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Unleashing organisa-
tional resilience
How can a European consortium effectively organize
the work of multiple actors around the long-term
challenge of empowering an interdisciplinary
knowledge infrastructure, across cultures, the world
over? Here is the story of thirteen academic institu-
tions which realized that building a research infra-
structure is not only about plans and deliverables [...]
Criteria for Beautiful
We, at Trainconsulting, have discussed and played
around with the concept of Beautiful Organisations
in the last few years. This has started to profoundly
change my view of organisations and their role in
society and for the environment.
Here are some thoughts on the criteria of what
beautiful organisations should do or avoid.
A word about
Cocoon Pro
What’s cooking in our
Meet LiquidOTM
Read at page 14 Read at page 10 Read at page 16
The time for
What’s the meaning of our work, if we pretend it
can happen in our own little bubble? Each of us has
a life journey, an intertwined flow of experiences,
beliefs, desires, fears, and intuitions. We deem all
of them sacred. Yet, there are realities to which we
all will eventually need to awaken. The microbiome
in our guts turns out to be our guts [...]
Read at page 4
Read at page 6 Read at page 8
bought a house. Now I’m making it home.
When I walked through the gate for the first time to see the
house advertised, I had that welcoming feeling that comes
with places that have a story to tell. It was May, and the trees
were in bloom. A magnolia tree had roots so thick it was even lifting
the entrance floor. After that visit, my wife cried as we got in the
car, like when you meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time
and you embrace them feeling their heart.
In the following months, while some jobs were being carried out
by specialized workers, I tried to personally take care of as many
things as possible. In the evenings, I often found myself with paint
drops on my face and hair, dirt under my nails, dirty clothes, and
cuts and scratches on my hands. This is what is making a house our
In our professional lives, we live in houses that are not necessarily
the offices where we work, nor are they the names on the signs of
the companies we collaborate with. They are intangible places of
creation. They are all the relationships we are part of, visible and
invisible, direct and indirect.
In reality, the name on the sign is just an attractor for these rela-
tionships, but not a constraint. Each of us participates in flows
of value creation that intertwine in unique and unpredictable
patterns. Closing them within a border due to dogmatic thinking is
a violation of freedom and of the infinite capacity to bring your full
self to the world.
In this intertwining of experiences, values, and
relationships, our home emerges. That place
where we feel welcomed and that we must
take care of. That place where we are happy to
struggle and get our hands dirty.
Where is your home?
How are you making it home?
hat substance are thoughts made of?
Thinking is an extraordinary yet so natural act
that we often take it for granted and, especially
in the West, we consider it an action that takes
place in the brain. As a result, many paths such as schooling focus on
enabling the mind “to do its job.” But what if the content of thoughts
goes beyond electrical impulses and electromagnetic waves?
Working with children, I have realized how much their knowledge
of the world actually comes from movement and the senses, and
every day I see the value of empowering adults with an approach to
reasoning that integrates the rational part and does not rely exclu-
sively on it.
Aware that centuries of science and philosophical dissertations lead
to often conflicting theories about the role of the brain, I bring here
one of the possible approaches that caught my attention.
Thinking means creating, processing, and using images that take
shape from concrete information that comes from experience and
interaction with the environment and society. The body is a means
of constructing thought when, through senses and receptors, we
gather stimuli from the world.
With this lens we can say that hands think and eyes do too, that
sounds, words and movements become images. Everything we
experience becomes the content of our thoughts.
Antonio Damasio said “The organism has some reasons that reason
must utilize.”
Let us allow ourselves to consciously use all of our senses every day;
let us eat by closing our eyes to savor our food,
feel the support of our foot on the ground
as we walk, enjoy a piece of music without
getting distracted. Let’s really listen to the
words of a friend or colleague.
Let’s use all the perceptual potential we have
to nurture our thoughts and create situations
in which thinking is not just a rational activity
but direct, tangible experience.
ome things are invisible to the uninhabited look.
The whereabouts of the moon during the daylight,
the generosity of the fungi underneath the trees, the
courage of a small step, the rhythm of a new cycle, the
world views and feelings that each one carries when showing up
for any collaborative endeavour.
Until a given moment… when you realise that the moon is visible
in daylight nearly every day.
That the forest wouldn’t hold space for so much life without the
gentle exchange below ground. That the journey was only possible
because of that tiny step. That adapting the pace is not a loss of
what once was, but a more harmonic way forward. That the fric-
tions and fluidness and inbetweeness that collaborative work is
undergoing is deeply interconnected with the different ways the
humans at play frame the world and how they feel.
Suddenly, we see. Suddenly, something changes.
Was it suddenly? Or has it been reaching out to us for a while now?
While the mind might wander distracted, the body re-minds.
From whispers to slow down to whispers that we are already
wearing new lenses more than ready to see the new world in front
of us, it often happens that we only perceive them when we trip
over. And that moment, also, still holds a beautiful and chal-
lenging invitation: to be present.
What if the key to generate anew lies in the
true inhabiting of life?
very now and then, I find myself thinking about how
the future will be for the new generations. Surely it is
because I have a little nephew and a niece, who is 17
years old.
I remember when she had to choose her high school*, she had
already decided it, commenting it with “what aunt did” because
she based her decision on her positive perception of how I live and
work today… Too bad she didn’t really understand what I do for
work. Moreover, the job I do today was a profession that, when I
chose my high school, I wasn’t even aware of its existence. *To be
clear, I am talking about how high school works in Italy: students
make a choice about their education at an early age of 13/14 years
old, they choose which higher secondary school they will attend
based on subjects (ex. scientific, artistic, etc.) or also professional
training (ex. graphic design).
Well, as much as I might like that she wanted to follow a path
inspired by my experience, I care about her so, I proposed to
accompany her to the various Open Days of different high schools
to allow her to see options and decide more properly. We had fun
and she was able to get to know various possibilities and meet
people who were studying different subjects. In the end, she chose
her path with more awareness (and different than mine).
I link this memory to what happens during our annual Ohana
Meetups. I think it’s a good space to do the same thing at whatever
age because there is a mix of people from all over
the world, driven by a similar vibe regarding
the evolution of the world of work. It’s a space
where to meet them, get to know their reality
and discuss topics of interest. It can nourish
our vision, broader our perception of what it’s
possible and also, inspire our path and growth.
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
We, at Trainconsulting, have discussed and
played around with the concept of Beautiful
Organisations in the last few years. This has
started to profoundly change my view of organ-
isations and their role in society and for the
Here are some thoughts on the criteria of what
beautiful organisations should do or avoid. They
are, of course, work-in-progress but with this we
want to start a dialogue in our ecosystem.
→ Constantly try to work for a better world (Club
of Rome: Earth for all, 2022)
The first criteria could be seen as a headline
and comprises the term better world, defined
following the latest Club of Rome publication
“Earth for all”1
: “It is feasible to redesign
economic and social policies to put our societies
on a pathway towards wellbeing for all within
planetary boundaries.” In the book, we find the
necessary “major upgrades” to get there: elimi-
nating poverty, reducing inequality, empowering
women, transforming the food system, energy
turnaround. Focusing on these upgrades organ-
isations will have an excellent orientation to
streamline their goals according to the big shifts
that an “earth for all” demands.
→ Process their beliefs and how these drive
Belief (systems) are the most concrete and
fundamental foundation for our aspirations and
motivation for our actions. They are much more
concrete than values and force us into deeper
self-reflection and awareness of our drivers.
How big is the responsibility of managers for
the ecosystem? Not only for profit but also for
the contribution of your organisation to the
wellbeing of all within the planetary boundaries?
As soon as we start to reflect and have dialogues
on such topics, we are already one step closer to
a better world.
Hartmut Rosa2
argues that human beings have
an innate need for resonance, defined as the
experience of being in harmony with oneself and
the world, and suggests that modern society has
led to a fragmentation and alienation of people
from themselves and their surroundings. This is
one of the major shifts necessary in the world we
live in. Organisations (people and society) need
to expand their focus towards and thus connect-
edness with the ecosystem, and therefore to also
meet the existing challenges. Being in resonance
means to constantly observe these phenomena
and to integrate positive actions for a better
world in business models and strategies.
