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abby Covert | @abby_the_Ia
What do you hope
to get out of this
• Understand the advantages to practicing
information architecture collaboratively
• Discover collaborative facilitation techniques
to use with coworkers and clients
• Build your toolbox with new diagrams and
• Answer common questions about practicing IA
why is it
important to
practice Ia
Section 1:
what Problems does talking
about Ia help to alleviate?
• Disputes over what to call things
• Lack of clarity on what things “are”
• Overlaps in functionality & duplication of effort
• Lack of prioritization of audiences or goals
• Technical debt created by inconsistency or lack of
reusability of patterns
• Organizational inefficiency due to communication heft
Who practices Information
• Specialists AND generalists
• Innies AND outies
• Designers, technologists AND business folks
What conflicts are common?
• Speaking different languages based on role
• Arguing about priority through a lens of organizational politics
• “This is how we have always done it” thinking
• Lacksonomy instead of taxonomy
• Other competencies ignoring or over-riding decisions made by IA
• Other competencies seeing IA as cosmetic and arbitrary
• Lack of time or budget for collaboration, testing and iteration
Story time
Subject: We are hiring!
I am thrilled to announce we are planning to hire
3 new UX designers in the next month and another
5 by the end of this year!
a hypothetical conversation
between Jenn and ann
Jenn and Ben set out to get
the lexicon started
Subject: Lexicon
I really enjoyed working with Jenn last week on the
lexicon assignment. Is there any way I could get all
of my team members access to it when she is done?
What could Jen have done
differently to mess this up?
• Jen could have written the lexicon alone based on her
understanding of the concepts and not asked for Ben’s help
• Jen could have written a draft of the lexicon and presented it
to Ben for his feedback, making the meeting more of a critique
• Jen could have emailed Ben a list of words and asked him to
write definitions of them for her (spoiler alert: he may have
never answered the email, taken forever to answer or written
overly complex and/or confusing definitions she would then
have to ask tons of questions about)
• Jen could have spent the whole time talking to Ben trying to
understand his point of view instead of picking up a marker
• Jen could have gotten frustrated over their lack of common
understanding and given up on the exercise entirely
what does this story teach us?
• Lesson 1: People can assume they understand
something clearly, until they compare that
understanding with another person’s
• Lesson 2: Complex definitions are sometimes
easier to discuss visually than just verbally
• Lesson 3: Defining concepts can be seen as a
helpful activity when done collaboratively and cross
functionally. The same activity when done in a silo
can be frustrating and seen as a waste of time
How can I make time or get time
for information architecture?
• Don’t ask for time for “doing the IA” — instead bake
talking about language and structure into every
interaction you have throughout the process
• Document the conflicts that need to be talked
through and explain the people and process you
need to resolve the conflicts
• Explain the ramifications of not resolving these
conflicts and building on “shaky ground”
• Be ok with the decision or mandate to build on shaky
ground (I use the three times at bat rule for pushing
How does Ia fit into different
process styles?
• Agile: In Agile language and structure is defined very quickly
meaning that IA needs to be an ongoing discussion. Advice here
is to make sure there are KPIs being measured around structural
and linguistic integrity. Also make sure the IA documents are
shared and editable by anyone in the organization.
• Waterfall: In waterfall, you are more likely to be asked to create a
stopping point after which IA is “complete.” Advice here is to try to
position IA as something that isn't ever set completely, so that it is
shared amongst all stages of the process. This means that things
like maps and controlled vocabularies are continually updated
throughout the project.
How do I communicate Ia to my
• “Information architecture is a practice of deciding how to arrange
the parts of something to make sense as a whole. Because
what we call things and how we arrange them makes a big
difference to whether our users will understand us”
• “IA always exists, whether of not we think about it. If we don’t
think about it we are letting it grow organically which isn't always
the clearest and most effective way forward”
• “By thinking about IA our team can make sure that the language
and structures we choose will help us to reach our intention”
• “IA is best practiced collaboratively, so while I can help to
facilitate us thinking about our IA, I can’t do this without help of
others in the organization”
Dos and Donts of Communicating
Ia in an organization
• Don’t talk about IA
as a step in the
• Don’t propose IA as
a gate you have to
get through
• Don’t talk about the
concepts, talk about
the results
• Don’t try to own the
IA as an individual
• Do find places within the process
to talk about the clarity of
language and structure
• Do talk about IA as something
that will continue to grow and
change over time
• Do ask questions throughout the
project that makes it clear that
talking about IA is important
• Do assemble a group of people
that share the responsibility of
making IA decisions over time
Create a
Plan for Ia in
your organization
Exercise 1
My Ia Communication Plan
What issues do you see in your organization that IA could help alleviate?
