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Fall 2015 Media Plan
Prepared by Media Mixer
About Us
Media Mixer strives to find the perfect balance
between traditional media and new media
through new and innovative ways. Not only do
we aim to produce thoughtful plans, we also
place an emphasis on the quality of our work.
We develop honest and trustworthy relation-
ships with our clients in an effort to communi-
cate ideas effectively. It is our goal to execute
a plan that has both a holistic approach and
preserves the spirit of each one of our clients.
Throughout the entire blending process we
work relentlessly to inspire our clients and give
them the best “mix” possible.
Table of Contents
Situation Analysis................4
Brand Analysis
The 4 Cs
Economic and Societal Trends
	 Geographic	Information
	 Competitive	Analysis
	 Target	Audience	Information
SWOT Analysis
Key Challenge/Insight
Media Strategies and Objectives.........35
The Big Idea
	 Media	Mix	(Television,	Magazines,	Radio,	Internet,	OOH)
Executive Summary
Beginning in the year of 1845, Lindt has established itself in the market as a luxurious chocolate brand. The com-
pany has gone through many different eras and changes, but through it all has continued to focus on the high
quality production of chocolate. The Lindt brand offers truffles, bars, flavored chocolate balls, and seasonal treats.
Each of the products come in several different flavors and the prices vary as well.
Although many people are aware of and have bought Lindt chocolate before, it is not their first choice when going
to stores such as Wegman’s or Target. At Media Mixer, we are aiming to focus our campaign on women ages 35-54.
More specifically, we will be implementing a year long national campaign with spot heavy ups in an effort to have
premium chocolate consumers become more aware of Lindt.
Our campaign aims to capture the attention of Busy Bees and Empty Nesters who are looking for a delicious,
high-quality snack to enjoy while winding down. The Busy Bees are young professionals who are either single or
married with young kids. They consider themselves up to date on the latest social media and technology trends.
They are hard-working, social people who enjoy foreign travel and all things to do with wine, making Lindt an ex-
cellent complimentary snack. Empty Nesters are those women who are a bit older, so their kids are most likely out
of the house or in college. They are extremely interested in foreign travel with their spouse or significant other and
have a high disposable income, so premium chocolate is one of their guilty pleasures.
Media Mixer wants to appeal to these women through various mediums, but most especially focus on the televi-
sion sensation TGIT (Thank God It’s Thursday). Our target audience takes a great liking to all three of the shows,
so we plan on creating an integrated campaign that includes tv, magazines, radio, online, social media, and out-
door. In addition, we will utilize various sales promotions and out of home advertisements. This year long cam-
paign will aim for a frequency of 4 and reach of 70 with an average GRP count of 280. We believe this will be a
holistic campaign serving to better the image and awareness of Lindt.
Brand Analysis
Lindt is a premium chocolate brand that considers their work an art
and guarantees distinctive smoothness, taste of no other brand, and
an innovative flair. Lindt Chocolates began in 1845 when David Sprüng-
li-Schwarz and his son opened a shop to use a new recipe from Italy for
manufacturing chocolate in a solid form. The company was then split
between two sons in 1892, and Johann Rudolf converted his part into
Chocolat Sprungli. Lindt and Sprüngli continued to expand and acquire
several other chocolate brands, such as Ghirardelli. Though the
brand has gone through many different time periods, their passion and
spirit for chocolate is still evident today.
Current Brand Situation
Currently, data shows that as of 2014 there were almost 11,000 employees
and 139 Lindt stores worldwide with the majority being in North Ameri-
ca and Europe, and some being their Chocolate Cafes. The recorded total
Lindt Chocolate sales worldwide for that specific year were $3,385,000
( According to research, this increase in sales is the direct
result from Lindt buying Russell Stover Candies which was “the company’s
largest acquisition to date” (Case Study).
Lindt does sell several different types of chocolates. Their products range
from truffles, bars, and flavored chocolate balls, to even seasonal treats for
Easter and Valentine’s Day. Lindt is currently promoting their entire brand
lines, but would like to focus more attention on their solid chocolate bars
that compete with main competitors. Lindt products come in several differ-
ent flavors, and their prices range in the United States from $2.25 to $3.00.
The majority of the Lindor truffles, produced by Lindt in the United States,
are manufactured in New Hampshire.
Recently, in 2014, Lindt has undergone a crisis situation that they are still
fighting to overcome. A hostage situation occurred inside on of the Lindt
cafe’s in Sydney, Australia. It was a 16-hour siege that created a lasting
traumatic effect for the people of Austraila. Due to the sensitive nature of
this event and its occurrence in a Lindt cafe, the brand is still dealing with
the negative connotation and focusing on building the brand image back
Current Category Situation
We believe that Lindt Chocolate competes in the luxury chocolate market. What defines this category is the
quality of ingredients, intense production methods, and a higher cost of the final product in comparison to
some of the “every day” regular chocolate brands. Brands in this market “can reap the benefits of consum-
ers trading up to more indulgent products as their taste becomes more sophisticated” (Bainbridge, 2004).
As of now, chocolate sales in the U.S. are still expected to continually grow even with the inactive economy
in the recent past couple of years.
Especially in America, consumers have been continuously treating
themselves to chocolate which leads to sales being projected to grow
by $1 million by 2017 (Statista). One thing that this category needs to
watch out for is the unstable prices and supplies of cocoa beans.
Chocolate as a category is continuing to grow despite economic
setbacks, meaning that chocolate in our society as a staple is here to
The market is crowded when discussing all of the chocolate brands today, but luxury chocolate brands have
made a clear distinction and are included in their own category. Different chocolate products seem to be
seasonal in nature, but demand for the product does increase greatly during the holidays. This is a fact that
Lindt takes advantage of. Several different trends, that will be discussed later, have had an impact on the
industry as well, as well as many other chocolate brands. According to BusinessInsights, throughout 2013
premium chocolate brands continued to bring in sales as “the market was forecast to become a two-tier en-
tity divided between affordable and premium chocolates”. Overall, the luxury chocolate category has been
strong in sales past years.
The 4 Cs
Consumer Wants and Needs
Consumer Wants and Needs
The Lindt Product:
Lindt offers 3 different types of chocolate in various forms and flavors. Milk chocolate, white chocolate, and
dark chocolate are primarily used in the Lindt formula. Lindt makes bars, LindorTruffles, boxed chocolates,
and assorted novelty chocolate items such as advent calendars and seasonal gifts. There are 23 flavors of Lin-
dor Truffles, 24 flavors of chocolate bars, 10 variations of boxes, and an array of seasonal goodies. Lindt also
uses the finest cocoa beans in their chocolate as well as rigorously picking out the most premium ingredients
that are contained in all of their products. The packaging that consumers receive their chocolates in is exqui-
site and puts the finishing touches on the product for the consumer.
How Lindt Meets Consumers’ Wants and Needs:
The Lindt consumer is generally someone who is living a upper-middle class lifestyle. They enjoy luxuri-
ous treats and don’t mind paying a little extra for the superior quality of their chocolate. With the abun-
dance of flavors and options for their chocolate, Lindt satisfies the need for a luxurious chocolate all
while offering a product for every consumer’s tastes. For example, in comparison to some of their milk
or white chocolate options, Lindt has a very popular line of dark chocolate bars that contain up to 90%
cocoa . This specific product tends to appeal to people who enjoy indulgences once in awhile without the
stress of a high-fat treat.
Lindt products offer consumers a tasty treat to satisfy those sweet tooth cravings we all get. The quality
of the product compared to the price for this luxury chocolate means that Lindt offers superior chocolate
at not as high of a price. Lindt meets our consumers wants and needs, and fulfills them, leaving them
wanting more.
Cost of time in acquiring the product:
The cost in time in acquiring Lindt is relatively
low compared to some of its competitors. Lindt
is available in various locations around the Unit-
ed States within convenience stores, book stores,
art stores, and supermarkets. This means that it
is not difficult for a consumer to stumble upon
some type of Lindt chocolate product. Other
chocolate brands in this category may not have
as large of a location spread as Lindt, giving this
brand the advantage.
Cost of Switching to competitors:
When you put Lindt next to its competitors, they are
all in the same price range. A bar of Lindt will cost
about $3.99, and a bar of Ghirardelli chocolate will
cost about $4.35. Lindt price equals a 3.5 oz bar of
Godiva at $3.99, but for this same price Lindt is a 4.4
oz bar. Lindt tends to be on the lower end of pric-
ing throughout the luxury chocolate category, which
makes this brand a huge player in the game. The
brand awareness of Lindt is that it is a luxury chocolate
company. That, paired with the lower price, is a recipe
for success.
Lindt’s website is a good example of effectively giving the consumer a
way to communicate with the brand. They offer consumers the
opportunity to read the story of Lindt, learn about the Master
Chocolatiers, shop for Lindt chocolate online, links to their social
media channels, and also the ability to learn about the inner
workings of the company. The social media links are to
Lindt’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and
Instagram. This just shows that there are several different ways
for a consumer to communicate with the brand.
Lindt’s communication through advertisements recently leaves a lot to be desired. Aside
from the “Do You Dream in Chocolate” campaign, not much advertising has been created
and aired for the brand since. It seems that they rely on their LINDOR Truffles, as well as
their seasonal items to advertise to consumers through different mediums such as internet
display and television. The brand recently celebrated its 170th anniversary and marked the
celebration by having a global Swiss Chocolate Festival that was promoted a different air-
Lindt chocolate can be found in most grocery stores. The brand is
found In, but not limited to: A&P, ShopRite, Wegmans, Walmart,
Topps, Target, and Barnes & Noble. The majority of these retailers
carry the brand nationwide and that makes it easy for consumers
to travel to their grocery store and pick up Lindt chocolate. There
may be some retailers that only carry Lindt regionally, and that
might make some consumers feel that it is harder to get Lindt choc-
olate when they really want it. But overall, we wouldn’t say that
distribution is an issue when it comes to Lindt.
Economic and Societal trends
There are various external trends that could have an impact on Lindt Chocolate sales, as well as the sales of
the product category. There is a current societal trend to live a healthy lifestyle and understand the value of
nutrition in every food item. Wellness has taken on a new appetizing look from avocado toast to chia seed
pudding, foodies are endorsing a health conscious way of life (Green is the New Black The Guardian 2015) As
grocery shoppers gravitate towards non-processed, gluten-free, non-G.M.O., heirloom, grass-fed, free-range
foods, they are becoming much more aware of ingredients and calorie count. Since Lindt is in the chocolate
product category, society’s first association is that it does not have a high nutritional value and this can poten-
tially have a negative impact on the brand. However, pairing chocolate with other foods and alcoholic bever-
ages has been a common trend which takes the focus away from chocolate as a typical unhealthy treat.
Economic and Societal trends
Secondly, with the economy just beginning to improve, people
are most likely still focusing on the price of a product before they
make the purchase. While consumers recently gained some con-
fidence in terms of spending, we can’t assume there priority is
somewhat pricey candy bar. However, a modest Lindt candy bar
at the checkout of a grocery store could entice a consumer more
than a more expensive box of Lindt chocolates. The high price of
Lindt does give the chocolate the potential to be seen as a spe-
cialty high-end sweet that could appeal to the right target. ( Wall
Street journal- consumers view of economy improves)
Lastly, with the rise of social media and websites such as Pinter-
est, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in the “Do it
yourself” mantra. Sharing new dessert recipes online is becom-
ing a popular trend, so people can bake at home or in groups in-
stead of buying a packaged good. This has also becoming a new
creative gift idea instead of buying a pre-packaged dessert peo-
ple are customizing their homemade gift with a personal touch.
This could also hurt the brand as well as the chocolate category.
Geographic Information
Originally founded in the United States in New York,
in 1925, Lindt has since moved its headquarters and
manufacturing site to Stratham, NH where it oper-
ates successfully today. Sold in more than 80 coun-
tries and 4 continents, Lindt is certainly an interna-
tional brand with a lot of geographic potential. With
a national distribution, Lindt has made its way into
households due to its placement in mass retail out-
lets such as Walmart, Target, Safeway, Whole Foods,
and Trader Joe’s. Lindt is also available in big box
stores like Costco as well as online through Amazon.
However, now the focus is to increase brand aware-
ness across all 50 states so that Lindt becomes a true
household name.
The east coast holds a great amount of potential for
Lindt sales. For instance, in the Albany market, con-
sumers are 19% more likely to purchase Lindt than
the average population with a BDI of 119, and they
are 16% more likely than the average person to do
the same in Charlotte, NC, which has a BDI of 116.
Chicago, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, and Cincinnati are
other areas with high index numbers for Lindt. The
Miam-Ft. Lauderdale market is doing well in brand
sales and category sales.
According to its index numbers of 106 (BDI) and 111
(CDI), consumers are 6% more likely to buy Lindt and
11% more likely to buy chocolate than the average
population. Cincinnati is doing well in brand sales
with a BDI of 102. Its CDI is a bit lower at 94; howev-
er, by keeping a close eye on sales overall, this market
does have potential for Lindt. Chicago in particular
has a high BDI, high CDI, and high sales percentage
at 29.6% (the next closest market in terms of sales
percentage is Minneapolis at 12.6%), so this could
be a potential target market in terms of geography.
Overall, consumers are most aware and active with
the Lindt brand on the east coast than in major met-
ropolitan cities.
Ft.	Lauderdale
Competitive Analysis
Media Mixer chose three different chocolate
competitors for Lindt. Our primary compet-
itors for Lindt are Ghirardelli, Godiva, and
Dove. In terms of secondary competitors,
we acknowledge that all other chocolate
brands have the opportunity to potentially
enter into the luxury chocolate category, so
it is important that we continuously watch
for any changes. Our three primary choices
were picked because they were the closest
to Lindt in the terms of product offerings, in-
cluding flavors, shapes, and target audience
that they attract. All primary competitors
offer solid chocolate bars, the main product
Lindt would like to promote. We then an-
alyzed all primary competitors in terms of
overviews of the company, their media mix,
past creative, and social media follower in-
Competitor: Ghirardelli
Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is a manufacturer of Swiss choco-
late, and is owned by Lindt & Sprungli. Ghirardelli has cafes, stores,
and wholesale items in their product line. They specialize in choco-
late squares, bars, and specialty gift items. The brand was founded
by Domenico Ghirardelli, who in 1852 moved from South Africa
to San Francisco. In 1998 the entire company was acquired from a
private owner by Lindt and Sprungli. Ghirardelli is one of the few
chocolate companies in the U.S. who control all aspects of the
manufacturing process. They have a very high standard for choco-
late, claiming that they reject about 40% of the cocoa beans they
Competitor: Ghirardelli
Advertising Strategy
Ghirardelli’s last advertising strategy has been seasonally-based. Right now they’re beginning their holiday-tar-
geted campaigns. Usually Ghirardelli doesn’t rely on marketing campaigns as much as seasonal trends. They
also rely on other products that aren’t straight chocolate. Their hot chocolate mixes, baking mixes, and baking
chocolates get just as much attention as the straight chocolate. Currently their slogan is “Discover the Heart of
Media Mix
Ghirardelli heavily relies on television ads for most of its media
mix. Television ads make up 70% of their spending. Print ads
make up 23%, the internet makes up 5%, radio makes up .5%,
and outdoor makes up .1%. The only times that media spend-
ing goes down is during July, August, and September. You can
tell this because within the year, all of the other months fall
around major holidays and celebrations that are traditionally
“chocolate” holidays.
