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Compass Health
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee
Seattle Girls’ School
Safe to Brave:
Courageous Conversations
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
About Seattle Girls’ School
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
 Safe Versus Brave
 Interrupting with Care
 Courageous Conversations
 Resources and Tools
 Questions and Answers
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Engaging in Courageous
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Safety Versus Comfort
Safety: I feel that, in this space, I can ask questions without
fear of judgment. I can voice my perspective and know that
I will be validated for the fact that that is my truth. Others
may challenge my ideas, but that challenge is in the spirit of
greater shared understanding and growth.
Comfort: I feel that, in this space, my reality will be agreed
with, validated, and unchallenged. I don’t have to explain
myself to be understood, and I don’t have to justify my
perspective, as everyone shares it.
True dialogue happens in an environment where everyone is
safe but not always comfortable...
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Moving Conversations
from Safe to Brave
 Controversy with Civility
 Ownership of intent and impact
 Challenge by choice – with reflection
 Respect in all its multiplicity
 Pointed challenges, not personal attacks
 Mindfulness of the true source of emotions
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Debunking Some Myths
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
 All or None
 Mistakes
 Apologies
 “Tonsils” Theory
 Vulnerability
Growing Through Mistakes
William Taylor’s Reflective Competence Model
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Reflection: Courageous Conversations
What are some personal or
professional environment
challenges for authentic
dialogue? How might you
move into more
courageous dialogues in
your professional and
personal life?
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Interrupting with Care
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Speaking From the Heart
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Can you lean on the
Can you make it personal?
* Is your relationship
hierarchical? *
Being A DEAR
 Affirm the person or relationship
 Describe the behavior without judgment
 Explain the emotion/impact and your filters
 Assume positive intent
 Request or suggest different behavior
*** Key Points: timing, I statements, actions not
adjectives, inside feelings not outside feelings***
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Being A DEAR: An Example
I think you and I both agree we all have a
right to be respected and heard in this
community. When we were disagreeing
about budgets, you said “You’re being
overdramatic,” and later, you called me a
“drama queen.” Statements like this make it
sound like I am being too emotional and
that my concerns are drama rather than real
issues. I am assuming you don’t intend to
police my tone or dismiss my concerns. I
would appreciate your not saying things
like this anymore. Thank you.
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Being A Witness
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Are you speaking to the agent or
the audience?
Do you want to minimize harm to
the target group?
Do you want to educate?
Do you want to challenge social
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
NCBI Effective
Interventions Model
 Reduce Defensiveness
– Tone
– Body Language
– Respect
 Keep the Conversation Going
– Hear Them Out
– Ask Open-Ended Questions
– Set Aside Your Feeling for the Moment
– Dialogue
 Build the Relationship
 Stop the Behavior
 Win an Ally
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Active Witnessing: Examples
 Ask open ended questions
– “He looked suspicious”
– “How did he look? How was he acting? Why was that suspicious?”
 Find out the experience motivating the comment
– “Why can’t they just speak English around here?”
– “It must be hard not to understand what people are saying around you.”
– “I’m sick of my taxes paying for freeloaders”
– “Tell me more about about that.”
 Use exaggerated humor to highlight what’s going on
(use sparingly)
– “What do gay people think about this issue?”
– “I’m not sure – I’ll go ask. It may take me a while, since there are so many gay people.”
 Join the person and do not make yourself superior
– “She got that award because she’s Black and female.”
– “You know, I hear that a lot. I’ve been trying to figure out why we seem to think when a
Black woman gets recognized it must be because of ‘diversity’ or ‘affirmative action’
reasons rather than that she earned it.”
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Listening to the Real Message
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Is this about what you did or
who you are (guilt or shame)?
What is your mindset voice
telling you?
Might this be an opportunity to
learn and grow?
Growing from Mistakes
 Listen with full attention
 Don’t try to defend or respond right away
– Take deep breaths
– Acknowledge your feelings
 Your mistakes don’t define you
– Be worthy of their trust and gift
 Prioritize the Impact over Intent
– Apologize for real
*** Moving through these moments with grace is
called shame resilience. It’s a vital skill***
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Growing from Mistakes: Examples
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
 “I really appreciate your telling me this.”
 “I’m so embarrassed that I did that.”
 “I’m very sorry my words and actions made you
feel that way.”
