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The Ultimate Thrill
Third Draft
September 10, 2004
Jim Piechocki
Source Tape Codes:
JC: Jet Car
JL: Jet Limo
MB: Michele Brookman Interview #1
NW: Nitro Warriors
PJ: Pro Jet
RR: Racing for the Reich/BBC footage (pending release)
AM: Ak Miller Interview
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OPEN with a dramatic move around a whining, fire-
spouting jet funny car. An angry bull pawing the
pavement, it emits violent bursts of flame as the driver
dumps raw kerosene into the afterburner and locks the
brakes——scrubbing the screeching tires——and struggles
with both feet to keep this fiery beast in check.
The crowd covers its ears amid the deafening roar.
This thing — this unearthly mix of water, fire and air —
growls even more loudly as the driver slams himself back
into the seat with rapid, fiery “burn pops.” In fact,
these thousands of pounds of thrust were not meant to
hug the earth. That’s precisely the point.
We hold our breath as a second car vies with the first
to reach staging line.
Anguished seconds elapse. Whining turbojets scream.
Two trails of flame streak down the dark straightaway
and vanish into the hot night air. Seconds later, 150
decibels of thunder are eclipsed by the roar (SFX) of
the crowd as we:
TITLE rushes toward us accompanied by the whine of a jet
engine (SFX—PJ 2:35:11 to 2:35:22):
The Ultimate Thrill
Seen in extreme slow motion, fire and exhaust bellow
from behind a jet funny car. Its strange, crouching
profile appears threatening.
Six thousand pounds of thrust... 300 miles
an hour... Five gallons of explosive
kerosene every second. And in this race,
there are only five seconds that matter.
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Oh my god that is so fast it is over in
five seconds. I mean, count to five.
Production sound FADES AWAY as our Narrator counts off
the seconds.
Fire and kerosene fumes engulf a dueling jet-car duo.
Angry afterburners go full throttle.
Two jet cars blaze away from us down the raceway.
Reverse angle as they streak to the finish.
Chutes pop open. Production sound BLEEDS BACK. Track
Announcer recaps the race and the board displays an
amazing speed.
Five... Three football fields just blasted
by. The driver soared faster than a 747
at takeoff.
Jet cars zoom past from all screen directions,
punctuating comments from excited drivers and
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TOMMY RESKO (JC 00:12:37)
I can’t compare to any other thing that
anybody else would experience. It’s a
real good kick in the pants.
LOUIS BLOOM (JC 00:10:17)
It’s intense, it’s louder than any band.
It’s more violent, you can feel it in your
chest. Jet cars are the real deal.
It’s like watching Apollo take off but
just going straight on the ground before
AK MILLER (AM 2:15:58 approx)
It's smooth and loud and noisy and
(00:27:52 approx.)
If you don’t respect these cars, they will
jump up and bite you, and a lot of times
that can be real serious.
Jet cars flame out (PJ approx. 2:21:04) and fly apart
(JC 00:29:01) as we see emergency rescue workers
struggle with an injured driver (JC approx. 00:24:30).
A menacing Air Force jet rotates front to side profile.
Cutaway view reveals its turbo-jet engine.
A supersonic Air Force trainer provides
the power: a GE or Pratt and Whitney
turbo-jet designed to attain speeds of
Mach II in the skies.
View tightens on simple diagram of a turbo-jet.
Highlight turbine.
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View shows path of air into the engine, changing from
blue to red color, sparking in the combustion chamber,
and expelled out the rear.
TITLE: Ak Miller
Jet-Car Engineer
AK MILLER (1:24:22)
A turbo jet is nothing but an air
compressor... a king sized one. In other
words, it will move high volumes of air...
The air is sucked into the front of the
engine and compressed by hundreds of
turning blades.
AK MILLER (1:25:46)
And then it runs into what we call a
combustion chamber like an automobile.
Except this is only air and fuel that goes
in, tons of fuel, lots of it.
Back to animation of combustion.
In the combustion chamber air mixes with
fuel, causing a massive explosion.
AK MILLER (AM 1:26:31)
It's gobbling air. The faster it goes,
the more it can pull in.
A turbine pushes the super-heated gas out
with a force that can propel the jet past
the speed of sound.
Highlight afterburner at rear of jet engine. Blue fuel
is added, creating a large burst of flame in the rear of
the engine.
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At the rear of the engine, an afterburner
allows the pilot to dump extra fuel into
the exhaust gases for added power. Like
squirting lighter fluid onto a hot bar-b-
Jet fighter profile DISSOLVES to that of a jet funny
car, engine in the same place.
The jet car body is a thin, kevlar cloak
around this massive turbojet.
View takes us into the cockpit where we see the jet
engine inches from the driver’s head. (JC 00:10:39)
INTERCUT with Michele’s comments.
You crawl into the cockpit and the jet
engine is right behind you. Essentially
it’s like having a jet engine strapped to
your butt. There you go.
9. PRE-RACE BURN POPS (PJ 2:29:15 & 2:43:30)
We see and hear rubber squealing.
The afterburner also creates spectacular
jets of flame, called burn-pops, as
drivers release kerosene into the exhaust.
(JC 00:18:00 approx.)
What we’re doing is lighting up the burner
and shutting it off real quick.
(JC 00:14:29 approx.)
It makes so much power now that they slide
along the track, even though there is a
lot of rubber out there. When they start
cranking up the motors, they actually
slide with the brake, with the brakes
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A forty-foot rooster tail shoots out at
temperatures of seventeen-hundred degrees.
Enough to melt a racecar into a puddle of
HOLD on the red-hot tailpipe as we take MUSIC UP AND OUT
and —
10. B-ROLL ROGER GUSTIN (JC 00:25:36)
A friendly jet car driver (Roger Gustin) smiles as he
autographs a happy young fan’s program.
Roger Gustin is a veteran driver who has
been racing for more than twenty years.
Nitro-powered funny car engines blast out burning gas
and shudder with power. (N 00:02:00 approx.)
He began his career in top fuel, the loud,
nitro-powered cousins of jet cars. When
he first stepped into a jet-powered
vehicle, Roger was hooked.
SUPER TITLE: Roger Gustin
Driver, TLC
(JC 00:18:00 approx.)
Once I got into the jet business, I really
loved it. I got out of the Nitro Funny
Cars to drive jets and I just don’t think
you can beat jets. They’re good, fast
reliable race cars, cost a lot to build
them, but we don’t have the breakage
problem that you experience with the fuel
B-roll shows views of several jet cars racing and
crossing the finish line.
ROGER GUSTIN (JC 00:19:15)
Driving a jet is very exciting. You’ve
got about...four G’s of pressure that’s
pushing you back in the seat. The instant
you cross that finish’s about
five G’s negative that’s literally trying
to pitch you out of your seat.
