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FEBS, Prague, July 2009

   Different Approaches to
       Ethics Teaching

                                 Dr Chris Willmott
                             Dept of Biochemistry
                           University of Leicester
                                            University of
                          THE University of the Year 2008
Why teach ethics to bioscientists?
• Explosion of new issues

  “Modern Science has placed in our hands
  capabilities that have aggravated long-standing
  ethical problems as well as introducing new
                Stanley Grenz (moral philosopher)
Why teach ethics to bioscientists?
• Explosion of new issues
• Equipping students to explain key issues to friends

1999 Eurobarometer survey:
     “Ordinary tomatoes do not contain genes
      while genetically-modified tomatoes do”

                 35% agreed with the statement

                 30% “do not know”
Why teach ethics to bioscientists?
• Explosion of new issues
• Equipping students to explain key issues to friends
• Relevance to future careers

     - research?
     - teaching?
     - medicine?
     - science communication?
Why teach ethics to bioscientists?
• Explosion of new issues
• Equipping students to explain key issues to friends
• Relevance to future careers
• It’s interesting
Why teach ethics to bioscientists?
• Explosion of new issues
• Equipping students to explain key issues to friends
• Relevance to future careers
• It’s interesting
• In the UK, the QAA says we should

Quality Assurance Agency “Benchmarking statements”
      - first edition, 2002
      - second edition, 2007
QAA Benchmarking for Bioscience
“Students should expect to be confronted by some
   of the scientific, moral and ethical questions
   raised by their study discipline, to consider
   viewpoints other than their own, and to engage
   in critical assessment and intellectual argument”
“Recognising the moral and ethical issues of
  investigations and appreciating the need for
  ethical standards and professional codes of
QAA Benchmarking for Bioscience
All students should:
    “Have some understanding of ethical issues and
    the impact on society of advances in the
Good students should:
  “Be able to construct reasoned arguments to
  support their position on the ethical and social
  impact of advances in the biosciences”
Ethical issues for Bioscientists
Can consider issues in three categories:
     1. Research integrity
     2. Biomedical ethics
     3. Environmental bioethics
• Case studies/ scenarios
• Debate and role-play
• Newspapers
• Book extracts
• TV programmes/Films/News
  • Clips to convey information
  • Clips as discussion starters
• Student-generated videos
Bioethics = Bio- and ethics
     • Science – could it be done?
     • Ethics – should it be done?

Important that both are being considered:
     Science without ethics may be immoral
     Ethics without science may be impossible
Case studies & scenarios
• Case studies allow real-world framing of
  otherwise abstract ideas
• Can have a key role in opening up complex
  issues for students
• May be genuine or fictional (though latter work
  best when as close to real as possible)
Case study (1) – Carl and Julie
Carl is a twenty-one year old builder. He is engaged to Julie,
and she has recently discovered that she is expecting their
first child. In 2001, Carl’s maternal grandfather died from
Huntington’s disease (HD), a late-onset degenerative disease
of the nervous system. HD is inherited in a dominant fashion;
if you do have HD, you have a 50% chance of passing it on to
your children. Carl’s mum has decided not to take the test to
find out if she got the faulty copy from her father, but now
that he is expecting to be a father himself, Carl is keen to find
out if there is any risk that he has passed on the condition.
What are some of the issues at stake for Carl and Julie? What
are the consequences of taking the test, or deciding not to?
If you were Carl, what would you do?
Genetic screening
  Carl can know his status and prepare accordingly
  But his mum has made a conscious decision not to
  know, hence potential harm to her
  Other consequences:
       - Carl’s relationship with Julie?
       - Carl’s relationship with baby?
       - Implications for Carl’s work?
       - Insurance implications, etc