Who are the people
who would be easiest
to communicate IA to?
Who are the people
who would be hardest
to communicate IA to?
Who are the people who
would be most critical to
communicate IA to?
What obstacles do you face in communicating IA?
What would need to happen to lessen those obstacles?
techniques for Ia
Section 2:
Stakeholder interviews
• Step 1: Identify the right stakeholders
• Step 2: Design the conversation
• Step 3: Seek Patterns & Divergence of Opinions
• Step 4: Be a mirror
Identify the right stakeholders
• Use the organization
chart to visualize who you
plan to talk to
• Make sure you are talking
to enough representative
people across the org
both in terms of level and
area of focus
Isolate them from the herd
“We think _________” “I think __________”
Design the conversation
• Position: Establish where this person sits in the space you are
• Convictions: Understand what they believe to be true and why
• Doubts: Understand what they have a hard time believing, what
makes them nervous and why
• Color: Ask anything else that will help to color in their
responses to their previous questions
• Questions: Always let them ask you questions. Sometimes the
best stuff comes out from what they ask
Some of my go-to questions
• If you had a magic wand and could change any one thing about
_________ what would it be and why?
• What do you see as the strengths of ___________? What about
the weaknesses?
• Is there any language that you see getting in the way of
communicating with our customers?
• Is there any language that you see getting in the way of
communicating internally?
• Is there anything I haven't ask about that you think I should know?
Some pointers
• Listen more than you speak. This is not your time to prove
how smart you are or share ideas or perceptions you have
• Leave silence. If they need time to think about their answer
leave them the silence to do so, don't react by expanding on
your question or rewording
• Record your interviews so you can be more active in listening
and making eye contact. Take simple notes throughout to
show that you are getting something out of the conversation
• Keep your notes in a spreadsheet organized by question so
you can sense patterns more easily
• If you take notes right after each interview, you will be more
likely to stay engaged in the material and it feels less like a
slog to get through
My template for note taking
Question Interviewee Name Interviewee Name Interviewee Name Interviewee Name
Question 1 Response Response Response Response
Question 2 Response Response Response Response
Question 3 Response Response Response Response
Question 4 Response Response Response Response
* Arrange columns and color code groups of people within a similar place in
the organization or role
Seek Patterns & Divergence of
• Look first for the things that people agree on. Write a compelling headline
for each.
• Look second for the things that people are not in agreement over. Write a
compelling headline for each.
• After making a list of all the headlines in a spreadsheet, assign keywords
to each to see how they may be related to one another
• Area of the product/experience
• Sentiment of the concern
• Heuristic principle that is illustrated
• Start sorting by the keywords to see what emerges
• Create logical groupings of findings connected by a theme
• Decide the right order to present findings in
Example from my work
Example of Findings Spreadsheet
Example of Findings Presentation
Be the mirror
• If you think a point is obvious, make it anyways
• Present the why, not just the what
• Share quotes from interviews without attribution to get points
across that are tough to make
• Don’t let your opinions leak into what you present
• Say the thing that everyone was talking around but not saying
• Ask questions of the group based on what you heard
• Present both sides of anything that might be disagreed on
• Visualize mental models that differ from one another
How to have low fidelity group
conversations about language
• Set an agenda with time blocks and share it with attendees so they
know where you are going with this activity
• Start by asking the group about opportunities and risks that this
session has. Have everyone write their answers and then go
around and share with the room.
• Arrange the agenda from broad to specific
• Breakdown mental models slowly:
• Start with giving people time to think individually
• Then pair people up to compare notes
• Then have pairs combine into small groups
• Finally open to full group discussion
an example agenda
What about for really big
• Facilitate smaller groups with similar mental models to get to know
their thought process better
• Identify one person who can represent that group in a larger, more
cross functional group. This person should be:
• Interested in the activity
• Allowed to take action
• Willing to listen and participate in semantic debate
pointers for Running a
collaborative ia session
• Ask people to set aside technology for the session (don’t allow the
“I’m taking notes” excuse… they aren’t, instead establish a note
taker for the group and project their screen as they take notes)
• Don’t be afraid to call on someone who hasn't spoken up
• Always establish a parking lot for topics that leak into the meeting
that aren't the focus. Allow anyone to call “parking lot”, and make
sure it gets written down so it is actually parked.
• Always position collaborative sessions as exploratory, meaning
there are no bad ideas or wrong ways of thinking
• Ask for honesty AND kindness as activities are undertaken
• Always end a session by asking for advice of your participants. “As
you know, I will be working on the things we talked about today,
what advice do you have for me?”
Visualize language with simple
pictures to get clarity
• Draw and Share: Have your attendees draw the
concept in the way that they understand it and
compare their drawings with each other
• Round 1: Individual Draw
• Round 2: Pair Draw
• Round 3: Groups of 4 Draw
• Round 4: Facilitated Draw
• Pictionary: Have one attendee draw their
understanding of a concept so that others can react to
it and ask questions
an example from my work
Dealing with difficult people
• Identify anyone who is potentially difficult during the stakeholder
interview process. Spend extra energy making sure that person
feels heard and understands the process they are taking part in
• If things get heated in the session, give that person the marker
and ask them to visualize the conflict as they see it
• Take their side for the sake of clarifying the conflict. “I think I see
what so-and-so is saying here…”
• If they are mean or inappropriate, tell them that is not productive
to the discussion and remind them that this collaboration involves
seeing many sides of the same argument
• Don’t be dismissive of their opinion or ideas but make them
explain themselves and answer to others’ questions about it
Have a low
about language
Exercise 2
• Round 1: Draw a visual model of this conference
• What are the pieces of it?
• What are the connections between those pieces?
• Round 2: Compare your picture with a partner
and create a combined model
• Did you use the same words?
• What pieces or connections did have that you didn’t?
• Round 3: Compare with another team and create
a combined visual model
How to Mine for language
Language in
the product
Language in
the marketing
Language in
help & support
Language we
use internally
Language users
use naturally
• Look for needless duplicity
• Look for legacy terms that
have stuck around
• Look for inside baseball terms
that might not be clear to users
Visualize similarity &
ask questions about efficiency,
clarity and intention
Do we need all
five labels for
this thing?
Are these really
the same model
with two labels
or two different
Is this a difference of Model or
simply a difference of Label?
Sometimes different labels for
the same thing is appropriate!
(on mobile) (on desktop)
Tips for mining for language
• Start with nouns. Take on verbs secondarily. Beware of
• Use notes from user and stakeholder interviews to layer
on verbal only language that might be useful to
understand in connection with documented language
• Ask questions like:
• “When you say _____ what do you mean?”
• “Is _____ the same as ______?
• “Why did we start calling it _________?”
Controlled Vocabularies
Term Definition History Approved Synonyms
• A good controlled vocabulary:
• Captures the history of a term
• Lists the other words that may describe the same model
• Defines terms simply and defines words within the definition
Ideas to get people to actually
use the controlled vocabulary
• When first created: consider distribution through a “word of
the day” feature
• To get people to retire terms: Make posters of “words we
don't say” and post them in the meeting spaces around your
office — when all else fails, try using a gym whistle
• To make sure it stays fresh: Create a cross functional
working group to govern upkeep of language documentation.
These folks are like resident advisors for ontological choices.
