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Training plan
Tough/Difficult Conversations
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan 1
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Jan 21, 2021 Create questions for Tough/Difficult Conversations Jim Piechocki
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan 2
Subject objectives
Business goal What is the business goal this subject addresses? How will success be measured?
Performance goal
(expected behavior)
What learners need to do and how will it be measured?
Target audience Who is the audience for this subject? What general age group would the target audience fall into (e.g.,
millennials, Gen X, baby boomers, cross generational)? What is the general education level of the target
audience (e.g., university, high school, etc.)? If education level is lower than at the University level, what is the
perceived reading level of the audience? Any other facts pertinent to the audience that should be reflected in the
Learner motivation What is the benefit to the learners to learn this information? E.g. Increased incentive payout, reduction in
Micro topics Guideline for Topic Creation – Each topic should have 8-10 key learning points.
<List topics>
Discover Content not critical to the performance/behavior which can be added to Discover to support further learning
outside of the critical key learning points.
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 3
1.1. Tough/DifficultConversations
Learning objectives
● What learners should be able to demonstrate (in Axonify) after graduation of the Micro Topic.
Key learning points Behavior Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1. Show courage by
raising difficult issues
to ensure theyare
Label: Overcome fears of
asking tough questions.
Description: Be willing to
deliver difficult messages
directly to keep conflict
MC1 What mindset should you
have when delivering a difficult
message to another
-Be brave
-Be vague
-Be careful
-Be afraid
To show others you are
focused on the solution, show
courage. Be brave during
tough conversations.
MC2 What could be a reason
an Associate might be
unwilling to admit to a
shortcoming to you?
-Loss of control
-Lack of training
-Lack of detail focus
-Appearance of lack of
Explanation: It is important to
listen deeply to Associate’s
mindset to show them you
care about fixing the problem.
MA1 Which of the following
are don’ts when having
challenging conversations with
Associates? (Select all that
-Be open minded
-Be aggressive
-Talk from the heart
-Be disrespectful
Avoiding being aggressive,
manipulative or disrespectful
during challenging
conversations helps keep
conflict a positive thing.
MA2 Which of the following
tips help you thrive during a
challenging conversation.
(Select as many as apply):
- Conflict does mean
being aggressive or
- Be clear on your
- Avoid standoffs and
know when to
You work with an Associate
who is a “horn,” always
dominating conversations with
negative comments. At a
meeting, the Associate
expresses a strong objection
to something another
Associate said. What should
you do to keep it positive?
-Find a middle ground
where both can agree
-Tell the Associate to calm
down and be quiet.
-Ignore the Associate and
focus on the meeting agenda.
-Reprimand the Associate and
tell him/her to get on the team.
Conflict does not have to be
all negative. Creativity and
innovation come from different
opinions. Try to find a “halfway
point between differing
opinions, no matter how
contentious or argumentative.
C2 An Associate is habitually
late for meetings or misses
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 4
MC3 When we face a
challenging conversation,
there is usually:
-No basis for any fears
-Something specific that we
fear happening
- A vague feeling not connected
to any specific fear
-A feeling of exhilaration from
the challenge
Explanation: Be aware of your
inner mindset, especially
stressors due to fear, to stay
focused on the outcome, not
the conflict.
MC4 A key skill for tackling a
challenging conversation is:
-Asking closed-ended questions
-Passive listening
-Being assertive
-Closed body language
Explanation: Courage under fire
is a key skill. Being assertive
shows Associates you are a
MC5 The acronym “FEAR” can
stand for False Expectations
- Real
- Regularly
- Rarely
- Routinely
- Hide your expectations if
you suspect they will
cause stress
Explanation: Key skills can
help you thrive during a tough
conversation by true
leadership skills.
MA3 “Let me ask about the
situation from your
perspective” is an example of:
-A challenging conversation
-A calm way to manage
-A way to disarm an Associate
by masking your intentions.
-A tip for avoiding “he said-
she said” disputes.
