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Theerapan Songnuy, M.D.
June 21, 2013
 Case study
 Definition
 Pathogenesis & Etiology
 Clinical Manifestation
 Investigations:
- ALDEN Algorithm
- In vitro: ELISpot test
 Conclusion
 A Thai boy, 7-y of age, from Samutsakorn province
 History :
CC: Referred with generalized rash & oral lesion 4 d PTA
PI : 2 wk PTA he developed twitching at one side of oral angle &
progressed to generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Unconsciousness was
observed for 10 min before carried to private hospital
At the hospital, high fever was detected, no stiff neck, others
were unremarkable
 Initial work up:
CBC : Hb 12.6 Hct 40.6 WBC 10760 N 29 L 64 Eo 5
plt 419,000
Blood glucose : 107
Blood Chem : Na 141 K 3.9 Cl 100 HCO2 24
Ca 7.1
UA no cell
H/C no growth
Dengue NS1, IgG, IgM neg
Influenza neg
 Imp: Epilepsy, Fever cause ? Hypo-calcemia
 Managements:
1. Phenytoin loading , then 5 MKD oral
2. Calcium gluconate 10 ml iv drip* 2 doses
3. Cef-3 2 gm iv OD * 3 d
4. Zithromax ( 250) 2 tabs oral OD * 5 d
5. Doxycyclin 1 tab oral BID* 1 d
 Progress Note:
 12 d PTA ( one day after admission)
- He developed MP rash on trunk , face, with itchy , no oral ulcer, no eye lesion
- CBC: Hb 11.7 Hct 37 WBC 3490 N 46 L 34 plt 329,000
- Imp: viral exanthem
9 d PTA
- He continued fever & progressive rash with itchy , no oral or eye involvement
- Imp: viral exanthem VS drug allergy
- Management: Hydroxycine, calamine lotion
 4 d PTA
- Progressive erythematous rash with cracked –dry lips,
conjunctival injection
- Phenytoin was discontinued
 At home, he had persistent fever & rash spreading on
chest wall
 Today, he got high fever with oral pain, decreased
intake then came to KCMH
PH :
- The first child of family, pre-term 30 wk
- He had experience of seizure without fever 2 y ago
then was admitted & took diazepam iv . At the
hospital, he had fever without other signs.
He was intubated for 2 d & discharged without
anti-epileptic drug
- Vaccine: complete
- G& D: normal
- No family history of epilepsy
 Physical Examination:
GA : A Thai boy, good consciousness
Bw 39 kg Ht 129 cm Ideal Bw 27 kg Wt for Ht 144 %
VS : BT 40.5 PR 134/min RR 32 BP 130/80
Skin : Erythematous MP rash on trunk, palm, sole totally
confined to 15 % of BSA
HEENT: Bilateral conjunctival injection & muco-purulent
discharge, no corneal lesion, mild sunken eye ball,
no puffy eyelids, red-cracked lips, oral mucositis
Physical Examination:
RS : Equal breath sound, no adventitious sound
CVS: Normal S1 S2 , no murmur
Abd : Soft , not tender, liver & spleen can’t be palpated
Genitalia: No ulcer seen, not tender
Ext: No joints swelling, no edema, not tender
Neuro: E4M6V5, others were unremarkable
Imp: Steven Johnson Syndrome
Etiology: Suspected Phenytoin, Cef -3 , or infection
 Investigations
CBC: Hb 11.5 Hct 37 WBC 4360 N60 L23 Eo 5 (218)
plt 393,000
Blood chemistry: BUN 9 Cr 0.42
TB 0.25 DB 0.14 AST 43 ALT 52 ALP 113 alb 3.5
Ca 8.4 Po4 4.6 Mg 1.04
Na 135 K 5 Cl 98 HCO3 22
 Managements :
1. Hydrocortisone 5 mg/kg/dose iv q 6 hr * 5 d
then prednisone 2 MKD * 2 d, 1 MKD * 3 d,
0.5 MKD * 3 d, 0.25 MKD * 2 d >>> off
2. Clindamycin 30 MKD iv devided q 8 hr* 7 d
then oral * 3 d ( oral infection)
3. Levofloxacin ( 500) 1 od * 7 d
4. Oral care : wet dressing, xylocain oral viscous, NSS
5. Eye care : Vislube ed, Cravit ed, Maxitrol eo,
fluoromethalone ed
6. Antihistamine: CPM 7 mg iv q 6 hr , cetirizine 1 od
Progress Note:
