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Magazine Deconstructions
A2 Media
Front Cover 1
Here is an advert from the regional magazine ‘The Mag’. The regional identity of this
magazine is really clear to see due to the Newcastle strip being very defined and bright.
The dominant image on the front cover includes a few players in yellow and then the
Newcastle player Yohan Cabaye. Cabaye’s strip is very eye catching compared to the
rest of the image which is blurred out using selector focus. This could suggest that
Newcastle are the sole focus of this magazine. The masthead at the top of the page
looks quite unprofessional, in my opinion, due to it not having an outline to make it
stand out even more among the dark grey roofing. I also feel the writing underneath it
should have the colour tones changed. However, I love the fonts they have used
because it doesn’t look too modern and doesn’t take all he attention away from the
brilliant photography. The layout of the page is very simplistic, due to their being
limited amount of taglines and sell lines. The angle of the image makes it look as
though Cabaye has all the pressure on him, due to it being a low angle, suggesting
many people look at him as a role model. I believe that this image is quite emotive,
because if a Newcastle fan were to read it, they would probably feel some sense of
pride. Pride from the fact their the stadium is full and everyone comes together to
support the local team. The only sell line on the page is situated to the left of the page.
The colour of it makes it stand out from the grass and also links in with the colour
scheme, however, the font of the text doesn’t really match with everything else, as its
quite bold compared to the thin fonts used at the top of the page. For the front cover
to be more successful I feel as though it should showcase more articles from inside the
magazine and also include a barcode, in order for it to have more of a magazine look.
Front Cover 2
This is a front cover from the football magazine Four Four Two. It’s a national magazine therefore,
has to reach and connect with a wide range of audiences. The idea of connecting with football fans
all around the country is fully backed up with the use of the dominant image. The dominant image
consists of 6 players from the top teams in the premier league, this outlines the fact that the
magazine is targeting a wide sporting audience. Even though, I agree with the concept of the image,
I believe that the image looks very unprofessional. This is due to the plain background and the
shadows on the floor. The players also look as though they have been photo shopped into the
picture, highlighting some laziness that they haven't bothered to get a real image of all the players
together. However, the language and register that is used on the cover is very good and will connect
with the audience well. They used ‘rrrready to rrrrrumble’ for the tagline at the top of the page. The
audience for this magazine will generally be quite young, therefore, this type of vocab will suit the
audience perfectly because young people only want to read informal articles and magazines. The 2
main colours on the front cover are red and white, I believe they compliment each other well and
make the masthead and main sell lines really stand out in front of the busy dominant image.
Essential information like the issue date and number can be found to the right of the page. I feel as
though this is very hard to read and looks out of place, the font should also be the same as the other
writing on the page, just a smaller size, in order for it all the link in with the theme, because at the
minute the time roman font stands out very badly and isn't readable. The website towards the
bottom of the page should smaller and closer to the corner, I also don’t agree with the mixture of
colours, it makes the red stand out more and black very hard to see, which then makes the whole
web address not as noticeable. The barcode should also be situated in the bottom left corner
because it is taking some of the attention away from Jan Vertongen in the Tottenham kit. Even
though the essential information isn't situated in the appropriate place, the main sell line in the
middle of the page is really effective, this is the area people look at first, therefore, putting your
main article here will draw more attention to it. I believe it’s the right size and compliments the
whole page well as it relates to the main house styles.