Ghirardelli has built a strong brand following with more than
1,549,910 likes on Facebook, 8,487 followers on Twitter,
11,300 followers on Instagram and 8,000 followers on Pinter-
est. The advertisements below are past creative run by Ghirar-
Competitor: Godiva
Godiva Chocolatier is a premium Belgian chocolate manufacturer and
other related products. Godiva balances the high-end appeal of its
product with their accessibility, selling the chocolate as an “affordable
luxury”. The brand owns and operates more than 450 different retail
shops and boutiques as well as “Café Godiva’s” located around the
world in the U.S., Europe, Canada, and Asia. Consumers can also find
the brand in over 10,000 specialty retailers. Not only do they sell choco-
lates, but they also make truffles, cocoa, coffee, dipped fruits, chocolate
liquor, party favors, and gift baskets. As well as Lindt, Godiva makes sea-
sonal chocolates with different packaging for major holidays. According
to the Godiva website, “it is Godiva that brings the best of Belgium to
the world.”
Competitor: Godiva
Media Mix
Godiva’s media mix is very magazine heavy. The brand spent 88.5%
of their ad spending on magazines for several of their products.
Godiva also spends 11.4% of their advertising dollars on Internet
Displays, and .1% of their ad spending on business-to-business. The
brand’s total ad spending adds up to $4,389,657. The brand had no
advertising during the months of January, March, June, and Au-
gust. But, Godiva did spend the majority of their advertising dollars
during the months of July, September, October, November, and De-
cember, most presumably because that is when the major holidays
for the brand are.
Godiva has built quite a strong brand following with more than
521,600 likes on Facebook, 40,800 followers on Twitter, 134,000
followers on Instagram and 6,600 followers on Pinterest. The adver-
tisements above are from Godiva’s Facebook celebrating National
Ice Cream Day, and the advertisements that were displayed for
Valentine’s Day.
Advertising Strategy
Godiva’s last advertising campaign was for Valentine’s day in which they encouraged consumers to buy and give Godiva
boxes “From the Heart”. There is very limited copy aside from the call to action to the brand’s website. Godiva hasn’t
had much activity recently, but past campaigns reveal that Godiva likes to show the consumers the product, instead of
only having the chocolate be a small feature of the campaign. Godiva’s strategy is also to heavy up on advertisements
during Holiday seasons or events that require chocolate. Advertising and marketing efforts recently are extremely limit-
Competitor: Dove
Dove was founded “with love” in the 1950’s by a Greek-American Leo Ste-
fanos. It began as a rich family tradition in Chicago when the store owner
developed the Dove Bar to keep children from rushing the busy streets to
catch the attention of the ice-cream man. The brand became known across
coasts for its rich and creamy taste. After only 20 years of opening their
doors, over one million Dove Bars were sold, which caught the attention
of M&M/Mars who then introduced the public to the milk and dark choc-
olate bars. Dove takes pride in the quality, texture and lingering taste of
their chocolate. The company claims the chocolate is made with 100% pure
cocoa butter. The chocolate is made from the ‘best’ cocoa beans that are
tested not once but twice by Mars technicians to assure perfect quality and
flavor. Dove is environmentally aware and has a strong partnership with the
Rainforest Alliance. This alliance helps thousands of farmers from all over
the world gain the tools and techniques to protect the wildlife, environment,
and the rights and welfare of their workers and their families. To stay consis-
tent with their sustainable efforts Dove sources 100% of their cocoa beans
from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.
Competitor: Dove
Media Mix
Dove spends money on advertising for its chocolate
bars in every month except for February. The premium
brand allocates a total of 24,771,770 million dollars on
advertising spending between network television, cable
television, internet display, online video, magazines,
Sunday magazines, spot television local radio, syndica-
tion and network radio. Dove also has a strong pres-
ence on social media. They have over one million likes
on Facebook, over two thousand followers on Pinterest
as well as an active Twitter account followed by over
thirty-five thousand people. Dove also has a Pandora
music station.
Advertising Strategy
Dove’s latest strategy was targeted as a social media campaign. Dove urged consumers to share their love story
by using the designated hashtag #DoveLoveStory. Leading up to Valentine’s Day the brand was set to choose
their favorite stories to feature them in a short film. This tactic combined many platforms of social media in-
cluding Facebook and Twitter.
Seasonal Ad Spend: Lindt & Competitors
Secondary Competitors
As a note, the majority of chocolate brands have the potential opportunity to enter into the luxury chocolate
brand market. We should constantly be aware of what our competitors are doing, and make sure that if they
do enter the market, we are prepared for it.
Competitive Media Expenditures
Competitive Analysis Wrap-Up
*Note: All numbers were taken from each brand’s “Chocolate Candy” category.
What does this mean for Lindt?
Due to the dense competition, Lindt has a lot of work to do
in order to make a name for itself in the market. It’s main
competitor at this stage in the game is Godiva since they
are both at a similar data percentage for Share of Voice as
well as Share of Market. However, Lindt’s target audience
lends itself to a strong social media interest- an area where
Lindt is keeping up with its competition. Dove, for instance,
doesn’t have any presence on Instagram. The competition
is vast, but it also leaves loopholes for Lindt to stand out
and jump far ahead of Godiva to get in the same range as
Ghirardelli and Dove. Utilizing social media especially could
be a huge breakthrough for Lindt, considering one of its
most intimidating competitors (Dove) is only active on two
out of the four researched platforms.
For instance, it has the largest amount of Twitter followers out of all its
competitors. Using a platform as big as Twitter gives Lindt the potential
to strengthen its name and increase its share in the market as well as its
overall voice.
Target Audience Analysis
For Lindt, we specifically wanted to target consumers who already are
Lindt users, as well as those who purchase luxury chocolate in general.
These consumers are already aware of the benefits of Lindt as a brand,
or they are aware of the benefit of spending more for a luxury chocolate
taste and quality. We want to better understand who our target is as
consumers, how they consume media and which mediums are most ef-
fective when reaching them. We used both primary and secondary forms
of research in order to determine which target markets were best for us
to target in terms of demographic, psychographic and behavioral infor-
mation. Based off of MRI research, women offer us more potential than
men because they over index for several categories compared to males
who under index for the same categories. While women are 31% more
likely than the average population to be a Lindt user of any form, men
are 33% less likely than the average population to be a Lindt user of any
form. Through this research, we concluded that working women ages 35-
54 are our perfect target audience, with both age groups over-indexing
for being Lindt users and consumers to luxury chocolate. Working wom-
en are 43% more likely than the average population to be Lindt users of
any form. We need to understand what our target knows about Lindt in
order to increase brand awareness by our goal of 10%.
Target Audience Research
Primary Research
In order to gather more information on the views of Lindt consumers we
conducted an online survey to gain primary research which was distribut-
ed over social media. Our goal was to reach as many people as possible,
which proved to be effective mostly through Facebook. We exceeded
our survey results goal and gained valuable information on the habits of
customers with over 140 responses. Those who took the survey were
primarily female (79.8%), ranging in age from 15 to 65. In gathering this
research, we utilized convenience sampling as well as the snowball effect;
meaning, we shared it on our own social media networks and asked oth-
ers to share it.
Out of those who responded, 58% said that their snack of choice was
chocolate, which told us that this survey was targeting the right audience
and our results would be of good use to us when analyzing the further
questions that were asked. 55% percent of those people said that they
were most likely to buy chocolate for themselves, with around the holi-
days coming in at 38%. The supermarket was the most popular location
for where consumers like to buy chocolate, coming in at 78%.
Some other more specific information we received was that 70.41% of
these responders put the quality of chocolate over price and variety of
flavors. 31% of them also enjoy drinking wine with their chocolate snack.
Lastly, 92% of the respondents have heard of Lindt chocolate and 75%
have bought it before, with only 5% saying that they weren’t sure.
Target Audience Research
Secondary Research
From the research generated by MRI, we were able to determine a specific target audience that Lindt will
market to. Based on this data, we narrowed it down to women ages 35-54 who live environmentally-conscious
lifestyles, rely on digital mediums, and have a strong liking for wine. It is because of the high index numbers
associated with each of these traits that we were able to determine a relevant target market. For example,
women ages 35-54 index between 102 and 107 for Lindt Bar users and Premium chocolate users. Wine indexes
at 162 for being a category influencer, environmentally-friendly products index at 233 as a category influencer,
and the internet indexes at 168 for being a category influencer. Through this research, we were also able to
determine their day-to-day lifestyles, further psychographic profiles, what mediums they utilize most, and their
attitude toward the Lindt brand.
Consumer Insights
Insight: This target enjoys both products that are and living environmentally friendly.
BUYING STYLES AGR STRONGLY: I’m willing to pay more for product that’s environmentally safe. Index: 111
AGREE COMPLETELY: Government should pay more attention to environmental issues. Index: 124
AGREE COMPLETELY: Interested in finding out how I can help the environment. Index: 121
AGREE COMPLETELY: I feel I am more environmentally conscious than most people. Index: 112
AGREE COMPLETELY: Company’s environment record important in purchase decisions. Index: 133
CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: Environmentally Friendly products. Index: 233
PUBLIC ACTIVITIES: Participated in environmental groups/causes
Insight: This target heavily utilizes the Internet and social media as a source of media consumption and a variety of other reasons.
INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Visited online blogs. Index: 155
WEBSITES PAST 30 DAYS: Twitter. Index: 124
AGREE COMPLETELY: Happy to use the Internet to carry out day to day banking. Index: 137
AGREE COMPLETELY: Internet allowed me to learn things wouldn’t otherwise. Index: 122
AGREE COMPLETELY: Going online one of my favorite things with free time. Index: 105
AGREE STRONGLY: Before purchasing online, I typically read online reviews. Index: 131
Insight: This target likes to come home after a long day of work and watch television with a glass of wine.
VERY IMPORTANT: Enjoying life- Doing things because I like them. Index: 105
AGREE COMPLETELY: I’m willing to spend more for a quality bottle of wine. Index: 142
AGREE COMPLETELY: I typically drink wine with dinner. Index: 144
Ordered Last 12 Months by Internet (Wines/Champagnes). Index: 271
Types of Drinks in Last 6 Months (yes) Imported dinner/table wines drank in last 6 months. Index (237)
TV SHOW: Grey’s Anatomy. Index: 146
TV SHOW: Scandal. Index: 226
INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Visited a TV network or TV show’s website. Index: 131
Consumer Insights
Insight: This target has disposable income to spend on luxury items.
INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Made a purchase for personal use. Index:130
VERY IMPORTANT: Having material possessions, a lot of money. Index: 102
Ordered last 12 months by internet (any item). Index: 144
Leisure Activities- Attend classical music/opera perform (PersonallyParticipated Last 12 months). Index: 222
Insight: This target takes a high interest into anything foreign.
AGREE COMPLETELY: I like to learn about foreign cultures. Index: 152
AGREE COMPLETELY: Foreign travel is a great way to learn about other cultures. Index: 150
CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: Vacation Travel. Index: 208
INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Made personal or business travel plans. Index: 147
INTENT VERY LIKELY: Travel- Vacation abroad-Europe. Index: 175
The Busy Bees
The Busy Bee is a woman aged
35-44. Busy Bees are on their
way to the top of their careers.
Their lives are characterized by
gyms, bars, trendy offices, in-
telligent conversations, and an
ever-evolving social life. When
the Busy Bee is taking a night
off, they like to veg out in front
of the TV with a nice bottle of
wine. Some of themare single
and have no children, or only
one child, and usually live in
metropolitan areas. They tend
to spend time at museums or
public forums, bettering them-
selves. The Busy Bee is an artis-
tic soul at heart, enjoying paint-
ing, sewing, and scrapbooking.
They still consider themselves
up to date on the latest social
media and tech trends, and they
stay connected through their
Meet Amanda!
Amanda is a 37 year old architect living
in Boston, Massachusetts. In her time off
from work, she loves to keep active and
stay informed. Whether it’s an event for
work, going out to a bar with friends, or
going out to dinner with her parents for
a quick catch-up session, Amanda is a
busy bee. When awards show season rolls
around, you can bet she’ll be glued to her
couch, taking in every inch of fashion and
gossip she can. Her news sources tend to
be very liberal, and sometimes she prefers to watch The Daily Show
with Jon Stewart instead of the actual news on CNN. On Thursdays she
tunes into TGIT to catch up on Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy, and How	To	
Get Away With Murder. Online shopping is her thing, whether she’s
looking for a new dress, some hot shoes, or hard-to-find wine. Lindt
chocolate is her go-to snack for her on-the-go lifestyle. Her media
habits include watching videos on the internet frequently, as well as
searching for everything and anything she can on Google. Television
is not always her go-to for news, sometimes it’s Twitter. She loves the
all-natural ingredients found in the dark chocolate bars, and she thinks
of them as a little treat in her life full of healthy living.
The Empty-Nesters
This category consists of women between the ages of 44-54. They are intelligent women who attended
college in their younger years and went on to pursue a career in a challenging field. The Empty-Nester’s are
married with one or two children that are away at college or attending grad-school. The Empty Nester is
80% more likely than the average population to travel to a foreign country with their spouse. These women
are at a stage in their life where they are planning trips abroad with their husbands to rekindle their love
now that the kids are out of the house. Empty Nester’s are 82% more likely than the average population
to enjoy scrapbooking. They are 68% more likely than the average population to be involved in a collectors
club, which leads them to museum hopping and shopping for items in their free time. The young people
in their lives have showed them the ropes of the internet and how the women use it as a tool to shop and
search. These are successful women who have a powerful job and want to enjoy life to the fullest. Vaca-
tions and luxury items are very important to these women and they value quality above all.
Meet Lauren!
Lauren is a driven 46-year-old woman from Washington DC. She enjoys taking week-
end trips in her station wagon with her husband to visit her daughter who is away at
college. While her job as being a lawyer keeps her busy, she can’t help but reminisce
about old memories and will often pour herself a glass of wine and scrapbook her fa-
vorite moments of her daughter’s childhood. Every morning, Lauren goes for a run,
pours a cup of coffee and watches CNN before leaving for work. In her spare time,
she loves to shop. Whether it’s online or in stores she treats herself to new beauty
products at Ulta or a new blouse at Talbots. On weekends, she loves going to muse-
ums with friends because she is a collector of landscape paintings. Every year she
looks forward to a traditional trip to Europe with her husband that they
have been doing since they first got married. Lindt chocolate is her go-to
gift for her husband for every anniversary because of its high quality and taste.
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
-Lindt has a rich, classic, and traditional history.
-Lindt is unique in its great taste and high quality.