Explanation: Asking, rather than
telling, emancipates you and
your Associates from the
darkness of conflict and
allows you to work together
to build a resolution.
them altogether. During a
discussion, you uncover an
issue with overscheduling, but
you encounter resistance
when you suggest an action
plan. What is the best solution
for helping this employee?
-Suggest an aggressive time
management training plan.
-Dismiss any reasons the
Associate has for his
-Avoid your own feelings and
cut the Associate some slack.
- Be brave and explain why
you have strong feelings
about scheduling.
Explanation: Leadership
begins with strength of vision
in the face of conflict and
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 5
2. Three practical tips can
help keep conflict in
Label: Put conflict in
perspective with steps that
quickly resolve issues that
Description: Prepare yourself
for difficult conversations to
empower employees from
MC1 Showing courage and
knowing where to compromise
avoids which of the following?
- Difficult conversations
- Having to say ‘No’
- Standoffs among
- Innovative solutions
Explanation: Courage and
compromise go together in the
struggle to overcome and
harness conflict.
MC2 In a dispute over work
schedules, Associates on either
side of the argument may not
have considered:
- The other person’s
point of view
- Their own benefit
- The company’s needs
- Their value Lowe’s
Explanation: It is easy to ignore
others, especially if their views
differ from ours.
MC3 What is another way of
saying, conflict does not mean
aggressive or
passive/aggressive behavior?
- Disagreement can lead
to a better solution if
handled properly
MA 1 Supervisors can keep
conflict in perspective by being
which of the following? (Select
all that apply.)
- Brave
- Clear
- Authoritative
- Obedient
Explanation: Great leaders are
bold and clear about their
opinions. Use this approach to
demonstrate leadership to
MA2 In a challenging
conversation, Lowe’s
Supervisors should be clear on
which of the following? (Select
all that apply)
- Their own point of
- Their expectations
- The procedures in the
Lowe’s Employee
- The threat of
punishment or
Explanation: Associates cannot
resolve conflicts if they do not
know where you are coming
from. Be laser-sharp to help
shape the actions and opinions
of Associates.
C1 In a challenging
conversation with an
Associate who disagrees with
you, you realize that she is not
listening to any of your advice
or suggestions. What should
your strategy be?
- Be aggressive and insist
that she listen.
- Repeat your
recommendation until
she listens.
- Terminate the Associate
- Find a creative way, to
help her see the value
of your advice.
Explanation: How we present
ourselves during difficult
conversations comes directly
from how well prepared we are.
Creativity is often part of the
C2 One of your Associates
makes an insensitive remark,
and this is reported to you. In a
conversation with the Associate,
he says he did not intend to
give offense. What is a
productive way to defuse the
tension and help the employee
see the problem?
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 6
- All forms of conflict are
counter productive.
- It is impossible to have
agreement 100% of the
- Supervisors should
encourage conflict to
build teamwork.
Explanation: Conflict is an ally
when disagreement is handled
MC4: Creativity and innovation
come from which of the
- Strict adherence to
- Distribution of power to
the masses
- Different opinions and
- Hiring people who agree
with you
Explanation: Our economy is
built on multiple views.
Empowering change is a
tolerance of diverse ideas and
- Write up the Associate
for violating Lowe’s
diversity and inclusion
- Praise the employee for
expressing his sentiment
- Be brave and confront
the passive/aggressive
behavior, standoff or
- Show courage, remain
calm, insist the
Associate recognize
his mistake, and refer
him to appropriate
Explanation: A business culture
of innovation and service is like
a feather. It can be easily blown
away by the winds of adversity.
Preserve Lowe’s heritage of
tolerance and diversity at all
3. When we face
conversations, often
fear is behind them.
Label: When we are afraid, it may
be because of our internal
thoughts or expectations, not
the actual situation.
Description: Awareness of our
own internal fears and drivers
MC1 Fear of a negative reaction
during an Associate’s one-
on-one is an example of
which of the following?
- An internal fear
- An external fear
- An irrational fear
MA1: At home you avoid any
confrontation with your spouse
or children during difficult
conversations. Which of the
following underlying fears may
be the cause? (Select all that
C1 The winter flu season has
left you short-handed, and
many of your Associates feel
overworked. What can you do
to make a staff meeting to
address their concerns more
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 7
can help keep challenging
conversations productive.