Front cover 3
The Crack magazine is a regional magazine that is based in the North East of England, mainly
focusing on lifestyle and arts topics. The front cover itself is really eye catching and pops with
colour. The bright tones used for the masthead and the main sell line really compliment the
black background, making the main parts of the cover stand out even more. The masthead is
quite quirky and fun, suggesting that the magazine as a whole is very alternate and different
compared to common magazines. However, I feel as though the black parts of the fonts get
lost in the background quite a bit and aren’t as effective. The series of sell lines towards the
left side of the page look very unprofessional, this is due to them not really going to into
much detail and finding it quite hard to understand what they are representing. However, the
colours and fonts used on the text matched the house style perfectly and lightened the page
up more. The font is a basic Arial font, which makes it very clear to read from a distance and
draws some attention to it. Overall the layout of the cover is very simplistic and effective
because the darkness over most of the page helps to draw attention to the dark dominant
image. The black and white dominant image is a juxtaposition to what you would expect hen
looking at the text. The text styles are quite modern where as the image is very vintage and
old fashioned which unusually compliments the bright colours. The darkness around the
models eyes could signify that the magazine includes some harsh topics, maybe ones that
magazines usually wouldn't’t cover because their risky to talk about, or they even base their
articles on the dark sides of lives and sometimes don’t look at the positive sides of life. The
barcode and other information at the bottom of the page doesn't’t suit at all. The white box
that surrounds it draws a lot of attention away from other aspects of the page, I also feel as
though the quality of the fonts inside the box is really poor and looks very unprofessional.
Personally, I would change this and remove the white box and move some of the content to
another part of the page, displaying it in another way.
Contents Page 1
This is a contents page from the footballing magazine Four Four Two. The overall
feel of the magazine is that its target audience is an older, more mature age group
that have an interest in football. My initial thoughts on the page are that it looks
very interesting and full of information. The layout seems to be quite cluttered,
however, all the information is sectioned off so it’s easier for the reader to follow.
The colour scheme used is enhancing the readers experience because they have
used light greys and reds to highlight where one sections starts and also which
article is one of their main articles. I like the fact that a variety of colours have been
used, in order to widen the audience up because if they were to use a football
teams colours, you may find that other people won’t read it due to the colour
scheme. The house style makes it really easy to read from a difference because the
series of fonts used are all quite bold and modern. The language and register used
is informal due to the relaxed phrases and the use of the word ‘lad’. I like the fact
that the topic headings are surrounded by a bold colour block, this makes them
more noticeable and easier for the reader to navigate themselves around the entire
magazine. The page numbers which are in red help the reader find the page they
are after, however, they could do with be enlarged more so that they can be viewed
from a distance. The white text surrounded by a black circle highlight the main
articles. This draws a lot of attention to these pages because even though they are
quite small they do stand out among the other plain text. This method is really
effective because it draws a lot of attention to their main articles, and the probably
the ones that have cost the most to make, therefore, need to get the most
Contents Page 2
This is a cosmopolitan contents page that appeals to a very wide range of audiences and
focuses on the topic of lifestyle. As you can see this page is very cluttered and full of
information and sub-images. The sub-images help the reader get a better insight into
who the article is about because they are bale to see, visually, who they are. Some of the
images have no backgrounds and overlap onto other images. This makes the page look
fuller because you are getting more insights into the rest of the magazine. This strategy
will encourage people to buy and read on, due to the amount of information. The sub-
image in the top right corner also has an anchor. An anchor is used to give the reader a
little bit more information about who is in the image, basically like a caption. I like the
idea of having the edition month at the top of the page because it automatically indicates
to the reader, is this the new edition. The overall colour scheme involves black and blue.
These two primary colours make it easier for the reader to follow on, because you can
differentiate between which writing means what. For example; the blue text indicates the
page number. The fonts used make it very easy for the audience to navigate themselves
round the page because the topic headings a in a different font, that looks very elegant
among the bold text. This change will make the contents page more efficient and
noticeable. Even though the bold text is very eye catching if eel as though the font size
needs to be larger, in order for it to be easier to read from a longer distance. The sticker
that overlaps a few images in the bottom left corner, is really effective and adds another
dimension to the page. The circle is guiding people to a cosmetics page, the page will get
more attention than other pages because if it was to be in with all of the other articles in
the fashion and beauty column hen it may become over looked. This is forcing the
readers to take note and look at the page.
