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Origin of the Cold War Essay
After the Second World War America and the Soviet Union gained power in Europe. Though these to
countries never fought one another, they waged a cold war of economic, military and ideological
rivalry which last through the second half of the twentieth century. The origin of the Cold War began
with the Russian Revolution in nineteen–seventeen, which created a Soviet Russia. The Soviet
Russia did not have the same economic and ideological state as the United States. The Civil war in
Russia in which Western powers unsuccessfully intervened, dedicated to the spreading of
communism. This fueled an environment of mistrust and fear between Russia and the rest of
Europe. The United States pursued a policy of isolationism; however the more
The allies did liberated large parts of Western Europe and recreated democratic nations. This
divide Europe into two blocks and each occupied by armies America and the Allies and in the east
Russia. The United States wanted a democratic Europe and Russia wanting a communist Europe.
The difference was added fear of the Soviet invasion in the West and Russians fear of the atomic
bomb. There was also fear of economic collapse in the west versus fear of economic domination
by the west. This lead to the clash of ideologies; capitalism versus communist. The Soviet feared a
rearmed Germany hostile to Russia. Churchill described the dividing the lines between East and
West Germany as an Iron Curtain. With Europe firmly divided into communist and capitalist,
Germany became the new battle ground. There was the Berlin Blockade this was aimed at bluffing
the Allies into renegotiation the division of Germany in his favor. This act did work, the allies just
called his bluff by flying over Russian airspace. Stalin did not retaliate and risk war. In
nineteen–forty nine with the Berlin Blockade in full effect and the threat of conflict with Russia, the
Western powers signed the NATO treaty creating a military alliance. When Russia detonated its first
atomic weapon, America advantage of having war was over because the fears over the consequences
of nuclear conflict. Later West Germany was
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Cold War and Its Effects Essay
The end of the cold war signified a new era of history that has changed the entire world. The face
of Europe and Asia has changed dramatically. Vast changes have been felt socially, politically, and
especially economically. Also the effect the cold war had on foreign policy was paramount. The
effect of these changes is not only felt across the ocean but can be felt here in America. The goal of
this paper is to define what the cold war specifically was, and reflect upon the various choices
throughout the world as a result of the end of the cold war.
The cold war was a period of time in which the United States was the world power in the western
world. The Soviet Union (now Russia) was the leading power in the eastern world.
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Sometimes these decisions were not for the well being of other nations that depended on the Soviet
Union for support. Nations like Hungary, Bulgaria, and Poland were under Soviet control, but were
officially still independent nations.
These extreme opposite viewpoints between the two superpowers caused immense tensions
between the two nations and the world. The world was split in two in terms of who to support
and which way of life was better. At the height of the cold war in the 1980's, President Reagan had
vowed to outspend the Russians. I remember as a child Reagan coming on television and
strategically showed the world how we were outspending the Russians. I did not realize at the time
the importance of this news conference because two years later the wall fell in Germany and many
nations such as Lithuania that were considered part of the USSR had been freed.
Outspending the Russians had consequences both good and bad on the economy here in America.
The good thing is that up until black Monday stock prices rose sharply, as the government was
spending money subcontracting military applications to private firms such as Boeing, Lockheed,
and even investing in the latest computer technology at that time, which the Soviets just could not
keep up with.
Interest rates were extremely high in the early part of the 1980's due to Reagan's foreign policy
efforts to get rid of communism. The amount of interest rates was
nowhere near
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The War Of The Cold War Essay
One major war ended and another to begin. The Cold war lasted about 45 years. There were no
direct military campaigns between the United States and Soviet Union. However, billions of
dollars and millions of lives were lost. The United States emerged as the greatest power from World
War 2. (Give Me Liberty 896) The country boasted about having the most powerful navy and air
force. The United states accounted for about half of the world's manufacturing capacity, which it
alone created the atomic bomb. Capitalism is superior to the Soviets idea of Communism because
the Americans idea of capitalism has thrived, which is still used in today's era. While communism
caused the Soviet's to crash and virtually non–existence. A "Cold" war is different from normal war
which is made up of battles, like the World War. The chance of conflict was more important in this
war. (Oxford dictionary) Even though they did not battle each directly or physically. However, they
did though Korean, Vietnam and Afghanistan.
Two sets of ideas clashed against each other. The United States with the belief of a capitalistic
government, along with the idea of democracy. Then the Soviet Union's belief of communistic
market form and totalitarian form of government. These two separate ideas created conditions for a
Cold war. The U.S was willing to commit itself to the defense of then idea which led to the increase
of American invaders in the world.
To begin there was early conflict with the leader of the
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cold war Essay
The cold War
The Cold War was a response to the perceived threat by the United States that Communism would
interfere with national security and economic stakes in the world. It was a perceived threat by
communist countries that the United States would take to the world. During the Cold War, the
United States, Russia, and other countries made efforts to avoid another world war, while warring in
proxy in other lands. The devastation caused by the hydrogen bombs exploded in Hiroshima and
Nagasaki and the next technological advancements became only deterrents to the public.