- Nonsense. Move ahead
without all this
Explanation: The enemy of
growth and change is within us.
Recognizing fear is the first step
to overcoming conflict.
MC2 Why does overcoming
your fear of a negative
reaction during challenging
conversations lead to
greater productivity and
harmony at Lowe’s?
- It is a specific fear that
underlies difficult
- It is a vague feeling we
must live with and
- It can help Associates
like and admire you as a
- It is not relevant at all to
a productive workplace.
Explanation: Abolish negativity
by recognizing your fears of
contrary reactions that impede
growth and progress.
- You are afraid of
wrecking the
relationship with your
spouse and children.
- You worry that your
spouse will turn off
- You are concerned
that your spouse has
ESL issues and you
may embarrass her.
- You fear rejection by
your spouse unless you
perform “honey-do’s.”
Explanation: To free yourself
from fear, recognize its power
over you. Habits at home are
windows into your behavior at
MA2 During a performance
review with a difficult
Associate, you may encounter
which of the following inner
fears? (Select all that apply.)
- Rejection
- Aggressive behavior
- Confrontation
- Messing up
Explanation: Fears of rejection
and confrontation are powerful
drivers that can destroy all your
efforts. Isolate, resist and
overcome them using the
methods in this lesson.
- Be open about your
own fear of messing
- Conduct the meeting
professionally, same as
- Reassure everyone that
their job is secure
- Offer advice about
health and well-being.
Explanation: Admission of your
fears is not weakness. It is a
brave move that encourages
Associates to share in the
solution of serious problems,
like absence from work.
C2 An Associate is caught
showing inappropriate images
on his mobile phone at work.
Your management refers him to
you for a meeting. How can you
start off the conversation in a
way that frankly addresses
corrects the behavior?
- Accuse the Associate of
disruptive behavior.
- Refer the Associate to
the appropriate section
of the Lowe’s Employee
- Threaten the Associate
with severe reprisals
unless he apologizes
and termination if it ever
happens again.
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 8
- Admit that you are as
embarrassed as he is
and will work together
with him on a
corrective plan.
Explanation: No employee
wants to disrupt the workplace.
Intercept disrespectful behavior
with an immediate response
and offer to work together with
the offender on a solution.
4. There are several ways
you can conquer your
fears and key skills that
can help you tackle a
Label: How to conquer your
fears and make difficult
conversations more positive
and productive for your
Description: Fear is a mind-killer
and must be conquered to help
you move ahead in your
working relationships with your
MC1 How can building rapport
help you tackle a challenging
- Defuses tension by
eliminating barriers to
- Allows you to hide your
expectations to get to
the truth
- Makes it easier to ease
out poor-performing
- Quickens the pace of
your promotion in the
eyes of Management
Explanation: The first step in
earning the trust of any
Associate or customer is
building rapport. This vital skill
helps break down walls that
hold us back.
MA1 Which of the following
are key skills for tackling a
challenging conversation?
(Select all that apply.)
- Active listening
- Asking open questions
- Controlling with
- Asking closed questions
Explanation: Skills are learned
and expanded, not innate or
inherited. What have you done
today to prepare for adversity
with active listening and open-
ended questions?
MA2 What are questions you
can ask yourself to help
conquer your fears in a difficult
conversation? (Select all that
- If the worst happened,
how much would it
C1 A romance between two
Associates turns ugly and
threatens to disrupt the
workplace. You face a difficult
meeting to resolve the issue.
What can you do to prepare to
help yourself stay focused on
the solution? (Select all that
- Write down a “worst
case” scenario for the
- Consult your
manager/the Lowe’s
legal department about
your options, including
terminating both
- Play out the meeting in
your mind as if the fear
isn’t present.
- Search for active
listening and conflict
resolution courses to
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 9
MC2 Why is asking open
questions a key skill for
handling difficult conversations?