-The brand has a large following on many social media plat-
forms, especially Twitter and Facebook.
-Lindt is an international brand.
-There are a wide variety of flavors, extensive product line, and
-Its products are available in several accessible locations as well
as at their own brick and mortar store.
-There is a rising societal trend towards maintaining a healthy
-Environmental concerns regarding the rise of cocoa prices has
become an unstable variable.
-There are many chocolate brands that are working towards
evolving into luxury brands.
-Many other popular brands offer much lower prices.
-The newest DIY trend that evolved on Pinterest is becoming
very popular.
-The rising costs of ingredients to produce the luxury chocolate.
-Environmental exploitation for luxury chocolate production
causes uproar around environmental activists and consumers
are sensitive to the production of their food.
-There are always seasonal campaigns to take advantage of
throughout the year.
-Recent trends toward DIY (do it yourself) give Lindt the oppor-
tunity to create recipes using their chocolate for consumers to
make themselves.
-Luxury chocolates are becoming a more meaningful gift for
women to enjoy.
-Pairing chocolate with other food and beverages, especially
wine, is a huge trend that consumers love.
-There are always a variety of opportunities for product place-
ment in the food industry.
-Social media is always growing and expanding its features.
-Dark chocolate is widely known as a healthy choice.
-They are positioned as an expensive chocolate brand.
-Lindt doesn’t have a large share of voice.
-They’re positioned as a sophisticated lifestyle brand, which
turns certain people off.
-Currently they have a tainted brand image due to the ISIS
hostage situation that occurred in one of the Lindt Cafes.
Key Challenge
Key Insight
Our consumers aren’t aware of Lindt because it is so overpowered by its
competitors in the market, especially on social media. They are also a very
health-conscious group so chocolate doesn’t appeal to their eating habits.
We know that our target audience has a disposable income to spend on more
luxurious products, so they are more likely to buy premium chocolate that is
high quality and has a sophisticated brand image over regular chocolate. Also,
our audience takes a liking to any food that can be paired with wine.
Media Strategies
and Objectives
The Big Idea
Wind Down
With Lindt
Ever feel like at the end of a long day that
bowl of popcorn isn’t fulfilling your snack
attack? Do you hear that noise? Your
sweet tooth is calling! After a day of chaos
leave it to Lindt to help you unwind. No
matter what the activity, Lindt can add a
little bit of luxury to your life. Whether
you’re flying abroad, watching your favor-
ite television show or gallivanting to an
art exhibit, Lindt will be the best decision
you’ve made all day.
Target Audience and Media Mix:
To create brand awareness for wom-
en ages 35-54, who already indulge
in premium chocolate but don’t
necessarily reach immediately for
Lindt. To reach the target, we will
utilize various mediums, including
television, magazines, social media,
and out of home methods.
Reach, Frequency and GRPs:
To execute a campaign that will
attain a reach of 70, a frequency of
4, and 280 GRPs during the peak
months of our pulsing campaign.
In our spot markets with the Cafe
Cache, we aim to achieve a reach
of 50 with a frequency of 3.2 for a
total of GRPs.
To implement a national and spot
campaign. Our spot markets will
include mostly metropolitan DMAs
such as Chicago, Miami-Fort Lau-
derdale, Charlotte North Carolina
and Cincinnati. These selections
are due to the cities’ high index
numbers for both Lindt sales and
premium chocolate sales. We will
also be running a spot campaign in
New York City, Chicago, and Wash-
ington D.C., for our out of home
DMA selections.
Scheduling and Timing:
To conduct a national and spot
campaign with heavy ups in select-
ed areas listed above beginning in
January 2016. This pulsing sched-
ule is in order to create buzz and
brand awareness nationally as well
as these cities. Heavy-ups will also
occur when specific mediums have
heightened viewership.
To carry out a media plan with a
$27 million dollar budget. In ad-
dition, we will have $3 million to
capitalize on the Cafe Cache mar-
Media Mix: Campaign
Media Mix: Cafe Cache
Media Mix: Television
Television is a great medium for us to advertise on during our Lindt campaign because of its ability to segment
audiences and still reach a large percent of a target audience. With an index of 125 for total television usage, it
is clear that Lindt consumers do consider the amount of time that is spent watching television. This index was
higher than radio and newspapers, and close to magazines showing us that this medium was attractive to our
audiences. It is clear with extremely high indexes that our target audience takes their television shows very
seriously and carves out time in their busy schedule to watch them each week. We plan to have a campaign
focused around three Network Prime Time television shows that air on the same network on the same day.We
will also utilized cable television shows and syndicated shows as well to make sure that we reach our consumers
from all fronts as well to increase our overall reach and frequency.
*Indexes	based	on	Lindt	Bar	Users
**See	Appendix	for	Link
Media Mix: Network Television
We chose to advertise on ABC’s highly popular Thursday night program, TGIT (Thank
God It’s Thursday). Our television campaign will begin mid-February, when all three
shows in the lineup have their mid-season premier. All three shows portray strong
female lead characters, who work extremely hard and excel at their particular trade.
Our target audience of hard working women relate and see themselves in these
characters, drawing them to the lineup of hit shows. We will discuss particular tac-
tics for this campaign in our Strategies section of this book.
Media Mix: Network Television
Grey’s Anatomy is a medical show that also revolves around love and romance, all
while encouraging viewers to take time for themselves and make moments. We
think that this is a great show to advertise with because their large amount of view-
ers and strong rating will gain us quick brand awareness.
As we will explain later in the strategies section of this media plan, Scandal plays an
important role as it is the middle of the TGIT lineup. The main character of this show
has an obsession with wine, which with an index of 162, it is clear that our target
audience does as well. With a rating of 2.4 and an audience of over 8 million, this
show will increase brand awareness and relate to our target audience.
Lastly, we will advertise with How	to	Get	Away	With	Murder because it rounds out
the TGIT lineup. This murder-mystery show draws in millions of viewers each week.
Viewers do not risk missing an episode out of fear that they will have it spoiled for
them before they have a chance to watch. During the show’s first 2 seasons, it has
already gained a huge fan following.
Media Mix: Cable Television
Fashion is a topic that can be relevant to many different age groups. We think our
target market enjoys the comedic factor and celebrity attention that is present in
the show Fashion	Police on the E! network. The index for the show scored 155 for
Lindt consumers and we believe this will be an effective show to advertise our new
With our target audience’s age range of 35-54, these women are easily able to
relate to the process of picking out a wedding dress and enjoy keeping up to date
with new styles. The high index for Say Yes to the Dress of 137 reassures us that
this is a strong choice along with its placement on the popular network, TLC. This
is another light-hearted TV show that our target audience can watch while winding
down with their favorite bottle of wine and a Lindt bar.
Media Mix: Syndicated Television
Advertising our new Lindt campaign on Modern	Family is
a great way to reach our target market. The index num-
ber for Lindt consumers who watch Modern Family is a
high 160. This show is very relatable to women 35-54
because it depicts a family lifestyle that is very evident in
present day households.
The Ellen Degeneres Show indexes at 158 for Lindt bar users. As one of the top 100
syndicated TV shows in 2013-2014 according Local Media Marketing Solutions, we
feel that this will serve as a great way for our target audience to enjoy reruns of
their favorite talk show host while winding down after a long day at work.
Media Mix: Television
Buying Television
We will be allocating 59.9% of our overall budget
towards television advertisements. Which amounts
to $16,169,040 of our total budget of $27 million.
Broken out, we will spend 26.7% ($7,214,400) on
network television, 11.5% on cable television, and
21.7% ($5,857,920) on syndicated television. As
stated before, our target audience loves to watch
television, especially after a long day of work or to
relax on the weekends. This is the reason we de-
cided to advertise so largely on television as a me-
dium. We will have network prime-time television
buys during the months that we are heavying up
during the campaign, but we will have buys for ca-
ble and syndicated television through every month
of the campaign to have heavy-ups during the puls-
ing months, and continuous during those the other
These buys equal out to a total of 2040 GRPs, 600
for network television, 720 for cable television, and
720 for syndicated television.
Media Mix: Magazines
Magazines are a great medium to utilize for our Lindt media campaign. Magazines will reach our target mar-
ket easily due to the high pass along rate as well as the creative opportunities that exist in this print medium.
Even though our target market indexed very high for technology, we still believe magazines will be an effective
media vehicle for our Lindt consumers to enjoy. Magazines are a reserved luxury for our consumers who are
willing to subscribe to the magazines and spend the money each month, which is something that we profiled
in our target audience. We chose to share our advertisements for Lindt with magazines that women frequently
read as well as a magazine that appeals to frequent travelers.
Circulation:	4,336,758
Index:	152
Circulation:	973,834
Index:	185
Circulation:	2,504,000
Index:	163
Media Mix: Magazines
Good	Housekeeping is an excellent destination for women in our target market be-
cause they enjoy reading up on new recipes to make for their kids. In our research,
we also deduced that an interest in parenthood indexed at 105, so we believe that
Good	Housekeeping would be a good medium for our target audience to utilize
when looking for new ideas around the house and for their kids. Since collecting art
and redecorating is a popular hobby of our target, Good Housekeeping is the perfect
magazine to browse new refurbishing ideas and spark some creativity.
The final magazine we chose to feature our new Lindt advertisements in is	Travel	
&	Leisure. Our target market is very interested in international travel and all things
foreign. We believe traveling is a hobby they really enjoy doing, and that is indicated
by the high index of 159. Travel	&	Leisure is a “one-stop resource for sophisticated
travelers.” Additionally, it provides news, tips and information about destinations all
over the world. This magazine is bound to be in the hands of our Lindt consumers,
whether they are boarding a plane or leisurely reading to stay up to date with the
latest in travel.
Shape is a must read for women in our target market, which is why we chose it to
advertise our new Lindt campaign. The magazine focuses on healthy ways women
can improve their overall lifestyle and most women really honor the magazine for
its honest and achievable fitness tips. We learned through a high index of 125 that
the interest for health is important for our target. Many women in our target market
start their day in an active way and they look to Shape magazine for the quick work-
out exercises. They also enjoy reading up on the beauty tips that Shape offers their
Media Mix: Magazines
Buying Magazines
We will be utilizing a total of $5,657,600 towards magazines, which accounts to 21% of our media spend. We
are going to have media buys in Good	Housekeeping	and Shape all year long, in order to raise awareness for
our campaign in an effort to correspond along with our network television show strategy in the months of
January to May when those seasons end. From June to August, we will continue advertising to reach those
women who like to become more actively fit in the summer months, and from September to December have
the advertising correspond with the advertising on network television again. Overall, this equals out to 640
total GRPs.
Indexes	based	on	total	Lindt	Users	(any	form)
Media Mix: Radio
We chose to utilize radio to advertise to our Lindt consumers. Our women in our target market are con-
stantly traveling and if they are not taking transit they are spending a lot of time driving in their cars. We
want to take advantage of this and advertise to our consumers during their morning and evening drive time
to maximize their awareness utilizing the high frequency that radio offers. Our Lindt consumers indexed
very high for listening to public radio at 221. We want to use radio to spread the word of our promotional
campaigns and giveaways. By advertising on National	Public	Radio, we will reach a very high number of our
target market, which will help spread awareness of our new Lindt campaign.
Buying Radio:
Using a total of $1,676,160, radio will take up 6.20% of
our entire budget for the Lindt campaign. Due to the low
cost of radio and its high frequency, we will be utilizing
this medium throughout our entire campaign. During the summer months of June to
August when our target audience are most likely traveling with families or driving their kids around to camps and
playdates, radio will be a huge advantage for the Lindt campaign. We will also heavy up in January due to it be-
ing the start of the entire campaign. In the aforementioned months, the GRPs will rise from 25 to 30. We are also
heavying up on radio during these months because this is when the rest of our mediums are a bit quieter, so we
have plenty of our budget left to spend. Overall, this will result in a total of 640 radio GRPs.
Media Mix: Internet
Social Media Strategy:
Different social media platforms have grown to be very popular mediums, particularly for our target market,
which is why we will be implementing our Lindt campaign on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Lindt
does have an existing presence on these social media platforms, but we plan to improve their communication
to consumers and maximize their reach for the launch of the new campaign. We are hoping with our strategy
to create a consistent message on all of Lindt’s social media accounts will encourage more people to follow the
brand and participate in the interactive parts of the campaign. Creating a close relationship with our consumers
is extremely important, and the relationship can be strengthened by liking and favoriting Lindt related content
on each respective platform. We will utilize events such as sweepstakes and giveaways to promote the Lindt
brand, as well as spreading this campaign across all platforms by using the hashtag #WindDownWithLindt. It is
important to keep all platforms consistent as not to confuse the consumer, and this will create imagery transfer
in their minds.
Media Mix: Internet
Our target market often finds themselves out and about, exploring cities
and looking for deals. We want to utilize for our Lindt
consumers, which is a online marketplace with over 70 million members
that gives people the opportunity to buy and share items as well as offers
daily deals to registered users. It started as a visual bookshelf application
on Facebook to share books with friends and then acquired buyyourfrien-, which helped the company gain great success. We think this
is a great website to advertise our new Lindt campaign on because Lindt
consumers are always looking for something to do whether it’s going to a
new restaurant or checking out a relaxing spa destination. The LivingSocial
app is a great and easy way for our Lindt consumers to find a special deal
without any fuss.
Buying LivingSocial:
We are planning to do a publisher direct media buy in order to directly communicate
with the website to establish homepage takeovers as well as overlays to advertise
our new Lindt campaign. This will be a continuous campaign and we will heavy up
during the summertime from June to August, as well as January. This strategy ap-
peals to consumers activity in the summer as well as the start of our campaign. We
will be allocating $1,320,000 out of our total internet spending of $3,080,000.
Media Mix: Online
In this day and age, many people, including the women in
our target market, are committed to their respective televi-
sion shows such as the Shonda Rhimes trilogy, but are not
always able to watch it during its prime time spot. For this
reason, many viewers resort to streaming the show online
the following day or a few days after. Therefore, the free
show streaming on is a perfect platform for
Lindt to advertise. In an article published by The New York
Times on the advertising innovations of the website, it is
reported that online advertising is much more successful
than regular advertisements nowadays because viewers do
not have the ability to skip the ads.
Due to the high index of 131 for our target audience visit-
ing a TV network or TV show’s website as well as an index
of 132 for watching TV shows online, this is a very relevant
media choice for Lindt. Media Mixer also feels that abc. is an excellent platform because there is not as
much clutter from other brands while watching the shows
as there is on regular network or cable television. In addi-
tion, viewing on also gives our target market
the ability to watch the shows on mobile phones, tablets,
laptops, and other portable devices which allows them the
ability to interact on social media while viewing as well.
The ads on usually consist of mid roll and pre
roll ads.