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Slow motion view of jet car barreling down track. (JC
Moving at speeds that leave a conventional
racecar in the dust, drivers wrestle with
two invisible enemies: momentum and wind
At peak speed, the wind shreds its thin kevlar shell
like tin foil.
When you least expect it, they will rip
your ride apart.
AL HANNA (JC 00:29:10 approx.)
Runs 290 miles an hour in a quarter mile.
And the little bit of down engine angle
that keeps it from taking off, which is
everybody’s first question, how do you
keep it on the ground?
BUILD TEXT: 3000 lbs.
260 horsepower
0-60: 10 sec.
A conventional sporty car like the Ford
Mustang weighs about three-thousand pounds
and produces two hundred sixty horsepower.
It can accelerate to 60 miles per hour in
ten seconds. The engine drives the
wheels, which are independently suspended,
giving the driver steering control.
BUILD TEXT: 1750 lbs.
5000 hp.
0-60: <1/4 sec.
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A jet car weighs about half as much. Its
engine creates the equivalent of five
thousand horsepower that propels the
driver past sixty miles-an-hour in less
than a quarter-second. There is no
suspension, and it is impossible to steer.
You’re strapped down and your arms are
restrained as well. All there really is
the throttle, the AB switch, the steering
wheel——you don’t really steer these cars,
you aim them.
14. EXT. NIGHT RACE (JC 00:22:10)
Fans plug their ears to block out the deafening noise.
One of the greatest dangers occurs at
night, when visibility is reduced to zero.
ROGER GUSTIN (2:30:24)
I think night racing’s one hundred times
more exciting than racing in the day, both
for the spectators and the drivers. I
mean, you can’t see as well at night
maybe, but you see what you need to see,
and that’s about all you see day or night
driving one of these cars.
FREEZE ROGER and PUSH IN as Narrator continues.
Shortly after this interview, Roger
Gustin’s quest to set a night track record
would put him face-to-face with death.
Roger’s funny car, the burgundy-colored TLC, pulls up to
the starting line. HOLD on the pre-race ritual of fire
and smoke, INTERCUT with Michelle’s warning.
(MB 00:16:22 & 00:10:17)
It’s hard to have a minor accident in a
jet car. It’s like having a minor plane
crash, if you will... The car can drift
from one side of the track to another...
If you hit a bump... It’s windy... If you
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lose control of it and hit a wall, it’s
not a fun thing to do at 250 miles an
The cars fire up their jet engines. The race seems to
be proceeding without incident.
The most perilous time for jet car drivers
is not starting off the line or reaching
peak speeds. It is trying to stop that
poses the greatest danger.
When you pull the chute and shut the car
off, you could just fly or have organs fly
out of your body because of the impact of
those g-forces.
The most common problem that goes wrong is
the chute doesn’t deploy or one gets
burned up by the afterburner. Another is
to lose control. You’re not really
steering but losing control of the
straight line and bumping into the wall
and flipping over.
AK MILLER (AM 2:11:41 approx.)
Whoa. It's nasty. It just makes you
Pick up where we left off (JC 00:22:15 approx) as
Roger’s car streaks into the darkness.
At the end of the race, Roger Gustin’s
parachute works. But the wrenching
negative g-forces tear out a side window.
It was all mother nature needed to trash
the speeding car.
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AL HANNA (00:22:37 & 00:22:58)
He was out about two cars and running
really hard. We were running with him,
sort of pulled up, pulled down, a little
bit down the other end. Shut it off a
little early, I went to pull the chute off
and out the side window I saw his car and
his car was up on an angle like this...The
car obviously was pulled off the ground by
the jerk of the parachute and couldn’t
keep on the track.
20. EXT. SWAMP (00:24:30)
Firemen and fellow racecar drivers scramble into the
The flaming wreck has pinned the
unconscious driver upside-down under
several feet of water. The red-hot jet
engine keeps friends and firemen at a
distance. If they cannot pull him out,
Roger will drown or die of his injuries.
Fellow jet racer Bob Vansciver understood
the desperate situation and acted
It’s a fear, a panic, it’s hard to hear
one of your good friends sitting in the
car gasping for air and bubbles coming out
of the water, the guy was actually
drowning...and the car was still hot. We
went into a panic situation and, you get
that strength you get when you’re scared.
21. THE RESCUE (JC 00:24:30)
Hold on the sequence as a crowd struggles to lift Roger
out of the swamp and revive him.
Nice and easy... Nice and easy...!
The injured driver finally emerges from the chaos on a
Are you all right, Roger!?
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Bob and the emergency crew rescue and
revive Roger. His injuries included a
severely fractured hip, several broken
ribs, a broken leg and a punctured lung.
A helicopter airlifts Roger to safety. SWITCH TO scenes
of Roger’s loud, menacing jet funny car getting ready to
race again.
It is a lesson in the danger of jet car technology. But
also a showcase of the vital role played by bravery,
teamwork and even humor.
Bob Vansciver commiserates with his friends after the
We have this thing that binds all jet car
drivers together. We have this unity. It
unifies everybody.
(3-4 BEATS, then--)
Except when it comes to paying bills at
23. EXT. NIGHT RACE (JC OO:20:57)
End on the track at night—a lonely place after the
race—and move up to the darkened sky.
Danger has always been a part of the world
of these fearsome machines.
Opel RAK car INTERCUT with portrait photo of Fritz Opel.
The need for speed reaches back to the
early Twentieth Century. The first
thrust-powered car was propelled by twelve
dry-powder rockets. It was the creation
of transportation pioneer Fritz von Opel,
heir to the fortune of the giant German
auto manufacturer.
RAK 1 reaches 60 mph.
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On April 11, 1928, his bullet-shaped RAK 1
reached speeds of more than 60 miles-per-
hour. Not a world record, but it made
enough noise to captivate the public.
RAK 2 poised for its run.
A month later, Opel welded 24 rockets to
the aerodynamic RAK 2 and invited more
than 2,000 guests to observe. He drove it
himself. A reporter covering the event
Slow ZOOM OUT from RAK 2 burning up the track as we
headline: “Germany Builds the World’s First Rocket-
Powered Vehicle.”
“The car started with a terrific roar,
emitting a ball of flame and a billowing
cloud of yellow, acrid smoke as the
rockets ignited. The mighty machine
gradually gained momentum as one rocket
after another was fired—the car taking a
lunge forward each time one ignited.”
The British flag blends into views of Sir Malcolm
In the Thirties, aerodynamics gave the
British an edge in the race for ever-
faster land speeds. In 1935, Sir Malcolm
Campbell dropped a 2300-horsepower Rolls
Royce airplane engine into his legendary
car, the sleek Bluebird. He set a new
land speed record of more than 300 miles
per hour.
The aerodynamic Thunderbolt.
Two years later, the French and English
collaborated to build the stunning six-
wheeled Thunderbolt. This time, two
aircraft engines powered the whale-shaped
craft to more than 345 miles-per-hour.