- Saves time by asking
closed-ended questions
- Lets Associates see the
power you have over
their future
- Builds compliance with
Lowe’s employment
- Extends rapport into
Explanation: Open-ended
questions are more than a
technique. They are a process
of extending the Lowe’s halo of
trust around our Associates and
MC3 How are active listening
skills an asset when tackling
challenging conversations?
- By repeating back
what you heard
accurately, they show
Associates you heard
- With canned scripted
answers, you let
Associates know you
are in charge.
- By having a process in
place, you suppress
conflict from Associates.
matter tomorrow or
next year?
- How have my fears risen
to bite me in previous
- What actual evidence
do I have to support
my fear?
- If the worst happens,
how much can it affect
my career at Lowe’s?
Explanation: Just as Lowe’s
business is built on the success
of thousands of Associates and
millions of satisfied customers,
so are meeting results.
Overcome fears by focusing on
real-day-to-day interactions, not
inner fears.
help you prepare for
the meeting.
Explanation: Often our own
worst fears become more than
imaginary – they affect our
ability to lead in the workplace.
Actively face your fears, and
you can have greater success
working out challenges.
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 10
- By rehearsing your
meetings word for word,
you save time.
Explanation: Active listening
goes beyond simply nodding
and pretending you heard. It
involves deep understanding
that Associates will repay with
honesty, integrity and pride in
our great company.
MC4 What is a benefit of being
-It cements your authority over
Associates on your team.
-It shows you have courage
and are passionate about
your point of view.
-It saves time by shutting down
dissenting voices.
-It creates fear and panic,
qualities of a respected leader.
Explanation: Bravery in the face
of adversity was a key trait of
our Founding Fathers. Asserting
your point of view binds you to a
heritage of progress.
5. There are five things
you can do to keep
conversations positive.
Label: Five things to try will aid
your success in handling
challenging conversations.
Description: It is important to
apply proven methods to
tackle tough conversations.
MC1 How can you justify
drawing a line between what
you can and cannot
- Have clear reasons
why drawing your line
supports business
MA1 What should you say to
an Associate when a conflict is
not resolved the first time.
(Select all that apply.)
-“Let’s go over it once more to
fix this now.”
-“Not everything can be
resolved the first time.
C1 Two Associates are
constantly at odds in the heat
of the moment, and your
manager has asked you to
step in to resolve the issue.
What could be missing from
their interaction with each
other? (Select all that apply.)
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 11
- You are in charge. You
do not need to justify
your authority.
- Sidestep Associate
challenges by explaining
that upper Management
wants it this way.
- Base your thinking
around “He-said, she-
Explanation: Business success
is a trumpet calling to all
Associates and Supervisors to
make the customer experience
at Lowe’s second to none.
MC2 What can you do if you
sense a conflict bubble?
- Burst the bubble right
- Use the time to calmly
discuss away
- End the conversation
immediately and without
- Ask, “Let me ask you to
do what is right for the
company, not what is
right for you.”
Explanation: Do not shrink from
bubbles. Welcome them and
use a calm, open approach to
take the air out of them and
move forward.
- “The facts show you are
wrong and I am right.”
- “Let’s both think about this
and meet again.”
Explanation: Some difficult
situations require more than
one meeting to find a solution.
Be patient and confident when
working with Associates.
MA2 Why is better to base
your thinking on facts than on
“He say, she say”
-Involves Associates in the
realities of a solution
-Puts Associates in their
place, which subordinate to
-Places the solution, not the
emotion, center-stage
-Creates a standoff that
unmasks the true culprit
Explanation: Learning is not
just an art, it is a science.
There is a psychology for
defusing emotion and making
the solution the core. Trust
Associates to take away
suggestions and empower
themselves to adopt a solution
at follow-up.
- Respecting each
other’s perspectives.
- Ignoring each other
instead of trying to
find out why they
- Understanding that
creativity and
innovation is often
born out of conflict.
- Basing opinions on
facts and figures
instead of personality
end emotion.
Explanation: Respect,
understanding, and distance
from emotion are the tools for
healing old wounds. Recognize
when Associates need help and
offer solutions that stress
empathy, balanced by strong
Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 12
MC3 Which of the should you
base your thinking around when
tackling tough situations?
- Feelings and emotions
- Stories in the news
- Business facts and
- Guidelines from your
Explanation: It is easy to say
you are helping Lowe’s
success. It is much harder to
actually do it. Business facts
and figures are the lens through
which we should look at tough
situations before tackling them.

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Difficult Conversations Course Assessment

  • 2. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan 1 Document history summary Status or comment Completed by Jan 21, 2021 Create questions for Tough/Difficult Conversations Jim Piechocki
  • 3. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan 2 CATEGORY: USHI-SUPPLY CHAIN PILOT SUBJECT: BUILDING LEADERSHIP SKILLS TOPIC: TOUGH/DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS Subject objectives Business goal What is the business goal this subject addresses? How will success be measured? Performance goal (expected behavior) What learners need to do and how will it be measured? Target audience Who is the audience for this subject? What general age group would the target audience fall into (e.g., millennials, Gen X, baby boomers, cross generational)? What is the general education level of the target audience (e.g., university, high school, etc.)? If education level is lower than at the University level, what is the perceived reading level of the audience? Any other facts pertinent to the audience that should be reflected in the content? Learner motivation What is the benefit to the learners to learn this information? E.g. Increased incentive payout, reduction in workload. Micro topics Guideline for Topic Creation – Each topic should have 8-10 key learning points. <List topics> Discover Content not critical to the performance/behavior which can be added to Discover to support further learning outside of the critical key learning points.
  • 4. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 3 1.1. Tough/DifficultConversations Learning objectives ● What learners should be able to demonstrate (in Axonify) after graduation of the Micro Topic. ● Key learning points Behavior Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 1. Show courage by raising difficult issues to ensure theyare addressed. Label: Overcome fears of asking tough questions. Description: Be willing to deliver difficult messages directly to keep conflict productive. MC1 What mindset should you have when delivering a difficult message to another Associate? -Be brave -Be vague -Be careful -Be afraid Explanation: To show others you are focused on the solution, show courage. Be brave during tough conversations. MC2 What could be a reason an Associate might be unwilling to admit to a shortcoming to you? -Loss of control -Lack of training -Lack of detail focus -Appearance of lack of competence Explanation: It is important to listen deeply to Associate’s mindset to show them you care about fixing the problem. MA1 Which of the following are don’ts when having challenging conversations with Associates? (Select all that apply.) -Be open minded -Be aggressive -Talk from the heart -Be disrespectful Explanation: Avoiding being aggressive, manipulative or disrespectful during challenging conversations helps keep conflict a positive thing. MA2 Which of the following tips help you thrive during a challenging conversation. (Select as many as apply): - Conflict does mean being aggressive or passive/aggressive - Be clear on your expectations - Avoid standoffs and know when to compromise COMPLEX/SCENARIO- BASED C1 You work with an Associate who is a “horn,” always dominating conversations with negative comments. At a meeting, the Associate expresses a strong objection to something another Associate said. What should you do to keep it positive? -Find a middle ground where both can agree -Tell the Associate to calm down and be quiet. -Ignore the Associate and focus on the meeting agenda. -Reprimand the Associate and tell him/her to get on the team. Explanation: Conflict does not have to be all negative. Creativity and innovation come from different opinions. Try to find a “halfway point between differing opinions, no matter how contentious or argumentative. C2 An Associate is habitually late for meetings or misses
  • 5. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 4 MC3 When we face a challenging conversation, there is usually: -No basis for any fears -Something specific that we fear happening - A vague feeling not connected to any specific fear -A feeling of exhilaration from the challenge Explanation: Be aware of your inner mindset, especially stressors due to fear, to stay focused on the outcome, not the conflict. MC4 A key skill for tackling a challenging conversation is: -Asking closed-ended questions -Passive listening -Being assertive -Closed body language Explanation: Courage under fire is a key skill. Being assertive shows Associates you are a leader. MC5 The acronym “FEAR” can stand for False Expectations Appearing: - Real - Regularly - Rarely - Routinely - Hide your expectations if you suspect they will cause stress Explanation: Key skills can help you thrive during a tough conversation by true leadership skills. MA3 “Let me ask about the situation from your perspective” is an example of: -A challenging conversation Don’t -A calm way to manage conflict -A way to disarm an Associate by masking your intentions. -A tip for avoiding “he said- she said” disputes. Explanation: Asking, rather than telling, emancipates you and your Associates from the darkness of conflict and allows you to work together to build a resolution. them altogether. During a discussion, you uncover an issue with overscheduling, but you encounter resistance when you suggest an action plan. What is the best solution for helping this employee? -Suggest an aggressive time management training plan. -Dismiss any reasons the Associate has for his tardiness. -Avoid your own feelings and cut the Associate some slack. - Be brave and explain why you have strong feelings about scheduling. Explanation: Leadership begins with strength of vision in the face of conflict and despair.
