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                                                With over 80 years of legacy behind it, the
                                                Kellogg’s All-Bran brand is now one of the most
                                                significant trademarks of the company. What
                                                was once a name for cereals and cornflakes,
                                                now represents nutrition and healthy eating.
                                                Through this project we explore the different
                                                aspects of the Kellogg’s All-Bran brand and its


                                                       IMBA NOV 2010 N1
                                                      IE BUSINESS SCHOOL

                                                     FABRIZIO LUONGO
                                                     JOAO MAGALHAES
                                                    KUNDAN BHADURI
                                                   PAUL JAMES SOLOMON
                                                      SANDRA BOGHOS
                                                      SANDRA MORRIS

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)                1
Marketing Fundamentals                                                [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

                                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

Situation Analysis..................................................................................................................................................................................................3
    Competitors ......................................................................................................................................................................................................4
    Collaborators ...................................................................................................................................................................................................4
    Context .................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Target Market .........................................................................................................................................................................................................5
The Marketing Strategy .....................................................................................................................................................................................5
Brand Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................................................6
    Health ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Marketing Mix: The 4 Ps ....................................................................................................................................................................................7
marketing Communication ..............................................................................................................................................................................9
major branding Issuesat all-bran............................................................................................................................................................... 11
Recommendation ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Exhibit 1: Kellogg’s vision, mission statement and operating principles ............................................................................. 13
Exhibit 2: All-Bran Direct and Indirect Competitors ....................................................................................................................... 14
Exhibit 3: Brand Positioning in the Spanish Market ........................................................................................................................ 15
Exhibit 4: SWOT .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Exhibit 5: All Bran Brand Awareness Survey Result ....................................................................................................................... 17
Exhibit 6: Assisted Product Recognition by Consumers ................................................................................................................ 18
Exhibit 7: Consumer Rating of All Bran Products ............................................................................................................................. 19
Exhibit 8: What consumers would improve about All Bran ........................................................................................................ 20
Exhibit 9: The All-Bran Product Line ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
Exhibit 10a: Average Price of All-Bran Cereals Portfolio .............................................................................................................. 22
Exhibit 10b: Price of All-Bran Snacks Portfolio .................................................................................................................................. 23
Exhibit 11: Price per 100 grams of All-Bran Products.................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix 12: Price data for the Market of Cereals and Snacks in El Corte Inglés, Mercadona, Caprabo and
Carrefour................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Exhibit 13: Price Comparison of All-Bran Cereal Bar and All-Bran Flakes with Competition. .................................. 27
Exhibit 14: Supermarket space allocated to All-Bran in snack and cereal sections ........................................................ 28
Exhibit 15: Direct Competitors ................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Exhibit 16: Lower End Supermarkets ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Exhibit 17: Higher End Supermarkets .................................................................................................................................................... 31
Exhibit 18: TV communication.................................................................................................................................................................... 32

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)                                                                                                                              2
Marketing Fundamentals               [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]


The All-Bran brand encompasses a range of products broadly split into two categories, cereals and snacks. As
such the range of All-Bran consumers is wide, ranging from the young to old and both male and female. However
in general the typical customer buys the product to satisfy a particular need for fiber and/or to enjoy a healthy and
filling snack or meal.

Traditionally All-Bran was considered as a breakfast product, and this continues to be the main time of
consumption for the products. The value for customers remains as it has been for decades, with the quick and
easy nature of preparation of any of the products, and the relatively low price compared to alternative foods, giving
consumers a strong reason to use the product. In the area Kellogg’s has long been the market leader, consumers
have grown up with the brand and therefore are loyal towards it.

However, the recent product expansion and alternative meal suggestions by Kellogg’s mean consumers now enjoy
All-Bran snack and cereal products at any time of the day, for meals or between meals. Snacks offer several key
advantages over other substitute products to the consumer. Some of the important ones include longer shelf life,
easily preservable at room temperatures and a wider distribution/reach. Also, as compared to other substitute
products such as sandwiches, cakes, yogurts, fruits and cookies the pricing of the All Bran range of products is
again competitive. The average snacks consumer has a need for quick and healthy snacks between meals,
generally during short breaks at work or outdoors.

All-Bran consumers are therefore diverse in nature. However broadly speaking we could differentiate between “All-
Bran plus” type customers, and the less extreme consumers. The first group is very concerned with the health
benefits, in particular about a healthy digestive system. They are less concerned about taste and are the users of
the more basic cereals. The second group uses the product for more general reasons, still appreciating the health
benefits but also attracted by the convenience and weight-suppression aspects of the product. They are likely to be
more concerned with taste and therefore more attracted to the products with additional flavours, in particular the

Consumers get their information from TV, magazines, street billboards, Internet advertising, and word of mouth.
They also obtain information from the packaging both at the point of sale (supermarkets) and at home. The boxes
contain nutritional data relevant to their purchases. In general the decision to purchase will be planned, with
perhaps consideration of the relative benefits of the options considered at the supermarket shelf, or a conscious
decision to eat more healthy food precipitated by advertising.

Kellogg’s is an American company founded in 1906. It is now the world’s leading producer of cereal and
convenience foods, with products marketed in more than 180 countries around the world. Their products are
marketed under the Kellogg’s brand name and are sold principally to the grocery trade through direct sales forces
for resale to consumers. The company sales in 2010 comprised of three main categories: cereals (~50%), snacks
(~40%) and frozen/other products (~10%).

Kellogg´s is established as an international leader in the cereals trade. Their corporate goal (Exhibit 1) is to grow
their cereal business and expand more into snack products, while remaining customer centric. It is a global
corporation, with self-sustaining financial resources such as good liquidity and healthy levels of capital. It has a
wide range of distribution partners and devotes a significant proportion of its resources on its marketing campaigns.
The company is known for taking long term bets in a few selective categories of the food market and backing them
up with R&D and innovation, strong brands and an excellent execution by an experienced team.
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Marketing Fundamentals                [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

The company sells two lines of products in Spain - cereals and snacks, which include the cereal bar, mini-breaks
and muffins. In the eyes of Spanish consumers Kellogg’s globally recognizable name generates associations of
trust and reliability, and also enables them to attract a talented workforce. Kellogg’s has a manufacturing plant in
the city of Tarragona, Spain. This plant has been operational since 1980 and it produces cereal products for the
Spanish and Portuguese markets, as well as for exports to other countries in Europe.

All-Bran’s cereal competitors are other brands and private labels. In the snacks line of products, All-Bran has been
facing competition from other healthy snack producers, including the private labels at supermarkets or other
traditional confectionery manufacturers. The competition in the cereals and snack markets has become fierce
compared to a decade ago. The market for natural and healthy snacks has been growing, and adding to the
already large variety of products consumers have to choose from: cookies, cereal bars, drinks, yogurts, and powder
mixes to name but a few. Competitors can be categorized in two groups (Exhibit 2):

1. Direct Competitors: All other branded and white label cereals, cereal bars, and snacks with high fiber content or
   categorized as healthy and belonging to the cereals aisle at the Supermarket.

2. Indirect competitors: This includes two subcategories:

            Cereals, cereal bars and snacks not marketed as “healthy” but competing with All-Bran on the cereal
            aisle. Includes kids’ cereals, chocolate snacks, ‘indulgence cereals’ and other varieties.

            Other products that contain fiber and communicate the fiber benefits explicitly to the consumers. For
            example fiber cookies, pills, and yogurts, probiotic drinks, high fiber juices, teas, whole wheat rice and
            breads, dried fruit, and other natural products like flax-seed and wheat oats.

Customers can buy the entire All-Bran range of products, along with direct competitors, from the same points of
sale - supermarkets and convenience stores. There is opportunity in the market for other brands that offer
cheaper, healthy and tasty alternatives. Our survey results show that the main competitors of All-Bran in the cereal
and snack business in the city of Madrid are: Nestle (Fitness), Weetabix, General Mills, and private labels such as
El Hacendado, Aliada, Eroski, and Carrefour.

On an overall basis, All-Bran’s brand position vis-à-vis its competitors are shown in Exhibit 3.

Kellogg’s counts well known nutrition experts such as Dr Baltazar Ruiz-Rosso and other professors in related
businesses as thought leaders and collaborators. They provide strategic direction to the company by providing
insights from their research in nutrition and product innovation, and guide consumers by recommending the
products in magazines, newspaper articles, research journals, online forums or television talk shows. The advice
given by these thought leaders is crucial as it helps shape public perception. Other minor collaborators include:
Grupo Leche Pascual as a key distributor, ID Logistics, and advertising agencies.

In the social context, individuals are becoming more health conscious and aware of the food they eat. Nutritional
information on products and the availability of vitamins, minerals, and fiber is important when choosing a snack or
breakfast cereal. This trend started more than ten years ago but is now very strong in Spain; consumers are eating
healthy breakfasts and snacks, and want new options that fit into their dietary needs.

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Marketing Fundamentals              [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

Despite this general trend, data from a study done by Doctor Baltazar for All-Bran has demonstrated that fiber
intake is decreasing in Spain. This research concludes that Spanish people consume only 53% of the daily fiber
recommendation. The government is therefore encouraging people to monitor their diets and improve fiber intake.

The crisis of the last two years has also significantly influenced the choices Spanish consumers make. The
availability of similar private label products at lower prices has made consumers perceive All-Bran a premium and
more expensive brand and shift their purchasing habits towards white brands. Furthermore, the growing influence
of technology and social networks means that people today share their good and bad experiences about
products/services and influence other peoples’ buying decisions.

SWOT Analysis
Exhibit 4 shows the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats concerning the All-Bran brand.


The product is mainly aimed at adults aged 30 and older, both men and women. This population segment in Spain
accounts for around 38% of the total population, approximately 17.6 million people.

Demographic profile                                        Psychographic profile
   Men and women between the ages of 30 to 59                  Active and busy lifestyles
   They typically eat cereal or snacks once a day              Concerned with health
   Mainly living in cities (Madrid, Barcelona)                 Modern and actively changing
   Income in the middle to high range                          Low sensitivity to price for quality products

Broadly speaking, Kellogg’s marketing strategy is three-pronged with the following goals. In the long term it plans
to improve overall market-share, in the short term to increase Kellogg’s share of wallet, and finally in general it
seeks to improve the overall purchasing experience of the customer. This strategy will help the company realize a
longer life cycle for the All-Bran brand.

Previously Kellogg’s had launched several bran-based products and ended up with a large portfolio of products that
were difficult to market. The company therefore consolidated all fiber-based products together within the All-Bran
brand. This strategy aided the struggling individual brands to both gain importance in their respective markets and
reduce the total marketing resources that would have been otherwise required to support each of them separately.
However, the brand consolidation created confusion for the customer, and actually negatively impacted the All-Bran
brand itself. To deal with this the company adopted a synergy based approach. For instance, the All-Bran Plus
product is marketed under the master brand of All-Bran while Bran Flakes is labeled as a separate sub-brand. The
packaging is altered to accommodate the designs of the different sub-brands but also shows the entire range of All-
Bran products that could help the end customer make better purchasing decisions. In this way the brand is
marketed in a way such that the properties of all the products within the All-Bran brand are perceived to be unified
when it comes to health and nature.

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Marketing Fundamentals               [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

To further expand market outreach, the company then decided to pursue brand expansion by diversifying into
cereal bars, muffins and other healthy snacks. The marketing focus extended beyond simple health and nature-
based food to include convenience as a selling point. In addition, The company also repositioned the product range
to depict not only the old “Keeps you regular” message to consumers but one that embodies inner health.

On the differentiated purchasing experience front, we note that the All-Bran brand originally conveyed the idea of
being a ‘natural product’ to the consumer. This strategy makes it essential for the packaging to show the
ingredients and the nutrition information much more prominently, which it indeed does. The marketing strategy has
also strongly relied on carefully crafted television and radio advertising, apart from consistent in-store promotions.

The brand positioning can be summarized with the following statement:

To adults over thirty, All Bran is the cereal/snack that allows them to maintain their digestive
    system, stay healthy, and have higher energy levels because of its high fiber content.


Kellogg’s, the brand with the strongest brand recognition and advertising recollection of all cereal manufacturers,
shows legitimacy and quality, while the All-Bran master brand individualizes the product line. This provides a
positive contribution to brand equity and leverages positive associations from the consumer. All-Bran places its
individual products by means of brand extensions. This approach, besides enabling other marketing synergies,
provides an umbrella where the master brand’s attributes are the core around which all extensions are sustained.

Two tangible associations identify the brand, the name and the logo. The particular brown color of the lettering
used in the logo in the yellow background is most important for brand recognition. On the intangible side the All-
Bran brand communicates associations of health and positive attitude to the consumer. The emphasis is on the
products being a boost to both relationships and health, helping the consumer look and feel good. If the brand
were to have a personality, it would reflect trust, longevity and positive feelings.

The key ingredient in all All-Bran products is of course Fiber, and while the brand has lately shifted away from the
blunt concept of regularity it still retains a direct connection between high fiber content and a functional benefit,
using the more subtle definition of fiber helps you eliminate what your body does not need. The company also
builds on this message by promoting the daily dietary requirements that the product fulfils, including vitamins. The
consumer therefore benefits from the combined value proposition of general and dietary health.
The brand faces some resistance in developing this association, since some of its promotions attempt to dispute
consumers’ preconception of wheat bran being tasteless or even sometimes unpleasant. The required shift in
consumer beliefs is pursued by promoting the association of “fiber can taste good” aimed at both the classic cereal
product but also more meaningfully to the cereal bars and mini-breaks. A reaction to the problem of taste
associations is the presence of fruits, or fruit flavors like strawberry and apple, and more indulgent variations like
chocolate, raisins, cinnamon and honey among the different products.

