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On their way to
becoming a Small Giant.
In this issue we are glad to talk you about a
company located in southern Italy, which
represents the excellence among state-of-
the-art Media Companies. They approached
us for supporting their development process
in order to attain a higher maturity level.
Read at page 6
Stop focusing on briefs.
Let UX start playing
We ceased pretending companies get involved in
a project with us on the basis of a complete brief
and a precise budget. What we are asking is more
immediate and not banal: trust and openness for
a mutual and enriching partnership.
Read at page 4
A word about Cocoon Projects
Read at page 10
Meet LiquidOTM
Read at page 12
• Rory’s Story Cubes®
• Yous
Read at page 8
n the previous issue of Cocooners, Michele Luconi said:
“It’s definitely true: a company starts growing when
people in that company start growing” and I totally agree
with him.
Usually, in a company people work together to achieve the same
goals and I have heard some managers talking about teams and
their business results. That sounds good but, they often aren’t
talking about teams. These are groups.
To be part of a team isn’t running a 4x100 meter relay in an
athletic competition, it is playing in a basketball team.
Really working together means learning to have trust in each
other, to be ready to support the teammates, to share the
same root and to understand when it’s time to lead and when
it is important to step back and leave space for others. People
involved in a team have more accountability towards the
results, they work better and are more motivated. The first rule
in a team is: “win all or lose all” and it’s not only the destina-
tion that matters but, sharing the way is the real value.
The evolution of the path isn’t simple and the relational
dynamics are complex to manage, but the real power of a team
is: to learn to sail through these dynamics and grow in order to
turn from a group to a team.
Today, working life is changing and companies cannot aim for
results without thinking about people and their wellbeing.
As Michael Jordan once said: “Talent wins
games, but teamwork and intelligence
win championships.”
So….Timeout! It’s time to start growing as
a Team!
id you ever hear about Swarm Intelligence?
The way in which animals can coordinate their behav-
iors has always fascinated and intrigued humans. The
harmony in which thousands of birds can fly together like
a single organism, the complex bee structure, the perfect synchro-
nized movements within a school of fishes.
Today many researchers are investigating how it is possible replicate
these behaviors, named “stigmergic”, in human organizations.
The term “Swarm Intelligence” was introduced by Gerardo Beni,
professor of electrical engineering at University of California, in the
context of cellular robotic systems. In fact, the concept was initially
employed in work on artificial intelligence, and then applied at biolog-
ical systems. Eric Bonabeau and Marco Dorigo, some of the world’s
leading experts in complex systems, argue that Swarm Intelligence is
based on three characteristics:
• Flexibility – the colony can adapt to a change environment;
• Robustness – even when one individual fails the group can still
perform its task;
• Self Organization – activities are not centrally controlled and not
locally supervised.
In nature, biological systems use Swarm Intelligence to survive at
predators attacks, and environment changes. In some way the inter-
connections of these single being allow them to access to more smart
abilities. According to researchers the key is enabling a positive feed-
back within the system. Each individual amplifies the actions of the
previous one leading to the emergence of an “intelligent” global
behavior unknowns to the single. Simple organisms, as termites,
are able to build air conditioned “castle of clay” more sophisticated
than the vast majority of human constructions
without any centralized control. How can we
enable such behaviors in our organizations?
How is it possible wake up the awareness about
the deep interconnections among people?
Nowadays something is moving and according
to Cocoon Projects people need new tools and
practices to engage each other in effective
collaboration, exploiting collective intelligence
and individual diversity for value co-creation.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
n the age of Disruptive Innovation, I couldn’t find any better
landscape than the Chinese Market.
Two years ago, arriving here I felt lost in this confused mix
of different ages mashed all together, while innovation
randomly explodes and culture and society trying to keep up. Then,
approaching many organizations, I figured out how they were able to
manage all this: continuously adapting to the context. Surprisingly,
despite the enormous number of people, products and services are
perfectly shaped around them.
And that’s wonderful. But the deeper you dig into organizations the
more you realize that often the principles they’re built on don’t take
into consideration people as they should. How can a hiring process
be compelling if there’s no attention to the way each individual
approach may impact on the effectiveness of the team or more
broadly on the organization?
Are you sure I am just talking about China? Aren’t you familiar with
this, wherever you come from?
Everywhere the mania to control complexity converts organizations
- naturally complex systems – into something just complicated.
Exchanging tools with purposes twists the very idea of innovation.
So you can now see a bunch of people reading books and taking
certifications, but how many of them are really willing to involve
their coworkers in decisional processes? Curiously, in a time where
machines are already human, companies still think of coworkers in
terms of executors. Confusing leadership with power raises up the
gap between strategists and executors. And that’s where the black
hole lies, where companies lose the chance to
create value.
If organizations can’t face this, they won’t
see the Elephant with the whole Savannah in
the room. So let’s rethink mindsets to change
behaviors, processes, and organizational prin-
ciples. This could be an innovative start.
hat are you afraid of? Have you ever noticed
how you relate with your fears? Think about a
situation that time ago got you completely nuts.
Personally, I’ve got several situations where my
only wish was to run away, disappear, earth-please-eat-me…But
today, I can even smile thinking of how much I was scared about
things, contexts and people.
We are constantly in touch with Fear, often through its most
daily nuances such a continued uncertainty in doing anything;
Fear tends to block us and it will not disappear for itself because
it’s just in our minds. We have to face it, even by small steps
because it’s the only way to get a change and move ahead. When
something is blocking you, find the smallest thing you can do to
get a solution and start, otherwise, the risk is to get used to not
act at all and always leave decisions and actions to something or
someone else.