(Developed from episode of “Bitter Inheritance”)
Case study (2) – Wendy & Paul
Wendy and Paul Carter have been married for twelve years. They would
   love to have children. Unfortunately, Wendy had breast cancer when
   she was 28 and although the chemotherapy has brought total
   remission from the disease it also caused damage to her ovaries that
   has made her infertile.
Paul and Wendy have been on the waiting list at their local IVF clinic for
    a number of months awaiting donated eggs to try and have a baby.
    At present, however, there are 200 potential mothers seeking each
    donated egg and the couple know that realistically they may never
    receive a donated egg via the normal channels.
Researchers at the hospital attached to the IVF clinic have recently
   gained permission to carry out experimental procedures using eggs
   harvested from aborted foetuses. The technique is controversial, but
   for Paul and Wendy it may represent their only chance to receive a
   donated egg.
Case study (2) – Wendy & Paul

What are the issues involved in this case?
- Feel free to include aspects of the case that are
   likely to be issues for other people, your
   contributions need not be limited to your own
Case study (2) – Wendy & Paul

• This case
     - content is fictional but based on real ideas
       and statistics
     - used in Session 1 of 6 in bioethics series
     - used as vehicle to introduce more
       philosophical aspects
Case study (2) – example comments
Deontological (first principles, rights, duties)
• Does a foetus have any rights?
• Does the “mother” have any rights or say in the
   upbringing of their “grandchild”?
• Should people be allowed to manipulate nature for
   their own gain?
Consequentialist (outcomes)
• What would be the psychological effects on the
• If the child turns out to be “defective” then who is
• What is the likelihood of success?
Vehicle for introducing philosophy
Deontological (first principles, duties)

Consequentialist (outcomes)

Virtue ethics (importance of character)

Making ethical decisions
Principles of Biomedical Ethics
   (Beauchamp & Childress) propose 4 principles:
• Non-maleficence Don’t do harm
• Beneficience Do good, act in the best interests of
• Autonomy Maximise freedom for individual or
• Justice Treat equal cases equally and unequal
  cases differently
Genetic screening
  Carl can know his status and prepare accordingly
  (Autonomy, Beneficience)
  But his mum has made a conscious decision not to
  know, hence potential harm to her
  Other consequences:
       - Carl’s relationship with Julie?
       - Carl’s relationship with baby?
       - Implications for Carl’s work?
       - Insurance implications, etc

(Adapted from episode from series “Bitter Inheritance”)
TV footage – why?
• Familiar visual medium
• Can be used to:
     - convey information
     - as discussion starters
• Clips save time over full programme
What sort of programmes?
• Documentaries, e.g.
     - A Child Against All Odds (2006)
     - DNA – The Promise & The Price (2008)
     - The World’s First Face Transplant (2006)
• Drama e.g.
     - Holby City (various, esp 2006)
     - The Island (2005)
     - Million Dollar Baby (2004)
• News clips
     - topical
     - pithy summary
     - online?
Clips to raise issues – GATTACA
GATTACA (Dir: Andrew Niccol, 1997) is set “in the not
  too distant future”. Having watched the clip, consider
  the following questions:
• How realistic is the genetic screening process shown
  in the film? Which aspects can already be done?
  Which are likely to be more difficult?
• Screening of this type would be controversial. What
  are some of the potential benefits, and what are
  some of the potential problems?
• Consider your answers to Q2. What form of ethical
  thinking does each represent?
• Does this film offer any insights into current
  development in genetic screening?
GATTACA – Science issues
Technology shown could offer selection, but not
  enhancement – gene can only be included if mum
  or dad had it!
Current PGD? Future PGD?
Genetic determinism? How much of us as individuals
  is down to our genes and how much down to other
  factors (food intake, trauma, etc)?
GATTACA – Ethical issues
Genetic discrimination – ‘Valids’ v ‘In-valids’? A ‘made-
  man’ v a ‘faith-birth’? A ‘vitro’ v a ‘utero’?
Insurance moratorium in UK (until 2011). Risk and
  social exclusion?
What would it be suitable to check for? Diseases?
 Gender? Physical features? Character traits?
What costs to the individual and to society are worth
 paying in order to select-out diseases?
What do such attitudes say about people with
 disabilities now?
Role of genetics in forensics?
News clip – structured activity
                                                                                   Therapeutic Cloning

