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Cyber Security & Law
Vicky Shah
Have you involve yourself?
 In Signing on with someone else’s screen name to
 gather information?
 In Sending an e-mail or online greeting card from
 someone’s account?
 In Impersonating someone over Instant Message or
 chat rooms or online?
 In teasing or frightening someone over Instant
 Message or chat or online?
 In forwarding a Message or chat or online
 conversation or e-mail without the permission of the
 other person?
 In posting pictures or information about someone on
 a Web site without their consent?
 In sending rude or scary things to someone, even if
 you were just joking?
Is this Reality?
•   Computers and internet changed our
    lives so much that now if we don't have
    access to e-mail for a day or two, we feel
•   Computer and Information security has
    become a crucial legal and a technical issue.
•   Is the internet taking over our lives?
•   We are on the Net 24x7, whether it’s our
    PCs, Laptops or Mobiles.
•   Have we started relating more to virtual
    world than real world?
What we do Online?
Email: Love it for speed and hate it for
Chat: Instant Messaging and real time
Google Maharaja: GOD of Search
Social Networking: Facebook, Orkut and
Twitter have become our clone
Reading Blogs: Research, Education, etc..
You Tube: Free Videos
Downloading: Changed the definition of
Free Food.
Cyber Crime Challenges - Global
   Easy to learn techniques and acquire tools
   Small investments that cause massive economic damage
   No need for physical contact with the victims
   When done subtly it leaves few or no traces
   Easy for players to hide – Anonymity
Service Providers
   Many network operators are involved
   Many countries may be involved – No boundary
   Different policy of different companies
Inadequate cyberspace legislation
   No common law for the entire world
No effective regulatory body for content
India – Growing Challenges
•   Exponential growth of Internet use
•   Interconnected business and government
•   E-governance growth has implications for
    Information Security, Privacy and Cyber
     –   Income Tax, Excise, Customs, Sales tax networks
     –   Smart cards, UID being issued
     –   Land records computerized
     –   Police networks
     –   Defense is no longer arms & ammunition but GPS
         & networks
Cyber Incidents (Wireless)
            •   September 13, 2008: Indian Mujahideen militants used
                unsecured WiFi       system of a company in Chembur
            •   August 2008: A stray terror e-mail was traced to the
                Khalsa College, Matunga, Mumbai.
            •   July 2008: E-mails were sent before and after the
                Ahmedabad blasts. One was traced to Navi Mumbai and
                the other to an IP address in Vadodara.
            •   May 2008: A terror e-mail was sent before the Jaipur
Incidents       blasts from a cyber cafe in Ghaziabad.
            •   November 2007: Serial blasts in Lucknow, Varanasi,
                and Faizabad courts in UP. The terror e-mail was sent by
                Indian Mujahideen (IM) from a cyber café in Laxmi
                Nagar, Delhi.
                (Newspapers and Internet)
Mumbai Terror Attack 26/11
•   Use of technology by the
    attackers                           Terrorists are using
     –   Global Positioning Satellite   sophisticated
                                        technology devices.
     –   Blackberry                     It is complicated and
                                        difficult to develop
     –   CDs with high resolution       and coordinate
         satellite images               necessary security
                                        measures to counter
     –   Multiple cell phones with      such threats
         switchable SIM cards
     –   Satellite phones
Source: March 21, 2020 Times of India
Source: April 20, 2010 HT Cafe
Lack of Cyber Knowledge
Hampers a parent’s ability to raise
their children
  appropriate amount of teaching and ethical
Creates a greater differences in
Culture of Security and Respectability
in Question
Raises children with no cyber ethical
guidance: bad for business and society as a whole.
Cyber Security
Computer Related Offense
What is Cyber Security?
•   Security deals with three primary issues,
    called the CIA triad.
    –   Confidentiality
         •   Assurance that only authorized user may access a
    –   Integrity
         •   Assurance that resource has not been modified
    –   Availability
         •   Assurance that authorized user may access a
             resource when requested
•   Cyber Security is concerned with the risk of
    malpractices in the cyberspace which involves
    the people, process and technology.
Cyber Crime/Computer Related Offense