 “I’m pretty overwhelmed right now, and I don’t
want to respond in a way I’d regret. Do you think
you can help me come up with a better way to
handle that situation after I take a few minutes?”
 “I wanted to go back to a moment I don’t think I
handled very well… Can we talk?”
Process Break
How might you use
these tools in your
professional and
personal life? What
questions or concerns
come up?
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Courageous Conversations
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Fears and Anxieties that Keep Us
from Having Conversations
 Offending
 Losing Face
 Tokenism
 Professional/Social Risk
 Bursting the Bubble
 Rocking the Boat
 Conflict
 Lack of “Authority”
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Pitfalls and Obstacles that Keep Us
from Conversing Again
 Outbursts
 Silence
 Denial
 The Good Talk
 Teacher vs. Facilitator
 Personal Attacks
 The Quick Fix
 Leadership Oppression
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Comparing Dialogue and Debate
 Dialogue is collaborative. Debate is oppositional.
 In dialogue, one listens in order to understand and find
meaning. In debate, one listens in order to find flaws and
to counter arguments.
 Dialogue reveals assumptions for reevaluation. Debate
defends assumptions as truth.
 Dialogue calls for temporarily suspending one’s beliefs.
Debate calls for investing wholeheartedly into one’s
 In dialogue, one searches for basic agreements. In
debate, one searches for glaring differences.
 Dialogue remains open-ended. Debate implies a
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Adapted from Shelley Bennan, Dialogue Group, Boston Chapter, Educators for Social Responsibility
Polarity Thinking
Cognition marked by flexibility and
elasticity that enables individuals to
recognize and navigate the countless
opposing yet interdependent energies
that manifest in all life. Polarity thinking
transforms ‘either/or’ contrasts into
‘both/and’ formulations that allow for
mutually-satisfying, stable, and
predictable gains in personal and
professional life.
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Caroline Blackwell, National Association of Independent Schools
Polarity Mapping
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Caroline Blackwell, National Association of Independent Schools
Engaging Across Differences
 Be willing to sit in the gray areas
 Be willing to be uncomfortable
 Be willing to be vulnerable
 Be willing to extend trust and earn trust
 Be willing to listen fully
 Be willing to continue the conversation
 Be willing to believe we need each other
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Process Break
How might you use
these frameworks in your
professional and
personal life? What
questions or concerns
come up?
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Examples from the Road
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Common Scenario:
• Separating Oneself Physically
• Not Speaking
• Side talking, Checking Phone
• Dismissive Body Language
• Turning In Body Language
• “Well, I identify as ____, and I don’t see how I
can relate to this topic…”
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Common Scenario:
Ranking Oppressions
• “In this world, it’s so much worse being a
woman than a Person of Color.”
• “We should talk about REAL problems like
immigration status. Ability affects very few
• “You come from so much wealth, what
problems could you possibly have?”
• “How could I possibly have privilege if I’m
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Common Scenario:
Reverse Discrimination
• “There are so many ways women get special
treatment in the world – leadership programs for
women, STEM courses for girls, and men can’t
say anything these days without being accused of
• “Conversations about class privilege make me feel
guilty, so you’re making ME unsafe…”
• “It’s so much harder for me to get into college as a
White person. People of Color have it so much
easier – how is THAT fair?”
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Common Scenario:
Inclusion vs. Assimilation
• “We're all just here to get our education, not to
have some kind of Kum-ba-yah love-in.”
• “How can we be inclusive to EVERYONE’S
culture? Don’t we have to have some
standard for how we act at school or work??
• “Well, we can talk about inclusion here, but
how are we going to be prepared for the REAL
world, where not everyone thinks like this?”
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Common Scenario: Colorblindness
• “How could I be prejudiced? I have lots of
friends who are…”
• “I treat everybody the same. I don't care if
they are brown, blue, yellow or purple.”
• “Doesn’t talking about how different we are
just separate us and make problems
• “Well I’m just White, so I don’t think about
race all the time like People of Color…”
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Other Common Scenarios: Fear
• The role of and appropriate engagement for
people of privileged groups (i.e. White people
in conversations about race, males in
conversations about gender, etc.) (fear of
saying/doing the wrong thing)
• One or two students in a target group (fear of
hurting or offending)
• The “provocateur” who likes to create tension,
drama, or conflict (fear thereof)
• Big eruption of emotions (fear thereof)
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
For Your Toolbox
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
• Before a Lesson/Activity
• During
• After
• Be Mindful of Who You Are,
Whom You Are Leading,
What’s in the Air, etc.