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Marketing Fundamentals            [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

Interactions of the Associations

Good taste perception is a desired attribute for all food products. However, the strong negative taste
preconceptions discussed above are backed up by our survey which shows that consumers rate All-Bran taste as
fair (Exhibits 5, 6, 7 and 8). Consumers appear to be suspicious of a positioning combining good taste and health,
while the presence of fiber is thought to be incompatible with taste. Overcoming the doubts caused by this dual
positioning requires a strong and trusted brand like All-Bran, and it has successfully managed to create and
develop this category in a believable manner with both benefits being simultaneously grasped by consumers. This,
for instance, has allowed the launch Cereal Bars and Mini-Breaks that fulfill the need for a healthy and tasty snack
all in one product.

The functional benefit does not end with eliminating what your body does not need, it conveys keeping the
digestive system healthy, which means keeping the consumer healthy. Inner health goes from the inside to the
outside, meaning that a healthy body is the booster of positive attitudes and being in harmony with the surrounding


All-Bran basic products are at the core of what consumers buy; they either buy a breakfast food, or snacks to be
eaten on the go. However there is more to the equation than a simple cereal because the product is fulfilling a
certain set of expectations. When consumers buy All-Bran they are buying the benefits that come with it, the
healthy image and fiber benefits which are part of the expected product. The augmented product is the health and
comfort that people are acquiring which are the indirect results of consuming All-Bran.
All-Bran was created in 1915 and is currently in the maturity phase of its product life cycle, where it is well known
and has had ample time to penetrate the cereal market. What Kellogg’s is trying to do is to lengthen this period, by
actively marketing All-Bran, its benefits, and the lifestyle it is part of. Extending the brand and going into snack
production is a means to prolong this maturity stage.

Kellogg’s started the All-Bran range with two products, All-Bran Flakes, and the regular All-Bran. Today the brand
length and width has increased dramatically. The All-Bran brand mix width is composed of two product lines:
cereals and snacks. Both lines have the same amount of SKU’s, with six different choices each, therefore the
length of each line is six. The several options vary mainly according to the level of fiber offered and to the specific
flavour or combination of flavours. Exhibit 9 shows the All-Bran product mix available in the Spanish market
(specific to Madrid) with the percentage of fiber in each serving.

The cereal product line has six different flavours to accommodate various customer needs and preferences.

-      All-Bran Flakes
-      All-Bran Choco
-      All-Bran Fruit & Fiber
-      All-Bran Plus
-      All-Bran Raisin Hearts
-      All-Bran Chocolate Hearts

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The snacks line has three different types of products: Bars, Mini- Breaks, and Muffin Cakes. The bars offer three
flavours: apple, chocolate, and nature. The Mini- Breaks come in strawberry and cinnamon flavours and the Muffin
Cake comes in oat and fruit.

—      All-Bran Mini-breaks (strawberry & cinnamon)
—      All-Bran Cereal Bars (nature, apple & chocolate)
—      All-Bran Muffin Cake

Four supermarkets and stores were visited to analyze prices. Visits were done to El Corte Inglés, Carrefour,
Mercadona, and Caprabo in order to compare the product prices in these places. A list of cereal products and
snacks was compiled together with the different prices in the stores. Exhibits 10a and 10b show the average price
for each product and Exhibit 11 calculates the price per 100 grams for cereals. Prices in the stores visited did not
vary much when comparing Kellogg’s cereal bars or snacks. This shows a good control of the company over its
prices in this category. On the other hand, prices for cereals are very different in the four stores. This shows the
high competition between brands and supermarkets, as well as the power customers have over prices. If a
consumer enjoys a type of cereal, he or she will remember the price and will visit the store that has the variety but
also the lowest price.

Another important observation is that Kellogg`s has a higher pricing for all its cereals. If we compare All-Bran
products to its other core adult and kids cereals we can see that the average price of 100 grams of All-Bran Flakes
and Plus is around 15 to 20 cents cheaper than other Kellogg’s cereals like Pops, Extra and Special K. The other
All-Bran varieties are about the same as the Kellogg’s portfolio.

Supported by the data collected at the stores, we can say that All-Bran products are part of the higher price point
category. There is no doubt that Kellogg's wants to project this brand as a top-end premium segment brand, for
which people are willing to pay a premium price (typically 20-33% more). Exhibit 12 shows the 15 SKUs present in
the Spanish market and their price per unit and per 100 grams of product.

The cereals market is clearly classified into three different price segments. These price brackets (per 100 grams)
are SEGMENT 1 = €0-0.35, SEGMENT 2 = €0.36-0.70, SEGMENT 3 = €0.71-1.0. On the cereal category All-Bran
has an average price of €0.67 per 100 grams of product, compared to the average price of its competitors: €0.62
per 100 grams. All-Bran operates in segment 2 and 3 across the six product variations, with three packaging
variations: 375, 500 and 750 grams. Its main products, All-Bran Fiber Plus and All-Bran Flakes, are available in
different size packages, but the more premium priced flavors (Chocolate Hearts, Raisin Hearts, and Choco) are
only available in 375 gram packaging.

The price of All-Bran cereal, in packets of 500 grams, varies between 2.84-3.15 Euros, a price range that also
contains other brands like Nestlé Fitness, and Kellog’s Special K and Extra. White brands are very strong in the
cereal market, offering the consumers a cheaper alternative. This white brand category has an average unit price
of €1.62 and a price per 100 grams of €0.32. All-Bran consumers are willing to pay twice the price of white brands
because they trust Kellogg’s quality and heritage.

All-Bran also competes on the snacks category with its Cereal Bars, Muffins and Mini-Breaks. The Cereal Bars
business has higher product variety, greater pricing variations and a much larger competitive base. The products
in this segment can be classified under the following price segments (per 100 grams): SEGMENT 1 = < €0.50,
SEGMENT 2 = €0.51 - € 1.0, SEGMENT 3 = €1.01 - €1.50, SEGMENT 4 = €1.51 - €2.0, SEGMENT 5 = > €2.0.
All-Bran operates at the lower end of Segment 3 in this product category (All-Bran's price for cereal bars is €1.04).
In this category, white brands are very aggressive not only in prices but also in the variety and consistency they
offer to the consumers. See Exhibit 13 for comparison with competition.

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Marketing Fundamentals                [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

Our market study of the shelving of All-Bran products took place in the same supermarkets in Madrid. Overall,
cereal brands are facing high competition from private labels, with each supermarket pushing its own private labels
and giving them adequate shelf space with good visibility. Supermarkets are giving All-Bran centralized shelf space
which is almost always at eye level (Exhibit 14 and 15). However, they are surrounding the branded products with
their own private labels, so that the consumer can compare prices of the exact same products side by side, All-
Bran vs. the private label.

Caprabo: Caprabo is a relatively small and convenient supermarket and the snacks and cereals are combined
together into 1 section. The section consists of 11 facets and 4 shelves of which 2 are large and the other 2 are
narrow. Only one of these shelves, which happens to be at eye level, is for snacks. The selection is relatively
good for the size of the section. They carry All-Bran Cereal Bar in Apple and Chocolate and All-Bran Muffin Cake in
5 facets. On the top shelf, they carry All-Bran Plus and All-Bran Flakes.

Mercadona: Mercadona is slightly more disorganized and the snacks are in the upper middle shelves of the
section. The section is bigger than that of Caprabo but this is understandable given that the supermarket is also
bigger. There are a total of 4 shelves of 16 facets for cereals, a level which is a bit higher for the snacks whose
boxes are a bit smaller in size. All-Bran cereals are placed on the second shelf from the floor and they carry All-
Bran Flakes, All-Bran Fruit & Fiber, and All-Bran Chocolate Hearts. All-Bran snacks come in 2 types, All-Bran
Muffin Cake, and All-Bran Cereal Bar in Chocolate. They are at eye level, but only occupy one facet each (Exhibit

El Corte Ingles: El Corte Ingles has a big cereal section. It is a high end supermarket, where neatness is obvious.
There is a clear separation of snacks and cereals, and this is done by placing milk (a complement of cereal) in the
middle. The snack section consists of 6 shelves, and has an entire shelf dedicated to All-Bran snacks taking up 8
facets in total. The whole All-Bran snack range is available which is impressive because the shelf is at exact eye
level. The supermarket also carries extensive selections of Special K and Hero snacks. Adjacent is the cereal
section, occupying 20 facets on 4 shelves. The selection is also wide, but the products are very dispersed,
available on different parts of all the shelves except the one at eye level. Top shelf contains All-Bran Plus, the third
shelf contains the 2 chocolate variations, and the bottom one contains All-Bran Flakes, and All-Bran Fruit & Fiber.

Carrefour: Carrefour carries an extensive range of both cereals and snacks whose sections are adjacent. All-Bran
Plus, All-Bran Fruit & Fiber, and All-Bran Flakes Chocolate are positioned on the highest shelf. Carrefour white
label surrounds All-Bran from most sides. All-Bran Chocolate Hearts are placed on the floor under the shelves
occupying a large space which is highly noticeable; the same is done for Nestle Fitness. As for snacks, the 6 types
of snacks are all available, occupying the top 2 shelves. Again, with snacks, similar Carrefour brand products are
placed side by side to All-Bran (Exhibit 17).


All-Bran approaches its customers through different communication channels. TV is the principle device, but
Internet channels and communication on the packaging are also used to deliver key messages to existing and new
potential customers.

This channel enforces the core attributes of the brand: healthy, tasty, and positive feelings. Across all commercials
the message is to cut out negative habits and attitudes and bring in positive energy to everyday life. Taste is only
mentioned occasionally. Health is generally used as the underlying reason for the positive attitude the consumer

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Marketing Fundamentals                 [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

gains through the use of the product. When advertising All-Bran Choco, Muffin Cakes, Cereal Bars, and Mini-
Breaks, besides enforcing brand attributes, the commercials are mainly promoting new occasions for consumption.
For each product there is one suggested occasion. With Cereal Bars and Muffin Cakes for instance the emphasis is
on the ability to consume the product “on the go”, implicitly promoting the convenience. All TV communication is
available for viewing at the main corporate site. We point out YouTube references to the commercials when
available for ease of view. Exhibit 18 describes the themes of selected advertising campaigns.

Packaging communication is identical across all cereal products of the brand. Several combinations are suggested
like with fruits, white coffee, yogurt, or ice-cream, all to try to boost the perception of taste. Inviting pictures of the
product within each occasion are given, and communicate the intention of the brand to be perceived as tasty and
ultimately delicious.

Another clear message is the display of the percentage of fiber content on the product, but it must be noted that
not all extensions bear this sign. Also present on the packaging of cereals is one of the standard mottos of the
brand “Sentirse sano se nota, tomar All-Bran también” meaning “feeling healthy is noticeable, having All-Bran,
too”. Furthermore, small notices have been placed at the bottom of the packaging with three messages stating
general benefits of consumption of fibre.

       “Studies indicate that currently only 53% of the desirable amount of fiber is consumed by the Spanish
       “All-Brain contains insoluble fiber, and studies demonstrate that insoluble fiber is most effective.”
       “All-Bran is a healthy option, it has high fiber content promoting a healthy digestive system, helping to eliminate
       what your body does not need.”

In the Cereal Bars, Mini Breaks and Muffin Cake products the communications are much more abridged, restricted
to mentions of the fiber content and highlighting the flavor of the product with appealing pictures. The messages
typical of cereal products only appear in small font, stating the proportion of fiber present in relation to the daily

Internet communications comprise all digital means by which the brand communicates its benefits through the
Internet. They include the corporate website,, participation in blogs, online recipes and
content publishing in YouTube.

Corporate website:
It presents the whole range of products in the Spanish market, a dedicated chapter to inform on the role of fiber
and a section to evaluate the current relationship of the consumer with his or her fiber consumption. The last
section exhibits the TV ads created by the agency Leo Burnett, giving a creative and cheerful touch to the site. The
role of fiber in pregnancy was recently incorporated, addressing the problem of constipation many pregnant women
experience during pregnancy.

Muffin Cakes, Bars and Mini-Breaks:
The great taste of Muffin Cakes is emphasized, while bars are promoted for their high content in fiber, and mini-
breaks for their general health benefits - “finally a healthy snack”. All the descriptions continue the theme of healthy
on the inside, lively and positive on the outside. The suggested consumption is for mid-morning or early evening
since the product is not a substitute for meals, but a snack one might want to grab between meals.

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)                                10
Marketing Fundamentals                   [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] presents interactions with the consumer and is positioned midway between a corporate
site and a social network. It presents the Muffin Cake snack and it highlights, through interactive features, the
cheerful spirit of the brand. It appears that the brand decided not to create this interaction within an existing social
network to retain control of the content published by the users, and to ensure a brand-centric environment.

Blogs: The participation on the brand`s blogs is outstanding. Insiders, Kellogg’s hires or employees spread the
benefits in great detail on blogs like and incentivizing consumers to express opinions and always
responding to their comments and queries.

YouTube Channel: Some of the commercials devised by Leo Burnett for TV advertisements have been published
in YouTube but have few views or user comments. It is clear that as yet All-Bran has not yet concentrated on this
particular channel.