Contents Page 3
This is a contents page from The North East Times. As you can probably see the target
audience for this magazine tends to be quite mature ages, therefore the house style is much
more grown up and uses more tasteful colours. The magazine generally focuses on business
topics in the north east. The simplistic design has very good structure to it and is easy to read
and gage what each page is about. The 3 sub-images are all very different but compliment the
page very well because they aren’t to illuminous and eye catching, they also only have mature
citizens which look very professional in the images, which could suggest the topics they cover
are solely about mature members of the public that tend to be quite wealthy, due to the
incorporation of the Audi in one of the images. By reading the anchored text below the
images, its clear to me that this magazine focuses on the finer things in life and people who
have more disposable income, for example the text says ‘Ben Houchen, Tees Valley Mayer’,
this man obviously has a lot of power and with power comes money. To the right side of the
page there is a navy blue column, this column is full of page numbers and then information
for what's on that particular page. These captions are very clear and state clearly what is on
that page, helping the reader to navigate themselves around the page easily. The fonts relate
to the overall house style and compliment the dark background very well, because the white
text looks vibrant and clear, without using any bright and Fluorescent colours. This contents
page uses a simple layout to display the main articles in their magazine without using any
bright colours or huge text sizes. I think this page is highly effective and will have a positive
effect on the reader, due to it being one of the first page they will see when they open it,
getting a good first impression.
Advert 1
As you can probably tell, this advert targets a more mature audience,
due to it being from The North East Times. Being quite colourless and
not full with information, you would think that it would be effective,
however, the colour logo in the centre of the page makes it very eye
catching and intriguing. This is because the advert itself doesn’t give
much away, making you go onto their website for more information.
You could also say that this is quite a small business due to the
advertisement not being as successful as what bigger businesses
would have, due to them having more funds. Therefore, they want to
direct you to their website because it may be a lot cheaper to advertise
and explain their company on their. The contrasting colours within the
GD part give the page a dash of colour, making it stand out among the
white background. All the colours used are very bright and vibrant
which suggests to me that this company has a bright future ahead of
them and should be something you have a look at. It’s highly simplistic
and some people would say quite bland, but in my opinion I’d says
they have used a very useful and effective technique. They have
situated their main part of information in the centre of the page, which
is where you would look first. This leaves you forced to look at it,
therefore gains all of your attention.
Advert 2
This is an advert page from the regional magazine, The North East Times. The
magazine mainly focuses on a more mature audience, therefore, the advert is
made with thought of an older audience. The layout of the page is quite
effective, all of the most important and vital information is in the centre of the
page which draws attention to it. The sub images in the top left corner and the
bottom right corner are opposite, making the page look clean and also
spacious. It looks very professional due to having the tailoring lines on the dark
grey background. This incorporation of the lines made it link with what it’s
actually about. The overall colour scheme is very mature and compliments the
2 sub images well. The name of the company, which is in a very quirky font
which leaves the audience to question what type of tailoring they do and how
is it different to everyone else. This ‘difference to other companies’ is backed
up in the next line of text, when it says bespoke. Therefore, the companies
advertising strategy was to use quirky styles in order to outline the fact that
they are different and stand out from other competitors. However, I feel as
though some of the fonts used on the text are much harder to see compared
to other ones. The smaller font is also quite hard to see, even though its all
centered and symmetrical, I believe that the font size should be changed and
the position of the text needs to be altered in order for it to be more
Article 1
This Article was created by Four Four Two, a well known football magazine.