Buying ABC Go:
We are planning to buy preroll and mid roll ads of
:15 and :30 seconds each on during
Grey’s	Anatomy,	Scandal, and How	To	Get	Away	
With Murder. This brings us to a total of $1,760,000
out of our total internet spend of $3,080,000
(11.40% of our overall budget). We already know
that our target audience indexes high for all three
of these shows. Scandal indexes at 226 and Grey’s
Anatomy is 124. Due to the high interest in this,
we deduced that our target audience indexes high
for Shonda’s third show,	How	to	Get	Away	With	
Murder, and then backed this assumption up with
an article stating this fact. We plan to run our ads
during the months of February to May when the
shows winter premiere airs and continues to run.
We will take a break from from June to
August when the TGIT shows are not airing each
week. Then, we will advertise again in September
when the fall premiere airs until December. In total, will produce 224 GRPs for the entire
Lindt campaign.
Media Mix: Out Of Home (OOH)
For out of home advertising, we would like to place ads on various transportation systems in major cities. Be-
cause our target audience is primarily located in metropolitan cities, we believe this will be a very effective strat-
egy in order to fully optimize effective frequency and reach during our campaign. We also believe this out of
home advertising will be a nice complement to our other advertisements throughout the campaign.
The first location we would like to advertise Lindt is in the New York City MTA Transit system. According to a re-
port by Heavy Rail Transportation Ridership, on an average weekday the NYC MTA has 9,060,000.8 passenger
trips. This large number paired with the high concentration of our target market located in New York City will
help to optimize our reach and frequency goals.
Also according to this report, Washington D.C. has the second highest average weekday passenger trips at
829,000.2 and Chicago comes in at number three with 753,000.6 passenger trips on an average weekday. By ad-
vertising in all three of these major cities’ transportation systems, we will be optimizing reach and frequency due
to the frequent travelers who use these systems every day. This will be a great way to keep Lindt at the forefront
of consumers’ minds.
Buying OOH:
We purchased advertisements for the transit systems in New York City, Wash-
ington D.C., and Chicago for the months of February to May, and September to
December. We chose these months to advertise for transit because these are the
months that go along with our promotions and heavy ups, as well as in these
months it is colder outside meaning that most commuters will be taking the
transit system instead of walking. We will stop advertisements in the months
of June to August, because these are the months in which we will not be run-
ning our large promotion as well as it is warmer outside. We decided to spend
$50,000 for transit in each of the months that we are making this buy, meaning
that overall we spent $400,000 on transit which was 1.50% of our total budget.
Strategies: TGIT
TGIT refers to the Thursday night primetime lineup of shows on ABC.
All three shows were created by Shonda Rhimes. These three shows in-
clude Grey’s Anatomy at 8pm, Scandal at 9pm, and How	to	Get	Away	
With Murder closing out the night at 10pm. All three of these shows
display driven female leads who excel in their respective careers. It has
become a known fact that all three shows have characters who fre-
quently drink wine, which relates to our target audience as previously
stated. We plan to join in a sponsorship with TGIT, and advertise “Wind
Down With Lindt” along with grabbing a glass of wine and sitting down
to watch your three favorite shows once a week. We see this popular
night of TV shows as the perfect opportunity to really increase brand
awareness with our target audience because it relates to activities they
love to do: relax after a long day of work, watch television, drink wine
and eat Lindt chocolate.
We will launch our sponsorship with TGIT in mid-February when
all three shows come back for their mid-season premiere, episodes
that viewers are high anxious and excited to see. We think this is the
perfect opportunity to premiere the sponsorship because the viewer-
ship of all three episodes will be highly anticipated and will draw in a
large viewership. Viewers will also be coming down from the excite-
ment of the holidays, and seeing this sponsorship in February will not
bring the same wearout as it would in December. This sponsorship will
create buzz and excitement within our target audience and give them
another reason to enjoy their favorite shows.
Strategies: TGIT
TGIT is a weekly event that is highly advertised by ABC already. Lindt will team up with TGIT to create advertise-
ments surrounded around the concept of pairing watching TGIT shows with winding down with Lindt. We will
run a heavy Twitter campaign using the hashtag #TGITwithLindt to live tweet and respond to our target audi-
ence while they are watching the shows. Through a social media campaign including Facebook, Twitter, You-
Tube and Instagram, we will hold a nationwide contest and ask our target audience how they use TGIT as the
perfect excuse to eat Lindt and drink wine all while winding down after a busy day at work. Entrants can submit
pictures, videos, stories, or other creative formats that are deemed appropriate to be considered in the running
for a chance to win a trip for 2 to visit the set of one of the TGIT shows plus a tour and cooking session with
some of Lindt’s master chocolatiers. This contest will run until the end of the season finales for all three shows,
meaning at 11pm the night of finales. At that point, Lindt will post all of the entries to be voted on by other fans
of winding down with Lindt and TGIT. The post with the most “likes” will be deemed the winner of the grand
prize. As a “thank you” to all that participate, when you submit an entry, contestants will be prompted to visit
the Lindt website where they will enter their address to receive one Lindt chocolate bar and a TGIT sticker that
will be mailed to them. We believe that this strategy will be a great start to the rest of our year-long campaign,
and will measure as a huge success.
Strategies: #LindtSweetEscape
Our Lindt lovers are constantly traveling around the world to explore
new places and take a break from their busy lives. We understand
that a day in the airport can be a very hectic and overwhelming expe-
rience and travelers often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle
they forget to turn their body into relaxation mode for their big trip.
We want our Lindt consumers to take a breath and wind down with
a piece of Lindt chocolate about a half an hour into their flight. We
are partnering with Virgin Atlantic, which is a british airline that flies
to over 35 destinations around the world. This airline is the perfect
platform to introduce a little luxury chocolate into a long flight. We
will limit our partnership to flights going to London, which is a major
destination for Virgin Atlantic Flyers. Flying can be such a draining
experience for our Lindt consumers and they will thank Virgin Atlan-
tic for the sweet pick me up as they let go of the worries they left
behind. After looking into Virgin Atlantic’s social media presence, we
noticed how influential their Virgin Atlantic Twitter could be for the
new “Wind Down with Lindt” campaign. They have over 400 thousand
Twitter followers, which could be a great platform to promote their
partnership with Lindt chocolate using the hashtag #LindtSweetEs-
cape. Consumers can post a photo heading off for their winter vaca-
tion with their complimentary Lindt chocolate in hand using the part-
nership hashtag to spread the word. We want this campaign to run in
the winter months, November to February because we believe people
travel more around the holidays and enjoy escaping to more favorable
climates during the winter season. 56
The women who are buying Lindt are not only passionate about their premium chocolate, but also their wine.
This is why we have decided to provide them an opportunity where they can order wine and receive compli-
mentary Lindt chocolate at the same time. Lindt is going to be teaming up with in an effort
to increase sales for both brands as well as appeal to their respective target audiences through wine and choco-
late- two of their favorite guilty pleasures. allows consumers to purchase personalized bottles of wine
along with other wine accessories such as glasses through one click on the
Internet. The women Lindt will be targeting are already huge fans of wine,
so this will open the doors for them to utilize another outlet when ordering
wine for themselves, friends, and family. It is the perfect gift for around the
holiday season. The women are able to start their designs from templates,
or start from scratch and create their own messages and personalizations.
Lindt will play a role by teaming up with, started in 1999.
During the months of December and February (around Christmas time and
Valentine’s Day when sales are high for the wine website) each purchase on will come with a
complementary Lindt bar. This will give the Lindt brand more exposure and cause the women to think about the
premium chocolate they are buying next time they decide to purchase a bottle of wine.
Both companies have a similar brand message and aim to appeal to a similar target audience. The wines on are sourced from around the world, which will be favorable to Lindt women because of their
love of travel and all things foreign. In addition, puts a large focus of their image on the taste
of their prodcut, the way the consumers feel when drinking the wine, and the image of the product. This is a
great positioning tactic for Lindt because of the similar goals and attitude they portray about their product.
Strategies: Search Engine Optimization
With the competition in the luxury chocolate category being extremely strong, we believe that utilizing search
engine optimization is an excellent idea to put us ahead during our year-long campaign. Using SEO will allow
Lindt to receive more website traffic through an association with specific keywords related to the industry and
what Lindt stands for, creating the best quality product that they possibly can. During this campaign, Lindt will
be engaged in a huge social media campaign in association with TGIT, and will have a sponsorship with Virgin
Atlantic Airlines as well as with a personalized wine website. All of these engagements means that Lindt will
have several chances to link the brand to events and themes that are relevant to our target audience every-
day lives. We believe that if and when Lindt’s website appears higher up when searched, awareness of the
brand will be increased and more of our target audience will know what Lindt is all about. We believe that this
is an important media choice for us to invest in because our target audience is highly involved in the internet
and looking towards it for information on how to live her life. In the world of media today, we believe that the
Internet is becoming one of the top sources to receive information, and this is why search engine optimization
with benefit this media campaign infinite ways.
Strategies: Estimated Costs
Because we have already accounted for our maga-
zine, TV, and online advertisement costs, the only
other part needed to be counted is time spent
running social media campaigns as well as the fi-
nal grand prize. We estimate $6,300 to pay a pro-
spective intern to run the social media contest and
$1,500 for airfare and lodging towards the grand
prize winners. Lastly, $500 will be allotted to the
stickers and chocolate giveaways. This comes to a
total of $8,300 for the entire TGIT strategy.
We will be allocating $1,476 for each flight to pro-
vide each passenger with a Lindt chocolate bar.
Since we will be using Lindt and Virgin Atlantic’s
social media to promote the collaboration, this will
not cost any additional money.
In order to carry through on this sponsorship, is charging us a $2,000 fee to
partner with them and have our product includ-
ed with theirs. In addition, it will cost Lindt $500
to provide the chocolate. This comes to a total of
Search Engine Optimization:
SEO does not cost the company any resources,
making it an excellent tactic.
Reach, Frequency, and GRPs
As a wholesome measure of finding frequency, Media
Mixer utilized the Ostrow Model in an effort to deter-
mine an effective frequency for the campaign. After going
through each of the message, market, and media sec-
tions, we came to a frequency of 3.2 and decided that
this would be the lowest possible number we would have
our campaign reach. During our peak months we are
aiming for a frequency of 4 due to many strong compet-
itors in the premium chocolate category with Lindt. For
our Cafe Cache portion of the campaign, these reach and
frequency goals will stay the same as well.
We plan on having an reach of 70 throughout the cam-
paign, but during our peak months it will rise to 75 and
decrease to 50 during our quieter months of June, July,
and August. Using both of these reach and frequency
numbers, we will come out with 280 GRPs during the
peak months of February to May and September to De-
cember. We will accomplish all of this by paid, earned,
and owned media. During our more low-key months, we
will also focus our campaign on earned and owned media
in addition to cable, radio, and other forms of paid media
to keep our GRPs up. However, the reach, frequency, and
GRPs will still be lower than the peak months. We have
made a point to never go below a frequency of 3.2 or a
reach of 50 throughout the campaign resulting in a con-
sistent GRP count of over 160.
Note:	In	our	budget	and	GRP	flowchart,	it	appears	that	the	
GRPs	are	lower	than	discussed	which	is	because	Media	Flight	
Plan	does	not	account	for	earned	and	owned	media.	
Scheduling and Timing
We will be launching our media plan in
January because we believe there is a lot of
opportunity at the beginning of a new year.
With a pulsing schedule of continuous
advertising as well as heavy up during cer-
tain months we believe this will create a lot
of awareness for our new Lindt Campaign.
We plan to heavy up advertising during the
months of February to May as well as Sep-
tember to December in order to capture
the holiday consumers in the market for
Lindt chocolate. We also are paying close
attention to the season premieres (Febru-
ary and September) and finale (May) of our
television advertising schedules to ensure
we heavy up during those times and ab-
sorb the heightened viewership. Our social
media content will match the timing of the
promotional executions year round.
Scheduling and Timing
Scheduling and Timing
Scheduling and Timing: Cafe Cache
Scheduling and Timing: Cafe Cache
Our budget was given to us by Lindt’s
marketing team. We had a total of $30
million to spend $27 million of that nation-
ally, and the last $3 million to capitalize on
Lindt’s Cafe Caches. We decided to spend
more of our budget in the months that we
were heavying up our campaign, from Feb-
ruary to May, and then September to De-
cember. This is because we will be doing
our large campaign with three Prime Time
Network Shows during these months and
would like to create as much awareness of
the campaign as possible. We spend about
twice of the budget in these months than
the months of June to August, when we
were not heavying up on our campaign. By
the end of our national campaign, we will
have spent $26,982,800 which is $17,200
dollars under budget for a contingency.
Budget: Cafe Cache
Budget: Cafe Cache
We selected our DMAs for the Cafe Cache section of the plan based mainly off of the locations
of the data provided to us in the Lindt MRI Data. Our target market is mostly situated on the
east coast and in major metropolitan cities of the U.S, corresponding with our spot markets
chosen. People in our spot markets of Albany, Chicago, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Cincinnati, and
Charlotte index high for the chocolate category overall. We also chose these markets because
all of them have a high index for Lindt. These locations represent 6.7% of the entire United
States households. Because each of these locations have their own Lindt Cafe Cache in them,
we feel that our spot marketing will be received well.
We also plan on heavying up in these markets during
our months in the national campaign that are quieter
due to the fact that the Lindt brand already has a strong
presence in these cities due to the positioning of the
Cafe Cache, this will only enhance the brand image and
intrigue our target audience located in these DMAs.
This will create an opportunity to expose Lindt to more likely buyers.
We have chosen to do a national-spot campaign aside from the Cafe Cache portion of the cam-
paign. In New York City, Chicago, and Washington D.C. we will be utilizing heavy up due to our
use of transit advertising. Each of these cities has extremely high transit traffic per day, so we
feel they will be beneficial locations for our target market that is traveling to and from work on
public transportation, especially during the colder months.
Brand Analysis
Lindt Case Study
Competitive Analysis
Target Audience Analysis
SWOT Summary
Out of Home
Sales Promotions
Primary Research Results
Primary Research Results
Media Mixer Bios
Olivia is a senior Integrated Marketing Communications and Theatre Studies
double major. Her favorite part about being an Ithaca College student is having
the opportunity to do what she loves every day through her job in the Campus
Center and Event Services office as the Lead Event & Marketing Coordinator. Last
summer, she worked as an intern for Journal Multimedia working in their Events
Department and this past spring she studied through the Ithaca College London
Center. Her favorite guilty pleasure is dark chocolate truffle.
Allison is a senior studying Integrated Marketing and Communications with
a minor in Communication Studies. She recently returned from a summer
internship in Los Angeles where she worked at Valerie Allen PR. During her
internship, she was able to sample all aspects of PR, including working with
a high profile client such as Dr. Drew. Her favourite guilty pleasure is the
White Chocolate truffle.
Olivia Berrigan
Allison Kubit
Media Mixer Bios
Emily is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major from Long Is-
land, New York. Over the summer she was a media intern for NBTY, a vitamin
manufacturer and marketer for brands such as Nature’s Bounty, Disney Gum-
my Vitamins, and Balance Bar. Next semester she will be taking her love of
traveling abroad and studying at the Ithaca College London Center. Her favor-
ite guilty pleasure is the Caramel Milk Chocolate Lindt Truffle.