On-line Recipes: From the corporate website to other sites like Dia for supermarkets, the brand presents several
recipes to be prepared using their products. The main objective is to deal with the taste perception issue.

In order to emphasize its commitment to the health conscious customer, the company emphasizes a 7-day
promise. Through this plan, the company has tried to promote the value of the brand by showing that daily
consumption for only seven consecutive days could help alter the digestive irregularity of the consumer. In our view
this is a definite value proposition and a customer accrual and retention strategy.


The main issues for All-Bran have been briefly summarized below:

Threat from white labels: The white label brands are exerting pressure on the Kellogg’s All-Bran family of cereals
on the cost front. A white label brand is typically 20-30% cheaper than All-Bran. The store shelving space of the
white label brands is bigger than the space for All-Bran products. All-Bran negotiates shelf space with the
supermarkets but it is obvious that the retail stores surround Kellogg’s and other brands with their private labels
making the price comparison very easy for consumers. Supermarkets are trying to balance keeping the brands
happy while pushing the sales of their own white labels. The company needs to improve its incentive scheme to
counter this trend. Amongst the actions that Kellogg’s could potentially take would be to increase commissions per
sale or exert greater supplier pressure by consolidating its SKU supply structure.

Perception of Taste: After a broad survey of a number of sample All-Bran consumers, we are of the opinion that
the consumer perception of the taste of the product is low. A lot of consumers associate the taste of All-Bran
cereals with bland/dull rather than fun. While this is only a subjective and relative issue difficult to quantify, we
suggest the product mix specialists look into this aspect in greater detail. In specific, blind tests on the variations of
the cereal tastes can be done to ascertain the right taste mix for the variations of the cereals.

Growing healthy food substitutes: There is also a growing concern over the availability of substitutes in the
healthy food industry. Over the past several years the substitutes in the healthy food market have improved, as a
result of which there is greater competition in the area. There are plenty of other product offerings that offer general
health benefits and high fiber content.

Problems with brand positioning: The company has positioned the All-Bran range of products in many different
and disparate ways - without a clear messaging strategy to the consumer. At the end of the day, it is important to
have a single brand image and message for the consumer. In the case of All-Bran, this has not been the case. The
    Link to watch promotional video of

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Marketing Fundamentals               [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

various marketing communications over the past few years in Spain have sometimes projected the healthy aspect
of the product, and at other times, communicated its benefits to the digestive system. In view of consumer
perception building, this messaging does not clarify whether the product makes one ‘feel good’, ‘feel full’ or ‘feel
healthy’ amongst others notions. Also, the product classification currently appears to be fuzzy - Are the cereals
recommended for breakfast? for a snack? or should they serve the purpose of a full meal? Over a period of time
the brand has tried to communicate all these elements and has been engrossed in sending too many messages
rather than consolidating them.


One of the primary recommendations for Kellogg’s All-Bran would be to have an integrated messaging strategy for
its brand of cereals and snacks. This could be covering either the healthy aspect of the product, or the convenience
factor of the product. We understand that the Marketing Director would be vary of the fact that any such choice of
product categorization and messaging would entail a more targeted consumer segment selection, which must be
done after giving due diligence to the overall brand and company strategy along with a market research of the
consumer segments that are the most profitable ones in the Spanish market.

Premium All-Bran cereal boxes come mostly in small packages of 375g rather than 500g or 750g packaging that is
used for other products. Although it might be premature for us to question this decision without further study, we
hope that the brand and sales managers have given enough thought to this decision. Typically, these premium
brands will have a niche customer loyalty, and therefore the demand will be inelastic when introducing larger
package sizes (of 750 grams). Our recommendation is therefore that the company should consider larger package
sizing for these SKU’s.

Kellogg's current strategy is that of competitive differentiation rather than cost leadership, and although we are
looking at the product from a marketing stand point, it would work to the company's advantage to identify the key
success factors of the current pricing strategy. The key question that we need to answer is: Are most consumers
willing to pay for the All-Bran cereals for a value differentiation that it brings, compared to all other lower priced
brands? Is the value correctly projected in the packaging and marketing communication?

Since Kellogg's would like to retain the same brand identity across these two product lines, it is imperative that the
brand be associated with one single price segment across all its product lines. In choosing between whether to
downgrade the cereals' pricing or to upgrade the cereal bars' pricing, we believe the company would be better
positioned to do the latter. The cereals business has already been there for several decades now, and any attempt
to re-jig the pricing for the flagship product might be risky. As against that, the cereal bars is a heavily segmented
and contemporary business, and therefore Kellogg's would stand a better chance by competing in segments 4 and
5 of the cereal bars product line.

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                                          EXHIBIT 4: SWOT

                 Strengths                                           Opportunities
•    Great brand awareness worldwide and in the      •   Expansion into more high fiber product lines
     Spanish market                                      targeting other consumers
•    Healthy and high quality product                •   Continuing growth in the snack market
•    Very few other major brand names in the field   •   Aging population in Spain will mean an increasing
     of high-fiber breakfasts                            customer base
•    Supported by the Kellogg’s brand                •   Brand is adaptable to different healthy food products
•    Strong distribution channels in Spain           •   Healthy food market has seen large growth in recent

               Weaknesses                                                 Threats
•    Bland taste and perception of lack of taste     •   New choices of healthy and bran products in the
•    The main message of “regularity” given by TV        market that reduce attraction of the traditional All
     ads is not very appealing                           Bran brand
•    Limited advertising for the brand in            •   Aggressively priced (white brands) entrants in the
     comparison with other Kellogg’s brands              high fiber content niche
                                                     •   Consumer trends towards healthy but more
                                                         indulgent and tastier cereals

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Marketing Fundamentals            [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]


Exhibits 5, 6, 7 and 8 are based on the results of a marketing survey performed by the team.
   • Survey Sample Size: 57
   • Data collection method: Outdoor interview and physical, paper-based questionnaires
   • Place of survey: Madrid, Spain
   • Target Audience: Mid to high income individuals
   • Date of survey: 28th Jan 2011

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                                                                      All Bran Bits
                                                                      All Bran Muffin
                                                                      All Bran Cereal Bar

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                                        (1=lowest, 5=highest)

                                               1        2        3       4        5
              Quality                         0%       0%       30%     60%      10%
              Taste                           14%      10%      33%     29%      14%
              Health Benefits                 0%       0%       43%     48%      10%
              Sympathy                        11%      0%       47%     37%      5%
              Availability                    0%       5%       24%     38%      33%
              Price                           0%       10%      67%     19%      5%

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Marketing Fundamentals            [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]


             Decrease Price
                 Less sugar

                              0%      10%       20%        30%         40%

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                     EXHIBIT 9: THE ALL-BRAN PRODUCT LINE

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Marketing Fundamentals                       [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]


                All-Bran Cereals           Price per 100gr
       Choco Flakes                               € 0.89
       Raisin Hearts                              € 0.81
       Chocolate Hearts                           € 0.75
       Fruit and Fiber Flakes                     € 0.63
       Flakes                                     € 0.62
       Fiber Plus                                 € 0.58

                                         All Bran Cereals Price per 100 grams

                       Fiber Plus


           Fruit and Fiber Flakes

               Chocolate Hearts

                   Raisin Hearts

                   Choco Flakes

                                € 0.00   € 0.10    € 0.20    € 0.30   € 0.40   € 0.50   € 0.60   € 0.70   € 0.80   € 0.90

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Marketing Fundamentals                                       [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]


                                                                                                                             Point of Sale                          Price
                                Product                                Brand          Category         Grams El Corte Ingles Carrefour Mercadona Caprabo Average Price per 100 gr
       1 Chocolate Sacialis 6 units                           Bicentury         Cereal Bars/Cookies      120      € 2.45                                   € 2.45       € 2.04
       2 Devoragras Cookies                                   Bicentury         Cereal Bars/Cookies      160      € 2.65                                   € 2.65       € 1.66
       3 Carrefour Barrita Muesli                             Carrefour         Cereal Bars/Cookies      210                 € 1.25                        € 1.25       € 0.60
       4 Carrefour Barrita Naranja                            Carrefour         Cereal Bars/Cookies      210                 € 1.25                        € 1.25       € 0.60
       5 Carrefour Choco                                      Carrefour         Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                 € 1.21                        € 1.21       € 0.81
       6 Carrefour Choco con Coco                             Carrefour         Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                 € 1.21                        € 1.21       € 0.81
       7 Carrefour Mini Noir                                  Carrefour         Cereal Bars/Cookies      175                 € 1.60                        € 1.60       € 0.91
       8 Carrefour Naranja                                    Carrefour         Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                 € 1.21                        € 1.21       € 0.81
       9 Carrefour Nuts                                       Carrefour         Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                 € 1.21                        € 1.21       € 0.81
       10 Corte Ingles Digestive                              El Corte Inglés   Cereal Bars/Cookies      800      € 1.69                                   € 1.69       € 0.21
       11 Absolut Vital chocolate Eroski 23 g x 6             Eroski            Cereal Bars/Cookies      132                                      € 1.67   € 1.67       € 1.27
       12 Absolut Vital frutos rojos Eroski 23 g x 6          Eroski            Cereal Bars/Cookies      132                                      € 1.67   € 1.67       € 1.27
       13 Eroski con chocolate 25 g x 6                       Eroski            Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                                      € 1.01   € 1.01       € 0.67
       14 Eroski con fresa y chocolate 25 g x 6               Eroski            Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                                      € 1.01   € 1.01       € 0.67
       15 Fruta de Fibra Galleta                              Flora             Cereal Bars/Cookies      137      € 1.09                                   € 1.09       € 0.80
       16 Digestive con frutas rojas                          Fontaneda         Cereal Bars/Cookies      215                                      € 2.00   € 2.00       € 0.93
       17 Digestive con manzana                               Fontaneda         Cereal Bars/Cookies      215                                      € 2.00   € 2.00       € 0.93
       18 Integral Marie                                      Fontaneda         Cereal Bars/Cookies      520      € 2.20                                   € 2.20       € 0.42
       19 Galleta Digestiva sin azúcar                        Gullon            Cereal Bars/Cookies      400      € 1.65                                   € 1.65       € 0.41
       20 Arroz y Trigo Integral Chocolate                    Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      168                            € 1.55             € 1.55       € 0.92
       21 Chocolate Leche 8 units                             Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      200                            € 1.55             € 1.55       € 0.78
       22 Digestive Avena                                     Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      775                            € 2.28             € 2.28       € 0.29
       23 Digestive Avena Chocolate                           Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      385                            € 1.99             € 1.99       € 0.52
       24 Galleta Cereales Linnea V                           Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      350                            € 1.75             € 1.75       € 0.50
       25 Galleta Maria Integral Fibra                        Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      800                            € 1.18             € 1.18       € 0.15
       26 Muesli Albaricoque y Yogurt 8 units                 Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      200                            € 1.20             € 1.20       € 0.60
       27 Muesli Avellana 8 units                             Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      200                            € 1.20             € 1.20       € 0.60
       28 Muesli Chocolate 8 units                            Hacendado         Cereal Bars/Cookies      200                            € 1.20             € 1.20       € 0.60
       29 Muesly Buenos días Hero 25 g x 6                    Hero              Cereal Bars/Cookies      150      € 1.60                          € 1.59   € 1.60       € 1.06
       30 Muesly chocolate Hero 25 g x 6                      Hero              Cereal Bars/Cookies      150      € 1.60                          € 1.62   € 1.61       € 1.07
       31 Muesly chocolate negro Hero 25 g x 6                Hero              Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                                      € 1.59   € 1.59       € 1.06
       32 Muesly y avellanas Hero 25 g x 6                    Hero              Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                                      € 1.62   € 1.62       € 1.08
       34 Choco Krispies 25 g x 6                             Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                                      € 2.50   € 2.50       € 1.67
       35 Delissimas frambuesa 6 uni.                         Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      132      € 2.85                          € 2.75   € 2.80       € 2.12
       36 Delissimas naranja 22 g x 6                         Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      138                            € 2.68    € 2.90   € 2.79       € 2.02
       37 Mini Breaks Special K chocolate 24 g x 5            Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      132                                      € 2.90   € 2.90       € 2.20
       38 Special K chocolate con leche 6 units               Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      120      € 2.45     € 2.45     € 2.45    € 2.50   € 2.46       € 2.05
       39 Special K chocolate negro 6 units                   Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      129                                      € 2.50   € 2.50       € 1.94
       40 Special K frutas rojas 21,5 g x 6                   Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      129      € 2.45                          € 2.50   € 2.48       € 1.92
       41 Special K manzana y pera 21,5 g x 6                 Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      129      € 2.45                          € 2.50   € 2.48       € 1.92
       42 Special K Melocoton 6 units                         Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      129                 € 2.45                        € 2.45       € 1.90
       43 Squares 36 g x 4                                    Kellogg's         Cereal Bars/Cookies      144                 € 2.05               € 2.05   € 2.05       € 1.42
       44 All Bran Bizcochito 40 g x 6                        Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies     240     € 2.69      € 2.80     € 2.80    € 2.90   € 2.80       € 1.17
       45 All Bran chocolate 40 g x 6                         Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies     240     € 2.55      € 2.45     € 2.45    € 2.50   € 2.49       € 1.04
       46 All Bran fibra 40 g x 6                             Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies     240       NA         NA             NA    NA       NA              NA
       47 All Bran manzana 40 g x 6                           Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies     240     € 2.55      € 2.45     € 2.45    € 2.50   € 2.49       € 1.04
       48 All Bran Mini Breaks Strawberry 16 g x 6            Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies     240     € 2.70      € 2.69          NA   € 2.32   € 2.57       € 1.07
       49 All Bran Mini Breaks Cinnamon 16 g x 6              Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies     240     € 2.70      € 2.69          NA   € 2.32   € 2.57       € 1.07
       50 Fitness 23,5 g x 6                                  Nestlé            Cereal Bars/Cookies      141                 € 2.45                        € 2.45       € 1.74
       51 Fitness chocolate 23,5 g x 6                        Nestlé            Cereal Bars/Cookies      141      € 2.35                          € 2.21   € 2.28       € 1.62
       52 Golden Grahams 25 g x 6                             Nestlé            Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                                      € 2.15   € 2.15       € 1.43
       53 Nesquik 25 g x 6                                    Nestlé            Cereal Bars/Cookies      150                                      € 2.15   € 2.15       € 1.43
       1 Carrefour Fibre Flakes                               Carrefour         Cereals                  500                 € 1.67                        € 1.67       € 0.33
       2 Carrefour Fibre Flakes Chocolate                     Carrefour         Cereals                  500                 € 1.81                        € 1.81       € 0.36
       3 Carrefour Fruits & Fiber                             Carrefour         Cereals                  500                 € 1.80                        € 1.80       € 0.36
       4 Carrefour Muesli                                     Carrefour         Cereals                  750                 € 2.35                        € 2.35       € 0.31
       5 Fit Way copos de arroz y trigo integral              El Corte Inglés   Cereals                  750      € 2.65                                   € 2.65       € 0.35
       6 Fit Way copos de arroz y trigo integral con frutas   El Corte Inglés   Cereals                  375      € 2.47                                   € 2.47       € 0.66
       7 Absolut Vital chocolate Eroski                       Eroski            Cereals                  300                                      € 2.36   € 2.36       € 0.79