                    Yo a g ingtos ea3m
                      u re o       e                           w n une th 0 4
                                           inutevid ofro FiveNe so J 16 2 0 ,
                                                   e    m
                    dis us inga a
                       c s     n pplic tio b ate mo s ie tsa Ne c s Unive ity fo
                                      a n y      a f c ntis t w a tle      rs   r
                    pe is io toc rry o “ ra uticc ning . Re dthro h the eq s ns
                      rm s n     a     ut the pe      lo   ” a     ug  s ue tio
                    be reyo s ethec s yo kno wha tolo k o fo
                      fo     u e     lip, o u     w      t   o ut r.

       From the video
       Expla ho the pe
            in w ra uticc ningw uldwo
                         lo    o     rk

       Wha isthes urc o thee g tobeus din thisre e rc
          t      o e f      gs       e          s a h?

       Wha isthes te a o there e rc
          t      ta d im f    s a h?

       Thinking deeper
       In thec P fe s r Murdo h s ys
                  lip, ro s o                c a :
       “Imagine a child, say a ten year old child, now
       who is diabetic who’s cells that normally produce
       insulin are not working properly, so that child
       will have to take insulin injections for the rest of
       their life. Possibly, in five or ten years time, we
       could be in a situation where we could take a tiny
       piece of skin fromthat child, do some work within
       the laboratory to tell that skin cell to forget that
       it was ever a skin cell, to learn to become a stem
       cell, which means that it has no background
       information about what it is going to be, and then teach that stemcell to become an insulin secreting
       cell so that cell can be planted back into the child and then the diabetes theoretically would be cured.”

       Co pa thisw thee
           m re     ith     xpla tio o ho the pe
                                na n f w ra uticc ningw uldwo
                                                 lo    o     rk;
       - in w t wa w sit d re a
             ha   ys a    iffe nt, nd

       - in w t wa w sit thes m ?
             ha   ys a       a e

       Wha o je tio tos mc ll re e rc a m ntio din thevide ?
          t b c ns te e s a h re e ne                     o

       Wha o r re s ns(no m ntio d) m y c us pe pletoo c tothe pe
          t the a o      t e ne      a a e o          bje t   ra uticc ning
                                                                      lo   ?

       Wha te hnic l diffic
          t c     a        ultie m ht m kethiswo diffic toa hie ?
                                s ig   a        rk     ult c ve
Using News stories in Bioscience
• Think of as many ways as possible that you might link one
  or more of the following news stories to your teaching of:
      (a) basic bioscience and/or
      (b) bioethics?

Face transplant                                 Cognitive
                     GFP Marmosets            enhancement?

                                          Images from
GFP Marmosets
       Science of
      transgenics                                                      Ethical questions
     What is GFP?
                                                                         Is it OK to alter
  How was the gene
                                                                     monkeys in this way?
    transferred in?
                                                                       Does the fact that
Why was it transferred in?
                                                                    alteration was inherited
                                                                     make any difference?

    What is the basis for
      animal rights?
                                                  Wider debate about animals
   Do animals have rights?
                                                     3Rs (refine, reduce, replace)

                 Image from
Face transplants

       Technical                                            Risks v Benefits
Availability of donor face?                                   Motivation?
Functionality of transplant?
   Plan B if rejected?
                                                        Lifestyle issues
      Psychological                                    Media intervention?
                                                         Cancer risk?
      For patient?
 For potential patients?
  For wider society?                   Immunological
  Face and identity?                      Rejection rates?
                                    (30-50% over first 2-5 yrs)
                           Harmful effects of immunosuppressive drugs?
                                                    Image from
Cognitive enhancing drugs?
    Science of                                                  Arguments in favour
   enhancement                                                           Autonomy
What drugs are people                                         “if it’s ok for kids it’s ok for
       taking?                                                              me”
 What is the basis of                                         Others get advantage from
    their effect?                                                     genes or wealth
                                                              Legal = know medicine is
                                                                    what it claims to be
                                                                   Better productivity =
     Therapy v                                                       economic benefit
 Can a case be made that                                  Arguments against
moving someone from poor
 to normal is different from                            Safety: esp long term use
    normal to superior?                                 Fairness: will others need
                                                           to take enhancers to
                     Image from
Helpful websites
Helpful websites

