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The 5th International Doctoral
                  on Intellectual Capital Management
                  Faculté Jean-Monet, Orsay University, France

              Collaboration in virtual
              A neuroscience approach

                                  Thierry Nabeth
                                                    Research Advisor:
                                            Professor Ahmed Bounfour
29 Mai 2012   International Doctoral Consortium on ICM            1
• Rethinking collaboration & «sociality»
     – «Sociality»: an element of organizational performance
     – Models of Collaboration & of the social process
     – Approaches for investigating collaboration & “sociality”?
• Using social neuroscience for investigating online
  collaboration & sociality
     – What is neuroscience
     – Research in social neuroscience (topics & examples)
• Proposed research
     –   Background
     –   Objective
     –   Research questions
     –   Suggested experiments?
           • Online identity perception (impression, trust).
           • Motivation (testing the reward system in online interaction)

 29 Mai 2012                 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM       2
Collaboration & « sociality »
Collaboration & the social process is increasingly recognized as an important
       factor of organizational performance in the Knowledge Society.
                          It is also becoming prominent
                    (cf. social media, open innovation, etc.).

     The “utilitarian” model of collaboration (cf. social exchange theory)
                      is replaced by more “humane” ones.
The evolution of the vision of the world
The world is predictable                                          The world is uncertain
   The world is relatively closed,                                   The world is open,
     static, and can be controlled                                and in perpetual evolution
     ( it is a “machine”)                                         ( it is an “ecosystem”)
    The organization is a competitive              The organization is collaborative and
    environment, driven by search for              able to get the best from the collective
    efficiency via well defined practices,         expertise of its employees.
    and automation.

The social process is perceived as                      The social process is a core process
distracting (hurting productivity), or                  of the organization that contributes to
at best something useful but difficult                  many functions (circulation of
apprehend and to manage.                                knowledge; motivation, etc.)

   29 Mai 2012                International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                         4
New theory of the firm:
“Sociality” as an Organizational Advantage
Kogut and Zander recently have proposed “that a firm be understood
   as a social community specializing in the speed and efficiency in the
   creation and transfer of knowledge”. … Organizations have some
   particular capabilities for creating and sharing knowledge that giving
   them distinctive advantage.
This stands in stark contrast with the more established transaction cost
   theory grounded in the assumption of human opportunism and the
   resulting condition of market failure.

  Janine Nahapiet; Sumantra Ghoshal (1998). Social capital, intellectual
  capital, and the organizational advantage. The Academy of Management
  Review 23 (2):242-266

 29 Mai 2012             International Doctoral Consortium on ICM           5
    The value of socialization: An illustration
(in a previous research based on the capturing & analysis of social signal) … we found
     that the best predictors of productivity were a team’s energy and engagement outside
     formal meetings.
Drawing on that insight, we advised the center’s manager (of a bank’s call center) to
     revise the employees’ coffee break schedule so that everyone on a team took a break
     at the same time. That would allow people more time to socialize with their
     teammates, away from their workstations. Though the suggestion flew in the face of
     standard efficiency practices, the manager was baffled and desperate, so he tried it.
And it worked: AHT (average handle time) fell by more than 20% among lower-performing
     teams and decreased by 8% overall at the call center. Now the manager is changing
     the break schedule at all 10 of the bank’s call centers (which employ a total of 25,000
     people) and is forecasting $15 million a year in productivity increases. He has also
     seen employee satisfaction at call centers rise, sometimes by more than 10%.

 Alex “Sandy” Pentland (2012). The New Science of Building Great Teams;
 Harvard Business Review, April 2012.

    29 Mai 2012                  International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                      6
The “socialization” of organizations
Organizations (in particular of knowledge intensive organizations) are now
generally very aware of the advantage of the social process as a means to
contribute to their performance. They are keen at embracing approaches helping
to develop it.

This interest can be observed in:
    • The development on the Internet as a social space (cf. social media) to
    be used to engage into interaction with many actors. (customers)
    • The development of enterprise social networking as a way to support
    and accelerate the circulation of tacit knowledge and the collaboration in the
    • The adoption of new collective intelligence processes. Examples include
    crowdsourcing for supporting open innovation.

Note: IBM is for instance promoting the concept of “social business” (which
consists in incorporating sociality at the core of the business process) as the next
step in the overall evolution of business.

  29 Mai 2012                International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                  7
Modeling collaboration & the social process
  Collaboration is utilitarian                           Collaboration is in human nature

People interact with others as a                         Sociality is an inner component of
means of accomplishing their                             human nature (Man is a social
objectives.                                              animal).
What drives their behavior is the                        The new perspective in collaboration
optimization of individual benefit.                      & social interaction: It is more about
                                                         human social cognition.

   Social exchange theory
                                                       Social cognition theories
   It is about a calculation :
   Rewards – Cost
                                                       Looking at:
   • Costs: effort put into a relationship
   • Rewards: elements of a                            Trust, identity, perception, reputation,
        relationship that have positive                   reciprocity, altruism, social reward,
        value                                             social motivation, fairness, empathy,

  29 Mai 2012                  International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                           8
Questioning the “utilitarian” model

The rational view (e.g. social exchange theory), that has often been
used to model collaborative systems, appears to be too simplistic and
probably incorrect: Social interaction can not be reduced to a cost
benefit analysis, and sociality involves mechanisms hardwire in the
human brain that are even unconscious.

Questioning “scientific selfishness”
Diverse business and social production models begin to challenge
   efficiency, efficacy, and growth-oriented effects of “scientific”
                         (Yochai Benkler CSCW 2012 keynote speech)

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM        9
Challenging the view of human rationality
 people are rational agents?
                                                          This view is being challenged:
        economicus                                        People are largely influenced by:
greed     selfishness
              individualistic                                 their instinct. (Akerlof & Shiller’s
                                                             “Animal Spirits”)
People are rational, and self-
                                                             their Intuitions (Daniel
interested actors which behavior
                                                             Kahneman’s “thinking fast and
is determined by the optimization
of their benefit via cost / benefit
calculations.                                                cognitive biases (Dan Ariely’s
                                                             “predictably irrational”)
(classical economics theories)

29 Mai 2012                           International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                   10
Towards a more “humanistic” model

 The human brain is wired to be social (Man is a social animal).
 More realistic models should be able to better take into account the
 complexity of the social process, and its “humanity” dimension.