Seeing it for the first time, the magazine has a really positive feel to it and is
very easy to read and find out who it’s about. This is due to the heading have
a very defined colour, which relates to his team’s colours, blue for Everton,
and also the bold font. The phrase ‘Tower of Howard’ is a pun and is quite
comical, directly linking to the fact that he is very big and powerful, it’s also
quite humorous. The dominant image to the left of the page helps draw
attention to the heading because Tim Howard is pointing in the direction of
the heading, drawing the readers eyes towards the article. The dominant
image is really effective because it emphasizes the enormity of him, by giving
him the full page to have a long shot of the player. The blurred out
background of the image helps direct attention to the player, suggesting that
the article is about him. I also think the film reel, running landscape across
the magazine is highly effective, because it shows all the important and
highlights of his careers. This could signify that he’s an experienced player.
The images are all action shots of Tim Howard, this suggest to the reader that he’s active and always making greats saves. I feel as
though the reel should be lower down on the page because it seems to be situated in quite an awkward place. Making it harder for
the reader to read and follow the text. The gradient line at the bottom of the page is quite effective because, not only does it tie into
the overall house style and colour scheme, but it gives the page a boarder, outlining where the article has finished. The different
styles of fonts are really effective and suit the article really well because they are bright and bold, but use tones that are incorporated
in the rest of the article.
Article 2
This was an article in the North East Times magazine. The genre and house
style of this magazine is generally very formal, however, this article was a total
juxtaposition to would we would expect from this magazine. The dominant
image of Donald Trump is rather comical and draw a lot of attention away
from the actual article itself. This style of image is really effective because it
will automatically create a connection between the magazine ad the reader
because it is quite comical. The detail in the drawing some's up how Donald
Trump is and makes you want to read about him in the article. However,
although, the image is really interesting, the layout and colour scheme is
quite bland, with the only particle of colour on the page being some yellow
writing the same colour as Donald’s hair. It’s clear to me that the audience is
quite mature. The columns aren’t straightened off at the end, making them
look quite quirky, this could signify that Donald Trump is quirky and isn’t your
average President. I feel as though the typography looks quite boring and
could maybe do with being a larger font or a different colour, in order for it to
stand out more. Also the heading for the article is in the same colour tone as
the small quite is, this makes it not as noticeable and could maybe turn the
reader away as they cannot clearly see what the articles about. Also, the font
used for the heading and the large capital doesn’t fit in with overall theme of
the text, because the main body of text uses ’New Times Roman’, which is
quite a traditional font, therefore does not match or link to the quirky modern
font used.

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  • 2. Front Cover 1 Here is an advert from the regional magazine ‘The Mag’. The regional identity of this magazine is really clear to see due to the Newcastle strip being very defined and bright. The dominant image on the front cover includes a few players in yellow and then the Newcastle player Yohan Cabaye. Cabaye’s strip is very eye catching compared to the rest of the image which is blurred out using selector focus. This could suggest that Newcastle are the sole focus of this magazine. The masthead at the top of the page looks quite unprofessional, in my opinion, due to it not having an outline to make it stand out even more among the dark grey roofing. I also feel the writing underneath it should have the colour tones changed. However, I love the fonts they have used because it doesn’t look too modern and doesn’t take all he attention away from the brilliant photography. The layout of the page is very simplistic, due to their being limited amount of taglines and sell lines. The angle of the image makes it look as though Cabaye has all the pressure on him, due to it being a low angle, suggesting many people look at him as a role model. I believe that this image is quite emotive, because if a Newcastle fan were to read it, they would probably feel some sense of pride. Pride from the fact their the stadium is full and everyone comes together to support the local team. The only sell line on the page is situated to the left of the page. The colour of it makes it stand out from the grass and also links in with the colour scheme, however, the font of the text doesn’t really match with everything else, as its quite bold compared to the thin fonts used at the top of the page. For the front cover to be more successful I feel as though it should showcase more articles from inside the magazine and also include a barcode, in order for it to have more of a magazine look.