• Use Your Resources
Openly Acknowledge
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Define the Opportunity
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Practice Growth Mindset
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Know Your Growth Zones
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Comfort Zone:
Reliance on you
already know and do
Zone of Proximal
Development – The
Growth Zone:
Mindful and strategic
change toward the
next stage of growth
Panic Zone:
Unrealistic demands
on yourself and
Engage in Dialogue Versus Debate
Brenda J. Allen, Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity
Description Evaluation
Problem-Orientation Control
Spontaneity Strategy
Empathy Neutrality
Equality Superiority
Provisionalism Certainty
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Differentiate Safety Versus Comfort
Safety: I feel that, in this space, I can ask questions without
fear of judgment. I can voice my perspective and know that
I will be validated for the fact that that is my truth. Others
may challenge my ideas, but that challenge is in the spirit of
greater shared understanding and growth.
Comfort: I feel that, in this space, my reality will be agreed
with, validated, and unchallenged. I don’t have to explain
myself to be understood, and I don’t have to justify my
perspective, as everyone shares it.
True dialogue happens in an environment where everyone is
safe but not always comfortable...
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Move Conversations from
Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces
 Controversy with Civility
 Own your own intent and impact
 Challenge by choice – with reflection
 Respect in all its multiplicity
 No personal attacks, but pointed
challenges are okay
 Be mindful of the true source of your
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Framing and Talking Points:
Different Occasions, Different Skills
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Develop Your Inner Credible Hulk
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Equality vs Equity
Everybody gets a shirt versus everybody
gets a shirt that fits.
Giving everybody some insulin in
equality. Giving only people who are
diabetic some insulin is equity.
What is “fair”?
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Institutional vs Individual
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Correlation vs Causation
Correlation: When income is averaged and compared, there
is a strong correlation between gender and income. This is
due to a myriad of historical, systemic, and economic factors that
impact men and women differently in the workplace.
Causation: When income is averaged and compared, there is a
strong correlation between gender and income. This must be
because women must not be as smart, hard-working, or
good with money as men.
Correlation: When folks are carrying umbrellas, they are
also wearing rain boots. This is because it’s raining.
Causation: Umbrellas make people wear rain boots.
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Where We’re From vs Where We’re Going
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Where We Come From: In the past, LGBTQ people were
openly discriminated against. Many LGBTQ people were
killed, fired from jobs, kicked out of families, etc. We’ve come
so far. Now, we have openly gay celebrities, politicians, and
other public figures. Equal marriage rights is now law of the
land. Most schools and workplaces have LGBTQ non-
discrimination policies. Why are LGBTQ people are so angry?
Where We Are Going: We still have LGBTQ people who are
discriminated against. News stories abound of LGBTQ people
killed, fired from jobs, kicked out of families, and more. We
have such a long way to go. Having public role models on TV
doesn’t protect kids from bullying and harassment in the
hallways. Having nondiscrimination laws and policies don’t
mean LGBTQ people receive fair treatment in practice Why
are straight/cisgender people are so complacent?
Expert Opinion vs Personal Opinion
Expert Opinion: An astronomy professor, widely published in
academic journals and books, with a national reputation in her
field, states that, according to the most current science, there
are 8 planets in our solar system.
Personal Opinion: Another person asserts that there are 9
planets because that is what he learned in school and from
his parents, he had a map of the sky in his bedroom as a
child, and everyone he knows agrees with him.
Expert Opinion: Experts in multiple fields validate the
existence, reality, and impact of microaggressions, stereotype
threat, racial anxiety, implicit bias, etc.
Personal Opinion: I think people should stop being so
sensitive and get over it. We live in a post-racial society. I
don’t have a racist bone in my body.
Is everybody’s opinion equally valid?
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
“Privilege exists when one group has
something of value that is denied to others
simply because of the groups they belong
to, rather than because of anything they’ve
done or failed to do.”
[as described by Peggy McIntosh and quoted by Allan Johnson]
Privilege is SYSTEMIC. It drives the
systems that dominate our societies.