Clinical gradually improved after admission
Further investigations:
- HSV IgM negative, IgG positive
- EBV IgM negative, IgG negative
- Mycoplasma IgM negative, IgG negative
- PCR for mycoplasma negative
- HLA*B 1502 Negative
- ELISPOT for Phenytoin, Cef-3, Azithromycin ( pending)
 Epilepsy ( benign Rolandic)
- CT brain ( 10/1/2011) : normal
- EEG ( 27/5/2013) : normal
- If recurrent >>>> Keppra ( focal seizure , low risk
to allergy)
 F/U 4 wk after onset
1. Epilepsy
2. SJS
2.1 Eye involvement
- Improve but sub-conjunctival fibrosis (right)
- On FML ED, Xanalin ED, Vislube ED
2.2 ELISPOT to Phenytoin positive
to Cef-3 & Azithromycin : negative
- Peeling both hands, crusted upper lip
- 20% urea cream apply
 Definition :
- The process of epidermal necrolysis resulting
extensive blisters & detachment of skin & mucous
- SJS & TEN are two forms of epidermal necrolysis ,
differing to the amount of skin detachment relative
to BSA
 High mortality rate 23%
Am J Dermatopathol 1997; 19: 127-132
J Am Acad Dermatol 2008; 58: 33-44
 Incidence 1.9 cases per million inhabitants/ y
 Annual incidence in HIV-positive population
approximately 1 case of TEN /1,000/y
 Factors affecting SJS/TEN incidence :
- Regional differences in drug prescription
- Genetic background
- Coexistence of cancer
- Concomitant radiotherapy
Lancet 1999;353:2190-2194
Drug Saf 2005; 28: 917-924
N Engl J Med 1995;333:1600-1607
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2006; 20: 588-590
 Keratinocyte apoptosis followed by necrosis
 CD 8 T cells, cytolytic molecules FasL & granulysin
 Etiology:
- Drugs : sulfonamide , aminopenicillins, cephalosporin, quinolones,
carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital,
NSAIDs, allopurinol, corticosteroids
- Genetic susceptibility:
- Carbamazepine associated with HLA B* 1502
- Allopurinol associated with HLA B* 5801
N Engl J Med 1995;333:1600-1607
Nature 2004; 428: 486
Pharmacogenomics 2008;9: 1617-1622
Arch Dermatol 2003; 139: 33-36
 Clinical diagnosis
 Histological work up :
- immediate cryosection or formalin-fixed section
revealing necrotic epidermis all layers
Differential Diagnosis
- Autoimmune blistering diseases ; linear IgA dermatosis
acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis,
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome etc.
Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
 A retrospective study, over a 6-yr period
 To study epidemiology & clinical of pt with SJS, TEN,
SJS-TEN overlap, & DRESS caused by anti-epileptic
 To analyzed subsequent alternative anti-epileptic drug
used for pt after their SCAR episodes
 Data were collected from Jan 2003-Dec 2009
 Two clinical branches of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
 SJS/TEN referred to the collection of SJS, SJS-TEN
overlap, and TEN
 SJS : widespread small macules or blisters with skin
detachment of less than 10% of BSA
 SJS-TEN: involves 10 %- 29% of BSA
 TEN : involves greater than 30% of BSA
Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
 Expert judgment
- Subjectivity
- Lack of standardization
- Poor reproducibility
 Probabilistic approaches
- Need to model probability distribution
- Impractical in routine practice
 Algorithm method
- Based on decision trees or successive evaluation of
- Intra- and inter-evaluator agreements are usually high
- Results depend on the weight given to each criterion
 EuroSCAR, a case-control study of SJS/TEN
 Conducted in 6 countries; Austria, France, Germany,