  • 3. Front Cover 2 This is a front cover from the football magazine Four Four Two. It’s a national magazine therefore, has to reach and connect with a wide range of audiences. The idea of connecting with football fans all around the country is fully backed up with the use of the dominant image. The dominant image consists of 6 players from the top teams in the premier league, this outlines the fact that the magazine is targeting a wide sporting audience. Even though, I agree with the concept of the image, I believe that the image looks very unprofessional. This is due to the plain background and the shadows on the floor. The players also look as though they have been photo shopped into the picture, highlighting some laziness that they haven't bothered to get a real image of all the players together. However, the language and register that is used on the cover is very good and will connect with the audience well. They used ‘rrrready to rrrrrumble’ for the tagline at the top of the page. The audience for this magazine will generally be quite young, therefore, this type of vocab will suit the audience perfectly because young people only want to read informal articles and magazines. The 2 main colours on the front cover are red and white, I believe they compliment each other well and make the masthead and main sell lines really stand out in front of the busy dominant image. Essential information like the issue date and number can be found to the right of the page. I feel as though this is very hard to read and looks out of place, the font should also be the same as the other writing on the page, just a smaller size, in order for it all the link in with the theme, because at the minute the time roman font stands out very badly and isn't readable. The website towards the bottom of the page should smaller and closer to the corner, I also don’t agree with the mixture of colours, it makes the red stand out more and black very hard to see, which then makes the whole web address not as noticeable. The barcode should also be situated in the bottom left corner because it is taking some of the attention away from Jan Vertongen in the Tottenham kit. Even though the essential information isn't situated in the appropriate place, the main sell line in the middle of the page is really effective, this is the area people look at first, therefore, putting your main article here will draw more attention to it. I believe it’s the right size and compliments the whole page well as it relates to the main house styles.
  • 4. Front cover 3 The Crack magazine is a regional magazine that is based in the North East of England, mainly focusing on lifestyle and arts topics. The front cover itself is really eye catching and pops with colour. The bright tones used for the masthead and the main sell line really compliment the black background, making the main parts of the cover stand out even more. The masthead is quite quirky and fun, suggesting that the magazine as a whole is very alternate and different compared to common magazines. However, I feel as though the black parts of the fonts get lost in the background quite a bit and aren’t as effective. The series of sell lines towards the left side of the page look very unprofessional, this is due to them not really going to into much detail and finding it quite hard to understand what they are representing. However, the colours and fonts used on the text matched the house style perfectly and lightened the page up more. The font is a basic Arial font, which makes it very clear to read from a distance and draws some attention to it. Overall the layout of the cover is very simplistic and effective because the darkness over most of the page helps to draw attention to the dark dominant image. The black and white dominant image is a juxtaposition to what you would expect hen looking at the text. The text styles are quite modern where as the image is very vintage and old fashioned which unusually compliments the bright colours. The darkness around the models eyes could signify that the magazine includes some harsh topics, maybe ones that magazines usually wouldn't’t cover because their risky to talk about, or they even base their articles on the dark sides of lives and sometimes don’t look at the positive sides of life. The barcode and other information at the bottom of the page doesn't’t suit at all. The white box that surrounds it draws a lot of attention away from other aspects of the page, I also feel as though the quality of the fonts inside the box is really poor and looks very unprofessional. Personally, I would change this and remove the white box and move some of the content to another part of the page, displaying it in another way.
  • 5. Contents Page 1 This is a contents page from the footballing magazine Four Four Two. The overall feel of the magazine is that its target audience is an older, more mature age group that have an interest in football. My initial thoughts on the page are that it looks very interesting and full of information. The layout seems to be quite cluttered, however, all the information is sectioned off so it’s easier for the reader to follow. The colour scheme used is enhancing the readers experience because they have used light greys and reds to highlight where one sections starts and also which article is one of their main articles. I like the fact that a variety of colours have been used, in order to widen the audience up because if they were to use a football teams colours, you may find that other people won’t read it due to the colour scheme. The house style makes it really easy to read from a difference because the series of fonts used are all quite bold and modern. The language and register used is informal due to the relaxed phrases and the use of the word ‘lad’. I like the fact that the topic headings are surrounded by a bold colour block, this makes them more noticeable and easier for the reader to navigate themselves around the entire magazine. The page numbers which are in red help the reader find the page they are after, however, they could do with be enlarged more so that they can be viewed from a distance. The white text surrounded by a black circle highlight the main articles. This draws a lot of attention to these pages because even though they are quite small they do stand out among the other plain text. This method is really effective because it draws a lot of attention to their main articles, and the probably the ones that have cost the most to make, therefore, need to get the most recognition.