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Two Types of Privilege
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Unearned Advantage
an unearned entitlement
(i.e. things of value that
all people should have)
that is restricted to
certain groups
Conferred Dominance
bestowed control;
granted authority;
awarded power or
domination- Giving one
group power over
Accumulated Advantages
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Situational Advantage
There are prime parking spots and seats
reserved for people with disabilities. People
with disabilities are often first to board
planes and other transportation vehicles.
These advantages are situational and do not
balance out systemic oppression.
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Situational Advantage
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
An Ally Is…
“a person who is a member of the dominant or
majority group who works to end oppression in
his or her personal and professional life
through support of, and as an advocate with
and for, the oppressed population”
Washington and Evans, Becoming an Ally
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
An Ally Is…
“Someone who doesn’t have to stand up for
someone else, who might even lose something
if they do, but they do it anyway because they
know it’s the right thing to do”
6th Grade Student
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Savior Complex
 Centers on the “Helper” and not the “Helped”
 Centers on making the “Helper” feel good about
 Assumes that the “Helper” knows what is best for the
“Helped,” often without even hearing from the direct
experiences of the “Helped”
 Doesn’t acknowledge deep injustices, where the “Helper”
is privileged and the “Helped” are oppressed
 Doesn’t do anything to give power to the “Helped”
 Does not create sustainable change – once the “Helper”
stops doing what they are doing, so does the positive
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Allyship and Solidarity
 Centers on the “Helped” and not the “Helper”
 Centers on the “Helper” fulfilling a societal responsibility
as the privileged
 Assumes that the “Helped” knows what is best for the
“Helped,” and that the job of the “Helper” is to assist the
“Helped” in meeting those needs
 Acknowledges deep societal injustices, where the
“Helper” and “Helped” are equal in dignity and unequal in
access through no fault or earning of each party
 Results in the “Helped” becoming more powerful
 Creates sustainable change where the “Helper” becomes
obsolete because the positive change continues with or
without them
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Developing into an Ally
Karen Bradberry, PhD
Active Passive Passive Active
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Inclusive Communities
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
Presenter Information
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee
6th Faculty and
Professional Outreach
Seattle Girls’ School
2706 S Jackson Street
Seattle WA 98144
(206) 805-6562
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
• Anti-Defamation League
• Brené Brown
• Cross Cultural Connections
• National Coalition Building Institute
• The People’s Institute
• Stirfry Seminars
• Teaching Tolerance
• The Thiagi Group
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (

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Compass Health Courageous Conversations

  • 1. Compass Health Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee Seattle Girls’ School Safe to Brave: Courageous Conversations Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 2. About Seattle Girls’ School Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 3. Agenda  Safe Versus Brave  Interrupting with Care  Courageous Conversations  Resources and Tools  Questions and Answers Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 4. Engaging in Courageous Conversations Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 5. Safety Versus Comfort Safety: I feel that, in this space, I can ask questions without fear of judgment. I can voice my perspective and know that I will be validated for the fact that that is my truth. Others may challenge my ideas, but that challenge is in the spirit of greater shared understanding and growth. Comfort: I feel that, in this space, my reality will be agreed with, validated, and unchallenged. I don’t have to explain myself to be understood, and I don’t have to justify my perspective, as everyone shares it. True dialogue happens in an environment where everyone is safe but not always comfortable... SO THAT THEY CAN LEARN AND GROW. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 6. Moving Conversations from Safe to Brave  Controversy with Civility  Ownership of intent and impact  Challenge by choice – with reflection  Respect in all its multiplicity  Pointed challenges, not personal attacks  Mindfulness of the true source of emotions Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 7. Debunking Some Myths Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (  All or None  Mistakes  Apologies  “Tonsils” Theory  Vulnerability
  • 8. Growing Through Mistakes William Taylor’s Reflective Competence Model Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 9. Reflection: Courageous Conversations What are some personal or professional environment challenges for authentic dialogue? How might you move into more courageous dialogues in your professional and personal life? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 10. Interrupting with Care Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 11. Speaking From the Heart Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 12. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Can you lean on the relationship? Can you make it personal? * Is your relationship hierarchical? *