Reflect on the way we deal with Fear, even when it’s present in
small doses in our everyday life, allows us to understand ourselves
a little more deeply and it can cause a change or an improvement
in our approach to life. It can make us more proactive and free.
Cocoon Projects tends to attract and to continue its path with
people with a proactive attitude, caring and committed. It’s an
open enterprise, so everyone interested in joining and compat-
ible with our values has free access. The path and what this
person can give and gain in this context
always depends on his actions. We believe in
collective intelligence, and I personally trust
the “Butterfly effect”.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
We ceased pretending companies get involved in
a project with us on the basis of a complete brief
and a precise budget. What we are asking is more
immediate and not banal: trust and openness for
a mutual and enriching partnership. Techniques
and method of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® help
Fifth Beat to establish good relationships with
our clients.
Our objective is to let our stakeholders perceive
the value of co-designed products and services,
with and for the people. Whenever we have to
create an identity or communication strategy
or explore user needs, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
gave us the chance to advance with confidence in
several areas of interest: a manufacturer of blast
chillers ready to enter in the domestic market,
an NGO focusing on agricultural development, a
facility management company in need of coordi-
nation with a thorny client.
A communications strategy designed
Fifth Beat uses this technique to foster in a
neutral ground different points of view within the
marketing team, the business department and
who is in charge to promote and design a product
or a service.
From generating what it seems apparently a
mute construction made of little bricks, we lay
the foundation to find values, scopes and a list
of priorities to face, in order to develop a shared
communication strategy.
An interesting case-study is the LEGO® SERIOUS
PLAY® workshop we lead with Cocoon, where
clients and managers of this home appliance
company were involved together. It has been
exciting to observe each participant to work with a
smorgasbord of Lego pieces and elaborate a rather
complex template such as a value proposition
canvas. Furthermore it was invaluable to blend
each personal strategy of the company’s new
platform into three collective scenarios, immedi-
ately transformed in concrete actions to take.
Pushing the elephant
The power of this technique is in the resolution
of internal dynamics and can be used to build
a channel of communication between different
teams that work on a single project or among
persons in the same company, with heteroge-
neous responsibilities. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
enhances our ability to build a common vision
and the model made of little bricks becomes the
mirror of the positive and negative aspects in a
project (pain & gain).
One of the most interesting visions on the necessity to use the web with “little characters without body”, connected
with flexible tubes to exchange news and information linked to company products. All the participants, included
marketing staff, have positioned their models in the center, bringing out a map of priorities for the strategy of this
platform aimed to promote company and products.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
In this number of Cocooners we are happy to share
with you an article from our ohana on the importance
of trust, people and the right methodology to deliver
real value for the market.
We naturally create an element of discussion
capable to overcome any personal or hierar-
chical dynamic.
Participants to the workshop have to choose
which portion of their model will be saved in
order to create a shared vision. The selected part
will be assembled with all the others parts and
they will piece together in a unique common
model, with a high symbolic value and which
is the representation of the connection of the
single artefacts.
We were especially surprised by the outcome
of a workshop where an elephant, tired and
lazy, represented the abandoned project we
were discussing on. At the end of the day,
each participant contributed with a solution
to instill dynamism to the animal and lead it
back home, towards the goal. Weeks after, the
project rekindle itself and lived of a strong vital
energy. The working team focusing on the new
unexpected findings managed to give new life
and a new structure to the project.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
LSP Fest: immerse yourself
in the world’s first LEGO®
We are glad and particularly proud to invite all those who love the evo-
lution of work, serious play and the legendary colored blocks to join us in
Milan on the 22.nd and 23.rd of October (2016).
#EODF15 has ended:
feedback and thanks!
Which images come back to us about this beautiful
COCOONERS n°0 is online!
Making It Happen.
The N°0 of our “Cocooners” half-yearly publication is
online in digital version! Catch up about news, tools, thoughts, facts,
people, work, future.
nce an initial pace
of change was
applied through the
above retrospectives,
we could finally start
to go and act deeper
and deeper into the
culture of the whole
organization and the
people who make it up.
Everyone, regardless
any job title or position
in the organization
chart, was enabled to
express his own ideas
and potentialities
very (single)
human system
is by its very nature
There is absolutely
no way to apply any
standardized process
improvement without
admitting honestly
it won’t produce any
real positive effects
on the system itself.
This is the reason
why as for our normal
practice we started
what we call “itera-
tion 0”, that is a first-
ollowing the
Pareto focus prin-
ciple we then identi-
fied those (specific)
areas where small
interventions might
have implemented
great changes. Its
immediate effect was
a two-way workflow:
on one side the
introduction of a first
system of flexible
agile retrospectives
on different company
levels and at different
pace, on the other side
the start-up training
In this issue we are glad to talk you about a company located in southern Italy, which represents the excellence
among state-of-the-art Media Companies.
They approached us for supporting their development process in order to attain a higher maturity level.
We started in February 2016 and from the very beginning we realized we were experiencing an extraordinary
story to share.
step intervention
to understand the
current situation we
are going to face and
operating. This would
lead us to set short-
and medium-term
objectives through
the co-creation of a
new area where all
identities in the group
can properly emerge
and reveal.
of a renewed manage-
ment team through
an in-depth process
of identity alignment
and co-creation of
guidelines by using
PLAY® methods.
in respect with the
current change and
from that moment
on we could start
spreading the best
practice and a shared
proactivity mindset.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
fter a strong
cultural and
relational background
had flourished, our
next step was to start
evolving the workflow,
that is eliminating
first the root causes of
wastes (c.d. “muda”)
and then highlighting
all the dynamics that
in an opposite way
create value in all
working process.
Thanks to the
combined use of
Model Storming and
a QuEST procedure a
first new experimental
advancement phase
was launched for 3
weeks and then a
his is a stable
framework, where
the company can take
the first necessary
steps towards a
systemic and system-
atic evolution process.
And this will also be
the guiding path of
the next 6-month
term iteractions that
deeper intervention
that was applied on
bi-annual basis. In this
way the company has
been able to apply a
double-loop learning
process for the contin-
uous improvement: a
first loop, lighter and
faster, regarding tools
and processes, and a
second longer-term
and deeper loop
concerning mind-set-
ting and decision
criteria of the whole
will lead this extraor-
dinary company to
reach high conscious
management levels
and evolution. With its
own hands.
“They’re interested in being great at what
they do, creating a great place to work, pro-
viding great service to customers, having
great relationships with their suppliers,
making great contributions to the com-
munities they live and work in, and finding
great ways to lead their lives. I call them
small giants.”
Bo Burlingham.
3 35
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
Rory’s Story Cubes®
We started to play with the Rory’s Story Cubes®
with a Spanish collegue who shared this tool with
us and we soon discovered that it was possible
to use them in so many different ways and in so
many interesting areas. Then in March 2016 we
decided to open the lab.
The Rory’s Story Cubes® are nine cubes with
images on every face.
You can give them a good shake, roll them out and
start to tell a story using these pictures.
We have experienced strong impact (both)
on individuals and groups of people.
If you open your mind you can deeply understand
yourself and your context, then you can choose
your direction with increased awareness and
We are also using the Story Cubes® linked to
other tools and we are discovering very inter-
esting contaminations.
Follow our journey and share your points of view
and ideas with us!
Since LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® has been with us
for a couple of years now, as a really powerful tool
for the evolution of human systems, for the first
output of this lab we’ve decided to go for some-
for real-life encounters and experience-making,
to build creative spaces and constantly enhance
flows of knowledge in and among people.
In these few months we have completed the
envisioning phase through which we came to
important considerations about the inefficiency
of the current institutional life growth paths
and conversely about the potentialities of our
proposed solution.
But as that was just our own idea, we decided to
ask real people about their real needs in their real
lives and listened to them deeply. We collected
important information and (we have) started to
iteratively improve our solution.
In the meanwhile we have started working with
some companies who are interested in their
employees’ work/life improvement.
This particular interest generated by the real
world is stimulating us to accelerate in the devel-
opment of the first working MVP of the platform
and a great team of Cocooners are ready to make
it happen.
Stay tuned for the
publication of all the
active Labs and their work
thing big! So we’ve used part of the first half of
2016 to organise the “LSP Fest” (
It is the first fest entirely dedicated to the LSP
methodology and its ways of facilitating thinking,
communication and complex problem solving
both for groups and for individuals. We’re organ-
ising it in partnership with Rasmussen Consulting
and Juego Serio, in the persons of our long time
friends Robert Rasmussen and Lucio Margulis.
The goals of these days of LSP Fest are to get
people to really know this method, gather with
professional facilitators, allow them to meet
people interested in knowing more about it in
order to evolve their way of working, exchange
valuable experiences, and learn basic principles
that can effectively guide through the complexity
of today’s world of work.
We won’t be talking much, in fact we’ll be working
hands-on most of the time! We want to focus on
direct experience, not on theoretical knowledge.
Directly trying how it feels to use LSP in different
workshops of various lengths and on different
topics is absolutely the best way to understand
what we mean by “hard fun”!
Yous is a bottom-up ecosystem of functional
modules for worklife advancement.
it is a means which has been purposely devised
Cocoon Projects Labs are our own innovation engine, which have developed driving forces for new knowledge, mastery and even
new value proposition elements. They are open and voluntary structures, working by specific processes designed for proactively
generating market-driven and high-quality value proposition.
It’s in the CP Labs that entrepreneurs and professional game-changers can express their best contribution in the co-creation of
the upcoming Cocoon Projects.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
A Cocoon Projects Jam happens twice per year, at the beginning of each half. It is the most important CP governance event,
open to all members and contributors and lasting two or three days. During the CP Jam we cocreate our direction for the next 6
months. Here below you can have a peek at our last Jam.
Continuous improvement and respect for people #lean #respon-
sibility #retrospective #CPJAM #2016h2
I’m really tired after this two days of #CPJam but at the same time
I’m feeling better. I’m growing and it’s thanks to @CocoonPro
I love #CpJam because it never begins and never ends, just hap-
pens. And it’s beautiful. #2016h2
Be prepared to be surprised, guided by passion & responsibility!
#CPJAM @CocoonPro @ShiverTweet @emagorse #OST
Envisioning our growth through #storycubes @CocoonPro
#CPJAM #learning
My life is no longer in my command. #CPjam #2016H2
Interesting #OST session for sharing experiences to improve
#CPJAM #2016H2 @cocoonpro
between vision and determination… https://www.instagram.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
Cocoon Projects’ governance system itself is
based on the Lean managements and Open
Collaboration principles. It constitutes a last
generation adaptive organisational model
called LiquidOTM
that has already collected
high interest and direct interaction by some of
the most relevant international experts in the
enterprise and management innovation fields.
Cocoon Projects is thus involved first-hand in
the edge international efforts for the develop-
ment of methodologies and tools enabling the
systemic improvement of organisations.
And it is directly engaged on a regular basis
by global networks of professionals in the
field, such as the European Organisation
Design Forum, the Stoos Network, the OuiS-
hare network, the Management Innovation
Exchange (MIX).
Cocoon Projects is a last generation company,
devoted to supporting innovation and fostering
real value creationintheworldentrepreneurial
ecosystem. It’s been designed to be effective,
agile, open, fast and adaptive. Its Customers
are people and organisations in the need for
significant evolution within the scopes of
work methodologies, tools and techniques and/
or stakeholders end-to-end relationships.
Imagine the space of evolution
in these three dimensions.
A value of zero on all of
the three axes would fit
for a company from
the Fifties of the last
Where is your organ-
isation today?
Where should it
be tomorrow?
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
These ongoing activities within the scopes of
Innovation, together with intense and contin-
uous field operations at the side of national
and international Customers highlight Cocoon
Projects as the ideal partner for those organisa-
tions in search of sound experience within the
most core and relevant scopes of Innovation.
We believe this is the time for establishing
a whole new culture in the management of
today’s challenges for any organisation. And
we’re able to design and co-execute ad-hoc
evolutionary paths on all the vertical aspects
of this scenario.
The goal is to make this change
really happen.
In the evolution of work across
the three dimensions
of leanness, inclusiveness
and openness, we can
provide services
in these 9 different areas.
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
What is LiquidO™
You might have heard of a new breed of organisational models, responding
to the fast growing adaptability, engagement and collaboration needs
the sound problems of slowness, rigidity, bureaucracy, disengagement
along with various kinds of waste and bottlenecks that “traditional”
organisational models generate and suffer nowadays.
This is what LiquidOTM
is all about: the original “liquid organisation”
model for governance, born from direct experience within Cocoon
Projects and in use in a growing number of for profit and not-for-profit
organisations willing to get liquid.
Liquefying an organization means disrupting the industrial-age driven
assumptions on which rigid structures are designed and move on to make
it adaptive, dynamic and anti-fragile. Based on lean management and
open collaboration principles, the LiquidOTM
model is fluid,
meritocratic and value-driven, enabling stigmergic
behaviour and “organic” effectiveness.
Why you would
Rigidly structured organiza-
tions cannot cope with the
current pace of innovation
and its complexity, let
alone exploit it. We need a
completely different mindset
and consequently new models.
And we need them to be simple
and people-centric.
This is exactly why LiquidO™
was born.
1. Real-time adaptability.
The industrial age organisational approach, where
each area is defined as a restricted group of activities coherent
to one another, has its biggest limitations in the risk to fall in fragmented,
sealed administration and culture. As the company grows, so grows the
complex ramification, branching and costs of these models. Lack of
communication, heavy bureaucracy, disastrous efficiency.
The completely different perspective realized by LiquidO™, in fact relying
on people and competences without fixed roles, provides an integrated
and adaptive business management scenario shifted to a systemic
approach, pragmatically meritocratic and inherently capable of real time
adaptability to any context. It’s just like water, some would say.
2. Better and faster information processing.
Hierarchies are a sound bottleneck both for decision making and compe-
tences evolution. Too many info to process in order to succeed. Moreover,
on the other hand, the distance between where and how in the organi-
zation strategies are created, and where and how they have to be executed
too often creates waste, lack of effectiveness or even complete failure.
Non-peer evaluation, silos and recruiting inefficiency are additional
heavy side-defects of an organizational design philosophy based on the
two illusions of control and predictability, and therefore actualized with
structural divisions between thinking and doing.
LiquidO™ is a viable and operational way to let all the brilliant people in
the company effectively emerge. Anybody can join each wave, surf it and
enrich it, so to say. And leveraging different viewpoints, backgrounds and
competences today is definitely critical to succeed in taking better and
faster decisions.
3. Engagement and spontaneous leadership.
People are key in this picture. In fact, within
LiquidO™ everyone can decide whether to
join a process or not, try, and conse-
quently determine her level by fast
feedback loops from frequent and
specific peer-reviews driven by
the actual delivered value.
Besides a natural engagement
due to continuous feedback
and consequently improving
results, within this scenario
it’s really difficult to deny
emerging problems. Within
the old way of thinking the
organizations very often
conflicts, work overload, sense
of impotence, lack of decision
power, absence of endorsement,
unfair treatment and misalignments
are among the real causes of failures.
There is much more that can be done today, if
only we let go of control, predictability and rigidity.
LiquidO™ moves structures, processes and the organization
itself away from the center, where it is assumed that people have to adapt
to them, instead shifting the focus on people and truly empowering
them to dynamically find their maximum value creation spot within
the organization, expressing leadership effectively and without fear,
naturally growing and being rewarded for this.
Read the whole LiquidO™ whitepaper. It is available in
Creative Commons at
Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016

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COCOONERS - Making It Happen - No 1, September 2016

  • 1. COCOONERSN°1 - SEPTEMBER 2016 MAKING IT HAPPEN PLAY. SERIOUSLY. On their way to becoming a Small Giant. In this issue we are glad to talk you about a company located in southern Italy, which represents the excellence among state-of- the-art Media Companies. They approached us for supporting their development process in order to attain a higher maturity level. Read at page 6 Stop focusing on briefs. Let UX start playing seriously. We ceased pretending companies get involved in a project with us on the basis of a complete brief and a precise budget. What we are asking is more immediate and not banal: trust and openness for a mutual and enriching partnership. Read at page 4 A word about Cocoon Projects Read at page 10 Meet LiquidOTM Read at page 12 OUR STORY, YOUR STORY FROM THE FAMILY: FIFTH BEAT COOKING IN OUR LABS • Rory’s Story Cubes® • LSP • Yous Read at page 8 PHOTOCOURTESYOFHTTPS://WWW.FLICKR.COM/PHOTOS/MASSIMO_RISERBO/6292165209/
  • 2. 2 PLAY. SERIOUSLY. CLAUDIA PELLICORI I n the previous issue of Cocooners, Michele Luconi said: “It’s definitely true: a company starts growing when people in that company start growing” and I totally agree with him. Usually, in a company people work together to achieve the same goals and I have heard some managers talking about teams and their business results. That sounds good but, they often aren’t talking about teams. These are groups. To be part of a team isn’t running a 4x100 meter relay in an athletic competition, it is playing in a basketball team. Really working together means learning to have trust in each other, to be ready to support the teammates, to share the same root and to understand when it’s time to lead and when it is important to step back and leave space for others. People involved in a team have more accountability towards the results, they work better and are more motivated. The first rule in a team is: “win all or lose all” and it’s not only the destina- tion that matters but, sharing the way is the real value. The evolution of the path isn’t simple and the relational dynamics are complex to manage, but the real power of a team is: to learn to sail through these dynamics and grow in order to turn from a group to a team. Today, working life is changing and companies cannot aim for results without thinking about people and their wellbeing. As Michael Jordan once said: “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” So….Timeout! It’s time to start growing as a Team! D id you ever hear about Swarm Intelligence? The way in which animals can coordinate their behav- iors has always fascinated and intrigued humans. The harmony in which thousands of birds can fly together like a single organism, the complex bee structure, the perfect synchro- nized movements within a school of fishes. Today many researchers are investigating how it is possible replicate these behaviors, named “stigmergic”, in human organizations. The term “Swarm Intelligence” was introduced by Gerardo Beni, professor of electrical engineering at University of California, in the context of cellular robotic systems. In fact, the concept was initially employed in work on artificial intelligence, and then applied at biolog- ical systems. Eric Bonabeau and Marco Dorigo, some of the world’s leading experts in complex systems, argue that Swarm Intelligence is based on three characteristics: • Flexibility – the colony can adapt to a change environment; • Robustness – even when one individual fails the group can still perform its task; • Self Organization – activities are not centrally controlled and not locally supervised. In nature, biological systems use Swarm Intelligence to survive at predators attacks, and environment changes. In some way the inter- connections of these single being allow them to access to more smart abilities. According to researchers the key is enabling a positive feed- back within the system. Each individual amplifies the actions of the previous one leading to the emergence of an “intelligent” global behavior unknowns to the single. Simple organisms, as termites, are able to build air conditioned “castle of clay” more sophisticated than the vast majority of human constructions without any centralized control. How can we enable such behaviors in our organizations? How is it possible wake up the awareness about the deep interconnections among people? Nowadays something is moving and according to Cocoon Projects people need new tools and practices to engage each other in effective collaboration, exploiting collective intelligence and individual diversity for value co-creation. ALESSANDRA CIANCHETTINI VALERIO CIANCI Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
  • 3. 3 I n the age of Disruptive Innovation, I couldn’t find any better landscape than the Chinese Market. Two years ago, arriving here I felt lost in this confused mix of different ages mashed all together, while innovation randomly explodes and culture and society trying to keep up. Then, approaching many organizations, I figured out how they were able to manage all this: continuously adapting to the context. Surprisingly, despite the enormous number of people, products and services are perfectly shaped around them. And that’s wonderful. But the deeper you dig into organizations the more you realize that often the principles they’re built on don’t take into consideration people as they should. How can a hiring process be compelling if there’s no attention to the way each individual approach may impact on the effectiveness of the team or more broadly on the organization? Are you sure I am just talking about China? Aren’t you familiar with this, wherever you come from? Everywhere the mania to control complexity converts organizations - naturally complex systems – into something just complicated. Exchanging tools with purposes twists the very idea of innovation. So you can now see a bunch of people reading books and taking certifications, but how many of them are really willing to involve their coworkers in decisional processes? Curiously, in a time where machines are already human, companies still think of coworkers in terms of executors. Confusing leadership with power raises up the gap between strategists and executors. And that’s where the black hole lies, where companies lose the chance to create value. If organizations can’t face this, they won’t see the Elephant with the whole Savannah in the room. So let’s rethink mindsets to change behaviors, processes, and organizational prin- ciples. This could be an innovative start. W hat are you afraid of? Have you ever noticed how you relate with your fears? Think about a situation that time ago got you completely nuts. Personally, I’ve got several situations where my only wish was to run away, disappear, earth-please-eat-me…But today, I can even smile thinking of how much I was scared about things, contexts and people. We are constantly in touch with Fear, often through its most daily nuances such a continued uncertainty in doing anything; Fear tends to block us and it will not disappear for itself because it’s just in our minds. We have to face it, even by small steps because it’s the only way to get a change and move ahead. When something is blocking you, find the smallest thing you can do to get a solution and start, otherwise, the risk is to get used to not act at all and always leave decisions and actions to something or someone else. Reflect on the way we deal with Fear, even when it’s present in small doses in our everyday life, allows us to understand ourselves a little more deeply and it can cause a change or an improvement in our approach to life. It can make us more proactive and free. Cocoon Projects tends to attract and to continue its path with people with a proactive attitude, caring and committed. It’s an open enterprise, so everyone interested in joining and compat- ible with our values has free access. The path and what this person can give and gain in this context always depends on his actions. We believe in collective intelligence, and I personally trust the “Butterfly effect”. ALESSANDRA COSIMATO MILUSKA OJEDA SOME OF OUR HIGHLIGHTS FORTHE 1ST HALF OF 2016 INCOSACONSISTEILMETODO LEGO® SERIOUSPLAY® ? THENEARFUTUREOFWORKHOWYOUAREGOING TOWORKTOMORROW WITHSTELIOVERZERA BOSSLESSORGANIZATIONS INPRACTICE 10DAYSOFPUBLICWORKSHOPS 3CITIES 130+PARTICIPANTSFROMTHEWHOLEWORLD COCREATION INITIATIVES 3NEWLABS 16COCOONERSINVOLVED 3CONTENTSPUBLISHED COCOON LABS TALKINGABOUT US 1NEWMEMBER 9NEWCONTRIBUTORS SHIFT-OUTDYNAMICSINITIATED CPOPENGOVERNANCE 3 Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
  • 4. 4 We ceased pretending companies get involved in a project with us on the basis of a complete brief and a precise budget. What we are asking is more immediate and not banal: trust and openness for a mutual and enriching partnership. Techniques and method of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® help Fifth Beat to establish good relationships with our clients. Our objective is to let our stakeholders perceive the value of co-designed products and services, with and for the people. Whenever we have to create an identity or communication strategy or explore user needs, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® gave us the chance to advance with confidence in several areas of interest: a manufacturer of blast chillers ready to enter in the domestic market, an NGO focusing on agricultural development, a facility management company in need of coordi- nation with a thorny client. A communications strategy designed with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Fifth Beat uses this technique to foster in a neutral ground different points of view within the marketing team, the business department and who is in charge to promote and design a product or a service. From generating what it seems apparently a mute construction made of little bricks, we lay the foundation to find values, scopes and a list of priorities to face, in order to develop a shared communication strategy. An interesting case-study is the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshop we lead with Cocoon, where clients and managers of this home appliance company were involved together. It has been exciting to observe each participant to work with a smorgasbord of Lego pieces and elaborate a rather complex template such as a value proposition canvas. Furthermore it was invaluable to blend each personal strategy of the company’s new platform into three collective scenarios, immedi- ately transformed in concrete actions to take. Pushing the elephant The power of this technique is in the resolution of internal dynamics and can be used to build a channel of communication between different teams that work on a single project or among persons in the same company, with heteroge- neous responsibilities. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® enhances our ability to build a common vision and the model made of little bricks becomes the mirror of the positive and negative aspects in a project (pain & gain). One of the most interesting visions on the necessity to use the web with “little characters without body”, connected with flexible tubes to exchange news and information linked to company products. All the participants, included marketing staff, have positioned their models in the center, bringing out a map of priorities for the strategy of this platform aimed to promote company and products. Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016 In this number of Cocooners we are happy to share with you an article from our ohana on the importance of trust, people and the right methodology to deliver real value for the market. FROM THE FAMILY STOP FOCUSING ON BRIEFS. LET UX START PLAYING SERIOUSLY.
  • 5. We naturally create an element of discussion capable to overcome any personal or hierar- chical dynamic. Participants to the workshop have to choose which portion of their model will be saved in order to create a shared vision. The selected part will be assembled with all the others parts and they will piece together in a unique common model, with a high symbolic value and which is the representation of the connection of the single artefacts. We were especially surprised by the outcome of a workshop where an elephant, tired and lazy, represented the abandoned project we were discussing on. At the end of the day, each participant contributed with a solution to instill dynamism to the animal and lead it back home, towards the goal. Weeks after, the project rekindle itself and lived of a strong vital energy. The working team focusing on the new unexpected findings managed to give new life and a new structure to the project. COCOON PROJECTS WEBSITE HIGHLIGHTS 5 Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016 LSP Fest: immerse yourself in the world’s first LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Fest We are glad and particularly proud to invite all those who love the evo- lution of work, serious play and the legendary colored blocks to join us in Milan on the 22.nd and 23.rd of October (2016). #EODF15 has ended: feedback and thanks! Which images come back to us about this beautiful event? COCOONERS n°0 is online! Making It Happen. The N°0 of our “Cocooners” half-yearly publication is online in digital version! Catch up about news, tools, thoughts, facts, people, work, future.