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Marketing Fundamentals                                [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

       8 Absolut Vital Eroski                          Eroski            Cereals    500                              € 1.89   € 1.89   € 0.38
       9 Absolut Vital frutas rojas Eroski             Eroski            Cereals    500                              € 2.36   € 2.36   € 0.47
       10 Bagies de vainilla y chocolate Eroski        Eroski            Cereals    300                              € 1.99   € 1.99   € 0.66
       11 Corn Flakes Eroski basic                     Eroski            Cereals    500                              € 1.05   € 1.05   € 0.21
       12 Arroz Inflado                                Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.40            € 1.40   € 0.28
       13 Bolas Maiz Chocolate                         Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.40            € 1.40   € 0.28
       14 Copos de Arroz Trigo integral                Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.59            € 1.59   € 0.32
       15 Copos de Arroz Trigo Integral                Hacendado         Cereals    450                     € 2.20            € 2.20   € 0.49
       16 Copos de Arroz Trigo Integral Frutas Rojas   Hacendado         Cereals    300                     € 1.80            € 1.80   € 0.60
       17 Copos de Maiz Azucurado                      Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.35            € 1.35   € 0.27
       18 Multipack variado 6 units                    Hacendado         Cereals    200                     € 1.60            € 1.60   € 0.80
       19 Relleno de Chocolate                         Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.59            € 1.59   € 0.32
       20 Relleno de Leche                             Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.99            € 1.99   € 0.40
       21 Trigo de Chocolate                           Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.35            € 1.35   € 0.27
       22 Trigo de Miel                                Hacendado         Cereals    500                     € 1.40            € 1.40   € 0.28
       23 Bolas Chocolate sin Gluten                   Harrisons         Cereals    375   € 2.99                              € 2.99   € 0.80
       24 CornFlakes sin Gluten                        Harrisons         Cereals    375   € 2.50                              € 2.50   € 0.67
       25 Choco Krispies                               Kellogg's         Cereals    600   € 2.89                              € 2.89   € 0.48
       26 CornFlakes                                   Kellogg's         Cereals    500   € 2.19                              € 2.19   € 0.44
       27 Country chocolate Jordans                    Kellogg's         Cereals    375                              € 3.40   € 3.40   € 0.91
       28 Extra chocolate                              Kellogg's         Cereals    350            € 2.49            € 2.99   € 2.74   € 0.78
       29 Extra fruta                                  Kellogg's         Cereals    350   € 2.99   € 2.49            € 2.99   € 2.82   € 0.81
       30 Extra fruta y fibra                          Kellogg's         Cereals    500                              € 3.30   € 3.30   € 0.66
       31 Frosties                                     Kellogg's         Cereals    375                              € 2.46   € 2.46   € 0.66
       32 Frosties                                     Kellogg's         Cereals    500   € 2.75            € 2.50            € 2.63   € 0.53
       33 Miel Pops                                    Kellogg's         Cereals    375                              € 2.85   € 2.85   € 0.76
       34 Optivita frutas del bosque                   Kellogg's         Cereals    300   € 3.29                     € 3.77   € 3.53   € 1.18
       35 Optivita pasas                               Kellogg's         Cereals    300                              € 3.80   € 3.80   € 1.27
       36 Rice Krispies                                Kellogg's         Cereals    375   € 2.99                     € 3.05   € 3.02   € 0.81
       37 Smacks                                       Kellogg's         Cereals    375                     € 2.85   € 2.35   € 2.60   € 0.69
       38 Special K                                    Kellogg's         Cereals    375   € 2.45                              € 2.45   € 0.65
       39 Special K chocolate                          Kellogg's         Cereals    300   € 2.75   € 2.40            € 2.75   € 2.63   € 0.88
       40 Special K chocolate con leche                Kellogg's         Cereals    300   € 2.75                     € 2.75   € 2.75   € 0.92
       41 Special K Classic                            Kellogg's         Cereals    300            € 2.40                     € 2.40   € 0.80
       42 Special K Classic                            Kellogg's         Cereals    500   € 3.05   € 3.05   € 3.05   € 3.11   € 3.07   € 0.61
       43 Special K con avena y miel                   Kellogg's         Cereals    375   € 3.35            € 3.05   € 3.05   € 3.15   € 0.84
       44 Special K con frutos rojos                   Kellogg's         Cereals    300   € 2.75   € 2.40            € 2.75   € 2.63   € 0.88
       45 Special K sensations de fresa                Kellogg's         Cereals    375   € 3.20                       -      € 3.20   € 0.85
       46 Special K yogurt                             Kellogg's         Cereals    300   € 2.75                     € 2.89   € 2.82   € 0.94
       52 All-Bran Chocolate Hearts                    Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   375   € 3.10   € 2.84    NA      € 3.15   € 3.03   € 0.81
       47 All-Bran Raisin Hearts                       Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   375   € 3.10   € 2.84    NA      € 3.15   € 3.03   € 0.81
       48 All-Bran Choco                               Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   375   € 3.40   € 3.10    NA      € 3.49   € 3.33   € 0.89
       49 All-Bran Fibra Plus                          Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   500    NA      € 2.84    NA       NA      € 2.84   € 0.57
       54 All-Bran Fibra Plus                          Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   375    NA       NA       NA      € 2.35   € 2.35   € 0.63
       55 All-Bran Fibra Plus                          Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   750   € 3.10   € 3.50    NA      € 3.10   € 3.23   € 0.43
       50 All-Bran Flakes                              Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   375    NA       NA       NA      € 2.35   € 2.35   € 0.63
       51 All-Bran Flakes                              Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   500   € 3.10   € 3.10   € 3.10    NA      € 3.10   € 0.62
       53 All-Bran Fruta & Fibra                       Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals   500   € 3.10   € 3.10   € 3.10   € 3.30   € 3.15   € 0.63
       56 Cheerios miel                                Nestlé            Cereals    375                              € 2.45   € 2.45   € 0.65
       57 Chocapic                                     Nestlé            Cereals    625   € 3.19                              € 3.19   € 0.51
       58 Corn Flakes                                  Nestlé            Cereals    500   € 2.19                     € 2.34   € 2.27   € 0.45
       59 Estrellitas miel                             Nestlé            Cereals    375                              € 2.45   € 2.45   € 0.65
       60 Fibre-1                                      Nestlé            Cereals    375   € 2.27                              € 2.27   € 0.61
       61 Fitness                                      Nestlé            Cereals    500   € 3.15                     € 3.15   € 3.15   € 0.63
       62 Fitness & Fruits                             Nestlé            Cereals    375   € 3.09                     € 3.00   € 3.05   € 0.81
       63 Fitness Chocolate                            Nestlé            Cereals    375            € 3.05   € 2.99            € 3.02   € 0.81
       64 Fitness Chocolate Negro                      Nestlé            Cereals    375   € 3.09            € 2.99   € 3.16   € 3.08   € 0.82
       65 Golden Grahams                               Nestlé            Cereals    375   € 2.49            € 2.59   € 2.57   € 2.55   € 0.68
       66 Muesli                                       Nestlé            Cereals    750   € 2.35                              € 2.35   € 0.31
       67 Muesli con chocolate Seleqtia Eroski         Seleqtia          Cereals    500                              € 3.14   € 3.14   € 0.63
       68 Seleqtia con nueces                          Seleqtia          Cereals    500                              € 2.99   € 2.99   € 0.60
       69 Weetabix Original                            Wheetabix         Cereals    430            € 2.51   € 2.69            € 2.60   € 0.60

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Marketing Fundamentals                            [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]


                                  Product                         Brand            Category         Grams     Average   Price per 100 gr
       1 Digestive Avena                                 Hacendado            Cereal Bars/Cookies       775    € 2.28        € 0.29
       2 Carrefour Barrita Muesli                        Carrefour            Cereal Bars/Cookies       210    € 1.25        € 0.60
       3 Muesli Avellana 8 units                         Hacendado            Cereal Bars/Cookies       200    € 1.20        € 0.60
       4 Eroski con chocolate 25 g x 6                   Eroski               Cereal Bars/Cookies       150    € 1.01        € 0.67
       5 Digestive con manzana                           Fontaneda            Cereal Bars/Cookies       215    € 2.00        € 0.93
       6 All Bran chocolate 40 g x 6                     Kellogg's All-Bran   Cereal Bars/Cookies       240    € 2.49       € 1.04
       7 Muesly Buenos días Hero 25 g x 6                Hero                 Cereal Bars/Cookies       150    € 1.60        € 1.06
       8 Fitness chocolate 23,5 g x 6                    Nestlé               Cereal Bars/Cookies       141    € 2.28        € 1.62
       9 Special K manzana y pera 21,5 g x 6             Kellogg's            Cereal Bars/Cookies       129    € 2.48        € 1.92
       10 Delissimas naranja 22 g x 6                    Kellogg's            Cereal Bars/Cookies       138    € 2.79        € 2.02
       11 Chocolate Sacialis 6 units                     Bicentury            Cereal Bars/Cookies       120    € 2.45        € 2.04

                                  Product                         Brand            Category         Grams     Average   Price per 100 gr
       1 Carrefour Fibre Flakes                          Carrefour            Cereals                   500    € 1.67        € 0.33
       2 Fit Way copos de arroz y trigo integral         El Corte Inglés      Cereals                   750    € 2.65        € 0.35
       3 Absolut Vital Eroski                            Eroski               Cereals                   500    € 1.89        € 0.38
       4 Copos de Arroz Trigo Integral                   Hacendado            Cereals                   450    € 2.20        € 0.49
       5 Weetabix Original                               Wheetabix            Cereals                   430    € 2.60        € 0.60
       6 Fibre-1                                         Nestlé               Cereals                   375    € 2.27        € 0.61
       7 All-Bran Flakes                                 Kellogg's All-Bran   Cereals                   375    € 2.35       € 0.63
       8 Fitness                                         Nestlé               Cereals                   500    € 3.15        € 0.63
       9 Special K con avena y miel                      Kellogg's            Cereals                   375    € 3.15        € 0.84

                             Avg Price Snack per 100g                           Avg Price Cereal per 100g
                                             € 1.16                                            € 0.54
                             All Bran                                           All Bran
                                             € 1.04                                            € 0.63
                                              89%                                              116%

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)                                                         27

                    AND CEREAL SECTIONS

                                                Snacks        Cereals

                           Caprabo              16%           8%

                           Mercadona            4%            6%

                           Carrefour            18%           11%

                           El Corte Ingles      16%           13%

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)   28

                          EXHIBIT 15: DIRECT COMPETITORS

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)   29

                     EXHIBIT 16: LOWER END SUPERMARKETS

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)   30

                     EXHIBIT 17: HIGHER END SUPERMARKETS

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)   31
Marketing Fundamentals             [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT]

                              EXHIBIT 18: TV COMMUNICATION

Positive attitude and the benefits of fiber: Muffin Cakes, Chocolate Flakes, Fruit &Fiber Flakes and Bars
are all individually targeted to communicate these two common benefits, without suggesting occasions for
consumption. The core message delivered is feeling positive, while recalling the underlying reason for this
effect, which is being rich in fiber, stressing that fiber helps eliminate what your body does not need, making
you feel healthier and positive. “Sentirse sano se nota, tomar All-Bran también”. Taste is not addressed in
these set of ads.