                                     Bioethics Briefings
                                       Six titles and
                                      others to follow
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Different Approaches to Ethics Teaching

  • 1. FEBS, Prague, July 2009 Different Approaches to Ethics Teaching Dr Chris Willmott Dept of Biochemistry University of Leicester University of Leicester THE University of the Year 2008
  • 2. Why teach ethics to bioscientists? • Explosion of new issues “Modern Science has placed in our hands capabilities that have aggravated long-standing ethical problems as well as introducing new quandaries”. Stanley Grenz (moral philosopher)
  • 3. Why teach ethics to bioscientists? • Explosion of new issues • Equipping students to explain key issues to friends 1999 Eurobarometer survey: “Ordinary tomatoes do not contain genes while genetically-modified tomatoes do” 35% agreed with the statement 30% “do not know”
  • 4. Why teach ethics to bioscientists? • Explosion of new issues • Equipping students to explain key issues to friends • Relevance to future careers - research? - teaching? - medicine? - science communication?
  • 5. Why teach ethics to bioscientists? • Explosion of new issues • Equipping students to explain key issues to friends • Relevance to future careers • It’s interesting
  • 6. Why teach ethics to bioscientists? • Explosion of new issues • Equipping students to explain key issues to friends • Relevance to future careers • It’s interesting • In the UK, the QAA says we should Quality Assurance Agency “Benchmarking statements” - first edition, 2002 - second edition, 2007
  • 7. QAA Benchmarking for Bioscience “Students should expect to be confronted by some of the scientific, moral and ethical questions raised by their study discipline, to consider viewpoints other than their own, and to engage in critical assessment and intellectual argument” “Recognising the moral and ethical issues of investigations and appreciating the need for ethical standards and professional codes of conduct”
  • 8. QAA Benchmarking for Bioscience All students should: “Have some understanding of ethical issues and the impact on society of advances in the biosciences” Good students should: “Be able to construct reasoned arguments to support their position on the ethical and social impact of advances in the biosciences”
  • 9. Ethical issues for Bioscientists Can consider issues in three categories: 1. Research integrity 2. Biomedical ethics 3. Environmental bioethics
  • 10. Approaches • Case studies/ scenarios • Debate and role-play • Newspapers • Book extracts • TV programmes/Films/News • Clips to convey information • Clips as discussion starters • Student-generated videos
  • 11. Bioethics = Bio- and ethics • Science – could it be done? • Ethics – should it be done? Important that both are being considered: Science without ethics may be immoral Ethics without science may be impossible
  • 12. Case studies & scenarios • Case studies allow real-world framing of otherwise abstract ideas • Can have a key role in opening up complex issues for students • May be genuine or fictional (though latter work best when as close to real as possible)
  • 13. Case study (1) – Carl and Julie Carl is a twenty-one year old builder. He is engaged to Julie, and she has recently discovered that she is expecting their first child. In 2001, Carl’s maternal grandfather died from Huntington’s disease (HD), a late-onset degenerative disease of the nervous system. HD is inherited in a dominant fashion; if you do have HD, you have a 50% chance of passing it on to your children. Carl’s mum has decided not to take the test to find out if she got the faulty copy from her father, but now that he is expecting to be a father himself, Carl is keen to find out if there is any risk that he has passed on the condition. What are some of the issues at stake for Carl and Julie? What are the consequences of taking the test, or deciding not to? If you were Carl, what would you do?