  Crimes performed or resorted to by abuse of
  electronic media or otherwise, with the purpose
  of influencing the functioning of computer or
  computer system

  In simple words,
    Cyber/Computer Crime is any crime where:
      Computer is a target
      Computer is a tool of crime
      Computer is incidental to crime.
Computer Related Offense
 Common types of Crimes may be broadly
 classified in the following groups:

 1)Against Individual
 2)Against Organization
 3)Against Society
Crime Against Individual
 Against Person:
      i. Harassment Through e-mails
      ii. Cyber-Stalking
      iii. Dissemination of obscene material on the
      iv. Defamation
      v. Hacking/Cracking
      vi. Indecent Exposure

 Against property of an individual:
     i. Computer vandalism (damage)
     ii. Transmitting virus
     iii. Internet Intrusion
     iv. Unauthorized control over computer system
     v. Hacking /Cracking
Crime Against Organization
 Against Government, Private Firm,
 Company, Group of Individuals:
 i. Hacking & Cracking
 ii. Possession of unauthorized
 iii. Cyber terrorism against the
 government organization
 iv. Identity Theft/Impersonation
 v. Distribution of pirated software,
Crime Against Society
 At large,

 i. Pornography (specially child
 ii. Polluting the youth through Indecent
 iii. Trafficking
 iv. Hate Speech, Anti Communities,
 v. Discrimination and Derogatory
 remarks on Religion/Caste on online
Email Crimes
•   Spamming and Unsolicited Mail

•   Blackmailing/Defamatory Mail

•   Extortion/Threatening/Obscene/Abusive Mail

•   Transmission of Malwares (Virus/Worm/Trojan)

•   Advance Fee Schemes – Lottery Schemes – Nigerian
    Scams – Job Opportunities, Mule

•   Phishing Scams, Identity Theft
Cyber Incidents
Mobile Phone based
Forgery, illegal interception & ID Theft
Payment card fraud & e-funds transfer fraud
On-line Gaming/Betting
Theft of Internet & Telephone services
IP offences: illegal software; copyright
breaches etc.
Misuse of Technology: Mobile and Wi-Fi
Commercial/Corporate Espionage
On-line Securities Fraud
Extortion & Criminal conspiracy
Hacking in simple terms means illegal intrusion into a
computer system without the permission of the computer
owner/user. Hacking is committed for
      Personal gains
      Improve technical skills
      Get famous
Denial of Service (DoS) is an act by the criminal, who floods
the bandwidth of the victim’s network depriving him of the
services he is entitled to access or provide.

Virus Dissemination

It is surprising that Pornography is the first consistently
 successful e-commerce product and the marketing tactics
 and the curiosity encourage customers to access porn
            Credit Card Fraud
            Net Extortion This is where the information is stolen and then
         threatening or black mailing is done for keeping the information
         E.g.: Copying the company’s confidential data in order to extort
         said company for huge amount.
            Phishing It is technique of pulling out confidential information
         from the bank or financial institutional account holders by
         deceptive means. You get a genuine looking website similar to the
         original and the data instead of going to the original server goes
         to the person who phises the web page.
            Spoofing: Getting one computer on a network to pretend to
         have the identity of another computer, usually one with special
         Access privileges , so as to obtain access to the other computers
         on the network
Software Piracy: Theft of software through the illegal
  copying of genuine programs or the counterfeiting and
  distribution of products intended to pass for the original is
  termed as termed as software piracy. Common ways in
  which its done:
     Click Wrap (Downloads)
     Shrink Wrap (on CD’s)