Dining: Two commercials have been produced to promote this specific occasion for consumption. They
expose the functional benefits of All-Bran and present the product as a possible dinner by emphasizing the
discomfort felt in the morning from eating too much the night before. The consumer is encouraged to change
over to an All-Bran meal, in this case All-Bran Choco. The communication reflects the product as a delicious
cereal rich in fiber that works while you sleep and helps you feel less bloated, happier and with a contagious
positive attitude in the morning. “Sentirse sano se nota, cenar All-Bran también”. Taste, health, and positivity
are all communicated in these ads.

Breakfast: One TV communication has been lately produced regarding this specific occasion for
consumption. While cereals are common ground for breakfast, the brand is presenting “Muffin Cake” which
clearly does not match the regular cereal category, taking it beyond the major functional benefits of
convenience and portability to become a breakfast meal. The enjoyable attributes are strongly enforced by
mentioning soft texture, little fruit pieces and deliciousness. On top, the muffin is rich in fiber which helps
you eliminate what your body does not need, making you feel healthier and cheeful. “Sentirse sano se nota,
desayunar All-Bran también”.

Snack/nibbling: All-Bran mini-breaks commercials enforce the fruit tastes, strawberry and cinnamon,
projecting desire around the snack product. This may well be to compensate for the image consumers have
against fiber products having good taste. This is a healthy and tasty fiber product to be nibbled between
meals and on the go. “Finally, a healthy snack”.

© IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B)                      32

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Developing a marketing strategy for Kellogg's All Bran range of corn flakes