  • 6. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 5 Explanation: 2. Three practical tips can help keep conflict in perspective. Label: Put conflict in perspective with steps that quickly resolve issues that arise. Description: Prepare yourself for difficult conversations to empower employees from conflict. MC1 Showing courage and knowing where to compromise avoids which of the following? - Difficult conversations - Having to say ‘No’ - Standoffs among Associates - Innovative solutions Explanation: Courage and compromise go together in the struggle to overcome and harness conflict. MC2 In a dispute over work schedules, Associates on either side of the argument may not have considered: - The other person’s point of view - Their own benefit - The company’s needs - Their value Lowe’s Explanation: It is easy to ignore others, especially if their views differ from ours. MC3 What is another way of saying, conflict does not mean aggressive or passive/aggressive behavior? - Disagreement can lead to a better solution if handled properly MA 1 Supervisors can keep conflict in perspective by being which of the following? (Select all that apply.) - Brave - Clear - Authoritative - Obedient Explanation: Great leaders are bold and clear about their opinions. Use this approach to demonstrate leadership to employees. MA2 In a challenging conversation, Lowe’s Supervisors should be clear on which of the following? (Select all that apply) - Their own point of view - Their expectations - The procedures in the Lowe’s Employee Handbook - The threat of punishment or termination Explanation: Associates cannot resolve conflicts if they do not know where you are coming from. Be laser-sharp to help shape the actions and opinions of Associates. C1 In a challenging conversation with an Associate who disagrees with you, you realize that she is not listening to any of your advice or suggestions. What should your strategy be? - Be aggressive and insist that she listen. - Repeat your recommendation until she listens. - Terminate the Associate immediately. - Find a creative way, to help her see the value of your advice. Explanation: How we present ourselves during difficult conversations comes directly from how well prepared we are. Creativity is often part of the process. C2 One of your Associates makes an insensitive remark, and this is reported to you. In a conversation with the Associate, he says he did not intend to give offense. What is a productive way to defuse the tension and help the employee see the problem?
  • 7. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 6 - All forms of conflict are counter productive. - It is impossible to have agreement 100% of the time. - Supervisors should encourage conflict to build teamwork. Explanation: Conflict is an ally when disagreement is handled properly. MC4: Creativity and innovation come from which of the following? - Strict adherence to procedures - Distribution of power to the masses - Different opinions and perspectives - Hiring people who agree with you Explanation: Our economy is built on multiple views. Empowering change is a tolerance of diverse ideas and opinions. - Write up the Associate for violating Lowe’s diversity and inclusion policy. - Praise the employee for expressing his sentiment clearly. - Be brave and confront the passive/aggressive behavior, standoff or not. - Show courage, remain calm, insist the Associate recognize his mistake, and refer him to appropriate training. Explanation: A business culture of innovation and service is like a feather. It can be easily blown away by the winds of adversity. Preserve Lowe’s heritage of tolerance and diversity at all costs. 3. When we face challenging conversations, often fear is behind them. Label: When we are afraid, it may be because of our internal thoughts or expectations, not the actual situation. Description: Awareness of our own internal fears and drivers MC1 Fear of a negative reaction during an Associate’s one- on-one is an example of which of the following? - An internal fear - An external fear - An irrational fear MA1: At home you avoid any confrontation with your spouse or children during difficult conversations. Which of the following underlying fears may be the cause? (Select all that apply.) C1 The winter flu season has left you short-handed, and many of your Associates feel overworked. What can you do to make a staff meeting to address their concerns more productive?
