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Concept Essay Ideas
Writing an essay on the topic of "Concept Essay Ideas" can be a challenging task, requiring a
combination of creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies
in the abstract nature of the topic itself; it calls for the exploration and elucidation of concepts
that may be intangible or complex.
To start, one must carefully choose and define a concept to focus on, considering its significance,
relevance, and potential for exploration. The challenge intensifies as the writer attempts to
convey abstract ideas in a clear and engaging manner, ensuring that the readers can grasp the
intricacies of the chosen concept. It demands a careful balance between depth and accessibility,
making the essay intellectually stimulating while maintaining clarity.
Moreover, the process involves extensive research to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the chosen concept. The writer must delve into various sources, extracting relevant information,
examples, and perspectives to support their arguments and enhance the essay's credibility. This
research-intensive aspect adds another layer of complexity to the task.
Crafting a coherent structure is crucial, as the essay should unfold logically, guiding the reader
through the exploration of the concept. Developing a thesis statement that encapsulates the
essence of the essay and weaving it seamlessly throughout the text requires careful thought and
Furthermore, achieving a nuanced analysis and interpretation of the concept can be daunting. It
demands the ability to think critically, consider different angles, and present a well-rounded
perspective. The writer must anticipate potential counterarguments and address them effectively,
contributing to the overall depth of the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Concept Essay Ideas" is a challenging endeavor
that demands a blend of creativity, analytical skills, and effective communication. The writer
must navigate the abstract nature of the chosen concept, conduct thorough research, and present
a well-structured and nuanced exploration. Despite the difficulty, the end result can be
immensely rewarding, offering valuable insights and contributing to the broader understanding
of the chosen concept.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, various resources
are available, including professional writing services, where expert writers
can provide support in crafting well-researched and well-written essays.
Concept Essay Ideas Concept Essay Ideas
Design And Comparative Performance Analysis
Design and Comparative Performance Analysis of Shift Register Using Pulse
Triggered Flip Flops and Pulsed Latches
K.Rajesh1, Mr. R.Bapannadora2, Dr.V.S.R Kumari3
1M.Tech Scholar, Dept. of Electronics Communication, Sri Mittapalli College Of
Engineering, Guntur Email:
2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics Communication, Sri Mittapalli College Of
Engineering, Guntur Email:
3Professor HOD, Dept. of ECE, Sri Mittapalli College Of Engineering, Guntur, A.P,
India Email:
Abstract: Nowadays for each and every designing in VLSI era the power
consumption plays a vital role. Low power has emerged as a principal theme in
today s electronics industry. The low power VLSI design has important role in
designing of many electronic design systems. On designing any combinational or
sequential circuits, the power consumption, implementation area, voltage leakage,
and efficiency of the circuit are the important parameters to be considered initially.
This paper proposes a low power and area efficient shift register using pulsed latches.
The area and power consumption are reduced by replacing flip flops with pulsed
latches. This method solves the timing problem between pulsed latches through the
use of multiple non overlap delayed pulsed clock signals instead of the conventional
single pulsed clock signal. The shift register uses a small number of the pulsed clock
signals by grouping the latches to several sub
Mature Play Essay
Mature make believe play is an important and unique context, providing opportunities
to learn not afforded by other classroom activities. It should not be considered
something extra that can be cut to accommodate more time for academic skills, nor
should it be used as a means of adding entertainment value for inherently boring and
decontextualized drills. Instead, play should be preserved and nurtured as one of the
uniquely preschool activities that provide the most beneficial context for children s
development. Mature play, as researchers provide, say that childdevelop social skills,
mathematical ability, mastery of early literacy concepts, and self regulation. In order
to enhance play to mature play teachers must follow Vygostkian s approach of
scaffolding play into PRoPELS approach of critical elements of children s play in the
classroom. For some children, early childhoodis the only setting that children have
the opportunity to learn how to play the proper and mature way with the
PRoPELS. Since children are almost always segregated by age and have to
interact with play partners who are as inexperience as they are without getting the
playground play of elder interactions; hinders children s ways of maturing make
believe play, which is when teachers need to come in allow improvement and
growth with play. Playtime in today s early childhood classroom is limited and
rarely exceeds one or two hours, which means that in order to achieve progress in the
quality of play,
Similarities Between Anne Of Green Gables And Cheaper
The two short stories Anne of Green Gables and Cheaper by the Dozen have
fathers who both truly care for their children in their own way. The two fathers
have some similarity, however, they have some differences as well. In the text
Anne of Green Gables has a father like who s name is Mattew who needs help with
his farm, Green Gables. Mattew and his sister both run the farm but are starting to
need some help with it. In the text, it states It s a boy I ve come for. He should be
here. Mrs. Alexander Spencer was to bring him over from Nova Scotia for me. This
shows that he was expecting an orphan boy not an orphan girl and needs help with
the farm. In the text Cheaper by the Dozen, the father is a very backstop person with
twelve kids and
What Is The Nature Of The Short Happy Life Of Francis...
The coward, the bitch, and the man: Francis Macomber, Margot Macomber, and
Robert Wilson are developed as characters throughout Ernest Hemingway s The
Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber. While only the tip of the iceberg is shown
at the beginning, as Hemingway develops the story, the reader is taken underwater to
be shown the true nature and essence of the three characters.
On the surface, the Macomber s are a wealthy and traditional American couple.
However, Francis lack of courage and initiative has driven his wife, Margot, into the
arms of the safari guide, Robert Wilson. Francis lived a life of ignorance, and in
many ways this was his strength as well as his weakness.
Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of
the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the
skinner and the porters. The gun bearers had taken no part in the demonstration.
While the people at the camp thought Francis succeeded in killing the lion, he never
tells the truth, Wilson actually killed the lion, furthering his introduction as the
coward. His life was filled with secrets and abuse, and he was ultimately put out of
this misery. Francis ability to overcome his obstacles is the very reason that
although his life was short, he lived a blissful life for only a split second, when he
faced the water buffalo.
During Francis first interaction with a lion on the African safari, he bolts away at
the first sign of fear. This reaction, earned him the contempt of his wife, who made
it quite obvious that she disapproved of his actions. The next day, Macomber s wife
witnesses him confront a charging water buffalo. Much to his wife s dismay,
Francis courageously faces the animal, proving that he could overcome his
cowardness. Margot realizes that if Francis continues to prove himself willful and
courageous, he might leave her and rid himself forever of her ridicule. This
realization leads her to aim a gun at the water buffalo, instead shooting Francis in the
back of the head. By taking his life, Margot ended Francis misery and her own. The
beauty of Francis character is that even though he spent his entire marriage
disappointing his wife, he was only killed
Comparing Thomas Hobbes And Jacques Rousseau State Of
Thomas Hobbes and Jacques Rousseau on the state of nature
The world is always filled with rigid dichotomies: good and evil, left and right,
McDonald s and Burger King just to mention some of them. The political theory in
the 17th century seemed to have experienced a similar trend. The nature of
government, more specifically the state of men, were often questioned, like the
debate between Democrats and Republicans today. In 17th century Europe, the two
major viewpoints on the issue were best exemplified by the writings of Thomas
Hobbes, and Jacques Rousseau, the famous philosophers that led politics in 17th
century England and France.
The nature state of men has been one of the biggest themes in political philosophy for
centuries. This mainly ... Show more content on ...
For Hobbes, social contract is an inevitable process because men need a central
power for self preservation (Hobbes 39). He cannot protect himself from outside
dangers; therefore, he needs sovereign power for survival. Nevertheless, for
Rousseau, social contract is needed, but it unavoidably creates inequality as well as
peace and order. If men were more just and fair in his actions, social contract would
be more beneficial to his life. In his natural state, men was more caring and
cooperative, but with social contract, he is more individualistic and greedy
(Bondanella 16). That is why, Rousseau does not believe in the good side of social
contract. As Rousseau states, I must make everyone see that since the bonds of
servitude are formed merely from the mutual dependence of men and from the
reciprocal needs that unite them, it is impossible to enslave men without first having
put him in the position of being unable to do without another person (Bondanella 32).
As this statement implies, social contract enslaves men to unequal chances and
opportunities according to Rousseau, but for Hobbes, it is the best form of self
protection. Otherwise, men cannot survive and become
The New Woman in Cecil B. DeMille s The Cheat Essay
Cecil B. DeMille is regarded by many to be the founder of Hollywood, given that
his 1914 film, The Squaw Man, was the first important full length motion picture
made in Hollywood. As Joel W. Finler considers, the film accelerated the trend
toward establishing California as the new home of movie making . However, it is in
his depiction of the `new womanthat the director is both celebrated and derided. In
many of his films, DeMille illustrates the rise of consumer culture that had begun in
the latter half of the nineteenth century. During its escalation, goods took on a
symbolic life while middle class women attained the characteristics of commodities as
they moved into the public sphere. Their movement can be put down to their refusal...
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In The Cheat, DeMille uses the notion of the `new women to critique society in the
era. While the film does not deny Edith the freedom that had come to be associated
with the idea, it elucidates [o]ne of the dangers of the modern urban culture [namely]
the disappearance of traditional methods of knowing social status and presumed
moralities associated with that status , a hazard which meant [women s] decreased
privatisation at the cost of their increased commodification .
Indeed, the early part of the film portrays an accurate depiction of society at the
time, without overt prejudice or obsession with issues (which are dealt with in the
narrative later). The society on show in DeMille s classic is one at the hands of an
invasion by consumerism where, [w]hether social activist or flapper, the `new
woman expected to function in both public and private spheres despite controversy
regarding the nature of her role . This movement came to be characterised by, how
expensive and fashionable...the garments [are] that the wife wears . As Thorstein
Veblen argues, goods, especially clothing, were acting as a
Essay On Classical Style
Topic Sentence:
The Classical style was founded during the creation of the ancient Greek civilization
and was the style that was a combination of beauty, order, and proportion.
The Classical style can be defined as the artistic style of the ancient Greeks. The style
was widely used within the fine arts and put great emphasis on symmetry and
The Classical style was an important feature of the Humanities of the ancient Greeks.
There are two main features I want to illustrate about the Classical style: Sculpture
and architecture. This style is the heart of classicism that was the search for perfection.
The first example of the Classical style that I am going to talk about is Greek
architecture. ... Show more content on ...
The figure, who once held a spear in his left hand, strides forward in a manner that
unites motion and response, energy and poise, male confidence and grace, which
were the qualities of the ideal warrior athlete. Greek Classical style in sculpture
focused on the accuracy of human anatomy and stance.
The Parthenon is known for being one of the greatest achievements of the Athenians.
The massive building is a work of perfection and beauty. The Parthenon, which took
ten years to build was placed on the highest point of the Acropolis that overlooks the
Athenian City. Constructed entirely of marble and embellished with sculptures, the
Parthenon is one of the finest examples of the Classical style. It has columns that are
specific to the Classical style.
The main contributions of Classical style are sculptures and architecture. The canon
that made active use of that principle of proportion known as symmetry corresponds
to both the architecture and the sculptures. My overall perspective and assessment of
Classical style are that Classical style had strong influences on the development of
humanities of ancient Greece. It was an important part of the development of ancient
Greek art. It the principle of proportion, order, and harmony and greatly influenced
their culture and daily
Personal Values In Social Work
Values were a huge part of my childhood and show a large part in my lifet today, as
they support my thoughts and actions. As a social work student I have to question
my personal morals, opinions and ethics as these will have a large impact on my
performance as a expert. My private values are consistent to the values of social work
, which is the motive as to why I have chosen a career in a social care. These values
are self determination to promote social justice, being kind and accommodating
toward others, honesty and respect. Working with troubled youth in my past helped
further develope my interest in promoting social justice and social changeon behalf of
my community. I recognize, that as a social work student I have to act in unity... Show
more content on ...
Instead of my daughter doing something or saying something back to the kids, she
just stood their and dropped her head down. I had to explain to her that some people
are more fortunate than others. I wanted her to know weather they are a name brand
or not, be happy, thankful and humble because there is somebody without both.
In order to solve conflict between my personal and professional values to practice
competently and ethically according to the standards of the profession I truly
believe understanding what s behind your diverse defiance is the first step in
finding ways to advance your relationships with clients and being non judgmental.
I also believe you have to be very neutral in some unforeseen situations that are not
in your control. For example, a mother grieving son that got killed during a
robbery. I have personally experience my grandmother grieve the lost of my uncle
or a robbery, with the perpetrator being my uncle first cousin. The whole situation
was a loose, loose situation. My uncle had passed and my cousin was sentence to
life in prison. My grandmother was devastated but she never wish bad on our
cousin. She firmly believe in GOD, and understood my cousin intentions weather
they were right or wrong. She knew GOD would deal with him according, so she
never lost any love for him even after taking her only son. That show me how to put
my feelings aside to understand both sides while not judging.
A teen seeking Abortion is another
The Benefits Of Minimum Wage
A full time job should not be rewarded with a life of poverty. In America, the need to
raise minimum wage has never been so crucial. Many Americans debate the increase;
although, research indicates raising the minimum would benefit almost every family.
Across the country, current minimum wage isn t meeting the needs of many
struggling families so many cities stepped beyond Federal requirements and found
success with raising wages.
The minimum wage is supposed to protect Americans; however at 7.25 an hour
most Americans don t feel secure. The Editorial Board explains minimum wage is
a fundamental labor standard designed to protect workers, just as labor laws and
overtime rules do, not just the lowest legal hourly pay. If minimum wage had risen
with inflation through the past 50 years, the current minimum wage would be about
19 dollars an hour (Chen). Although, 19 dollars may be too unrealistic something
needs to be done. Even just a few dollars would help tens of millions of American
employees. Some argue the other government programs are helping American
enough, but these substaties can actually lower wages. This is because, Employers
who pay factor the government assistance into their wage scales (The Editorial
Board). People are struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families
because the minimum wage is so low. In some parts of the U.S. people would need
to make triple the amount of minimum wage just to cover basic needs (Chen).
Many counties,
Pontiac Small Displacement V-8 Crop
The Pontiac 326 Cubic Inch V8 This Pontiac Small Displacement V 8 Packed a lot
of Punch If you pop the hood on a [new Buick Regal GS], you ll see a 2.0L
turbocharged engine. This 4cyl is also found cross platform in Cadillac and
Chevrolet models. It wasn t always this way. Back in the 60s and 70s the individual
divisions took great pride in manufacturing their own unique engines. With that said,
it s widely believed that GM had a few ground rules. One popular belief is that GM
wanted the Chevrolet Corvette to have the most powerful engine. At times this
created a problem for [the Pontiac Motor Division]. This meant they had to make a
few negative gain adjustments, so there engines would fall in line behind the Chevy
products. In the early 1960s,... Show more content on ...
However, it s even more common to see them in the midsize [Pontiac Tempest and
Lemans models]. The small displacement eight cylinder engine came with a two
barrel carburetor standard and the four barrel carburetor as optional equipment.
The bigger cars like [the flagship Bonneville] and the [Pontiac Catalina] are often
found with the larger displacement 389 V8. Pontiac offered these engines in a
wide variety of horsepower ratings. Not only did the engine carry a two or four
barrel carburetor, but they also offered compression ratios of up to 10:5.1. If you
re really lucky, maybe your classic Pontiac has the 368 HP [Tri power option Super
Duty 389] cubic inch Trophy Motor. Versions and Specifications for the 326 CID
When they first started to drop this small displacement V 8 into cars in 1963, you
could only get a two barrel carburetor version. The Engine provided excellent fuel
economy at nearly 20 miles per gallon on the highway. Despite the lack of fuel the
horsepower numbers remained respectable. In the inaugural year the 326 produced
Las Vegas Escorts Essay
What sets Escorts Las Vegas apart from the sea of sources for female
companionship? For starters, we align with women who lead dynamic lifestyles
outside of their work as an escort in Vegas. We ensure they are well rounded so
they bring something more to the table than their striking good looks. Outer
beauty captures the eye, but inner beauty and charisma establish a gal s true
degree of desirability. We strive to put forth perfection, and our dedication to
excellence established our status as the escort service Las Vegas residents and
guests rely on. This city has our heart, and our entertainers hearts as well, making
them the perfect companions for anyone who aspires to make the most out of their
Sin City adventure. #### Stringent Standards One of the most common
complaints about independent Vegas escorts is that they often fail to come
through in all the ways in which they promised. When we are part of your plan,
there are no hiccups. We say this with confidence because ladies profiled here
appreciate and adhere to our strict criterion. High class Vegas escorts are the sort
heedful men want to meet, as they recognize the dangers associated with those
who are not overseen by an agency. The truth is, there are too many variables when
there is not an agency ensuring a flawless arrangement. You should value your
resources as much as you do your good time, and if for some reason, you are not well
pleased by the girl who knocks on your door, you are encouraged to phone
Earl Rochester Case Study
What Earl Rochester is trying to explain in his argument is that he wants to make a
law that help people drink safe. If the U.S was to take in his idea and use it i think it
would be very effective law on or state. So I strongly agree with his idea because we
can prevent a lot of accident dealing with alcohol. Alcohol have always had a pull on
the U.S because we have huge death rate from it. We can save a lot of our teens and
elders with this drinking license
Under age drinking have always had a huge affect on this country. We have had
teens that get drunk That s under age drinking and driving and die because they can
t control their liquor. With us tightening the law up on drinking we can lower the
death rate on or state. Too many teens can get access to alcohol easy and i feel like it
s ruining or state. So i agree with ... Show more content on ...
Also there should be a limit on alcohol i don t think a person should drink without
being watched. If you have a liquor lincese you should only be able to drink at a
bar because the bartender will know when you had enough. Selling alcohol out of
stores is also a huge problem because Thats how teen get access to it. People that is
21 and older buy liquor for young individual and they drink to much and lose there
life. By us selling liquor out the stores we re going to keep hurting or country
because or death rate is going to keep raising.
Earl Rochester have a good reason to have a argument on this problem. Because the
U.S have went to many years without fixing this big problem. We should take his
idea into consideration because with his facts and claims it can really help the U.S.
Also we would
The Key Events In Joseph s Life
A: Jacob had twelve sons. The sons of Leah were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
Issachar and Zebulun. The sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin. They lived in
the land of Canaan. When Joseph was seventeen he took care of the sheep and goats
with his brothers.
Jacob (Joseph s father) loved Joseph more than all of his sons because Joseph was
born to Jacob when he was old. When all of Joseph s brothers saw that their father
(Jacob) loved him more than he loved them, they started to hate Joseph so much that
they would never talk to him in a friendly way. One night Joseph had a dream about
everyone bowing down and worshiping him and from this he told his brothers which
then hated him even more and started to become jealous.