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Match Narrator with still photos of dangerous wrecks,
surrounded by a black border:
• Stutz Black Hawk
• Sunbeam car bursts into flame
• Sir Henry Hargreave’s boat capsizes
• Donald Campbell dies on water; close on his grave
• Italian racers stay one step ahead of road bandits
Often the need for speed confounded the
early pioneers with ruin and death… 1928:
a rear tire on the Stutz Black Hawk
collapses, killing dashing, 25-year old
Californian Frank Lockhart…
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1930: Racer Sir Henry Hargreave drowns
while travelling at full throttle on Lake
Windermere… That same year, the Sunbeam
Silver bullet nearly incinerates its
driver at Daytona Beach…
Italian speed-demons faced the greatest
peril. A crash or breakdown in the
mountains left you at the mercy of
bloodthirsty bandits.
In the skies of wartorn Europe, American
airmen came face-to-face with a new turn
in the quest for speed.
AK MILLER (AM 1:46:37 approx)
I just happened to be in the second
armored Division in the Battle of the
Bulge... I'll never forget the first
sighting of a jet. Going right over you
at five, 600 miles an hour. And our
planes were probably flying 350. That
made quite a difference. And that
elevated my heartbeat just a little.
The world's first turbo-jet, a
Messerscmidt 262, arrived too late to make
a difference in the war. But the battle
for faster and faster speeds blazed on.
During the 1950s, General Motors
experimented with jet power in its
Firebird concept vehicles. The parched
deserts of California proved too much for
them, and the project was scrapped due to
its impracticality.
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The first man to successfully race a jet
car was neither a scientist nor a
corporate employee. Dr. Nathan Ostich, a
physician from the East Los Angeles
barrio, dreamed of beating the world land
speed record.
Push into Ak miller youth photo.
His inspiration... A brilliant young hot
rodder. Ak Miller.
AK MILLER (AM 1:39:39)
He loved speed, and the doctor was a hot-
rodder. Nothing else you could say about
him. Pretty soon he started talking speed
and more speed. That's how the jet car
came about.
The child of poor Dutch immigrants, Ak
grew up racing souped-up hot rods on the
backroads of agricultural Southern
California. Here, in the nineteen forties
and fifties, teenagers built open-wheeled
Chevy's and Fords that tore up the
Every time you saw a guy without fenders
and lowered headlights and a low
windshield, you knew he was a racer. He
wasn't no poet, that's for sure. So then
we'd say, What you got in there? Do you
want to dig or drag or whatever we called
it that day.
Photo of Dr. Ostich.
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After the Korean war, Ak approached the
doctor with a plan.
AK MILLER (AM 1:27:48 approx)
You know, now that the war is over and
everything, jet engines are laying around
like matches. So I've got an idea. Why
don't we get a couple of jet engines and
go to work?
Photos of shop.
Working in the doctor's garage, a team of
21 volunteers——including five
patients——built a dragster around a jet
engine stripped from a Boeing B-36 bomber.
They named their creation...
...the Flying Caduceus. It weighed four
thousand pounds and produced thirty-six
hundred horsepower. The Caduceus rode on
four-foot high wheels custom-built by
friends who worked for Firestone. Ak's
biggest obstacle—how to stop two tons of
metal barreling down the desert at 300
AK MILLER (AM 1:44:03)
Well, brakes at this rate of speed would
just fry.. it would just rip right apart.
(skid ahead) So we knew it would have to
be stopped by parachute.
Photos of Salt Flats.
Hundreds of hours of work finally paid
off. The team gathered and anxiously
fired up the turbo-jet.
AK MILLER (AM 1:59:55 approx)
All of a sudden you heard this big rush of
air come out the back of it and it would
get higher pitched and higher.
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In one early run, the jet engine starter,
a crucial and irreplaceable part, failed.
The team called Washington and were
immediately put through to Air Force chief
General Curtis LeMay, an avid hot rodder.
AK MILLER (AM paraphrase/1:38:50)
And he said, yeah, I found two of them.
But I said Curtis, we're out on the Salt
Flats. He says, I'll have it there.
Stick around. And it wasn't, I don't
know, seemed like 30 minutes, and here
comes a damn jet plane, screaming. We're
the only ones down on the Salt Flats, so
he gave us a buzz, went over where the
airport is, and brought us two starters.
Magazine photos.
Jet-power ignited America's imagination,
including the youth-driven movies of the
early Nineteen Sixties.
Movie clip, The Lively Set.
Paced by several JET ENGINE ROARS (SFX), we flip through
a series of still photos of powerful, penile jet cars
with their drivers: The Blue Flame, Wingfoot Express I &
II, Spirit of America, Spirit of America—Sonic I, Green
Monster, and the fiery Budweiser Rocket.
Driven by the need for speed, a crowd of
young, jet-powered hot rodders began to
blaze past top fuel dragsters and funny
cars at speeds in excess of 300 miles-an-
hour. But the need for speed proved to be
the new sport’s undoing.
In 1961, after several tragic accidents,
the NHRA banned jet cars from sanctioned
tracks. Jet racers became outlaws, the
bad-boys of the racing world. And the
NHRA keeps a close watch today.
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The NHRA reduced the speed limit from 330
to 310 because there have been than a
handful of jet car crashes this summer.
Very, very serious and two deaths. One
person badly burned.
Grunts lift off the flimsy kevlar skin and work on the
Dangerous work conditions. No prize money.
Meager support from sponsors. So why do
they do it?
INTERCUT Schumacher with racing and crowd scenes.
Well, it’s a tremendous feeling. You got
the crowd, everyone’s cheering you on….
You’re shooting fire out the back of the
car, and there’s loud thunder.
So why do you do it?
TAMMY GATLIN (PJ 02:25:07)
Because it’s fun. It’s a rush
AK MILLER (AM 2:45:52 approx.)
it's a thrill because you are entering
into the land of the unknown, and if you
make a mistake, you'll know it.
Have you ever been scared?
I’m scared every time I drive it.
Narrator begins under Michele’s interview
For some drivers, something more personal
is at stake.
SUPER TITLE: Michele Brookman
Driver, Chariot of Fire
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I had begun working for Fedex driving a
truck, and I had wrecked a couple when I
first started actually because I had never
driven a truck ever. Hence the name
trucker Barbie, and I’d be putting
lipstick on as I was leaving the station
and they would just all laugh and say, why
are you doing this?
Photos show us Michele growing up, then into her years
as a model and actress.
Michele Brookman grew up wanting to be
different. Her father, a jet car driver,
suggested she enter the circuit. Michele
jumped at the chance. A former model and
actress, she had never raced.