Examples of software piracy:
  End user copying - Friends loaning disks to each other, or
  organizations underreporting the number of software
  installations they have made.
  Hard disk loading – Hard disk vendors loads pirated
  Counterfeiting - large-scale duplication and distribution of
  illegally copied software.
  Illegal downloads from the Internet - By intrusion,
  cracking serial numbers etc.
A consumer of pirated software has a lot to lose…

      He gets untested software that may
      have been copied thousands of times
      over, potentially containing hard drive-
      infecting viruses

      No technical support in case of
      software failure

      No warranty protection

      No legal right to use the product
Resourse: Cybercrime Scenario, Investigation Lifecycle, Cybercrime Analysis Categories: North Virginia
Technology Council, aV. Lillard

   Cyber Crime Investigation Lifecycle

                                             Incident                                  Expert Witness
                                           Awareness /                                   Testimony
                  Preliminary Analysis

                                                                                      Improved Processes
                  Image                                                               New Security Policies
               Acquisition/                                                           Improved Configurations

                      Detailed           Final Report
                      Analysis                                 Presentation
Resourse: Cybercrime Scenario, Investigation Lifecycle, Cybercrime Analysis Categories: North Virginia Technology Council,
Terrence V. Lillard

      Cyber Crime Analysis Categories
                                            Cybercrime Scene            Cybercrime Investigation Lifecycle

               Cyber Offender Characteristics                                           Cybercrime Offender Signatures

               Cybercrime Motivations
                                                                                              Cybercrime Reconstruction
             Cybercrime Scene Characteristics

               Cybercrime Modus Operandi                                                    Cyber-Geographical Mapping

                                                                                 Equivocal Forensics
                                Digital Evidence                                      Analysis
Profile of People Involved
 Insider      - Disgruntled employees and ex-employees,
 spouses, lovers
 Crackers - Crack into networks with malicious intent,
             Setting traps, etc…
 Virus Writer - Pose serious threats to networks and
                     systems worldwide
 Foreign Intelligence - Use cyber tools as part of their
             services, For espionage activities, Can pose
             the biggest threat to the security of another
 Terrorists - Use to formulate plans, to raise funds,
 Script Kiddies - Use tools available on the net
Case Study
Landmark Case - MMS
 CEO of was arrested in December 2004
 because a CD with objectionable material was being
 sold on the website. The CD was also being sold in the
 markets in Delhi.
 The Mumbai city police and the Delhi Police got into
 action. The CEO was later released on bail.
 The burden rests on the accused that he was the
 Service Provider and not the Content Provider. It also
 raises a lot of issues regarding how the police should
 handle the cyber crime cases and a lot of education is
         Working of Money Mule
         Tips to Avoid Money Mule
          Everyone needs to be Alert and take steps to protect
          To help minimize your chances of being a victim follow
          these common sense precautions:
          Be cautious about any unsolicited offers or opportunities
          offering you the chance to make some easy money.
          Be especially wary of offers from people or companies
          overseas as it will be harder for you to find out if they
          really are who they say they are.
          Take steps to verify any company which makes you a job
          offer and check their contact details (address, phone
          number, email address and website) are correct and
          whether they are registered in the Country.
          Never give your bank details to anyone unless you know
          and trust them.
          Other signs that could indicate you are being targeted by
          a money mule scam:
           Money mule fraudster can take a variety of different
          forms and they may even copy a genuine company's
          website and have a similar web address to add
          authenticity to the scam.
          These fraudster will normally state that they are an
          overseas company seeking ‘UK representatives’ or
          ‘agents’ to act on their behalf for a period of time,
          sometimes to avoid high charges for making payments,
          or local taxes.
          The nature of the work that the company will claim to be
          involved in can vary, but the specifics of the job being
          advertised invariably means using your bank account to
          move funds.
          The fraudster may be having poor written
          English with grammatical and spelling
          mistakes and they may urge you not to
          inform the bank or the police about the
          reason for making the payments.
          The fraudster may seek people with accounts
          at certain banks.
          If you have already disclosed your bank
          account details or received funds into your
          account – and you think it could be a money
          mule scam - you should contact your bank
If a stranger came up to you on the street would
You give him/her your Name,
You give him/her your Date of Birth,
You give him/her your Likes/Dislikes,
You give him/her your Email Id,
You give him/her your Contact Number ?
You give him/her your Photograph?