Cooperation is part of human nature
Co-operation and virtue are just as deep rooted parts of human nature as
                           (The Origins of Virtue, Matt Ridley, 1996)

Man is a cooperative specie
The strong interdependence showed between humans, even with nonkin,
might have been a key element of our evolutionary success. An example might
be the high levels of cooperation that humans express with each other, which
are unmatched in the animal world.
                           Caldú, X., & Dreher, J.-C. (2007).

  29 Mai 2012              International Doctoral Consortium on ICM            11
The human brain is wired to be social
             (Man is a social animal)
Cooperation is rewarding. (reward system in the brain)
In a recent neuroimaging study, fair offers led to higher happiness ratings and
increased activity in several reward regions of the brain compared with unfair
offers of equal monetary value. Other neuroimaging studies have similarly
shown activation in reward regions in response to cooperative partners or
cooperative play.
                            Tabibnia, G., & Lieberman, M. D. (2007).

Social isolation is a «killer»
The effects of isolation in humans have much in common with the effects of isolation
found in nonhuman social species. Researchers found increased activation of the
brain’s stress systems, vascular resistance, and blood pressure, as well as decreased
inflammatory control, immunity, sleep salubrity, and expression of genes regulating
glucocorticoid responses and oxidative stress. In sum, the health, life, and genetic
legacy of members of most social species are threatened when they find themselves on
the social perimeter.
                               Cacioppo, J. T., & Ortigue, S. (2010).

  29 Mai 2012                International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                   12
Some modern perspectives & research
       on collaboration & socialization
 • Alex Pentland: The importance of “social signals” in
   human interaction (cf. Honest signals).
 • Yochai Benkler: thinking altruism, fairness, … are
   challenging the “utilitarian” approach of collaboration
   (cf. The Pinguin & the Laviathan)
 • Paul Zak: Collaboration can be even be biological with
   Oxytocin, the “trust hormone”. Biology of human

Some of them revisiting:
• Adam Smith, (1759/1790). The Theory of Moral Sentiments

 29 Mai 2012          International Doctoral Consortium on ICM   13
Approaches for investigating
               Collaboration & “sociality”?
Traditional methods in cognitive psychology, psycho sociology as well as
anthropology, can be used to investigate modern perspective of collaboration.

New methods of have now emerged allowing new insight:
   • Computational Social Science: consists in using computer for the
   capture & analysis of social structures and activities so as to reveal
   patterns of individual or group behavior. (cf. the work of Alex Pentland on
   the capture & analysis of social signals; or the computer based social
   network analysis)
   • Agent-based modeling. Based on the construction and execution of
   computational models of autonomous agents, it can be used to test
   conceptual models of social interaction.
   • Social neuroscience methods: is related to research and
   understanding of the functioning brain and neural circuitry, via the
   physiological observation (e.g. electrodermal measurements; brain
   imaging techniques, etc.) and their analysis.

 29 Mai 2012               International Doctoral Consortium on ICM              14
The “Humanization”
                             of Management Science
More generally, there is a trend in « Management Science » is at
incorporating « humanity » in the core of its reflection: In the knowledge
society, the human dimension (emotion, biases, “irrationality”, etc.) should
not be considered as a flaw to get rid of (cf. Taylorism of the industrial
revolution) but should be an inherent component of the organization to be
leveraged or to be accommodated.

Examples of research directions:
•   Sociality
      –    The study of the social process is receiving a considerable level of attention (social networking analysis; social
           media; social business; … in the new economy everybody is “social”).
•   Human (Ir)rationality
      –    People (and organizations) are not rational agents making optimal decision.
      –    They are subject to a number of cognitive biases.
•   Emotion
      –    Emotion is now considered in relation to organizational performance (well being or stress of employees).
•   Etc.

    29 Mai 2012                            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                                             15
Social neurocience
       Observing the brain and other
neurophysiological indicators as a method for
    investigating and understanding the
      functioning of the social process
What is Neuroscience?

Neuroscience relates to the scientific study of the nervous system and
  the brain.

Cognitive neuroscience:
Cognitive neuroscience is an academic field concerned with the
  scientific study of biological substrates underlying cognition, with a
  specific focus on the neural substrates of mental processes.

Social neuroscience:
Social neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field devoted to
  understanding how biological systems implement social processes
  and behavior, and to using biological concepts and methods to
  inform and refine theories of social processes and behavior.

29 Mai 2012             International Doctoral Consortium on ICM           17
Instrument: fMRI
 Functional magnetic resonance imaging

                                Measures brain activity by detecting
                                  associated changes in blood flow
                                  (via the measure of oxygen).

                                Advantage: hight space resolution
                                Limitation: low time resolution (s)

29 Mai 2012   International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                18
Instrument: EEG (Electroencephalography)

                                Electroencephalography (EEG) is the
                                   recording of electrical activity along
                                   the scalp.

                                Advantage: hight time resolution (ms)
                                Limitation: low space resolution

29 Mai 2012   International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                19
Instrument: Other

Other investigation instruments can also be used such as:

• Electrodermal measurements
• Other imaging methods such as Positron-Emission Tomography
• Observation of pupil dilatation
• Eye-tracking
• Blood analysis, for instance for measuring the level of hormones
  (e.g. Oxytocin)
• Gene analysis
• Etc.