(MB approx. 00:20:56)
I was really excited and completely froze
with fear when they started the jet engine
I couldn’t breathe. You’re strapped in
very tightly also and have a helmet on,
end everything has to be extremely tight
and fit like a kid glove if you will for
your protection. You’re strapped in very
tightly and if its warm, or even if its
not, its hard to breathe under those
circumstances. With the fear when they
started this jet engine with this noise, I
could barely draw a breath.
When she conquered her initial jitters,
Michele had a key realization. Compared
to her male competitors, she had an
Women have I think an intuit that gives
them an edge insofar as driving is
concerned. Least likely to wreck because
their intuit would keep them from doing
anything that would go I have to beat the
guys, I have to be the best, I have to
take this one. No, a woman wouldn’t do
that, she’s much more pragmatic, I think,
and smaller, and quicker and her hands are
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Top fuel driver Shirley Muldowney (NW approx. 17:00
min.) revs her dragster before admiring crowds.
The battle of the sexes is not new to
racing. Top fuel driver Shirley Muldowney
regularly beat men she competed with. Her
secret: quicker reflexes and a fierce
competitive spirit.
INTERCUT Shirley with loud, exciting top fuel dragsters
(NW approx. 18:30)
I know what I’m doing in my car...etc.
As the angry dragsters blaze down the track, we —
Two jet cars power up to the starting line. (PJ 02:20:38
Is Michele right? Do women have an edge
piloting these fast, fire-breathing
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Today, drivers Tammy Gatlin and Tony
Schumacher settle the dispute on the
View moves along the bodies of a sleek jet dragster to
rest on the helmeted face of Tammy Gatlin (PJ 02:20:10+)
These jet car dragsters, with their
needle-like profile, are lighter and more
aerodynamic than jet funny cars. Peak
velocities often exceed 300 miles-an-hour.
Since they travel in a straight line,
quick reflexes are more important than
brute strength.
The cars streak down the straight track! Barely a
second into the race, flames engulf Tony’s dragster.
And away goes Tammy Gatlin. Problems on
Tony Schumacher’s car. And there is
Tammy! She’ll take the light and she’s
got a big smile on her face. Look at the
twin chutes slow the car down. And look
at the fire coming out of Tony
Schumacher’s car...
(TV Narrator trails off)
Highlight Jessica Willard in the lineup of fastest jet
car drivers:
All-Time Quickest Jet-Powered Dragsters, 2001
1. Toby Ehrmantraut 314.75 mph
2. Ancel Horton 312.93 mph
3. Lou Brookman 320.13 mph
4. Jessica Willard 308.92 mph
5. David Douthit 304.00 mph
Source:, 9/3/01
Though the race was inconclusive, women
continue to invade the upper echelons of
jet racing. Never again will the tracks
be dominated by men, as drivers like
Jessica Willard close in on the top spot.
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Twin flames shoot out the exhaust pipes above Les
Shockley’s Shock Wave jet-powered truck.
Women may demand equality, but men still
want their trucks.
The enormous truck lurches toward the starting line and
creates a volcanic plume of smoke and soot, engulfing
crazed onlookers.
More than three tons... Thirty-six
thousand horsepower... 120 gallons of gas
each run. The million-dollar Shock Wave
is a Peterbilt truck with three Navy
fighter jets strapped on. It can’t go
airborne. But the fans do.
Sequence builds to a climactic blast of flame as three
tons of truck barrel down the track as a display shows
“192 mph.”
The absurdly elegant jet limo streaks away from us (JL
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In the race to capture the imagination of
fans, anything goes. Imagine the ultimate
prom-ride at 220 miles-per-hour in this
jet limousine.
B-roll shows Michele Brookman playing with her baby
In a U-turn from the fast-living Bad Boys
and Girls of the Nineteen Fifties, jet car
drivers now include methane-powered Moms.
Will they pass on the need for speed to
the next generation?
You can be whatever you want to be. You
want to be a doctor and a supermodel, you
can do both. You want to be a racecar
driver, you can do that. If you want to
be a mom and raise children and bake
cookies and make people happy, you can do
that too and you can be great at any or
all of it.
A white-hot plume rends the air as shimmering heat waves
scorch the bleachers.
Why take something engineered to travel
twice the speed of sound and make it
For the dedicated drivers and kerosene-
crazed fans of these fire-breathing
dragons, a better question may be——
The jet car blasts down the track.
——Why not?
42. MONTAGE (:20-30)
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Reprise all we have seen——jet car duels, scrubbed tires,
terrible crashes, flame-outs, daring rescues, and wide-
eyed fans——into a brief concluding tribute to the men
and women who put their lives on the starting line.
And finish five seconds later.

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Jet Cars for SpeedTV

  • 1. jetscr3.doc 1 JET CARS The Ultimate Thrill Third Draft September 10, 2004 Jim Piechocki Source Tape Codes: JC: Jet Car JL: Jet Limo MB: Michele Brookman Interview #1 NW: Nitro Warriors PJ: Pro Jet RR: Racing for the Reich/BBC footage (pending release) AM: Ak Miller Interview
  • 2. jetscr3.doc 2 1. EXT. DRAG STRIP NIGHT RACE (JC 00:02:03) OPEN with a dramatic move around a whining, fire- spouting jet funny car. An angry bull pawing the pavement, it emits violent bursts of flame as the driver dumps raw kerosene into the afterburner and locks the brakes——scrubbing the screeching tires——and struggles with both feet to keep this fiery beast in check. The crowd covers its ears amid the deafening roar. This thing — this unearthly mix of water, fire and air — growls even more loudly as the driver slams himself back into the seat with rapid, fiery “burn pops.” In fact, these thousands of pounds of thrust were not meant to hug the earth. That’s precisely the point. We hold our breath as a second car vies with the first to reach staging line. Anguished seconds elapse. Whining turbojets scream. Then... WHOOOOOOOMMMM!!! Two trails of flame streak down the dark straightaway and vanish into the hot night air. Seconds later, 150 decibels of thunder are eclipsed by the roar (SFX) of the crowd as we: FADE TO RED TITLE rushes toward us accompanied by the whine of a jet engine (SFX—PJ 2:35:11 to 2:35:22): JET CARS The Ultimate Thrill DISSOLVE TO: MUSIC UP AND UNDER 2. EXT. PRE-RACE DAY Seen in extreme slow motion, fire and exhaust bellow from behind a jet funny car. Its strange, crouching profile appears threatening. NARRATOR Six thousand pounds of thrust... 300 miles an hour... Five gallons of explosive kerosene every second. And in this race, there are only five seconds that matter. 3. INTERVIEW — BLONDE FEMALE DRIVER
  • 3. jetscr3.doc 3 MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:07:51) Oh my god that is so fast it is over in five seconds. I mean, count to five. Production sound FADES AWAY as our Narrator counts off the seconds. 4. MONTAGE/INTERVIEWS EXTREME ACTION Fire and kerosene fumes engulf a dueling jet-car duo. NARRATOR One... Angry afterburners go full throttle. NARRATOR Two... Two jet cars blaze away from us down the raceway. NARRATOR Three... Reverse angle as they streak to the finish. NARRATOR Four... Chutes pop open. Production sound BLEEDS BACK. Track Announcer recaps the race and the board displays an amazing speed. NARRATOR Five... Three football fields just blasted by. The driver soared faster than a 747 at takeoff. ROCK MUSIC THEME UP AND UNDER 5. SERIES —— QUICK VIEWS/DRIVER BYTES Jet cars zoom past from all screen directions, punctuating comments from excited drivers and enthusiasts.