Governments had their own agenda which would result in worsening the strain between nations. The
United States hid behind a curtain of nationalism resulting in more content...
Leffler stated that "they were worried that the Kremlin might exploit these weaknesses to alter the
balance of power... so they harnessed the economic principles of the open door to the national
security interests of the United States. (Heilbrunn) Leffler describes the Cold War in this way:
"...neither the Americans nor the Soviets sought to harm the other in 1945... The protests that each
country's actions evoked from the other fueled the cycle of distrust as neither could comprehend the
fears of the other, perceiving its own actions as defensive. Herein rests the classic security dilemma...
U.S. officials... chose to contain and deter the Russians rather than to reassure and placate them,
thereby accentuating possibilities for a spiraling cycle of mistrust." (Heilbrunn) In 1947, Ernest
Bevin, British foreign secretary, "believed it essential to construct a defensive military alliance in
Western Europe; and in December of that year he proposed to George C. Marshall an alliance that
would guarantee Western European security and prevent further Soviet aggrandizement."
(Heilbrunn) This proposal was realized in the North Atlantic Treaty and the establishment of NATO
in 1949. Only an alliance such as this would halt Soviet infiltration and the gradual collapse of one
western wall after another. According to Heilbrunn, the Soviet military buildup started after 1945.
By 1950 American intelligence estimates suggested that the Soviets
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The Cold War
Historical Context:
The Cold War started by the end of the Second World War. The aim of this war was to spread
opposing ideologies of Capitalism and Communism by the two world superpowers without the result
of a hot war. The war was between the Capitalist West– namely: the United States of America,
Britain and France – and Communist East – known to be Russia and all the satellite states which
communism had taken over. An agreement made at the Yalta meeting of 1945 was thatGermany
would be divided into four sectors. One sector went to Britain, one to France, one to the USA and
the last and biggest sector to Russia. The Russian sector surrounded the Capital city. In addition to
this, the German capital of Berlin was also divided into four sectors. However by 1961, all
Capitalist sectors had merged to form one independent country known as the German Federal
Republic and so too, did all the Capitalist zones in Berlin merge to form West Berlin. In the same
light, the Russian Sector also formed an independent country known as the German Democratic
Republic and the Russian Sector of Berlin was thereon seen as East Berlin.
Each superpower had different agendas with regards to Germany. The West built up Germany to
ensure that it would not fall to communism and to show the rest of Europe the outcome of capitalist
support. While the East completely crippled Germany by stripping the country of its commodities in
order to ensure a German attack on Russia would not be possible.
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The Culture of the Cold War Essay
The Culture of the Cold War After world war one peace looked inevitable. Everyone was wrong
about this because a few years later world war two erupted. This great war was supposed to be the
war to end all wars. In this war it was crystal clear who was the good side and who was the bad side.
Almost everyone figured that if the bad side was defeated then peace couldn't possibly escape us
again. We defeated the evil Axis powers, but of course another serpent would rear its ugly head
from behind the curtains. This period of a "cold war" after world war two has become one of the
most complex and studied eras since America's birth. This state of paradoxes, paranoia, and public
disorientation has only ended a few years ago, but more content...
The countries using "communism" as their ideology were not really practicing the socialist ideas of
Marx. In the fifties what America and the other democratic nations were beginning to learn about
these places is that they were the most abhorrent strippers of human values and rights. Especially
the paranoid dictator Joseph Stalin who took the "kill first and ask questions later" approach to
problems. Stalinist Russia had some of the worst of the world's slave labor camps known as the
Gulag Archipelago. Whitfeild showed where our fears were manifested the best by giving credit
to Stalinist Russia for "the largest killing fields of the twentieth century. Nazism sympathy never
quite spread over here like Stalinism did. In its pure form it stressed the brotherhood of the
common people that made up the land. These thoughts were easily appealing to many people.
Before the war communist and socialist ideas were quite on the rise here because the depression
emphasized capitalism's push towards the lonely individual and how free enterprise basically failed.
Whitfeild refers to these communists who feel that they are progressives as Stalinists because they
stand for ending American civil liberties that they saw as only for the upper class. So Whitfield
argues that it is wrong to extend much sympathy to these American communists as their rights were
wrongfully stripped away because this stripping of rights is what they aspired for everyone in the
end. This new
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An Essay About The Cold War
Isabella Tully
US history
Cold War Essay
The cold war is considered to be a significant event in modern world history. The USSR should be
help mostly responsible due to stalin's over paranoia, soviet expansion, and the marshall plan. The
United States also had some resentment towards the Soviet Union because of the Nazi–Soviet
Nonaggression Pact. Events – there were eight main events that led to the Cold War. The two most
important conferences when it comes to the Cold War were at Yalta and Potsdam.
Winston churchill introduced a well known quote about russian tactics in 1446 at Missouri USA,
"From stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended"(Winston
Churchill "Iron Curtain" Speech). The iron curtain was an imaginary wall that divided eastern and
western europe. It prevented the allies from knowing what the soviets were up to. It represents the
Soviet' more content...
It successfully started economic recovery, meeting its main goal of 'restoring the confidence of
the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole.'