  • 13. Being A DEAR  Affirm the person or relationship  Describe the behavior without judgment  Explain the emotion/impact and your filters  Assume positive intent  Request or suggest different behavior *** Key Points: timing, I statements, actions not adjectives, inside feelings not outside feelings*** Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 14. Being A DEAR: An Example I think you and I both agree we all have a right to be respected and heard in this community. When we were disagreeing about budgets, you said “You’re being overdramatic,” and later, you called me a “drama queen.” Statements like this make it sound like I am being too emotional and that my concerns are drama rather than real issues. I am assuming you don’t intend to police my tone or dismiss my concerns. I would appreciate your not saying things like this anymore. Thank you. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 15. Being A Witness Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 16. Are you speaking to the agent or the audience? Do you want to minimize harm to the target group? Do you want to educate? Do you want to challenge social norms? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 17. NCBI Effective Interventions Model  Reduce Defensiveness – Tone – Body Language – Respect  Keep the Conversation Going – Hear Them Out – Ask Open-Ended Questions – Set Aside Your Feeling for the Moment – Dialogue  Build the Relationship  Stop the Behavior  Win an Ally Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 18. Active Witnessing: Examples  Ask open ended questions – “He looked suspicious” – “How did he look? How was he acting? Why was that suspicious?”  Find out the experience motivating the comment – “Why can’t they just speak English around here?” – “It must be hard not to understand what people are saying around you.” – “I’m sick of my taxes paying for freeloaders” – “Tell me more about about that.”  Use exaggerated humor to highlight what’s going on (use sparingly) – “What do gay people think about this issue?” – “I’m not sure – I’ll go ask. It may take me a while, since there are so many gay people.”  Join the person and do not make yourself superior – “She got that award because she’s Black and female.” – “You know, I hear that a lot. I’ve been trying to figure out why we seem to think when a Black woman gets recognized it must be because of ‘diversity’ or ‘affirmative action’ reasons rather than that she earned it.” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 19. Listening to the Real Message Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 20. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Is this about what you did or who you are (guilt or shame)? What is your mindset voice telling you? Might this be an opportunity to learn and grow?
  • 21. Growing from Mistakes  Listen with full attention  Don’t try to defend or respond right away – Take deep breaths – Acknowledge your feelings  Your mistakes don’t define you – Be worthy of their trust and gift  Prioritize the Impact over Intent – Apologize for real *** Moving through these moments with grace is called shame resilience. It’s a vital skill*** Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 22. Growing from Mistakes: Examples Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (  “I really appreciate your telling me this.”  “I’m so embarrassed that I did that.”  “I’m very sorry my words and actions made you feel that way.”  “I’m pretty overwhelmed right now, and I don’t want to respond in a way I’d regret. Do you think you can help me come up with a better way to handle that situation after I take a few minutes?”  “I wanted to go back to a moment I don’t think I handled very well… Can we talk?”
  • 23. Process Break How might you use these tools in your professional and personal life? What questions or concerns come up? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 24. Courageous Conversations Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 25. Fears and Anxieties that Keep Us from Having Conversations  Offending  Losing Face  Tokenism  Professional/Social Risk  Bursting the Bubble  Rocking the Boat  Conflict  Lack of “Authority” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 26. Pitfalls and Obstacles that Keep Us from Conversing Again  Outbursts  Silence  Denial  The Good Talk  Teacher vs. Facilitator  Personal Attacks  The Quick Fix  Leadership Oppression Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 27. Comparing Dialogue and Debate  Dialogue is collaborative. Debate is oppositional.  In dialogue, one listens in order to understand and find meaning. In debate, one listens in order to find flaws and to counter arguments.  Dialogue reveals assumptions for reevaluation. Debate defends assumptions as truth.  Dialogue calls for temporarily suspending one’s beliefs. Debate calls for investing wholeheartedly into one’s beliefs.  In dialogue, one searches for basic agreements. In debate, one searches for glaring differences.  Dialogue remains open-ended. Debate implies a conclusion. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Adapted from Shelley Bennan, Dialogue Group, Boston Chapter, Educators for Social Responsibility
  • 28. Polarity Thinking Cognition marked by flexibility and elasticity that enables individuals to recognize and navigate the countless opposing yet interdependent energies that manifest in all life. Polarity thinking transforms ‘either/or’ contrasts into ‘both/and’ formulations that allow for mutually-satisfying, stable, and predictable gains in personal and professional life. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Caroline Blackwell, National Association of Independent Schools
  • 29. Polarity Mapping Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Caroline Blackwell, National Association of Independent Schools
  • 30. Engaging Across Differences  Be willing to sit in the gray areas  Be willing to be uncomfortable  Be willing to be vulnerable  Be willing to extend trust and earn trust  Be willing to listen fully  Be willing to continue the conversation  Be willing to believe we need each other Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 31. Process Break How might you use these frameworks in your professional and personal life? What questions or concerns come up? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 32. Examples from the Road Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 33. Common Scenario: Disengagement • Separating Oneself Physically • Not Speaking • Side talking, Checking Phone • Dismissive Body Language • Turning In Body Language • “Well, I identify as ____, and I don’t see how I can relate to this topic…” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 34. Common Scenario: Ranking Oppressions • “In this world, it’s so much worse being a woman than a Person of Color.” • “We should talk about REAL problems like immigration status. Ability affects very few people.” • “You come from so much wealth, what problems could you possibly have?” • “How could I possibly have privilege if I’m Muslim?” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 35. Common Scenario: Reverse Discrimination • “There are so many ways women get special treatment in the world – leadership programs for women, STEM courses for girls, and men can’t say anything these days without being accused of sexism.” • “Conversations about class privilege make me feel guilty, so you’re making ME unsafe…” • “It’s so much harder for me to get into college as a White person. People of Color have it so much easier – how is THAT fair?” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 36. Common Scenario: Inclusion vs. Assimilation • “We're all just here to get our education, not to have some kind of Kum-ba-yah love-in.” • “How can we be inclusive to EVERYONE’S culture? Don’t we have to have some standard for how we act at school or work?? • “Well, we can talk about inclusion here, but how are we going to be prepared for the REAL world, where not everyone thinks like this?” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 37. Common Scenario: Colorblindness • “How could I be prejudiced? I have lots of friends who are…” • “I treat everybody the same. I don't care if they are brown, blue, yellow or purple.” • “Doesn’t talking about how different we are just separate us and make problems worse?” • “Well I’m just White, so I don’t think about race all the time like People of Color…” Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 38. Other Common Scenarios: Fear • The role of and appropriate engagement for people of privileged groups (i.e. White people in conversations about race, males in conversations about gender, etc.) (fear of saying/doing the wrong thing) • One or two students in a target group (fear of hurting or offending) • The “provocateur” who likes to create tension, drama, or conflict (fear thereof) • Big eruption of emotions (fear thereof) Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 39. For Your Toolbox Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( • Before a Lesson/Activity • During • After • Be Mindful of Who You Are, Whom You Are Leading, What’s in the Air, etc. • Use Your Resources
  • 40. Openly Acknowledge Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 41. Define the Opportunity Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 42. Practice Growth Mindset Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 43. Know Your Growth Zones Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Comfort Zone: Reliance on you already know and do well Zone of Proximal Development – The Growth Zone: Mindful and strategic change toward the next stage of growth Panic Zone: Unrealistic demands on yourself and others
  • 44. Engage in Dialogue Versus Debate Brenda J. Allen, Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity SUPPORTIVE DEFENSIVE Description Evaluation Problem-Orientation Control Spontaneity Strategy Empathy Neutrality Equality Superiority Provisionalism Certainty Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 45. Differentiate Safety Versus Comfort Safety: I feel that, in this space, I can ask questions without fear of judgment. I can voice my perspective and know that I will be validated for the fact that that is my truth. Others may challenge my ideas, but that challenge is in the spirit of greater shared understanding and growth. Comfort: I feel that, in this space, my reality will be agreed with, validated, and unchallenged. I don’t have to explain myself to be understood, and I don’t have to justify my perspective, as everyone shares it. True dialogue happens in an environment where everyone is safe but not always comfortable... SO THAT THEY CAN LEARN AND GROW. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 46. Move Conversations from Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces  Controversy with Civility  Own your own intent and impact  Challenge by choice – with reflection  Respect in all its multiplicity  No personal attacks, but pointed challenges are okay  Be mindful of the true source of your emotions Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 47. Framing and Talking Points: Different Occasions, Different Skills Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 48. Develop Your Inner Credible Hulk Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 49. Equality vs Equity Everybody gets a shirt versus everybody gets a shirt that fits. Giving everybody some insulin in equality. Giving only people who are diabetic some insulin is equity. What is “fair”? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 50. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 51. Institutional vs Individual Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 52. Correlation vs Causation Correlation: When income is averaged and compared, there is a strong correlation between gender and income. This is due to a myriad of historical, systemic, and economic factors that impact men and women differently in the workplace. Causation: When income is averaged and compared, there is a strong correlation between gender and income. This must be because women must not be as smart, hard-working, or good with money as men. Correlation: When folks are carrying umbrellas, they are also wearing rain boots. This is because it’s raining. Causation: Umbrellas make people wear rain boots. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 53. Where We’re From vs Where We’re Going Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Where We Come From: In the past, LGBTQ people were openly discriminated against. Many LGBTQ people were killed, fired from jobs, kicked out of families, etc. We’ve come so far. Now, we have openly gay celebrities, politicians, and other public figures. Equal marriage rights is now law of the land. Most schools and workplaces have LGBTQ non- discrimination policies. Why are LGBTQ people are so angry? Where We Are Going: We still have LGBTQ people who are discriminated against. News stories abound of LGBTQ people killed, fired from jobs, kicked out of families, and more. We have such a long way to go. Having public role models on TV doesn’t protect kids from bullying and harassment in the hallways. Having nondiscrimination laws and policies don’t mean LGBTQ people receive fair treatment in practice Why are straight/cisgender people are so complacent?