  • 4. jetscr3.doc 4 TOMMY RESKO (JC 00:12:37) I can’t compare to any other thing that anybody else would experience. It’s a real good kick in the pants. LOUIS BLOOM (JC 00:10:17) It’s intense, it’s louder than any band. It’s more violent, you can feel it in your chest. Jet cars are the real deal. MICHELLE BROOKMAN (MB 00:25:38) It’s like watching Apollo take off but just going straight on the ground before you. AK MILLER (AM 2:15:58 approx) It's smooth and loud and noisy and powerful. DICK ROSBERG (00:27:52 approx.) If you don’t respect these cars, they will jump up and bite you, and a lot of times that can be real serious. CUT TO: 6. QUICK SERIES JET CAR DISASTERS Jet cars flame out (PJ approx. 2:21:04) and fly apart (JC 00:29:01) as we see emergency rescue workers struggle with an injured driver (JC approx. 00:24:30). CUT TO: 7. EXT. GRAPHIC T38 TRAINER JET A menacing Air Force jet rotates front to side profile. Cutaway view reveals its turbo-jet engine. NARRATOR A supersonic Air Force trainer provides the power: a GE or Pratt and Whitney turbo-jet designed to attain speeds of Mach II in the skies. View tightens on simple diagram of a turbo-jet. Highlight turbine.
  • 5. jetscr3.doc 5 View shows path of air into the engine, changing from blue to red color, sparking in the combustion chamber, and expelled out the rear. TITLE: Ak Miller Jet-Car Engineer AK MILLER (1:24:22) A turbo jet is nothing but an air compressor... a king sized one. In other words, it will move high volumes of air... NARRATOR The air is sucked into the front of the engine and compressed by hundreds of turning blades. AK MILLER (1:25:46) And then it runs into what we call a combustion chamber like an automobile. Except this is only air and fuel that goes in, tons of fuel, lots of it. Back to animation of combustion. NARRATOR In the combustion chamber air mixes with fuel, causing a massive explosion. AK MILLER (AM 1:26:31) It's gobbling air. The faster it goes, the more it can pull in. NARRATOR A turbine pushes the super-heated gas out with a force that can propel the jet past the speed of sound. Highlight afterburner at rear of jet engine. Blue fuel is added, creating a large burst of flame in the rear of the engine.
  • 6. jetscr3.doc 6 NARRATOR At the rear of the engine, an afterburner allows the pilot to dump extra fuel into the exhaust gases for added power. Like squirting lighter fluid onto a hot bar-b- cue. Jet fighter profile DISSOLVES to that of a jet funny car, engine in the same place. NARRATOR The jet car body is a thin, kevlar cloak around this massive turbojet. 8. BACK TO LIVE ACTION EXT/INT. JET CAR View takes us into the cockpit where we see the jet engine inches from the driver’s head. (JC 00:10:39) INTERCUT with Michele’s comments. MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:07:51) You crawl into the cockpit and the jet engine is right behind you. Essentially it’s like having a jet engine strapped to your butt. There you go. 9. PRE-RACE BURN POPS (PJ 2:29:15 & 2:43:30) We see and hear rubber squealing. NARRATOR The afterburner also creates spectacular jets of flame, called burn-pops, as drivers release kerosene into the exhaust. ROGER GUSTIN (JC 00:18:00 approx.) What we’re doing is lighting up the burner and shutting it off real quick. TOMMY RESKO (JC 00:14:29 approx.) It makes so much power now that they slide along the track, even though there is a lot of rubber out there. When they start cranking up the motors, they actually slide with the brake, with the brakes locked.
  • 7. jetscr3.doc 7 NARRATOR A forty-foot rooster tail shoots out at temperatures of seventeen-hundred degrees. Enough to melt a racecar into a puddle of slag. HOLD on the red-hot tailpipe as we take MUSIC UP AND OUT and — DISSOLVE TO: 10. B-ROLL ROGER GUSTIN (JC 00:25:36) A friendly jet car driver (Roger Gustin) smiles as he autographs a happy young fan’s program. NARRATOR Roger Gustin is a veteran driver who has been racing for more than twenty years. Nitro-powered funny car engines blast out burning gas and shudder with power. (N 00:02:00 approx.) NARRATOR He began his career in top fuel, the loud, nitro-powered cousins of jet cars. When he first stepped into a jet-powered vehicle, Roger was hooked. SUPER TITLE: Roger Gustin Driver, TLC ROGER GUSTIN (JC 00:18:00 approx.) Once I got into the jet business, I really loved it. I got out of the Nitro Funny Cars to drive jets and I just don’t think you can beat jets. They’re good, fast reliable race cars, cost a lot to build them, but we don’t have the breakage problem that you experience with the fuel cars. B-roll shows views of several jet cars racing and crossing the finish line. ROGER GUSTIN (JC 00:19:15) Driving a jet is very exciting. You’ve got about...four G’s of pressure that’s pushing you back in the seat. The instant you cross that finish’s about five G’s negative that’s literally trying to pitch you out of your seat. EERIE MUSIC CUE UP AND UNDER
  • 8. jetscr3.doc 8 Slow motion view of jet car barreling down track. (JC 00:29:01) NARRATOR Moving at speeds that leave a conventional racecar in the dust, drivers wrestle with two invisible enemies: momentum and wind shear. At peak speed, the wind shreds its thin kevlar shell like tin foil. NARRATOR When you least expect it, they will rip your ride apart. INTERVIEWS AL HANNA (JC 00:29:10 approx.) Runs 290 miles an hour in a quarter mile. And the little bit of down engine angle that keeps it from taking off, which is everybody’s first question, how do you keep it on the ground? 11. PHOTO: FORD MUSTANG BUILD TEXT: 3000 lbs. 260 horsepower 0-60: 10 sec. NARRATOR A conventional sporty car like the Ford Mustang weighs about three-thousand pounds and produces two hundred sixty horsepower. It can accelerate to 60 miles per hour in ten seconds. The engine drives the wheels, which are independently suspended, giving the driver steering control. 12. PHOTO: JET FUNNY CAR BUILD TEXT: 1750 lbs. 5000 hp. 0-60: <1/4 sec.