B: The key event in Joseph s life was when Joseph s brothers sold him to some
passing Ishmaelite traders (Midianites) who took him to Egypt. The reason why this
is the key event in Joseph s life is because from this situation starts Joseph s amazing
story. ... Show more content on ...
The Lord was with Joseph and made him successful in everything that he did.
Potiphar s wife wanted to go to bed with Joseph but he refused so she framed
Joseph and he was sent to jail. The Lord was with Joseph and made him succeed in
everything that he did. After time Joseph was made governor over all of Egypt.
Joseph had two children named Manasseh and Ephraim. His brothers returned
because of a Famine and the King ordered Joseph to bring his family to Egypt so they
can live in the finest land. The family returned, but then 17 years later Jacob died at
the age of 147. Joseph continued to live in Egypt with his family but then died at
the age of 110. Before he died he promised that God will take his family to the
Promised Land that was promised to Isaac, Abraham, and Jacob. He asked them to
take his body with them. They embalmed his body and put it in a
Persuasive Speech On Spotting Scope
They say that there s a right tool for every job. In the case of spotting scopes, their
job is to provide close up visual access to anything on land while staying a safe
distance away. Something of a cross between binoculars and a telescope, spotting
scopes have uses from nature photography, bird watching, and even hunting.
While a telescope is usually used at night to observe the stars, a spotting scope is
meant only to be used during the day. When comparing a spotting scope to a
telescope or a set of binoculars, there are some important distinctions, such as the size
and the level of magnification.
Today I ll be discussing the best spotting scopes as well as how to choose the right
one for your needs. Whether you need a scope for spotting ... Show more content on ...
Simply put, the larger the aperture, the more light comes in. If you want a beautiful,
clear, bright image, choose a scope with a sufficiently large aperture. Since spotting
scopes are meant to be used during the daytime, a large aperture will help you
capture the best image possible, even if the sky is overcast or darker than usual.
If you are uп»їsing the scope for hunting, a bright image will help you identify your
prey much easier, making you more efficient in your process.
Because spotting scopes are meant to be used outdoors, many times this means that
they are brought into rough terrain. If you plan on carrying your scope into the
wilderness, you have to be prepared for any eventuality, including severe weather.
Make sure that your spotting scope is as weather proof as possible, and hopefully, it
can withstand drops or bumps without damaging the internal components.
In addition to the scope itself, make sure the tripod you use is just as rugged and
dependable. You don t want to have your scope fall over because of a weak tripod,
so make sure the unit and all accessories are hardened against the weather as much as
The Importance Of Christian Beliefs
Everyone is entitled to having their own beliefs. In healthcare, we can have our own
beliefs but, we must respect others beliefs and respond accordingly. There are many
religions but, I chose to focus on Christianity. A Christian is someone who believes in
the teachings of Jesus Christ. In the Christian faith, there are many denominations,
groups with different views, on what the teachings of Jesus Christ mean. I chose to
focus on the two specific groups who have strong opinions on how they are treated. I
am a strong believer in patient education and the patients right to refuse treatment.
Christian Science In the denomination of Christian science, they strongly believe in
the power of prayer. This is a common belief for Christians, but they take it a step
further. For these believers, the best way, sometimes the only way, to be healed is
by prayer. You can use aides like crutches or canes because they aren t changing
you. If you are in this culture and you feel that you must go to a doctor, you would
have to go to the Christian science doctor. Most of the time, they will only do this
for urgent situations or children that aren t healing fast enough. I am a firm believer
in the power of prayer but, I also believe that medicine is sometimes necessary. As a
healthcare provider, I don t imagine that I will ever treat anyone who believes this
way because I wouldn t be able to practice with their doctor. I am sure if they did
decide to get medical treatment at a
Messenger Rna Research Paper
Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called
proteins. (A few genes produce other molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.)
The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell. It
consists of two major steps: transcription and translation. Together, transcription and
translation are known as geneexpression.
During the process of transcription, the information stored in a gene s DNA is
transferred to a similar molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus.
Both RNA and DNA are made up of a chain of nucleotide bases, but they have slightly
different chemical properties. The type of RNA that contains the information for
making a protein is called messenger RNA (mRNA) because it carries the
information, or message, from the DNA out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. ...
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The mRNA interacts with a specialized complex called a ribosome, which reads the
sequence of mRNA bases. Each sequence of three bases, called a codon, usually
codes for one particular amino acid. (Amino acids are the building blocks of
proteins.) A type of RNA called transfer RNA (tRNA) assembles the protein, one
amino acid at a time. Protein assembly continues until the ribosome encounters a stop
codon (a sequence of three bases that does not code for an amino acid).
The flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins is one of the fundamental
principles of molecular biology. It is so important that it is sometimes called the
Essay on The Delegation of Managers
The Delegation of Managers
The Oxford English Dictionary defines Delegation as The action of delivering or
assigning a thing to a person or to a purpose. Delegation is very important in the Air
Force and military in general. When managers do not delegate, they can become
overwhelmed. The concept of delegation can be difficult to master. I was a
Contracting Officer for 6 years. During that time, I not only saw delegation within the
military structure but also to the contractors we employed.
Delegation seems like an easy concept, but not everyone understands it and completes
it with confidence. Some managers use delegation to ensure that they are not the only
ones to blame in a failure. Some managers will delegate the difficult jobs ... Show
more content on ...
After market research was completed, we took over until the contract was negotiated
and awarded to a company. At that point, most of the responsibility was delegatedto
the Quality Assurance Advisor on service type contracts. This individual was in
charge of inspecting the contractors and verifying that the work was completed. Each
month, the contractor would submit an invoice for payment for that month. The
Quality Assurance Advisor would have to sign off on the invoice to ensure that the
work was completed and payment is justified. As a Contracting Officer, you are too
busy with negotiating other contracts and ensuring that the contractual part of all the
contracts are being adhered to. If there are problems, it is usually the Quality
Assurance Advisor that brings it to our attention. We can amend the contract or give
the contractor a notice, but we can t be at the site every day. For contracts for
supplies, the customer requesting and receiving the supplies simply let us know
when the item is received and correct. Once we are notified that the contract is
complete, we release the payment to the contractor. This type of delegation is
necessary for our office. The Quality Assurance Advisors must be recommended by
their commander and go through a lot of training before they can claim that title.
Some Quality Assurance Advisors are responsible for million dollar contracts.
The Electric Motor Company ( Tem Co
Executive Summary
The Electric Motor Company (TEM Co) aims to design and mass produce the first,
high performance and fully autonomous Electric Vehicle (EV). TEM Co will be a
pioneer in the autonomous EV sector. As the CEO I have established a bespoke
business model which makes us second to none.
There are two crucial components that will set us apart from the rest of the
automotive industry. The first being, mass production and the second one will be in
house production of essential manufacturing elements.
TEM Co has employed and developed exceptional engineering expertise to develop
two separate products. One is the EV, called Sonic and the other being a solar energy
power unit, called the PowerPac.
The two sectors of the company will have separate management and operational
teams working in separate divisions of the factory.
Sonic (Electric Vehicle):
Sonic will the world s first fully autonomous EV which will be mass produced for
the public. In addition to being an autonomous EV, Sonic will also be a high
performance car which will compete with some of the biggest brands in the super car
industry. TEM Co aims to lead the way to sustainable transportation for future
The PowerPac is the world s first solar energy converter and energy storage device.
TEM Co. aspires to produce solar panels and a lithium ion energy storage device
which will made available to the residential and commercial sector.
One of the main
Other Desert Cities Play Summary
On Sunday June 28th, 2015 I had the pleasure of viewing Other Desert Cities by
playwright Jon Robin Baitz. The play was put on by Performance Network Theatre
in Ann Arbor, Michigan directed by David Wolber. I saw this play because I
remembered performing in the space before with Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit
and I had never heard of Other DesertCities before. Other Desert Cities was an
amazing playto watch. This well directed drama will keep you at the edge of your
seat throughout the entire performance. There were only five character s and all
are worth noting: Sandra Birch (Silda) the recovering alcoholic who just got out of
rehab who is also Polly s sister, Bryan Lark (Trip) the youngest child, family referee
and TV producer, Hugh Maguire (Lyman), father, husband to Polly, ex film star
and now diplomat, Lea Smith (Brooke) the depressed daughter who carries an
immense amount of hatred for her parents and failed writer. Lastly, Naz Edwards
(Polly) a mother, wife, an old Hollywood screenwriter and a person who has had to
be strong for a long time which comes off as... Show more content on
All of the actors were believable and had great articulation and volume. Each
character was great but there were only two who stood out from among the rest, Naz
Edwards and Bryan Lark. Naz never lost her character. She stayed committed
throughout her entire performance. The amount of dedication she gives to her craft
is amazing and it shows throughout the play. Naz Edwards is a New York actress.
She has performed on and off Broadway, in tours and regionally across the United
States and Canada. Naz had arguably the hardest role in the entire play. She never
cracked a smile, or never allowed her face to show any sympathy for anyone else.
Bryan Lark, an up and coming actor gave the audience much needed laughter
throughout the play. With this being only his second play with the Performance
Network Theatre he did a fantastic job. Bryan and Naz were great assets to the
The Importance Of Cultural Competence In Cultural Care
Part 3: Analysis
The main ideas that Lisa Bourque Bearskin is stating in this article is that nurses
need to be more sensitive to cultural care. They need to be aware of the issues in
healthcare and strive to remove any barriers for certain groups, such as the first
nations, and they need to disrupt any unequal relations in the social, political and
historical aspect of healthcare. The way this can be done is by shifting their thoughts
from cultural competence to cultural safety by way of relational ethics. Cultural
competence is explained as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that nurses need to
use to care for cultural differences. Another framework described cultural competence
as going through the stages of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill,
cultural encounter, and cultural desire. Cultural competency works very well when
making policies in an agency but this view fosters a view of culture that does not
encourage nurses to ask questions. (Bearskin, 2011) Cultural Competence causes
different cultures to be put in a box, which cannot be done because cultures are
constantly changing and every person s culture is different. Culture is individual.
Lisa Bourque Bearskin goes on to say that cultural safety is what nurses should use
for ethical practice. In cultural safety, a nurse must strive to improve health care and
its access for all people, while recognizing that there are many different cultures that
have a right to be recognized. Bourque
Run Lola Run Essay Response
Question: Explain how media producers communicate a preferred reading to the
audience and why alternative readings might be made.
Response: Media producers create texts with an audience in mind, and while they try
to remain entertaining and original in most of their films they also need to ensure
that the audience is able to understand and engage with the text, and thus with the
preferred meaning, by using conventions and generally accepted techniques. Tom
Tykwer s independent, and unmistakably avant garde film, Run Lola Run in many
ways, defies Hollywood cinematic convention, but must also conform with audience
expectations in order to convey its intended themes. Tykver conveys a preferred
reading to his target audience that ... Show more content on ...
It is for this reason that the producer of a text targets a specific audience
demographic and tailors the text in order to position this specific audience to
accept the preferred meaning. For this reason, audiences from other contexts may
read the text in a wildly different manner. For example, in Run Lola Run, viewers
from a feminist subculture might look beyond the codes that Tykwer has used to
position them to see Lola as a representative of feminine power, and feel that she is
a poor role model for contemporary females. This alternative reading could be
formed because of Lola s subservience to Manni, and her unquestioning loyalty to
him from the very beginning of the movie, despite little effort on his part to save
himself. Furthermore, in all three of the film s realities, Lola s first source that she
seeks for help is a patriarchal figure, her father, in this way demonstrating her overall
helplessness despite her appearance of having power. In this way, audience members
may form an extreme feminist reading of the text, and thus resist the reading that
Tykwer is positioning them to accept. Another alternative reading that may be formed
of the text, is that it is offering a misandristic portrayal of the male characters within
the film. The audience is positioned to see Manni, Lola s father and the security guard
from the bank, the three males with the
The Visit To Visit A Visit In Mumbai
The hills are calling and we cannot wait! Drive down from Mumbai to these 8 hill
stations, now! Mumbai is not a city. It is a way of life! The cinema, big businesses,
the gastronomy, the tourism lets this city never sleep. However, the hustle and
bustle of this ever vibrating and ever pulsating city can sometimes get on to your
nerves and you may want to spend a few moments away from the electrifying city,
in the lap of MOTHER NATURE!So what are you waiting for? Got a few days?
Craving for some peace, surrounded by peaks? Or are you on a visit here? Are you
done with your hotel booking in Mumbai? It is time to explore the beauty of these
hill stations, a quick drive from any hotel in Mumbai. 1.LONAVALA: This exquisite
hill station enveloped by the Sahyadri Mountains, serves as an ideal destination for
mountaineering and trekking. Lonavala boasts of ancient caves, beautiful lakes,
historical forts, lush greenery and last but not the least the famous Indian sweet,
chikki. History lovers must visit Rajmachi Fort, Tikon Fort, Shreevardhan Fort,
Visapur Fort,Koregad Fort,Lohagad fort,Tunga fort, Karla Caves and the historical
Bhaja. You must visit Bushi dam,Valvan Dam, Tungarli Dam,Lonavala Lake and
Tungarli lake to make your travel experience priceless! A paradise for adventure
buffs is the Bhimshankar trail and the Scorpion s Sting Hill.The Bhairavnath Temple
is a must if you wish to witness devotion and religious festivity in picturesque
surroundings! At Rajmachi Wild
Waste and Pollution
Nearly everything we do leaves behind some kind of waste. Households create
ordinary garbage, while industrial and manufacturing processes create solid and
hazardous wastes.
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) more commonly known as trash or garbage consists of
everyday items we use and then throw away, such as product packaging, grass
clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and
batteries. This comes from our homes, schools, hospitals, and businesses.
Each year EPA produces a report on MSW generation, recyclingand disposal. In
2010, Americans produced about 250 million tons of MSW, or about 4.3 pounds of
waste per person per day.
EPA encourages practices that reduce the amount of waste... Show more content on ...
Consider the problems which may arise if zoning/zoning change is required. Do
not locate in a 100 year flood plain. After finding a number of sites which meet the
necessary criteria, submit a letter with the legal descriptions of the properties being
considered, so the North Dakota Department of Health, North Dakota Geological
Survey, and the North Dakota State Water Commission can evaluate the sites with
respect to topography and relief. No soil borings should be made until the
Department has determined if the proposed site is acceptable with respect to
topography and relief (this will save time and money). The Department will also
determine at that time the compliance of the site location with state and federal
laws (i.e., landfills must be one mile from an airport [airstrip] in which propeller
driven aircraft operate two miles for jet aircraft). No landfills will be sited in areas
that may adversely affect endangered and threatened species or critical habitat. A
good working knowledge of the North Dakota Solid Waste Management Rules is
needed so sites which obviously do not meet the rules can be
Global Warming Is The Environmental And Social
Global warming is the environmental and social changes caused by emissions of
greenhouse gases. Human activities have been the primary cause of this significant
change, resulting with extreme weather conditions, increasing sea levels, and climate
changes. In this paper I will compare and contrast natural versus anthropogenic
climate changes of global warming, mitigation strategies, mitigation effectiveness,
policy implications, costs, and address some policy changes to help stabilize global
Natural Climate change
The Earth has been experiencing a considerable amount of climate change for the last
several decades. Natural factors that contribute to the climate system consist of: solar
output, volcanic activity and earth s orbit around the sun. The two factors relevant on
timescales of contemporary climate exist in volcanic activity and changes in solar
radiation. The earth s energy balance primarily influences the amount of incoming
energy from volcanic eruptions, which have a relatively short term effect on climate.
Changes in solar output have contributed greatly to climate trends over the past
century. The effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been at least ten times
that of changes in the Sun s output and the ocean covers more than 70 percent of the
earth s surface, receiving twice the amount of earth s radiation. Although the sun is
the engine that drives all the weather, oceans and atmosphere control the sun s energy
along certain
Burger King Argumentative Analysis
One of the first hamburger chain was born more than 100 years ago. Since then
hundreds of burger chains have prospered; top competitors today are McDonald s,
Wendy s, Burger King. And this argument discusses why Burger King is the best
burger chain among those three.
By stating straightforward, Mcdonald s share the most in the hamburger industry.
However, Burger King is much better than McDonald s business wise, taste wise,
and charity wise. Burger King was founded in 1954, and is the second largest
hamburger chain in the world. Burger King serves in 79 countries and every day,
more than 11 million people come to Burger King around the world.
Although McDonald s is the largest company with 68 million people visiting
everyday and serving in 119 countries, Burger King is beating McDonald s in
business. McDonald s sales are declining. According to CNN, McDonald s had a
2% drop in sales in July 2015, also they are planning to close about 500 restaurants
in 2016. This means less and less people are going to McDonald s. Meanwhile,
according to the Wall Street Journal, Burger King had 9.6 percent increase in its
sales in April 2015, it also had an 8% increase in July 2015, and 11.2% increase in
October 2015. This statistics mean more and more people are coming to Burger
King. Burger King has been growing non stop since 2012 is the fastest growing
company. The reason behind the growth of Burger King is its advertising tactics.
Burger King sells unique burgers, such as
My Desire to Work in Game Development
As a child all I wanted to do was rule the world, I noticed early on in my childhood
that all aspects of computer games development especially programming and
games design could help me accomplish this. I have been playing computer games
since before even the PlayStation 2 was released when my brother got a
PlayStation from a another family member. For as much as I have enjoyed,
experienced a wide range of platforms, games and retain my love for this form of
entertainment. One of my favourite games of all time is Kingdom Hearts, on the
PlayStation 2 and developed by Square (later Square Enix); it played brilliantly, was
graphically superb and had a perfect soundtrack.
My resolve of wanting to develop games in the future using the variety of platforms
that would be available, in empowering new technology, I can see that computer
games programme gives solid groundwork within computer science to determine
ideal. It would give the necessary skills, knowledge to learn and evolve with and
within growing industry.
Most of time spent reading books similarly comic books/manga etc. such as e.g.
Charlie Higson s The Fear, Darren Shan s The Saga of Darren Shan, Online game
magazines, such as PCGamer, Gamasutra, where I keep up to date with the latest
news in the games industry, reading game reviews, learn about different aspects of a
career in game development and much more. During June 2013, I attended The
Rezzed Expo, a fair for current Game Developers and prospective students who
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Personal Quotes
September 11, 2001, was an unforgettable day that changed America forever.