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM     20
Advantages & Limitation

• Less subject to                         • Still at an early stage
  psychological biases                    • Expensive and heavy (cf.
• Observe phenomenon                        fMRI hardware)
  unobservable by other                   • Can be imprecise (it is still
  methods                                   an indirect method)
• Etc.                                    • Ethical issues
                                          • …

29 Mai 2012        International Doctoral Consortium on ICM            21
What is Social Neuroscience Investigating?

Among the questions that social neuroscientists are actively
  investigating are:
• the effects of social factors on brain and biological functioning;
• the supposed existence of specialized circuits for social functions;
• the nature of interdependencies between genes and social
• and the biological mechanisms underlying social cognition and
  emotions, social connections, social interactions, and group

 Cacioppo, J. T., & Ortigue, S. (2010). Social Neuroscience : How a
 Multidisciplinary Field Is Uncovering the Biology of Human Interactions. Cerebrum
 (pp. 1-12).

  29 Mai 2012              International Doctoral Consortium on ICM            22
Social cognitive process

More specifically, social cognitive
neuroscience can be used to investigate
the functioning of:
• trust, impression, reputation
• empathy, mentalizing, emotion,
• altruism, generosity
• fairness, reciprocity, revenge, norms
• attention

   29 Mai 2012           International Doctoral Consortium on ICM   23
Researches on Collaboration
                  Using Neuroscience
Social neuroscience has been used for investigating many aspects that
  intervenes in “collaboration” at large (i.e. not only online) such as:
  altruism, competition, conflict, cultural difference, empathy, fairness,
  leadership, mentalizing, perception, reciprocity, the role of hormones
  (cf. oxyticin), social reward, trust, etc..
  Cf. Slide: “Short bibliography on collaboration”

However significant work would be needed to adapt their finding in the
  context of online interaction
  (which is actually one of the key question of asynchronous online
  collaboration & socialization).
Note: Also, several researches on collaboration (and competition) consist
  in experimentation of prisoner's dilemma game (experimental
  economics) that are based on monetary evaluation (money is used in
  the experimentation), which may not be most pertinent angle for
  approaching the more complex social processes.

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM         24
Social Neuroscience on Collaboration
               Some examples
Let’s looking at some more concrete examples.

The following slides will list researches in neurosciences
  that are more specifically focused on the social
  perspective of online interaction, and notably at
  investigating the functioning of online social systems
  (such as Facebook).

 29 Mai 2012        International Doctoral Consortium on ICM   25
Example: Internet & the structure of the brain

 Objective: Gary Small and colleagues have explored how the time
   spend on the internet is changing the very structure of their brain
   (Small, Moody, Siddarth & Bookheimer 2009).

 Experimentation: Practically they have used functional MRI scanning to
   observe the difference in activation patterns when performing novel
   Internet search between groups of 24 subjects having a minimal or a
   significant Internet search engine experience.

 Results: They observed that the "Net Savvy group" demonstrated
   significant increases in signal intensity in additional regions of the
   brain such as in the ones controlling of decision making or complex
 They concluded that experience in search may alter the brain’s
   responsiveness insome of the brain neural circuits.

  29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM           26
Example: Social network activities
           & hormones level (oxytocin)
Objective: The neuroeconomist Paul Zak has explored the influence of
  online social related activities on people hormonal level, and therefore
  on arousal or on mood.

Experimentation: To do this he has measured the level of hormones
  such as oxytocin (associated to generosity and trust), cortisol and
  ACTH (associated to biological stress) of people twitting (Penenberg

Results: The blood analysis shown an example in which 10 minutes after
  the starting of twitting, oxytocin levels spiked more than 10 %, and the
  stress hormones went down to more between 10% and 15%.

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM         27
Example: affective experience of Facebook

Objective: Maurizio et al. (2011) have studies the affective experience
  evoked by SNSs.

Experimentation: Specifically, they have recorded skin conductance,
  blood volume pulse, electroencephalogram, electromyography,
  respiratory activity, and pupil dilation of a group of subjects (30
  students) "exposed" to their personal Facebook account and to other
  contexts (relaxation and stressful conditions) for a comparison.

Results: They found via the analysis of the psychophysiological data and
  pupil dilation that the Facebook experience was significantly different
  from the other stress

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM          28
Example: Facebook experience
                   Emotional response
Objective: Kevin Wise and others measured emotional responses of a
  group of participants (29 participants) browsing Facebook. They
  investigated the difference between passive social browsing (i.e.,
  newsfeeds) and extractive social searching (i.e., friends’ profiles).

Experimentation: They using of a set of body sensors (i.e. skin-
  conductance) and facial electromyogram (EMG) (Wise, Alhabash and
  Park. 2010).

Results: They found that social searching (browsing profiles) was more
  pleasant and more used than social browsing (browsing information).

 29 Mai 2012           International Doctoral Consortium on ICM           29
Example: neural basis of first impression
       (verbal versus nonverbal)
Objective: Kuzmanovic et al. (2012) used neuroscience methods to
  investigate the neural basis of first impression and more specifically
  the difference in the processing of verbal and nonverbal social

Experimentation: 18 participants were exposed to verbal stimuli (i.e.
  sentences) and nonverbal stimuli (3 second video clips) of other
  persons and their reaction was recorded using fMRI and analysed
  (using MATLAB).

Results: They found that the processing of nonverbal information was
  more strongly associated with affective processing (cf. amygdala)
  whereas verbal information was associated with 'more deliberate'
  social inferential processing (precuneus and posterior cingulate

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM           30
Example: functioning of reciprocation
               in an interaction
Objective: Phan et al. (2011) have explored the functioning of
  reciprocation in an interaction.

Experimentation: They have measured using fMRI the brain responses
  of 36 subjects engaged in a repeated trust game experiment
  (participants played the role of an investor who must decide whether
  to invest 20 monetary units).

Results: They have observed a signal of reciprocity in the ventral
  striatum in response to partners who have consistently returned the

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM        31
Proposed research

Using neuroscience to investigate
Online collaboration & the social

The social process is increasingly recognized as a key
  determinant of the performance of the firm in the
  knowledge economy. Some management science experts
  (cf. Kogut) are even proposing that a firm should be
  understood as a “social community”.
The development of the social technologies in the enterprise
  acknowledges the reality of the recognition of the vision of
  a more sociable enterprise (cf. IBM Social Business) by
  organizations, and also contribute to its realization.