  • 6. O nce an initial pace of change was applied through the above retrospectives, we could finally start to go and act deeper and deeper into the culture of the whole organization and the people who make it up. Everyone, regardless any job title or position in the organization chart, was enabled to express his own ideas and potentialities 6 E very (single) human system is by its very nature unique. There is absolutely no way to apply any standardized process improvement without admitting honestly it won’t produce any real positive effects on the system itself. This is the reason why as for our normal practice we started what we call “itera- tion 0”, that is a first- F ollowing the Pareto focus prin- ciple we then identi- fied those (specific) areas where small interventions might have implemented great changes. Its immediate effect was a two-way workflow: on one side the introduction of a first system of flexible agile retrospectives on different company levels and at different pace, on the other side the start-up training In this issue we are glad to talk you about a company located in southern Italy, which represents the excellence among state-of-the-art Media Companies. They approached us for supporting their development process in order to attain a higher maturity level. We started in February 2016 and from the very beginning we realized we were experiencing an extraordinary story to share. step intervention to understand the current situation we are going to face and operating. This would lead us to set short- and medium-term objectives through the co-creation of a new area where all identities in the group can properly emerge and reveal. of a renewed manage- ment team through an in-depth process of identity alignment and co-creation of guidelines by using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods. in respect with the current change and from that moment on we could start spreading the best practice and a shared proactivity mindset. ITERATION 0 CULTURE AND PEOPLE AGILE RETROSPECTIVES OUR STORY IS YOUR STORY ON THEIR WAY TO BECOMING A SMALL GIANT Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
  • 7. 7 A fter a strong cultural and relational background had flourished, our next step was to start evolving the workflow, that is eliminating first the root causes of wastes (c.d. “muda”) and then highlighting all the dynamics that in an opposite way create value in all working process. Thanks to the combined use of Model Storming and a QuEST procedure a first new experimental advancement phase was launched for 3 weeks and then a T his is a stable framework, where the company can take the first necessary steps towards a systemic and system- atic evolution process. And this will also be the guiding path of the next 6-month term iteractions that deeper intervention that was applied on bi-annual basis. In this way the company has been able to apply a double-loop learning process for the contin- uous improvement: a first loop, lighter and faster, regarding tools and processes, and a second longer-term and deeper loop concerning mind-set- ting and decision criteria of the whole organization. will lead this extraor- dinary company to reach high conscious management levels and evolution. With its own hands. SYSTEMIC EVOLUTION PROCESS DOUBLE-LOOP LEARNING “They’re interested in being great at what they do, creating a great place to work, pro- viding great service to customers, having great relationships with their suppliers, making great contributions to the com- munities they live and work in, and finding great ways to lead their lives. I call them small giants.” Bo Burlingham. FINAL THOUGHTS 110HOURS OFWORK FACILITATORS PARTICPANTS 3 35 SOME DATA Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
  • 8. 8 Rory’s Story Cubes® We started to play with the Rory’s Story Cubes® with a Spanish collegue who shared this tool with us and we soon discovered that it was possible to use them in so many different ways and in so many interesting areas. Then in March 2016 we decided to open the lab. The Rory’s Story Cubes® are nine cubes with images on every face. You can give them a good shake, roll them out and start to tell a story using these pictures. We have experienced strong impact (both) on individuals and groups of people. If you open your mind you can deeply understand yourself and your context, then you can choose your direction with increased awareness and consciousness. We are also using the Story Cubes® linked to other tools and we are discovering very inter- esting contaminations. Follow our journey and share your points of view and ideas with us! LSP Since LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® has been with us for a couple of years now, as a really powerful tool for the evolution of human systems, for the first output of this lab we’ve decided to go for some- for real-life encounters and experience-making, to build creative spaces and constantly enhance flows of knowledge in and among people. In these few months we have completed the envisioning phase through which we came to important considerations about the inefficiency of the current institutional life growth paths and conversely about the potentialities of our proposed solution. But as that was just our own idea, we decided to ask real people about their real needs in their real lives and listened to them deeply. We collected important information and (we have) started to iteratively improve our solution. In the meanwhile we have started working with some companies who are interested in their employees’ work/life improvement. This particular interest generated by the real world is stimulating us to accelerate in the devel- opment of the first working MVP of the platform and a great team of Cocooners are ready to make it happen. Stay tuned for the publication of all the active Labs and their work at thing big! So we’ve used part of the first half of 2016 to organise the “LSP Fest” ( It is the first fest entirely dedicated to the LSP methodology and its ways of facilitating thinking, communication and complex problem solving both for groups and for individuals. We’re organ- ising it in partnership with Rasmussen Consulting and Juego Serio, in the persons of our long time friends Robert Rasmussen and Lucio Margulis. The goals of these days of LSP Fest are to get people to really know this method, gather with professional facilitators, allow them to meet people interested in knowing more about it in order to evolve their way of working, exchange valuable experiences, and learn basic principles that can effectively guide through the complexity of today’s world of work. We won’t be talking much, in fact we’ll be working hands-on most of the time! We want to focus on direct experience, not on theoretical knowledge. Directly trying how it feels to use LSP in different workshops of various lengths and on different topics is absolutely the best way to understand what we mean by “hard fun”! Yous Yous is a bottom-up ecosystem of functional modules for worklife advancement. it is a means which has been purposely devised IN OUR Cocoon Projects Labs are our own innovation engine, which have developed driving forces for new knowledge, mastery and even new value proposition elements. They are open and voluntary structures, working by specific processes designed for proactively generating market-driven and high-quality value proposition. It’s in the CP Labs that entrepreneurs and professional game-changers can express their best contribution in the co-creation of the upcoming Cocoon Projects. Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016 LABSCOOKING