 Israel, Italy, & the Netherlands
 Total 379 cases enrolled
 Between April 1997- December 2001
 Validated by an expert committee ( blinded to details of drug
exposures) on medical histories, medical records, clinical photo,
& biopsies
 Medical information was collected by trained interviewers
 Global drug risks quantified with multivariate RRs restricted to
recent initiation of the drug ( within 8 wk)
 To create an algorithm that can be used by clinicians & not
capable of discriminating between the effect of various drugs
which patient exposed
 ALDEN Algorithm:
- First step : algorithm elaborated by a group of experts,
based on knowledge of the results of the SCAR study
- Second step : algorithm assessment of drug was carried
out on all cases in the EuroSCAR study
The results were compared with those provided by
case-control analysis of the same cases
 Reproducibility of the algorithm
- Comparing score for 101 drugs by two investigators
- K concordance :
0.73 : individual score of each medication
0.71 : classification of medication in causality group
0.71 : determination of the drug with the highest score
for each patient
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
 Range from -12 to + 10
1. Very probable : score > 6
2. Probable : score 4-5
3. Possible : score 2-3
4. Unlikely : score 0-1
5. Very unlikely : score < 0
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
 By Algorithm score:
- One drug classified in probable or very probable (69 pt )
- Two drug classified in probable or very probable ( 3 pt)
- No drug classified in probable or very probable ( 28 pt)
 By French pharmaco-vigilance method
- One drug classified in possible or probable ( 23 pt)
- Two drug classified in possible or probable ( 17 pt)
- No drug classified in possible or probable ( 60 pt)
 Outcomes from causality assessment differ significantly
between two method ( p < o.oo1, X2-test )
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
 Very strong correlation between two method
( r= 0.90, p< 0.001 at 95% CI 0.74-0.97)
 Limitations:
- created by experts who were aware of the results of
case-control analysis & looking for a good correlation
- Due to more than half of cases are related to a limited
number of “high-risk” drug, there was a rather high
a priori probability of observing an agreement
- This algorithm is more specific to SJS/TEN, may be not
appropriate to apply for other adverse events
- In 1983 , new technique for enumeration of
Ab-secreting cells
- Built on the same solid-phase immuno enzymatic
principles as ELISA
- Ag was immobilized to a solid support to bind Ab
released by cultured splenocytes
Sedgwick JD & Holt PG. A solid-phase immunoenzymatic technique for the enumeration of specific antibody-
secreting cells. J Immunol Methods. 1983; 57: 301-309.
 Later, 1983, Czerkinski & colleagues named
“ Enzyme-Linked Immunospot” ( ELISPOT)
- Modified by using coated –Ab to a solid phase
- Waiting for capture Ag ( cytokines) secreted by
cultured cell
- More popular
- Some researcher called “ reversed ELISPOT”
Czerkinski CC, Nilsson LA, Nygren H, Ouchterlony O & Tarkowski A. A solid-phase enzyme-linked
immunospot ( ELISPOT) assay for enumeration of specific antibody-secreting cells. J Immunol
Methods. 1983; 65: 109-121.
 Fields of application
- Two hundred times more sensitive than ELISA in
detecting secreted cytokines
- Cytokines ; IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4 etc.