  • 14. Genetic screening Carl can know his status and prepare accordingly But his mum has made a conscious decision not to know, hence potential harm to her Other consequences: - Carl’s relationship with Julie? - Carl’s relationship with baby? - Implications for Carl’s work? - Insurance implications, etc (Developed from episode of “Bitter Inheritance”)
  • 15. Case study (2) – Wendy & Paul Wendy and Paul Carter have been married for twelve years. They would love to have children. Unfortunately, Wendy had breast cancer when she was 28 and although the chemotherapy has brought total remission from the disease it also caused damage to her ovaries that has made her infertile. Paul and Wendy have been on the waiting list at their local IVF clinic for a number of months awaiting donated eggs to try and have a baby. At present, however, there are 200 potential mothers seeking each donated egg and the couple know that realistically they may never receive a donated egg via the normal channels. Researchers at the hospital attached to the IVF clinic have recently gained permission to carry out experimental procedures using eggs harvested from aborted foetuses. The technique is controversial, but for Paul and Wendy it may represent their only chance to receive a donated egg.
  • 16. Case study (2) – Wendy & Paul What are the issues involved in this case? - Feel free to include aspects of the case that are likely to be issues for other people, your contributions need not be limited to your own opinions.
  • 17. Case study (2) – Wendy & Paul • This case - content is fictional but based on real ideas and statistics - used in Session 1 of 6 in bioethics series - used as vehicle to introduce more philosophical aspects
  • 18. Case study (2) – example comments Deontological (first principles, rights, duties) • Does a foetus have any rights? • Does the “mother” have any rights or say in the upbringing of their “grandchild”? • Should people be allowed to manipulate nature for their own gain? Consequentialist (outcomes) • What would be the psychological effects on the child? • If the child turns out to be “defective” then who is culpable? • What is the likelihood of success?
  • 19. Vehicle for introducing philosophy Deontological (first principles, duties) Consequentialist (outcomes) Virtue ethics (importance of character) Principlism
  • 20. Making ethical decisions Principles of Biomedical Ethics (Beauchamp & Childress) propose 4 principles: • Non-maleficence Don’t do harm • Beneficience Do good, act in the best interests of others • Autonomy Maximise freedom for individual or community • Justice Treat equal cases equally and unequal cases differently Principlism
  • 21. Genetic screening Carl can know his status and prepare accordingly (Autonomy, Beneficience) But his mum has made a conscious decision not to know, hence potential harm to her Other consequences: - Carl’s relationship with Julie? - Carl’s relationship with baby? - Implications for Carl’s work? - Insurance implications, etc (Adapted from episode from series “Bitter Inheritance”)
  • 22. TV footage – why? • Familiar visual medium • Can be used to: - convey information - as discussion starters • Clips save time over full programme
  • 23. What sort of programmes? • Documentaries, e.g. - A Child Against All Odds (2006) - DNA – The Promise & The Price (2008) - The World’s First Face Transplant (2006) • Drama e.g. - Holby City (various, esp 2006) - The Island (2005) - Million Dollar Baby (2004) • News clips - topical - pithy summary - online?
  • 24. Clips to raise issues – GATTACA GATTACA (Dir: Andrew Niccol, 1997) is set “in the not too distant future”. Having watched the clip, consider the following questions: • How realistic is the genetic screening process shown in the film? Which aspects can already be done? Which are likely to be more difficult? • Screening of this type would be controversial. What are some of the potential benefits, and what are some of the potential problems? • Consider your answers to Q2. What form of ethical thinking does each represent? • Does this film offer any insights into current development in genetic screening?