The plan is named for Secretary of State George C. Marshall, who announced it in a speech at
Harvard University on June 5, 1947. The Marshall Plan could be seen as a decisive moment of the
Cold War. A different plan might have affected the result of the countries of Eastern Europe. The
Marshall Plan can be seen as a defensive reaction or an offensive action against communism
Both the US and the USSR have contributed to the start of the cold war. Overall the USSR has
done more harm than the US and this resulted in the final start of the cold war. If stalin had chosen
to not me paranoid and had not expanded or stalin did not have a soviet expansion, the US would
not be threatened and the issues could have been resolved. Sadly this was not the
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Cold War Essay
In the post World War II era, a war arose between the Soviet Union and the United States, but in
reality there was never really any documented fighting between the two nations, thus spawning the
catch phrase "Cold War." Even though both countries were ready to go to war at the
blink of an eye and almost did, the powers–that–be never got the nerve to authorize a nuclear war
that would have made World War II look like child's play. This was a war fought in the political
ring, and was also a war that did not start at the end of World War II, this war started during the war
against Hitler and lasted for forty more years before peace became predominant over the crumbling
Soviet Union. Many events occurred in this more content...
With Roosevelt dying, the foreign policy of the United States was about to do a complete 180 in
reverse. Suddenly, all the cabinet and legislative members have a significant role in the
diplomatic world, a world they had previously been shut out of for over a decade. In the middle
lies a man who had not a clue about what he was getting himself into. Harry Truman was about to
get in way over his head, and absolutely being Roosevelt's fault, Truman was about to get into a
situation he was almost completely unfamiliar with. Poor Truman had been briefed but only once
in the matters involving the war, and the decisions he was about to make would shape the world
forever. With Roosevelt being a pacifist with Stalin, a decent working relationship evolved between
the two, and some glimmer of hope can be seen to this day about what could have happened if
Roosevelt did not die and kept up the good standing with Russia. Imagining Stalin's reaction after the
Yalta Conference with Roosevelt to that of the Potsdam Conference just months after Roosevelt's
death with Truman at the helm being very aggressive towards Communism in Eastern Europe is
almost comical, if the severity of the situation is not understood. This must be noted as one of the
building blocks of the Cold War with Russia, because this marks the official point where America's
stance towards Stalin and Communism changes drastically and the time
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What Is The Cold War Essay
Cold War Research Paper Imagine, you're a young child living in the middle of a dark war that is
cold, depressing and continues on for decades; you are practically growing up with this war by your
side. The Cold War was started in 1947 when the Soviet Union shot down a United States military
plane that was used for spying on the Soviet Union. The Soviet didn't trust the United States
anymore, and thus began the Cold War. The first president of the Cold War in 1947 was Harry S
Truman, who after Franklin D Roosevelt died used an atomic bomb on Japan. Dwight D
Eisenhower was the second president of this time and was a five–star general in the Army and a
Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II. Finally the third, most effective
president, was John F Kennedy who was assassinated during a parade in Dallas, Texas. All three of
these presidents had one common goal: contain communism. However, they each tried to achieve
that goal differently with Truman using Economic Aid, Eisenhower used Military Use, and Kennedy
using Military Aid (Bowes).
President Truman would have rather used our diplomacy than our military troops when it came to
war. President Truman said in his famous Truman Doctrine, which allowed the U.S to give financial
and military aid more content...
President Harry Truman using economic aid to help the smaller countries fight against communism,
President Eisenhower fought with Military Use, and President Kennedy used Military Aid to contain
communism. The Cold War eventually ended forty–three years later in 1991 when the Berlin Wall
came down (Bowes). All the presidents were very effective in their own ways and that's what really
helped our country reach the end of The Cold War. With Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy all using
their own ideas to contain communism it really showed how strong the U.S. really
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Cold War Dbq Essay
Many were killed in the Cold war. More than 6 million people but, how did the war started on the
first place? Who was primarily responsible for starting of the war, Soviet Union or the United States?
Soviet union wanted to spread communism. Communism is the property is owned by the
community and each individual contributes and receives by its need. In my opinion the Soviet Union
was primarily responsible for the war for wanting to spread communism. "I do not believe that Soviet
Russia desires war. What they desire is the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power
and doctrines" (Document A). Winston might have stated that Soviet Russia did not desire war but
wanted the fruits of the war. In some way they would have been benefited because of the war.
Wanting the fruits of the war is almost like desiring for war. Soviet Union was a communist country
as stated by Winston, " In a great number of countries, far from the Russian frontiers and throughout
the world, Communist fifth columns are established and work in complete unity and absolute
obedience to the directions they receive from the Communist center." USA wanted to stop the spread
of more content...
Greek was in need of help. In what way? Greek needed economic assistance and financial help.
United states was the only one that could help Greek as Truman said in his speech, "The United
States must supply this assistance... No other Nation is willing and able to provide the necessary
support for a democratic Greek government" (Document B). Greek state is threatened by terrorist
which are led by communists says Truman. Without the help of United Stated the communists will
take over. Turkey will be endangered, disorder and confusion will spread. Truman said that "If
Greece should fall under the control of an armed minority, the effect upon its neighbor, Turkey,
would be immediate and serious." If the United stated dint help then communism would
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Cold War Dbq Essay
Cold War There have been various ideologies, events, and origins of the Cold War that have
dominated American foreign policy from 1946 to 1989. The Cold War was a time of conflict
between between the U.S. and the USSR; the two Superpowers saw each other as a threat. Thus they
continued to fight to preserve their positions. Each side became involved in events such as the
Korean War. They each stood behind the other nations fighting. Together the rise incommunism, a
rise of the Soviet influence dominated American foreign policy, and the creation of the Warsaw Pact.
Moreover the USSR began to have impact in Eastern Europe. Leaders from the United States,
Britain, and the Soviet Union met to discuss what to do with Europe. They agreed for
more content...
Western Germany was to be remilitarized. The United States and other members of NATO decided
to make Western Germany a member of NATO. The Soviets saw this to be a direct threat and
responded with the Warsaw Pact. America saw the Warsaw Pact as a way of the Soviets spreading
communism. The United States felt by including Western Germany in the Pact it would put them in
danger of a new war and create a threat. Document 3 shows how NATO responded to the creation of
the Warsaw Pact. This document outlines the conditions under which Western Germany agrees to
ally with the members of NATO. By the United States uniting with Western Germany the Soviets felt
they needed to make alliances. Document 4 is important in relation to the Warsaw Pact because it
details the event. The United States admittance of Western Germany was a strategy in dealing with
the USSR. The Soviets would use Western Germany in terms of promoting themselves with use of
propaganda. Also indebting them and reminding of the Soviets role in liberating them. The United
States no longer wanted this influence to take place. The purpose of this document was to inform
people about why the Warsaw Pact was such a controversial
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Vietnam and The Cold War Essay
Vietnam and The Cold War
It is impossible to accurately describe the major events that occurred during the cold war without
mentioning the war in Vietnam. From its start, this war has been very controversial concerning its
purposes and effects on the countries involved. Both sides of this war lost a great number of
soldiers and most of these men and women were not even sure why they were fighting. To this day,
there is still a lot of uncertainty about the events that took place during this heated time in south
Asia. One of the biggest questions raised is why the United States felt it was their responsibility to
ever got involved and what were they trying to gain by sending in their troops. A look at the history
of the cold war more content...
From the beginning of his term, Diem felt that North Vietnam was planning to forcefully take over
South Vietnam. Diem began to arrest anyone who was suspected of being a Communist. Soon after,
North Vietnam began attempting to reunify Vietnam through political means, and not through the
use of violence. After this proved to be an unsuccessful attempt, North Vietnam and the Communist
Party finally approved the use of violence to overthrow Ngo Dinh Diems government. The National
Liberation Front (NLF) was thus developed by the Communists, allowing anyone who was against
Diem and for the unification of Vietnam to join to join their alliance.
After noticing that South Vietnam was on shaky ground, President Kennedy decided to send in a
limited number of troops to aid Diem and his government. However, Diem began to lose popularity
among his people and eventually he and his brother were assassinated. Three weeks after the deaths
of these two leaders, President Kennedy was assassinated. President Lyndon B. Johnson decided
more action needed to be taken in South Vietnam and, after two U.S. ships were destroyed in the
Gulf on Tonkin, Johnson and his administration began to order air attacks upon the North
Vietnamese (the U.S. referred to them as the "Vietcong"). Soon afterwards, the NLF attacked two
U.S. army installations in South Vietnam and, as a result, Johnson orders bombing missions
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Cold War Essay
The Cold War was the longated tension between the Soviet Union and the United States of
America. It started in the mid 40's after WWII had left Europe in shambles and Russia and the
USA in superpower positions. The Cold War was a clash of these supergiants in political,
ideological, military, and economic values and ideas. Though military build up was great on both
sides neither one ever directly fought each other. In this essay I'm going to bring forth the following
points: Rise of the Cold War, events in and because of theCold War, and the fall of Russia.
Again Germany had been thwarted in its plans of total domination. It had been a combined effort by
all the Western powers and a few Eastern powers too. England more content...
One example was the Soviet blockade on Western Berlin. The Russians threatened, and did, block
of supply routs to Western Berlin. The people in the city were staving and dying from the lack of
supplies. Because of this the US had to make periodic supply drops into the city. Some other
examples are the Cuban missile crises, where the Russian funded Cuban military had secretly made
or smuggled nuclear missiles onto the island and pointed them at the USA. Also there was the crises
in the middle east and the U.S. bombardment on Hanoi and Haiphong.
The U.S. did go to battle though. We fought two major battles against the communists. The fist was
over Korea. North Korea a communistic satellite tried to spread there ideas through hostile takeover.
The US funded and aided South Korea until they were able to fend of their attackers. The second
time it was in Vietnam. Like the first battle north Vietnam was trying to concur south Vietnam and
make it a communistic nation. The US sent massive man power into it and lost lots of solders, but
we were unsuccessful in stopping the north Vietnamese. Soon tension grew so high that the US
knew that they had to do something about all the nuclear missiles that Russia possessed.
During almost the entire time that Russia and the USA had been fighting for power they had also
stored up a large cache of nuclear weapons. This in fact
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Cold War Essays

  • 1. Origin of the Cold War Essay After the Second World War America and the Soviet Union gained power in Europe. Though these to countries never fought one another, they waged a cold war of economic, military and ideological rivalry which last through the second half of the twentieth century. The origin of the Cold War began with the Russian Revolution in nineteen–seventeen, which created a Soviet Russia. The Soviet Russia did not have the same economic and ideological state as the United States. The Civil war in Russia in which Western powers unsuccessfully intervened, dedicated to the spreading of communism. This fueled an environment of mistrust and fear between Russia and the rest of Europe. The United States pursued a policy of isolationism; however the more content... The allies did liberated large parts of Western Europe and recreated democratic nations. This divide Europe into two blocks and each occupied by armies America and the Allies and in the east Russia. The United States wanted a democratic Europe and Russia wanting a communist Europe. The difference was added fear of the Soviet invasion in the West and Russians fear of the atomic bomb. There was also fear of economic collapse in the west versus fear of economic domination by the west. This lead to the clash of ideologies; capitalism versus communist. The Soviet feared a rearmed Germany hostile to Russia. Churchill described the dividing the lines between East and West Germany as an Iron Curtain. With Europe firmly divided into communist and capitalist, Germany became the new battle ground. There was the Berlin Blockade this was aimed at bluffing the Allies into renegotiation the division of Germany in his favor. This act did work, the allies just called his bluff by flying over Russian airspace. Stalin did not retaliate and risk war. In nineteen–forty nine with the Berlin Blockade in full effect and the threat of conflict with Russia, the Western powers signed the NATO treaty creating a military alliance. When Russia detonated its first atomic weapon, America advantage of having war was over because the fears over the consequences of nuclear conflict. Later West Germany was Get more content on
  • 2. Cold War and Its Effects Essay The end of the cold war signified a new era of history that has changed the entire world. The face of Europe and Asia has changed dramatically. Vast changes have been felt socially, politically, and especially economically. Also the effect the cold war had on foreign policy was paramount. The effect of these changes is not only felt across the ocean but can be felt here in America. The goal of this paper is to define what the cold war specifically was, and reflect upon the various choices throughout the world as a result of the end of the cold war. The cold war was a period of time in which the United States was the world power in the western world. The Soviet Union (now Russia) was the leading power in the eastern world. more content... Sometimes these decisions were not for the well being of other nations that depended on the Soviet Union for support. Nations like Hungary, Bulgaria, and Poland were under Soviet control, but were officially still independent nations. These extreme opposite viewpoints between the two superpowers caused immense tensions between the two nations and the world. The world was split in two in terms of who to support and which way of life was better. At the height of the cold war in the 1980's, President Reagan had vowed to outspend the Russians. I remember as a child Reagan coming on television and strategically showed the world how we were outspending the Russians. I did not realize at the time the importance of this news conference because two years later the wall fell in Germany and many nations such as Lithuania that were considered part of the USSR had been freed. Outspending the Russians had consequences both good and bad on the economy here in America. The good thing is that up until black Monday stock prices rose sharply, as the government was spending money subcontracting military applications to private firms such as Boeing, Lockheed, and even investing in the latest computer technology at that time, which the Soviets just could not keep up with. Interest rates were extremely high in the early part of the 1980's due to Reagan's foreign policy efforts to get rid of communism. The amount of interest rates was nowhere near Get more content on
  • 3. The War Of The Cold War Essay One major war ended and another to begin. The Cold war lasted about 45 years. There were no direct military campaigns between the United States and Soviet Union. However, billions of dollars and millions of lives were lost. The United States emerged as the greatest power from World War 2. (Give Me Liberty 896) The country boasted about having the most powerful navy and air force. The United states accounted for about half of the world's manufacturing capacity, which it alone created the atomic bomb. Capitalism is superior to the Soviets idea of Communism because the Americans idea of capitalism has thrived, which is still used in today's era. While communism caused the Soviet's to crash and virtually non–existence. A "Cold" war is different from normal war which is made up of battles, like the World War. The chance of conflict was more important in this war. (Oxford dictionary) Even though they did not battle each directly or physically. However, they did though Korean, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Two sets of ideas clashed against each other. The United States with the belief of a capitalistic government, along with the idea of democracy. Then the Soviet Union's belief of communistic market form and totalitarian form of government. These two separate ideas created conditions for a Cold war. The U.S was willing to commit itself to the defense of then idea which led to the increase of American invaders in the world. To begin there was early conflict with the leader of the Get more content on
  • 4. cold war Essay The cold War The Cold War was a response to the perceived threat by the United States that Communism would interfere with national security and economic stakes in the world. It was a perceived threat by communist countries that the United States would take to the world. During the Cold War, the United States, Russia, and other countries made efforts to avoid another world war, while warring in proxy in other lands. The devastation caused by the hydrogen bombs exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the next technological advancements became only deterrents to the public. Governments had their own agenda which would result in worsening the strain between nations. The United States hid behind a curtain of nationalism resulting in more content... Leffler stated that "they were worried that the Kremlin might exploit these weaknesses to alter the balance of power... so they harnessed the economic principles of the open door to the national security interests of the United States. (Heilbrunn) Leffler describes the Cold War in this way: "...neither the Americans nor the Soviets sought to harm the other in 1945... The protests that each country's actions evoked from the other fueled the cycle of distrust as neither could comprehend the fears of the other, perceiving its own actions as defensive. Herein rests the classic security dilemma... U.S. officials... chose to contain and deter the Russians rather than to reassure and placate them, thereby accentuating possibilities for a spiraling cycle of mistrust." (Heilbrunn) In 1947, Ernest Bevin, British foreign secretary, "believed it essential to construct a defensive military alliance in Western Europe; and in December of that year he proposed to George C. Marshall an alliance that would guarantee Western European security and prevent further Soviet aggrandizement." (Heilbrunn) This proposal was realized in the North Atlantic Treaty and the establishment of NATO in 1949. Only an alliance such as this would halt Soviet infiltration and the gradual collapse of one western wall after another. According to Heilbrunn, the Soviet military buildup started after 1945. By 1950 American intelligence estimates suggested that the Soviets Get more content on
  • 5. The Cold War Historical Context: The Cold War started by the end of the Second World War. The aim of this war was to spread opposing ideologies of Capitalism and Communism by the two world superpowers without the result of a hot war. The war was between the Capitalist West– namely: the United States of America, Britain and France – and Communist East – known to be Russia and all the satellite states which communism had taken over. An agreement made at the Yalta meeting of 1945 was thatGermany would be divided into four sectors. One sector went to Britain, one to France, one to the USA and the last and biggest sector to Russia. The Russian sector surrounded the Capital city. In addition to this, the German capital of Berlin was also divided into four sectors. However by 1961, all Capitalist sectors had merged to form one independent country known as the German Federal Republic and so too, did all the Capitalist zones in Berlin merge to form West Berlin. In the same light, the Russian Sector also formed an independent country known as the German Democratic Republic and the Russian Sector of Berlin was thereon seen as East Berlin. Each superpower had different agendas with regards to Germany. The West built up Germany to ensure that it would not fall to communism and to show the rest of Europe the outcome of capitalist support. While the East completely crippled Germany by stripping the country of its commodities in order to ensure a German attack on Russia would not be possible. Get more content on
  • 6. The Culture of the Cold War Essay The Culture of the Cold War After world war one peace looked inevitable. Everyone was wrong about this because a few years later world war two erupted. This great war was supposed to be the war to end all wars. In this war it was crystal clear who was the good side and who was the bad side. Almost everyone figured that if the bad side was defeated then peace couldn't possibly escape us again. We defeated the evil Axis powers, but of course another serpent would rear its ugly head from behind the curtains. This period of a "cold war" after world war two has become one of the most complex and studied eras since America's birth. This state of paradoxes, paranoia, and public disorientation has only ended a few years ago, but more content... The countries using "communism" as their ideology were not really practicing the socialist ideas of Marx. In the fifties what America and the other democratic nations were beginning to learn about these places is that they were the most abhorrent strippers of human values and rights. Especially the paranoid dictator Joseph Stalin who took the "kill first and ask questions later" approach to problems. Stalinist Russia had some of the worst of the world's slave labor camps known as the Gulag Archipelago. Whitfeild showed where our fears were manifested the best by giving credit to Stalinist Russia for "the largest killing fields of the twentieth century. Nazism sympathy never quite spread over here like Stalinism did. In its pure form it stressed the brotherhood of the common people that made up the land. These thoughts were easily appealing to many people. Before the war communist and socialist ideas were quite on the rise here because the depression emphasized capitalism's push towards the lonely individual and how free enterprise basically failed. Whitfeild refers to these communists who feel that they are progressives as Stalinists because they stand for ending American civil liberties that they saw as only for the upper class. So Whitfield argues that it is wrong to extend much sympathy to these American communists as their rights were wrongfully stripped away because this stripping of rights is what they aspired for everyone in the end. This new Get more content on
  • 7. An Essay About The Cold War Isabella Tully US history Madamales 3/22/17 Cold War Essay The cold war is considered to be a significant event in modern world history. The USSR should be help mostly responsible due to stalin's over paranoia, soviet expansion, and the marshall plan. The United States also had some resentment towards the Soviet Union because of the Nazi–Soviet Nonaggression Pact. Events – there were eight main events that led to the Cold War. The two most important conferences when it comes to the Cold War were at Yalta and Potsdam. Winston churchill introduced a well known quote about russian tactics in 1446 at Missouri USA, "From stettin on the Baltic to Trieste on the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended"(Winston Churchill "Iron Curtain" Speech). The iron curtain was an imaginary wall that divided eastern and western europe. It prevented the allies from knowing what the soviets were up to. It represents the Soviet' more content... It successfully started economic recovery, meeting its main goal of 'restoring the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole.' The plan is named for Secretary of State George C. Marshall, who announced it in a speech at Harvard University on June 5, 1947. The Marshall Plan could be seen as a decisive moment of the Cold War. A different plan might have affected the result of the countries of Eastern Europe. The Marshall Plan can be seen as a defensive reaction or an offensive action against communism Both the US and the USSR have contributed to the start of the cold war. Overall the USSR has done more harm than the US and this resulted in the final start of the cold war. If stalin had chosen to not me paranoid and had not expanded or stalin did not have a soviet expansion, the US would not be threatened and the issues could have been resolved. Sadly this was not the Get more content on