from peripheral blood lymphocytes
- Used for vaccine development, AIDS, cancer,
infectious, autoimmune, allergy & transplantation
Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2
: Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
 Immunochemical principles of ELISPOT Assay
- Sandwich principle as ELISA
- Two differences
- ELISA measures real concentration of cytokine
but ELISPOT detects secreting cells
- ELISA analyses cell-free media but
ELISPOT combines immunoassay & bioassay
Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2
: Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2
: Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2
: Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
 Performance of the test depends on quality of :
1. Antibodies ( both capture & detection)
2. Enzyme conjugate
3. Chromo-genic substrates
4. Membrane-backed plates
- Secretion activity of cells determined by the number of
- Spots on the plate
- Spot should have strong staining intensity, well-defined edge
- Spot should have a small diameter to avoid merging
Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2
: Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
 To evaluate whether drug-reacting cytotoxic cells can
be detected in the peripheral blood of patients in
 To find out this method might be helpful in drug
allergy diagnosis
 12 pt were selected
 Offending drugs were defined ( typical medical history
such as onset, interval, clinical manifestation)
 Skin test & positive lymphocyte transformation test
 All drugs were used in nontoxic concentration
 Patients also were tested with tolerated drugs
in some case, if no additional drug exposure was known , we
used as “ nonculprit” drug ( was shown to induce strong
granzyme B production or CD 107a expression in other allergic
 All pt were clinical remission 5 mon-15 y after acute event
 16 drug-exposed donors who tolerated tested drug & had
negative LTT as a control group
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
 Cell preparation & culture medium
- Peripheral blood mononuclear cell were isolated by
density gradient centrifugation & frozen in 90%
fetal calf serum ( Oxoid, Pratteln, Switzerland) plus
10% dimethyl sulfoxide
- After thawing, cells were cultured or preincubated
overnight in 24-well plate ( 5* 106 cell/well) with
medium alone or with 1 ng/ml of IL-7/IL-15 mixture
( PeproTech EC Ltd, London,UK)
- Culture medium consisted of RPMI-1640 supplement with
10% pooled, heat-inactivated human AB serum, 25 Mm
Hepes buffer, 2 M L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin & 25
ug/ml transferrin
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
 Enzyme-Linked immuno-spot assay
- Ninety-six-well filtration plates were coated with
capture anti-human GzB mAb solution
- Then washed & blocked according to manufacturer’s
- Freshly thawed PBMCs ( 8*105 cells/well) were
incubated with culture media ( negative control)
or culprit drug & tolerated drug for 20,48 or 72 h at
37 C degree in a 5% CO2 incubator
- Cells were plated into 96-well U-bottomed tissue
culture plates & transferred into GzB-mAb-coated
plates for the last 20 h of stimulation
- For experiment with IL-7/IL-15 pre-incubation
- Freshly thawed PBMCs were incubated overnight
in 24-well plate ( 5* 106 cells/well) with 1 ng/ml of
IL-7 & IL-15, followed by four washing steps to
remove residual cytokines
- Cells were counted & incubated with antigens in
96-well U-bottomed tissue culture plates ( 5*105
cells/well) for 2 d at 37 C degree in 5% CO2 incubator
- For last 20 h, cells were placed to the GzB mAb-coated
- ELISPOT plates were developed as to manufacturer’s
 ELISPOT procedure’s instruction
- Plates were washed with PBS/Tween 20 0.1%
- Then biotinylated anti-GzB mAb was added for 90 min
at 37 C degree
- After washing for 3 times, streptavidin-alkaline
phosphatase was added for 1 h at 37 C degree
- Spots were visualized with nitroblue tetrazolium/5-bromo-4-
chloro-3-indolylphosphate p- toluidine salt
- Then analyzed using a Bioreader 3000 CL/PRO ( BIO-SYS
GmbH, Karben, Germany)
 CD 107a assay & flow cytometry
- Amount of 1* 10 6 per well PBMCs were cultured in 96-well
U-bottomed tissue culture plates at 37 C in a 5% CO2
incubator with indicated drug concentration
- Incubation with CM alone or nonculprit drug
( negative control)
- PBMCs from healthy donors were cultured with different
- Monensin 6 ug/ml and 3 ul of anti-CD107a fluorescein
were added to each well for the last 5 h of incubation
- Following stimulation, PBMCs were taken to a 96-well V-
bottom plate, wased once in ice-cold cell wash
- Then surface-stained for 25 min at 4 C in the dark
- Directly conjugated with antibodies: anti CD3
allophycocyanin ( APC), anti CD4 phycoeythrin,
anti CD 8 peridinin chlorophyll protein complex, &
anti CD 56
- After two washing, cells were resuspended in Cell Wash
& analyzed using a FACSCantoTM FlowCytometer
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384.