  • 8. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 7 can help keep challenging conversations productive. - Nonsense. Move ahead without all this psychobabble. Explanation: The enemy of growth and change is within us. Recognizing fear is the first step to overcoming conflict. MC2 Why does overcoming your fear of a negative reaction during challenging conversations lead to greater productivity and harmony at Lowe’s? - It is a specific fear that underlies difficult conversations. - It is a vague feeling we must live with and suppress. - It can help Associates like and admire you as a person. - It is not relevant at all to a productive workplace. Explanation: Abolish negativity by recognizing your fears of contrary reactions that impede growth and progress. - You are afraid of wrecking the relationship with your spouse and children. - You worry that your spouse will turn off ESPN. - You are concerned that your spouse has ESL issues and you may embarrass her. - You fear rejection by your spouse unless you perform “honey-do’s.” Explanation: To free yourself from fear, recognize its power over you. Habits at home are windows into your behavior at work. MA2 During a performance review with a difficult Associate, you may encounter which of the following inner fears? (Select all that apply.) - Rejection - Aggressive behavior - Confrontation - Messing up Explanation: Fears of rejection and confrontation are powerful drivers that can destroy all your efforts. Isolate, resist and overcome them using the methods in this lesson. - Be open about your own fear of messing up - Conduct the meeting professionally, same as ever - Reassure everyone that their job is secure - Offer advice about health and well-being. Explanation: Admission of your fears is not weakness. It is a brave move that encourages Associates to share in the solution of serious problems, like absence from work. C2 An Associate is caught showing inappropriate images on his mobile phone at work. Your management refers him to you for a meeting. How can you start off the conversation in a way that frankly addresses corrects the behavior? - Accuse the Associate of disruptive behavior. - Refer the Associate to the appropriate section of the Lowe’s Employee Handbook. - Threaten the Associate with severe reprisals unless he apologizes and termination if it ever happens again.
  • 9. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 8 - Admit that you are as embarrassed as he is and will work together with him on a corrective plan. - Explanation: No employee wants to disrupt the workplace. Intercept disrespectful behavior with an immediate response and offer to work together with the offender on a solution. 4. There are several ways you can conquer your fears and key skills that can help you tackle a challenging conversation. 1. Label: How to conquer your fears and make difficult conversations more positive and productive for your Associates. Description: Fear is a mind-killer and must be conquered to help you move ahead in your working relationships with your Associates. MC1 How can building rapport help you tackle a challenging conversation? - Defuses tension by eliminating barriers to communication - Allows you to hide your expectations to get to the truth - Makes it easier to ease out poor-performing Associates - Quickens the pace of your promotion in the eyes of Management Explanation: The first step in earning the trust of any Associate or customer is building rapport. This vital skill helps break down walls that hold us back. MA1 Which of the following are key skills for tackling a challenging conversation? (Select all that apply.) - Active listening - Asking open questions - Controlling with intimidation - Asking closed questions Explanation: Skills are learned and expanded, not innate or inherited. What have you done today to prepare for adversity with active listening and open- ended questions? MA2 What are questions you can ask yourself to help conquer your fears in a difficult conversation? (Select all that apply.) - If the worst happened, how much would it C1 A romance between two Associates turns ugly and threatens to disrupt the workplace. You face a difficult meeting to resolve the issue. What can you do to prepare to help yourself stay focused on the solution? (Select all that apply) - Write down a “worst case” scenario for the meeting. - Consult your manager/the Lowe’s legal department about your options, including terminating both Associates. - Play out the meeting in your mind as if the fear isn’t present. - Search for active listening and conflict resolution courses to
  • 10. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 9 MC2 Why is asking open questions a key skill for handling difficult conversations? - Saves time by asking closed-ended questions - Lets Associates see the power you have over their future - Builds compliance with Lowe’s employment policies - Extends rapport into productive conversations Explanation: Open-ended questions are more than a technique. They are a process of extending the Lowe’s halo of trust around our Associates and customers. MC3 How are active listening skills an asset when tackling challenging conversations? - By repeating back what you heard accurately, they show Associates you heard them. - With canned scripted answers, you let Associates know you are in charge. - By having a process in place, you suppress conflict from Associates. matter tomorrow or next year? - How have my fears risen to bite me in previous years? - What actual evidence do I have to support my fear? - If the worst happens, how much can it affect my career at Lowe’s? Explanation: Just as Lowe’s business is built on the success of thousands of Associates and millions of satisfied customers, so are meeting results. Overcome fears by focusing on real-day-to-day interactions, not inner fears. help you prepare for the meeting. Explanation: Often our own worst fears become more than imaginary – they affect our ability to lead in the workplace. Actively face your fears, and you can have greater success working out challenges.