  • 9. jetscr3.doc 9 NARRATOR A jet car weighs about half as much. Its engine creates the equivalent of five thousand horsepower that propels the driver past sixty miles-an-hour in less than a quarter-second. There is no suspension, and it is impossible to steer. 13. INTERVIEW MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:09:01) You’re strapped down and your arms are restrained as well. All there really is the throttle, the AB switch, the steering wheel——you don’t really steer these cars, you aim them. 14. EXT. NIGHT RACE (JC 00:22:10) Fans plug their ears to block out the deafening noise. NARRATOR One of the greatest dangers occurs at night, when visibility is reduced to zero. INTERVIEW ROGER GUSTIN (2:30:24) I think night racing’s one hundred times more exciting than racing in the day, both for the spectators and the drivers. I mean, you can’t see as well at night maybe, but you see what you need to see, and that’s about all you see day or night driving one of these cars. FREEZE ROGER and PUSH IN as Narrator continues. NARRATOR Shortly after this interview, Roger Gustin’s quest to set a night track record would put him face-to-face with death. 15. EXT. ROGER’S BRUSH WITH DEATH NIGHT (JC 00:20:57) Roger’s funny car, the burgundy-colored TLC, pulls up to the starting line. HOLD on the pre-race ritual of fire and smoke, INTERCUT with Michelle’s warning. MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:16:22 & 00:10:17) It’s hard to have a minor accident in a jet car. It’s like having a minor plane crash, if you will... The car can drift from one side of the track to another... If you hit a bump... It’s windy... If you
  • 10. jetscr3.doc 10 lose control of it and hit a wall, it’s not a fun thing to do at 250 miles an hour. The cars fire up their jet engines. The race seems to be proceeding without incident. NARRATOR The most perilous time for jet car drivers is not starting off the line or reaching peak speeds. It is trying to stop that poses the greatest danger. MICHELLE BROOKMAN (?) When you pull the chute and shut the car off, you could just fly or have organs fly out of your body because of the impact of those g-forces. MATCH ANGLE TO: 16.-18. ANIMATED SEQUENCE OMITTED MICHELE BROOKMAN (00:35:42) The most common problem that goes wrong is the chute doesn’t deploy or one gets burned up by the afterburner. Another is to lose control. You’re not really steering but losing control of the straight line and bumping into the wall and flipping over. AK MILLER (AM 2:11:41 approx.) Whoa. It's nasty. It just makes you shudder. FREEZE AND DISSOLVE TO: 19. EXT. NIGHT RACE ROGER’S BRUSH WITH DEATH Pick up where we left off (JC 00:22:15 approx) as Roger’s car streaks into the darkness. STRAINS OF EERIE MUSIC UP AND UNDER NARRATOR At the end of the race, Roger Gustin’s parachute works. But the wrenching negative g-forces tear out a side window. It was all mother nature needed to trash the speeding car. INTERVIEW
  • 11. jetscr3.doc 11 AL HANNA (00:22:37 & 00:22:58) He was out about two cars and running really hard. We were running with him, sort of pulled up, pulled down, a little bit down the other end. Shut it off a little early, I went to pull the chute off and out the side window I saw his car and his car was up on an angle like this...The car obviously was pulled off the ground by the jerk of the parachute and couldn’t keep on the track. 20. EXT. SWAMP (00:24:30) Firemen and fellow racecar drivers scramble into the swamp. NARRATOR The flaming wreck has pinned the unconscious driver upside-down under several feet of water. The red-hot jet engine keeps friends and firemen at a distance. If they cannot pull him out, Roger will drown or die of his injuries. Fellow jet racer Bob Vansciver understood the desperate situation and acted instantly. INTERVIEW BOB VANSCIVER (JC 00:23:27) It’s a fear, a panic, it’s hard to hear one of your good friends sitting in the car gasping for air and bubbles coming out of the water, the guy was actually drowning...and the car was still hot. We went into a panic situation and, you get that strength you get when you’re scared. 21. THE RESCUE (JC 00:24:30) Hold on the sequence as a crowd struggles to lift Roger out of the swamp and revive him. FIREMAN Nice and easy... Nice and easy...! The injured driver finally emerges from the chaos on a stretcher. ONLOOKER Are you all right, Roger!?
  • 12. jetscr3.doc 12 NARRATOR Bob and the emergency crew rescue and revive Roger. His injuries included a severely fractured hip, several broken ribs, a broken leg and a punctured lung. A helicopter airlifts Roger to safety. SWITCH TO scenes of Roger’s loud, menacing jet funny car getting ready to race again. NARRATOR It is a lesson in the danger of jet car technology. But also a showcase of the vital role played by bravery, teamwork and even humor. 22. EXT. PIT AREA Bob Vansciver commiserates with his friends after the accident. BOB VANSCIVER (JC 00:37:53) We have this thing that binds all jet car drivers together. We have this unity. It unifies everybody. (3-4 BEATS, then--) Except when it comes to paying bills at restaurants. 23. EXT. NIGHT RACE (JC OO:20:57) End on the track at night—a lonely place after the race—and move up to the darkened sky. NARRATOR Danger has always been a part of the world of these fearsome machines. MEDLEY OF PERIOD MUSIC (RAGTIME, BENNY GOODMAN, 50S POP, ETC.) UP AND UNDER 24. STILL PHOTOS EARLY JET CARS Opel RAK car INTERCUT with portrait photo of Fritz Opel. NARRATOR The need for speed reaches back to the early Twentieth Century. The first thrust-powered car was propelled by twelve dry-powder rockets. It was the creation of transportation pioneer Fritz von Opel, heir to the fortune of the giant German auto manufacturer. RAK 1 reaches 60 mph.
  • 13. jetscr3.doc 13 NARRATOR On April 11, 1928, his bullet-shaped RAK 1 reached speeds of more than 60 miles-per- hour. Not a world record, but it made enough noise to captivate the public. RAK 2 poised for its run. NARRATOR A month later, Opel welded 24 rockets to the aerodynamic RAK 2 and invited more than 2,000 guests to observe. He drove it himself. A reporter covering the event wrote— Slow ZOOM OUT from RAK 2 burning up the track as we SUPERIMPOSE and WIPE ACROSS FRAME the newsprint headline: “Germany Builds the World’s First Rocket- Powered Vehicle.” NARRATOR #2 —GERMAN ACCENT “The car started with a terrific roar, emitting a ball of flame and a billowing cloud of yellow, acrid smoke as the rockets ignited. The mighty machine gradually gained momentum as one rocket after another was fired—the car taking a lunge forward each time one ignited.” DISSOLVE TO: 25. STOCK PHOTOS BRITISH LAND-SPEED-RECORD CARS, 1930S The British flag blends into views of Sir Malcolm Campbell. NARRATOR In the Thirties, aerodynamics gave the British an edge in the race for ever- faster land speeds. In 1935, Sir Malcolm Campbell dropped a 2300-horsepower Rolls Royce airplane engine into his legendary car, the sleek Bluebird. He set a new land speed record of more than 300 miles per hour. The aerodynamic Thunderbolt. NARRATOR Two years later, the French and English collaborated to build the stunning six- wheeled Thunderbolt. This time, two aircraft engines powered the whale-shaped craft to more than 345 miles-per-hour.
  • 14. jetscr3.doc 14 26. MONTAGE—EXTREME HAZARDS Match Narrator with still photos of dangerous wrecks, surrounded by a black border: • Stutz Black Hawk • Sunbeam car bursts into flame • Sir Henry Hargreave’s boat capsizes • Donald Campbell dies on water; close on his grave • Italian racers stay one step ahead of road bandits NARRATOR Often the need for speed confounded the early pioneers with ruin and death… 1928: a rear tire on the Stutz Black Hawk collapses, killing dashing, 25-year old Californian Frank Lockhart…
  • 15. jetscr3.doc 15 NARRATOR 1930: Racer Sir Henry Hargreave drowns while travelling at full throttle on Lake Windermere… That same year, the Sunbeam Silver bullet nearly incinerates its driver at Daytona Beach… Italian speed-demons faced the greatest peril. A crash or breakdown in the mountains left you at the mercy of bloodthirsty bandits. In the skies of wartorn Europe, American airmen came face-to-face with a new turn in the quest for speed. 27. PHOTO: AK MILLER IN UNIFORM AK MILLER (AM 1:46:37 approx) I just happened to be in the second armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge... I'll never forget the first sighting of a jet. Going right over you at five, 600 miles an hour. And our planes were probably flying 350. That made quite a difference. And that elevated my heartbeat just a little. NARRATOR The world's first turbo-jet, a Messerscmidt 262, arrived too late to make a difference in the war. But the battle for faster and faster speeds blazed on. 27. STOCK PHOTOS GENERAL MOTORS FIREBIRD CONCEPT CARS NARRATOR During the 1950s, General Motors experimented with jet power in its Firebird concept vehicles. The parched deserts of California proved too much for them, and the project was scrapped due to its impracticality.
  • 16. jetscr3.doc 16 29. STOCK PHOTOS THE FLYING DOCTOR NARRATOR The first man to successfully race a jet car was neither a scientist nor a corporate employee. Dr. Nathan Ostich, a physician from the East Los Angeles barrio, dreamed of beating the world land speed record. Push into Ak miller youth photo. NARRATOR His inspiration... A brilliant young hot rodder. Ak Miller. 29A. AK MILLER RACING SCENES/STOCK AK MILLER (AM 1:39:39) He loved speed, and the doctor was a hot- rodder. Nothing else you could say about him. Pretty soon he started talking speed and more speed. That's how the jet car came about. NARRATOR The child of poor Dutch immigrants, Ak grew up racing souped-up hot rods on the backroads of agricultural Southern California. Here, in the nineteen forties and fifties, teenagers built open-wheeled Chevy's and Fords that tore up the asphalt. AK MILLER Every time you saw a guy without fenders and lowered headlights and a low windshield, you knew he was a racer. He wasn't no poet, that's for sure. So then we'd say, What you got in there? Do you want to dig or drag or whatever we called it that day. Photo of Dr. Ostich.
  • 17. jetscr3.doc 17 NARRATOR After the Korean war, Ak approached the doctor with a plan. AK MILLER (AM 1:27:48 approx) You know, now that the war is over and everything, jet engines are laying around like matches. So I've got an idea. Why don't we get a couple of jet engines and go to work? Photos of shop. NARRATOR Working in the doctor's garage, a team of 21 volunteers——including five patients——built a dragster around a jet engine stripped from a Boeing B-36 bomber. They named their creation... ...the Flying Caduceus. It weighed four thousand pounds and produced thirty-six hundred horsepower. The Caduceus rode on four-foot high wheels custom-built by friends who worked for Firestone. Ak's biggest obstacle—how to stop two tons of metal barreling down the desert at 300 miles-per-hour. AK MILLER (AM 1:44:03) Well, brakes at this rate of speed would just fry.. it would just rip right apart. (skid ahead) So we knew it would have to be stopped by parachute. Photos of Salt Flats. NARRATOR Hundreds of hours of work finally paid off. The team gathered and anxiously fired up the turbo-jet. AK MILLER (AM 1:59:55 approx) All of a sudden you heard this big rush of air come out the back of it and it would get higher pitched and higher.
  • 18. jetscr3.doc 18 29B STOCK PHOTOS — CADUCEUS NARRATOR In one early run, the jet engine starter, a crucial and irreplaceable part, failed. The team called Washington and were immediately put through to Air Force chief General Curtis LeMay, an avid hot rodder. AK MILLER (AM paraphrase/1:38:50) And he said, yeah, I found two of them. But I said Curtis, we're out on the Salt Flats. He says, I'll have it there. Stick around. And it wasn't, I don't know, seemed like 30 minutes, and here comes a damn jet plane, screaming. We're the only ones down on the Salt Flats, so he gave us a buzz, went over where the airport is, and brought us two starters. Magazine photos. NARRATOR Jet-power ignited America's imagination, including the youth-driven movies of the early Nineteen Sixties. Movie clip, The Lively Set. 30. SERIES OF STILLS EVOLUTION OF JET CARS Paced by several JET ENGINE ROARS (SFX), we flip through a series of still photos of powerful, penile jet cars with their drivers: The Blue Flame, Wingfoot Express I & II, Spirit of America, Spirit of America—Sonic I, Green Monster, and the fiery Budweiser Rocket. 31. STOCK VIDEO 1960S DRAGSTERS NARRATOR Driven by the need for speed, a crowd of young, jet-powered hot rodders began to blaze past top fuel dragsters and funny cars at speeds in excess of 300 miles-an- hour. But the need for speed proved to be the new sport’s undoing. NARRATOR In 1961, after several tragic accidents, the NHRA banned jet cars from sanctioned tracks. Jet racers became outlaws, the bad-boys of the racing world. And the NHRA keeps a close watch today. INTERVIEW
  • 19. jetscr3.doc 19 MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:15:54) The NHRA reduced the speed limit from 330 to 310 because there have been than a handful of jet car crashes this summer. Very, very serious and two deaths. One person badly burned. 32. BEHIND THE SCENES JET CAR PIT CREW (PJ APPROX. 2:07:38) Grunts lift off the flimsy kevlar skin and work on the vehicle. NARRATOR Dangerous work conditions. No prize money. Meager support from sponsors. So why do they do it? INTERCUT Schumacher with racing and crowd scenes. TONY SCHUMACHER (PJ 02:21:46) Well, it’s a tremendous feeling. You got the crowd, everyone’s cheering you on…. You’re shooting fire out the back of the car, and there’s loud thunder. PRODUCTION NARRATOR (PJ 02:25:06) So why do you do it? TAMMY GATLIN (PJ 02:25:07) Because it’s fun. It’s a rush AK MILLER (AM 2:45:52 approx.) it's a thrill because you are entering into the land of the unknown, and if you make a mistake, you'll know it. PRODUCTION NARRATOR (PJ 02:36:29) Have you ever been scared? BOB VANSCIVER (PJ 02:36:30) I’m scared every time I drive it. 33. INTERVIEW SHE WANTS TO BE DIFFERENT Narrator begins under Michele’s interview NARRATOR For some drivers, something more personal is at stake. SUPER TITLE: Michele Brookman Driver, Chariot of Fire MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:50:06)