 29 Mai 2012        International Doctoral Consortium on ICM   33
Background (2)

Yet, at the same time it remains difficult for organizations to
  fully understand what are the main determinants of
• For instance how to assess the reality of the value of
  processes that are largely informal?
• What are the elements on which intervene in this sociality,
  and how strongly is it “implanted” in the organization?
• How to manage this sociality?

 29 Mai 2012        International Doctoral Consortium on ICM   34
Using social neuroscience
               to investigate the social process
Neuroscience, by providing the possibility to “sneak” directly in
  people brain, is offering a new perspective for investigating
  some of human informal processes.
Neuroscience allows us to observe phenomenon that “no one has
  seen before”: what is happening in people head when they are
  engaged in an interaction.

                                                       Star Trek
                              Space: The final frontier
                              These are the voyages of the Starship, Enterprise
                              Its 5 year mission
                              To explore strange new worlds
                              To seek out new life and new civilizations
                              To boldly go where no man has gone before

 29 Mai 2012           International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                   35
Proposed researches
This research is aimed at a first exploration of using neuroscience to
   investigate the social process in online social environment. More
   specifically, the objective is to explore the implications and
   consequences of “computer mediation” in the social process.

In a first stage, two subjects are been considered for this exploration:

1° Online identity perception:
• Identity is a very important in relation to the construction of trust.

2° Motivation to engage in an online social interaction:
• The level of participation of the members of a virtual community
   represent one of the more important element of success.

 29 Mai 2012             International Doctoral Consortium on ICM          36
Experiment 1: Online identity perception
           (impression, trust).
Background: Identity is an critical ingredient in the social process, since
  it is used in the formation of trust which play an important role in the
  establishment and the development of a relationship. Identity may also
  represent a significant element in people desire to engage and pursuit
  a relationship.

Objective: The objective of this first experiment is to investigate using
 how people identity is perceived online, and its implication on trust
 (first impression, lasting impression), habituation (reduction of
 perceived social distance), leadership, etc.

Experiment: Observe a group of subjects in different online social
  contexts accessing identity information (people profiles, activity
  stream, interactions with others, popularity) of a group of users (that
  they know or do not known).

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM            37
Experiment 2: Motivation to engage in an
        online social interaction
Background: A very important aspect in collaboration and social
  exchange in a serious context is related to the willingness of people to
  participate. The recent development of the use of social media seems
  to indicate that complex psychological factors (e.g. addiction)
  intervene in people engagement.

Objective: The objective is to investigate the motivational aspects that
 are involved in people adopting and using online social systems.
 Elements & factors that can be investigated include: the reward
 system, stimulation, personality trait, perception of self-efficacy, etc.

Experiment: Observe a group of subjects in different online social
  contexts, the different elements contributing to their motivation, and in
  particular look at how the brain reward system is activated (e.g. social
  interaction, fulfillment, etc.) when conducting an online social

 29 Mai 2012            International Doctoral Consortium on ICM             38
Some references
Akerlof, George & Robert J. Shiller (2009) “Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy,
    and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism.
Cacioppo, J. T., & Ortigue, S. (2010). Social Neuroscience : How a Multidisciplinary Field Is Uncovering the
    Biology of Human Interactions. Cerebrum (pp. 1-12).
Caldú, X., & Dreher, J.-C. (2007). Hormonal and genetic influences on processing reward and social
    information. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1118, 43-73.
Kuzmanovic B, Bente G, von Cramon DY, Schilbach L, Tittgemeyer M, Vogeley K. (2012). Imaging first
    impressions: Distinct neural processing of verbal and nonverbal social information. Neuroimage
Maurizio, Mauri; Pietro Cipresso, Anna Balgera, Marco Villamira, Giuseppe Riva (2011). Why Is Facebook
    So Successful? Psychophysiological Measures Describe a Core Flow State While Using Facebook.
    Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2011; 14 (12): 723
Phan, K., Sripada, C., Angstadt, M. & McCabe, K. (2011). Reputation for reciprocity engages the brain
    reward center. Proceedings for the National Academy of Science 2011: 107 (29):13099-13104
Ridley M. 2010. The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves. New York: HarperCollins. 448 pp.
Small GW, Moody TD, Siddarth P, Bookheimer SY. (2009). Your brain on Google: patterns of cerebral
    activation during internet searching. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17 (2) : 116-26.
Tabibnia, G., & Lieberman, M. D. (2007). Fairness and cooperation are rewarding: evidence from social
    cognitive neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1118, 90-101.
Wise K., S. Alhabash and H. Park. (2010). Emotional Responses during Social Information Seeking on
    Facebook. CyberPsychology and Behavior
Zak, P.J. 2011. Moral Markets. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 77(2): 212-233.