Thousands of lives were lost in this tragedy, like Oskar s father. In the beginning of
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Oskar mentions the Reconnaissance
Expedition he and his father used to play on Sundays. After his dad passed away,
Oskar s determination to complete expeditions remains, but now a different goal
arises: to find the lock to the key found in his father s room that will help Oskar to
stop missing his father. Even though Oskar knows his father is dead, this adventure
is Oskar s way of receiving closure and coping with the loss of his father. During his
journey of finding the lock, Oskar often gets heavy boots which is his metaphor of
being burdened with emotions due to everything in his life that weighs him down. In
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foers use of the motif heavy
boots throughout the novel highlights that it is normal to experience grief, but there
are various ways to do so.
Oskar spends much of his life attempting to find some restitution about the loss of
his father. In the story, Ruth tells Mr. Black and Oskar many facts about the
Empire State Building in New York City: That gave me heavy boots because it
reminded me of the lock that I still hadn t found, and how until I found it, I didn t
love dad enough (Foer 251). Oskar s feeling of grief and guilt about his dad s death
bothers him; he feels in order to actually love his dad and get rid of his lament to
receive closure, he must find the lock. Due to the disappointment of discovering
that the lock has no connection to his father, Oskar has to invent closure to end
feeling heavy boots by creating a fantasy world in which he and his father are safe.
The book s final pages are a flip book of photos of a man, possibly his father, falling
to his death from the World Trade Center. Oskar reverses the photos so that when
you flip them, the man falls up. He creates a fictional story in which his Dad is still
alive. Even though the quest doesn t give Oskar the closure he expected, it does help
him appreciate the time he did have with his Dad.
Furthermore, some tend to mourn by engaging in their hobbies and interests. Alice
Island Fox Research Paper
The island foxes (Urocyon littoralis) are a unique species of small carnivores that
only live on the Channel Islands located off the coast of Southern California. The
island fox is about 12 inches high, weights 2.5 to 6 pounds, and has a grizzled gray
hair color along the top of the head and back. Along the abdomen, neck and legs it
has a more cinnamon coloring, and white along the cheeks and throat to the chest
(Friends of the Island Fox, 2012). According to Levy (2010) Island foxes are a
keystone species. They play a powerful role in controlling various prey species in the
island ecosystem including the island spotted skunk, deer mouse, and black rat
populations. The California Channel Islands consist of eight islands and on ... Show
more content on ...
According to Clifford et al., The total population for the species in 1994 was
approximately 6,000 adults but current population size is less than half that, and
island foxes have declined by over 90% on four of six islands (p. 442). By 1995
ecological monitoring on San Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands in the national park had
detected rapid and alarming declines in the populations of island foxes there Faced
with the imminent extinction of three island fox subspecies, NPS convened ad hoc
recovery team in 1999 to assess the status on the northern Channel Islands and to
recommend emergency recovery actions. The team, comprising experts in canid
conservation, endangered species management, and raptor research and management,
concluded that island foxes were rapidly declining toward extinction on the northern
Channel Islands. National Park began emergency recovery actions in 1999, with the
objectives being to remove the primary mortality factor now affecting island foxes,
and to recover island fox populations to viable levels through captive breeding. On
the Channel Islands, the golden eagle predation had been confirmed as the primary
Roman Ruins
Rome is one of the brilliant empires of the past, one of which left behind numerous
ruins in their fall. Though Italy contains the majority of Roman ruins Spain is the go
to for Roman ruins. The ruins in Spain are must see because of the unique ruins there,
history of their uses, and the different cultures that existed there. To begin with, the
Roman Empirewas vast and had territory across Europe and more, but in Spain
many one of a kind structures were built which have since outlived their uses and
become ruins. For instance, The Alhambra is a famous ruin and unique because it
is of its history and importance to Spain. The article Why take the time to visit
Alhambra Spain by Janet Connors she states, The Alhambra has plenty of history to
attract tourists, but it s importance to Spain is much more profound. The history
makes it a place like no other. This is because of its rich history and influence to
Spain as a whole. In another article The Resilient Roman Ruins of Spain this time
by Ryan Howland, he lists some unique ruins like The Aqueduct in Segovia, The
City of Merida, and Italica. Though those are only a few they are some of the
amazing and... Show more content on ...
In the article Discover Toledo, Spain by Julie Kellogg she states that Toledo Spain
is known as the City of Three Cultures because of its ruins Christian, Jewish, and
Muslim cultures. The ruins in Spain show the panning coexistence of those three
cultures displaying a history only found in Spain. Visiting these ruins in Spain will
allow you to see the history of Spain s culture. Another example of various cultures
in Spain is the Alhambra when she states It provides an example of the many
different cultures and people who have ruled the lands of Spain throughout history .
The Alhambra was ruled by the Muslims as a palace and then the Christians as a
court. The Alhambra in Spain and Toledo as displays the many cultures that existed
Bioethics in Medicine, Exemplified by the Karen Ann...
It is accepted that the advances in resuscitation techniques, initiated and influenced
the evolution of bioethics by bringing to the fore the questions of:
(i)just allocation of scarce medical resource, health care
(ii)the nature of being , and
(iii)the proper purpose of medicine.
The main issues that caused the emergence, or the study and introduction of bioethics
was the introduction of modern technology in medicine in the form of respirators and
artificial heart machines. The media attention to the Karen Ann Quinlan case made
the issues public. The Karen Ann Quinlan case serves as a perfect example of these
new issues. She was diagnosed with a persistent vegetative state, and her life was
sustained with a respirator and ... Show more content on ...
This implies a downgrading of the importance of the human body.
The most important lesson learned from this case was the revising of medical
treatment. Medicine should treat patients as autonomous subjects. Thus came about
the development of autonomy based ethics principles. Ethics needs principles four
can encompass the rest and the respect for autonomy should be first among equals .
(Gillon, 2003)
The limitations regarding, the right to life was a topical issue at the time of the
Karen Quinlan case. The court ruled that the decision should be in the hands of
ethics committees, another important realisation from the Quinlan case ruling.
Many ethics committees were formed to make the decisions. Hospitals and all
extended care facilities got an ethics committee. It was thought that they should be
the decision making body in the future. However, it is now the opinion of experts
that the authority of the ethics committees is limited. Any decision must belong to
patients, and/ or their proxy. Out of this case there has also developed advanced
health directives, which led to a society becoming aware of the need to create
living wills as to what family members were to do or not to do in conditions of
extraordinary medical care. The power of attorney also came to the forefront. Many
people today would recognise the name of Terry Schiavo. Karen
The Best Knight In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Within literature, there are many figures that readers can choose to remember. These
figures can possess many attributes that give reasons for them to be remembered by.
For literature based upon the Arthurian time written in the 14th century, there are
many examples of people that should be remembered. In particular, a figure that is
important to remember is Sir Gawain, from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. This
paper will be arguing that Gawain is remembered as the best knight in Sir Gawain
and The Green Knight because while he is not a perfect knight he still shows
many aspects of what it is like to be courtly and heroic therefore a great example to
look up to. Sir Gawain was a great knight in Arthur s court; in many cases, he
showed examples of being heroic. This allows people who read Sir Gawain and
The Green Knight to remember him because of the ways he portrayed heroism.
One example of Gawain being heroic is when he takes on the task by the green
knight: I am the weakest, well I know, and of wit feeblest; and the loss of my life
would be least of any; That I have you for uncle is my only praise; My body, but
for your blood, is barren of worth (Borroff, 12). Sir Gawain shows that he is heroic
and someone to be remembered because of how he took on the task presented by
The Green Knight instead of letting Arthur go. His heroism is also explained in The
Hero and His Adventure: He is presented in traditional heroic situations such as being
equipped in armour and
Symbolism In The House Of The Scorpion
Have you ever thought about further meanings being held by symbols in books that
you ve read? Symbolism is defined as the use of symbols to represent ideas or
qualities. The definition of symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something
else, especially a material object representing something abstract. In Nancy Farmer s
novel, The House of the Scorpion, several symbols are utilized; each of these
symbols provide greater insight into the characters of El Patron, Celia, and
Esperanza, allowing a reader to deeper understand both the characters and the novel.
A few of the characters in The House of the Scorpion are shown through symbols in
the novel. The scorpion symbolhelps tell more about El Patron as far as the way he
acts, his personality,... Show more content on ...
On page thirty two Matt says that La Llorona called out into the night, Ooooo . . .
Ooooo. Where are my babies? At this time in the novel, a reader would not even
know that Esperanza existed. Esperanza is actually Maria s mother, and the author
throws out small hints at that. On page thirty three Maria says Stop it! I told you
to stop it! Don t you ever listen? From that, the reader can automatically
comprehend that for some reason Maria doesn t like the story Matt is telling her.
She doesn t think that she has a mother at all, so this upsets her. She can relate to it.
It s implied that La Llorona technically is Esperanza calling out for Maria. This tells
her identity and who she really is. From all of this, the reader can guess why it
bothers Maria and infer that she might indeed have a real mother after
Sequoia National Park Conservation
Will most special places in America constantly be beautiful and sacred? There is one
thing positive that the nature cannot be frozen in time, it will continue to innovate
and develop. The national parks protect the best of our natural heritage: stunning
landscapes, extraordinary wildlife, and majestic forests. However, a climatechange
forces us to accept that those national parks are endangered and need to be protected.
Warming temperature has become the nation s superior issue that impacted the
balance of the animals and their habitats in the national parks. Over centuries, without
the cooperation of the community, it will not be possible to achieve the preservation
of the national park system.
The parks have attained international conservation ... Show more content on ...
Understanding of adaptive capacity and regional vulnerability to climate change on
forests is not well developed and requires more focused research efforts. They
acknowledged the reality of human caused climate change was a political act, and the
Park Service doesn t discuss politics with its visitors. Mankind activities have
damaged dreadfully to the resources and polluted the environment. Therefore, it
becomes a threat to the nature and effects the climate in the parks. Increasing
drought and disturbance risks will cause adverse effects on the nature itself. These
negative impacts are very likely to outweigh positive trends in these national parks.
Park managers began setting controlled fires in forests where natural wildfires had
long been suppressed; they reintroduced species that had vanished, such as wolves
and bighorn sheep. The ecologist and park manager have tried many ways to get the
nature under control and change it the scientific way. They want to avoid the
significant impact of natural disaster that caused damages on animal and habitats.
They ignored the fact that nature itself, left to its own devices, does not tend toward
a steady, state landscapes and ecosystems are always being changed by storms or
Essay about Community Health and Population Focused...
Application of Community Health and Population Focused Nursing
VWT Task 1
Cassidi Roberts
Western Governors University
Community Health and Population Focused Nursing McKinney, Texas is unique
by nature . As one of the fastest growing cities in the US, McKinney has a current
population of more than 149,000, located 30 miles north of Dallas and is the seat
of Collin County. McKinney offers rolling hills, lush trees, a historic downtown
square and unique neighborhoods and developments. The city ranks number 2 in
the CNN s Money Magazine Best Places to Live in America s list (Live Edit, n.d.).
According to the US Census Bureau (2010), McKinney was one of the most
populous places to live with a census of 54,369 in 2000 and ... Show more content on ...
The Windshield Survey and aspects of the Community and Population Health
Scavenger Hunt harvested reason to look beyond the surface of this picturesque
town. Using the Windshield Survey as a method to see McKinney from a different
perspective allowed time to make observations about the community that have been
overlooked for years going through the motions of life. Some of the reflections made
by using this survey include that the town is very well kept, shops and restaurants
surround nice residential areas, and many people were out walking, running, or riding
bicycles which supported why McKinney has the highest ranking for overall health in
the state of Texas. Personal observations of the community in conjunction with
visiting one of the eight local Fire/EMS stations and the local hospital allowed
development and understanding of the Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory.
In addition to visiting the local fire department, the Community and Population
Scavenger Hunt was also used when meeting with the local Emergency Management
Director for Collin County and the Medical Director of Emergency Services for the
local hospital. Although McKinney is unique in nature, it is not unique in the fact
that disaster could strike the community at any time without warning, and may come
in form of severe weather, pandemic, hazardous materials or terrorism. Information
The Red Candle In Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club
The great battle of books vs movies is never ending. A book provides insight of the
characters feelings while a movie needs to evoke emotions in a shorter time frame.
The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, was adapted into a film in 1993. Unlike
the Harry Potter series Amy Tan cowrote the screenplay, meaning she had the
ultimate decision of what makes it in the movie. Comparing both was quite
interesting knowing that Amy Tan could ve kept The Red Candle story and kept a
clean view of the aunts in the story. The book The Joy Luck Clubwas a novel of
intertwined stories of four women and their daughters. Reading each story was like
finding a puzzle piece that lead to fully understand the characters. One of the
important stories used in the book was The Red Candle. The Red Candle is a the
symbol of marriage in China and the marriage was considered complete if the candle
remained burning through their marriage night. Lindo Jong purposely blew out the
candle and decided that she... Show more content on ...
The four women supported each other and they became a family of their own. When
Suyuan Woo passed away the remaining three; Lindo, Ying Yang and An Mei sent
letters to find the twins Suyuan abandoned in China to inform them of the
information. Once the twins were found they paid for a trip to China for June Woo
to visit her sisters. In contrast the movie made the group of women seem a bit
manipulative. When they found the twins instead of informing them of their mother
s death, they pretended that their mother was coming to visit rather than June.
Leaving June to explaining that their mother died years ago right after getting off
the ship. The change made June s trip to China more dramatic than it was in the
book which wasn t completely necessary. I think the portrayal of the group of
women during that scene didn t do the book s description justice, All it did was add a
dramatic touch to the end of the
Runaway and Homeless Youth
Homelessness is a real serious health issue all over the world that must be
addressed. A lot of people in a public frequently misunderstand the cause of
homelessness. Remarks regarding homeless people such as they need to just get a
job or go to school are normally used liberally by members of society because they
neglect to look at the complete issue. Homelessnessdoes not discriminate. Individuals
that have previously experience or may experience being homeless can be from
different regions, have different cultural backgrounds, ages, and could be of any
gender. Minorities seem to be mostly affected by homelessness. A study done in 2012
found that the homeless population is consisted of 39% non Hispanic Whites, 42%...
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A total of 61,597 youth were served last year.
On average, 1,721 youth were sheltered at Covenant House every night of the year in
A total of 628,267 nights of shelter were provided.
Residential and Community Service Center programs cared for 25,577 youth.
Outreach served an additional 36,020 youth nearly five thousand more than in 2011.
NINELINE received 8,176 crisis calls.
Acercatel (Mexico helpline) received 4,775 crisis calls.
Covenant House received a three star charity rating from Charity Navigator,
America s premier independent charity evaluator, indicating that Covenant House
exceeds or meets industry standards and performs as well as or better than most
charities in its Cause. Covenant House also meets all 20 of the comprehensive and
demanding standards of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance (The
Covenant House 2014). The prevention program I will be designing will strive to
work as hard for the community like The Covenant House. Home away from Home
is a homeless shelter for youths, children, and runaways between the ages 13 20 that
have been emancipated. The program will be dedicated to transforming the lives of
homeless, runaway and threaten youth during the course of safe, supportive, and
encouraging relationships and helpful and innovative services that influence them
toward independence. It is a nonprofit agency that will provide comprehensive
Alejandro Gonzalez Film Techniques
The illustrious screenwriter and film director, Alejandro Gonzalez IГ±arritu, has
been showing unlimited resources in different genres in a meritorious career
spanned for more than 15 years. He s the author of memorable films that were able
to resist the difficult test of time, cases of the stylish dramatic thrillers, Amores
Perros and 21 Grams , the pungent dramas, Babel and Biutiful , and the deliciously
weird black comedy, Birdman , with which he won the Academy s prestigious prizes
for best picture, original screenplay, and best director. All of them exhibit a superior
quality that allows me to consider him an essential contemporary filmmaker. His new
cinematic creation, The Revenant , a riveting wintry western set in the 1980 s... Show
more content on ...
The phenomenal Tom Hardy is John Fitzgerald, the religious villain responsible
for this cruel decision. He plays it so confidently that we can easily detect an
uncontrollable madness in his eyes and the evil nature in every little move he
makes and word he says. Brilliantly directed and evincing an ingenious camerawork,
The Revenant is simultaneously a murky revenge tale and a rewarding survival
odyssey that held my attention from the first to the last minute. Thus, it s not the
traditional cowboys and indians flick (there are also mischievous French soldiers
trying to profit), even considering that the excitement of those is present along the
powerful, primitive story that unfolds with action and tension. The protagonist, not
only came to the conclusion that revenge is in God s hands , as he had listened
before from a friendly Pawnee Indian who had lost his family killed by the
belligerent Sioux, but he also realizes that his path and deliverance were works from
Building Structure And Envelope Of An Advanced
In this report, it will analyses the building structure and envelope of an advanced
engineering building at UQ. The report will put the emphasis on some aspects which
include the construction documentation, building configuration building element
design and building loading and load transfer to the foundation. From another
perspective, the report will also illustrate the project s sites structure which includes
site conditions, material used, interfaces with pre existing structure/infrastructure.
Basically, by using various of site or the whole building drawings, some significant
building components can be recognized. These building components will be
discussed and analyzed specifically, which include their particular location in the
drawing and how they function in the building structure. Introduction of this building
The building is located in Brisbane QLD; the area is about 18000.0 m2. The project
was finished in 2013. The building has achieved certified 5 star green ratings
representing Australian Excellence in environmental initiatives. Also, to achieve the
goal of energy efficiency, some building service and feature have been improved. For
example, the thermal labyrinth to store cool overnight, VSD fans and pumps, high
performance double glazing and openable louvres and windows with cross flow via
the atrium. Construction documentation The construction documentation is
consisting of structural and architectural cover sheets. The structural section can be
Ishtar Gate Research Paper
Another spectacular structure in Babylon is the Ishtar Gate. The Ishtar gate is the
eighth and final entrance to the city of Babylon, but it is the main way to enter the
city on special occasions. The Ishtar Gate was constructed by the means of
Nebuchadnezzar around 575 BC. He built this to make his city beautiful and full
of life along with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Ishtar Gate was originally
one of the Seven Wonders of the World like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but
was removed and replaced with something suppodsly better than this beautiful gate
and the walls that surround it. Ishtar was named after the goddess that was
worshiped by the means of the people who are located in Babylon. Ishtar was the
goddess of love, war, fertility, and sex.... Show more content on ...