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
 Drug-specific cytotoxic mechanism is detected in
peripheral blood with various forms of delayed DHRs
 GranzymeB ELISPOT is used as supplemental tool in
vitro diagnosis of drug allergies
 Short exposure to IL-7, IL-15 enhances drug specific
response in Granzyme ELISPOT , help to identify the
offending drug in allergic pt with weak proliferative
Thank You Very Much

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Stevens Johnson syndrome and laboratory diagnostic tools

  • 2.  Case study  Definition  Pathogenesis & Etiology  Clinical Manifestation  Investigations: - ALDEN Algorithm - In vitro: ELISpot test  Conclusion
  • 3.  A Thai boy, 7-y of age, from Samutsakorn province  History : CC: Referred with generalized rash & oral lesion 4 d PTA PI : 2 wk PTA he developed twitching at one side of oral angle & progressed to generalized tonic-clonic seizure. Unconsciousness was observed for 10 min before carried to private hospital At the hospital, high fever was detected, no stiff neck, others were unremarkable
  • 4.  Initial work up: CBC : Hb 12.6 Hct 40.6 WBC 10760 N 29 L 64 Eo 5 plt 419,000 Blood glucose : 107 Blood Chem : Na 141 K 3.9 Cl 100 HCO2 24 Ca 7.1 UA no cell H/C no growth Dengue NS1, IgG, IgM neg Influenza neg
  • 5.  Imp: Epilepsy, Fever cause ? Hypo-calcemia  Managements: 1. Phenytoin loading , then 5 MKD oral 2. Calcium gluconate 10 ml iv drip* 2 doses 3. Cef-3 2 gm iv OD * 3 d 4. Zithromax ( 250) 2 tabs oral OD * 5 d 5. Doxycyclin 1 tab oral BID* 1 d
  • 6.  Progress Note:  12 d PTA ( one day after admission) - He developed MP rash on trunk , face, with itchy , no oral ulcer, no eye lesion - CBC: Hb 11.7 Hct 37 WBC 3490 N 46 L 34 plt 329,000 - Imp: viral exanthem 9 d PTA - He continued fever & progressive rash with itchy , no oral or eye involvement - Imp: viral exanthem VS drug allergy - Management: Hydroxycine, calamine lotion
  • 7.  4 d PTA - Progressive erythematous rash with cracked –dry lips, conjunctival injection - Phenytoin was discontinued  At home, he had persistent fever & rash spreading on chest wall  Today, he got high fever with oral pain, decreased intake then came to KCMH
  • 8. PH : - The first child of family, pre-term 30 wk - He had experience of seizure without fever 2 y ago then was admitted & took diazepam iv . At the hospital, he had fever without other signs. He was intubated for 2 d & discharged without anti-epileptic drug - Vaccine: complete - G& D: normal - No family history of epilepsy
  • 9.  Physical Examination: GA : A Thai boy, good consciousness Bw 39 kg Ht 129 cm Ideal Bw 27 kg Wt for Ht 144 % VS : BT 40.5 PR 134/min RR 32 BP 130/80 Skin : Erythematous MP rash on trunk, palm, sole totally confined to 15 % of BSA HEENT: Bilateral conjunctival injection & muco-purulent discharge, no corneal lesion, mild sunken eye ball, no puffy eyelids, red-cracked lips, oral mucositis
  • 10. Physical Examination: RS : Equal breath sound, no adventitious sound CVS: Normal S1 S2 , no murmur Abd : Soft , not tender, liver & spleen can’t be palpated Genitalia: No ulcer seen, not tender Ext: No joints swelling, no edema, not tender Neuro: E4M6V5, others were unremarkable Imp: Steven Johnson Syndrome Etiology: Suspected Phenytoin, Cef -3 , or infection
  • 11.  Investigations CBC: Hb 11.5 Hct 37 WBC 4360 N60 L23 Eo 5 (218) plt 393,000 Blood chemistry: BUN 9 Cr 0.42 TB 0.25 DB 0.14 AST 43 ALT 52 ALP 113 alb 3.5 Ca 8.4 Po4 4.6 Mg 1.04 Na 135 K 5 Cl 98 HCO3 22
  • 12.  Managements : 1. Hydrocortisone 5 mg/kg/dose iv q 6 hr * 5 d then prednisone 2 MKD * 2 d, 1 MKD * 3 d, 0.5 MKD * 3 d, 0.25 MKD * 2 d >>> off 2. Clindamycin 30 MKD iv devided q 8 hr* 7 d then oral * 3 d ( oral infection) 3. Levofloxacin ( 500) 1 od * 7 d 4. Oral care : wet dressing, xylocain oral viscous, NSS 5. Eye care : Vislube ed, Cravit ed, Maxitrol eo, fluoromethalone ed 6. Antihistamine: CPM 7 mg iv q 6 hr , cetirizine 1 od
  • 13. Progress Note: Clinical gradually improved after admission Further investigations: - HSV IgM negative, IgG positive - EBV IgM negative, IgG negative - Mycoplasma IgM negative, IgG negative - PCR for mycoplasma negative - HLA*B 1502 Negative - ELISPOT for Phenytoin, Cef-3, Azithromycin ( pending)