  • 20. jetscr3.doc 20 I had begun working for Fedex driving a truck, and I had wrecked a couple when I first started actually because I had never driven a truck ever. Hence the name trucker Barbie, and I’d be putting lipstick on as I was leaving the station and they would just all laugh and say, why are you doing this? 34. PHOTO MONTAGE MICHELE BROOKMAN Photos show us Michele growing up, then into her years as a model and actress. NARRATOR Michele Brookman grew up wanting to be different. Her father, a jet car driver, suggested she enter the circuit. Michele jumped at the chance. A former model and actress, she had never raced. MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB approx. 00:20:56) I was really excited and completely froze with fear when they started the jet engine I couldn’t breathe. You’re strapped in very tightly also and have a helmet on, end everything has to be extremely tight and fit like a kid glove if you will for your protection. You’re strapped in very tightly and if its warm, or even if its not, its hard to breathe under those circumstances. With the fear when they started this jet engine with this noise, I could barely draw a breath. NARRATOR When she conquered her initial jitters, Michele had a key realization. Compared to her male competitors, she had an advantage. MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:40:53) Women have I think an intuit that gives them an edge insofar as driving is concerned. Least likely to wreck because their intuit would keep them from doing anything that would go I have to beat the guys, I have to be the best, I have to take this one. No, a woman wouldn’t do that, she’s much more pragmatic, I think, and smaller, and quicker and her hands are smaller. 35. B-ROLL SHIRLEY MULDOWNEY
  • 21. jetscr3.doc 21 Top fuel driver Shirley Muldowney (NW approx. 17:00 min.) revs her dragster before admiring crowds. NARRATOR The battle of the sexes is not new to racing. Top fuel driver Shirley Muldowney regularly beat men she competed with. Her secret: quicker reflexes and a fierce competitive spirit. INTERCUT Shirley with loud, exciting top fuel dragsters racing. SHIRLEY MULDOWNEY (NW approx. 18:30) I know what I’m doing in my car...etc. As the angry dragsters blaze down the track, we — DISSOLVE TO: 36. EXT. JET CAR RACE TAMMY GATLIN VS. TONY SCHUMACHER Two jet cars power up to the starting line. (PJ 02:20:38 approx.) NARRATOR Is Michele right? Do women have an edge piloting these fast, fire-breathing monsters?
  • 22. jetscr3.doc 22 NARRATOR (CONT.) Today, drivers Tammy Gatlin and Tony Schumacher settle the dispute on the asphalt. 37. B-ROLL JET-CAR DRAGSTER View moves along the bodies of a sleek jet dragster to rest on the helmeted face of Tammy Gatlin (PJ 02:20:10+) NARRATOR These jet car dragsters, with their needle-like profile, are lighter and more aerodynamic than jet funny cars. Peak velocities often exceed 300 miles-an-hour. Since they travel in a straight line, quick reflexes are more important than brute strength. The cars streak down the straight track! Barely a second into the race, flames engulf Tony’s dragster. PRODUCTION NARRATOR (PJ 02:21:04) And away goes Tammy Gatlin. Problems on Tony Schumacher’s car. And there is Tammy! She’ll take the light and she’s got a big smile on her face. Look at the twin chutes slow the car down. And look at the fire coming out of Tony Schumacher’s car... (TV Narrator trails off) 38. SUPERIMPOSE LIST RECORD HOLDERS Highlight Jessica Willard in the lineup of fastest jet car drivers: All-Time Quickest Jet-Powered Dragsters, 2001 1. Toby Ehrmantraut 314.75 mph 2. Ancel Horton 312.93 mph 3. Lou Brookman 320.13 mph 4. Jessica Willard 308.92 mph 5. David Douthit 304.00 mph Source:, 9/3/01 NARRATOR Though the race was inconclusive, women continue to invade the upper echelons of jet racing. Never again will the tracks be dominated by men, as drivers like Jessica Willard close in on the top spot. CUT TO:
  • 23. jetscr3.doc 23 39. SHOCKLEY TRUCK Twin flames shoot out the exhaust pipes above Les Shockley’s Shock Wave jet-powered truck. NARRATOR Women may demand equality, but men still want their trucks. The enormous truck lurches toward the starting line and creates a volcanic plume of smoke and soot, engulfing crazed onlookers. NARRATOR More than three tons... Thirty-six thousand horsepower... 120 gallons of gas each run. The million-dollar Shock Wave is a Peterbilt truck with three Navy fighter jets strapped on. It can’t go airborne. But the fans do. Sequence builds to a climactic blast of flame as three tons of truck barrel down the track as a display shows “192 mph.” 40. EXT. TRACK JET LIMO The absurdly elegant jet limo streaks away from us (JL 01:00:33—01:00:34).
  • 24. jetscr3.doc 24 NARRATOR In the race to capture the imagination of fans, anything goes. Imagine the ultimate prom-ride at 220 miles-per-hour in this jet limousine. SLOW DISSOLVE TO: B-roll shows Michele Brookman playing with her baby girl. NARRATOR In a U-turn from the fast-living Bad Boys and Girls of the Nineteen Fifties, jet car drivers now include methane-powered Moms. Will they pass on the need for speed to the next generation? MICHELE BROOKMAN (MB 00:52:07) You can be whatever you want to be. You want to be a doctor and a supermodel, you can do both. You want to be a racecar driver, you can do that. If you want to be a mom and raise children and bake cookies and make people happy, you can do that too and you can be great at any or all of it. 41. EXT TRACK JET ROOSTER TAIL A white-hot plume rends the air as shimmering heat waves scorch the bleachers. NARRATOR Why take something engineered to travel twice the speed of sound and make it earthbound? For the dedicated drivers and kerosene- crazed fans of these fire-breathing dragons, a better question may be—— WHOOSSSSSHHHHH!!! The jet car blasts down the track. NARRATOR ——Why not? LOUD ROCK MUSIC UP AND UNDER 42. MONTAGE (:20-30)
  • 25. jetscr3.doc 25 Reprise all we have seen——jet car duels, scrubbed tires, terrible crashes, flame-outs, daring rescues, and wide- eyed fans——into a brief concluding tribute to the men and women who put their lives on the starting line. And finish five seconds later. MUSIC OUT END CREDITS