   29 Mai 2012                      International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                            40
Short bibliography on collaboration
Barraza, J. a, & Zak, P. J. (2009). Empathy toward strangers triggers oxytocin release and subsequent generosity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1167, 182-9.
Bruneau, E. G., Dufour, N., & Saxe, R. (2012). Social cognition in members of conflict groups: behavioural and neural responses in Arabs, Israelis and South Americans to each
         other’s misfortunes. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 367(1589), 717-30. doi:10.1098/rstb.2011.0293
Cacioppo, J. T., & Ortigue, S. (2010). Social Neuroscience : How a Multidisciplinary Field Is Uncovering the Biology of Human Interactions. Cerebrum (pp. 1-12).
Caldú, X., & Dreher, J.-C. (2007). Hormonal and genetic influences on processing reward and social information. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1118, 43-73.
Cikara, M., Bruneau, E. G., & Saxe, R. (2011). Us and Them: Intergroup Failures of Empathy. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20(3), 149-153.
Cooper, J. C., Kreps, T. a, Wiebe, T., Pirkl, T., & Knutson, B. (2010). When giving is good: ventromedial prefrontal cortex activation for others’ intentions. Neuron, 67(3), 511-21.
         Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.06.030
Decety, J., Jackson, P. L., Sommerville, J. a, Chaminade, T., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2004). The neural bases of cooperation and competition: an fMRI investigation. NeuroImage, 23(2),
         744-51. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.05.025
Goleman, D., & Boyatzis, R. (2008). Social intelligence and the biology of leadership. Harvard business review, 86(9), 74-81, 136. Retrieved from
Hamann, K., Warneken, F., Greenberg, J. R., & Tomasello, M. (2011). Collaboration encourages equal sharing in children but not in chimpanzees. Nature, 476(7360), 328-31.
         Nature Publishing Group. doi:10.1038/nature10278
Krueger, F., McCabe, K., Moll, J., Kriegeskorte, N., Zahn, R., Strenziok, M., Heinecke, A., et al. (2007). Neural correlates of trust. Proceedings of the National Academy of
         Sciences of the United States of America, 104(50), 20084-9. doi:10.1073/pnas.0710103104
Lebreton, M., Barnes, A., Miettunen, J., Peltonen, L., Ridler, K., Veijola, J., Tanskanen, P., et al. (2009). The brain structural disposition to social interaction. The European journal
         of neuroscience, 29(11), 2247-52. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06782.x
Ortigue, S., Sinigaglia, C., Rizzolatti, G., & Grafton, S. T. (2010). Understanding actions of others: the electrodynamics of the left and right hemispheres. A high-density EEG
         neuroimaging study. PloS one, 5(8), e12160. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012160
Phan, K. L., Sripada, C. S., Angstadt, M., & McCabe, K. (2010). Reputation for reciprocity engages the brain reward center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
         the United States of America, 107(29), 13099-104. doi:10.1073/pnas.1008137107
Rilling, J., Gutman, D., Zeh, T., Pagnoni, G., Berns, G., & Kilts, C. (2002). A neural basis for social cooperation. Neuron, 35(2), 395-405. Retrieved from
Rilling, J. K., Dagenais, J. E., Goldsmith, D. R., Glenn, A. L., & Pagnoni, G. (2008). Social cognitive neural networks during in-group and out-group interactions. NeuroImage,
         41(4), 1447-61. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.03.044
Rilling, J. K., Demarco, A. C., Hackett, P. D., Thompson, R., Ditzen, B., Patel, R., & Pagnoni, G. (2012). Effects of intranasal oxytocin and vasopressin on cooperative behavior
         and associated brain activity in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 37(4), 447-61. Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2011.07.013
Tabibnia, G., & Lieberman, M. D. (2007). Fairness and cooperation are rewarding: evidence from social cognitive neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
         1118, 90-101. doi:10.1196/annals.1412.001
Tennie, C., Frith, U., & Frith, C. (2010). Reputation management in the age of the world-wide web. Trends in cognitive sciences, 14(11), 482-8. Elsevier Ltd.
Woolley, A. W., Hackman, J. R., Jerde, T. E., Chabris, C. F., Bennett, S. L., & Kosslyn, S. M. (2007). Using brain-based measures to compose teams: how individual capabilities
         and team collaboration strategies jointly shape performance. Social neuroscience, 2(2), 96-105. doi:10.1080/17470910701363041

   29 Mai 2012                                                International Doctoral Consortium on ICM                                                                                   41
Thank you

              Thierry Nabeth

29 Mai 2012     International Doctoral Consortium on ICM   42

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Collaboration in virtual communities: a neuroscience approach

  • 1. The 5th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management Faculté Jean-Monet, Orsay University, France Collaboration in virtual communities: A neuroscience approach Thierry Nabeth Research Advisor: Professor Ahmed Bounfour 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 1
  • 2. Index • Rethinking collaboration & «sociality» – «Sociality»: an element of organizational performance – Models of Collaboration & of the social process – Approaches for investigating collaboration & “sociality”? • Using social neuroscience for investigating online collaboration & sociality – What is neuroscience – Research in social neuroscience (topics & examples) • Proposed research – Background – Objective – Research questions – Suggested experiments? • Online identity perception (impression, trust). • Motivation (testing the reward system in online interaction) 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 2
  • 3. Rethinking Collaboration & « sociality » Collaboration & the social process is increasingly recognized as an important factor of organizational performance in the Knowledge Society. It is also becoming prominent (cf. social media, open innovation, etc.). The “utilitarian” model of collaboration (cf. social exchange theory) is replaced by more “humane” ones.
  • 4. The evolution of the vision of the world The world is predictable The world is uncertain The world is relatively closed, The world is open, static, and can be controlled and in perpetual evolution ( it is a “machine”) ( it is an “ecosystem”) The organization is a competitive The organization is collaborative and environment, driven by search for able to get the best from the collective efficiency via well defined practices, expertise of its employees. and automation. The social process is perceived as The social process is a core process distracting (hurting productivity), or of the organization that contributes to at best something useful but difficult many functions (circulation of apprehend and to manage. knowledge; motivation, etc.) 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 4
  • 5. New theory of the firm: “Sociality” as an Organizational Advantage Kogut and Zander recently have proposed “that a firm be understood as a social community specializing in the speed and efficiency in the creation and transfer of knowledge”. … Organizations have some particular capabilities for creating and sharing knowledge that giving them distinctive advantage. This stands in stark contrast with the more established transaction cost theory grounded in the assumption of human opportunism and the resulting condition of market failure. Janine Nahapiet; Sumantra Ghoshal (1998). Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage. The Academy of Management Review 23 (2):242-266 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 5
  • 6. The The value of socialization: An illustration (in a previous research based on the capturing & analysis of social signal) … we found that the best predictors of productivity were a team’s energy and engagement outside formal meetings. Drawing on that insight, we advised the center’s manager (of a bank’s call center) to revise the employees’ coffee break schedule so that everyone on a team took a break at the same time. That would allow people more time to socialize with their teammates, away from their workstations. Though the suggestion flew in the face of standard efficiency practices, the manager was baffled and desperate, so he tried it. And it worked: AHT (average handle time) fell by more than 20% among lower-performing teams and decreased by 8% overall at the call center. Now the manager is changing the break schedule at all 10 of the bank’s call centers (which employ a total of 25,000 people) and is forecasting $15 million a year in productivity increases. He has also seen employee satisfaction at call centers rise, sometimes by more than 10%. Alex “Sandy” Pentland (2012). The New Science of Building Great Teams; Harvard Business Review, April 2012. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 6
  • 7. The “socialization” of organizations Organizations (in particular of knowledge intensive organizations) are now generally very aware of the advantage of the social process as a means to contribute to their performance. They are keen at embracing approaches helping to develop it. This interest can be observed in: • The development on the Internet as a social space (cf. social media) to be used to engage into interaction with many actors. (customers) • The development of enterprise social networking as a way to support and accelerate the circulation of tacit knowledge and the collaboration in the organization. • The adoption of new collective intelligence processes. Examples include crowdsourcing for supporting open innovation. Note: IBM is for instance promoting the concept of “social business” (which consists in incorporating sociality at the core of the business process) as the next step in the overall evolution of business. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 7
  • 8. Modeling collaboration & the social process Collaboration is utilitarian Collaboration is in human nature People interact with others as a Sociality is an inner component of means of accomplishing their human nature (Man is a social objectives. animal). What drives their behavior is the The new perspective in collaboration optimization of individual benefit. & social interaction: It is more about human social cognition. Social exchange theory Social cognition theories It is about a calculation : Rewards – Cost Looking at: • Costs: effort put into a relationship • Rewards: elements of a Trust, identity, perception, reputation, relationship that have positive reciprocity, altruism, social reward, value social motivation, fairness, empathy, … 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 8
  • 9. Questioning the “utilitarian” model The rational view (e.g. social exchange theory), that has often been used to model collaborative systems, appears to be too simplistic and probably incorrect: Social interaction can not be reduced to a cost benefit analysis, and sociality involves mechanisms hardwire in the human brain that are even unconscious. Questioning “scientific selfishness” Diverse business and social production models begin to challenge efficiency, efficacy, and growth-oriented effects of “scientific” selfishness. (Yochai Benkler CSCW 2012 keynote speech) 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 9
  • 10. Challenging the view of human rationality people are rational agents? This view is being challenged: Homo economicus People are largely influenced by: greed selfishness rationality individualistic  their instinct. (Akerlof & Shiller’s “Animal Spirits”) People are rational, and self- their Intuitions (Daniel interested actors which behavior Kahneman’s “thinking fast and is determined by the optimization slow”) of their benefit via cost / benefit calculations. cognitive biases (Dan Ariely’s “predictably irrational”) (classical economics theories) 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 10
  • 11. Towards a more “humanistic” model The human brain is wired to be social (Man is a social animal). More realistic models should be able to better take into account the complexity of the social process, and its “humanity” dimension. Cooperation is part of human nature Co-operation and virtue are just as deep rooted parts of human nature as selfishness (The Origins of Virtue, Matt Ridley, 1996) Man is a cooperative specie The strong interdependence showed between humans, even with nonkin, might have been a key element of our evolutionary success. An example might be the high levels of cooperation that humans express with each other, which are unmatched in the animal world. Caldú, X., & Dreher, J.-C. (2007). 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 11
  • 12. The human brain is wired to be social (Man is a social animal) Cooperation is rewarding. (reward system in the brain) In a recent neuroimaging study, fair offers led to higher happiness ratings and increased activity in several reward regions of the brain compared with unfair offers of equal monetary value. Other neuroimaging studies have similarly shown activation in reward regions in response to cooperative partners or cooperative play. Tabibnia, G., & Lieberman, M. D. (2007). Social isolation is a «killer» The effects of isolation in humans have much in common with the effects of isolation found in nonhuman social species. Researchers found increased activation of the brain’s stress systems, vascular resistance, and blood pressure, as well as decreased inflammatory control, immunity, sleep salubrity, and expression of genes regulating glucocorticoid responses and oxidative stress. In sum, the health, life, and genetic legacy of members of most social species are threatened when they find themselves on the social perimeter. Cacioppo, J. T., & Ortigue, S. (2010). 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 12