  • 25. GATTACA – Science issues Technology shown could offer selection, but not enhancement – gene can only be included if mum or dad had it! Current PGD? Future PGD? Genetic determinism? How much of us as individuals is down to our genes and how much down to other factors (food intake, trauma, etc)?
  • 26. GATTACA – Ethical issues Genetic discrimination – ‘Valids’ v ‘In-valids’? A ‘made- man’ v a ‘faith-birth’? A ‘vitro’ v a ‘utero’? Insurance moratorium in UK (until 2011). Risk and social exclusion? What would it be suitable to check for? Diseases? Gender? Physical features? Character traits? What costs to the individual and to society are worth paying in order to select-out diseases? What do such attitudes say about people with disabilities now? Role of genetics in forensics?
  • 27. News clip – structured activity Therapeutic Cloning Yo a g ingtos ea3m u re o e w n une th 0 4 inutevid ofro FiveNe so J 16 2 0 , e m dis us inga a c s n pplic tio b ate mo s ie tsa Ne c s Unive ity fo a n y a f c ntis t w a tle rs r pe is io toc rry o “ ra uticc ning . Re dthro h the eq s ns rm s n a ut the pe lo ” a ug s ue tio be reyo s ethec s yo kno wha tolo k o fo fo u e lip, o u w t o ut r. From the video Expla ho the pe in w ra uticc ningw uldwo lo o rk Wha isthes urc o thee g tobeus din thisre e rc t o e f gs e s a h? Wha isthes te a o there e rc t ta d im f s a h? Thinking deeper In thec P fe s r Murdo h s ys lip, ro s o c a : “Imagine a child, say a ten year old child, now who is diabetic who’s cells that normally produce insulin are not working properly, so that child will have to take insulin injections for the rest of their life. Possibly, in five or ten years time, we could be in a situation where we could take a tiny piece of skin fromthat child, do some work within the laboratory to tell that skin cell to forget that it was ever a skin cell, to learn to become a stem cell, which means that it has no background information about what it is going to be, and then teach that stemcell to become an insulin secreting cell so that cell can be planted back into the child and then the diabetes theoretically would be cured.” Co pa thisw thee m re ith xpla tio o ho the pe na n f w ra uticc ningw uldwo lo o rk; - in w t wa w sit d re a ha ys a iffe nt, nd - in w t wa w sit thes m ? ha ys a a e Wha o je tio tos mc ll re e rc a m ntio din thevide ? t b c ns te e s a h re e ne o Wha o r re s ns(no m ntio d) m y c us pe pletoo c tothe pe t the a o t e ne a a e o bje t ra uticc ning lo ? Wha te hnic l diffic t c a ultie m ht m kethiswo diffic toa hie ? s ig a rk ult c ve
  • 28. Using News stories in Bioscience • Think of as many ways as possible that you might link one or more of the following news stories to your teaching of: (a) basic bioscience and/or (b) bioethics? Face transplant Cognitive GFP Marmosets enhancement? Images from
  • 29. GFP Marmosets Science of transgenics Ethical questions What is GFP? Is it OK to alter How was the gene monkeys in this way? transferred in? Does the fact that Why was it transferred in? alteration was inherited make any difference? What is the basis for animal rights? Wider debate about animals Do animals have rights? Abolitionists Sentiency? Welfarists Justice? 3Rs (refine, reduce, replace) Utility? Image from
  • 30. Face transplants Ethical Technical Risks v Benefits Availability of donor face? Motivation? Functionality of transplant? Plan B if rejected? Lifestyle issues Psychological Media intervention? Cancer risk? For patient? For potential patients? For wider society? Immunological Face and identity? Rejection rates? (30-50% over first 2-5 yrs) Harmful effects of immunosuppressive drugs? Image from
  • 31. Cognitive enhancing drugs? Science of Arguments in favour enhancement Autonomy What drugs are people “if it’s ok for kids it’s ok for taking? me” What is the basis of Others get advantage from their effect? genes or wealth Legal = know medicine is what it claims to be Better productivity = Therapy v economic benefit Enhancement Can a case be made that Arguments against moving someone from poor to normal is different from Safety: esp long term use normal to superior? Fairness: will others need to take enhancers to compete Image from
  • 33. Helpful websites e.g. Bioethics Briefings Six titles and others to follow