               NO ! NO ! NO ! NO! NO!

How you should handle and approach?

      Don’t Panic
      Call in your incident response team.
      Contain the problem and avoid the “quick
      Take good notes of the entire situation.
      Have your backup facilities ready.
      Get rid of the problem.
      Use trusted, uncompromised
      Know what to say, to whom and when.
      Know when to involve Crime Investigator.
Home Computer Security
   Your home computer is a popular target
  for Intruders
  They look for credit card numbers, bank account
  Use your computer to attack other computers on
  Why intruders attack home computers ?
               Not very secure
               Easy to break into
How do they attack your computer?
        They send you E-mail with a virus
        They take advantage of a flaw or weakness in
        one of your computer’s programs – a
     vulnerability to gain access.
        They often install new programs that let
     them continue to use your computer
        Trojan Horse are such programs which are
     used as the backdoor.
        Such a program which lets the intruder
     control everything that is on your machine
How can you minimize the risk?

    Use an anti-virus program (NOD 32,
  ESET, Kaspersky, etc…)
     You can add a firewall (Zone Alarm,
    Periodically download patches, and
     Use File encryption - to improve the
  level of   security on your home
Antivirus Programs

Norton Antivirus.
McAfee Antivirus.
Panda Antivirus.
AVG Antivirus.
Avast Antivirus.
Trend Micro PC-Cillin Antivirus.
Microsoft AntiSpyware.
Spyware Snooper.
Use Anti-Virus programs
   Viruses can reach your computer in many ways,
through -
     Floppy Disks
     Web sites
     Downloaded files

  Check each of the above for viruses.
    When you insert a floppy disk into the drive, check
it for viruses.
  When you receive email, check it for viruses
    When you download a file from the Internet, check
it for viruses before using it.
Handle E-mail attachments carefully
      You probably receive lots of e-mails each day, much of it
       Some of these e-mails tell you of a contest that you may
    have won or the details of a product that you might like.
       The sender is trying to encourage you to open the letter,
    read its contents
       Many of us open letters to learn what we’ve won or what
    fantastic deal awaits us.
       If such an e-mail is from a malicious virus writes, it may
    come as an attachment and he will provoke you to open the
      Once you open the attachment, the virus intrudes your
    computer without your knowledge.
Make Backups of Important Files and Folders

        What happens to your important files and
        records on your computer if your computer
        malfunctions or is destroyed by a successful
        You should back up an important file and
        data every time it changes.
        Take back up on any reliable storage media
        such as a CD-ROM.
        Preserve it carefully.
• Awareness is important and any incident should be
  reported at once
• Users must try and save any electronic information
  trail on their computers
• Avoid giving out unnecessary information about
• Use the licensed, latest & updated anti-virus software,
  operating systems, web browsers and email programs
• Check out the site you are doing business with
• Send credit card information only to secure sites
• Protect your Website and Maintain Backups
• 99% of the problem lies between the keyboard and
  chair i.e. the user

• Every one a target; Every system a challenge

• Cyber Security is not just a technical problem –
  everyone has a role to play in it

• You cannot “fix” security – you can only manage it


Thank You!

Vicky Shah
Discussion Forum:
“Human Behaviour is the Biggest Risk in Security – Vicky
“Cyber Space: Safe to Use; Unsafe to Misuse – NASSCOM”
 This presentation is prepared for knowledge
 sharing and awareness for end users on April 25,
 2010. You can use the information provided here
 with proper credits. I have tried not to hide original
 credits as far as possible, nor am I using this
 presentation for any personal financial gain.
 Information available in this presentation is not
 enforceable by law; however these are my view
 about the topic which I feel should be shared. Any
 errors,     omissions,        misstatements,      and
 misunderstandings set forth in the presentation are
 sincerely apologized. Relying on the contents will be
 sole responsibility of the users.

                   - Vicky Shah -

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Cyber Security Awareness at Dadar April 25, 2010

  • 1. Cyber Security & Law Vicky Shah
  • 2. Have you involve yourself? In Signing on with someone else’s screen name to gather information? In Sending an e-mail or online greeting card from someone’s account? In Impersonating someone over Instant Message or chat rooms or online? In teasing or frightening someone over Instant Message or chat or online? In forwarding a Message or chat or online conversation or e-mail without the permission of the other person? In posting pictures or information about someone on a Web site without their consent? In sending rude or scary things to someone, even if you were just joking?
  • 3. Is this Reality? • Computers and internet changed our lives so much that now if we don't have access to e-mail for a day or two, we feel uncomfortable. • Computer and Information security has become a crucial legal and a technical issue. • Is the internet taking over our lives? • We are on the Net 24x7, whether it’s our PCs, Laptops or Mobiles. • Have we started relating more to virtual world than real world?
  • 4. What we do Online? Email: Love it for speed and hate it for SPAM. Chat: Instant Messaging and real time communication Google Maharaja: GOD of Search Social Networking: Facebook, Orkut and Twitter have become our clone Reading Blogs: Research, Education, etc.. You Tube: Free Videos Downloading: Changed the definition of Free Food.
  • 5. Cyber Crime Challenges - Global Perpetrator Easy to learn techniques and acquire tools Small investments that cause massive economic damage No need for physical contact with the victims When done subtly it leaves few or no traces Easy for players to hide – Anonymity Service Providers Many network operators are involved Many countries may be involved – No boundary Different policy of different companies Inadequate cyberspace legislation No common law for the entire world No effective regulatory body for content
  • 6. India – Growing Challenges • Exponential growth of Internet use • Interconnected business and government • E-governance growth has implications for Information Security, Privacy and Cyber Security – Income Tax, Excise, Customs, Sales tax networks connected – Smart cards, UID being issued – Land records computerized – Police networks – Defense is no longer arms & ammunition but GPS & networks
  • 7. Cyber Incidents (Wireless) • September 13, 2008: Indian Mujahideen militants used unsecured WiFi system of a company in Chembur • August 2008: A stray terror e-mail was traced to the Khalsa College, Matunga, Mumbai. • July 2008: E-mails were sent before and after the Ahmedabad blasts. One was traced to Navi Mumbai and the other to an IP address in Vadodara. • May 2008: A terror e-mail was sent before the Jaipur Incidents blasts from a cyber cafe in Ghaziabad. • November 2007: Serial blasts in Lucknow, Varanasi, and Faizabad courts in UP. The terror e-mail was sent by Indian Mujahideen (IM) from a cyber café in Laxmi Nagar, Delhi. (Newspapers and Internet)
  • 8. Mumbai Terror Attack 26/11 • Use of technology by the attackers Terrorists are using – Global Positioning Satellite sophisticated technology devices. systems – Blackberry It is complicated and difficult to develop – CDs with high resolution and coordinate satellite images necessary security measures to counter – Multiple cell phones with such threats switchable SIM cards – Satellite phones
  • 9. Source: March 21, 2020 Times of India
  • 10. Source: April 20, 2010 HT Cafe
  • 11. Lack of Cyber Knowledge Hampers a parent’s ability to raise their children appropriate amount of teaching and ethical foundation. Creates a greater differences in families Culture of Security and Respectability in Question Raises children with no cyber ethical guidance: bad for business and society as a whole.
  • 13. What is Cyber Security? • Security deals with three primary issues, called the CIA triad. – Confidentiality • Assurance that only authorized user may access a resource – Integrity • Assurance that resource has not been modified – Availability • Assurance that authorized user may access a resource when requested • Cyber Security is concerned with the risk of malpractices in the cyberspace which involves the people, process and technology.
  • 14. Cyber Crime/Computer Related Offense Crimes performed or resorted to by abuse of electronic media or otherwise, with the purpose of influencing the functioning of computer or computer system In simple words, Cyber/Computer Crime is any crime where: Computer is a target Computer is a tool of crime Computer is incidental to crime.
  • 15. Computer Related Offense Common types of Crimes may be broadly classified in the following groups: 1)Against Individual 2)Against Organization 3)Against Society
  • 16. Crime Against Individual Against Person: i. Harassment Through e-mails ii. Cyber-Stalking iii. Dissemination of obscene material on the Internet iv. Defamation v. Hacking/Cracking vi. Indecent Exposure Against property of an individual: i. Computer vandalism (damage) ii. Transmitting virus iii. Internet Intrusion iv. Unauthorized control over computer system v. Hacking /Cracking
  • 17. Crime Against Organization Against Government, Private Firm, Company, Group of Individuals: i. Hacking & Cracking ii. Possession of unauthorized Information iii. Cyber terrorism against the government organization iv. Identity Theft/Impersonation v. Distribution of pirated software, etc…
  • 18. Crime Against Society At large, i. Pornography (specially child pornography) ii. Polluting the youth through Indecent Exposure iii. Trafficking iv. Hate Speech, Anti Communities, v. Discrimination and Derogatory remarks on Religion/Caste on online platform
  • 19. Email Crimes • Spamming and Unsolicited Mail • Blackmailing/Defamatory Mail • Extortion/Threatening/Obscene/Abusive Mail • Transmission of Malwares (Virus/Worm/Trojan) • Advance Fee Schemes – Lottery Schemes – Nigerian Scams – Job Opportunities, Mule • Phishing Scams, Identity Theft
  • 20. Cyber Incidents Mobile Phone based Forgery, illegal interception & ID Theft Payment card fraud & e-funds transfer fraud On-line Gaming/Betting Theft of Internet & Telephone services IP offences: illegal software; copyright breaches etc. Misuse of Technology: Mobile and Wi-Fi Commercial/Corporate Espionage On-line Securities Fraud Extortion & Criminal conspiracy
  • 21. Hacking in simple terms means illegal intrusion into a computer system without the permission of the computer owner/user. Hacking is committed for Personal gains Improve technical skills Get famous Revenge Denial of Service (DoS) is an act by the criminal, who floods the bandwidth of the victim’s network depriving him of the services he is entitled to access or provide. Virus Dissemination It is surprising that Pornography is the first consistently successful e-commerce product and the marketing tactics and the curiosity encourage customers to access porn Websites.
  • 22. Contd. Credit Card Fraud Net Extortion This is where the information is stolen and then threatening or black mailing is done for keeping the information secret. E.g.: Copying the company’s confidential data in order to extort said company for huge amount. Phishing It is technique of pulling out confidential information from the bank or financial institutional account holders by deceptive means. You get a genuine looking website similar to the original and the data instead of going to the original server goes to the person who phises the web page. Spoofing: Getting one computer on a network to pretend to have the identity of another computer, usually one with special Access privileges , so as to obtain access to the other computers on the network
  • 23. Software Piracy: Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine programs or the counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass for the original is termed as termed as software piracy. Common ways in which its done: Click Wrap (Downloads) Shrink Wrap (on CD’s) Examples of software piracy: End user copying - Friends loaning disks to each other, or organizations underreporting the number of software installations they have made. Hard disk loading – Hard disk vendors loads pirated software Counterfeiting - large-scale duplication and distribution of illegally copied software. Illegal downloads from the Internet - By intrusion, cracking serial numbers etc.
  • 24. A consumer of pirated software has a lot to lose… He gets untested software that may have been copied thousands of times over, potentially containing hard drive- infecting viruses No technical support in case of software failure No warranty protection No legal right to use the product