They help resolve linguistic issues and educate others on the
documentation available
• To make sure it is adhered to: Make a linguistic review part
of the standards that are expected to be adhered to in terms of
style guides or launch checklists
Story time: why It is important to
define the words within the words
diagrams That
can be created
Association Diagram
• Illustrates connections
between concepts that don’t
adhere to navigable paths
• Best for showing hierarchical
relationships at a higher level
Association Diagram (example)
Block Diagram
• Illustrates how objects and
their attributes interrelate
• Best for breaking complex
concepts into smaller pieces
for discussion and
Block Diagram (example)
Journey Maps
• Illustrates how a process or activity happens across
contexts and channels
• Good for helping people break down silos and look at
things from the end users perspective
Journey Map (example)
Swim Lane Diagram
• Illustrates how many people
work together on a single
• Good for documenting the
tasks within a task and how
those map to role
Swim lane (example)
Gantt Chart
• Illustrates how tasks relate to
each other over time and role
• Good for breaking a process
down to reveal predecessors
and dependencies
Gantt Chart (example)
Aim to be
realistic, not
Quadrant Diagram
• Illustrates how a group of
concepts or ideas compare to
one another on two or more
• Best for prioritizing or
showing white space
Quadrant Diagram (example)
Tips for Collaborating on
• Share the work of writing and drawing with your partners
• Take the time and space needed to get through the
material, don’t rush or exhaust people
• For more complex subject matter, take it in rounds - not
all at once
• Keep it messy and low fidelity until the content is feeling
solid enough to get confirmation on
• Always have a format in mind when collecting but stay
flexible as you figure out what is needed
Tips for getting feedback on
• Share the diagram ahead of a critique meeting for people
to spend time looking at
• Take the time to sit down with a few key stakeholders one
on one to show them the diagram with the intent to make
it clear. Don’t spend this time convincing them. You are
usability testing the diagram and they are your users
• Keep the visual polish off the diagram until the content
has been confirmed, this makes it quicker for you to edit
but also encourages feedback
• Always ask for critical feedback on how to make it more
clear and try to not defend or explain things you think are
already clear
Not Tidy
Not appropriate
for scale
Unclear scope
Not appropriate
for medium
Too Many
FREE No Labels Stacked Type
between things
Color doesn’t
mean what we
think it means
Hard to read
Logic or Flow
Ratio issues
Confusing line
Ill alignment
or spacing
Diagram Critique Bingo
What is one thing you
learned today that you
will take back to work?
What I hope you learned today:
• Too much IA is practiced solo, and presented to others
• By sharing the responsibility we can get further, faster
• Practicing IA collaboratively means putting aside your
ego (and sometimes your ideas)
• There is no singular process or defining
documentation technique that always works,
prescribing is part of the work
• Anyone can practice IA, and more people should be
Q & a
How do you
establish trust
when you don't
have years of
Burning Question:
Are there any
pure Ia jobs
Burning Question:
Can we practice
great, effective
ia with others
without them
knowing that it
really is?
Burning Question:
is it possible to
architect something
that you don't
understand yourself.
It's just too big, too
specialized or too
Burning Question:
I wrote a book
about information
architecture for

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Collaborative Information Architecture (ias17)

  • 2. What do you hope to get out of this workshop?
  • 3. objectives • Understand the advantages to practicing information architecture collaboratively • Discover collaborative facilitation techniques to use with coworkers and clients • Build your toolbox with new diagrams and techniques • Answer common questions about practicing IA collaboratively
  • 4. why is it important to practice Ia collaboratively? Section 1:
  • 5. what Problems does talking about Ia help to alleviate? • Disputes over what to call things • Lack of clarity on what things “are” • Overlaps in functionality & duplication of effort • Lack of prioritization of audiences or goals • Technical debt created by inconsistency or lack of reusability of patterns • Organizational inefficiency due to communication heft
  • 6. Who practices Information architecture? • Specialists AND generalists • Innies AND outies • Designers, technologists AND business folks
  • 7. What conflicts are common? • Speaking different languages based on role • Arguing about priority through a lens of organizational politics • “This is how we have always done it” thinking • Lacksonomy instead of taxonomy • Other competencies ignoring or over-riding decisions made by IA • Other competencies seeing IA as cosmetic and arbitrary decisions • Lack of time or budget for collaboration, testing and iteration
  • 8. Story time to: from: Subject: We are hiring! I am thrilled to announce we are planning to hire 3 new UX designers in the next month and another 5 by the end of this year!
  • 10. Jenn and Ben set out to get the lexicon started to: from: Subject: Lexicon I really enjoyed working with Jenn last week on the lexicon assignment. Is there any way I could get all of my team members access to it when she is done?
  • 11. What could Jen have done differently to mess this up? • Jen could have written the lexicon alone based on her understanding of the concepts and not asked for Ben’s help • Jen could have written a draft of the lexicon and presented it to Ben for his feedback, making the meeting more of a critique • Jen could have emailed Ben a list of words and asked him to write definitions of them for her (spoiler alert: he may have never answered the email, taken forever to answer or written overly complex and/or confusing definitions she would then have to ask tons of questions about) • Jen could have spent the whole time talking to Ben trying to understand his point of view instead of picking up a marker • Jen could have gotten frustrated over their lack of common understanding and given up on the exercise entirely
  • 12. what does this story teach us? • Lesson 1: People can assume they understand something clearly, until they compare that understanding with another person’s • Lesson 2: Complex definitions are sometimes easier to discuss visually than just verbally • Lesson 3: Defining concepts can be seen as a helpful activity when done collaboratively and cross functionally. The same activity when done in a silo can be frustrating and seen as a waste of time
  • 13. How can I make time or get time for information architecture? • Don’t ask for time for “doing the IA” — instead bake talking about language and structure into every interaction you have throughout the process • Document the conflicts that need to be talked through and explain the people and process you need to resolve the conflicts • Explain the ramifications of not resolving these conflicts and building on “shaky ground” • Be ok with the decision or mandate to build on shaky ground (I use the three times at bat rule for pushing back)
  • 14. How does Ia fit into different process styles? • Agile: In Agile language and structure is defined very quickly meaning that IA needs to be an ongoing discussion. Advice here is to make sure there are KPIs being measured around structural and linguistic integrity. Also make sure the IA documents are shared and editable by anyone in the organization. • Waterfall: In waterfall, you are more likely to be asked to create a stopping point after which IA is “complete.” Advice here is to try to position IA as something that isn't ever set completely, so that it is shared amongst all stages of the process. This means that things like maps and controlled vocabularies are continually updated throughout the project.
  • 15. How do I communicate Ia to my organization? • “Information architecture is a practice of deciding how to arrange the parts of something to make sense as a whole. Because what we call things and how we arrange them makes a big difference to whether our users will understand us” • “IA always exists, whether of not we think about it. If we don’t think about it we are letting it grow organically which isn't always the clearest and most effective way forward” • “By thinking about IA our team can make sure that the language and structures we choose will help us to reach our intention” • “IA is best practiced collaboratively, so while I can help to facilitate us thinking about our IA, I can’t do this without help of others in the organization”
  • 16. Dos and Donts of Communicating Ia in an organization • Don’t talk about IA as a step in the process • Don’t propose IA as a gate you have to get through • Don’t talk about the concepts, talk about the results • Don’t try to own the IA as an individual • Do find places within the process to talk about the clarity of language and structure • Do talk about IA as something that will continue to grow and change over time • Do ask questions throughout the project that makes it clear that talking about IA is important • Do assemble a group of people that share the responsibility of making IA decisions over time
  • 17. Create a Communication Plan for Ia in your organization Exercise 1
  • 18. My Ia Communication Plan What issues do you see in your organization that IA could help alleviate? Who are the people who would be easiest to communicate IA to? Who are the people who would be hardest to communicate IA to? Who are the people who would be most critical to communicate IA to? What obstacles do you face in communicating IA? What would need to happen to lessen those obstacles?
  • 20. Stakeholder interviews • Step 1: Identify the right stakeholders • Step 2: Design the conversation • Step 3: Seek Patterns & Divergence of Opinions • Step 4: Be a mirror
  • 21. Identify the right stakeholders • Use the organization chart to visualize who you plan to talk to • Make sure you are talking to enough representative people across the org both in terms of level and area of focus
  • 22. Isolate them from the herd “We think _________” “I think __________”
  • 23. Design the conversation • Position: Establish where this person sits in the space you are exploring • Convictions: Understand what they believe to be true and why • Doubts: Understand what they have a hard time believing, what makes them nervous and why • Color: Ask anything else that will help to color in their responses to their previous questions • Questions: Always let them ask you questions. Sometimes the best stuff comes out from what they ask
  • 24. Some of my go-to questions • If you had a magic wand and could change any one thing about _________ what would it be and why? • What do you see as the strengths of ___________? What about the weaknesses? • Is there any language that you see getting in the way of communicating with our customers? • Is there any language that you see getting in the way of communicating internally? • Is there anything I haven't ask about that you think I should know?