  • 1. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] With over 80 years of legacy behind it, the Kellogg’s All-Bran brand is now one of the most significant trademarks of the company. What was once a name for cereals and cornflakes, now represents nutrition and healthy eating. Through this project we explore the different aspects of the Kellogg’s All-Bran brand and its future. Kellogg’s All-Bran IMBA NOV 2010 N1 IE BUSINESS SCHOOL FABRIZIO LUONGO JOAO MAGALHAES KUNDAN BHADURI PAUL JAMES SOLOMON SANDRA BOGHOS SANDRA MORRIS © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 1
  • 2. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] TABLE OF CONTENTS Situation Analysis..................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Consumer............................................................................................................................................................................................................3 COMPANY............................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Competitors ......................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Collaborators ...................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Context .................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Target Market .........................................................................................................................................................................................................5 The Marketing Strategy .....................................................................................................................................................................................5 Brand Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Health ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Marketing Mix: The 4 Ps ....................................................................................................................................................................................7 marketing Communication ..............................................................................................................................................................................9 major branding Issuesat all-bran............................................................................................................................................................... 11 Recommendation ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Exhibit 1: Kellogg’s vision, mission statement and operating principles ............................................................................. 13 Exhibit 2: All-Bran Direct and Indirect Competitors ....................................................................................................................... 14 Exhibit 3: Brand Positioning in the Spanish Market ........................................................................................................................ 15 Exhibit 4: SWOT .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Exhibit 5: All Bran Brand Awareness Survey Result ....................................................................................................................... 17 Exhibit 6: Assisted Product Recognition by Consumers ................................................................................................................ 18 Exhibit 7: Consumer Rating of All Bran Products ............................................................................................................................. 19 Exhibit 8: What consumers would improve about All Bran ........................................................................................................ 20 Exhibit 9: The All-Bran Product Line ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 Exhibit 10a: Average Price of All-Bran Cereals Portfolio .............................................................................................................. 22 Exhibit 10b: Price of All-Bran Snacks Portfolio .................................................................................................................................. 23 Exhibit 11: Price per 100 grams of All-Bran Products.................................................................................................................... 24 Appendix 12: Price data for the Market of Cereals and Snacks in El Corte Inglés, Mercadona, Caprabo and Carrefour................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Exhibit 13: Price Comparison of All-Bran Cereal Bar and All-Bran Flakes with Competition. .................................. 27 Exhibit 14: Supermarket space allocated to All-Bran in snack and cereal sections ........................................................ 28 Exhibit 15: Direct Competitors ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Exhibit 16: Lower End Supermarkets ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 Exhibit 17: Higher End Supermarkets .................................................................................................................................................... 31 Exhibit 18: TV communication.................................................................................................................................................................... 32 © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 2
  • 3. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] SITUATION ANALYSIS CONSUMER The All-Bran brand encompasses a range of products broadly split into two categories, cereals and snacks. As such the range of All-Bran consumers is wide, ranging from the young to old and both male and female. However in general the typical customer buys the product to satisfy a particular need for fiber and/or to enjoy a healthy and filling snack or meal. Traditionally All-Bran was considered as a breakfast product, and this continues to be the main time of consumption for the products. The value for customers remains as it has been for decades, with the quick and easy nature of preparation of any of the products, and the relatively low price compared to alternative foods, giving consumers a strong reason to use the product. In the area Kellogg’s has long been the market leader, consumers have grown up with the brand and therefore are loyal towards it. However, the recent product expansion and alternative meal suggestions by Kellogg’s mean consumers now enjoy All-Bran snack and cereal products at any time of the day, for meals or between meals. Snacks offer several key advantages over other substitute products to the consumer. Some of the important ones include longer shelf life, easily preservable at room temperatures and a wider distribution/reach. Also, as compared to other substitute products such as sandwiches, cakes, yogurts, fruits and cookies the pricing of the All Bran range of products is again competitive. The average snacks consumer has a need for quick and healthy snacks between meals, generally during short breaks at work or outdoors. All-Bran consumers are therefore diverse in nature. However broadly speaking we could differentiate between “All- Bran plus” type customers, and the less extreme consumers. The first group is very concerned with the health benefits, in particular about a healthy digestive system. They are less concerned about taste and are the users of the more basic cereals. The second group uses the product for more general reasons, still appreciating the health benefits but also attracted by the convenience and weight-suppression aspects of the product. They are likely to be more concerned with taste and therefore more attracted to the products with additional flavours, in particular the snacks. Consumers get their information from TV, magazines, street billboards, Internet advertising, and word of mouth. They also obtain information from the packaging both at the point of sale (supermarkets) and at home. The boxes contain nutritional data relevant to their purchases. In general the decision to purchase will be planned, with perhaps consideration of the relative benefits of the options considered at the supermarket shelf, or a conscious decision to eat more healthy food precipitated by advertising. COMPANY Kellogg’s is an American company founded in 1906. It is now the world’s leading producer of cereal and convenience foods, with products marketed in more than 180 countries around the world. Their products are marketed under the Kellogg’s brand name and are sold principally to the grocery trade through direct sales forces for resale to consumers. The company sales in 2010 comprised of three main categories: cereals (~50%), snacks (~40%) and frozen/other products (~10%). Kellogg´s is established as an international leader in the cereals trade. Their corporate goal (Exhibit 1) is to grow their cereal business and expand more into snack products, while remaining customer centric. It is a global corporation, with self-sustaining financial resources such as good liquidity and healthy levels of capital. It has a wide range of distribution partners and devotes a significant proportion of its resources on its marketing campaigns. The company is known for taking long term bets in a few selective categories of the food market and backing them up with R&D and innovation, strong brands and an excellent execution by an experienced team. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 3
  • 4. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] The company sells two lines of products in Spain - cereals and snacks, which include the cereal bar, mini-breaks and muffins. In the eyes of Spanish consumers Kellogg’s globally recognizable name generates associations of trust and reliability, and also enables them to attract a talented workforce. Kellogg’s has a manufacturing plant in the city of Tarragona, Spain. This plant has been operational since 1980 and it produces cereal products for the Spanish and Portuguese markets, as well as for exports to other countries in Europe. COMPETITORS All-Bran’s cereal competitors are other brands and private labels. In the snacks line of products, All-Bran has been facing competition from other healthy snack producers, including the private labels at supermarkets or other traditional confectionery manufacturers. The competition in the cereals and snack markets has become fierce compared to a decade ago. The market for natural and healthy snacks has been growing, and adding to the already large variety of products consumers have to choose from: cookies, cereal bars, drinks, yogurts, and powder mixes to name but a few. Competitors can be categorized in two groups (Exhibit 2): 1. Direct Competitors: All other branded and white label cereals, cereal bars, and snacks with high fiber content or categorized as healthy and belonging to the cereals aisle at the Supermarket. 2. Indirect competitors: This includes two subcategories: Cereals, cereal bars and snacks not marketed as “healthy” but competing with All-Bran on the cereal aisle. Includes kids’ cereals, chocolate snacks, ‘indulgence cereals’ and other varieties. Other products that contain fiber and communicate the fiber benefits explicitly to the consumers. For example fiber cookies, pills, and yogurts, probiotic drinks, high fiber juices, teas, whole wheat rice and breads, dried fruit, and other natural products like flax-seed and wheat oats. Customers can buy the entire All-Bran range of products, along with direct competitors, from the same points of sale - supermarkets and convenience stores. There is opportunity in the market for other brands that offer cheaper, healthy and tasty alternatives. Our survey results show that the main competitors of All-Bran in the cereal and snack business in the city of Madrid are: Nestle (Fitness), Weetabix, General Mills, and private labels such as El Hacendado, Aliada, Eroski, and Carrefour. On an overall basis, All-Bran’s brand position vis-à-vis its competitors are shown in Exhibit 3. COLLABORATORS Kellogg’s counts well known nutrition experts such as Dr Baltazar Ruiz-Rosso and other professors in related businesses as thought leaders and collaborators. They provide strategic direction to the company by providing insights from their research in nutrition and product innovation, and guide consumers by recommending the products in magazines, newspaper articles, research journals, online forums or television talk shows. The advice given by these thought leaders is crucial as it helps shape public perception. Other minor collaborators include: Grupo Leche Pascual as a key distributor, ID Logistics, and advertising agencies. CONTEXT In the social context, individuals are becoming more health conscious and aware of the food they eat. Nutritional information on products and the availability of vitamins, minerals, and fiber is important when choosing a snack or breakfast cereal. This trend started more than ten years ago but is now very strong in Spain; consumers are eating healthy breakfasts and snacks, and want new options that fit into their dietary needs. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 4
  • 5. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] Despite this general trend, data from a study done by Doctor Baltazar for All-Bran has demonstrated that fiber intake is decreasing in Spain. This research concludes that Spanish people consume only 53% of the daily fiber recommendation. The government is therefore encouraging people to monitor their diets and improve fiber intake. The crisis of the last two years has also significantly influenced the choices Spanish consumers make. The availability of similar private label products at lower prices has made consumers perceive All-Bran a premium and more expensive brand and shift their purchasing habits towards white brands. Furthermore, the growing influence of technology and social networks means that people today share their good and bad experiences about products/services and influence other peoples’ buying decisions. SWOT Analysis Exhibit 4 shows the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats concerning the All-Bran brand. TARGET MARKET The product is mainly aimed at adults aged 30 and older, both men and women. This population segment in Spain accounts for around 38% of the total population, approximately 17.6 million people. Demographic profile Psychographic profile Men and women between the ages of 30 to 59 Active and busy lifestyles They typically eat cereal or snacks once a day Concerned with health Mainly living in cities (Madrid, Barcelona) Modern and actively changing Income in the middle to high range Low sensitivity to price for quality products THE MARKETING STRATEGY Broadly speaking, Kellogg’s marketing strategy is three-pronged with the following goals. In the long term it plans to improve overall market-share, in the short term to increase Kellogg’s share of wallet, and finally in general it seeks to improve the overall purchasing experience of the customer. This strategy will help the company realize a longer life cycle for the All-Bran brand. Previously Kellogg’s had launched several bran-based products and ended up with a large portfolio of products that were difficult to market. The company therefore consolidated all fiber-based products together within the All-Bran brand. This strategy aided the struggling individual brands to both gain importance in their respective markets and reduce the total marketing resources that would have been otherwise required to support each of them separately. However, the brand consolidation created confusion for the customer, and actually negatively impacted the All-Bran brand itself. To deal with this the company adopted a synergy based approach. For instance, the All-Bran Plus product is marketed under the master brand of All-Bran while Bran Flakes is labeled as a separate sub-brand. The packaging is altered to accommodate the designs of the different sub-brands but also shows the entire range of All- Bran products that could help the end customer make better purchasing decisions. In this way the brand is marketed in a way such that the properties of all the products within the All-Bran brand are perceived to be unified when it comes to health and nature. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 5
  • 6. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] To further expand market outreach, the company then decided to pursue brand expansion by diversifying into cereal bars, muffins and other healthy snacks. The marketing focus extended beyond simple health and nature- based food to include convenience as a selling point. In addition, The company also repositioned the product range to depict not only the old “Keeps you regular” message to consumers but one that embodies inner health. On the differentiated purchasing experience front, we note that the All-Bran brand originally conveyed the idea of being a ‘natural product’ to the consumer. This strategy makes it essential for the packaging to show the ingredients and the nutrition information much more prominently, which it indeed does. The marketing strategy has also strongly relied on carefully crafted television and radio advertising, apart from consistent in-store promotions. The brand positioning can be summarized with the following statement: To adults over thirty, All Bran is the cereal/snack that allows them to maintain their digestive system, stay healthy, and have higher energy levels because of its high fiber content. BRAND ANALYSIS Kellogg’s, the brand with the strongest brand recognition and advertising recollection of all cereal manufacturers, shows legitimacy and quality, while the All-Bran master brand individualizes the product line. This provides a positive contribution to brand equity and leverages positive associations from the consumer. All-Bran places its individual products by means of brand extensions. This approach, besides enabling other marketing synergies, provides an umbrella where the master brand’s attributes are the core around which all extensions are sustained. Two tangible associations identify the brand, the name and the logo. The particular brown color of the lettering used in the logo in the yellow background is most important for brand recognition. On the intangible side the All- Bran brand communicates associations of health and positive attitude to the consumer. The emphasis is on the products being a boost to both relationships and health, helping the consumer look and feel good. If the brand were to have a personality, it would reflect trust, longevity and positive feelings. HEALTH The key ingredient in all All-Bran products is of course Fiber, and while the brand has lately shifted away from the blunt concept of regularity it still retains a direct connection between high fiber content and a functional benefit, using the more subtle definition of fiber helps you eliminate what your body does not need. The company also builds on this message by promoting the daily dietary requirements that the product fulfils, including vitamins. The consumer therefore benefits from the combined value proposition of general and dietary health. TASTE The brand faces some resistance in developing this association, since some of its promotions attempt to dispute consumers’ preconception of wheat bran being tasteless or even sometimes unpleasant. The required shift in consumer beliefs is pursued by promoting the association of “fiber can taste good” aimed at both the classic cereal product but also more meaningfully to the cereal bars and mini-breaks. A reaction to the problem of taste associations is the presence of fruits, or fruit flavors like strawberry and apple, and more indulgent variations like chocolate, raisins, cinnamon and honey among the different products. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 6