  • 14.  Epilepsy ( benign Rolandic) - CT brain ( 10/1/2011) : normal - EEG ( 27/5/2013) : normal - If recurrent >>>> Keppra ( focal seizure , low risk to allergy)
  • 15.  F/U 4 wk after onset 1. Epilepsy 2. SJS 2.1 Eye involvement - Improve but sub-conjunctival fibrosis (right) - On FML ED, Xanalin ED, Vislube ED 2.2 ELISPOT to Phenytoin positive to Cef-3 & Azithromycin : negative - Peeling both hands, crusted upper lip - 20% urea cream apply
  • 16.  Definition : - The process of epidermal necrolysis resulting extensive blisters & detachment of skin & mucous membrane - SJS & TEN are two forms of epidermal necrolysis , differing to the amount of skin detachment relative to BSA  High mortality rate 23% Am J Dermatopathol 1997; 19: 127-132 J Am Acad Dermatol 2008; 58: 33-44
  • 17.  Incidence 1.9 cases per million inhabitants/ y  Annual incidence in HIV-positive population approximately 1 case of TEN /1,000/y  Factors affecting SJS/TEN incidence : - Regional differences in drug prescription - Genetic background - Coexistence of cancer - Concomitant radiotherapy Lancet 1999;353:2190-2194 Drug Saf 2005; 28: 917-924 N Engl J Med 1995;333:1600-1607 J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2006; 20: 588-590
  • 18.  Keratinocyte apoptosis followed by necrosis  CD 8 T cells, cytolytic molecules FasL & granulysin  Etiology: - Drugs : sulfonamide , aminopenicillins, cephalosporin, quinolones, carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital, NSAIDs, allopurinol, corticosteroids - Genetic susceptibility: - Carbamazepine associated with HLA B* 1502 - Allopurinol associated with HLA B* 5801 N Engl J Med 1995;333:1600-1607 Nature 2004; 428: 486 Pharmacogenomics 2008;9: 1617-1622
  • 19. Arch Dermatol 2003; 139: 33-36
  • 20.  Clinical diagnosis  Histological work up : - immediate cryosection or formalin-fixed section revealing necrotic epidermis all layers Differential Diagnosis - Autoimmune blistering diseases ; linear IgA dermatosis acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome etc.
  • 21. Neurology. 2011; 77: 2015-2033
  • 22.  A retrospective study, over a 6-yr period  To study epidemiology & clinical of pt with SJS, TEN, SJS-TEN overlap, & DRESS caused by anti-epileptic drugs  To analyzed subsequent alternative anti-epileptic drug used for pt after their SCAR episodes
  • 23.  Data were collected from Jan 2003-Dec 2009  Two clinical branches of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital  SJS/TEN referred to the collection of SJS, SJS-TEN overlap, and TEN  SJS : widespread small macules or blisters with skin detachment of less than 10% of BSA  SJS-TEN: involves 10 %- 29% of BSA  TEN : involves greater than 30% of BSA
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  • 30. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
  • 31.  Expert judgment - Subjectivity - Lack of standardization - Poor reproducibility  Probabilistic approaches - Need to model probability distribution - Impractical in routine practice  Algorithm method - Based on decision trees or successive evaluation of criteria - Intra- and inter-evaluator agreements are usually high - Results depend on the weight given to each criterion
  • 32.  EuroSCAR, a case-control study of SJS/TEN  Conducted in 6 countries; Austria, France, Germany,  Israel, Italy, & the Netherlands  Total 379 cases enrolled  Between April 1997- December 2001  Validated by an expert committee ( blinded to details of drug exposures) on medical histories, medical records, clinical photo, & biopsies  Medical information was collected by trained interviewers  Global drug risks quantified with multivariate RRs restricted to recent initiation of the drug ( within 8 wk)
  • 33.  To create an algorithm that can be used by clinicians & not capable of discriminating between the effect of various drugs which patient exposed  ALDEN Algorithm: - First step : algorithm elaborated by a group of experts, based on knowledge of the results of the SCAR study - Second step : algorithm assessment of drug was carried out on all cases in the EuroSCAR study The results were compared with those provided by case-control analysis of the same cases