  • 54. Expert Opinion vs Personal Opinion Expert Opinion: An astronomy professor, widely published in academic journals and books, with a national reputation in her field, states that, according to the most current science, there are 8 planets in our solar system. Personal Opinion: Another person asserts that there are 9 planets because that is what he learned in school and from his parents, he had a map of the sky in his bedroom as a child, and everyone he knows agrees with him. Expert Opinion: Experts in multiple fields validate the existence, reality, and impact of microaggressions, stereotype threat, racial anxiety, implicit bias, etc. Personal Opinion: I think people should stop being so sensitive and get over it. We live in a post-racial society. I don’t have a racist bone in my body. Is everybody’s opinion equally valid? Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 55. Privilege “Privilege exists when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they’ve done or failed to do.” [as described by Peggy McIntosh and quoted by Allan Johnson] Privilege is SYSTEMIC. It drives the systems that dominate our societies. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 56. Two Types of Privilege Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee ( Unearned Advantage an unearned entitlement (i.e. things of value that all people should have) that is restricted to certain groups Conferred Dominance bestowed control; granted authority; awarded power or domination- Giving one group power over another
  • 57. Accumulated Advantages Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 58. Situational Advantage There are prime parking spots and seats reserved for people with disabilities. People with disabilities are often first to board planes and other transportation vehicles. These advantages are situational and do not balance out systemic oppression. Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 59. Situational Advantage Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 60. An Ally Is… “a person who is a member of the dominant or majority group who works to end oppression in his or her personal and professional life through support of, and as an advocate with and for, the oppressed population” Washington and Evans, Becoming an Ally Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 61. An Ally Is… “Someone who doesn’t have to stand up for someone else, who might even lose something if they do, but they do it anyway because they know it’s the right thing to do” 6th Grade Student Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 62. Savior Complex  Centers on the “Helper” and not the “Helped”  Centers on making the “Helper” feel good about themselves  Assumes that the “Helper” knows what is best for the “Helped,” often without even hearing from the direct experiences of the “Helped”  Doesn’t acknowledge deep injustices, where the “Helper” is privileged and the “Helped” are oppressed  Doesn’t do anything to give power to the “Helped”  Does not create sustainable change – once the “Helper” stops doing what they are doing, so does the positive change Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 63. Allyship and Solidarity  Centers on the “Helped” and not the “Helper”  Centers on the “Helper” fulfilling a societal responsibility as the privileged  Assumes that the “Helped” knows what is best for the “Helped,” and that the job of the “Helper” is to assist the “Helped” in meeting those needs  Acknowledges deep societal injustices, where the “Helper” and “Helped” are equal in dignity and unequal in access through no fault or earning of each party  Results in the “Helped” becoming more powerful  Creates sustainable change where the “Helper” becomes obsolete because the positive change continues with or without them Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 64. Developing into an Ally Karen Bradberry, PhD Active Passive Passive Active Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 65. Inclusive Communities Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 66. Presenter Information Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee 6th Faculty and Professional Outreach Seattle Girls’ School 2706 S Jackson Street Seattle WA 98144 (206) 805-6562 Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (
  • 67. Resources • Anti-Defamation League • Brené Brown • Cross Cultural Connections ( • National Coalition Building Institute • The People’s Institute • Stirfry Seminars • Teaching Tolerance • The Thiagi Group Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee (