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Comparison Of The Tokyo War Crimes Trials And The...
At the end of World War II in 1945, the victorious allies (Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States) were quick to act on plans of
justice against both Germany and Japan. Germany was forced to come to terms with the guilt of crimes committed during the war with the
Nuremburg trials, they were also expected to pay reparations to the allied powers and Berlin became completely controlled by the allied powers
causing a huge conflict in the centre of Germany. Japan was occupied by allied powers in 1945, the remains of their war machine was destroyed and
war crime trials were held, however, unlike the far harsher consequences given to Germany, the majority of these consequences and particularly the
Tokyo war trials were put to a halt... Show more content on ...
Limitations: The author of the essay is an American historian and so we are limited in knowing whether or not he is reticent with information to
preserve the name of the U.S.
Value: Here, a comparison is made between the Tokyo War Crimes Trials and the Nuremburg Trial, this is hugely valuable to the investigation
because it gives a factual comparison between the two trials as well as an explanation as to why these two trials were handled completely differently
and that this was possible because the International Military Tribunal (IMT), set up by France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United
states, was held responsible for the Nuremburg Trials whereas the Tokyo War Crimes Trials were the responsibility of theInternational Military Tribunal
for the Far East (IMTFE) created by the U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur. The difference between these tribunals is that the IMTFE was no set
up by an international agreement. This suggests the outcome of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials was entirely the decision of the
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Feminist: Rape As A War Crime And A Culture
Yes, I'm a Feminist: Rape as a War Crime and a Culture
Often times I find myself wondering if it's safe to be a woman in the world today. I hear the stories of rape and unwanted sexual contact from the
women around me, and I find myself wondering if I'll be next. The problem is that rape isn't about just sex, it's about the repercussions on the women,
and about societies that find themselves watching war bring about the destruction of their morale by violating their women. Rape is about the non
consensual ways in which people force themselves on others, and it's about culture that fosters the idea that women's voices are somehow less
powerful than men's. But Even still, it's about the way people refuse to speak out against it, and the way it ... Show more content on ...
First, the thought that women shouldn't be transparent with their wants–that they can't say "yes" to sex without getting flack for being "easy" or a
"slut" leads to the belief that "no" isn't a refusal, but rather a veiled invitation (Tegenfeldt). The more disturbing side of this comes when we realize that
these aren't singular, disconnected incidents, but rather that these ideas are widespread–not just in America, but in the world. If we consider that the
phrase"security of person" is a right clearly stated in article three of the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), we are faced with
considering the morality of rape (United Nations 2). While the meaning of the line itself may be up to some interpretation, if we stop to think that
when someone feels violated, and feels like their body no longer belongs to themselves, there becomes little room for argument as to whether rape
is covered under it or not (Dickson). Going even further, the use of rape in war can be considered even worse. Rape in warfare is a "deliberate
attempt to engender public humiliation" and destroy the morale of those who are victimized (Moore 107). The UDHR states in article five that people
shouldn't be subjected to "cruel," or"degrading treatment or punishment, " a term that arises as Moore describes rape being used to punish and publicly
humiliate opposition (United Nations 2, Moore 107–109). To debate the ethical and moral standpoint of rape, we must first truly understand what it is,
and what it stands for. We must also understand why it is a violation of rights, and the reasons people don't speak out against it. Once we have that, it
becomes much easier to realize how an issue that is domestically focused on is really something spread across the
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Huge Crimes During World War II
World War Two was one of the major influential events of the twentieth century, with nearly thirty nine million deaths in Europe alone. Huge
amounts of capital were destroyed as well as going through six years of constant ground battles. Many Citizens were forced to leave or give up their
owned property without compensation and they had to move on to new lands. Hunger periods become more and more common even Western
Europe. Many families were separated for long periods of time especially from the male figure. Several people and children would personally witness
the catastrophic events and bombing that took place in the areas where they lived. Huge crimes against the word were committed. Due to World War
Two political and economics system in a lot countries would be altered eternally.
Not like ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the civilian deaths, between 9.87 and 10.45 million civilians ended up getting killed for political or racial reasons by the Nazis(Auerbach,
1992; Pohl, 2003). The variations of deaths due to the battles were very unequally distributed among countries, whether they were deaths in the military,
civilian deaths, or the holocaust. Germany and Poland borne the brunt of most of the casualties. In comparison American casualties in the European
and Asian aspect combined were a bit over 400 thousand, the immense majority of which were soldiers. Similarly, all deaths in the United Kingdom
are projected to be about 450 thousands, 15 percent of those were civilians. The two countries most affected from the number of casualties were Japan
and China. About two million Japanese soldiers died in the battle along with up to a million Japanese civilians, about 4 percent of the Japanese
population. The ending number of deaths in China is thought to range between 10.2 and 20.1 million, and more than 70% being civilians. The other
country that stands out are those that would comprise most of the Soviet Union, where one in seven died in the war
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Korean War Crimes
General S. L. A. Marshall, perhaps America's finest combat historian of the twentieth century, described Korean War as "the century's nastiest little
war." Despite of its significance and bloody intension, the Korean War has been history's Forgotten War. Among the historic events of this Forgotten
War, there are several events that should not be forgotten, such as the war crime, this happened in one Korean hamlet called "No Gun Ri Massacre."
Over the course of a three–day barrage of gunfire and air strafing, hundreds of South Korean civilians were killed. Just as other U.S. war crimes, the
U.S. Armed Force Claims Service ignored the responsibility by eluding standards of war crime. They regarded the massacre as an alleged war crime
and passed... Show more content on ...
According to international committee of the red cross, a war crime is defined as: "1)making the civilian population or individual civilians, not taking a
direct part in hostilities, the object of attack;(2)launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to
civilians or damage to civilian objects which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated;(3)making
non–defended localities and demilitarized zones the object of attack." However, it is challenging to interpret every state of affairs within only a single
definition. The first war crimes tribunal since the end of World War II was in Yugoslavia. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) states, "Between 1991 and 1995, the Yugoslav Army and Serbian paramilitaries occupied sections of Croatia. In mid
–1995, the Croatian army
reclaimed this territory, pushing out the Yugoslav Army and expelling many of the ethnic Serbs who had been living there for
generations......generated a huge number of civilian casualties, human rights violations, and war crimes. To assess these crimes and determine
culpability, even as the wars continued to rage, the United Nations established the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
in 1993." Serbian and Croatian leaders sacrificed civilians in order to fulfill their egoistic ambition to get a territory of Bosnia. It fact, war crime
always abide by war and it can't be helped. Though it is possible to identify each crime cases and rectify it subsequently. ICTY was established in order
to achieve this goal. In the article the Truth About No Gun Ri, the author complicates matters further by stating, "That anxiety has been heightened by
the ex–Yugoslavia war–crimes tribunal, which was created in 1993. Late in 1999, the
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Just War Crimes
1. What is a Just War? When is it justifiable for nations to used organized violence against other nations or terrorist groups?
The central claim of just war theorists is that war is a bad thing, but under certain circumstances, it may be justified or even obligatory. They believe,
that there must be some constrains on the conduct of war. In other words, just war theory states, that the use of force must be regulated by a set of
mutually agreed rules of combat. Just war theory is built on principles of just cause and just means which were eventually developed into the laws of
war and that are enforced by military and civilian courts. Just cause refers to the possible justifications for going to war. Just means refers to the limits
of what ... Show more content on ...
Not witnessing the active public support of humanitarian action and domestic pressure, politicians choose to stay away from difficult political and
ethical dilemmas of foreign policy that could potentially damage their reputation. This is why humanitarian disasters are rarely being addressed and
prevented, in spite of tragic lessons of Holocaust and other humanitarian disasters.
4. What do you think are the causes of genocide?
Territorial states often consist of different cultural, ethnic, religious and racial groups. Conflicts between such groups, as well as conflicts between
such groups and the majority group, struggles for dominance or independence, real or perceived injustice could lead to genocide. Struggle for access
to limited economic resources could also lead to genocide. Rapid political changes, instability, systemic crises as well as wars also create conditions
under which genocides are more
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War Criminals As War Crimes
My discussion question is discussing why the authorities are not recognizing these as war crimes and putting forth more effort to prevent it. There
are such high amounts of women being violently raped and left with severe injuries and three is still little amounts of evidence connecting them to
the perpetrators. There are also more women who are not able to be registered as a victim because they cannot access hospitals to report anything.
There could be a larger amount of women who have been violently raped and the perpetrator could have been a part of the armed groups. These
women are not only physically and psychologically traumatized they are also being outcasted by their others around them. Some women cannot work
because the severity of
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War Crimes Committed in World War II
During world war two, countries on both sides committed war crimes that shocked both the people involved, and the globe. From 1937 through to
1945, the Japanese justified their treatment of the Australian prisoners of war at the Burma railway with three things. The Japanese believed that their
bushido code allowed them to treat the Australian this way, their ethics was one of complete brutality and hardship, and the Japanese soldiers were
being fed false propaganda that showed a dehumanized view of the Australians. These three statements demonstrate that the Japanese atrocities
committed at Burma, were, in the eyes of the Japanese, fair and just. The Japanese brutality was heavily influenced by bushido, a historic code of
honour and morals that dictates how you act and live. The Japanese treated the Australian soldiers the way they did because their code tells them that
those who surrender are weak and do not deserve your thoughts, and it is considered an unspeakable disgrace. Although the Japanese Imperial military
committed to follow the samurai code of bushido after the restoration of the emperor in 1868, the code that they followed was a falsification of
bushido. For the Japanese soldiers, bushido meant giving their life to the emperor; surrender was shameful; those who surrendered were thought of as
dead; and sympathy for the defeated was weakness. No sympathy for the defeated was definitely not a part of the traditional bushido, the one practised
by the samurai. This
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War Crimes After World War II
After World War II, the trials of war criminals established the new beginning of international war crime prosecutions. Thousands of atrocities that
occurred in the war fields had been documented– ranging from murders, rapes, torture, and overall inhumane mistreatment of non–combatants and
prisoners of war. In an attempt to further prevent these from happening, war crimes are punished to protect humanity, maintain peace and prevent future
incidents from occurring. The punishment for war crimes establishes that criminal actions against innocent people are not justifiable, and will not be
tolerated, even in the most permissive situations of war. Furthermore, since the definition of war crimes has been established to prevent cruelty against
other... Show more content on ...
Since this definition was established, it became much easier to convict the accused Nazi's for their crimes, as convicting war criminals with a valid
definition in the first place is crucial. The purpose of the Nuremberg trials was to find and convict the Nazi participants in the war for what they had
done. The Nuremberg Trials did not take too long to complete, taking only 10 months between November 20th, 1945, to October 1st, 1946. This was
mainly only because Germany was very strict on consistent and accurate documentation about the crimes– unknowing at the time, that they had
committed; which made it easier to persuade the accused to admit to what they had done. These documents included the robbery against Jewish people,
such as rings, paintings and other valuables.2 Because of the weighted proof of thousands of documents, twelve of the twenty–two initially accused
Nazi's were sentenced to death, three were acquitted, and the last seven were sentenced to prison.3 The Nuremberg trials were a big step towards
establishing human rights internationally and made it known that both civilians and prisoners of war are entitled to protection despite any
circumstances. The trials were the first in history that war criminals from around the world were tried in an international court for their crimes.4
Furthermore, it pushed the agenda that war crimes were not to be dismissed so
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War Crime
During WWI 8.5 million people were killed and over $180,000,000,000 was spent by countries during the war however, those are only numbers. There
were huge impacts on the war that explained the true cost of the war, and the deaths of many men. Such as war tactics, PTSD, weapons, war crimes,
civilian casualties and the draft.
In WWI, war crimes had a big impact of the cost of war. War crime is an action carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted
international rules of the war. Germany's first attempt at chemical weapons came in 1915 at the battle of Ypres in Belgium. The gas was used in the
form of chlorine, the gas cleared large sections of soldiers from the front lines. When exposed they fled, which ultimately killed roughly 5,000
opposing troops. Chlorine gas burns the throats of its victims and causes death by asВphyxiation, much like smoke kills people during a house fire.В
Because of these types of war crimes over 1.5 million people died.
In WWI there were over 7 million soldiers who became Prisoners of war. To be a prisoner of war it means to be a person who has been captured and
imprisoned by the enemy in war. Soldiers were usually captured in battle and died due to harsh weather.... Show more content on ...
Before the war started the women of america was not seen as important as they are now. After theUnited States entered the war in 1917, women
supported the war effort in numerous ways. They became nurses, factory workers, police officers and firefighters. The women of the United States,
also gave an effort to help with the war overseas. Under the GFWC they created a service, that sent 100 women to help wounded soldiers in Europe.
World War Iled to many advances to women & their rights. After the War ended, job opportunities increased for women and an act was made in 1919
that made it illegal to exclude women from jobs because of their
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Crimes in Rwandan Genocide, the Algerian War, and the...
In the twentieth century there were many horrific events where civilians were sought out to be exploited in very violent manners. There were many
conflicts that display this form of violence against humans in the twentieth century, but the 3 that stand out and best represent are the Rwandan
Genocide, the Algerian War, along with the most horrific display of violence against civilians, the Holocaust. These 3 instances are geographically
diverse as well as being 3 completely different forms of violent crimes carried out among civilians. This essay will show not only the different conflicts
that took place but the variety of violent crimes taken out on the human race itself.
The Rwandan Genocide which took place in Rwanda in the year 1994, took place because of the battle for power. The Hutu Government had been
internally conflicted by the balance of power between the landowners themselves and the people that worked those lands. The first spark happened
when the UN tried to negotiate a multi–party constitution, which had failed miserably. This was all due in part to the fact that the Hutu opposed any
Tutsi involvement in the government. In that time the president of Rwanda was in a plane that was shot down most likely carried out and executed by
the extremist, who happened to be on the side of the Hutu.
This triggered everything that the Hutu had been planning for; their reign and terror of taking over Rwanda and overtaking the government of Rwanda
was finally in full force.
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War Crimes During The Holocaust
War crimes are deeds committed during times of war that breach accepted international rules of law. One of the most prominent examples of war crimes
happened during the Holocaust– this atrocity changed how the world perceived war by showing the cruel and awful nature war was made of. All war
crimes are separated into four categories, these are: conspiracy, crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Holocaust fell under
the rubric of crimes against humanity because of the massive genocide of Jews and other minorities,such as Romani people, gays and political
prisoners, executed by the Nazi party. The war crimes done during the Holocaust are some of the most abhorrent to exist– the systematic killing and
experimentation ... Show more content on ...
In World War 2, Germany was using the labor of prisoners which is permitted by the third Geneva Convention. The fact that they were making them
work in the worst of conditions known to man and furthermore, not keeping them healthy, both in body and in mind was by definition– a war crime.
Throughout, 1945 to 1946, the International Military Tribunal, or IMT, for short, tried 22 major war criminals on the charges of crimes against peace
and conspiracy. They defined these crimes that the defendants committed as "murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation or persecutions on
political, racial, or religious grounds." They all got their respective sentences in prison starting from 10 to 20 years in prison to execution.
War crimes are hideous offences against the very pillar of human existence, and those executed by Germany during World War II are no exception. The
Holocaust embodied the abhorrence and animosity that was present in the world– it is the epitome of hate and ignorance. The deeds done by foes such
as Josef Mengele– where he defied the very essence of human individuality. His experiments were transgressions on the cloth of humanity. In on it by
it self, the Holocaust was a war crime– it killed millions upon millions. Lamentably so, the Holocaust also opened the door to more war crimes that
will always be stains on the history of this
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Who Is Winning The Losing War Against Crime?
In, "Who is Winning the Losing War against Crime?" Jeffrey Reiman, a philosopher out of Washington, D.C., expands on a different viewpoint in
which to look at Marx's political theory. Rather than the typical way to viewing it by addressing how it would affect our economic system, he turns it
around to focus on it could be used to evaluate current social problems, particularly crime. Reiman's belief was that we as people are not seeing the real
story of crime due to these false ideologies floating around, same as Marx's belief that the pursuit of happiness contained an ideology that favored the
result of capitalism, which he saw as very deteriorating. In this reading, Reiman's main argument is to adjust our view on crime. Instead of believing
there is a direct correlation between crime and human nature, which is fed to the public by researchers, Reiman puts forth an effort to make us see the
criminal system as unjust and corrupt in a way. "For example, a number of researchers approach criminal behavior by exploring the role that human
nature plays in criminal activity. Reiman attempts to reframe and recast the problem. The unjust and inept criminal system is not, he argues, the result
of failure to recognize the contribution human nature makes to criminal behavior. The real truth, he contends, is that powerful groups in society have a
vested interest in perpetuating an inept, unjust criminal system. This is what Reiman calls the Pyrrhic defeat theory, the hypothesis that the
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Crime And The War On Drugs
The daily lives of many individuals, particularly a significant number of African American men and women in the 6th Street neighborhood of
Philadelphia and other similar neighborhoods, are an exercise in evasion of the law and the legal infrastructure designed to enforce the rule of law. I
argue that this is a reasonable reaction to stimuli in the environment, as:
"since the 1980s, the War onCrime and the War on Drugs have taken millions of Black young men out of school, work, and family life, sent them to
jails and prisons, and returned them to society with felony convictions. Spending time in jail and prison means lower wages and gaps in employment"
(Goffman, On The Run, p. 3)
The legal system in the United States is primarily retributivist in its response to criminal acts. From a criminal justice perspective, this system is highly
effective. When police departments engage in behavior that allows them to catch people who are criminals under the eyes of the law and keep them
off the streets and engaging in further criminal behavior, then it is efficient to state that the criminal justice system is working, from a pure
enforceability standpoint. It is crucial, then, to examine whether the reason behind the rule, e.g., the desire to reduce overall crime in society to
improve the standard of living of everyone, is being met. There are arguments in favor of this viewpoint and against this viewpoint, and I will further
argue that rehabilitation is more effective for long–term
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Japan 's War Crimes During The World War II
Introduction: Nowadays, Japanese animes are becoming increasingly famous, and America is not an exception for anime's gigantic worldwide
fandom. Animes, such as One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, and Attack on Titan, are the main leaders of the anime wave sweeping all over the world.
Nevertheless, many Japanese animes are often criticized at the same time for employing the idea of neo–nationalism or indirectly mentioning
justifications for Japan's war crimes during the World War II. Although they are not really noticeable to most of the audience, the author of a famous
anime, Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama demonstrated that such neo–nationalist factors actually exist in animes when he showed a strong support
towards Japan's past aggressive wars and colonialism in his SNS. However, not all animes are showing support towards neo–nationalism in Japan. An
anime, Terror in Resonance, directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, not only criticizes Japan's war crimes during the World War II, but also condemns
current Japanese government's policies encouraging neo–nationalism. The anime well demonstrates that the neo–nationalist movement in Japan is not
Japan's own problem, but it is rather a serious international problem that will affect Japan's relationship with other countries. Furthermore, the anime
focuses on increasing people's awareness on unjustifiable neo–nationalist movement of Japanese government. Although many right winged Japanese
people victimize post–World War II Japan to regain former
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World War II War Crimes
World War II War Crimes
The declaration of war against Germany made by Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain starting World War II in 1939 may have started a gruesome
and horrible time for civilians and soldiers. This was was total war. Every civilian, every business, every service was involved. Although during the
conflicts of World War II a lot of the countries became involved, such asGermany, France, Japan, and the United States which may have been caused
some quarrel about how the fighting was taking place, and many agreements were signed; some believe that Germany started it all by making the
bombings supposedly not a crime. On the other hand, the atrocious aerial bombings performed by the Royal Air Force of Great Britain may overpower
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The definition of total total war is, "a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives
pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded." This definition shows how although the actions committed by the Royal Air
Force of Great Britain may not have been good ideas, because it was total war, it was happening often during this time period. As stated in document
15 by J.M. Spaight "Bombing Vindicated" in 1994, "the people who make and transport war material are, to the opposing belligerent, active,
dangerous enemies." Spaight is stating how some may use the argument that most civilians are simply doing their work in factories and farms and are
not bothering with the war. His argument is that although they may seem to be "just doing their work," in reality the work of making and transporting
weapons that could be use in the war against others means that these citizens are helping out directly. This seems to cause a valid argument from some
perspectives; that although the killing of innocent civilians may seem unnecessary and cruel, if it were not for the bombing, then they would still
contribute to the war by making weapons which would be a danger towards the enemy side. First and foremost, this perspective is a British one. Most
likely this person did not see
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Federal Crime And The Civil War
Federalization of crime has expanded dramatically in the 200 plus years since the drafting of the U. S. Constitution. The original scope of the
federal criminal jurisdiction was very narrow, and crime control was left largely to the states. Until the Civil War, there were only a small number
of federal offenses, and they dealt with injury to or interference with the federal government itself or its programs. The federal offenses during this
time were treason, counterfeiting, piracy, and felonies committed on the high seas (Marion & Oliver, 2012). Except in those areas where federal
jurisdiction was exclusive, the District of Columbia and the federal territories, federal law did not reach crimes against individuals; such as murder,
rape, arson, robbery and fraud, were absolute concern of the states. State laws defined these offenses which were prosecuted by state or local officials.
Congressional activity making essential local conduct a federal crime has accelerated greatly, notably in areas in which existing state laws already
criminalize the same conduct. One must examine the history of federalization of crime to clearly understand why the U.S. Government began to
federalize crime and the arguments for and against the federalization of crime. The first major expansion of federalization of crime occurred
immediately after the Civil War. Congress enacted a series of criminal laws in regards to the misuse of the mails and interstate commerce (Marion et
al., 2012).
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Fighting Crime And The War Against Crime
Introduction – Directive 91/477/EEC and the Amended Directive 2008/51/EC
Fighting crime and the war against crime and terrorist groups has become a problem all over the world. By taking a stance on these actions, countries
began looking at ways to better improve their established gun laws, putting together militia groups and enforcing harsher rules in the fight against
crime. In the European Union, it is their duty to protect its country and its citizens from illegal terrorist attacks, groups and the illegal trafficking of
weapons and ammunitions. Here in this paper I will provide an analysis of the proposed firearm directives in the European Union. On Saturday,
November 13, 2015, three groups of Islamic State assailants ... Show more content on ...
Residents of the European Union depend solely on the national governments and European Union to guarantee their safety. It is for this reason in the
event of any tragedies that immediate steps to strengthen their existing rules on firearms are put into action immediately. Here we will look at the
reasons for and implementation of Directive 91/477/EEC as it relates to the safety of the European Union citizens and the amended Directive 2008/51
/EC plans to maintain control of those in possession of firearms.
The Origin of European Union Firearms Council Directive 91/477/EEC The safety of citizens and businesses is a main concern of the European Union
Commission. The use of weapons by organized crime and terrorist organizations can and has inflicted tremendous suffering and damage upon society as
we have seen in the past. In the matter of common non–military firearms, the elimination of all law enforcement and background rules and regulations
at intra–European Union borders for the concern of the domestic market, made it vital to implement explicit laws on the purchase and ownership of
various categories of firearms intended for public use. This is to aid marketable
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The Nuremburg War Crimes
Social research is the scientific study of society. From conducting social research we can gain a better understanding of society's attitudes,
assumptions, beliefs, trends and rules. Social research frequently determines the relationship between one or more variables. Examples of prevalent
social research topics include sexuality, class issues and racism (De Vaus, 2002). When conducting social research it is extremely important to follow
ethical procedures in order to cater to the needs of the participants. Ethics is an issue in social research because it doesn't allow for many investigations
and experiments to take place due to their secretive or unethical nature such as the Facebook Mood experiment thus limiting the amount of research that
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The research should not harm the participant and at no point should they feel distressed or uncomfortable, the participant needs to obtain the correct
information and at no point be deceived or lied to (Diniz, 2008). The participant needs to be seen as an individual not just a number and needs to take
into account that they are unique and will respond differently to other participants. Furthermore, the participant needs to agree to take part in the
research on their own accord and must not be forced into partaking. Social research and the experiments conducted to acquire the research sometimes
have ripple effects that can cause unanticipated consequences on the community. The community and in particular community psychologists need to
identify an ethical dilemma that could result from social research when they see one, understand the fundamentals of the predicament, and decide what
a solution should include
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America's Immmature Crimes During The Revolutionary War
America, like so many other countries, likes to conceal their mistakes while teaching their history to the youth. Sometimes they do so by simply not
teaching a certain event, or maybe not telling the full story. We like to make it seem that America was the good guy in every situation, to create a sense
of proud nationalism. However, the true nature of our past actions can often be lost in the efforts to maintain a good reputation for the country. During
the revolutionary war, the American colonists committed many immature crimes against their mother country, Britain. Many of these crimes, including
the the actions preceding the Boston Massacre, have been depicted as brave and justified acts of rebellion against the evil British, when they were
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War Crimes In Iraq
The United States committed war crimes in The war against Iraq because of the intrusion of people's rights. "Crimes against humanity consist of
murder, enslavement, deportation, and other inhuman acts committed against civilization before or during a war" (Bassiouni 1). War crimes are
actions carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war. Crimes against humanity have existed and customary
international law for over half a century and are also evidenced in prosecution before some national courts (Bassiouni 1).
After War World II in 1945 theUnited States, allied developed the agreement for the persecution and punishment of the European axis (Germany, Italy,
Japan). In 1948 genocide convention ... Show more content on ...
On 9 April 2003 a statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad's Firdos square was draped in a US flag and symbolically toppled. The message was
"resistance is futile". This date was not just the beginning of Iraq's tragedy – it was the start of the darkest chapter in the modern history of the Middle
East. Saddam Hussein may have been gone for 12 years, but Iraq is still no closer to finding its place on the altar of freedom. The UN says more
than 1,000 people were killed and 2,172 injured last month. It estimates that more than two million Iraqis have fled their homes since January last
year. The government says it will cost the country $5bn to sort out this churning of the population. the murderous spree did not start on 20 March
2003, when US missiles rained on Baghdad and other cities signalling the start of a campaign the Americans flippantly and callously referred to as
"shock and awe". The USA and the UK had bullied, cajoled, bribed and intimidated the world into imposing a murderous sanctions regime on Iraq in
the 1990s. They did so with the connivance and the explicit support of Arab states as punishment for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Its effects were the
deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children (Holmes
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War Crimes In Ww2
War crimes are committed in every war, whether it be the mass murder/rape of civilians/noncombatants or the mistreatment of POWs, war crimes
show war's worst effects on people's morals and humanity. After the end of World War 2 there were the Nuremberg trials which tried the members
of the nazi party that had committed war crimes throughout the war. However most allied war crimes were not brought to the public and in the
soviets case, blamed on the nazi's. This is the result of how "history is written by the victors" and while the nazi war crimes were closely
documented, judged and sentenced the allied war crimes were swept under the rug away from the public eye as it wouldn't of been popular to publicly
lock up and persecute the men that had... Show more content on ...
This policy changed however when in August 1940 Luftwaffe night–bombers accidentally dropped bombs across London, pushing Churchill to order a
retaliatory raid against Berlin. This enraged Hitler and made him order his men to start intense raids on London and around it. These acts of attacking
civilian positions by both sides while not specifically in the Geneva Convention at the time, is considered a war crime today with article 51–54 of
Protocol I added in 1977 declaring that "directly attacking civilian targets and also using technology such as biological weapons, nuclear weapons and
landmines, whose scope of destruction cannot be limited." is a war crime. Because of these war crimes committed by the allies they did not include
the "bombing of London, Warsaw and Rotterdam as a war crime" in the Nuremberg trials against the Nazis. This act of not prosicuting the Nazi's for
their bombings of allied cities in their war crime trials due to the allies committing the same acts on Axis cities shows us how the Allies did infact
commit war crimes by directly bombing innocent german civilians in their raids of german
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Israel War Crimes
Israel war crimes consist of attacking innocent civilians in their homes, vehicles, or out in the street. They bomb and destroy Arab's homes, hospitals,
schools, markets, etc. Their horrific actions are considered to be a violation toward the Israeli Humanitarian Law. There is strong enough evidence that
has been shown by Amnesty International and Forensic Architecture thatIsrael has committed war crimes and also crimes against humanity. A good
example of a war crime committed was the attack in Rafah, where Israel dropped over 1,000 bombs, missiles, and shells as an act of "revenge" and a
punishment towards the Arabs. That is not a form of revenge this is simply cruel, its genocide. 135 innocent civilians were killed on that tragic day and
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Hamas, an organization which was formed in the year 1987, 5 years after 53 massacres were committed by the Zionist, killing approximately 3,500
innocent civilians, from men, women, to children. Zionist 'claims' one of the reasons as to why they attack Palestinians is because of Hamas, which
they consider to be a terrorist group. However as stated above, Hamas didn't form until after Zionist executed innocent civilians. So that 'claim' is only
an excuse to kill innocent Palestinians to occupy their land and kill innocent civilians. This shows the real terrorist group isn't Hamas as they claim, but
themselves (Erdogan: Hamas made up of freedom fighters, not terrorists, 2012).
According to international law, Hamas has every right to exist, since it is a resistance movement which is withstanding the occupation of Zionist.
Hamas is compromised of freedom fighters who are desperately protecting their citizens and homeland. Hamas have every right to defend itself from
these Zionist to ensure the safety of the Palestinians (Hamas is a resistance movement, not a terrorist group, insists Qatar,
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The War On Crime
affluent middle and upper classes of American society are insulated from the stressors and sorrows that plague the lives of the poor. She calls for an
open dialogue to raise awareness and public understanding that the "War on Drugs," is really an intricate, one–sided network comprised of many linked
and interconnected factors that have been designed to work in favor of law enforcement. (Alexander, M., p. 60–65) She illustrates her point by
describing how this "crime war" is fought in "ghettoized" neighborhoods that are almost completely devoid of whites and successful middle– class to
upper–class blacks like Michelle. (Alexander, M., p.7–8) She contends that because they have virtually no contact with racial or ethnic minorities,
whites ... Show more content on ...
They also promoted long prison terms, strict parole and probation provisions upon release, and the permanent label of "felon," for all violent and
non–violent offenders. A classification that results in the loss of most social rights and benefits including: voting rights, jury service, public assistance
e.g., food stamps, Section 8 housing, assistance for higher education, etc. (Alexander, M., p. 142; Western, B., 2006) Alexander contends, that in a fair
and equitable justice system, a defendant is informed of the resulting consequences before he/she makes a decision to plead guilty to a felony. This is
not a common practice in the "tough on crime" models. (Alexander, M., p.
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Somalia Facing War Crimes
World's Role in War Crimes
Our world ignores the issues and epidemics caused by war. Innocent people all over lose their lives due to combat even when they do not involve
themselves in it. Some are even forcibly recruited and must surrender to orders given to them no matter how gruesome. An article titled "Children in
Somalia Facing War Crimes," a speech given by former president Jimmy Carter, and a Pulitzer Prize nominated photograph taken by Tyler Hicks show
evidence of the subject at hand.
Article "Children in Somalia Facing War Crimes" reports the ongoing problem of child soldiers in the country Somalia. The government army forcibly
recruits children under the age of fifteen into battle. These adolescents lose their childhood and most likely
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Should Governments be Punished for War Crimes?
"All I wanted to was to make something beautiful." (Horikoshi, Jiro. Eagles of Mitsubishi: the story of the Zero Fighter. Washington, DC:
University of Washington Press, 1992.) These were the words of the man who invented Mitsubishi A6M Zero, which is a fighter aircraft that was
used by the Japanese in world war two. When he invented it, he didn't mean for it to be used as a weapon to hurt people, but in the contrary, it was
designed and built to be useful in the most harmless of ways for all individuals alike. World war two left all nations with so many pains and some of
these pains are unforgettable. If any ordinary person thought about war, Slavery will not come through their minds, because when anybody hears the
word "War" the first thought that comes through their minds is Pain, Bloodshed, Death, Army, and so on, and so on. Slavery during war carries a
whole new meaning of being imprisoned. Many countries hurt other countries and the best way to hurt a country severely is by killing the most
important thing in it, which is their "People". Some countries were punished for the crimes that they have committed against humanity. So the question
is "Should Governments Still be Punished for the Crimes that were committed during wars?" The first person that comes to our minds when we think
of world war two would be Adolf Hitler. After all, he was the reason behind the deaths of more that 5.5 million person worldwide in the Second World
War (1929–1945). And the most notable
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War Crimes In Iraq
The United States committed war crimes in the war against Iraq because of the intrusion of people's rights. Crimes against humanity consist of murder,
extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhuman acts committed against civilization before or during war. War crimes are actions carried
out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war. Crimes against humanity have existed and customary international law
for over half a century and are also evidenced in prosecution before some national courts (Bassiouni 1).
After War World II in 1945 theUnited States, allied developed the agreement for the persecution and punishment of the european axis (germany, italy,
japan). In 1948 genocide convention crimes ... Show more content on ...
troops crossed the border into Kuwait, ending America's war in Iraq. More than 100 vehicles were in that convoy, snaking its way across the desert
and through the floodlit border crossing, leaving behind empty bases and memories of nearly 4,500 American lives that were lost. Americans
breathed a sigh of relief. Many Iraqis held their breath. War, they feared, was far from over for them, and time has borne out their fears. The death and
violence never stopped –– it's just that the bombs and bullets faded from American minds and television screens once the pull–out was complete. Two
years later we're back in Iraq and things are in many ways worse for Iraqis than when the Americans left. Driving in along what the U.S. military called
"Route Irish" –– or the BIAP (Baghdad International Airport road)–– the stark concrete blast walls are now covered in murals, the median is grassed
with palm trees and fountains. We were reminded this was done for the 2012 Arab League Summit in Baghdad, not for general "beautification." More
than 8,000 people were killed in Iraq in 2013, according to the U.N. estimates –– most of them innocent civilians caught up in the tempest of violence
that grips their country. A previous version of ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq, comprised the core insurgents the Americans fought in those cities during
the war. They have regrouped and strengthened across the border in Syria during that country's bloody conflict –– and extended their fight for a home
for their brand of hard–line Islamism into Iraq. The results have been deadly –– not just in Ramadi and Fallujah of course, but across the country,
where, just like the "bad old days" of 2005–2009, bombings and killings have become pretty much daily events. The Americans aren't coming back to
help out with boots on the ground, but they are giving other support –– offering drones, missiles, aircraft and other assistance. But this isn't a battle to
be won
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Military Should Pay For War Crimes In The United States
Technology is present in our daily lives. It could be used positively or negatively to impact daily life. Technology has been integrated into military
weapons and spy gear, according to The White House "Our defense science and technology investment enables us to counter military threats and to
overcome any advantages that adversaries may seek" (The White House 1995). Our government spends thousands of dollars on maintaining military
advantages through science and technology. When our government spends that much money on technology, it helps protect the citizens, protect our
country, and create peace in regions critical to the U.S. However, the U.S hasn't always used our military advantages for the best. Our military have
killed many innocent civilians targeting our enemy after September 11th and our military should pay for their war crimes like the government makes
other countries pay for theirs.... Show more content on ...
After September 11th, the abuse of war technology became more present in harming innocent civilians. The citizens of the United States of America
know casualties will be lost, but too many are lost. Us citizen's feel sorrow every time September 11th comes around, but James A. Lucas said to
ask ourselves "How many September 11ths has the United States caused in other nations since WW 2?"(Lucas). In other words they probably
would not have taken place if the U.S. did not use its heavy hand of power In addition to James A. Lucas "The overall conclusion reached is the U.S
has most likely been responsible since WW 2 for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the
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War Crimes In Japan
Many of the people that are against dropping the bomb argue that Japan had not done anything so deserve to deserve two atomic bombs to be
dropped on them. But Japan had already started a bloody battle with an unprovoked attack on pearl harbour. They killed a total of 2,403 army, navy,
marine, and civilian people. Japan was also guilty of many violations of the international laws. They "had a record of atrocities against civilians prior
to and during the war"(Carlisle). Japan had done many war crimes against civilians. They had done so for their own advantage. Japan was notorious
for these crimes. One of the war crimes was "the cruelty of the Japanese toward American prisoners, especially in the Philippines"(Campbell). Japan
was torturing American
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A war crime is an unjust act of violence in which a...
A war crime is an unjust act of violence in which a military personnel violates the laws and acceptable behaviors of a war. Despite all the violence in a
war, a soldier shooting another is not considered a war crime because it is not a violation to the laws and practices of a war, and it is considered just. A
war crime is defined as a "violations [violation] of the laws and customs of war" ("War Crimes"), and are attacks "against civilian populations,
prisoners of war, or in some cases enemy soldiers in the field" (Friedman). War crimes are typically committed with weapons or by uncommon, cruel,
devastating military methods and are "...Committed primarily by military personnel" (Friedman). There are many different types of war crimes one can
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Specific war crimes such as murder can be "individually and collectively...Some trials involved the murder of one or a few victims; others involved
the murder of hundreds or thousands" ("War Crimes"). For example, in World War II, the crime of murder was very common against allied prisoners
who "...were murdered before reaching a prisoner–of–war camp, allegedly while trying to escape" ("War Crimes"). Medical experiments are war crime
crimes which are "...conducted on prisoners of war and on determine remedies for diseases...others, such as those involving castration,
sterilization, and excessive use of X–rays, do not appear to have had any specific purpose" ("War Crimes"). Furthermore, crimes against civilian
populations include crimes of deportation and forced labor, where thousands of people were deported from "the occupied countries of Europe in order
to fill the manpower shortages created by a burgeoning war industry...hundreds of thousands of individuals died of overwork, insufficient food, and
inadequate living and working conditions..." ("War Crimes"). Other crimes against war prisoners include torture and humane treatment, which was a
"...national policy for both Nazi Germany and Japan [in World War II]" ("War Crimes"). Furthermore, in the Korean War death marches were "a
characteristic of North Korean maltreatment of prisoners of war" ("War
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The Causes And Effects Of War Crimes In Afghanistan
War Crimes in Afghanistan
Afghanistan has been a country filled with violence for over 30 years. Today, most of the media covers only the progress in rebuilding the country.
There have been some improvements in Afghanistan, however, the war crimes, and the human rights abuses haven't received as much attention. The
Soviet Union, the United states, the Taliban and Pakistani ISI have been the culprits of the war crimes in Afghanistan. . During the Soviet war, over a
million afghans were killed, and many more were injured (Amnesty International). There are many witnesses on the murders. In the September of
1984, a doctor that was interviewed witnessed Soviet troops in an Afghan village. He reported, "They tied them up and piled them like wood. They
poured gasoline over them and burned them alive (Hamidi)." One Afghan resistance leader recalled how the civilians were treated by the Soviet ... Show
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The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001 (Lorenzo). It was formed in the early 1990s, by an Afghan
faction of mujahideen, with the help of the U.S. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), and the Pakistani ISI (Inter–Services Intelligence directorate)
(Lorenzo). The Talibs entered Kandahar in November 1994, to calm the disorderly city (Lorenzo). In 1996, they seized the capital city from the
President Burhanuddin Rabbani, and controlled 90% of the country (Lorenzo). The evidence that supports the human rights abuses are numerous.
Reports by human rights investigators, indicate that on August 8, 1998, Taliban militiamen slaughtered 5,000 civilians (Shelton). Reportedly, the
Taliban militiamen tracked down members of the Hazara ethnic group (which were considered as enemies to the Taliban) were killed, in many
different ways (Shelton). Some were shot, others were put to the knife. This is an example of a war crime that the Taliban group did after the
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Soviet Crimes During The Second World War
Soviet Crimes During the Second World War
Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia both were totalitarian killers and criminals of genocide. There is much more evidence regarding the Nazi crimes
than Soviet ones and about those who conceived and ordered the crimes, those who carried them out, and those who suffered and died as a
consequence. But a conclusion of both systems Stalinist and Nazi were genocidal by their ideology that led them to use the mass killing of groups of
their own citizens (and others) as a way to accomplish the impossible future that they dreamed of. Stalin, Beria (Chief of NKVD) and their lieutenants
were never persecuted or convicted in any trial, but they were found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity in ... Show more content on ...
Count 1, Conspiracy, was defined as a common plan or conspiracy to commit the crimes indicated in categories two, three, and four. Count 2, Crimes
Against Peace, was defined as participation in the planning and waging of a war of aggression in violation of numerous international treaties, war
crimes. Count 3, which defined as violations of the internationally agreed upon rules for waging war and crimes against humanity. Count 4, which was
defined as murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the
Despite of the non–aggression pact that was signed between the Soviet Union and Poland in Moscow on July 25th 1932 and was extended 10 years
on May 5th 1934, it didn't stop The Soviet Union from waging aggressive war on the sovereign Poland State on September 17th 1939, after a secret
agreement of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact that proposed the conspiracy of partition Poland between the Germans and the Soviets to be annexed. The
aggression on Poland was a squeezed attack with Nazis attacking from the west on September 1, and seventeen days later the Red Army attacked those
retreated troops from the back through the east of Poland border.
The Katyn massacre that was initiated in March of 1940 by
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The Increase Of Crime After The Word War II
In 1979 the theorists Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson developed a theory based on their research on the increase of crime after the Word War II.
They created a theory based on how the increase of suitable targets, the absence of capable guardianship, and motivated offenders are related when
producing crime. This theory argues that time and space is one of the main factors when committing crime. Moreover, the theory helps us understand
how our everyday activities might lead to criminal activity. Individuals that live in hotspots have more probabilities of being a suitable target because
of the increase of motivated offenders in the area. In addition, RAT help us observe the correlation between individuals who stayed at home and the
decrease in crime. Moreover, routine activity theory, helps us to change our lifestyle on order to reduce the probabilities that may lead to criminal
victimization. Finally, RAT can be use in research in order to test data collection in the areas there of high concentration of crime and offenders.
During World War II, man where send to fight and women had to work for long hours. For this reason, after the war, there was an increase in criminal
activity in the United States. The researchers Felsun and Cohen developed a hypothesis that the individual's absence at home might lead to an increase
in opportunity for crime. According to the author "For example, women 's participation in the labor force and access to higher education, as well as an
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War Crime Research Paper
Since the creation of war there has always been a growing issue of war crimes. Although the first recorded war crime dates back to 1914 during
WWI, it is safe to say that war crimes might have been occurring long before then. Due to many countries believing that the raping and killing of
civilians was all a part of war, no country deeply sought to punish other countries for their inhumane acts; however in 1949, the overlooking of war
crimes changed.
What is a war crime?
As defined by the Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court, a war crime is characterized by the willful killing of civilians, torture or
inhumane treatment of civilians and prisoners of war, willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to the body or health of civilians and
prisoners of war, extensive destruction and appropriation of property, compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve under the forces
of a ... Show more content on ...
In 1919 during the Treaty of Versailles the concept of a war crime first emerged. Since many of the attendees in Versailles on that day could not agree
on what should be constituted as a war crime the concept was not set into stone at that time. Subsequently, in direct regards to the Geneva Conventions
almost 40 years later the concept finally got another chance at formalization.
The Geneva Conventions is a body of Public International Law, otherwise known as the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, whose purpose is to
provide minimum protections, standards of humane treatment, and fundamental guarantees of respect to individuals who become victims of armed
conflicts. The Geneva Conventions serves as a series of treaties that outline the treatment of civilians, prisoners of war and soldiers who are otherwise
deemed incapable of fighting.2 The Geneva Conventions states that a war crime is:
Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and
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War Criminals As War Crimes
My discussion question is discussing why the authorities are not recognizing these as war crimes and putting forth more effort to prevent it. There
are such high amounts of women being violently raped and left with severe injuries and three is still little amounts of evidence connecting them to
the perpetrators. There are also more women who are not able to be registered as a victim because they cannot access hospitals to report anything.
There could be a larger amount of women who have been violently raped and the perpetrator could have been a part of the armed groups. These
women are not only physically and psychologically traumatized they are also being outcasted by their others around them. Some women cannot work
because the severity of
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War Crimes Against Harry Truman
War Crimes against Harry Truman Over the course of time there has always been a debate on whether or not Harry Truman should have been
convicted of war crimes after the drop of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People believe Truman was innocent, but at the same time
a large amount also believe he should have been punished for his actions. Which side one believes to be true depends on the perspective of the
situation. An American might believe President Truman was justified for allowing the atomic bombs to be dropped in order to save hundreds of
American soldiers. From the point of view of a Japanese, dropping this massive, deadly, destructive bomb on a town of innocent citizens would be
considered inhumane. War crimes are defined by the ICRC as any action that is carried out during war that violates the International Rules of War. It
can also be defined as launching an attack knowing that it will cause incidental loss of civilian lives, or inflict injuries on them. Harry Truman violated
not one, but many of the sections to the International Rules of War. Murdering thousands of Japanese, sending others to internment camps, and
dropping "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" onto a nonmilitary base, and dropping the bomb for his own selfish needs (preventing the spread of
Communism) are all reasons Truman could have been convicted. Murder is one of the most obvious sections of war crimes that Truman violated when
the atomic bombs were dropped. In the International Rules of
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The US Government's Crimes During The Cold War
What would you do if you found out that the US government released toxic radiation in your neighborhood, or mixed LSD into your drink at the bar?
These horrible crimes were committed by the US government, during the Cold War, against their own citizens, without consent. The Cold War was a
battle between the two superpowers of the world, the United States of America and the Soviet Union. The two powers fought over economics and
government, making it a war of ideas and a race for nuclear arms. The US thought that using their own citizens would be the best way to test out the
mechanics; even though the experiments cause pain and death to innumerable people. Although the government denies that recompense is necessary,
the victims of the US government's crimes should be compensated because people were manipulated into participating, radiation experiments caused
new disease, and the government broke the Nuremberg Code.
The subjects of the Cold War experiments were manipulated into participating in these heinous crimes. The government targeted people who were
desperate for money, such as "Prisoners, drug addicts, mental patients, college students, soldiers, even bar patrons"(Budiansky). Each of these groups
of people have a need for money, or drugs. The government took advantage of these needs and mislead them into partaking in something they had no
absolute idea about. After all, radiation and LSD were still fairly new to the US. The government even went so far as to take
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Tackling The War On Drugs ( Cd ) And Combating...
Tackling the War on Drugs (CD) and Combating Transnational Crime Organizations (TCO) is an important national security problem. While
addressing this issue in a scholastic forum, I immersed myself into this problem set using the guidance of assuming the role of Colonel Tim Killian.
Utilizing the provided case and the ADIA framework and course concepts, I reviewed and assessed the information presented. The goal of Joint Task
Force North (JTFN) J–5 is to develop a "strategy for military support to counter drug efforts and more broadly fight transnational organized crime."
In this paper, I have negotiated the decision cycle and reviewed implementation choices, which leads to another analysis process in grading the
progress. Keeping with the examination's pretext, my approach employs each of the four framework pieces, which essentially ask five
straightforward queries. In the "Assess" step, "Who am I and where are we?" In the "Decide" step, "Where should we go?" In the "Implement" step,
"How do we get there?" And finally, in the "Assure" step, "Are we getting there?" These questions formed the template that assisted in traversing the
problem set, seeing the fullness of the situation, and to formulate plans toward addressing the problems of CD and TCOs.
Personal Assessment: I have assumed the role of Colonel Tim Killian as the Joint Task Force North, J
–5, Director of Policy and Plans. Firstly, how
would Colonel Killian fit
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War Crimes Against Native Americans Essay
War crimes against Native Americans. Retrieved from Diller,
J. V. (2015). Cultural diversity: a primer for the human services. Australia: Cengage Learning. Conversations with Native Americans about mental
health needs and community strengths. (March 2009). Retrieved from Native
American communities and mental health. Retrieved from
/native–american–communities–and–mental–health When looking at the issues modern day Native Americans face regarding mental health counseling
it is important to look at history and how the past has shaped... Show more content on ...
In the 1800's there were 60 such boarding schools which were teaching Indian children values such as possessive individualism. This was the
opposite teaching of what is instilled in Indian children by their elders, Indian believe in communal ownership and that the land is for everyone. In
1879 the establishment of Carlisle Indian School was created. Col. Richard Henry Pratt established the school due to his belief that by immersing the
Indian children into white society they would start identifying as white and not return to the reservation and their Indian ways. Pratt's motto was "kill
the Indian, save the man" ( In 1978, 118 years after the first boarding school was established the Indian Child Welfare
Act was passed. This new law gave the parents of Native American children the right to refuse to allow their children to be taken and placed in
off–reservation schools. But for many Native American children the damage had been done. Many young adults and children returned to their families
not knowing the language and culture of their people. Many felt like they no longer fit into any area of society. The damage had been done and the
effects are felt to this day. The historical trauma permeates Native American culture. Due to the atrocities forced on an entire ethnic group of people
there are long term ramifications. Loss of cultural beliefs, language barriers, social stigma, and health concerns. Native American communities
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Do War Crime Tribunals Deliver Justice?
Do war crime tribunals deliver justice? Student ID: 2328581
The Bosnian war in the early 1990s engendered ethnic cleansing, genocide, and other crimes against humanity. Under such context of international
climate, nearly fifty years after the Nuremburg and Tokyo trials, the United Nations created the ad hoc international criminal tribunals for the former
Yugoslavia and Rwanda (ICTs) to prosecute individuals suspected of committing war crimes regardless of their official positions. As the grounding and
binding agreements, the Security Council Resolution 827 established the ICTY in 1993. It defines the main purpose of the tribunal as 'prosecuting
individuals responsible for serious violations of international ... Show more content on ...
This report sets out to test and measure the effectiveness and failure of the ICTs as its main purpose, briefly discuss the historical background of the
ICTs and the potential tension and linkage between the pursuing peace and delivering justice in the ICTs as starting point, and further conclude
contemporary role of the ICTs and the primary justification for the creation of a permanent international criminal court, the ICC.
Historical background of the ICTs
Despite the fact there were a lot of twists and turns for the U.S's position for creating the International Criminal Court (hard legalization) since the U.S.
does not want to have the ICC out of control and to avoid the potential risks that this legal tribunal would accuse the U.S. citizens, the U.S. did spend
some efforts to call for international community to support the post–Second World prosecutions in 1940s. More importantly, "when international
justice revived, as the fall of the Berlin Wall brought the short twentieth century to a close, the United States did not hesitate to take a front seat. It
provided enthusiastic support to the ad hoc tribunals established by the UN Security Council for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and a range of
similar efforts at national and international justice in Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Kosovo, East Timor, and Lebanon" (Schabas, 2011). Notably, it is
deserved to mention that the Clinton administration especially had done a
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Comparison Of The Tokyo War Crimes Trials And The...

  • 1. Comparison Of The Tokyo War Crimes Trials And The... At the end of World War II in 1945, the victorious allies (Britain, France, the Soviet Union and the United States) were quick to act on plans of justice against both Germany and Japan. Germany was forced to come to terms with the guilt of crimes committed during the war with the Nuremburg trials, they were also expected to pay reparations to the allied powers and Berlin became completely controlled by the allied powers causing a huge conflict in the centre of Germany. Japan was occupied by allied powers in 1945, the remains of their war machine was destroyed and war crime trials were held, however, unlike the far harsher consequences given to Germany, the majority of these consequences and particularly the Tokyo war trials were put to a halt... Show more content on ... Limitations: The author of the essay is an American historian and so we are limited in knowing whether or not he is reticent with information to preserve the name of the U.S. Value: Here, a comparison is made between the Tokyo War Crimes Trials and the Nuremburg Trial, this is hugely valuable to the investigation because it gives a factual comparison between the two trials as well as an explanation as to why these two trials were handled completely differently and that this was possible because the International Military Tribunal (IMT), set up by France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United states, was held responsible for the Nuremburg Trials whereas the Tokyo War Crimes Trials were the responsibility of theInternational Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) created by the U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur. The difference between these tribunals is that the IMTFE was no set up by an international agreement. This suggests the outcome of the Tokyo War Crimes Trials was entirely the decision of the ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Feminist: Rape As A War Crime And A Culture Yes, I'm a Feminist: Rape as a War Crime and a Culture Often times I find myself wondering if it's safe to be a woman in the world today. I hear the stories of rape and unwanted sexual contact from the women around me, and I find myself wondering if I'll be next. The problem is that rape isn't about just sex, it's about the repercussions on the women, and about societies that find themselves watching war bring about the destruction of their morale by violating their women. Rape is about the non consensual ways in which people force themselves on others, and it's about culture that fosters the idea that women's voices are somehow less powerful than men's. But Even still, it's about the way people refuse to speak out against it, and the way it ... Show more content on ... First, the thought that women shouldn't be transparent with their wants–that they can't say "yes" to sex without getting flack for being "easy" or a "slut" leads to the belief that "no" isn't a refusal, but rather a veiled invitation (Tegenfeldt). The more disturbing side of this comes when we realize that these aren't singular, disconnected incidents, but rather that these ideas are widespread–not just in America, but in the world. If we consider that the phrase"security of person" is a right clearly stated in article three of the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), we are faced with considering the morality of rape (United Nations 2). While the meaning of the line itself may be up to some interpretation, if we stop to think that when someone feels violated, and feels like their body no longer belongs to themselves, there becomes little room for argument as to whether rape is covered under it or not (Dickson). Going even further, the use of rape in war can be considered even worse. Rape in warfare is a "deliberate attempt to engender public humiliation" and destroy the morale of those who are victimized (Moore 107). The UDHR states in article five that people shouldn't be subjected to "cruel," or"degrading treatment or punishment, " a term that arises as Moore describes rape being used to punish and publicly humiliate opposition (United Nations 2, Moore 107–109). To debate the ethical and moral standpoint of rape, we must first truly understand what it is, and what it stands for. We must also understand why it is a violation of rights, and the reasons people don't speak out against it. Once we have that, it becomes much easier to realize how an issue that is domestically focused on is really something spread across the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Huge Crimes During World War II World War Two was one of the major influential events of the twentieth century, with nearly thirty nine million deaths in Europe alone. Huge amounts of capital were destroyed as well as going through six years of constant ground battles. Many Citizens were forced to leave or give up their owned property without compensation and they had to move on to new lands. Hunger periods become more and more common even Western Europe. Many families were separated for long periods of time especially from the male figure. Several people and children would personally witness the catastrophic events and bombing that took place in the areas where they lived. Huge crimes against the word were committed. Due to World War Two political and economics system in a lot countries would be altered eternally. Not like ... Show more content on ... Throughout the civilian deaths, between 9.87 and 10.45 million civilians ended up getting killed for political or racial reasons by the Nazis(Auerbach, 1992; Pohl, 2003). The variations of deaths due to the battles were very unequally distributed among countries, whether they were deaths in the military, civilian deaths, or the holocaust. Germany and Poland borne the brunt of most of the casualties. In comparison American casualties in the European and Asian aspect combined were a bit over 400 thousand, the immense majority of which were soldiers. Similarly, all deaths in the United Kingdom are projected to be about 450 thousands, 15 percent of those were civilians. The two countries most affected from the number of casualties were Japan and China. About two million Japanese soldiers died in the battle along with up to a million Japanese civilians, about 4 percent of the Japanese population. The ending number of deaths in China is thought to range between 10.2 and 20.1 million, and more than 70% being civilians. The other country that stands out are those that would comprise most of the Soviet Union, where one in seven died in the war ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Korean War Crimes General S. L. A. Marshall, perhaps America's finest combat historian of the twentieth century, described Korean War as "the century's nastiest little war." Despite of its significance and bloody intension, the Korean War has been history's Forgotten War. Among the historic events of this Forgotten War, there are several events that should not be forgotten, such as the war crime, this happened in one Korean hamlet called "No Gun Ri Massacre." Over the course of a three–day barrage of gunfire and air strafing, hundreds of South Korean civilians were killed. Just as other U.S. war crimes, the U.S. Armed Force Claims Service ignored the responsibility by eluding standards of war crime. They regarded the massacre as an alleged war crime and passed... Show more content on ... According to international committee of the red cross, a war crime is defined as: "1)making the civilian population or individual civilians, not taking a direct part in hostilities, the object of attack;(2)launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated;(3)making non–defended localities and demilitarized zones the object of attack." However, it is challenging to interpret every state of affairs within only a single definition. The first war crimes tribunal since the end of World War II was in Yugoslavia. International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) states, "Between 1991 and 1995, the Yugoslav Army and Serbian paramilitaries occupied sections of Croatia. In mid –1995, the Croatian army reclaimed this territory, pushing out the Yugoslav Army and expelling many of the ethnic Serbs who had been living there for generations......generated a huge number of civilian casualties, human rights violations, and war crimes. To assess these crimes and determine culpability, even as the wars continued to rage, the United Nations established the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in 1993." Serbian and Croatian leaders sacrificed civilians in order to fulfill their egoistic ambition to get a territory of Bosnia. It fact, war crime always abide by war and it can't be helped. Though it is possible to identify each crime cases and rectify it subsequently. ICTY was established in order to achieve this goal. In the article the Truth About No Gun Ri, the author complicates matters further by stating, "That anxiety has been heightened by the ex–Yugoslavia war–crimes tribunal, which was created in 1993. Late in 1999, the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Just War Crimes 1. What is a Just War? When is it justifiable for nations to used organized violence against other nations or terrorist groups? The central claim of just war theorists is that war is a bad thing, but under certain circumstances, it may be justified or even obligatory. They believe, that there must be some constrains on the conduct of war. In other words, just war theory states, that the use of force must be regulated by a set of mutually agreed rules of combat. Just war theory is built on principles of just cause and just means which were eventually developed into the laws of war and that are enforced by military and civilian courts. Just cause refers to the possible justifications for going to war. Just means refers to the limits of what ... Show more content on ... Not witnessing the active public support of humanitarian action and domestic pressure, politicians choose to stay away from difficult political and ethical dilemmas of foreign policy that could potentially damage their reputation. This is why humanitarian disasters are rarely being addressed and prevented, in spite of tragic lessons of Holocaust and other humanitarian disasters. 4. What do you think are the causes of genocide? Territorial states often consist of different cultural, ethnic, religious and racial groups. Conflicts between such groups, as well as conflicts between such groups and the majority group, struggles for dominance or independence, real or perceived injustice could lead to genocide. Struggle for access to limited economic resources could also lead to genocide. Rapid political changes, instability, systemic crises as well as wars also create conditions under which genocides are more ... Get more on ...
  • 6. War Criminals As War Crimes My discussion question is discussing why the authorities are not recognizing these as war crimes and putting forth more effort to prevent it. There are such high amounts of women being violently raped and left with severe injuries and three is still little amounts of evidence connecting them to the perpetrators. There are also more women who are not able to be registered as a victim because they cannot access hospitals to report anything. There could be a larger amount of women who have been violently raped and the perpetrator could have been a part of the armed groups. These women are not only physically and psychologically traumatized they are also being outcasted by their others around them. Some women cannot work because the severity of ... Get more on ...
  • 7. War Crimes Committed in World War II During world war two, countries on both sides committed war crimes that shocked both the people involved, and the globe. From 1937 through to 1945, the Japanese justified their treatment of the Australian prisoners of war at the Burma railway with three things. The Japanese believed that their bushido code allowed them to treat the Australian this way, their ethics was one of complete brutality and hardship, and the Japanese soldiers were being fed false propaganda that showed a dehumanized view of the Australians. These three statements demonstrate that the Japanese atrocities committed at Burma, were, in the eyes of the Japanese, fair and just. The Japanese brutality was heavily influenced by bushido, a historic code of honour and morals that dictates how you act and live. The Japanese treated the Australian soldiers the way they did because their code tells them that those who surrender are weak and do not deserve your thoughts, and it is considered an unspeakable disgrace. Although the Japanese Imperial military committed to follow the samurai code of bushido after the restoration of the emperor in 1868, the code that they followed was a falsification of bushido. For the Japanese soldiers, bushido meant giving their life to the emperor; surrender was shameful; those who surrendered were thought of as dead; and sympathy for the defeated was weakness. No sympathy for the defeated was definitely not a part of the traditional bushido, the one practised by the samurai. This ... Get more on ...
  • 8. War Crimes After World War II After World War II, the trials of war criminals established the new beginning of international war crime prosecutions. Thousands of atrocities that occurred in the war fields had been documented– ranging from murders, rapes, torture, and overall inhumane mistreatment of non–combatants and prisoners of war. In an attempt to further prevent these from happening, war crimes are punished to protect humanity, maintain peace and prevent future incidents from occurring. The punishment for war crimes establishes that criminal actions against innocent people are not justifiable, and will not be tolerated, even in the most permissive situations of war. Furthermore, since the definition of war crimes has been established to prevent cruelty against other... Show more content on ... Since this definition was established, it became much easier to convict the accused Nazi's for their crimes, as convicting war criminals with a valid definition in the first place is crucial. The purpose of the Nuremberg trials was to find and convict the Nazi participants in the war for what they had done. The Nuremberg Trials did not take too long to complete, taking only 10 months between November 20th, 1945, to October 1st, 1946. This was mainly only because Germany was very strict on consistent and accurate documentation about the crimes– unknowing at the time, that they had committed; which made it easier to persuade the accused to admit to what they had done. These documents included the robbery against Jewish people, such as rings, paintings and other valuables.2 Because of the weighted proof of thousands of documents, twelve of the twenty–two initially accused Nazi's were sentenced to death, three were acquitted, and the last seven were sentenced to prison.3 The Nuremberg trials were a big step towards establishing human rights internationally and made it known that both civilians and prisoners of war are entitled to protection despite any circumstances. The trials were the first in history that war criminals from around the world were tried in an international court for their crimes.4 Furthermore, it pushed the agenda that war crimes were not to be dismissed so ... Get more on ...
  • 9. War Crime During WWI 8.5 million people were killed and over $180,000,000,000 was spent by countries during the war however, those are only numbers. There were huge impacts on the war that explained the true cost of the war, and the deaths of many men. Such as war tactics, PTSD, weapons, war crimes, civilian casualties and the draft. In WWI, war crimes had a big impact of the cost of war. War crime is an action carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of the war. Germany's first attempt at chemical weapons came in 1915 at the battle of Ypres in Belgium. The gas was used in the form of chlorine, the gas cleared large sections of soldiers from the front lines. When exposed they fled, which ultimately killed roughly 5,000 opposing troops. Chlorine gas burns the throats of its victims and causes death by asВphyxiation, much like smoke kills people during a house fire.В Because of these types of war crimes over 1.5 million people died. In WWI there were over 7 million soldiers who became Prisoners of war. To be a prisoner of war it means to be a person who has been captured and imprisoned by the enemy in war. Soldiers were usually captured in battle and died due to harsh weather.... Show more content on ... Before the war started the women of america was not seen as important as they are now. After theUnited States entered the war in 1917, women supported the war effort in numerous ways. They became nurses, factory workers, police officers and firefighters. The women of the United States, also gave an effort to help with the war overseas. Under the GFWC they created a service, that sent 100 women to help wounded soldiers in Europe. World War Iled to many advances to women & their rights. After the War ended, job opportunities increased for women and an act was made in 1919 that made it illegal to exclude women from jobs because of their ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Crimes in Rwandan Genocide, the Algerian War, and the... In the twentieth century there were many horrific events where civilians were sought out to be exploited in very violent manners. There were many conflicts that display this form of violence against humans in the twentieth century, but the 3 that stand out and best represent are the Rwandan Genocide, the Algerian War, along with the most horrific display of violence against civilians, the Holocaust. These 3 instances are geographically diverse as well as being 3 completely different forms of violent crimes carried out among civilians. This essay will show not only the different conflicts that took place but the variety of violent crimes taken out on the human race itself. The Rwandan Genocide which took place in Rwanda in the year 1994, took place because of the battle for power. The Hutu Government had been internally conflicted by the balance of power between the landowners themselves and the people that worked those lands. The first spark happened when the UN tried to negotiate a multi–party constitution, which had failed miserably. This was all due in part to the fact that the Hutu opposed any Tutsi involvement in the government. In that time the president of Rwanda was in a plane that was shot down most likely carried out and executed by the extremist, who happened to be on the side of the Hutu. This triggered everything that the Hutu had been planning for; their reign and terror of taking over Rwanda and overtaking the government of Rwanda was finally in full force. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. War Crimes During The Holocaust War crimes are deeds committed during times of war that breach accepted international rules of law. One of the most prominent examples of war crimes happened during the Holocaust– this atrocity changed how the world perceived war by showing the cruel and awful nature war was made of. All war crimes are separated into four categories, these are: conspiracy, crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Holocaust fell under the rubric of crimes against humanity because of the massive genocide of Jews and other minorities,such as Romani people, gays and political prisoners, executed by the Nazi party. The war crimes done during the Holocaust are some of the most abhorrent to exist– the systematic killing and experimentation ... Show more content on ... In World War 2, Germany was using the labor of prisoners which is permitted by the third Geneva Convention. The fact that they were making them work in the worst of conditions known to man and furthermore, not keeping them healthy, both in body and in mind was by definition– a war crime. Throughout, 1945 to 1946, the International Military Tribunal, or IMT, for short, tried 22 major war criminals on the charges of crimes against peace and conspiracy. They defined these crimes that the defendants committed as "murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation or persecutions on political, racial, or religious grounds." They all got their respective sentences in prison starting from 10 to 20 years in prison to execution. War crimes are hideous offences against the very pillar of human existence, and those executed by Germany during World War II are no exception. The Holocaust embodied the abhorrence and animosity that was present in the world– it is the epitome of hate and ignorance. The deeds done by foes such as Josef Mengele– where he defied the very essence of human individuality. His experiments were transgressions on the cloth of humanity. In on it by it self, the Holocaust was a war crime– it killed millions upon millions. Lamentably so, the Holocaust also opened the door to more war crimes that will always be stains on the history of this ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Who Is Winning The Losing War Against Crime? In, "Who is Winning the Losing War against Crime?" Jeffrey Reiman, a philosopher out of Washington, D.C., expands on a different viewpoint in which to look at Marx's political theory. Rather than the typical way to viewing it by addressing how it would affect our economic system, he turns it around to focus on it could be used to evaluate current social problems, particularly crime. Reiman's belief was that we as people are not seeing the real story of crime due to these false ideologies floating around, same as Marx's belief that the pursuit of happiness contained an ideology that favored the result of capitalism, which he saw as very deteriorating. In this reading, Reiman's main argument is to adjust our view on crime. Instead of believing there is a direct correlation between crime and human nature, which is fed to the public by researchers, Reiman puts forth an effort to make us see the criminal system as unjust and corrupt in a way. "For example, a number of researchers approach criminal behavior by exploring the role that human nature plays in criminal activity. Reiman attempts to reframe and recast the problem. The unjust and inept criminal system is not, he argues, the result of failure to recognize the contribution human nature makes to criminal behavior. The real truth, he contends, is that powerful groups in society have a vested interest in perpetuating an inept, unjust criminal system. This is what Reiman calls the Pyrrhic defeat theory, the hypothesis that the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Crime And The War On Drugs The daily lives of many individuals, particularly a significant number of African American men and women in the 6th Street neighborhood of Philadelphia and other similar neighborhoods, are an exercise in evasion of the law and the legal infrastructure designed to enforce the rule of law. I argue that this is a reasonable reaction to stimuli in the environment, as: "since the 1980s, the War onCrime and the War on Drugs have taken millions of Black young men out of school, work, and family life, sent them to jails and prisons, and returned them to society with felony convictions. Spending time in jail and prison means lower wages and gaps in employment" (Goffman, On The Run, p. 3) The legal system in the United States is primarily retributivist in its response to criminal acts. From a criminal justice perspective, this system is highly effective. When police departments engage in behavior that allows them to catch people who are criminals under the eyes of the law and keep them off the streets and engaging in further criminal behavior, then it is efficient to state that the criminal justice system is working, from a pure enforceability standpoint. It is crucial, then, to examine whether the reason behind the rule, e.g., the desire to reduce overall crime in society to improve the standard of living of everyone, is being met. There are arguments in favor of this viewpoint and against this viewpoint, and I will further argue that rehabilitation is more effective for long–term ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Japan 's War Crimes During The World War II Introduction: Nowadays, Japanese animes are becoming increasingly famous, and America is not an exception for anime's gigantic worldwide fandom. Animes, such as One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, and Attack on Titan, are the main leaders of the anime wave sweeping all over the world. Nevertheless, many Japanese animes are often criticized at the same time for employing the idea of neo–nationalism or indirectly mentioning justifications for Japan's war crimes during the World War II. Although they are not really noticeable to most of the audience, the author of a famous anime, Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama demonstrated that such neo–nationalist factors actually exist in animes when he showed a strong support towards Japan's past aggressive wars and colonialism in his SNS. However, not all animes are showing support towards neo–nationalism in Japan. An anime, Terror in Resonance, directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, not only criticizes Japan's war crimes during the World War II, but also condemns current Japanese government's policies encouraging neo–nationalism. The anime well demonstrates that the neo–nationalist movement in Japan is not Japan's own problem, but it is rather a serious international problem that will affect Japan's relationship with other countries. Furthermore, the anime focuses on increasing people's awareness on unjustifiable neo–nationalist movement of Japanese government. Although many right winged Japanese people victimize post–World War II Japan to regain former ... Get more on ...
  • 15. World War II War Crimes World War II War Crimes The declaration of war against Germany made by Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain starting World War II in 1939 may have started a gruesome and horrible time for civilians and soldiers. This was was total war. Every civilian, every business, every service was involved. Although during the conflicts of World War II a lot of the countries became involved, such asGermany, France, Japan, and the United States which may have been caused some quarrel about how the fighting was taking place, and many agreements were signed; some believe that Germany started it all by making the bombings supposedly not a crime. On the other hand, the atrocious aerial bombings performed by the Royal Air Force of Great Britain may overpower ... Show more content on ... The definition of total total war is, "a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded." This definition shows how although the actions committed by the Royal Air Force of Great Britain may not have been good ideas, because it was total war, it was happening often during this time period. As stated in document 15 by J.M. Spaight "Bombing Vindicated" in 1994, "the people who make and transport war material are, to the opposing belligerent, active, dangerous enemies." Spaight is stating how some may use the argument that most civilians are simply doing their work in factories and farms and are not bothering with the war. His argument is that although they may seem to be "just doing their work," in reality the work of making and transporting weapons that could be use in the war against others means that these citizens are helping out directly. This seems to cause a valid argument from some perspectives; that although the killing of innocent civilians may seem unnecessary and cruel, if it were not for the bombing, then they would still contribute to the war by making weapons which would be a danger towards the enemy side. First and foremost, this perspective is a British one. Most likely this person did not see ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Federal Crime And The Civil War Federalization of crime has expanded dramatically in the 200 plus years since the drafting of the U. S. Constitution. The original scope of the federal criminal jurisdiction was very narrow, and crime control was left largely to the states. Until the Civil War, there were only a small number of federal offenses, and they dealt with injury to or interference with the federal government itself or its programs. The federal offenses during this time were treason, counterfeiting, piracy, and felonies committed on the high seas (Marion & Oliver, 2012). Except in those areas where federal jurisdiction was exclusive, the District of Columbia and the federal territories, federal law did not reach crimes against individuals; such as murder, rape, arson, robbery and fraud, were absolute concern of the states. State laws defined these offenses which were prosecuted by state or local officials. Congressional activity making essential local conduct a federal crime has accelerated greatly, notably in areas in which existing state laws already criminalize the same conduct. One must examine the history of federalization of crime to clearly understand why the U.S. Government began to federalize crime and the arguments for and against the federalization of crime. The first major expansion of federalization of crime occurred immediately after the Civil War. Congress enacted a series of criminal laws in regards to the misuse of the mails and interstate commerce (Marion et al., 2012). ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Fighting Crime And The War Against Crime Introduction – Directive 91/477/EEC and the Amended Directive 2008/51/EC Fighting crime and the war against crime and terrorist groups has become a problem all over the world. By taking a stance on these actions, countries began looking at ways to better improve their established gun laws, putting together militia groups and enforcing harsher rules in the fight against crime. In the European Union, it is their duty to protect its country and its citizens from illegal terrorist attacks, groups and the illegal trafficking of weapons and ammunitions. Here in this paper I will provide an analysis of the proposed firearm directives in the European Union. On Saturday, November 13, 2015, three groups of Islamic State assailants ... Show more content on ... Residents of the European Union depend solely on the national governments and European Union to guarantee their safety. It is for this reason in the event of any tragedies that immediate steps to strengthen their existing rules on firearms are put into action immediately. Here we will look at the reasons for and implementation of Directive 91/477/EEC as it relates to the safety of the European Union citizens and the amended Directive 2008/51 /EC plans to maintain control of those in possession of firearms. The Origin of European Union Firearms Council Directive 91/477/EEC The safety of citizens and businesses is a main concern of the European Union Commission. The use of weapons by organized crime and terrorist organizations can and has inflicted tremendous suffering and damage upon society as we have seen in the past. In the matter of common non–military firearms, the elimination of all law enforcement and background rules and regulations at intra–European Union borders for the concern of the domestic market, made it vital to implement explicit laws on the purchase and ownership of various categories of firearms intended for public use. This is to aid marketable ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Nuremburg War Crimes Social research is the scientific study of society. From conducting social research we can gain a better understanding of society's attitudes, assumptions, beliefs, trends and rules. Social research frequently determines the relationship between one or more variables. Examples of prevalent social research topics include sexuality, class issues and racism (De Vaus, 2002). When conducting social research it is extremely important to follow ethical procedures in order to cater to the needs of the participants. Ethics is an issue in social research because it doesn't allow for many investigations and experiments to take place due to their secretive or unethical nature such as the Facebook Mood experiment thus limiting the amount of research that ... Show more content on ... The research should not harm the participant and at no point should they feel distressed or uncomfortable, the participant needs to obtain the correct information and at no point be deceived or lied to (Diniz, 2008). The participant needs to be seen as an individual not just a number and needs to take into account that they are unique and will respond differently to other participants. Furthermore, the participant needs to agree to take part in the research on their own accord and must not be forced into partaking. Social research and the experiments conducted to acquire the research sometimes have ripple effects that can cause unanticipated consequences on the community. The community and in particular community psychologists need to identify an ethical dilemma that could result from social research when they see one, understand the fundamentals of the predicament, and decide what a solution should include ... Get more on ...
  • 19. America's Immmature Crimes During The Revolutionary War America, like so many other countries, likes to conceal their mistakes while teaching their history to the youth. Sometimes they do so by simply not teaching a certain event, or maybe not telling the full story. We like to make it seem that America was the good guy in every situation, to create a sense of proud nationalism. However, the true nature of our past actions can often be lost in the efforts to maintain a good reputation for the country. During the revolutionary war, the American colonists committed many immature crimes against their mother country, Britain. Many of these crimes, including the the actions preceding the Boston Massacre, have been depicted as brave and justified acts of rebellion against the evil British, when they were ... Get more on ...
  • 20. War Crimes In Iraq The United States committed war crimes in The war against Iraq because of the intrusion of people's rights. "Crimes against humanity consist of murder, enslavement, deportation, and other inhuman acts committed against civilization before or during a war" (Bassiouni 1). War crimes are actions carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war. Crimes against humanity have existed and customary international law for over half a century and are also evidenced in prosecution before some national courts (Bassiouni 1). After War World II in 1945 theUnited States, allied developed the agreement for the persecution and punishment of the European axis (Germany, Italy, Japan). In 1948 genocide convention ... Show more content on ... On 9 April 2003 a statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad's Firdos square was draped in a US flag and symbolically toppled. The message was "resistance is futile". This date was not just the beginning of Iraq's tragedy – it was the start of the darkest chapter in the modern history of the Middle East. Saddam Hussein may have been gone for 12 years, but Iraq is still no closer to finding its place on the altar of freedom. The UN says more than 1,000 people were killed and 2,172 injured last month. It estimates that more than two million Iraqis have fled their homes since January last year. The government says it will cost the country $5bn to sort out this churning of the population. the murderous spree did not start on 20 March 2003, when US missiles rained on Baghdad and other cities signalling the start of a campaign the Americans flippantly and callously referred to as "shock and awe". The USA and the UK had bullied, cajoled, bribed and intimidated the world into imposing a murderous sanctions regime on Iraq in the 1990s. They did so with the connivance and the explicit support of Arab states as punishment for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Its effects were the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children (Holmes ... Get more on ...
  • 21. War Crimes In Ww2 War crimes are committed in every war, whether it be the mass murder/rape of civilians/noncombatants or the mistreatment of POWs, war crimes show war's worst effects on people's morals and humanity. After the end of World War 2 there were the Nuremberg trials which tried the members of the nazi party that had committed war crimes throughout the war. However most allied war crimes were not brought to the public and in the soviets case, blamed on the nazi's. This is the result of how "history is written by the victors" and while the nazi war crimes were closely documented, judged and sentenced the allied war crimes were swept under the rug away from the public eye as it wouldn't of been popular to publicly lock up and persecute the men that had... Show more content on ... This policy changed however when in August 1940 Luftwaffe night–bombers accidentally dropped bombs across London, pushing Churchill to order a retaliatory raid against Berlin. This enraged Hitler and made him order his men to start intense raids on London and around it. These acts of attacking civilian positions by both sides while not specifically in the Geneva Convention at the time, is considered a war crime today with article 51–54 of Protocol I added in 1977 declaring that "directly attacking civilian targets and also using technology such as biological weapons, nuclear weapons and landmines, whose scope of destruction cannot be limited." is a war crime. Because of these war crimes committed by the allies they did not include the "bombing of London, Warsaw and Rotterdam as a war crime" in the Nuremberg trials against the Nazis. This act of not prosicuting the Nazi's for their bombings of allied cities in their war crime trials due to the allies committing the same acts on Axis cities shows us how the Allies did infact commit war crimes by directly bombing innocent german civilians in their raids of german ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Israel War Crimes Israel war crimes consist of attacking innocent civilians in their homes, vehicles, or out in the street. They bomb and destroy Arab's homes, hospitals, schools, markets, etc. Their horrific actions are considered to be a violation toward the Israeli Humanitarian Law. There is strong enough evidence that has been shown by Amnesty International and Forensic Architecture thatIsrael has committed war crimes and also crimes against humanity. A good example of a war crime committed was the attack in Rafah, where Israel dropped over 1,000 bombs, missiles, and shells as an act of "revenge" and a punishment towards the Arabs. That is not a form of revenge this is simply cruel, its genocide. 135 innocent civilians were killed on that tragic day and ... Show more content on ... Hamas, an organization which was formed in the year 1987, 5 years after 53 massacres were committed by the Zionist, killing approximately 3,500 innocent civilians, from men, women, to children. Zionist 'claims' one of the reasons as to why they attack Palestinians is because of Hamas, which they consider to be a terrorist group. However as stated above, Hamas didn't form until after Zionist executed innocent civilians. So that 'claim' is only an excuse to kill innocent Palestinians to occupy their land and kill innocent civilians. This shows the real terrorist group isn't Hamas as they claim, but themselves (Erdogan: Hamas made up of freedom fighters, not terrorists, 2012). According to international law, Hamas has every right to exist, since it is a resistance movement which is withstanding the occupation of Zionist. Hamas is compromised of freedom fighters who are desperately protecting their citizens and homeland. Hamas have every right to defend itself from these Zionist to ensure the safety of the Palestinians (Hamas is a resistance movement, not a terrorist group, insists Qatar, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The War On Crime affluent middle and upper classes of American society are insulated from the stressors and sorrows that plague the lives of the poor. She calls for an open dialogue to raise awareness and public understanding that the "War on Drugs," is really an intricate, one–sided network comprised of many linked and interconnected factors that have been designed to work in favor of law enforcement. (Alexander, M., p. 60–65) She illustrates her point by describing how this "crime war" is fought in "ghettoized" neighborhoods that are almost completely devoid of whites and successful middle– class to upper–class blacks like Michelle. (Alexander, M., p.7–8) She contends that because they have virtually no contact with racial or ethnic minorities, whites ... Show more content on ... They also promoted long prison terms, strict parole and probation provisions upon release, and the permanent label of "felon," for all violent and non–violent offenders. A classification that results in the loss of most social rights and benefits including: voting rights, jury service, public assistance e.g., food stamps, Section 8 housing, assistance for higher education, etc. (Alexander, M., p. 142; Western, B., 2006) Alexander contends, that in a fair and equitable justice system, a defendant is informed of the resulting consequences before he/she makes a decision to plead guilty to a felony. This is not a common practice in the "tough on crime" models. (Alexander, M., p. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Somalia Facing War Crimes World's Role in War Crimes Our world ignores the issues and epidemics caused by war. Innocent people all over lose their lives due to combat even when they do not involve themselves in it. Some are even forcibly recruited and must surrender to orders given to them no matter how gruesome. An article titled "Children in Somalia Facing War Crimes," a speech given by former president Jimmy Carter, and a Pulitzer Prize nominated photograph taken by Tyler Hicks show evidence of the subject at hand. Article "Children in Somalia Facing War Crimes" reports the ongoing problem of child soldiers in the country Somalia. The government army forcibly recruits children under the age of fifteen into battle. These adolescents lose their childhood and most likely ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Should Governments be Punished for War Crimes? "All I wanted to was to make something beautiful." (Horikoshi, Jiro. Eagles of Mitsubishi: the story of the Zero Fighter. Washington, DC: University of Washington Press, 1992.) These were the words of the man who invented Mitsubishi A6M Zero, which is a fighter aircraft that was used by the Japanese in world war two. When he invented it, he didn't mean for it to be used as a weapon to hurt people, but in the contrary, it was designed and built to be useful in the most harmless of ways for all individuals alike. World war two left all nations with so many pains and some of these pains are unforgettable. If any ordinary person thought about war, Slavery will not come through their minds, because when anybody hears the word "War" the first thought that comes through their minds is Pain, Bloodshed, Death, Army, and so on, and so on. Slavery during war carries a whole new meaning of being imprisoned. Many countries hurt other countries and the best way to hurt a country severely is by killing the most important thing in it, which is their "People". Some countries were punished for the crimes that they have committed against humanity. So the question is "Should Governments Still be Punished for the Crimes that were committed during wars?" The first person that comes to our minds when we think of world war two would be Adolf Hitler. After all, he was the reason behind the deaths of more that 5.5 million person worldwide in the Second World War (1929–1945). And the most notable ... Get more on ...
  • 26. War Crimes In Iraq The United States committed war crimes in the war against Iraq because of the intrusion of people's rights. Crimes against humanity consist of murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhuman acts committed against civilization before or during war. War crimes are actions carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war. Crimes against humanity have existed and customary international law for over half a century and are also evidenced in prosecution before some national courts (Bassiouni 1). After War World II in 1945 theUnited States, allied developed the agreement for the persecution and punishment of the european axis (germany, italy, japan). In 1948 genocide convention crimes ... Show more content on ... troops crossed the border into Kuwait, ending America's war in Iraq. More than 100 vehicles were in that convoy, snaking its way across the desert and through the floodlit border crossing, leaving behind empty bases and memories of nearly 4,500 American lives that were lost. Americans breathed a sigh of relief. Many Iraqis held their breath. War, they feared, was far from over for them, and time has borne out their fears. The death and violence never stopped –– it's just that the bombs and bullets faded from American minds and television screens once the pull–out was complete. Two years later we're back in Iraq and things are in many ways worse for Iraqis than when the Americans left. Driving in along what the U.S. military called "Route Irish" –– or the BIAP (Baghdad International Airport road)–– the stark concrete blast walls are now covered in murals, the median is grassed with palm trees and fountains. We were reminded this was done for the 2012 Arab League Summit in Baghdad, not for general "beautification." More than 8,000 people were killed in Iraq in 2013, according to the U.N. estimates –– most of them innocent civilians caught up in the tempest of violence that grips their country. A previous version of ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq, comprised the core insurgents the Americans fought in those cities during the war. They have regrouped and strengthened across the border in Syria during that country's bloody conflict –– and extended their fight for a home for their brand of hard–line Islamism into Iraq. The results have been deadly –– not just in Ramadi and Fallujah of course, but across the country, where, just like the "bad old days" of 2005–2009, bombings and killings have become pretty much daily events. The Americans aren't coming back to help out with boots on the ground, but they are giving other support –– offering drones, missiles, aircraft and other assistance. But this isn't a battle to be won ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Military Should Pay For War Crimes In The United States Technology is present in our daily lives. It could be used positively or negatively to impact daily life. Technology has been integrated into military weapons and spy gear, according to The White House "Our defense science and technology investment enables us to counter military threats and to overcome any advantages that adversaries may seek" (The White House 1995). Our government spends thousands of dollars on maintaining military advantages through science and technology. When our government spends that much money on technology, it helps protect the citizens, protect our country, and create peace in regions critical to the U.S. However, the U.S hasn't always used our military advantages for the best. Our military have killed many innocent civilians targeting our enemy after September 11th and our military should pay for their war crimes like the government makes other countries pay for theirs.... Show more content on ... After September 11th, the abuse of war technology became more present in harming innocent civilians. The citizens of the United States of America know casualties will be lost, but too many are lost. Us citizen's feel sorrow every time September 11th comes around, but James A. Lucas said to ask ourselves "How many September 11ths has the United States caused in other nations since WW 2?"(Lucas). In other words they probably would not have taken place if the U.S. did not use its heavy hand of power In addition to James A. Lucas "The overall conclusion reached is the U.S has most likely been responsible since WW 2 for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. War Crimes In Japan Many of the people that are against dropping the bomb argue that Japan had not done anything so deserve to deserve two atomic bombs to be dropped on them. But Japan had already started a bloody battle with an unprovoked attack on pearl harbour. They killed a total of 2,403 army, navy, marine, and civilian people. Japan was also guilty of many violations of the international laws. They "had a record of atrocities against civilians prior to and during the war"(Carlisle). Japan had done many war crimes against civilians. They had done so for their own advantage. Japan was notorious for these crimes. One of the war crimes was "the cruelty of the Japanese toward American prisoners, especially in the Philippines"(Campbell). Japan was torturing American ... Get more on ...
  • 29. A war crime is an unjust act of violence in which a... A war crime is an unjust act of violence in which a military personnel violates the laws and acceptable behaviors of a war. Despite all the violence in a war, a soldier shooting another is not considered a war crime because it is not a violation to the laws and practices of a war, and it is considered just. A war crime is defined as a "violations [violation] of the laws and customs of war" ("War Crimes"), and are attacks "against civilian populations, prisoners of war, or in some cases enemy soldiers in the field" (Friedman). War crimes are typically committed with weapons or by uncommon, cruel, devastating military methods and are "...Committed primarily by military personnel" (Friedman). There are many different types of war crimes one can ... Show more content on ... Specific war crimes such as murder can be "individually and collectively...Some trials involved the murder of one or a few victims; others involved the murder of hundreds or thousands" ("War Crimes"). For example, in World War II, the crime of murder was very common against allied prisoners who "...were murdered before reaching a prisoner–of–war camp, allegedly while trying to escape" ("War Crimes"). Medical experiments are war crime crimes which are "...conducted on prisoners of war and on determine remedies for diseases...others, such as those involving castration, sterilization, and excessive use of X–rays, do not appear to have had any specific purpose" ("War Crimes"). Furthermore, crimes against civilian populations include crimes of deportation and forced labor, where thousands of people were deported from "the occupied countries of Europe in order to fill the manpower shortages created by a burgeoning war industry...hundreds of thousands of individuals died of overwork, insufficient food, and inadequate living and working conditions..." ("War Crimes"). Other crimes against war prisoners include torture and humane treatment, which was a "...national policy for both Nazi Germany and Japan [in World War II]" ("War Crimes"). Furthermore, in the Korean War death marches were "a characteristic of North Korean maltreatment of prisoners of war" ("War ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Causes And Effects Of War Crimes In Afghanistan War Crimes in Afghanistan Afghanistan has been a country filled with violence for over 30 years. Today, most of the media covers only the progress in rebuilding the country. There have been some improvements in Afghanistan, however, the war crimes, and the human rights abuses haven't received as much attention. The Soviet Union, the United states, the Taliban and Pakistani ISI have been the culprits of the war crimes in Afghanistan. . During the Soviet war, over a million afghans were killed, and many more were injured (Amnesty International). There are many witnesses on the murders. In the September of 1984, a doctor that was interviewed witnessed Soviet troops in an Afghan village. He reported, "They tied them up and piled them like wood. They poured gasoline over them and burned them alive (Hamidi)." One Afghan resistance leader recalled how the civilians were treated by the Soviet ... Show more content on ... The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist group that ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001 (Lorenzo). It was formed in the early 1990s, by an Afghan faction of mujahideen, with the help of the U.S. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), and the Pakistani ISI (Inter–Services Intelligence directorate) (Lorenzo). The Talibs entered Kandahar in November 1994, to calm the disorderly city (Lorenzo). In 1996, they seized the capital city from the President Burhanuddin Rabbani, and controlled 90% of the country (Lorenzo). The evidence that supports the human rights abuses are numerous. Reports by human rights investigators, indicate that on August 8, 1998, Taliban militiamen slaughtered 5,000 civilians (Shelton). Reportedly, the Taliban militiamen tracked down members of the Hazara ethnic group (which were considered as enemies to the Taliban) were killed, in many different ways (Shelton). Some were shot, others were put to the knife. This is an example of a war crime that the Taliban group did after the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Soviet Crimes During The Second World War Soviet Crimes During the Second World War Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia both were totalitarian killers and criminals of genocide. There is much more evidence regarding the Nazi crimes than Soviet ones and about those who conceived and ordered the crimes, those who carried them out, and those who suffered and died as a consequence. But a conclusion of both systems Stalinist and Nazi were genocidal by their ideology that led them to use the mass killing of groups of their own citizens (and others) as a way to accomplish the impossible future that they dreamed of. Stalin, Beria (Chief of NKVD) and their lieutenants were never persecuted or convicted in any trial, but they were found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity in ... Show more content on ... Count 1, Conspiracy, was defined as a common plan or conspiracy to commit the crimes indicated in categories two, three, and four. Count 2, Crimes Against Peace, was defined as participation in the planning and waging of a war of aggression in violation of numerous international treaties, war crimes. Count 3, which defined as violations of the internationally agreed upon rules for waging war and crimes against humanity. Count 4, which was defined as murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war. Despite of the non–aggression pact that was signed between the Soviet Union and Poland in Moscow on July 25th 1932 and was extended 10 years on May 5th 1934, it didn't stop The Soviet Union from waging aggressive war on the sovereign Poland State on September 17th 1939, after a secret agreement of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact that proposed the conspiracy of partition Poland between the Germans and the Soviets to be annexed. The aggression on Poland was a squeezed attack with Nazis attacking from the west on September 1, and seventeen days later the Red Army attacked those retreated troops from the back through the east of Poland border. The Katyn massacre that was initiated in March of 1940 by ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Increase Of Crime After The Word War II In 1979 the theorists Lawrence Cohen and Marcus Felson developed a theory based on their research on the increase of crime after the Word War II. They created a theory based on how the increase of suitable targets, the absence of capable guardianship, and motivated offenders are related when producing crime. This theory argues that time and space is one of the main factors when committing crime. Moreover, the theory helps us understand how our everyday activities might lead to criminal activity. Individuals that live in hotspots have more probabilities of being a suitable target because of the increase of motivated offenders in the area. In addition, RAT help us observe the correlation between individuals who stayed at home and the decrease in crime. Moreover, routine activity theory, helps us to change our lifestyle on order to reduce the probabilities that may lead to criminal victimization. Finally, RAT can be use in research in order to test data collection in the areas there of high concentration of crime and offenders. During World War II, man where send to fight and women had to work for long hours. For this reason, after the war, there was an increase in criminal activity in the United States. The researchers Felsun and Cohen developed a hypothesis that the individual's absence at home might lead to an increase in opportunity for crime. According to the author "For example, women 's participation in the labor force and access to higher education, as well as an ... Get more on ...
  • 33. War Crime Research Paper Since the creation of war there has always been a growing issue of war crimes. Although the first recorded war crime dates back to 1914 during WWI, it is safe to say that war crimes might have been occurring long before then. Due to many countries believing that the raping and killing of civilians was all a part of war, no country deeply sought to punish other countries for their inhumane acts; however in 1949, the overlooking of war crimes changed. What is a war crime? As defined by the Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court, a war crime is characterized by the willful killing of civilians, torture or inhumane treatment of civilians and prisoners of war, willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to the body or health of civilians and prisoners of war, extensive destruction and appropriation of property, compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve under the forces of a ... Show more content on ... In 1919 during the Treaty of Versailles the concept of a war crime first emerged. Since many of the attendees in Versailles on that day could not agree on what should be constituted as a war crime the concept was not set into stone at that time. Subsequently, in direct regards to the Geneva Conventions almost 40 years later the concept finally got another chance at formalization. The Geneva Conventions is a body of Public International Law, otherwise known as the Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts, whose purpose is to provide minimum protections, standards of humane treatment, and fundamental guarantees of respect to individuals who become victims of armed conflicts. The Geneva Conventions serves as a series of treaties that outline the treatment of civilians, prisoners of war and soldiers who are otherwise deemed incapable of fighting.2 The Geneva Conventions states that a war crime is: Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. War Criminals As War Crimes My discussion question is discussing why the authorities are not recognizing these as war crimes and putting forth more effort to prevent it. There are such high amounts of women being violently raped and left with severe injuries and three is still little amounts of evidence connecting them to the perpetrators. There are also more women who are not able to be registered as a victim because they cannot access hospitals to report anything. There could be a larger amount of women who have been violently raped and the perpetrator could have been a part of the armed groups. These women are not only physically and psychologically traumatized they are also being outcasted by their others around them. Some women cannot work because the severity of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. War Crimes Against Harry Truman War Crimes against Harry Truman Over the course of time there has always been a debate on whether or not Harry Truman should have been convicted of war crimes after the drop of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People believe Truman was innocent, but at the same time a large amount also believe he should have been punished for his actions. Which side one believes to be true depends on the perspective of the situation. An American might believe President Truman was justified for allowing the atomic bombs to be dropped in order to save hundreds of American soldiers. From the point of view of a Japanese, dropping this massive, deadly, destructive bomb on a town of innocent citizens would be considered inhumane. War crimes are defined by the ICRC as any action that is carried out during war that violates the International Rules of War. It can also be defined as launching an attack knowing that it will cause incidental loss of civilian lives, or inflict injuries on them. Harry Truman violated not one, but many of the sections to the International Rules of War. Murdering thousands of Japanese, sending others to internment camps, and dropping "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" onto a nonmilitary base, and dropping the bomb for his own selfish needs (preventing the spread of Communism) are all reasons Truman could have been convicted. Murder is one of the most obvious sections of war crimes that Truman violated when the atomic bombs were dropped. In the International Rules of ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The US Government's Crimes During The Cold War What would you do if you found out that the US government released toxic radiation in your neighborhood, or mixed LSD into your drink at the bar? These horrible crimes were committed by the US government, during the Cold War, against their own citizens, without consent. The Cold War was a battle between the two superpowers of the world, the United States of America and the Soviet Union. The two powers fought over economics and government, making it a war of ideas and a race for nuclear arms. The US thought that using their own citizens would be the best way to test out the mechanics; even though the experiments cause pain and death to innumerable people. Although the government denies that recompense is necessary, the victims of the US government's crimes should be compensated because people were manipulated into participating, radiation experiments caused new disease, and the government broke the Nuremberg Code. The subjects of the Cold War experiments were manipulated into participating in these heinous crimes. The government targeted people who were desperate for money, such as "Prisoners, drug addicts, mental patients, college students, soldiers, even bar patrons"(Budiansky). Each of these groups of people have a need for money, or drugs. The government took advantage of these needs and mislead them into partaking in something they had no absolute idea about. After all, radiation and LSD were still fairly new to the US. The government even went so far as to take ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Tackling The War On Drugs ( Cd ) And Combating... INTRODUCTION Tackling the War on Drugs (CD) and Combating Transnational Crime Organizations (TCO) is an important national security problem. While addressing this issue in a scholastic forum, I immersed myself into this problem set using the guidance of assuming the role of Colonel Tim Killian. Utilizing the provided case and the ADIA framework and course concepts, I reviewed and assessed the information presented. The goal of Joint Task Force North (JTFN) J–5 is to develop a "strategy for military support to counter drug efforts and more broadly fight transnational organized crime." In this paper, I have negotiated the decision cycle and reviewed implementation choices, which leads to another analysis process in grading the progress. Keeping with the examination's pretext, my approach employs each of the four framework pieces, which essentially ask five straightforward queries. In the "Assess" step, "Who am I and where are we?" In the "Decide" step, "Where should we go?" In the "Implement" step, "How do we get there?" And finally, in the "Assure" step, "Are we getting there?" These questions formed the template that assisted in traversing the problem set, seeing the fullness of the situation, and to formulate plans toward addressing the problems of CD and TCOs. "WHO AM I and WHERE ARE WE?" Personal Assessment: I have assumed the role of Colonel Tim Killian as the Joint Task Force North, J –5, Director of Policy and Plans. Firstly, how would Colonel Killian fit ... Get more on ...
  • 38. War Crimes Against Native Americans Essay War crimes against Native Americans. Retrieved from Diller, J. V. (2015). Cultural diversity: a primer for the human services. Australia: Cengage Learning. Conversations with Native Americans about mental health needs and community strengths. (March 2009). Retrieved from Native American communities and mental health. Retrieved from /native–american–communities–and–mental–health When looking at the issues modern day Native Americans face regarding mental health counseling it is important to look at history and how the past has shaped... Show more content on ... In the 1800's there were 60 such boarding schools which were teaching Indian children values such as possessive individualism. This was the opposite teaching of what is instilled in Indian children by their elders, Indian believe in communal ownership and that the land is for everyone. In 1879 the establishment of Carlisle Indian School was created. Col. Richard Henry Pratt established the school due to his belief that by immersing the Indian children into white society they would start identifying as white and not return to the reservation and their Indian ways. Pratt's motto was "kill the Indian, save the man" ( In 1978, 118 years after the first boarding school was established the Indian Child Welfare Act was passed. This new law gave the parents of Native American children the right to refuse to allow their children to be taken and placed in off–reservation schools. But for many Native American children the damage had been done. Many young adults and children returned to their families not knowing the language and culture of their people. Many felt like they no longer fit into any area of society. The damage had been done and the effects are felt to this day. The historical trauma permeates Native American culture. Due to the atrocities forced on an entire ethnic group of people there are long term ramifications. Loss of cultural beliefs, language barriers, social stigma, and health concerns. Native American communities ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Do War Crime Tribunals Deliver Justice? Do war crime tribunals deliver justice? Student ID: 2328581 Introduction The Bosnian war in the early 1990s engendered ethnic cleansing, genocide, and other crimes against humanity. Under such context of international climate, nearly fifty years after the Nuremburg and Tokyo trials, the United Nations created the ad hoc international criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda (ICTs) to prosecute individuals suspected of committing war crimes regardless of their official positions. As the grounding and binding agreements, the Security Council Resolution 827 established the ICTY in 1993. It defines the main purpose of the tribunal as 'prosecuting individuals responsible for serious violations of international ... Show more content on ... This report sets out to test and measure the effectiveness and failure of the ICTs as its main purpose, briefly discuss the historical background of the ICTs and the potential tension and linkage between the pursuing peace and delivering justice in the ICTs as starting point, and further conclude contemporary role of the ICTs and the primary justification for the creation of a permanent international criminal court, the ICC. Historical background of the ICTs Despite the fact there were a lot of twists and turns for the U.S's position for creating the International Criminal Court (hard legalization) since the U.S. does not want to have the ICC out of control and to avoid the potential risks that this legal tribunal would accuse the U.S. citizens, the U.S. did spend some efforts to call for international community to support the post–Second World prosecutions in 1940s. More importantly, "when international justice revived, as the fall of the Berlin Wall brought the short twentieth century to a close, the United States did not hesitate to take a front seat. It provided enthusiastic support to the ad hoc tribunals established by the UN Security Council for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and a range of similar efforts at national and international justice in Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Kosovo, East Timor, and Lebanon" (Schabas, 2011). Notably, it is deserved to mention that the Clinton administration especially had done a ... Get more on ...