Deep Acting Surface Acting
  • 24. Emotional Intelligence The four steps of emotional Relationship intelligence build Management upon one another. Social-awareness Self-management Self-awareness
  • 25. Emotions And Ethics Joshua Green’s Experiment: Scenario 1 Scenario 2 A trolley is racing A trolley is racing down a track, down a track, about to kill five about to kill five people. You have people. You can the ability to steer push a large man the trolley onto onto the tracks, another track, which will save where it will only the other five. kill 1 person. Most felt this was OK – the lesser Most felt the sacrifice was of two evils. emotionally wrong.
  • 26. Lack of Leisure Time and Stress around the Globe • 40% of Americans do not plan to take a vacation within the next year. • Americans have 16.5 hours of leisure time per week after their work and household obligations are fulfilled. • Some Japanese employees work an average of 236 hours more per year than their American counterparts and 500 more than employees in France or Germany. • Many Europeans take the month of August off.
  • 27. Chapter 8 Communication Learning Objectives  Understand the communication process  Compare and contrast different types of communication  Compare and contrast different communication channels  Understand and learn to overcome barriers to effective communication  Understand the role listening plays in communication  Learn how ethics can play a role in how messages © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation are communicated as well as how they are perceived  Learn how verbal and non-verbal communication can carry different meanings among cultures
  • 28. Communication is Vital in Organizations Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior 50-90% of a manager’s time is spent communicating Success on complicated missions at NASA depends on strong Source: communication
  • 29. Three Main Functions of Communication Transmission of Information Coordination of Effort Sharing Emotions and Feelings
  • 30. The Process Model of Communication
  • 31. The Sender Originates and Encodes the Message Translates the idea into words The Medium of this encoded Message may be spoken words, written words, or signs The Receiver is the person who receives the Message The Receiver Decodes the Message Assigns meaning to the words
  • 32. Due to NOISE, the meaning which the Receiver assigns may not be the meaning which the Sender intended Noise is anything that interferes with or distorts the Message being transferred
  • 33. Barriers to Effective Communication Workplace Selective Semantics & Filtering Gossip & Perception Jargon Grapevine Gender Information Emotional Differences in Differences in Overload Disconnects Communication Meaning Lack of Source Biased Familiarity or Language Credibility
  • 34. Communication Realities Managers can expect, on average, to do only three minutes of uninterrupted work on any one task before being interrupted by an incoming email, instant message, phone call, co-worker, or other distraction © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 35. Avoiding Biased Language Avoid Consider Using black attorney attorney businessman businessperson chairman chair or chairperson cleaning lady cleaner or maintenance worker male nurse nurse manpower staff or personnel secretary assistant or associate
  • 36. Consequences of Poor Listening Lower Employee The Receiver’s ability Productivity to listen effectively is equally vital to  Missed Sales effective Dissatisfied communication. Customers Lowered Morale Listening takes Increased practice, skill, and concentration. Turnover
  • 37. Active Listening Listen for message content Paraphrase Listen for and restate feelings Respond to Note all cues feelings
  • 38. Communication Freezers Communication stoppers: criticizing, blaming, ordering, judging, or shaming Things to avoid saying:  Telling the other person what to  Giving insincere praise do  Psychoanalyzing the other  Threatening with “or else” person implied  Making light of the other  Making suggestions or telling the person’s problems by other person what they ought to generalizing do  Asking excessive or  Attempting to educate the other inappropriate questions person  Making light of the problem  Judging the other person by kidding negatively
  • 39. Verbal Communication and the Power of Storytelling Stories can help clarify key values and help demonstrate how things are done within an organization Story frequency, strength, and tone are related to higher organizational commitment
  • 40. Crucial Conversations Require more planning, reflection, and skill e.g., Asking for a raise e.g., Pitching an innovative proposal Stakes are high - Opinions vary - Emotions run strong
  • 41. Even More Ways to Improve Your Listening Habits Summarize Prepare and Be Don’t What You’ve Receptive Anticipate Heard Seek Empathize with Focus and Clarification By the Sender’s Don’t Multitask Asking Point of View Questions Focus on the Pay Attention Establish Eye Goal With an to What is Not Contact Open Mind Said
  • 42. Written Business Communication The Printed Word Memos Proposals Emails Letters Training manuals Operating policies
  • 43. National Commission on Writing Survey Outcomes 67% of salaried employees in Half of responding companies large American companies reported that they take writing state employees have some into consideration when hiring writing responsibility professional employees © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation
  • 44. Nonverbal Communication It’s what you don’t say… 55% of in-person 7% of a communication Receiver’s comes from 38% is based on comprehension nonverbal cues paralanguage or of a Message is like facial the tone, pace, and based on the expressions, volume of speech Sender’s actual body stance and words tone of voice
  • 45. Body language Eye contact Facial expression Posture Touch Space Factors of Nonverbal Communication
  • 46. Don’t Use That Tone With Me! Changing your tone can dramatically change your meaning. Placement of the emphasis What it might mean… I did not tell John you were late. Someone else told John you were late. I did not tell John you were late. This did not happen. I did not tell John you were late. I may have implied it. I did not tell John you were late. But maybe I told Sharon and José. I did not tell John you were late. I was talking about someone else. I did not tell John you were late. I told him you still are late. I did not tell John you were late. I told him you were attending another meeting.