  • 7. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] Interactions of the Associations TASTE AND HEALTH Good taste perception is a desired attribute for all food products. However, the strong negative taste preconceptions discussed above are backed up by our survey which shows that consumers rate All-Bran taste as fair (Exhibits 5, 6, 7 and 8). Consumers appear to be suspicious of a positioning combining good taste and health, while the presence of fiber is thought to be incompatible with taste. Overcoming the doubts caused by this dual positioning requires a strong and trusted brand like All-Bran, and it has successfully managed to create and develop this category in a believable manner with both benefits being simultaneously grasped by consumers. This, for instance, has allowed the launch Cereal Bars and Mini-Breaks that fulfill the need for a healthy and tasty snack all in one product. POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND FIBER The functional benefit does not end with eliminating what your body does not need, it conveys keeping the digestive system healthy, which means keeping the consumer healthy. Inner health goes from the inside to the outside, meaning that a healthy body is the booster of positive attitudes and being in harmony with the surrounding peers. MARKETING MIX: THE 4 PS PRODUCT All-Bran basic products are at the core of what consumers buy; they either buy a breakfast food, or snacks to be eaten on the go. However there is more to the equation than a simple cereal because the product is fulfilling a certain set of expectations. When consumers buy All-Bran they are buying the benefits that come with it, the healthy image and fiber benefits which are part of the expected product. The augmented product is the health and comfort that people are acquiring which are the indirect results of consuming All-Bran. All-Bran was created in 1915 and is currently in the maturity phase of its product life cycle, where it is well known and has had ample time to penetrate the cereal market. What Kellogg’s is trying to do is to lengthen this period, by actively marketing All-Bran, its benefits, and the lifestyle it is part of. Extending the brand and going into snack production is a means to prolong this maturity stage. Kellogg’s started the All-Bran range with two products, All-Bran Flakes, and the regular All-Bran. Today the brand length and width has increased dramatically. The All-Bran brand mix width is composed of two product lines: cereals and snacks. Both lines have the same amount of SKU’s, with six different choices each, therefore the length of each line is six. The several options vary mainly according to the level of fiber offered and to the specific flavour or combination of flavours. Exhibit 9 shows the All-Bran product mix available in the Spanish market (specific to Madrid) with the percentage of fiber in each serving. The cereal product line has six different flavours to accommodate various customer needs and preferences. - All-Bran Flakes - All-Bran Choco - All-Bran Fruit & Fiber - All-Bran Plus - All-Bran Raisin Hearts - All-Bran Chocolate Hearts © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 7
  • 8. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] The snacks line has three different types of products: Bars, Mini- Breaks, and Muffin Cakes. The bars offer three flavours: apple, chocolate, and nature. The Mini- Breaks come in strawberry and cinnamon flavours and the Muffin Cake comes in oat and fruit. — All-Bran Mini-breaks (strawberry & cinnamon) — All-Bran Cereal Bars (nature, apple & chocolate) — All-Bran Muffin Cake PRICING Four supermarkets and stores were visited to analyze prices. Visits were done to El Corte Inglés, Carrefour, Mercadona, and Caprabo in order to compare the product prices in these places. A list of cereal products and snacks was compiled together with the different prices in the stores. Exhibits 10a and 10b show the average price for each product and Exhibit 11 calculates the price per 100 grams for cereals. Prices in the stores visited did not vary much when comparing Kellogg’s cereal bars or snacks. This shows a good control of the company over its prices in this category. On the other hand, prices for cereals are very different in the four stores. This shows the high competition between brands and supermarkets, as well as the power customers have over prices. If a consumer enjoys a type of cereal, he or she will remember the price and will visit the store that has the variety but also the lowest price. Another important observation is that Kellogg`s has a higher pricing for all its cereals. If we compare All-Bran products to its other core adult and kids cereals we can see that the average price of 100 grams of All-Bran Flakes and Plus is around 15 to 20 cents cheaper than other Kellogg’s cereals like Pops, Extra and Special K. The other All-Bran varieties are about the same as the Kellogg’s portfolio. Supported by the data collected at the stores, we can say that All-Bran products are part of the higher price point category. There is no doubt that Kellogg's wants to project this brand as a top-end premium segment brand, for which people are willing to pay a premium price (typically 20-33% more). Exhibit 12 shows the 15 SKUs present in the Spanish market and their price per unit and per 100 grams of product. The cereals market is clearly classified into three different price segments. These price brackets (per 100 grams) are SEGMENT 1 = €0-0.35, SEGMENT 2 = €0.36-0.70, SEGMENT 3 = €0.71-1.0. On the cereal category All-Bran has an average price of €0.67 per 100 grams of product, compared to the average price of its competitors: €0.62 per 100 grams. All-Bran operates in segment 2 and 3 across the six product variations, with three packaging variations: 375, 500 and 750 grams. Its main products, All-Bran Fiber Plus and All-Bran Flakes, are available in different size packages, but the more premium priced flavors (Chocolate Hearts, Raisin Hearts, and Choco) are only available in 375 gram packaging. The price of All-Bran cereal, in packets of 500 grams, varies between 2.84-3.15 Euros, a price range that also contains other brands like Nestlé Fitness, and Kellog’s Special K and Extra. White brands are very strong in the cereal market, offering the consumers a cheaper alternative. This white brand category has an average unit price of €1.62 and a price per 100 grams of €0.32. All-Bran consumers are willing to pay twice the price of white brands because they trust Kellogg’s quality and heritage. All-Bran also competes on the snacks category with its Cereal Bars, Muffins and Mini-Breaks. The Cereal Bars business has higher product variety, greater pricing variations and a much larger competitive base. The products in this segment can be classified under the following price segments (per 100 grams): SEGMENT 1 = < €0.50, SEGMENT 2 = €0.51 - € 1.0, SEGMENT 3 = €1.01 - €1.50, SEGMENT 4 = €1.51 - €2.0, SEGMENT 5 = > €2.0. All-Bran operates at the lower end of Segment 3 in this product category (All-Bran's price for cereal bars is €1.04). In this category, white brands are very aggressive not only in prices but also in the variety and consistency they offer to the consumers. See Exhibit 13 for comparison with competition. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 8
  • 9. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] POINT OF SALE Our market study of the shelving of All-Bran products took place in the same supermarkets in Madrid. Overall, cereal brands are facing high competition from private labels, with each supermarket pushing its own private labels and giving them adequate shelf space with good visibility. Supermarkets are giving All-Bran centralized shelf space which is almost always at eye level (Exhibit 14 and 15). However, they are surrounding the branded products with their own private labels, so that the consumer can compare prices of the exact same products side by side, All- Bran vs. the private label. Caprabo: Caprabo is a relatively small and convenient supermarket and the snacks and cereals are combined together into 1 section. The section consists of 11 facets and 4 shelves of which 2 are large and the other 2 are narrow. Only one of these shelves, which happens to be at eye level, is for snacks. The selection is relatively good for the size of the section. They carry All-Bran Cereal Bar in Apple and Chocolate and All-Bran Muffin Cake in 5 facets. On the top shelf, they carry All-Bran Plus and All-Bran Flakes. Mercadona: Mercadona is slightly more disorganized and the snacks are in the upper middle shelves of the section. The section is bigger than that of Caprabo but this is understandable given that the supermarket is also bigger. There are a total of 4 shelves of 16 facets for cereals, a level which is a bit higher for the snacks whose boxes are a bit smaller in size. All-Bran cereals are placed on the second shelf from the floor and they carry All- Bran Flakes, All-Bran Fruit & Fiber, and All-Bran Chocolate Hearts. All-Bran snacks come in 2 types, All-Bran Muffin Cake, and All-Bran Cereal Bar in Chocolate. They are at eye level, but only occupy one facet each (Exhibit 16). El Corte Ingles: El Corte Ingles has a big cereal section. It is a high end supermarket, where neatness is obvious. There is a clear separation of snacks and cereals, and this is done by placing milk (a complement of cereal) in the middle. The snack section consists of 6 shelves, and has an entire shelf dedicated to All-Bran snacks taking up 8 facets in total. The whole All-Bran snack range is available which is impressive because the shelf is at exact eye level. The supermarket also carries extensive selections of Special K and Hero snacks. Adjacent is the cereal section, occupying 20 facets on 4 shelves. The selection is also wide, but the products are very dispersed, available on different parts of all the shelves except the one at eye level. Top shelf contains All-Bran Plus, the third shelf contains the 2 chocolate variations, and the bottom one contains All-Bran Flakes, and All-Bran Fruit & Fiber. Carrefour: Carrefour carries an extensive range of both cereals and snacks whose sections are adjacent. All-Bran Plus, All-Bran Fruit & Fiber, and All-Bran Flakes Chocolate are positioned on the highest shelf. Carrefour white label surrounds All-Bran from most sides. All-Bran Chocolate Hearts are placed on the floor under the shelves occupying a large space which is highly noticeable; the same is done for Nestle Fitness. As for snacks, the 6 types of snacks are all available, occupying the top 2 shelves. Again, with snacks, similar Carrefour brand products are placed side by side to All-Bran (Exhibit 17). MARKETING COMMUNICATION All-Bran approaches its customers through different communication channels. TV is the principle device, but Internet channels and communication on the packaging are also used to deliver key messages to existing and new potential customers. TV COMMUNICATION This channel enforces the core attributes of the brand: healthy, tasty, and positive feelings. Across all commercials the message is to cut out negative habits and attitudes and bring in positive energy to everyday life. Taste is only mentioned occasionally. Health is generally used as the underlying reason for the positive attitude the consumer © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 9
  • 10. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] gains through the use of the product. When advertising All-Bran Choco, Muffin Cakes, Cereal Bars, and Mini- Breaks, besides enforcing brand attributes, the commercials are mainly promoting new occasions for consumption. For each product there is one suggested occasion. With Cereal Bars and Muffin Cakes for instance the emphasis is on the ability to consume the product “on the go”, implicitly promoting the convenience. All TV communication is 1 available for viewing at the main corporate site. We point out YouTube references to the commercials when available for ease of view. Exhibit 18 describes the themes of selected advertising campaigns. PACKAGING COMMUNICATION Packaging communication is identical across all cereal products of the brand. Several combinations are suggested like with fruits, white coffee, yogurt, or ice-cream, all to try to boost the perception of taste. Inviting pictures of the product within each occasion are given, and communicate the intention of the brand to be perceived as tasty and ultimately delicious. Another clear message is the display of the percentage of fiber content on the product, but it must be noted that not all extensions bear this sign. Also present on the packaging of cereals is one of the standard mottos of the brand “Sentirse sano se nota, tomar All-Bran también” meaning “feeling healthy is noticeable, having All-Bran, too”. Furthermore, small notices have been placed at the bottom of the packaging with three messages stating general benefits of consumption of fibre. “Studies indicate that currently only 53% of the desirable amount of fiber is consumed by the Spanish population.” “All-Brain contains insoluble fiber, and studies demonstrate that insoluble fiber is most effective.” “All-Bran is a healthy option, it has high fiber content promoting a healthy digestive system, helping to eliminate what your body does not need.” In the Cereal Bars, Mini Breaks and Muffin Cake products the communications are much more abridged, restricted to mentions of the fiber content and highlighting the flavor of the product with appealing pictures. The messages typical of cereal products only appear in small font, stating the proportion of fiber present in relation to the daily requirement. INTERNET COMMUNICATION Internet communications comprise all digital means by which the brand communicates its benefits through the Internet. They include the corporate website,, participation in blogs, online recipes and content publishing in YouTube. Corporate website: It presents the whole range of products in the Spanish market, a dedicated chapter to inform on the role of fiber and a section to evaluate the current relationship of the consumer with his or her fiber consumption. The last section exhibits the TV ads created by the agency Leo Burnett, giving a creative and cheerful touch to the site. The role of fiber in pregnancy was recently incorporated, addressing the problem of constipation many pregnant women experience during pregnancy. Muffin Cakes, Bars and Mini-Breaks: The great taste of Muffin Cakes is emphasized, while bars are promoted for their high content in fiber, and mini- breaks for their general health benefits - “finally a healthy snack”. All the descriptions continue the theme of healthy on the inside, lively and positive on the outside. The suggested consumption is for mid-morning or early evening since the product is not a substitute for meals, but a snack one might want to grab between meals. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 10
  • 11. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] presents interactions with the consumer and is positioned midway between a corporate site and a social network. It presents the Muffin Cake snack and it highlights, through interactive features, the 2 cheerful spirit of the brand. It appears that the brand decided not to create this interaction within an existing social network to retain control of the content published by the users, and to ensure a brand-centric environment. Blogs: The participation on the brand`s blogs is outstanding. Insiders, Kellogg’s hires or employees spread the benefits in great detail on blogs like and incentivizing consumers to express opinions and always responding to their comments and queries. YouTube Channel: Some of the commercials devised by Leo Burnett for TV advertisements have been published in YouTube but have few views or user comments. It is clear that as yet All-Bran has not yet concentrated on this particular channel. On-line Recipes: From the corporate website to other sites like Dia for supermarkets, the brand presents several recipes to be prepared using their products. The main objective is to deal with the taste perception issue. In order to emphasize its commitment to the health conscious customer, the company emphasizes a 7-day promise. Through this plan, the company has tried to promote the value of the brand by showing that daily consumption for only seven consecutive days could help alter the digestive irregularity of the consumer. In our view this is a definite value proposition and a customer accrual and retention strategy. MAJOR BRANDING ISSUESAT ALL-BRAN The main issues for All-Bran have been briefly summarized below: Threat from white labels: The white label brands are exerting pressure on the Kellogg’s All-Bran family of cereals on the cost front. A white label brand is typically 20-30% cheaper than All-Bran. The store shelving space of the white label brands is bigger than the space for All-Bran products. All-Bran negotiates shelf space with the supermarkets but it is obvious that the retail stores surround Kellogg’s and other brands with their private labels making the price comparison very easy for consumers. Supermarkets are trying to balance keeping the brands happy while pushing the sales of their own white labels. The company needs to improve its incentive scheme to counter this trend. Amongst the actions that Kellogg’s could potentially take would be to increase commissions per sale or exert greater supplier pressure by consolidating its SKU supply structure. Perception of Taste: After a broad survey of a number of sample All-Bran consumers, we are of the opinion that the consumer perception of the taste of the product is low. A lot of consumers associate the taste of All-Bran cereals with bland/dull rather than fun. While this is only a subjective and relative issue difficult to quantify, we suggest the product mix specialists look into this aspect in greater detail. In specific, blind tests on the variations of the cereal tastes can be done to ascertain the right taste mix for the variations of the cereals. Growing healthy food substitutes: There is also a growing concern over the availability of substitutes in the healthy food industry. Over the past several years the substitutes in the healthy food market have improved, as a result of which there is greater competition in the area. There are plenty of other product offerings that offer general health benefits and high fiber content. Problems with brand positioning: The company has positioned the All-Bran range of products in many different and disparate ways - without a clear messaging strategy to the consumer. At the end of the day, it is important to have a single brand image and message for the consumer. In the case of All-Bran, this has not been the case. The 2 Link to watch promotional video of © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 11
  • 12. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] various marketing communications over the past few years in Spain have sometimes projected the healthy aspect of the product, and at other times, communicated its benefits to the digestive system. In view of consumer perception building, this messaging does not clarify whether the product makes one ‘feel good’, ‘feel full’ or ‘feel healthy’ amongst others notions. Also, the product classification currently appears to be fuzzy - Are the cereals recommended for breakfast? for a snack? or should they serve the purpose of a full meal? Over a period of time the brand has tried to communicate all these elements and has been engrossed in sending too many messages rather than consolidating them. RECOMMENDATION One of the primary recommendations for Kellogg’s All-Bran would be to have an integrated messaging strategy for its brand of cereals and snacks. This could be covering either the healthy aspect of the product, or the convenience factor of the product. We understand that the Marketing Director would be vary of the fact that any such choice of product categorization and messaging would entail a more targeted consumer segment selection, which must be done after giving due diligence to the overall brand and company strategy along with a market research of the consumer segments that are the most profitable ones in the Spanish market. Premium All-Bran cereal boxes come mostly in small packages of 375g rather than 500g or 750g packaging that is used for other products. Although it might be premature for us to question this decision without further study, we hope that the brand and sales managers have given enough thought to this decision. Typically, these premium brands will have a niche customer loyalty, and therefore the demand will be inelastic when introducing larger package sizes (of 750 grams). Our recommendation is therefore that the company should consider larger package sizing for these SKU’s. Kellogg's current strategy is that of competitive differentiation rather than cost leadership, and although we are looking at the product from a marketing stand point, it would work to the company's advantage to identify the key success factors of the current pricing strategy. The key question that we need to answer is: Are most consumers willing to pay for the All-Bran cereals for a value differentiation that it brings, compared to all other lower priced brands? Is the value correctly projected in the packaging and marketing communication? Since Kellogg's would like to retain the same brand identity across these two product lines, it is imperative that the brand be associated with one single price segment across all its product lines. In choosing between whether to downgrade the cereals' pricing or to upgrade the cereal bars' pricing, we believe the company would be better positioned to do the latter. The cereals business has already been there for several decades now, and any attempt to re-jig the pricing for the flagship product might be risky. As against that, the cereal bars is a heavily segmented and contemporary business, and therefore Kellogg's would stand a better chance by competing in segments 4 and 5 of the cereal bars product line. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 12
  • 13. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 1: KELLOGG’S VISION, MISSION STATEMENT AND OPERATING PRINCIPLES © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 13
  • 14. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 2: ALL-BRAN DIRECT AND INDIRECT COMPETITORS © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 14
  • 15. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 3: BRAND POSITIONING IN THE SPANISH MARKET © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 15
  • 16. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 4: SWOT Strengths Opportunities • Great brand awareness worldwide and in the • Expansion into more high fiber product lines Spanish market targeting other consumers • Healthy and high quality product • Continuing growth in the snack market • Very few other major brand names in the field • Aging population in Spain will mean an increasing of high-fiber breakfasts customer base • Supported by the Kellogg’s brand • Brand is adaptable to different healthy food products • Strong distribution channels in Spain • Healthy food market has seen large growth in recent years Weaknesses Threats • Bland taste and perception of lack of taste • New choices of healthy and bran products in the • The main message of “regularity” given by TV market that reduce attraction of the traditional All ads is not very appealing Bran brand • Limited advertising for the brand in • Aggressively priced (white brands) entrants in the comparison with other Kellogg’s brands high fiber content niche • Consumer trends towards healthy but more indulgent and tastier cereals © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 16
  • 17. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 5: ALL BRAN BRAND AWARENESS SURVEY RESULT Exhibits 5, 6, 7 and 8 are based on the results of a marketing survey performed by the team. • Survey Sample Size: 57 • Data collection method: Outdoor interview and physical, paper-based questionnaires • Place of survey: Madrid, Spain • Target Audience: Mid to high income individuals • Date of survey: 28th Jan 2011 © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 17
  • 18. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 6: ASSISTED PRODUCT RECOGNITION BY CONSUMERS 6% 23% All Bran Bits All Bran Muffin 71% All Bran Cereal Bar © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 18
  • 19. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 7: CONSUMER RATING OF ALL BRAN PRODUCTS (1=lowest, 5=highest) 1 2 3 4 5 Quality 0% 0% 30% 60% 10% Taste 14% 10% 33% 29% 14% Health Benefits 0% 0% 43% 48% 10% Sympathy 11% 0% 47% 37% 5% Availability 0% 5% 24% 38% 33% Price 0% 10% 67% 19% 5% © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 19
  • 20. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 8: WHAT CONSUMERS WOULD IMPROVE ABOUT ALL BRAN Funner Options Distribution Decrease Price Less sugar Taste 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 20
  • 21. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 9: THE ALL-BRAN PRODUCT LINE © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 21
  • 22. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 10A: AVERAGE PRICE OF ALL-BRAN CEREALS PORTFOLIO © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 22
  • 23. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 10B: PRICE OF ALL-BRAN SNACKS PORTFOLIO © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 23
  • 24. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 11: PRICE PER 100 GRAMS OF ALL-BRAN PRODUCTS All-Bran Cereals Price per 100gr Choco Flakes € 0.89 Raisin Hearts € 0.81 Chocolate Hearts € 0.75 Fruit and Fiber Flakes € 0.63 Flakes € 0.62 Fiber Plus € 0.58 All Bran Cereals Price per 100 grams Fiber Plus Flakes Fruit and Fiber Flakes Chocolate Hearts Raisin Hearts Choco Flakes € 0.00 € 0.10 € 0.20 € 0.30 € 0.40 € 0.50 € 0.60 € 0.70 € 0.80 € 0.90 © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 24
  • 25. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] APPENDIX 12: PRICE DATA FOR THE MARKET OF CEREALS AND SNACKS IN EL CORTE INGLÉS, MERCADONA, CAPRABO AND CARREFOUR. Point of Sale Price Product Brand Category Grams El Corte Ingles Carrefour Mercadona Caprabo Average Price per 100 gr 1 Chocolate Sacialis 6 units Bicentury Cereal Bars/Cookies 120 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 2.04 2 Devoragras Cookies Bicentury Cereal Bars/Cookies 160 € 2.65 € 2.65 € 1.66 3 Carrefour Barrita Muesli Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 210 € 1.25 € 1.25 € 0.60 4 Carrefour Barrita Naranja Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 210 € 1.25 € 1.25 € 0.60 5 Carrefour Choco Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.21 € 1.21 € 0.81 6 Carrefour Choco con Coco Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.21 € 1.21 € 0.81 7 Carrefour Mini Noir Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 175 € 1.60 € 1.60 € 0.91 8 Carrefour Naranja Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.21 € 1.21 € 0.81 9 Carrefour Nuts Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.21 € 1.21 € 0.81 10 Corte Ingles Digestive El Corte Inglés Cereal Bars/Cookies 800 € 1.69 € 1.69 € 0.21 11 Absolut Vital chocolate Eroski 23 g x 6 Eroski Cereal Bars/Cookies 132 € 1.67 € 1.67 € 1.27 12 Absolut Vital frutos rojos Eroski 23 g x 6 Eroski Cereal Bars/Cookies 132 € 1.67 € 1.67 € 1.27 13 Eroski con chocolate 25 g x 6 Eroski Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.01 € 1.01 € 0.67 14 Eroski con fresa y chocolate 25 g x 6 Eroski Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.01 € 1.01 € 0.67 15 Fruta de Fibra Galleta Flora Cereal Bars/Cookies 137 € 1.09 € 1.09 € 0.80 16 Digestive con frutas rojas Fontaneda Cereal Bars/Cookies 215 € 2.00 € 2.00 € 0.93 17 Digestive con manzana Fontaneda Cereal Bars/Cookies 215 € 2.00 € 2.00 € 0.93 18 Integral Marie Fontaneda Cereal Bars/Cookies 520 € 2.20 € 2.20 € 0.42 19 Galleta Digestiva sin azúcar Gullon Cereal Bars/Cookies 400 € 1.65 € 1.65 € 0.41 20 Arroz y Trigo Integral Chocolate Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 168 € 1.55 € 1.55 € 0.92 21 Chocolate Leche 8 units Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 200 € 1.55 € 1.55 € 0.78 22 Digestive Avena Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 775 € 2.28 € 2.28 € 0.29 23 Digestive Avena Chocolate Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 385 € 1.99 € 1.99 € 0.52 24 Galleta Cereales Linnea V Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 350 € 1.75 € 1.75 € 0.50 25 Galleta Maria Integral Fibra Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 800 € 1.18 € 1.18 € 0.15 26 Muesli Albaricoque y Yogurt 8 units Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 200 € 1.20 € 1.20 € 0.60 27 Muesli Avellana 8 units Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 200 € 1.20 € 1.20 € 0.60 28 Muesli Chocolate 8 units Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 200 € 1.20 € 1.20 € 0.60 29 Muesly Buenos días Hero 25 g x 6 Hero Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.60 € 1.59 € 1.60 € 1.06 30 Muesly chocolate Hero 25 g x 6 Hero Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.60 € 1.62 € 1.61 € 1.07 31 Muesly chocolate negro Hero 25 g x 6 Hero Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.59 € 1.59 € 1.06 32 Muesly y avellanas Hero 25 g x 6 Hero Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.62 € 1.62 € 1.08 34 Choco Krispies 25 g x 6 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 2.50 € 2.50 € 1.67 35 Delissimas frambuesa 6 uni. Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 132 € 2.85 € 2.75 € 2.80 € 2.12 36 Delissimas naranja 22 g x 6 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 138 € 2.68 € 2.90 € 2.79 € 2.02 37 Mini Breaks Special K chocolate 24 g x 5 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 132 € 2.90 € 2.90 € 2.20 38 Special K chocolate con leche 6 units Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 120 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 2.50 € 2.46 € 2.05 39 Special K chocolate negro 6 units Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 129 € 2.50 € 2.50 € 1.94 40 Special K frutas rojas 21,5 g x 6 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 129 € 2.45 € 2.50 € 2.48 € 1.92 41 Special K manzana y pera 21,5 g x 6 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 129 € 2.45 € 2.50 € 2.48 € 1.92 42 Special K Melocoton 6 units Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 129 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 1.90 43 Squares 36 g x 4 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 144 € 2.05 € 2.05 € 2.05 € 1.42 44 All Bran Bizcochito 40 g x 6 Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies 240 € 2.69 € 2.80 € 2.80 € 2.90 € 2.80 € 1.17 45 All Bran chocolate 40 g x 6 Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies 240 € 2.55 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 2.50 € 2.49 € 1.04 46 All Bran fibra 40 g x 6 Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies 240 NA NA NA NA NA NA 47 All Bran manzana 40 g x 6 Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies 240 € 2.55 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 2.50 € 2.49 € 1.04 48 All Bran Mini Breaks Strawberry 16 g x 6 Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies 240 € 2.70 € 2.69 NA € 2.32 € 2.57 € 1.07 49 All Bran Mini Breaks Cinnamon 16 g x 6 Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies 240 € 2.70 € 2.69 NA € 2.32 € 2.57 € 1.07 50 Fitness 23,5 g x 6 Nestlé Cereal Bars/Cookies 141 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 1.74 51 Fitness chocolate 23,5 g x 6 Nestlé Cereal Bars/Cookies 141 € 2.35 € 2.21 € 2.28 € 1.62 52 Golden Grahams 25 g x 6 Nestlé Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 2.15 € 2.15 € 1.43 53 Nesquik 25 g x 6 Nestlé Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 2.15 € 2.15 € 1.43 1 Carrefour Fibre Flakes Carrefour Cereals 500 € 1.67 € 1.67 € 0.33 2 Carrefour Fibre Flakes Chocolate Carrefour Cereals 500 € 1.81 € 1.81 € 0.36 3 Carrefour Fruits & Fiber Carrefour Cereals 500 € 1.80 € 1.80 € 0.36 4 Carrefour Muesli Carrefour Cereals 750 € 2.35 € 2.35 € 0.31 5 Fit Way copos de arroz y trigo integral El Corte Inglés Cereals 750 € 2.65 € 2.65 € 0.35 6 Fit Way copos de arroz y trigo integral con frutas El Corte Inglés Cereals 375 € 2.47 € 2.47 € 0.66 7 Absolut Vital chocolate Eroski Eroski Cereals 300 € 2.36 € 2.36 € 0.79 © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 25
  • 26. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] 8 Absolut Vital Eroski Eroski Cereals 500 € 1.89 € 1.89 € 0.38 9 Absolut Vital frutas rojas Eroski Eroski Cereals 500 € 2.36 € 2.36 € 0.47 10 Bagies de vainilla y chocolate Eroski Eroski Cereals 300 € 1.99 € 1.99 € 0.66 11 Corn Flakes Eroski basic Eroski Cereals 500 € 1.05 € 1.05 € 0.21 12 Arroz Inflado Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.40 € 1.40 € 0.28 13 Bolas Maiz Chocolate Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.40 € 1.40 € 0.28 14 Copos de Arroz Trigo integral Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.59 € 1.59 € 0.32 15 Copos de Arroz Trigo Integral Hacendado Cereals 450 € 2.20 € 2.20 € 0.49 16 Copos de Arroz Trigo Integral Frutas Rojas Hacendado Cereals 300 € 1.80 € 1.80 € 0.60 17 Copos de Maiz Azucurado Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.35 € 1.35 € 0.27 18 Multipack variado 6 units Hacendado Cereals 200 € 1.60 € 1.60 € 0.80 19 Relleno de Chocolate Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.59 € 1.59 € 0.32 20 Relleno de Leche Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.99 € 1.99 € 0.40 21 Trigo de Chocolate Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.35 € 1.35 € 0.27 22 Trigo de Miel Hacendado Cereals 500 € 1.40 € 1.40 € 0.28 23 Bolas Chocolate sin Gluten Harrisons Cereals 375 € 2.99 € 2.99 € 0.80 24 CornFlakes sin Gluten Harrisons Cereals 375 € 2.50 € 2.50 € 0.67 25 Choco Krispies Kellogg's Cereals 600 € 2.89 € 2.89 € 0.48 26 CornFlakes Kellogg's Cereals 500 € 2.19 € 2.19 € 0.44 27 Country chocolate Jordans Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 3.40 € 3.40 € 0.91 28 Extra chocolate Kellogg's Cereals 350 € 2.49 € 2.99 € 2.74 € 0.78 29 Extra fruta Kellogg's Cereals 350 € 2.99 € 2.49 € 2.99 € 2.82 € 0.81 30 Extra fruta y fibra Kellogg's Cereals 500 € 3.30 € 3.30 € 0.66 31 Frosties Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 2.46 € 2.46 € 0.66 32 Frosties Kellogg's Cereals 500 € 2.75 € 2.50 € 2.63 € 0.53 33 Miel Pops Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 2.85 € 2.85 € 0.76 34 Optivita frutas del bosque Kellogg's Cereals 300 € 3.29 € 3.77 € 3.53 € 1.18 35 Optivita pasas Kellogg's Cereals 300 € 3.80 € 3.80 € 1.27 36 Rice Krispies Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 2.99 € 3.05 € 3.02 € 0.81 37 Smacks Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 2.85 € 2.35 € 2.60 € 0.69 38 Special K Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 0.65 39 Special K chocolate Kellogg's Cereals 300 € 2.75 € 2.40 € 2.75 € 2.63 € 0.88 40 Special K chocolate con leche Kellogg's Cereals 300 € 2.75 € 2.75 € 2.75 € 0.92 41 Special K Classic Kellogg's Cereals 300 € 2.40 € 2.40 € 0.80 42 Special K Classic Kellogg's Cereals 500 € 3.05 € 3.05 € 3.05 € 3.11 € 3.07 € 0.61 43 Special K con avena y miel Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 3.35 € 3.05 € 3.05 € 3.15 € 0.84 44 Special K con frutos rojos Kellogg's Cereals 300 € 2.75 € 2.40 € 2.75 € 2.63 € 0.88 45 Special K sensations de fresa Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 3.20 - € 3.20 € 0.85 46 Special K yogurt Kellogg's Cereals 300 € 2.75 € 2.89 € 2.82 € 0.94 52 All-Bran Chocolate Hearts Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 375 € 3.10 € 2.84 NA € 3.15 € 3.03 € 0.81 47 All-Bran Raisin Hearts Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 375 € 3.10 € 2.84 NA € 3.15 € 3.03 € 0.81 48 All-Bran Choco Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 375 € 3.40 € 3.10 NA € 3.49 € 3.33 € 0.89 49 All-Bran Fibra Plus Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 500 NA € 2.84 NA NA € 2.84 € 0.57 54 All-Bran Fibra Plus Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 375 NA NA NA € 2.35 € 2.35 € 0.63 55 All-Bran Fibra Plus Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 750 € 3.10 € 3.50 NA € 3.10 € 3.23 € 0.43 50 All-Bran Flakes Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 375 NA NA NA € 2.35 € 2.35 € 0.63 51 All-Bran Flakes Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 500 € 3.10 € 3.10 € 3.10 NA € 3.10 € 0.62 53 All-Bran Fruta & Fibra Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 500 € 3.10 € 3.10 € 3.10 € 3.30 € 3.15 € 0.63 56 Cheerios miel Nestlé Cereals 375 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 0.65 57 Chocapic Nestlé Cereals 625 € 3.19 € 3.19 € 0.51 58 Corn Flakes Nestlé Cereals 500 € 2.19 € 2.34 € 2.27 € 0.45 59 Estrellitas miel Nestlé Cereals 375 € 2.45 € 2.45 € 0.65 60 Fibre-1 Nestlé Cereals 375 € 2.27 € 2.27 € 0.61 61 Fitness Nestlé Cereals 500 € 3.15 € 3.15 € 3.15 € 0.63 62 Fitness & Fruits Nestlé Cereals 375 € 3.09 € 3.00 € 3.05 € 0.81 63 Fitness Chocolate Nestlé Cereals 375 € 3.05 € 2.99 € 3.02 € 0.81 64 Fitness Chocolate Negro Nestlé Cereals 375 € 3.09 € 2.99 € 3.16 € 3.08 € 0.82 65 Golden Grahams Nestlé Cereals 375 € 2.49 € 2.59 € 2.57 € 2.55 € 0.68 66 Muesli Nestlé Cereals 750 € 2.35 € 2.35 € 0.31 67 Muesli con chocolate Seleqtia Eroski Seleqtia Cereals 500 € 3.14 € 3.14 € 0.63 68 Seleqtia con nueces Seleqtia Cereals 500 € 2.99 € 2.99 € 0.60 69 Weetabix Original Wheetabix Cereals 430 € 2.51 € 2.69 € 2.60 € 0.60 © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 26
  • 27. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 13: PRICE COMPARISON OF ALL-BRAN CEREAL BAR AND ALL- BRAN FLAKES WITH COMPETITION. Product Brand Category Grams Average Price per 100 gr 1 Digestive Avena Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 775 € 2.28 € 0.29 2 Carrefour Barrita Muesli Carrefour Cereal Bars/Cookies 210 € 1.25 € 0.60 3 Muesli Avellana 8 units Hacendado Cereal Bars/Cookies 200 € 1.20 € 0.60 4 Eroski con chocolate 25 g x 6 Eroski Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.01 € 0.67 5 Digestive con manzana Fontaneda Cereal Bars/Cookies 215 € 2.00 € 0.93 6 All Bran chocolate 40 g x 6 Kellogg's All-Bran Cereal Bars/Cookies 240 € 2.49 € 1.04 7 Muesly Buenos días Hero 25 g x 6 Hero Cereal Bars/Cookies 150 € 1.60 € 1.06 8 Fitness chocolate 23,5 g x 6 Nestlé Cereal Bars/Cookies 141 € 2.28 € 1.62 9 Special K manzana y pera 21,5 g x 6 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 129 € 2.48 € 1.92 10 Delissimas naranja 22 g x 6 Kellogg's Cereal Bars/Cookies 138 € 2.79 € 2.02 11 Chocolate Sacialis 6 units Bicentury Cereal Bars/Cookies 120 € 2.45 € 2.04 Product Brand Category Grams Average Price per 100 gr 1 Carrefour Fibre Flakes Carrefour Cereals 500 € 1.67 € 0.33 2 Fit Way copos de arroz y trigo integral El Corte Inglés Cereals 750 € 2.65 € 0.35 3 Absolut Vital Eroski Eroski Cereals 500 € 1.89 € 0.38 4 Copos de Arroz Trigo Integral Hacendado Cereals 450 € 2.20 € 0.49 5 Weetabix Original Wheetabix Cereals 430 € 2.60 € 0.60 6 Fibre-1 Nestlé Cereals 375 € 2.27 € 0.61 7 All-Bran Flakes Kellogg's All-Bran Cereals 375 € 2.35 € 0.63 8 Fitness Nestlé Cereals 500 € 3.15 € 0.63 9 Special K con avena y miel Kellogg's Cereals 375 € 3.15 € 0.84 Avg Price Snack per 100g Avg Price Cereal per 100g € 1.16 € 0.54 All Bran All Bran € 1.04 € 0.63 89% 116% © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 27
  • 28. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 14: SUPERMARKET SPACE ALLOCATED TO ALL-BRAN IN SNACK AND CEREAL SECTIONS Snacks Cereals Caprabo 16% 8% Mercadona 4% 6% Carrefour 18% 11% El Corte Ingles 16% 13% © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 28
  • 29. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 15: DIRECT COMPETITORS © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 29
  • 30. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 16: LOWER END SUPERMARKETS © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 30
  • 31. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 17: HIGHER END SUPERMARKETS © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 31
  • 32. Marketing Fundamentals [KELLOGG’S ALL-BRAN: TERM 2 MARKETING PROJECT REPORT] EXHIBIT 18: TV COMMUNICATION Positive attitude and the benefits of fiber: Muffin Cakes, Chocolate Flakes, Fruit &Fiber Flakes and Bars are all individually targeted to communicate these two common benefits, without suggesting occasions for consumption. The core message delivered is feeling positive, while recalling the underlying reason for this effect, which is being rich in fiber, stressing that fiber helps eliminate what your body does not need, making you feel healthier and positive. “Sentirse sano se nota, tomar All-Bran también”. Taste is not addressed in these set of ads. Dining: Two commercials have been produced to promote this specific occasion for consumption. They expose the functional benefits of All-Bran and present the product as a possible dinner by emphasizing the discomfort felt in the morning from eating too much the night before. The consumer is encouraged to change over to an All-Bran meal, in this case All-Bran Choco. The communication reflects the product as a delicious cereal rich in fiber that works while you sleep and helps you feel less bloated, happier and with a contagious positive attitude in the morning. “Sentirse sano se nota, cenar All-Bran también”. Taste, health, and positivity are all communicated in these ads. Breakfast: One TV communication has been lately produced regarding this specific occasion for consumption. While cereals are common ground for breakfast, the brand is presenting “Muffin Cake” which clearly does not match the regular cereal category, taking it beyond the major functional benefits of convenience and portability to become a breakfast meal. The enjoyable attributes are strongly enforced by mentioning soft texture, little fruit pieces and deliciousness. On top, the muffin is rich in fiber which helps you eliminate what your body does not need, making you feel healthier and cheeful. “Sentirse sano se nota, desayunar All-Bran también”. Snack/nibbling: All-Bran mini-breaks commercials enforce the fruit tastes, strawberry and cinnamon, projecting desire around the snack product. This may well be to compensate for the image consumers have against fiber products having good taste. This is a healthy and tasty fiber product to be nibbled between meals and on the go. “Finally, a healthy snack”. © IE Business School | International MBA | Nov 2010 Section N1 (erstwhile Group B) 32