  • 34.  Reproducibility of the algorithm - Comparing score for 101 drugs by two investigators - K concordance : 0.73 : individual score of each medication 0.71 : classification of medication in causality group 0.71 : determination of the drug with the highest score for each patient Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
  • 35. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
  • 36.  Range from -12 to + 10 1. Very probable : score > 6 2. Probable : score 4-5 3. Possible : score 2-3 4. Unlikely : score 0-1 5. Very unlikely : score < 0 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
  • 37.  By Algorithm score: - One drug classified in probable or very probable (69 pt ) - Two drug classified in probable or very probable ( 3 pt) - No drug classified in probable or very probable ( 28 pt)  By French pharmaco-vigilance method - One drug classified in possible or probable ( 23 pt) - Two drug classified in possible or probable ( 17 pt) - No drug classified in possible or probable ( 60 pt)  Outcomes from causality assessment differ significantly between two method ( p < o.oo1, X2-test ) Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
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  • 39. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
  • 40. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2010; 1: 60-68
  • 41.  Very strong correlation between two method ( r= 0.90, p< 0.001 at 95% CI 0.74-0.97)  Limitations: - created by experts who were aware of the results of case-control analysis & looking for a good correlation - Due to more than half of cases are related to a limited number of “high-risk” drug, there was a rather high a priori probability of observing an agreement - This algorithm is more specific to SJS/TEN, may be not appropriate to apply for other adverse events
  • 42.  ELISPOT Test - In 1983 , new technique for enumeration of Ab-secreting cells - Built on the same solid-phase immuno enzymatic principles as ELISA - Ag was immobilized to a solid support to bind Ab released by cultured splenocytes Sedgwick JD & Holt PG. A solid-phase immunoenzymatic technique for the enumeration of specific antibody- secreting cells. J Immunol Methods. 1983; 57: 301-309.
  • 43.  Later, 1983, Czerkinski & colleagues named “ Enzyme-Linked Immunospot” ( ELISPOT) - Modified by using coated –Ab to a solid phase - Waiting for capture Ag ( cytokines) secreted by cultured cell - More popular - Some researcher called “ reversed ELISPOT” Czerkinski CC, Nilsson LA, Nygren H, Ouchterlony O & Tarkowski A. A solid-phase enzyme-linked immunospot ( ELISPOT) assay for enumeration of specific antibody-secreting cells. J Immunol Methods. 1983; 65: 109-121.
  • 44.  Fields of application - Two hundred times more sensitive than ELISA in detecting secreted cytokines - Cytokines ; IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-2, IL-4 etc. from peripheral blood lymphocytes - Used for vaccine development, AIDS, cancer, infectious, autoimmune, allergy & transplantation researches Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2 : Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
  • 45.  Immunochemical principles of ELISPOT Assay - Sandwich principle as ELISA - Two differences - ELISA measures real concentration of cytokine but ELISPOT detects secreting cells - ELISA analyses cell-free media but ELISPOT combines immunoassay & bioassay Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2 : Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
  • 46. Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2 : Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
  • 47. Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2 : Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
  • 48.  Performance of the test depends on quality of : 1. Antibodies ( both capture & detection) 2. Enzyme conjugate 3. Chromo-genic substrates 4. Membrane-backed plates - Secretion activity of cells determined by the number of - Spots on the plate - Spot should have strong staining intensity, well-defined edge - Spot should have a small diameter to avoid merging Kalyuzhny A E. Chemistry and Biology of the ELISPOT Assay. From Methods in Molecular Biology . Vol 3.2 : Handbook of ELISPOT: Methods and Protocols . Edited by : A.E. Kalyuzhny O Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