Sarah is a senior Integrated Marketing Communications major from Con-
necticut. During her sophomore year, she dove head first into New York City
and studied at the Ithaca College New York City Program where she interned
with BPCM Public Relations and Sarah then traveled and
studied at the Ithaca College Los Angeles program her junior year interning
with The Hollywood Reporter. Her favorite guilty pleasure is the Salted Cara-
mel Lindt chocolate.
Emily Wolfson
Sarah Lombard
Thank You! 80

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Lindt Comprehensive Media Plan

  • 1. Fall 2015 Media Plan Prepared by Media Mixer
  • 2. About Us Media Mixer strives to find the perfect balance between traditional media and new media through new and innovative ways. Not only do we aim to produce thoughtful plans, we also place an emphasis on the quality of our work. We develop honest and trustworthy relation- ships with our clients in an effort to communi- cate ideas effectively. It is our goal to execute a plan that has both a holistic approach and preserves the spirit of each one of our clients. Throughout the entire blending process we work relentlessly to inspire our clients and give them the best “mix” possible. 1
  • 3. 2 Table of Contents Situation Analysis................4 Brand Analysis The 4 Cs Economic and Societal Trends Geographic Information Competitive Analysis Target Audience Information SWOT Analysis Key Challenge/Insight Media Strategies and Objectives.........35 The Big Idea Objectives Media Mix (Television, Magazines, Radio, Internet, OOH) Strategies Reach/Frequency/GRPs Scheduling/Timing Budget Geography Appendix..........72
  • 4. Executive Summary 3 Beginning in the year of 1845, Lindt has established itself in the market as a luxurious chocolate brand. The com- pany has gone through many different eras and changes, but through it all has continued to focus on the high quality production of chocolate. The Lindt brand offers truffles, bars, flavored chocolate balls, and seasonal treats. Each of the products come in several different flavors and the prices vary as well. Although many people are aware of and have bought Lindt chocolate before, it is not their first choice when going to stores such as Wegman’s or Target. At Media Mixer, we are aiming to focus our campaign on women ages 35-54. More specifically, we will be implementing a year long national campaign with spot heavy ups in an effort to have premium chocolate consumers become more aware of Lindt. Our campaign aims to capture the attention of Busy Bees and Empty Nesters who are looking for a delicious, high-quality snack to enjoy while winding down. The Busy Bees are young professionals who are either single or married with young kids. They consider themselves up to date on the latest social media and technology trends. They are hard-working, social people who enjoy foreign travel and all things to do with wine, making Lindt an ex- cellent complimentary snack. Empty Nesters are those women who are a bit older, so their kids are most likely out of the house or in college. They are extremely interested in foreign travel with their spouse or significant other and have a high disposable income, so premium chocolate is one of their guilty pleasures. Media Mixer wants to appeal to these women through various mediums, but most especially focus on the televi- sion sensation TGIT (Thank God It’s Thursday). Our target audience takes a great liking to all three of the shows, so we plan on creating an integrated campaign that includes tv, magazines, radio, online, social media, and out- door. In addition, we will utilize various sales promotions and out of home advertisements. This year long cam- paign will aim for a frequency of 4 and reach of 70 with an average GRP count of 280. We believe this will be a holistic campaign serving to better the image and awareness of Lindt.
  • 6. 5 Brand Analysis Lindt is a premium chocolate brand that considers their work an art and guarantees distinctive smoothness, taste of no other brand, and an innovative flair. Lindt Chocolates began in 1845 when David Sprüng- li-Schwarz and his son opened a shop to use a new recipe from Italy for manufacturing chocolate in a solid form. The company was then split between two sons in 1892, and Johann Rudolf converted his part into Chocolat Sprungli. Lindt and Sprüngli continued to expand and acquire several other chocolate brands, such as Ghirardelli. Though the brand has gone through many different time periods, their passion and spirit for chocolate is still evident today.
  • 7. 6 Current Brand Situation Currently, data shows that as of 2014 there were almost 11,000 employees and 139 Lindt stores worldwide with the majority being in North Ameri- ca and Europe, and some being their Chocolate Cafes. The recorded total Lindt Chocolate sales worldwide for that specific year were $3,385,000 ( According to research, this increase in sales is the direct result from Lindt buying Russell Stover Candies which was “the company’s largest acquisition to date” (Case Study). Lindt does sell several different types of chocolates. Their products range from truffles, bars, and flavored chocolate balls, to even seasonal treats for Easter and Valentine’s Day. Lindt is currently promoting their entire brand lines, but would like to focus more attention on their solid chocolate bars that compete with main competitors. Lindt products come in several differ- ent flavors, and their prices range in the United States from $2.25 to $3.00. The majority of the Lindor truffles, produced by Lindt in the United States, are manufactured in New Hampshire. Recently, in 2014, Lindt has undergone a crisis situation that they are still fighting to overcome. A hostage situation occurred inside on of the Lindt cafe’s in Sydney, Australia. It was a 16-hour siege that created a lasting traumatic effect for the people of Austraila. Due to the sensitive nature of this event and its occurrence in a Lindt cafe, the brand is still dealing with the negative connotation and focusing on building the brand image back up.
  • 8. 7 Current Category Situation We believe that Lindt Chocolate competes in the luxury chocolate market. What defines this category is the quality of ingredients, intense production methods, and a higher cost of the final product in comparison to some of the “every day” regular chocolate brands. Brands in this market “can reap the benefits of consum- ers trading up to more indulgent products as their taste becomes more sophisticated” (Bainbridge, 2004). As of now, chocolate sales in the U.S. are still expected to continually grow even with the inactive economy in the recent past couple of years. Especially in America, consumers have been continuously treating themselves to chocolate which leads to sales being projected to grow by $1 million by 2017 (Statista). One thing that this category needs to watch out for is the unstable prices and supplies of cocoa beans. Chocolate as a category is continuing to grow despite economic setbacks, meaning that chocolate in our society as a staple is here to stay. The market is crowded when discussing all of the chocolate brands today, but luxury chocolate brands have made a clear distinction and are included in their own category. Different chocolate products seem to be seasonal in nature, but demand for the product does increase greatly during the holidays. This is a fact that Lindt takes advantage of. Several different trends, that will be discussed later, have had an impact on the industry as well, as well as many other chocolate brands. According to BusinessInsights, throughout 2013 premium chocolate brands continued to bring in sales as “the market was forecast to become a two-tier en- tity divided between affordable and premium chocolates”. Overall, the luxury chocolate category has been strong in sales past years.
  • 9. 8 The 4 Cs 1. 2. 3. 4. Consumer Wants and Needs Cost Communication Convenience
  • 10. 9 Consumer Wants and Needs The Lindt Product: Lindt offers 3 different types of chocolate in various forms and flavors. Milk chocolate, white chocolate, and dark chocolate are primarily used in the Lindt formula. Lindt makes bars, LindorTruffles, boxed chocolates, and assorted novelty chocolate items such as advent calendars and seasonal gifts. There are 23 flavors of Lin- dor Truffles, 24 flavors of chocolate bars, 10 variations of boxes, and an array of seasonal goodies. Lindt also uses the finest cocoa beans in their chocolate as well as rigorously picking out the most premium ingredients that are contained in all of their products. The packaging that consumers receive their chocolates in is exqui- site and puts the finishing touches on the product for the consumer. How Lindt Meets Consumers’ Wants and Needs: The Lindt consumer is generally someone who is living a upper-middle class lifestyle. They enjoy luxuri- ous treats and don’t mind paying a little extra for the superior quality of their chocolate. With the abun- dance of flavors and options for their chocolate, Lindt satisfies the need for a luxurious chocolate all while offering a product for every consumer’s tastes. For example, in comparison to some of their milk or white chocolate options, Lindt has a very popular line of dark chocolate bars that contain up to 90% cocoa . This specific product tends to appeal to people who enjoy indulgences once in awhile without the stress of a high-fat treat. Lindt products offer consumers a tasty treat to satisfy those sweet tooth cravings we all get. The quality of the product compared to the price for this luxury chocolate means that Lindt offers superior chocolate at not as high of a price. Lindt meets our consumers wants and needs, and fulfills them, leaving them wanting more.
  • 11. 10 Cost Cost of time in acquiring the product: The cost in time in acquiring Lindt is relatively low compared to some of its competitors. Lindt is available in various locations around the Unit- ed States within convenience stores, book stores, art stores, and supermarkets. This means that it is not difficult for a consumer to stumble upon some type of Lindt chocolate product. Other chocolate brands in this category may not have as large of a location spread as Lindt, giving this brand the advantage. Cost of Switching to competitors: When you put Lindt next to its competitors, they are all in the same price range. A bar of Lindt will cost about $3.99, and a bar of Ghirardelli chocolate will cost about $4.35. Lindt price equals a 3.5 oz bar of Godiva at $3.99, but for this same price Lindt is a 4.4 oz bar. Lindt tends to be on the lower end of pric- ing throughout the luxury chocolate category, which makes this brand a huge player in the game. The brand awareness of Lindt is that it is a luxury chocolate company. That, paired with the lower price, is a recipe for success.
  • 12. 11 Communication Lindt’s website is a good example of effectively giving the consumer a way to communicate with the brand. They offer consumers the opportunity to read the story of Lindt, learn about the Master Chocolatiers, shop for Lindt chocolate online, links to their social media channels, and also the ability to learn about the inner workings of the company. The social media links are to Lindt’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. This just shows that there are several different ways for a consumer to communicate with the brand. Lindt’s communication through advertisements recently leaves a lot to be desired. Aside from the “Do You Dream in Chocolate” campaign, not much advertising has been created and aired for the brand since. It seems that they rely on their LINDOR Truffles, as well as their seasonal items to advertise to consumers through different mediums such as internet display and television. The brand recently celebrated its 170th anniversary and marked the celebration by having a global Swiss Chocolate Festival that was promoted a different air- ports.
  • 13. 12 Convenience Lindt chocolate can be found in most grocery stores. The brand is found In, but not limited to: A&P, ShopRite, Wegmans, Walmart, Topps, Target, and Barnes & Noble. The majority of these retailers carry the brand nationwide and that makes it easy for consumers to travel to their grocery store and pick up Lindt chocolate. There may be some retailers that only carry Lindt regionally, and that might make some consumers feel that it is harder to get Lindt choc- olate when they really want it. But overall, we wouldn’t say that distribution is an issue when it comes to Lindt.
  • 14. 13 Economic and Societal trends There are various external trends that could have an impact on Lindt Chocolate sales, as well as the sales of the product category. There is a current societal trend to live a healthy lifestyle and understand the value of nutrition in every food item. Wellness has taken on a new appetizing look from avocado toast to chia seed pudding, foodies are endorsing a health conscious way of life (Green is the New Black The Guardian 2015) As grocery shoppers gravitate towards non-processed, gluten-free, non-G.M.O., heirloom, grass-fed, free-range foods, they are becoming much more aware of ingredients and calorie count. Since Lindt is in the chocolate product category, society’s first association is that it does not have a high nutritional value and this can poten- tially have a negative impact on the brand. However, pairing chocolate with other foods and alcoholic bever- ages has been a common trend which takes the focus away from chocolate as a typical unhealthy treat.
  • 15. 14 Economic and Societal trends Secondly, with the economy just beginning to improve, people are most likely still focusing on the price of a product before they make the purchase. While consumers recently gained some con- fidence in terms of spending, we can’t assume there priority is somewhat pricey candy bar. However, a modest Lindt candy bar at the checkout of a grocery store could entice a consumer more than a more expensive box of Lindt chocolates. The high price of Lindt does give the chocolate the potential to be seen as a spe- cialty high-end sweet that could appeal to the right target. ( Wall Street journal- consumers view of economy improves) Lastly, with the rise of social media and websites such as Pinter- est, consumers are becoming increasingly interested in the “Do it yourself” mantra. Sharing new dessert recipes online is becom- ing a popular trend, so people can bake at home or in groups in- stead of buying a packaged good. This has also becoming a new creative gift idea instead of buying a pre-packaged dessert peo- ple are customizing their homemade gift with a personal touch. This could also hurt the brand as well as the chocolate category.
  • 16. 15 Geographic Information Originally founded in the United States in New York, in 1925, Lindt has since moved its headquarters and manufacturing site to Stratham, NH where it oper- ates successfully today. Sold in more than 80 coun- tries and 4 continents, Lindt is certainly an interna- tional brand with a lot of geographic potential. With a national distribution, Lindt has made its way into households due to its placement in mass retail out- lets such as Walmart, Target, Safeway, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s. Lindt is also available in big box stores like Costco as well as online through Amazon. However, now the focus is to increase brand aware- ness across all 50 states so that Lindt becomes a true household name. The east coast holds a great amount of potential for Lindt sales. For instance, in the Albany market, con- sumers are 19% more likely to purchase Lindt than the average population with a BDI of 119, and they are 16% more likely than the average person to do the same in Charlotte, NC, which has a BDI of 116. Chicago, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, and Cincinnati are other areas with high index numbers for Lindt. The Miam-Ft. Lauderdale market is doing well in brand sales and category sales. According to its index numbers of 106 (BDI) and 111 (CDI), consumers are 6% more likely to buy Lindt and 11% more likely to buy chocolate than the average population. Cincinnati is doing well in brand sales with a BDI of 102. Its CDI is a bit lower at 94; howev- er, by keeping a close eye on sales overall, this market does have potential for Lindt. Chicago in particular has a high BDI, high CDI, and high sales percentage at 29.6% (the next closest market in terms of sales percentage is Minneapolis at 12.6%), so this could be a potential target market in terms of geography. Overall, consumers are most aware and active with the Lindt brand on the east coast than in major met- ropolitan cities. Chicago Cincinnati Charlotte Albany Miami/ Ft. Lauderdale
  • 17. 16 Competitive Analysis Media Mixer chose three different chocolate competitors for Lindt. Our primary compet- itors for Lindt are Ghirardelli, Godiva, and Dove. In terms of secondary competitors, we acknowledge that all other chocolate brands have the opportunity to potentially enter into the luxury chocolate category, so it is important that we continuously watch for any changes. Our three primary choices were picked because they were the closest to Lindt in the terms of product offerings, in- cluding flavors, shapes, and target audience that they attract. All primary competitors offer solid chocolate bars, the main product Lindt would like to promote. We then an- alyzed all primary competitors in terms of overviews of the company, their media mix, past creative, and social media follower in- formation.
  • 18. 17 Competitor: Ghirardelli Ghirardelli Chocolate Company is a manufacturer of Swiss choco- late, and is owned by Lindt & Sprungli. Ghirardelli has cafes, stores, and wholesale items in their product line. They specialize in choco- late squares, bars, and specialty gift items. The brand was founded by Domenico Ghirardelli, who in 1852 moved from South Africa to San Francisco. In 1998 the entire company was acquired from a private owner by Lindt and Sprungli. Ghirardelli is one of the few chocolate companies in the U.S. who control all aspects of the manufacturing process. They have a very high standard for choco- late, claiming that they reject about 40% of the cocoa beans they receive.