  • 48. Information Channel Information Richness Information Richness Face-to-face High conversation Videoconferencing High Telephone conversation High Emails Medium Handheld devices Medium Blogs Medium Written letters and Medium memos Selecting the best Formal written Low communication media is an documents executive skill Spreadsheets Low
  • 49. Decisions: Verbal or Written Communications? Verbal communications are a better way to convey feelings Written communications do a better job of conveying facts
  • 50. Guide for When to Use Written versus Verbal Communication Use Written Communication Use Verbal Communication When: When: conveying facts conveying emotion and feelings the message needs to become the message does not need to be part of a permanent file permanent there is little time urgency there is time urgency you do not need immediate you need feedback feedback the ideas are simple or can be the ideas are complicated made simple with explanations
  • 51. Email and Emotions Emotionally-laden messages require more thought in the choice of channel and how they are communicated Email communication can convey facts quickly yet it is not a recommended choice for sending emotional information
  • 52. Communication flows in many different directions within an organization
  • 53. Frequent communication is related to better job performance ratings and organizational performance External Others Superiors 23% 14% Internal Others 17% Who managers spend time communicating with at work Subordinates 46%
  • 54. Forms of External Communication Press Releases Catalogs Advertisements Customer Web pages Letters
  • 55. Manage Your Communication Wisely Do you properly use online communications? Be aware of remarks Is your outgoing that voicemail greeting FREEZE COMMUNICATON professional? Do you scrutinize your social networking Make a conscious effort to reduce Don’t criticize, comments that blame, order, website? stop effective judge or shame communication Have you Googled yourself lately?
  • 56. Chapter 10 Conflict and Negotiations Learning Objectives  Understand the different types of conflict  Understand the causes of conflict  Understand the consequences of conflict  Understand how to manage conflict effectively  Understand the stages of the negotiation process  Understand how to avoid common negotiation mistakes © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation  Engage in conflict management and negotiation ethically  Understand cross-cultural differences in conflict and negotiation
  • 57. Conflict Intrapersonal Interpersonal Intergroup Conflict within a Conflict between Conflict that person. It arises two people. takes place when a person is among different uncertain about groups, between what is expected a union and or wanted, or management, or has a sense of between being inadequate companies, such to the task. as companies that supply the same customer.
  • 58. Is Conflict Always Bad? High Performance Low Low High Conflict The inverted U relationship between performance and conflict.