  • 25. Resourse: Cybercrime Scenario, Investigation Lifecycle, Cybercrime Analysis Categories: North Virginia Technology Council, aV. Lillard Cyber Crime Investigation Lifecycle Incident Expert Witness Awareness / Testimony Preliminary Analysis Consultation Prevention Technologies Improved Processes Image New Security Policies Acquisition/ Improved Configurations Recovery Preliminary/ Containment Detailed Final Report Analysis Presentation
  • 26. Resourse: Cybercrime Scenario, Investigation Lifecycle, Cybercrime Analysis Categories: North Virginia Technology Council, Terrence V. Lillard Cyber Crime Analysis Categories Cybercrime Scene Cybercrime Investigation Lifecycle Cyber Offender Characteristics Cybercrime Offender Signatures Cybercrime Motivations Cybercrime Reconstruction Deductive Analysis Cyber-Victimology Cybercrime Scene Characteristics Cybercrime Modus Operandi Cyber-Geographical Mapping Equivocal Forensics Digital Evidence Analysis
  • 27. Profile of People Involved Insider - Disgruntled employees and ex-employees, spouses, lovers Crackers - Crack into networks with malicious intent, Setting traps, etc… Virus Writer - Pose serious threats to networks and systems worldwide Foreign Intelligence - Use cyber tools as part of their services, For espionage activities, Can pose the biggest threat to the security of another country Terrorists - Use to formulate plans, to raise funds, propaganda Script Kiddies - Use tools available on the net
  • 30. Landmark Case - MMS CEO of was arrested in December 2004 because a CD with objectionable material was being sold on the website. The CD was also being sold in the markets in Delhi. The Mumbai city police and the Delhi Police got into action. The CEO was later released on bail. THIS OPENED UP THE QUESTION AS TO WHAT KIND OF DISTINCTION DO WE DRAW BETWEEN INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER AND CONTENT PROVIDER. RESULTED IN AMENDMENTS OF IT ACT 2000. The burden rests on the accused that he was the Service Provider and not the Content Provider. It also raises a lot of issues regarding how the police should handle the cyber crime cases and a lot of education is required.
  • 31. Source Working of Money Mule
  • 32. Source Tips to Avoid Money Mule Everyone needs to be Alert and take steps to protect themselves. To help minimize your chances of being a victim follow these common sense precautions: Be cautious about any unsolicited offers or opportunities offering you the chance to make some easy money. Be especially wary of offers from people or companies overseas as it will be harder for you to find out if they really are who they say they are. Take steps to verify any company which makes you a job offer and check their contact details (address, phone number, email address and website) are correct and whether they are registered in the Country. Never give your bank details to anyone unless you know and trust them.
  • 33. Source Contd… Other signs that could indicate you are being targeted by a money mule scam: Money mule fraudster can take a variety of different forms and they may even copy a genuine company's website and have a similar web address to add authenticity to the scam. These fraudster will normally state that they are an overseas company seeking ‘UK representatives’ or ‘agents’ to act on their behalf for a period of time, sometimes to avoid high charges for making payments, or local taxes. The nature of the work that the company will claim to be involved in can vary, but the specifics of the job being advertised invariably means using your bank account to move funds.
  • 34. Source Contd… The fraudster may be having poor written English with grammatical and spelling mistakes and they may urge you not to inform the bank or the police about the reason for making the payments. The fraudster may seek people with accounts at certain banks. If you have already disclosed your bank account details or received funds into your account – and you think it could be a money mule scam - you should contact your bank immediately.
  • 35. PLEASE If a stranger came up to you on the street would You give him/her your Name, You give him/her your Date of Birth, You give him/her your Likes/Dislikes, You give him/her your Email Id, You give him/her your Contact Number ? You give him/her your Photograph? NO ! NO ! NO ! NO! NO! THEN WHY DO YOU PUBLISH THE SAME ON SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES?????
  • 36. How you should handle and approach? Don’t Panic Call in your incident response team. Contain the problem and avoid the “quick fix.” Take good notes of the entire situation. Have your backup facilities ready. Get rid of the problem. Use trusted, uncompromised communications. Know what to say, to whom and when. Know when to involve Crime Investigator.
  • 38. Home Computer Security Your home computer is a popular target for Intruders They look for credit card numbers, bank account information, OR Use your computer to attack other computers on the INTERNET Why intruders attack home computers ? Not very secure Easy to break into
  • 39. How do they attack your computer? They send you E-mail with a virus They take advantage of a flaw or weakness in one of your computer’s programs – a vulnerability to gain access. They often install new programs that let them continue to use your computer (Backdoor). Trojan Horse are such programs which are used as the backdoor. Such a program which lets the intruder control everything that is on your machine remotely.
  • 40. How can you minimize the risk? Use an anti-virus program (NOD 32, ESET, Kaspersky, etc…) You can add a firewall (Zone Alarm, BlackICE) Periodically download patches, and Use File encryption - to improve the level of security on your home computer
  • 41. Antivirus Programs ESET – NOD 32 Kapsersky Norton Antivirus. McAfee Antivirus. Panda Antivirus. AVG Antivirus. Avast Antivirus. Trend Micro PC-Cillin Antivirus. Microsoft AntiSpyware. Spyware Snooper.
  • 42. Use Anti-Virus programs Viruses can reach your computer in many ways, through - Floppy Disks CD-ROMs E-mails Web sites Downloaded files Check each of the above for viruses. When you insert a floppy disk into the drive, check it for viruses. When you receive email, check it for viruses When you download a file from the Internet, check it for viruses before using it.
  • 43. Handle E-mail attachments carefully You probably receive lots of e-mails each day, much of it unsolicited. Some of these e-mails tell you of a contest that you may have won or the details of a product that you might like. The sender is trying to encourage you to open the letter, read its contents Many of us open letters to learn what we’ve won or what fantastic deal awaits us. If such an e-mail is from a malicious virus writes, it may come as an attachment and he will provoke you to open the attachment. Once you open the attachment, the virus intrudes your computer without your knowledge.
  • 44. Make Backups of Important Files and Folders What happens to your important files and records on your computer if your computer malfunctions or is destroyed by a successful attacker? You should back up an important file and data every time it changes. Take back up on any reliable storage media such as a CD-ROM. Preserve it carefully.
  • 45. Recommendations • Awareness is important and any incident should be reported at once • Users must try and save any electronic information trail on their computers • Avoid giving out unnecessary information about yourself • Use the licensed, latest & updated anti-virus software, operating systems, web browsers and email programs • Check out the site you are doing business with thoroughly • Send credit card information only to secure sites • Protect your Website and Maintain Backups
  • 46. Summary • 99% of the problem lies between the keyboard and chair i.e. the user • Every one a target; Every system a challenge • Cyber Security is not just a technical problem – everyone has a role to play in it • You cannot “fix” security – you can only manage it • AWARENESS OF THE THREAT IS ITSELF A KEY CONTROL
  • 47. Questions Thank You! Vicky Shah Discussion Forum: +91-98201-05011 “Human Behaviour is the Biggest Risk in Security – Vicky Shah” “Cyber Space: Safe to Use; Unsafe to Misuse – NASSCOM”
  • 48. Disclaimer This presentation is prepared for knowledge sharing and awareness for end users on April 25, 2010. You can use the information provided here with proper credits. I have tried not to hide original credits as far as possible, nor am I using this presentation for any personal financial gain. Information available in this presentation is not enforceable by law; however these are my view about the topic which I feel should be shared. Any errors, omissions, misstatements, and misunderstandings set forth in the presentation are sincerely apologized. Relying on the contents will be sole responsibility of the users. - Vicky Shah -