  • 19. 18 Competitor: Ghirardelli Advertising Strategy Ghirardelli’s last advertising strategy has been seasonally-based. Right now they’re beginning their holiday-tar- geted campaigns. Usually Ghirardelli doesn’t rely on marketing campaigns as much as seasonal trends. They also rely on other products that aren’t straight chocolate. Their hot chocolate mixes, baking mixes, and baking chocolates get just as much attention as the straight chocolate. Currently their slogan is “Discover the Heart of Ghirardelli”. Media Mix Ghirardelli heavily relies on television ads for most of its media mix. Television ads make up 70% of their spending. Print ads make up 23%, the internet makes up 5%, radio makes up .5%, and outdoor makes up .1%. The only times that media spend- ing goes down is during July, August, and September. You can tell this because within the year, all of the other months fall around major holidays and celebrations that are traditionally “chocolate” holidays. Ghirardelli has built a strong brand following with more than 1,549,910 likes on Facebook, 8,487 followers on Twitter, 11,300 followers on Instagram and 8,000 followers on Pinter- est. The advertisements below are past creative run by Ghirar- delli.
  • 20. 19 Competitor: Godiva Godiva Chocolatier is a premium Belgian chocolate manufacturer and other related products. Godiva balances the high-end appeal of its product with their accessibility, selling the chocolate as an “affordable luxury”. The brand owns and operates more than 450 different retail shops and boutiques as well as “Café Godiva’s” located around the world in the U.S., Europe, Canada, and Asia. Consumers can also find the brand in over 10,000 specialty retailers. Not only do they sell choco- lates, but they also make truffles, cocoa, coffee, dipped fruits, chocolate liquor, party favors, and gift baskets. As well as Lindt, Godiva makes sea- sonal chocolates with different packaging for major holidays. According to the Godiva website, “it is Godiva that brings the best of Belgium to the world.”
  • 21. 20 Competitor: Godiva Media Mix Godiva’s media mix is very magazine heavy. The brand spent 88.5% of their ad spending on magazines for several of their products. Godiva also spends 11.4% of their advertising dollars on Internet Displays, and .1% of their ad spending on business-to-business. The brand’s total ad spending adds up to $4,389,657. The brand had no advertising during the months of January, March, June, and Au- gust. But, Godiva did spend the majority of their advertising dollars during the months of July, September, October, November, and De- cember, most presumably because that is when the major holidays for the brand are. Godiva has built quite a strong brand following with more than 521,600 likes on Facebook, 40,800 followers on Twitter, 134,000 followers on Instagram and 6,600 followers on Pinterest. The adver- tisements above are from Godiva’s Facebook celebrating National Ice Cream Day, and the advertisements that were displayed for Valentine’s Day. Advertising Strategy Godiva’s last advertising campaign was for Valentine’s day in which they encouraged consumers to buy and give Godiva boxes “From the Heart”. There is very limited copy aside from the call to action to the brand’s website. Godiva hasn’t had much activity recently, but past campaigns reveal that Godiva likes to show the consumers the product, instead of only having the chocolate be a small feature of the campaign. Godiva’s strategy is also to heavy up on advertisements during Holiday seasons or events that require chocolate. Advertising and marketing efforts recently are extremely limit- ed.
  • 22. 21 Competitor: Dove Dove was founded “with love” in the 1950’s by a Greek-American Leo Ste- fanos. It began as a rich family tradition in Chicago when the store owner developed the Dove Bar to keep children from rushing the busy streets to catch the attention of the ice-cream man. The brand became known across coasts for its rich and creamy taste. After only 20 years of opening their doors, over one million Dove Bars were sold, which caught the attention of M&M/Mars who then introduced the public to the milk and dark choc- olate bars. Dove takes pride in the quality, texture and lingering taste of their chocolate. The company claims the chocolate is made with 100% pure cocoa butter. The chocolate is made from the ‘best’ cocoa beans that are tested not once but twice by Mars technicians to assure perfect quality and flavor. Dove is environmentally aware and has a strong partnership with the Rainforest Alliance. This alliance helps thousands of farmers from all over the world gain the tools and techniques to protect the wildlife, environment, and the rights and welfare of their workers and their families. To stay consis- tent with their sustainable efforts Dove sources 100% of their cocoa beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.
  • 23. 22 Competitor: Dove Media Mix Dove spends money on advertising for its chocolate bars in every month except for February. The premium brand allocates a total of 24,771,770 million dollars on advertising spending between network television, cable television, internet display, online video, magazines, Sunday magazines, spot television local radio, syndica- tion and network radio. Dove also has a strong pres- ence on social media. They have over one million likes on Facebook, over two thousand followers on Pinterest as well as an active Twitter account followed by over thirty-five thousand people. Dove also has a Pandora music station. Advertising Strategy Dove’s latest strategy was targeted as a social media campaign. Dove urged consumers to share their love story by using the designated hashtag #DoveLoveStory. Leading up to Valentine’s Day the brand was set to choose their favorite stories to feature them in a short film. This tactic combined many platforms of social media in- cluding Facebook and Twitter.
  • 24. 23 Seasonal Ad Spend: Lindt & Competitors Secondary Competitors As a note, the majority of chocolate brands have the potential opportunity to enter into the luxury chocolate brand market. We should constantly be aware of what our competitors are doing, and make sure that if they do enter the market, we are prepared for it.
  • 26. 25 Competitive Analysis Wrap-Up *Note: All numbers were taken from each brand’s “Chocolate Candy” category. What does this mean for Lindt? Due to the dense competition, Lindt has a lot of work to do in order to make a name for itself in the market. It’s main competitor at this stage in the game is Godiva since they are both at a similar data percentage for Share of Voice as well as Share of Market. However, Lindt’s target audience lends itself to a strong social media interest- an area where Lindt is keeping up with its competition. Dove, for instance, doesn’t have any presence on Instagram. The competition is vast, but it also leaves loopholes for Lindt to stand out and jump far ahead of Godiva to get in the same range as Ghirardelli and Dove. Utilizing social media especially could be a huge breakthrough for Lindt, considering one of its most intimidating competitors (Dove) is only active on two out of the four researched platforms. For instance, it has the largest amount of Twitter followers out of all its competitors. Using a platform as big as Twitter gives Lindt the potential to strengthen its name and increase its share in the market as well as its overall voice.
  • 27. 26 Target Audience Analysis Segmentation For Lindt, we specifically wanted to target consumers who already are Lindt users, as well as those who purchase luxury chocolate in general. These consumers are already aware of the benefits of Lindt as a brand, or they are aware of the benefit of spending more for a luxury chocolate taste and quality. We want to better understand who our target is as consumers, how they consume media and which mediums are most ef- fective when reaching them. We used both primary and secondary forms of research in order to determine which target markets were best for us to target in terms of demographic, psychographic and behavioral infor- mation. Based off of MRI research, women offer us more potential than men because they over index for several categories compared to males who under index for the same categories. While women are 31% more likely than the average population to be a Lindt user of any form, men are 33% less likely than the average population to be a Lindt user of any form. Through this research, we concluded that working women ages 35- 54 are our perfect target audience, with both age groups over-indexing for being Lindt users and consumers to luxury chocolate. Working wom- en are 43% more likely than the average population to be Lindt users of any form. We need to understand what our target knows about Lindt in order to increase brand awareness by our goal of 10%.
  • 28. 27 Target Audience Research Primary Research In order to gather more information on the views of Lindt consumers we conducted an online survey to gain primary research which was distribut- ed over social media. Our goal was to reach as many people as possible, which proved to be effective mostly through Facebook. We exceeded our survey results goal and gained valuable information on the habits of customers with over 140 responses. Those who took the survey were primarily female (79.8%), ranging in age from 15 to 65. In gathering this research, we utilized convenience sampling as well as the snowball effect; meaning, we shared it on our own social media networks and asked oth- ers to share it. Out of those who responded, 58% said that their snack of choice was chocolate, which told us that this survey was targeting the right audience and our results would be of good use to us when analyzing the further questions that were asked. 55% percent of those people said that they were most likely to buy chocolate for themselves, with around the holi- days coming in at 38%. The supermarket was the most popular location for where consumers like to buy chocolate, coming in at 78%. Some other more specific information we received was that 70.41% of these responders put the quality of chocolate over price and variety of flavors. 31% of them also enjoy drinking wine with their chocolate snack. Lastly, 92% of the respondents have heard of Lindt chocolate and 75% have bought it before, with only 5% saying that they weren’t sure.
  • 29. Target Audience Research Secondary Research From the research generated by MRI, we were able to determine a specific target audience that Lindt will market to. Based on this data, we narrowed it down to women ages 35-54 who live environmentally-conscious lifestyles, rely on digital mediums, and have a strong liking for wine. It is because of the high index numbers associated with each of these traits that we were able to determine a relevant target market. For example, women ages 35-54 index between 102 and 107 for Lindt Bar users and Premium chocolate users. Wine indexes at 162 for being a category influencer, environmentally-friendly products index at 233 as a category influencer, and the internet indexes at 168 for being a category influencer. Through this research, we were also able to determine their day-to-day lifestyles, further psychographic profiles, what mediums they utilize most, and their attitude toward the Lindt brand. 28
  • 30. Consumer Insights Insight: This target enjoys both products that are and living environmentally friendly. BUYING STYLES AGR STRONGLY: I’m willing to pay more for product that’s environmentally safe. Index: 111 AGREE COMPLETELY: Government should pay more attention to environmental issues. Index: 124 AGREE COMPLETELY: Interested in finding out how I can help the environment. Index: 121 AGREE COMPLETELY: I feel I am more environmentally conscious than most people. Index: 112 AGREE COMPLETELY: Company’s environment record important in purchase decisions. Index: 133 CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: Environmentally Friendly products. Index: 233 PUBLIC ACTIVITIES: Participated in environmental groups/causes Insight: This target heavily utilizes the Internet and social media as a source of media consumption and a variety of other reasons. TOTAL INTERNET I (HEAVY) Index: 114 INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Visited online blogs. Index: 155 WEBSITES PAST 30 DAYS: Twitter. Index: 124 AGREE COMPLETELY: Happy to use the Internet to carry out day to day banking. Index: 137 AGREE COMPLETELY: Internet allowed me to learn things wouldn’t otherwise. Index: 122 AGREE COMPLETELY: Going online one of my favorite things with free time. Index: 105 CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: Internet. Index: 168 AGREE STRONGLY: Before purchasing online, I typically read online reviews. Index: 131 Insight: This target likes to come home after a long day of work and watch television with a glass of wine. VERY IMPORTANT: Enjoying life- Doing things because I like them. Index: 105 AGREE COMPLETELY: I’m willing to spend more for a quality bottle of wine. Index: 142 AGREE COMPLETELY: I typically drink wine with dinner. Index: 144 CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: Wine. Index: 162 Ordered Last 12 Months by Internet (Wines/Champagnes). Index: 271 Types of Drinks in Last 6 Months (yes) Imported dinner/table wines drank in last 6 months. Index (237) CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: TV shows. Index: 157 TV SHOW: Grey’s Anatomy. Index: 146 TV SHOW: Scandal. Index: 226 INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Visited a TV network or TV show’s website. Index: 131 29
  • 31. Consumer Insights Insight: This target has disposable income to spend on luxury items. CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: Shopping. Index: 177 INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Made a purchase for personal use. Index:130 VERY IMPORTANT: Having material possessions, a lot of money. Index: 102 Ordered last 12 months by internet (any item). Index: 144 Leisure Activities- Attend classical music/opera perform (PersonallyParticipated Last 12 months). Index: 222 Insight: This target takes a high interest into anything foreign. AGREE COMPLETELY: I like to learn about foreign cultures. Index: 152 AGREE COMPLETELY: Foreign travel is a great way to learn about other cultures. Index: 150 CATEGORY INFLUENTIALS: Vacation Travel. Index: 208 INTERNET ACTIVITIES PAST 30 DAYS: Made personal or business travel plans. Index: 147 WEBSITES PAST 30 DAYS: Index: 147 INTENT VERY LIKELY: Travel- Vacation abroad-Europe. Index: 175 30
  • 32. The Busy Bees The Busy Bee is a woman aged 35-44. Busy Bees are on their way to the top of their careers. Their lives are characterized by gyms, bars, trendy offices, in- telligent conversations, and an ever-evolving social life. When the Busy Bee is taking a night off, they like to veg out in front of the TV with a nice bottle of wine. Some of themare single and have no children, or only one child, and usually live in metropolitan areas. They tend to spend time at museums or public forums, bettering them- selves. The Busy Bee is an artis- tic soul at heart, enjoying paint- ing, sewing, and scrapbooking. They still consider themselves up to date on the latest social media and tech trends, and they stay connected through their smartphones. Meet Amanda! Amanda is a 37 year old architect living in Boston, Massachusetts. In her time off from work, she loves to keep active and stay informed. Whether it’s an event for work, going out to a bar with friends, or going out to dinner with her parents for a quick catch-up session, Amanda is a busy bee. When awards show season rolls around, you can bet she’ll be glued to her couch, taking in every inch of fashion and gossip she can. Her news sources tend to be very liberal, and sometimes she prefers to watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart instead of the actual news on CNN. On Thursdays she tunes into TGIT to catch up on Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy, and How To Get Away With Murder. Online shopping is her thing, whether she’s looking for a new dress, some hot shoes, or hard-to-find wine. Lindt chocolate is her go-to snack for her on-the-go lifestyle. Her media habits include watching videos on the internet frequently, as well as searching for everything and anything she can on Google. Television is not always her go-to for news, sometimes it’s Twitter. She loves the all-natural ingredients found in the dark chocolate bars, and she thinks of them as a little treat in her life full of healthy living. 31
  • 33. The Empty-Nesters This category consists of women between the ages of 44-54. They are intelligent women who attended college in their younger years and went on to pursue a career in a challenging field. The Empty-Nester’s are married with one or two children that are away at college or attending grad-school. The Empty Nester is 80% more likely than the average population to travel to a foreign country with their spouse. These women are at a stage in their life where they are planning trips abroad with their husbands to rekindle their love now that the kids are out of the house. Empty Nester’s are 82% more likely than the average population to enjoy scrapbooking. They are 68% more likely than the average population to be involved in a collectors club, which leads them to museum hopping and shopping for items in their free time. The young people in their lives have showed them the ropes of the internet and how the women use it as a tool to shop and search. These are successful women who have a powerful job and want to enjoy life to the fullest. Vaca- tions and luxury items are very important to these women and they value quality above all. Meet Lauren! Lauren is a driven 46-year-old woman from Washington DC. She enjoys taking week- end trips in her station wagon with her husband to visit her daughter who is away at college. While her job as being a lawyer keeps her busy, she can’t help but reminisce about old memories and will often pour herself a glass of wine and scrapbook her fa- vorite moments of her daughter’s childhood. Every morning, Lauren goes for a run, pours a cup of coffee and watches CNN before leaving for work. In her spare time, she loves to shop. Whether it’s online or in stores she treats herself to new beauty products at Ulta or a new blouse at Talbots. On weekends, she loves going to muse- ums with friends because she is a collector of landscape paintings. Every year she looks forward to a traditional trip to Europe with her husband that they have been doing since they first got married. Lindt chocolate is her go-to gift for her husband for every anniversary because of its high quality and taste. 32