  • 25. Some pointers • Listen more than you speak. This is not your time to prove how smart you are or share ideas or perceptions you have • Leave silence. If they need time to think about their answer leave them the silence to do so, don't react by expanding on your question or rewording • Record your interviews so you can be more active in listening and making eye contact. Take simple notes throughout to show that you are getting something out of the conversation • Keep your notes in a spreadsheet organized by question so you can sense patterns more easily • If you take notes right after each interview, you will be more likely to stay engaged in the material and it feels less like a slog to get through
  • 26. My template for note taking Question Interviewee Name Interviewee Name Interviewee Name Interviewee Name Question 1 Response Response Response Response Question 2 Response Response Response Response Question 3 Response Response Response Response Question 4 Response Response Response Response * Arrange columns and color code groups of people within a similar place in the organization or role
  • 27. Seek Patterns & Divergence of Opinions • Look first for the things that people agree on. Write a compelling headline for each. • Look second for the things that people are not in agreement over. Write a compelling headline for each. • After making a list of all the headlines in a spreadsheet, assign keywords to each to see how they may be related to one another • Area of the product/experience • Sentiment of the concern • Heuristic principle that is illustrated • Start sorting by the keywords to see what emerges • Create logical groupings of findings connected by a theme • Decide the right order to present findings in
  • 28. Example from my work Example of Findings Spreadsheet Example of Findings Presentation
  • 29. Be the mirror • If you think a point is obvious, make it anyways • Present the why, not just the what • Share quotes from interviews without attribution to get points across that are tough to make • Don’t let your opinions leak into what you present • Say the thing that everyone was talking around but not saying • Ask questions of the group based on what you heard • Present both sides of anything that might be disagreed on • Visualize mental models that differ from one another
  • 30. How to have low fidelity group conversations about language • Set an agenda with time blocks and share it with attendees so they know where you are going with this activity • Start by asking the group about opportunities and risks that this session has. Have everyone write their answers and then go around and share with the room. • Arrange the agenda from broad to specific • Breakdown mental models slowly: • Start with giving people time to think individually • Then pair people up to compare notes • Then have pairs combine into small groups • Finally open to full group discussion
  • 32. What about for really big groups? • Facilitate smaller groups with similar mental models to get to know their thought process better • Identify one person who can represent that group in a larger, more cross functional group. This person should be: • Interested in the activity • Allowed to take action • Willing to listen and participate in semantic debate
  • 33. pointers for Running a collaborative ia session • Ask people to set aside technology for the session (don’t allow the “I’m taking notes” excuse… they aren’t, instead establish a note taker for the group and project their screen as they take notes) • Don’t be afraid to call on someone who hasn't spoken up • Always establish a parking lot for topics that leak into the meeting that aren't the focus. Allow anyone to call “parking lot”, and make sure it gets written down so it is actually parked. • Always position collaborative sessions as exploratory, meaning there are no bad ideas or wrong ways of thinking • Ask for honesty AND kindness as activities are undertaken • Always end a session by asking for advice of your participants. “As you know, I will be working on the things we talked about today, what advice do you have for me?”
  • 34. Visualize language with simple pictures to get clarity • Draw and Share: Have your attendees draw the concept in the way that they understand it and compare their drawings with each other • Round 1: Individual Draw • Round 2: Pair Draw • Round 3: Groups of 4 Draw • Round 4: Facilitated Draw • Pictionary: Have one attendee draw their understanding of a concept so that others can react to it and ask questions
  • 35. an example from my work
  • 36. Dealing with difficult people • Identify anyone who is potentially difficult during the stakeholder interview process. Spend extra energy making sure that person feels heard and understands the process they are taking part in • If things get heated in the session, give that person the marker and ask them to visualize the conflict as they see it • Take their side for the sake of clarifying the conflict. “I think I see what so-and-so is saying here…” • If they are mean or inappropriate, tell them that is not productive to the discussion and remind them that this collaboration involves seeing many sides of the same argument • Don’t be dismissive of their opinion or ideas but make them explain themselves and answer to others’ questions about it
  • 38. Instructions • Round 1: Draw a visual model of this conference • What are the pieces of it? • What are the connections between those pieces? • Round 2: Compare your picture with a partner and create a combined model • Did you use the same words? • What pieces or connections did have that you didn’t? • Round 3: Compare with another team and create a combined visual model
  • 39. How to Mine for language Language in the product Language in the marketing Language in help & support Language we use internally Language users use naturally • Look for needless duplicity • Look for legacy terms that have stuck around • Look for inside baseball terms that might not be clear to users
  • 41. ask questions about efficiency, clarity and intention Do we need all five labels for this thing? Are these really the same model with two labels or two different concepts?
  • 42. Is this a difference of Model or simply a difference of Label? vs.
  • 43. Sometimes different labels for the same thing is appropriate! (on mobile) (on desktop) vs.
  • 44. Tips for mining for language • Start with nouns. Take on verbs secondarily. Beware of adjectives. • Use notes from user and stakeholder interviews to layer on verbal only language that might be useful to understand in connection with documented language • Ask questions like: • “When you say _____ what do you mean?” • “Is _____ the same as ______? • “Why did we start calling it _________?”
  • 45. Controlled Vocabularies Term Definition History Approved Synonyms • A good controlled vocabulary: • Captures the history of a term • Lists the other words that may describe the same model • Defines terms simply and defines words within the definition
  • 46. Ideas to get people to actually use the controlled vocabulary • When first created: consider distribution through a “word of the day” feature • To get people to retire terms: Make posters of “words we don't say” and post them in the meeting spaces around your office — when all else fails, try using a gym whistle • To make sure it stays fresh: Create a cross functional working group to govern upkeep of language documentation. These folks are like resident advisors for ontological choices. They help resolve linguistic issues and educate others on the documentation available • To make sure it is adhered to: Make a linguistic review part of the standards that are expected to be adhered to in terms of style guides or launch checklists
  • 47. Story time: why It is important to define the words within the words
  • 48. diagrams That can be created collaboratively
  • 49. Association Diagram • Illustrates connections between concepts that don’t adhere to navigable paths • Best for showing hierarchical relationships at a higher level
  • 51. Block Diagram • Illustrates how objects and their attributes interrelate • Best for breaking complex concepts into smaller pieces for discussion and clarification
  • 53. Journey Maps • Illustrates how a process or activity happens across contexts and channels • Good for helping people break down silos and look at things from the end users perspective
  • 55. Swim Lane Diagram • Illustrates how many people work together on a single process • Good for documenting the tasks within a task and how those map to role
  • 57. Gantt Chart • Illustrates how tasks relate to each other over time and role • Good for breaking a process down to reveal predecessors and dependencies
  • 59. Aim to be realistic, not simplistic
  • 60. Quadrant Diagram • Illustrates how a group of concepts or ideas compare to one another on two or more qualifiers • Best for prioritizing or showing white space
  • 62. Tips for Collaborating on diagrams • Share the work of writing and drawing with your partners • Take the time and space needed to get through the material, don’t rush or exhaust people • For more complex subject matter, take it in rounds - not all at once • Keep it messy and low fidelity until the content is feeling solid enough to get confirmation on • Always have a format in mind when collecting but stay flexible as you figure out what is needed
  • 63. Tips for getting feedback on diagrams • Share the diagram ahead of a critique meeting for people to spend time looking at • Take the time to sit down with a few key stakeholders one on one to show them the diagram with the intent to make it clear. Don’t spend this time convincing them. You are usability testing the diagram and they are your users • Keep the visual polish off the diagram until the content has been confirmed, this makes it quicker for you to edit but also encourages feedback • Always ask for critical feedback on how to make it more clear and try to not defend or explain things you think are already clear
  • 64. Unnecessary exactitude Not Tidy Designed before Architected Unclear Audience Icon Issues Not appropriate for scale Unclear scope Unclear timescale Unclear context Lengthy labels Not appropriate for medium Too Many Colors FREE No Labels Stacked Type Confusing relationships between things Unclear intent Unclear Labels Color doesn’t mean what we think it means Hard to read Misleading Data Manipulation Unclear Logic or Flow Contrast Ratio issues Confusing line crossings Ill alignment or spacing Diagram Critique Bingo
  • 65. What is one thing you learned today that you will take back to work?
  • 66. What I hope you learned today: • Too much IA is practiced solo, and presented to others • By sharing the responsibility we can get further, faster • Practicing IA collaboratively means putting aside your ego (and sometimes your ideas) • There is no singular process or defining documentation technique that always works, prescribing is part of the work • Anyone can practice IA, and more people should be
  • 67. Q & a
  • 68. How do you establish trust when you don't have years of experience? Burning Question:
  • 69. Are there any pure Ia jobs anymore? Burning Question:
  • 70. Can we practice great, effective ia with others without them knowing that it really is? Burning Question:
  • 71. is it possible to architect something that you don't understand yourself. It's just too big, too specialized or too complex? Burning Question:
  • 72. I wrote a book about information architecture for everybody! http:// makesense/