  • 9. A Cocoon Projects Jam happens twice per year, at the beginning of each half. It is the most important CP governance event, open to all members and contributors and lasting two or three days. During the CP Jam we cocreate our direction for the next 6 months. Here below you can have a peek at our last Jam. #CPJAM 9 JAM NEWS @CocoonPro Continuous improvement and respect for people #lean #respon- sibility #retrospective #CPJAM #2016h2 @MattiaRapisarda I’m really tired after this two days of #CPJam but at the same time I’m feeling better. I’m growing and it’s thanks to @CocoonPro #2016h2 @emagorse I love #CpJam because it never begins and never ends, just hap- pens. And it’s beautiful. #2016h2 @giusyfratta Be prepared to be surprised, guided by passion & responsibility! #CPJAM @CocoonPro @ShiverTweet @emagorse #OST @Guido_Martini Envisioning our growth through #storycubes @CocoonPro #CPJAM #learning @ShiverTweet My life is no longer in my command. #CPjam #2016H2 @CocoonPro @hoxeheome Interesting #OST session for sharing experiences to improve #CPJAM #2016H2 @cocoonpro BI0Dw3yjM2M/ @pellicors #CPJam#2016h2Startingtounderstandhowwefeel,theposition between vision and determination… https://www.instagram. com/p/BIwsNEnA21s/ Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
  • 10. 10 Cocoon Projects’ governance system itself is based on the Lean managements and Open Collaboration principles. It constitutes a last generation adaptive organisational model called LiquidOTM that has already collected high interest and direct interaction by some of the most relevant international experts in the enterprise and management innovation fields. Cocoon Projects is thus involved first-hand in the edge international efforts for the develop- ment of methodologies and tools enabling the systemic improvement of organisations. And it is directly engaged on a regular basis by global networks of professionals in the field, such as the European Organisation Design Forum, the Stoos Network, the OuiS- hare network, the Management Innovation Exchange (MIX). Cocoon Projects is a last generation company, devoted to supporting innovation and fostering real value creationintheworldentrepreneurial ecosystem. It’s been designed to be effective, agile, open, fast and adaptive. Its Customers are people and organisations in the need for significant evolution within the scopes of work methodologies, tools and techniques and/ or stakeholders end-to-end relationships. INCLUSIVENESS OPENNESS LEANNESS Imagine the space of evolution in these three dimensions. A value of zero on all of the three axes would fit for a company from the Fifties of the last century. Where is your organ- isation today? Where should it be tomorrow? A WORD ABOUT US Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
  • 11. These ongoing activities within the scopes of Innovation, together with intense and contin- uous field operations at the side of national and international Customers highlight Cocoon Projects as the ideal partner for those organisa- tions in search of sound experience within the most core and relevant scopes of Innovation. We believe this is the time for establishing a whole new culture in the management of today’s challenges for any organisation. And we’re able to design and co-execute ad-hoc evolutionary paths on all the vertical aspects of this scenario. The goal is to make this change really happen. 11 AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICE MODEL DEVELOPMENT WORKPLACE EVOLUTION REPUTATION DEVELOPMENT IDENTITY AND HERITAGE EMPOWERING CROWD-PLATFORMS IMPLEMENTATION REAL TIME STRATEGY MAKING EXPERIENCE DESIGN ADAPTIVE ORGANISATION DESIGN INCLUSIV ENESS OPE N NESS OPEN INNOVATION LEANNESS ADAPTIV E ORGANISAT ION C O NTINUOS IM PROVEMENT IT’S ALL ABOUT PEOPLE In the evolution of work across the three dimensions of leanness, inclusiveness and openness, we can provide services in these 9 different areas. Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016
  • 12. What is LiquidO™ You might have heard of a new breed of organisational models, responding to the fast growing adaptability, engagement and collaboration needs withinmoderncompanystructures.Oryoumighthavesimplyexperienced the sound problems of slowness, rigidity, bureaucracy, disengagement along with various kinds of waste and bottlenecks that “traditional” organisational models generate and suffer nowadays. This is what LiquidOTM is all about: the original “liquid organisation” model for governance, born from direct experience within Cocoon Projects and in use in a growing number of for profit and not-for-profit organisations willing to get liquid. Liquefying an organization means disrupting the industrial-age driven assumptions on which rigid structures are designed and move on to make it adaptive, dynamic and anti-fragile. Based on lean management and open collaboration principles, the LiquidOTM model is fluid, meritocratic and value-driven, enabling stigmergic behaviour and “organic” effectiveness. Why you would wantitinyour organisation Rigidly structured organiza- tions cannot cope with the current pace of innovation and its complexity, let alone exploit it. We need a completely different mindset and consequently new models. And we need them to be simple and people-centric. This is exactly why LiquidO™ was born. 1. Real-time adaptability. The industrial age organisational approach, where each area is defined as a restricted group of activities coherent to one another, has its biggest limitations in the risk to fall in fragmented, sealed administration and culture. As the company grows, so grows the complex ramification, branching and costs of these models. Lack of communication, heavy bureaucracy, disastrous efficiency. The completely different perspective realized by LiquidO™, in fact relying on people and competences without fixed roles, provides an integrated and adaptive business management scenario shifted to a systemic approach, pragmatically meritocratic and inherently capable of real time adaptability to any context. It’s just like water, some would say. 2. Better and faster information processing. Hierarchies are a sound bottleneck both for decision making and compe- tences evolution. Too many info to process in order to succeed. Moreover, on the other hand, the distance between where and how in the organi- zation strategies are created, and where and how they have to be executed too often creates waste, lack of effectiveness or even complete failure. Non-peer evaluation, silos and recruiting inefficiency are additional heavy side-defects of an organizational design philosophy based on the two illusions of control and predictability, and therefore actualized with structural divisions between thinking and doing. LiquidO™ is a viable and operational way to let all the brilliant people in the company effectively emerge. Anybody can join each wave, surf it and enrich it, so to say. And leveraging different viewpoints, backgrounds and competences today is definitely critical to succeed in taking better and faster decisions. 3. Engagement and spontaneous leadership. People are key in this picture. In fact, within LiquidO™ everyone can decide whether to join a process or not, try, and conse- quently determine her level by fast feedback loops from frequent and specific peer-reviews driven by the actual delivered value. Besides a natural engagement due to continuous feedback and consequently improving results, within this scenario it’s really difficult to deny emerging problems. Within the old way of thinking the organizations very often conflicts, work overload, sense of impotence, lack of decision power, absence of endorsement, unfair treatment and misalignments are among the real causes of failures. There is much more that can be done today, if only we let go of control, predictability and rigidity. LiquidO™ moves structures, processes and the organization itself away from the center, where it is assumed that people have to adapt to them, instead shifting the focus on people and truly empowering them to dynamically find their maximum value creation spot within the organization, expressing leadership effectively and without fear, naturally growing and being rewarded for this. Read the whole LiquidO™ whitepaper. It is available in Creative Commons at 12 COLLABORATIVE WORKING BOARD REPUTATION TRACKING CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNTING COLLABORATIVE DECISIONMAKING MEET LIQUIDO™ Cocooners - n° 1 - September 2016