  • 8. Cold War Essay In the post World War II era, a war arose between the Soviet Union and the United States, but in reality there was never really any documented fighting between the two nations, thus spawning the catch phrase "Cold War." Even though both countries were ready to go to war at the blink of an eye and almost did, the powers–that–be never got the nerve to authorize a nuclear war that would have made World War II look like child's play. This was a war fought in the political ring, and was also a war that did not start at the end of World War II, this war started during the war against Hitler and lasted for forty more years before peace became predominant over the crumbling Soviet Union. Many events occurred in this more content... With Roosevelt dying, the foreign policy of the United States was about to do a complete 180 in reverse. Suddenly, all the cabinet and legislative members have a significant role in the diplomatic world, a world they had previously been shut out of for over a decade. In the middle lies a man who had not a clue about what he was getting himself into. Harry Truman was about to get in way over his head, and absolutely being Roosevelt's fault, Truman was about to get into a situation he was almost completely unfamiliar with. Poor Truman had been briefed but only once in the matters involving the war, and the decisions he was about to make would shape the world forever. With Roosevelt being a pacifist with Stalin, a decent working relationship evolved between the two, and some glimmer of hope can be seen to this day about what could have happened if Roosevelt did not die and kept up the good standing with Russia. Imagining Stalin's reaction after the Yalta Conference with Roosevelt to that of the Potsdam Conference just months after Roosevelt's death with Truman at the helm being very aggressive towards Communism in Eastern Europe is almost comical, if the severity of the situation is not understood. This must be noted as one of the building blocks of the Cold War with Russia, because this marks the official point where America's stance towards Stalin and Communism changes drastically and the time Get more content on
  • 9. What Is The Cold War Essay Cold War Research Paper Imagine, you're a young child living in the middle of a dark war that is cold, depressing and continues on for decades; you are practically growing up with this war by your side. The Cold War was started in 1947 when the Soviet Union shot down a United States military plane that was used for spying on the Soviet Union. The Soviet didn't trust the United States anymore, and thus began the Cold War. The first president of the Cold War in 1947 was Harry S Truman, who after Franklin D Roosevelt died used an atomic bomb on Japan. Dwight D Eisenhower was the second president of this time and was a five–star general in the Army and a Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II. Finally the third, most effective president, was John F Kennedy who was assassinated during a parade in Dallas, Texas. All three of these presidents had one common goal: contain communism. However, they each tried to achieve that goal differently with Truman using Economic Aid, Eisenhower used Military Use, and Kennedy using Military Aid (Bowes). President Truman would have rather used our diplomacy than our military troops when it came to war. President Truman said in his famous Truman Doctrine, which allowed the U.S to give financial and military aid more content... President Harry Truman using economic aid to help the smaller countries fight against communism, President Eisenhower fought with Military Use, and President Kennedy used Military Aid to contain communism. The Cold War eventually ended forty–three years later in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down (Bowes). All the presidents were very effective in their own ways and that's what really helped our country reach the end of The Cold War. With Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy all using their own ideas to contain communism it really showed how strong the U.S. really Get more content on
  • 10. Cold War Dbq Essay Many were killed in the Cold war. More than 6 million people but, how did the war started on the first place? Who was primarily responsible for starting of the war, Soviet Union or the United States? Soviet union wanted to spread communism. Communism is the property is owned by the community and each individual contributes and receives by its need. In my opinion the Soviet Union was primarily responsible for the war for wanting to spread communism. "I do not believe that Soviet Russia desires war. What they desire is the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines" (Document A). Winston might have stated that Soviet Russia did not desire war but wanted the fruits of the war. In some way they would have been benefited because of the war. Wanting the fruits of the war is almost like desiring for war. Soviet Union was a communist country as stated by Winston, " In a great number of countries, far from the Russian frontiers and throughout the world, Communist fifth columns are established and work in complete unity and absolute obedience to the directions they receive from the Communist center." USA wanted to stop the spread of more content... Greek was in need of help. In what way? Greek needed economic assistance and financial help. United states was the only one that could help Greek as Truman said in his speech, "The United States must supply this assistance... No other Nation is willing and able to provide the necessary support for a democratic Greek government" (Document B). Greek state is threatened by terrorist which are led by communists says Truman. Without the help of United Stated the communists will take over. Turkey will be endangered, disorder and confusion will spread. Truman said that "If Greece should fall under the control of an armed minority, the effect upon its neighbor, Turkey, would be immediate and serious." If the United stated dint help then communism would Get more content on