  • 6. Contents Page 2 This is a cosmopolitan contents page that appeals to a very wide range of audiences and focuses on the topic of lifestyle. As you can see this page is very cluttered and full of information and sub-images. The sub-images help the reader get a better insight into who the article is about because they are bale to see, visually, who they are. Some of the images have no backgrounds and overlap onto other images. This makes the page look fuller because you are getting more insights into the rest of the magazine. This strategy will encourage people to buy and read on, due to the amount of information. The sub- image in the top right corner also has an anchor. An anchor is used to give the reader a little bit more information about who is in the image, basically like a caption. I like the idea of having the edition month at the top of the page because it automatically indicates to the reader, is this the new edition. The overall colour scheme involves black and blue. These two primary colours make it easier for the reader to follow on, because you can differentiate between which writing means what. For example; the blue text indicates the page number. The fonts used make it very easy for the audience to navigate themselves round the page because the topic headings a in a different font, that looks very elegant among the bold text. This change will make the contents page more efficient and noticeable. Even though the bold text is very eye catching if eel as though the font size needs to be larger, in order for it to be easier to read from a longer distance. The sticker that overlaps a few images in the bottom left corner, is really effective and adds another dimension to the page. The circle is guiding people to a cosmetics page, the page will get more attention than other pages because if it was to be in with all of the other articles in the fashion and beauty column hen it may become over looked. This is forcing the readers to take note and look at the page.
  • 7. Contents Page 3 This is a contents page from The North East Times. As you can probably see the target audience for this magazine tends to be quite mature ages, therefore the house style is much more grown up and uses more tasteful colours. The magazine generally focuses on business topics in the north east. The simplistic design has very good structure to it and is easy to read and gage what each page is about. The 3 sub-images are all very different but compliment the page very well because they aren’t to illuminous and eye catching, they also only have mature citizens which look very professional in the images, which could suggest the topics they cover are solely about mature members of the public that tend to be quite wealthy, due to the incorporation of the Audi in one of the images. By reading the anchored text below the images, its clear to me that this magazine focuses on the finer things in life and people who have more disposable income, for example the text says ‘Ben Houchen, Tees Valley Mayer’, this man obviously has a lot of power and with power comes money. To the right side of the page there is a navy blue column, this column is full of page numbers and then information for what's on that particular page. These captions are very clear and state clearly what is on that page, helping the reader to navigate themselves around the page easily. The fonts relate to the overall house style and compliment the dark background very well, because the white text looks vibrant and clear, without using any bright and Fluorescent colours. This contents page uses a simple layout to display the main articles in their magazine without using any bright colours or huge text sizes. I think this page is highly effective and will have a positive effect on the reader, due to it being one of the first page they will see when they open it, getting a good first impression.
  • 8. Advert 1 As you can probably tell, this advert targets a more mature audience, due to it being from The North East Times. Being quite colourless and not full with information, you would think that it would be effective, however, the colour logo in the centre of the page makes it very eye catching and intriguing. This is because the advert itself doesn’t give much away, making you go onto their website for more information. You could also say that this is quite a small business due to the advertisement not being as successful as what bigger businesses would have, due to them having more funds. Therefore, they want to direct you to their website because it may be a lot cheaper to advertise and explain their company on their. The contrasting colours within the GD part give the page a dash of colour, making it stand out among the white background. All the colours used are very bright and vibrant which suggests to me that this company has a bright future ahead of them and should be something you have a look at. It’s highly simplistic and some people would say quite bland, but in my opinion I’d says they have used a very useful and effective technique. They have situated their main part of information in the centre of the page, which is where you would look first. This leaves you forced to look at it, therefore gains all of your attention.