  • 13. Some modern perspectives & research on collaboration & socialization • Alex Pentland: The importance of “social signals” in human interaction (cf. Honest signals). • Yochai Benkler: thinking altruism, fairness, … are challenging the “utilitarian” approach of collaboration (cf. The Pinguin & the Laviathan) • Paul Zak: Collaboration can be even be biological with Oxytocin, the “trust hormone”. Biology of human interaction. Some of them revisiting: • Adam Smith, (1759/1790). The Theory of Moral Sentiments 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 13
  • 14. Approaches for investigating Collaboration & “sociality”? Traditional methods in cognitive psychology, psycho sociology as well as anthropology, can be used to investigate modern perspective of collaboration. New methods of have now emerged allowing new insight: • Computational Social Science: consists in using computer for the capture & analysis of social structures and activities so as to reveal patterns of individual or group behavior. (cf. the work of Alex Pentland on the capture & analysis of social signals; or the computer based social network analysis) • Agent-based modeling. Based on the construction and execution of computational models of autonomous agents, it can be used to test conceptual models of social interaction. • Social neuroscience methods: is related to research and understanding of the functioning brain and neural circuitry, via the physiological observation (e.g. electrodermal measurements; brain imaging techniques, etc.) and their analysis. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 14
  • 15. The “Humanization” of Management Science More generally, there is a trend in « Management Science » is at incorporating « humanity » in the core of its reflection: In the knowledge society, the human dimension (emotion, biases, “irrationality”, etc.) should not be considered as a flaw to get rid of (cf. Taylorism of the industrial revolution) but should be an inherent component of the organization to be leveraged or to be accommodated. Examples of research directions: • Sociality – The study of the social process is receiving a considerable level of attention (social networking analysis; social media; social business; … in the new economy everybody is “social”). • Human (Ir)rationality – People (and organizations) are not rational agents making optimal decision. – They are subject to a number of cognitive biases. • Emotion – Emotion is now considered in relation to organizational performance (well being or stress of employees). • Etc. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 15
  • 16. Social neurocience Observing the brain and other neurophysiological indicators as a method for investigating and understanding the functioning of the social process
  • 17. What is Neuroscience? Neuroscience: Neuroscience relates to the scientific study of the nervous system and the brain. Cognitive neuroscience: Cognitive neuroscience is an academic field concerned with the scientific study of biological substrates underlying cognition, with a specific focus on the neural substrates of mental processes. Social neuroscience: Social neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field devoted to understanding how biological systems implement social processes and behavior, and to using biological concepts and methods to inform and refine theories of social processes and behavior. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 17
  • 18. Instrument: fMRI Functional magnetic resonance imaging Measures brain activity by detecting associated changes in blood flow (via the measure of oxygen). Advantage: hight space resolution Limitation: low time resolution (s) 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 18
  • 19. Instrument: EEG (Electroencephalography) Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp. Advantage: hight time resolution (ms) Limitation: low space resolution 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 19
  • 20. Instrument: Other Other investigation instruments can also be used such as: • Electrodermal measurements • Other imaging methods such as Positron-Emission Tomography (PET), • Observation of pupil dilatation • Eye-tracking • Blood analysis, for instance for measuring the level of hormones (e.g. Oxytocin) • Gene analysis • Etc. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 20
  • 21. Advantages & Limitation • Less subject to • Still at an early stage psychological biases • Expensive and heavy (cf. • Observe phenomenon fMRI hardware) unobservable by other • Can be imprecise (it is still methods an indirect method) • Etc. • Ethical issues • … 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 21
  • 22. What is Social Neuroscience Investigating? Among the questions that social neuroscientists are actively investigating are: • the effects of social factors on brain and biological functioning; • the supposed existence of specialized circuits for social functions; • the nature of interdependencies between genes and social environments; • and the biological mechanisms underlying social cognition and emotions, social connections, social interactions, and group processes. Cacioppo, J. T., & Ortigue, S. (2010). Social Neuroscience : How a Multidisciplinary Field Is Uncovering the Biology of Human Interactions. Cerebrum (pp. 1-12). 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 22
  • 23. Social cognitive process More specifically, social cognitive neuroscience can be used to investigate the functioning of: • trust, impression, reputation • empathy, mentalizing, emotion, • altruism, generosity • fairness, reciprocity, revenge, norms • attention 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 23
  • 24. Researches on Collaboration Using Neuroscience Social neuroscience has been used for investigating many aspects that intervenes in “collaboration” at large (i.e. not only online) such as: altruism, competition, conflict, cultural difference, empathy, fairness, leadership, mentalizing, perception, reciprocity, the role of hormones (cf. oxyticin), social reward, trust, etc.. Cf. Slide: “Short bibliography on collaboration” However significant work would be needed to adapt their finding in the context of online interaction (which is actually one of the key question of asynchronous online collaboration & socialization). Note: Also, several researches on collaboration (and competition) consist in experimentation of prisoner's dilemma game (experimental economics) that are based on monetary evaluation (money is used in the experimentation), which may not be most pertinent angle for approaching the more complex social processes. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 24
  • 25. Social Neuroscience on Collaboration Some examples Let’s looking at some more concrete examples. The following slides will list researches in neurosciences that are more specifically focused on the social perspective of online interaction, and notably at investigating the functioning of online social systems (such as Facebook). 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 25
  • 26. Example: Internet & the structure of the brain Objective: Gary Small and colleagues have explored how the time spend on the internet is changing the very structure of their brain (Small, Moody, Siddarth & Bookheimer 2009). Experimentation: Practically they have used functional MRI scanning to observe the difference in activation patterns when performing novel Internet search between groups of 24 subjects having a minimal or a significant Internet search engine experience. Results: They observed that the "Net Savvy group" demonstrated significant increases in signal intensity in additional regions of the brain such as in the ones controlling of decision making or complex reasoning. They concluded that experience in search may alter the brain’s responsiveness insome of the brain neural circuits. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 26
  • 27. Example: Social network activities & hormones level (oxytocin) Objective: The neuroeconomist Paul Zak has explored the influence of online social related activities on people hormonal level, and therefore on arousal or on mood. Experimentation: To do this he has measured the level of hormones such as oxytocin (associated to generosity and trust), cortisol and ACTH (associated to biological stress) of people twitting (Penenberg 2010). Results: The blood analysis shown an example in which 10 minutes after the starting of twitting, oxytocin levels spiked more than 10 %, and the stress hormones went down to more between 10% and 15%. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 27