  • 11. Cold War Dbq Essay Cold War There have been various ideologies, events, and origins of the Cold War that have dominated American foreign policy from 1946 to 1989. The Cold War was a time of conflict between between the U.S. and the USSR; the two Superpowers saw each other as a threat. Thus they continued to fight to preserve their positions. Each side became involved in events such as the Korean War. They each stood behind the other nations fighting. Together the rise incommunism, a rise of the Soviet influence dominated American foreign policy, and the creation of the Warsaw Pact. Moreover the USSR began to have impact in Eastern Europe. Leaders from the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union met to discuss what to do with Europe. They agreed for more content... Western Germany was to be remilitarized. The United States and other members of NATO decided to make Western Germany a member of NATO. The Soviets saw this to be a direct threat and responded with the Warsaw Pact. America saw the Warsaw Pact as a way of the Soviets spreading communism. The United States felt by including Western Germany in the Pact it would put them in danger of a new war and create a threat. Document 3 shows how NATO responded to the creation of the Warsaw Pact. This document outlines the conditions under which Western Germany agrees to ally with the members of NATO. By the United States uniting with Western Germany the Soviets felt they needed to make alliances. Document 4 is important in relation to the Warsaw Pact because it details the event. The United States admittance of Western Germany was a strategy in dealing with the USSR. The Soviets would use Western Germany in terms of promoting themselves with use of propaganda. Also indebting them and reminding of the Soviets role in liberating them. The United States no longer wanted this influence to take place. The purpose of this document was to inform people about why the Warsaw Pact was such a controversial Get more content on
  • 12. Vietnam and The Cold War Essay Vietnam and The Cold War It is impossible to accurately describe the major events that occurred during the cold war without mentioning the war in Vietnam. From its start, this war has been very controversial concerning its purposes and effects on the countries involved. Both sides of this war lost a great number of soldiers and most of these men and women were not even sure why they were fighting. To this day, there is still a lot of uncertainty about the events that took place during this heated time in south Asia. One of the biggest questions raised is why the United States felt it was their responsibility to ever got involved and what were they trying to gain by sending in their troops. A look at the history of the cold war more content... From the beginning of his term, Diem felt that North Vietnam was planning to forcefully take over South Vietnam. Diem began to arrest anyone who was suspected of being a Communist. Soon after, North Vietnam began attempting to reunify Vietnam through political means, and not through the use of violence. After this proved to be an unsuccessful attempt, North Vietnam and the Communist Party finally approved the use of violence to overthrow Ngo Dinh Diems government. The National Liberation Front (NLF) was thus developed by the Communists, allowing anyone who was against Diem and for the unification of Vietnam to join to join their alliance. After noticing that South Vietnam was on shaky ground, President Kennedy decided to send in a limited number of troops to aid Diem and his government. However, Diem began to lose popularity among his people and eventually he and his brother were assassinated. Three weeks after the deaths of these two leaders, President Kennedy was assassinated. President Lyndon B. Johnson decided more action needed to be taken in South Vietnam and, after two U.S. ships were destroyed in the Gulf on Tonkin, Johnson and his administration began to order air attacks upon the North Vietnamese (the U.S. referred to them as the "Vietcong"). Soon afterwards, the NLF attacked two U.S. army installations in South Vietnam and, as a result, Johnson orders bombing missions Get more content on
  • 13. Cold War Essay THE COLD WAR The Cold War was the longated tension between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. It started in the mid 40's after WWII had left Europe in shambles and Russia and the USA in superpower positions. The Cold War was a clash of these supergiants in political, ideological, military, and economic values and ideas. Though military build up was great on both sides neither one ever directly fought each other. In this essay I'm going to bring forth the following points: Rise of the Cold War, events in and because of theCold War, and the fall of Russia. Again Germany had been thwarted in its plans of total domination. It had been a combined effort by all the Western powers and a few Eastern powers too. England more content... One example was the Soviet blockade on Western Berlin. The Russians threatened, and did, block of supply routs to Western Berlin. The people in the city were staving and dying from the lack of supplies. Because of this the US had to make periodic supply drops into the city. Some other examples are the Cuban missile crises, where the Russian funded Cuban military had secretly made or smuggled nuclear missiles onto the island and pointed them at the USA. Also there was the crises in the middle east and the U.S. bombardment on Hanoi and Haiphong. The U.S. did go to battle though. We fought two major battles against the communists. The fist was over Korea. North Korea a communistic satellite tried to spread there ideas through hostile takeover. The US funded and aided South Korea until they were able to fend of their attackers. The second time it was in Vietnam. Like the first battle north Vietnam was trying to concur south Vietnam and make it a communistic nation. The US sent massive man power into it and lost lots of solders, but we were unsuccessful in stopping the north Vietnamese. Soon tension grew so high that the US knew that they had to do something about all the nuclear missiles that Russia possessed. During almost the entire time that Russia and the USA had been fighting for power they had also stored up a large cache of nuclear weapons. This in fact Get more content on