→ Produce ethically (= re-generative and in
line with social and democratic standards) and
source from / invest in sustainable partners
Once resonance and awareness have risen, organ-
isations will increasingly focus on not exploiting
more than the earth can give, applying universal
Human Rights and maintaining social standards
in all parts of their value chain. As most companies
(people and nations) are far away from that status,
striving for ethical production, transforming
business models, services and products towards
circular models will be the challenge of our lifetime
and it needs to happen in the next 10 years. Let’s get
concrete: this means that every business strategy
should address these topics and the way forward.
We are glad to share the pages of this number of Cocooners
with Trainconsulting, one of the most committed organisa-
tions when it comes to enabling companies to thrive as they
embrace their environmental and social responsibility.
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
→ Be based on cooperation and dialogue
Our beliefs about leadership and management
need deep learning and change. Organisations
need more transparency, more dialogue. We
need spaces that hold us3
. Trust evolves there,
ambiguity and ambivalence can be expressed
and organisational interests and conflicts can
be processed and solved. Ultimately organisa-
tions are vessels of the utmost importance for
the social cohesion and for the healing of the
environmental crisis. Having called resonance
into play as one of the major shifts, we underline
it here. Only organisations that are built this way
will attract and retain people who care. And we as
customers will only care for such organisations.
→ Make sustainable profit
Sustainable means built for regeneration.
For organisations it also means stable profits
required to be able to invest in their own future,
capabilities and practices that help to continu-
ously innovate. Sustainable profits are needed to
become and remain beautiful.
I am deeply convinced that only those organ-
isations applying these or similar criteria and
continuously aiming to work for a better world
will survive in the long run. Nothing less than our
planet and our global society is at stake. Some good
news at the end: we already have (more and more)
beautiful companies moving in this direction and
yes, we still can change and save the world.
Making fresh energy
into effective agility
When we were first approached by this Italian
Banking Group to hire and train new young people,
we saw ourselves faced with the challenge of interpreting both
hiring and training anew, applying a lens of systemic value creation.
The missing links: why
efforts to effective agility
still clash
Is Agile finally dead? Agile, both as a methodology and a
mindset, has become dogmatic.
Developing healthy
Poorly organized work wastes money, damages people
and is bad for the environment too. This means leaders
have an ethical and moral imperative to design and and develop
healthy organisations which are not just high performing, but also...
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
1. Sandrine Dixson-Decleve et al: to the Club of
Rome: Earth for all, a survival guide for our planet,
oekom, 2022.
2. Hartmut Rosa: Resonanz, Suhrkamp, 2019.
3. Gianpiero Petriglieri, Insead.
aking sense
of the
between all these
elements constituted
the vital root for then
moving toward a
healthy evolution.
Following this first
iteration, two things
emerged strongly:
the eagerness of the
people involved to
contribute in having
an impact, and the
hen the
was born, the
perceived challenge
was how to foster
agility at work,
leveraging the
richness of the
while at the same
time navigating
as a unique body
towards the same
direction. In 2022
the leadership team
reached out to us and
we agreed to start by
engaging a selected
he X-Courses
proved to be
key to create a
shared language
and generate
momentum towards
the application of
the new learnings
to the Consortium
itself. The next
natural step was
therefore to organize
an “Iteration 0”
, a
two-day remote
workshop we held
in January 2023, in
which 19 participants
How can a European consortium effectively organize the work of multiple actors around the long-term challenge
of empowering an interdisciplinary knowledge infrastructure, across cultures, the world over?
Here is the story of thirteen academic institutions which realized that building a research infrastructure is not
only about plans and deliverables, but also shared sense-making and direction, and how we worked together to
kick-start their journey into adaptive organising.
group through
dedicated editions
of the “Making the
most out of Agile”
and “Adaptive Org
Design” X-Courses: a
few days experiential
training to explore
and co-learn around
what being agile
really means, how
to organize for
complexity and
variability, and
how to design for
from eight countries
met for an online
deep dive on the
current moment
in their trajectory
together. They could
explore and align on
their identity as a
team, the elements
that activate their
value generation
and resonance in the
broader ecosystem,
as well as their
aspirations for the
shared future.
need to find a clear
direction and improve
their delivery
accordingly, within
the constraints and
rules of their context.
The time was ripe for
the co-creation of a
shared organisational
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
he second
happened a few
weeks later, in
Leuven, in two
intense experiential
days where both
the social aspects
of the system and
the technical ones
were discussed and
merged. Armed with
tons of Lego bricks,
Rory Storycubes
and Dixit cards,
three facilitators
supported the group
he main output
of this step was
distilled using two
frameworks: the
organisation design
Compass and the
Human Evolution
System canvas, to
identify both the
guidance system and
the socio-technical
aspects that needed
to be changed to
practically move
in leveraging their
intuitive, emotional
and rational
intelligences, while
deciding upon the
key values and
guiding principles
that should inform
their organisational
towards the desired
future. More deeply,
the key outcome
resulted in deep
alignment and
systemic coherence.
In the end, they left
having built the
key stepping stone
for a far-reaching
journey of strategic
and organizational
to put a lot of energy on the what at the
expense of the how. Then the context
shifts and the capacity for adaptiveness
gets lost along the way. This customer
chose a different way. Here participants
dared to ask bold questions around how
to work as a team and came out with
a shared compass to keep actualizing
their vision without losing their way.
Together with the awareness of what an
enabling force human connection can
be, if deliberately nurtured.
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
5 8
Here’s to the system of value flows we work in. Our ecosystem. No initiative, tool,
competence, result can exist without roots in the liminal spaces between these
flows, between organizations, across narratives. Enjoy.
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
The time for coalescence
Read the full article
The Secret to leading organiza-
tional change is empathy
If you are a company leader hoping to undertake a successful organiza-
tional change, you need to make sure your team is onboard and moti-
vated to help make it happen. The following strategies can you help you
better understand your employees’ perspectives.
Wading through the Swamp:
the Radical Power of Ecosys-
The respected management scholar, Donald Schön, began his 1987 book,
The Education of the Reflective Practitioner as follows: “In the varied
topography of professional practice, there is a high, hard ground ...
Read the full article
What’s the meaning of our work, if we pretend it
can happen in our own little bubble? Each of us has
a life journey, an intertwined flow of experiences,
beliefs, desires, fears, and intuitions. We deem all
of them sacred. Yet, there are realities to which we
all will eventually need to awaken. The microbi-
ome in our guts turns out to be our guts. They are
us. Across both space and time, there is no bubble
in which we can hide. There is no limit to the rip-
ples of what we do, or do not do. This is a fact.
Once businesses realize this vital reality, there is
no longer space for “externalities”
, no space for any
egotism. It just doesn’t make sense anymore. As
around 20% of the world’s children and adolescents
have a mental health condition, with suicide the
second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-
olds, who can we blame? It’s all of us. Or it won’t be
In 2016 at Cocoon Pro, we realized that focus-
ing on the evolution of work toward Adaptive Organizing was far from
enough. That summer, in a remote venue in Umbria immersed in Nature,
we declared a new beginning. We decided to focus on interdependence and
coalescence: on work ecosystems. Since then, we have read, debated, re-
searched, and worked to dive deep into this ocean. In 2018, we transcended
our own governance reach, launching The Ohana Meetup, a yearly gather-
ing inviting to nurture the ecology of work across contexts, to show up and
to coalesce. In 2019, we decided that our own juridical structure wasn’t fit
for our intent anymore. And we started to redesign ourselves.
On this journey, we’ve come in touch with groups of people that have been
autonomously organizing the world over, giving their contribution to this
evolution. A culture of regeneration has been rising everywhere in a mul-
titude of forms. Permaculture, bio-regions, regenerative finance, collabo-
rative governance, solarpunk, are just a few examples of the names these
efforts have taken. Awareness and motivation have sprouted. Technological
tools exist. We have realized that now it’s about time to allow all of it to co-
alesce, to come together and give birth to the first examples of a better way.
This is where our stories intersect. This is the narrative we invite you to.
And this is what we are about to do, in practice. We are in the very pro-
cess of evolving Cocoon Pro into an emergent playground in which bold
and caring people can embody a better type of society together, a space of
belonging for different organizations and communities to come together
around vital streams of work.
If this resonates with you, please get in touch. It is about time to coalesce
into a better way.
Start from our public telegram
channel @CocoonPro
Read on Mozaic
Claudia Pellicori
What would it mean to create conditions
conducive to life, in all sectors, the world over?
We are used to considering answers as currency
for power and success. Yet, when the future is
uncertain, relying on questions turns out to
be a better move, especially when what is at
stake is the very same survival of our species
on earth.
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
That’s the kind of journey David Christian Wahl
invites us to, in his acclaimed book “Designing
Regenerative Cultures”. Offering tons of deep
questions and a broad range of insightful
examples - spanning from design to education,
tech, agriculture, business and society at
large - this book will help you wisely reframe
the crises we are facing, and explore how to
collectively steward our way into a healthier,
abundant and brighter future for all.
The Ohana Meet Up is more than just an event; it is a
tribe of people who believe in the power of commu-
nity and collaboration, working together to change
the world of work. We believe that when these peo-
ple come together, they can achieve the impossible.
On March 24th-25th 2023, we flew to Berlin for
our 6th edition of the Work Revolution Party. Pro-
fessionals, game-changers, and passionate peo-
ple reunited for two extraordinary days of sharing
experiences, knowledge, creativity, and emotions.
This year was an inspiring and energising mix of
body and mind sessions. Once again deep conversa-
ple gathering, making it unparalleled and unique.
If you are interested in being part of this tribe, save the date for the next Ohana Meet Up: 22-23 march
2024. Keep an eye on the OM website for updates on the location and other details. The tribe is eager to
meet you and continue the revolution!
Readying: tending the prelude
to change
Complexity of living systems is characterized by multicontextual, con-
stant responsive change. This creates continuation of some patterns and
discontinuation of others. While change is predictably constant, it is
unpredictable in direction and often occurs at ...
Read the full article
Stelio Verzera
Read on Mozaic
Anna Montanari
Read on Mozaic
by Daniel
Christian Wahl
A Story you need
to know
I work in an amazing organization. Since 2011,
when she was born I’ve never ever written
about her. I strongly believe that the value...
Self leadership is one of the hot topics I read
around, but what is it and why is it so...
Cocoon Pro: a place to
BE the long
Developing self
leadership to express
your full potential
On the road home: where I was.
In 2015, I left the Italian boot and I settled in
England. For the last 8 years, Brighton has...
Cocooners - n° 12 - October 2022 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
The Cocoon Pro Labs are our own innovation engine.
New knowledge, mastery and even new value proposition elements are developed here.
They are open and voluntary structures, working by specific processes designed for
proactively generating market-driven and high-quality value proposition.
It’s in the CP Labs that entrepreneurs and professional game-changers can express their best
contribution in the co-creation of the next Cocoon Pro.
SGS world by participating as a user
in two workshops led by the trainers
and designed for the occasion. Expe-
riencing both roles made it possible
to embrace SGS, enveil the backbone
of cognitive and neuroscientific
studies behind the approach and
finally appreciate its potential fully.
All in all, this was just the begin-
ning. Are you curious to discover
more of how SGS works? “To learn
it, you have to play with it”! In fact,
in the next few months there will be
some opportunities to do so. First a
Masterclass for those who attended
session for those who wish to start
the journey.
Reach out at
to know more and have updates!
After years of studies and hands-on
experience, in March 2023 the
first Serious Games System (SGS)
training in the world took place in
Rome, and it was mind blowing.
SGS is a framework sprouted
from the longstanding collab-
oration between Stelio Verzera
and Lucio Margulis in the field
of serious games. Its purpose is
to leverage the power of play to
enable deep learning and give life
to a powerful language to express
what we think, feel and intuit
over complex issues, way beyond
what rational awareness alone can
In March, 15 selected people were
able to experience it in depth,
during two intense days in which
fun,theoryandpracticemerged. To
amplify their learning, participants
were invited to wear two hats. First
that of the facilitator, who through
a few BEDT cycles (Brief-Expe-
rience-Debriefing-Theory) could
work hands-on to solve the chal-
lenges that the trainers had
proposed. Then, the hat of the
practitioner, to be immersed in the
Stay tuned for the publication of all
the active Labs and their work at
Mastery Trails
After 12 years of working worldwide
to help organisations evolve more
relevant, resilient, and resonating
ecosystems in high-complexity
contexts, we couldn’t but notice
how the notion of “expertise” has
lost its meaning and the role of
training must transform accord-
We asked: do certifications really
support professionals in their
effort towards evolution in a world
that requires new behaviors and
organizational results?
True change, the kind that signif-
icantly impacts people’s lives and
work, doesn’t happen in a day. To
achieve mastery, it is not enough to
participate in training or a course,
and there is no certificate that
stands alone. It takes practice and
patience, and making the journey
alongside people who have done
it before us and who guide us with
their experience.
The idea of the Mastery Trails was
born from these very concepts.
We have been experimenting and
working with the best interna-
tional partners towards generating
experiences that support people in
making their own steps on the path
of true evolution.
The Mastery Trails are dedicated
paths on specific topics made up of
training experiences that combine
practice, theory, and feedback.
They consist of four recognised
phases to accompany participants
from an initial awareness phase to
the development of full mastery
and are designed to navigate the
unique characteristics and needs of
each participant so that everyone
can choose how far to go on the
We have two Mastery Trails in
Adaptive Organising and Facilita-
tion starting in September!
If you wish to explore more and take
up your mastery journey with us,
A Cocoon Pro Jam happens twice per year, at the beginning of each half. It is the most important CP governance event,
open to all members and contributors and lasting two or three days. During the CP Jam we cocreate our direction for the next
6 months. Here below you can have a peek at our last Jam.
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
Where should we put our focus for the next six months? The CP
Jam is the bi-annual heartbeat where we learn how to navigate this
question fully, engaging the whole Cocoon in a two-days deep dive
where we make sense of where we are going by aligning on where we
have been, and sense what is emerging by leveraging the perceptions,
experience, passion and wisdom of all the people involved.
In January we gathered in our headquarters in Rome exactly for our
Winter Jam. By playing seriously, mixing tools and conversations, free
wandering and bold sessions, we explored who we can be when at our
fullest. And came out with a clear horizon to inform our choices for
the next six months.
Using serious games to envision how to be at our fullest
#CPJam @CocoonPro @juego_serio #evolution #strategy
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
Talking about the multiple crises mankind is facing has become
increasingly sensationalistic. Shall we talk, instead, of the depth
of the care we are able to put in raising the new?
Shall we focus on making work — any work — into love made
visible? #CPjam #2023H1 @CocoonPro
This is gonna be epic. Today was just the eve of our #CPjam and
both the quality and the energy of the conversation were through
the roof! Can’t wait to get the brains party started tomorrow
#2023H1 @CocoonPro
We are a living organism. Truly. Different dimensions of life are part
of it and they breathe together going in the same direction.
#CPJam #2023H1 #evolution #work #people
Anna Montanari
Victor Gobatto Alves
I sat for the first time in a circle with humble, brave and
passionate people who came together to reprioritise, get
challenged, play and envision. I felt a sense of place, it was
like stepping through the door steps of home!
A way to share the exploration of the unknown and
bring amazing results with people willing to connect
with themselves and those willing to bring change. It’s
as exciting as a teenager’s first kiss!
#Shareiscare #Meaningfulconnections
There can be other ways to act, to think, to be silent, to converse, to
be together, to learn. Beyond the usual language #cpjam #2023h1
#evolution #revolution #unlearnandrelearn w/ @CocoonPro
At the #CpJam this year I realized we are able to achieve the
impossible. And sometimes we do it without even realizing it.
Thanks Ohana! #2023h1 #work #family #love
Jam is where in a time-space of two days you can align on what is
present, envision future steps, meet live amazing colleagues, weave
caring bonds that will make next months’ remote work fulfilling
and even more meaningful. Happening now. #CpJam #2023H1 #life
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023
14 15
14 15
Cocoon Pro is a last-generation company devoted to enabling a
healthy evolution of the very concept of work, worldwide since 2011.
Her customers are organizations longing for deep shifts in how people
and technologies, together, can raise unprecedented performance.
It’s been designed to be effective, open and adaptive for cultivating
evolutionary mastery. First in Europe in devising acompletelyemer-
gent organizational setup, and known globally as a “small giant”
generating exponential value, Cocoon Pro is directly involved in the
edge of international efforts evolving work itself.
We foster the birth of a world of work based on interbeing aware-
ness and generative practices. And we know that this quest enables
unparalleled levels of relevance, resilience and resonance for our
Customers. We’re able to design and co-execute tailored evolu-
tionary paths for any organization on the many interdependent
scopes of this scenario.
Our goal is to make this change really happen.
We work with about 40 different tools, and commit to
continuous mastery development on each.
All the tools we use are devised to engage the whole-
ness of the person, rational and emotional.
Whatever the mix of tools we design for, our utmost
attention is on the flow experience of the participants,
be it live or remotely.
Over many years, we have seen all kinds of people
having fun while achieving their greatest results.
In Cocoon Pro we practice first-hand and continuously evolve
today’s most relevant work principles and techniques. These
ongoing flows of learning, together with intense and contin-
uous field operations at the side of national and international
Customers, highlight Cocoon Pro as the ideal partner for true
strategic and operational evolution.
We have designed our whole service framework to provide
you with sound results in boosting three vital and interde-
pendent characteristics of your organization: relevance,
resilience and resonance.
How to have a bearing on your stakeholders’ lives in
a rapidly changing world? Surviving as an organiza-
tion implies keeping your relevance. Growing it, means
attracting increasing streams of resources from all of your
stakeholders and, ultimately, thriving.
The rate of change is bursting. Your work scenario evolves
quickly, and it impacts both your decision making and opera-
tional priority management. Resilience is, at least, the ability to
adjust to the stress of these changes. At best, it is feeding on it
and becoming stronger and better.
In a context of increasing complexity, the good news is that
exponential dynamics are readily at hand. Instead of focusing
on warfare-like strategies based on conquering and protecting,
you can now tap into ecosystemic opportunities able to amplify
your energies by orders of magnitude.
The Evolution Flow integrates in a coherent framework entire systems
of thought like Socio-Technical Systems Theory, Lean Thinking,
Complex Adaptive Systems theory, and it is based on a few original
conceptual frameworks of what a human work-system is and how it
evolves towards its full potential.
Applying it is an iterative journey based on the careful repetition of
three steps. First, disturbing the work system, introducing some-
thing that calls for an adaptation. Second, discovering how the system
digests it, in the whole of its depth. Third, directing the energy that
this variation generates towards the desired evolution, also building
momentum for the next iteration.
We carefully introduce new habits as disturbances, able to nurture
three types of evolution in harmony with each other: operational,
behavioral, and psychological evolution. And we do it through the
design and execution of group or large-group workshops, operational
coaching, work-system design sessions, methodological and founda-
tional inceptions, internal events, work-streams and communities
seeding and evolution.
We work iteratively. Establishing a rhythmic heartbeat of small inter-
ventions for a deep and concrete evolution. Our commitment is to
leave you better at every iteration, while we navigate towards your full
potential. Our own way of doing so is called Evolution Flow, and it
is the result of more than 10 years of experiences working with very
different organizations all around the world, deep study across many
decades of work and methodologies by outstanding giants, and — not
least — a decade of collaborations with experienced professionals
in the domains of org development, change, strategy, org design,
psychology, team work, and much more.
The Evolution Flow is the art, science and craft of answering one
simple and key question:
As simple as the question is, finding good answers requires a profound
respect for the identity, context and trajectory of each organization. It
demands attention to the whole depth of the human system and, most
importantly, to the intimate relationships between its technical and
social layers.
What is the next natural step of evolution
that this organization can make?
In the evolution of your organization across the three
scopes of relevance, resilience and resonance, we
provide specific services in these nine different areas
Learn more about the Evolution Flow here
What is LiquidO™
You might have heard of a new breed of organisational models, responding
to the fast growing adaptability, engagement and collaboration needs
the sound problems of slowness, rigidity, bureaucracy, disengagement
along with various kinds of waste and bottlenecks that “traditional”
organisational models generate and suffer nowadays.
This is what LiquidOTM
is all about: the original “liquid organisation”
model for governance, born from direct experience within Cocoon Pro
and in use in a growing number of for profit and not-for-profit organisa-
tions willing to get liquid.
Liquefying an organization means disrupting the industrial-age driven
assumptions on which rigid structures are designed and move on to make
it adaptive, dynamic and anti-fragile. Based on lean management and
open collaboration principles, the LiquidOTM
model is fluid,
meritocratic and value-driven, enabling stigmergic
behaviour and “organic” effectiveness.
Why you would
want it in your
Rigidly structured organiza-
tions cannot cope with the
current pace of innovation
and its complexity, let
alone exploit it. We need a
completely different mindset
and consequently new models.
And we need them to be simple
and people-centric.
This is exactly why LiquidO™
was born.
1. Real-time adaptability.
The industrial age organisational approach, where
each area is defined as a restricted group of activities coherent
to one another, has its biggest limitations in the risk to fall in fragmented,
sealed administration and culture. As the company grows, so grows the
complex ramification, branching and costs of these models. Lack of
communication, heavy bureaucracy, disastrous efficiency.
The completely different perspective realized by LiquidO™
, in fact relying
on people and competences without fixed roles, provides an integrated
and adaptive business management scenario shifted to a systemic
approach, pragmatically meritocratic and inherently capable of real time
adaptability to any context. It’s just like water, some would say.
2. Better and faster information processing.
Hierarchies are a sound bottleneck both for decision making and compe-
tences evolution. Too many info to process in order to succeed. Moreover,
on the other hand, the distance between where and how in the organi-
zation strategies are created, and where and how they have to be executed
too often creates waste, lack of effectiveness or even complete failure.
Non-peer evaluation, silos and recruiting inefficiency are additional
heavy side-defects of an organizational design philosophy based on the
two illusions of control and predictability, and therefore actualized with
structural divisions between thinking and doing.
LiquidO™ is a viable and operational way to let all the brilliant people in
the company effectively emerge. Anybody can join each wave, surf it and
enrich it, so to say. And leveraging different viewpoints, backgrounds and
competences today is definitely critical to succeed in taking better and
faster decisions.
3. Engagement and spontaneous leadership.
People are key in this picture. In fact, within
LiquidO™ everyone can decide whether to
join a process or not, try, and conse-
quently determine her level by fast
feedback loops from frequent and
specific peer-reviews driven by
the actual delivered value.
Besides a natural engagement
due to continuous feedback
and consequently improving
results, within this scenario
it’s really difficult to deny
emerging problems. Within
the old way of thinking the
organizations very often
conflicts, work overload, sense
of impotence, lack of decision
power, absence of endorsement,
unfair treatment and misalignments
are among the real causes of failures.
There is much more that can be done today, if
only we let go of control, predictability and rigidity.
LiquidO™ moves structures, processes and the organization
itself away from the center, where it is assumed that people have to adapt
to them, instead shifting the focus on people and truly empowering
them to dynamically find their maximum value creation spot within
the organization, expressing leadership effectively and without fear,
naturally growing and being rewarded for this.
Read the whole LiquidO™ whitepaper. It is available in
Creative Commons at
Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023

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  • 1. COCOONERS Unleashing organisa- tional resilience How can a European consortium effectively organize the work of multiple actors around the long-term challenge of empowering an interdisciplinary knowledge infrastructure, across cultures, the world over? Here is the story of thirteen academic institu- tions which realized that building a research infra- structure is not only about plans and deliverables [...] Criteria for Beautiful Organisations We, at Trainconsulting, have discussed and played around with the concept of Beautiful Organisations in the last few years. This has started to profoundly change my view of organisations and their role in society and for the environment. Here are some thoughts on the criteria of what beautiful organisations should do or avoid. A word about Cocoon Pro What’s cooking in our LABS Meet LiquidOTM OUR STORY IS YOUR STORY FROM THE FAMILY COCOONERS IS PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER N°13 - MARCH 2023 MAKING IT HAPPEN Read at page 14 Read at page 10 Read at page 16 The time for coalescence What’s the meaning of our work, if we pretend it can happen in our own little bubble? Each of us has a life journey, an intertwined flow of experiences, beliefs, desires, fears, and intuitions. We deem all of them sacred. Yet, there are realities to which we all will eventually need to awaken. The microbiome in our guts turns out to be our guts [...] Read at page 4 Read at page 6 Read at page 8 LIVE FROM THE ECOSYSTEM TOUCH YOUR STORY
  • 2. 2 I bought a house. Now I’m making it home. When I walked through the gate for the first time to see the house advertised, I had that welcoming feeling that comes with places that have a story to tell. It was May, and the trees were in bloom. A magnolia tree had roots so thick it was even lifting the entrance floor. After that visit, my wife cried as we got in the car, like when you meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time and you embrace them feeling their heart. In the following months, while some jobs were being carried out by specialized workers, I tried to personally take care of as many things as possible. In the evenings, I often found myself with paint drops on my face and hair, dirt under my nails, dirty clothes, and cuts and scratches on my hands. This is what is making a house our home. In our professional lives, we live in houses that are not necessarily the offices where we work, nor are they the names on the signs of the companies we collaborate with. They are intangible places of creation. They are all the relationships we are part of, visible and invisible, direct and indirect. In reality, the name on the sign is just an attractor for these rela- tionships, but not a constraint. Each of us participates in flows of value creation that intertwine in unique and unpredictable patterns. Closing them within a border due to dogmatic thinking is a violation of freedom and of the infinite capacity to bring your full self to the world. In this intertwining of experiences, values, and relationships, our home emerges. That place where we feel welcomed and that we must take care of. That place where we are happy to struggle and get our hands dirty. Where is your home? How are you making it home? WHAT’S UP W hat substance are thoughts made of? Thinking is an extraordinary yet so natural act that we often take it for granted and, especially in the West, we consider it an action that takes place in the brain. As a result, many paths such as schooling focus on enabling the mind “to do its job.” But what if the content of thoughts goes beyond electrical impulses and electromagnetic waves? Working with children, I have realized how much their knowledge of the world actually comes from movement and the senses, and every day I see the value of empowering adults with an approach to reasoning that integrates the rational part and does not rely exclu- sively on it. Aware that centuries of science and philosophical dissertations lead to often conflicting theories about the role of the brain, I bring here one of the possible approaches that caught my attention. Thinking means creating, processing, and using images that take shape from concrete information that comes from experience and interaction with the environment and society. The body is a means of constructing thought when, through senses and receptors, we gather stimuli from the world. With this lens we can say that hands think and eyes do too, that sounds, words and movements become images. Everything we experience becomes the content of our thoughts. Antonio Damasio said “The organism has some reasons that reason must utilize.” Let us allow ourselves to consciously use all of our senses every day; let us eat by closing our eyes to savor our food, feel the support of our foot on the ground as we walk, enjoy a piece of music without getting distracted. Let’s really listen to the words of a friend or colleague. Let’s use all the perceptual potential we have to nurture our thoughts and create situations in which thinking is not just a rational activity but direct, tangible experience. 3 S ome things are invisible to the uninhabited look. The whereabouts of the moon during the daylight, the generosity of the fungi underneath the trees, the courage of a small step, the rhythm of a new cycle, the world views and feelings that each one carries when showing up for any collaborative endeavour. Until a given moment… when you realise that the moon is visible in daylight nearly every day. That the forest wouldn’t hold space for so much life without the gentle exchange below ground. That the journey was only possible because of that tiny step. That adapting the pace is not a loss of what once was, but a more harmonic way forward. That the fric- tions and fluidness and inbetweeness that collaborative work is undergoing is deeply interconnected with the different ways the humans at play frame the world and how they feel. Suddenly, we see. Suddenly, something changes. Was it suddenly? Or has it been reaching out to us for a while now? While the mind might wander distracted, the body re-minds. From whispers to slow down to whispers that we are already wearing new lenses more than ready to see the new world in front of us, it often happens that we only perceive them when we trip over. And that moment, also, still holds a beautiful and chal- lenging invitation: to be present. What if the key to generate anew lies in the true inhabiting of life? WORK HARD. PLAY HARDER SOME OF OUR HIGHLIGHTS FORTHE SECOND HALF OF 2022 6ACTIVE CORETEAMS 15 PEOPLE INVOLVED 3 COUNTRIES INVOLVED COCOON CORETEAMS TALKINGABOUT US 5 NEW CONTRIBUTORS 4 PEOPLE SHIFTS 3 COUNTRIES INVOLVED CP OPEN GOVERNANCE 3 E very now and then, I find myself thinking about how the future will be for the new generations. Surely it is because I have a little nephew and a niece, who is 17 years old. I remember when she had to choose her high school*, she had already decided it, commenting it with “what aunt did” because she based her decision on her positive perception of how I live and work today… Too bad she didn’t really understand what I do for work. Moreover, the job I do today was a profession that, when I chose my high school, I wasn’t even aware of its existence. *To be clear, I am talking about how high school works in Italy: students make a choice about their education at an early age of 13/14 years old, they choose which higher secondary school they will attend based on subjects (ex. scientific, artistic, etc.) or also professional training (ex. graphic design). Well, as much as I might like that she wanted to follow a path inspired by my experience, I care about her so, I proposed to accompany her to the various Open Days of different high schools to allow her to see options and decide more properly. We had fun and she was able to get to know various possibilities and meet people who were studying different subjects. In the end, she chose her path with more awareness (and different than mine). I link this memory to what happens during our annual Ohana Meetups. I think it’s a good space to do the same thing at whatever age because there is a mix of people from all over the world, driven by a similar vibe regarding the evolution of the world of work. It’s a space where to meet them, get to know their reality and discuss topics of interest. It can nourish our vision, broader our perception of what it’s possible and also, inspire our path and growth. UNGUESS RESILIENCE EU FORBES 1 EODF CONFERENCE 1WORK ECOSYSTEMS PANEL 1 CHANGE PLAYING MEETUP KEY INITIATIVES Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 ALESSANDRA CIANCHETTINI EMANUELE RAPISARDA ISABELA CARIA MILUSKA OJEDA
  • 3. We, at Trainconsulting, have discussed and played around with the concept of Beautiful Organisations in the last few years. This has started to profoundly change my view of organ- isations and their role in society and for the environment. Here are some thoughts on the criteria of what beautiful organisations should do or avoid. They are, of course, work-in-progress but with this we want to start a dialogue in our ecosystem. → Constantly try to work for a better world (Club of Rome: Earth for all, 2022) The first criteria could be seen as a headline and comprises the term better world, defined following the latest Club of Rome publication “Earth for all”1 : “It is feasible to redesign economic and social policies to put our societies on a pathway towards wellbeing for all within planetary boundaries.” In the book, we find the necessary “major upgrades” to get there: elimi- nating poverty, reducing inequality, empowering women, transforming the food system, energy turnaround. Focusing on these upgrades organ- isations will have an excellent orientation to streamline their goals according to the big shifts that an “earth for all” demands. → Process their beliefs and how these drive behaviour Belief (systems) are the most concrete and fundamental foundation for our aspirations and motivation for our actions. They are much more concrete than values and force us into deeper self-reflection and awareness of our drivers. How big is the responsibility of managers for the ecosystem? Not only for profit but also for the contribution of your organisation to the wellbeing of all within the planetary boundaries? As soon as we start to reflect and have dialogues on such topics, we are already one step closer to a better world. →Beinresonancewith(their)ecosystem/people Hartmut Rosa2 argues that human beings have an innate need for resonance, defined as the experience of being in harmony with oneself and the world, and suggests that modern society has led to a fragmentation and alienation of people from themselves and their surroundings. This is one of the major shifts necessary in the world we live in. Organisations (people and society) need to expand their focus towards and thus connect- edness with the ecosystem, and therefore to also meet the existing challenges. Being in resonance means to constantly observe these phenomena and to integrate positive actions for a better world in business models and strategies. → Produce ethically (= re-generative and in line with social and democratic standards) and source from / invest in sustainable partners Once resonance and awareness have risen, organ- isations will increasingly focus on not exploiting more than the earth can give, applying universal Human Rights and maintaining social standards in all parts of their value chain. As most companies (people and nations) are far away from that status, striving for ethical production, transforming business models, services and products towards circular models will be the challenge of our lifetime and it needs to happen in the next 10 years. Let’s get concrete: this means that every business strategy should address these topics and the way forward. We are glad to share the pages of this number of Cocooners with Trainconsulting, one of the most committed organisa- tions when it comes to enabling companies to thrive as they embrace their environmental and social responsibility. FROM THE FAMILY BY LOTHAR WENZL CRITERIA FOR BEAUTIFUL ORGANISATIONS Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 → Be based on cooperation and dialogue Our beliefs about leadership and management need deep learning and change. Organisations need more transparency, more dialogue. We need spaces that hold us3 . Trust evolves there, ambiguity and ambivalence can be expressed and organisational interests and conflicts can be processed and solved. Ultimately organisa- tions are vessels of the utmost importance for the social cohesion and for the healing of the environmental crisis. Having called resonance into play as one of the major shifts, we underline it here. Only organisations that are built this way will attract and retain people who care. And we as customers will only care for such organisations. → Make sustainable profit Sustainable means built for regeneration. For organisations it also means stable profits required to be able to invest in their own future, capabilities and practices that help to continu- ously innovate. Sustainable profits are needed to become and remain beautiful. I am deeply convinced that only those organ- isations applying these or similar criteria and continuously aiming to work for a better world will survive in the long run. Nothing less than our planet and our global society is at stake. Some good news at the end: we already have (more and more) beautiful companies moving in this direction and yes, we still can change and save the world. COCOON PRO WEB HIGHLIGHTS 5 Making fresh energy into effective agility When we were first approached by this Italian Banking Group to hire and train new young people, we saw ourselves faced with the challenge of interpreting both hiring and training anew, applying a lens of systemic value creation. The missing links: why efforts to effective agility still clash Is Agile finally dead? Agile, both as a methodology and a mindset, has become dogmatic. Developing healthy organizations Poorly organized work wastes money, damages people and is bad for the environment too. This means leaders have an ethical and moral imperative to design and and develop healthy organisations which are not just high performing, but also... Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 4 ___________ 1. Sandrine Dixson-Decleve et al: to the Club of Rome: Earth for all, a survival guide for our planet, oekom, 2022. 2. Hartmut Rosa: Resonanz, Suhrkamp, 2019. 3. Gianpiero Petriglieri, Insead.
  • 4. A FIRST STEP DEEP DIVE WORKINGDAYS SYSTEMIC COHERENCE PLAYING SERIOUSLY M aking sense of the interrelationships between all these elements constituted the vital root for then moving toward a healthy evolution. Following this first iteration, two things emerged strongly: the eagerness of the people involved to contribute in having an impact, and the 6 W hen the consortium was born, the perceived challenge was how to foster agility at work, leveraging the richness of the multicultural environment while at the same time navigating as a unique body towards the same direction. In 2022 the leadership team reached out to us and we agreed to start by engaging a selected T he X-Courses proved to be key to create a shared language and generate momentum towards the application of the new learnings to the Consortium itself. The next natural step was therefore to organize an “Iteration 0” , a two-day remote workshop we held in January 2023, in which 19 participants How can a European consortium effectively organize the work of multiple actors around the long-term challenge of empowering an interdisciplinary knowledge infrastructure, across cultures, the world over? Here is the story of thirteen academic institutions which realized that building a research infrastructure is not only about plans and deliverables, but also shared sense-making and direction, and how we worked together to kick-start their journey into adaptive organising. group through dedicated editions of the “Making the most out of Agile” and “Adaptive Org Design” X-Courses: a few days experiential training to explore and co-learn around what being agile really means, how to organize for complexity and variability, and how to design for adaptiveness. from eight countries met for an online deep dive on the current moment in their trajectory together. They could explore and align on their identity as a team, the elements that activate their value generation and resonance in the broader ecosystem, as well as their aspirations for the shared future. need to find a clear direction and improve their delivery accordingly, within the constraints and rules of their context. The time was ripe for the co-creation of a shared organisational compass. OUR STORY IS YOUR STORY RESILIENCE UNLEASHING ORGANISATIONAL Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 7 T he second iteration happened a few weeks later, in Leuven, in two intense experiential days where both the social aspects of the system and the technical ones were discussed and merged. Armed with tons of Lego bricks, Rory Storycubes and Dixit cards, three facilitators supported the group T he main output of this step was distilled using two complementary frameworks: the organisation design Compass and the Human Evolution System canvas, to identify both the guidance system and the socio-technical aspects that needed to be changed to practically move in leveraging their intuitive, emotional and rational intelligences, while deciding upon the key values and guiding principles that should inform their organisational choices. towards the desired future. More deeply, the key outcome resulted in deep alignment and systemic coherence. In the end, they left having built the key stepping stone for a far-reaching journey of strategic and organizational evolution. Inpursuingambitiousaims,it’scommon to put a lot of energy on the what at the expense of the how. Then the context shifts and the capacity for adaptiveness gets lost along the way. This customer chose a different way. Here participants dared to ask bold questions around how to work as a team and came out with a shared compass to keep actualizing their vision without losing their way. Together with the awareness of what an enabling force human connection can be, if deliberately nurtured. FINAL THOUGHTS Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 6WORKSHOPS PARTICIPANTS 20 SOME DATA FACILITATORS 5 8 EVOLUTIONARY TENSION
  • 5. Here’s to the system of value flows we work in. Our ecosystem. No initiative, tool, competence, result can exist without roots in the liminal spaces between these flows, between organizations, across narratives. Enjoy. Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 LIVE FROM THE ECOSYSTEM NURTURING SHARED VALUE The time for coalescence 8 STUFF WE’VE LOVED READING! Read the full article The Secret to leading organiza- tional change is empathy If you are a company leader hoping to undertake a successful organiza- tional change, you need to make sure your team is onboard and moti- vated to help make it happen. The following strategies can you help you better understand your employees’ perspectives. Wading through the Swamp: the Radical Power of Ecosys- tems-as-Processes The respected management scholar, Donald Schön, began his 1987 book, The Education of the Reflective Practitioner as follows: “In the varied topography of professional practice, there is a high, hard ground ... Read the full article What’s the meaning of our work, if we pretend it can happen in our own little bubble? Each of us has a life journey, an intertwined flow of experiences, beliefs, desires, fears, and intuitions. We deem all of them sacred. Yet, there are realities to which we all will eventually need to awaken. The microbi- ome in our guts turns out to be our guts. They are us. Across both space and time, there is no bubble in which we can hide. There is no limit to the rip- ples of what we do, or do not do. This is a fact. Once businesses realize this vital reality, there is no longer space for “externalities” , no space for any egotism. It just doesn’t make sense anymore. As around 20% of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition, with suicide the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year- olds, who can we blame? It’s all of us. Or it won’t be anyone. In 2016 at Cocoon Pro, we realized that focus- ing on the evolution of work toward Adaptive Organizing was far from enough. That summer, in a remote venue in Umbria immersed in Nature, we declared a new beginning. We decided to focus on interdependence and coalescence: on work ecosystems. Since then, we have read, debated, re- searched, and worked to dive deep into this ocean. In 2018, we transcended our own governance reach, launching The Ohana Meetup, a yearly gather- ing inviting to nurture the ecology of work across contexts, to show up and to coalesce. In 2019, we decided that our own juridical structure wasn’t fit for our intent anymore. And we started to redesign ourselves. On this journey, we’ve come in touch with groups of people that have been autonomously organizing the world over, giving their contribution to this evolution. A culture of regeneration has been rising everywhere in a mul- titude of forms. Permaculture, bio-regions, regenerative finance, collabo- rative governance, solarpunk, are just a few examples of the names these efforts have taken. Awareness and motivation have sprouted. Technological tools exist. We have realized that now it’s about time to allow all of it to co- alesce, to come together and give birth to the first examples of a better way. This is where our stories intersect. This is the narrative we invite you to. And this is what we are about to do, in practice. We are in the very pro- cess of evolving Cocoon Pro into an emergent playground in which bold and caring people can embody a better type of society together, a space of belonging for different organizations and communities to come together around vital streams of work. If this resonates with you, please get in touch. It is about time to coalesce into a better way. Start from our public telegram channel @CocoonPro 9 Read on Mozaic Claudia Pellicori OHANA MEETUP What would it mean to create conditions conducive to life, in all sectors, the world over? We are used to considering answers as currency for power and success. Yet, when the future is uncertain, relying on questions turns out to be a better move, especially when what is at stake is the very same survival of our species on earth. SPOT ON: HERE’S HOW IT FELT Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 FRESH STORIES FROM MOZAIC That’s the kind of journey David Christian Wahl invites us to, in his acclaimed book “Designing Regenerative Cultures”. Offering tons of deep questions and a broad range of insightful examples - spanning from design to education, tech, agriculture, business and society at large - this book will help you wisely reframe the crises we are facing, and explore how to collectively steward our way into a healthier, abundant and brighter future for all. The Ohana Meet Up is more than just an event; it is a tribe of people who believe in the power of commu- nity and collaboration, working together to change the world of work. We believe that when these peo- ple come together, they can achieve the impossible. On March 24th-25th 2023, we flew to Berlin for our 6th edition of the Work Revolution Party. Pro- fessionals, game-changers, and passionate peo- ple reunited for two extraordinary days of sharing experiences, knowledge, creativity, and emotions. This year was an inspiring and energising mix of body and mind sessions. Once again deep conversa- tionsemergedfromtheneedsanddesiresofthepeo- ple gathering, making it unparalleled and unique. If you are interested in being part of this tribe, save the date for the next Ohana Meet Up: 22-23 march 2024. Keep an eye on the OM website for updates on the location and other details. The tribe is eager to meet you and continue the revolution! Readying: tending the prelude to change Complexity of living systems is characterized by multicontextual, con- stant responsive change. This creates continuation of some patterns and discontinuation of others. While change is predictably constant, it is unpredictable in direction and often occurs at ... Read the full article Stelio Verzera Read on Mozaic Anna Montanari Read on Mozaic VISIT FIND THE BOOK by Daniel Christian Wahl A Story you need to know I work in an amazing organization. Since 2011, when she was born I’ve never ever written about her. I strongly believe that the value... Self leadership is one of the hot topics I read around, but what is it and why is it so... Cocoon Pro: a place to BE the long Developing self leadership to express your full potential On the road home: where I was. In 2015, I left the Italian boot and I settled in England. For the last 8 years, Brighton has...
  • 6. Cocooners - n° 12 - October 2022 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 IN OUR COOKING LABS The Cocoon Pro Labs are our own innovation engine. New knowledge, mastery and even new value proposition elements are developed here. They are open and voluntary structures, working by specific processes designed for proactively generating market-driven and high-quality value proposition. It’s in the CP Labs that entrepreneurs and professional game-changers can express their best contribution in the co-creation of the next Cocoon Pro. 11 SGS world by participating as a user in two workshops led by the trainers and designed for the occasion. Expe- riencing both roles made it possible to embrace SGS, enveil the backbone of cognitive and neuroscientific studies behind the approach and finally appreciate its potential fully. All in all, this was just the begin- ning. Are you curious to discover more of how SGS works? “To learn it, you have to play with it”! In fact, in the next few months there will be some opportunities to do so. First a Masterclass for those who attended thetraining,andthenanewPrimary session for those who wish to start the journey. Reach out at to know more and have updates! After years of studies and hands-on experience, in March 2023 the first Serious Games System (SGS) training in the world took place in Rome, and it was mind blowing. SGS is a framework sprouted from the longstanding collab- oration between Stelio Verzera and Lucio Margulis in the field of serious games. Its purpose is to leverage the power of play to enable deep learning and give life to a powerful language to express what we think, feel and intuit over complex issues, way beyond what rational awareness alone can express. In March, 15 selected people were able to experience it in depth, during two intense days in which fun,theoryandpracticemerged. To amplify their learning, participants were invited to wear two hats. First that of the facilitator, who through a few BEDT cycles (Brief-Expe- rience-Debriefing-Theory) could work hands-on to solve the chal- lenges that the trainers had proposed. Then, the hat of the practitioner, to be immersed in the SGS Lab 10 Stay tuned for the publication of all the active Labs and their work at Mastery Trails After 12 years of working worldwide to help organisations evolve more relevant, resilient, and resonating ecosystems in high-complexity contexts, we couldn’t but notice how the notion of “expertise” has lost its meaning and the role of training must transform accord- ingly. We asked: do certifications really support professionals in their effort towards evolution in a world that requires new behaviors and organizational results? True change, the kind that signif- icantly impacts people’s lives and work, doesn’t happen in a day. To achieve mastery, it is not enough to participate in training or a course, and there is no certificate that stands alone. It takes practice and patience, and making the journey alongside people who have done it before us and who guide us with their experience. The idea of the Mastery Trails was born from these very concepts. We have been experimenting and working with the best interna- tional partners towards generating experiences that support people in making their own steps on the path of true evolution. The Mastery Trails are dedicated paths on specific topics made up of training experiences that combine practice, theory, and feedback. They consist of four recognised phases to accompany participants from an initial awareness phase to the development of full mastery and are designed to navigate the unique characteristics and needs of each participant so that everyone can choose how far to go on the journey. We have two Mastery Trails in Adaptive Organising and Facilita- tion starting in September! If you wish to explore more and take up your mastery journey with us, visit:
  • 7. ” JAM NEWS A Cocoon Pro Jam happens twice per year, at the beginning of each half. It is the most important CP governance event, open to all members and contributors and lasting two or three days. During the CP Jam we cocreate our direction for the next 6 months. Here below you can have a peek at our last Jam. 12 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 HIGHLIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS Where should we put our focus for the next six months? The CP Jam is the bi-annual heartbeat where we learn how to navigate this question fully, engaging the whole Cocoon in a two-days deep dive where we make sense of where we are going by aligning on where we have been, and sense what is emerging by leveraging the perceptions, experience, passion and wisdom of all the people involved. In January we gathered in our headquarters in Rome exactly for our Winter Jam. By playing seriously, mixing tools and conversations, free wandering and bold sessions, we explored who we can be when at our fullest. And came out with a clear horizon to inform our choices for the next six months. #CPJAM @Guido_Martini Using serious games to envision how to be at our fullest #CPJam @CocoonPro @juego_serio #evolution #strategy Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 13 @ShiverTweet Talking about the multiple crises mankind is facing has become increasingly sensationalistic. Shall we talk, instead, of the depth of the care we are able to put in raising the new? Shall we focus on making work — any work — into love made visible? #CPjam #2023H1 @CocoonPro @ShiverTweet This is gonna be epic. Today was just the eve of our #CPjam and both the quality and the energy of the conversation were through the roof! Can’t wait to get the brains party started tomorrow #2023H1 @CocoonPro @hoxeheome We are a living organism. Truly. Different dimensions of life are part of it and they breathe together going in the same direction. #CPJam #2023H1 #evolution #work #people MY FIRST JAM “ Anna Montanari #Circleofstories Victor Gobatto Alves “ ” I sat for the first time in a circle with humble, brave and passionate people who came together to reprioritise, get challenged, play and envision. I felt a sense of place, it was like stepping through the door steps of home! A way to share the exploration of the unknown and bring amazing results with people willing to connect with themselves and those willing to bring change. It’s as exciting as a teenager’s first kiss! #Shareiscare #Meaningfulconnections #Homesweethome @Pellicors There can be other ways to act, to think, to be silent, to converse, to be together, to learn. Beyond the usual language #cpjam #2023h1 #evolution #revolution #unlearnandrelearn w/ @CocoonPro @emagorse At the #CpJam this year I realized we are able to achieve the impossible. And sometimes we do it without even realizing it. Thanks Ohana! #2023h1 #work #family #love @letiziapian Jam is where in a time-space of two days you can align on what is present, envision future steps, meet live amazing colleagues, weave caring bonds that will make next months’ remote work fulfilling and even more meaningful. Happening now. #CpJam #2023H1 #life
  • 8. Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023 14 15 14 15 A WORD ABOUT US Cocoon Pro is a last-generation company devoted to enabling a healthy evolution of the very concept of work, worldwide since 2011. Her customers are organizations longing for deep shifts in how people and technologies, together, can raise unprecedented performance. It’s been designed to be effective, open and adaptive for cultivating evolutionary mastery. First in Europe in devising acompletelyemer- gent organizational setup, and known globally as a “small giant” generating exponential value, Cocoon Pro is directly involved in the edge of international efforts evolving work itself. We foster the birth of a world of work based on interbeing aware- ness and generative practices. And we know that this quest enables unparalleled levels of relevance, resilience and resonance for our Customers. We’re able to design and co-execute tailored evolu- tionary paths for any organization on the many interdependent scopes of this scenario. Our goal is to make this change really happen. We work with about 40 different tools, and commit to continuous mastery development on each. All the tools we use are devised to engage the whole- ness of the person, rational and emotional. Whatever the mix of tools we design for, our utmost attention is on the flow experience of the participants, be it live or remotely. Over many years, we have seen all kinds of people having fun while achieving their greatest results. In Cocoon Pro we practice first-hand and continuously evolve today’s most relevant work principles and techniques. These ongoing flows of learning, together with intense and contin- uous field operations at the side of national and international Customers, highlight Cocoon Pro as the ideal partner for true strategic and operational evolution. We have designed our whole service framework to provide you with sound results in boosting three vital and interde- pendent characteristics of your organization: relevance, resilience and resonance. RELEVANCE How to have a bearing on your stakeholders’ lives in a rapidly changing world? Surviving as an organiza- tion implies keeping your relevance. Growing it, means attracting increasing streams of resources from all of your stakeholders and, ultimately, thriving. RESILIENCE The rate of change is bursting. Your work scenario evolves quickly, and it impacts both your decision making and opera- tional priority management. Resilience is, at least, the ability to adjust to the stress of these changes. At best, it is feeding on it and becoming stronger and better. RESONANCE In a context of increasing complexity, the good news is that exponential dynamics are readily at hand. Instead of focusing on warfare-like strategies based on conquering and protecting, you can now tap into ecosystemic opportunities able to amplify your energies by orders of magnitude. The Evolution Flow integrates in a coherent framework entire systems of thought like Socio-Technical Systems Theory, Lean Thinking, Complex Adaptive Systems theory, and it is based on a few original conceptual frameworks of what a human work-system is and how it evolves towards its full potential. Applying it is an iterative journey based on the careful repetition of three steps. First, disturbing the work system, introducing some- thing that calls for an adaptation. Second, discovering how the system digests it, in the whole of its depth. Third, directing the energy that this variation generates towards the desired evolution, also building momentum for the next iteration. We carefully introduce new habits as disturbances, able to nurture three types of evolution in harmony with each other: operational, behavioral, and psychological evolution. And we do it through the design and execution of group or large-group workshops, operational coaching, work-system design sessions, methodological and founda- tional inceptions, internal events, work-streams and communities seeding and evolution. We work iteratively. Establishing a rhythmic heartbeat of small inter- ventions for a deep and concrete evolution. Our commitment is to leave you better at every iteration, while we navigate towards your full potential. Our own way of doing so is called Evolution Flow, and it is the result of more than 10 years of experiences working with very different organizations all around the world, deep study across many decades of work and methodologies by outstanding giants, and — not least — a decade of collaborations with experienced professionals in the domains of org development, change, strategy, org design, psychology, team work, and much more. The Evolution Flow is the art, science and craft of answering one simple and key question: As simple as the question is, finding good answers requires a profound respect for the identity, context and trajectory of each organization. It demands attention to the whole depth of the human system and, most importantly, to the intimate relationships between its technical and social layers. WHAT IS COCOON PRO? HOW WE WORK What is the next natural step of evolution that this organization can make? WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU In the evolution of your organization across the three scopes of relevance, resilience and resonance, we provide specific services in these nine different areas THE TOOLS WE’LL BRING YOU Learn more about the Evolution Flow here GET IN TOUCH WITH US, LET’S HAVE A CHAT
  • 9. What is LiquidO™ You might have heard of a new breed of organisational models, responding to the fast growing adaptability, engagement and collaboration needs withinmoderncompanystructures.Oryoumighthavesimplyexperienced the sound problems of slowness, rigidity, bureaucracy, disengagement along with various kinds of waste and bottlenecks that “traditional” organisational models generate and suffer nowadays. This is what LiquidOTM is all about: the original “liquid organisation” model for governance, born from direct experience within Cocoon Pro and in use in a growing number of for profit and not-for-profit organisa- tions willing to get liquid. Liquefying an organization means disrupting the industrial-age driven assumptions on which rigid structures are designed and move on to make it adaptive, dynamic and anti-fragile. Based on lean management and open collaboration principles, the LiquidOTM model is fluid, meritocratic and value-driven, enabling stigmergic behaviour and “organic” effectiveness. Why you would want it in your organisation Rigidly structured organiza- tions cannot cope with the current pace of innovation and its complexity, let alone exploit it. We need a completely different mindset and consequently new models. And we need them to be simple and people-centric. This is exactly why LiquidO™ was born. 1. Real-time adaptability. The industrial age organisational approach, where each area is defined as a restricted group of activities coherent to one another, has its biggest limitations in the risk to fall in fragmented, sealed administration and culture. As the company grows, so grows the complex ramification, branching and costs of these models. Lack of communication, heavy bureaucracy, disastrous efficiency. The completely different perspective realized by LiquidO™ , in fact relying on people and competences without fixed roles, provides an integrated and adaptive business management scenario shifted to a systemic approach, pragmatically meritocratic and inherently capable of real time adaptability to any context. It’s just like water, some would say. 2. Better and faster information processing. Hierarchies are a sound bottleneck both for decision making and compe- tences evolution. Too many info to process in order to succeed. Moreover, on the other hand, the distance between where and how in the organi- zation strategies are created, and where and how they have to be executed too often creates waste, lack of effectiveness or even complete failure. Non-peer evaluation, silos and recruiting inefficiency are additional heavy side-defects of an organizational design philosophy based on the two illusions of control and predictability, and therefore actualized with structural divisions between thinking and doing. LiquidO™ is a viable and operational way to let all the brilliant people in the company effectively emerge. Anybody can join each wave, surf it and enrich it, so to say. And leveraging different viewpoints, backgrounds and competences today is definitely critical to succeed in taking better and faster decisions. 3. Engagement and spontaneous leadership. People are key in this picture. In fact, within LiquidO™ everyone can decide whether to join a process or not, try, and conse- quently determine her level by fast feedback loops from frequent and specific peer-reviews driven by the actual delivered value. Besides a natural engagement due to continuous feedback and consequently improving results, within this scenario it’s really difficult to deny emerging problems. Within the old way of thinking the organizations very often conflicts, work overload, sense of impotence, lack of decision power, absence of endorsement, unfair treatment and misalignments are among the real causes of failures. There is much more that can be done today, if only we let go of control, predictability and rigidity. LiquidO™ moves structures, processes and the organization itself away from the center, where it is assumed that people have to adapt to them, instead shifting the focus on people and truly empowering them to dynamically find their maximum value creation spot within the organization, expressing leadership effectively and without fear, naturally growing and being rewarded for this. Read the whole LiquidO™ whitepaper. It is available in Creative Commons at 16 COLLABORATIVE WORKING BOARD REPUTATION TRACKING CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNTING COLLABORATIVE DECISIONMAKING MEET LIQUIDO™ Cocooners - n° 13 - March 2023