  • 11. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 10 - By rehearsing your meetings word for word, you save time. Explanation: Active listening goes beyond simply nodding and pretending you heard. It involves deep understanding that Associates will repay with honesty, integrity and pride in our great company. MC4 What is a benefit of being assertive? -It cements your authority over Associates on your team. -It shows you have courage and are passionate about your point of view. -It saves time by shutting down dissenting voices. -It creates fear and panic, qualities of a respected leader. Explanation: Bravery in the face of adversity was a key trait of our Founding Fathers. Asserting your point of view binds you to a heritage of progress. 5. There are five things you can do to keep challenging conversations positive. Label: Five things to try will aid your success in handling challenging conversations. Description: It is important to apply proven methods to tackle tough conversations. MC1 How can you justify drawing a line between what you can and cannot compromise? - Have clear reasons why drawing your line supports business success MA1 What should you say to an Associate when a conflict is not resolved the first time. (Select all that apply.) -“Let’s go over it once more to fix this now.” -“Not everything can be resolved the first time. C1 Two Associates are constantly at odds in the heat of the moment, and your manager has asked you to step in to resolve the issue. What could be missing from their interaction with each other? (Select all that apply.)
  • 12. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 11 - You are in charge. You do not need to justify your authority. - Sidestep Associate challenges by explaining that upper Management wants it this way. - Base your thinking around “He-said, she- said” Explanation: Business success is a trumpet calling to all Associates and Supervisors to make the customer experience at Lowe’s second to none. MC2 What can you do if you sense a conflict bubble? - Burst the bubble right away - Use the time to calmly discuss away distractions - End the conversation immediately and without explanation - Ask, “Let me ask you to do what is right for the company, not what is right for you.” Explanation: Do not shrink from bubbles. Welcome them and use a calm, open approach to take the air out of them and move forward. - “The facts show you are wrong and I am right.” - “Let’s both think about this and meet again.” Explanation: Some difficult situations require more than one meeting to find a solution. Be patient and confident when working with Associates. MA2 Why is better to base your thinking on facts than on “He say, she say” -Involves Associates in the realities of a solution -Puts Associates in their place, which subordinate to business -Places the solution, not the emotion, center-stage -Creates a standoff that unmasks the true culprit Explanation: Learning is not just an art, it is a science. There is a psychology for defusing emotion and making the solution the core. Trust Associates to take away suggestions and empower themselves to adopt a solution at follow-up. - Respecting each other’s perspectives. - Ignoring each other instead of trying to find out why they differ. - Understanding that creativity and innovation is often born out of conflict. - Basing opinions on facts and figures instead of personality end emotion. Explanation: Respect, understanding, and distance from emotion are the tools for healing old wounds. Recognize when Associates need help and offer solutions that stress empathy, balanced by strong leadership.
  • 13. Building Leadership Skills Training Plan | Topic: Tough/Difficult Conversations 12 MC3 Which of the should you base your thinking around when tackling tough situations? - Feelings and emotions - Stories in the news - Business facts and figures - Guidelines from your manager Explanation: It is easy to say you are helping Lowe’s success. It is much harder to actually do it. Business facts and figures are the lens through which we should look at tough situations before tackling them.