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  • 50.  To evaluate whether drug-reacting cytotoxic cells can be detected in the peripheral blood of patients in remission  To find out this method might be helpful in drug allergy diagnosis
  • 51.  12 pt were selected  Offending drugs were defined ( typical medical history such as onset, interval, clinical manifestation)  Skin test & positive lymphocyte transformation test  All drugs were used in nontoxic concentration  Patients also were tested with tolerated drugs in some case, if no additional drug exposure was known , we used as “ nonculprit” drug ( was shown to induce strong granzyme B production or CD 107a expression in other allergic individuals)  All pt were clinical remission 5 mon-15 y after acute event  16 drug-exposed donors who tolerated tested drug & had negative LTT as a control group Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
  • 52.  Cell preparation & culture medium - Peripheral blood mononuclear cell were isolated by density gradient centrifugation & frozen in 90% fetal calf serum ( Oxoid, Pratteln, Switzerland) plus 10% dimethyl sulfoxide - After thawing, cells were cultured or preincubated overnight in 24-well plate ( 5* 106 cell/well) with medium alone or with 1 ng/ml of IL-7/IL-15 mixture ( PeproTech EC Ltd, London,UK) - Culture medium consisted of RPMI-1640 supplement with 10% pooled, heat-inactivated human AB serum, 25 Mm Hepes buffer, 2 M L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin & 25 ug/ml transferrin Allergy 2010; 65: 376-384
  • 53.  Enzyme-Linked immuno-spot assay - Ninety-six-well filtration plates were coated with capture anti-human GzB mAb solution - Then washed & blocked according to manufacturer’s protocol - Freshly thawed PBMCs ( 8*105 cells/well) were incubated with culture media ( negative control) or culprit drug & tolerated drug for 20,48 or 72 h at 37 C degree in a 5% CO2 incubator - Cells were plated into 96-well U-bottomed tissue culture plates & transferred into GzB-mAb-coated plates for the last 20 h of stimulation
  • 54. - For experiment with IL-7/IL-15 pre-incubation - Freshly thawed PBMCs were incubated overnight in 24-well plate ( 5* 106 cells/well) with 1 ng/ml of IL-7 & IL-15, followed by four washing steps to remove residual cytokines - Cells were counted & incubated with antigens in 96-well U-bottomed tissue culture plates ( 5*105 cells/well) for 2 d at 37 C degree in 5% CO2 incubator - For last 20 h, cells were placed to the GzB mAb-coated paltes. - ELISPOT plates were developed as to manufacturer’s instruction -
  • 55.  ELISPOT procedure’s instruction - Plates were washed with PBS/Tween 20 0.1% - Then biotinylated anti-GzB mAb was added for 90 min at 37 C degree - After washing for 3 times, streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase was added for 1 h at 37 C degree - Spots were visualized with nitroblue tetrazolium/5-bromo-4- chloro-3-indolylphosphate p- toluidine salt - Then analyzed using a Bioreader 3000 CL/PRO ( BIO-SYS GmbH, Karben, Germany)
  • 56.  CD 107a assay & flow cytometry - Amount of 1* 10 6 per well PBMCs were cultured in 96-well U-bottomed tissue culture plates at 37 C in a 5% CO2 incubator with indicated drug concentration - Incubation with CM alone or nonculprit drug ( negative control) - PBMCs from healthy donors were cultured with different drugs - Monensin 6 ug/ml and 3 ul of anti-CD107a fluorescein were added to each well for the last 5 h of incubation
  • 57. - Following stimulation, PBMCs were taken to a 96-well V- bottom plate, wased once in ice-cold cell wash - Then surface-stained for 25 min at 4 C in the dark - Directly conjugated with antibodies: anti CD3 allophycocyanin ( APC), anti CD4 phycoeythrin, anti CD 8 peridinin chlorophyll protein complex, & anti CD 56 - After two washing, cells were resuspended in Cell Wash & analyzed using a FACSCantoTM FlowCytometer
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  • 70.  Drug-specific cytotoxic mechanism is detected in peripheral blood with various forms of delayed DHRs  GranzymeB ELISPOT is used as supplemental tool in vitro diagnosis of drug allergies  Short exposure to IL-7, IL-15 enhances drug specific response in Granzyme ELISPOT , help to identify the offending drug in allergic pt with weak proliferative response