  • 28. Example: affective experience of Facebook Objective: Maurizio et al. (2011) have studies the affective experience evoked by SNSs. Experimentation: Specifically, they have recorded skin conductance, blood volume pulse, electroencephalogram, electromyography, respiratory activity, and pupil dilation of a group of subjects (30 students) "exposed" to their personal Facebook account and to other contexts (relaxation and stressful conditions) for a comparison. Results: They found via the analysis of the psychophysiological data and pupil dilation that the Facebook experience was significantly different from the other stress 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 28
  • 29. Example: Facebook experience Emotional response Objective: Kevin Wise and others measured emotional responses of a group of participants (29 participants) browsing Facebook. They investigated the difference between passive social browsing (i.e., newsfeeds) and extractive social searching (i.e., friends’ profiles). Experimentation: They using of a set of body sensors (i.e. skin- conductance) and facial electromyogram (EMG) (Wise, Alhabash and Park. 2010). Results: They found that social searching (browsing profiles) was more pleasant and more used than social browsing (browsing information). 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 29
  • 30. Example: neural basis of first impression (verbal versus nonverbal) Objective: Kuzmanovic et al. (2012) used neuroscience methods to investigate the neural basis of first impression and more specifically the difference in the processing of verbal and nonverbal social information. Experimentation: 18 participants were exposed to verbal stimuli (i.e. sentences) and nonverbal stimuli (3 second video clips) of other persons and their reaction was recorded using fMRI and analysed (using MATLAB). Results: They found that the processing of nonverbal information was more strongly associated with affective processing (cf. amygdala) whereas verbal information was associated with 'more deliberate' social inferential processing (precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex). 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 30
  • 31. Example: functioning of reciprocation in an interaction Objective: Phan et al. (2011) have explored the functioning of reciprocation in an interaction. Experimentation: They have measured using fMRI the brain responses of 36 subjects engaged in a repeated trust game experiment (participants played the role of an investor who must decide whether to invest 20 monetary units). Results: They have observed a signal of reciprocity in the ventral striatum in response to partners who have consistently returned the investment. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 31
  • 32. Proposed research Using neuroscience to investigate Online collaboration & the social process
  • 33. Background The social process is increasingly recognized as a key determinant of the performance of the firm in the knowledge economy. Some management science experts (cf. Kogut) are even proposing that a firm should be understood as a “social community”. The development of the social technologies in the enterprise acknowledges the reality of the recognition of the vision of a more sociable enterprise (cf. IBM Social Business) by organizations, and also contribute to its realization. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 33
  • 34. Background (2) Yet, at the same time it remains difficult for organizations to fully understand what are the main determinants of sociality. • For instance how to assess the reality of the value of processes that are largely informal? • What are the elements on which intervene in this sociality, and how strongly is it “implanted” in the organization? • How to manage this sociality? 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 34
  • 35. Using social neuroscience to investigate the social process Neuroscience, by providing the possibility to “sneak” directly in people brain, is offering a new perspective for investigating some of human informal processes. Neuroscience allows us to observe phenomenon that “no one has seen before”: what is happening in people head when they are engaged in an interaction. Star Trek Space: The final frontier These are the voyages of the Starship, Enterprise Its 5 year mission To explore strange new worlds To seek out new life and new civilizations To boldly go where no man has gone before 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 35
  • 36. Proposed researches This research is aimed at a first exploration of using neuroscience to investigate the social process in online social environment. More specifically, the objective is to explore the implications and consequences of “computer mediation” in the social process. In a first stage, two subjects are been considered for this exploration: 1° Online identity perception: • Identity is a very important in relation to the construction of trust. 2° Motivation to engage in an online social interaction: • The level of participation of the members of a virtual community represent one of the more important element of success. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 36
  • 37. Experiment 1: Online identity perception (impression, trust). Background: Identity is an critical ingredient in the social process, since it is used in the formation of trust which play an important role in the establishment and the development of a relationship. Identity may also represent a significant element in people desire to engage and pursuit a relationship. Objective: The objective of this first experiment is to investigate using how people identity is perceived online, and its implication on trust (first impression, lasting impression), habituation (reduction of perceived social distance), leadership, etc. Experiment: Observe a group of subjects in different online social contexts accessing identity information (people profiles, activity stream, interactions with others, popularity) of a group of users (that they know or do not known). 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 37
  • 38. Experiment 2: Motivation to engage in an online social interaction Background: A very important aspect in collaboration and social exchange in a serious context is related to the willingness of people to participate. The recent development of the use of social media seems to indicate that complex psychological factors (e.g. addiction) intervene in people engagement. Objective: The objective is to investigate the motivational aspects that are involved in people adopting and using online social systems. Elements & factors that can be investigated include: the reward system, stimulation, personality trait, perception of self-efficacy, etc. Experiment: Observe a group of subjects in different online social contexts, the different elements contributing to their motivation, and in particular look at how the brain reward system is activated (e.g. social interaction, fulfillment, etc.) when conducting an online social activities. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 38
  • 40. Some references Akerlof, George & Robert J. Shiller (2009) “Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism. Cacioppo, J. T., & Ortigue, S. (2010). Social Neuroscience : How a Multidisciplinary Field Is Uncovering the Biology of Human Interactions. Cerebrum (pp. 1-12). Caldú, X., & Dreher, J.-C. (2007). Hormonal and genetic influences on processing reward and social information. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1118, 43-73. Kuzmanovic B, Bente G, von Cramon DY, Schilbach L, Tittgemeyer M, Vogeley K. (2012). Imaging first impressions: Distinct neural processing of verbal and nonverbal social information. Neuroimage 60(1):179-188 Maurizio, Mauri; Pietro Cipresso, Anna Balgera, Marco Villamira, Giuseppe Riva (2011). Why Is Facebook So Successful? Psychophysiological Measures Describe a Core Flow State While Using Facebook. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2011; 14 (12): 723 Phan, K., Sripada, C., Angstadt, M. & McCabe, K. (2011). Reputation for reciprocity engages the brain reward center. Proceedings for the National Academy of Science 2011: 107 (29):13099-13104 Ridley M. 2010. The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves. New York: HarperCollins. 448 pp. Small GW, Moody TD, Siddarth P, Bookheimer SY. (2009). Your brain on Google: patterns of cerebral activation during internet searching. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 17 (2) : 116-26. Tabibnia, G., & Lieberman, M. D. (2007). Fairness and cooperation are rewarding: evidence from social cognitive neuroscience. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1118, 90-101. Wise K., S. Alhabash and H. Park. (2010). Emotional Responses during Social Information Seeking on Facebook. CyberPsychology and Behavior Zak, P.J. 2011. Moral Markets. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 77(2): 212-233. 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 40
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  • 42. Thank you Thierry Nabeth 29 Mai 2012 International Doctoral Consortium on ICM 42