The dragons represent the god of Marduk. Marduk was a god, but historians
believe what he was god of is unclear because of the fact that it is very complicated,
and they do not have enough evidence to support it. The tiles of the actual gate
were glazed blue tiles. The blue tiles are believed to come from lapis lazuli which
is a metamorphic rock packed with the dense, rich mineral called lazurite. After
entering and passing through the gatehouse, a long, straight path called the
Processional Way runs into Babylon. This is about half a mile long paved with red
brick on the outer parts and yellow brick in the middle. Each of the bricks used to
make the path have a inscription underneath them. The inscriptions are small
prayers from King Nebuchadnezzar to Marduk the god. The walls are estimated at
about fifty feet high, and the wall are lined with around one hundred and twenty
lions made of gold, brown, and yellow bricks. The lions represent the goddess that
the whole gate is named after, Ishtar.175 The Processional Way was used for the
New Year s celebration, through which statues of the deities would parade down. This
beautiful and lively path led to the temple that Marduk was worshiped
Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis Case Study
The patient s symptoms along with the lab results provided a very similar match to
Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis. Acalculous Cholecystitis refers to inflammation of
the gallbladder where gallstones are NOT the contributing factor. This is significant
because patient had a negative test result for gallstones. In this case, i think that it
was most likely caused by an increase in bile viscosity that occurs from stasis. And in
turn, leads to blockage of the cystic duct. The cystic duct connects the gallbladder to
the common bile duct.
Also the CT scan displayed gallbladder wall thickening (greater than 3mm),
subserosal halo,pericholecystic fluid (without ascites or hypoalbumenia),mucosal
sloughing and intramural gas. According to Imwong s radiology notes, this is the
major criteria to look for in order to match the scanned image to the inflammatory
Other criteria of Acute Acalculous Cholecystitisis leukocytosis with a left shift and an
elevated alkaline phosphatase level. Both of these were present in the patient.
Acute acalculous cholecystitis is suggested if a patient has no gallstones but shows a
thickened gallbladder wall and pericholecystic fluid. It wasn t clear about the muprhy
sign but the thickened gallbladder wall and pericholescystic fluid are present. ... Show
more content on ...
This is reported in many cases of acute acalculous cholestytitis.There is tenderness
and palpatations of the epigastric region. The epigastric region includes parts of the
esophagus, the stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, kidneys and spleen. These
organs are also part of the digestive, endocrine, excretory and lymphatic regions. The
patient s fever( 100.3) and vomiting can be the response of the cholecystitis not
being treated sooner and may indiciate an infection. AAC is also more prevalent in
males. Nearly, all of the symptoms and test results reported provide a match for
How To Write An Essay About Atlantic City
Atlantic City isn t always just the sandy beaches, the many gaming options, the fine
food, nightlife and world class entertainment. Sometimes the biggest thrill is the size
of your posh luxury suite inside one of Atlantic City s most luxurious resorts like the
Royal Suites at The Atlantic Palace. Half of your vacation pictures may be taken
from the inside your Atlantic City hotels marble bath or from the hotel s private
lounge, reserved for guests only . Set on the beautiful Jersey shore, Atlantic City
hotelsoffer views that expand for miles across the vast sea. Whether you want to
hop off the elevator and right into the poker room or are more interested in
perfecting your golf game at one of the nearby courses, you ll find several hotels...
Show more content on ...
With four towers featuring kings, two queens or two double beds, there s definitely a
comfortable room to meet your standards.
Trump Taj Mahal the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, for instance, offers theme
suites with one or two bedrooms, two full baths and a living room with dining area.
The penthouse suites are fittingly styled after famous historic figures such as
Alexander the Great, King Tut, Napoleon, Kublai Khan, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da
Vinci and Cleopatra and are designed with these notables in mind. The Trump Taj
Mahal also offers twenty four hour in room dining service and information
assistance, as well as three lounges: The Taj Princess Lounge, The Oasis Lobby Bar
and The Rainforest.
The Ascot Motel one of the best Atlantic city motels is located in Atlantic City, N.J.
The motel is one block from the casinos of Atlantic City, the Atlantic City Boardwalk
and the shopping and dining of The Quarter. Atlantic City International Airport is 14
miles away.
The motel serves complimentary continental breakfasts. Complimentary coffee and a
microwave are available in the lobby. An outdoor pool is open seasonally. Garage
parking is
A Pre-Mayan City Tlum Research Paper
Tulum was a pre Columbian Mayan walled city; it was a port for Coba. There are
many ruins spread out along the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula and they are on
top of 12 meter cliffs. They are in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico in the
Caribbean Sea. Tulum was one of the last to be taken in control of the Maya and
managed to survive 70 years after Spanish began entering Mexico. Tulum and its
surrounding areas are all popular sites for tourists. Tulum was at one point known
as Zama, meaning City of Dawn, because it faces the sunrise. It faces the east
towards the Caribbean Sea. Tulum is the Yucatan Mayan word for fence, trench, or
wall. Tulum was a place for worship in some cases and it had both land and sea trade
routes. The Tulum fort
A True War Story In Tim OBrien s The Things They Carried
Only the dead have seen the end of war unknown. In Tim O Brien s The Things
They Carried, he tells us what a true war story is. Throughout chapter 7, he writes
what he believes is a true war story. It s through evil, disbelief, embarrassment, and
hidden meanings in Mary Anne s trip to Vietnam that we know what a true warstory
is. The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong is a perfect example of a true war story. In
a war, nothing ever hangs onto the good; it always grabs on to the evil.
Rat Kiley said, At the girl s throat was a necklace of human tongues. Elongated and
narrow, like pieces of blackened leather, the tongues were threaded along a length of
copper wire, one tongue overlapping the next, the tips curled upward as if caught in
a final shrill syllable (105 106).
A young girl with a tongue necklace isn t the thing someone would expect to see
from her. It s obscene behavior for a girl, especially in this time period. Many
people eat animal tongues; it isn t seen as weird behavior, but Mary Anne wears
them. The aspect of the human tongues makes it wicked and vile. O Brien wrote,
And then one morning, all alone, Mary Anne walked off into the mountains and did
not come back. No body was ever found (110). Mary Anne became one with Vietnam
during the time she was there. Eventually she blended in with the landscape and felt
at home with it. Not often do people hear stories of others just disappearing. It s
insane to willingly walk out to the mountains in a foreign
The Island of Menstruating Men
The Island of Menstruating Men
The men and women on Wogeo both lead very different lives, this is made clear by
the distinct rituals that each sex participates in throughout their life, the roles held in
tribal events as well as the strict customs that are adhered to in the daily life. Now,
though the men and women have very different customs that they practice, both
sexes of Wogeo are noticeably similar on a social scale. The truth is that on the
island of Wogeo the tribes are maledominated. Through practiced customs and social
norms the women of Wogeo are able to increase their social status to be on par with
that of the men.
The people of Wogeo have very specific traditions and rites of passage ceremonies
that are held throughout a ... Show more content on ...
One of these rituals shows just how women hold more power in Wogeo than in other
parts of the word, the incising of the penis. All the males of Wogeo practice artificial
menstruation to mimic the natural menstruation of women. Artificial menstruation is
done because it is believed that the exiting blood takes the toxins with it and
artificial menstruation needs to be done every so often to remain healthy and
spiritually clean. Many of the men consider women lucky to get there period
naturally. Also, in a social aspect, men are seen to be particularly helpless until
women came along. This is told by stories of the culture heroes which mostly
consisted of women.
The women of Wogeo only undergo one rite of passagewhich occurs on the first
menstruation. Unlike the various rites of passages for men, the purpose for the
women s ceremony is seemingly more oriented toward that of celebration. The males
look to have an idea of what goes on but have absolutely no interest in what goes on
during the ceremony. It s rather amusing the displeasure that the ceremony causes
them. Hogbin writes
The sound of shrieking, borne on the wind, was clearly audible in the village, and
soon the younger men and youths were making known their profound irritation. They
objected to the women s being so blatant in asserting enjoyment. I m deafened said
one, grossly exaggerating, as he waved his fist in the air. They ought to be planting
American Me Psychology
Film Report on American Me : A Therapeutic Perspective Taj Gunter: March 2008
American Me is a fictional film having a factual basis, starring and directed by
Edward James Olmos. Released to the national theater circuit in 1992, American Me
depicts the life of Rodolfo Cadena, a ranking Carnal (gang member) in the prison
gang La Eme, also known as the Mexican Mafia. To therapeutically approach the
salience and pervasiveness of gang membership, including its allure and reinforcers,
would be a challenging task for any human service practitioner involving accuracy of
assessment and effectiveness of treatment. However, endeavoring to find and
implement such therapeutic... Show more content on ...
If the counselor s expertise is not comprehensive enough to cover Santana s entire
scope of needs, the counselor should not hesitate to refer out his client to another
service provider who specializes in that specific area of need. Common referral needs
for Santana might include: substance abuse assessment and treatment, domestic
violence education (adolescent/cultural component), ESL services, anger
management, academic tutoring, and mental health services (re: psychiatric
counseling and/or pharmopsychiatric treatment). The culturally skilled counselor
attempting a cross cultural approach would be cognizant of his/her own tendencies
toward personal bias and stereotyping of Santana s appearance and attitude, as well
as the very likely possibility of his client being on the receiving end of ridicule and
criticism from others negatively stereotyping him as lazy, uneducated, or a drug
runner just because he is Latino. Effective management and control of personal
biases pave the way for open dialogue and the establishment of a clinical trust or
professional bond that ideally leads to the discovery of core issues within the client
that can subsequently be addressed. The therapeutic objective would fall within the
target area of working with Santana toward the establishment of both personally
(need) gratifying and socially acceptable incentives that would reinforce behaviors
and self perceptions independent of
Provision of Care for Patient with HIV
Provision of Care for Patient with HIV:
As a global epidemic, HIV has created several challenges for doctors and health
care facilities since it represents an overwhelming public health crisis. While there
are various factors that contribute to its spread, initiatives to combat the virus are
usually influenced by the availability of human and financial resources. In the past
few years, several measures have been undertaken to help curb the spread of the
virus and its effects on patients. These initiatives are primarily divided into two
categories i.e. provision of care to patients and treatment of the virus. One of the
major ways in which HIV patients are provided with care is through policy and
programming that is centered on HIV and AIDS related care (Ogden, Esim Grown,
2006, p.333). Generally, caring for a patient with HIV needs significant time and
resources, which has contributed to the shift of clinical care to the home and
The provision of care for patient with HIV includes a series of various steps in the
care continuum in the home and the community. The first step is follow up care that
is built on strong routine screening processes, which help in early identification of
infected persons ( Connecting HIV Infected Patients to Care , 2009). Regular
screening contributes to early diagnosis and treatment that can considerably enhance
the health of the infected patients and prevent new infections. The second step is
connecting to care through proper
The Stanford Prison Study
The aim of the Stanford Prison experiment was to investigate how readily people
would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a role playing exercise that
simulated prison life. In 1971, Philip Zimbardo, the leader of the experiment,
converted a basement of the Stanford University psychology building into a
simulated prison. He advertised for students to play the roles of prisoners and
guards for a fortnight. Subjects were randomly assigned to play the role of prisoner
or guard . Those assigned to play the role of guard were given batons and special
sunglasses, making eye contact with prisoners impossible. However, we learnt that
The study created more new questions than it answered, about the amorality and
darkness that inhabits the human psyche. (Shuttleworth, no date). It s interesting to
note that even though Zimbardo picked only students with no psychological
problems, medical disabilities, or a history of crime or drug abuse, conditions in the
mock prison were so dreadful that one of the prisoners was authorised to be realised
after just 36 hours due to bursts of screaming, crying and anger. There was a huge
lack of informed consent during... Show more content on ...
They recreated the original ad, and then ran a separate ad omitting the phrase prison
life. They found that the people who responded to the two ads scored differently on a
set of psychological tests. Those who thought that they would be participating in a
prison study had significantly higher levels of aggressiveness, authoritarianism,
Machiavellianism, narcissism, and social dominance, and they scored lower on
measures of empathy and altruism ((Konnikova,
Essay On LIS
Library and Information Science (LIS) education in India is presently growing very
fast as a subject with a multidisciplinary approach. Now a sdays LIS education not
only includes library related subjects but it has so many extensions like computer
application, statistics, mathematics, management studies and operational research.
LIS education in India has expanded since independence in the form of increase in
number of LIS departments in the universities and institutions offering specialized
courses in LIS and in the increase in number of students as well as courses. Research
has also been initiated and accelerated in different facets of the subject with the
support of the universities and different funding agencies (Satija, ... Show more
content on ...
While Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) is offered by 105
universities, Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) courses is provided
by 78 universities and 21 universities offer two year integrated courses . Seventeen
universities provide M.Phil in Library and Information Science, 53 universities
provide Ph.D in Library and Information Science and 2 universities provide D.Litt
Degree (Jain, Kaur, Babbar, 2007).
Different Courses of LIS:
The different LIS courses available in India, including regular and distance education,
are as follows:
1.Certificate course in Library and Information Science (C.Lib.Sc)
2.Diploma in Library and Information Science
3.B.Lib.Sc. /BLIS (Bachelor Degree in Library and Information Science)
4.M.Lib.Sc. /MLIS (Master Degree in Library and Information Science)
5.MS LIS (Master of Science in Library and Information Science)
6.M.Phil (Master of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science
7.Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science
8.D.Litt in Library and Information Science (Banaras Hindu University and Utkal
A Realist Look
The End of St. Petersburg: A Realist Look
Two years ago, I made my first film. It was called Freelance and I wanted to make a
more realistic looking film. I don t like quick cutting or jump cuts. So, I wanted to
have longer takes, pans, and medium shots. I would only use close ups only when it
was necessary. I always felt that having too much cutting in a film, jump cuts, and too
many close ups took away from the viewer. I felt that it wouldn t leave any room for
development and give the audience an unsatisfied understanding of the characters
development. Too much cutting would still allow you to watch the whole story,
however it would not let you question any motives or even allow you breathing space
to compile all the things you ... Show more content on ...
This is where they manipulate the audience and thus preventing them from
formulating their own meanings. As for Realism, the materials in reality should be
able to speak for themselves. Realists strive mainly for allowing the audience to
interpret their work in their own ways, by allowing abstractions, questions, or
interpretations to come out. This is accomplished by intentional ambiguity and not
emphasizing any specific aspects of their film. Realists achieve and rely heavily on
cinematography, not editing, or doing so as little as possible. As for cinematography,
that includes long shots, wide screen, lengthy takes, deep focus, panning, craning, or
Realists allow the audience to make observations that they should make and
opinions instead of being guided by a filmmaker s desired reactions. However, a
director should put his personal vision and beliefs into his or her film but let the
people decide what they think. As for me and my film Freelance, I wanted to leave
questions about the people that you see throughout the film. Was there a back
story? Do you feel like the character had some personality? And I left an open
ending to my film. I used everything that a realist would have for the
cinematography. I left out as much as I could for editing. I look back at the 1920s
and 1930s films and I look at Vsevolod Pudovkin s The End of St. Petersburg and I
think to myself Wow, how far we have come to make better
Causes Of The Birmingham Bombing
One of the most remarkable events during the Civil Rights Movement was the
Birmingham Church Bombing. This event took place on an early Sunday
morning in 1963, just before the early service started at the Sixteenth Street Baptist
church in Birmingham, Alabama. Nineteen sticks of dynamite had been placed
beneath the church steps in the basement below; as a result, four young African
American girls were tragically killed and others were severely injured (Dabkowski
1). The malevolent Klu Klux Klan was to blame for this horrific event. It was an
act of pure evil and racism against African Americans. This tragedy left many
African Americans heartbroken and angry with the US government. Between the
mourning for the young lives lost and the frustration that the African Americans
felt as second class citizens, this event left a devastating mark in the Civil Rights
Movement. On the morning of September 15, 1963, the devastating event known
as the Birmingham Bombing took place. Eleven year old Sarah Collins and her
fourteen year old sister, Addie Mae Collins had decided to hide out in the ladies
room, which was in the church s basement (Dabkowski 1). Shortly after, three other
young girls joined them around 10:15 in the morning. Cynthia Wesley, Carol
Denise McNair, and Carole Robertson had no idea what they were in for by joining
the two sisters, instead of staying in Sunday school. After a few minutes of playing,
as Addie Mae Collins reached out to tie a sash on McNair s dress,
Les Miserables Redemption Essay
Redemption: the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. The idea of
redemption is all encompassing, as this term may apply to religion, guilt, or regret;
therefore, the concept is a personal achievement in which the beneficiaries themselves
must recognize their newly attained salvation. In Victor Hugo s Les MisГ©rables,
multiple characters minister to the redemption of others, while many experience their
own restoration from indulging crime, peerless poverty, or malicious lifestyles.
Written in the nineteenth century, Les MisГ©rables displays the notable impacts of
both Romanticism and Neoclassicism, staple social movements of the time, on not
only these individuals encounters with deliverance, but also the entirety of the... Show
more content on ...
When the holy Bishop allows Jean Valjeaninto his home without a thought, his
family is quite apprehensive and concerned. Even Valjean is astonished, as he
asks, Have you reflected upon it? Who tells you that I am not a murderer? in which
the Bishop calmly responds with God will take care of that. (Hugo 20). The
Bishop maintains discrete confidence in his allowing of Valjean to lodge in his
home due to the fact that his life s mission is one with God, not society, and
ensures, This is not my house; it is the house of Christ (Hugo 17). Ignoring society
deemed dangers and expectations, the Bishop not only blesses Valjean with food
and shelter for the night, but ultimately saves his life. Additionally, the fact that
humanity aims for pride and positive reputation in life is indisputable. This is why
Valjean s humble, but courageous and bold, character is extremely powerful in
Les MisГ©rables. Steadfast in confidence, Valjean lacks care for others opinions
of his deeds, because for Valjean the ultimate honor is dishonor, the ultimate
renown is self effacement (Iosue 10). Solicitous and concerned for others, Valjean
is aware that his life purpose of redeeming those who society deems worthless
would derange societal expectation; however, this is why he unfailingly acts on his
goal. He discerns society s ignorance to God s purpose of goodness in the world, and
holds only the indomitable desire to implement and encourage others to help him in
making what is secular,
Messianic in Spectres of Marx by Jaques Derrida Essay
In Spectres of Marx, Jaques Derrida expounds upon a major theme of his argument,
the messianic, and is interested in outlining the issues surrounding messianism.
These issues which work along side the critical characteristics of Marxist theory.
According to Derrida, the messianic adopts the basic configuration of religious
messianic thought, but there is also a messianism without religion (74). Derrida
shares his opinion that a messiah is a promise, a hope, and an aspiration of
something to come, but not that the messiah actually comes. If the messiah does
come, and there is an end, where is the mystery once he is revealed? There lacks a
definite horizon or final expectation in Derrida s messianism. Of the many views of
messianism he... Show more content on ...