  • 34. SWOT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats -Lindt has a rich, classic, and traditional history. -Lindt is unique in its great taste and high quality. -The brand has a large following on many social media plat- forms, especially Twitter and Facebook. -Lindt is an international brand. -There are a wide variety of flavors, extensive product line, and packaging. -Its products are available in several accessible locations as well as at their own brick and mortar store. -There is a rising societal trend towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. -Environmental concerns regarding the rise of cocoa prices has become an unstable variable. -There are many chocolate brands that are working towards evolving into luxury brands. -Many other popular brands offer much lower prices. -The newest DIY trend that evolved on Pinterest is becoming very popular. -The rising costs of ingredients to produce the luxury chocolate. -Environmental exploitation for luxury chocolate production causes uproar around environmental activists and consumers are sensitive to the production of their food. -There are always seasonal campaigns to take advantage of throughout the year. -Recent trends toward DIY (do it yourself) give Lindt the oppor- tunity to create recipes using their chocolate for consumers to make themselves. -Luxury chocolates are becoming a more meaningful gift for women to enjoy. -Pairing chocolate with other food and beverages, especially wine, is a huge trend that consumers love. -There are always a variety of opportunities for product place- ment in the food industry. -Social media is always growing and expanding its features. -Dark chocolate is widely known as a healthy choice. -They are positioned as an expensive chocolate brand. -Lindt doesn’t have a large share of voice. -They’re positioned as a sophisticated lifestyle brand, which turns certain people off. -Currently they have a tainted brand image due to the ISIS hostage situation that occurred in one of the Lindt Cafes. 33
  • 35. Key Challenge Key Insight Our consumers aren’t aware of Lindt because it is so overpowered by its competitors in the market, especially on social media. They are also a very health-conscious group so chocolate doesn’t appeal to their eating habits. We know that our target audience has a disposable income to spend on more luxurious products, so they are more likely to buy premium chocolate that is high quality and has a sophisticated brand image over regular chocolate. Also, our audience takes a liking to any food that can be paired with wine. 34
  • 37. The Big Idea Wind Down With Lindt Ever feel like at the end of a long day that bowl of popcorn isn’t fulfilling your snack attack? Do you hear that noise? Your sweet tooth is calling! After a day of chaos leave it to Lindt to help you unwind. No matter what the activity, Lindt can add a little bit of luxury to your life. Whether you’re flying abroad, watching your favor- ite television show or gallivanting to an art exhibit, Lindt will be the best decision you’ve made all day. 36
  • 38. Objectives Target Audience and Media Mix: To create brand awareness for wom- en ages 35-54, who already indulge in premium chocolate but don’t necessarily reach immediately for Lindt. To reach the target, we will utilize various mediums, including television, magazines, social media, and out of home methods. Reach, Frequency and GRPs: To execute a campaign that will attain a reach of 70, a frequency of 4, and 280 GRPs during the peak months of our pulsing campaign. In our spot markets with the Cafe Cache, we aim to achieve a reach of 50 with a frequency of 3.2 for a total of GRPs. Geography: To implement a national and spot campaign. Our spot markets will include mostly metropolitan DMAs such as Chicago, Miami-Fort Lau- derdale, Charlotte North Carolina and Cincinnati. These selections are due to the cities’ high index numbers for both Lindt sales and premium chocolate sales. We will also be running a spot campaign in New York City, Chicago, and Wash- ington D.C., for our out of home DMA selections. Scheduling and Timing: To conduct a national and spot campaign with heavy ups in select- ed areas listed above beginning in January 2016. This pulsing sched- ule is in order to create buzz and brand awareness nationally as well as these cities. Heavy-ups will also occur when specific mediums have heightened viewership. Budget: To carry out a media plan with a $27 million dollar budget. In ad- dition, we will have $3 million to capitalize on the Cafe Cache mar- kets. 37
  • 40. Media Mix: Cafe Cache 39
  • 41. Media Mix: Television Strategy: Television is a great medium for us to advertise on during our Lindt campaign because of its ability to segment audiences and still reach a large percent of a target audience. With an index of 125 for total television usage, it is clear that Lindt consumers do consider the amount of time that is spent watching television. This index was higher than radio and newspapers, and close to magazines showing us that this medium was attractive to our audiences. It is clear with extremely high indexes that our target audience takes their television shows very seriously and carves out time in their busy schedule to watch them each week. We plan to have a campaign focused around three Network Prime Time television shows that air on the same network on the same day.We will also utilized cable television shows and syndicated shows as well to make sure that we reach our consumers from all fronts as well to increase our overall reach and frequency. 40 *Indexes based on Lindt Bar Users **See Appendix for Link
  • 42. Media Mix: Network Television We chose to advertise on ABC’s highly popular Thursday night program, TGIT (Thank God It’s Thursday). Our television campaign will begin mid-February, when all three shows in the lineup have their mid-season premier. All three shows portray strong female lead characters, who work extremely hard and excel at their particular trade. Our target audience of hard working women relate and see themselves in these characters, drawing them to the lineup of hit shows. We will discuss particular tac- tics for this campaign in our Strategies section of this book. 41
  • 43. Media Mix: Network Television Grey’s Anatomy is a medical show that also revolves around love and romance, all while encouraging viewers to take time for themselves and make moments. We think that this is a great show to advertise with because their large amount of view- ers and strong rating will gain us quick brand awareness. As we will explain later in the strategies section of this media plan, Scandal plays an important role as it is the middle of the TGIT lineup. The main character of this show has an obsession with wine, which with an index of 162, it is clear that our target audience does as well. With a rating of 2.4 and an audience of over 8 million, this show will increase brand awareness and relate to our target audience. Lastly, we will advertise with How to Get Away With Murder because it rounds out the TGIT lineup. This murder-mystery show draws in millions of viewers each week. Viewers do not risk missing an episode out of fear that they will have it spoiled for them before they have a chance to watch. During the show’s first 2 seasons, it has already gained a huge fan following. 42
  • 44. Media Mix: Cable Television Primetime: Fashion is a topic that can be relevant to many different age groups. We think our target market enjoys the comedic factor and celebrity attention that is present in the show Fashion Police on the E! network. The index for the show scored 155 for Lindt consumers and we believe this will be an effective show to advertise our new campaign. Daytime: With our target audience’s age range of 35-54, these women are easily able to relate to the process of picking out a wedding dress and enjoy keeping up to date with new styles. The high index for Say Yes to the Dress of 137 reassures us that this is a strong choice along with its placement on the popular network, TLC. This is another light-hearted TV show that our target audience can watch while winding down with their favorite bottle of wine and a Lindt bar. 43
  • 45. Media Mix: Syndicated Television Advertising our new Lindt campaign on Modern Family is a great way to reach our target market. The index num- ber for Lindt consumers who watch Modern Family is a high 160. This show is very relatable to women 35-54 because it depicts a family lifestyle that is very evident in present day households. The Ellen Degeneres Show indexes at 158 for Lindt bar users. As one of the top 100 syndicated TV shows in 2013-2014 according Local Media Marketing Solutions, we feel that this will serve as a great way for our target audience to enjoy reruns of their favorite talk show host while winding down after a long day at work. 44
  • 46. Media Mix: Television Buying Television We will be allocating 59.9% of our overall budget towards television advertisements. Which amounts to $16,169,040 of our total budget of $27 million. Broken out, we will spend 26.7% ($7,214,400) on network television, 11.5% on cable television, and 21.7% ($5,857,920) on syndicated television. As stated before, our target audience loves to watch television, especially after a long day of work or to relax on the weekends. This is the reason we de- cided to advertise so largely on television as a me- dium. We will have network prime-time television buys during the months that we are heavying up during the campaign, but we will have buys for ca- ble and syndicated television through every month of the campaign to have heavy-ups during the puls- ing months, and continuous during those the other months. These buys equal out to a total of 2040 GRPs, 600 for network television, 720 for cable television, and 720 for syndicated television. 45
  • 47. Media Mix: Magazines Magazines are a great medium to utilize for our Lindt media campaign. Magazines will reach our target mar- ket easily due to the high pass along rate as well as the creative opportunities that exist in this print medium. Even though our target market indexed very high for technology, we still believe magazines will be an effective media vehicle for our Lindt consumers to enjoy. Magazines are a reserved luxury for our consumers who are willing to subscribe to the magazines and spend the money each month, which is something that we profiled in our target audience. We chose to share our advertisements for Lindt with magazines that women frequently read as well as a magazine that appeals to frequent travelers. Circulation: 4,336,758 Index: 152 Circulation: 973,834 Index: 185 Circulation: 2,504,000 Index: 163 46
  • 48. Media Mix: Magazines Good Housekeeping is an excellent destination for women in our target market be- cause they enjoy reading up on new recipes to make for their kids. In our research, we also deduced that an interest in parenthood indexed at 105, so we believe that Good Housekeeping would be a good medium for our target audience to utilize when looking for new ideas around the house and for their kids. Since collecting art and redecorating is a popular hobby of our target, Good Housekeeping is the perfect magazine to browse new refurbishing ideas and spark some creativity. The final magazine we chose to feature our new Lindt advertisements in is Travel & Leisure. Our target market is very interested in international travel and all things foreign. We believe traveling is a hobby they really enjoy doing, and that is indicated by the high index of 159. Travel & Leisure is a “one-stop resource for sophisticated travelers.” Additionally, it provides news, tips and information about destinations all over the world. This magazine is bound to be in the hands of our Lindt consumers, whether they are boarding a plane or leisurely reading to stay up to date with the latest in travel. Shape is a must read for women in our target market, which is why we chose it to advertise our new Lindt campaign. The magazine focuses on healthy ways women can improve their overall lifestyle and most women really honor the magazine for its honest and achievable fitness tips. We learned through a high index of 125 that the interest for health is important for our target. Many women in our target market start their day in an active way and they look to Shape magazine for the quick work- out exercises. They also enjoy reading up on the beauty tips that Shape offers their readers. 47
  • 49. Media Mix: Magazines Buying Magazines We will be utilizing a total of $5,657,600 towards magazines, which accounts to 21% of our media spend. We are going to have media buys in Good Housekeeping and Shape all year long, in order to raise awareness for our campaign in an effort to correspond along with our network television show strategy in the months of January to May when those seasons end. From June to August, we will continue advertising to reach those women who like to become more actively fit in the summer months, and from September to December have the advertising correspond with the advertising on network television again. Overall, this equals out to 640 total GRPs. 48 Indexes based on total Lindt Users (any form)
  • 50. Media Mix: Radio We chose to utilize radio to advertise to our Lindt consumers. Our women in our target market are con- stantly traveling and if they are not taking transit they are spending a lot of time driving in their cars. We want to take advantage of this and advertise to our consumers during their morning and evening drive time to maximize their awareness utilizing the high frequency that radio offers. Our Lindt consumers indexed very high for listening to public radio at 221. We want to use radio to spread the word of our promotional campaigns and giveaways. By advertising on National Public Radio, we will reach a very high number of our target market, which will help spread awareness of our new Lindt campaign. Buying Radio: Using a total of $1,676,160, radio will take up 6.20% of our entire budget for the Lindt campaign. Due to the low cost of radio and its high frequency, we will be utilizing this medium throughout our entire campaign. During the summer months of June to August when our target audience are most likely traveling with families or driving their kids around to camps and playdates, radio will be a huge advantage for the Lindt campaign. We will also heavy up in January due to it be- ing the start of the entire campaign. In the aforementioned months, the GRPs will rise from 25 to 30. We are also heavying up on radio during these months because this is when the rest of our mediums are a bit quieter, so we have plenty of our budget left to spend. Overall, this will result in a total of 640 radio GRPs. 49
  • 51. Media Mix: Internet Social Media Strategy: Different social media platforms have grown to be very popular mediums, particularly for our target market, which is why we will be implementing our Lindt campaign on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Lindt does have an existing presence on these social media platforms, but we plan to improve their communication to consumers and maximize their reach for the launch of the new campaign. We are hoping with our strategy to create a consistent message on all of Lindt’s social media accounts will encourage more people to follow the brand and participate in the interactive parts of the campaign. Creating a close relationship with our consumers is extremely important, and the relationship can be strengthened by liking and favoriting Lindt related content on each respective platform. We will utilize events such as sweepstakes and giveaways to promote the Lindt brand, as well as spreading this campaign across all platforms by using the hashtag #WindDownWithLindt. It is important to keep all platforms consistent as not to confuse the consumer, and this will create imagery transfer in their minds. 50
  • 52. Media Mix: Internet Our target market often finds themselves out and about, exploring cities and looking for deals. We want to utilize for our Lindt consumers, which is a online marketplace with over 70 million members that gives people the opportunity to buy and share items as well as offers daily deals to registered users. It started as a visual bookshelf application on Facebook to share books with friends and then acquired buyyourfrien-, which helped the company gain great success. We think this is a great website to advertise our new Lindt campaign on because Lindt consumers are always looking for something to do whether it’s going to a new restaurant or checking out a relaxing spa destination. The LivingSocial app is a great and easy way for our Lindt consumers to find a special deal without any fuss. Buying LivingSocial: We are planning to do a publisher direct media buy in order to directly communicate with the website to establish homepage takeovers as well as overlays to advertise our new Lindt campaign. This will be a continuous campaign and we will heavy up during the summertime from June to August, as well as January. This strategy ap- peals to consumers activity in the summer as well as the start of our campaign. We will be allocating $1,320,000 out of our total internet spending of $3,080,000. 51
  • 53. Media Mix: Online In this day and age, many people, including the women in our target market, are committed to their respective televi- sion shows such as the Shonda Rhimes trilogy, but are not always able to watch it during its prime time spot. For this reason, many viewers resort to streaming the show online the following day or a few days after. Therefore, the free show streaming on is a perfect platform for Lindt to advertise. In an article published by The New York Times on the advertising innovations of the website, it is reported that online advertising is much more successful than regular advertisements nowadays because viewers do not have the ability to skip the ads. Due to the high index of 131 for our target audience visit- ing a TV network or TV show’s website as well as an index of 132 for watching TV shows online, this is a very relevant media choice for Lindt. Media Mixer also feels that abc. is an excellent platform because there is not as much clutter from other brands while watching the shows as there is on regular network or cable television. In addi- tion, viewing on also gives our target market the ability to watch the shows on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and other portable devices which allows them the ability to interact on social media while viewing as well. The ads on usually consist of mid roll and pre roll ads. Buying ABC Go: We are planning to buy preroll and mid roll ads of :15 and :30 seconds each on during Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How To Get Away With Murder. This brings us to a total of $1,760,000 out of our total internet spend of $3,080,000 (11.40% of our overall budget). We already know that our target audience indexes high for all three of these shows. Scandal indexes at 226 and Grey’s Anatomy is 124. Due to the high interest in this, we deduced that our target audience indexes high for Shonda’s third show, How to Get Away With Murder, and then backed this assumption up with an article stating this fact. We plan to run our ads during the months of February to May when the shows winter premiere airs and continues to run. We will take a break from from June to August when the TGIT shows are not airing each week. Then, we will advertise again in September when the fall premiere airs until December. In total, will produce 224 GRPs for the entire Lindt campaign. 52
  • 54. Media Mix: Out Of Home (OOH) For out of home advertising, we would like to place ads on various transportation systems in major cities. Be- cause our target audience is primarily located in metropolitan cities, we believe this will be a very effective strat- egy in order to fully optimize effective frequency and reach during our campaign. We also believe this out of home advertising will be a nice complement to our other advertisements throughout the campaign. The first location we would like to advertise Lindt is in the New York City MTA Transit system. According to a re- port by Heavy Rail Transportation Ridership, on an average weekday the NYC MTA has 9,060,000.8 passenger trips. This large number paired with the high concentration of our target market located in New York City will help to optimize our reach and frequency goals. Also according to this report, Washington D.C. has the second highest average weekday passenger trips at 829,000.2 and Chicago comes in at number three with 753,000.6 passenger trips on an average weekday. By ad- vertising in all three of these major cities’ transportation systems, we will be optimizing reach and frequency due to the frequent travelers who use these systems every day. This will be a great way to keep Lindt at the forefront of consumers’ minds. Buying OOH: We purchased advertisements for the transit systems in New York City, Wash- ington D.C., and Chicago for the months of February to May, and September to December. We chose these months to advertise for transit because these are the months that go along with our promotions and heavy ups, as well as in these months it is colder outside meaning that most commuters will be taking the transit system instead of walking. We will stop advertisements in the months of June to August, because these are the months in which we will not be run- ning our large promotion as well as it is warmer outside. We decided to spend $50,000 for transit in each of the months that we are making this buy, meaning that overall we spent $400,000 on transit which was 1.50% of our total budget. 53
  • 55. Strategies: TGIT TGIT refers to the Thursday night primetime lineup of shows on ABC. All three shows were created by Shonda Rhimes. These three shows in- clude Grey’s Anatomy at 8pm, Scandal at 9pm, and How to Get Away With Murder closing out the night at 10pm. All three of these shows display driven female leads who excel in their respective careers. It has become a known fact that all three shows have characters who fre- quently drink wine, which relates to our target audience as previously stated. We plan to join in a sponsorship with TGIT, and advertise “Wind Down With Lindt” along with grabbing a glass of wine and sitting down to watch your three favorite shows once a week. We see this popular night of TV shows as the perfect opportunity to really increase brand awareness with our target audience because it relates to activities they love to do: relax after a long day of work, watch television, drink wine and eat Lindt chocolate. We will launch our sponsorship with TGIT in mid-February when all three shows come back for their mid-season premiere, episodes that viewers are high anxious and excited to see. We think this is the perfect opportunity to premiere the sponsorship because the viewer- ship of all three episodes will be highly anticipated and will draw in a large viewership. Viewers will also be coming down from the excite- ment of the holidays, and seeing this sponsorship in February will not bring the same wearout as it would in December. This sponsorship will create buzz and excitement within our target audience and give them another reason to enjoy their favorite shows. 54
  • 56. Strategies: TGIT TGIT is a weekly event that is highly advertised by ABC already. Lindt will team up with TGIT to create advertise- ments surrounded around the concept of pairing watching TGIT shows with winding down with Lindt. We will run a heavy Twitter campaign using the hashtag #TGITwithLindt to live tweet and respond to our target audi- ence while they are watching the shows. Through a social media campaign including Facebook, Twitter, You- Tube and Instagram, we will hold a nationwide contest and ask our target audience how they use TGIT as the perfect excuse to eat Lindt and drink wine all while winding down after a busy day at work. Entrants can submit pictures, videos, stories, or other creative formats that are deemed appropriate to be considered in the running for a chance to win a trip for 2 to visit the set of one of the TGIT shows plus a tour and cooking session with some of Lindt’s master chocolatiers. This contest will run until the end of the season finales for all three shows, meaning at 11pm the night of finales. At that point, Lindt will post all of the entries to be voted on by other fans of winding down with Lindt and TGIT. The post with the most “likes” will be deemed the winner of the grand prize. As a “thank you” to all that participate, when you submit an entry, contestants will be prompted to visit the Lindt website where they will enter their address to receive one Lindt chocolate bar and a TGIT sticker that will be mailed to them. We believe that this strategy will be a great start to the rest of our year-long campaign, and will measure as a huge success. 55
  • 57. Strategies: #LindtSweetEscape Our Lindt lovers are constantly traveling around the world to explore new places and take a break from their busy lives. We understand that a day in the airport can be a very hectic and overwhelming expe- rience and travelers often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle they forget to turn their body into relaxation mode for their big trip. We want our Lindt consumers to take a breath and wind down with a piece of Lindt chocolate about a half an hour into their flight. We are partnering with Virgin Atlantic, which is a british airline that flies to over 35 destinations around the world. This airline is the perfect platform to introduce a little luxury chocolate into a long flight. We will limit our partnership to flights going to London, which is a major destination for Virgin Atlantic Flyers. Flying can be such a draining experience for our Lindt consumers and they will thank Virgin Atlan- tic for the sweet pick me up as they let go of the worries they left behind. After looking into Virgin Atlantic’s social media presence, we noticed how influential their Virgin Atlantic Twitter could be for the new “Wind Down with Lindt” campaign. They have over 400 thousand Twitter followers, which could be a great platform to promote their partnership with Lindt chocolate using the hashtag #LindtSweetEs- cape. Consumers can post a photo heading off for their winter vaca- tion with their complimentary Lindt chocolate in hand using the part- nership hashtag to spread the word. We want this campaign to run in the winter months, November to February because we believe people travel more around the holidays and enjoy escaping to more favorable climates during the winter season. 56
  • 58. Strategies: The women who are buying Lindt are not only passionate about their premium chocolate, but also their wine. This is why we have decided to provide them an opportunity where they can order wine and receive compli- mentary Lindt chocolate at the same time. Lindt is going to be teaming up with in an effort to increase sales for both brands as well as appeal to their respective target audiences through wine and choco- late- two of their favorite guilty pleasures. allows consumers to purchase personalized bottles of wine along with other wine accessories such as glasses through one click on the Internet. The women Lindt will be targeting are already huge fans of wine, so this will open the doors for them to utilize another outlet when ordering wine for themselves, friends, and family. It is the perfect gift for around the holiday season. The women are able to start their designs from templates, or start from scratch and create their own messages and personalizations. Lindt will play a role by teaming up with, started in 1999. During the months of December and February (around Christmas time and Valentine’s Day when sales are high for the wine website) each purchase on will come with a complementary Lindt bar. This will give the Lindt brand more exposure and cause the women to think about the premium chocolate they are buying next time they decide to purchase a bottle of wine. Both companies have a similar brand message and aim to appeal to a similar target audience. The wines on are sourced from around the world, which will be favorable to Lindt women because of their love of travel and all things foreign. In addition, puts a large focus of their image on the taste of their prodcut, the way the consumers feel when drinking the wine, and the image of the product. This is a great positioning tactic for Lindt because of the similar goals and attitude they portray about their product. 57
  • 59. Strategies: Search Engine Optimization With the competition in the luxury chocolate category being extremely strong, we believe that utilizing search engine optimization is an excellent idea to put us ahead during our year-long campaign. Using SEO will allow Lindt to receive more website traffic through an association with specific keywords related to the industry and what Lindt stands for, creating the best quality product that they possibly can. During this campaign, Lindt will be engaged in a huge social media campaign in association with TGIT, and will have a sponsorship with Virgin Atlantic Airlines as well as with a personalized wine website. All of these engagements means that Lindt will have several chances to link the brand to events and themes that are relevant to our target audience every- day lives. We believe that if and when Lindt’s website appears higher up when searched, awareness of the brand will be increased and more of our target audience will know what Lindt is all about. We believe that this is an important media choice for us to invest in because our target audience is highly involved in the internet and looking towards it for information on how to live her life. In the world of media today, we believe that the Internet is becoming one of the top sources to receive information, and this is why search engine optimization with benefit this media campaign infinite ways. 58
  • 60. Strategies: Estimated Costs TGIT: Because we have already accounted for our maga- zine, TV, and online advertisement costs, the only other part needed to be counted is time spent running social media campaigns as well as the fi- nal grand prize. We estimate $6,300 to pay a pro- spective intern to run the social media contest and $1,500 for airfare and lodging towards the grand prize winners. Lastly, $500 will be allotted to the stickers and chocolate giveaways. This comes to a total of $8,300 for the entire TGIT strategy. #LindtSweetEscape: We will be allocating $1,476 for each flight to pro- vide each passenger with a Lindt chocolate bar. Since we will be using Lindt and Virgin Atlantic’s social media to promote the collaboration, this will not cost any additional money. In order to carry through on this sponsorship, is charging us a $2,000 fee to partner with them and have our product includ- ed with theirs. In addition, it will cost Lindt $500 to provide the chocolate. This comes to a total of $2,500. Search Engine Optimization: SEO does not cost the company any resources, making it an excellent tactic. w 59
  • 61. Reach, Frequency, and GRPs As a wholesome measure of finding frequency, Media Mixer utilized the Ostrow Model in an effort to deter- mine an effective frequency for the campaign. After going through each of the message, market, and media sec- tions, we came to a frequency of 3.2 and decided that this would be the lowest possible number we would have our campaign reach. During our peak months we are aiming for a frequency of 4 due to many strong compet- itors in the premium chocolate category with Lindt. For our Cafe Cache portion of the campaign, these reach and frequency goals will stay the same as well. We plan on having an reach of 70 throughout the cam- paign, but during our peak months it will rise to 75 and decrease to 50 during our quieter months of June, July, and August. Using both of these reach and frequency numbers, we will come out with 280 GRPs during the peak months of February to May and September to De- cember. We will accomplish all of this by paid, earned, and owned media. During our more low-key months, we will also focus our campaign on earned and owned media in addition to cable, radio, and other forms of paid media to keep our GRPs up. However, the reach, frequency, and GRPs will still be lower than the peak months. We have made a point to never go below a frequency of 3.2 or a reach of 50 throughout the campaign resulting in a con- sistent GRP count of over 160. Note: In our budget and GRP flowchart, it appears that the GRPs are lower than discussed which is because Media Flight Plan does not account for earned and owned media. 60
  • 62. Scheduling and Timing We will be launching our media plan in January because we believe there is a lot of opportunity at the beginning of a new year. With a pulsing schedule of continuous advertising as well as heavy up during cer- tain months we believe this will create a lot of awareness for our new Lindt Campaign. We plan to heavy up advertising during the months of February to May as well as Sep- tember to December in order to capture the holiday consumers in the market for Lindt chocolate. We also are paying close attention to the season premieres (Febru- ary and September) and finale (May) of our television advertising schedules to ensure we heavy up during those times and ab- sorb the heightened viewership. Our social media content will match the timing of the promotional executions year round. 61
  • 67. Budget Our budget was given to us by Lindt’s marketing team. We had a total of $30 million to spend $27 million of that nation- ally, and the last $3 million to capitalize on Lindt’s Cafe Caches. We decided to spend more of our budget in the months that we were heavying up our campaign, from Feb- ruary to May, and then September to De- cember. This is because we will be doing our large campaign with three Prime Time Network Shows during these months and would like to create as much awareness of the campaign as possible. We spend about twice of the budget in these months than the months of June to August, when we were not heavying up on our campaign. By the end of our national campaign, we will have spent $26,982,800 which is $17,200 dollars under budget for a contingency. 66
  • 72. Geography We selected our DMAs for the Cafe Cache section of the plan based mainly off of the locations of the data provided to us in the Lindt MRI Data. Our target market is mostly situated on the east coast and in major metropolitan cities of the U.S, corresponding with our spot markets chosen. People in our spot markets of Albany, Chicago, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Cincinnati, and Charlotte index high for the chocolate category overall. We also chose these markets because all of them have a high index for Lindt. These locations represent 6.7% of the entire United States households. Because each of these locations have their own Lindt Cafe Cache in them, we feel that our spot marketing will be received well. We also plan on heavying up in these markets during our months in the national campaign that are quieter due to the fact that the Lindt brand already has a strong presence in these cities due to the positioning of the Cafe Cache, this will only enhance the brand image and intrigue our target audience located in these DMAs. This will create an opportunity to expose Lindt to more likely buyers. We have chosen to do a national-spot campaign aside from the Cafe Cache portion of the cam- paign. In New York City, Chicago, and Washington D.C. we will be utilizing heavy up due to our use of transit advertising. Each of these cities has extremely high transit traffic per day, so we feel they will be beneficial locations for our target market that is traveling to and from work on public transportation, especially during the colder months. 71
  • 74. Citations 73 Brand Analysis at-the-lindt-cafe Lindt Case Study Competitive Analysis FZXV-iR46PZHcaAjl98P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds
  • 75. Citations Target Audience Analysis SWOT Summary Television** shark-tank-654111/cable_20140418/ os-269115/cable_20130419/ Magazines Radio 74
  • 76. 75 Citations Internet r=0 Out of Home Sales Promotions
  • 79. Media Mixer Bios Olivia is a senior Integrated Marketing Communications and Theatre Studies double major. Her favorite part about being an Ithaca College student is having the opportunity to do what she loves every day through her job in the Campus Center and Event Services office as the Lead Event & Marketing Coordinator. Last summer, she worked as an intern for Journal Multimedia working in their Events Department and this past spring she studied through the Ithaca College London Center. Her favorite guilty pleasure is dark chocolate truffle. Allison is a senior studying Integrated Marketing and Communications with a minor in Communication Studies. She recently returned from a summer internship in Los Angeles where she worked at Valerie Allen PR. During her internship, she was able to sample all aspects of PR, including working with a high profile client such as Dr. Drew. Her favourite guilty pleasure is the White Chocolate truffle. 78 Olivia Berrigan Allison Kubit
  • 80. Media Mixer Bios Emily is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major from Long Is- land, New York. Over the summer she was a media intern for NBTY, a vitamin manufacturer and marketer for brands such as Nature’s Bounty, Disney Gum- my Vitamins, and Balance Bar. Next semester she will be taking her love of traveling abroad and studying at the Ithaca College London Center. Her favor- ite guilty pleasure is the Caramel Milk Chocolate Lindt Truffle. Sarah is a senior Integrated Marketing Communications major from Con- necticut. During her sophomore year, she dove head first into New York City and studied at the Ithaca College New York City Program where she interned with BPCM Public Relations and Sarah then traveled and studied at the Ithaca College Los Angeles program her junior year interning with The Hollywood Reporter. Her favorite guilty pleasure is the Salted Cara- mel Lindt chocolate. 79 Emily Wolfson Sarah Lombard