  • 9. Advert 2 This is an advert page from the regional magazine, The North East Times. The magazine mainly focuses on a more mature audience, therefore, the advert is made with thought of an older audience. The layout of the page is quite effective, all of the most important and vital information is in the centre of the page which draws attention to it. The sub images in the top left corner and the bottom right corner are opposite, making the page look clean and also spacious. It looks very professional due to having the tailoring lines on the dark grey background. This incorporation of the lines made it link with what it’s actually about. The overall colour scheme is very mature and compliments the 2 sub images well. The name of the company, which is in a very quirky font which leaves the audience to question what type of tailoring they do and how is it different to everyone else. This ‘difference to other companies’ is backed up in the next line of text, when it says bespoke. Therefore, the companies advertising strategy was to use quirky styles in order to outline the fact that they are different and stand out from other competitors. However, I feel as though some of the fonts used on the text are much harder to see compared to other ones. The smaller font is also quite hard to see, even though its all centered and symmetrical, I believe that the font size should be changed and the position of the text needs to be altered in order for it to be more noticeable.
  • 10. Article 1 This Article was created by Four Four Two, a well known football magazine. Seeing it for the first time, the magazine has a really positive feel to it and is very easy to read and find out who it’s about. This is due to the heading have a very defined colour, which relates to his team’s colours, blue for Everton, and also the bold font. The phrase ‘Tower of Howard’ is a pun and is quite comical, directly linking to the fact that he is very big and powerful, it’s also quite humorous. The dominant image to the left of the page helps draw attention to the heading because Tim Howard is pointing in the direction of the heading, drawing the readers eyes towards the article. The dominant image is really effective because it emphasizes the enormity of him, by giving him the full page to have a long shot of the player. The blurred out background of the image helps direct attention to the player, suggesting that the article is about him. I also think the film reel, running landscape across the magazine is highly effective, because it shows all the important and highlights of his careers. This could signify that he’s an experienced player. The images are all action shots of Tim Howard, this suggest to the reader that he’s active and always making greats saves. I feel as though the reel should be lower down on the page because it seems to be situated in quite an awkward place. Making it harder for the reader to read and follow the text. The gradient line at the bottom of the page is quite effective because, not only does it tie into the overall house style and colour scheme, but it gives the page a boarder, outlining where the article has finished. The different styles of fonts are really effective and suit the article really well because they are bright and bold, but use tones that are incorporated in the rest of the article.
  • 11. Article 2 This was an article in the North East Times magazine. The genre and house style of this magazine is generally very formal, however, this article was a total juxtaposition to would we would expect from this magazine. The dominant image of Donald Trump is rather comical and draw a lot of attention away from the actual article itself. This style of image is really effective because it will automatically create a connection between the magazine ad the reader because it is quite comical. The detail in the drawing some's up how Donald Trump is and makes you want to read about him in the article. However, although, the image is really interesting, the layout and colour scheme is quite bland, with the only particle of colour on the page being some yellow writing the same colour as Donald’s hair. It’s clear to me that the audience is quite mature. The columns aren’t straightened off at the end, making them look quite quirky, this could signify that Donald Trump is quirky and isn’t your average President. I feel as though the typography looks quite boring and could maybe do with being a larger font or a different colour, in order for it to stand out more. Also the heading for the article is in the same colour tone as the small quite is, this makes it not as noticeable and could maybe turn the reader away as they cannot clearly see what the articles about. Also, the font used for the heading and the large capital doesn’t fit in with overall theme of the text, because the main body of text uses ’New Times Roman’, which is quite a traditional font, therefore does not match or link to the quirky modern font used.