  • 59. Causes of Conflict Task Incompatible Interdependence Goals Limited Personality Resources Differences Organizational Communication Conflict Structure Problems
  • 60. Outcomes of Conflict Negative Positive • Increased stress and anxiety • Consideration of a broader among individuals, which range of ideas, resulting in a decreases productivity and better, stronger idea creativity • Surfacing of assumptions that • Feelings of being defeated may be inaccurate and demeaned, which lowers • Increased participation and individuals’ morale and may creativity increase turnover • Clarification of individual • A climate of mistrust, which views that build learning hinders the teamwork and cooperation necessary to get work done
  • 61. Is Your Job at Risk for Workplace Violence? Job Characteristic Example Caring for others either nursing home emotionally or physically Interacting with frustrated retail sales customers Supervising others manager Denying requests others customer make of you service
  • 62. Is Your Job at Risk for Workplace Violence? Job Characteristic Example Dealing with valuables or exchanging banking money Handling weapons law enforcement Working with drugs, alcohol, or those bartending under the influence of them Working nights or weekends gas station attendants
  • 63. Ways to Manage Conflict Change the Structure Change the Composition of the Team Create a Common Opposing Force Consider Majority Rule Problem Solve
  • 64. Level of Cooperation Conflict Handling Styles High Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competition Low Low High Level of Competitiveness
  • 65. Conflict Handling Styles • “I don’t think there’s any problem. I feel fine Avoiding about how things are.” • “If it’s important to you, I can go along with Accommodating it.” Compromise • “Maybe we can both agree to give a little.” • “This is what I want, and I am going to fight Competition for it.” • “Let’s look at the bigger picture and find out Collaboration how we can both get what we want.”
  • 66. Which Style is Best? There is no single “right way” to deal with conflict. Although many people have a single method they use most frequently, the © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation best conflict handlers will adapt their style to the situation. Body language can unintentionally fuel a conflict.
  • 67. Discussion • Do you deal with conflict differently with friends and family than you do at work? If so, why do you think that is? • Describe a situation in which not having enough conflict can be a problem.
  • 68. The Five Phases of Negotiation Investigation Determine your BATNA Presentation Bargaining Closure
  • 69. The Five Phases of Negotiation © 2010 Jupiterimages Corporation All phases of the negotiation process are important. The presentation is the one that normally receives the most attention but the work done before that point is equally important.
  • 70. Determining your BATNA B est “If you don’t know where A lternative you’re going, you will probably Toa end up somewhere else.” - Lawrence J. Peter N egotiated A greement
  • 71. Negotiation Strategies Distributive Integrative Approach Approach • An approach to • The traditional fixed- negotiation in which pie approach in which both parties look for negotiators see the ways to integrate their situation as a pie that goals under a large they have to divide umbrella. between them.
  • 72. Avoiding Common Mistakes in Negotiations Failing to Letting your ego negotiate/accepting get in the way the first offer Having unrealistic Getting overly expectations emotional Letting past negative outcomes affect the present ones
  • 73. Tips for Negotiation Success Focus on agreement first Be patient Whose reality? Deadlines Be comfortable with silence
  • 74. When All Else Fails: Third Party Negotiations Third party Mediation Arbitration negotiations are intended to help avoid a formal trial or hearing. Other Resolution Methods
  • 75. When All Else Fails: Third Party Negotiations Mediation Arbitration Arbitration-Mediation • An outside third • A process that • An arbitrator party (the involves bringing in makes a decision mediator) enters a third party, the and places it in a the situation with arbitrator, who has sealed envelope. the goal of the authority to act Both parties then assisting the as a judge and work through parties to reach an make a binding mediation. If they agreement. decision to which cannot reach an both parties must agreement, the adhere. arbitrator’s decision becomes binding.
  • 76. When All Else Fails: Third Party Negotiations As a last resort, judges resolve conflicts. The Supreme Court of the USA is the highest court in America and consists of nine justices: Chief Justice Roberts (bottom center) and the 8 associate justices (left to right) Alito, Kennedy, Scalia, Thomas, Sotomayor, Stevens, Ginsburg, and Breyer.
  • 77. You Know It’s Time for a Mediator When… Personal The parties differences The parties Obtaining a are unable to are standing have stopped quick find a solution in the way of talking with resolution is themselves a successful one another important solution
  • 78. Ethics and Negotiations Be honest Keep your promises Follow the Platinum Rule. Most people know the Golden Rule…the Platinum Rule takes it one step further by, “Treating others the way they want to be treated.”
  • 79. Negotiations Around the Globe Countries have different thresholds for conflict. Low Threshold (prefer Higher Threshold harmony) (conflict is acceptable) Japan America Korea Germany