Deconstruction is more of a journey to be undertaken with the understanding that there
is not going to be a definite end. There is a constant change in what is being
understood and once there is an apparent conclusion, a new door opens leading to
another. In religious context, the coming of the messiah is mostly concerned with time
and not Jesus. As of page twenty five in Specters of Marx, Derrida is hoping for a
day in the future, not here yet, where we would finally be removed from the fatality
of vengeance, such as in the story of Hamlet and his vengeance. Hamlet is waiting
and wishing for another kind of justice to arrive. In this case, the messianic has a lot
to do with justice.
The issue with justice is that like deconstruction, it is undeconstructable. Justice takes
place in a disjointure, such as the disjointure of the present time into many moments.
The presence of the present (28) deals with what is to come. What the present
represents is really a constant movement without much presence. To say something
has singularity is an issue. Justice only takes place in a disjointure, and thus it is as if
justice can only bee experienced during a moment of the present that is
contemporaneous with it. The condition of justice is within the present. The lack of
the possibility of justice would result in losing the chance of experiencing the future
of a Desert like messianism (without content and without identifiable messiah) (33). It
Personally Responsible, Participatory Citizen, And...
There are three kinds of citizens Personally Responsible, Participatory Citizen, and
Justice Oriented Citizen. Personally responsible citizen is on who donate, obey laws,
and are responsible. Participatory citizen is where the person holds leadership
positions in the community, and puts effort towards making a difference, they
understand the governmentagencies and policies. Justice oriented citizen is the third
kind of citizen. This person wants to understand why things are the way they are.
They will do research and get to the bottom of the issue and suggest a ways to
improve that concern.
The article addresses the three kinds of citizenships. The descriptions for each are
very similar to the other article read in class. Participatory citizen is being an active
leader and service. Justice oriented citizen was explained as a good citizen who
questions what is going on around them and why. They approach the systems or issue
to face it head on. Searchers from the article stated justice oriented citizenship that is
linked to social action. The article addresses how research can be unclear,
documented, and unrealistic. They reference that people may do these things out of
their heart or just for a an award to themselves. It is important to educate our children
to really focus on the facts, and think outside the box that will impact all of the
society in the best possible way.
2.3 People/Roles: Governor, senator, representative, citizen, and president.
2.4 Ideas:
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  • 3. Mature Play Essay Mature make believe play is an important and unique context, providing opportunities to learn not afforded by other classroom activities. It should not be considered something extra that can be cut to accommodate more time for academic skills, nor should it be used as a means of adding entertainment value for inherently boring and decontextualized drills. Instead, play should be preserved and nurtured as one of the uniquely preschool activities that provide the most beneficial context for children s development. Mature play, as researchers provide, say that childdevelop social skills, mathematical ability, mastery of early literacy concepts, and self regulation. In order to enhance play to mature play teachers must follow Vygostkian s approach of scaffolding play into PRoPELS approach of critical elements of children s play in the classroom. For some children, early childhoodis the only setting that children have the opportunity to learn how to play the proper and mature way with the PRoPELS. Since children are almost always segregated by age and have to interact with play partners who are as inexperience as they are without getting the playground play of elder interactions; hinders children s ways of maturing make believe play, which is when teachers need to come in allow improvement and growth with play. Playtime in today s early childhood classroom is limited and rarely exceeds one or two hours, which means that in order to achieve progress in the quality of play,
  • 4. Similarities Between Anne Of Green Gables And Cheaper The two short stories Anne of Green Gables and Cheaper by the Dozen have fathers who both truly care for their children in their own way. The two fathers have some similarity, however, they have some differences as well. In the text Anne of Green Gables has a father like who s name is Mattew who needs help with his farm, Green Gables. Mattew and his sister both run the farm but are starting to need some help with it. In the text, it states It s a boy I ve come for. He should be here. Mrs. Alexander Spencer was to bring him over from Nova Scotia for me. This shows that he was expecting an orphan boy not an orphan girl and needs help with the farm. In the text Cheaper by the Dozen, the father is a very backstop person with twelve kids and
  • 5. What Is The Nature Of The Short Happy Life Of Francis... The coward, the bitch, and the man: Francis Macomber, Margot Macomber, and Robert Wilson are developed as characters throughout Ernest Hemingway s The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber. While only the tip of the iceberg is shown at the beginning, as Hemingway develops the story, the reader is taken underwater to be shown the true nature and essence of the three characters. On the surface, the Macomber s are a wealthy and traditional American couple. However, Francis lack of courage and initiative has driven his wife, Margot, into the arms of the safari guide, Robert Wilson. Francis lived a life of ignorance, and in many ways this was his strength as well as his weakness. Francis Macomber had, half an hour before, been carried to his tent from the edge of the camp in triumph on the arms and shoulders of the cook, the personal boys, the skinner and the porters. The gun bearers had taken no part in the demonstration. While the people at the camp thought Francis succeeded in killing the lion, he never tells the truth, Wilson actually killed the lion, furthering his introduction as the coward. His life was filled with secrets and abuse, and he was ultimately put out of this misery. Francis ability to overcome his obstacles is the very reason that although his life was short, he lived a blissful life for only a split second, when he faced the water buffalo. During Francis first interaction with a lion on the African safari, he bolts away at the first sign of fear. This reaction, earned him the contempt of his wife, who made it quite obvious that she disapproved of his actions. The next day, Macomber s wife witnesses him confront a charging water buffalo. Much to his wife s dismay, Francis courageously faces the animal, proving that he could overcome his cowardness. Margot realizes that if Francis continues to prove himself willful and courageous, he might leave her and rid himself forever of her ridicule. This realization leads her to aim a gun at the water buffalo, instead shooting Francis in the back of the head. By taking his life, Margot ended Francis misery and her own. The beauty of Francis character is that even though he spent his entire marriage disappointing his wife, he was only killed
  • 6. Comparing Thomas Hobbes And Jacques Rousseau State Of Nature Thomas Hobbes and Jacques Rousseau on the state of nature The world is always filled with rigid dichotomies: good and evil, left and right, McDonald s and Burger King just to mention some of them. The political theory in the 17th century seemed to have experienced a similar trend. The nature of government, more specifically the state of men, were often questioned, like the debate between Democrats and Republicans today. In 17th century Europe, the two major viewpoints on the issue were best exemplified by the writings of Thomas Hobbes, and Jacques Rousseau, the famous philosophers that led politics in 17th century England and France. The nature state of men has been one of the biggest themes in political philosophy for centuries. This mainly ... Show more content on ... For Hobbes, social contract is an inevitable process because men need a central power for self preservation (Hobbes 39). He cannot protect himself from outside dangers; therefore, he needs sovereign power for survival. Nevertheless, for Rousseau, social contract is needed, but it unavoidably creates inequality as well as peace and order. If men were more just and fair in his actions, social contract would be more beneficial to his life. In his natural state, men was more caring and cooperative, but with social contract, he is more individualistic and greedy (Bondanella 16). That is why, Rousseau does not believe in the good side of social contract. As Rousseau states, I must make everyone see that since the bonds of servitude are formed merely from the mutual dependence of men and from the reciprocal needs that unite them, it is impossible to enslave men without first having put him in the position of being unable to do without another person (Bondanella 32). As this statement implies, social contract enslaves men to unequal chances and opportunities according to Rousseau, but for Hobbes, it is the best form of self protection. Otherwise, men cannot survive and become
  • 7. The New Woman in Cecil B. DeMille s The Cheat Essay Cecil B. DeMille is regarded by many to be the founder of Hollywood, given that his 1914 film, The Squaw Man, was the first important full length motion picture made in Hollywood. As Joel W. Finler considers, the film accelerated the trend toward establishing California as the new home of movie making . However, it is in his depiction of the `new womanthat the director is both celebrated and derided. In many of his films, DeMille illustrates the rise of consumer culture that had begun in the latter half of the nineteenth century. During its escalation, goods took on a symbolic life while middle class women attained the characteristics of commodities as they moved into the public sphere. Their movement can be put down to their refusal... Show more content on ... In The Cheat, DeMille uses the notion of the `new women to critique society in the era. While the film does not deny Edith the freedom that had come to be associated with the idea, it elucidates [o]ne of the dangers of the modern urban culture [namely] the disappearance of traditional methods of knowing social status and presumed moralities associated with that status , a hazard which meant [women s] decreased privatisation at the cost of their increased commodification . Indeed, the early part of the film portrays an accurate depiction of society at the time, without overt prejudice or obsession with issues (which are dealt with in the narrative later). The society on show in DeMille s classic is one at the hands of an invasion by consumerism where, [w]hether social activist or flapper, the `new woman expected to function in both public and private spheres despite controversy regarding the nature of her role . This movement came to be characterised by, how expensive and fashionable...the garments [are] that the wife wears . As Thorstein Veblen argues, goods, especially clothing, were acting as a
  • 8. Essay On Classical Style Topic Sentence: The Classical style was founded during the creation of the ancient Greek civilization and was the style that was a combination of beauty, order, and proportion. Definition: The Classical style can be defined as the artistic style of the ancient Greeks. The style was widely used within the fine arts and put great emphasis on symmetry and harmony. Context The Classical style was an important feature of the Humanities of the ancient Greeks. There are two main features I want to illustrate about the Classical style: Sculpture and architecture. This style is the heart of classicism that was the search for perfection. Example(s): The first example of the Classical style that I am going to talk about is Greek architecture. ... Show more content on ... The figure, who once held a spear in his left hand, strides forward in a manner that unites motion and response, energy and poise, male confidence and grace, which were the qualities of the ideal warrior athlete. Greek Classical style in sculpture focused on the accuracy of human anatomy and stance. The Parthenon is known for being one of the greatest achievements of the Athenians. The massive building is a work of perfection and beauty. The Parthenon, which took ten years to build was placed on the highest point of the Acropolis that overlooks the Athenian City. Constructed entirely of marble and embellished with sculptures, the Parthenon is one of the finest examples of the Classical style. It has columns that are specific to the Classical style. Relationship: The main contributions of Classical style are sculptures and architecture. The canon that made active use of that principle of proportion known as symmetry corresponds to both the architecture and the sculptures. My overall perspective and assessment of Classical style are that Classical style had strong influences on the development of humanities of ancient Greece. It was an important part of the development of ancient Greek art. It the principle of proportion, order, and harmony and greatly influenced their culture and daily
  • 9. Personal Values In Social Work Values were a huge part of my childhood and show a large part in my lifet today, as they support my thoughts and actions. As a social work student I have to question my personal morals, opinions and ethics as these will have a large impact on my performance as a expert. My private values are consistent to the values of social work , which is the motive as to why I have chosen a career in a social care. These values are self determination to promote social justice, being kind and accommodating toward others, honesty and respect. Working with troubled youth in my past helped further develope my interest in promoting social justice and social changeon behalf of my community. I recognize, that as a social work student I have to act in unity... Show more content on ... Instead of my daughter doing something or saying something back to the kids, she just stood their and dropped her head down. I had to explain to her that some people are more fortunate than others. I wanted her to know weather they are a name brand or not, be happy, thankful and humble because there is somebody without both. In order to solve conflict between my personal and professional values to practice competently and ethically according to the standards of the profession I truly believe understanding what s behind your diverse defiance is the first step in finding ways to advance your relationships with clients and being non judgmental. I also believe you have to be very neutral in some unforeseen situations that are not in your control. For example, a mother grieving son that got killed during a robbery. I have personally experience my grandmother grieve the lost of my uncle or a robbery, with the perpetrator being my uncle first cousin. The whole situation was a loose, loose situation. My uncle had passed and my cousin was sentence to life in prison. My grandmother was devastated but she never wish bad on our cousin. She firmly believe in GOD, and understood my cousin intentions weather they were right or wrong. She knew GOD would deal with him according, so she never lost any love for him even after taking her only son. That show me how to put my feelings aside to understand both sides while not judging. A teen seeking Abortion is another
  • 10. The Benefits Of Minimum Wage A full time job should not be rewarded with a life of poverty. In America, the need to raise minimum wage has never been so crucial. Many Americans debate the increase; although, research indicates raising the minimum would benefit almost every family. Across the country, current minimum wage isn t meeting the needs of many struggling families so many cities stepped beyond Federal requirements and found success with raising wages. The minimum wage is supposed to protect Americans; however at 7.25 an hour most Americans don t feel secure. The Editorial Board explains minimum wage is a fundamental labor standard designed to protect workers, just as labor laws and overtime rules do, not just the lowest legal hourly pay. If minimum wage had risen with inflation through the past 50 years, the current minimum wage would be about 19 dollars an hour (Chen). Although, 19 dollars may be too unrealistic something needs to be done. Even just a few dollars would help tens of millions of American employees. Some argue the other government programs are helping American enough, but these substaties can actually lower wages. This is because, Employers who pay factor the government assistance into their wage scales (The Editorial Board). People are struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families because the minimum wage is so low. In some parts of the U.S. people would need to make triple the amount of minimum wage just to cover basic needs (Chen). Many counties,
  • 11. Pontiac Small Displacement V-8 Crop The Pontiac 326 Cubic Inch V8 This Pontiac Small Displacement V 8 Packed a lot of Punch If you pop the hood on a [new Buick Regal GS], you ll see a 2.0L turbocharged engine. This 4cyl is also found cross platform in Cadillac and Chevrolet models. It wasn t always this way. Back in the 60s and 70s the individual divisions took great pride in manufacturing their own unique engines. With that said, it s widely believed that GM had a few ground rules. One popular belief is that GM wanted the Chevrolet Corvette to have the most powerful engine. At times this created a problem for [the Pontiac Motor Division]. This meant they had to make a few negative gain adjustments, so there engines would fall in line behind the Chevy products. In the early 1960s,... Show more content on ... However, it s even more common to see them in the midsize [Pontiac Tempest and Lemans models]. The small displacement eight cylinder engine came with a two barrel carburetor standard and the four barrel carburetor as optional equipment. The bigger cars like [the flagship Bonneville] and the [Pontiac Catalina] are often found with the larger displacement 389 V8. Pontiac offered these engines in a wide variety of horsepower ratings. Not only did the engine carry a two or four barrel carburetor, but they also offered compression ratios of up to 10:5.1. If you re really lucky, maybe your classic Pontiac has the 368 HP [Tri power option Super Duty 389] cubic inch Trophy Motor. Versions and Specifications for the 326 CID When they first started to drop this small displacement V 8 into cars in 1963, you could only get a two barrel carburetor version. The Engine provided excellent fuel economy at nearly 20 miles per gallon on the highway. Despite the lack of fuel the horsepower numbers remained respectable. In the inaugural year the 326 produced 260
  • 12. Las Vegas Escorts Essay What sets Escorts Las Vegas apart from the sea of sources for female companionship? For starters, we align with women who lead dynamic lifestyles outside of their work as an escort in Vegas. We ensure they are well rounded so they bring something more to the table than their striking good looks. Outer beauty captures the eye, but inner beauty and charisma establish a gal s true degree of desirability. We strive to put forth perfection, and our dedication to excellence established our status as the escort service Las Vegas residents and guests rely on. This city has our heart, and our entertainers hearts as well, making them the perfect companions for anyone who aspires to make the most out of their Sin City adventure. #### Stringent Standards One of the most common complaints about independent Vegas escorts is that they often fail to come through in all the ways in which they promised. When we are part of your plan, there are no hiccups. We say this with confidence because ladies profiled here appreciate and adhere to our strict criterion. High class Vegas escorts are the sort heedful men want to meet, as they recognize the dangers associated with those who are not overseen by an agency. The truth is, there are too many variables when there is not an agency ensuring a flawless arrangement. You should value your resources as much as you do your good time, and if for some reason, you are not well pleased by the girl who knocks on your door, you are encouraged to phone
  • 13. Earl Rochester Case Study What Earl Rochester is trying to explain in his argument is that he wants to make a law that help people drink safe. If the U.S was to take in his idea and use it i think it would be very effective law on or state. So I strongly agree with his idea because we can prevent a lot of accident dealing with alcohol. Alcohol have always had a pull on the U.S because we have huge death rate from it. We can save a lot of our teens and elders with this drinking license Under age drinking have always had a huge affect on this country. We have had teens that get drunk That s under age drinking and driving and die because they can t control their liquor. With us tightening the law up on drinking we can lower the death rate on or state. Too many teens can get access to alcohol easy and i feel like it s ruining or state. So i agree with ... Show more content on ... Also there should be a limit on alcohol i don t think a person should drink without being watched. If you have a liquor lincese you should only be able to drink at a bar because the bartender will know when you had enough. Selling alcohol out of stores is also a huge problem because Thats how teen get access to it. People that is 21 and older buy liquor for young individual and they drink to much and lose there life. By us selling liquor out the stores we re going to keep hurting or country because or death rate is going to keep raising. Earl Rochester have a good reason to have a argument on this problem. Because the U.S have went to many years without fixing this big problem. We should take his idea into consideration because with his facts and claims it can really help the U.S. Also we would
  • 14. The Key Events In Joseph s Life A: Jacob had twelve sons. The sons of Leah were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun. The sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin. They lived in the land of Canaan. When Joseph was seventeen he took care of the sheep and goats with his brothers. Jacob (Joseph s father) loved Joseph more than all of his sons because Joseph was born to Jacob when he was old. When all of Joseph s brothers saw that their father (Jacob) loved him more than he loved them, they started to hate Joseph so much that they would never talk to him in a friendly way. One night Joseph had a dream about everyone bowing down and worshiping him and from this he told his brothers which then hated him even more and started to become jealous. B: The key event in Joseph s life was when Joseph s brothers sold him to some passing Ishmaelite traders (Midianites) who took him to Egypt. The reason why this is the key event in Joseph s life is because from this situation starts Joseph s amazing story. ... Show more content on ... The Lord was with Joseph and made him successful in everything that he did. Potiphar s wife wanted to go to bed with Joseph but he refused so she framed Joseph and he was sent to jail. The Lord was with Joseph and made him succeed in everything that he did. After time Joseph was made governor over all of Egypt. Joseph had two children named Manasseh and Ephraim. His brothers returned because of a Famine and the King ordered Joseph to bring his family to Egypt so they can live in the finest land. The family returned, but then 17 years later Jacob died at the age of 147. Joseph continued to live in Egypt with his family but then died at the age of 110. Before he died he promised that God will take his family to the Promised Land that was promised to Isaac, Abraham, and Jacob. He asked them to take his body with them. They embalmed his body and put it in a
  • 15. Persuasive Speech On Spotting Scope They say that there s a right tool for every job. In the case of spotting scopes, their job is to provide close up visual access to anything on land while staying a safe distance away. Something of a cross between binoculars and a telescope, spotting scopes have uses from nature photography, bird watching, and even hunting. While a telescope is usually used at night to observe the stars, a spotting scope is meant only to be used during the day. When comparing a spotting scope to a telescope or a set of binoculars, there are some important distinctions, such as the size and the level of magnification. Today I ll be discussing the best spotting scopes as well as how to choose the right one for your needs. Whether you need a scope for spotting ... Show more content on ... Simply put, the larger the aperture, the more light comes in. If you want a beautiful, clear, bright image, choose a scope with a sufficiently large aperture. Since spotting scopes are meant to be used during the daytime, a large aperture will help you capture the best image possible, even if the sky is overcast or darker than usual. If you are uп»їsing the scope for hunting, a bright image will help you identify your prey much easier, making you more efficient in your process. Durability Because spotting scopes are meant to be used outdoors, many times this means that they are brought into rough terrain. If you plan on carrying your scope into the wilderness, you have to be prepared for any eventuality, including severe weather. Make sure that your spotting scope is as weather proof as possible, and hopefully, it can withstand drops or bumps without damaging the internal components. In addition to the scope itself, make sure the tripod you use is just as rugged and dependable. You don t want to have your scope fall over because of a weak tripod, so make sure the unit and all accessories are hardened against the weather as much as possible. Other
  • 16. The Importance Of Christian Beliefs Everyone is entitled to having their own beliefs. In healthcare, we can have our own beliefs but, we must respect others beliefs and respond accordingly. There are many religions but, I chose to focus on Christianity. A Christian is someone who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ. In the Christian faith, there are many denominations, groups with different views, on what the teachings of Jesus Christ mean. I chose to focus on the two specific groups who have strong opinions on how they are treated. I am a strong believer in patient education and the patients right to refuse treatment. Christian Science In the denomination of Christian science, they strongly believe in the power of prayer. This is a common belief for Christians, but they take it a step further. For these believers, the best way, sometimes the only way, to be healed is by prayer. You can use aides like crutches or canes because they aren t changing you. If you are in this culture and you feel that you must go to a doctor, you would have to go to the Christian science doctor. Most of the time, they will only do this for urgent situations or children that aren t healing fast enough. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer but, I also believe that medicine is sometimes necessary. As a healthcare provider, I don t imagine that I will ever treat anyone who believes this way because I wouldn t be able to practice with their doctor. I am sure if they did decide to get medical treatment at a
  • 17. Messenger Rna Research Paper Most genes contain the information needed to make functional molecules called proteins. (A few genes produce other molecules that help the cell assemble proteins.) The journey from gene to protein is complex and tightly controlled within each cell. It consists of two major steps: transcription and translation. Together, transcription and translation are known as geneexpression. During the process of transcription, the information stored in a gene s DNA is transferred to a similar molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) in the cell nucleus. Both RNA and DNA are made up of a chain of nucleotide bases, but they have slightly different chemical properties. The type of RNA that contains the information for making a protein is called messenger RNA (mRNA) because it carries the information, or message, from the DNA out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. ... Show more content on ... The mRNA interacts with a specialized complex called a ribosome, which reads the sequence of mRNA bases. Each sequence of three bases, called a codon, usually codes for one particular amino acid. (Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.) A type of RNA called transfer RNA (tRNA) assembles the protein, one amino acid at a time. Protein assembly continues until the ribosome encounters a stop codon (a sequence of three bases that does not code for an amino acid). The flow of information from DNA to RNA to proteins is one of the fundamental principles of molecular biology. It is so important that it is sometimes called the central
  • 18. Essay on The Delegation of Managers The Delegation of Managers The Oxford English Dictionary defines Delegation as The action of delivering or assigning a thing to a person or to a purpose. Delegation is very important in the Air Force and military in general. When managers do not delegate, they can become overwhelmed. The concept of delegation can be difficult to master. I was a Contracting Officer for 6 years. During that time, I not only saw delegation within the military structure but also to the contractors we employed. Delegation seems like an easy concept, but not everyone understands it and completes it with confidence. Some managers use delegation to ensure that they are not the only ones to blame in a failure. Some managers will delegate the difficult jobs ... Show more content on ... After market research was completed, we took over until the contract was negotiated and awarded to a company. At that point, most of the responsibility was delegatedto the Quality Assurance Advisor on service type contracts. This individual was in charge of inspecting the contractors and verifying that the work was completed. Each month, the contractor would submit an invoice for payment for that month. The Quality Assurance Advisor would have to sign off on the invoice to ensure that the work was completed and payment is justified. As a Contracting Officer, you are too busy with negotiating other contracts and ensuring that the contractual part of all the contracts are being adhered to. If there are problems, it is usually the Quality Assurance Advisor that brings it to our attention. We can amend the contract or give the contractor a notice, but we can t be at the site every day. For contracts for supplies, the customer requesting and receiving the supplies simply let us know when the item is received and correct. Once we are notified that the contract is complete, we release the payment to the contractor. This type of delegation is necessary for our office. The Quality Assurance Advisors must be recommended by their commander and go through a lot of training before they can claim that title. Some Quality Assurance Advisors are responsible for million dollar contracts.
  • 19. The Electric Motor Company ( Tem Co Executive Summary The Electric Motor Company (TEM Co) aims to design and mass produce the first, high performance and fully autonomous Electric Vehicle (EV). TEM Co will be a pioneer in the autonomous EV sector. As the CEO I have established a bespoke business model which makes us second to none. There are two crucial components that will set us apart from the rest of the automotive industry. The first being, mass production and the second one will be in house production of essential manufacturing elements. TEM Co has employed and developed exceptional engineering expertise to develop two separate products. One is the EV, called Sonic and the other being a solar energy power unit, called the PowerPac. The two sectors of the company will have separate management and operational teams working in separate divisions of the factory. Sonic (Electric Vehicle): Sonic will the world s first fully autonomous EV which will be mass produced for the public. In addition to being an autonomous EV, Sonic will also be a high performance car which will compete with some of the biggest brands in the super car industry. TEM Co aims to lead the way to sustainable transportation for future generations. PowerPac (ALTERNATE POWER DEVICE): The PowerPac is the world s first solar energy converter and energy storage device. TEM Co. aspires to produce solar panels and a lithium ion energy storage device which will made available to the residential and commercial sector. One of the main
  • 20. Other Desert Cities Play Summary On Sunday June 28th, 2015 I had the pleasure of viewing Other Desert Cities by playwright Jon Robin Baitz. The play was put on by Performance Network Theatre in Ann Arbor, Michigan directed by David Wolber. I saw this play because I remembered performing in the space before with Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit and I had never heard of Other DesertCities before. Other Desert Cities was an amazing playto watch. This well directed drama will keep you at the edge of your seat throughout the entire performance. There were only five character s and all are worth noting: Sandra Birch (Silda) the recovering alcoholic who just got out of rehab who is also Polly s sister, Bryan Lark (Trip) the youngest child, family referee and TV producer, Hugh Maguire (Lyman), father, husband to Polly, ex film star and now diplomat, Lea Smith (Brooke) the depressed daughter who carries an immense amount of hatred for her parents and failed writer. Lastly, Naz Edwards (Polly) a mother, wife, an old Hollywood screenwriter and a person who has had to be strong for a long time which comes off as... Show more content on ... All of the actors were believable and had great articulation and volume. Each character was great but there were only two who stood out from among the rest, Naz Edwards and Bryan Lark. Naz never lost her character. She stayed committed throughout her entire performance. The amount of dedication she gives to her craft is amazing and it shows throughout the play. Naz Edwards is a New York actress. She has performed on and off Broadway, in tours and regionally across the United States and Canada. Naz had arguably the hardest role in the entire play. She never cracked a smile, or never allowed her face to show any sympathy for anyone else. Bryan Lark, an up and coming actor gave the audience much needed laughter throughout the play. With this being only his second play with the Performance Network Theatre he did a fantastic job. Bryan and Naz were great assets to the
  • 21. The Importance Of Cultural Competence In Cultural Care Part 3: Analysis The main ideas that Lisa Bourque Bearskin is stating in this article is that nurses need to be more sensitive to cultural care. They need to be aware of the issues in healthcare and strive to remove any barriers for certain groups, such as the first nations, and they need to disrupt any unequal relations in the social, political and historical aspect of healthcare. The way this can be done is by shifting their thoughts from cultural competence to cultural safety by way of relational ethics. Cultural competence is explained as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that nurses need to use to care for cultural differences. Another framework described cultural competence as going through the stages of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural encounter, and cultural desire. Cultural competency works very well when making policies in an agency but this view fosters a view of culture that does not encourage nurses to ask questions. (Bearskin, 2011) Cultural Competence causes different cultures to be put in a box, which cannot be done because cultures are constantly changing and every person s culture is different. Culture is individual. Lisa Bourque Bearskin goes on to say that cultural safety is what nurses should use for ethical practice. In cultural safety, a nurse must strive to improve health care and its access for all people, while recognizing that there are many different cultures that have a right to be recognized. Bourque
  • 22. Run Lola Run Essay Response Question: Explain how media producers communicate a preferred reading to the audience and why alternative readings might be made. Response: Media producers create texts with an audience in mind, and while they try to remain entertaining and original in most of their films they also need to ensure that the audience is able to understand and engage with the text, and thus with the preferred meaning, by using conventions and generally accepted techniques. Tom Tykwer s independent, and unmistakably avant garde film, Run Lola Run in many ways, defies Hollywood cinematic convention, but must also conform with audience expectations in order to convey its intended themes. Tykver conveys a preferred reading to his target audience that ... Show more content on ... It is for this reason that the producer of a text targets a specific audience demographic and tailors the text in order to position this specific audience to accept the preferred meaning. For this reason, audiences from other contexts may read the text in a wildly different manner. For example, in Run Lola Run, viewers from a feminist subculture might look beyond the codes that Tykwer has used to position them to see Lola as a representative of feminine power, and feel that she is a poor role model for contemporary females. This alternative reading could be formed because of Lola s subservience to Manni, and her unquestioning loyalty to him from the very beginning of the movie, despite little effort on his part to save himself. Furthermore, in all three of the film s realities, Lola s first source that she seeks for help is a patriarchal figure, her father, in this way demonstrating her overall helplessness despite her appearance of having power. In this way, audience members may form an extreme feminist reading of the text, and thus resist the reading that Tykwer is positioning them to accept. Another alternative reading that may be formed of the text, is that it is offering a misandristic portrayal of the male characters within the film. The audience is positioned to see Manni, Lola s father and the security guard from the bank, the three males with the
  • 23. The Visit To Visit A Visit In Mumbai The hills are calling and we cannot wait! Drive down from Mumbai to these 8 hill stations, now! Mumbai is not a city. It is a way of life! The cinema, big businesses, the gastronomy, the tourism lets this city never sleep. However, the hustle and bustle of this ever vibrating and ever pulsating city can sometimes get on to your nerves and you may want to spend a few moments away from the electrifying city, in the lap of MOTHER NATURE!So what are you waiting for? Got a few days? Craving for some peace, surrounded by peaks? Or are you on a visit here? Are you done with your hotel booking in Mumbai? It is time to explore the beauty of these hill stations, a quick drive from any hotel in Mumbai. 1.LONAVALA: This exquisite hill station enveloped by the Sahyadri Mountains, serves as an ideal destination for mountaineering and trekking. Lonavala boasts of ancient caves, beautiful lakes, historical forts, lush greenery and last but not the least the famous Indian sweet, chikki. History lovers must visit Rajmachi Fort, Tikon Fort, Shreevardhan Fort, Visapur Fort,Koregad Fort,Lohagad fort,Tunga fort, Karla Caves and the historical Bhaja. You must visit Bushi dam,Valvan Dam, Tungarli Dam,Lonavala Lake and Tungarli lake to make your travel experience priceless! A paradise for adventure buffs is the Bhimshankar trail and the Scorpion s Sting Hill.The Bhairavnath Temple is a must if you wish to witness devotion and religious festivity in picturesque surroundings! At Rajmachi Wild
  • 24. Waste and Pollution Waste Nearly everything we do leaves behind some kind of waste. Households create ordinary garbage, while industrial and manufacturing processes create solid and hazardous wastes. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) more commonly known as trash or garbage consists of everyday items we use and then throw away, such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries. This comes from our homes, schools, hospitals, and businesses. Each year EPA produces a report on MSW generation, recyclingand disposal. In 2010, Americans produced about 250 million tons of MSW, or about 4.3 pounds of waste per person per day. EPA encourages practices that reduce the amount of waste... Show more content on ... Consider the problems which may arise if zoning/zoning change is required. Do not locate in a 100 year flood plain. After finding a number of sites which meet the necessary criteria, submit a letter with the legal descriptions of the properties being considered, so the North Dakota Department of Health, North Dakota Geological Survey, and the North Dakota State Water Commission can evaluate the sites with respect to topography and relief. No soil borings should be made until the Department has determined if the proposed site is acceptable with respect to topography and relief (this will save time and money). The Department will also determine at that time the compliance of the site location with state and federal laws (i.e., landfills must be one mile from an airport [airstrip] in which propeller driven aircraft operate two miles for jet aircraft). No landfills will be sited in areas that may adversely affect endangered and threatened species or critical habitat. A good working knowledge of the North Dakota Solid Waste Management Rules is needed so sites which obviously do not meet the rules can be
  • 25. Global Warming Is The Environmental And Social Changes... Overview Global warming is the environmental and social changes caused by emissions of greenhouse gases. Human activities have been the primary cause of this significant change, resulting with extreme weather conditions, increasing sea levels, and climate changes. In this paper I will compare and contrast natural versus anthropogenic climate changes of global warming, mitigation strategies, mitigation effectiveness, policy implications, costs, and address some policy changes to help stabilize global climate. Natural Climate change The Earth has been experiencing a considerable amount of climate change for the last several decades. Natural factors that contribute to the climate system consist of: solar output, volcanic activity and earth s orbit around the sun. The two factors relevant on timescales of contemporary climate exist in volcanic activity and changes in solar radiation. The earth s energy balance primarily influences the amount of incoming energy from volcanic eruptions, which have a relatively short term effect on climate. Changes in solar output have contributed greatly to climate trends over the past century. The effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been at least ten times that of changes in the Sun s output and the ocean covers more than 70 percent of the earth s surface, receiving twice the amount of earth s radiation. Although the sun is the engine that drives all the weather, oceans and atmosphere control the sun s energy along certain
  • 26. Burger King Argumentative Analysis One of the first hamburger chain was born more than 100 years ago. Since then hundreds of burger chains have prospered; top competitors today are McDonald s, Wendy s, Burger King. And this argument discusses why Burger King is the best burger chain among those three. By stating straightforward, Mcdonald s share the most in the hamburger industry. However, Burger King is much better than McDonald s business wise, taste wise, and charity wise. Burger King was founded in 1954, and is the second largest hamburger chain in the world. Burger King serves in 79 countries and every day, more than 11 million people come to Burger King around the world. Although McDonald s is the largest company with 68 million people visiting everyday and serving in 119 countries, Burger King is beating McDonald s in business. McDonald s sales are declining. According to CNN, McDonald s had a 2% drop in sales in July 2015, also they are planning to close about 500 restaurants in 2016. This means less and less people are going to McDonald s. Meanwhile, according to the Wall Street Journal, Burger King had 9.6 percent increase in its sales in April 2015, it also had an 8% increase in July 2015, and 11.2% increase in October 2015. This statistics mean more and more people are coming to Burger King. Burger King has been growing non stop since 2012 is the fastest growing company. The reason behind the growth of Burger King is its advertising tactics. Burger King sells unique burgers, such as
  • 27. My Desire to Work in Game Development As a child all I wanted to do was rule the world, I noticed early on in my childhood that all aspects of computer games development especially programming and games design could help me accomplish this. I have been playing computer games since before even the PlayStation 2 was released when my brother got a PlayStation from a another family member. For as much as I have enjoyed, experienced a wide range of platforms, games and retain my love for this form of entertainment. One of my favourite games of all time is Kingdom Hearts, on the PlayStation 2 and developed by Square (later Square Enix); it played brilliantly, was graphically superb and had a perfect soundtrack. My resolve of wanting to develop games in the future using the variety of platforms that would be available, in empowering new technology, I can see that computer games programme gives solid groundwork within computer science to determine ideal. It would give the necessary skills, knowledge to learn and evolve with and within growing industry. Most of time spent reading books similarly comic books/manga etc. such as e.g. Charlie Higson s The Fear, Darren Shan s The Saga of Darren Shan, Online game magazines, such as PCGamer, Gamasutra, where I keep up to date with the latest news in the games industry, reading game reviews, learn about different aspects of a career in game development and much more. During June 2013, I attended The Rezzed Expo, a fair for current Game Developers and prospective students who
  • 28. Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close Personal Quotes September 11, 2001, was an unforgettable day that changed America forever. Thousands of lives were lost in this tragedy, like Oskar s father. In the beginning of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Oskar mentions the Reconnaissance Expedition he and his father used to play on Sundays. After his dad passed away, Oskar s determination to complete expeditions remains, but now a different goal arises: to find the lock to the key found in his father s room that will help Oskar to stop missing his father. Even though Oskar knows his father is dead, this adventure is Oskar s way of receiving closure and coping with the loss of his father. During his journey of finding the lock, Oskar often gets heavy boots which is his metaphor of being burdened with emotions due to everything in his life that weighs him down. In Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Jonathan Safran Foers use of the motif heavy boots throughout the novel highlights that it is normal to experience grief, but there are various ways to do so. Oskar spends much of his life attempting to find some restitution about the loss of his father. In the story, Ruth tells Mr. Black and Oskar many facts about the Empire State Building in New York City: That gave me heavy boots because it reminded me of the lock that I still hadn t found, and how until I found it, I didn t love dad enough (Foer 251). Oskar s feeling of grief and guilt about his dad s death bothers him; he feels in order to actually love his dad and get rid of his lament to receive closure, he must find the lock. Due to the disappointment of discovering that the lock has no connection to his father, Oskar has to invent closure to end feeling heavy boots by creating a fantasy world in which he and his father are safe. The book s final pages are a flip book of photos of a man, possibly his father, falling to his death from the World Trade Center. Oskar reverses the photos so that when you flip them, the man falls up. He creates a fictional story in which his Dad is still alive. Even though the quest doesn t give Oskar the closure he expected, it does help him appreciate the time he did have with his Dad. Furthermore, some tend to mourn by engaging in their hobbies and interests. Alice Black
  • 29. Island Fox Research Paper Introduction The island foxes (Urocyon littoralis) are a unique species of small carnivores that only live on the Channel Islands located off the coast of Southern California. The island fox is about 12 inches high, weights 2.5 to 6 pounds, and has a grizzled gray hair color along the top of the head and back. Along the abdomen, neck and legs it has a more cinnamon coloring, and white along the cheeks and throat to the chest (Friends of the Island Fox, 2012). According to Levy (2010) Island foxes are a keystone species. They play a powerful role in controlling various prey species in the island ecosystem including the island spotted skunk, deer mouse, and black rat populations. The California Channel Islands consist of eight islands and on ... Show more content on ... According to Clifford et al., The total population for the species in 1994 was approximately 6,000 adults but current population size is less than half that, and island foxes have declined by over 90% on four of six islands (p. 442). By 1995 ecological monitoring on San Miguel and Santa Cruz Islands in the national park had detected rapid and alarming declines in the populations of island foxes there Faced with the imminent extinction of three island fox subspecies, NPS convened ad hoc recovery team in 1999 to assess the status on the northern Channel Islands and to recommend emergency recovery actions. The team, comprising experts in canid conservation, endangered species management, and raptor research and management, concluded that island foxes were rapidly declining toward extinction on the northern Channel Islands. National Park began emergency recovery actions in 1999, with the objectives being to remove the primary mortality factor now affecting island foxes, and to recover island fox populations to viable levels through captive breeding. On the Channel Islands, the golden eagle predation had been confirmed as the primary mortality
  • 30. Roman Ruins Rome is one of the brilliant empires of the past, one of which left behind numerous ruins in their fall. Though Italy contains the majority of Roman ruins Spain is the go to for Roman ruins. The ruins in Spain are must see because of the unique ruins there, history of their uses, and the different cultures that existed there. To begin with, the Roman Empirewas vast and had territory across Europe and more, but in Spain many one of a kind structures were built which have since outlived their uses and become ruins. For instance, The Alhambra is a famous ruin and unique because it is of its history and importance to Spain. The article Why take the time to visit Alhambra Spain by Janet Connors she states, The Alhambra has plenty of history to attract tourists, but it s importance to Spain is much more profound. The history makes it a place like no other. This is because of its rich history and influence to Spain as a whole. In another article The Resilient Roman Ruins of Spain this time by Ryan Howland, he lists some unique ruins like The Aqueduct in Segovia, The City of Merida, and Italica. Though those are only a few they are some of the amazing and... Show more content on ... In the article Discover Toledo, Spain by Julie Kellogg she states that Toledo Spain is known as the City of Three Cultures because of its ruins Christian, Jewish, and Muslim cultures. The ruins in Spain show the panning coexistence of those three cultures displaying a history only found in Spain. Visiting these ruins in Spain will allow you to see the history of Spain s culture. Another example of various cultures in Spain is the Alhambra when she states It provides an example of the many different cultures and people who have ruled the lands of Spain throughout history . The Alhambra was ruled by the Muslims as a palace and then the Christians as a court. The Alhambra in Spain and Toledo as displays the many cultures that existed
  • 31. Bioethics in Medicine, Exemplified by the Karen Ann... It is accepted that the advances in resuscitation techniques, initiated and influenced the evolution of bioethics by bringing to the fore the questions of: (i)just allocation of scarce medical resource, health care (ii)the nature of being , and (iii)the proper purpose of medicine. The main issues that caused the emergence, or the study and introduction of bioethics was the introduction of modern technology in medicine in the form of respirators and artificial heart machines. The media attention to the Karen Ann Quinlan case made the issues public. The Karen Ann Quinlan case serves as a perfect example of these new issues. She was diagnosed with a persistent vegetative state, and her life was sustained with a respirator and ... Show more content on ... This implies a downgrading of the importance of the human body. The most important lesson learned from this case was the revising of medical treatment. Medicine should treat patients as autonomous subjects. Thus came about the development of autonomy based ethics principles. Ethics needs principles four can encompass the rest and the respect for autonomy should be first among equals . (Gillon, 2003) The limitations regarding, the right to life was a topical issue at the time of the Karen Quinlan case. The court ruled that the decision should be in the hands of ethics committees, another important realisation from the Quinlan case ruling. Many ethics committees were formed to make the decisions. Hospitals and all extended care facilities got an ethics committee. It was thought that they should be the decision making body in the future. However, it is now the opinion of experts that the authority of the ethics committees is limited. Any decision must belong to patients, and/ or their proxy. Out of this case there has also developed advanced health directives, which led to a society becoming aware of the need to create living wills as to what family members were to do or not to do in conditions of extraordinary medical care. The power of attorney also came to the forefront. Many people today would recognise the name of Terry Schiavo. Karen
  • 32. The Best Knight In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Within literature, there are many figures that readers can choose to remember. These figures can possess many attributes that give reasons for them to be remembered by. For literature based upon the Arthurian time written in the 14th century, there are many examples of people that should be remembered. In particular, a figure that is important to remember is Sir Gawain, from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. This paper will be arguing that Gawain is remembered as the best knight in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight because while he is not a perfect knight he still shows many aspects of what it is like to be courtly and heroic therefore a great example to look up to. Sir Gawain was a great knight in Arthur s court; in many cases, he showed examples of being heroic. This allows people who read Sir Gawain and The Green Knight to remember him because of the ways he portrayed heroism. One example of Gawain being heroic is when he takes on the task by the green knight: I am the weakest, well I know, and of wit feeblest; and the loss of my life would be least of any; That I have you for uncle is my only praise; My body, but for your blood, is barren of worth (Borroff, 12). Sir Gawain shows that he is heroic and someone to be remembered because of how he took on the task presented by The Green Knight instead of letting Arthur go. His heroism is also explained in The Hero and His Adventure: He is presented in traditional heroic situations such as being equipped in armour and
  • 33. Symbolism In The House Of The Scorpion Have you ever thought about further meanings being held by symbols in books that you ve read? Symbolism is defined as the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. The definition of symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. In Nancy Farmer s novel, The House of the Scorpion, several symbols are utilized; each of these symbols provide greater insight into the characters of El Patron, Celia, and Esperanza, allowing a reader to deeper understand both the characters and the novel. A few of the characters in The House of the Scorpion are shown through symbols in the novel. The scorpion symbolhelps tell more about El Patron as far as the way he acts, his personality,... Show more content on ... On page thirty two Matt says that La Llorona called out into the night, Ooooo . . . Ooooo. Where are my babies? At this time in the novel, a reader would not even know that Esperanza existed. Esperanza is actually Maria s mother, and the author throws out small hints at that. On page thirty three Maria says Stop it! I told you to stop it! Don t you ever listen? From that, the reader can automatically comprehend that for some reason Maria doesn t like the story Matt is telling her. She doesn t think that she has a mother at all, so this upsets her. She can relate to it. It s implied that La Llorona technically is Esperanza calling out for Maria. This tells her identity and who she really is. From all of this, the reader can guess why it bothers Maria and infer that she might indeed have a real mother after
  • 34. Sequoia National Park Conservation Will most special places in America constantly be beautiful and sacred? There is one thing positive that the nature cannot be frozen in time, it will continue to innovate and develop. The national parks protect the best of our natural heritage: stunning landscapes, extraordinary wildlife, and majestic forests. However, a climatechange forces us to accept that those national parks are endangered and need to be protected. Warming temperature has become the nation s superior issue that impacted the balance of the animals and their habitats in the national parks. Over centuries, without the cooperation of the community, it will not be possible to achieve the preservation of the national park system. The parks have attained international conservation ... Show more content on ... Understanding of adaptive capacity and regional vulnerability to climate change on forests is not well developed and requires more focused research efforts. They acknowledged the reality of human caused climate change was a political act, and the Park Service doesn t discuss politics with its visitors. Mankind activities have damaged dreadfully to the resources and polluted the environment. Therefore, it becomes a threat to the nature and effects the climate in the parks. Increasing drought and disturbance risks will cause adverse effects on the nature itself. These negative impacts are very likely to outweigh positive trends in these national parks. Park managers began setting controlled fires in forests where natural wildfires had long been suppressed; they reintroduced species that had vanished, such as wolves and bighorn sheep. The ecologist and park manager have tried many ways to get the nature under control and change it the scientific way. They want to avoid the significant impact of natural disaster that caused damages on animal and habitats. They ignored the fact that nature itself, left to its own devices, does not tend toward a steady, state landscapes and ecosystems are always being changed by storms or
  • 35. Essay about Community Health and Population Focused... Application of Community Health and Population Focused Nursing VWT Task 1 Cassidi Roberts Western Governors University Community Health and Population Focused Nursing McKinney, Texas is unique by nature . As one of the fastest growing cities in the US, McKinney has a current population of more than 149,000, located 30 miles north of Dallas and is the seat of Collin County. McKinney offers rolling hills, lush trees, a historic downtown square and unique neighborhoods and developments. The city ranks number 2 in the CNN s Money Magazine Best Places to Live in America s list (Live Edit, n.d.). According to the US Census Bureau (2010), McKinney was one of the most populous places to live with a census of 54,369 in 2000 and ... Show more content on ... The Windshield Survey and aspects of the Community and Population Health Scavenger Hunt harvested reason to look beyond the surface of this picturesque town. Using the Windshield Survey as a method to see McKinney from a different perspective allowed time to make observations about the community that have been overlooked for years going through the motions of life. Some of the reflections made by using this survey include that the town is very well kept, shops and restaurants surround nice residential areas, and many people were out walking, running, or riding bicycles which supported why McKinney has the highest ranking for overall health in the state of Texas. Personal observations of the community in conjunction with visiting one of the eight local Fire/EMS stations and the local hospital allowed development and understanding of the Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory. In addition to visiting the local fire department, the Community and Population Scavenger Hunt was also used when meeting with the local Emergency Management Director for Collin County and the Medical Director of Emergency Services for the local hospital. Although McKinney is unique in nature, it is not unique in the fact that disaster could strike the community at any time without warning, and may come in form of severe weather, pandemic, hazardous materials or terrorism. Information was
  • 36. The Red Candle In Amy Tan s The Joy Luck Club The great battle of books vs movies is never ending. A book provides insight of the characters feelings while a movie needs to evoke emotions in a shorter time frame. The Joy Luck Club, written by Amy Tan, was adapted into a film in 1993. Unlike the Harry Potter series Amy Tan cowrote the screenplay, meaning she had the ultimate decision of what makes it in the movie. Comparing both was quite interesting knowing that Amy Tan could ve kept The Red Candle story and kept a clean view of the aunts in the story. The book The Joy Luck Clubwas a novel of intertwined stories of four women and their daughters. Reading each story was like finding a puzzle piece that lead to fully understand the characters. One of the important stories used in the book was The Red Candle. The Red Candle is a the symbol of marriage in China and the marriage was considered complete if the candle remained burning through their marriage night. Lindo Jong purposely blew out the candle and decided that she... Show more content on ... The four women supported each other and they became a family of their own. When Suyuan Woo passed away the remaining three; Lindo, Ying Yang and An Mei sent letters to find the twins Suyuan abandoned in China to inform them of the information. Once the twins were found they paid for a trip to China for June Woo to visit her sisters. In contrast the movie made the group of women seem a bit manipulative. When they found the twins instead of informing them of their mother s death, they pretended that their mother was coming to visit rather than June. Leaving June to explaining that their mother died years ago right after getting off the ship. The change made June s trip to China more dramatic than it was in the book which wasn t completely necessary. I think the portrayal of the group of women during that scene didn t do the book s description justice, All it did was add a dramatic touch to the end of the
  • 37. Runaway and Homeless Youth Homelessness is a real serious health issue all over the world that must be addressed. A lot of people in a public frequently misunderstand the cause of homelessness. Remarks regarding homeless people such as they need to just get a job or go to school are normally used liberally by members of society because they neglect to look at the complete issue. Homelessnessdoes not discriminate. Individuals that have previously experience or may experience being homeless can be from different regions, have different cultural backgrounds, ages, and could be of any gender. Minorities seem to be mostly affected by homelessness. A study done in 2012 found that the homeless population is consisted of 39% non Hispanic Whites, 42%... Show more content on ... A total of 61,597 youth were served last year. On average, 1,721 youth were sheltered at Covenant House every night of the year in 2012. A total of 628,267 nights of shelter were provided. Residential and Community Service Center programs cared for 25,577 youth. Outreach served an additional 36,020 youth nearly five thousand more than in 2011. NINELINE received 8,176 crisis calls. Acercatel (Mexico helpline) received 4,775 crisis calls. Covenant House received a three star charity rating from Charity Navigator, America s premier independent charity evaluator, indicating that Covenant House exceeds or meets industry standards and performs as well as or better than most charities in its Cause. Covenant House also meets all 20 of the comprehensive and demanding standards of the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance (The Covenant House 2014). The prevention program I will be designing will strive to work as hard for the community like The Covenant House. Home away from Home is a homeless shelter for youths, children, and runaways between the ages 13 20 that have been emancipated. The program will be dedicated to transforming the lives of homeless, runaway and threaten youth during the course of safe, supportive, and encouraging relationships and helpful and innovative services that influence them toward independence. It is a nonprofit agency that will provide comprehensive
  • 38. Alejandro Gonzalez Film Techniques The illustrious screenwriter and film director, Alejandro Gonzalez IГ±arritu, has been showing unlimited resources in different genres in a meritorious career spanned for more than 15 years. He s the author of memorable films that were able to resist the difficult test of time, cases of the stylish dramatic thrillers, Amores Perros and 21 Grams , the pungent dramas, Babel and Biutiful , and the deliciously weird black comedy, Birdman , with which he won the Academy s prestigious prizes for best picture, original screenplay, and best director. All of them exhibit a superior quality that allows me to consider him an essential contemporary filmmaker. His new cinematic creation, The Revenant , a riveting wintry western set in the 1980 s... Show more content on ... The phenomenal Tom Hardy is John Fitzgerald, the religious villain responsible for this cruel decision. He plays it so confidently that we can easily detect an uncontrollable madness in his eyes and the evil nature in every little move he makes and word he says. Brilliantly directed and evincing an ingenious camerawork, The Revenant is simultaneously a murky revenge tale and a rewarding survival odyssey that held my attention from the first to the last minute. Thus, it s not the traditional cowboys and indians flick (there are also mischievous French soldiers trying to profit), even considering that the excitement of those is present along the powerful, primitive story that unfolds with action and tension. The protagonist, not only came to the conclusion that revenge is in God s hands , as he had listened before from a friendly Pawnee Indian who had lost his family killed by the belligerent Sioux, but he also realizes that his path and deliverance were works from
  • 39. Building Structure And Envelope Of An Advanced Engineering... In this report, it will analyses the building structure and envelope of an advanced engineering building at UQ. The report will put the emphasis on some aspects which include the construction documentation, building configuration building element design and building loading and load transfer to the foundation. From another perspective, the report will also illustrate the project s sites structure which includes site conditions, material used, interfaces with pre existing structure/infrastructure. Basically, by using various of site or the whole building drawings, some significant building components can be recognized. These building components will be discussed and analyzed specifically, which include their particular location in the drawing and how they function in the building structure. Introduction of this building The building is located in Brisbane QLD; the area is about 18000.0 m2. The project was finished in 2013. The building has achieved certified 5 star green ratings representing Australian Excellence in environmental initiatives. Also, to achieve the goal of energy efficiency, some building service and feature have been improved. For example, the thermal labyrinth to store cool overnight, VSD fans and pumps, high performance double glazing and openable louvres and windows with cross flow via the atrium. Construction documentation The construction documentation is consisting of structural and architectural cover sheets. The structural section can be
  • 40. Ishtar Gate Research Paper Another spectacular structure in Babylon is the Ishtar Gate. The Ishtar gate is the eighth and final entrance to the city of Babylon, but it is the main way to enter the city on special occasions. The Ishtar Gate was constructed by the means of Nebuchadnezzar around 575 BC. He built this to make his city beautiful and full of life along with the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Ishtar Gate was originally one of the Seven Wonders of the World like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but was removed and replaced with something suppodsly better than this beautiful gate and the walls that surround it. Ishtar was named after the goddess that was worshiped by the means of the people who are located in Babylon. Ishtar was the goddess of love, war, fertility, and sex.... Show more content on ... The dragons represent the god of Marduk. Marduk was a god, but historians believe what he was god of is unclear because of the fact that it is very complicated, and they do not have enough evidence to support it. The tiles of the actual gate were glazed blue tiles. The blue tiles are believed to come from lapis lazuli which is a metamorphic rock packed with the dense, rich mineral called lazurite. After entering and passing through the gatehouse, a long, straight path called the Processional Way runs into Babylon. This is about half a mile long paved with red brick on the outer parts and yellow brick in the middle. Each of the bricks used to make the path have a inscription underneath them. The inscriptions are small prayers from King Nebuchadnezzar to Marduk the god. The walls are estimated at about fifty feet high, and the wall are lined with around one hundred and twenty lions made of gold, brown, and yellow bricks. The lions represent the goddess that the whole gate is named after, Ishtar.175 The Processional Way was used for the New Year s celebration, through which statues of the deities would parade down. This beautiful and lively path led to the temple that Marduk was worshiped
  • 41. Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis Case Study The patient s symptoms along with the lab results provided a very similar match to Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis. Acalculous Cholecystitis refers to inflammation of the gallbladder where gallstones are NOT the contributing factor. This is significant because patient had a negative test result for gallstones. In this case, i think that it was most likely caused by an increase in bile viscosity that occurs from stasis. And in turn, leads to blockage of the cystic duct. The cystic duct connects the gallbladder to the common bile duct. Also the CT scan displayed gallbladder wall thickening (greater than 3mm), subserosal halo,pericholecystic fluid (without ascites or hypoalbumenia),mucosal sloughing and intramural gas. According to Imwong s radiology notes, this is the major criteria to look for in order to match the scanned image to the inflammatory disease. Other criteria of Acute Acalculous Cholecystitisis leukocytosis with a left shift and an elevated alkaline phosphatase level. Both of these were present in the patient. Acute acalculous cholecystitis is suggested if a patient has no gallstones but shows a thickened gallbladder wall and pericholecystic fluid. It wasn t clear about the muprhy sign but the thickened gallbladder wall and pericholescystic fluid are present. ... Show more content on ... This is reported in many cases of acute acalculous cholestytitis.There is tenderness and palpatations of the epigastric region. The epigastric region includes parts of the esophagus, the stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine, kidneys and spleen. These organs are also part of the digestive, endocrine, excretory and lymphatic regions. The patient s fever( 100.3) and vomiting can be the response of the cholecystitis not being treated sooner and may indiciate an infection. AAC is also more prevalent in males. Nearly, all of the symptoms and test results reported provide a match for
  • 42. How To Write An Essay About Atlantic City Atlantic City isn t always just the sandy beaches, the many gaming options, the fine food, nightlife and world class entertainment. Sometimes the biggest thrill is the size of your posh luxury suite inside one of Atlantic City s most luxurious resorts like the Royal Suites at The Atlantic Palace. Half of your vacation pictures may be taken from the inside your Atlantic City hotels marble bath or from the hotel s private lounge, reserved for guests only . Set on the beautiful Jersey shore, Atlantic City hotelsoffer views that expand for miles across the vast sea. Whether you want to hop off the elevator and right into the poker room or are more interested in perfecting your golf game at one of the nearby courses, you ll find several hotels... Show more content on ... With four towers featuring kings, two queens or two double beds, there s definitely a comfortable room to meet your standards. Trump Taj Mahal the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, for instance, offers theme suites with one or two bedrooms, two full baths and a living room with dining area. The penthouse suites are fittingly styled after famous historic figures such as Alexander the Great, King Tut, Napoleon, Kublai Khan, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci and Cleopatra and are designed with these notables in mind. The Trump Taj Mahal also offers twenty four hour in room dining service and information assistance, as well as three lounges: The Taj Princess Lounge, The Oasis Lobby Bar and The Rainforest. The Ascot Motel one of the best Atlantic city motels is located in Atlantic City, N.J. The motel is one block from the casinos of Atlantic City, the Atlantic City Boardwalk and the shopping and dining of The Quarter. Atlantic City International Airport is 14 miles away. The motel serves complimentary continental breakfasts. Complimentary coffee and a microwave are available in the lobby. An outdoor pool is open seasonally. Garage parking is
  • 43. A Pre-Mayan City Tlum Research Paper Tulum was a pre Columbian Mayan walled city; it was a port for Coba. There are many ruins spread out along the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula and they are on top of 12 meter cliffs. They are in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico in the Caribbean Sea. Tulum was one of the last to be taken in control of the Maya and managed to survive 70 years after Spanish began entering Mexico. Tulum and its surrounding areas are all popular sites for tourists. Tulum was at one point known as Zama, meaning City of Dawn, because it faces the sunrise. It faces the east towards the Caribbean Sea. Tulum is the Yucatan Mayan word for fence, trench, or wall. Tulum was a place for worship in some cases and it had both land and sea trade routes. The Tulum fort
  • 44. A True War Story In Tim OBrien s The Things They Carried Only the dead have seen the end of war unknown. In Tim O Brien s The Things They Carried, he tells us what a true war story is. Throughout chapter 7, he writes what he believes is a true war story. It s through evil, disbelief, embarrassment, and hidden meanings in Mary Anne s trip to Vietnam that we know what a true warstory is. The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong is a perfect example of a true war story. In a war, nothing ever hangs onto the good; it always grabs on to the evil. Rat Kiley said, At the girl s throat was a necklace of human tongues. Elongated and narrow, like pieces of blackened leather, the tongues were threaded along a length of copper wire, one tongue overlapping the next, the tips curled upward as if caught in a final shrill syllable (105 106). A young girl with a tongue necklace isn t the thing someone would expect to see from her. It s obscene behavior for a girl, especially in this time period. Many people eat animal tongues; it isn t seen as weird behavior, but Mary Anne wears them. The aspect of the human tongues makes it wicked and vile. O Brien wrote, And then one morning, all alone, Mary Anne walked off into the mountains and did not come back. No body was ever found (110). Mary Anne became one with Vietnam during the time she was there. Eventually she blended in with the landscape and felt at home with it. Not often do people hear stories of others just disappearing. It s insane to willingly walk out to the mountains in a foreign
  • 45. The Island of Menstruating Men The Island of Menstruating Men The men and women on Wogeo both lead very different lives, this is made clear by the distinct rituals that each sex participates in throughout their life, the roles held in tribal events as well as the strict customs that are adhered to in the daily life. Now, though the men and women have very different customs that they practice, both sexes of Wogeo are noticeably similar on a social scale. The truth is that on the island of Wogeo the tribes are maledominated. Through practiced customs and social norms the women of Wogeo are able to increase their social status to be on par with that of the men. The people of Wogeo have very specific traditions and rites of passage ceremonies that are held throughout a ... Show more content on ... One of these rituals shows just how women hold more power in Wogeo than in other parts of the word, the incising of the penis. All the males of Wogeo practice artificial menstruation to mimic the natural menstruation of women. Artificial menstruation is done because it is believed that the exiting blood takes the toxins with it and artificial menstruation needs to be done every so often to remain healthy and spiritually clean. Many of the men consider women lucky to get there period naturally. Also, in a social aspect, men are seen to be particularly helpless until women came along. This is told by stories of the culture heroes which mostly consisted of women. The women of Wogeo only undergo one rite of passagewhich occurs on the first menstruation. Unlike the various rites of passages for men, the purpose for the women s ceremony is seemingly more oriented toward that of celebration. The males look to have an idea of what goes on but have absolutely no interest in what goes on during the ceremony. It s rather amusing the displeasure that the ceremony causes them. Hogbin writes The sound of shrieking, borne on the wind, was clearly audible in the village, and soon the younger men and youths were making known their profound irritation. They objected to the women s being so blatant in asserting enjoyment. I m deafened said one, grossly exaggerating, as he waved his fist in the air. They ought to be planting taro
  • 46. American Me Psychology Film Report on American Me : A Therapeutic Perspective Taj Gunter: March 2008 American Me is a fictional film having a factual basis, starring and directed by Edward James Olmos. Released to the national theater circuit in 1992, American Me depicts the life of Rodolfo Cadena, a ranking Carnal (gang member) in the prison gang La Eme, also known as the Mexican Mafia. To therapeutically approach the salience and pervasiveness of gang membership, including its allure and reinforcers, would be a challenging task for any human service practitioner involving accuracy of assessment and effectiveness of treatment. However, endeavoring to find and implement such therapeutic... Show more content on ... If the counselor s expertise is not comprehensive enough to cover Santana s entire scope of needs, the counselor should not hesitate to refer out his client to another service provider who specializes in that specific area of need. Common referral needs for Santana might include: substance abuse assessment and treatment, domestic violence education (adolescent/cultural component), ESL services, anger management, academic tutoring, and mental health services (re: psychiatric counseling and/or pharmopsychiatric treatment). The culturally skilled counselor attempting a cross cultural approach would be cognizant of his/her own tendencies toward personal bias and stereotyping of Santana s appearance and attitude, as well as the very likely possibility of his client being on the receiving end of ridicule and criticism from others negatively stereotyping him as lazy, uneducated, or a drug runner just because he is Latino. Effective management and control of personal biases pave the way for open dialogue and the establishment of a clinical trust or professional bond that ideally leads to the discovery of core issues within the client that can subsequently be addressed. The therapeutic objective would fall within the target area of working with Santana toward the establishment of both personally (need) gratifying and socially acceptable incentives that would reinforce behaviors and self perceptions independent of
  • 47. Provision of Care for Patient with HIV Provision of Care for Patient with HIV: As a global epidemic, HIV has created several challenges for doctors and health care facilities since it represents an overwhelming public health crisis. While there are various factors that contribute to its spread, initiatives to combat the virus are usually influenced by the availability of human and financial resources. In the past few years, several measures have been undertaken to help curb the spread of the virus and its effects on patients. These initiatives are primarily divided into two categories i.e. provision of care to patients and treatment of the virus. One of the major ways in which HIV patients are provided with care is through policy and programming that is centered on HIV and AIDS related care (Ogden, Esim Grown, 2006, p.333). Generally, caring for a patient with HIV needs significant time and resources, which has contributed to the shift of clinical care to the home and community. The provision of care for patient with HIV includes a series of various steps in the care continuum in the home and the community. The first step is follow up care that is built on strong routine screening processes, which help in early identification of infected persons ( Connecting HIV Infected Patients to Care , 2009). Regular screening contributes to early diagnosis and treatment that can considerably enhance the health of the infected patients and prevent new infections. The second step is connecting to care through proper
  • 48. The Stanford Prison Study The aim of the Stanford Prison experiment was to investigate how readily people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a role playing exercise that simulated prison life. In 1971, Philip Zimbardo, the leader of the experiment, converted a basement of the Stanford University psychology building into a simulated prison. He advertised for students to play the roles of prisoners and guards for a fortnight. Subjects were randomly assigned to play the role of prisoner or guard . Those assigned to play the role of guard were given batons and special sunglasses, making eye contact with prisoners impossible. However, we learnt that The study created more new questions than it answered, about the amorality and darkness that inhabits the human psyche. (Shuttleworth, no date). It s interesting to note that even though Zimbardo picked only students with no psychological problems, medical disabilities, or a history of crime or drug abuse, conditions in the mock prison were so dreadful that one of the prisoners was authorised to be realised after just 36 hours due to bursts of screaming, crying and anger. There was a huge lack of informed consent during... Show more content on ... They recreated the original ad, and then ran a separate ad omitting the phrase prison life. They found that the people who responded to the two ads scored differently on a set of psychological tests. Those who thought that they would be participating in a prison study had significantly higher levels of aggressiveness, authoritarianism, Machiavellianism, narcissism, and social dominance, and they scored lower on measures of empathy and altruism ((Konnikova,
  • 49. Essay On LIS Introduction: Library and Information Science (LIS) education in India is presently growing very fast as a subject with a multidisciplinary approach. Now a sdays LIS education not only includes library related subjects but it has so many extensions like computer application, statistics, mathematics, management studies and operational research. LIS education in India has expanded since independence in the form of increase in number of LIS departments in the universities and institutions offering specialized courses in LIS and in the increase in number of students as well as courses. Research has also been initiated and accelerated in different facets of the subject with the support of the universities and different funding agencies (Satija, ... Show more content on ... While Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS) is offered by 105 universities, Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) courses is provided by 78 universities and 21 universities offer two year integrated courses . Seventeen universities provide M.Phil in Library and Information Science, 53 universities provide Ph.D in Library and Information Science and 2 universities provide D.Litt Degree (Jain, Kaur, Babbar, 2007). Different Courses of LIS: The different LIS courses available in India, including regular and distance education, are as follows: 1.Certificate course in Library and Information Science (C.Lib.Sc) 2.Diploma in Library and Information Science 3.B.Lib.Sc. /BLIS (Bachelor Degree in Library and Information Science) 4.M.Lib.Sc. /MLIS (Master Degree in Library and Information Science) 5.MS LIS (Master of Science in Library and Information Science) 6.M.Phil (Master of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science 7.Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy) in Library and Information Science 8.D.Litt in Library and Information Science (Banaras Hindu University and Utkal
  • 50. A Realist Look The End of St. Petersburg: A Realist Look Two years ago, I made my first film. It was called Freelance and I wanted to make a more realistic looking film. I don t like quick cutting or jump cuts. So, I wanted to have longer takes, pans, and medium shots. I would only use close ups only when it was necessary. I always felt that having too much cutting in a film, jump cuts, and too many close ups took away from the viewer. I felt that it wouldn t leave any room for development and give the audience an unsatisfied understanding of the characters development. Too much cutting would still allow you to watch the whole story, however it would not let you question any motives or even allow you breathing space to compile all the things you ... Show more content on ... This is where they manipulate the audience and thus preventing them from formulating their own meanings. As for Realism, the materials in reality should be able to speak for themselves. Realists strive mainly for allowing the audience to interpret their work in their own ways, by allowing abstractions, questions, or interpretations to come out. This is accomplished by intentional ambiguity and not emphasizing any specific aspects of their film. Realists achieve and rely heavily on cinematography, not editing, or doing so as little as possible. As for cinematography, that includes long shots, wide screen, lengthy takes, deep focus, panning, craning, or tilting. Realists allow the audience to make observations that they should make and opinions instead of being guided by a filmmaker s desired reactions. However, a director should put his personal vision and beliefs into his or her film but let the people decide what they think. As for me and my film Freelance, I wanted to leave questions about the people that you see throughout the film. Was there a back story? Do you feel like the character had some personality? And I left an open ending to my film. I used everything that a realist would have for the cinematography. I left out as much as I could for editing. I look back at the 1920s and 1930s films and I look at Vsevolod Pudovkin s The End of St. Petersburg and I think to myself Wow, how far we have come to make better
  • 51. Causes Of The Birmingham Bombing One of the most remarkable events during the Civil Rights Movement was the Birmingham Church Bombing. This event took place on an early Sunday morning in 1963, just before the early service started at the Sixteenth Street Baptist church in Birmingham, Alabama. Nineteen sticks of dynamite had been placed beneath the church steps in the basement below; as a result, four young African American girls were tragically killed and others were severely injured (Dabkowski 1). The malevolent Klu Klux Klan was to blame for this horrific event. It was an act of pure evil and racism against African Americans. This tragedy left many African Americans heartbroken and angry with the US government. Between the mourning for the young lives lost and the frustration that the African Americans felt as second class citizens, this event left a devastating mark in the Civil Rights Movement. On the morning of September 15, 1963, the devastating event known as the Birmingham Bombing took place. Eleven year old Sarah Collins and her fourteen year old sister, Addie Mae Collins had decided to hide out in the ladies room, which was in the church s basement (Dabkowski 1). Shortly after, three other young girls joined them around 10:15 in the morning. Cynthia Wesley, Carol Denise McNair, and Carole Robertson had no idea what they were in for by joining the two sisters, instead of staying in Sunday school. After a few minutes of playing, as Addie Mae Collins reached out to tie a sash on McNair s dress,
  • 52. Les Miserables Redemption Essay Redemption: the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. The idea of redemption is all encompassing, as this term may apply to religion, guilt, or regret; therefore, the concept is a personal achievement in which the beneficiaries themselves must recognize their newly attained salvation. In Victor Hugo s Les MisГ©rables, multiple characters minister to the redemption of others, while many experience their own restoration from indulging crime, peerless poverty, or malicious lifestyles. Written in the nineteenth century, Les MisГ©rables displays the notable impacts of both Romanticism and Neoclassicism, staple social movements of the time, on not only these individuals encounters with deliverance, but also the entirety of the... Show more content on ... When the holy Bishop allows Jean Valjeaninto his home without a thought, his family is quite apprehensive and concerned. Even Valjean is astonished, as he asks, Have you reflected upon it? Who tells you that I am not a murderer? in which the Bishop calmly responds with God will take care of that. (Hugo 20). The Bishop maintains discrete confidence in his allowing of Valjean to lodge in his home due to the fact that his life s mission is one with God, not society, and ensures, This is not my house; it is the house of Christ (Hugo 17). Ignoring society deemed dangers and expectations, the Bishop not only blesses Valjean with food and shelter for the night, but ultimately saves his life. Additionally, the fact that humanity aims for pride and positive reputation in life is indisputable. This is why Valjean s humble, but courageous and bold, character is extremely powerful in Les MisГ©rables. Steadfast in confidence, Valjean lacks care for others opinions of his deeds, because for Valjean the ultimate honor is dishonor, the ultimate renown is self effacement (Iosue 10). Solicitous and concerned for others, Valjean is aware that his life purpose of redeeming those who society deems worthless would derange societal expectation; however, this is why he unfailingly acts on his goal. He discerns society s ignorance to God s purpose of goodness in the world, and holds only the indomitable desire to implement and encourage others to help him in making what is secular,
  • 53. Messianic in Spectres of Marx by Jaques Derrida Essay In Spectres of Marx, Jaques Derrida expounds upon a major theme of his argument, the messianic, and is interested in outlining the issues surrounding messianism. These issues which work along side the critical characteristics of Marxist theory. According to Derrida, the messianic adopts the basic configuration of religious messianic thought, but there is also a messianism without religion (74). Derrida shares his opinion that a messiah is a promise, a hope, and an aspiration of something to come, but not that the messiah actually comes. If the messiah does come, and there is an end, where is the mystery once he is revealed? There lacks a definite horizon or final expectation in Derrida s messianism. Of the many views of messianism he... Show more content on ... Deconstruction is more of a journey to be undertaken with the understanding that there is not going to be a definite end. There is a constant change in what is being understood and once there is an apparent conclusion, a new door opens leading to another. In religious context, the coming of the messiah is mostly concerned with time and not Jesus. As of page twenty five in Specters of Marx, Derrida is hoping for a day in the future, not here yet, where we would finally be removed from the fatality of vengeance, such as in the story of Hamlet and his vengeance. Hamlet is waiting and wishing for another kind of justice to arrive. In this case, the messianic has a lot to do with justice. The issue with justice is that like deconstruction, it is undeconstructable. Justice takes place in a disjointure, such as the disjointure of the present time into many moments. The presence of the present (28) deals with what is to come. What the present represents is really a constant movement without much presence. To say something has singularity is an issue. Justice only takes place in a disjointure, and thus it is as if justice can only bee experienced during a moment of the present that is contemporaneous with it. The condition of justice is within the present. The lack of the possibility of justice would result in losing the chance of experiencing the future of a Desert like messianism (without content and without identifiable messiah) (33). It
  • 54. Personally Responsible, Participatory Citizen, And... There are three kinds of citizens Personally Responsible, Participatory Citizen, and Justice Oriented Citizen. Personally responsible citizen is on who donate, obey laws, and are responsible. Participatory citizen is where the person holds leadership positions in the community, and puts effort towards making a difference, they understand the governmentagencies and policies. Justice oriented citizen is the third kind of citizen. This person wants to understand why things are the way they are. They will do research and get to the bottom of the issue and suggest a ways to improve that concern. The article addresses the three kinds of citizenships. The descriptions for each are very similar to the other article read in class. Participatory citizen is being an active leader and service. Justice oriented citizen was explained as a good citizen who questions what is going on around them and why. They approach the systems or issue to face it head on. Searchers from the article stated justice oriented citizenship that is linked to social action. The article addresses how research can be unclear, documented, and unrealistic. They reference that people may do these things out of their heart or just for a an award to themselves. It is important to educate our children to really focus on the facts, and think outside the box that will impact all of the society in the best possible way. 2.3 People/Roles: Governor, senator, representative, citizen, and president. 2.4 Ideas: